path: root/05/tcc-0.9.25
diff options
authorpommicket <>2022-02-18 12:36:57 -0500
committerpommicket <>2022-02-18 12:36:57 -0500
commit826d1afd58c2e064a9c8fdb09eda1b08469de1a8 (patch)
treeb4fedc589a1944f6cf3f451a9db976b431e89b25 /05/tcc-0.9.25
parentc42c5d94b8944e19cd17a5b540e4c70013c62b92 (diff)
newer version of tcc almost working
Diffstat (limited to '05/tcc-0.9.25')
62 files changed, 0 insertions, 42211 deletions
diff --git a/05/tcc-0.9.25/.cvsignore b/05/tcc-0.9.25/.cvsignore
deleted file mode 100644
index 95daa1f..0000000
--- a/05/tcc-0.9.25/.cvsignore
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-tests \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/05/tcc-0.9.25/.gitignore b/05/tcc-0.9.25/.gitignore
deleted file mode 100644
index aaa8247..0000000
--- a/05/tcc-0.9.25/.gitignore
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/05/tcc-0.9.25/COPYING b/05/tcc-0.9.25/COPYING
deleted file mode 100644
index 223ede7..0000000
--- a/05/tcc-0.9.25/COPYING
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,504 +0,0 @@
- Version 2.1, February 1999
- Copyright (C) 1991, 1999 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
- Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
- of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
-[This is the first released version of the Lesser GPL. It also counts
- as the successor of the GNU Library Public License, version 2, hence
- the version number 2.1.]
- Preamble
- The licenses for most software are designed to take away your
-freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public
-Licenses are intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change
-free software--to make sure the software is free for all its users.
- This license, the Lesser General Public License, applies to some
-specially designated software packages--typically libraries--of the
-Free Software Foundation and other authors who decide to use it. You
-can use it too, but we suggest you first think carefully about whether
-this license or the ordinary General Public License is the better
-strategy to use in any particular case, based on the explanations below.
- When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom of use,
-not price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that
-you have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge
-for this service if you wish); that you receive source code or can get
-it if you want it; that you can change the software and use pieces of
-it in new free programs; and that you are informed that you can do
-these things.
- To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid
-distributors to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender these
-rights. These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for
-you if you distribute copies of the library or if you modify it.
- For example, if you distribute copies of the library, whether gratis
-or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that we gave
-you. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the source
-code. If you link other code with the library, you must provide
-complete object files to the recipients, so that they can relink them
-with the library after making changes to the library and recompiling
-it. And you must show them these terms so they know their rights.
- We protect your rights with a two-step method: (1) we copyright the
-library, and (2) we offer you this license, which gives you legal
-permission to copy, distribute and/or modify the library.
- To protect each distributor, we want to make it very clear that
-there is no warranty for the free library. Also, if the library is
-modified by someone else and passed on, the recipients should know
-that what they have is not the original version, so that the original
-author's reputation will not be affected by problems that might be
-introduced by others.
- Finally, software patents pose a constant threat to the existence of
-any free program. We wish to make sure that a company cannot
-effectively restrict the users of a free program by obtaining a
-restrictive license from a patent holder. Therefore, we insist that
-any patent license obtained for a version of the library must be
-consistent with the full freedom of use specified in this license.
- Most GNU software, including some libraries, is covered by the
-ordinary GNU General Public License. This license, the GNU Lesser
-General Public License, applies to certain designated libraries, and
-is quite different from the ordinary General Public License. We use
-this license for certain libraries in order to permit linking those
-libraries into non-free programs.
- When a program is linked with a library, whether statically or using
-a shared library, the combination of the two is legally speaking a
-combined work, a derivative of the original library. The ordinary
-General Public License therefore permits such linking only if the
-entire combination fits its criteria of freedom. The Lesser General
-Public License permits more lax criteria for linking other code with
-the library.
- We call this license the "Lesser" General Public License because it
-does Less to protect the user's freedom than the ordinary General
-Public License. It also provides other free software developers Less
-of an advantage over competing non-free programs. These disadvantages
-are the reason we use the ordinary General Public License for many
-libraries. However, the Lesser license provides advantages in certain
-special circumstances.
- For example, on rare occasions, there may be a special need to
-encourage the widest possible use of a certain library, so that it becomes
-a de-facto standard. To achieve this, non-free programs must be
-allowed to use the library. A more frequent case is that a free
-library does the same job as widely used non-free libraries. In this
-case, there is little to gain by limiting the free library to free
-software only, so we use the Lesser General Public License.
- In other cases, permission to use a particular library in non-free
-programs enables a greater number of people to use a large body of
-free software. For example, permission to use the GNU C Library in
-non-free programs enables many more people to use the whole GNU
-operating system, as well as its variant, the GNU/Linux operating
- Although the Lesser General Public License is Less protective of the
-users' freedom, it does ensure that the user of a program that is
-linked with the Library has the freedom and the wherewithal to run
-that program using a modified version of the Library.
- The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and
-modification follow. Pay close attention to the difference between a
-"work based on the library" and a "work that uses the library". The
-former contains code derived from the library, whereas the latter must
-be combined with the library in order to run.
- 0. This License Agreement applies to any software library or other
-program which contains a notice placed by the copyright holder or
-other authorized party saying it may be distributed under the terms of
-this Lesser General Public License (also called "this License").
-Each licensee is addressed as "you".
- A "library" means a collection of software functions and/or data
-prepared so as to be conveniently linked with application programs
-(which use some of those functions and data) to form executables.
- The "Library", below, refers to any such software library or work
-which has been distributed under these terms. A "work based on the
-Library" means either the Library or any derivative work under
-copyright law: that is to say, a work containing the Library or a
-portion of it, either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated
-straightforwardly into another language. (Hereinafter, translation is
-included without limitation in the term "modification".)
- "Source code" for a work means the preferred form of the work for
-making modifications to it. For a library, complete source code means
-all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any associated
-interface definition files, plus the scripts used to control compilation
-and installation of the library.
- Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not
-covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of
-running a program using the Library is not restricted, and output from
-such a program is covered only if its contents constitute a work based
-on the Library (independent of the use of the Library in a tool for
-writing it). Whether that is true depends on what the Library does
-and what the program that uses the Library does.
- 1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Library's
-complete source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that
-you conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an
-appropriate copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact
-all the notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any
-warranty; and distribute a copy of this License along with the
- You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy,
-and you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a
- 2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Library or any portion
-of it, thus forming a work based on the Library, and copy and
-distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1
-above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:
- a) The modified work must itself be a software library.
- b) You must cause the files modified to carry prominent notices
- stating that you changed the files and the date of any change.
- c) You must cause the whole of the work to be licensed at no
- charge to all third parties under the terms of this License.
- d) If a facility in the modified Library refers to a function or a
- table of data to be supplied by an application program that uses
- the facility, other than as an argument passed when the facility
- is invoked, then you must make a good faith effort to ensure that,
- in the event an application does not supply such function or
- table, the facility still operates, and performs whatever part of
- its purpose remains meaningful.
- (For example, a function in a library to compute square roots has
- a purpose that is entirely well-defined independent of the
- application. Therefore, Subsection 2d requires that any
- application-supplied function or table used by this function must
- be optional: if the application does not supply it, the square
- root function must still compute square roots.)
-These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If
-identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Library,
-and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in
-themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those
-sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you
-distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based
-on the Library, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of
-this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the
-entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote
-Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest
-your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to
-exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or
-collective works based on the Library.
-In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Library
-with the Library (or with a work based on the Library) on a volume of
-a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under
-the scope of this License.
- 3. You may opt to apply the terms of the ordinary GNU General Public
-License instead of this License to a given copy of the Library. To do
-this, you must alter all the notices that refer to this License, so
-that they refer to the ordinary GNU General Public License, version 2,
-instead of to this License. (If a newer version than version 2 of the
-ordinary GNU General Public License has appeared, then you can specify
-that version instead if you wish.) Do not make any other change in
-these notices.
- Once this change is made in a given copy, it is irreversible for
-that copy, so the ordinary GNU General Public License applies to all
-subsequent copies and derivative works made from that copy.
- This option is useful when you wish to copy part of the code of
-the Library into a program that is not a library.
- 4. You may copy and distribute the Library (or a portion or
-derivative of it, under Section 2) in object code or executable form
-under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you accompany
-it with the complete corresponding machine-readable source code, which
-must be distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a
-medium customarily used for software interchange.
- If distribution of object code is made by offering access to copy
-from a designated place, then offering equivalent access to copy the
-source code from the same place satisfies the requirement to
-distribute the source code, even though third parties are not
-compelled to copy the source along with the object code.
- 5. A program that contains no derivative of any portion of the
-Library, but is designed to work with the Library by being compiled or
-linked with it, is called a "work that uses the Library". Such a
-work, in isolation, is not a derivative work of the Library, and
-therefore falls outside the scope of this License.
- However, linking a "work that uses the Library" with the Library
-creates an executable that is a derivative of the Library (because it
-contains portions of the Library), rather than a "work that uses the
-library". The executable is therefore covered by this License.
-Section 6 states terms for distribution of such executables.
- When a "work that uses the Library" uses material from a header file
-that is part of the Library, the object code for the work may be a
-derivative work of the Library even though the source code is not.
-Whether this is true is especially significant if the work can be
-linked without the Library, or if the work is itself a library. The
-threshold for this to be true is not precisely defined by law.
- If such an object file uses only numerical parameters, data
-structure layouts and accessors, and small macros and small inline
-functions (ten lines or less in length), then the use of the object
-file is unrestricted, regardless of whether it is legally a derivative
-work. (Executables containing this object code plus portions of the
-Library will still fall under Section 6.)
- Otherwise, if the work is a derivative of the Library, you may
-distribute the object code for the work under the terms of Section 6.
-Any executables containing that work also fall under Section 6,
-whether or not they are linked directly with the Library itself.
- 6. As an exception to the Sections above, you may also combine or
-link a "work that uses the Library" with the Library to produce a
-work containing portions of the Library, and distribute that work
-under terms of your choice, provided that the terms permit
-modification of the work for the customer's own use and reverse
-engineering for debugging such modifications.
- You must give prominent notice with each copy of the work that the
-Library is used in it and that the Library and its use are covered by
-this License. You must supply a copy of this License. If the work
-during execution displays copyright notices, you must include the
-copyright notice for the Library among them, as well as a reference
-directing the user to the copy of this License. Also, you must do one
-of these things:
- a) Accompany the work with the complete corresponding
- machine-readable source code for the Library including whatever
- changes were used in the work (which must be distributed under
- Sections 1 and 2 above); and, if the work is an executable linked
- with the Library, with the complete machine-readable "work that
- uses the Library", as object code and/or source code, so that the
- user can modify the Library and then relink to produce a modified
- executable containing the modified Library. (It is understood
- that the user who changes the contents of definitions files in the
- Library will not necessarily be able to recompile the application
- to use the modified definitions.)
- b) Use a suitable shared library mechanism for linking with the
- Library. A suitable mechanism is one that (1) uses at run time a
- copy of the library already present on the user's computer system,
- rather than copying library functions into the executable, and (2)
- will operate properly with a modified version of the library, if
- the user installs one, as long as the modified version is
- interface-compatible with the version that the work was made with.
- c) Accompany the work with a written offer, valid for at
- least three years, to give the same user the materials
- specified in Subsection 6a, above, for a charge no more
- than the cost of performing this distribution.
- d) If distribution of the work is made by offering access to copy
- from a designated place, offer equivalent access to copy the above
- specified materials from the same place.
- e) Verify that the user has already received a copy of these
- materials or that you have already sent this user a copy.
- For an executable, the required form of the "work that uses the
-Library" must include any data and utility programs needed for
-reproducing the executable from it. However, as a special exception,
-the materials to be distributed need not include anything that is
-normally distributed (in either source or binary form) with the major
-components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the operating system on
-which the executable runs, unless that component itself accompanies
-the executable.
- It may happen that this requirement contradicts the license
-restrictions of other proprietary libraries that do not normally
-accompany the operating system. Such a contradiction means you cannot
-use both them and the Library together in an executable that you
- 7. You may place library facilities that are a work based on the
-Library side-by-side in a single library together with other library
-facilities not covered by this License, and distribute such a combined
-library, provided that the separate distribution of the work based on
-the Library and of the other library facilities is otherwise
-permitted, and provided that you do these two things:
- a) Accompany the combined library with a copy of the same work
- based on the Library, uncombined with any other library
- facilities. This must be distributed under the terms of the
- Sections above.
- b) Give prominent notice with the combined library of the fact
- that part of it is a work based on the Library, and explaining
- where to find the accompanying uncombined form of the same work.
- 8. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, link with, or distribute
-the Library except as expressly provided under this License. Any
-attempt otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense, link with, or
-distribute the Library is void, and will automatically terminate your
-rights under this License. However, parties who have received copies,
-or rights, from you under this License will not have their licenses
-terminated so long as such parties remain in full compliance.
- 9. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not
-signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or
-distribute the Library or its derivative works. These actions are
-prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by
-modifying or distributing the Library (or any work based on the
-Library), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and
-all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying
-the Library or works based on it.
- 10. Each time you redistribute the Library (or any work based on the
-Library), the recipient automatically receives a license from the
-original licensor to copy, distribute, link with or modify the Library
-subject to these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further
-restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein.
-You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties with
-this License.
- 11. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent
-infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues),
-conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or
-otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not
-excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot
-distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this
-License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you
-may not distribute the Library at all. For example, if a patent
-license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Library by
-all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then
-the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to
-refrain entirely from distribution of the Library.
-If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under any
-particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to apply,
-and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other circumstances.
-It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any
-patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any
-such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the
-integrity of the free software distribution system which is
-implemented by public license practices. Many people have made
-generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed
-through that system in reliance on consistent application of that
-system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing
-to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot
-impose that choice.
-This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to
-be a consequence of the rest of this License.
- 12. If the distribution and/or use of the Library is restricted in
-certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the
-original copyright holder who places the Library under this License may add
-an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding those countries,
-so that distribution is permitted only in or among countries not thus
-excluded. In such case, this License incorporates the limitation as if
-written in the body of this License.
- 13. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new
-versions of the Lesser General Public License from time to time.
-Such new versions will be similar in spirit to the present version,
-but may differ in detail to address new problems or concerns.
-Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Library
-specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and
-"any later version", you have the option of following the terms and
-conditions either of that version or of any later version published by
-the Free Software Foundation. If the Library does not specify a
-license version number, you may choose any version ever published by
-the Free Software Foundation.
- 14. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Library into other free
-programs whose distribution conditions are incompatible with these,
-write to the author to ask for permission. For software which is
-copyrighted by the Free Software Foundation, write to the Free
-Software Foundation; we sometimes make exceptions for this. Our
-decision will be guided by the two goals of preserving the free status
-of all derivatives of our free software and of promoting the sharing
-and reuse of software generally.
- How to Apply These Terms to Your New Libraries
- If you develop a new library, and you want it to be of the greatest
-possible use to the public, we recommend making it free software that
-everyone can redistribute and change. You can do so by permitting
-redistribution under these terms (or, alternatively, under the terms of the
-ordinary General Public License).
- To apply these terms, attach the following notices to the library. It is
-safest to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively
-convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least the
-"copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found.
- <one line to give the library's name and a brief idea of what it does.>
- Copyright (C) <year> <name of author>
- This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
- License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
- version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- Lesser General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
- License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
-Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail.
-You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your
-school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the library, if
-necessary. Here is a sample; alter the names:
- Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the
- library `Frob' (a library for tweaking knobs) written by James Random Hacker.
- <signature of Ty Coon>, 1 April 1990
- Ty Coon, President of Vice
-That's all there is to it!
diff --git a/05/tcc-0.9.25/Changelog b/05/tcc-0.9.25/Changelog
deleted file mode 100644
index b271054..0000000
--- a/05/tcc-0.9.25/Changelog
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,368 +0,0 @@
-version 0.9.25:
-- first support for x86-64 target (Shinichiro Hamaji)
-- support µClibc
-- split tcc.c into tcc.h libtcc.c tccpp.c tccgen.c tcc.c
-- improved preprocess output with linenumbers and spaces preserved
-- tcc_relocate now copies code into user buffer
-- fix bitfields with non-int types and in unions
-- improve ARM cross-compiling (Daniel Glöckner)
-- link stabstr sections from multiple objects
-- better (still limited) support for multiple TCCStates
-version 0.9.24:
-- added verbosity levels -v, -vv, -vvv
-- Accept standard input as an inputstream (Hanzac Chen)
-- Support c89 compilers other than gcc (Hanzac Chen)
-- -soname linker option (Marc Andre Tanner)
-- Just warn about unknown directives, ignore quotes in #error/#warning
-- Define __STDC_VERSION__=199901L (477)
-- Switch to newer tccpe.c (includes support for resources)
-- Handle backslashes within #include/#error/#warning
-- Import changesets (part 4) 428,457,460,467: defines for openbsd etc.
-- Use _WIN32 for a windows hosted tcc and define it for the PE target,
- otherwise define __unix / __linux (Detlef Riekenberg)
-- Import changesets (part 3) 409,410: ARM EABI by Daniel Glöckner
-- Some in-between fixes:
- TCC -E no longer hangs with macro calls involving newlines.
- (next_nomacro1 now advances the read-pointer with TOK_LINEFEED)
- Global cast (int g_i = 1LL;) no longer crashes tcc.
- (nocode_wanted is initially 1, and only 0 for gen_function)
- On win32 now tcc.exe finds 'include' & 'lib' even if itself is in 'bin'.
- (new function w32_tcc_lib_path removes 'bin' if detected)
- Added quick build batch file for mingw (win32/build-tcc.bat)
- Last added case label optimization (455) produced wrong code. Reverted.
-- Import more changesets from Rob Landley's fork (part 2):
- 487: Handle long long constants in gen_opic() (Rob Landley)
- 484: Handle parentheses within __attribute__((...)) (Rob Landley)
- 480: Remove a goto in decl_initializer_alloc (Rob Landley)
- 475: Fix dereferences in inline assembly output (Joshua Phillips)
- 474: Cast ptrs to ints of different sizes correctly (Joshua Phillips)
- 473: Fix size of structs with empty array member (Joshua Phillips)
- 470: No warning for && and || with mixed pointers/integers (Rob Landley)
- 469: Fix symbol visibility problems in the linker (Vincent Pit)
- 468: Allow && and || involving pointer arguments (Rob Landley)
- 455: Optimize case labels with no code in between (Zdenek Pavlas)
- 450: Implement alloca for x86 (grischka)
- 415: Parse unicode escape sequences (Axel Liljencrantz)
- 407: Add a simple va_copy() in stdarg.h (Hasso Tepper)
- 400: Allow typedef names as symbols (Dave Dodge)
-- Import some changesets from Rob Landley's fork (part 1):
- 462: Use LGPL with bcheck.c and il-gen.c
- 458: Fix global compound literals (in unary: case '&':) (Andrew Johnson)
- 456: Use return code from tcc_output_file in main() (Michael Somos)
- 442: Fix indirections with function pointers (***fn)() (grischka)
- 441: Fix LL left shift in libtcc1.c:__shldi3 (grischka)
- 440: Pass structures and function ptrs through ?: (grischka)
- 439: Keep rvalue in bit assignment (bit2 = bit1 = x) (grischka)
- 438: Degrade nonportable pointer assignment to warning (grischka)
- 437: Call 'saveregs()' before jumping with logical and/or/not (grischka)
- 435: Put local static variables into global memory (grischka)
- 432/434: Cast double and ptr to bool (grischka)
- 420: Zero pad x87 tenbyte long doubles (Felix Nawothnig)
- 417: Make 'sizeof' unsigned (Rob Landley)
- 397: Fix save_reg for longlongs (Daniel Glöckner)
- 396: Fix "invalid relocation entry" problem on ubuntu - (Bernhard Fischer)
-- ignore AS_NEEDED ld command
-- mark executable sections as executable when running in memory
-- added support for win32 wchar_t (Filip Navara)
-- segment override prefix support (Filip Navara)
-- normalized slashes in paths (Filip Navara)
-- windows style fastcall (Filip Navara)
-- support for empty input register section in asm (Filip Navara)
-- anonymous union/struct support (Filip Navara)
-- fixed parsing of function parameters
-- workaround for function pointers in conditional expressions (Dave Dodge)
-- initial '-E' option support to use the C preprocessor alone
-- discard type qualifiers when comparing function parameters (Dave Dodge)
-- Bug fix: A long long value used as a test expression ignores the
- upper 32 bits at runtime (Dave Dodge)
-- fixed multiple concatenation of PPNUM tokens (initial patch by Dave Dodge)
-- fixed multiple typedef specifiers handling
-- fixed sign extension in some type conversions (Dave Dodge)
-version 0.9.23:
-- initial PE executable format for windows version (grischka)
-- '#pragma pack' support (grischka)
-- '#include_next' support (Bernhard Fischer)
-- ignore '-pipe' option
-- added -f[no-]leading-underscore
-- preprocessor function macro parsing fix (grischka)
-version 0.9.22:
-- simple memory optimisations: kernel compilation is 30% faster
-- linker symbol definitions fixes
-- gcc 3.4 fixes
-- fixed value stack full error
-- 'packed' attribute support for variables and structure fields
-- ignore 'const' and 'volatile' in function prototypes
-- allow '_Bool' in bit fields
-version 0.9.21:
-- ARM target support (Daniel Glöckner)
-- added '-funsigned-char, '-fsigned-char' and
- '-Wimplicit-function-declaration'
-- fixed assignment of const struct in struct
-- line comment fix (reported by Bertram Felgenhauer)
-- initial TMS320C67xx target support (TK)
-- win32 configure
-- regparm() attribute
-- many built-in assembler fixes
-- added '.org', '.fill' and '.previous' assembler directives
-- '-fno-common' option
-- '-Ttext' linker option
-- section alignment fixes
-- bit fields fixes
-- do not generate code for unused inline functions
-- '-oformat' linker option.
-- added 'binary' output format.
-version 0.9.20:
-- added '-w' option
-- added '.gnu.linkonce' ELF sections support
-- fixed libc linking when running in memory (avoid 'stat' function
- errors).
-- extended '-run' option to be able to give several arguments to a C
- script.
-version 0.9.19:
-- "alacarte" linking (Dave Long)
-- simpler function call
-- more strict type checks
-- added 'const' and 'volatile' support and associated warnings
-- added -Werror, -Wunsupported, -Wwrite-strings, -Wall.
-- added __builtin_types_compatible_p() and __builtin_constant_p()
-- chars support in assembler (Dave Long)
-- .string, .globl, .section, .text, .data and .bss asm directive
- support (Dave Long)
-- man page generated from tcc-doc.texi
-- fixed macro argument substitution
-- fixed zero argument macro parsing
-- changed license to LGPL
-- added -rdynamic option support
-version 0.9.18:
-- header fix (time.h)
-- fixed inline asm without operand case
-- fixed 'default:' or 'case x:' with '}' after (incorrect C construct accepted
- by gcc)
-- added 'A' inline asm constraint.
-version 0.9.17:
-- PLT generation fix
-- tcc doc fixes (Peter Lund)
-- struct parse fix (signaled by Pedro A. Aranda Gutierrez)
-- better _Bool lvalue support (signaled by Alex Measday)
-- function parameters must be converted to pointers (signaled by Neil Brown)
-- sanitized string and character constant parsing
-- fixed comment parse (signaled by Damian M Gryski)
-- fixed macro function bug (signaled by Philippe Ribet)
-- added configure (initial patch by Mitchell N Charity)
-- added '-run' and '-v' options (initial patch by vlindos)
-- added real date report in __DATE__ and __TIME__ macros
-version 0.9.16:
-- added assembler language support
-- added GCC inline asm() support
-- fixed multiple variable definitions : uninitialized variables are
- created as COMMON symbols.
-- optimized macro processing
-- added GCC statement expressions support
-- added GCC local labels support
-- fixed array declaration in old style function parameters
-- support casts in static structure initializations
-- added various __xxx[__] keywords for GCC compatibility
-- ignore __extension__ GCC in an expression or in a type (still not perfect)
-- added '? :' GCC extension support
-version 0.9.15:
-- compilation fixes for glibc 2.2, gcc 2.95.3 and gcc 3.2.
-- FreeBSD compile fixes. Makefile patches still missing (Carl Drougge).
-- fixed file type guessing if '.' is in the path.
-- fixed tcc_compile_string()
-- add a dummy page in ELF files to fix RX/RW accesses (pageexec at
- freemail dot hu).
-version 0.9.14:
-- added #warning. error message if invalid preprocessing directive.
-- added CType structure to ease typing (faster parse).
-- suppressed secondary hash tables (faster parse).
-- rewrote parser by optimizing common cases (faster parse).
-- fixed signed long long comparisons.
-- fixed 'int a(), b();' declaration case.
-- fixed structure init without '{}'.
-- correct alignment support in structures.
-- empty structures support.
-- gcc testsuite now supported.
-- output only warning if implicit integer/pointer conversions.
-- added static bitfield init.
-version 0.9.13:
-- correct preprocessing token pasting (## operator) in all cases (added
- preprocessing number token).
-- fixed long long register spill.
-- fixed signed long long '>>'.
-- removed memory leaks.
-- better error handling : processing can continue on link errors. A
- custom callback can be added to display error messages. Most
- errors do not call exit() now.
-- ignore -O, -W, -m and -f options
-- added old style function declarations
-- added GCC __alignof__ support.
-- added GCC typeof support.
-- added GCC computed gotos support.
-- added stack backtrace in runtime error message. Improved runtime
- error position display.
-version 0.9.12:
-- more fixes for || and && handling.
-- improved '? :' type handling.
-- fixed bound checking generation with structures
-- force '#endif' to be in same file as matching '#if'
-- #include file optimization with '#ifndef #endif' construct detection
-- macro handling optimization
-- added tcc_relocate() and tcc_get_symbol() in libtcc.
-version 0.9.11:
-- stdarg.h fix for double type (thanks to Philippe Ribet).
-- correct white space characters and added MSDOS newline support.
-- fixed invalid implicit function call type declaration.
-- special macros such as __LINE__ are defined if tested with defined().
-- fixed '!' operator with relocated address.
-- added symbol + offset relocation (fixes some static variable initializers)
-- '-l' option can be specified anywhere. '-c' option yields default
- output name. added '-r' option for relocatable output.
-- fixed '\nnn' octal parsing.
-- fixed local extern variables declarations.
-version 0.9.10:
-- fixed lvalue type when saved in local stack.
-- fixed '#include' syntax when using macros.
-- fixed '#line' bug.
-- removed size limit on strings. Unified string constants handling
- with variable declarations.
-- added correct support for '\xX' in wchar_t strings.
-- added support for bound checking in generated executables
-- fixed -I include order.
-- fixed incorrect function displayed in runtime error.
-version 0.9.9:
-- fixed preprocessor expression parsing for #if/#elif.
-- relocated debug info (.stab section).
-- relocated bounds info (.bounds section).
-- fixed cast to char of char constants ('\377' is -1 instead of 255)
-- fixed implicit cast for unary plus.
-- strings and '__func__' have now 'char[]' type instead of 'char *'
- (fixes sizeof() return value).
-- added __start_xxx and __stop_xxx symbols in linker.
-- better DLL creation support (option -shared begins to work).
-- ELF sections and hash tables are resized dynamically.
-- executables and DLLs are stripped by default.
-version 0.9.8:
-- First version of full ELF linking support (generate objects, static
- executable, dynamic executable, dynamic libraries). Dynamic library
- support is not finished (need PIC support in compiler and some
- patches in symbol exporting).
-- First version of ELF loader for object (.o) and archive (.a) files.
-- Support of simple GNU ld scripts (GROUP and FILE commands)
-- Separated runtime library and bound check code from TCC (smaller
- compiler core).
-- fixed register reload in float compare.
-- fixed implicit char/short to int casting.
-- allow array type for address of ('&') operator.
-- fixed unused || or && result.
-- added GCC style variadic macro support.
-- optimized bound checking code for array access.
-- tcc includes are now in $(prefix)/lib/tcc/include.
-- more command line options - more consistent handling of multiple
- input files.
-- added tcc man page (thanks to Cyril Bouthors).
-- uClibc Makefile update
-- converted documentation to texinfo format.
-- added developper's guide in documentation.
-version 0.9.7:
-- added library API for easy dynamic compilation (see libtcc.h - first
- draft).
-- fixed long long register spill bug.
-- fixed '? :' register spill bug.
-version 0.9.6:
-- added floating point constant propagation (fixes negative floating
- point constants bug).
-version 0.9.5:
- - uClibc patches (submitted by Alfonso Martone).
- - error reporting fix
- - added CONFIG_TCC_BCHECK to get smaller code if needed.
-version 0.9.4:
- - windows port (currently cannot use -g, -b and dll functions).
- - faster and simpler I/O handling.
- - '-D' option works in all cases.
- - preprocessor fixes (#elif and empty macro args)
- - floating point fixes
- - first code for CIL generation (does not work yet)
-version 0.9.3:
- - better and smaller code generator.
- - full ISOC99 64 bit 'long long' support.
- - full 32 bit 'float', 64 bit 'double' and 96 bit 'long double' support.
- - added '-U' option.
- - added assembly sections support.
- - even faster startup time by mmaping sections instead of mallocing them.
- - added GNUC __attribute__ keyword support (currently supports
- 'section' and 'aligned' attributes).
- - added ELF file output (only usable for debugging now)
- - added debug symbol generation (STAB format).
- - added integrated runtime error analysis ('-g' option: print clear
- run time error messages instead of "Segmentation fault").
- - added first version of tiny memory and bound checker ('-b' option).
-version 0.9.2:
- - even faster parsing.
- - various syntax parsing fixes.
- - fixed external relocation handling for variables or functions pointers.
- - better function pointers type handling.
- - can compile multiple files (-i option).
- - ANSI C bit fields are supported.
- - beginning of float/double/long double support.
- - beginning of long long support.
-version 0.9.1:
- - full ISOC99 initializers handling.
- - compound literals.
- - structures handle in assignments and as function param or return value.
- - wide chars and strings.
- - macro bug fix
-version 0.9:
- - initial version.
diff --git a/05/tcc-0.9.25/Makefile b/05/tcc-0.9.25/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index 1a2b5f7..0000000
--- a/05/tcc-0.9.25/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,272 +0,0 @@
-# Tiny C Compiler Makefile
-TOP ?= .
-include $(TOP)/config.mak
-CFLAGS+=-g -Wall
-ifneq ($(GCC_MAJOR),2)
-ifeq ($(ARCH),i386)
-ifeq ($(GCC_MAJOR),2)
-CFLAGS+=-m386 -malign-functions=0
-CFLAGS+=-march=i386 -falign-functions=0
-ifneq ($(GCC_MAJOR),3)
-CFLAGS+=-Wno-pointer-sign -Wno-sign-compare -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=0
-ifeq ($(ARCH),x86-64)
-ifndef CONFIG_WIN32
-ifdef CONFIG_WIN32
-ifeq ($(ARCH),i386)
-ifeq ($(ARCH),arm)
-NATIVE_TARGET+=$(if $(wildcard /lib/,-DTCC_ARM_EABI)
-NATIVE_TARGET+=$(if $(shell grep -l "^Features.* \(vfp\|iwmmxt\) " /proc/cpuinfo),-DTCC_ARM_VFP)
-ifeq ($(ARCH),x86-64)
-ifneq ($(wildcard /lib/,)
-ifeq ($(TOP),.)
-I386_CROSS = i386-tcc$(EXESUF)
-WIN32_CROSS = i386-win32-tcc$(EXESUF)
-X64_CROSS = x86_64-tcc$(EXESUF)
-ARM_CROSS = arm-tcc-fpa$(EXESUF) arm-tcc-fpa-ld$(EXESUF) \
- arm-tcc-vfp$(EXESUF) arm-tcc-vfp-eabi$(EXESUF)
-C67_CROSS = c67-tcc$(EXESUF)
-CORE_FILES = tcc.c libtcc.c tccpp.c tccgen.c tccelf.c tccasm.c \
- tcc.h config.h libtcc.h tcctok.h
-I386_FILES = $(CORE_FILES) i386-gen.c i386-asm.c i386-asm.h
-WIN32_FILES = $(CORE_FILES) i386-gen.c i386-asm.c i386-asm.h tccpe.c
-X86_64_FILES = $(CORE_FILES) x86_64-gen.c
-ARM_FILES = $(CORE_FILES) arm-gen.c
-C67_FILES = $(CORE_FILES) c67-gen.c tcccoff.c
-ifdef CONFIG_WIN32
-PROGS+=tiny_impdef$(EXESUF) tiny_libmaker$(EXESUF)
-ifeq ($(ARCH),i386)
-ifeq ($(ARCH),x86-64)
-ifeq ($(ARCH),arm)
-all: $(PROGS) $(LIBTCC1) $(BCHECK_O) libtcc.a tcc-doc.html tcc.1 libtcc_test$(EXESUF)
-# Host Tiny C Compiler
- $(CC) -o $@ $< $(NATIVE_TARGET) $(CFLAGS) $(LIBS)
-# Cross Tiny C Compilers
-i386-tcc$(EXESUF): $(I386_FILES)
- $(CC) -o $@ $< -DTCC_TARGET_I386 $(CFLAGS) $(LIBS)
-i386-win32-tcc$(EXESUF): $(WIN32_FILES)
- $(CC) -o $@ $< -DTCC_TARGET_PE $(CFLAGS) $(LIBS)
-x86_64-tcc$(EXESUF): $(X86_64_FILES)
- $(CC) -o $@ $< -DTCC_TARGET_X86_64 $(CFLAGS) $(LIBS)
-c67-tcc$(EXESUF): $(C67_FILES)
- $(CC) -o $@ $< -DTCC_TARGET_C67 $(CFLAGS) $(LIBS)
-arm-tcc-fpa$(EXESUF): $(ARM_FILES)
- $(CC) -o $@ $< -DTCC_TARGET_ARM $(CFLAGS) $(LIBS)
-arm-tcc-fpa-ld$(EXESUF): $(ARM_FILES)
-arm-tcc-vfp$(EXESUF): $(ARM_FILES)
-arm-tcc-vfp-eabi$(EXESUF): $(ARM_FILES)
-# libtcc generation and test
-libtcc.o: $(NATIVE_FILES)
- $(CC) -o $@ -c libtcc.c $(NATIVE_TARGET) $(CFLAGS)
-libtcc.a: libtcc.o
- $(AR) rcs $@ $^
-libtcc_test$(EXESUF): tests/libtcc_test.c libtcc.a
- $(CC) -o $@ $^ -I. $(CFLAGS) $(LIBS)
-libtest: libtcc_test$(EXESUF) $(LIBTCC1)
- ./libtcc_test$(EXESUF) lib_path=.
-# profiling version
- $(CC) -o $@ $< $(NATIVE_TARGET) $(CFLAGS_P) $(LIBS_P)
-# windows utilities
-tiny_impdef$(EXESUF): win32/tools/tiny_impdef.c
- $(CC) -o $@ $< $(CFLAGS)
-tiny_libmaker$(EXESUF): win32/tools/tiny_libmaker.c
- $(CC) -o $@ $< $(CFLAGS)
-# TinyCC runtime libraries
-ifdef CONFIG_WIN32
-# for windows, we must use TCC because we generate ELF objects
-LIBTCC1_OBJS+=crt1.o wincrt1.o dllcrt1.o dllmain.o chkstk.o
-LIBTCC1_CC=./tcc.exe -Bwin32 -DTCC_TARGET_PE
-ifeq ($(ARCH),i386)
-LIBTCC1_OBJS+=alloca86.o alloca86-bt.o
-%.o: %.c
- $(LIBTCC1_CC) -o $@ -c $< -O2 -Wall
-%.o: %.S
- $(LIBTCC1_CC) -o $@ -c $<
-libtcc1.a: $(LIBTCC1_OBJS)
- $(AR) rcs $@ $^
-bcheck.o: bcheck.c
- $(CC) -o $@ -c $< -O2 -Wall
-# install
-TCC_INCLUDES = stdarg.h stddef.h stdbool.h float.h varargs.h tcclib.h
-ifndef CONFIG_WIN32
-install: $(PROGS) $(LIBTCC1) $(BCHECK_O) libtcc.a tcc.1 tcc-doc.html
- mkdir -p "$(bindir)"
- $(INSTALL) -s -m755 $(PROGS) "$(bindir)"
- mkdir -p "$(mandir)/man1"
- $(INSTALL) tcc.1 "$(mandir)/man1"
- mkdir -p "$(tccdir)"
- mkdir -p "$(tccdir)/include"
-ifneq ($(LIBTCC1),)
- $(INSTALL) -m644 $(LIBTCC1) "$(tccdir)"
-ifneq ($(BCHECK_O),)
- $(INSTALL) -m644 $(BCHECK_O) "$(tccdir)"
- $(INSTALL) -m644 $(addprefix include/,$(TCC_INCLUDES)) "$(tccdir)/include"
- mkdir -p "$(docdir)"
- $(INSTALL) -m644 tcc-doc.html "$(docdir)"
- mkdir -p "$(libdir)"
- $(INSTALL) -m644 libtcc.a "$(libdir)"
- mkdir -p "$(includedir)"
- $(INSTALL) -m644 libtcc.h "$(includedir)"
- rm -fv $(foreach P,$(PROGS),"$(bindir)/$P")
- rm -fv $(foreach P,$(LIBTCC1) $(BCHECK_O),"$(tccdir)/$P")
- rm -fv $(foreach P,$(TCC_INCLUDES),"$(tccdir)/include/$P")
- rm -fv "$(docdir)/tcc-doc.html" "$(mandir)/man1/tcc.1"
- rm -fv "$(libdir)/libtcc.a" "$(includedir)/libtcc.h"
-install: $(PROGS) $(LIBTCC1) libtcc.a tcc-doc.html
- mkdir -p "$(tccdir)"
- mkdir -p "$(tccdir)/lib"
- mkdir -p "$(tccdir)/include"
- mkdir -p "$(tccdir)/examples"
- mkdir -p "$(tccdir)/doc"
- mkdir -p "$(tccdir)/libtcc"
- $(INSTALL) -s -m755 $(PROGS) "$(tccdir)"
- $(INSTALL) -m644 $(LIBTCC1) win32/lib/*.def "$(tccdir)/lib"
- cp -r win32/include/. "$(tccdir)/include"
- cp -r win32/examples/. "$(tccdir)/examples"
-# $(INSTALL) -m644 $(addprefix include/,$(TCC_INCLUDES)) "$(tccdir)/include"
- $(INSTALL) -m644 tcc-doc.html win32/tcc-win32.txt "$(tccdir)/doc"
- $(INSTALL) -m644 libtcc.a libtcc.h "$(tccdir)/libtcc"
-# documentation and man page
-tcc-doc.html: tcc-doc.texi
- -texi2html -monolithic -number $<
-tcc.1: tcc-doc.texi
- -./ $< tcc.pod
- -pod2man --section=1 --center=" " --release=" " tcc.pod > $@
-# tar release (use 'make -k tar' on a checkouted tree)
-TCC-VERSION=tcc-$(shell cat VERSION)
- rm -rf /tmp/$(TCC-VERSION)
- cp -r . /tmp/$(TCC-VERSION)
- ( cd /tmp ; tar zcvf ~/$(TCC-VERSION).tar.gz $(TCC-VERSION) --exclude CVS )
- rm -rf /tmp/$(TCC-VERSION)
-# in tests subdir
-test clean :
- $(MAKE) -C tests $@
-# clean
-clean: local_clean
- rm -vf $(PROGS) tcc_p$(EXESUF) tcc.pod *~ *.o *.a *.out libtcc_test$(EXESUF)
-distclean: clean
- rm -vf config.h config.mak config.texi tcc.1 tcc-doc.html
-endif # ifeq ($(TOP),.)
diff --git a/05/tcc-0.9.25/README b/05/tcc-0.9.25/README
deleted file mode 100644
index bfaab39..0000000
--- a/05/tcc-0.9.25/README
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,90 +0,0 @@
-Tiny C Compiler - C Scripting Everywhere - The Smallest ANSI C compiler
-- SMALL! You can compile and execute C code everywhere, for example on
- rescue disks.
-- FAST! tcc generates optimized x86 code. No byte code
- overhead. Compile, assemble and link about 7 times faster than 'gcc
- -O0'.
-- UNLIMITED! Any C dynamic library can be used directly. TCC is
- heading torward full ISOC99 compliance. TCC can of course compile
- itself.
-- SAFE! tcc includes an optional memory and bound checker. Bound
- checked code can be mixed freely with standard code.
-- Compile and execute C source directly. No linking or assembly
- necessary. Full C preprocessor included.
-- C script supported : just add '#!/usr/local/bin/tcc -run' at the first
- line of your C source, and execute it directly from the command
- line.
-1) Installation on a i386 Linux host (for Windows read tcc-win32.txt)
- ./configure
- make
- make test
- make install
-By default, tcc is installed in /usr/local/bin.
-./configure --help shows configuration options.
-2) Introduction
-We assume here that you know ANSI C. Look at the example ex1.c to know
-what the programs look like.
-The include file <tcclib.h> can be used if you want a small basic libc
-include support (especially useful for floppy disks). Of course, you
-can also use standard headers, although they are slower to compile.
-You can begin your C script with '#!/usr/local/bin/tcc -run' on the first
-line and set its execute bits (chmod a+x your_script). Then, you can
-launch the C code as a shell or perl script :-) The command line
-arguments are put in 'argc' and 'argv' of the main functions, as in
-3) Examples
-ex1.c: simplest example (hello world). Can also be launched directly
-as a script: './ex1.c'.
-ex2.c: more complicated example: find a number with the four
-operations given a list of numbers (benchmark).
-ex3.c: compute fibonacci numbers (benchmark).
-ex4.c: more complicated: X11 program. Very complicated test in fact
-because standard headers are being used !
-ex5.c: 'hello world' with standard glibc headers.
-tcc.c: TCC can of course compile itself. Used to check the code
-tcctest.c: auto test for TCC which tests many subtle possible bugs. Used
-when doing 'make test'.
-4) Full Documentation
-Please read tcc-doc.html to have all the features of TCC.
-Additional information is available for the Windows port in tcc-win32.txt.
-TCC is distributed under the GNU Lesser General Public License (see
-COPYING file).
-Fabrice Bellard.
diff --git a/05/tcc-0.9.25/TODO b/05/tcc-0.9.25/TODO
deleted file mode 100644
index 6f49c5d..0000000
--- a/05/tcc-0.9.25/TODO
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,95 +0,0 @@
-TODO list:
-- fix macro substitution with nested definitions (ShangHongzhang)
-- FPU st(0) is left unclean (kwisatz haderach). Incompatible with
- optimized gcc/msc code
-- constructors
-- cast bug (Peter Wang)
-- define incomplete type if defined several times (Peter Wang).
-- configure --cc=tcc (still one bug in libtcc1.c)
-- test binutils/gcc compile
-- tci patch + argument.
-- see -lxxx bug (Michael Charity).
-- see transparent union pb in /urs/include/sys/socket.h
-- precise behaviour of typeof with arrays ? (__put_user macro)
- but should suffice for most cases)
-- handle '? x, y : z' in unsized variable initialization (',' is
- considered incorrectly as separator in preparser)
-- transform functions to function pointers in function parameters
- (net/ipv4/ip_output.c)
-- fix function pointer type display
-- check lcc test suite -> fix bitfield binary operations
-- check section alignment in C
-- fix invalid cast in comparison 'if (v == (int8_t)v)'
-- finish varargs.h support (gcc 3.2 testsuite issue)
-- fix static functions declared inside block
-- fix multiple unions init
-- sizeof, alignof, typeof can still generate code in some cases.
-- Fix the remaining libtcc memory leaks.
-- make libtcc fully reentrant (except for the compilation stage itself).
-Bound checking:
-- '-b' bug.
-- fix bound exit on RedHat 7.3
-- setjmp is not supported properly in bound checking.
-- fix bound check code with '&' on local variables (currently done
- only for local arrays).
-- bound checking and float/long long/struct copy code. bound
- checking and symbol + offset optimization
-Missing features:
-- disable-asm and disable-bcheck options
-- __builtin_expect()
-- improve '-E' option.
-- add '-MD' option
-- atexit (Nigel Horne)
-- packed attribute
-- C99: add variable size arrays (gcc 3.2 testsuite issue)
-- C99: add complex types (gcc 3.2 testsuite issue)
-- postfix compound literals (see 20010124-1.c)
-- suppress specific anonymous symbol handling
-- more parse optimizations (=even faster compilation)
-- memory alloc optimizations (=even faster compilation)
-- optimize VT_LOCAL + const
-- better local variables handling (needed for other targets)
-Not critical:
-- C99: fix multiple compound literals inits in blocks (ISOC99
- normative example - only relevant when using gotos! -> must add
- boolean variable to tell if compound literal was already
- initialized).
-- add PowerPC or ARM code generator and improve codegen for RISC (need
- to suppress VT_LOCAL and use a base register instead).
-- interactive mode / integrated debugger
-- fix preprocessor symbol redefinition
-- better constant opt (&&, ||, ?:)
-- add portable byte code generator and interpreter for other
- unsupported architectures.
-- C++: variable declaration in for, minimal 'class' support.
-- win32: __intxx. use resolve for bchecked malloc et al.
- check exception code (exception filter func).
-- handle void (__attribute__() *ptr)()
-Fixed (probably):
-- bug with defines:
- #define spin_lock(lock) do { } while (0)
- #define wq_spin_lock spin_lock
- #define TEST() wq_spin_lock(a)
-- typedefs can be structure fields
-- see bugfixes.diff + improvement.diff from Daniel Glockner
-- long long constant evaluation
-- add alloca()
-- gcc '-E' option.
-- #include_next support for /usr/include/limits ?
-- function pointers/lvalues in ? : (linux kernel net/core/dev.c)
-- win32: add __stdcall, check GetModuleHandle for dlls.
diff --git a/05/tcc-0.9.25/VERSION b/05/tcc-0.9.25/VERSION
deleted file mode 100644
index f5b38be..0000000
--- a/05/tcc-0.9.25/VERSION
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-0.9.25 \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/05/tcc-0.9.25/arm-gen.c b/05/tcc-0.9.25/arm-gen.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 42feecf..0000000
--- a/05/tcc-0.9.25/arm-gen.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1734 +0,0 @@
- * ARMv4 code generator for TCC
- *
- * Copyright (c) 2003 Daniel Glöckner
- *
- * Based on i386-gen.c by Fabrice Bellard
- *
- * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
- * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
- * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * Lesser General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
- * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
- */
-#ifdef TCC_ARM_EABI
-#define TCC_ARM_VFP
-/* number of available registers */
-#ifdef TCC_ARM_VFP
-#define NB_REGS 13
-#define NB_REGS 9
-/* a register can belong to several classes. The classes must be
- sorted from more general to more precise (see gv2() code which does
- assumptions on it). */
-#define RC_INT 0x0001 /* generic integer register */
-#define RC_FLOAT 0x0002 /* generic float register */
-#define RC_R0 0x0004
-#define RC_R1 0x0008
-#define RC_R2 0x0010
-#define RC_R3 0x0020
-#define RC_R12 0x0040
-#define RC_F0 0x0080
-#define RC_F1 0x0100
-#define RC_F2 0x0200
-#define RC_F3 0x0400
-#ifdef TCC_ARM_VFP
-#define RC_F4 0x0800
-#define RC_F5 0x1000
-#define RC_F6 0x2000
-#define RC_F7 0x4000
-#define RC_IRET RC_R0 /* function return: integer register */
-#define RC_LRET RC_R1 /* function return: second integer register */
-#define RC_FRET RC_F0 /* function return: float register */
-/* pretty names for the registers */
-enum {
- TREG_R0 = 0,
- TREG_R1,
- TREG_R2,
- TREG_R3,
- TREG_R12,
- TREG_F0,
- TREG_F1,
- TREG_F2,
- TREG_F3,
-#ifdef TCC_ARM_VFP
- TREG_F4,
- TREG_F5,
- TREG_F6,
- TREG_F7,
-int reg_classes[NB_REGS] = {
- /* r0 */ RC_INT | RC_R0,
- /* r1 */ RC_INT | RC_R1,
- /* r2 */ RC_INT | RC_R2,
- /* r3 */ RC_INT | RC_R3,
- /* r12 */ RC_INT | RC_R12,
- /* f0 */ RC_FLOAT | RC_F0,
- /* f1 */ RC_FLOAT | RC_F1,
- /* f2 */ RC_FLOAT | RC_F2,
- /* f3 */ RC_FLOAT | RC_F3,
-#ifdef TCC_ARM_VFP
- /* d4/s8 */ RC_FLOAT | RC_F4,
-/* d5/s10 */ RC_FLOAT | RC_F5,
-/* d6/s12 */ RC_FLOAT | RC_F6,
-/* d7/s14 */ RC_FLOAT | RC_F7,
-static int two2mask(int a,int b) {
- return (reg_classes[a]|reg_classes[b])&~(RC_INT|RC_FLOAT);
-static int regmask(int r) {
- return reg_classes[r]&~(RC_INT|RC_FLOAT);
-#ifdef TCC_ARM_VFP
-#define T2CPR(t) (((t) & VT_BTYPE) != VT_FLOAT ? 0x100 : 0)
-/* return registers for function */
-#define REG_IRET TREG_R0 /* single word int return register */
-#define REG_LRET TREG_R1 /* second word return register (for long long) */
-#define REG_FRET TREG_F0 /* float return register */
-#ifdef TCC_ARM_EABI
-#define TOK___divdi3 TOK___aeabi_ldivmod
-#define TOK___moddi3 TOK___aeabi_ldivmod
-#define TOK___udivdi3 TOK___aeabi_uldivmod
-#define TOK___umoddi3 TOK___aeabi_uldivmod
-/* defined if function parameters must be evaluated in reverse order */
-/* defined if structures are passed as pointers. Otherwise structures
- are directly pushed on stack. */
-#if defined(TCC_ARM_EABI) && defined(TCC_ARM_VFP)
-static CType float_type, double_type, func_float_type, func_double_type;
-#define func_ldouble_type func_double_type
-#define func_float_type func_old_type
-#define func_double_type func_old_type
-#define func_ldouble_type func_old_type
-/* pointer size, in bytes */
-#define PTR_SIZE 4
-/* long double size and alignment, in bytes */
-#ifdef TCC_ARM_VFP
-#define LDOUBLE_SIZE 8
-#define LDOUBLE_SIZE 8
-#ifdef TCC_ARM_EABI
-#define LDOUBLE_ALIGN 8
-#define LDOUBLE_ALIGN 4
-/* maximum alignment (for aligned attribute support) */
-#define MAX_ALIGN 8
-/* ELF defines */
-/* relocation type for 32 bit data relocation */
-#define R_DATA_32 R_ARM_ABS32
-#define R_COPY R_ARM_COPY
-#define ELF_START_ADDR 0x00008000
-#define ELF_PAGE_SIZE 0x1000
-static unsigned long func_sub_sp_offset,last_itod_magic;
-static int leaffunc;
-void o(unsigned long i)
- /* this is a good place to start adding big-endian support*/
- int ind1;
- ind1 = ind + 4;
- if (!cur_text_section)
- error("compiler error! This happens f.ex. if the compiler\n"
- "can't evaluate constant expressions outside of a function.");
- if (ind1 > cur_text_section->data_allocated)
- section_realloc(cur_text_section, ind1);
- cur_text_section->data[ind++] = i&255;
- i>>=8;
- cur_text_section->data[ind++] = i&255;
- i>>=8;
- cur_text_section->data[ind++] = i&255;
- i>>=8;
- cur_text_section->data[ind++] = i;
-static unsigned long stuff_const(unsigned long op,unsigned long c)
- int try_neg=0;
- unsigned long nc = 0,negop = 0;
- switch(op&0x1F00000)
- {
- case 0x800000: //add
- case 0x400000: //sub
- try_neg=1;
- negop=op^0xC00000;
- nc=-c;
- break;
- case 0x1A00000: //mov
- case 0x1E00000: //mvn
- try_neg=1;
- negop=op^0x400000;
- nc=~c;
- break;
- case 0x200000: //xor
- if(c==~0)
- return (op&0xF010F000)|((op>>16)&0xF)|0x1E00000;
- break;
- case 0x0: //and
- if(c==~0)
- return (op&0xF010F000)|((op>>16)&0xF)|0x1A00000;
- case 0x1C00000: //bic
- try_neg=1;
- negop=op^0x1C00000;
- nc=~c;
- break;
- case 0x1800000: //orr
- if(c==~0)
- return (op&0xFFF0FFFF)|0x1E00000;
- break;
- }
- do {
- unsigned long m;
- int i;
- if(c<256) /* catch undefined <<32 */
- return op|c;
- for(i=2;i<32;i+=2) {
- m=(0xff>>i)|(0xff<<(32-i));
- if(!(c&~m))
- return op|(i<<7)|(c<<i)|(c>>(32-i));
- }
- op=negop;
- c=nc;
- } while(try_neg--);
- return 0;
-//only add,sub
-void stuff_const_harder(unsigned long op,unsigned long v) {
- unsigned long x;
- x=stuff_const(op,v);
- if(x)
- o(x);
- else {
- unsigned long a[16],nv,no,o2,n2;
- int i,j,k;
- a[0]=0xff;
- o2=(op&0xfff0ffff)|((op&0xf000)<<4);;
- for(i=1;i<16;i++)
- a[i]=(a[i-1]>>2)|(a[i-1]<<30);
- for(i=0;i<12;i++)
- for(j=i<4?i+12:15;j>=i+4;j--)
- if((v&(a[i]|a[j]))==v) {
- o(stuff_const(op,v&a[i]));
- o(stuff_const(o2,v&a[j]));
- return;
- }
- no=op^0xC00000;
- n2=o2^0xC00000;
- nv=-v;
- for(i=0;i<12;i++)
- for(j=i<4?i+12:15;j>=i+4;j--)
- if((nv&(a[i]|a[j]))==nv) {
- o(stuff_const(no,nv&a[i]));
- o(stuff_const(n2,nv&a[j]));
- return;
- }
- for(i=0;i<8;i++)
- for(j=i+4;j<12;j++)
- for(k=i<4?i+12:15;k>=j+4;k--)
- if((v&(a[i]|a[j]|a[k]))==v) {
- o(stuff_const(op,v&a[i]));
- o(stuff_const(o2,v&a[j]));
- o(stuff_const(o2,v&a[k]));
- return;
- }
- no=op^0xC00000;
- nv=-v;
- for(i=0;i<8;i++)
- for(j=i+4;j<12;j++)
- for(k=i<4?i+12:15;k>=j+4;k--)
- if((nv&(a[i]|a[j]|a[k]))==nv) {
- o(stuff_const(no,nv&a[i]));
- o(stuff_const(n2,nv&a[j]));
- o(stuff_const(n2,nv&a[k]));
- return;
- }
- o(stuff_const(op,v&a[0]));
- o(stuff_const(o2,v&a[4]));
- o(stuff_const(o2,v&a[8]));
- o(stuff_const(o2,v&a[12]));
- }
-unsigned long encbranch(int pos,int addr,int fail)
- addr-=pos+8;
- addr/=4;
- if(addr>=0x1000000 || addr<-0x1000000) {
- if(fail)
- error("FIXME: function bigger than 32MB");
- return 0;
- }
- return 0x0A000000|(addr&0xffffff);
-int decbranch(int pos)
- int x;
- x=*(int *)(cur_text_section->data + pos);
- x&=0x00ffffff;
- if(x&0x800000)
- x-=0x1000000;
- return x*4+pos+8;
-/* output a symbol and patch all calls to it */
-void gsym_addr(int t, int a)
- unsigned long *x;
- int lt;
- while(t) {
- x=(unsigned long *)(cur_text_section->data + t);
- t=decbranch(lt=t);
- if(a==lt+4)
- *x=0xE1A00000; // nop
- else {
- *x &= 0xff000000;
- *x |= encbranch(lt,a,1);
- }
- }
-void gsym(int t)
- gsym_addr(t, ind);
-#ifdef TCC_ARM_VFP
-static unsigned long vfpr(int r)
- if(r<TREG_F0 || r>TREG_F7)
- error("compiler error! register %i is no vfp register",r);
- return r-5;
-static unsigned long fpr(int r)
- if(r<TREG_F0 || r>TREG_F3)
- error("compiler error! register %i is no fpa register",r);
- return r-5;
-static unsigned long intr(int r)
- if(r==4)
- return 12;
- if((r<0 || r>4) && r!=14)
- error("compiler error! register %i is no int register",r);
- return r;
-static void calcaddr(unsigned long *base,int *off,int *sgn,int maxoff,unsigned shift)
- if(*off>maxoff || *off&((1<<shift)-1)) {
- unsigned long x,y;
- x=0xE280E000;
- if(*sgn)
- x=0xE240E000;
- x|=(*base)<<16;
- *base=14; // lr
- y=stuff_const(x,*off&~maxoff);
- if(y) {
- o(y);
- *off&=maxoff;
- return;
- }
- y=stuff_const(x,(*off+maxoff)&~maxoff);
- if(y) {
- o(y);
- *sgn=!*sgn;
- *off=((*off+maxoff)&~maxoff)-*off;
- return;
- }
- stuff_const_harder(x,*off&~maxoff);
- *off&=maxoff;
- }
-static unsigned long mapcc(int cc)
- switch(cc)
- {
- case TOK_ULT:
- return 0x30000000; /* CC/LO */
- case TOK_UGE:
- return 0x20000000; /* CS/HS */
- case TOK_EQ:
- return 0x00000000; /* EQ */
- case TOK_NE:
- return 0x10000000; /* NE */
- case TOK_ULE:
- return 0x90000000; /* LS */
- case TOK_UGT:
- return 0x80000000; /* HI */
- case TOK_Nset:
- return 0x40000000; /* MI */
- case TOK_Nclear:
- return 0x50000000; /* PL */
- case TOK_LT:
- return 0xB0000000; /* LT */
- case TOK_GE:
- return 0xA0000000; /* GE */
- case TOK_LE:
- return 0xD0000000; /* LE */
- case TOK_GT:
- return 0xC0000000; /* GT */
- }
- error("unexpected condition code");
- return 0xE0000000; /* AL */
-static int negcc(int cc)
- switch(cc)
- {
- case TOK_ULT:
- return TOK_UGE;
- case TOK_UGE:
- return TOK_ULT;
- case TOK_EQ:
- return TOK_NE;
- case TOK_NE:
- return TOK_EQ;
- case TOK_ULE:
- return TOK_UGT;
- case TOK_UGT:
- return TOK_ULE;
- case TOK_Nset:
- return TOK_Nclear;
- case TOK_Nclear:
- return TOK_Nset;
- case TOK_LT:
- return TOK_GE;
- case TOK_GE:
- return TOK_LT;
- case TOK_LE:
- return TOK_GT;
- case TOK_GT:
- return TOK_LE;
- }
- error("unexpected condition code");
- return TOK_NE;
-/* load 'r' from value 'sv' */
-void load(int r, SValue *sv)
- int v, ft, fc, fr, sign;
- unsigned long op;
- SValue v1;
- fr = sv->r;
- ft = sv->type.t;
- fc = sv->c.ul;
- if(fc>=0)
- sign=0;
- else {
- sign=1;
- fc=-fc;
- }
- v = fr & VT_VALMASK;
- if (fr & VT_LVAL) {
- unsigned long base=0xB; // fp
- if(v == VT_LLOCAL) {
- v1.type.t = VT_PTR;
- v1.r = VT_LOCAL | VT_LVAL;
- v1.c.ul = sv->c.ul;
- load(base=14 /* lr */, &v1);
- fc=sign=0;
- } else if(v == VT_CONST) {
- v1.type.t = VT_PTR;
- v1.r = fr&~VT_LVAL;
- v1.c.ul = sv->c.ul;
- v1.sym=sv->sym;
- load(base=14, &v1);
- fc=sign=0;
- } else if(v < VT_CONST) {
- base=intr(v);
- fc=sign=0;
- }
- if(v == VT_LOCAL) {
- if(is_float(ft)) {
- calcaddr(&base,&fc,&sign,1020,2);
-#ifdef TCC_ARM_VFP
- op=0xED100A00; /* flds */
- if(!sign)
- op|=0x800000;
- if ((ft & VT_BTYPE) != VT_FLOAT)
- op|=0x100; /* flds -> fldd */
- o(op|(vfpr(r)<<12)|(fc>>2)|(base<<16));
- op=0xED100100;
- if(!sign)
- op|=0x800000;
-#if LDOUBLE_SIZE == 8
- if ((ft & VT_BTYPE) != VT_FLOAT)
- op|=0x8000;
- if ((ft & VT_BTYPE) == VT_DOUBLE)
- op|=0x8000;
- else if ((ft & VT_BTYPE) == VT_LDOUBLE)
- op|=0x400000;
- o(op|(fpr(r)<<12)|(fc>>2)|(base<<16));
- } else if((ft & (VT_BTYPE|VT_UNSIGNED)) == VT_BYTE
- || (ft & VT_BTYPE) == VT_SHORT) {
- calcaddr(&base,&fc,&sign,255,0);
- op=0xE1500090;
- if ((ft & VT_BTYPE) == VT_SHORT)
- op|=0x20;
- if ((ft & VT_UNSIGNED) == 0)
- op|=0x40;
- if(!sign)
- op|=0x800000;
- o(op|(intr(r)<<12)|(base<<16)|((fc&0xf0)<<4)|(fc&0xf));
- } else {
- calcaddr(&base,&fc,&sign,4095,0);
- op=0xE5100000;
- if(!sign)
- op|=0x800000;
- if ((ft & VT_BTYPE) == VT_BYTE)
- op|=0x400000;
- o(op|(intr(r)<<12)|fc|(base<<16));
- }
- return;
- }
- } else {
- if (v == VT_CONST) {
- op=stuff_const(0xE3A00000|(intr(r)<<12),sv->c.ul);
- if (fr & VT_SYM || !op) {
- o(0xE59F0000|(intr(r)<<12));
- o(0xEA000000);
- if(fr & VT_SYM)
- greloc(cur_text_section, sv->sym, ind, R_ARM_ABS32);
- o(sv->c.ul);
- } else
- o(op);
- return;
- } else if (v == VT_LOCAL) {
- op=stuff_const(0xE28B0000|(intr(r)<<12),sv->c.ul);
- if (fr & VT_SYM || !op) {
- o(0xE59F0000|(intr(r)<<12));
- o(0xEA000000);
- if(fr & VT_SYM) // needed ?
- greloc(cur_text_section, sv->sym, ind, R_ARM_ABS32);
- o(sv->c.ul);
- o(0xE08B0000|(intr(r)<<12)|intr(r));
- } else
- o(op);
- return;
- } else if(v == VT_CMP) {
- o(mapcc(sv->c.ul)|0x3A00001|(intr(r)<<12));
- o(mapcc(negcc(sv->c.ul))|0x3A00000|(intr(r)<<12));
- return;
- } else if (v == VT_JMP || v == VT_JMPI) {
- int t;
- t = v & 1;
- o(0xE3A00000|(intr(r)<<12)|t);
- o(0xEA000000);
- gsym(sv->c.ul);
- o(0xE3A00000|(intr(r)<<12)|(t^1));
- return;
- } else if (v < VT_CONST) {
- if(is_float(ft))
-#ifdef TCC_ARM_VFP
- o(0xEEB00A40|(vfpr(r)<<12)|vfpr(v)|T2CPR(ft)); /* fcpyX */
- o(0xEE008180|(fpr(r)<<12)|fpr(v));
- else
- o(0xE1A00000|(intr(r)<<12)|intr(v));
- return;
- }
- }
- error("load unimplemented!");
-/* store register 'r' in lvalue 'v' */
-void store(int r, SValue *sv)
- SValue v1;
- int v, ft, fc, fr, sign;
- unsigned long op;
- fr = sv->r;
- ft = sv->type.t;
- fc = sv->c.ul;
- if(fc>=0)
- sign=0;
- else {
- sign=1;
- fc=-fc;
- }
- v = fr & VT_VALMASK;
- if (fr & VT_LVAL || fr == VT_LOCAL) {
- unsigned long base=0xb;
- if(v < VT_CONST) {
- base=intr(v);
- fc=sign=0;
- } else if(v == VT_CONST) {
- v1.type.t = ft;
- v1.r = fr&~VT_LVAL;
- v1.c.ul = sv->c.ul;
- v1.sym=sv->sym;
- load(base=14, &v1);
- fc=sign=0;
- }
- if(v == VT_LOCAL) {
- if(is_float(ft)) {
- calcaddr(&base,&fc,&sign,1020,2);
-#ifdef TCC_ARM_VFP
- op=0xED000A00; /* fsts */
- if(!sign)
- op|=0x800000;
- if ((ft & VT_BTYPE) != VT_FLOAT)
- op|=0x100; /* fsts -> fstd */
- o(op|(vfpr(r)<<12)|(fc>>2)|(base<<16));
- op=0xED000100;
- if(!sign)
- op|=0x800000;
-#if LDOUBLE_SIZE == 8
- if ((ft & VT_BTYPE) != VT_FLOAT)
- op|=0x8000;
- if ((ft & VT_BTYPE) == VT_DOUBLE)
- op|=0x8000;
- if ((ft & VT_BTYPE) == VT_LDOUBLE)
- op|=0x400000;
- o(op|(fpr(r)<<12)|(fc>>2)|(base<<16));
- return;
- } else if((ft & VT_BTYPE) == VT_SHORT) {
- calcaddr(&base,&fc,&sign,255,0);
- op=0xE14000B0;
- if(!sign)
- op|=0x800000;
- o(op|(intr(r)<<12)|(base<<16)|((fc&0xf0)<<4)|(fc&0xf));
- } else {
- calcaddr(&base,&fc,&sign,4095,0);
- op=0xE5000000;
- if(!sign)
- op|=0x800000;
- if ((ft & VT_BTYPE) == VT_BYTE)
- op|=0x400000;
- o(op|(intr(r)<<12)|fc|(base<<16));
- }
- return;
- }
- }
- error("store unimplemented");
-static void gadd_sp(int val)
- stuff_const_harder(0xE28DD000,val);
-/* 'is_jmp' is '1' if it is a jump */
-static void gcall_or_jmp(int is_jmp)
- int r;
- if ((vtop->r & (VT_VALMASK | VT_LVAL)) == VT_CONST) {
- unsigned long x;
- /* constant case */
- x=encbranch(ind,ind+vtop->c.ul,0);
- if(x) {
- if (vtop->r & VT_SYM) {
- /* relocation case */
- greloc(cur_text_section, vtop->sym, ind, R_ARM_PC24);
- } else
- put_elf_reloc(symtab_section, cur_text_section, ind, R_ARM_PC24, 0);
- o(x|(is_jmp?0xE0000000:0xE1000000));
- } else {
- if(!is_jmp)
- o(0xE28FE004); // add lr,pc,#4
- o(0xE51FF004); // ldr pc,[pc,#-4]
- if (vtop->r & VT_SYM)
- greloc(cur_text_section, vtop->sym, ind, R_ARM_ABS32);
- o(vtop->c.ul);
- }
- } else {
- /* otherwise, indirect call */
- r = gv(RC_INT);
- if(!is_jmp)
- o(0xE1A0E00F); // mov lr,pc
- o(0xE1A0F000|intr(r)); // mov pc,r
- }
-/* Generate function call. The function address is pushed first, then
- all the parameters in call order. This functions pops all the
- parameters and the function address. */
-void gfunc_call(int nb_args)
- int size, align, r, args_size, i;
- Sym *func_sym;
- signed char plan[4][2]={{-1,-1},{-1,-1},{-1,-1},{-1,-1}};
- int todo=0xf, keep, plan2[4]={0,0,0,0};
- r = vtop->r & VT_VALMASK;
- if (r == VT_CMP || (r & ~1) == VT_JMP)
- gv(RC_INT);
-#ifdef TCC_ARM_EABI
- if((vtop[-nb_args].type.ref->type.t & VT_BTYPE) == VT_STRUCT
- && type_size(&vtop[-nb_args].type, &align) <= 4) {
- SValue tmp;
- tmp=vtop[-nb_args];
- vtop[-nb_args]=vtop[-nb_args+1];
- vtop[-nb_args+1]=tmp;
- --nb_args;
- }
- vpushi(0);
- vtop->type.t = VT_LLONG;
- args_size = 0;
- for(i = nb_args + 1 ; i-- ;) {
- size = type_size(&vtop[-i].type, &align);
- if(args_size & (align-1)) {
- vpushi(0);
- vtop->type.t = VT_VOID; /* padding */
- vrott(i+2);
- args_size += 4;
- ++nb_args;
- }
- args_size += (size + 3) & -4;
- }
- vtop--;
- args_size = 0;
- for(i = nb_args ; i-- && args_size < 16 ;) {
- switch(vtop[-i].type.t & VT_BTYPE) {
- case VT_STRUCT:
- case VT_FLOAT:
- case VT_DOUBLE:
- case VT_LDOUBLE:
- size = type_size(&vtop[-i].type, &align);
- size = (size + 3) & -4;
- args_size += size;
- break;
- default:
- plan[nb_args-1-i][0]=args_size/4;
- args_size += 4;
- if ((vtop[-i].type.t & VT_BTYPE) == VT_LLONG && args_size < 16) {
- plan[nb_args-1-i][1]=args_size/4;
- args_size += 4;
- }
- }
- }
- args_size = keep = 0;
- for(i = 0;i < nb_args; i++) {
- vnrott(keep+1);
- if ((vtop->type.t & VT_BTYPE) == VT_STRUCT) {
- size = type_size(&vtop->type, &align);
- /* align to stack align size */
- size = (size + 3) & -4;
- /* allocate the necessary size on stack */
- gadd_sp(-size);
- /* generate structure store */
- r = get_reg(RC_INT);
- o(0xE1A0000D|(intr(r)<<12));
- vset(&vtop->type, r | VT_LVAL, 0);
- vswap();
- vstore();
- vtop--;
- args_size += size;
- } else if (is_float(vtop->type.t)) {
-#ifdef TCC_ARM_VFP
- r=vfpr(gv(RC_FLOAT))<<12;
- size=4;
- if ((vtop->type.t & VT_BTYPE) != VT_FLOAT)
- {
- size=8;
- r|=0x101; /* fstms -> fstmd */
- }
- o(0xED2D0A01+r);
- r=fpr(gv(RC_FLOAT))<<12;
- if ((vtop->type.t & VT_BTYPE) == VT_FLOAT)
- size = 4;
- else if ((vtop->type.t & VT_BTYPE) == VT_DOUBLE)
- size = 8;
- else
- size = LDOUBLE_SIZE;
- if (size == 12)
- r|=0x400000;
- else if(size == 8)
- r|=0x8000;
- o(0xED2D0100|r|(size>>2));
- vtop--;
- args_size += size;
- } else {
- int s;
- /* simple type (currently always same size) */
- /* XXX: implicit cast ? */
- size=4;
- if ((vtop->type.t & VT_BTYPE) == VT_LLONG) {
- lexpand_nr();
- s=RC_INT;
- if(nb_args-i<5 && plan[nb_args-i-1][1]!=-1) {
- s=regmask(plan[nb_args-i-1][1]);
- todo&=~(1<<plan[nb_args-i-1][1]);
- }
- if(s==RC_INT) {
- r = gv(s);
- o(0xE52D0004|(intr(r)<<12)); /* str r,[sp,#-4]! */
- vtop--;
- } else {
- plan2[keep]=s;
- keep++;
- vswap();
- }
- size = 8;
- }
- s=RC_INT;
- if(nb_args-i<5 && plan[nb_args-i-1][0]!=-1) {
- s=regmask(plan[nb_args-i-1][0]);
- todo&=~(1<<plan[nb_args-i-1][0]);
- }
-#ifdef TCC_ARM_EABI
- if(vtop->type.t == VT_VOID) {
- if(s == RC_INT)
- o(0xE24DD004); /* sub sp,sp,#4 */
- vtop--;
- } else
- if(s == RC_INT) {
- r = gv(s);
- o(0xE52D0004|(intr(r)<<12)); /* str r,[sp,#-4]! */
- vtop--;
- } else {
- plan2[keep]=s;
- keep++;
- }
- args_size += size;
- }
- }
- for(i=keep;i--;) {
- gv(plan2[i]);
- vrott(keep);
- }
-save_regs(keep); /* save used temporary registers */
- keep++;
- if(args_size) {
- int n;
- n=args_size/4;
- if(n>4)
- n=4;
- todo&=((1<<n)-1);
- if(todo) {
- int i;
- o(0xE8BD0000|todo);
- for(i=0;i<4;i++)
- if(todo&(1<<i)) {
- vpushi(0);
- vtop->r=i;
- keep++;
- }
- }
- args_size-=n*4;
- }
- vnrott(keep);
- func_sym = vtop->type.ref;
- gcall_or_jmp(0);
- if (args_size)
- gadd_sp(args_size);
-#ifdef TCC_ARM_EABI
- if((vtop->type.ref->type.t & VT_BTYPE) == VT_STRUCT
- && type_size(&vtop->type.ref->type, &align) <= 4)
- {
- store(REG_IRET,vtop-keep);
- ++keep;
- }
-#ifdef TCC_ARM_VFP
- else if(is_float(vtop->type.ref->type.t)) {
- if((vtop->type.ref->type.t & VT_BTYPE) == VT_FLOAT) {
- o(0xEE000A10); /* fmsr s0,r0 */
- } else {
- o(0xEE000B10); /* fmdlr d0,r0 */
- o(0xEE201B10); /* fmdhr d0,r1 */
- }
- }
- vtop-=keep;
- leaffunc = 0;
-/* generate function prolog of type 't' */
-void gfunc_prolog(CType *func_type)
- Sym *sym,*sym2;
- int n,addr,size,align;
- sym = func_type->ref;
- func_vt = sym->type;
- n = 0;
- addr = 0;
- if((func_vt.t & VT_BTYPE) == VT_STRUCT
- && type_size(&func_vt,&align) > 4)
- {
- func_vc = addr;
- addr += 4;
- n++;
- }
- for(sym2=sym->next;sym2 && n<4;sym2=sym2->next) {
- size = type_size(&sym2->type, &align);
- n += (size + 3) / 4;
- }
- o(0xE1A0C00D); /* mov ip,sp */
- if(func_type->ref->c == FUNC_ELLIPSIS)
- n=4;
- if(n) {
- if(n>4)
- n=4;
-#ifdef TCC_ARM_EABI
- n=(n+1)&-2;
- o(0xE92D0000|((1<<n)-1)); /* save r0-r4 on stack if needed */
- }
- o(0xE92D5800); /* save fp, ip, lr */
- o(0xE28DB00C); /* add fp, sp, #12 */
- func_sub_sp_offset = ind;
- o(0xE1A00000); /* nop, leave space for stack adjustment */
- while ((sym = sym->next)) {
- CType *type;
- type = &sym->type;
- size = type_size(type, &align);
- size = (size + 3) & -4;
-#ifdef TCC_ARM_EABI
- addr = (addr + align - 1) & -align;
- sym_push(sym->v & ~SYM_FIELD, type, VT_LOCAL | lvalue_type(type->t), addr);
- addr += size;
- }
- last_itod_magic=0;
- leaffunc = 1;
- loc = -12;
-/* generate function epilog */
-void gfunc_epilog(void)
- unsigned long x;
- int diff;
-#ifdef TCC_ARM_EABI
- if(is_float(func_vt.t)) {
- if((func_vt.t & VT_BTYPE) == VT_FLOAT)
- o(0xEE100A10); /* fmrs r0, s0 */
- else {
- o(0xEE100B10); /* fmrdl r0, d0 */
- o(0xEE301B10); /* fmrdh r1, d0 */
- }
- }
- o(0xE91BA800); /* restore fp, sp, pc */
- diff = (-loc + 3) & -4;
-#ifdef TCC_ARM_EABI
- if(!leaffunc)
- diff = (diff + 7) & -8;
- if(diff > 12) {
- x=stuff_const(0xE24BD000, diff); /* sub sp,fp,# */
- if(x)
- *(unsigned long *)(cur_text_section->data + func_sub_sp_offset) = x;
- else {
- unsigned long addr;
- addr=ind;
- o(0xE59FC004); /* ldr ip,[pc+4] */
- o(0xE04BD00C); /* sub sp,fp,ip */
- o(0xE1A0F00E); /* mov pc,lr */
- o(diff);
- *(unsigned long *)(cur_text_section->data + func_sub_sp_offset) = 0xE1000000|encbranch(func_sub_sp_offset,addr,1);
- }
- }
-/* generate a jump to a label */
-int gjmp(int t)
- int r;
- r=ind;
- o(0xE0000000|encbranch(r,t,1));
- return r;
-/* generate a jump to a fixed address */
-void gjmp_addr(int a)
- gjmp(a);
-/* generate a test. set 'inv' to invert test. Stack entry is popped */
-int gtst(int inv, int t)
- int v, r;
- unsigned long op;
- v = vtop->r & VT_VALMASK;
- r=ind;
- if (v == VT_CMP) {
- op=mapcc(inv?negcc(vtop->c.i):vtop->c.i);
- op|=encbranch(r,t,1);
- o(op);
- t=r;
- } else if (v == VT_JMP || v == VT_JMPI) {
- if ((v & 1) == inv) {
- if(!vtop->c.i)
- vtop->c.i=t;
- else {
- unsigned long *x;
- int p,lp;
- if(t) {
- p = vtop->c.i;
- do {
- p = decbranch(lp=p);
- } while(p);
- x = (unsigned long *)(cur_text_section->data + lp);
- *x &= 0xff000000;
- *x |= encbranch(lp,t,1);
- }
- t = vtop->c.i;
- }
- } else {
- t = gjmp(t);
- gsym(vtop->c.i);
- }
- } else {
- if (is_float(vtop->type.t)) {
- r=gv(RC_FLOAT);
-#ifdef TCC_ARM_VFP
- o(0xEEB50A40|(vfpr(r)<<12)|T2CPR(vtop->type.t)); /* fcmpzX */
- o(0xEEF1FA10); /* fmstat */
- o(0xEE90F118|(fpr(r)<<16));
- vtop->r = VT_CMP;
- vtop->c.i = TOK_NE;
- return gtst(inv, t);
- } else if ((vtop->r & (VT_VALMASK | VT_LVAL | VT_SYM)) == VT_CONST) {
- /* constant jmp optimization */
- if ((vtop->c.i != 0) != inv)
- t = gjmp(t);
- } else {
- v = gv(RC_INT);
- o(0xE3300000|(intr(v)<<16));
- vtop->r = VT_CMP;
- vtop->c.i = TOK_NE;
- return gtst(inv, t);
- }
- }
- vtop--;
- return t;
-/* generate an integer binary operation */
-void gen_opi(int op)
- int c, func = 0;
- unsigned long opc = 0,r,fr;
- unsigned short retreg = REG_IRET;
- c=0;
- switch(op) {
- case '+':
- opc = 0x8;
- c=1;
- break;
- case TOK_ADDC1: /* add with carry generation */
- opc = 0x9;
- c=1;
- break;
- case '-':
- opc = 0x4;
- c=1;
- break;
- case TOK_SUBC1: /* sub with carry generation */
- opc = 0x5;
- c=1;
- break;
- case TOK_ADDC2: /* add with carry use */
- opc = 0xA;
- c=1;
- break;
- case TOK_SUBC2: /* sub with carry use */
- opc = 0xC;
- c=1;
- break;
- case '&':
- opc = 0x0;
- c=1;
- break;
- case '^':
- opc = 0x2;
- c=1;
- break;
- case '|':
- opc = 0x18;
- c=1;
- break;
- case '*':
- gv2(RC_INT, RC_INT);
- r = vtop[-1].r;
- fr = vtop[0].r;
- vtop--;
- o(0xE0000090|(intr(r)<<16)|(intr(r)<<8)|intr(fr));
- return;
- case TOK_SHL:
- opc = 0;
- c=2;
- break;
- case TOK_SHR:
- opc = 1;
- c=2;
- break;
- case TOK_SAR:
- opc = 2;
- c=2;
- break;
- case '/':
- case TOK_PDIV:
- func=TOK___divsi3;
- c=3;
- break;
- case TOK_UDIV:
- func=TOK___udivsi3;
- c=3;
- break;
- case '%':
-#ifdef TCC_ARM_EABI
- func=TOK___aeabi_idivmod;
- retreg=REG_LRET;
- func=TOK___modsi3;
- c=3;
- break;
- case TOK_UMOD:
-#ifdef TCC_ARM_EABI
- func=TOK___aeabi_uidivmod;
- retreg=REG_LRET;
- func=TOK___umodsi3;
- c=3;
- break;
- case TOK_UMULL:
- gv2(RC_INT, RC_INT);
- r=intr(vtop[-1].r2=get_reg(RC_INT));
- c=vtop[-1].r;
- vtop[-1].r=get_reg_ex(RC_INT,regmask(c));
- vtop--;
- o(0xE0800090|(r<<16)|(intr(vtop->r)<<12)|(intr(c)<<8)|intr(vtop[1].r));
- return;
- default:
- opc = 0x15;
- c=1;
- break;
- }
- switch(c) {
- case 1:
- if((vtop[-1].r & (VT_VALMASK | VT_LVAL | VT_SYM)) == VT_CONST) {
- if(opc == 4 || opc == 5 || opc == 0xc) {
- vswap();
- opc|=2; // sub -> rsb
- }
- }
- if ((vtop->r & VT_VALMASK) == VT_CMP ||
- (vtop->r & (VT_VALMASK & ~1)) == VT_JMP)
- gv(RC_INT);
- vswap();
- c=intr(gv(RC_INT));
- vswap();
- opc=0xE0000000|(opc<<20)|(c<<16);
- if((vtop->r & (VT_VALMASK | VT_LVAL | VT_SYM)) == VT_CONST) {
- unsigned long x;
- x=stuff_const(opc|0x2000000,vtop->c.i);
- if(x) {
- r=intr(vtop[-1].r=get_reg_ex(RC_INT,regmask(vtop[-1].r)));
- o(x|(r<<12));
- goto done;
- }
- }
- fr=intr(gv(RC_INT));
- r=intr(vtop[-1].r=get_reg_ex(RC_INT,two2mask(vtop->r,vtop[-1].r)));
- o(opc|(r<<12)|fr);
- vtop--;
- if (op >= TOK_ULT && op <= TOK_GT) {
- vtop->r = VT_CMP;
- vtop->c.i = op;
- }
- break;
- case 2:
- opc=0xE1A00000|(opc<<5);
- if ((vtop->r & VT_VALMASK) == VT_CMP ||
- (vtop->r & (VT_VALMASK & ~1)) == VT_JMP)
- gv(RC_INT);
- vswap();
- r=intr(gv(RC_INT));
- vswap();
- opc|=r;
- if ((vtop->r & (VT_VALMASK | VT_LVAL | VT_SYM)) == VT_CONST) {
- fr=intr(vtop[-1].r=get_reg_ex(RC_INT,regmask(vtop[-1].r)));
- c = vtop->c.i & 0x1f;
- o(opc|(c<<7)|(fr<<12));
- } else {
- fr=intr(gv(RC_INT));
- c=intr(vtop[-1].r=get_reg_ex(RC_INT,two2mask(vtop->r,vtop[-1].r)));
- o(opc|(c<<12)|(fr<<8)|0x10);
- }
- vtop--;
- break;
- case 3:
- vpush_global_sym(&func_old_type, func);
- vrott(3);
- gfunc_call(2);
- vpushi(0);
- vtop->r = retreg;
- break;
- default:
- error("gen_opi %i unimplemented!",op);
- }
-#ifdef TCC_ARM_VFP
-static int is_zero(int i)
- if((vtop[i].r & (VT_VALMASK | VT_LVAL | VT_SYM)) != VT_CONST)
- return 0;
- if (vtop[i].type.t == VT_FLOAT)
- return (vtop[i].c.f == 0.f);
- else if (vtop[i].type.t == VT_DOUBLE)
- return (vtop[i].c.d == 0.0);
- return (vtop[i].c.ld == 0.l);
-/* generate a floating point operation 'v = t1 op t2' instruction. The
- * two operands are guaranted to have the same floating point type */
-void gen_opf(int op)
- unsigned long x;
- int fneg=0,r;
- x=0xEE000A00|T2CPR(vtop->type.t);
- switch(op) {
- case '+':
- if(is_zero(-1))
- vswap();
- if(is_zero(0)) {
- vtop--;
- return;
- }
- x|=0x300000;
- break;
- case '-':
- x|=0x300040;
- if(is_zero(0)) {
- vtop--;
- return;
- }
- if(is_zero(-1)) {
- x|=0x810000; /* fsubX -> fnegX */
- vswap();
- vtop--;
- fneg=1;
- }
- break;
- case '*':
- x|=0x200000;
- break;
- case '/':
- x|=0x800000;
- break;
- default:
- if(op < TOK_ULT && op > TOK_GT) {
- error("unknown fp op %x!",op);
- return;
- }
- if(is_zero(-1)) {
- vswap();
- switch(op) {
- case TOK_LT: op=TOK_GT; break;
- case TOK_GE: op=TOK_ULE; break;
- case TOK_LE: op=TOK_GE; break;
- case TOK_GT: op=TOK_ULT; break;
- }
- }
- x|=0xB40040; /* fcmpX */
- if(op!=TOK_EQ && op!=TOK_NE)
- x|=0x80; /* fcmpX -> fcmpeX */
- if(is_zero(0)) {
- vtop--;
- o(x|0x10000|(vfpr(gv(RC_FLOAT))<<12)); /* fcmp(e)X -> fcmp(e)zX */
- } else {
- x|=vfpr(gv(RC_FLOAT));
- vswap();
- o(x|(vfpr(gv(RC_FLOAT))<<12));
- vtop--;
- }
- o(0xEEF1FA10); /* fmstat */
- switch(op) {
- case TOK_LE: op=TOK_ULE; break;
- case TOK_LT: op=TOK_ULT; break;
- case TOK_UGE: op=TOK_GE; break;
- case TOK_UGT: op=TOK_GT; break;
- }
- vtop->r = VT_CMP;
- vtop->c.i = op;
- return;
- }
- r=gv(RC_FLOAT);
- x|=vfpr(r);
- r=regmask(r);
- if(!fneg) {
- int r2;
- vswap();
- r2=gv(RC_FLOAT);
- x|=vfpr(r2)<<16;
- r|=regmask(r2);
- }
- vtop->r=get_reg_ex(RC_FLOAT,r);
- if(!fneg)
- vtop--;
- o(x|(vfpr(vtop->r)<<12));
-static int is_fconst()
- long double f;
- int r;
- if((vtop->r & (VT_VALMASK | VT_LVAL | VT_SYM)) != VT_CONST)
- return 0;
- if (vtop->type.t == VT_FLOAT)
- f = vtop->c.f;
- else if (vtop->type.t == VT_DOUBLE)
- f = vtop->c.d;
- else
- f = vtop->c.ld;
- if(!ieee_finite(f))
- return 0;
- r=0x8;
- if(f<0.0) {
- r=0x18;
- f=-f;
- }
- if(f==0.0)
- return r;
- if(f==1.0)
- return r|1;
- if(f==2.0)
- return r|2;
- if(f==3.0)
- return r|3;
- if(f==4.0)
- return r|4;
- if(f==5.0)
- return r|5;
- if(f==0.5)
- return r|6;
- if(f==10.0)
- return r|7;
- return 0;
-/* generate a floating point operation 'v = t1 op t2' instruction. The
- two operands are guaranted to have the same floating point type */
-void gen_opf(int op)
- unsigned long x;
- int r,r2,c1,c2;
- //fputs("gen_opf\n",stderr);
- vswap();
- c1 = is_fconst();
- vswap();
- c2 = is_fconst();
- x=0xEE000100;
-#if LDOUBLE_SIZE == 8
- if ((vtop->type.t & VT_BTYPE) != VT_FLOAT)
- x|=0x80;
- if ((vtop->type.t & VT_BTYPE) == VT_DOUBLE)
- x|=0x80;
- else if ((vtop->type.t & VT_BTYPE) == VT_LDOUBLE)
- x|=0x80000;
- switch(op)
- {
- case '+':
- if(!c2) {
- vswap();
- c2=c1;
- }
- vswap();
- r=fpr(gv(RC_FLOAT));
- vswap();
- if(c2) {
- if(c2>0xf)
- x|=0x200000; // suf
- r2=c2&0xf;
- } else {
- r2=fpr(gv(RC_FLOAT));
- }
- break;
- case '-':
- if(c2) {
- if(c2<=0xf)
- x|=0x200000; // suf
- r2=c2&0xf;
- vswap();
- r=fpr(gv(RC_FLOAT));
- vswap();
- } else if(c1 && c1<=0xf) {
- x|=0x300000; // rsf
- r2=c1;
- r=fpr(gv(RC_FLOAT));
- vswap();
- } else {
- x|=0x200000; // suf
- vswap();
- r=fpr(gv(RC_FLOAT));
- vswap();
- r2=fpr(gv(RC_FLOAT));
- }
- break;
- case '*':
- if(!c2 || c2>0xf) {
- vswap();
- c2=c1;
- }
- vswap();
- r=fpr(gv(RC_FLOAT));
- vswap();
- if(c2 && c2<=0xf)
- r2=c2;
- else
- r2=fpr(gv(RC_FLOAT));
- x|=0x100000; // muf
- break;
- case '/':
- if(c2 && c2<=0xf) {
- x|=0x400000; // dvf
- r2=c2;
- vswap();
- r=fpr(gv(RC_FLOAT));
- vswap();
- } else if(c1 && c1<=0xf) {
- x|=0x500000; // rdf
- r2=c1;
- r=fpr(gv(RC_FLOAT));
- vswap();
- } else {
- x|=0x400000; // dvf
- vswap();
- r=fpr(gv(RC_FLOAT));
- vswap();
- r2=fpr(gv(RC_FLOAT));
- }
- break;
- default:
- if(op >= TOK_ULT && op <= TOK_GT) {
- x|=0xd0f110; // cmfe
-/* bug (intention?) in Linux FPU emulator
- doesn't set carry if equal */
- switch(op) {
- case TOK_ULT:
- case TOK_UGE:
- case TOK_ULE:
- case TOK_UGT:
- error("unsigned comparision on floats?");
- break;
- case TOK_LT:
- op=TOK_Nset;
- break;
- case TOK_LE:
- op=TOK_ULE; /* correct in unordered case only if AC bit in FPSR set */
- break;
- case TOK_EQ:
- case TOK_NE:
- x&=~0x400000; // cmfe -> cmf
- break;
- }
- if(c1 && !c2) {
- c2=c1;
- vswap();
- switch(op) {
- case TOK_Nset:
- op=TOK_GT;
- break;
- case TOK_GE:
- op=TOK_ULE;
- break;
- case TOK_ULE:
- op=TOK_GE;
- break;
- case TOK_GT:
- op=TOK_Nset;
- break;
- }
- }
- vswap();
- r=fpr(gv(RC_FLOAT));
- vswap();
- if(c2) {
- if(c2>0xf)
- x|=0x200000;
- r2=c2&0xf;
- } else {
- r2=fpr(gv(RC_FLOAT));
- }
- vtop[-1].r = VT_CMP;
- vtop[-1].c.i = op;
- } else {
- error("unknown fp op %x!",op);
- return;
- }
- }
- if(vtop[-1].r == VT_CMP)
- c1=15;
- else {
- c1=vtop->r;
- if(r2&0x8)
- c1=vtop[-1].r;
- vtop[-1].r=get_reg_ex(RC_FLOAT,two2mask(vtop[-1].r,c1));
- c1=fpr(vtop[-1].r);
- }
- vtop--;
- o(x|(r<<16)|(c1<<12)|r2);
-/* convert integers to fp 't' type. Must handle 'int', 'unsigned int'
- and 'long long' cases. */
-void gen_cvt_itof1(int t)
- int r,r2,bt;
- bt=vtop->type.t & VT_BTYPE;
- if(bt == VT_INT || bt == VT_SHORT || bt == VT_BYTE) {
-#ifndef TCC_ARM_VFP
- unsigned int dsize=0;
- r=intr(gv(RC_INT));
-#ifdef TCC_ARM_VFP
- r2=vfpr(vtop->r=get_reg(RC_FLOAT));
- o(0xEE000A10|(r<<12)|(r2<<16)); /* fmsr */
- r2<<=12;
- if(!(vtop->type.t & VT_UNSIGNED))
- r2|=0x80; /* fuitoX -> fsituX */
- o(0xEEB80A40|r2|T2CPR(t)); /* fYitoX*/
- r2=fpr(vtop->r=get_reg(RC_FLOAT));
- if((t & VT_BTYPE) != VT_FLOAT)
- dsize=0x80; /* flts -> fltd */
- o(0xEE000110|dsize|(r2<<16)|(r<<12)); /* flts */
- if((vtop->type.t & (VT_UNSIGNED|VT_BTYPE)) == (VT_UNSIGNED|VT_INT)) {
- unsigned int off=0;
- o(0xE3500000|(r<<12)); /* cmp */
- r=fpr(get_reg(RC_FLOAT));
- if(last_itod_magic) {
- off=ind+8-last_itod_magic;
- off/=4;
- if(off>255)
- off=0;
- }
- o(0xBD1F0100|(r<<12)|off); /* ldflts */
- if(!off) {
- o(0xEA000000); /* b */
- last_itod_magic=ind;
- o(0x4F800000); /* 4294967296.0f */
- }
- o(0xBE000100|dsize|(r2<<16)|(r2<<12)|r); /* adflt */
- }
- return;
- } else if(bt == VT_LLONG) {
- int func;
- CType *func_type = 0;
- if((t & VT_BTYPE) == VT_FLOAT) {
- func_type = &func_float_type;
- if(vtop->type.t & VT_UNSIGNED)
- func=TOK___floatundisf;
- else
- func=TOK___floatdisf;
-#if LDOUBLE_SIZE != 8
- } else if((t & VT_BTYPE) == VT_LDOUBLE) {
- func_type = &func_ldouble_type;
- if(vtop->type.t & VT_UNSIGNED)
- func=TOK___floatundixf;
- else
- func=TOK___floatdixf;
- } else if((t & VT_BTYPE) == VT_DOUBLE) {
- } else if((t & VT_BTYPE) == VT_DOUBLE || (t & VT_BTYPE) == VT_LDOUBLE) {
- func_type = &func_double_type;
- if(vtop->type.t & VT_UNSIGNED)
- func=TOK___floatundidf;
- else
- func=TOK___floatdidf;
- }
- if(func_type) {
- vpush_global_sym(func_type, func);
- vswap();
- gfunc_call(1);
- vpushi(0);
- vtop->r=TREG_F0;
- return;
- }
- }
- error("unimplemented gen_cvt_itof %x!",vtop->type.t);
-/* convert fp to int 't' type */
-void gen_cvt_ftoi(int t)
- int r,r2,u,func=0;
- t&=VT_BTYPE;
- r2=vtop->type.t & VT_BTYPE;
- if(t==VT_INT) {
-#ifdef TCC_ARM_VFP
- r=vfpr(gv(RC_FLOAT));
- u=u?0:0x10000;
- o(0xEEBC0A40|(r<<12)|r|T2CPR(r2)); /* ftoXiY */
- r2=intr(vtop->r=get_reg(RC_INT));
- o(0xEE100A10|(r<<16)|(r2<<12));
- return;
- if(u) {
- if(r2 == VT_FLOAT)
- func=TOK___fixunssfsi;
-#if LDOUBLE_SIZE != 8
- else if(r2 == VT_LDOUBLE)
- func=TOK___fixunsxfsi;
- else if(r2 == VT_DOUBLE)
- else if(r2 == VT_LDOUBLE || r2 == VT_DOUBLE)
- func=TOK___fixunsdfsi;
- } else {
- r=fpr(gv(RC_FLOAT));
- r2=intr(vtop->r=get_reg(RC_INT));
- o(0xEE100170|(r2<<12)|r);
- return;
- }
- } else if(t == VT_LLONG) { // unsigned handled in gen_cvt_ftoi1
- if(r2 == VT_FLOAT)
- func=TOK___fixsfdi;
-#if LDOUBLE_SIZE != 8
- else if(r2 == VT_LDOUBLE)
- func=TOK___fixxfdi;
- else if(r2 == VT_DOUBLE)
- else if(r2 == VT_LDOUBLE || r2 == VT_DOUBLE)
- func=TOK___fixdfdi;
- }
- if(func) {
- vpush_global_sym(&func_old_type, func);
- vswap();
- gfunc_call(1);
- vpushi(0);
- if(t == VT_LLONG)
- vtop->r2 = REG_LRET;
- vtop->r = REG_IRET;
- return;
- }
- error("unimplemented gen_cvt_ftoi!");
-/* convert from one floating point type to another */
-void gen_cvt_ftof(int t)
-#ifdef TCC_ARM_VFP
- if(((vtop->type.t & VT_BTYPE) == VT_FLOAT) != ((t & VT_BTYPE) == VT_FLOAT)) {
- int r=vfpr(gv(RC_FLOAT));
- o(0xEEB70AC0|(r<<12)|r|T2CPR(vtop->type.t));
- }
- /* all we have to do on i386 and FPA ARM is to put the float in a register */
- gv(RC_FLOAT);
-/* computed goto support */
-void ggoto(void)
- gcall_or_jmp(1);
- vtop--;
-/* end of ARM code generator */
diff --git a/05/tcc-0.9.25/assert.h b/05/tcc-0.9.25/assert.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 8cac979..0000000
--- a/05/tcc-0.9.25/assert.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef _ASSERT_H
-#define _ASSERT_H
-// assert is defined in stdc_common.h
-#include <stdc_common.h>
-#endif // _ASSERT_H
diff --git a/05/tcc-0.9.25/c67-gen.c b/05/tcc-0.9.25/c67-gen.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 04f8a12..0000000
--- a/05/tcc-0.9.25/c67-gen.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2548 +0,0 @@
- * TMS320C67xx code generator for TCC
- *
- * Copyright (c) 2001, 2002 Fabrice Bellard
- *
- * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
- * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
- * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * Lesser General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
- * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
- */
-/* number of available registers */
-#define NB_REGS 24
-/* a register can belong to several classes. The classes must be
- sorted from more general to more precise (see gv2() code which does
- assumptions on it). */
-#define RC_INT 0x0001 /* generic integer register */
-#define RC_FLOAT 0x0002 /* generic float register */
-#define RC_EAX 0x0004
-#define RC_ST0 0x0008
-#define RC_ECX 0x0010
-#define RC_EDX 0x0020
-#define RC_INT_BSIDE 0x00000040 /* generic integer register on b side */
-#define RC_C67_A4 0x00000100
-#define RC_C67_A5 0x00000200
-#define RC_C67_B4 0x00000400
-#define RC_C67_B5 0x00000800
-#define RC_C67_A6 0x00001000
-#define RC_C67_A7 0x00002000
-#define RC_C67_B6 0x00004000
-#define RC_C67_B7 0x00008000
-#define RC_C67_A8 0x00010000
-#define RC_C67_A9 0x00020000
-#define RC_C67_B8 0x00040000
-#define RC_C67_B9 0x00080000
-#define RC_C67_A10 0x00100000
-#define RC_C67_A11 0x00200000
-#define RC_C67_B10 0x00400000
-#define RC_C67_B11 0x00800000
-#define RC_C67_A12 0x01000000
-#define RC_C67_A13 0x02000000
-#define RC_C67_B12 0x04000000
-#define RC_C67_B13 0x08000000
-#define RC_IRET RC_C67_A4 /* function return: integer register */
-#define RC_LRET RC_C67_A5 /* function return: second integer register */
-#define RC_FRET RC_C67_A4 /* function return: float register */
-/* pretty names for the registers */
-enum {
- TREG_EAX = 0, // really A2
- TREG_ECX, // really A3
- TREG_EDX, // really B0
- TREG_ST0, // really B1
- TREG_C67_A4,
- TREG_C67_A5,
- TREG_C67_B4,
- TREG_C67_B5,
- TREG_C67_A6,
- TREG_C67_A7,
- TREG_C67_B6,
- TREG_C67_B7,
- TREG_C67_A8,
- TREG_C67_A9,
- TREG_C67_B8,
- TREG_C67_B9,
- TREG_C67_A10,
- TREG_C67_A11,
- TREG_C67_B10,
- TREG_C67_B11,
- TREG_C67_A12,
- TREG_C67_A13,
- TREG_C67_B12,
- TREG_C67_B13,
-int reg_classes[NB_REGS] = {
- /* eax */ RC_INT | RC_FLOAT | RC_EAX,
- // only allow even regs for floats (allow for doubles)
- /* ecx */ RC_INT | RC_ECX,
- /* edx */ RC_INT | RC_INT_BSIDE | RC_FLOAT | RC_EDX,
- // only allow even regs for floats (allow for doubles)
- /* st0 */ RC_INT | RC_INT_BSIDE | RC_ST0,
- /* A4 */ RC_C67_A4,
- /* A5 */ RC_C67_A5,
- /* B4 */ RC_C67_B4,
- /* B5 */ RC_C67_B5,
- /* A6 */ RC_C67_A6,
- /* A7 */ RC_C67_A7,
- /* B6 */ RC_C67_B6,
- /* B7 */ RC_C67_B7,
- /* A8 */ RC_C67_A8,
- /* A9 */ RC_C67_A9,
- /* B8 */ RC_C67_B8,
- /* B9 */ RC_C67_B9,
- /* A10 */ RC_C67_A10,
- /* A11 */ RC_C67_A11,
- /* B10 */ RC_C67_B10,
- /* B11 */ RC_C67_B11,
- /* A12 */ RC_C67_A10,
- /* A13 */ RC_C67_A11,
- /* B12 */ RC_C67_B10,
- /* B13 */ RC_C67_B11
-/* return registers for function */
-#define REG_IRET TREG_C67_A4 /* single word int return register */
-#define REG_LRET TREG_C67_A5 /* second word return register (for long long) */
-#define REG_FRET TREG_C67_A4 /* float return register */
-#define ALWAYS_ASSERT(x) \
-do {\
- if (!(x))\
- error("internal compiler error file at %s:%d", __FILE__, __LINE__);\
-} while (0)
-// although tcc thinks it is passing parameters on the stack,
-// the C67 really passes up to the first 10 params in special
-// regs or regs pairs (for 64 bit params). So keep track of
-// the stack offsets so we can translate to the appropriate
-// reg (pair)
-#define NoCallArgsPassedOnStack 10
-int NoOfCurFuncArgs;
-int TranslateStackToReg[NoCallArgsPassedOnStack];
-int ParamLocOnStack[NoCallArgsPassedOnStack];
-int TotalBytesPushedOnStack;
-/* defined if function parameters must be evaluated in reverse order */
-/* defined if structures are passed as pointers. Otherwise structures
- are directly pushed on stack. */
-/* pointer size, in bytes */
-#define PTR_SIZE 4
-/* long double size and alignment, in bytes */
-#define LDOUBLE_SIZE 12
-#define LDOUBLE_ALIGN 4
-/* maximum alignment (for aligned attribute support) */
-#define MAX_ALIGN 8
-/* ELF defines */
-#define EM_TCC_TARGET EM_C60
-/* relocation type for 32 bit data relocation */
-#define R_DATA_32 R_C60_32
-#define R_JMP_SLOT R_C60_JMP_SLOT
-#define R_COPY R_C60_COPY
-#define ELF_START_ADDR 0x00000400
-#define ELF_PAGE_SIZE 0x1000
-static unsigned long func_sub_sp_offset;
-static int func_ret_sub;
-static BOOL C67_invert_test;
-static int C67_compare_reg;
-FILE *f = NULL;
-void C67_g(int c)
- int ind1;
- fprintf(f, " %08X", c);
- ind1 = ind + 4;
- if (ind1 > (int) cur_text_section->data_allocated)
- section_realloc(cur_text_section, ind1);
- cur_text_section->data[ind] = c & 0xff;
- cur_text_section->data[ind + 1] = (c >> 8) & 0xff;
- cur_text_section->data[ind + 2] = (c >> 16) & 0xff;
- cur_text_section->data[ind + 3] = (c >> 24) & 0xff;
- ind = ind1;
-/* output a symbol and patch all calls to it */
-void gsym_addr(int t, int a)
- int n, *ptr;
- while (t) {
- ptr = (int *) (cur_text_section->data + t);
- {
- Sym *sym;
- // extract 32 bit address from MVKH/MVKL
- n = ((*ptr >> 7) & 0xffff);
- n |= ((*(ptr + 1) >> 7) & 0xffff) << 16;
- // define a label that will be relocated
- sym = get_sym_ref(&char_pointer_type, cur_text_section, a, 0);
- greloc(cur_text_section, sym, t, R_C60LO16);
- greloc(cur_text_section, sym, t + 4, R_C60HI16);
- // clear out where the pointer was
- *ptr &= ~(0xffff << 7);
- *(ptr + 1) &= ~(0xffff << 7);
- }
- t = n;
- }
-void gsym(int t)
- gsym_addr(t, ind);
-// these are regs that tcc doesn't really know about,
-// but asign them unique values so the mapping routines
-// can distinquish them
-#define C67_A0 105
-#define C67_SP 106
-#define C67_B3 107
-#define C67_FP 108
-#define C67_B2 109
-#define C67_CREG_ZERO -1 // Special code for no condition reg test
-int ConvertRegToRegClass(int r)
- // only works for A4-B13
- return RC_C67_A4 << (r - TREG_C67_A4);
-// map TCC reg to C67 reg number
-int C67_map_regn(int r)
- if (r == 0) // normal tcc regs
- return 0x2; // A2
- else if (r == 1) // normal tcc regs
- return 3; // A3
- else if (r == 2) // normal tcc regs
- return 0; // B0
- else if (r == 3) // normal tcc regs
- return 1; // B1
- else if (r >= TREG_C67_A4 && r <= TREG_C67_B13) // these form a pattern of alt pairs
- return (((r & 0xfffffffc) >> 1) | (r & 1)) + 2;
- else if (r == C67_A0)
- return 0; // set to A0 (offset reg)
- else if (r == C67_B2)
- return 2; // set to B2 (offset reg)
- else if (r == C67_B3)
- return 3; // set to B3 (return address reg)
- else if (r == C67_SP)
- return 15; // set to SP (B15) (offset reg)
- else if (r == C67_FP)
- return 15; // set to FP (A15) (offset reg)
- else if (r == C67_CREG_ZERO)
- return 0; // Special code for no condition reg test
- else
- return 0;
-// mapping from tcc reg number to
-// C67 register to condition code field
-// valid condition code regs are:
-// tcc reg 2 ->B0 -> 1
-// tcc reg 3 ->B1 -> 2
-// tcc reg 0 -> A2 -> 5
-// tcc reg 1 -> A3 -> X
-// tcc reg B2 -> 3
-int C67_map_regc(int r)
- if (r == 0) // normal tcc regs
- return 0x5;
- else if (r == 2) // normal tcc regs
- return 0x1;
- else if (r == 3) // normal tcc regs
- return 0x2;
- else if (r == C67_B2) // normal tcc regs
- return 0x3;
- else if (r == C67_CREG_ZERO)
- return 0; // Special code for no condition reg test
- else
- return 0;
-// map TCC reg to C67 reg side A or B
-int C67_map_regs(int r)
- if (r == 0) // normal tcc regs
- return 0x0;
- else if (r == 1) // normal tcc regs
- return 0x0;
- else if (r == 2) // normal tcc regs
- return 0x1;
- else if (r == 3) // normal tcc regs
- return 0x1;
- else if (r >= TREG_C67_A4 && r <= TREG_C67_B13) // these form a pattern of alt pairs
- return (r & 2) >> 1;
- else if (r == C67_A0)
- return 0; // set to A side
- else if (r == C67_B2)
- return 1; // set to B side
- else if (r == C67_B3)
- return 1; // set to B side
- else if (r == C67_SP)
- return 0x1; // set to SP (B15) B side
- else if (r == C67_FP)
- return 0x0; // set to FP (A15) A side
- else
- return 0;
-int C67_map_S12(char *s)
- if (strstr(s, ".S1") != NULL)
- return 0;
- else if (strcmp(s, ".S2"))
- return 1;
- else
- return 0;
-int C67_map_D12(char *s)
- if (strstr(s, ".D1") != NULL)
- return 0;
- else if (strcmp(s, ".D2"))
- return 1;
- else
- return 0;
-void C67_asm(char *s, int a, int b, int c)
- BOOL xpath;
- if (!f) {
- f = fopen("TCC67_out.txt", "wt");
- }
- fprintf(f, "%04X ", ind);
- if (strstr(s, "MVKL") == s) {
- C67_g((C67_map_regn(b) << 23) |
- ((a & 0xffff) << 7) | (0x0a << 2) | (C67_map_regs(b) << 1));
- } else if (strstr(s, "MVKH") == s) {
- C67_g((C67_map_regn(b) << 23) |
- (((a >> 16) & 0xffff) << 7) |
- (0x1a << 2) | (C67_map_regs(b) << 1));
- } else if (strstr(s, "STW.D SP POST DEC") == s) {
- C67_g((C67_map_regn(a) << 23) | //src
- (15 << 18) | //SP B15
- (2 << 13) | //ucst5 (must keep 8 byte boundary !!)
- (0xa << 9) | //mode a = post dec ucst
- (0 << 8) | //r (LDDW bit 0)
- (1 << 7) | //y D1/D2 use B side
- (7 << 4) | //ldst 3=STB, 5=STH 5, 7=STW, 6=LDW 4=LDH 2=LDB 0=LDHU 1=LDBU
- (1 << 2) | //opcode
- (C67_map_regs(a) << 1) | //side of src
- (0 << 0)); //parallel
- } else if (strstr(s, "STB.D *+SP[A0]") == s) {
- C67_g((C67_map_regn(a) << 23) | //src
- (15 << 18) | //base reg A15
- (0 << 13) | //offset reg A0
- (5 << 9) | //mode 5 = pos offset, base reg + off reg
- (0 << 8) | //r (LDDW bit 0)
- (0 << 7) | //y D1/D2 A side
- (3 << 4) | //ldst 3=STB, 5=STH 5, 7=STW, 6=LDW 4=LDH 2=LDB 0=LDHU 1=LDBU
- (1 << 2) | //opcode
- (C67_map_regs(a) << 1) | //side of src
- (0 << 0)); //parallel
- } else if (strstr(s, "STH.D *+SP[A0]") == s) {
- C67_g((C67_map_regn(a) << 23) | //src
- (15 << 18) | //base reg A15
- (0 << 13) | //offset reg A0
- (5 << 9) | //mode 5 = pos offset, base reg + off reg
- (0 << 8) | //r (LDDW bit 0)
- (0 << 7) | //y D1/D2 A side
- (5 << 4) | //ldst 3=STB, 5=STH 5, 7=STW, 6=LDW 4=LDH 2=LDB 0=LDHU 1=LDBU
- (1 << 2) | //opcode
- (C67_map_regs(a) << 1) | //side of src
- (0 << 0)); //parallel
- } else if (strstr(s, "STB.D *+SP[A0]") == s) {
- C67_g((C67_map_regn(a) << 23) | //src
- (15 << 18) | //base reg A15
- (0 << 13) | //offset reg A0
- (5 << 9) | //mode 5 = pos offset, base reg + off reg
- (0 << 8) | //r (LDDW bit 0)
- (0 << 7) | //y D1/D2 A side
- (3 << 4) | //ldst 3=STB, 5=STH 5, 7=STW, 6=LDW 4=LDH 2=LDB 0=LDHU 1=LDBU
- (1 << 2) | //opcode
- (C67_map_regs(a) << 1) | //side of src
- (0 << 0)); //parallel
- } else if (strstr(s, "STH.D *+SP[A0]") == s) {
- C67_g((C67_map_regn(a) << 23) | //src
- (15 << 18) | //base reg A15
- (0 << 13) | //offset reg A0
- (5 << 9) | //mode 5 = pos offset, base reg + off reg
- (0 << 8) | //r (LDDW bit 0)
- (0 << 7) | //y D1/D2 A side
- (5 << 4) | //ldst 3=STB, 5=STH 5, 7=STW, 6=LDW 4=LDH 2=LDB 0=LDHU 1=LDBU
- (1 << 2) | //opcode
- (C67_map_regs(a) << 1) | //side of src
- (0 << 0)); //parallel
- } else if (strstr(s, "STW.D *+SP[A0]") == s) {
- C67_g((C67_map_regn(a) << 23) | //src
- (15 << 18) | //base reg A15
- (0 << 13) | //offset reg A0
- (5 << 9) | //mode 5 = pos offset, base reg + off reg
- (0 << 8) | //r (LDDW bit 0)
- (0 << 7) | //y D1/D2 A side
- (7 << 4) | //ldst 3=STB, 5=STH 5, 7=STW, 6=LDW 4=LDH 2=LDB 0=LDHU 1=LDBU
- (1 << 2) | //opcode
- (C67_map_regs(a) << 1) | //side of src
- (0 << 0)); //parallel
- } else if (strstr(s, "STW.D *") == s) {
- C67_g((C67_map_regn(a) << 23) | //src
- (C67_map_regn(b) << 18) | //base reg A0
- (0 << 13) | //cst5
- (1 << 9) | //mode 1 = pos cst offset
- (0 << 8) | //r (LDDW bit 0)
- (C67_map_regs(b) << 7) | //y D1/D2 base reg side
- (7 << 4) | //ldst 3=STB, 5=STH 5, 7=STW, 6=LDW 4=LDH 2=LDB 0=LDHU 1=LDBU
- (1 << 2) | //opcode
- (C67_map_regs(a) << 1) | //side of src
- (0 << 0)); //parallel
- } else if (strstr(s, "STH.D *") == s) {
- C67_g((C67_map_regn(a) << 23) | //src
- (C67_map_regn(b) << 18) | //base reg A0
- (0 << 13) | //cst5
- (1 << 9) | //mode 1 = pos cst offset
- (0 << 8) | //r (LDDW bit 0)
- (C67_map_regs(b) << 7) | //y D1/D2 base reg side
- (5 << 4) | //ldst 3=STB, 5=STH 5, 7=STW, 6=LDW 4=LDH 2=LDB 0=LDHU 1=LDBU
- (1 << 2) | //opcode
- (C67_map_regs(a) << 1) | //side of src
- (0 << 0)); //parallel
- } else if (strstr(s, "STB.D *") == s) {
- C67_g((C67_map_regn(a) << 23) | //src
- (C67_map_regn(b) << 18) | //base reg A0
- (0 << 13) | //cst5
- (1 << 9) | //mode 1 = pos cst offset
- (0 << 8) | //r (LDDW bit 0)
- (C67_map_regs(b) << 7) | //y D1/D2 base reg side
- (3 << 4) | //ldst 3=STB, 5=STH 5, 7=STW, 6=LDW 4=LDH 2=LDB 0=LDHU 1=LDBU
- (1 << 2) | //opcode
- (C67_map_regs(a) << 1) | //side of src
- (0 << 0)); //parallel
- } else if (strstr(s, "STW.D +*") == s) {
- ALWAYS_ASSERT(c < 32);
- C67_g((C67_map_regn(a) << 23) | //src
- (C67_map_regn(b) << 18) | //base reg A0
- (c << 13) | //cst5
- (1 << 9) | //mode 1 = pos cst offset
- (0 << 8) | //r (LDDW bit 0)
- (C67_map_regs(b) << 7) | //y D1/D2 base reg side
- (7 << 4) | //ldst 3=STB, 5=STH 5, 7=STW, 6=LDW 4=LDH 2=LDB 0=LDHU 1=LDBU
- (1 << 2) | //opcode
- (C67_map_regs(a) << 1) | //side of src
- (0 << 0)); //parallel
- } else if (strstr(s, "LDW.D SP PRE INC") == s) {
- C67_g((C67_map_regn(a) << 23) | //dst
- (15 << 18) | //base reg B15
- (2 << 13) | //ucst5 (must keep 8 byte boundary)
- (9 << 9) | //mode 9 = pre inc ucst5
- (0 << 8) | //r (LDDW bit 0)
- (1 << 7) | //y D1/D2 B side
- (6 << 4) | //ldst 3=STB, 5=STH 5, 7=STW, 6=LDW 4=LDH 2=LDB 0=LDHU 1=LDBU
- (1 << 2) | //opcode
- (C67_map_regs(a) << 1) | //side of dst
- (0 << 0)); //parallel
- } else if (strstr(s, "LDDW.D SP PRE INC") == s) {
- C67_g((C67_map_regn(a) << 23) | //dst
- (15 << 18) | //base reg B15
- (1 << 13) | //ucst5 (must keep 8 byte boundary)
- (9 << 9) | //mode 9 = pre inc ucst5
- (1 << 8) | //r (LDDW bit 1)
- (1 << 7) | //y D1/D2 B side
- (6 << 4) | //ldst 3=STB, 5=STH 5, 7=STW, 6=LDW 4=LDH 2=LDB 0=LDHU 1=LDBU
- (1 << 2) | //opcode
- (C67_map_regs(a) << 1) | //side of dst
- (0 << 0)); //parallel
- } else if (strstr(s, "LDW.D *+SP[A0]") == s) {
- C67_g((C67_map_regn(a) << 23) | //dst
- (15 << 18) | //base reg A15
- (0 << 13) | //offset reg A0
- (5 << 9) | //mode 5 = pos offset, base reg + off reg
- (0 << 8) | //r (LDDW bit 0)
- (0 << 7) | //y D1/D2 A side
- (6 << 4) | //ldst 3=STB, 5=STH 5, 7=STW, 6=LDW 4=LDH 2=LDB 0=LDHU 1=LDBU
- (1 << 2) | //opcode
- (C67_map_regs(a) << 1) | //side of dst
- (0 << 0)); //parallel
- } else if (strstr(s, "LDDW.D *+SP[A0]") == s) {
- C67_g((C67_map_regn(a) << 23) | //dst
- (15 << 18) | //base reg A15
- (0 << 13) | //offset reg A0
- (5 << 9) | //mode 5 = pos offset, base reg + off reg
- (1 << 8) | //r (LDDW bit 1)
- (0 << 7) | //y D1/D2 A side
- (6 << 4) | //ldst 3=STB, 5=STH 5, 7=STW, 6=LDW 4=LDH 2=LDB 0=LDHU 1=LDBU
- (1 << 2) | //opcode
- (C67_map_regs(a) << 1) | //side of dst
- (0 << 0)); //parallel
- } else if (strstr(s, "LDH.D *+SP[A0]") == s) {
- C67_g((C67_map_regn(a) << 23) | //dst
- (15 << 18) | //base reg A15
- (0 << 13) | //offset reg A0
- (5 << 9) | //mode 5 = pos offset, base reg + off reg
- (0 << 8) | //r (LDDW bit 0)
- (0 << 7) | //y D1/D2 A side
- (4 << 4) | //ldst 3=STB, 5=STH 5, 7=STW, 6=LDW 4=LDH 2=LDB 0=LDHU 1=LDBU
- (1 << 2) | //opcode
- (C67_map_regs(a) << 1) | //side of dst
- (0 << 0)); //parallel
- } else if (strstr(s, "LDB.D *+SP[A0]") == s) {
- C67_g((C67_map_regn(a) << 23) | //dst
- (15 << 18) | //base reg A15
- (0 << 13) | //offset reg A0
- (5 << 9) | //mode 5 = pos offset, base reg + off reg
- (0 << 8) | //r (LDDW bit 0)
- (0 << 7) | //y D1/D2 A side
- (2 << 4) | //ldst 3=STB, 5=STH 5, 7=STW, 6=LDW 4=LDH 2=LDB 0=LDHU 1=LDBU
- (1 << 2) | //opcode
- (C67_map_regs(a) << 1) | //side of dst
- (0 << 0)); //parallel
- } else if (strstr(s, "LDHU.D *+SP[A0]") == s) {
- C67_g((C67_map_regn(a) << 23) | //dst
- (15 << 18) | //base reg A15
- (0 << 13) | //offset reg A0
- (5 << 9) | //mode 5 = pos offset, base reg + off reg
- (0 << 8) | //r (LDDW bit 0)
- (0 << 7) | //y D1/D2 A side
- (0 << 4) | //ldst 3=STB, 5=STH 5, 7=STW, 6=LDW 4=LDH 2=LDB 0=LDHU 1=LDBU
- (1 << 2) | //opcode
- (C67_map_regs(a) << 1) | //side of dst
- (0 << 0)); //parallel
- } else if (strstr(s, "LDBU.D *+SP[A0]") == s) {
- C67_g((C67_map_regn(a) << 23) | //dst
- (15 << 18) | //base reg A15
- (0 << 13) | //offset reg A0
- (5 << 9) | //mode 5 = pos offset, base reg + off reg
- (0 << 8) | //r (LDDW bit 0)
- (0 << 7) | //y D1/D2 A side
- (1 << 4) | //ldst 3=STB, 5=STH 5, 7=STW, 6=LDW 4=LDH 2=LDB 0=LDHU 1=LDBU
- (1 << 2) | //opcode
- (C67_map_regs(a) << 1) | //side of dst
- (0 << 0)); //parallel
- } else if (strstr(s, "LDW.D *") == s) {
- C67_g((C67_map_regn(b) << 23) | //dst
- (C67_map_regn(a) << 18) | //base reg A15
- (0 << 13) | //cst5
- (1 << 9) | //mode 1 = pos cst offset
- (0 << 8) | //r (LDDW bit 0)
- (C67_map_regs(a) << 7) | //y D1/D2 src side
- (6 << 4) | //ldst 3=STB, 5=STH 5, 7=STW, 6=LDW 4=LDH 2=LDB 0=LDHU 1=LDBU
- (1 << 2) | //opcode
- (C67_map_regs(b) << 1) | //side of dst
- (0 << 0)); //parallel
- } else if (strstr(s, "LDDW.D *") == s) {
- C67_g((C67_map_regn(b) << 23) | //dst
- (C67_map_regn(a) << 18) | //base reg A15
- (0 << 13) | //cst5
- (1 << 9) | //mode 1 = pos cst offset
- (1 << 8) | //r (LDDW bit 1)
- (C67_map_regs(a) << 7) | //y D1/D2 src side
- (6 << 4) | //ldst 3=STB, 5=STH 5, 7=STW, 6=LDW 4=LDH 2=LDB 0=LDHU 1=LDBU
- (1 << 2) | //opcode
- (C67_map_regs(b) << 1) | //side of dst
- (0 << 0)); //parallel
- } else if (strstr(s, "LDH.D *") == s) {
- C67_g((C67_map_regn(b) << 23) | //dst
- (C67_map_regn(a) << 18) | //base reg A15
- (0 << 13) | //cst5
- (1 << 9) | //mode 1 = pos cst offset
- (0 << 8) | //r (LDDW bit 0)
- (C67_map_regs(a) << 7) | //y D1/D2 src side
- (4 << 4) | //ldst 3=STB, 5=STH 5, 7=STW, 6=LDW 4=LDH 2=LDB 0=LDHU 1=LDBU
- (1 << 2) | //opcode
- (C67_map_regs(b) << 1) | //side of dst
- (0 << 0)); //parallel
- } else if (strstr(s, "LDB.D *") == s) {
- C67_g((C67_map_regn(b) << 23) | //dst
- (C67_map_regn(a) << 18) | //base reg A15
- (0 << 13) | //cst5
- (1 << 9) | //mode 1 = pos cst offset
- (0 << 8) | //r (LDDW bit 0)
- (C67_map_regs(a) << 7) | //y D1/D2 src side
- (2 << 4) | //ldst 3=STB, 5=STH 5, 7=STW, 6=LDW 4=LDH 2=LDB 0=LDHU 1=LDBU
- (1 << 2) | //opcode
- (C67_map_regs(b) << 1) | //side of dst
- (0 << 0)); //parallel
- } else if (strstr(s, "LDHU.D *") == s) {
- C67_g((C67_map_regn(b) << 23) | //dst
- (C67_map_regn(a) << 18) | //base reg A15
- (0 << 13) | //cst5
- (1 << 9) | //mode 1 = pos cst offset
- (0 << 8) | //r (LDDW bit 0)
- (C67_map_regs(a) << 7) | //y D1/D2 src side
- (0 << 4) | //ldst 3=STB, 5=STH 5, 7=STW, 6=LDW 4=LDH 2=LDB 0=LDHU 1=LDBU
- (1 << 2) | //opcode
- (C67_map_regs(b) << 1) | //side of dst
- (0 << 0)); //parallel
- } else if (strstr(s, "LDBU.D *") == s) {
- C67_g((C67_map_regn(b) << 23) | //dst
- (C67_map_regn(a) << 18) | //base reg A15
- (0 << 13) | //cst5
- (1 << 9) | //mode 1 = pos cst offset
- (0 << 8) | //r (LDDW bit 0)
- (C67_map_regs(a) << 7) | //y D1/D2 src side
- (1 << 4) | //ldst 3=STB, 5=STH 5, 7=STW, 6=LDW 4=LDH 2=LDB 0=LDHU 1=LDBU
- (1 << 2) | //opcode
- (C67_map_regs(b) << 1) | //side of dst
- (0 << 0)); //parallel
- } else if (strstr(s, "LDW.D +*") == s) {
- C67_g((C67_map_regn(b) << 23) | //dst
- (C67_map_regn(a) << 18) | //base reg A15
- (1 << 13) | //cst5
- (1 << 9) | //mode 1 = pos cst offset
- (0 << 8) | //r (LDDW bit 0)
- (C67_map_regs(a) << 7) | //y D1/D2 src side
- (6 << 4) | //ldst 3=STB, 5=STH 5, 7=STW, 6=LDW 4=LDH 2=LDB 0=LDHU 1=LDBU
- (1 << 2) | //opcode
- (C67_map_regs(b) << 1) | //side of dst
- (0 << 0)); //parallel
- } else if (strstr(s, "CMPLTSP") == s) {
- xpath = C67_map_regs(a) ^ C67_map_regs(b);
- ALWAYS_ASSERT(C67_map_regs(c) == C67_map_regs(a));
- C67_g((C67_map_regn(c) << 23) | //dst
- (C67_map_regn(b) << 18) | //src2
- (C67_map_regn(a) << 13) | //src1
- (xpath << 12) | //x use cross path for src2
- (0x3a << 6) | //opcode
- (0x8 << 2) | //opcode fixed
- (C67_map_regs(c) << 1) | //side for reg c
- (0 << 0)); //parallel
- } else if (strstr(s, "CMPGTSP") == s) {
- xpath = C67_map_regs(a) ^ C67_map_regs(b);
- ALWAYS_ASSERT(C67_map_regs(c) == C67_map_regs(a));
- C67_g((C67_map_regn(c) << 23) | //dst
- (C67_map_regn(b) << 18) | //src2
- (C67_map_regn(a) << 13) | //src1
- (xpath << 12) | //x use cross path for src2
- (0x39 << 6) | //opcode
- (0x8 << 2) | //opcode fixed
- (C67_map_regs(c) << 1) | //side for reg c
- (0 << 0)); //parallel
- } else if (strstr(s, "CMPEQSP") == s) {
- xpath = C67_map_regs(a) ^ C67_map_regs(b);
- ALWAYS_ASSERT(C67_map_regs(c) == C67_map_regs(a));
- C67_g((C67_map_regn(c) << 23) | //dst
- (C67_map_regn(b) << 18) | //src2
- (C67_map_regn(a) << 13) | //src1
- (xpath << 12) | //x use cross path for src2
- (0x38 << 6) | //opcode
- (0x8 << 2) | //opcode fixed
- (C67_map_regs(c) << 1) | //side for reg c
- (0 << 0)); //parallel
- }
- else if (strstr(s, "CMPLTDP") == s) {
- xpath = C67_map_regs(a) ^ C67_map_regs(b);
- ALWAYS_ASSERT(C67_map_regs(c) == C67_map_regs(a));
- C67_g((C67_map_regn(c) << 23) | //dst
- (C67_map_regn(b) << 18) | //src2
- (C67_map_regn(a) << 13) | //src1
- (xpath << 12) | //x use cross path for src2
- (0x2a << 6) | //opcode
- (0x8 << 2) | //opcode fixed
- (C67_map_regs(c) << 1) | //side for reg c
- (0 << 0)); //parallel
- } else if (strstr(s, "CMPGTDP") == s) {
- xpath = C67_map_regs(a) ^ C67_map_regs(b);
- ALWAYS_ASSERT(C67_map_regs(c) == C67_map_regs(a));
- C67_g((C67_map_regn(c) << 23) | //dst
- (C67_map_regn(b) << 18) | //src2
- (C67_map_regn(a) << 13) | //src1
- (xpath << 12) | //x use cross path for src2
- (0x29 << 6) | //opcode
- (0x8 << 2) | //opcode fixed
- (C67_map_regs(c) << 1) | //side for reg c
- (0 << 0)); //parallel
- } else if (strstr(s, "CMPEQDP") == s) {
- xpath = C67_map_regs(a) ^ C67_map_regs(b);
- ALWAYS_ASSERT(C67_map_regs(c) == C67_map_regs(a));
- C67_g((C67_map_regn(c) << 23) | //dst
- (C67_map_regn(b) << 18) | //src2
- (C67_map_regn(a) << 13) | //src1
- (xpath << 12) | //x use cross path for src2
- (0x28 << 6) | //opcode
- (0x8 << 2) | //opcode fixed
- (C67_map_regs(c) << 1) | //side for reg c
- (0 << 0)); //parallel
- } else if (strstr(s, "CMPLT") == s) {
- xpath = C67_map_regs(a) ^ C67_map_regs(b);
- ALWAYS_ASSERT(C67_map_regs(c) == C67_map_regs(a));
- C67_g((C67_map_regn(c) << 23) | //dst
- (C67_map_regn(b) << 18) | //src2
- (C67_map_regn(a) << 13) | //src1
- (xpath << 12) | //x use cross path for src2
- (0x57 << 5) | //opcode
- (0x6 << 2) | //opcode fixed
- (C67_map_regs(c) << 1) | //side for reg c
- (0 << 0)); //parallel
- } else if (strstr(s, "CMPGT") == s) {
- xpath = C67_map_regs(a) ^ C67_map_regs(b);
- ALWAYS_ASSERT(C67_map_regs(c) == C67_map_regs(a));
- C67_g((C67_map_regn(c) << 23) | //dst
- (C67_map_regn(b) << 18) | //src2
- (C67_map_regn(a) << 13) | //src1
- (xpath << 12) | //x use cross path for src2
- (0x47 << 5) | //opcode
- (0x6 << 2) | //opcode fixed
- (C67_map_regs(c) << 1) | //side for reg c
- (0 << 0)); //parallel
- } else if (strstr(s, "CMPEQ") == s) {
- xpath = C67_map_regs(a) ^ C67_map_regs(b);
- ALWAYS_ASSERT(C67_map_regs(c) == C67_map_regs(a));
- C67_g((C67_map_regn(c) << 23) | //dst
- (C67_map_regn(b) << 18) | //src2
- (C67_map_regn(a) << 13) | //src1
- (xpath << 12) | //x use cross path for src2
- (0x53 << 5) | //opcode
- (0x6 << 2) | //opcode fixed
- (C67_map_regs(c) << 1) | //side for reg c
- (0 << 0)); //parallel
- } else if (strstr(s, "CMPLTU") == s) {
- xpath = C67_map_regs(a) ^ C67_map_regs(b);
- ALWAYS_ASSERT(C67_map_regs(c) == C67_map_regs(a));
- C67_g((C67_map_regn(c) << 23) | //dst
- (C67_map_regn(b) << 18) | //src2
- (C67_map_regn(a) << 13) | //src1
- (xpath << 12) | //x use cross path for src2
- (0x5f << 5) | //opcode
- (0x6 << 2) | //opcode fixed
- (C67_map_regs(c) << 1) | //side for reg c
- (0 << 0)); //parallel
- } else if (strstr(s, "CMPGTU") == s) {
- xpath = C67_map_regs(a) ^ C67_map_regs(b);
- ALWAYS_ASSERT(C67_map_regs(c) == C67_map_regs(a));
- C67_g((C67_map_regn(c) << 23) | //dst
- (C67_map_regn(b) << 18) | //src2
- (C67_map_regn(a) << 13) | //src1
- (xpath << 12) | //x use cross path for src2
- (0x4f << 5) | //opcode
- (0x6 << 2) | //opcode fixed
- (C67_map_regs(c) << 1) | //side for reg c
- (0 << 0)); //parallel
- } else if (strstr(s, "B DISP") == s) {
- C67_g((0 << 29) | //creg
- (0 << 28) | //z
- (a << 7) | //cnst
- (0x4 << 2) | //opcode fixed
- (0 << 1) | //S0/S1
- (0 << 0)); //parallel
- } else if (strstr(s, "B.") == s) {
- xpath = C67_map_regs(c) ^ 1;
- C67_g((C67_map_regc(b) << 29) | //creg
- (a << 28) | //inv
- (0 << 23) | //dst
- (C67_map_regn(c) << 18) | //src2
- (0 << 13) | //
- (xpath << 12) | //x cross path if !B side
- (0xd << 6) | //opcode
- (0x8 << 2) | //opcode fixed
- (1 << 1) | //must be S2
- (0 << 0)); //parallel
- } else if (strstr(s, "MV.L") == s) {
- xpath = C67_map_regs(b) ^ C67_map_regs(c);
- C67_g((0 << 29) | //creg
- (0 << 28) | //inv
- (C67_map_regn(c) << 23) | //dst
- (C67_map_regn(b) << 18) | //src2
- (0 << 13) | //src1 (cst5)
- (xpath << 12) | //x cross path if opposite sides
- (0x2 << 5) | //opcode
- (0x6 << 2) | //opcode fixed
- (C67_map_regs(c) << 1) | //side of dest
- (0 << 0)); //parallel
- } else if (strstr(s, "SPTRUNC.L") == s) {
- xpath = C67_map_regs(b) ^ C67_map_regs(c);
- C67_g((0 << 29) | //creg
- (0 << 28) | //inv
- (C67_map_regn(c) << 23) | //dst
- (C67_map_regn(b) << 18) | //src2
- (0 << 13) | //src1 NA
- (xpath << 12) | //x cross path if opposite sides
- (0xb << 5) | //opcode
- (0x6 << 2) | //opcode fixed
- (C67_map_regs(c) << 1) | //side of dest
- (0 << 0)); //parallel
- } else if (strstr(s, "DPTRUNC.L") == s) {
- xpath = C67_map_regs(b) ^ C67_map_regs(c);
- C67_g((0 << 29) | //creg
- (0 << 28) | //inv
- (C67_map_regn(c) << 23) | //dst
- ((C67_map_regn(b) + 1) << 18) | //src2 WEIRD CPU must specify odd reg for some reason
- (0 << 13) | //src1 NA
- (xpath << 12) | //x cross path if opposite sides
- (0x1 << 5) | //opcode
- (0x6 << 2) | //opcode fixed
- (C67_map_regs(c) << 1) | //side of dest
- (0 << 0)); //parallel
- } else if (strstr(s, "INTSP.L") == s) {
- xpath = C67_map_regs(b) ^ C67_map_regs(c);
- C67_g((0 << 29) | //creg
- (0 << 28) | //inv
- (C67_map_regn(c) << 23) | //dst
- (C67_map_regn(b) << 18) | //src2
- (0 << 13) | //src1 NA
- (xpath << 12) | //x cross path if opposite sides
- (0x4a << 5) | //opcode
- (0x6 << 2) | //opcode fixed
- (C67_map_regs(c) << 1) | //side of dest
- (0 << 0)); //parallel
- } else if (strstr(s, "INTSPU.L") == s) {
- xpath = C67_map_regs(b) ^ C67_map_regs(c);
- C67_g((0 << 29) | //creg
- (0 << 28) | //inv
- (C67_map_regn(c) << 23) | //dst
- (C67_map_regn(b) << 18) | //src2
- (0 << 13) | //src1 NA
- (xpath << 12) | //x cross path if opposite sides
- (0x49 << 5) | //opcode
- (0x6 << 2) | //opcode fixed
- (C67_map_regs(c) << 1) | //side of dest
- (0 << 0)); //parallel
- } else if (strstr(s, "INTDP.L") == s) {
- xpath = C67_map_regs(b) ^ C67_map_regs(c);
- C67_g((0 << 29) | //creg
- (0 << 28) | //inv
- (C67_map_regn(c) << 23) | //dst
- (C67_map_regn(b) << 18) | //src2
- (0 << 13) | //src1 NA
- (xpath << 12) | //x cross path if opposite sides
- (0x39 << 5) | //opcode
- (0x6 << 2) | //opcode fixed
- (C67_map_regs(c) << 1) | //side of dest
- (0 << 0)); //parallel
- } else if (strstr(s, "INTDPU.L") == s) {
- xpath = C67_map_regs(b) ^ C67_map_regs(c);
- C67_g((0 << 29) | //creg
- (0 << 28) | //inv
- (C67_map_regn(c) << 23) | //dst
- ((C67_map_regn(b) + 1) << 18) | //src2 WEIRD CPU must specify odd reg for some reason
- (0 << 13) | //src1 NA
- (xpath << 12) | //x cross path if opposite sides
- (0x3b << 5) | //opcode
- (0x6 << 2) | //opcode fixed
- (C67_map_regs(c) << 1) | //side of dest
- (0 << 0)); //parallel
- } else if (strstr(s, "SPDP.L") == s) {
- xpath = C67_map_regs(b) ^ C67_map_regs(c);
- C67_g((0 << 29) | //creg
- (0 << 28) | //inv
- (C67_map_regn(c) << 23) | //dst
- (C67_map_regn(b) << 18) | //src2
- (0 << 13) | //src1 NA
- (xpath << 12) | //x cross path if opposite sides
- (0x2 << 6) | //opcode
- (0x8 << 2) | //opcode fixed
- (C67_map_regs(c) << 1) | //side of dest
- (0 << 0)); //parallel
- } else if (strstr(s, "DPSP.L") == s) {
- ALWAYS_ASSERT(C67_map_regs(b) == C67_map_regs(c));
- C67_g((0 << 29) | //creg
- (0 << 28) | //inv
- (C67_map_regn(c) << 23) | //dst
- ((C67_map_regn(b) + 1) << 18) | //src2 WEIRD CPU must specify odd reg for some reason
- (0 << 13) | //src1 NA
- (0 << 12) | //x cross path if opposite sides
- (0x9 << 5) | //opcode
- (0x6 << 2) | //opcode fixed
- (C67_map_regs(c) << 1) | //side of dest
- (0 << 0)); //parallel
- } else if (strstr(s, "ADD.L") == s) {
- xpath = C67_map_regs(b) ^ C67_map_regs(c);
- ALWAYS_ASSERT(C67_map_regs(a) == C67_map_regs(c));
- C67_g((0 << 29) | //creg
- (0 << 28) | //inv
- (C67_map_regn(c) << 23) | //dst
- (C67_map_regn(b) << 18) | //src2 (possible x path)
- (C67_map_regn(a) << 13) | //src1
- (xpath << 12) | //x cross path if opposite sides
- (0x3 << 5) | //opcode
- (0x6 << 2) | //opcode fixed
- (C67_map_regs(c) << 1) | //side of dest
- (0 << 0)); //parallel
- } else if (strstr(s, "SUB.L") == s) {
- xpath = C67_map_regs(b) ^ C67_map_regs(c);
- ALWAYS_ASSERT(C67_map_regs(a) == C67_map_regs(c));
- C67_g((0 << 29) | //creg
- (0 << 28) | //inv
- (C67_map_regn(c) << 23) | //dst
- (C67_map_regn(b) << 18) | //src2 (possible x path)
- (C67_map_regn(a) << 13) | //src1
- (xpath << 12) | //x cross path if opposite sides
- (0x7 << 5) | //opcode
- (0x6 << 2) | //opcode fixed
- (C67_map_regs(c) << 1) | //side of dest
- (0 << 0)); //parallel
- } else if (strstr(s, "OR.L") == s) {
- xpath = C67_map_regs(b) ^ C67_map_regs(c);
- ALWAYS_ASSERT(C67_map_regs(a) == C67_map_regs(c));
- C67_g((0 << 29) | //creg
- (0 << 28) | //inv
- (C67_map_regn(c) << 23) | //dst
- (C67_map_regn(b) << 18) | //src2 (possible x path)
- (C67_map_regn(a) << 13) | //src1
- (xpath << 12) | //x cross path if opposite sides
- (0x7f << 5) | //opcode
- (0x6 << 2) | //opcode fixed
- (C67_map_regs(c) << 1) | //side of dest
- (0 << 0)); //parallel
- } else if (strstr(s, "AND.L") == s) {
- xpath = C67_map_regs(b) ^ C67_map_regs(c);
- ALWAYS_ASSERT(C67_map_regs(a) == C67_map_regs(c));
- C67_g((0 << 29) | //creg
- (0 << 28) | //inv
- (C67_map_regn(c) << 23) | //dst
- (C67_map_regn(b) << 18) | //src2 (possible x path)
- (C67_map_regn(a) << 13) | //src1
- (xpath << 12) | //x cross path if opposite sides
- (0x7b << 5) | //opcode
- (0x6 << 2) | //opcode fixed
- (C67_map_regs(c) << 1) | //side of dest
- (0 << 0)); //parallel
- } else if (strstr(s, "XOR.L") == s) {
- xpath = C67_map_regs(b) ^ C67_map_regs(c);
- ALWAYS_ASSERT(C67_map_regs(a) == C67_map_regs(c));
- C67_g((0 << 29) | //creg
- (0 << 28) | //inv
- (C67_map_regn(c) << 23) | //dst
- (C67_map_regn(b) << 18) | //src2 (possible x path)
- (C67_map_regn(a) << 13) | //src1
- (xpath << 12) | //x cross path if opposite sides
- (0x6f << 5) | //opcode
- (0x6 << 2) | //opcode fixed
- (C67_map_regs(c) << 1) | //side of dest
- (0 << 0)); //parallel
- } else if (strstr(s, "ADDSP.L") == s) {
- xpath = C67_map_regs(b) ^ C67_map_regs(c);
- ALWAYS_ASSERT(C67_map_regs(a) == C67_map_regs(c));
- C67_g((0 << 29) | //creg
- (0 << 28) | //inv
- (C67_map_regn(c) << 23) | //dst
- (C67_map_regn(b) << 18) | //src2 (possible x path)
- (C67_map_regn(a) << 13) | //src1
- (xpath << 12) | //x cross path if opposite sides
- (0x10 << 5) | //opcode
- (0x6 << 2) | //opcode fixed
- (C67_map_regs(c) << 1) | //side of dest
- (0 << 0)); //parallel
- } else if (strstr(s, "ADDDP.L") == s) {
- xpath = C67_map_regs(b) ^ C67_map_regs(c);
- ALWAYS_ASSERT(C67_map_regs(a) == C67_map_regs(c));
- C67_g((0 << 29) | //creg
- (0 << 28) | //inv
- (C67_map_regn(c) << 23) | //dst
- (C67_map_regn(b) << 18) | //src2 (possible x path)
- (C67_map_regn(a) << 13) | //src1
- (xpath << 12) | //x cross path if opposite sides
- (0x18 << 5) | //opcode
- (0x6 << 2) | //opcode fixed
- (C67_map_regs(c) << 1) | //side of dest
- (0 << 0)); //parallel
- } else if (strstr(s, "SUBSP.L") == s) {
- xpath = C67_map_regs(b) ^ C67_map_regs(c);
- ALWAYS_ASSERT(C67_map_regs(a) == C67_map_regs(c));
- C67_g((0 << 29) | //creg
- (0 << 28) | //inv
- (C67_map_regn(c) << 23) | //dst
- (C67_map_regn(b) << 18) | //src2 (possible x path)
- (C67_map_regn(a) << 13) | //src1
- (xpath << 12) | //x cross path if opposite sides
- (0x11 << 5) | //opcode
- (0x6 << 2) | //opcode fixed
- (C67_map_regs(c) << 1) | //side of dest
- (0 << 0)); //parallel
- } else if (strstr(s, "SUBDP.L") == s) {
- xpath = C67_map_regs(b) ^ C67_map_regs(c);
- ALWAYS_ASSERT(C67_map_regs(a) == C67_map_regs(c));
- C67_g((0 << 29) | //creg
- (0 << 28) | //inv
- (C67_map_regn(c) << 23) | //dst
- (C67_map_regn(b) << 18) | //src2 (possible x path)
- (C67_map_regn(a) << 13) | //src1
- (xpath << 12) | //x cross path if opposite sides
- (0x19 << 5) | //opcode
- (0x6 << 2) | //opcode fixed
- (C67_map_regs(c) << 1) | //side of dest
- (0 << 0)); //parallel
- } else if (strstr(s, "MPYSP.M") == s) {
- xpath = C67_map_regs(b) ^ C67_map_regs(c);
- ALWAYS_ASSERT(C67_map_regs(a) == C67_map_regs(c));
- C67_g((0 << 29) | //creg
- (0 << 28) | //inv
- (C67_map_regn(c) << 23) | //dst
- (C67_map_regn(b) << 18) | //src2 (possible x path)
- (C67_map_regn(a) << 13) | //src1
- (xpath << 12) | //x cross path if opposite sides
- (0x1c << 7) | //opcode
- (0x0 << 2) | //opcode fixed
- (C67_map_regs(c) << 1) | //side of dest
- (0 << 0)); //parallel
- } else if (strstr(s, "MPYDP.M") == s) {
- xpath = C67_map_regs(b) ^ C67_map_regs(c);
- ALWAYS_ASSERT(C67_map_regs(a) == C67_map_regs(c));
- C67_g((0 << 29) | //creg
- (0 << 28) | //inv
- (C67_map_regn(c) << 23) | //dst
- (C67_map_regn(b) << 18) | //src2 (possible x path)
- (C67_map_regn(a) << 13) | //src1
- (xpath << 12) | //x cross path if opposite sides
- (0x0e << 7) | //opcode
- (0x0 << 2) | //opcode fixed
- (C67_map_regs(c) << 1) | //side of dest
- (0 << 0)); //parallel
- } else if (strstr(s, "MPYI.M") == s) {
- xpath = C67_map_regs(b) ^ C67_map_regs(c);
- ALWAYS_ASSERT(C67_map_regs(a) == C67_map_regs(c));
- C67_g((0 << 29) | //creg
- (0 << 28) | //inv
- (C67_map_regn(c) << 23) | //dst
- (C67_map_regn(b) << 18) | //src2
- (C67_map_regn(a) << 13) | //src1 (cst5)
- (xpath << 12) | //x cross path if opposite sides
- (0x4 << 7) | //opcode
- (0x0 << 2) | //opcode fixed
- (C67_map_regs(c) << 1) | //side of dest
- (0 << 0)); //parallel
- } else if (strstr(s, "SHR.S") == s) {
- xpath = C67_map_regs(b) ^ C67_map_regs(c);
- ALWAYS_ASSERT(C67_map_regs(c) == C67_map_regs(a));
- C67_g((0 << 29) | //creg
- (0 << 28) | //inv
- (C67_map_regn(c) << 23) | //dst
- (C67_map_regn(b) << 18) | //src2
- (C67_map_regn(a) << 13) | //src1
- (xpath << 12) | //x cross path if opposite sides
- (0x37 << 6) | //opcode
- (0x8 << 2) | //opcode fixed
- (C67_map_regs(c) << 1) | //side of dest
- (0 << 0)); //parallel
- } else if (strstr(s, "SHRU.S") == s) {
- xpath = C67_map_regs(b) ^ C67_map_regs(c);
- ALWAYS_ASSERT(C67_map_regs(c) == C67_map_regs(a));
- C67_g((0 << 29) | //creg
- (0 << 28) | //inv
- (C67_map_regn(c) << 23) | //dst
- (C67_map_regn(b) << 18) | //src2
- (C67_map_regn(a) << 13) | //src1
- (xpath << 12) | //x cross path if opposite sides
- (0x27 << 6) | //opcode
- (0x8 << 2) | //opcode fixed
- (C67_map_regs(c) << 1) | //side of dest
- (0 << 0)); //parallel
- } else if (strstr(s, "SHL.S") == s) {
- xpath = C67_map_regs(b) ^ C67_map_regs(c);
- ALWAYS_ASSERT(C67_map_regs(c) == C67_map_regs(a));
- C67_g((0 << 29) | //creg
- (0 << 28) | //inv
- (C67_map_regn(c) << 23) | //dst
- (C67_map_regn(b) << 18) | //src2
- (C67_map_regn(a) << 13) | //src1
- (xpath << 12) | //x cross path if opposite sides
- (0x33 << 6) | //opcode
- (0x8 << 2) | //opcode fixed
- (C67_map_regs(c) << 1) | //side of dest
- (0 << 0)); //parallel
- } else if (strstr(s, "||ADDK") == s) {
- xpath = 0; // no xpath required just use the side of the src/dst
- C67_g((0 << 29) | //creg
- (0 << 28) | //inv
- (C67_map_regn(b) << 23) | //dst
- (a << 07) | //scst16
- (0x14 << 2) | //opcode fixed
- (C67_map_regs(b) << 1) | //side of dst
- (1 << 0)); //parallel
- } else if (strstr(s, "ADDK") == s) {
- xpath = 0; // no xpath required just use the side of the src/dst
- C67_g((0 << 29) | //creg
- (0 << 28) | //inv
- (C67_map_regn(b) << 23) | //dst
- (a << 07) | //scst16
- (0x14 << 2) | //opcode fixed
- (C67_map_regs(b) << 1) | //side of dst
- (0 << 0)); //parallel
- } else if (strstr(s, "NOP") == s) {
- C67_g(((a - 1) << 13) | //no of cycles
- (0 << 0)); //parallel
- } else
- fprintf(f, " %s %d %d %d\n", s, a, b, c);
-//r=reg to load, fr=from reg, symbol for relocation, constant
-void C67_MVKL(int r, int fc)
- C67_asm("MVKL.", fc, r, 0);
-void C67_MVKH(int r, int fc)
- C67_asm("MVKH.", fc, r, 0);
-void C67_STB_SP_A0(int r)
- C67_asm("STB.D *+SP[A0]", r, 0, 0); // STB r,*+SP[A0]
-void C67_STH_SP_A0(int r)
- C67_asm("STH.D *+SP[A0]", r, 0, 0); // STH r,*+SP[A0]
-void C67_STW_SP_A0(int r)
- C67_asm("STW.D *+SP[A0]", r, 0, 0); // STW r,*+SP[A0]
-void C67_STB_PTR(int r, int r2)
- C67_asm("STB.D *", r, r2, 0); // STB r, *r2
-void C67_STH_PTR(int r, int r2)
- C67_asm("STH.D *", r, r2, 0); // STH r, *r2
-void C67_STW_PTR(int r, int r2)
- C67_asm("STW.D *", r, r2, 0); // STW r, *r2
-void C67_STW_PTR_PRE_INC(int r, int r2, int n)
- C67_asm("STW.D +*", r, r2, n); // STW r, *+r2
-void C67_PUSH(int r)
- C67_asm("STW.D SP POST DEC", r, 0, 0); // STW r,*SP--
-void C67_LDW_SP_A0(int r)
- C67_asm("LDW.D *+SP[A0]", r, 0, 0); // LDW *+SP[A0],r
-void C67_LDDW_SP_A0(int r)
- C67_asm("LDDW.D *+SP[A0]", r, 0, 0); // LDDW *+SP[A0],r
-void C67_LDH_SP_A0(int r)
- C67_asm("LDH.D *+SP[A0]", r, 0, 0); // LDH *+SP[A0],r
-void C67_LDB_SP_A0(int r)
- C67_asm("LDB.D *+SP[A0]", r, 0, 0); // LDB *+SP[A0],r
-void C67_LDHU_SP_A0(int r)
- C67_asm("LDHU.D *+SP[A0]", r, 0, 0); // LDHU *+SP[A0],r
-void C67_LDBU_SP_A0(int r)
- C67_asm("LDBU.D *+SP[A0]", r, 0, 0); // LDBU *+SP[A0],r
-void C67_LDW_PTR(int r, int r2)
- C67_asm("LDW.D *", r, r2, 0); // LDW *r,r2
-void C67_LDDW_PTR(int r, int r2)
- C67_asm("LDDW.D *", r, r2, 0); // LDDW *r,r2
-void C67_LDH_PTR(int r, int r2)
- C67_asm("LDH.D *", r, r2, 0); // LDH *r,r2
-void C67_LDB_PTR(int r, int r2)
- C67_asm("LDB.D *", r, r2, 0); // LDB *r,r2
-void C67_LDHU_PTR(int r, int r2)
- C67_asm("LDHU.D *", r, r2, 0); // LDHU *r,r2
-void C67_LDBU_PTR(int r, int r2)
- C67_asm("LDBU.D *", r, r2, 0); // LDBU *r,r2
-void C67_LDW_PTR_PRE_INC(int r, int r2)
- C67_asm("LDW.D +*", r, r2, 0); // LDW *+r,r2
-void C67_POP(int r)
- C67_asm("LDW.D SP PRE INC", r, 0, 0); // LDW *++SP,r
-void C67_POP_DW(int r)
- C67_asm("LDDW.D SP PRE INC", r, 0, 0); // LDDW *++SP,r
-void C67_CMPLT(int s1, int s2, int dst)
- C67_asm("CMPLT.L1", s1, s2, dst);
-void C67_CMPGT(int s1, int s2, int dst)
- C67_asm("CMPGT.L1", s1, s2, dst);
-void C67_CMPEQ(int s1, int s2, int dst)
- C67_asm("CMPEQ.L1", s1, s2, dst);
-void C67_CMPLTU(int s1, int s2, int dst)
- C67_asm("CMPLTU.L1", s1, s2, dst);
-void C67_CMPGTU(int s1, int s2, int dst)
- C67_asm("CMPGTU.L1", s1, s2, dst);
-void C67_CMPLTSP(int s1, int s2, int dst)
- C67_asm("CMPLTSP.S1", s1, s2, dst);
-void C67_CMPGTSP(int s1, int s2, int dst)
- C67_asm("CMPGTSP.S1", s1, s2, dst);
-void C67_CMPEQSP(int s1, int s2, int dst)
- C67_asm("CMPEQSP.S1", s1, s2, dst);
-void C67_CMPLTDP(int s1, int s2, int dst)
- C67_asm("CMPLTDP.S1", s1, s2, dst);
-void C67_CMPGTDP(int s1, int s2, int dst)
- C67_asm("CMPGTDP.S1", s1, s2, dst);
-void C67_CMPEQDP(int s1, int s2, int dst)
- C67_asm("CMPEQDP.S1", s1, s2, dst);
-void C67_IREG_B_REG(int inv, int r1, int r2) // [!R] B r2
- C67_asm("B.S2", inv, r1, r2);
-// call with how many 32 bit words to skip
-// (0 would branch to the branch instruction)
-void C67_B_DISP(int disp) // B +2 Branch with constant displacement
- // Branch point is relative to the 8 word fetch packet
- //
- // we will assume the text section always starts on an 8 word (32 byte boundary)
- //
- // so add in how many words into the fetch packet the branch is
- C67_asm("B DISP", disp + ((ind & 31) >> 2), 0, 0);
-void C67_NOP(int n)
- C67_asm("NOP", n, 0, 0);
-void C67_ADDK(int n, int r)
- ALWAYS_ASSERT(abs(n) < 32767);
- C67_asm("ADDK", n, r, 0);
-void C67_ADDK_PARALLEL(int n, int r)
- ALWAYS_ASSERT(abs(n) < 32767);
- C67_asm("||ADDK", n, r, 0);
-void C67_Adjust_ADDK(int *inst, int n)
- ALWAYS_ASSERT(abs(n) < 32767);
- *inst = (*inst & (~(0xffff << 7))) | ((n & 0xffff) << 7);
-void C67_MV(int r, int v)
- C67_asm("MV.L", 0, r, v);
-void C67_DPTRUNC(int r, int v)
- C67_asm("DPTRUNC.L", 0, r, v);
-void C67_SPTRUNC(int r, int v)
- C67_asm("SPTRUNC.L", 0, r, v);
-void C67_INTSP(int r, int v)
- C67_asm("INTSP.L", 0, r, v);
-void C67_INTDP(int r, int v)
- C67_asm("INTDP.L", 0, r, v);
-void C67_INTSPU(int r, int v)
- C67_asm("INTSPU.L", 0, r, v);
-void C67_INTDPU(int r, int v)
- C67_asm("INTDPU.L", 0, r, v);
-void C67_SPDP(int r, int v)
- C67_asm("SPDP.L", 0, r, v);
-void C67_DPSP(int r, int v) // note regs must be on the same side
- C67_asm("DPSP.L", 0, r, v);
-void C67_ADD(int r, int v)
- C67_asm("ADD.L", v, r, v);
-void C67_SUB(int r, int v)
- C67_asm("SUB.L", v, r, v);
-void C67_AND(int r, int v)
- C67_asm("AND.L", v, r, v);
-void C67_OR(int r, int v)
- C67_asm("OR.L", v, r, v);
-void C67_XOR(int r, int v)
- C67_asm("XOR.L", v, r, v);
-void C67_ADDSP(int r, int v)
- C67_asm("ADDSP.L", v, r, v);
-void C67_SUBSP(int r, int v)
- C67_asm("SUBSP.L", v, r, v);
-void C67_MPYSP(int r, int v)
- C67_asm("MPYSP.M", v, r, v);
-void C67_ADDDP(int r, int v)
- C67_asm("ADDDP.L", v, r, v);
-void C67_SUBDP(int r, int v)
- C67_asm("SUBDP.L", v, r, v);
-void C67_MPYDP(int r, int v)
- C67_asm("MPYDP.M", v, r, v);
-void C67_MPYI(int r, int v)
- C67_asm("MPYI.M", v, r, v);
-void C67_SHL(int r, int v)
- C67_asm("SHL.S", r, v, v);
-void C67_SHRU(int r, int v)
- C67_asm("SHRU.S", r, v, v);
-void C67_SHR(int r, int v)
- C67_asm("SHR.S", r, v, v);
-/* load 'r' from value 'sv' */
-void load(int r, SValue * sv)
- int v, t, ft, fc, fr, size = 0, element;
- BOOL Unsigned = false;
- SValue v1;
- fr = sv->r;
- ft = sv->type.t;
- fc = sv->c.ul;
- v = fr & VT_VALMASK;
- if (fr & VT_LVAL) {
- if (v == VT_LLOCAL) {
- v1.type.t = VT_INT;
- v1.r = VT_LOCAL | VT_LVAL;
- v1.c.ul = fc;
- load(r, &v1);
- fr = r;
- } else if ((ft & VT_BTYPE) == VT_LDOUBLE) {
- error("long double not supported");
- } else if ((ft & VT_TYPE) == VT_BYTE) {
- size = 1;
- } else if ((ft & VT_TYPE) == (VT_BYTE | VT_UNSIGNED)) {
- size = 1;
- Unsigned = TRUE;
- } else if ((ft & VT_TYPE) == VT_SHORT) {
- size = 2;
- } else if ((ft & VT_TYPE) == (VT_SHORT | VT_UNSIGNED)) {
- size = 2;
- Unsigned = TRUE;
- } else if ((ft & VT_BTYPE) == VT_DOUBLE) {
- size = 8;
- } else {
- size = 4;
- }
- // check if fc is a positive reference on the stack,
- // if it is tcc is referencing what it thinks is a parameter
- // on the stack, so check if it is really in a register.
- if (v == VT_LOCAL && fc > 0) {
- int stack_pos = 8;
- for (t = 0; t < NoCallArgsPassedOnStack; t++) {
- if (fc == stack_pos)
- break;
- stack_pos += TranslateStackToReg[t];
- }
- // param has been pushed on stack, get it like a local var
- fc = ParamLocOnStack[t] - 8;
- }
- if ((fr & VT_VALMASK) < VT_CONST) // check for pure indirect
- {
- if (size == 1) {
- if (Unsigned)
- C67_LDBU_PTR(v, r); // LDBU *v,r
- else
- C67_LDB_PTR(v, r); // LDB *v,r
- } else if (size == 2) {
- if (Unsigned)
- C67_LDHU_PTR(v, r); // LDHU *v,r
- else
- C67_LDH_PTR(v, r); // LDH *v,r
- } else if (size == 4) {
- C67_LDW_PTR(v, r); // LDW *v,r
- } else if (size == 8) {
- C67_LDDW_PTR(v, r); // LDDW *v,r
- }
- C67_NOP(4); // NOP 4
- return;
- } else if (fr & VT_SYM) {
- greloc(cur_text_section, sv->sym, ind, R_C60LO16); // rem the inst need to be patched
- greloc(cur_text_section, sv->sym, ind + 4, R_C60HI16);
- C67_MVKL(C67_A0, fc); //r=reg to load, constant
- C67_MVKH(C67_A0, fc); //r=reg to load, constant
- if (size == 1) {
- if (Unsigned)
- C67_LDBU_PTR(C67_A0, r); // LDBU *A0,r
- else
- C67_LDB_PTR(C67_A0, r); // LDB *A0,r
- } else if (size == 2) {
- if (Unsigned)
- C67_LDHU_PTR(C67_A0, r); // LDHU *A0,r
- else
- C67_LDH_PTR(C67_A0, r); // LDH *A0,r
- } else if (size == 4) {
- C67_LDW_PTR(C67_A0, r); // LDW *A0,r
- } else if (size == 8) {
- C67_LDDW_PTR(C67_A0, r); // LDDW *A0,r
- }
- C67_NOP(4); // NOP 4
- return;
- } else {
- element = size;
- // divide offset in bytes to create element index
- C67_MVKL(C67_A0, (fc / element) + 8 / element); //r=reg to load, constant
- C67_MVKH(C67_A0, (fc / element) + 8 / element); //r=reg to load, constant
- if (size == 1) {
- if (Unsigned)
- C67_LDBU_SP_A0(r); // LDBU r, SP[A0]
- else
- C67_LDB_SP_A0(r); // LDB r, SP[A0]
- } else if (size == 2) {
- if (Unsigned)
- C67_LDHU_SP_A0(r); // LDHU r, SP[A0]
- else
- C67_LDH_SP_A0(r); // LDH r, SP[A0]
- } else if (size == 4) {
- C67_LDW_SP_A0(r); // LDW r, SP[A0]
- } else if (size == 8) {
- C67_LDDW_SP_A0(r); // LDDW r, SP[A0]
- }
- C67_NOP(4); // NOP 4
- return;
- }
- } else {
- if (v == VT_CONST) {
- if (fr & VT_SYM) {
- greloc(cur_text_section, sv->sym, ind, R_C60LO16); // rem the inst need to be patched
- greloc(cur_text_section, sv->sym, ind + 4, R_C60HI16);
- }
- C67_MVKL(r, fc); //r=reg to load, constant
- C67_MVKH(r, fc); //r=reg to load, constant
- } else if (v == VT_LOCAL) {
- C67_MVKL(r, fc + 8); //r=reg to load, constant C67 stack points to next free
- C67_MVKH(r, fc + 8); //r=reg to load, constant
- C67_ADD(C67_FP, r); // MV v,r v -> r
- } else if (v == VT_CMP) {
- C67_MV(C67_compare_reg, r); // MV v,r v -> r
- } else if (v == VT_JMP || v == VT_JMPI) {
- t = v & 1;
- C67_B_DISP(4); // Branch with constant displacement, skip over this branch, load, nop, load
- C67_MVKL(r, t); // r=reg to load, 0 or 1 (do this while branching)
- C67_NOP(4); // NOP 4
- gsym(fc); // modifies other branches to branch here
- C67_MVKL(r, t ^ 1); // r=reg to load, 0 or 1
- } else if (v != r) {
- C67_MV(v, r); // MV v,r v -> r
- if ((ft & VT_BTYPE) == VT_DOUBLE)
- C67_MV(v + 1, r + 1); // MV v,r v -> r
- }
- }
-/* store register 'r' in lvalue 'v' */
-void store(int r, SValue * v)
- int fr, bt, ft, fc, size, t, element;
- ft = v->type.t;
- fc = v->c.ul;
- fr = v->r & VT_VALMASK;
- bt = ft & VT_BTYPE;
- /* XXX: incorrect if float reg to reg */
- if (bt == VT_LDOUBLE) {
- error("long double not supported");
- } else {
- if (bt == VT_SHORT)
- size = 2;
- else if (bt == VT_BYTE)
- size = 1;
- else if (bt == VT_DOUBLE)
- size = 8;
- else
- size = 4;
- if ((v->r & VT_VALMASK) == VT_CONST) {
- /* constant memory reference */
- if (v->r & VT_SYM) {
- greloc(cur_text_section, v->sym, ind, R_C60LO16); // rem the inst need to be patched
- greloc(cur_text_section, v->sym, ind + 4, R_C60HI16);
- }
- C67_MVKL(C67_A0, fc); //r=reg to load, constant
- C67_MVKH(C67_A0, fc); //r=reg to load, constant
- if (size == 1)
- C67_STB_PTR(r, C67_A0); // STB r, *A0
- else if (size == 2)
- C67_STH_PTR(r, C67_A0); // STH r, *A0
- else if (size == 4 || size == 8)
- C67_STW_PTR(r, C67_A0); // STW r, *A0
- if (size == 8)
- C67_STW_PTR_PRE_INC(r + 1, C67_A0, 1); // STW r, *+A0[1]
- } else if ((v->r & VT_VALMASK) == VT_LOCAL) {
- // check case of storing to passed argument that
- // tcc thinks is on the stack but for C67 is
- // passed as a reg. However it may have been
- // saved to the stack, if that reg was required
- // for a call to a child function
- if (fc > 0) // argument ??
- {
- // walk through sizes and figure which param
- int stack_pos = 8;
- for (t = 0; t < NoCallArgsPassedOnStack; t++) {
- if (fc == stack_pos)
- break;
- stack_pos += TranslateStackToReg[t];
- }
- // param has been pushed on stack, get it like a local var
- fc = ParamLocOnStack[t] - 8;
- }
- if (size == 8)
- element = 4;
- else
- element = size;
- // divide offset in bytes to create word index
- C67_MVKL(C67_A0, (fc / element) + 8 / element); //r=reg to load, constant
- C67_MVKH(C67_A0, (fc / element) + 8 / element); //r=reg to load, constant
- if (size == 1)
- C67_STB_SP_A0(r); // STB r, SP[A0]
- else if (size == 2)
- C67_STH_SP_A0(r); // STH r, SP[A0]
- else if (size == 4 || size == 8)
- C67_STW_SP_A0(r); // STW r, SP[A0]
- if (size == 8) {
- C67_ADDK(1, C67_A0); // ADDK 1,A0
- C67_STW_SP_A0(r + 1); // STW r, SP[A0]
- }
- } else {
- if (size == 1)
- C67_STB_PTR(r, fr); // STB r, *fr
- else if (size == 2)
- C67_STH_PTR(r, fr); // STH r, *fr
- else if (size == 4 || size == 8)
- C67_STW_PTR(r, fr); // STW r, *fr
- if (size == 8) {
- C67_STW_PTR_PRE_INC(r + 1, fr, 1); // STW r, *+fr[1]
- }
- }
- }
-/* 'is_jmp' is '1' if it is a jump */
-static void gcall_or_jmp(int is_jmp)
- int r;
- Sym *sym;
- if ((vtop->r & (VT_VALMASK | VT_LVAL)) == VT_CONST) {
- /* constant case */
- if (vtop->r & VT_SYM) {
- /* relocation case */
- // get add into A0, then start the jump B3
- greloc(cur_text_section, vtop->sym, ind, R_C60LO16); // rem the inst need to be patched
- greloc(cur_text_section, vtop->sym, ind + 4, R_C60HI16);
- C67_MVKL(C67_A0, 0); //r=reg to load, constant
- C67_MVKH(C67_A0, 0); //r=reg to load, constant
- C67_IREG_B_REG(0, C67_CREG_ZERO, C67_A0); // B.S2x A0
- if (is_jmp) {
- C67_NOP(5); // simple jump, just put NOP
- } else {
- // Call, must load return address into B3 during delay slots
- sym = get_sym_ref(&char_pointer_type, cur_text_section, ind + 12, 0); // symbol for return address
- greloc(cur_text_section, sym, ind, R_C60LO16); // rem the inst need to be patched
- greloc(cur_text_section, sym, ind + 4, R_C60HI16);
- C67_MVKL(C67_B3, 0); //r=reg to load, constant
- C67_MVKH(C67_B3, 0); //r=reg to load, constant
- C67_NOP(3); // put remaining NOPs
- }
- } else {
- /* put an empty PC32 relocation */
- }
- } else {
- /* otherwise, indirect call */
- r = gv(RC_INT);
- C67_IREG_B_REG(0, C67_CREG_ZERO, r); // B.S2x r
- if (is_jmp) {
- C67_NOP(5); // simple jump, just put NOP
- } else {
- // Call, must load return address into B3 during delay slots
- sym = get_sym_ref(&char_pointer_type, cur_text_section, ind + 12, 0); // symbol for return address
- greloc(cur_text_section, sym, ind, R_C60LO16); // rem the inst need to be patched
- greloc(cur_text_section, sym, ind + 4, R_C60HI16);
- C67_MVKL(C67_B3, 0); //r=reg to load, constant
- C67_MVKH(C67_B3, 0); //r=reg to load, constant
- C67_NOP(3); // put remaining NOPs
- }
- }
-/* generate function call with address in (vtop->t, vtop->c) and free function
- context. Stack entry is popped */
-void gfunc_call(int nb_args)
- int i, r, size = 0;
- int args_sizes[NoCallArgsPassedOnStack];
- if (nb_args > NoCallArgsPassedOnStack) {
- error("more than 10 function params not currently supported");
- // handle more than 10, put some on the stack
- }
- for (i = 0; i < nb_args; i++) {
- if ((vtop->type.t & VT_BTYPE) == VT_STRUCT) {
- } else if ((vtop->type.t & VT_BTYPE) == VT_STRUCT) {
- } else {
- /* simple type (currently always same size) */
- /* XXX: implicit cast ? */
- if ((vtop->type.t & VT_BTYPE) == VT_LLONG) {
- error("long long not supported");
- } else if ((vtop->type.t & VT_BTYPE) == VT_LDOUBLE) {
- error("long double not supported");
- } else if ((vtop->type.t & VT_BTYPE) == VT_DOUBLE) {
- size = 8;
- } else {
- size = 4;
- }
- // put the parameter into the corresponding reg (pair)
- r = gv(RC_C67_A4 << (2 * i));
- // must put on stack because with 1 pass compiler , no way to tell
- // if an up coming nested call might overwrite these regs
- C67_PUSH(r);
- if (size == 8) {
- C67_STW_PTR_PRE_INC(r + 1, C67_SP, 3); // STW r, *+SP[3] (go back and put the other)
- }
- args_sizes[i] = size;
- }
- vtop--;
- }
- // POP all the params on the stack into registers for the
- // immediate call (in reverse order)
- for (i = nb_args - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
- if (args_sizes[i] == 8)
- C67_POP_DW(TREG_C67_A4 + i * 2);
- else
- C67_POP(TREG_C67_A4 + i * 2);
- }
- gcall_or_jmp(0);
- vtop--;
-// to be compatible with Code Composer for the C67
-// the first 10 parameters must be passed in registers
-// (pairs for 64 bits) starting wit; A4:A5, then B4:B5 and
-// ending with B12:B13.
-// When a call is made, if the caller has its parameters
-// in regs A4-B13 these must be saved before/as the call
-// parameters are loaded and restored upon return (or if/when needed).
-/* generate function prolog of type 't' */
-void gfunc_prolog(CType * func_type)
- int addr, align, size, func_call, i;
- Sym *sym;
- CType *type;
- sym = func_type->ref;
- func_call = sym->r;
- addr = 8;
- /* if the function returns a structure, then add an
- implicit pointer parameter */
- func_vt = sym->type;
- if ((func_vt.t & VT_BTYPE) == VT_STRUCT) {
- func_vc = addr;
- addr += 4;
- }
- NoOfCurFuncArgs = 0;
- /* define parameters */
- while ((sym = sym->next) != NULL) {
- type = &sym->type;
- sym_push(sym->v & ~SYM_FIELD, type, VT_LOCAL | lvalue_type(type->t), addr);
- size = type_size(type, &align);
- size = (size + 3) & ~3;
- // keep track of size of arguments so
- // we can translate where tcc thinks they
- // are on the stack into the appropriate reg
- TranslateStackToReg[NoOfCurFuncArgs] = size;
- NoOfCurFuncArgs++;
- /* structs are passed as pointer */
- if ((type->t & VT_BTYPE) == VT_STRUCT) {
- size = 4;
- }
- addr += size;
- }
- func_ret_sub = 0;
- /* pascal type call ? */
- if (func_call == FUNC_STDCALL)
- func_ret_sub = addr - 8;
- C67_MV(C67_FP, C67_A0); // move FP -> A0
- C67_MV(C67_SP, C67_FP); // move SP -> FP
- // place all the args passed in regs onto the stack
- loc = 0;
- for (i = 0; i < NoOfCurFuncArgs; i++) {
- ParamLocOnStack[i] = loc; // remember where the param is
- loc += -8;
- C67_PUSH(TREG_C67_A4 + i * 2);
- if (TranslateStackToReg[i] == 8) {
- C67_STW_PTR_PRE_INC(TREG_C67_A4 + i * 2 + 1, C67_SP, 3); // STW r, *+SP[1] (go back and put the other)
- }
- }
- TotalBytesPushedOnStack = -loc;
- func_sub_sp_offset = ind; // remember where we put the stack instruction
- C67_ADDK(0, C67_SP); // ADDK.L2 loc,SP (just put zero temporarily)
- C67_PUSH(C67_A0);
- C67_PUSH(C67_B3);
-/* generate function epilog */
-void gfunc_epilog(void)
- {
- int local = (-loc + 7) & -8; // stack must stay aligned to 8 bytes for LDDW instr
- C67_POP(C67_B3);
- C67_NOP(4); // NOP wait for load
- C67_IREG_B_REG(0, C67_CREG_ZERO, C67_B3); // B.S2 B3
- C67_POP(C67_FP);
- C67_ADDK(local, C67_SP); // ADDK.L2 loc,SP
- C67_Adjust_ADDK((int *) (cur_text_section->data +
- func_sub_sp_offset),
- -local + TotalBytesPushedOnStack);
- C67_NOP(3); // NOP
- }
-/* generate a jump to a label */
-int gjmp(int t)
- int ind1 = ind;
- C67_MVKL(C67_A0, t); //r=reg to load, constant
- C67_MVKH(C67_A0, t); //r=reg to load, constant
- C67_IREG_B_REG(0, C67_CREG_ZERO, C67_A0); // [!R] B.S2x A0
- C67_NOP(5);
- return ind1;
-/* generate a jump to a fixed address */
-void gjmp_addr(int a)
- Sym *sym;
- // I guess this routine is used for relative short
- // local jumps, for now just handle it as the general
- // case
- // define a label that will be relocated
- sym = get_sym_ref(&char_pointer_type, cur_text_section, a, 0);
- greloc(cur_text_section, sym, ind, R_C60LO16);
- greloc(cur_text_section, sym, ind + 4, R_C60HI16);
- gjmp(0); // place a zero there later the symbol will be added to it
-/* generate a test. set 'inv' to invert test. Stack entry is popped */
-int gtst(int inv, int t)
- int ind1, n;
- int v, *p;
- v = vtop->r & VT_VALMASK;
- if (v == VT_CMP) {
- /* fast case : can jump directly since flags are set */
- // C67 uses B2 sort of as flags register
- ind1 = ind;
- C67_MVKL(C67_A0, t); //r=reg to load, constant
- C67_MVKH(C67_A0, t); //r=reg to load, constant
- if (C67_compare_reg != TREG_EAX && // check if not already in a conditional test reg
- C67_compare_reg != TREG_EDX &&
- C67_compare_reg != TREG_ST0 && C67_compare_reg != C67_B2) {
- C67_MV(C67_compare_reg, C67_B2);
- C67_compare_reg = C67_B2;
- }
- C67_IREG_B_REG(C67_invert_test ^ inv, C67_compare_reg, C67_A0); // [!R] B.S2x A0
- C67_NOP(5);
- t = ind1; //return where we need to patch
- } else if (v == VT_JMP || v == VT_JMPI) {
- /* && or || optimization */
- if ((v & 1) == inv) {
- /* insert vtop->c jump list in t */
- p = &vtop->c.i;
- // I guess the idea is to traverse to the
- // null at the end of the list and store t
- // there
- n = *p;
- while (n != 0) {
- p = (int *) (cur_text_section->data + n);
- // extract 32 bit address from MVKH/MVKL
- n = ((*p >> 7) & 0xffff);
- n |= ((*(p + 1) >> 7) & 0xffff) << 16;
- }
- *p |= (t & 0xffff) << 7;
- *(p + 1) |= ((t >> 16) & 0xffff) << 7;
- t = vtop->c.i;
- } else {
- t = gjmp(t);
- gsym(vtop->c.i);
- }
- } else {
- if (is_float(vtop->type.t)) {
- vpushi(0);
- gen_op(TOK_NE);
- }
- if ((vtop->r & (VT_VALMASK | VT_LVAL | VT_SYM)) == VT_CONST) {
- /* constant jmp optimization */
- if ((vtop->c.i != 0) != inv)
- t = gjmp(t);
- } else {
- // I think we need to get the value on the stack
- // into a register, test it, and generate a branch
- // return the address of the branch, so it can be
- // later patched
- v = gv(RC_INT); // get value into a reg
- ind1 = ind;
- C67_MVKL(C67_A0, t); //r=reg to load, constant
- C67_MVKH(C67_A0, t); //r=reg to load, constant
- if (v != TREG_EAX && // check if not already in a conditional test reg
- v != TREG_EDX && v != TREG_ST0 && v != C67_B2) {
- C67_MV(v, C67_B2);
- v = C67_B2;
- }
- C67_IREG_B_REG(inv, v, C67_A0); // [!R] B.S2x A0
- C67_NOP(5);
- t = ind1; //return where we need to patch
- ind1 = ind;
- }
- }
- vtop--;
- return t;
-/* generate an integer binary operation */
-void gen_opi(int op)
- int r, fr, opc, t;
- switch (op) {
- case '+':
- case TOK_ADDC1: /* add with carry generation */
- opc = 0;
- gen_op8:
-// C67 can't do const compares, must load into a reg
-// so just go to gv2 directly - tktk
- if (op >= TOK_ULT && op <= TOK_GT)
- gv2(RC_INT_BSIDE, RC_INT); // make sure r (src1) is on the B Side of CPU
- else
- gv2(RC_INT, RC_INT);
- r = vtop[-1].r;
- fr = vtop[0].r;
- C67_compare_reg = C67_B2;
- if (op == TOK_LT) {
- C67_CMPLT(r, fr, C67_B2);
- C67_invert_test = false;
- } else if (op == TOK_GE) {
- C67_CMPLT(r, fr, C67_B2);
- C67_invert_test = true;
- } else if (op == TOK_GT) {
- C67_CMPGT(r, fr, C67_B2);
- C67_invert_test = false;
- } else if (op == TOK_LE) {
- C67_CMPGT(r, fr, C67_B2);
- C67_invert_test = true;
- } else if (op == TOK_EQ) {
- C67_CMPEQ(r, fr, C67_B2);
- C67_invert_test = false;
- } else if (op == TOK_NE) {
- C67_CMPEQ(r, fr, C67_B2);
- C67_invert_test = true;
- } else if (op == TOK_ULT) {
- C67_CMPLTU(r, fr, C67_B2);
- C67_invert_test = false;
- } else if (op == TOK_UGE) {
- C67_CMPLTU(r, fr, C67_B2);
- C67_invert_test = true;
- } else if (op == TOK_UGT) {
- C67_CMPGTU(r, fr, C67_B2);
- C67_invert_test = false;
- } else if (op == TOK_ULE) {
- C67_CMPGTU(r, fr, C67_B2);
- C67_invert_test = true;
- } else if (op == '+')
- C67_ADD(fr, r); // ADD r,fr,r
- else if (op == '-')
- C67_SUB(fr, r); // SUB r,fr,r
- else if (op == '&')
- C67_AND(fr, r); // AND r,fr,r
- else if (op == '|')
- C67_OR(fr, r); // OR r,fr,r
- else if (op == '^')
- C67_XOR(fr, r); // XOR r,fr,r
- else
- vtop--;
- if (op >= TOK_ULT && op <= TOK_GT) {
- vtop->r = VT_CMP;
- vtop->c.i = op;
- }
- break;
- case '-':
- case TOK_SUBC1: /* sub with carry generation */
- opc = 5;
- goto gen_op8;
- case TOK_ADDC2: /* add with carry use */
- opc = 2;
- goto gen_op8;
- case TOK_SUBC2: /* sub with carry use */
- opc = 3;
- goto gen_op8;
- case '&':
- opc = 4;
- goto gen_op8;
- case '^':
- opc = 6;
- goto gen_op8;
- case '|':
- opc = 1;
- goto gen_op8;
- case '*':
- case TOK_UMULL:
- gv2(RC_INT, RC_INT);
- r = vtop[-1].r;
- fr = vtop[0].r;
- vtop--;
- C67_MPYI(fr, r); // 32 bit bultiply fr,r,fr
- C67_NOP(8); // NOP 8 for worst case
- break;
- case TOK_SHL:
- gv2(RC_INT_BSIDE, RC_INT_BSIDE); // shift amount must be on same side as dst
- r = vtop[-1].r;
- fr = vtop[0].r;
- vtop--;
- C67_SHL(fr, r); // arithmetic/logical shift
- break;
- case TOK_SHR:
- gv2(RC_INT_BSIDE, RC_INT_BSIDE); // shift amount must be on same side as dst
- r = vtop[-1].r;
- fr = vtop[0].r;
- vtop--;
- C67_SHRU(fr, r); // logical shift
- break;
- case TOK_SAR:
- gv2(RC_INT_BSIDE, RC_INT_BSIDE); // shift amount must be on same side as dst
- r = vtop[-1].r;
- fr = vtop[0].r;
- vtop--;
- C67_SHR(fr, r); // arithmetic shift
- break;
- case '/':
- t = TOK__divi;
- call_func:
- vswap();
- /* call generic idiv function */
- vpush_global_sym(&func_old_type, t);
- vrott(3);
- gfunc_call(2);
- vpushi(0);
- vtop->r = REG_IRET;
- vtop->r2 = VT_CONST;
- break;
- case TOK_UDIV:
- case TOK_PDIV:
- t = TOK__divu;
- goto call_func;
- case '%':
- t = TOK__remi;
- goto call_func;
- case TOK_UMOD:
- t = TOK__remu;
- goto call_func;
- default:
- opc = 7;
- goto gen_op8;
- }
-/* generate a floating point operation 'v = t1 op t2' instruction. The
- two operands are guaranted to have the same floating point type */
-/* XXX: need to use ST1 too */
-void gen_opf(int op)
- int ft, fc, fr, r;
- if (op >= TOK_ULT && op <= TOK_GT)
- gv2(RC_EDX, RC_EAX); // make sure src2 is on b side
- else
- gv2(RC_FLOAT, RC_FLOAT); // make sure src2 is on b side
- ft = vtop->type.t;
- fc = vtop->c.ul;
- r = vtop->r;
- fr = vtop[-1].r;
- if ((ft & VT_BTYPE) == VT_LDOUBLE)
- error("long doubles not supported");
- if (op >= TOK_ULT && op <= TOK_GT) {
- r = vtop[-1].r;
- fr = vtop[0].r;
- C67_compare_reg = C67_B2;
- if (op == TOK_LT) {
- if ((ft & VT_BTYPE) == VT_DOUBLE)
- C67_CMPLTDP(r, fr, C67_B2);
- else
- C67_CMPLTSP(r, fr, C67_B2);
- C67_invert_test = false;
- } else if (op == TOK_GE) {
- if ((ft & VT_BTYPE) == VT_DOUBLE)
- C67_CMPLTDP(r, fr, C67_B2);
- else
- C67_CMPLTSP(r, fr, C67_B2);
- C67_invert_test = true;
- } else if (op == TOK_GT) {
- if ((ft & VT_BTYPE) == VT_DOUBLE)
- C67_CMPGTDP(r, fr, C67_B2);
- else
- C67_CMPGTSP(r, fr, C67_B2);
- C67_invert_test = false;
- } else if (op == TOK_LE) {
- if ((ft & VT_BTYPE) == VT_DOUBLE)
- C67_CMPGTDP(r, fr, C67_B2);
- else
- C67_CMPGTSP(r, fr, C67_B2);
- C67_invert_test = true;
- } else if (op == TOK_EQ) {
- if ((ft & VT_BTYPE) == VT_DOUBLE)
- C67_CMPEQDP(r, fr, C67_B2);
- else
- C67_CMPEQSP(r, fr, C67_B2);
- C67_invert_test = false;
- } else if (op == TOK_NE) {
- if ((ft & VT_BTYPE) == VT_DOUBLE)
- C67_CMPEQDP(r, fr, C67_B2);
- else
- C67_CMPEQSP(r, fr, C67_B2);
- C67_invert_test = true;
- } else {
- }
- vtop->r = VT_CMP; // tell TCC that result is in "flags" actually B2
- } else {
- if (op == '+') {
- if ((ft & VT_BTYPE) == VT_DOUBLE) {
- C67_ADDDP(r, fr); // ADD fr,r,fr
- C67_NOP(6);
- } else {
- C67_ADDSP(r, fr); // ADD fr,r,fr
- C67_NOP(3);
- }
- vtop--;
- } else if (op == '-') {
- if ((ft & VT_BTYPE) == VT_DOUBLE) {
- C67_SUBDP(r, fr); // SUB fr,r,fr
- C67_NOP(6);
- } else {
- C67_SUBSP(r, fr); // SUB fr,r,fr
- C67_NOP(3);
- }
- vtop--;
- } else if (op == '*') {
- if ((ft & VT_BTYPE) == VT_DOUBLE) {
- C67_MPYDP(r, fr); // MPY fr,r,fr
- C67_NOP(9);
- } else {
- C67_MPYSP(r, fr); // MPY fr,r,fr
- C67_NOP(3);
- }
- vtop--;
- } else if (op == '/') {
- if ((ft & VT_BTYPE) == VT_DOUBLE) {
- // must call intrinsic DP floating point divide
- vswap();
- /* call generic idiv function */
- vpush_global_sym(&func_old_type, TOK__divd);
- vrott(3);
- gfunc_call(2);
- vpushi(0);
- vtop->r = REG_FRET;
- vtop->r2 = REG_LRET;
- } else {
- // must call intrinsic SP floating point divide
- vswap();
- /* call generic idiv function */
- vpush_global_sym(&func_old_type, TOK__divf);
- vrott(3);
- gfunc_call(2);
- vpushi(0);
- vtop->r = REG_FRET;
- vtop->r2 = VT_CONST;
- }
- } else
- }
-/* convert integers to fp 't' type. Must handle 'int', 'unsigned int'
- and 'long long' cases. */
-void gen_cvt_itof(int t)
- int r;
- gv(RC_INT);
- r = vtop->r;
- if ((t & VT_BTYPE) == VT_DOUBLE) {
- if (t & VT_UNSIGNED)
- C67_INTDPU(r, r);
- else
- C67_INTDP(r, r);
- C67_NOP(4);
- vtop->type.t = VT_DOUBLE;
- } else {
- if (t & VT_UNSIGNED)
- C67_INTSPU(r, r);
- else
- C67_INTSP(r, r);
- C67_NOP(3);
- vtop->type.t = VT_FLOAT;
- }
-/* convert fp to int 't' type */
-/* XXX: handle long long case */
-void gen_cvt_ftoi(int t)
- int r;
- gv(RC_FLOAT);
- r = vtop->r;
- if (t != VT_INT)
- error("long long not supported");
- else {
- if ((vtop->type.t & VT_BTYPE) == VT_DOUBLE) {
- C67_DPTRUNC(r, r);
- C67_NOP(3);
- } else {
- C67_SPTRUNC(r, r);
- C67_NOP(3);
- }
- vtop->type.t = VT_INT;
- }
-/* convert from one floating point type to another */
-void gen_cvt_ftof(int t)
- int r, r2;
- if ((vtop->type.t & VT_BTYPE) == VT_DOUBLE &&
- (t & VT_BTYPE) == VT_FLOAT) {
- // convert double to float
- gv(RC_FLOAT); // get it in a register pair
- r = vtop->r;
- C67_DPSP(r, r); // convert it to SP same register
- C67_NOP(3);
- vtop->type.t = VT_FLOAT;
- vtop->r2 = VT_CONST; // set this as unused
- } else if ((vtop->type.t & VT_BTYPE) == VT_FLOAT &&
- (t & VT_BTYPE) == VT_DOUBLE) {
- // convert float to double
- gv(RC_FLOAT); // get it in a register
- r = vtop->r;
- if (r == TREG_EAX) { // make sure the paired reg is avail
- r2 = get_reg(RC_ECX);
- } else if (r == TREG_EDX) {
- r2 = get_reg(RC_ST0);
- } else {
- r2 = 0; /* avoid warning */
- }
- C67_SPDP(r, r); // convert it to DP same register
- C67_NOP(1);
- vtop->type.t = VT_DOUBLE;
- vtop->r2 = r2; // set this as unused
- } else {
- }
-/* computed goto support */
-void ggoto(void)
- gcall_or_jmp(1);
- vtop--;
-/* end of X86 code generator */
diff --git a/05/tcc-0.9.25/coff.h b/05/tcc-0.9.25/coff.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 38960b4..0000000
--- a/05/tcc-0.9.25/coff.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,446 +0,0 @@
-/* COFF.H */
-/* COFF data structures and related definitions used by the linker */
-struct filehdr {
- unsigned short f_magic; /* magic number */
- unsigned short f_nscns; /* number of sections */
- long f_timdat; /* time & date stamp */
- long f_symptr; /* file pointer to symtab */
- long f_nsyms; /* number of symtab entries */
- unsigned short f_opthdr; /* sizeof(optional hdr) */
- unsigned short f_flags; /* flags */
- unsigned short f_TargetID; /* for C6x = 0x0099 */
- };
-/* File header flags */
-#define F_RELFLG 0x01 /* relocation info stripped from file */
-#define F_EXEC 0x02 /* file is executable (no unresolved refs) */
-#define F_LNNO 0x04 /* line nunbers stripped from file */
-#define F_LSYMS 0x08 /* local symbols stripped from file */
-#define F_GSP10 0x10 /* 34010 version */
-#define F_GSP20 0x20 /* 34020 version */
-#define F_SWABD 0x40 /* bytes swabbed (in names) */
-#define F_AR16WR 0x80 /* byte ordering of an AR16WR (PDP-11) */
-#define F_LITTLE 0x100 /* byte ordering of an AR32WR (vax) */
-#define F_BIG 0x200 /* byte ordering of an AR32W (3B, maxi) */
-#define F_PATCH 0x400 /* contains "patch" list in optional header */
-#define F_NODF 0x400
-#define F_VERSION (F_GSP10 | F_GSP20)
-#define FILHDR struct filehdr
-//#define FILHSZ sizeof(FILHDR)
-#define FILHSZ 22 // above rounds to align on 4 bytes which causes problems
-#define COFF_C67_MAGIC 0x00c2
-/* Macros to recognize magic numbers */
-#define ISMAGIC(x) (((unsigned short)(x))==(unsigned short)magic)
-#define ISARCHIVE(x) ((((unsigned short)(x))==(unsigned short)ARTYPE))
-#define BADMAGIC(x) (((unsigned short)(x) & 0x8080) && !ISMAGIC(x))
-typedef struct aouthdr {
- short magic; /* see magic.h */
- short vstamp; /* version stamp */
- long tsize; /* text size in bytes, padded to FW bdry*/
- long dsize; /* initialized data " " */
- long bsize; /* uninitialized data " " */
- long entrypt; /* entry pt. */
- long text_start; /* base of text used for this file */
- long data_start; /* base of data used for this file */
-#define AOUTSZ sizeof(AOUTHDR)
-/* When a UNIX aout header is to be built in the optional header, */
-/* the following magic numbers can appear in that header: */
-/* */
-/* AOUT1MAGIC : default : readonly sharable text segment */
-/* AOUT2MAGIC: : writable text segment */
-/* PAGEMAGIC : : configured for paging */
-#define AOUT1MAGIC 0410
-#define AOUT2MAGIC 0407
-#define PAGEMAGIC 0413
-/* */
-/* ARCHIVE File Organization: */
-/* _______________________________________________ */
-/* |__________ARCHIVE_MAGIC_STRING_______________| */
-/* |__________ARCHIVE_FILE_MEMBER_1______________| */
-/* | | */
-/* | Archive File Header "ar_hdr" | */
-/* |.............................................| */
-/* | Member Contents | */
-/* | 1. External symbol directory | */
-/* | 2. Text file | */
-/* |_____________________________________________| */
-/* |________ARCHIVE_FILE_MEMBER_2________________| */
-/* | "ar_hdr" | */
-/* |.............................................| */
-/* | Member Contents (.o or text file) | */
-/* |_____________________________________________| */
-/* | . . . | */
-/* | . . . | */
-/* | . . . | */
-/* |_____________________________________________| */
-/* |________ARCHIVE_FILE_MEMBER_n________________| */
-/* | "ar_hdr" | */
-/* |.............................................| */
-/* | Member Contents | */
-/* |_____________________________________________| */
-/* */
-#define COFF_ARMAG "!<arch>\n"
-#define SARMAG 8
-#define ARFMAG "`\n"
-struct ar_hdr /* archive file member header - printable ascii */
- char ar_name[16]; /* file member name - `/' terminated */
- char ar_date[12]; /* file member date - decimal */
- char ar_uid[6]; /* file member user id - decimal */
- char ar_gid[6]; /* file member group id - decimal */
- char ar_mode[8]; /* file member mode - octal */
- char ar_size[10]; /* file member size - decimal */
- char ar_fmag[2]; /* ARFMAG - string to end header */
-struct scnhdr {
- char s_name[8]; /* section name */
- long s_paddr; /* physical address */
- long s_vaddr; /* virtual address */
- long s_size; /* section size */
- long s_scnptr; /* file ptr to raw data for section */
- long s_relptr; /* file ptr to relocation */
- long s_lnnoptr; /* file ptr to line numbers */
- unsigned int s_nreloc; /* number of relocation entries */
- unsigned int s_nlnno; /* number of line number entries */
- unsigned int s_flags; /* flags */
- unsigned short s_reserved; /* reserved byte */
- unsigned short s_page; /* memory page id */
- };
-#define SCNHDR struct scnhdr
-#define SCNHSZ sizeof(SCNHDR)
-/* Define constants for names of "special" sections */
-//#define _TEXT ".text"
-#define _DATA ".data"
-#define _BSS ".bss"
-#define _CINIT ".cinit"
-#define _TV ".tv"
-/* The low 4 bits of s_flags is used as a section "type" */
-#define STYP_REG 0x00 /* "regular" : allocated, relocated, loaded */
-#define STYP_DSECT 0x01 /* "dummy" : not allocated, relocated, not loaded */
-#define STYP_NOLOAD 0x02 /* "noload" : allocated, relocated, not loaded */
-#define STYP_GROUP 0x04 /* "grouped" : formed of input sections */
-#define STYP_PAD 0x08 /* "padding" : not allocated, not relocated, loaded */
-#define STYP_COPY 0x10 /* "copy" : used for C init tables -
- not allocated, relocated,
- loaded; reloc & lineno
- entries processed normally */
-#define STYP_TEXT 0x20 /* section contains text only */
-#define STYP_DATA 0x40 /* section contains data only */
-#define STYP_BSS 0x80 /* section contains bss only */
-#define STYP_ALIGN 0x100 /* align flag passed by old version assemblers */
-#define ALIGN_MASK 0x0F00 /* part of s_flags that is used for align vals */
-#define ALIGNSIZE(x) (1 << ((x & ALIGN_MASK) >> 8))
-struct reloc
- long r_vaddr; /* (virtual) address of reference */
- short r_symndx; /* index into symbol table */
- unsigned short r_disp; /* additional bits for address calculation */
- unsigned short r_type; /* relocation type */
-#define RELOC struct reloc
-#define RELSZ 10 /* sizeof(RELOC) */
-/* define all relocation types */
-#define R_ABS 0 /* absolute address - no relocation */
-#define R_DIR16 01 /* UNUSED */
-#define R_REL16 02 /* UNUSED */
-#define R_DIR24 04 /* UNUSED */
-#define R_REL24 05 /* 24 bits, direct */
-#define R_DIR32 06 /* UNUSED */
-#define R_RELBYTE 017 /* 8 bits, direct */
-#define R_RELWORD 020 /* 16 bits, direct */
-#define R_RELLONG 021 /* 32 bits, direct */
-#define R_PCRBYTE 022 /* 8 bits, PC-relative */
-#define R_PCRWORD 023 /* 16 bits, PC-relative */
-#define R_PCRLONG 024 /* 32 bits, PC-relative */
-#define R_OCRLONG 030 /* GSP: 32 bits, one's complement direct */
-#define R_GSPPCR16 031 /* GSP: 16 bits, PC relative (in words) */
-#define R_GSPOPR32 032 /* GSP: 32 bits, direct big-endian */
-#define R_PARTLS16 040 /* Brahma: 16 bit offset of 24 bit address*/
-#define R_PARTMS8 041 /* Brahma: 8 bit page of 24 bit address */
-#define R_PARTLS7 050 /* DSP: 7 bit offset of 16 bit address */
-#define R_PARTMS9 051 /* DSP: 9 bit page of 16 bit address */
-#define R_REL13 052 /* DSP: 13 bits, direct */
-struct lineno
- union
- {
- long l_symndx ; /* sym. table index of function name
- iff l_lnno == 0 */
- long l_paddr ; /* (physical) address of line number */
- } l_addr ;
- unsigned short l_lnno ; /* line number */
-#define LINENO struct lineno
-#define LINESZ 6 /* sizeof(LINENO) */
-#define C_EFCN -1 /* physical end of function */
-#define C_NULL 0
-#define C_AUTO 1 /* automatic variable */
-#define C_EXT 2 /* external symbol */
-#define C_STAT 3 /* static */
-#define C_REG 4 /* register variable */
-#define C_EXTDEF 5 /* external definition */
-#define C_LABEL 6 /* label */
-#define C_ULABEL 7 /* undefined label */
-#define C_MOS 8 /* member of structure */
-#define C_ARG 9 /* function argument */
-#define C_STRTAG 10 /* structure tag */
-#define C_MOU 11 /* member of union */
-#define C_UNTAG 12 /* union tag */
-#define C_TPDEF 13 /* type definition */
-#define C_USTATIC 14 /* undefined static */
-#define C_ENTAG 15 /* enumeration tag */
-#define C_MOE 16 /* member of enumeration */
-#define C_REGPARM 17 /* register parameter */
-#define C_FIELD 18 /* bit field */
-#define C_BLOCK 100 /* ".bb" or ".eb" */
-#define C_FCN 101 /* ".bf" or ".ef" */
-#define C_EOS 102 /* end of structure */
-#define C_FILE 103 /* file name */
-#define C_LINE 104 /* dummy sclass for line number entry */
-#define C_ALIAS 105 /* duplicate tag */
-#define C_HIDDEN 106 /* special storage class for external */
- /* symbols in dmert public libraries */
-#define SYMNMLEN 8 /* Number of characters in a symbol name */
-#define FILNMLEN 14 /* Number of characters in a file name */
-#define DIMNUM 4 /* Number of array dimensions in auxiliary entry */
-struct syment
- union
- {
- char _n_name[SYMNMLEN]; /* old COFF version */
- struct
- {
- long _n_zeroes; /* new == 0 */
- long _n_offset; /* offset into string table */
- } _n_n;
- char *_n_nptr[2]; /* allows for overlaying */
- } _n;
- long n_value; /* value of symbol */
- short n_scnum; /* section number */
- unsigned short n_type; /* type and derived type */
- char n_sclass; /* storage class */
- char n_numaux; /* number of aux. entries */
-#define n_name _n._n_name
-#define n_nptr _n._n_nptr[1]
-#define n_zeroes _n._n_n._n_zeroes
-#define n_offset _n._n_n._n_offset
-/* Relocatable symbols have a section number of the */
-/* section in which they are defined. Otherwise, section */
-/* numbers have the following meanings: */
-#define N_UNDEF 0 /* undefined symbol */
-#define N_ABS -1 /* value of symbol is absolute */
-#define N_DEBUG -2 /* special debugging symbol */
-#define N_TV (unsigned short)-3 /* needs transfer vector (preload) */
-#define P_TV (unsigned short)-4 /* needs transfer vector (postload) */
-/* The fundamental type of a symbol packed into the low */
-/* 4 bits of the word. */
-#define _EF ".ef"
-#define T_NULL 0 /* no type info */
-#define T_ARG 1 /* function argument (only used by compiler) */
-#define T_CHAR 2 /* character */
-#define T_SHORT 3 /* short integer */
-#define T_INT 4 /* integer */
-#define T_LONG 5 /* long integer */
-#define T_FLOAT 6 /* floating point */
-#define T_DOUBLE 7 /* double word */
-#define T_STRUCT 8 /* structure */
-#define T_UNION 9 /* union */
-#define T_ENUM 10 /* enumeration */
-#define T_MOE 11 /* member of enumeration */
-#define T_UCHAR 12 /* unsigned character */
-#define T_USHORT 13 /* unsigned short */
-#define T_UINT 14 /* unsigned integer */
-#define T_ULONG 15 /* unsigned long */
-/* derived types are: */
-#define DT_NON 0 /* no derived type */
-#define DT_PTR 1 /* pointer */
-#define DT_FCN 2 /* function */
-#define DT_ARY 3 /* array */
-#define MKTYPE(basic, d1,d2,d3,d4,d5,d6) \
- ((basic) | ((d1) << 4) | ((d2) << 6) | ((d3) << 8) |\
- ((d4) << 10) | ((d5) << 12) | ((d6) << 14))
-/* type packing constants and macros */
-#define N_BTMASK_COFF 017
-#define N_TMASK_COFF 060
-#define N_TMASK1_COFF 0300
-#define N_TMASK2_COFF 0360
-#define N_BTSHFT_COFF 4
-#define N_TSHIFT_COFF 2
-#define BTYPE_COFF(x) ((x) & N_BTMASK_COFF)
-#define ISINT(x) (((x) >= T_CHAR && (x) <= T_LONG) || \
- ((x) >= T_UCHAR && (x) <= T_ULONG) || (x) == T_ENUM)
-#define ISFLT_COFF(x) ((x) == T_DOUBLE || (x) == T_FLOAT)
-#define ISPTR_COFF(x) (((x) & N_TMASK_COFF) == (DT_PTR << N_BTSHFT_COFF))
-#define ISFCN_COFF(x) (((x) & N_TMASK_COFF) == (DT_FCN << N_BTSHFT_COFF))
-#define ISARY_COFF(x) (((x) & N_TMASK_COFF) == (DT_ARY << N_BTSHFT_COFF))
-#define ISTAG_COFF(x) ((x)==C_STRTAG || (x)==C_UNTAG || (x)==C_ENTAG)
-union auxent
- struct
- {
- long x_tagndx; /* str, un, or enum tag indx */
- union
- {
- struct
- {
- unsigned short x_lnno; /* declaration line number */
- unsigned short x_size; /* str, union, array size */
- } x_lnsz;
- long x_fsize; /* size of function */
- } x_misc;
- union
- {
- struct /* if ISFCN, tag, or .bb */
- {
- long x_lnnoptr; /* ptr to fcn line # */
- long x_endndx; /* entry ndx past block end */
- } x_fcn;
- struct /* if ISARY, up to 4 dimen. */
- {
- unsigned short x_dimen[DIMNUM];
- } x_ary;
- } x_fcnary;
- unsigned short x_regcount; /* number of registers used by func */
- } x_sym;
- struct
- {
- char x_fname[FILNMLEN];
- } x_file;
- struct
- {
- long x_scnlen; /* section length */
- unsigned short x_nreloc; /* number of relocation entries */
- unsigned short x_nlinno; /* number of line numbers */
- } x_scn;
-#define SYMENT struct syment
-#define SYMESZ 18 /* sizeof(SYMENT) */
-#define AUXENT union auxent
-#define AUXESZ 18 /* sizeof(AUXENT) */
-#define _STEXT ".text"
-#define _ETEXT "etext"
-#define _SDATA ".data"
-#define _EDATA "edata"
-#define _SBSS ".bss"
-#define _END "end"
-#define _CINITPTR "cinit"
-#define _START "_start"
-#define _MAIN "_main"
- /* _CSTART "_c_int00" (defined in params.h) */
-#define _TVORIG "_tvorig"
-#define _TORIGIN "_torigin"
-#define _DORIGIN "_dorigin"
-#define _SORIGIN "_sorigin"
diff --git a/05/tcc-0.9.25/config.h b/05/tcc-0.9.25/config.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 7e4096c..0000000
--- a/05/tcc-0.9.25/config.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-# define CONFIG_TCCDIR "/usr/local/lib/tcc-bootstrap"
-#define TCC_VERSION "0.9.25"
-#define TCC_TARGET_X86_64 1
-#define inline
diff --git a/05/tcc-0.9.25/configure b/05/tcc-0.9.25/configure
deleted file mode 100755
index 5b38f28..0000000
--- a/05/tcc-0.9.25/configure
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,382 +0,0 @@
-# tcc configure script (c) 2003 Fabrice Bellard
-# set temporary file name
-if test ! -z "$TMPDIR" ; then
-elif test ! -z "$TEMPDIR" ; then
- TMPDIR1="/tmp"
-# default parameters
-cpu=`uname -m`
-case "$cpu" in
- i386|i486|i586|i686|i86pc|BePC)
- cpu="x86"
- ;;
- x86_64)
- cpu="x86-64"
- ;;
- armv4l)
- cpu="armv4l"
- ;;
- alpha)
- cpu="alpha"
- ;;
- "Power Macintosh"|ppc|ppc64)
- cpu="powerpc"
- ;;
- mips)
- cpu="mips"
- ;;
- s390)
- cpu="s390"
- ;;
- *)
- cpu="unknown"
- ;;
-# OS specific
-targetos=`uname -s`
-case $targetos in
-*) ;;
-# find source path
-# XXX: we assume an absolute path is given when launching configure,
-# except in './configure' case.
-if test -z "$source_path" -o "$source_path" = "." ; then
- source_path=`pwd`
- source_path_used="no"
-for opt do
- case "$opt" in
- --prefix=*) prefix=`echo $opt | cut -d '=' -f 2`
- ;;
- --exec-prefix=*) execprefix=`echo $opt | cut -d '=' -f 2`
- ;;
- --bindir=*) bindir=`echo $opt | cut -d '=' -f 2`
- ;;
- --libdir=*) libdir=`echo $opt | cut -d '=' -f 2`
- ;;
- --includedir=*) includedir=`echo $opt | cut -d '=' -f 2`
- ;;
- --mandir=*) mandir=`echo $opt | cut -d '=' -f 2`
- ;;
- --sysroot=*) sysroot=`echo $opt | cut -d '=' -f 2`
- ;;
- --source-path=*) source_path=`echo $opt | cut -d '=' -f 2`
- ;;
- --cross-prefix=*) cross_prefix=`echo $opt | cut -d '=' -f 2`
- ;;
- --cc=*) cc=`echo $opt | cut -d '=' -f 2`
- ;;
- --extra-cflags=*) CFLAGS="${opt#--extra-cflags=}"
- ;;
- --extra-ldflags=*) LDFLAGS="${opt#--extra-ldflags=}"
- ;;
- --extra-libs=*) extralibs=${opt#--extra-libs=}
- ;;
- --cpu=*) cpu=`echo $opt | cut -d '=' -f 2`
- ;;
- --enable-gprof) gprof="yes"
- ;;
- --enable-mingw32) mingw32="yes" ; cross_prefix="i386-mingw32-"
- ;;
- --enable-cross) build_cross="yes"
- ;;
- --with-libgcc) use_libgcc="yes"
- ;;
- esac
-# Checking for CFLAGS
-if test -z "$CFLAGS"; then
- CFLAGS="-O2"
-if test "$mingw32" = "yes" ; then
- LIBSUF=".lib"
- EXESUF=".exe"
-if test -z "$cross_prefix" ; then
-# ---
-# big/little endian test
-cat > $TMPC << EOF
-#include <inttypes.h>
-int main(int argc, char ** argv){
- volatile uint32_t i=0x01234567;
- return (*((uint8_t*)(&i))) == 0x67;
-if $cc -o $TMPE $TMPC 2>/dev/null ; then
- $TMPE && bigendian="yes"
- echo big/little test failed
-# if cross compiling, cannot launch a program, so make a static guess
-if test "$cpu" = "powerpc" -o "$cpu" = "mips" -o "$cpu" = "s390" ; then
- bigendian="yes"
-# check gcc version
-cat > $TMPC <<EOF
-int main(void) {
-#if __GNUC__ > 3 || (__GNUC__ == 3 && __GNUC_MINOR__ >= 2)
-return 0;
-#error gcc < 3.2
-if $cc -o $TMPO $TMPC 2> /dev/null ; then
- gcc_major="3"
-cat > $TMPC <<EOF
-int main(void) {
-#if __GNUC__ >= 4
-return 0;
-#error gcc < 4
-if $cc -o $TMPO $TMPC 2> /dev/null ; then
- gcc_major="4"
-if test x"$1" = x"-h" -o x"$1" = x"--help" ; then
-cat << EOF
-Usage: configure [options]
-Options: [defaults in brackets after descriptions]
-echo "Standard options:"
-echo " --help print this message"
-echo " --prefix=PREFIX install in PREFIX [$prefix]"
-echo " --exec-prefix=EPREFIX install architecture-dependent files in EPREFIX"
-echo " [same as prefix]"
-echo " --bindir=DIR user executables in DIR [EPREFIX/bin]"
-echo " --libdir=DIR object code libraries in DIR [EPREFIX/lib]"
-echo " --includedir=DIR C header files in DIR [PREFIX/include]"
-echo " --mandir=DIR man documentation in DIR [PREFIX/man]"
-echo " --enable-cross build cross compilers"
-echo ""
-echo "Advanced options (experts only):"
-echo " --source-path=PATH path of source code [$source_path]"
-echo " --cross-prefix=PREFIX use PREFIX for compile tools [$cross_prefix]"
-echo " --sysroot=PREFIX prepend PREFIX to library/include paths []"
-echo " --cc=CC use C compiler CC [$cc]"
-echo " --with-libgcc use /lib/ instead of libtcc1.a"
-echo ""
-#echo "NOTE: The object files are build at the place where configure is launched"
-exit 1
-if test "$mingw32" = "yes" ; then
- if test -z "$prefix" ; then
- prefix="C:/Program Files/tcc"
- fi
- execprefix="$prefix"
- bindir="$prefix"
- tccdir="$prefix"
- docdir="$prefix/doc"
- if test -z "$prefix" ; then
- prefix="/usr/local"
- fi
- if test x"$execprefix" = x""; then
- execprefix="${prefix}"
- fi
- if test x"$bindir" = x""; then
- bindir="${execprefix}/bin"
- fi
- if test x"$docdir" = x""; then
- docdir="$prefix/share/doc/tcc"
- fi
-fi # mingw32
-if test x"$libdir" = x""; then
-if test x"$tccdir" = x""; then
-if test x"$mandir" = x""; then
-if test x"$includedir" = x""; then
-echo "Binary directory $bindir"
-echo "TinyCC directory $tccdir"
-echo "Library directory $libdir"
-echo "Include directory $includedir"
-echo "Manual directory $mandir"
-echo "Doc directory $docdir"
-echo "Target root prefix $sysroot"
-echo "Source path $source_path"
-echo "C compiler $cc"
-echo "CPU $cpu"
-echo "Big Endian $bigendian"
-echo "gprof enabled $gprof"
-echo "cross compilers $build_cross"
-echo "use libgcc $use_libgcc"
-echo "Creating config.mak and config.h"
-echo "# Automatically generated by configure - do not modify" > config.mak
-echo "/* Automatically generated by configure - do not modify */" > $TMPH
-echo "prefix=$prefix" >> config.mak
-echo "bindir=$bindir" >> config.mak
-echo "tccdir=$tccdir" >> config.mak
-echo "libdir=$libdir" >> config.mak
-echo "includedir=$includedir" >> config.mak
-echo "mandir=$mandir" >> config.mak
-echo "docdir=$docdir" >> config.mak
-echo "#define CONFIG_SYSROOT \"$sysroot\"" >> $TMPH
-echo "#define CONFIG_TCCDIR \"$tccdir\"" >> $TMPH
-echo "CC=$cc" >> config.mak
-echo "GCC_MAJOR=$gcc_major" >> config.mak
-echo "#define GCC_MAJOR $gcc_major" >> $TMPH
-echo "HOST_CC=$host_cc" >> config.mak
-echo "AR=$ar" >> config.mak
-echo "STRIP=$strip -s -R .comment -R .note" >> config.mak
-echo "CFLAGS=$CFLAGS" >> config.mak
-echo "LDFLAGS=$LDFLAGS" >> config.mak
-echo "LIBSUF=$LIBSUF" >> config.mak
-echo "EXESUF=$EXESUF" >> config.mak
-if test "$cpu" = "x86" ; then
- echo "ARCH=i386" >> config.mak
- echo "#define HOST_I386 1" >> $TMPH
-elif test "$cpu" = "x86-64" ; then
- echo "ARCH=x86-64" >> config.mak
- echo "#define HOST_X86_64 1" >> $TMPH
-elif test "$cpu" = "armv4l" ; then
- echo "ARCH=arm" >> config.mak
- echo "#define HOST_ARM 1" >> $TMPH
-elif test "$cpu" = "powerpc" ; then
- echo "ARCH=ppc" >> config.mak
- echo "#define HOST_PPC 1" >> $TMPH
-elif test "$cpu" = "mips" ; then
- echo "ARCH=mips" >> config.mak
- echo "#define HOST_MIPS 1" >> $TMPH
-elif test "$cpu" = "s390" ; then
- echo "ARCH=s390" >> config.mak
- echo "#define HOST_S390 1" >> $TMPH
-elif test "$cpu" = "alpha" ; then
- echo "ARCH=alpha" >> config.mak
- echo "#define HOST_ALPHA 1" >> $TMPH
- echo "Unsupported CPU"
- exit 1
-if test "$noldl" = "yes" ; then
- echo "CONFIG_NOLDL=yes" >> config.mak
-if test "$mingw32" = "yes" ; then
- echo "CONFIG_WIN32=yes" >> config.mak
- echo "#define CONFIG_WIN32 1" >> $TMPH
-if test "$bigendian" = "yes" ; then
- echo "WORDS_BIGENDIAN=yes" >> config.mak
- echo "#define WORDS_BIGENDIAN 1" >> $TMPH
-if test "$gprof" = "yes" ; then
- echo "TARGET_GPROF=yes" >> config.mak
- echo "#define HAVE_GPROF 1" >> $TMPH
-if test "$build_cross" = "yes" ; then
- echo "CONFIG_CROSS=yes" >> config.mak
-if test "$use_libgcc" = "yes" ; then
- echo "#define CONFIG_USE_LIBGCC" >> $TMPH
- echo "CONFIG_USE_LIBGCC=yes" >> config.mak
-version=`head $source_path/VERSION`
-echo "VERSION=$version" >>config.mak
-echo "#define TCC_VERSION \"$version\"" >> $TMPH
-echo "@set VERSION $version" > config.texi
-# build tree in object directory if source path is different from current one
-if test "$source_path_used" = "yes" ; then
- DIRS="tests"
- FILES="Makefile tests/Makefile"
- for dir in $DIRS ; do
- mkdir -p $dir
- done
- for f in $FILES ; do
- ln -sf $source_path/$f $f
- done
-echo "SRC_PATH=$source_path" >> config.mak
-diff $TMPH config.h >/dev/null 2>&1
-if test $? -ne 0 ; then
- mv -f $TMPH config.h
- echo "config.h is unchanged"
diff --git a/05/tcc-0.9.25/ctype.h b/05/tcc-0.9.25/ctype.h
deleted file mode 100644
index ed6833d..0000000
--- a/05/tcc-0.9.25/ctype.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,92 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef _CTYPE_H
-#define _CTYPE_H
-#include <stdc_common.h>
-int islower(int c) {
- return c >= 'a' && c <= 'z';
-int isupper(int c) {
- return c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z';
-int isalpha(int c) {
- return isupper(c) || islower(c);
-int isalnum(int c) {
- return isalpha(c) || isdigit(c);
-int isprint(int c) {
- if (isalnum(c)) return 1;
- switch (c) {
- case '!': return 1;
- case '@': return 1;
- case '#': return 1;
- case '$': return 1;
- case '%': return 1;
- case '^': return 1;
- case '&': return 1;
- case '*': return 1;
- case '(': return 1;
- case ')': return 1;
- case '-': return 1;
- case '=': return 1;
- case '_': return 1;
- case '+': return 1;
- case '`': return 1;
- case '~': return 1;
- case '[': return 1;
- case '{': return 1;
- case ']': return 1;
- case '}': return 1;
- case '\\': return 1;
- case '|': return 1;
- case ';': return 1;
- case ':': return 1;
- case '\'': return 1;
- case '"': return 1;
- case ',': return 1;
- case '<': return 1;
- case '.': return 1;
- case '>': return 1;
- case '/': return 1;
- case '?': return 1;
- }
- return 0;
-int iscntrl(int c) {
- return !isprint(c);
-int isgraph(int c) {
- return isprint(c) && c != ' ';
-int ispunct(int c) {
- return isprint(c) && c != ' ' && !isalnum(c);
-int isxdigit(int c) {
- if (isdigit(c)) return 1;
- if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'f') return 1;
- if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'F') return 1;
- return 0;
-int tolower(int c) {
- if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z')
- return c - 'A' + 'a';
- return c;
-int toupper(int c) {
- if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z')
- return c - 'a' + 'A';
- return c;
-#endif // _CTYPE_H
diff --git a/05/tcc-0.9.25/elf.h b/05/tcc-0.9.25/elf.h
deleted file mode 100644
index d728766..0000000
--- a/05/tcc-0.9.25/elf.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1714 +0,0 @@
-/* This file defines standard ELF types, structures, and macros.
- Copyright (C) 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- This file is part of the GNU C Library.
- Contributed by Ian Lance Taylor <>.
- The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as
- published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
- License, or (at your option) any later version.
- The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- Library General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
- License along with the GNU C Library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not,
- write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
- Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-#ifndef _ELF_H
-#define _ELF_H 1
-#ifndef _WIN32
-#ifndef __int8_t_defined
-#define __int8_t_defined
-typedef signed char int8_t;
-typedef short int int16_t;
-typedef int int32_t;
-typedef long long int int64_t;
-typedef unsigned char uint8_t;
-typedef unsigned short int uint16_t;
-typedef unsigned int uint32_t;
-typedef unsigned long long int uint64_t;
-/* Standard ELF types. */
-/* Type for a 16-bit quantity. */
-typedef uint16_t Elf32_Half;
-typedef uint16_t Elf64_Half;
-/* Types for signed and unsigned 32-bit quantities. */
-typedef uint32_t Elf32_Word;
-typedef int32_t Elf32_Sword;
-typedef uint32_t Elf64_Word;
-typedef int32_t Elf64_Sword;
-/* Types for signed and unsigned 64-bit quantities. */
-typedef uint64_t Elf32_Xword;
-typedef int64_t Elf32_Sxword;
-typedef uint64_t Elf64_Xword;
-typedef int64_t Elf64_Sxword;
-/* Type of addresses. */
-typedef uint32_t Elf32_Addr;
-typedef uint64_t Elf64_Addr;
-/* Type of file offsets. */
-typedef uint32_t Elf32_Off;
-typedef uint64_t Elf64_Off;
-/* Type for section indices, which are 16-bit quantities. */
-typedef uint16_t Elf32_Section;
-typedef uint16_t Elf64_Section;
-/* Type of symbol indices. */
-typedef uint32_t Elf32_Symndx;
-typedef uint64_t Elf64_Symndx;
-/* The ELF file header. This appears at the start of every ELF file. */
-#define EI_NIDENT (16)
-typedef struct
- unsigned char e_ident[EI_NIDENT]; /* Magic number and other info */
- Elf32_Half e_type; /* Object file type */
- Elf32_Half e_machine; /* Architecture */
- Elf32_Word e_version; /* Object file version */
- Elf32_Addr e_entry; /* Entry point virtual address */
- Elf32_Off e_phoff; /* Program header table file offset */
- Elf32_Off e_shoff; /* Section header table file offset */
- Elf32_Word e_flags; /* Processor-specific flags */
- Elf32_Half e_ehsize; /* ELF header size in bytes */
- Elf32_Half e_phentsize; /* Program header table entry size */
- Elf32_Half e_phnum; /* Program header table entry count */
- Elf32_Half e_shentsize; /* Section header table entry size */
- Elf32_Half e_shnum; /* Section header table entry count */
- Elf32_Half e_shstrndx; /* Section header string table index */
-} Elf32_Ehdr;
-typedef struct
- unsigned char e_ident[EI_NIDENT]; /* Magic number and other info */
- Elf64_Half e_type; /* Object file type */
- Elf64_Half e_machine; /* Architecture */
- Elf64_Word e_version; /* Object file version */
- Elf64_Addr e_entry; /* Entry point virtual address */
- Elf64_Off e_phoff; /* Program header table file offset */
- Elf64_Off e_shoff; /* Section header table file offset */
- Elf64_Word e_flags; /* Processor-specific flags */
- Elf64_Half e_ehsize; /* ELF header size in bytes */
- Elf64_Half e_phentsize; /* Program header table entry size */
- Elf64_Half e_phnum; /* Program header table entry count */
- Elf64_Half e_shentsize; /* Section header table entry size */
- Elf64_Half e_shnum; /* Section header table entry count */
- Elf64_Half e_shstrndx; /* Section header string table index */
-} Elf64_Ehdr;
-/* Fields in the e_ident array. The EI_* macros are indices into the
- array. The macros under each EI_* macro are the values the byte
- may have. */
-#define EI_MAG0 0 /* File identification byte 0 index */
-#define ELFMAG0 0x7f /* Magic number byte 0 */
-#define EI_MAG1 1 /* File identification byte 1 index */
-#define ELFMAG1 'E' /* Magic number byte 1 */
-#define EI_MAG2 2 /* File identification byte 2 index */
-#define ELFMAG2 'L' /* Magic number byte 2 */
-#define EI_MAG3 3 /* File identification byte 3 index */
-#define ELFMAG3 'F' /* Magic number byte 3 */
-/* Conglomeration of the identification bytes, for easy testing as a word. */
-#define ELFMAG "\177ELF"
-#define SELFMAG 4
-#define EI_CLASS 4 /* File class byte index */
-#define ELFCLASSNONE 0 /* Invalid class */
-#define ELFCLASS32 1 /* 32-bit objects */
-#define ELFCLASS64 2 /* 64-bit objects */
-#define ELFCLASSNUM 3
-#define EI_DATA 5 /* Data encoding byte index */
-#define ELFDATANONE 0 /* Invalid data encoding */
-#define ELFDATA2LSB 1 /* 2's complement, little endian */
-#define ELFDATA2MSB 2 /* 2's complement, big endian */
-#define ELFDATANUM 3
-#define EI_VERSION 6 /* File version byte index */
- /* Value must be EV_CURRENT */
-#define EI_OSABI 7 /* OS ABI identification */
-#define ELFOSABI_SYSV 0 /* UNIX System V ABI */
-#define ELFOSABI_HPUX 1 /* HP-UX */
-#define ELFOSABI_FREEBSD 9 /* Free BSD */
-#define ELFOSABI_ARM 97 /* ARM */
-#define ELFOSABI_STANDALONE 255 /* Standalone (embedded) application */
-#define EI_ABIVERSION 8 /* ABI version */
-#define EI_PAD 9 /* Byte index of padding bytes */
-/* Legal values for e_type (object file type). */
-#define ET_NONE 0 /* No file type */
-#define ET_REL 1 /* Relocatable file */
-#define ET_EXEC 2 /* Executable file */
-#define ET_DYN 3 /* Shared object file */
-#define ET_CORE 4 /* Core file */
-#define ET_NUM 5 /* Number of defined types */
-#define ET_LOPROC 0xff00 /* Processor-specific */
-#define ET_HIPROC 0xffff /* Processor-specific */
-/* Legal values for e_machine (architecture). */
-#define EM_NONE 0 /* No machine */
-#define EM_M32 1 /* AT&T WE 32100 */
-#define EM_SPARC 2 /* SUN SPARC */
-#define EM_386 3 /* Intel 80386 */
-#define EM_68K 4 /* Motorola m68k family */
-#define EM_88K 5 /* Motorola m88k family */
-#define EM_486 6 /* Intel 80486 */
-#define EM_860 7 /* Intel 80860 */
-#define EM_MIPS 8 /* MIPS R3000 big-endian */
-#define EM_S370 9 /* Amdahl */
-#define EM_MIPS_RS4_BE 10 /* MIPS R4000 big-endian */
-#define EM_RS6000 11 /* RS6000 */
-#define EM_PARISC 15 /* HPPA */
-#define EM_nCUBE 16 /* nCUBE */
-#define EM_VPP500 17 /* Fujitsu VPP500 */
-#define EM_SPARC32PLUS 18 /* Sun's "v8plus" */
-#define EM_960 19 /* Intel 80960 */
-#define EM_PPC 20 /* PowerPC */
-#define EM_V800 36 /* NEC V800 series */
-#define EM_FR20 37 /* Fujitsu FR20 */
-#define EM_RH32 38 /* TRW RH32 */
-#define EM_RCE 39 /* Motorola RCE */
-#define EM_ARM 40 /* ARM */
-#define EM_FAKE_ALPHA 41 /* Digital Alpha */
-#define EM_SH 42 /* Hitachi SH */
-#define EM_SPARCV9 43 /* SPARC v9 64-bit */
-#define EM_TRICORE 44 /* Siemens Tricore */
-#define EM_ARC 45 /* Argonaut RISC Core */
-#define EM_H8_300 46 /* Hitachi H8/300 */
-#define EM_H8_300H 47 /* Hitachi H8/300H */
-#define EM_H8S 48 /* Hitachi H8S */
-#define EM_H8_500 49 /* Hitachi H8/500 */
-#define EM_IA_64 50 /* Intel Merced */
-#define EM_MIPS_X 51 /* Stanford MIPS-X */
-#define EM_COLDFIRE 52 /* Motorola Coldfire */
-#define EM_68HC12 53 /* Motorola M68HC12 */
-#define EM_MMA 54 /* Fujitsu MMA Multimedia Accelerator*/
-#define EM_PCP 55 /* Siemens PCP */
-#define EM_NCPU 56 /* Sony nCPU embeeded RISC */
-#define EM_NDR1 57 /* Denso NDR1 microprocessor */
-#define EM_STARCORE 58 /* Motorola Start*Core processor */
-#define EM_ME16 59 /* Toyota ME16 processor */
-#define EM_ST100 60 /* STMicroelectronic ST100 processor */
-#define EM_TINYJ 61 /* Advanced Logic Corp. Tinyj emb.fam*/
-#define EM_X86_64 62 /* AMD x86-64 architecture */
-#define EM_PDSP 63 /* Sony DSP Processor */
-#define EM_FX66 66 /* Siemens FX66 microcontroller */
-#define EM_ST9PLUS 67 /* STMicroelectronics ST9+ 8/16 mc */
-#define EM_ST7 68 /* STmicroelectronics ST7 8 bit mc */
-#define EM_68HC16 69 /* Motorola MC68HC16 microcontroller */
-#define EM_68HC11 70 /* Motorola MC68HC11 microcontroller */
-#define EM_68HC08 71 /* Motorola MC68HC08 microcontroller */
-#define EM_68HC05 72 /* Motorola MC68HC05 microcontroller */
-#define EM_SVX 73 /* Silicon Graphics SVx */
-#define EM_ST19 74 /* STMicroelectronics ST19 8 bit mc */
-#define EM_VAX 75 /* Digital VAX */
-#define EM_CRIS 76 /* Axis Communications 32-bit embedded processor */
-#define EM_JAVELIN 77 /* Infineon Technologies 32-bit embedded processor */
-#define EM_FIREPATH 78 /* Element 14 64-bit DSP Processor */
-#define EM_ZSP 79 /* LSI Logic 16-bit DSP Processor */
-#define EM_MMIX 80 /* Donald Knuth's educational 64-bit processor */
-#define EM_HUANY 81 /* Harvard University machine-independent object files */
-#define EM_PRISM 82 /* SiTera Prism */
-#define EM_AVR 83 /* Atmel AVR 8-bit microcontroller */
-#define EM_FR30 84 /* Fujitsu FR30 */
-#define EM_D10V 85 /* Mitsubishi D10V */
-#define EM_D30V 86 /* Mitsubishi D30V */
-#define EM_V850 87 /* NEC v850 */
-#define EM_M32R 88 /* Mitsubishi M32R */
-#define EM_MN10300 89 /* Matsushita MN10300 */
-#define EM_MN10200 90 /* Matsushita MN10200 */
-#define EM_PJ 91 /* picoJava */
-#define EM_OPENRISC 92 /* OpenRISC 32-bit embedded processor */
-#define EM_ARC_A5 93 /* ARC Cores Tangent-A5 */
-#define EM_XTENSA 94 /* Tensilica Xtensa Architecture */
-#define EM_NUM 95
-/* If it is necessary to assign new unofficial EM_* values, please
- pick large random numbers (0x8523, 0xa7f2, etc.) to minimize the
- chances of collision with official or non-GNU unofficial values. */
-#define EM_ALPHA 0x9026
-#define EM_C60 0x9c60
-/* Legal values for e_version (version). */
-#define EV_NONE 0 /* Invalid ELF version */
-#define EV_CURRENT 1 /* Current version */
-#define EV_NUM 2
-/* Section header. */
-typedef struct
- Elf32_Word sh_name; /* Section name (string tbl index) */
- Elf32_Word sh_type; /* Section type */
- Elf32_Word sh_flags; /* Section flags */
- Elf32_Addr sh_addr; /* Section virtual addr at execution */
- Elf32_Off sh_offset; /* Section file offset */
- Elf32_Word sh_size; /* Section size in bytes */
- Elf32_Word sh_link; /* Link to another section */
- Elf32_Word sh_info; /* Additional section information */
- Elf32_Word sh_addralign; /* Section alignment */
- Elf32_Word sh_entsize; /* Entry size if section holds table */
-} Elf32_Shdr;
-typedef struct
- Elf64_Word sh_name; /* Section name (string tbl index) */
- Elf64_Word sh_type; /* Section type */
- Elf64_Xword sh_flags; /* Section flags */
- Elf64_Addr sh_addr; /* Section virtual addr at execution */
- Elf64_Off sh_offset; /* Section file offset */
- Elf64_Xword sh_size; /* Section size in bytes */
- Elf64_Word sh_link; /* Link to another section */
- Elf64_Word sh_info; /* Additional section information */
- Elf64_Xword sh_addralign; /* Section alignment */
- Elf64_Xword sh_entsize; /* Entry size if section holds table */
-} Elf64_Shdr;
-/* Special section indices. */
-#define SHN_UNDEF 0 /* Undefined section */
-#define SHN_LORESERVE 0xff00 /* Start of reserved indices */
-#define SHN_LOPROC 0xff00 /* Start of processor-specific */
-#define SHN_HIPROC 0xff1f /* End of processor-specific */
-#define SHN_ABS 0xfff1 /* Associated symbol is absolute */
-#define SHN_COMMON 0xfff2 /* Associated symbol is common */
-#define SHN_HIRESERVE 0xffff /* End of reserved indices */
-/* Legal values for sh_type (section type). */
-#define SHT_NULL 0 /* Section header table entry unused */
-#define SHT_PROGBITS 1 /* Program data */
-#define SHT_SYMTAB 2 /* Symbol table */
-#define SHT_STRTAB 3 /* String table */
-#define SHT_RELA 4 /* Relocation entries with addends */
-#define SHT_HASH 5 /* Symbol hash table */
-#define SHT_DYNAMIC 6 /* Dynamic linking information */
-#define SHT_NOTE 7 /* Notes */
-#define SHT_NOBITS 8 /* Program space with no data (bss) */
-#define SHT_REL 9 /* Relocation entries, no addends */
-#define SHT_SHLIB 10 /* Reserved */
-#define SHT_DYNSYM 11 /* Dynamic linker symbol table */
-#define SHT_NUM 12 /* Number of defined types. */
-#define SHT_LOOS 0x60000000 /* Start OS-specific */
-#define SHT_LOSUNW 0x6ffffffb /* Sun-specific low bound. */
-#define SHT_SUNW_COMDAT 0x6ffffffb
-#define SHT_SUNW_syminfo 0x6ffffffc
-#define SHT_GNU_verdef 0x6ffffffd /* Version definition section. */
-#define SHT_GNU_verneed 0x6ffffffe /* Version needs section. */
-#define SHT_GNU_versym 0x6fffffff /* Version symbol table. */
-#define SHT_HISUNW 0x6fffffff /* Sun-specific high bound. */
-#define SHT_HIOS 0x6fffffff /* End OS-specific type */
-#define SHT_LOPROC 0x70000000 /* Start of processor-specific */
-#define SHT_ARM_EXIDX 0x70000001 /* Exception Index table */
-#define SHT_ARM_PREEMPTMAP 0x70000002 /* dynamic linking pre-emption map */
-#define SHT_ARM_ATTRIBUTES 0x70000003 /* Object file compatibility attrs */
-#define SHT_HIPROC 0x7fffffff /* End of processor-specific */
-#define SHT_LOUSER 0x80000000 /* Start of application-specific */
-#define SHT_HIUSER 0x8fffffff /* End of application-specific */
-/* Legal values for sh_flags (section flags). */
-#define SHF_WRITE (1 << 0) /* Writable */
-#define SHF_ALLOC (1 << 1) /* Occupies memory during execution */
-#define SHF_EXECINSTR (1 << 2) /* Executable */
-#define SHF_MASKPROC 0xf0000000 /* Processor-specific */
-/* Symbol table entry. */
-typedef struct
- Elf32_Word st_name; /* Symbol name (string tbl index) */
- Elf32_Addr st_value; /* Symbol value */
- Elf32_Word st_size; /* Symbol size */
- unsigned char st_info; /* Symbol type and binding */
- unsigned char st_other; /* No defined meaning, 0 */
- Elf32_Section st_shndx; /* Section index */
-} Elf32_Sym;
-typedef struct
- Elf64_Word st_name; /* Symbol name (string tbl index) */
- unsigned char st_info; /* Symbol type and binding */
- unsigned char st_other; /* No defined meaning, 0 */
- Elf64_Section st_shndx; /* Section index */
- Elf64_Addr st_value; /* Symbol value */
- Elf64_Xword st_size; /* Symbol size */
-} Elf64_Sym;
-/* The syminfo section if available contains additional information about
- every dynamic symbol. */
-typedef struct
- Elf32_Half si_boundto; /* Direct bindings, symbol bound to */
- Elf32_Half si_flags; /* Per symbol flags */
-} Elf32_Syminfo;
-typedef struct
- Elf64_Half si_boundto; /* Direct bindings, symbol bound to */
- Elf64_Half si_flags; /* Per symbol flags */
-} Elf64_Syminfo;
-/* Possible values for si_boundto. */
-#define SYMINFO_BT_SELF 0xffff /* Symbol bound to self */
-#define SYMINFO_BT_PARENT 0xfffe /* Symbol bound to parent */
-#define SYMINFO_BT_LOWRESERVE 0xff00 /* Beginning of reserved entries */
-/* Possible bitmasks for si_flags. */
-#define SYMINFO_FLG_DIRECT 0x0001 /* Direct bound symbol */
-#define SYMINFO_FLG_PASSTHRU 0x0002 /* Pass-thru symbol for translator */
-#define SYMINFO_FLG_COPY 0x0004 /* Symbol is a copy-reloc */
-#define SYMINFO_FLG_LAZYLOAD 0x0008 /* Symbol bound to object to be lazy
- loaded */
-/* Syminfo version values. */
-#define SYMINFO_NONE 0
-#define SYMINFO_NUM 2
-/* Special section index. */
-#undef SHN_UNDEF
-#define SHN_UNDEF 0 /* No section, undefined symbol. */
-/* How to extract and insert information held in the st_info field. */
-#define ELF32_ST_BIND(val) (((unsigned char) (val)) >> 4)
-#define ELF32_ST_TYPE(val) ((val) & 0xf)
-#define ELF32_ST_INFO(bind, type) (((bind) << 4) + ((type) & 0xf))
-/* Both Elf32_Sym and Elf64_Sym use the same one-byte st_info field. */
-#define ELF64_ST_BIND(val) ELF32_ST_BIND (val)
-#define ELF64_ST_TYPE(val) ELF32_ST_TYPE (val)
-#define ELF64_ST_INFO(bind, type) ELF32_ST_INFO ((bind), (type))
-/* Legal values for ST_BIND subfield of st_info (symbol binding). */
-#define STB_LOCAL 0 /* Local symbol */
-#define STB_GLOBAL 1 /* Global symbol */
-#define STB_WEAK 2 /* Weak symbol */
-#define STB_NUM 3 /* Number of defined types. */
-#define STB_LOOS 10 /* Start of OS-specific */
-#define STB_HIOS 12 /* End of OS-specific */
-#define STB_LOPROC 13 /* Start of processor-specific */
-#define STB_HIPROC 15 /* End of processor-specific */
-/* Legal values for ST_TYPE subfield of st_info (symbol type). */
-#define STT_NOTYPE 0 /* Symbol type is unspecified */
-#define STT_OBJECT 1 /* Symbol is a data object */
-#define STT_FUNC 2 /* Symbol is a code object */
-#define STT_SECTION 3 /* Symbol associated with a section */
-#define STT_FILE 4 /* Symbol's name is file name */
-#define STT_NUM 5 /* Number of defined types. */
-#define STT_LOOS 11 /* Start of OS-specific */
-#define STT_HIOS 12 /* End of OS-specific */
-#define STT_LOPROC 13 /* Start of processor-specific */
-#define STT_HIPROC 15 /* End of processor-specific */
-/* Symbol table indices are found in the hash buckets and chain table
- of a symbol hash table section. This special index value indicates
- the end of a chain, meaning no further symbols are found in that bucket. */
-#define STN_UNDEF 0 /* End of a chain. */
-/* How to extract and insert information held in the st_other field. */
-#define ELF32_ST_VISIBILITY(o) ((o) & 0x03)
-/* For ELF64 the definitions are the same. */
-/* Symbol visibility specification encoded in the st_other field. */
-#define STV_DEFAULT 0 /* Default symbol visibility rules */
-#define STV_INTERNAL 1 /* Processor specific hidden class */
-#define STV_HIDDEN 2 /* Sym unavailable in other modules */
-#define STV_PROTECTED 3 /* Not preemptible, not exported */
-/* Relocation table entry without addend (in section of type SHT_REL). */
-typedef struct
- Elf32_Addr r_offset; /* Address */
- Elf32_Word r_info; /* Relocation type and symbol index */
-} Elf32_Rel;
-/* I have seen two different definitions of the Elf64_Rel and
- Elf64_Rela structures, so we'll leave them out until Novell (or
- whoever) gets their act together. */
-/* The following, at least, is used on Sparc v9, MIPS, and Alpha. */
-typedef struct
- Elf64_Addr r_offset; /* Address */
- Elf64_Xword r_info; /* Relocation type and symbol index */
-} Elf64_Rel;
-/* Relocation table entry with addend (in section of type SHT_RELA). */
-typedef struct
- Elf32_Addr r_offset; /* Address */
- Elf32_Word r_info; /* Relocation type and symbol index */
- Elf32_Sword r_addend; /* Addend */
-} Elf32_Rela;
-typedef struct
- Elf64_Addr r_offset; /* Address */
- Elf64_Xword r_info; /* Relocation type and symbol index */
- Elf64_Sxword r_addend; /* Addend */
-} Elf64_Rela;
-/* How to extract and insert information held in the r_info field. */
-#define ELF32_R_SYM(val) ((val) >> 8)
-#define ELF32_R_TYPE(val) ((val) & 0xff)
-#define ELF32_R_INFO(sym, type) (((sym) << 8) + ((type) & 0xff))
-#define ELF64_R_SYM(i) ((i) >> 32)
-#define ELF64_R_TYPE(i) ((i) & 0xffffffff)
-#define ELF64_R_INFO(sym,type) ((((Elf64_Xword)(sym)) << 32) + (type))
-/* Program segment header. */
-typedef struct
- Elf32_Word p_type; /* Segment type */
- Elf32_Off p_offset; /* Segment file offset */
- Elf32_Addr p_vaddr; /* Segment virtual address */
- Elf32_Addr p_paddr; /* Segment physical address */
- Elf32_Word p_filesz; /* Segment size in file */
- Elf32_Word p_memsz; /* Segment size in memory */
- Elf32_Word p_flags; /* Segment flags */
- Elf32_Word p_align; /* Segment alignment */
-} Elf32_Phdr;
-typedef struct
- Elf64_Word p_type; /* Segment type */
- Elf64_Word p_flags; /* Segment flags */
- Elf64_Off p_offset; /* Segment file offset */
- Elf64_Addr p_vaddr; /* Segment virtual address */
- Elf64_Addr p_paddr; /* Segment physical address */
- Elf64_Xword p_filesz; /* Segment size in file */
- Elf64_Xword p_memsz; /* Segment size in memory */
- Elf64_Xword p_align; /* Segment alignment */
-} Elf64_Phdr;
-/* Legal values for p_type (segment type). */
-#define PT_NULL 0 /* Program header table entry unused */
-#define PT_LOAD 1 /* Loadable program segment */
-#define PT_DYNAMIC 2 /* Dynamic linking information */
-#define PT_INTERP 3 /* Program interpreter */
-#define PT_NOTE 4 /* Auxiliary information */
-#define PT_SHLIB 5 /* Reserved */
-#define PT_PHDR 6 /* Entry for header table itself */
-#define PT_NUM 7 /* Number of defined types. */
-#define PT_LOOS 0x60000000 /* Start of OS-specific */
-#define PT_HIOS 0x6fffffff /* End of OS-specific */
-#define PT_LOPROC 0x70000000 /* Start of processor-specific */
-#define PT_HIPROC 0x7fffffff /* End of processor-specific */
-/* Legal values for p_flags (segment flags). */
-#define PF_X (1 << 0) /* Segment is executable */
-#define PF_W (1 << 1) /* Segment is writable */
-#define PF_R (1 << 2) /* Segment is readable */
-#define PF_MASKPROC 0xf0000000 /* Processor-specific */
-/* Legal values for note segment descriptor types for core files. */
-#define NT_PRSTATUS 1 /* Contains copy of prstatus struct */
-#define NT_FPREGSET 2 /* Contains copy of fpregset struct */
-#define NT_PRPSINFO 3 /* Contains copy of prpsinfo struct */
-#define NT_PRXREG 4 /* Contains copy of prxregset struct */
-#define NT_PLATFORM 5 /* String from sysinfo(SI_PLATFORM) */
-#define NT_AUXV 6 /* Contains copy of auxv array */
-#define NT_GWINDOWS 7 /* Contains copy of gwindows struct */
-#define NT_PSTATUS 10 /* Contains copy of pstatus struct */
-#define NT_PSINFO 13 /* Contains copy of psinfo struct */
-#define NT_PRCRED 14 /* Contains copy of prcred struct */
-#define NT_UTSNAME 15 /* Contains copy of utsname struct */
-#define NT_LWPSTATUS 16 /* Contains copy of lwpstatus struct */
-#define NT_LWPSINFO 17 /* Contains copy of lwpinfo struct */
-/* Legal values for the note segment descriptor types for object files. */
-#define NT_VERSION 1 /* Contains a version string. */
-/* Dynamic section entry. */
-typedef struct
- Elf32_Sword d_tag; /* Dynamic entry type */
- union
- {
- Elf32_Word d_val; /* Integer value */
- Elf32_Addr d_ptr; /* Address value */
- } d_un;
-} Elf32_Dyn;
-typedef struct
- Elf64_Sxword d_tag; /* Dynamic entry type */
- union
- {
- Elf64_Xword d_val; /* Integer value */
- Elf64_Addr d_ptr; /* Address value */
- } d_un;
-} Elf64_Dyn;
-/* Legal values for d_tag (dynamic entry type). */
-#define DT_NULL 0 /* Marks end of dynamic section */
-#define DT_NEEDED 1 /* Name of needed library */
-#define DT_PLTRELSZ 2 /* Size in bytes of PLT relocs */
-#define DT_PLTGOT 3 /* Processor defined value */
-#define DT_HASH 4 /* Address of symbol hash table */
-#define DT_STRTAB 5 /* Address of string table */
-#define DT_SYMTAB 6 /* Address of symbol table */
-#define DT_RELA 7 /* Address of Rela relocs */
-#define DT_RELASZ 8 /* Total size of Rela relocs */
-#define DT_RELAENT 9 /* Size of one Rela reloc */
-#define DT_STRSZ 10 /* Size of string table */
-#define DT_SYMENT 11 /* Size of one symbol table entry */
-#define DT_INIT 12 /* Address of init function */
-#define DT_FINI 13 /* Address of termination function */
-#define DT_SONAME 14 /* Name of shared object */
-#define DT_RPATH 15 /* Library search path */
-#define DT_SYMBOLIC 16 /* Start symbol search here */
-#define DT_REL 17 /* Address of Rel relocs */
-#define DT_RELSZ 18 /* Total size of Rel relocs */
-#define DT_RELENT 19 /* Size of one Rel reloc */
-#define DT_PLTREL 20 /* Type of reloc in PLT */
-#define DT_DEBUG 21 /* For debugging; unspecified */
-#define DT_TEXTREL 22 /* Reloc might modify .text */
-#define DT_JMPREL 23 /* Address of PLT relocs */
-#define DT_BIND_NOW 24 /* Process relocations of object */
-#define DT_INIT_ARRAY 25 /* Array with addresses of init fct */
-#define DT_FINI_ARRAY 26 /* Array with addresses of fini fct */
-#define DT_INIT_ARRAYSZ 27 /* Size in bytes of DT_INIT_ARRAY */
-#define DT_FINI_ARRAYSZ 28 /* Size in bytes of DT_FINI_ARRAY */
-#define DT_NUM 29 /* Number used */
-#define DT_LOOS 0x60000000 /* Start of OS-specific */
-#define DT_HIOS 0x6fffffff /* End of OS-specific */
-#define DT_LOPROC 0x70000000 /* Start of processor-specific */
-#define DT_HIPROC 0x7fffffff /* End of processor-specific */
-#define DT_PROCNUM DT_MIPS_NUM /* Most used by any processor */
-/* DT_* entries which fall between DT_VALRNGHI & DT_VALRNGLO use the
- Dyn.d_un.d_val field of the Elf*_Dyn structure. This follows Sun's
- approach. */
-#define DT_VALRNGLO 0x6ffffd00
-#define DT_POSFLAG_1 0x6ffffdfd /* Flags for DT_* entries, effecting
- the following DT_* entry. */
-#define DT_SYMINSZ 0x6ffffdfe /* Size of syminfo table (in bytes) */
-#define DT_SYMINENT 0x6ffffdff /* Entry size of syminfo */
-#define DT_VALRNGHI 0x6ffffdff
-/* DT_* entries which fall between DT_ADDRRNGHI & DT_ADDRRNGLO use the
- Dyn.d_un.d_ptr field of the Elf*_Dyn structure.
- If any adjustment is made to the ELF object after it has been
- built these entries will need to be adjusted. */
-#define DT_ADDRRNGLO 0x6ffffe00
-#define DT_SYMINFO 0x6ffffeff /* syminfo table */
-#define DT_ADDRRNGHI 0x6ffffeff
-/* The versioning entry types. The next are defined as part of the
- GNU extension. */
-#define DT_VERSYM 0x6ffffff0
-/* These were chosen by Sun. */
-#define DT_FLAGS_1 0x6ffffffb /* State flags, see DF_1_* below. */
-#define DT_VERDEF 0x6ffffffc /* Address of version definition
- table */
-#define DT_VERDEFNUM 0x6ffffffd /* Number of version definitions */
-#define DT_VERNEED 0x6ffffffe /* Address of table with needed
- versions */
-#define DT_VERNEEDNUM 0x6fffffff /* Number of needed versions */
-#define DT_VERSIONTAGIDX(tag) (DT_VERNEEDNUM - (tag)) /* Reverse order! */
-/* Sun added these machine-independent extensions in the "processor-specific"
- range. Be compatible. */
-#define DT_AUXILIARY 0x7ffffffd /* Shared object to load before self */
-#define DT_FILTER 0x7fffffff /* Shared object to get values from */
-#define DT_EXTRATAGIDX(tag) ((Elf32_Word)-((Elf32_Sword) (tag) <<1>>1)-1)
-#define DT_EXTRANUM 3
-/* State flags selectable in the `d_un.d_val' element of the DT_FLAGS_1
- entry in the dynamic section. */
-#define DF_1_NOW 0x00000001 /* Set RTLD_NOW for this object. */
-#define DF_1_GLOBAL 0x00000002 /* Set RTLD_GLOBAL for this object. */
-#define DF_1_GROUP 0x00000004 /* Set RTLD_GROUP for this object. */
-#define DF_1_NODELETE 0x00000008 /* Set RTLD_NODELETE for this object.*/
-#define DF_1_LOADFLTR 0x00000010 /* Trigger filtee loading at runtime.*/
-#define DF_1_INITFIRST 0x00000020 /* Set RTLD_INITFIRST for this object*/
-#define DF_1_NOOPEN 0x00000040 /* Set RTLD_NOOPEN for this object. */
-/* Version definition sections. */
-typedef struct
- Elf32_Half vd_version; /* Version revision */
- Elf32_Half vd_flags; /* Version information */
- Elf32_Half vd_ndx; /* Version Index */
- Elf32_Half vd_cnt; /* Number of associated aux entries */
- Elf32_Word vd_hash; /* Version name hash value */
- Elf32_Word vd_aux; /* Offset in bytes to verdaux array */
- Elf32_Word vd_next; /* Offset in bytes to next verdef
- entry */
-} Elf32_Verdef;
-typedef struct
- Elf64_Half vd_version; /* Version revision */
- Elf64_Half vd_flags; /* Version information */
- Elf64_Half vd_ndx; /* Version Index */
- Elf64_Half vd_cnt; /* Number of associated aux entries */
- Elf64_Word vd_hash; /* Version name hash value */
- Elf64_Word vd_aux; /* Offset in bytes to verdaux array */
- Elf64_Word vd_next; /* Offset in bytes to next verdef
- entry */
-} Elf64_Verdef;
-/* Legal values for vd_version (version revision). */
-#define VER_DEF_NONE 0 /* No version */
-#define VER_DEF_CURRENT 1 /* Current version */
-#define VER_DEF_NUM 2 /* Given version number */
-/* Legal values for vd_flags (version information flags). */
-#define VER_FLG_BASE 0x1 /* Version definition of file itself */
-#define VER_FLG_WEAK 0x2 /* Weak version identifier */
-/* Auxialiary version information. */
-typedef struct
- Elf32_Word vda_name; /* Version or dependency names */
- Elf32_Word vda_next; /* Offset in bytes to next verdaux
- entry */
-} Elf32_Verdaux;
-typedef struct
- Elf64_Word vda_name; /* Version or dependency names */
- Elf64_Word vda_next; /* Offset in bytes to next verdaux
- entry */
-} Elf64_Verdaux;
-/* Version dependency section. */
-typedef struct
- Elf32_Half vn_version; /* Version of structure */
- Elf32_Half vn_cnt; /* Number of associated aux entries */
- Elf32_Word vn_file; /* Offset of filename for this
- dependency */
- Elf32_Word vn_aux; /* Offset in bytes to vernaux array */
- Elf32_Word vn_next; /* Offset in bytes to next verneed
- entry */
-} Elf32_Verneed;
-typedef struct
- Elf64_Half vn_version; /* Version of structure */
- Elf64_Half vn_cnt; /* Number of associated aux entries */
- Elf64_Word vn_file; /* Offset of filename for this
- dependency */
- Elf64_Word vn_aux; /* Offset in bytes to vernaux array */
- Elf64_Word vn_next; /* Offset in bytes to next verneed
- entry */
-} Elf64_Verneed;
-/* Legal values for vn_version (version revision). */
-#define VER_NEED_NONE 0 /* No version */
-#define VER_NEED_CURRENT 1 /* Current version */
-#define VER_NEED_NUM 2 /* Given version number */
-/* Auxiliary needed version information. */
-typedef struct
- Elf32_Word vna_hash; /* Hash value of dependency name */
- Elf32_Half vna_flags; /* Dependency specific information */
- Elf32_Half vna_other; /* Unused */
- Elf32_Word vna_name; /* Dependency name string offset */
- Elf32_Word vna_next; /* Offset in bytes to next vernaux
- entry */
-} Elf32_Vernaux;
-typedef struct
- Elf64_Word vna_hash; /* Hash value of dependency name */
- Elf64_Half vna_flags; /* Dependency specific information */
- Elf64_Half vna_other; /* Unused */
- Elf64_Word vna_name; /* Dependency name string offset */
- Elf64_Word vna_next; /* Offset in bytes to next vernaux
- entry */
-} Elf64_Vernaux;
-/* Legal values for vna_flags. */
-#undef VER_FLG_WEAK
-#define VER_FLG_WEAK 0x2 /* Weak version identifier */
-/* Auxiliary vector. */
-/* This vector is normally only used by the program interpreter. The
- usual definition in an ABI supplement uses the name auxv_t. The
- vector is not usually defined in a standard <elf.h> file, but it
- can't hurt. We rename it to avoid conflicts. The sizes of these
- types are an arrangement between the exec server and the program
- interpreter, so we don't fully specify them here. */
-typedef struct
- int a_type; /* Entry type */
- union
- {
- long int a_val; /* Integer value */
- void *a_ptr; /* Pointer value */
- void (*a_fcn) (void); /* Function pointer value */
- } a_un;
-} Elf32_auxv_t;
-typedef struct
- long int a_type; /* Entry type */
- union
- {
- long int a_val; /* Integer value */
- void *a_ptr; /* Pointer value */
- void (*a_fcn) (void); /* Function pointer value */
- } a_un;
-} Elf64_auxv_t;
-/* Legal values for a_type (entry type). */
-#define AT_NULL 0 /* End of vector */
-#define AT_IGNORE 1 /* Entry should be ignored */
-#define AT_EXECFD 2 /* File descriptor of program */
-#define AT_PHDR 3 /* Program headers for program */
-#define AT_PHENT 4 /* Size of program header entry */
-#define AT_PHNUM 5 /* Number of program headers */
-#define AT_PAGESZ 6 /* System page size */
-#define AT_BASE 7 /* Base address of interpreter */
-#define AT_FLAGS 8 /* Flags */
-#define AT_ENTRY 9 /* Entry point of program */
-#define AT_NOTELF 10 /* Program is not ELF */
-#define AT_UID 11 /* Real uid */
-#define AT_EUID 12 /* Effective uid */
-#define AT_GID 13 /* Real gid */
-#define AT_EGID 14 /* Effective gid */
-/* Some more special a_type values describing the hardware. */
-#define AT_PLATFORM 15 /* String identifying platform. */
-#define AT_HWCAP 16 /* Machine dependent hints about
- processor capabilities. */
-/* This entry gives some information about the FPU initialization
- performed by the kernel. */
-#define AT_FPUCW 17 /* Used FPU control word. */
-/* Note section contents. Each entry in the note section begins with
- a header of a fixed form. */
-typedef struct
- Elf32_Word n_namesz; /* Length of the note's name. */
- Elf32_Word n_descsz; /* Length of the note's descriptor. */
- Elf32_Word n_type; /* Type of the note. */
-} Elf32_Nhdr;
-typedef struct
- Elf64_Word n_namesz; /* Length of the note's name. */
- Elf64_Word n_descsz; /* Length of the note's descriptor. */
- Elf64_Word n_type; /* Type of the note. */
-} Elf64_Nhdr;
-/* Known names of notes. */
-/* Solaris entries in the note section have this name. */
-#define ELF_NOTE_SOLARIS "SUNW Solaris"
-/* Note entries for GNU systems have this name. */
-#define ELF_NOTE_GNU "GNU"
-/* Defined types of notes for Solaris. */
-/* Value of descriptor (one word) is desired pagesize for the binary. */
-/* Defined note types for GNU systems. */
-/* ABI information. The descriptor consists of words:
- word 0: OS descriptor
- word 1: major version of the ABI
- word 2: minor version of the ABI
- word 3: subminor version of the ABI
-#define ELF_NOTE_ABI 1
-/* Known OSes. These value can appear in word 0 of an ELF_NOTE_ABI
- note section entry. */
-#define ELF_NOTE_OS_LINUX 0
-#define ELF_NOTE_OS_GNU 1
-/* Motorola 68k specific definitions. */
-/* m68k relocs. */
-#define R_68K_NONE 0 /* No reloc */
-#define R_68K_32 1 /* Direct 32 bit */
-#define R_68K_16 2 /* Direct 16 bit */
-#define R_68K_8 3 /* Direct 8 bit */
-#define R_68K_PC32 4 /* PC relative 32 bit */
-#define R_68K_PC16 5 /* PC relative 16 bit */
-#define R_68K_PC8 6 /* PC relative 8 bit */
-#define R_68K_GOT32 7 /* 32 bit PC relative GOT entry */
-#define R_68K_GOT16 8 /* 16 bit PC relative GOT entry */
-#define R_68K_GOT8 9 /* 8 bit PC relative GOT entry */
-#define R_68K_GOT32O 10 /* 32 bit GOT offset */
-#define R_68K_GOT16O 11 /* 16 bit GOT offset */
-#define R_68K_GOT8O 12 /* 8 bit GOT offset */
-#define R_68K_PLT32 13 /* 32 bit PC relative PLT address */
-#define R_68K_PLT16 14 /* 16 bit PC relative PLT address */
-#define R_68K_PLT8 15 /* 8 bit PC relative PLT address */
-#define R_68K_PLT32O 16 /* 32 bit PLT offset */
-#define R_68K_PLT16O 17 /* 16 bit PLT offset */
-#define R_68K_PLT8O 18 /* 8 bit PLT offset */
-#define R_68K_COPY 19 /* Copy symbol at runtime */
-#define R_68K_GLOB_DAT 20 /* Create GOT entry */
-#define R_68K_JMP_SLOT 21 /* Create PLT entry */
-#define R_68K_RELATIVE 22 /* Adjust by program base */
-/* Keep this the last entry. */
-#define R_68K_NUM 23
-/* Intel 80386 specific definitions. */
-/* i386 relocs. */
-#define R_386_NONE 0 /* No reloc */
-#define R_386_32 1 /* Direct 32 bit */
-#define R_386_PC32 2 /* PC relative 32 bit */
-#define R_386_GOT32 3 /* 32 bit GOT entry */
-#define R_386_PLT32 4 /* 32 bit PLT address */
-#define R_386_COPY 5 /* Copy symbol at runtime */
-#define R_386_GLOB_DAT 6 /* Create GOT entry */
-#define R_386_JMP_SLOT 7 /* Create PLT entry */
-#define R_386_RELATIVE 8 /* Adjust by program base */
-#define R_386_GOTOFF 9 /* 32 bit offset to GOT */
-#define R_386_GOTPC 10 /* 32 bit PC relative offset to GOT */
-/* Keep this the last entry. */
-#define R_386_NUM 11
-/* SUN SPARC specific definitions. */
-/* Values for Elf64_Ehdr.e_flags. */
-#define EF_SPARCV9_MM 3
-#define EF_SPARCV9_TSO 0
-#define EF_SPARCV9_PSO 1
-#define EF_SPARCV9_RMO 2
-#define EF_SPARC_SUN_US1 0x000200
-#define EF_SPARC_HAL_R1 0x000400
-/* SPARC relocs. */
-#define R_SPARC_NONE 0 /* No reloc */
-#define R_SPARC_8 1 /* Direct 8 bit */
-#define R_SPARC_16 2 /* Direct 16 bit */
-#define R_SPARC_32 3 /* Direct 32 bit */
-#define R_SPARC_DISP8 4 /* PC relative 8 bit */
-#define R_SPARC_DISP16 5 /* PC relative 16 bit */
-#define R_SPARC_DISP32 6 /* PC relative 32 bit */
-#define R_SPARC_WDISP30 7 /* PC relative 30 bit shifted */
-#define R_SPARC_WDISP22 8 /* PC relative 22 bit shifted */
-#define R_SPARC_HI22 9 /* High 22 bit */
-#define R_SPARC_22 10 /* Direct 22 bit */
-#define R_SPARC_13 11 /* Direct 13 bit */
-#define R_SPARC_LO10 12 /* Truncated 10 bit */
-#define R_SPARC_GOT10 13 /* Truncated 10 bit GOT entry */
-#define R_SPARC_GOT13 14 /* 13 bit GOT entry */
-#define R_SPARC_GOT22 15 /* 22 bit GOT entry shifted */
-#define R_SPARC_PC10 16 /* PC relative 10 bit truncated */
-#define R_SPARC_PC22 17 /* PC relative 22 bit shifted */
-#define R_SPARC_WPLT30 18 /* 30 bit PC relative PLT address */
-#define R_SPARC_COPY 19 /* Copy symbol at runtime */
-#define R_SPARC_GLOB_DAT 20 /* Create GOT entry */
-#define R_SPARC_JMP_SLOT 21 /* Create PLT entry */
-#define R_SPARC_RELATIVE 22 /* Adjust by program base */
-#define R_SPARC_UA32 23 /* Direct 32 bit unaligned */
-/* Additional Sparc64 relocs. */
-#define R_SPARC_PLT32 24 /* Direct 32 bit ref to PLT entry */
-#define R_SPARC_HIPLT22 25 /* High 22 bit PLT entry */
-#define R_SPARC_LOPLT10 26 /* Truncated 10 bit PLT entry */
-#define R_SPARC_PCPLT32 27 /* PC rel 32 bit ref to PLT entry */
-#define R_SPARC_PCPLT22 28 /* PC rel high 22 bit PLT entry */
-#define R_SPARC_PCPLT10 29 /* PC rel trunc 10 bit PLT entry */
-#define R_SPARC_10 30 /* Direct 10 bit */
-#define R_SPARC_11 31 /* Direct 11 bit */
-#define R_SPARC_64 32 /* Direct 64 bit */
-#define R_SPARC_OLO10 33 /* ?? */
-#define R_SPARC_HH22 34 /* Top 22 bits of direct 64 bit */
-#define R_SPARC_HM10 35 /* High middle 10 bits of ... */
-#define R_SPARC_LM22 36 /* Low middle 22 bits of ... */
-#define R_SPARC_PC_HH22 37 /* Top 22 bits of pc rel 64 bit */
-#define R_SPARC_PC_HM10 38 /* High middle 10 bit of ... */
-#define R_SPARC_PC_LM22 39 /* Low miggle 22 bits of ... */
-#define R_SPARC_WDISP16 40 /* PC relative 16 bit shifted */
-#define R_SPARC_WDISP19 41 /* PC relative 19 bit shifted */
-#define R_SPARC_7 43 /* Direct 7 bit */
-#define R_SPARC_5 44 /* Direct 5 bit */
-#define R_SPARC_6 45 /* Direct 6 bit */
-#define R_SPARC_DISP64 46 /* PC relative 64 bit */
-#define R_SPARC_PLT64 47 /* Direct 64 bit ref to PLT entry */
-#define R_SPARC_HIX22 48 /* High 22 bit complemented */
-#define R_SPARC_LOX10 49 /* Truncated 11 bit complemented */
-#define R_SPARC_H44 50 /* Direct high 12 of 44 bit */
-#define R_SPARC_M44 51 /* Direct mid 22 of 44 bit */
-#define R_SPARC_L44 52 /* Direct low 10 of 44 bit */
-#define R_SPARC_REGISTER 53 /* Global register usage */
-#define R_SPARC_UA64 54 /* Direct 64 bit unaligned */
-#define R_SPARC_UA16 55 /* Direct 16 bit unaligned */
-/* Keep this the last entry. */
-#define R_SPARC_NUM 56
-/* AMD x86-64 relocations. */
-#define R_X86_64_NONE 0 /* No reloc */
-#define R_X86_64_64 1 /* Direct 64 bit */
-#define R_X86_64_PC32 2 /* PC relative 32 bit signed */
-#define R_X86_64_GOT32 3 /* 32 bit GOT entry */
-#define R_X86_64_PLT32 4 /* 32 bit PLT address */
-#define R_X86_64_COPY 5 /* Copy symbol at runtime */
-#define R_X86_64_GLOB_DAT 6 /* Create GOT entry */
-#define R_X86_64_JUMP_SLOT 7 /* Create PLT entry */
-#define R_X86_64_RELATIVE 8 /* Adjust by program base */
-#define R_X86_64_GOTPCREL 9 /* 32 bit signed PC relative
- offset to GOT */
-#define R_X86_64_32 10 /* Direct 32 bit zero extended */
-#define R_X86_64_32S 11 /* Direct 32 bit sign extended */
-#define R_X86_64_16 12 /* Direct 16 bit zero extended */
-#define R_X86_64_PC16 13 /* 16 bit sign extended pc relative */
-#define R_X86_64_8 14 /* Direct 8 bit sign extended */
-#define R_X86_64_PC8 15 /* 8 bit sign extended pc relative */
-#define R_X86_64_DTPMOD64 16 /* ID of module containing symbol */
-#define R_X86_64_DTPOFF64 17 /* Offset in module's TLS block */
-#define R_X86_64_TPOFF64 18 /* Offset in initial TLS block */
-#define R_X86_64_TLSGD 19 /* 32 bit signed PC relative offset
- to two GOT entries for GD symbol */
-#define R_X86_64_TLSLD 20 /* 32 bit signed PC relative offset
- to two GOT entries for LD symbol */
-#define R_X86_64_DTPOFF32 21 /* Offset in TLS block */
-#define R_X86_64_GOTTPOFF 22 /* 32 bit signed PC relative offset
- to GOT entry for IE symbol */
-#define R_X86_64_TPOFF32 23 /* Offset in initial TLS block */
-#define R_X86_64_NUM 24
-/* For Sparc64, legal values for d_tag of Elf64_Dyn. */
-#define DT_SPARC_REGISTER 0x70000001
-#define DT_SPARC_NUM 2
-/* Bits present in AT_HWCAP, primarily for Sparc32. */
-#define HWCAP_SPARC_FLUSH 1 /* The cpu supports flush insn. */
-#define HWCAP_SPARC_V9 16 /* The cpu is v9, so v8plus is ok. */
-/* MIPS R3000 specific definitions. */
-/* Legal values for e_flags field of Elf32_Ehdr. */
-#define EF_MIPS_NOREORDER 1 /* A .noreorder directive was used */
-#define EF_MIPS_PIC 2 /* Contains PIC code */
-#define EF_MIPS_CPIC 4 /* Uses PIC calling sequence */
-#define EF_MIPS_XGOT 8
-#define EF_MIPS_64BIT_WHIRL 16
-#define EF_MIPS_ABI2 32
-#define EF_MIPS_ABI_ON32 64
-#define EF_MIPS_ARCH 0xf0000000 /* MIPS architecture level */
-/* Legal values for MIPS architecture level. */
-#define EF_MIPS_ARCH_1 0x00000000 /* -mips1 code. */
-#define EF_MIPS_ARCH_2 0x10000000 /* -mips2 code. */
-#define EF_MIPS_ARCH_3 0x20000000 /* -mips3 code. */
-#define EF_MIPS_ARCH_4 0x30000000 /* -mips4 code. */
-#define EF_MIPS_ARCH_5 0x40000000 /* -mips5 code. */
-/* The following are non-official names and should not be used. */
-#define E_MIPS_ARCH_1 0x00000000 /* -mips1 code. */
-#define E_MIPS_ARCH_2 0x10000000 /* -mips2 code. */
-#define E_MIPS_ARCH_3 0x20000000 /* -mips3 code. */
-#define E_MIPS_ARCH_4 0x30000000 /* -mips4 code. */
-#define E_MIPS_ARCH_5 0x40000000 /* -mips5 code. */
-/* Special section indices. */
-#define SHN_MIPS_ACOMMON 0xff00 /* Allocated common symbols */
-#define SHN_MIPS_TEXT 0xff01 /* Allocated test symbols. */
-#define SHN_MIPS_DATA 0xff02 /* Allocated data symbols. */
-#define SHN_MIPS_SCOMMON 0xff03 /* Small common symbols */
-#define SHN_MIPS_SUNDEFINED 0xff04 /* Small undefined symbols */
-/* Legal values for sh_type field of Elf32_Shdr. */
-#define SHT_MIPS_LIBLIST 0x70000000 /* Shared objects used in link */
-#define SHT_MIPS_MSYM 0x70000001
-#define SHT_MIPS_CONFLICT 0x70000002 /* Conflicting symbols */
-#define SHT_MIPS_GPTAB 0x70000003 /* Global data area sizes */
-#define SHT_MIPS_UCODE 0x70000004 /* Reserved for SGI/MIPS compilers */
-#define SHT_MIPS_DEBUG 0x70000005 /* MIPS ECOFF debugging information*/
-#define SHT_MIPS_REGINFO 0x70000006 /* Register usage information */
-#define SHT_MIPS_PACKAGE 0x70000007
-#define SHT_MIPS_PACKSYM 0x70000008
-#define SHT_MIPS_RELD 0x70000009
-#define SHT_MIPS_IFACE 0x7000000b
-#define SHT_MIPS_CONTENT 0x7000000c
-#define SHT_MIPS_OPTIONS 0x7000000d /* Miscellaneous options. */
-#define SHT_MIPS_SHDR 0x70000010
-#define SHT_MIPS_FDESC 0x70000011
-#define SHT_MIPS_EXTSYM 0x70000012
-#define SHT_MIPS_DENSE 0x70000013
-#define SHT_MIPS_PDESC 0x70000014
-#define SHT_MIPS_LOCSYM 0x70000015
-#define SHT_MIPS_AUXSYM 0x70000016
-#define SHT_MIPS_OPTSYM 0x70000017
-#define SHT_MIPS_LOCSTR 0x70000018
-#define SHT_MIPS_LINE 0x70000019
-#define SHT_MIPS_RFDESC 0x7000001a
-#define SHT_MIPS_DELTASYM 0x7000001b
-#define SHT_MIPS_DELTAINST 0x7000001c
-#define SHT_MIPS_DELTACLASS 0x7000001d
-#define SHT_MIPS_DWARF 0x7000001e /* DWARF debugging information. */
-#define SHT_MIPS_DELTADECL 0x7000001f
-#define SHT_MIPS_SYMBOL_LIB 0x70000020
-#define SHT_MIPS_EVENTS 0x70000021 /* Event section. */
-#define SHT_MIPS_TRANSLATE 0x70000022
-#define SHT_MIPS_PIXIE 0x70000023
-#define SHT_MIPS_XLATE 0x70000024
-#define SHT_MIPS_XLATE_DEBUG 0x70000025
-#define SHT_MIPS_WHIRL 0x70000026
-#define SHT_MIPS_EH_REGION 0x70000027
-#define SHT_MIPS_XLATE_OLD 0x70000028
-#define SHT_MIPS_PDR_EXCEPTION 0x70000029
-/* Legal values for sh_flags field of Elf32_Shdr. */
-#define SHF_MIPS_GPREL 0x10000000 /* Must be part of global data area */
-#define SHF_MIPS_MERGE 0x20000000
-#define SHF_MIPS_ADDR 0x40000000
-#define SHF_MIPS_STRINGS 0x80000000
-#define SHF_MIPS_NOSTRIP 0x08000000
-#define SHF_MIPS_LOCAL 0x04000000
-#define SHF_MIPS_NAMES 0x02000000
-#define SHF_MIPS_NODUPE 0x01000000
-/* Symbol tables. */
-/* MIPS specific values for `st_other'. */
-#define STO_MIPS_DEFAULT 0x0
-#define STO_MIPS_INTERNAL 0x1
-#define STO_MIPS_HIDDEN 0x2
-/* MIPS specific values for `st_info'. */
-/* Entries found in sections of type SHT_MIPS_GPTAB. */
-typedef union
- struct
- {
- Elf32_Word gt_current_g_value; /* -G value used for compilation */
- Elf32_Word gt_unused; /* Not used */
- } gt_header; /* First entry in section */
- struct
- {
- Elf32_Word gt_g_value; /* If this value were used for -G */
- Elf32_Word gt_bytes; /* This many bytes would be used */
- } gt_entry; /* Subsequent entries in section */
-} Elf32_gptab;
-/* Entry found in sections of type SHT_MIPS_REGINFO. */
-typedef struct
- Elf32_Word ri_gprmask; /* General registers used */
- Elf32_Word ri_cprmask[4]; /* Coprocessor registers used */
- Elf32_Sword ri_gp_value; /* $gp register value */
-} Elf32_RegInfo;
-/* Entries found in sections of type SHT_MIPS_OPTIONS. */
-typedef struct
- unsigned char kind; /* Determines interpretation of the
- variable part of descriptor. */
- unsigned char size; /* Size of descriptor, including header. */
- Elf32_Section section; /* Section header index of section affected,
- 0 for global options. */
- Elf32_Word info; /* Kind-specific information. */
-} Elf_Options;
-/* Values for `kind' field in Elf_Options. */
-#define ODK_NULL 0 /* Undefined. */
-#define ODK_REGINFO 1 /* Register usage information. */
-#define ODK_EXCEPTIONS 2 /* Exception processing options. */
-#define ODK_PAD 3 /* Section padding options. */
-#define ODK_HWPATCH 4 /* Hardware workarounds performed */
-#define ODK_FILL 5 /* record the fill value used by the linker. */
-#define ODK_TAGS 6 /* reserve space for desktop tools to write. */
-#define ODK_HWAND 7 /* HW workarounds. 'AND' bits when merging. */
-#define ODK_HWOR 8 /* HW workarounds. 'OR' bits when merging. */
-/* Values for `info' in Elf_Options for ODK_EXCEPTIONS entries. */
-#define OEX_FPU_MIN 0x1f /* FPE's which MUST be enabled. */
-#define OEX_FPU_MAX 0x1f00 /* FPE's which MAY be enabled. */
-#define OEX_PAGE0 0x10000 /* page zero must be mapped. */
-#define OEX_SMM 0x20000 /* Force sequential memory mode? */
-#define OEX_FPDBUG 0x40000 /* Force floating point debug mode? */
-#define OEX_DISMISS 0x80000 /* Dismiss invalid address faults? */
-#define OEX_FPU_INVAL 0x10
-#define OEX_FPU_DIV0 0x08
-#define OEX_FPU_OFLO 0x04
-#define OEX_FPU_UFLO 0x02
-#define OEX_FPU_INEX 0x01
-/* Masks for `info' in Elf_Options for an ODK_HWPATCH entry. */
-#define OHW_R4KEOP 0x1 /* R4000 end-of-page patch. */
-#define OHW_R8KPFETCH 0x2 /* may need R8000 prefetch patch. */
-#define OHW_R5KEOP 0x4 /* R5000 end-of-page patch. */
-#define OHW_R5KCVTL 0x8 /* R5000 cvt.[ds].l bug. clean=1. */
-#define OPAD_PREFIX 0x1
-#define OPAD_POSTFIX 0x2
-#define OPAD_SYMBOL 0x4
-/* Entry found in `.options' section. */
-typedef struct
- Elf32_Word hwp_flags1; /* Extra flags. */
- Elf32_Word hwp_flags2; /* Extra flags. */
-} Elf_Options_Hw;
-/* Masks for `info' in ElfOptions for ODK_HWAND and ODK_HWOR entries. */
-#define OHWA0_R4KEOP_CHECKED 0x00000001
-#define OHWA1_R4KEOP_CLEAN 0x00000002
-/* MIPS relocs. */
-#define R_MIPS_NONE 0 /* No reloc */
-#define R_MIPS_16 1 /* Direct 16 bit */
-#define R_MIPS_32 2 /* Direct 32 bit */
-#define R_MIPS_REL32 3 /* PC relative 32 bit */
-#define R_MIPS_26 4 /* Direct 26 bit shifted */
-#define R_MIPS_HI16 5 /* High 16 bit */
-#define R_MIPS_LO16 6 /* Low 16 bit */
-#define R_MIPS_GPREL16 7 /* GP relative 16 bit */
-#define R_MIPS_LITERAL 8 /* 16 bit literal entry */
-#define R_MIPS_GOT16 9 /* 16 bit GOT entry */
-#define R_MIPS_PC16 10 /* PC relative 16 bit */
-#define R_MIPS_CALL16 11 /* 16 bit GOT entry for function */
-#define R_MIPS_GPREL32 12 /* GP relative 32 bit */
-#define R_MIPS_SHIFT5 16
-#define R_MIPS_SHIFT6 17
-#define R_MIPS_64 18
-#define R_MIPS_GOT_DISP 19
-#define R_MIPS_GOT_PAGE 20
-#define R_MIPS_GOT_OFST 21
-#define R_MIPS_GOT_HI16 22
-#define R_MIPS_GOT_LO16 23
-#define R_MIPS_SUB 24
-#define R_MIPS_INSERT_A 25
-#define R_MIPS_INSERT_B 26
-#define R_MIPS_DELETE 27
-#define R_MIPS_HIGHER 28
-#define R_MIPS_HIGHEST 29
-#define R_MIPS_CALL_HI16 30
-#define R_MIPS_CALL_LO16 31
-#define R_MIPS_SCN_DISP 32
-#define R_MIPS_REL16 33
-#define R_MIPS_PJUMP 35
-#define R_MIPS_RELGOT 36
-#define R_MIPS_JALR 37
-/* Keep this the last entry. */
-#define R_MIPS_NUM 38
-/* Legal values for p_type field of Elf32_Phdr. */
-#define PT_MIPS_REGINFO 0x70000000 /* Register usage information */
-#define PT_MIPS_RTPROC 0x70000001 /* Runtime procedure table. */
-#define PT_MIPS_OPTIONS 0x70000002
-/* Special program header types. */
-#define PF_MIPS_LOCAL 0x10000000
-/* Legal values for d_tag field of Elf32_Dyn. */
-#define DT_MIPS_RLD_VERSION 0x70000001 /* Runtime linker interface version */
-#define DT_MIPS_TIME_STAMP 0x70000002 /* Timestamp */
-#define DT_MIPS_ICHECKSUM 0x70000003 /* Checksum */
-#define DT_MIPS_IVERSION 0x70000004 /* Version string (string tbl index) */
-#define DT_MIPS_FLAGS 0x70000005 /* Flags */
-#define DT_MIPS_BASE_ADDRESS 0x70000006 /* Base address */
-#define DT_MIPS_MSYM 0x70000007
-#define DT_MIPS_CONFLICT 0x70000008 /* Address of CONFLICT section */
-#define DT_MIPS_LIBLIST 0x70000009 /* Address of LIBLIST section */
-#define DT_MIPS_LOCAL_GOTNO 0x7000000a /* Number of local GOT entries */
-#define DT_MIPS_CONFLICTNO 0x7000000b /* Number of CONFLICT entries */
-#define DT_MIPS_LIBLISTNO 0x70000010 /* Number of LIBLIST entries */
-#define DT_MIPS_SYMTABNO 0x70000011 /* Number of DYNSYM entries */
-#define DT_MIPS_UNREFEXTNO 0x70000012 /* First external DYNSYM */
-#define DT_MIPS_GOTSYM 0x70000013 /* First GOT entry in DYNSYM */
-#define DT_MIPS_HIPAGENO 0x70000014 /* Number of GOT page table entries */
-#define DT_MIPS_RLD_MAP 0x70000016 /* Address of run time loader map. */
-#define DT_MIPS_DELTA_CLASS 0x70000017 /* Delta C++ class definition. */
-#define DT_MIPS_DELTA_CLASS_NO 0x70000018 /* Number of entries in
-#define DT_MIPS_DELTA_INSTANCE 0x70000019 /* Delta C++ class instances. */
-#define DT_MIPS_DELTA_INSTANCE_NO 0x7000001a /* Number of entries in
-#define DT_MIPS_DELTA_RELOC 0x7000001b /* Delta relocations. */
-#define DT_MIPS_DELTA_RELOC_NO 0x7000001c /* Number of entries in
-#define DT_MIPS_DELTA_SYM 0x7000001d /* Delta symbols that Delta
- relocations refer to. */
-#define DT_MIPS_DELTA_SYM_NO 0x7000001e /* Number of entries in
-#define DT_MIPS_DELTA_CLASSSYM 0x70000020 /* Delta symbols that hold the
- class declaration. */
-#define DT_MIPS_DELTA_CLASSSYM_NO 0x70000021 /* Number of entries in
-#define DT_MIPS_CXX_FLAGS 0x70000022 /* Flags indicating for C++ flavor. */
-#define DT_MIPS_PIXIE_INIT 0x70000023
-#define DT_MIPS_SYMBOL_LIB 0x70000024
-#define DT_MIPS_LOCALPAGE_GOTIDX 0x70000025
-#define DT_MIPS_LOCAL_GOTIDX 0x70000026
-#define DT_MIPS_HIDDEN_GOTIDX 0x70000027
-#define DT_MIPS_PROTECTED_GOTIDX 0x70000028
-#define DT_MIPS_OPTIONS 0x70000029 /* Address of .options. */
-#define DT_MIPS_INTERFACE 0x7000002a /* Address of .interface. */
-#define DT_MIPS_DYNSTR_ALIGN 0x7000002b
-#define DT_MIPS_INTERFACE_SIZE 0x7000002c /* Size of the .interface section. */
-#define DT_MIPS_RLD_TEXT_RESOLVE_ADDR 0x7000002d /* Address of rld_text_rsolve
- function stored in GOT. */
-#define DT_MIPS_PERF_SUFFIX 0x7000002e /* Default suffix of dso to be added
- by rld on dlopen() calls. */
-#define DT_MIPS_COMPACT_SIZE 0x7000002f /* (O32)Size of compact rel section. */
-#define DT_MIPS_GP_VALUE 0x70000030 /* GP value for aux GOTs. */
-#define DT_MIPS_AUX_DYNAMIC 0x70000031 /* Address of aux .dynamic. */
-#define DT_MIPS_NUM 0x32
-/* Legal values for DT_MIPS_FLAGS Elf32_Dyn entry. */
-#define RHF_NONE 0 /* No flags */
-#define RHF_QUICKSTART (1 << 0) /* Use quickstart */
-#define RHF_NOTPOT (1 << 1) /* Hash size not power of 2 */
-#define RHF_NO_MOVE (1 << 3)
-#define RHF_SGI_ONLY (1 << 4)
-#define RHF_GUARANTEE_INIT (1 << 5)
-#define RHF_DELTA_C_PLUS_PLUS (1 << 6)
-#define RHF_GUARANTEE_START_INIT (1 << 7)
-#define RHF_PIXIE (1 << 8)
-#define RHF_DEFAULT_DELAY_LOAD (1 << 9)
-#define RHF_REQUICKSTART (1 << 10)
-#define RHF_REQUICKSTARTED (1 << 11)
-#define RHF_CORD (1 << 12)
-#define RHF_NO_UNRES_UNDEF (1 << 13)
-#define RHF_RLD_ORDER_SAFE (1 << 14)
-/* Entries found in sections of type SHT_MIPS_LIBLIST. */
-typedef struct
- Elf32_Word l_name; /* Name (string table index) */
- Elf32_Word l_time_stamp; /* Timestamp */
- Elf32_Word l_checksum; /* Checksum */
- Elf32_Word l_version; /* Interface version */
- Elf32_Word l_flags; /* Flags */
-} Elf32_Lib;
-typedef struct
- Elf64_Word l_name; /* Name (string table index) */
- Elf64_Word l_time_stamp; /* Timestamp */
- Elf64_Word l_checksum; /* Checksum */
- Elf64_Word l_version; /* Interface version */
- Elf64_Word l_flags; /* Flags */
-} Elf64_Lib;
-/* Legal values for l_flags. */
-#define LL_NONE 0
-#define LL_EXACT_MATCH (1 << 0) /* Require exact match */
-#define LL_IGNORE_INT_VER (1 << 1) /* Ignore interface version */
-#define LL_REQUIRE_MINOR (1 << 2)
-#define LL_EXPORTS (1 << 3)
-#define LL_DELAY_LOAD (1 << 4)
-#define LL_DELTA (1 << 5)
-/* Entries found in sections of type SHT_MIPS_CONFLICT. */
-typedef Elf32_Addr Elf32_Conflict;
-/* HPPA specific definitions. */
-/* Legal values for e_flags field of Elf32_Ehdr. */
-#define EF_PARISC_TRAPNL 1 /* Trap nil pointer dereference. */
-#define EF_PARISC_EXT 2 /* Program uses arch. extensions. */
-#define EF_PARISC_ARCH 0xffff0000 /* Architecture version. */
-/* Defined values are:
- 0x020b PA-RISC 1.0 big-endian
- 0x0210 PA-RISC 1.1 big-endian
- 0x028b PA-RISC 1.0 little-endian
- 0x0290 PA-RISC 1.1 little-endian
-/* Legal values for sh_type field of Elf32_Shdr. */
-#define SHT_PARISC_GOT 0x70000000 /* GOT for external data. */
-#define SHT_PARISC_ARCH 0x70000001 /* Architecture extensions. */
-#define SHT_PARISC_GLOBAL 0x70000002 /* Definition of $global$. */
-#define SHT_PARISC_MILLI 0x70000003 /* Millicode routines. */
-#define SHT_PARISC_UNWIND 0x70000004 /* Unwind information. */
-#define SHT_PARISC_PLT 0x70000005 /* Procedure linkage table. */
-#define SHT_PARISC_SDATA 0x70000006 /* Short initialized data. */
-#define SHT_PARISC_SBSS 0x70000007 /* Short uninitialized data. */
-#define SHT_PARISC_SYMEXTN 0x70000008 /* Argument/relocation info. */
-#define SHT_PARISC_STUBS 0x70000009 /* Linker stubs. */
-/* Legal values for sh_flags field of Elf32_Shdr. */
-#define SHF_PARISC_GLOBAL 0x10000000 /* Section defines dp. */
-#define SHF_PARISC_SHORT 0x20000000 /* Section with short addressing. */
-/* Legal values for ST_TYPE subfield of st_info (symbol type). */
-#define STT_PARISC_MILLICODE 13 /* Millicode function entry point. */
-/* HPPA relocs. */
-#define R_PARISC_NONE 0 /* No reloc. */
-#define R_PARISC_DIR32 1 /* Direct 32-bit reference. */
-#define R_PARISC_DIR21L 2 /* Left 21 bits of eff. address. */
-#define R_PARISC_DIR17R 3 /* Right 17 bits of eff. address. */
-#define R_PARISC_DIR14R 4 /* Right 14 bits of eff. address. */
-#define R_PARISC_PCREL21L 5 /* PC-relative, left 21 bits. */
-#define R_PARISC_PCREL14R 6 /* PC-relative, right 14 bits. */
-#define R_PARISC_PCREL17C 7 /* Conditional PC-relative, ignore
- if displacement > 17bits. */
-#define R_PARISC_PCREL17F 8 /* Conditional PC-relative, must
- fit in 17bits. */
-#define R_PARISC_DPREL21L 9 /* DP-relative, left 21 bits. */
-#define R_PARISC_DPREL14R 10 /* DP-relative, right 14 bits. */
-#define R_PARISC_DPREL14F 11 /* DP-relative, must bit in 14 bits. */
-#define R_PARISC_DLTREL21L 12 /* DLT-relative, left 21 bits. */
-#define R_PARISC_DLTREL14R 13 /* DLT-relative, right 14 bits. */
-#define R_PARISC_DLTREL14F 14 /* DLT-relative, must fit in 14 bits.*/
-#define R_PARISC_DLTIND21L 15 /* DLT-relative indirect, left
- 21 bits. */
-#define R_PARISC_DLTIND14R 16 /* DLT-relative indirect, right
- 14 bits. */
-#define R_PARISC_DLTIND14F 17 /* DLT-relative indirect, must fit
- int 14 bits. */
-#define R_PARISC_PLABEL32 18 /* Direct 32-bit reference to proc. */
-/* Alpha specific definitions. */
-/* Legal values for e_flags field of Elf64_Ehdr. */
-#define EF_ALPHA_32BIT 1 /* All addresses must be < 2GB. */
-#define EF_ALPHA_CANRELAX 2 /* Relocations for relaxing exist. */
-/* Legal values for sh_type field of Elf64_Shdr. */
-/* These two are primerily concerned with ECOFF debugging info. */
-#define SHT_ALPHA_DEBUG 0x70000001
-#define SHT_ALPHA_REGINFO 0x70000002
-/* Legal values for sh_flags field of Elf64_Shdr. */
-#define SHF_ALPHA_GPREL 0x10000000
-/* Legal values for st_other field of Elf64_Sym. */
-#define STO_ALPHA_NOPV 0x80 /* No PV required. */
-#define STO_ALPHA_STD_GPLOAD 0x88 /* PV only used for initial ldgp. */
-/* Alpha relocs. */
-#define R_ALPHA_NONE 0 /* No reloc */
-#define R_ALPHA_REFLONG 1 /* Direct 32 bit */
-#define R_ALPHA_REFQUAD 2 /* Direct 64 bit */
-#define R_ALPHA_GPREL32 3 /* GP relative 32 bit */
-#define R_ALPHA_LITERAL 4 /* GP relative 16 bit w/optimization */
-#define R_ALPHA_LITUSE 5 /* Optimization hint for LITERAL */
-#define R_ALPHA_GPDISP 6 /* Add displacement to GP */
-#define R_ALPHA_BRADDR 7 /* PC+4 relative 23 bit shifted */
-#define R_ALPHA_HINT 8 /* PC+4 relative 16 bit shifted */
-#define R_ALPHA_SREL16 9 /* PC relative 16 bit */
-#define R_ALPHA_SREL32 10 /* PC relative 32 bit */
-#define R_ALPHA_SREL64 11 /* PC relative 64 bit */
-#define R_ALPHA_OP_PUSH 12 /* OP stack push */
-#define R_ALPHA_OP_STORE 13 /* OP stack pop and store */
-#define R_ALPHA_OP_PSUB 14 /* OP stack subtract */
-#define R_ALPHA_OP_PRSHIFT 15 /* OP stack right shift */
-#define R_ALPHA_GPVALUE 16
-#define R_ALPHA_GPRELLOW 18
-#define R_ALPHA_IMMED_GP_16 19
-#define R_ALPHA_IMMED_GP_HI32 20
-#define R_ALPHA_IMMED_SCN_HI32 21
-#define R_ALPHA_IMMED_BR_HI32 22
-#define R_ALPHA_IMMED_LO32 23
-#define R_ALPHA_COPY 24 /* Copy symbol at runtime */
-#define R_ALPHA_GLOB_DAT 25 /* Create GOT entry */
-#define R_ALPHA_JMP_SLOT 26 /* Create PLT entry */
-#define R_ALPHA_RELATIVE 27 /* Adjust by program base */
-/* Keep this the last entry. */
-#define R_ALPHA_NUM 28
-/* PowerPC specific declarations */
-/* PowerPC relocations defined by the ABIs */
-#define R_PPC_NONE 0
-#define R_PPC_ADDR32 1 /* 32bit absolute address */
-#define R_PPC_ADDR24 2 /* 26bit address, 2 bits ignored. */
-#define R_PPC_ADDR16 3 /* 16bit absolute address */
-#define R_PPC_ADDR16_LO 4 /* lower 16bit of absolute address */
-#define R_PPC_ADDR16_HI 5 /* high 16bit of absolute address */
-#define R_PPC_ADDR16_HA 6 /* adjusted high 16bit */
-#define R_PPC_ADDR14 7 /* 16bit address, 2 bits ignored */
-#define R_PPC_ADDR14_BRTAKEN 8
-#define R_PPC_ADDR14_BRNTAKEN 9
-#define R_PPC_REL24 10 /* PC relative 26 bit */
-#define R_PPC_REL14 11 /* PC relative 16 bit */
-#define R_PPC_REL14_BRTAKEN 12
-#define R_PPC_REL14_BRNTAKEN 13
-#define R_PPC_GOT16 14
-#define R_PPC_GOT16_LO 15
-#define R_PPC_GOT16_HI 16
-#define R_PPC_GOT16_HA 17
-#define R_PPC_PLTREL24 18
-#define R_PPC_COPY 19
-#define R_PPC_GLOB_DAT 20
-#define R_PPC_JMP_SLOT 21
-#define R_PPC_RELATIVE 22
-#define R_PPC_LOCAL24PC 23
-#define R_PPC_UADDR32 24
-#define R_PPC_UADDR16 25
-#define R_PPC_REL32 26
-#define R_PPC_PLT32 27
-#define R_PPC_PLTREL32 28
-#define R_PPC_PLT16_LO 29
-#define R_PPC_PLT16_HI 30
-#define R_PPC_PLT16_HA 31
-#define R_PPC_SDAREL16 32
-#define R_PPC_SECTOFF 33
-#define R_PPC_SECTOFF_LO 34
-#define R_PPC_SECTOFF_HI 35
-#define R_PPC_SECTOFF_HA 36
-/* Keep this the last entry. */
-#define R_PPC_NUM 37
-/* The remaining relocs are from the Embedded ELF ABI, and are not
- in the SVR4 ELF ABI. */
-#define R_PPC_EMB_NADDR32 101
-#define R_PPC_EMB_NADDR16 102
-#define R_PPC_EMB_NADDR16_LO 103
-#define R_PPC_EMB_NADDR16_HI 104
-#define R_PPC_EMB_NADDR16_HA 105
-#define R_PPC_EMB_SDAI16 106
-#define R_PPC_EMB_SDA2I16 107
-#define R_PPC_EMB_SDA2REL 108
-#define R_PPC_EMB_SDA21 109 /* 16 bit offset in SDA */
-#define R_PPC_EMB_MRKREF 110
-#define R_PPC_EMB_RELSEC16 111
-#define R_PPC_EMB_RELST_LO 112
-#define R_PPC_EMB_RELST_HI 113
-#define R_PPC_EMB_RELST_HA 114
-#define R_PPC_EMB_BIT_FLD 115
-#define R_PPC_EMB_RELSDA 116 /* 16 bit relative offset in SDA */
-/* Diab tool relocations. */
-#define R_PPC_DIAB_SDA21_LO 180 /* like EMB_SDA21, but lower 16 bit */
-#define R_PPC_DIAB_SDA21_HI 181 /* like EMB_SDA21, but high 16 bit */
-#define R_PPC_DIAB_SDA21_HA 182 /* like EMB_SDA21, adjusted high 16 */
-#define R_PPC_DIAB_RELSDA_LO 183 /* like EMB_RELSDA, but lower 16 bit */
-#define R_PPC_DIAB_RELSDA_HI 184 /* like EMB_RELSDA, but high 16 bit */
-#define R_PPC_DIAB_RELSDA_HA 185 /* like EMB_RELSDA, adjusted high 16 */
-/* This is a phony reloc to handle any old fashioned TOC16 references
- that may still be in object files. */
-#define R_PPC_TOC16 255
-/* ARM specific declarations */
-/* Processor specific flags for the ELF header e_flags field. */
-#define EF_ARM_RELEXEC 0x01
-#define EF_ARM_HASENTRY 0x02
-#define EF_ARM_INTERWORK 0x04
-#define EF_ARM_APCS_26 0x08
-#define EF_ARM_APCS_FLOAT 0x10
-#define EF_ARM_PIC 0x20
-#define EF_ALIGN8 0x40 /* 8-bit structure alignment is in use */
-#define EF_NEW_ABI 0x80
-#define EF_OLD_ABI 0x100
-/* Additional symbol types for Thumb */
-#define STT_ARM_TFUNC 0xd
-/* ARM-specific values for sh_flags */
-#define SHF_ARM_ENTRYSECT 0x10000000 /* Section contains an entry point */
-#define SHF_ARM_COMDEF 0x80000000 /* Section may be multiply defined
- in the input to a link step */
-/* ARM-specific program header flags */
-#define PF_ARM_SB 0x10000000 /* Segment contains the location
- addressed by the static base */
-/* ARM relocs. */
-#define R_ARM_NONE 0 /* No reloc */
-#define R_ARM_PC24 1 /* PC relative 26 bit branch */
-#define R_ARM_ABS32 2 /* Direct 32 bit */
-#define R_ARM_REL32 3 /* PC relative 32 bit */
-#define R_ARM_PC13 4
-#define R_ARM_ABS16 5 /* Direct 16 bit */
-#define R_ARM_ABS12 6 /* Direct 12 bit */
-#define R_ARM_THM_ABS5 7
-#define R_ARM_ABS8 8 /* Direct 8 bit */
-#define R_ARM_SBREL32 9
-#define R_ARM_THM_PC22 10
-#define R_ARM_THM_PC8 11
-#define R_ARM_AMP_VCALL9 12
-#define R_ARM_SWI24 13
-#define R_ARM_THM_SWI8 14
-#define R_ARM_XPC25 15
-#define R_ARM_THM_XPC22 16
-#define R_ARM_COPY 20 /* Copy symbol at runtime */
-#define R_ARM_GLOB_DAT 21 /* Create GOT entry */
-#define R_ARM_JUMP_SLOT 22 /* Create PLT entry */
-#define R_ARM_RELATIVE 23 /* Adjust by program base */
-#define R_ARM_GOTOFF32 24 /* 32 bit offset to GOT */
-#define R_ARM_BASE_PREL 25 /* 32 bit PC relative offset to GOT */
-#define R_ARM_GOT_BREL 26 /* 32 bit GOT entry */
-#define R_ARM_PLT32 27 /* 32 bit PLT address */
-#define R_ARM_CALL 28
-#define R_ARM_JUMP24 29
-#define R_ARM_PREL31 42
-#define R_ARM_GNU_VTENTRY 100
-#define R_ARM_GNU_VTINHERIT 101
-#define R_ARM_THM_PC11 102 /* thumb unconditional branch */
-#define R_ARM_THM_PC9 103 /* thumb conditional branch */
-#define R_ARM_RXPC25 249
-#define R_ARM_RSBREL32 250
-#define R_ARM_THM_RPC22 251
-#define R_ARM_RREL32 252
-#define R_ARM_RABS22 253
-#define R_ARM_RPC24 254
-#define R_ARM_RBASE 255
-/* Keep this the last entry. */
-#define R_ARM_NUM 256
-/* TMS320C67xx specific declarations */
-/* XXX: no ELF standard yet */
-/* TMS320C67xx relocs. */
-#define R_C60_32 1
-#define R_C60_GOT32 3 /* 32 bit GOT entry */
-#define R_C60_PLT32 4 /* 32 bit PLT address */
-#define R_C60_COPY 5 /* Copy symbol at runtime */
-#define R_C60_GLOB_DAT 6 /* Create GOT entry */
-#define R_C60_JMP_SLOT 7 /* Create PLT entry */
-#define R_C60_RELATIVE 8 /* Adjust by program base */
-#define R_C60_GOTOFF 9 /* 32 bit offset to GOT */
-#define R_C60_GOTPC 10 /* 32 bit PC relative offset to GOT */
-#define R_C60HI16 0x55 // high 16 bit MVKH embedded
-#define R_C60LO16 0x54 // low 16 bit MVKL embedded
-#ifdef TCC_TARGET_X86_64
-#define ElfW(type) Elf##64##_##type
-#define ELFW(type) ELF##64##_##type
-#define ElfW(type) Elf##32##_##type
-#define ELFW(type) ELF##32##_##type
-#endif /* elf.h */
diff --git a/05/tcc-0.9.25/errno.h b/05/tcc-0.9.25/errno.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 426f351..0000000
--- a/05/tcc-0.9.25/errno.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef _ERRNO_H
-#define _ERRNO_H
-#include <stdc_common.h> // we define all the relevant things here
-#endif // _ERRNO_H
diff --git a/05/tcc-0.9.25/float.h b/05/tcc-0.9.25/float.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 6ae607d..0000000
--- a/05/tcc-0.9.25/float.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef _FLOAT_H
-#define _FLOAT_H
-#define DBL_DIG 15
-#define DBL_EPSILON 2.2204460492503131e-16
-#define DBL_MANT_DIG 53
-#define DBL_MAX 1.7976931348623157e+308
-#define DBL_MAX_10_EXP 308
-#define DBL_MAX_EXP 1024
-#define DBL_MIN 2.2250738585072027e-308
-#define DBL_MIN_10_EXP (-307)
-#define DBL_MIN_EXP (-1021)
-#define FLT_DIG 6
-#define FLT_EPSILON 1.19209290e-07
-#define FLT_MANT_DIG 24
-#define FLT_MAX 3.40282347e+38
-#define FLT_MAX_10_EXP +38
-#define FLT_MAX_EXP 128
-#define FLT_MIN 1.17549435e-38
-#define FLT_MIN_10_EXP (-37)
-#define FLT_MIN_EXP (-125)
-#define FLT_RADIX 2
-#define FLT_ROUNDS 1
-#define LDBL_MAX_10_EXP DBL_MAX_10_EXP
-#define LDBL_MIN_10_EXP DBL_MIN_10_EXP
-#endif // _FLOAT_H
diff --git a/05/tcc-0.9.25/i386-asm.c b/05/tcc-0.9.25/i386-asm.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 21b28d7..0000000
--- a/05/tcc-0.9.25/i386-asm.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1211 +0,0 @@
- * i386 specific functions for TCC assembler
- *
- * Copyright (c) 2001, 2002 Fabrice Bellard
- *
- * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
- * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
- * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * Lesser General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
- * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
- */
-#define MAX_OPERANDS 3
-typedef struct ASMInstr {
- uint16_t sym;
- uint16_t opcode;
- uint16_t instr_type;
-#define OPC_JMP 0x01 /* jmp operand */
-#define OPC_B 0x02 /* only used zith OPC_WL */
-#define OPC_WL 0x04 /* accepts w, l or no suffix */
-#define OPC_BWL (OPC_B | OPC_WL) /* accepts b, w, l or no suffix */
-#define OPC_REG 0x08 /* register is added to opcode */
-#define OPC_MODRM 0x10 /* modrm encoding */
-#define OPC_FWAIT 0x20 /* add fwait opcode */
-#define OPC_TEST 0x40 /* test opcodes */
-#define OPC_SHIFT 0x80 /* shift opcodes */
-#define OPC_D16 0x0100 /* generate data16 prefix */
-#define OPC_ARITH 0x0200 /* arithmetic opcodes */
-#define OPC_SHORTJMP 0x0400 /* short jmp operand */
-#define OPC_FARITH 0x0800 /* FPU arithmetic opcodes */
-#define OPC_GROUP_SHIFT 13
-/* in order to compress the operand type, we use specific operands and
- we or only with EA */
-#define OPT_REG8 0 /* warning: value is hardcoded from TOK_ASM_xxx */
-#define OPT_REG16 1 /* warning: value is hardcoded from TOK_ASM_xxx */
-#define OPT_REG32 2 /* warning: value is hardcoded from TOK_ASM_xxx */
-#define OPT_MMX 3 /* warning: value is hardcoded from TOK_ASM_xxx */
-#define OPT_SSE 4 /* warning: value is hardcoded from TOK_ASM_xxx */
-#define OPT_CR 5 /* warning: value is hardcoded from TOK_ASM_xxx */
-#define OPT_TR 6 /* warning: value is hardcoded from TOK_ASM_xxx */
-#define OPT_DB 7 /* warning: value is hardcoded from TOK_ASM_xxx */
-#define OPT_SEG 8
-#define OPT_ST 9
-#define OPT_IM8 10
-#define OPT_IM8S 11
-#define OPT_IM16 12
-#define OPT_IM32 13
-#define OPT_EAX 14 /* %al, %ax or %eax register */
-#define OPT_ST0 15 /* %st(0) register */
-#define OPT_CL 16 /* %cl register */
-#define OPT_DX 17 /* %dx register */
-#define OPT_ADDR 18 /* OP_EA with only offset */
-#define OPT_INDIR 19 /* *(expr) */
-/* composite types */
-#define OPT_IM 20 /* IM8 | IM16 | IM32 */
-#define OPT_REG 21 /* REG8 | REG16 | REG32 */
-#define OPT_REGW 22 /* REG16 | REG32 */
-#define OPT_IMW 23 /* IM16 | IM32 */
-/* can be ored with any OPT_xxx */
-#define OPT_EA 0x80
- uint8_t nb_ops;
- uint8_t op_type[MAX_OPERANDS]; /* see OP_xxx */
-} ASMInstr;
-typedef struct Operand {
- uint32_t type;
-#define OP_REG8 (1 << OPT_REG8)
-#define OP_REG16 (1 << OPT_REG16)
-#define OP_REG32 (1 << OPT_REG32)
-#define OP_MMX (1 << OPT_MMX)
-#define OP_SSE (1 << OPT_SSE)
-#define OP_CR (1 << OPT_CR)
-#define OP_TR (1 << OPT_TR)
-#define OP_DB (1 << OPT_DB)
-#define OP_SEG (1 << OPT_SEG)
-#define OP_ST (1 << OPT_ST)
-#define OP_IM8 (1 << OPT_IM8)
-#define OP_IM8S (1 << OPT_IM8S)
-#define OP_IM16 (1 << OPT_IM16)
-#define OP_IM32 (1 << OPT_IM32)
-#define OP_EAX (1 << OPT_EAX)
-#define OP_ST0 (1 << OPT_ST0)
-#define OP_CL (1 << OPT_CL)
-#define OP_DX (1 << OPT_DX)
-#define OP_ADDR (1 << OPT_ADDR)
-#define OP_INDIR (1 << OPT_INDIR)
-#define OP_EA 0x40000000
-#define OP_REG (OP_REG8 | OP_REG16 | OP_REG32)
-#define OP_IM OP_IM32
- int8_t reg; /* register, -1 if none */
- int8_t reg2; /* second register, -1 if none */
- uint8_t shift;
- ExprValue e;
-} Operand;
-static const uint8_t reg_to_size[5] = {
- [OP_REG8] = 0,
- [OP_REG16] = 1,
- [OP_REG32] = 2,
- 0, 0, 1, 0, 2
-#define WORD_PREFIX_OPCODE 0x66
-#define NB_TEST_OPCODES 30
-static const uint8_t test_bits[NB_TEST_OPCODES] = {
- 0x00, /* o */
- 0x01, /* no */
- 0x02, /* b */
- 0x02, /* c */
- 0x02, /* nae */
- 0x03, /* nb */
- 0x03, /* nc */
- 0x03, /* ae */
- 0x04, /* e */
- 0x04, /* z */
- 0x05, /* ne */
- 0x05, /* nz */
- 0x06, /* be */
- 0x06, /* na */
- 0x07, /* nbe */
- 0x07, /* a */
- 0x08, /* s */
- 0x09, /* ns */
- 0x0a, /* p */
- 0x0a, /* pe */
- 0x0b, /* np */
- 0x0b, /* po */
- 0x0c, /* l */
- 0x0c, /* nge */
- 0x0d, /* nl */
- 0x0d, /* ge */
- 0x0e, /* le */
- 0x0e, /* ng */
- 0x0f, /* nle */
- 0x0f, /* g */
-static const uint8_t segment_prefixes[] = {
- 0x26, /* es */
- 0x2e, /* cs */
- 0x36, /* ss */
- 0x3e, /* ds */
- 0x64, /* fs */
- 0x65 /* gs */
-static const ASMInstr asm_instrs[] = {
-#define ALT(x) x
-#define DEF_ASM_OP0(name, opcode)
-#define DEF_ASM_OP0L(name, opcode, group, instr_type) { TOK_ASM_ ## name, opcode, (instr_type | group << OPC_GROUP_SHIFT), 0 },
-#define DEF_ASM_OP1(name, opcode, group, instr_type, op0) { TOK_ASM_ ## name, opcode, (instr_type | group << OPC_GROUP_SHIFT), 1, { op0 }},
-#define DEF_ASM_OP2(name, opcode, group, instr_type, op0, op1) { TOK_ASM_ ## name, opcode, (instr_type | group << OPC_GROUP_SHIFT), 2, { op0, op1 }},
-#define DEF_ASM_OP3(name, opcode, group, instr_type, op0, op1, op2) { TOK_ASM_ ## name, opcode, (instr_type | group << OPC_GROUP_SHIFT), 3, { op0, op1, op2 }},
-#include "i386-asm.h"
- /* last operation */
- { 0, },
-static const uint16_t op0_codes[] = {
-#define ALT(x)
-#define DEF_ASM_OP0(x, opcode) opcode,
-#define DEF_ASM_OP0L(name, opcode, group, instr_type)
-#define DEF_ASM_OP1(name, opcode, group, instr_type, op0)
-#define DEF_ASM_OP2(name, opcode, group, instr_type, op0, op1)
-#define DEF_ASM_OP3(name, opcode, group, instr_type, op0, op1, op2)
-#include "i386-asm.h"
-static inline int get_reg_shift(TCCState *s1)
- int shift, v;
- v = asm_int_expr(s1);
- switch(v) {
- case 1:
- shift = 0;
- break;
- case 2:
- shift = 1;
- break;
- case 4:
- shift = 2;
- break;
- case 8:
- shift = 3;
- break;
- default:
- expect("1, 2, 4 or 8 constant");
- shift = 0;
- break;
- }
- return shift;
-static int asm_parse_reg(void)
- int reg;
- if (tok != '%')
- goto error_32;
- next();
- if (tok >= TOK_ASM_eax && tok <= TOK_ASM_edi) {
- reg = tok - TOK_ASM_eax;
- next();
- return reg;
- } else {
- error_32:
- expect("32 bit register");
- return 0;
- }
-static void parse_operand(TCCState *s1, Operand *op)
- ExprValue e;
- int reg, indir;
- const char *p;
- indir = 0;
- if (tok == '*') {
- next();
- indir = OP_INDIR;
- }
- if (tok == '%') {
- next();
- if (tok >= TOK_ASM_al && tok <= TOK_ASM_db7) {
- reg = tok - TOK_ASM_al;
- op->type = 1 << (reg >> 3); /* WARNING: do not change constant order */
- op->reg = reg & 7;
- if ((op->type & OP_REG) && op->reg == TREG_EAX)
- op->type |= OP_EAX;
- else if (op->type == OP_REG8 && op->reg == TREG_ECX)
- op->type |= OP_CL;
- else if (op->type == OP_REG16 && op->reg == TREG_EDX)
- op->type |= OP_DX;
- } else if (tok >= TOK_ASM_dr0 && tok <= TOK_ASM_dr7) {
- op->type = OP_DB;
- op->reg = tok - TOK_ASM_dr0;
- } else if (tok >= TOK_ASM_es && tok <= TOK_ASM_gs) {
- op->type = OP_SEG;
- op->reg = tok - TOK_ASM_es;
- } else if (tok == TOK_ASM_st) {
- op->type = OP_ST;
- op->reg = 0;
- next();
- if (tok == '(') {
- next();
- if (tok != TOK_PPNUM)
- goto reg_error;
- p = tokc.cstr->data;
- reg = p[0] - '0';
- if ((unsigned)reg >= 8 || p[1] != '\0')
- goto reg_error;
- op->reg = reg;
- next();
- skip(')');
- }
- if (op->reg == 0)
- op->type |= OP_ST0;
- goto no_skip;
- } else {
- reg_error:
- error("unknown register");
- }
- next();
- no_skip: ;
- } else if (tok == '$') {
- /* constant value */
- next();
- asm_expr(s1, &e);
- op->type = OP_IM32;
- op->e.v = e.v;
- op->e.sym = e.sym;
- if (!op->e.sym) {
- if (op->e.v == (uint8_t)op->e.v)
- op->type |= OP_IM8;
- if (op->e.v == (int8_t)op->e.v)
- op->type |= OP_IM8S;
- if (op->e.v == (uint16_t)op->e.v)
- op->type |= OP_IM16;
- }
- } else {
- /* address(reg,reg2,shift) with all variants */
- op->type = OP_EA;
- op->reg = -1;
- op->reg2 = -1;
- op->shift = 0;
- if (tok != '(') {
- asm_expr(s1, &e);
- op->e.v = e.v;
- op->e.sym = e.sym;
- } else {
- op->e.v = 0;
- op->e.sym = NULL;
- }
- if (tok == '(') {
- next();
- if (tok != ',') {
- op->reg = asm_parse_reg();
- }
- if (tok == ',') {
- next();
- if (tok != ',') {
- op->reg2 = asm_parse_reg();
- }
- if (tok == ',') {
- next();
- op->shift = get_reg_shift(s1);
- }
- }
- skip(')');
- }
- if (op->reg == -1 && op->reg2 == -1)
- op->type |= OP_ADDR;
- }
- op->type |= indir;
-/* XXX: unify with C code output ? */
-static void gen_expr32(ExprValue *pe)
- if (pe->sym)
- greloc(cur_text_section, pe->sym, ind, R_386_32);
- gen_le32(pe->v);
-/* XXX: unify with C code output ? */
-static void gen_disp32(ExprValue *pe)
- Sym *sym;
- sym = pe->sym;
- if (sym) {
- if (sym->r == cur_text_section->sh_num) {
- /* same section: we can output an absolute value. Note
- that the TCC compiler behaves differently here because
- it always outputs a relocation to ease (future) code
- elimination in the linker */
- gen_le32(pe->v + (long)sym->next - ind - 4);
- } else {
- greloc(cur_text_section, sym, ind, R_386_PC32);
- gen_le32(pe->v - 4);
- }
- } else {
- /* put an empty PC32 relocation */
- put_elf_reloc(symtab_section, cur_text_section,
- ind, R_386_PC32, 0);
- gen_le32(pe->v - 4);
- }
-static void gen_le16(int v)
- g(v);
- g(v >> 8);
-/* generate the modrm operand */
-static inline void asm_modrm(int reg, Operand *op)
- int mod, reg1, reg2, sib_reg1;
- if (op->type & (OP_REG | OP_MMX | OP_SSE)) {
- g(0xc0 + (reg << 3) + op->reg);
- } else if (op->reg == -1 && op->reg2 == -1) {
- /* displacement only */
- g(0x05 + (reg << 3));
- gen_expr32(&op->e);
- } else {
- sib_reg1 = op->reg;
- /* fist compute displacement encoding */
- if (sib_reg1 == -1) {
- sib_reg1 = 5;
- mod = 0x00;
- } else if (op->e.v == 0 && !op->e.sym && op->reg != 5) {
- mod = 0x00;
- } else if (op->e.v == (int8_t)op->e.v && !op->e.sym) {
- mod = 0x40;
- } else {
- mod = 0x80;
- }
- /* compute if sib byte needed */
- reg1 = op->reg;
- if (op->reg2 != -1)
- reg1 = 4;
- g(mod + (reg << 3) + reg1);
- if (reg1 == 4) {
- /* add sib byte */
- reg2 = op->reg2;
- if (reg2 == -1)
- reg2 = 4; /* indicate no index */
- g((op->shift << 6) + (reg2 << 3) + sib_reg1);
- }
- /* add offset */
- if (mod == 0x40) {
- g(op->e.v);
- } else if (mod == 0x80 || op->reg == -1) {
- gen_expr32(&op->e);
- }
- }
-static void asm_opcode(TCCState *s1, int opcode)
- const ASMInstr *pa;
- int i, modrm_index, reg, v, op1, is_short_jmp, seg_prefix;
- int nb_ops, s, ss;
- Operand ops[MAX_OPERANDS], *pop;
- int op_type[3]; /* decoded op type */
- /* get operands */
- pop = ops;
- nb_ops = 0;
- seg_prefix = 0;
- for(;;) {
- if (tok == ';' || tok == TOK_LINEFEED)
- break;
- if (nb_ops >= MAX_OPERANDS) {
- error("incorrect number of operands");
- }
- parse_operand(s1, pop);
- if (tok == ':') {
- if (pop->type != OP_SEG || seg_prefix) {
- error("incorrect prefix");
- }
- seg_prefix = segment_prefixes[pop->reg];
- next();
- parse_operand(s1, pop);
- if (!(pop->type & OP_EA)) {
- error("segment prefix must be followed by memory reference");
- }
- }
- pop++;
- nb_ops++;
- if (tok != ',')
- break;
- next();
- }
- is_short_jmp = 0;
- s = 0; /* avoid warning */
- /* optimize matching by using a lookup table (no hashing is needed
- !) */
- for(pa = asm_instrs; pa->sym != 0; pa++) {
- s = 0;
- if (pa->instr_type & OPC_FARITH) {
- v = opcode - pa->sym;
- if (!((unsigned)v < 8 * 6 && (v % 6) == 0))
- continue;
- } else if (pa->instr_type & OPC_ARITH) {
- if (!(opcode >= pa->sym && opcode < pa->sym + 8 * 4))
- continue;
- goto compute_size;
- } else if (pa->instr_type & OPC_SHIFT) {
- if (!(opcode >= pa->sym && opcode < pa->sym + 7 * 4))
- continue;
- goto compute_size;
- } else if (pa->instr_type & OPC_TEST) {
- if (!(opcode >= pa->sym && opcode < pa->sym + NB_TEST_OPCODES))
- continue;
- } else if (pa->instr_type & OPC_B) {
- if (!(opcode >= pa->sym && opcode <= pa->sym + 3))
- continue;
- compute_size:
- s = (opcode - pa->sym) & 3;
- } else if (pa->instr_type & OPC_WL) {
- if (!(opcode >= pa->sym && opcode <= pa->sym + 2))
- continue;
- s = opcode - pa->sym + 1;
- } else {
- if (pa->sym != opcode)
- continue;
- }
- if (pa->nb_ops != nb_ops)
- continue;
- /* now decode and check each operand */
- for(i = 0; i < nb_ops; i++) {
- int op1, op2;
- op1 = pa->op_type[i];
- op2 = op1 & 0x1f;
- switch(op2) {
- case OPT_IM:
- v = OP_IM8 | OP_IM16 | OP_IM32;
- break;
- case OPT_REG:
- v = OP_REG8 | OP_REG16 | OP_REG32;
- break;
- case OPT_REGW:
- v = OP_REG16 | OP_REG32;
- break;
- case OPT_IMW:
- v = OP_IM16 | OP_IM32;
- break;
- default:
- v = 1 << op2;
- break;
- }
- if (op1 & OPT_EA)
- v |= OP_EA;
- op_type[i] = v;
- if ((ops[i].type & v) == 0)
- goto next;
- }
- /* all is matching ! */
- break;
- next: ;
- }
- if (pa->sym == 0) {
- if (opcode >= TOK_ASM_pusha && opcode <= TOK_ASM_emms) {
- int b;
- b = op0_codes[opcode - TOK_ASM_pusha];
- if (b & 0xff00)
- g(b >> 8);
- g(b);
- return;
- } else {
- error("unknown opcode '%s'",
- get_tok_str(opcode, NULL));
- }
- }
- /* if the size is unknown, then evaluate it (OPC_B or OPC_WL case) */
- if (s == 3) {
- for(i = 0; s == 3 && i < nb_ops; i++) {
- if ((ops[i].type & OP_REG) && !(op_type[i] & (OP_CL | OP_DX)))
- s = reg_to_size[ops[i].type & OP_REG];
- }
- if (s == 3) {
- if ((opcode == TOK_ASM_push || opcode == TOK_ASM_pop) &&
- (ops[0].type & (OP_SEG | OP_IM8S | OP_IM32)))
- s = 2;
- else
- error("cannot infer opcode suffix");
- }
- }
- /* generate data16 prefix if needed */
- ss = s;
- if (s == 1 || (pa->instr_type & OPC_D16))
- else if (s == 2)
- s = 1;
- /* now generates the operation */
- if (pa->instr_type & OPC_FWAIT)
- g(0x9b);
- if (seg_prefix)
- g(seg_prefix);
- v = pa->opcode;
- if (v == 0x69 || v == 0x69) {
- /* kludge for imul $im, %reg */
- nb_ops = 3;
- ops[2] = ops[1];
- } else if (v == 0xcd && ops[0].e.v == 3 && !ops[0].e.sym) {
- v--; /* int $3 case */
- nb_ops = 0;
- } else if ((v == 0x06 || v == 0x07)) {
- if (ops[0].reg >= 4) {
- /* push/pop %fs or %gs */
- v = 0x0fa0 + (v - 0x06) + ((ops[0].reg - 4) << 3);
- } else {
- v += ops[0].reg << 3;
- }
- nb_ops = 0;
- } else if (v <= 0x05) {
- /* arith case */
- v += ((opcode - TOK_ASM_addb) >> 2) << 3;
- } else if ((pa->instr_type & (OPC_FARITH | OPC_MODRM)) == OPC_FARITH) {
- /* fpu arith case */
- v += ((opcode - pa->sym) / 6) << 3;
- }
- if (pa->instr_type & OPC_REG) {
- for(i = 0; i < nb_ops; i++) {
- if (op_type[i] & (OP_REG | OP_ST)) {
- v += ops[i].reg;
- break;
- }
- }
- /* mov $im, %reg case */
- if (pa->opcode == 0xb0 && s >= 1)
- v += 7;
- }
- if (pa->instr_type & OPC_B)
- v += s;
- if (pa->instr_type & OPC_TEST)
- v += test_bits[opcode - pa->sym];
- if (pa->instr_type & OPC_SHORTJMP) {
- Sym *sym;
- int jmp_disp;
- /* see if we can really generate the jump with a byte offset */
- sym = ops[0].e.sym;
- if (!sym)
- goto no_short_jump;
- if (sym->r != cur_text_section->sh_num)
- goto no_short_jump;
- jmp_disp = ops[0].e.v + (long)sym->next - ind - 2;
- if (jmp_disp == (int8_t)jmp_disp) {
- /* OK to generate jump */
- is_short_jmp = 1;
- ops[0].e.v = jmp_disp;
- } else {
- no_short_jump:
- if (pa->instr_type & OPC_JMP) {
- /* long jump will be allowed. need to modify the
- opcode slightly */
- if (v == 0xeb)
- v = 0xe9;
- else
- v += 0x0f10;
- } else {
- error("invalid displacement");
- }
- }
- }
- op1 = v >> 8;
- if (op1)
- g(op1);
- g(v);
- /* search which operand will used for modrm */
- modrm_index = 0;
- if (pa->instr_type & OPC_SHIFT) {
- reg = (opcode - pa->sym) >> 2;
- if (reg == 6)
- reg = 7;
- } else if (pa->instr_type & OPC_ARITH) {
- reg = (opcode - pa->sym) >> 2;
- } else if (pa->instr_type & OPC_FARITH) {
- reg = (opcode - pa->sym) / 6;
- } else {
- reg = (pa->instr_type >> OPC_GROUP_SHIFT) & 7;
- }
- if (pa->instr_type & OPC_MODRM) {
- /* first look for an ea operand */
- for(i = 0;i < nb_ops; i++) {
- if (op_type[i] & OP_EA)
- goto modrm_found;
- }
- /* then if not found, a register or indirection (shift instructions) */
- for(i = 0;i < nb_ops; i++) {
- if (op_type[i] & (OP_REG | OP_MMX | OP_SSE | OP_INDIR))
- goto modrm_found;
- }
-#ifdef ASM_DEBUG
- error("bad op table");
- modrm_found:
- modrm_index = i;
- /* if a register is used in another operand then it is
- used instead of group */
- for(i = 0;i < nb_ops; i++) {
- v = op_type[i];
- if (i != modrm_index &&
- (v & (OP_REG | OP_MMX | OP_SSE | OP_CR | OP_TR | OP_DB | OP_SEG))) {
- reg = ops[i].reg;
- break;
- }
- }
- asm_modrm(reg, &ops[modrm_index]);
- }
- /* emit constants */
- if (pa->opcode == 0x9a || pa->opcode == 0xea) {
- /* ljmp or lcall kludge */
- gen_expr32(&ops[1].e);
- if (ops[0].e.sym)
- error("cannot relocate");
- gen_le16(ops[0].e.v);
- } else {
- for(i = 0;i < nb_ops; i++) {
- v = op_type[i];
- if (v & (OP_IM8 | OP_IM16 | OP_IM32 | OP_IM8S | OP_ADDR)) {
- /* if multiple sizes are given it means we must look
- at the op size */
- if (v == (OP_IM8 | OP_IM16 | OP_IM32) ||
- v == (OP_IM16 | OP_IM32)) {
- if (ss == 0)
- v = OP_IM8;
- else if (ss == 1)
- v = OP_IM16;
- else
- v = OP_IM32;
- }
- if (v & (OP_IM8 | OP_IM8S)) {
- if (ops[i].e.sym)
- goto error_relocate;
- g(ops[i].e.v);
- } else if (v & OP_IM16) {
- if (ops[i].e.sym) {
- error_relocate:
- error("cannot relocate");
- }
- gen_le16(ops[i].e.v);
- } else {
- if (pa->instr_type & (OPC_JMP | OPC_SHORTJMP)) {
- if (is_short_jmp)
- g(ops[i].e.v);
- else
- gen_disp32(&ops[i].e);
- } else {
- gen_expr32(&ops[i].e);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
-#define NB_SAVED_REGS 3
-#define NB_ASM_REGS 8
-/* return the constraint priority (we allocate first the lowest
- numbered constraints) */
-static inline int constraint_priority(const char *str)
- int priority, c, pr;
- /* we take the lowest priority */
- priority = 0;
- for(;;) {
- c = *str;
- if (c == '\0')
- break;
- str++;
- switch(c) {
- case 'A':
- pr = 0;
- break;
- case 'a':
- case 'b':
- case 'c':
- case 'd':
- case 'S':
- case 'D':
- pr = 1;
- break;
- case 'q':
- pr = 2;
- break;
- case 'r':
- pr = 3;
- break;
- case 'N':
- case 'M':
- case 'I':
- case 'i':
- case 'm':
- case 'g':
- pr = 4;
- break;
- default:
- error("unknown constraint '%c'", c);
- pr = 0;
- }
- if (pr > priority)
- priority = pr;
- }
- return priority;
-static const char *skip_constraint_modifiers(const char *p)
- while (*p == '=' || *p == '&' || *p == '+' || *p == '%')
- p++;
- return p;
-#define REG_OUT_MASK 0x01
-#define REG_IN_MASK 0x02
-#define is_reg_allocated(reg) (regs_allocated[reg] & reg_mask)
-static void asm_compute_constraints(ASMOperand *operands,
- int nb_operands, int nb_outputs,
- const uint8_t *clobber_regs,
- int *pout_reg)
- ASMOperand *op;
- int sorted_op[MAX_ASM_OPERANDS];
- int i, j, k, p1, p2, tmp, reg, c, reg_mask;
- const char *str;
- uint8_t regs_allocated[NB_ASM_REGS];
- /* init fields */
- for(i=0;i<nb_operands;i++) {
- op = &operands[i];
- op->input_index = -1;
- op->ref_index = -1;
- op->reg = -1;
- op->is_memory = 0;
- op->is_rw = 0;
- }
- /* compute constraint priority and evaluate references to output
- constraints if input constraints */
- for(i=0;i<nb_operands;i++) {
- op = &operands[i];
- str = op->constraint;
- str = skip_constraint_modifiers(str);
- if (isnum(*str) || *str == '[') {
- /* this is a reference to another constraint */
- k = find_constraint(operands, nb_operands, str, NULL);
- if ((unsigned)k >= i || i < nb_outputs)
- error("invalid reference in constraint %d ('%s')",
- i, str);
- op->ref_index = k;
- if (operands[k].input_index >= 0)
- error("cannot reference twice the same operand");
- operands[k].input_index = i;
- op->priority = 5;
- } else {
- op->priority = constraint_priority(str);
- }
- }
- /* sort operands according to their priority */
- for(i=0;i<nb_operands;i++)
- sorted_op[i] = i;
- for(i=0;i<nb_operands - 1;i++) {
- for(j=i+1;j<nb_operands;j++) {
- p1 = operands[sorted_op[i]].priority;
- p2 = operands[sorted_op[j]].priority;
- if (p2 < p1) {
- tmp = sorted_op[i];
- sorted_op[i] = sorted_op[j];
- sorted_op[j] = tmp;
- }
- }
- }
- for(i = 0;i < NB_ASM_REGS; i++) {
- if (clobber_regs[i])
- regs_allocated[i] = REG_IN_MASK | REG_OUT_MASK;
- else
- regs_allocated[i] = 0;
- }
- /* esp cannot be used */
- regs_allocated[4] = REG_IN_MASK | REG_OUT_MASK;
- /* ebp cannot be used yet */
- regs_allocated[5] = REG_IN_MASK | REG_OUT_MASK;
- /* allocate registers and generate corresponding asm moves */
- for(i=0;i<nb_operands;i++) {
- j = sorted_op[i];
- op = &operands[j];
- str = op->constraint;
- /* no need to allocate references */
- if (op->ref_index >= 0)
- continue;
- /* select if register is used for output, input or both */
- if (op->input_index >= 0) {
- reg_mask = REG_IN_MASK | REG_OUT_MASK;
- } else if (j < nb_outputs) {
- reg_mask = REG_OUT_MASK;
- } else {
- reg_mask = REG_IN_MASK;
- }
- try_next:
- c = *str++;
- switch(c) {
- case '=':
- goto try_next;
- case '+':
- op->is_rw = 1;
- /* FALL THRU */
- case '&':
- if (j >= nb_outputs)
- error("'%c' modifier can only be applied to outputs", c);
- reg_mask = REG_IN_MASK | REG_OUT_MASK;
- goto try_next;
- case 'A':
- /* allocate both eax and edx */
- if (is_reg_allocated(TREG_EAX) ||
- is_reg_allocated(TREG_EDX))
- goto try_next;
- op->is_llong = 1;
- op->reg = TREG_EAX;
- regs_allocated[TREG_EAX] |= reg_mask;
- regs_allocated[TREG_EDX] |= reg_mask;
- break;
- case 'a':
- reg = TREG_EAX;
- goto alloc_reg;
- case 'b':
- reg = 3;
- goto alloc_reg;
- case 'c':
- reg = TREG_ECX;
- goto alloc_reg;
- case 'd':
- reg = TREG_EDX;
- goto alloc_reg;
- case 'S':
- reg = 6;
- goto alloc_reg;
- case 'D':
- reg = 7;
- alloc_reg:
- if (is_reg_allocated(reg))
- goto try_next;
- goto reg_found;
- case 'q':
- /* eax, ebx, ecx or edx */
- for(reg = 0; reg < 4; reg++) {
- if (!is_reg_allocated(reg))
- goto reg_found;
- }
- goto try_next;
- case 'r':
- /* any general register */
- for(reg = 0; reg < 8; reg++) {
- if (!is_reg_allocated(reg))
- goto reg_found;
- }
- goto try_next;
- reg_found:
- /* now we can reload in the register */
- op->is_llong = 0;
- op->reg = reg;
- regs_allocated[reg] |= reg_mask;
- break;
- case 'i':
- if (!((op->vt->r & (VT_VALMASK | VT_LVAL)) == VT_CONST))
- goto try_next;
- break;
- case 'I':
- case 'N':
- case 'M':
- if (!((op->vt->r & (VT_VALMASK | VT_LVAL | VT_SYM)) == VT_CONST))
- goto try_next;
- break;
- case 'm':
- case 'g':
- /* nothing special to do because the operand is already in
- memory, except if the pointer itself is stored in a
- memory variable (VT_LLOCAL case) */
- /* XXX: fix constant case */
- /* if it is a reference to a memory zone, it must lie
- in a register, so we reserve the register in the
- input registers and a load will be generated
- later */
- if (j < nb_outputs || c == 'm') {
- if ((op->vt->r & VT_VALMASK) == VT_LLOCAL) {
- /* any general register */
- for(reg = 0; reg < 8; reg++) {
- if (!(regs_allocated[reg] & REG_IN_MASK))
- goto reg_found1;
- }
- goto try_next;
- reg_found1:
- /* now we can reload in the register */
- regs_allocated[reg] |= REG_IN_MASK;
- op->reg = reg;
- op->is_memory = 1;
- }
- }
- break;
- default:
- error("asm constraint %d ('%s') could not be satisfied",
- j, op->constraint);
- break;
- }
- /* if a reference is present for that operand, we assign it too */
- if (op->input_index >= 0) {
- operands[op->input_index].reg = op->reg;
- operands[op->input_index].is_llong = op->is_llong;
- }
- }
- /* compute out_reg. It is used to store outputs registers to memory
- locations references by pointers (VT_LLOCAL case) */
- *pout_reg = -1;
- for(i=0;i<nb_operands;i++) {
- op = &operands[i];
- if (op->reg >= 0 &&
- (op->vt->r & VT_VALMASK) == VT_LLOCAL &&
- !op->is_memory) {
- for(reg = 0; reg < 8; reg++) {
- if (!(regs_allocated[reg] & REG_OUT_MASK))
- goto reg_found2;
- }
- error("could not find free output register for reloading");
- reg_found2:
- *pout_reg = reg;
- break;
- }
- }
- /* print sorted constraints */
-#ifdef ASM_DEBUG
- for(i=0;i<nb_operands;i++) {
- j = sorted_op[i];
- op = &operands[j];
- printf("%%%d [%s]: \"%s\" r=0x%04x reg=%d\n",
- j,
- op->id ? get_tok_str(op->id, NULL) : "",
- op->constraint,
- op->vt->r,
- op->reg);
- }
- if (*pout_reg >= 0)
- printf("out_reg=%d\n", *pout_reg);
-static void subst_asm_operand(CString *add_str,
- SValue *sv, int modifier)
- int r, reg, size, val;
- char buf[64];
- r = sv->r;
- if ((r & VT_VALMASK) == VT_CONST) {
- if (!(r & VT_LVAL) && modifier != 'c' && modifier != 'n')
- cstr_ccat(add_str, '$');
- if (r & VT_SYM) {
- cstr_cat(add_str, get_tok_str(sv->sym->v, NULL));
- if (sv->c.i != 0) {
- cstr_ccat(add_str, '+');
- } else {
- return;
- }
- }
- val = sv->c.i;
- if (modifier == 'n')
- val = -val;
- snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%d", sv->c.i);
- cstr_cat(add_str, buf);
- } else if ((r & VT_VALMASK) == VT_LOCAL) {
- snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%d(%%ebp)", sv->c.i);
- cstr_cat(add_str, buf);
- } else if (r & VT_LVAL) {
- reg = r & VT_VALMASK;
- if (reg >= VT_CONST)
- error("internal compiler error");
- snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "(%%%s)",
- get_tok_str(TOK_ASM_eax + reg, NULL));
- cstr_cat(add_str, buf);
- } else {
- /* register case */
- reg = r & VT_VALMASK;
- if (reg >= VT_CONST)
- error("internal compiler error");
- /* choose register operand size */
- if ((sv->type.t & VT_BTYPE) == VT_BYTE)
- size = 1;
- else if ((sv->type.t & VT_BTYPE) == VT_SHORT)
- size = 2;
- else
- size = 4;
- if (size == 1 && reg >= 4)
- size = 4;
- if (modifier == 'b') {
- if (reg >= 4)
- error("cannot use byte register");
- size = 1;
- } else if (modifier == 'h') {
- if (reg >= 4)
- error("cannot use byte register");
- size = -1;
- } else if (modifier == 'w') {
- size = 2;
- }
- switch(size) {
- case -1:
- reg = TOK_ASM_ah + reg;
- break;
- case 1:
- reg = TOK_ASM_al + reg;
- break;
- case 2:
- reg = TOK_ASM_ax + reg;
- break;
- default:
- reg = TOK_ASM_eax + reg;
- break;
- }
- snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%%%s", get_tok_str(reg, NULL));
- cstr_cat(add_str, buf);
- }
-/* generate prolog and epilog code for asm statment */
-static void asm_gen_code(ASMOperand *operands, int nb_operands,
- int nb_outputs, int is_output,
- uint8_t *clobber_regs,
- int out_reg)
- uint8_t regs_allocated[NB_ASM_REGS];
- ASMOperand *op;
- int i, reg;
- static uint8_t reg_saved[NB_SAVED_REGS] = { 3, 6, 7 };
- /* mark all used registers */
- memcpy(regs_allocated, clobber_regs, sizeof(regs_allocated));
- for(i = 0; i < nb_operands;i++) {
- op = &operands[i];
- if (op->reg >= 0)
- regs_allocated[op->reg] = 1;
- }
- if (!is_output) {
- /* generate reg save code */
- for(i = 0; i < NB_SAVED_REGS; i++) {
- reg = reg_saved[i];
- if (regs_allocated[reg])
- g(0x50 + reg);
- }
- /* generate load code */
- for(i = 0; i < nb_operands; i++) {
- op = &operands[i];
- if (op->reg >= 0) {
- if ((op->vt->r & VT_VALMASK) == VT_LLOCAL &&
- op->is_memory) {
- /* memory reference case (for both input and
- output cases) */
- SValue sv;
- sv = *op->vt;
- sv.r = (sv.r & ~VT_VALMASK) | VT_LOCAL;
- load(op->reg, &sv);
- } else if (i >= nb_outputs || op->is_rw) {
- /* load value in register */
- load(op->reg, op->vt);
- if (op->is_llong) {
- SValue sv;
- sv = *op->vt;
- sv.c.ul += 4;
- load(TREG_EDX, &sv);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- } else {
- /* generate save code */
- for(i = 0 ; i < nb_outputs; i++) {
- op = &operands[i];
- if (op->reg >= 0) {
- if ((op->vt->r & VT_VALMASK) == VT_LLOCAL) {
- if (!op->is_memory) {
- SValue sv;
- sv = *op->vt;
- sv.r = (sv.r & ~VT_VALMASK) | VT_LOCAL;
- load(out_reg, &sv);
- sv.r = (sv.r & ~VT_VALMASK) | out_reg;
- store(op->reg, &sv);
- }
- } else {
- store(op->reg, op->vt);
- if (op->is_llong) {
- SValue sv;
- sv = *op->vt;
- sv.c.ul += 4;
- store(TREG_EDX, &sv);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /* generate reg restore code */
- for(i = NB_SAVED_REGS - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
- reg = reg_saved[i];
- if (regs_allocated[reg])
- g(0x58 + reg);
- }
- }
-static void asm_clobber(uint8_t *clobber_regs, const char *str)
- int reg;
- TokenSym *ts;
- if (!strcmp(str, "memory") ||
- !strcmp(str, "cc"))
- return;
- ts = tok_alloc(str, strlen(str));
- reg = ts->tok;
- if (reg >= TOK_ASM_eax && reg <= TOK_ASM_edi) {
- reg -= TOK_ASM_eax;
- } else if (reg >= TOK_ASM_ax && reg <= TOK_ASM_di) {
- reg -= TOK_ASM_ax;
- } else {
- error("invalid clobber register '%s'", str);
- }
- clobber_regs[reg] = 1;
diff --git a/05/tcc-0.9.25/i386-asm.h b/05/tcc-0.9.25/i386-asm.h
deleted file mode 100644
index a3b28d4..0000000
--- a/05/tcc-0.9.25/i386-asm.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,446 +0,0 @@
- DEF_ASM_OP0(pusha, 0x60) /* must be first OP0 */
- DEF_ASM_OP0(popa, 0x61)
- DEF_ASM_OP0(clc, 0xf8)
- DEF_ASM_OP0(cld, 0xfc)
- DEF_ASM_OP0(cli, 0xfa)
- DEF_ASM_OP0(clts, 0x0f06)
- DEF_ASM_OP0(cmc, 0xf5)
- DEF_ASM_OP0(lahf, 0x9f)
- DEF_ASM_OP0(sahf, 0x9e)
- DEF_ASM_OP0(pushfl, 0x9c)
- DEF_ASM_OP0(popfl, 0x9d)
- DEF_ASM_OP0(pushf, 0x9c)
- DEF_ASM_OP0(popf, 0x9d)
- DEF_ASM_OP0(stc, 0xf9)
- DEF_ASM_OP0(std, 0xfd)
- DEF_ASM_OP0(sti, 0xfb)
- DEF_ASM_OP0(aaa, 0x37)
- DEF_ASM_OP0(aas, 0x3f)
- DEF_ASM_OP0(daa, 0x27)
- DEF_ASM_OP0(das, 0x2f)
- DEF_ASM_OP0(aad, 0xd50a)
- DEF_ASM_OP0(aam, 0xd40a)
- DEF_ASM_OP0(cbw, 0x6698)
- DEF_ASM_OP0(cwd, 0x6699)
- DEF_ASM_OP0(cwde, 0x98)
- DEF_ASM_OP0(cdq, 0x99)
- DEF_ASM_OP0(cbtw, 0x6698)
- DEF_ASM_OP0(cwtl, 0x98)
- DEF_ASM_OP0(cwtd, 0x6699)
- DEF_ASM_OP0(cltd, 0x99)
- DEF_ASM_OP0(int3, 0xcc)
- DEF_ASM_OP0(into, 0xce)
- DEF_ASM_OP0(iret, 0xcf)
- DEF_ASM_OP0(rsm, 0x0faa)
- DEF_ASM_OP0(hlt, 0xf4)
- DEF_ASM_OP0(wait, 0x9b)
- DEF_ASM_OP0(nop, 0x90)
- DEF_ASM_OP0(xlat, 0xd7)
- /* strings */
-ALT(DEF_ASM_OP0L(cmpsb, 0xa6, 0, OPC_BWL))
-ALT(DEF_ASM_OP0L(scmpb, 0xa6, 0, OPC_BWL))
-ALT(DEF_ASM_OP0L(insb, 0x6c, 0, OPC_BWL))
-ALT(DEF_ASM_OP0L(outsb, 0x6e, 0, OPC_BWL))
-ALT(DEF_ASM_OP0L(lodsb, 0xac, 0, OPC_BWL))
-ALT(DEF_ASM_OP0L(slodb, 0xac, 0, OPC_BWL))
-ALT(DEF_ASM_OP0L(movsb, 0xa4, 0, OPC_BWL))
-ALT(DEF_ASM_OP0L(smovb, 0xa4, 0, OPC_BWL))
-ALT(DEF_ASM_OP0L(scasb, 0xae, 0, OPC_BWL))
-ALT(DEF_ASM_OP0L(sscab, 0xae, 0, OPC_BWL))
-ALT(DEF_ASM_OP0L(stosb, 0xaa, 0, OPC_BWL))
-ALT(DEF_ASM_OP0L(sstob, 0xaa, 0, OPC_BWL))
- /* bits */
-ALT(DEF_ASM_OP2(btsw, 0x0fba, 5, OPC_MODRM | OPC_WL, OPT_IM8, OPT_REGW | OPT_EA))
-ALT(DEF_ASM_OP2(btrw, 0x0fba, 6, OPC_MODRM | OPC_WL, OPT_IM8, OPT_REGW | OPT_EA))
-ALT(DEF_ASM_OP2(btcw, 0x0fba, 7, OPC_MODRM | OPC_WL, OPT_IM8, OPT_REGW | OPT_EA))
- /* prefixes */
- DEF_ASM_OP0(aword, 0x67)
- DEF_ASM_OP0(addr16, 0x67)
- DEF_ASM_OP0(word, 0x66)
- DEF_ASM_OP0(data16, 0x66)
- DEF_ASM_OP0(lock, 0xf0)
- DEF_ASM_OP0(rep, 0xf3)
- DEF_ASM_OP0(repe, 0xf3)
- DEF_ASM_OP0(repz, 0xf3)
- DEF_ASM_OP0(repne, 0xf2)
- DEF_ASM_OP0(repnz, 0xf2)
- DEF_ASM_OP0(invd, 0x0f08)
- DEF_ASM_OP0(wbinvd, 0x0f09)
- DEF_ASM_OP0(cpuid, 0x0fa2)
- DEF_ASM_OP0(wrmsr, 0x0f30)
- DEF_ASM_OP0(rdtsc, 0x0f31)
- DEF_ASM_OP0(rdmsr, 0x0f32)
- DEF_ASM_OP0(rdpmc, 0x0f33)
- DEF_ASM_OP0(ud2, 0x0f0b)
- /* NOTE: we took the same order as gas opcode definition order */
-ALT(DEF_ASM_OP2(movb, 0xa0, 0, OPC_BWL, OPT_ADDR, OPT_EAX))
-ALT(DEF_ASM_OP2(movb, 0xa2, 0, OPC_BWL, OPT_EAX, OPT_ADDR))
-ALT(DEF_ASM_OP2(movb, 0xb0, 0, OPC_REG | OPC_BWL, OPT_IM, OPT_REG))
-ALT(DEF_ASM_OP2(movw, 0x0f20, 0, OPC_MODRM | OPC_WL, OPT_CR, OPT_REG32))
-ALT(DEF_ASM_OP2(movw, 0x0f21, 0, OPC_MODRM | OPC_WL, OPT_DB, OPT_REG32))
-ALT(DEF_ASM_OP2(movw, 0x0f24, 0, OPC_MODRM | OPC_WL, OPT_TR, OPT_REG32))
-ALT(DEF_ASM_OP2(movw, 0x0f22, 0, OPC_MODRM | OPC_WL, OPT_REG32, OPT_CR))
-ALT(DEF_ASM_OP2(movw, 0x0f23, 0, OPC_MODRM | OPC_WL, OPT_REG32, OPT_DB))
-ALT(DEF_ASM_OP2(movw, 0x0f26, 0, OPC_MODRM | OPC_WL, OPT_REG32, OPT_TR))
-ALT(DEF_ASM_OP2(movsbl, 0x0fbe, 0, OPC_MODRM, OPT_REG8 | OPT_EA, OPT_REG32))
-ALT(DEF_ASM_OP2(movsbw, 0x0fbe, 0, OPC_MODRM | OPC_D16, OPT_REG8 | OPT_EA, OPT_REG16))
-ALT(DEF_ASM_OP2(movswl, 0x0fbf, 0, OPC_MODRM, OPT_REG16 | OPT_EA, OPT_REG32))
-ALT(DEF_ASM_OP2(movzbw, 0x0fb6, 0, OPC_MODRM | OPC_WL, OPT_REG8 | OPT_EA, OPT_REGW))
-ALT(DEF_ASM_OP2(movzwl, 0x0fb7, 0, OPC_MODRM, OPT_REG16 | OPT_EA, OPT_REG32))
-ALT(DEF_ASM_OP1(pushw, 0x50, 0, OPC_REG | OPC_WL, OPT_REGW))
-ALT(DEF_ASM_OP1(pushw, 0xff, 6, OPC_MODRM | OPC_WL, OPT_REGW | OPT_EA))
-ALT(DEF_ASM_OP1(pushw, 0x6a, 0, OPC_WL, OPT_IM8S))
-ALT(DEF_ASM_OP1(pushw, 0x68, 0, OPC_WL, OPT_IM32))
-ALT(DEF_ASM_OP1(pushw, 0x06, 0, OPC_WL, OPT_SEG))
-ALT(DEF_ASM_OP1(popw, 0x58, 0, OPC_REG | OPC_WL, OPT_REGW))
-ALT(DEF_ASM_OP1(popw, 0x07, 0, OPC_WL, OPT_SEG))
-ALT(DEF_ASM_OP2(xchgw, 0x90, 0, OPC_REG | OPC_WL, OPT_REG, OPT_EAX))
-ALT(DEF_ASM_OP2(xchgw, 0x90, 0, OPC_REG | OPC_WL, OPT_EAX, OPT_REG))
-ALT(DEF_ASM_OP2(inb, 0xe4, 0, OPC_BWL, OPT_IM8, OPT_EAX))
-ALT(DEF_ASM_OP1(inb, 0xe4, 0, OPC_BWL, OPT_IM8))
-ALT(DEF_ASM_OP2(inb, 0xec, 0, OPC_BWL, OPT_DX, OPT_EAX))
-ALT(DEF_ASM_OP1(inb, 0xec, 0, OPC_BWL, OPT_DX))
-ALT(DEF_ASM_OP2(outb, 0xe6, 0, OPC_BWL, OPT_EAX, OPT_IM8))
-ALT(DEF_ASM_OP1(outb, 0xe6, 0, OPC_BWL, OPT_IM8))
-ALT(DEF_ASM_OP2(outb, 0xee, 0, OPC_BWL, OPT_EAX, OPT_DX))
-ALT(DEF_ASM_OP1(outb, 0xee, 0, OPC_BWL, OPT_DX))
-ALT(DEF_ASM_OP2(les, 0xc4, 0, OPC_MODRM, OPT_EA, OPT_REG32))
-ALT(DEF_ASM_OP2(lds, 0xc5, 0, OPC_MODRM, OPT_EA, OPT_REG32))
-ALT(DEF_ASM_OP2(lss, 0x0fb2, 0, OPC_MODRM, OPT_EA, OPT_REG32))
-ALT(DEF_ASM_OP2(lfs, 0x0fb4, 0, OPC_MODRM, OPT_EA, OPT_REG32))
-ALT(DEF_ASM_OP2(lgs, 0x0fb5, 0, OPC_MODRM, OPT_EA, OPT_REG32))
- /* arith */
-ALT(DEF_ASM_OP2(addb, 0x00, 0, OPC_ARITH | OPC_MODRM | OPC_BWL, OPT_REG, OPT_EA | OPT_REG)) /* XXX: use D bit ? */
-ALT(DEF_ASM_OP2(testb, 0xa8, 0, OPC_BWL, OPT_IM, OPT_EAX))
-ALT(DEF_ASM_OP1(incw, 0x40, 0, OPC_REG | OPC_WL, OPT_REGW))
-ALT(DEF_ASM_OP1(decw, 0x48, 0, OPC_REG | OPC_WL, OPT_REGW))
-ALT(DEF_ASM_OP1(imulb, 0xf6, 5, OPC_MODRM | OPC_BWL, OPT_REG | OPT_EA))
-ALT(DEF_ASM_OP2(imulw, 0x0faf, 0, OPC_MODRM | OPC_WL, OPT_REG | OPT_EA, OPT_REG))
-ALT(DEF_ASM_OP1(idivb, 0xf6, 7, OPC_MODRM | OPC_BWL, OPT_REG | OPT_EA))
- /* shifts */
-ALT(DEF_ASM_OP1(call, 0xff, 2, OPC_MODRM, OPT_INDIR))
-ALT(DEF_ASM_OP1(call, 0xe8, 0, OPC_JMP, OPT_ADDR))
-ALT(DEF_ASM_OP2(lcall, 0x9a, 0, 0, OPT_IM16, OPT_IM32))
-ALT(DEF_ASM_OP1(lcall, 0xff, 3, 0, OPT_EA))
-ALT(DEF_ASM_OP2(ljmp, 0xea, 0, 0, OPT_IM16, OPT_IM32))
-ALT(DEF_ASM_OP1(ljmp, 0xff, 5, 0, OPT_EA))
-ALT(DEF_ASM_OP1(int, 0xcd, 0, 0, OPT_IM8))
-ALT(DEF_ASM_OP1(seto, 0x0f90, 0, OPC_MODRM | OPC_TEST, OPT_REG8 | OPT_EA))
- DEF_ASM_OP2(enter, 0xc8, 0, 0, OPT_IM16, OPT_IM8)
- DEF_ASM_OP0(leave, 0xc9)
- DEF_ASM_OP0(ret, 0xc3)
-ALT(DEF_ASM_OP1(ret, 0xc2, 0, 0, OPT_IM16))
- DEF_ASM_OP0(lret, 0xcb)
-ALT(DEF_ASM_OP1(lret, 0xca, 0, 0, OPT_IM16))
- DEF_ASM_OP1(loopne, 0xe0, 0, OPC_SHORTJMP, OPT_ADDR)
- DEF_ASM_OP1(loopnz, 0xe0, 0, OPC_SHORTJMP, OPT_ADDR)
- DEF_ASM_OP1(loope, 0xe1, 0, OPC_SHORTJMP, OPT_ADDR)
- DEF_ASM_OP1(loopz, 0xe1, 0, OPC_SHORTJMP, OPT_ADDR)
- DEF_ASM_OP1(loop, 0xe2, 0, OPC_SHORTJMP, OPT_ADDR)
- DEF_ASM_OP1(jecxz, 0xe3, 0, OPC_SHORTJMP, OPT_ADDR)
- /* float */
- /* specific fcomp handling */
-ALT(DEF_ASM_OP0L(fcomp, 0xd8d9, 0, 0))
-ALT(DEF_ASM_OP1(fadd, 0xd8c0, 0, OPC_FARITH | OPC_REG, OPT_ST))
-ALT(DEF_ASM_OP2(fadd, 0xd8c0, 0, OPC_FARITH | OPC_REG, OPT_ST, OPT_ST0))
-ALT(DEF_ASM_OP0L(fadd, 0xdec1, 0, OPC_FARITH))
-ALT(DEF_ASM_OP1(faddp, 0xdec0, 0, OPC_FARITH | OPC_REG, OPT_ST))
-ALT(DEF_ASM_OP2(faddp, 0xdec0, 0, OPC_FARITH | OPC_REG, OPT_ST, OPT_ST0))
-ALT(DEF_ASM_OP2(faddp, 0xdec0, 0, OPC_FARITH | OPC_REG, OPT_ST0, OPT_ST))
-ALT(DEF_ASM_OP0L(faddp, 0xdec1, 0, OPC_FARITH))
-ALT(DEF_ASM_OP1(fiaddl, 0xda, 0, OPC_FARITH | OPC_MODRM, OPT_EA))
-ALT(DEF_ASM_OP1(fiadds, 0xde, 0, OPC_FARITH | OPC_MODRM, OPT_EA))
- DEF_ASM_OP0(fucompp, 0xdae9)
- DEF_ASM_OP0(ftst, 0xd9e4)
- DEF_ASM_OP0(fxam, 0xd9e5)
- DEF_ASM_OP0(fld1, 0xd9e8)
- DEF_ASM_OP0(fldl2t, 0xd9e9)
- DEF_ASM_OP0(fldl2e, 0xd9ea)
- DEF_ASM_OP0(fldpi, 0xd9eb)
- DEF_ASM_OP0(fldlg2, 0xd9ec)
- DEF_ASM_OP0(fldln2, 0xd9ed)
- DEF_ASM_OP0(fldz, 0xd9ee)
- DEF_ASM_OP0(f2xm1, 0xd9f0)
- DEF_ASM_OP0(fyl2x, 0xd9f1)
- DEF_ASM_OP0(fptan, 0xd9f2)
- DEF_ASM_OP0(fpatan, 0xd9f3)
- DEF_ASM_OP0(fxtract, 0xd9f4)
- DEF_ASM_OP0(fprem1, 0xd9f5)
- DEF_ASM_OP0(fdecstp, 0xd9f6)
- DEF_ASM_OP0(fincstp, 0xd9f7)
- DEF_ASM_OP0(fprem, 0xd9f8)
- DEF_ASM_OP0(fyl2xp1, 0xd9f9)
- DEF_ASM_OP0(fsqrt, 0xd9fa)
- DEF_ASM_OP0(fsincos, 0xd9fb)
- DEF_ASM_OP0(frndint, 0xd9fc)
- DEF_ASM_OP0(fscale, 0xd9fd)
- DEF_ASM_OP0(fsin, 0xd9fe)
- DEF_ASM_OP0(fcos, 0xd9ff)
- DEF_ASM_OP0(fchs, 0xd9e0)
- DEF_ASM_OP0(fabs, 0xd9e1)
- DEF_ASM_OP0(fninit, 0xdbe3)
- DEF_ASM_OP0(fnclex, 0xdbe2)
- DEF_ASM_OP0(fnop, 0xd9d0)
- DEF_ASM_OP0(fwait, 0x9b)
- /* fp load */
- DEF_ASM_OP1(fld, 0xd9c0, 0, OPC_REG, OPT_ST)
- DEF_ASM_OP1(fldl, 0xd9c0, 0, OPC_REG, OPT_ST)
- DEF_ASM_OP1(flds, 0xd9, 0, OPC_MODRM, OPT_EA)
-ALT(DEF_ASM_OP1(fldl, 0xdd, 0, OPC_MODRM, OPT_EA))
- DEF_ASM_OP1(fildl, 0xdb, 0, OPC_MODRM, OPT_EA)
- DEF_ASM_OP1(fildq, 0xdf, 5, OPC_MODRM, OPT_EA)
- DEF_ASM_OP1(fildll, 0xdf, 5, OPC_MODRM,OPT_EA)
- DEF_ASM_OP1(fldt, 0xdb, 5, OPC_MODRM, OPT_EA)
- DEF_ASM_OP1(fbld, 0xdf, 4, OPC_MODRM, OPT_EA)
- /* fp store */
- DEF_ASM_OP1(fst, 0xddd0, 0, OPC_REG, OPT_ST)
- DEF_ASM_OP1(fstl, 0xddd0, 0, OPC_REG, OPT_ST)
- DEF_ASM_OP1(fsts, 0xd9, 2, OPC_MODRM, OPT_EA)
- DEF_ASM_OP1(fstps, 0xd9, 3, OPC_MODRM, OPT_EA)
-ALT(DEF_ASM_OP1(fstl, 0xdd, 2, OPC_MODRM, OPT_EA))
- DEF_ASM_OP1(fstpl, 0xdd, 3, OPC_MODRM, OPT_EA)
- DEF_ASM_OP1(fist, 0xdf, 2, OPC_MODRM, OPT_EA)
- DEF_ASM_OP1(fistp, 0xdf, 3, OPC_MODRM, OPT_EA)
- DEF_ASM_OP1(fistl, 0xdb, 2, OPC_MODRM, OPT_EA)
- DEF_ASM_OP1(fistpl, 0xdb, 3, OPC_MODRM, OPT_EA)
- DEF_ASM_OP1(fstp, 0xddd8, 0, OPC_REG, OPT_ST)
- DEF_ASM_OP1(fistpq, 0xdf, 7, OPC_MODRM, OPT_EA)
- DEF_ASM_OP1(fistpll, 0xdf, 7, OPC_MODRM, OPT_EA)
- DEF_ASM_OP1(fstpt, 0xdb, 7, OPC_MODRM, OPT_EA)
- DEF_ASM_OP1(fbstp, 0xdf, 6, OPC_MODRM, OPT_EA)
- /* exchange */
- DEF_ASM_OP0(fxch, 0xd9c9)
-ALT(DEF_ASM_OP1(fxch, 0xd9c8, 0, OPC_REG, OPT_ST))
- /* misc FPU */
- DEF_ASM_OP1(fucom, 0xdde0, 0, OPC_REG, OPT_ST )
- DEF_ASM_OP1(fucomp, 0xdde8, 0, OPC_REG, OPT_ST )
- DEF_ASM_OP0L(finit, 0xdbe3, 0, OPC_FWAIT)
- DEF_ASM_OP1(fldcw, 0xd9, 5, OPC_MODRM, OPT_EA )
- DEF_ASM_OP1(fnstcw, 0xd9, 7, OPC_MODRM, OPT_EA )
- DEF_ASM_OP1(fstcw, 0xd9, 7, OPC_MODRM | OPC_FWAIT, OPT_EA )
- DEF_ASM_OP0(fnstsw, 0xdfe0)
-ALT(DEF_ASM_OP1(fnstsw, 0xdfe0, 0, 0, OPT_EAX ))
-ALT(DEF_ASM_OP1(fnstsw, 0xdd, 7, OPC_MODRM, OPT_EA ))
- DEF_ASM_OP1(fstsw, 0xdfe0, 0, OPC_FWAIT, OPT_EAX )
-ALT(DEF_ASM_OP0L(fstsw, 0xdfe0, 0, OPC_FWAIT))
-ALT(DEF_ASM_OP1(fstsw, 0xdd, 7, OPC_MODRM | OPC_FWAIT, OPT_EA ))
- DEF_ASM_OP0L(fclex, 0xdbe2, 0, OPC_FWAIT)
- DEF_ASM_OP1(fnstenv, 0xd9, 6, OPC_MODRM, OPT_EA )
- DEF_ASM_OP1(fstenv, 0xd9, 6, OPC_MODRM | OPC_FWAIT, OPT_EA )
- DEF_ASM_OP1(fldenv, 0xd9, 4, OPC_MODRM, OPT_EA )
- DEF_ASM_OP1(fnsave, 0xdd, 6, OPC_MODRM, OPT_EA )
- DEF_ASM_OP1(fsave, 0xdd, 6, OPC_MODRM | OPC_FWAIT, OPT_EA )
- DEF_ASM_OP1(frstor, 0xdd, 4, OPC_MODRM, OPT_EA )
- DEF_ASM_OP1(ffree, 0xddc0, 4, OPC_REG, OPT_ST )
- DEF_ASM_OP1(ffreep, 0xdfc0, 4, OPC_REG, OPT_ST )
- DEF_ASM_OP1(fxsave, 0x0fae, 0, OPC_MODRM, OPT_EA )
- DEF_ASM_OP1(fxrstor, 0x0fae, 1, OPC_MODRM, OPT_EA )
- /* segments */
- DEF_ASM_OP2(arpl, 0x63, 0, OPC_MODRM, OPT_REG16, OPT_REG16 | OPT_EA)
- DEF_ASM_OP2(lar, 0x0f02, 0, OPC_MODRM, OPT_REG32 | OPT_EA, OPT_REG32)
- DEF_ASM_OP1(lgdt, 0x0f01, 2, OPC_MODRM, OPT_EA)
- DEF_ASM_OP1(lidt, 0x0f01, 3, OPC_MODRM, OPT_EA)
- DEF_ASM_OP1(lldt, 0x0f00, 2, OPC_MODRM, OPT_EA | OPT_REG)
- DEF_ASM_OP1(lmsw, 0x0f01, 6, OPC_MODRM, OPT_EA | OPT_REG)
- DEF_ASM_OP1(ltr, 0x0f00, 3, OPC_MODRM, OPT_EA | OPT_REG)
- DEF_ASM_OP1(sgdt, 0x0f01, 0, OPC_MODRM, OPT_EA)
- DEF_ASM_OP1(sidt, 0x0f01, 1, OPC_MODRM, OPT_EA)
- DEF_ASM_OP1(sldt, 0x0f00, 0, OPC_MODRM, OPT_REG | OPT_EA)
- DEF_ASM_OP1(smsw, 0x0f01, 4, OPC_MODRM, OPT_REG | OPT_EA)
- DEF_ASM_OP1(str, 0x0f00, 1, OPC_MODRM, OPT_REG16| OPT_EA)
- DEF_ASM_OP1(verr, 0x0f00, 4, OPC_MODRM, OPT_REG | OPT_EA)
- DEF_ASM_OP1(verw, 0x0f00, 5, OPC_MODRM, OPT_REG | OPT_EA)
- /* 486 */
- DEF_ASM_OP1(bswap, 0x0fc8, 0, OPC_REG, OPT_REG32 )
-ALT(DEF_ASM_OP2(xaddb, 0x0fc0, 0, OPC_MODRM | OPC_BWL, OPT_REG, OPT_REG | OPT_EA ))
-ALT(DEF_ASM_OP2(cmpxchgb, 0x0fb0, 0, OPC_MODRM | OPC_BWL, OPT_REG, OPT_REG | OPT_EA ))
- DEF_ASM_OP1(invlpg, 0x0f01, 7, OPC_MODRM, OPT_EA )
- DEF_ASM_OP2(boundl, 0x62, 0, OPC_MODRM, OPT_REG32, OPT_EA)
- DEF_ASM_OP2(boundw, 0x62, 0, OPC_MODRM | OPC_D16, OPT_REG16, OPT_EA)
- /* pentium */
- DEF_ASM_OP1(cmpxchg8b, 0x0fc7, 1, OPC_MODRM, OPT_EA )
- /* pentium pro */
- ALT(DEF_ASM_OP2(cmovo, 0x0f40, 0, OPC_MODRM | OPC_TEST, OPT_REG32 | OPT_EA, OPT_REG32))
- DEF_ASM_OP2(fcmovb, 0xdac0, 0, OPC_REG, OPT_ST, OPT_ST0 )
- DEF_ASM_OP2(fcmove, 0xdac8, 0, OPC_REG, OPT_ST, OPT_ST0 )
- DEF_ASM_OP2(fcmovbe, 0xdad0, 0, OPC_REG, OPT_ST, OPT_ST0 )
- DEF_ASM_OP2(fcmovu, 0xdad8, 0, OPC_REG, OPT_ST, OPT_ST0 )
- DEF_ASM_OP2(fcmovnb, 0xdbc0, 0, OPC_REG, OPT_ST, OPT_ST0 )
- DEF_ASM_OP2(fcmovne, 0xdbc8, 0, OPC_REG, OPT_ST, OPT_ST0 )
- DEF_ASM_OP2(fcmovnbe, 0xdbd0, 0, OPC_REG, OPT_ST, OPT_ST0 )
- DEF_ASM_OP2(fcmovnu, 0xdbd8, 0, OPC_REG, OPT_ST, OPT_ST0 )
- DEF_ASM_OP2(fucomi, 0xdbe8, 0, OPC_REG, OPT_ST, OPT_ST0 )
- DEF_ASM_OP2(fcomi, 0xdbf0, 0, OPC_REG, OPT_ST, OPT_ST0 )
- DEF_ASM_OP2(fucomip, 0xdfe8, 0, OPC_REG, OPT_ST, OPT_ST0 )
- DEF_ASM_OP2(fcomip, 0xdff0, 0, OPC_REG, OPT_ST, OPT_ST0 )
- /* mmx */
- DEF_ASM_OP0(emms, 0x0f77) /* must be last OP0 */
- DEF_ASM_OP2(movd, 0x0f6e, 0, OPC_MODRM, OPT_EA | OPT_REG32, OPT_MMX )
-ALT(DEF_ASM_OP2(movd, 0x0f7e, 0, OPC_MODRM, OPT_MMX, OPT_EA | OPT_REG32 ))
- DEF_ASM_OP2(movq, 0x0f6f, 0, OPC_MODRM, OPT_EA | OPT_MMX, OPT_MMX )
-ALT(DEF_ASM_OP2(movq, 0x0f7f, 0, OPC_MODRM, OPT_MMX, OPT_EA | OPT_MMX ))
- DEF_ASM_OP2(packssdw, 0x0f6b, 0, OPC_MODRM, OPT_EA | OPT_MMX, OPT_MMX )
- DEF_ASM_OP2(packsswb, 0x0f63, 0, OPC_MODRM, OPT_EA | OPT_MMX, OPT_MMX )
- DEF_ASM_OP2(packuswb, 0x0f67, 0, OPC_MODRM, OPT_EA | OPT_MMX, OPT_MMX )
- DEF_ASM_OP2(paddb, 0x0ffc, 0, OPC_MODRM, OPT_EA | OPT_MMX, OPT_MMX )
- DEF_ASM_OP2(paddw, 0x0ffd, 0, OPC_MODRM, OPT_EA | OPT_MMX, OPT_MMX )
- DEF_ASM_OP2(paddd, 0x0ffe, 0, OPC_MODRM, OPT_EA | OPT_MMX, OPT_MMX )
- DEF_ASM_OP2(paddsb, 0x0fec, 0, OPC_MODRM, OPT_EA | OPT_MMX, OPT_MMX )
- DEF_ASM_OP2(paddsw, 0x0fed, 0, OPC_MODRM, OPT_EA | OPT_MMX, OPT_MMX )
- DEF_ASM_OP2(paddusb, 0x0fdc, 0, OPC_MODRM, OPT_EA | OPT_MMX, OPT_MMX )
- DEF_ASM_OP2(paddusw, 0x0fdd, 0, OPC_MODRM, OPT_EA | OPT_MMX, OPT_MMX )
- DEF_ASM_OP2(pand, 0x0fdb, 0, OPC_MODRM, OPT_EA | OPT_MMX, OPT_MMX )
- DEF_ASM_OP2(pandn, 0x0fdf, 0, OPC_MODRM, OPT_EA | OPT_MMX, OPT_MMX )
- DEF_ASM_OP2(pcmpeqb, 0x0f74, 0, OPC_MODRM, OPT_EA | OPT_MMX, OPT_MMX )
- DEF_ASM_OP2(pcmpeqw, 0x0f75, 0, OPC_MODRM, OPT_EA | OPT_MMX, OPT_MMX )
- DEF_ASM_OP2(pcmpeqd, 0x0f76, 0, OPC_MODRM, OPT_EA | OPT_MMX, OPT_MMX )
- DEF_ASM_OP2(pcmpgtb, 0x0f64, 0, OPC_MODRM, OPT_EA | OPT_MMX, OPT_MMX )
- DEF_ASM_OP2(pcmpgtw, 0x0f65, 0, OPC_MODRM, OPT_EA | OPT_MMX, OPT_MMX )
- DEF_ASM_OP2(pcmpgtd, 0x0f66, 0, OPC_MODRM, OPT_EA | OPT_MMX, OPT_MMX )
- DEF_ASM_OP2(pmaddwd, 0x0ff5, 0, OPC_MODRM, OPT_EA | OPT_MMX, OPT_MMX )
- DEF_ASM_OP2(pmulhw, 0x0fe5, 0, OPC_MODRM, OPT_EA | OPT_MMX, OPT_MMX )
- DEF_ASM_OP2(pmullw, 0x0fd5, 0, OPC_MODRM, OPT_EA | OPT_MMX, OPT_MMX )
- DEF_ASM_OP2(por, 0x0feb, 0, OPC_MODRM, OPT_EA | OPT_MMX, OPT_MMX )
- DEF_ASM_OP2(psllw, 0x0ff1, 0, OPC_MODRM, OPT_EA | OPT_MMX, OPT_MMX )
-ALT(DEF_ASM_OP2(psllw, 0x0f71, 6, OPC_MODRM, OPT_IM8, OPT_MMX ))
- DEF_ASM_OP2(pslld, 0x0ff2, 0, OPC_MODRM, OPT_EA | OPT_MMX, OPT_MMX )
-ALT(DEF_ASM_OP2(pslld, 0x0f72, 6, OPC_MODRM, OPT_IM8, OPT_MMX ))
- DEF_ASM_OP2(psllq, 0x0ff3, 0, OPC_MODRM, OPT_EA | OPT_MMX, OPT_MMX )
-ALT(DEF_ASM_OP2(psllq, 0x0f73, 6, OPC_MODRM, OPT_IM8, OPT_MMX ))
- DEF_ASM_OP2(psraw, 0x0fe1, 0, OPC_MODRM, OPT_EA | OPT_MMX, OPT_MMX )
-ALT(DEF_ASM_OP2(psraw, 0x0f71, 4, OPC_MODRM, OPT_IM8, OPT_MMX ))
- DEF_ASM_OP2(psrad, 0x0fe2, 0, OPC_MODRM, OPT_EA | OPT_MMX, OPT_MMX )
-ALT(DEF_ASM_OP2(psrad, 0x0f72, 4, OPC_MODRM, OPT_IM8, OPT_MMX ))
- DEF_ASM_OP2(psrlw, 0x0fd1, 0, OPC_MODRM, OPT_EA | OPT_MMX, OPT_MMX )
-ALT(DEF_ASM_OP2(psrlw, 0x0f71, 2, OPC_MODRM, OPT_IM8, OPT_MMX ))
- DEF_ASM_OP2(psrld, 0x0fd2, 0, OPC_MODRM, OPT_EA | OPT_MMX, OPT_MMX )
-ALT(DEF_ASM_OP2(psrld, 0x0f72, 2, OPC_MODRM, OPT_IM8, OPT_MMX ))
- DEF_ASM_OP2(psrlq, 0x0fd3, 0, OPC_MODRM, OPT_EA | OPT_MMX, OPT_MMX )
-ALT(DEF_ASM_OP2(psrlq, 0x0f73, 2, OPC_MODRM, OPT_IM8, OPT_MMX ))
- DEF_ASM_OP2(psubb, 0x0ff8, 0, OPC_MODRM, OPT_EA | OPT_MMX, OPT_MMX )
- DEF_ASM_OP2(psubw, 0x0ff9, 0, OPC_MODRM, OPT_EA | OPT_MMX, OPT_MMX )
- DEF_ASM_OP2(psubd, 0x0ffa, 0, OPC_MODRM, OPT_EA | OPT_MMX, OPT_MMX )
- DEF_ASM_OP2(psubsb, 0x0fe8, 0, OPC_MODRM, OPT_EA | OPT_MMX, OPT_MMX )
- DEF_ASM_OP2(psubsw, 0x0fe9, 0, OPC_MODRM, OPT_EA | OPT_MMX, OPT_MMX )
- DEF_ASM_OP2(psubusb, 0x0fd8, 0, OPC_MODRM, OPT_EA | OPT_MMX, OPT_MMX )
- DEF_ASM_OP2(psubusw, 0x0fd9, 0, OPC_MODRM, OPT_EA | OPT_MMX, OPT_MMX )
- DEF_ASM_OP2(punpckhbw, 0x0f68, 0, OPC_MODRM, OPT_EA | OPT_MMX, OPT_MMX )
- DEF_ASM_OP2(punpckhwd, 0x0f69, 0, OPC_MODRM, OPT_EA | OPT_MMX, OPT_MMX )
- DEF_ASM_OP2(punpckhdq, 0x0f6a, 0, OPC_MODRM, OPT_EA | OPT_MMX, OPT_MMX )
- DEF_ASM_OP2(punpcklbw, 0x0f60, 0, OPC_MODRM, OPT_EA | OPT_MMX, OPT_MMX )
- DEF_ASM_OP2(punpcklwd, 0x0f61, 0, OPC_MODRM, OPT_EA | OPT_MMX, OPT_MMX )
- DEF_ASM_OP2(punpckldq, 0x0f62, 0, OPC_MODRM, OPT_EA | OPT_MMX, OPT_MMX )
- DEF_ASM_OP2(pxor, 0x0fef, 0, OPC_MODRM, OPT_EA | OPT_MMX, OPT_MMX )
-#undef ALT
-#undef DEF_ASM_OP0
-#undef DEF_ASM_OP0L
-#undef DEF_ASM_OP1
-#undef DEF_ASM_OP2
-#undef DEF_ASM_OP3
diff --git a/05/tcc-0.9.25/i386-gen.c b/05/tcc-0.9.25/i386-gen.c
deleted file mode 100644
index f958ab5..0000000
--- a/05/tcc-0.9.25/i386-gen.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1034 +0,0 @@
- * X86 code generator for TCC
- *
- * Copyright (c) 2001-2004 Fabrice Bellard
- *
- * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
- * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
- * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * Lesser General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
- * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
- */
-/* number of available registers */
-#define NB_REGS 4
-/* a register can belong to several classes. The classes must be
- sorted from more general to more precise (see gv2() code which does
- assumptions on it). */
-#define RC_INT 0x0001 /* generic integer register */
-#define RC_FLOAT 0x0002 /* generic float register */
-#define RC_EAX 0x0004
-#define RC_ST0 0x0008
-#define RC_ECX 0x0010
-#define RC_EDX 0x0020
-#define RC_IRET RC_EAX /* function return: integer register */
-#define RC_LRET RC_EDX /* function return: second integer register */
-#define RC_FRET RC_ST0 /* function return: float register */
-/* pretty names for the registers */
-enum {
- TREG_EAX = 0,
-int reg_classes[NB_REGS] = {
- /* eax */ RC_INT | RC_EAX,
- /* ecx */ RC_INT | RC_ECX,
- /* edx */ RC_INT | RC_EDX,
- /* st0 */ RC_FLOAT | RC_ST0,
-/* return registers for function */
-#define REG_IRET TREG_EAX /* single word int return register */
-#define REG_LRET TREG_EDX /* second word return register (for long long) */
-#define REG_FRET TREG_ST0 /* float return register */
-/* defined if function parameters must be evaluated in reverse order */
-/* defined if structures are passed as pointers. Otherwise structures
- are directly pushed on stack. */
-/* pointer size, in bytes */
-#define PTR_SIZE 4
-/* long double size and alignment, in bytes */
-#define LDOUBLE_SIZE 12
-#define LDOUBLE_ALIGN 4
-/* maximum alignment (for aligned attribute support) */
-#define MAX_ALIGN 8
-/* ELF defines */
-#define EM_TCC_TARGET EM_386
-/* relocation type for 32 bit data relocation */
-#define R_DATA_32 R_386_32
-#define R_JMP_SLOT R_386_JMP_SLOT
-#define R_COPY R_386_COPY
-#define ELF_START_ADDR 0x08048000
-#define ELF_PAGE_SIZE 0x1000
-static unsigned long func_sub_sp_offset;
-static unsigned long func_bound_offset;
-static int func_ret_sub;
-/* XXX: make it faster ? */
-void g(int c)
- int ind1;
- ind1 = ind + 1;
- if (ind1 > cur_text_section->data_allocated)
- section_realloc(cur_text_section, ind1);
- cur_text_section->data[ind] = c;
- ind = ind1;
-void o(unsigned int c)
- while (c) {
- g(c);
- c = c >> 8;
- }
-void gen_le32(int c)
- g(c);
- g(c >> 8);
- g(c >> 16);
- g(c >> 24);
-/* output a symbol and patch all calls to it */
-void gsym_addr(int t, int a)
- int n, *ptr;
- while (t) {
- ptr = (int *)(cur_text_section->data + t);
- n = *ptr; /* next value */
- *ptr = a - t - 4;
- t = n;
- }
-void gsym(int t)
- gsym_addr(t, ind);
-/* psym is used to put an instruction with a data field which is a
- reference to a symbol. It is in fact the same as oad ! */
-#define psym oad
-/* instruction + 4 bytes data. Return the address of the data */
-static int oad(int c, int s)
- int ind1;
- o(c);
- ind1 = ind + 4;
- if (ind1 > cur_text_section->data_allocated)
- section_realloc(cur_text_section, ind1);
- *(int *)(cur_text_section->data + ind) = s;
- s = ind;
- ind = ind1;
- return s;
-/* output constant with relocation if 'r & VT_SYM' is true */
-static void gen_addr32(int r, Sym *sym, int c)
- if (r & VT_SYM)
- greloc(cur_text_section, sym, ind, R_386_32);
- gen_le32(c);
-/* generate a modrm reference. 'op_reg' contains the addtionnal 3
- opcode bits */
-static void gen_modrm(int op_reg, int r, Sym *sym, int c)
- op_reg = op_reg << 3;
- if ((r & VT_VALMASK) == VT_CONST) {
- /* constant memory reference */
- o(0x05 | op_reg);
- gen_addr32(r, sym, c);
- } else if ((r & VT_VALMASK) == VT_LOCAL) {
- /* currently, we use only ebp as base */
- if (c == (char)c) {
- /* short reference */
- o(0x45 | op_reg);
- g(c);
- } else {
- oad(0x85 | op_reg, c);
- }
- } else {
- g(0x00 | op_reg | (r & VT_VALMASK));
- }
-/* load 'r' from value 'sv' */
-void load(int r, SValue *sv)
- int v, t, ft, fc, fr;
- SValue v1;
- fr = sv->r;
- ft = sv->type.t;
- fc = sv->c.ul;
- v = fr & VT_VALMASK;
- if (fr & VT_LVAL) {
- if (v == VT_LLOCAL) {
- v1.type.t = VT_INT;
- v1.r = VT_LOCAL | VT_LVAL;
- v1.c.ul = fc;
- load(r, &v1);
- fr = r;
- }
- if ((ft & VT_BTYPE) == VT_FLOAT) {
- o(0xd9); /* flds */
- r = 0;
- } else if ((ft & VT_BTYPE) == VT_DOUBLE) {
- o(0xdd); /* fldl */
- r = 0;
- } else if ((ft & VT_BTYPE) == VT_LDOUBLE) {
- o(0xdb); /* fldt */
- r = 5;
- } else if ((ft & VT_TYPE) == VT_BYTE) {
- o(0xbe0f); /* movsbl */
- } else if ((ft & VT_TYPE) == (VT_BYTE | VT_UNSIGNED)) {
- o(0xb60f); /* movzbl */
- } else if ((ft & VT_TYPE) == VT_SHORT) {
- o(0xbf0f); /* movswl */
- } else if ((ft & VT_TYPE) == (VT_SHORT | VT_UNSIGNED)) {
- o(0xb70f); /* movzwl */
- } else {
- o(0x8b); /* movl */
- }
- gen_modrm(r, fr, sv->sym, fc);
- } else {
- if (v == VT_CONST) {
- o(0xb8 + r); /* mov $xx, r */
- gen_addr32(fr, sv->sym, fc);
- } else if (v == VT_LOCAL) {
- o(0x8d); /* lea xxx(%ebp), r */
- gen_modrm(r, VT_LOCAL, sv->sym, fc);
- } else if (v == VT_CMP) {
- oad(0xb8 + r, 0); /* mov $0, r */
- o(0x0f); /* setxx %br */
- o(fc);
- o(0xc0 + r);
- } else if (v == VT_JMP || v == VT_JMPI) {
- t = v & 1;
- oad(0xb8 + r, t); /* mov $1, r */
- o(0x05eb); /* jmp after */
- gsym(fc);
- oad(0xb8 + r, t ^ 1); /* mov $0, r */
- } else if (v != r) {
- o(0x89);
- o(0xc0 + r + v * 8); /* mov v, r */
- }
- }
-/* store register 'r' in lvalue 'v' */
-void store(int r, SValue *v)
- int fr, bt, ft, fc;
- ft = v->type.t;
- fc = v->c.ul;
- fr = v->r & VT_VALMASK;
- bt = ft & VT_BTYPE;
- /* XXX: incorrect if float reg to reg */
- if (bt == VT_FLOAT) {
- o(0xd9); /* fsts */
- r = 2;
- } else if (bt == VT_DOUBLE) {
- o(0xdd); /* fstpl */
- r = 2;
- } else if (bt == VT_LDOUBLE) {
- o(0xc0d9); /* fld %st(0) */
- o(0xdb); /* fstpt */
- r = 7;
- } else {
- if (bt == VT_SHORT)
- o(0x66);
- if (bt == VT_BYTE || bt == VT_BOOL)
- o(0x88);
- else
- o(0x89);
- }
- if (fr == VT_CONST ||
- fr == VT_LOCAL ||
- (v->r & VT_LVAL)) {
- gen_modrm(r, v->r, v->sym, fc);
- } else if (fr != r) {
- o(0xc0 + fr + r * 8); /* mov r, fr */
- }
-static void gadd_sp(int val)
- if (val == (char)val) {
- o(0xc483);
- g(val);
- } else {
- oad(0xc481, val); /* add $xxx, %esp */
- }
-/* 'is_jmp' is '1' if it is a jump */
-static void gcall_or_jmp(int is_jmp)
- int r;
- if ((vtop->r & (VT_VALMASK | VT_LVAL)) == VT_CONST) {
- /* constant case */
- if (vtop->r & VT_SYM) {
- /* relocation case */
- greloc(cur_text_section, vtop->sym,
- ind + 1, R_386_PC32);
- } else {
- /* put an empty PC32 relocation */
- put_elf_reloc(symtab_section, cur_text_section,
- ind + 1, R_386_PC32, 0);
- }
- oad(0xe8 + is_jmp, vtop->c.ul - 4); /* call/jmp im */
- } else {
- /* otherwise, indirect call */
- r = gv(RC_INT);
- o(0xff); /* call/jmp *r */
- o(0xd0 + r + (is_jmp << 4));
- }
-static uint8_t fastcall_regs[3] = { TREG_EAX, TREG_EDX, TREG_ECX };
-static uint8_t fastcallw_regs[2] = { TREG_ECX, TREG_EDX };
-/* Generate function call. The function address is pushed first, then
- all the parameters in call order. This functions pops all the
- parameters and the function address. */
-void gfunc_call(int nb_args)
- int size, align, r, args_size, i, func_call;
- Sym *func_sym;
- args_size = 0;
- for(i = 0;i < nb_args; i++) {
- if ((vtop->type.t & VT_BTYPE) == VT_STRUCT) {
- size = type_size(&vtop->type, &align);
- /* align to stack align size */
- size = (size + 3) & ~3;
- /* allocate the necessary size on stack */
- oad(0xec81, size); /* sub $xxx, %esp */
- /* generate structure store */
- r = get_reg(RC_INT);
- o(0x89); /* mov %esp, r */
- o(0xe0 + r);
- vset(&vtop->type, r | VT_LVAL, 0);
- vswap();
- vstore();
- args_size += size;
- } else if (is_float(vtop->type.t)) {
- gv(RC_FLOAT); /* only one float register */
- if ((vtop->type.t & VT_BTYPE) == VT_FLOAT)
- size = 4;
- else if ((vtop->type.t & VT_BTYPE) == VT_DOUBLE)
- size = 8;
- else
- size = 12;
- oad(0xec81, size); /* sub $xxx, %esp */
- if (size == 12)
- o(0x7cdb);
- else
- o(0x5cd9 + size - 4); /* fstp[s|l] 0(%esp) */
- g(0x24);
- g(0x00);
- args_size += size;
- } else {
- /* simple type (currently always same size) */
- /* XXX: implicit cast ? */
- r = gv(RC_INT);
- if ((vtop->type.t & VT_BTYPE) == VT_LLONG) {
- size = 8;
- o(0x50 + vtop->r2); /* push r */
- } else {
- size = 4;
- }
- o(0x50 + r); /* push r */
- args_size += size;
- }
- vtop--;
- }
- save_regs(0); /* save used temporary registers */
- func_sym = vtop->type.ref;
- func_call = FUNC_CALL(func_sym->r);
- /* fast call case */
- if ((func_call >= FUNC_FASTCALL1 && func_call <= FUNC_FASTCALL3) ||
- func_call == FUNC_FASTCALLW) {
- int fastcall_nb_regs;
- uint8_t *fastcall_regs_ptr;
- if (func_call == FUNC_FASTCALLW) {
- fastcall_regs_ptr = fastcallw_regs;
- fastcall_nb_regs = 2;
- } else {
- fastcall_regs_ptr = fastcall_regs;
- fastcall_nb_regs = func_call - FUNC_FASTCALL1 + 1;
- }
- for(i = 0;i < fastcall_nb_regs; i++) {
- if (args_size <= 0)
- break;
- o(0x58 + fastcall_regs_ptr[i]); /* pop r */
- /* XXX: incorrect for struct/floats */
- args_size -= 4;
- }
- }
- gcall_or_jmp(0);
- if (args_size && func_call != FUNC_STDCALL)
- gadd_sp(args_size);
- vtop--;
-#define FUNC_PROLOG_SIZE 10
-/* generate function prolog of type 't' */
-void gfunc_prolog(CType *func_type)
- int addr, align, size, func_call, fastcall_nb_regs;
- int param_index, param_addr;
- uint8_t *fastcall_regs_ptr;
- Sym *sym;
- CType *type;
- sym = func_type->ref;
- func_call = FUNC_CALL(sym->r);
- addr = 8;
- loc = 0;
- if (func_call >= FUNC_FASTCALL1 && func_call <= FUNC_FASTCALL3) {
- fastcall_nb_regs = func_call - FUNC_FASTCALL1 + 1;
- fastcall_regs_ptr = fastcall_regs;
- } else if (func_call == FUNC_FASTCALLW) {
- fastcall_nb_regs = 2;
- fastcall_regs_ptr = fastcallw_regs;
- } else {
- fastcall_nb_regs = 0;
- fastcall_regs_ptr = NULL;
- }
- param_index = 0;
- func_sub_sp_offset = ind;
- /* if the function returns a structure, then add an
- implicit pointer parameter */
- func_vt = sym->type;
- if ((func_vt.t & VT_BTYPE) == VT_STRUCT) {
- /* XXX: fastcall case ? */
- func_vc = addr;
- addr += 4;
- param_index++;
- }
- /* define parameters */
- while ((sym = sym->next) != NULL) {
- type = &sym->type;
- size = type_size(type, &align);
- size = (size + 3) & ~3;
- /* structs are passed as pointer */
- if ((type->t & VT_BTYPE) == VT_STRUCT) {
- size = 4;
- }
- if (param_index < fastcall_nb_regs) {
- /* save FASTCALL register */
- loc -= 4;
- o(0x89); /* movl */
- gen_modrm(fastcall_regs_ptr[param_index], VT_LOCAL, NULL, loc);
- param_addr = loc;
- } else {
- param_addr = addr;
- addr += size;
- }
- sym_push(sym->v & ~SYM_FIELD, type,
- VT_LOCAL | lvalue_type(type->t), param_addr);
- param_index++;
- }
- func_ret_sub = 0;
- /* pascal type call ? */
- if (func_call == FUNC_STDCALL)
- func_ret_sub = addr - 8;
- /* leave some room for bound checking code */
- if (tcc_state->do_bounds_check) {
- oad(0xb8, 0); /* lbound section pointer */
- oad(0xb8, 0); /* call to function */
- func_bound_offset = lbounds_section->data_offset;
- }
-/* generate function epilog */
-void gfunc_epilog(void)
- int v, saved_ind;
- if (tcc_state->do_bounds_check
- && func_bound_offset != lbounds_section->data_offset) {
- int saved_ind;
- int *bounds_ptr;
- Sym *sym, *sym_data;
- /* add end of table info */
- bounds_ptr = section_ptr_add(lbounds_section, sizeof(int));
- *bounds_ptr = 0;
- /* generate bound local allocation */
- saved_ind = ind;
- ind = func_sub_sp_offset;
- sym_data = get_sym_ref(&char_pointer_type, lbounds_section,
- func_bound_offset, lbounds_section->data_offset);
- greloc(cur_text_section, sym_data,
- ind + 1, R_386_32);
- oad(0xb8, 0); /* mov %eax, xxx */
- sym = external_global_sym(TOK___bound_local_new, &func_old_type, 0);
- greloc(cur_text_section, sym,
- ind + 1, R_386_PC32);
- oad(0xe8, -4);
- ind = saved_ind;
- /* generate bound check local freeing */
- o(0x5250); /* save returned value, if any */
- greloc(cur_text_section, sym_data,
- ind + 1, R_386_32);
- oad(0xb8, 0); /* mov %eax, xxx */
- sym = external_global_sym(TOK___bound_local_delete, &func_old_type, 0);
- greloc(cur_text_section, sym,
- ind + 1, R_386_PC32);
- oad(0xe8, -4);
- o(0x585a); /* restore returned value, if any */
- }
- o(0xc9); /* leave */
- if (func_ret_sub == 0) {
- o(0xc3); /* ret */
- } else {
- o(0xc2); /* ret n */
- g(func_ret_sub);
- g(func_ret_sub >> 8);
- }
- /* align local size to word & save local variables */
- v = (-loc + 3) & -4;
- saved_ind = ind;
- ind = func_sub_sp_offset - FUNC_PROLOG_SIZE;
- if (v >= 4096) {
- Sym *sym = external_global_sym(TOK___chkstk, &func_old_type, 0);
- oad(0xb8, v); /* mov stacksize, %eax */
- oad(0xe8, -4); /* call __chkstk, (does the stackframe too) */
- greloc(cur_text_section, sym, ind-4, R_386_PC32);
- } else
- {
- o(0xe58955); /* push %ebp, mov %esp, %ebp */
- o(0xec81); /* sub esp, stacksize */
- gen_le32(v);
- o(0x90); /* adjust to FUNC_PROLOG_SIZE */
- }
- ind = saved_ind;
-/* generate a jump to a label */
-int gjmp(int t)
- return psym(0xe9, t);
-/* generate a jump to a fixed address */
-void gjmp_addr(int a)
- int r;
- r = a - ind - 2;
- if (r == (char)r) {
- g(0xeb);
- g(r);
- } else {
- oad(0xe9, a - ind - 5);
- }
-/* generate a test. set 'inv' to invert test. Stack entry is popped */
-int gtst(int inv, int t)
- int v, *p;
- v = vtop->r & VT_VALMASK;
- if (v == VT_CMP) {
- /* fast case : can jump directly since flags are set */
- g(0x0f);
- t = psym((vtop->c.i - 16) ^ inv, t);
- } else if (v == VT_JMP || v == VT_JMPI) {
- /* && or || optimization */
- if ((v & 1) == inv) {
- /* insert vtop->c jump list in t */
- p = &vtop->c.i;
- while (*p != 0)
- p = (int *)(cur_text_section->data + *p);
- *p = t;
- t = vtop->c.i;
- } else {
- t = gjmp(t);
- gsym(vtop->c.i);
- }
- } else {
- if (is_float(vtop->type.t) ||
- (vtop->type.t & VT_BTYPE) == VT_LLONG) {
- vpushi(0);
- gen_op(TOK_NE);
- }
- if ((vtop->r & (VT_VALMASK | VT_LVAL | VT_SYM)) == VT_CONST) {
- /* constant jmp optimization */
- if ((vtop->c.i != 0) != inv)
- t = gjmp(t);
- } else {
- v = gv(RC_INT);
- o(0x85);
- o(0xc0 + v * 9);
- g(0x0f);
- t = psym(0x85 ^ inv, t);
- }
- }
- vtop--;
- return t;
-/* generate an integer binary operation */
-void gen_opi(int op)
- int r, fr, opc, c;
- switch(op) {
- case '+':
- case TOK_ADDC1: /* add with carry generation */
- opc = 0;
- gen_op8:
- if ((vtop->r & (VT_VALMASK | VT_LVAL | VT_SYM)) == VT_CONST) {
- /* constant case */
- vswap();
- r = gv(RC_INT);
- vswap();
- c = vtop->c.i;
- if (c == (char)c) {
- /* XXX: generate inc and dec for smaller code ? */
- o(0x83);
- o(0xc0 | (opc << 3) | r);
- g(c);
- } else {
- o(0x81);
- oad(0xc0 | (opc << 3) | r, c);
- }
- } else {
- gv2(RC_INT, RC_INT);
- r = vtop[-1].r;
- fr = vtop[0].r;
- o((opc << 3) | 0x01);
- o(0xc0 + r + fr * 8);
- }
- vtop--;
- if (op >= TOK_ULT && op <= TOK_GT) {
- vtop->r = VT_CMP;
- vtop->c.i = op;
- }
- break;
- case '-':
- case TOK_SUBC1: /* sub with carry generation */
- opc = 5;
- goto gen_op8;
- case TOK_ADDC2: /* add with carry use */
- opc = 2;
- goto gen_op8;
- case TOK_SUBC2: /* sub with carry use */
- opc = 3;
- goto gen_op8;
- case '&':
- opc = 4;
- goto gen_op8;
- case '^':
- opc = 6;
- goto gen_op8;
- case '|':
- opc = 1;
- goto gen_op8;
- case '*':
- gv2(RC_INT, RC_INT);
- r = vtop[-1].r;
- fr = vtop[0].r;
- vtop--;
- o(0xaf0f); /* imul fr, r */
- o(0xc0 + fr + r * 8);
- break;
- case TOK_SHL:
- opc = 4;
- goto gen_shift;
- case TOK_SHR:
- opc = 5;
- goto gen_shift;
- case TOK_SAR:
- opc = 7;
- gen_shift:
- opc = 0xc0 | (opc << 3);
- if ((vtop->r & (VT_VALMASK | VT_LVAL | VT_SYM)) == VT_CONST) {
- /* constant case */
- vswap();
- r = gv(RC_INT);
- vswap();
- c = vtop->c.i & 0x1f;
- o(0xc1); /* shl/shr/sar $xxx, r */
- o(opc | r);
- g(c);
- } else {
- /* we generate the shift in ecx */
- gv2(RC_INT, RC_ECX);
- r = vtop[-1].r;
- o(0xd3); /* shl/shr/sar %cl, r */
- o(opc | r);
- }
- vtop--;
- break;
- case '/':
- case TOK_UDIV:
- case TOK_PDIV:
- case '%':
- case TOK_UMOD:
- case TOK_UMULL:
- /* first operand must be in eax */
- /* XXX: need better constraint for second operand */
- gv2(RC_EAX, RC_ECX);
- r = vtop[-1].r;
- fr = vtop[0].r;
- vtop--;
- save_reg(TREG_EDX);
- if (op == TOK_UMULL) {
- o(0xf7); /* mul fr */
- o(0xe0 + fr);
- vtop->r2 = TREG_EDX;
- r = TREG_EAX;
- } else {
- if (op == TOK_UDIV || op == TOK_UMOD) {
- o(0xf7d231); /* xor %edx, %edx, div fr, %eax */
- o(0xf0 + fr);
- } else {
- o(0xf799); /* cltd, idiv fr, %eax */
- o(0xf8 + fr);
- }
- if (op == '%' || op == TOK_UMOD)
- r = TREG_EDX;
- else
- r = TREG_EAX;
- }
- vtop->r = r;
- break;
- default:
- opc = 7;
- goto gen_op8;
- }
-/* generate a floating point operation 'v = t1 op t2' instruction. The
- two operands are guaranted to have the same floating point type */
-/* XXX: need to use ST1 too */
-void gen_opf(int op)
- int a, ft, fc, swapped, r;
- /* convert constants to memory references */
- if ((vtop[-1].r & (VT_VALMASK | VT_LVAL)) == VT_CONST) {
- vswap();
- gv(RC_FLOAT);
- vswap();
- }
- if ((vtop[0].r & (VT_VALMASK | VT_LVAL)) == VT_CONST)
- gv(RC_FLOAT);
- /* must put at least one value in the floating point register */
- if ((vtop[-1].r & VT_LVAL) &&
- (vtop[0].r & VT_LVAL)) {
- vswap();
- gv(RC_FLOAT);
- vswap();
- }
- swapped = 0;
- /* swap the stack if needed so that t1 is the register and t2 is
- the memory reference */
- if (vtop[-1].r & VT_LVAL) {
- vswap();
- swapped = 1;
- }
- if (op >= TOK_ULT && op <= TOK_GT) {
- /* load on stack second operand */
- load(TREG_ST0, vtop);
- save_reg(TREG_EAX); /* eax is used by FP comparison code */
- if (op == TOK_GE || op == TOK_GT)
- swapped = !swapped;
- else if (op == TOK_EQ || op == TOK_NE)
- swapped = 0;
- if (swapped)
- o(0xc9d9); /* fxch %st(1) */
- o(0xe9da); /* fucompp */
- o(0xe0df); /* fnstsw %ax */
- if (op == TOK_EQ) {
- o(0x45e480); /* and $0x45, %ah */
- o(0x40fC80); /* cmp $0x40, %ah */
- } else if (op == TOK_NE) {
- o(0x45e480); /* and $0x45, %ah */
- o(0x40f480); /* xor $0x40, %ah */
- op = TOK_NE;
- } else if (op == TOK_GE || op == TOK_LE) {
- o(0x05c4f6); /* test $0x05, %ah */
- op = TOK_EQ;
- } else {
- o(0x45c4f6); /* test $0x45, %ah */
- op = TOK_EQ;
- }
- vtop--;
- vtop->r = VT_CMP;
- vtop->c.i = op;
- } else {
- /* no memory reference possible for long double operations */
- if ((vtop->type.t & VT_BTYPE) == VT_LDOUBLE) {
- load(TREG_ST0, vtop);
- swapped = !swapped;
- }
- switch(op) {
- default:
- case '+':
- a = 0;
- break;
- case '-':
- a = 4;
- if (swapped)
- a++;
- break;
- case '*':
- a = 1;
- break;
- case '/':
- a = 6;
- if (swapped)
- a++;
- break;
- }
- ft = vtop->type.t;
- fc = vtop->c.ul;
- if ((ft & VT_BTYPE) == VT_LDOUBLE) {
- o(0xde); /* fxxxp %st, %st(1) */
- o(0xc1 + (a << 3));
- } else {
- /* if saved lvalue, then we must reload it */
- r = vtop->r;
- if ((r & VT_VALMASK) == VT_LLOCAL) {
- SValue v1;
- r = get_reg(RC_INT);
- v1.type.t = VT_INT;
- v1.r = VT_LOCAL | VT_LVAL;
- v1.c.ul = fc;
- load(r, &v1);
- fc = 0;
- }
- if ((ft & VT_BTYPE) == VT_DOUBLE)
- o(0xdc);
- else
- o(0xd8);
- gen_modrm(a, r, vtop->sym, fc);
- }
- vtop--;
- }
-/* convert integers to fp 't' type. Must handle 'int', 'unsigned int'
- and 'long long' cases. */
-void gen_cvt_itof(int t)
- save_reg(TREG_ST0);
- gv(RC_INT);
- if ((vtop->type.t & VT_BTYPE) == VT_LLONG) {
- /* signed long long to float/double/long double (unsigned case
- is handled generically) */
- o(0x50 + vtop->r2); /* push r2 */
- o(0x50 + (vtop->r & VT_VALMASK)); /* push r */
- o(0x242cdf); /* fildll (%esp) */
- o(0x08c483); /* add $8, %esp */
- } else if ((vtop->type.t & (VT_BTYPE | VT_UNSIGNED)) ==
- /* unsigned int to float/double/long double */
- o(0x6a); /* push $0 */
- g(0x00);
- o(0x50 + (vtop->r & VT_VALMASK)); /* push r */
- o(0x242cdf); /* fildll (%esp) */
- o(0x08c483); /* add $8, %esp */
- } else {
- /* int to float/double/long double */
- o(0x50 + (vtop->r & VT_VALMASK)); /* push r */
- o(0x2404db); /* fildl (%esp) */
- o(0x04c483); /* add $4, %esp */
- }
- vtop->r = TREG_ST0;
-/* convert fp to int 't' type */
-/* XXX: handle long long case */
-void gen_cvt_ftoi(int t)
- int r, r2, size;
- Sym *sym;
- CType ushort_type;
- ushort_type.t = VT_SHORT | VT_UNSIGNED;
- gv(RC_FLOAT);
- if (t != VT_INT)
- size = 8;
- else
- size = 4;
- o(0x2dd9); /* ldcw xxx */
- sym = external_global_sym(TOK___tcc_int_fpu_control,
- &ushort_type, VT_LVAL);
- greloc(cur_text_section, sym,
- ind, R_386_32);
- gen_le32(0);
- oad(0xec81, size); /* sub $xxx, %esp */
- if (size == 4)
- o(0x1cdb); /* fistpl */
- else
- o(0x3cdf); /* fistpll */
- o(0x24);
- o(0x2dd9); /* ldcw xxx */
- sym = external_global_sym(TOK___tcc_fpu_control,
- &ushort_type, VT_LVAL);
- greloc(cur_text_section, sym,
- ind, R_386_32);
- gen_le32(0);
- r = get_reg(RC_INT);
- o(0x58 + r); /* pop r */
- if (size == 8) {
- if (t == VT_LLONG) {
- vtop->r = r; /* mark reg as used */
- r2 = get_reg(RC_INT);
- o(0x58 + r2); /* pop r2 */
- vtop->r2 = r2;
- } else {
- o(0x04c483); /* add $4, %esp */
- }
- }
- vtop->r = r;
-/* convert from one floating point type to another */
-void gen_cvt_ftof(int t)
- /* all we have to do on i386 is to put the float in a register */
- gv(RC_FLOAT);
-/* computed goto support */
-void ggoto(void)
- gcall_or_jmp(1);
- vtop--;
-/* bound check support functions */
-/* generate a bounded pointer addition */
-void gen_bounded_ptr_add(void)
- Sym *sym;
- /* prepare fast i386 function call (args in eax and edx) */
- gv2(RC_EAX, RC_EDX);
- /* save all temporary registers */
- vtop -= 2;
- save_regs(0);
- /* do a fast function call */
- sym = external_global_sym(TOK___bound_ptr_add, &func_old_type, 0);
- greloc(cur_text_section, sym,
- ind + 1, R_386_PC32);
- oad(0xe8, -4);
- /* returned pointer is in eax */
- vtop++;
- vtop->r = TREG_EAX | VT_BOUNDED;
- /* address of bounding function call point */
- vtop->c.ul = (cur_text_section->reloc->data_offset - sizeof(Elf32_Rel));
-/* patch pointer addition in vtop so that pointer dereferencing is
- also tested */
-void gen_bounded_ptr_deref(void)
- int func;
- int size, align;
- Elf32_Rel *rel;
- Sym *sym;
- size = 0;
- /* XXX: put that code in generic part of tcc */
- if (!is_float(vtop->type.t)) {
- if (vtop->r & VT_LVAL_BYTE)
- size = 1;
- else if (vtop->r & VT_LVAL_SHORT)
- size = 2;
- }
- if (!size)
- size = type_size(&vtop->type, &align);
- switch(size) {
- case 1: func = TOK___bound_ptr_indir1; break;
- case 2: func = TOK___bound_ptr_indir2; break;
- case 4: func = TOK___bound_ptr_indir4; break;
- case 8: func = TOK___bound_ptr_indir8; break;
- case 12: func = TOK___bound_ptr_indir12; break;
- case 16: func = TOK___bound_ptr_indir16; break;
- default:
- error("unhandled size when derefencing bounded pointer");
- func = 0;
- break;
- }
- /* patch relocation */
- /* XXX: find a better solution ? */
- rel = (Elf32_Rel *)(cur_text_section->reloc->data + vtop->c.ul);
- sym = external_global_sym(func, &func_old_type, 0);
- if (!sym->c)
- put_extern_sym(sym, NULL, 0, 0);
- rel->r_info = ELF32_R_INFO(sym->c, ELF32_R_TYPE(rel->r_info));
-/* end of X86 code generator */
diff --git a/05/tcc-0.9.25/il-gen.c b/05/tcc-0.9.25/il-gen.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 29f0526..0000000
--- a/05/tcc-0.9.25/il-gen.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,667 +0,0 @@
- * CIL code generator for TCC
- *
- * Copyright (c) 2002 Fabrice Bellard
- *
- * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
- * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
- * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * Lesser General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
- * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
- */
-/* number of available registers */
-#define NB_REGS 3
-/* a register can belong to several classes. The classes must be
- sorted from more general to more precise (see gv2() code which does
- assumptions on it). */
-#define RC_ST 0x0001 /* any stack entry */
-#define RC_ST0 0x0002 /* top of stack */
-#define RC_ST1 0x0004 /* top - 1 */
-#define RC_INT RC_ST
-#define RC_FLOAT RC_ST
-#define RC_IRET RC_ST0 /* function return: integer register */
-#define RC_LRET RC_ST0 /* function return: second integer register */
-#define RC_FRET RC_ST0 /* function return: float register */
-/* pretty names for the registers */
-enum {
- REG_ST0 = 0,
- REG_ST1,
- REG_ST2,
-int reg_classes[NB_REGS] = {
- /* ST0 */ RC_ST | RC_ST0,
- /* ST1 */ RC_ST | RC_ST1,
- /* ST2 */ RC_ST,
-/* return registers for function */
-#define REG_IRET REG_ST0 /* single word int return register */
-#define REG_LRET REG_ST0 /* second word return register (for long long) */
-#define REG_FRET REG_ST0 /* float return register */
-/* defined if function parameters must be evaluated in reverse order */
-/* defined if structures are passed as pointers. Otherwise structures
- are directly pushed on stack. */
-/* pointer size, in bytes */
-#define PTR_SIZE 4
-/* long double size and alignment, in bytes */
-#define LDOUBLE_SIZE 8
-#define LDOUBLE_ALIGN 8
-/* function call context */
-typedef struct GFuncContext {
- int func_call; /* func call type (FUNC_STDCALL or FUNC_CDECL) */
-} GFuncContext;
-/* opcode definitions */
-#define IL_OP_PREFIX 0xFE
-enum ILOPCodes {
-#define OP(name, str, n) IL_OP_ ## name = n,
-#include "il-opcodes.h"
-#undef OP
-char *il_opcodes_str[] = {
-#define OP(name, str, n) [n] = str,
-#include "il-opcodes.h"
-#undef OP
-/* arguments variable numbers start from there */
-#define ARG_BASE 0x70000000
-static FILE *il_outfile;
-static void out_byte(int c)
- *(char *)ind++ = c;
-static void out_le32(int c)
- out_byte(c);
- out_byte(c >> 8);
- out_byte(c >> 16);
- out_byte(c >> 24);
-static void init_outfile(void)
- if (!il_outfile) {
- il_outfile = stdout;
- fprintf(il_outfile,
- ".assembly extern mscorlib\n"
- "{\n"
- ".ver 1:0:2411:0\n"
- "}\n\n");
- }
-static void out_op1(int op)
- if (op & 0x100)
- out_byte(IL_OP_PREFIX);
- out_byte(op & 0xff);
-/* output an opcode with prefix */
-static void out_op(int op)
- out_op1(op);
- fprintf(il_outfile, " %s\n", il_opcodes_str[op]);
-static void out_opb(int op, int c)
- out_op1(op);
- out_byte(c);
- fprintf(il_outfile, " %s %d\n", il_opcodes_str[op], c);
-static void out_opi(int op, int c)
- out_op1(op);
- out_le32(c);
- fprintf(il_outfile, " %s 0x%x\n", il_opcodes_str[op], c);
-/* XXX: not complete */
-static void il_type_to_str(char *buf, int buf_size,
- int t, const char *varstr)
- int bt;
- Sym *s, *sa;
- char buf1[256];
- const char *tstr;
- t = t & VT_TYPE;
- bt = t & VT_BTYPE;
- buf[0] = '\0';
- if (t & VT_UNSIGNED)
- pstrcat(buf, buf_size, "unsigned ");
- switch(bt) {
- case VT_VOID:
- tstr = "void";
- goto add_tstr;
- case VT_BOOL:
- tstr = "bool";
- goto add_tstr;
- case VT_BYTE:
- tstr = "int8";
- goto add_tstr;
- case VT_SHORT:
- tstr = "int16";
- goto add_tstr;
- case VT_ENUM:
- case VT_INT:
- case VT_LONG:
- tstr = "int32";
- goto add_tstr;
- case VT_LLONG:
- tstr = "int64";
- goto add_tstr;
- case VT_FLOAT:
- tstr = "float32";
- goto add_tstr;
- case VT_DOUBLE:
- case VT_LDOUBLE:
- tstr = "float64";
- add_tstr:
- pstrcat(buf, buf_size, tstr);
- break;
- case VT_STRUCT:
- error("structures not handled yet");
- break;
- case VT_FUNC:
- s = sym_find((unsigned)t >> VT_STRUCT_SHIFT);
- il_type_to_str(buf, buf_size, s->t, varstr);
- pstrcat(buf, buf_size, "(");
- sa = s->next;
- while (sa != NULL) {
- il_type_to_str(buf1, sizeof(buf1), sa->t, NULL);
- pstrcat(buf, buf_size, buf1);
- sa = sa->next;
- if (sa)
- pstrcat(buf, buf_size, ", ");
- }
- pstrcat(buf, buf_size, ")");
- goto no_var;
- case VT_PTR:
- s = sym_find((unsigned)t >> VT_STRUCT_SHIFT);
- pstrcpy(buf1, sizeof(buf1), "*");
- if (varstr)
- pstrcat(buf1, sizeof(buf1), varstr);
- il_type_to_str(buf, buf_size, s->t, buf1);
- goto no_var;
- }
- if (varstr) {
- pstrcat(buf, buf_size, " ");
- pstrcat(buf, buf_size, varstr);
- }
- no_var: ;
-/* patch relocation entry with value 'val' */
-void greloc_patch1(Reloc *p, int val)
-/* output a symbol and patch all calls to it */
-void gsym_addr(t, a)
-/* output jump and return symbol */
-static int out_opj(int op, int c)
- out_op1(op);
- out_le32(0);
- if (c == 0) {
- c = ind - (int)cur_text_section->data;
- }
- fprintf(il_outfile, " %s L%d\n", il_opcodes_str[op], c);
- return c;
-void gsym(int t)
- fprintf(il_outfile, "L%d:\n", t);
-/* load 'r' from value 'sv' */
-void load(int r, SValue *sv)
- int v, fc, ft;
- v = sv->r & VT_VALMASK;
- fc = sv->c.i;
- ft = sv->t;
- if (sv->r & VT_LVAL) {
- if (v == VT_LOCAL) {
- if (fc >= ARG_BASE) {
- fc -= ARG_BASE;
- if (fc >= 0 && fc <= 4) {
- out_op(IL_OP_LDARG_0 + fc);
- } else if (fc <= 0xff) {
- out_opb(IL_OP_LDARG_S, fc);
- } else {
- out_opi(IL_OP_LDARG, fc);
- }
- } else {
- if (fc >= 0 && fc <= 4) {
- out_op(IL_OP_LDLOC_0 + fc);
- } else if (fc <= 0xff) {
- out_opb(IL_OP_LDLOC_S, fc);
- } else {
- out_opi(IL_OP_LDLOC, fc);
- }
- }
- } else if (v == VT_CONST) {
- /* XXX: handle globals */
- out_opi(IL_OP_LDSFLD, 0);
- } else {
- if ((ft & VT_BTYPE) == VT_FLOAT) {
- out_op(IL_OP_LDIND_R4);
- } else if ((ft & VT_BTYPE) == VT_DOUBLE) {
- out_op(IL_OP_LDIND_R8);
- } else if ((ft & VT_BTYPE) == VT_LDOUBLE) {
- out_op(IL_OP_LDIND_R8);
- } else if ((ft & VT_TYPE) == VT_BYTE)
- out_op(IL_OP_LDIND_I1);
- else if ((ft & VT_TYPE) == (VT_BYTE | VT_UNSIGNED))
- out_op(IL_OP_LDIND_U1);
- else if ((ft & VT_TYPE) == VT_SHORT)
- out_op(IL_OP_LDIND_I2);
- else if ((ft & VT_TYPE) == (VT_SHORT | VT_UNSIGNED))
- out_op(IL_OP_LDIND_U2);
- else
- out_op(IL_OP_LDIND_I4);
- }
- } else {
- if (v == VT_CONST) {
- /* XXX: handle globals */
- if (fc >= -1 && fc <= 8) {
- out_op(IL_OP_LDC_I4_M1 + fc + 1);
- } else {
- out_opi(IL_OP_LDC_I4, fc);
- }
- } else if (v == VT_LOCAL) {
- if (fc >= ARG_BASE) {
- fc -= ARG_BASE;
- if (fc <= 0xff) {
- out_opb(IL_OP_LDARGA_S, fc);
- } else {
- out_opi(IL_OP_LDARGA, fc);
- }
- } else {
- if (fc <= 0xff) {
- out_opb(IL_OP_LDLOCA_S, fc);
- } else {
- out_opi(IL_OP_LDLOCA, fc);
- }
- }
- } else {
- /* XXX: do it */
- }
- }
-/* store register 'r' in lvalue 'v' */
-void store(int r, SValue *sv)
- int v, fc, ft;
- v = sv->r & VT_VALMASK;
- fc = sv->c.i;
- ft = sv->t;
- if (v == VT_LOCAL) {
- if (fc >= ARG_BASE) {
- fc -= ARG_BASE;
- /* XXX: check IL arg store semantics */
- if (fc <= 0xff) {
- out_opb(IL_OP_STARG_S, fc);
- } else {
- out_opi(IL_OP_STARG, fc);
- }
- } else {
- if (fc >= 0 && fc <= 4) {
- out_op(IL_OP_STLOC_0 + fc);
- } else if (fc <= 0xff) {
- out_opb(IL_OP_STLOC_S, fc);
- } else {
- out_opi(IL_OP_STLOC, fc);
- }
- }
- } else if (v == VT_CONST) {
- /* XXX: handle globals */
- out_opi(IL_OP_STSFLD, 0);
- } else {
- if ((ft & VT_BTYPE) == VT_FLOAT)
- out_op(IL_OP_STIND_R4);
- else if ((ft & VT_BTYPE) == VT_DOUBLE)
- out_op(IL_OP_STIND_R8);
- else if ((ft & VT_BTYPE) == VT_LDOUBLE)
- out_op(IL_OP_STIND_R8);
- else if ((ft & VT_BTYPE) == VT_BYTE)
- out_op(IL_OP_STIND_I1);
- else if ((ft & VT_BTYPE) == VT_SHORT)
- out_op(IL_OP_STIND_I2);
- else
- out_op(IL_OP_STIND_I4);
- }
-/* start function call and return function call context */
-void gfunc_start(GFuncContext *c, int func_call)
- c->func_call = func_call;
-/* push function parameter which is in (vtop->t, vtop->c). Stack entry
- is then popped. */
-void gfunc_param(GFuncContext *c)
- if ((vtop->t & VT_BTYPE) == VT_STRUCT) {
- error("structures passed as value not handled yet");
- } else {
- /* simply push on stack */
- gv(RC_ST0);
- }
- vtop--;
-/* generate function call with address in (vtop->t, vtop->c) and free function
- context. Stack entry is popped */
-void gfunc_call(GFuncContext *c)
- char buf[1024];
- if ((vtop->r & (VT_VALMASK | VT_LVAL)) == VT_CONST) {
- /* XXX: more info needed from tcc */
- il_type_to_str(buf, sizeof(buf), vtop->t, "xxx");
- fprintf(il_outfile, " call %s\n", buf);
- } else {
- /* indirect call */
- gv(RC_INT);
- il_type_to_str(buf, sizeof(buf), vtop->t, NULL);
- fprintf(il_outfile, " calli %s\n", buf);
- }
- vtop--;
-/* generate function prolog of type 't' */
-void gfunc_prolog(int t)
- int addr, u, func_call;
- Sym *sym;
- char buf[1024];
- init_outfile();
- /* XXX: pass function name to gfunc_prolog */
- il_type_to_str(buf, sizeof(buf), t, funcname);
- fprintf(il_outfile, ".method static %s il managed\n", buf);
- fprintf(il_outfile, "{\n");
- /* XXX: cannot do better now */
- fprintf(il_outfile, " .maxstack %d\n", NB_REGS);
- fprintf(il_outfile, " .locals (int32, int32, int32, int32, int32, int32, int32, int32)\n");
- if (!strcmp(funcname, "main"))
- fprintf(il_outfile, " .entrypoint\n");
- sym = sym_find((unsigned)t >> VT_STRUCT_SHIFT);
- func_call = sym->r;
- addr = ARG_BASE;
- /* if the function returns a structure, then add an
- implicit pointer parameter */
- func_vt = sym->t;
- if ((func_vt & VT_BTYPE) == VT_STRUCT) {
- func_vc = addr;
- addr++;
- }
- /* define parameters */
- while ((sym = sym->next) != NULL) {
- u = sym->t;
- sym_push(sym->v & ~SYM_FIELD, u,
- VT_LOCAL | lvalue_type(sym->type.t), addr);
- addr++;
- }
-/* generate function epilog */
-void gfunc_epilog(void)
- out_op(IL_OP_RET);
- fprintf(il_outfile, "}\n\n");
-/* generate a jump to a label */
-int gjmp(int t)
- return out_opj(IL_OP_BR, t);
-/* generate a jump to a fixed address */
-void gjmp_addr(int a)
- /* XXX: handle syms */
- out_opi(IL_OP_BR, a);
-/* generate a test. set 'inv' to invert test. Stack entry is popped */
-int gtst(int inv, int t)
- int v, *p, c;
- v = vtop->r & VT_VALMASK;
- if (v == VT_CMP) {
- c = vtop->c.i ^ inv;
- switch(c) {
- case TOK_EQ:
- c = IL_OP_BEQ;
- break;
- case TOK_NE:
- c = IL_OP_BNE_UN;
- break;
- case TOK_LT:
- c = IL_OP_BLT;
- break;
- case TOK_LE:
- c = IL_OP_BLE;
- break;
- case TOK_GT:
- c = IL_OP_BGT;
- break;
- case TOK_GE:
- c = IL_OP_BGE;
- break;
- case TOK_ULT:
- c = IL_OP_BLT_UN;
- break;
- case TOK_ULE:
- c = IL_OP_BLE_UN;
- break;
- case TOK_UGT:
- c = IL_OP_BGT_UN;
- break;
- case TOK_UGE:
- c = IL_OP_BGE_UN;
- break;
- }
- t = out_opj(c, t);
- } else if (v == VT_JMP || v == VT_JMPI) {
- /* && or || optimization */
- if ((v & 1) == inv) {
- /* insert vtop->c jump list in t */
- p = &vtop->c.i;
- while (*p != 0)
- p = (int *)*p;
- *p = t;
- t = vtop->c.i;
- } else {
- t = gjmp(t);
- gsym(vtop->c.i);
- }
- } else {
- if (is_float(vtop->t)) {
- vpushi(0);
- gen_op(TOK_NE);
- }
- if ((vtop->r & (VT_VALMASK | VT_LVAL | VT_FORWARD)) == VT_CONST) {
- /* constant jmp optimization */
- if ((vtop->c.i != 0) != inv)
- t = gjmp(t);
- } else {
- v = gv(RC_INT);
- t = out_opj(IL_OP_BRTRUE - inv, t);
- }
- }
- vtop--;
- return t;
-/* generate an integer binary operation */
-void gen_opi(int op)
- gv2(RC_ST1, RC_ST0);
- switch(op) {
- case '+':
- out_op(IL_OP_ADD);
- goto std_op;
- case '-':
- out_op(IL_OP_SUB);
- goto std_op;
- case '&':
- out_op(IL_OP_AND);
- goto std_op;
- case '^':
- out_op(IL_OP_XOR);
- goto std_op;
- case '|':
- out_op(IL_OP_OR);
- goto std_op;
- case '*':
- out_op(IL_OP_MUL);
- goto std_op;
- case TOK_SHL:
- out_op(IL_OP_SHL);
- goto std_op;
- case TOK_SHR:
- out_op(IL_OP_SHR_UN);
- goto std_op;
- case TOK_SAR:
- out_op(IL_OP_SHR);
- goto std_op;
- case '/':
- case TOK_PDIV:
- out_op(IL_OP_DIV);
- goto std_op;
- case TOK_UDIV:
- out_op(IL_OP_DIV_UN);
- goto std_op;
- case '%':
- out_op(IL_OP_REM);
- goto std_op;
- case TOK_UMOD:
- out_op(IL_OP_REM_UN);
- std_op:
- vtop--;
- vtop[0].r = REG_ST0;
- break;
- case TOK_EQ:
- case TOK_NE:
- case TOK_LT:
- case TOK_LE:
- case TOK_GT:
- case TOK_GE:
- case TOK_ULT:
- case TOK_ULE:
- case TOK_UGT:
- case TOK_UGE:
- vtop--;
- vtop[0].r = VT_CMP;
- vtop[0].c.i = op;
- break;
- }
-/* generate a floating point operation 'v = t1 op t2' instruction. The
- two operands are guaranted to have the same floating point type */
-void gen_opf(int op)
- /* same as integer */
- gen_opi(op);
-/* convert integers to fp 't' type. Must handle 'int', 'unsigned int'
- and 'long long' cases. */
-void gen_cvt_itof(int t)
- gv(RC_ST0);
- if (t == VT_FLOAT)
- out_op(IL_OP_CONV_R4);
- else
- out_op(IL_OP_CONV_R8);
-/* convert fp to int 't' type */
-/* XXX: handle long long case */
-void gen_cvt_ftoi(int t)
- gv(RC_ST0);
- switch(t) {
- out_op(IL_OP_CONV_U4);
- break;
- case VT_LLONG:
- out_op(IL_OP_CONV_I8);
- break;
- out_op(IL_OP_CONV_U8);
- break;
- default:
- out_op(IL_OP_CONV_I4);
- break;
- }
-/* convert from one floating point type to another */
-void gen_cvt_ftof(int t)
- gv(RC_ST0);
- if (t == VT_FLOAT) {
- out_op(IL_OP_CONV_R4);
- } else {
- out_op(IL_OP_CONV_R8);
- }
-/* end of CIL code generator */
diff --git a/05/tcc-0.9.25/il-opcodes.h b/05/tcc-0.9.25/il-opcodes.h
deleted file mode 100644
index d53ffb2..0000000
--- a/05/tcc-0.9.25/il-opcodes.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,251 +0,0 @@
- * CIL opcode definition
- *
- * Copyright (c) 2002 Fabrice Bellard
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
- */
-OP(NOP, "nop", 0x00)
-OP(BREAK, "break", 0x01)
-OP(LDARG_0, "ldarg.0", 0x02)
-OP(LDARG_1, "ldarg.1", 0x03)
-OP(LDARG_2, "ldarg.2", 0x04)
-OP(LDARG_3, "ldarg.3", 0x05)
-OP(LDLOC_0, "ldloc.0", 0x06)
-OP(LDLOC_1, "ldloc.1", 0x07)
-OP(LDLOC_2, "ldloc.2", 0x08)
-OP(LDLOC_3, "ldloc.3", 0x09)
-OP(STLOC_0, "stloc.0", 0x0a)
-OP(STLOC_1, "stloc.1", 0x0b)
-OP(STLOC_2, "stloc.2", 0x0c)
-OP(STLOC_3, "stloc.3", 0x0d)
-OP(LDARG_S, "ldarg.s", 0x0e)
-OP(LDARGA_S, "ldarga.s", 0x0f)
-OP(STARG_S, "starg.s", 0x10)
-OP(LDLOC_S, "ldloc.s", 0x11)
-OP(LDLOCA_S, "ldloca.s", 0x12)
-OP(STLOC_S, "stloc.s", 0x13)
-OP(LDNULL, "ldnull", 0x14)
-OP(LDC_I4_M1, "ldc.i4.m1", 0x15)
-OP(LDC_I4_0, "ldc.i4.0", 0x16)
-OP(LDC_I4_1, "ldc.i4.1", 0x17)
-OP(LDC_I4_2, "ldc.i4.2", 0x18)
-OP(LDC_I4_3, "ldc.i4.3", 0x19)
-OP(LDC_I4_4, "ldc.i4.4", 0x1a)
-OP(LDC_I4_5, "ldc.i4.5", 0x1b)
-OP(LDC_I4_6, "ldc.i4.6", 0x1c)
-OP(LDC_I4_7, "ldc.i4.7", 0x1d)
-OP(LDC_I4_8, "ldc.i4.8", 0x1e)
-OP(LDC_I4_S, "ldc.i4.s", 0x1f)
-OP(LDC_I4, "ldc.i4", 0x20)
-OP(LDC_I8, "ldc.i8", 0x21)
-OP(LDC_R4, "ldc.r4", 0x22)
-OP(LDC_R8, "ldc.r8", 0x23)
-OP(LDPTR, "ldptr", 0x24)
-OP(DUP, "dup", 0x25)
-OP(POP, "pop", 0x26)
-OP(JMP, "jmp", 0x27)
-OP(CALL, "call", 0x28)
-OP(CALLI, "calli", 0x29)
-OP(RET, "ret", 0x2a)
-OP(BR_S, "br.s", 0x2b)
-OP(BRFALSE_S, "brfalse.s", 0x2c)
-OP(BRTRUE_S, "brtrue.s", 0x2d)
-OP(BEQ_S, "beq.s", 0x2e)
-OP(BGE_S, "bge.s", 0x2f)
-OP(BGT_S, "bgt.s", 0x30)
-OP(BLE_S, "ble.s", 0x31)
-OP(BLT_S, "blt.s", 0x32)
-OP(BNE_UN_S, "bne.un.s", 0x33)
-OP(BGE_UN_S, "bge.un.s", 0x34)
-OP(BGT_UN_S, "bgt.un.s", 0x35)
-OP(BLE_UN_S, "ble.un.s", 0x36)
-OP(BLT_UN_S, "blt.un.s", 0x37)
-OP(BR, "br", 0x38)
-OP(BRFALSE, "brfalse", 0x39)
-OP(BRTRUE, "brtrue", 0x3a)
-OP(BEQ, "beq", 0x3b)
-OP(BGE, "bge", 0x3c)
-OP(BGT, "bgt", 0x3d)
-OP(BLE, "ble", 0x3e)
-OP(BLT, "blt", 0x3f)
-OP(BNE_UN, "bne.un", 0x40)
-OP(BGE_UN, "bge.un", 0x41)
-OP(BGT_UN, "bgt.un", 0x42)
-OP(BLE_UN, "ble.un", 0x43)
-OP(BLT_UN, "blt.un", 0x44)
-OP(SWITCH, "switch", 0x45)
-OP(LDIND_I1, "ldind.i1", 0x46)
-OP(LDIND_U1, "ldind.u1", 0x47)
-OP(LDIND_I2, "ldind.i2", 0x48)
-OP(LDIND_U2, "ldind.u2", 0x49)
-OP(LDIND_I4, "ldind.i4", 0x4a)
-OP(LDIND_U4, "ldind.u4", 0x4b)
-OP(LDIND_I8, "ldind.i8", 0x4c)
-OP(LDIND_I, "ldind.i", 0x4d)
-OP(LDIND_R4, "ldind.r4", 0x4e)
-OP(LDIND_R8, "ldind.r8", 0x4f)
-OP(LDIND_REF, "ldind.ref", 0x50)
-OP(STIND_REF, "stind.ref", 0x51)
-OP(STIND_I1, "stind.i1", 0x52)
-OP(STIND_I2, "stind.i2", 0x53)
-OP(STIND_I4, "stind.i4", 0x54)
-OP(STIND_I8, "stind.i8", 0x55)
-OP(STIND_R4, "stind.r4", 0x56)
-OP(STIND_R8, "stind.r8", 0x57)
-OP(ADD, "add", 0x58)
-OP(SUB, "sub", 0x59)
-OP(MUL, "mul", 0x5a)
-OP(DIV, "div", 0x5b)
-OP(DIV_UN, "div.un", 0x5c)
-OP(REM, "rem", 0x5d)
-OP(REM_UN, "rem.un", 0x5e)
-OP(AND, "and", 0x5f)
-OP(OR, "or", 0x60)
-OP(XOR, "xor", 0x61)
-OP(SHL, "shl", 0x62)
-OP(SHR, "shr", 0x63)
-OP(SHR_UN, "shr.un", 0x64)
-OP(NEG, "neg", 0x65)
-OP(NOT, "not", 0x66)
-OP(CONV_I1, "conv.i1", 0x67)
-OP(CONV_I2, "conv.i2", 0x68)
-OP(CONV_I4, "conv.i4", 0x69)
-OP(CONV_I8, "conv.i8", 0x6a)
-OP(CONV_R4, "conv.r4", 0x6b)
-OP(CONV_R8, "conv.r8", 0x6c)
-OP(CONV_U4, "conv.u4", 0x6d)
-OP(CONV_U8, "conv.u8", 0x6e)
-OP(CALLVIRT, "callvirt", 0x6f)
-OP(CPOBJ, "cpobj", 0x70)
-OP(LDOBJ, "ldobj", 0x71)
-OP(LDSTR, "ldstr", 0x72)
-OP(NEWOBJ, "newobj", 0x73)
-OP(CASTCLASS, "castclass", 0x74)
-OP(ISINST, "isinst", 0x75)
-OP(CONV_R_UN, "conv.r.un", 0x76)
-OP(ANN_DATA_S, "", 0x77)
-OP(UNBOX, "unbox", 0x79)
-OP(THROW, "throw", 0x7a)
-OP(LDFLD, "ldfld", 0x7b)
-OP(LDFLDA, "ldflda", 0x7c)
-OP(STFLD, "stfld", 0x7d)
-OP(LDSFLD, "ldsfld", 0x7e)
-OP(LDSFLDA, "ldsflda", 0x7f)
-OP(STSFLD, "stsfld", 0x80)
-OP(STOBJ, "stobj", 0x81)
-OP(CONV_OVF_I1_UN, "conv.ovf.i1.un", 0x82)
-OP(CONV_OVF_I2_UN, "conv.ovf.i2.un", 0x83)
-OP(CONV_OVF_I4_UN, "conv.ovf.i4.un", 0x84)
-OP(CONV_OVF_I8_UN, "conv.ovf.i8.un", 0x85)
-OP(CONV_OVF_U1_UN, "conv.ovf.u1.un", 0x86)
-OP(CONV_OVF_U2_UN, "conv.ovf.u2.un", 0x87)
-OP(CONV_OVF_U4_UN, "conv.ovf.u4.un", 0x88)
-OP(CONV_OVF_U8_UN, "conv.ovf.u8.un", 0x89)
-OP(CONV_OVF_I_UN, "conv.ovf.i.un", 0x8a)
-OP(CONV_OVF_U_UN, "conv.ovf.u.un", 0x8b)
-OP(BOX, "box", 0x8c)
-OP(NEWARR, "newarr", 0x8d)
-OP(LDLEN, "ldlen", 0x8e)
-OP(LDELEMA, "ldelema", 0x8f)
-OP(LDELEM_I1, "ldelem.i1", 0x90)
-OP(LDELEM_U1, "ldelem.u1", 0x91)
-OP(LDELEM_I2, "ldelem.i2", 0x92)
-OP(LDELEM_U2, "ldelem.u2", 0x93)
-OP(LDELEM_I4, "ldelem.i4", 0x94)
-OP(LDELEM_U4, "ldelem.u4", 0x95)
-OP(LDELEM_I8, "ldelem.i8", 0x96)
-OP(LDELEM_I, "ldelem.i", 0x97)
-OP(LDELEM_R4, "ldelem.r4", 0x98)
-OP(LDELEM_R8, "ldelem.r8", 0x99)
-OP(LDELEM_REF, "ldelem.ref", 0x9a)
-OP(STELEM_I, "stelem.i", 0x9b)
-OP(STELEM_I1, "stelem.i1", 0x9c)
-OP(STELEM_I2, "stelem.i2", 0x9d)
-OP(STELEM_I4, "stelem.i4", 0x9e)
-OP(STELEM_I8, "stelem.i8", 0x9f)
-OP(STELEM_R4, "stelem.r4", 0xa0)
-OP(STELEM_R8, "stelem.r8", 0xa1)
-OP(STELEM_REF, "stelem.ref", 0xa2)
-OP(CONV_OVF_I1, "conv.ovf.i1", 0xb3)
-OP(CONV_OVF_U1, "conv.ovf.u1", 0xb4)
-OP(CONV_OVF_I2, "conv.ovf.i2", 0xb5)
-OP(CONV_OVF_U2, "conv.ovf.u2", 0xb6)
-OP(CONV_OVF_I4, "conv.ovf.i4", 0xb7)
-OP(CONV_OVF_U4, "conv.ovf.u4", 0xb8)
-OP(CONV_OVF_I8, "conv.ovf.i8", 0xb9)
-OP(CONV_OVF_U8, "conv.ovf.u8", 0xba)
-OP(REFANYVAL, "refanyval", 0xc2)
-OP(CKFINITE, "ckfinite", 0xc3)
-OP(MKREFANY, "mkrefany", 0xc6)
-OP(ANN_CALL, "", 0xc7)
-OP(ANN_CATCH, "ann.catch", 0xc8)
-OP(ANN_DEAD, "ann.dead", 0xc9)
-OP(ANN_HOISTED, "ann.hoisted", 0xca)
-OP(ANN_LAB, "ann.lab", 0xcc)
-OP(ANN_DEF, "ann.def", 0xcd)
-OP(ANN_REF_S, "ann.ref.s", 0xce)
-OP(ANN_PHI, "ann.phi", 0xcf)
-OP(LDTOKEN, "ldtoken", 0xd0)
-OP(CONV_U2, "conv.u2", 0xd1)
-OP(CONV_U1, "conv.u1", 0xd2)
-OP(CONV_I, "conv.i", 0xd3)
-OP(CONV_OVF_I, "conv.ovf.i", 0xd4)
-OP(CONV_OVF_U, "conv.ovf.u", 0xd5)
-OP(ADD_OVF, "add.ovf", 0xd6)
-OP(ADD_OVF_UN, "add.ovf.un", 0xd7)
-OP(MUL_OVF, "mul.ovf", 0xd8)
-OP(MUL_OVF_UN, "mul.ovf.un", 0xd9)
-OP(SUB_OVF, "sub.ovf", 0xda)
-OP(SUB_OVF_UN, "sub.ovf.un", 0xdb)
-OP(ENDFINALLY, "endfinally", 0xdc)
-OP(LEAVE, "leave", 0xdd)
-OP(LEAVE_S, "leave.s", 0xde)
-OP(STIND_I, "stind.i", 0xdf)
-OP(CONV_U, "conv.u", 0xe0)
-/* prefix instructions. we use an opcode >= 256 to ease coding */
-OP(ARGLIST, "arglist", 0x100)
-OP(CEQ, "ceq", 0x101)
-OP(CGT, "cgt", 0x102)
-OP(CGT_UN, "cgt.un", 0x103)
-OP(CLT, "clt", 0x104)
-OP(CLT_UN, "clt.un", 0x105)
-OP(LDFTN, "ldftn", 0x106)
-OP(LDVIRTFTN, "ldvirtftn", 0x107)
-OP(JMPI, "jmpi", 0x108)
-OP(LDARG, "ldarg", 0x109)
-OP(LDARGA, "ldarga", 0x10a)
-OP(STARG, "starg", 0x10b)
-OP(LDLOC, "ldloc", 0x10c)
-OP(LDLOCA, "ldloca", 0x10d)
-OP(STLOC, "stloc", 0x10e)
-OP(LOCALLOC, "localloc", 0x10f)
-OP(ENDFILTER, "endfilter", 0x111)
-OP(UNALIGNED, "unaligned", 0x112)
-OP(VOLATILE, "volatile", 0x113)
-OP(TAIL, "tail", 0x114)
-OP(INITOBJ, "initobj", 0x115)
-OP(ANN_LIVE, "", 0x116)
-OP(CPBLK, "cpblk", 0x117)
-OP(INITBLK, "initblk", 0x118)
-OP(ANN_REF, "ann.ref", 0x119)
-OP(RETHROW, "rethrow", 0x11a)
-OP(SIZEOF, "sizeof", 0x11c)
-OP(REFANYTYPE, "refanytype", 0x11d)
-OP(ANN_DATA, "", 0x122)
-OP(ANN_ARG, "ann.arg", 0x123)
diff --git a/05/tcc-0.9.25/include/float.h b/05/tcc-0.9.25/include/float.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 5f1c6f7..0000000
--- a/05/tcc-0.9.25/include/float.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef _FLOAT_H_
-#define _FLOAT_H_
-#define FLT_RADIX 2
-/* IEEE float */
-#define FLT_MANT_DIG 24
-#define FLT_DIG 6
-#define FLT_ROUNDS 1
-#define FLT_EPSILON 1.19209290e-07F
-#define FLT_MIN_EXP (-125)
-#define FLT_MIN 1.17549435e-38F
-#define FLT_MIN_10_EXP (-37)
-#define FLT_MAX_EXP 128
-#define FLT_MAX 3.40282347e+38F
-#define FLT_MAX_10_EXP 38
-/* IEEE double */
-#define DBL_MANT_DIG 53
-#define DBL_DIG 15
-#define DBL_EPSILON 2.2204460492503131e-16
-#define DBL_MIN_EXP (-1021)
-#define DBL_MIN 2.2250738585072014e-308
-#define DBL_MIN_10_EXP (-307)
-#define DBL_MAX_EXP 1024
-#define DBL_MAX 1.7976931348623157e+308
-#define DBL_MAX_10_EXP 308
-/* horrible intel long double */
-#ifdef __i386__
-#define LDBL_MANT_DIG 64
-#define LDBL_DIG 18
-#define LDBL_EPSILON 1.08420217248550443401e-19L
-#define LDBL_MIN_EXP (-16381)
-#define LDBL_MIN 3.36210314311209350626e-4932L
-#define LDBL_MIN_10_EXP (-4931)
-#define LDBL_MAX_EXP 16384
-#define LDBL_MAX 1.18973149535723176502e+4932L
-#define LDBL_MAX_10_EXP 4932
-/* same as IEEE double */
-#define LDBL_MANT_DIG 53
-#define LDBL_DIG 15
-#define LDBL_EPSILON 2.2204460492503131e-16
-#define LDBL_MIN_EXP (-1021)
-#define LDBL_MIN 2.2250738585072014e-308
-#define LDBL_MIN_10_EXP (-307)
-#define LDBL_MAX_EXP 1024
-#define LDBL_MAX 1.7976931348623157e+308
-#define LDBL_MAX_10_EXP 308
-#endif /* _FLOAT_H_ */
diff --git a/05/tcc-0.9.25/include/stdarg.h b/05/tcc-0.9.25/include/stdarg.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 86e556c..0000000
--- a/05/tcc-0.9.25/include/stdarg.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef _STDARG_H
-#define _STDARG_H
-#ifdef __x86_64__
-#include <stdlib.h>
-/* GCC compatible definition of va_list. */
-struct __va_list_struct {
- unsigned int gp_offset;
- unsigned int fp_offset;
- union {
- unsigned int overflow_offset;
- char *overflow_arg_area;
- };
- char *reg_save_area;
-typedef struct __va_list_struct *va_list;
-/* we use __builtin_(malloc|free) to avoid #define malloc tcc_malloc */
-/* XXX: this lacks the support of aggregated types. */
-#define va_start(ap, last) \
- (ap = (va_list)__builtin_malloc(sizeof(struct __va_list_struct)), \
- *ap = *(struct __va_list_struct*)( \
- (char*)__builtin_frame_address(0) - 16), \
- ap->overflow_arg_area = ((char *)__builtin_frame_address(0) + \
- ap->overflow_offset), \
- ap->reg_save_area = (char *)__builtin_frame_address(0) - 176 - 16 \
- )
-#define va_arg(ap, type) \
- (*(type*)(__builtin_types_compatible_p(type, long double) \
- ? (ap->overflow_arg_area += 16, \
- ap->overflow_arg_area - 16) \
- : __builtin_types_compatible_p(type, double) \
- ? (ap->fp_offset < 128 + 48 \
- ? (ap->fp_offset += 16, \
- ap->reg_save_area + ap->fp_offset - 16) \
- : (ap->overflow_arg_area += 8, \
- ap->overflow_arg_area - 8)) \
- : (ap->gp_offset < 48 \
- ? (ap->gp_offset += 8, \
- ap->reg_save_area + ap->gp_offset - 8) \
- : (ap->overflow_arg_area += 8, \
- ap->overflow_arg_area - 8)) \
- ))
-#define va_copy(dest, src) \
- ((dest) = (va_list)malloc(sizeof(struct __va_list_struct)), \
- *(dest) = *(src))
-#define va_end(ap) __builtin_free(ap)
-typedef char *va_list;
-/* only correct for i386 */
-#define va_start(ap,last) ap = ((char *)&(last)) + ((sizeof(last)+3)&~3)
-#define va_arg(ap,type) (ap += (sizeof(type)+3)&~3, *(type *)(ap - ((sizeof(type)+3)&~3)))
-#define va_copy(dest, src) (dest) = (src)
-#define va_end(ap)
-/* fix a buggy dependency on GCC in libio.h */
-typedef va_list __gnuc_va_list;
-#endif /* _STDARG_H */
diff --git a/05/tcc-0.9.25/include/stdbool.h b/05/tcc-0.9.25/include/stdbool.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 6ed13a6..0000000
--- a/05/tcc-0.9.25/include/stdbool.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef _STDBOOL_H
-#define _STDBOOL_H
-/* ISOC99 boolean */
-#define bool _Bool
-#define true 1
-#define false 0
-#endif /* _STDBOOL_H */
diff --git a/05/tcc-0.9.25/include/stddef.h b/05/tcc-0.9.25/include/stddef.h
deleted file mode 100644
index aef5b39..0000000
--- a/05/tcc-0.9.25/include/stddef.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef _STDDEF_H
-#define _STDDEF_H
-#define NULL ((void *)0)
-typedef __SIZE_TYPE__ size_t;
-typedef __WCHAR_TYPE__ wchar_t;
-typedef __PTRDIFF_TYPE__ ptrdiff_t;
-#define offsetof(type, field) ((size_t) &((type *)0)->field)
-#ifndef __int8_t_defined
-#define __int8_t_defined
-typedef char int8_t;
-typedef short int int16_t;
-typedef int int32_t;
-typedef long long int int64_t;
-void *alloca(size_t size);
diff --git a/05/tcc-0.9.25/include/tcclib.h b/05/tcc-0.9.25/include/tcclib.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 42f8f3f..0000000
--- a/05/tcc-0.9.25/include/tcclib.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
-/* Simple libc header for TCC
- *
- * Add any function you want from the libc there. This file is here
- * only for your convenience so that you do not need to put the whole
- * glibc include files on your floppy disk
- */
-#ifndef _TCCLIB_H
-#define _TCCLIB_H
-#include <stddef.h>
-#include <stdarg.h>
-/* stdlib.h */
-void *calloc(size_t nmemb, size_t size);
-void *malloc(size_t size);
-void free(void *ptr);
-void *realloc(void *ptr, size_t size);
-int atoi(const char *nptr);
-long int strtol(const char *nptr, char **endptr, int base);
-unsigned long int strtoul(const char *nptr, char **endptr, int base);
-void exit(int);
-/* stdio.h */
-typedef struct __FILE FILE;
-#define EOF (-1)
-extern FILE *stdin;
-extern FILE *stdout;
-extern FILE *stderr;
-FILE *fopen(const char *path, const char *mode);
-FILE *fdopen(int fildes, const char *mode);
-FILE *freopen(const char *path, const char *mode, FILE *stream);
-int fclose(FILE *stream);
-size_t fread(void *ptr, size_t size, size_t nmemb, FILE *stream);
-size_t fwrite(void *ptr, size_t size, size_t nmemb, FILE *stream);
-int fgetc(FILE *stream);
-char *fgets(char *s, int size, FILE *stream);
-int getc(FILE *stream);
-int getchar(void);
-char *gets(char *s);
-int ungetc(int c, FILE *stream);
-int fflush(FILE *stream);
-int printf(const char *format, ...);
-int fprintf(FILE *stream, const char *format, ...);
-int sprintf(char *str, const char *format, ...);
-int snprintf(char *str, size_t size, const char *format, ...);
-int asprintf(char **strp, const char *format, ...);
-int dprintf(int fd, const char *format, ...);
-int vprintf(const char *format, va_list ap);
-int vfprintf(FILE *stream, const char *format, va_list ap);
-int vsprintf(char *str, const char *format, va_list ap);
-int vsnprintf(char *str, size_t size, const char *format, va_list ap);
-int vasprintf(char **strp, const char *format, va_list ap);
-int vdprintf(int fd, const char *format, va_list ap);
-void perror(const char *s);
-/* string.h */
-char *strcat(char *dest, const char *src);
-char *strchr(const char *s, int c);
-char *strrchr(const char *s, int c);
-char *strcpy(char *dest, const char *src);
-void *memcpy(void *dest, const void *src, size_t n);
-void *memmove(void *dest, const void *src, size_t n);
-void *memset(void *s, int c, size_t n);
-char *strdup(const char *s);
-/* dlfcn.h */
-#define RTLD_LAZY 0x001
-#define RTLD_NOW 0x002
-#define RTLD_GLOBAL 0x100
-void *dlopen(const char *filename, int flag);
-const char *dlerror(void);
-void *dlsym(void *handle, char *symbol);
-int dlclose(void *handle);
-#endif /* _TCCLIB_H */
diff --git a/05/tcc-0.9.25/include/varargs.h b/05/tcc-0.9.25/include/varargs.h
deleted file mode 100644
index daee29e..0000000
--- a/05/tcc-0.9.25/include/varargs.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef _VARARGS_H
-#define _VARARGS_H
-#include <stdarg.h>
-#define va_dcl
-#define va_alist __va_alist
-#undef va_start
-#define va_start(ap) ap = __builtin_varargs_start
diff --git a/05/tcc-0.9.25/lib/alloca86-bt.S b/05/tcc-0.9.25/lib/alloca86-bt.S
deleted file mode 100644
index 994da20..0000000
--- a/05/tcc-0.9.25/lib/alloca86-bt.S
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-/* ---------------------------------------------- */
-/* alloca86b.S */
-#include "../config.h"
-.globl __bound_alloca
- pop %edx
- pop %eax
- mov %eax, %ecx
- add $3,%eax
- and $-4,%eax
- jz p6
- cmp $4096,%eax
- jle p5
- sub $4096,%esp
- sub $4096,%eax
- test %eax,(%esp)
- jmp p4
- sub %eax,%esp
- mov %esp,%eax
- push %edx
- push %eax
- push %ecx
- push %eax
- call __bound_new_region
- add $8, %esp
- pop %eax
- pop %edx
- push %edx
- push %edx
- ret
-/* ---------------------------------------------- */
diff --git a/05/tcc-0.9.25/lib/alloca86.S b/05/tcc-0.9.25/lib/alloca86.S
deleted file mode 100644
index fb208a0..0000000
--- a/05/tcc-0.9.25/lib/alloca86.S
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-/* ---------------------------------------------- */
-/* alloca86.S */
-#include "../config.h"
-.globl alloca
- pop %edx
- pop %eax
- add $3,%eax
- and $-4,%eax
- jz p3
- cmp $4096,%eax
- jle p2
- sub $4096,%esp
- sub $4096,%eax
- test %eax,(%esp)
- jmp p1
- sub %eax,%esp
- mov %esp,%eax
- push %edx
- push %edx
- ret
-/* ---------------------------------------------- */
diff --git a/05/tcc-0.9.25/lib/bcheck.c b/05/tcc-0.9.25/lib/bcheck.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 0ec2a4b..0000000
--- a/05/tcc-0.9.25/lib/bcheck.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,868 +0,0 @@
- * Tiny C Memory and bounds checker
- *
- * Copyright (c) 2002 Fabrice Bellard
- *
- * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
- * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
- * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * Lesser General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
- * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
- */
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdarg.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#if !defined(__FreeBSD__) && !defined(__DragonFly__) && !defined(__OpenBSD__)
-#include <malloc.h>
-//#define BOUND_DEBUG
-/* define so that bound array is static (faster, but use memory if
- bound checking not used) */
-//#define BOUND_STATIC
-/* use malloc hooks. Currently the code cannot be reliable if no hooks */
-#if defined(__FreeBSD__) || defined(__DragonFly__) || defined(__dietlibc__) \
- || defined(__UCLIBC__) || defined(__OpenBSD__)
-#warning Bound checking not fully supported in this environment.
-#define BOUND_T1_BITS 13
-#define BOUND_T2_BITS 11
-#define BOUND_T1_SIZE (1 << BOUND_T1_BITS)
-#define BOUND_T2_SIZE (1 << BOUND_T2_BITS)
-#define BOUND_T3_SIZE (1 << BOUND_T3_BITS)
-#define BOUND_E_BITS 4
-#define BOUND_T23_SIZE (1 << BOUND_T23_BITS)
-/* this pointer is generated when bound check is incorrect */
-#define INVALID_POINTER ((void *)(-2))
-/* size of an empty region */
-#define EMPTY_SIZE 0xffffffff
-/* size of an invalid region */
-#define INVALID_SIZE 0
-typedef struct BoundEntry {
- unsigned long start;
- unsigned long size;
- struct BoundEntry *next;
- unsigned long is_invalid; /* true if pointers outside region are invalid */
-} BoundEntry;
-/* external interface */
-void __bound_init(void);
-void __bound_new_region(void *p, unsigned long size);
-int __bound_delete_region(void *p);
-#define FASTCALL __attribute__((regparm(3)))
-void *__bound_malloc(size_t size, const void *caller);
-void *__bound_memalign(size_t size, size_t align, const void *caller);
-void __bound_free(void *ptr, const void *caller);
-void *__bound_realloc(void *ptr, size_t size, const void *caller);
-static void *libc_malloc(size_t size);
-static void libc_free(void *ptr);
-static void install_malloc_hooks(void);
-static void restore_malloc_hooks(void);
-static void *saved_malloc_hook;
-static void *saved_free_hook;
-static void *saved_realloc_hook;
-static void *saved_memalign_hook;
-/* linker definitions */
-extern char _end;
-/* TCC definitions */
-extern char __bounds_start; /* start of static bounds table */
-/* error message, just for TCC */
-const char *__bound_error_msg;
-/* runtime error output */
-extern void rt_error(unsigned long pc, const char *fmt, ...);
-static BoundEntry *__bound_t1[BOUND_T1_SIZE]; /* page table */
-static BoundEntry **__bound_t1; /* page table */
-static BoundEntry *__bound_empty_t2; /* empty page, for unused pages */
-static BoundEntry *__bound_invalid_t2; /* invalid page, for invalid pointers */
-static BoundEntry *__bound_find_region(BoundEntry *e1, void *p)
- unsigned long addr, tmp;
- BoundEntry *e;
- e = e1;
- while (e != NULL) {
- addr = (unsigned long)p;
- addr -= e->start;
- if (addr <= e->size) {
- /* put region at the head */
- tmp = e1->start;
- e1->start = e->start;
- e->start = tmp;
- tmp = e1->size;
- e1->size = e->size;
- e->size = tmp;
- return e1;
- }
- e = e->next;
- }
- /* no entry found: return empty entry or invalid entry */
- if (e1->is_invalid)
- return __bound_invalid_t2;
- else
- return __bound_empty_t2;
-/* print a bound error message */
-static void bound_error(const char *fmt, ...)
- __bound_error_msg = fmt;
- *(int *)0 = 0; /* force a runtime error */
-static void bound_alloc_error(void)
- bound_error("not enough memory for bound checking code");
-/* currently, tcc cannot compile that because we use GNUC extensions */
-#if !defined(__TINYC__)
-/* return '(p + offset)' for pointer arithmetic (a pointer can reach
- the end of a region in this case */
-void * FASTCALL __bound_ptr_add(void *p, int offset)
- unsigned long addr = (unsigned long)p;
- BoundEntry *e;
-#if defined(BOUND_DEBUG)
- printf("add: 0x%x %d\n", (int)p, offset);
- e = __bound_t1[addr >> (BOUND_T2_BITS + BOUND_T3_BITS)];
- e = (BoundEntry *)((char *)e +
- ((addr >> (BOUND_T3_BITS - BOUND_E_BITS)) &
- ((BOUND_T2_SIZE - 1) << BOUND_E_BITS)));
- addr -= e->start;
- if (addr > e->size) {
- e = __bound_find_region(e, p);
- addr = (unsigned long)p - e->start;
- }
- addr += offset;
- if (addr > e->size)
- return INVALID_POINTER; /* return an invalid pointer */
- return p + offset;
-/* return '(p + offset)' for pointer indirection (the resulting must
- be strictly inside the region */
-#define BOUND_PTR_INDIR(dsize) \
-void * FASTCALL __bound_ptr_indir ## dsize (void *p, int offset) \
-{ \
- unsigned long addr = (unsigned long)p; \
- BoundEntry *e; \
- \
- e = __bound_t1[addr >> (BOUND_T2_BITS + BOUND_T3_BITS)]; \
- e = (BoundEntry *)((char *)e + \
- ((addr >> (BOUND_T3_BITS - BOUND_E_BITS)) & \
- ((BOUND_T2_SIZE - 1) << BOUND_E_BITS))); \
- addr -= e->start; \
- if (addr > e->size) { \
- e = __bound_find_region(e, p); \
- addr = (unsigned long)p - e->start; \
- } \
- addr += offset + dsize; \
- if (addr > e->size) \
- return INVALID_POINTER; /* return an invalid pointer */ \
- return p + offset; \
-#ifdef __i386__
-/* return the frame pointer of the caller */
-#define GET_CALLER_FP(fp)\
- unsigned long *fp1;\
- __asm__ __volatile__ ("movl %%ebp,%0" :"=g" (fp1));\
- fp = fp1[0];\
-#error put code to extract the calling frame pointer
-/* called when entering a function to add all the local regions */
-void FASTCALL __bound_local_new(void *p1)
- unsigned long addr, size, fp, *p = p1;
- for(;;) {
- addr = p[0];
- if (addr == 0)
- break;
- addr += fp;
- size = p[1];
- p += 2;
- __bound_new_region((void *)addr, size);
- }
-/* called when leaving a function to delete all the local regions */
-void FASTCALL __bound_local_delete(void *p1)
- unsigned long addr, fp, *p = p1;
- for(;;) {
- addr = p[0];
- if (addr == 0)
- break;
- addr += fp;
- p += 2;
- __bound_delete_region((void *)addr);
- }
-void __bound_local_new(void *p)
-void __bound_local_delete(void *p)
-void *__bound_ptr_add(void *p, int offset)
- return p + offset;
-#define BOUND_PTR_INDIR(dsize) \
-void *__bound_ptr_indir ## dsize (void *p, int offset) \
-{ \
- return p + offset; \
-static BoundEntry *__bound_new_page(void)
- BoundEntry *page;
- int i;
- page = libc_malloc(sizeof(BoundEntry) * BOUND_T2_SIZE);
- if (!page)
- bound_alloc_error();
- for(i=0;i<BOUND_T2_SIZE;i++) {
- /* put empty entries */
- page[i].start = 0;
- page[i].size = EMPTY_SIZE;
- page[i].next = NULL;
- page[i].is_invalid = 0;
- }
- return page;
-/* currently we use malloc(). Should use bound_new_page() */
-static BoundEntry *bound_new_entry(void)
- BoundEntry *e;
- e = libc_malloc(sizeof(BoundEntry));
- return e;
-static void bound_free_entry(BoundEntry *e)
- libc_free(e);
-static inline BoundEntry *get_page(int index)
- BoundEntry *page;
- page = __bound_t1[index];
- if (page == __bound_empty_t2 || page == __bound_invalid_t2) {
- /* create a new page if necessary */
- page = __bound_new_page();
- __bound_t1[index] = page;
- }
- return page;
-/* mark a region as being invalid (can only be used during init) */
-static void mark_invalid(unsigned long addr, unsigned long size)
- unsigned long start, end;
- BoundEntry *page;
- int t1_start, t1_end, i, j, t2_start, t2_end;
- start = addr;
- end = addr + size;
- t2_start = (start + BOUND_T3_SIZE - 1) >> BOUND_T3_BITS;
- if (end != 0)
- t2_end = end >> BOUND_T3_BITS;
- else
- t2_end = 1 << (BOUND_T1_BITS + BOUND_T2_BITS);
-#if 0
- printf("mark_invalid: start = %x %x\n", t2_start, t2_end);
- /* first we handle full pages */
- t1_start = (t2_start + BOUND_T2_SIZE - 1) >> BOUND_T2_BITS;
- t1_end = t2_end >> BOUND_T2_BITS;
- i = t2_start & (BOUND_T2_SIZE - 1);
- j = t2_end & (BOUND_T2_SIZE - 1);
- if (t1_start == t1_end) {
- page = get_page(t2_start >> BOUND_T2_BITS);
- for(; i < j; i++) {
- page[i].size = INVALID_SIZE;
- page[i].is_invalid = 1;
- }
- } else {
- if (i > 0) {
- page = get_page(t2_start >> BOUND_T2_BITS);
- for(; i < BOUND_T2_SIZE; i++) {
- page[i].size = INVALID_SIZE;
- page[i].is_invalid = 1;
- }
- }
- for(i = t1_start; i < t1_end; i++) {
- __bound_t1[i] = __bound_invalid_t2;
- }
- if (j != 0) {
- page = get_page(t1_end);
- for(i = 0; i < j; i++) {
- page[i].size = INVALID_SIZE;
- page[i].is_invalid = 1;
- }
- }
- }
-void __bound_init(void)
- int i;
- BoundEntry *page;
- unsigned long start, size;
- int *p;
- /* save malloc hooks and install bound check hooks */
- install_malloc_hooks();
- __bound_t1 = libc_malloc(BOUND_T1_SIZE * sizeof(BoundEntry *));
- if (!__bound_t1)
- bound_alloc_error();
- __bound_empty_t2 = __bound_new_page();
- for(i=0;i<BOUND_T1_SIZE;i++) {
- __bound_t1[i] = __bound_empty_t2;
- }
- page = __bound_new_page();
- for(i=0;i<BOUND_T2_SIZE;i++) {
- /* put invalid entries */
- page[i].start = 0;
- page[i].size = INVALID_SIZE;
- page[i].next = NULL;
- page[i].is_invalid = 1;
- }
- __bound_invalid_t2 = page;
- /* invalid pointer zone */
- start = (unsigned long)INVALID_POINTER & ~(BOUND_T23_SIZE - 1);
- size = BOUND_T23_SIZE;
- mark_invalid(start, size);
-#if !defined(__TINYC__) && defined(CONFIG_TCC_MALLOC_HOOKS)
- /* malloc zone is also marked invalid. can only use that with
- hooks because all libs should use the same malloc. The solution
- would be to build a new malloc for tcc. */
- start = (unsigned long)&_end;
- size = 128 * 0x100000;
- mark_invalid(start, size);
- /* add all static bound check values */
- p = (int *)&__bounds_start;
- while (p[0] != 0) {
- __bound_new_region((void *)p[0], p[1]);
- p += 2;
- }
-static inline void add_region(BoundEntry *e,
- unsigned long start, unsigned long size)
- BoundEntry *e1;
- if (e->start == 0) {
- /* no region : add it */
- e->start = start;
- e->size = size;
- } else {
- /* already regions in the list: add it at the head */
- e1 = bound_new_entry();
- e1->start = e->start;
- e1->size = e->size;
- e1->next = e->next;
- e->start = start;
- e->size = size;
- e->next = e1;
- }
-/* create a new region. It should not already exist in the region list */
-void __bound_new_region(void *p, unsigned long size)
- unsigned long start, end;
- BoundEntry *page, *e, *e2;
- int t1_start, t1_end, i, t2_start, t2_end;
- start = (unsigned long)p;
- end = start + size;
- t1_start = start >> (BOUND_T2_BITS + BOUND_T3_BITS);
- t1_end = end >> (BOUND_T2_BITS + BOUND_T3_BITS);
- /* start */
- page = get_page(t1_start);
- t2_start = (start >> (BOUND_T3_BITS - BOUND_E_BITS)) &
- ((BOUND_T2_SIZE - 1) << BOUND_E_BITS);
- t2_end = (end >> (BOUND_T3_BITS - BOUND_E_BITS)) &
- ((BOUND_T2_SIZE - 1) << BOUND_E_BITS);
- printf("new %lx %lx %x %x %x %x\n",
- start, end, t1_start, t1_end, t2_start, t2_end);
- e = (BoundEntry *)((char *)page + t2_start);
- add_region(e, start, size);
- if (t1_end == t1_start) {
- /* same ending page */
- e2 = (BoundEntry *)((char *)page + t2_end);
- if (e2 > e) {
- e++;
- for(;e<e2;e++) {
- e->start = start;
- e->size = size;
- }
- add_region(e, start, size);
- }
- } else {
- /* mark until end of page */
- e2 = page + BOUND_T2_SIZE;
- e++;
- for(;e<e2;e++) {
- e->start = start;
- e->size = size;
- }
- /* mark intermediate pages, if any */
- for(i=t1_start+1;i<t1_end;i++) {
- page = get_page(i);
- e2 = page + BOUND_T2_SIZE;
- for(e=page;e<e2;e++) {
- e->start = start;
- e->size = size;
- }
- }
- /* last page */
- page = get_page(t1_end);
- e2 = (BoundEntry *)((char *)page + t2_end);
- for(e=page;e<e2;e++) {
- e->start = start;
- e->size = size;
- }
- add_region(e, start, size);
- }
-/* delete a region */
-static inline void delete_region(BoundEntry *e,
- void *p, unsigned long empty_size)
- unsigned long addr;
- BoundEntry *e1;
- addr = (unsigned long)p;
- addr -= e->start;
- if (addr <= e->size) {
- /* region found is first one */
- e1 = e->next;
- if (e1 == NULL) {
- /* no more region: mark it empty */
- e->start = 0;
- e->size = empty_size;
- } else {
- /* copy next region in head */
- e->start = e1->start;
- e->size = e1->size;
- e->next = e1->next;
- bound_free_entry(e1);
- }
- } else {
- /* find the matching region */
- for(;;) {
- e1 = e;
- e = e->next;
- /* region not found: do nothing */
- if (e == NULL)
- break;
- addr = (unsigned long)p - e->start;
- if (addr <= e->size) {
- /* found: remove entry */
- e1->next = e->next;
- bound_free_entry(e);
- break;
- }
- }
- }
-/* WARNING: 'p' must be the starting point of the region. */
-/* return non zero if error */
-int __bound_delete_region(void *p)
- unsigned long start, end, addr, size, empty_size;
- BoundEntry *page, *e, *e2;
- int t1_start, t1_end, t2_start, t2_end, i;
- start = (unsigned long)p;
- t1_start = start >> (BOUND_T2_BITS + BOUND_T3_BITS);
- t2_start = (start >> (BOUND_T3_BITS - BOUND_E_BITS)) &
- ((BOUND_T2_SIZE - 1) << BOUND_E_BITS);
- /* find region size */
- page = __bound_t1[t1_start];
- e = (BoundEntry *)((char *)page + t2_start);
- addr = start - e->start;
- if (addr > e->size)
- e = __bound_find_region(e, p);
- /* test if invalid region */
- if (e->size == EMPTY_SIZE || (unsigned long)p != e->start)
- return -1;
- /* compute the size we put in invalid regions */
- if (e->is_invalid)
- empty_size = INVALID_SIZE;
- else
- empty_size = EMPTY_SIZE;
- size = e->size;
- end = start + size;
- /* now we can free each entry */
- t1_end = end >> (BOUND_T2_BITS + BOUND_T3_BITS);
- t2_end = (end >> (BOUND_T3_BITS - BOUND_E_BITS)) &
- ((BOUND_T2_SIZE - 1) << BOUND_E_BITS);
- delete_region(e, p, empty_size);
- if (t1_end == t1_start) {
- /* same ending page */
- e2 = (BoundEntry *)((char *)page + t2_end);
- if (e2 > e) {
- e++;
- for(;e<e2;e++) {
- e->start = 0;
- e->size = empty_size;
- }
- delete_region(e, p, empty_size);
- }
- } else {
- /* mark until end of page */
- e2 = page + BOUND_T2_SIZE;
- e++;
- for(;e<e2;e++) {
- e->start = 0;
- e->size = empty_size;
- }
- /* mark intermediate pages, if any */
- /* XXX: should free them */
- for(i=t1_start+1;i<t1_end;i++) {
- page = get_page(i);
- e2 = page + BOUND_T2_SIZE;
- for(e=page;e<e2;e++) {
- e->start = 0;
- e->size = empty_size;
- }
- }
- /* last page */
- page = get_page(t2_end);
- e2 = (BoundEntry *)((char *)page + t2_end);
- for(e=page;e<e2;e++) {
- e->start = 0;
- e->size = empty_size;
- }
- delete_region(e, p, empty_size);
- }
- return 0;
-/* return the size of the region starting at p, or EMPTY_SIZE if non
- existant region. */
-static unsigned long get_region_size(void *p)
- unsigned long addr = (unsigned long)p;
- BoundEntry *e;
- e = __bound_t1[addr >> (BOUND_T2_BITS + BOUND_T3_BITS)];
- e = (BoundEntry *)((char *)e +
- ((addr >> (BOUND_T3_BITS - BOUND_E_BITS)) &
- ((BOUND_T2_SIZE - 1) << BOUND_E_BITS)));
- addr -= e->start;
- if (addr > e->size)
- e = __bound_find_region(e, p);
- if (e->start != (unsigned long)p)
- return EMPTY_SIZE;
- return e->size;
-/* patched memory functions */
-static void install_malloc_hooks(void)
- saved_malloc_hook = __malloc_hook;
- saved_free_hook = __free_hook;
- saved_realloc_hook = __realloc_hook;
- saved_memalign_hook = __memalign_hook;
- __malloc_hook = __bound_malloc;
- __free_hook = __bound_free;
- __realloc_hook = __bound_realloc;
- __memalign_hook = __bound_memalign;
-static void restore_malloc_hooks(void)
- __malloc_hook = saved_malloc_hook;
- __free_hook = saved_free_hook;
- __realloc_hook = saved_realloc_hook;
- __memalign_hook = saved_memalign_hook;
-static void *libc_malloc(size_t size)
- void *ptr;
- restore_malloc_hooks();
- ptr = malloc(size);
- install_malloc_hooks();
- return ptr;
-static void libc_free(void *ptr)
- restore_malloc_hooks();
- free(ptr);
- install_malloc_hooks();
-/* XXX: we should use a malloc which ensure that it is unlikely that
- two malloc'ed data have the same address if 'free' are made in
- between. */
-void *__bound_malloc(size_t size, const void *caller)
- void *ptr;
- /* we allocate one more byte to ensure the regions will be
- separated by at least one byte. With the glibc malloc, it may
- be in fact not necessary */
- ptr = libc_malloc(size + 1);
- if (!ptr)
- return NULL;
- __bound_new_region(ptr, size);
- return ptr;
-void *__bound_memalign(size_t size, size_t align, const void *caller)
- void *ptr;
- restore_malloc_hooks();
- if (align > 4) {
- /* XXX: handle it ? */
- ptr = NULL;
- } else {
- /* we suppose that malloc aligns to at least four bytes */
- ptr = malloc(size + 1);
- }
- /* we allocate one more byte to ensure the regions will be
- separated by at least one byte. With the glibc malloc, it may
- be in fact not necessary */
- ptr = memalign(size + 1, align);
- install_malloc_hooks();
- if (!ptr)
- return NULL;
- __bound_new_region(ptr, size);
- return ptr;
-void __bound_free(void *ptr, const void *caller)
- if (ptr == NULL)
- return;
- if (__bound_delete_region(ptr) != 0)
- bound_error("freeing invalid region");
- libc_free(ptr);
-void *__bound_realloc(void *ptr, size_t size, const void *caller)
- void *ptr1;
- int old_size;
- if (size == 0) {
- __bound_free(ptr, caller);
- return NULL;
- } else {
- ptr1 = __bound_malloc(size, caller);
- if (ptr == NULL || ptr1 == NULL)
- return ptr1;
- old_size = get_region_size(ptr);
- if (old_size == EMPTY_SIZE)
- bound_error("realloc'ing invalid pointer");
- memcpy(ptr1, ptr, old_size);
- __bound_free(ptr, caller);
- return ptr1;
- }
-void *__bound_calloc(size_t nmemb, size_t size)
- void *ptr;
- size = size * nmemb;
- ptr = __bound_malloc(size, NULL);
- if (!ptr)
- return NULL;
- memset(ptr, 0, size);
- return ptr;
-#if 0
-static void bound_dump(void)
- BoundEntry *page, *e;
- int i, j;
- printf("region dump:\n");
- for(i=0;i<BOUND_T1_SIZE;i++) {
- page = __bound_t1[i];
- for(j=0;j<BOUND_T2_SIZE;j++) {
- e = page + j;
- /* do not print invalid or empty entries */
- if (e->size != EMPTY_SIZE && e->start != 0) {
- printf("%08x:",
- (i << (BOUND_T2_BITS + BOUND_T3_BITS)) +
- (j << BOUND_T3_BITS));
- do {
- printf(" %08lx:%08lx", e->start, e->start + e->size);
- e = e->next;
- } while (e != NULL);
- printf("\n");
- }
- }
- }
-/* some useful checked functions */
-/* check that (p ... p + size - 1) lies inside 'p' region, if any */
-static void __bound_check(const void *p, size_t size)
- if (size == 0)
- return;
- p = __bound_ptr_add((void *)p, size);
- bound_error("invalid pointer");
-void *__bound_memcpy(void *dst, const void *src, size_t size)
- __bound_check(dst, size);
- __bound_check(src, size);
- /* check also region overlap */
- if (src >= dst && src < dst + size)
- bound_error("overlapping regions in memcpy()");
- return memcpy(dst, src, size);
-void *__bound_memmove(void *dst, const void *src, size_t size)
- __bound_check(dst, size);
- __bound_check(src, size);
- return memmove(dst, src, size);
-void *__bound_memset(void *dst, int c, size_t size)
- __bound_check(dst, size);
- return memset(dst, c, size);
-/* XXX: could be optimized */
-int __bound_strlen(const char *s)
- const char *p;
- int len;
- len = 0;
- for(;;) {
- p = __bound_ptr_indir1((char *)s, len);
- bound_error("bad pointer in strlen()");
- if (*p == '\0')
- break;
- len++;
- }
- return len;
-char *__bound_strcpy(char *dst, const char *src)
- int len;
- len = __bound_strlen(src);
- return __bound_memcpy(dst, src, len + 1);
diff --git a/05/tcc-0.9.25/lib/libtcc1.c b/05/tcc-0.9.25/lib/libtcc1.c
deleted file mode 100644
index b079477..0000000
--- a/05/tcc-0.9.25/lib/libtcc1.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,607 +0,0 @@
-/* TCC runtime library.
- Parts of this code are (c) 2002 Fabrice Bellard
- Copyright (C) 1987, 1988, 1992, 1994, 1995 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
-under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
-Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any
-later version.
-In addition to the permissions in the GNU General Public License, the
-Free Software Foundation gives you unlimited permission to link the
-compiled version of this file into combinations with other programs,
-and to distribute those combinations without any restriction coming
-from the use of this file. (The General Public License restrictions
-do apply in other respects; for example, they cover modification of
-the file, and distribution when not linked into a combine
-This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
-WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
-the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
-Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-#define W_TYPE_SIZE 32
-#define BITS_PER_UNIT 8
-typedef int Wtype;
-typedef unsigned int UWtype;
-typedef unsigned int USItype;
-typedef long long DWtype;
-typedef unsigned long long UDWtype;
-struct DWstruct {
- Wtype low, high;
-typedef union
- struct DWstruct s;
- DWtype ll;
-} DWunion;
-typedef long double XFtype;
-#define WORD_SIZE (sizeof (Wtype) * BITS_PER_UNIT)
-#define HIGH_WORD_COEFF (((UDWtype) 1) << WORD_SIZE)
-/* the following deal with IEEE single-precision numbers */
-#define EXCESS 126
-#define SIGNBIT 0x80000000
-#define HIDDEN (1 << 23)
-#define SIGN(fp) ((fp) & SIGNBIT)
-#define EXP(fp) (((fp) >> 23) & 0xFF)
-#define MANT(fp) (((fp) & 0x7FFFFF) | HIDDEN)
-#define PACK(s,e,m) ((s) | ((e) << 23) | (m))
-/* the following deal with IEEE double-precision numbers */
-#define EXCESSD 1022
-#define HIDDEND (1 << 20)
-#define EXPD(fp) (((fp.l.upper) >> 20) & 0x7FF)
-#define SIGND(fp) ((fp.l.upper) & SIGNBIT)
-#define MANTD(fp) (((((fp.l.upper) & 0xFFFFF) | HIDDEND) << 10) | \
- (fp.l.lower >> 22))
-#define HIDDEND_LL ((long long)1 << 52)
-#define MANTD_LL(fp) ((fp.ll & (HIDDEND_LL-1)) | HIDDEND_LL)
-#define PACKD_LL(s,e,m) (((long long)((s)+((e)<<20))<<32)|(m))
-/* the following deal with x86 long double-precision numbers */
-#define EXCESSLD 16382
-#define EXPLD(fp) (fp.l.upper & 0x7fff)
-#define SIGNLD(fp) ((fp.l.upper) & 0x8000)
-/* only for x86 */
-union ldouble_long {
- long double ld;
- struct {
- unsigned long long lower;
- unsigned short upper;
- } l;
-union double_long {
- double d;
-#if 1
- struct {
- unsigned int lower;
- int upper;
- } l;
- struct {
- int upper;
- unsigned int lower;
- } l;
- long long ll;
-union float_long {
- float f;
- long l;
-/* XXX: we don't support several builtin supports for now */
-#ifndef __x86_64__
-/* XXX: use gcc/tcc intrinsic ? */
-#if defined(__i386__)
-#define sub_ddmmss(sh, sl, ah, al, bh, bl) \
- __asm__ ("subl %5,%1\n\tsbbl %3,%0" \
- : "=r" ((USItype) (sh)), \
- "=&r" ((USItype) (sl)) \
- : "0" ((USItype) (ah)), \
- "g" ((USItype) (bh)), \
- "1" ((USItype) (al)), \
- "g" ((USItype) (bl)))
-#define umul_ppmm(w1, w0, u, v) \
- __asm__ ("mull %3" \
- : "=a" ((USItype) (w0)), \
- "=d" ((USItype) (w1)) \
- : "%0" ((USItype) (u)), \
- "rm" ((USItype) (v)))
-#define udiv_qrnnd(q, r, n1, n0, dv) \
- __asm__ ("divl %4" \
- : "=a" ((USItype) (q)), \
- "=d" ((USItype) (r)) \
- : "0" ((USItype) (n0)), \
- "1" ((USItype) (n1)), \
- "rm" ((USItype) (dv)))
-#define count_leading_zeros(count, x) \
- do { \
- USItype __cbtmp; \
- __asm__ ("bsrl %1,%0" \
- : "=r" (__cbtmp) : "rm" ((USItype) (x))); \
- (count) = __cbtmp ^ 31; \
- } while (0)
-#error unsupported CPU type
-/* most of this code is taken from libgcc2.c from gcc */
-static UDWtype __udivmoddi4 (UDWtype n, UDWtype d, UDWtype *rp)
- DWunion ww;
- DWunion nn, dd;
- DWunion rr;
- UWtype d0, d1, n0, n1, n2;
- UWtype q0, q1;
- UWtype b, bm;
- nn.ll = n;
- dd.ll = d;
- d0 = dd.s.low;
- d1 = dd.s.high;
- n0 = nn.s.low;
- n1 = nn.s.high;
- if (d1 == 0)
- {
- if (d0 > n1)
- {
- /* 0q = nn / 0D */
- udiv_qrnnd (q0, n0, n1, n0, d0);
- q1 = 0;
- /* Remainder in n0. */
- }
- else
- {
- /* qq = NN / 0d */
- if (d0 == 0)
- d0 = 1 / d0; /* Divide intentionally by zero. */
- udiv_qrnnd (q1, n1, 0, n1, d0);
- udiv_qrnnd (q0, n0, n1, n0, d0);
- /* Remainder in n0. */
- }
- if (rp != 0)
- {
- rr.s.low = n0;
- rr.s.high = 0;
- *rp = rr.ll;
- }
- }
- if (d1 == 0)
- {
- if (d0 > n1)
- {
- /* 0q = nn / 0D */
- count_leading_zeros (bm, d0);
- if (bm != 0)
- {
- /* Normalize, i.e. make the most significant bit of the
- denominator set. */
- d0 = d0 << bm;
- n1 = (n1 << bm) | (n0 >> (W_TYPE_SIZE - bm));
- n0 = n0 << bm;
- }
- udiv_qrnnd (q0, n0, n1, n0, d0);
- q1 = 0;
- /* Remainder in n0 >> bm. */
- }
- else
- {
- /* qq = NN / 0d */
- if (d0 == 0)
- d0 = 1 / d0; /* Divide intentionally by zero. */
- count_leading_zeros (bm, d0);
- if (bm == 0)
- {
- /* From (n1 >= d0) /\ (the most significant bit of d0 is set),
- conclude (the most significant bit of n1 is set) /\ (the
- leading quotient digit q1 = 1).
- This special case is necessary, not an optimization.
- (Shifts counts of W_TYPE_SIZE are undefined.) */
- n1 -= d0;
- q1 = 1;
- }
- else
- {
- /* Normalize. */
- b = W_TYPE_SIZE - bm;
- d0 = d0 << bm;
- n2 = n1 >> b;
- n1 = (n1 << bm) | (n0 >> b);
- n0 = n0 << bm;
- udiv_qrnnd (q1, n1, n2, n1, d0);
- }
- /* n1 != d0... */
- udiv_qrnnd (q0, n0, n1, n0, d0);
- /* Remainder in n0 >> bm. */
- }
- if (rp != 0)
- {
- rr.s.low = n0 >> bm;
- rr.s.high = 0;
- *rp = rr.ll;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if (d1 > n1)
- {
- /* 00 = nn / DD */
- q0 = 0;
- q1 = 0;
- /* Remainder in n1n0. */
- if (rp != 0)
- {
- rr.s.low = n0;
- rr.s.high = n1;
- *rp = rr.ll;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- /* 0q = NN / dd */
- count_leading_zeros (bm, d1);
- if (bm == 0)
- {
- /* From (n1 >= d1) /\ (the most significant bit of d1 is set),
- conclude (the most significant bit of n1 is set) /\ (the
- quotient digit q0 = 0 or 1).
- This special case is necessary, not an optimization. */
- /* The condition on the next line takes advantage of that
- n1 >= d1 (true due to program flow). */
- if (n1 > d1 || n0 >= d0)
- {
- q0 = 1;
- sub_ddmmss (n1, n0, n1, n0, d1, d0);
- }
- else
- q0 = 0;
- q1 = 0;
- if (rp != 0)
- {
- rr.s.low = n0;
- rr.s.high = n1;
- *rp = rr.ll;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- UWtype m1, m0;
- /* Normalize. */
- b = W_TYPE_SIZE - bm;
- d1 = (d1 << bm) | (d0 >> b);
- d0 = d0 << bm;
- n2 = n1 >> b;
- n1 = (n1 << bm) | (n0 >> b);
- n0 = n0 << bm;
- udiv_qrnnd (q0, n1, n2, n1, d1);
- umul_ppmm (m1, m0, q0, d0);
- if (m1 > n1 || (m1 == n1 && m0 > n0))
- {
- q0--;
- sub_ddmmss (m1, m0, m1, m0, d1, d0);
- }
- q1 = 0;
- /* Remainder in (n1n0 - m1m0) >> bm. */
- if (rp != 0)
- {
- sub_ddmmss (n1, n0, n1, n0, m1, m0);
- rr.s.low = (n1 << b) | (n0 >> bm);
- rr.s.high = n1 >> bm;
- *rp = rr.ll;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- ww.s.low = q0;
- ww.s.high = q1;
- return ww.ll;
-#define __negdi2(a) (-(a))
-long long __divdi3(long long u, long long v)
- int c = 0;
- DWunion uu, vv;
- DWtype w;
- uu.ll = u;
- vv.ll = v;
- if (uu.s.high < 0) {
- c = ~c;
- uu.ll = __negdi2 (uu.ll);
- }
- if (vv.s.high < 0) {
- c = ~c;
- vv.ll = __negdi2 (vv.ll);
- }
- w = __udivmoddi4 (uu.ll, vv.ll, (UDWtype *) 0);
- if (c)
- w = __negdi2 (w);
- return w;
-long long __moddi3(long long u, long long v)
- int c = 0;
- DWunion uu, vv;
- DWtype w;
- uu.ll = u;
- vv.ll = v;
- if (uu.s.high < 0) {
- c = ~c;
- uu.ll = __negdi2 (uu.ll);
- }
- if (vv.s.high < 0)
- vv.ll = __negdi2 (vv.ll);
- __udivmoddi4 (uu.ll, vv.ll, (UDWtype *) &w);
- if (c)
- w = __negdi2 (w);
- return w;
-unsigned long long __udivdi3(unsigned long long u, unsigned long long v)
- return __udivmoddi4 (u, v, (UDWtype *) 0);
-unsigned long long __umoddi3(unsigned long long u, unsigned long long v)
- UDWtype w;
- __udivmoddi4 (u, v, &w);
- return w;
-/* XXX: fix tcc's code generator to do this instead */
-long long __ashrdi3(long long a, int b)
-#ifdef __TINYC__
- DWunion u;
- u.ll = a;
- if (b >= 32) {
- u.s.low = u.s.high >> (b - 32);
- u.s.high = u.s.high >> 31;
- } else if (b != 0) {
- u.s.low = ((unsigned)u.s.low >> b) | (u.s.high << (32 - b));
- u.s.high = u.s.high >> b;
- }
- return u.ll;
- return a >> b;
-/* XXX: fix tcc's code generator to do this instead */
-unsigned long long __lshrdi3(unsigned long long a, int b)
-#ifdef __TINYC__
- DWunion u;
- u.ll = a;
- if (b >= 32) {
- u.s.low = (unsigned)u.s.high >> (b - 32);
- u.s.high = 0;
- } else if (b != 0) {
- u.s.low = ((unsigned)u.s.low >> b) | (u.s.high << (32 - b));
- u.s.high = (unsigned)u.s.high >> b;
- }
- return u.ll;
- return a >> b;
-/* XXX: fix tcc's code generator to do this instead */
-long long __ashldi3(long long a, int b)
-#ifdef __TINYC__
- DWunion u;
- u.ll = a;
- if (b >= 32) {
- u.s.high = (unsigned)u.s.low << (b - 32);
- u.s.low = 0;
- } else if (b != 0) {
- u.s.high = ((unsigned)u.s.high << b) | ((unsigned)u.s.low >> (32 - b));
- u.s.low = (unsigned)u.s.low << b;
- }
- return u.ll;
- return a << b;
-#if defined(__i386__)
-/* FPU control word for rounding to nearest mode */
-unsigned short __tcc_fpu_control = 0x137f;
-/* FPU control word for round to zero mode for int conversion */
-unsigned short __tcc_int_fpu_control = 0x137f | 0x0c00;
-#endif /* !__x86_64__ */
-/* XXX: fix tcc's code generator to do this instead */
-float __floatundisf(unsigned long long a)
- DWunion uu;
- XFtype r;
- uu.ll = a;
- if (uu.s.high >= 0) {
- return (float)uu.ll;
- } else {
- r = (XFtype)uu.ll;
- r += 18446744073709551616.0;
- return (float)r;
- }
-double __floatundidf(unsigned long long a)
- DWunion uu;
- XFtype r;
- uu.ll = a;
- if (uu.s.high >= 0) {
- return (double)uu.ll;
- } else {
- r = (XFtype)uu.ll;
- r += 18446744073709551616.0;
- return (double)r;
- }
-long double __floatundixf(unsigned long long a)
- DWunion uu;
- XFtype r;
- uu.ll = a;
- if (uu.s.high >= 0) {
- return (long double)uu.ll;
- } else {
- r = (XFtype)uu.ll;
- r += 18446744073709551616.0;
- return (long double)r;
- }
-unsigned long long __fixunssfdi (float a1)
- register union float_long fl1;
- register int exp;
- register unsigned long l;
- fl1.f = a1;
- if (fl1.l == 0)
- return (0);
- exp = EXP (fl1.l) - EXCESS - 24;
- l = MANT(fl1.l);
- if (exp >= 41)
- return (unsigned long long)-1;
- else if (exp >= 0)
- return (unsigned long long)l << exp;
- else if (exp >= -23)
- return l >> -exp;
- else
- return 0;
-unsigned long long __fixunsdfdi (double a1)
- register union double_long dl1;
- register int exp;
- register unsigned long long l;
- dl1.d = a1;
- if (dl1.ll == 0)
- return (0);
- exp = EXPD (dl1) - EXCESSD - 53;
- l = MANTD_LL(dl1);
- if (exp >= 12)
- return (unsigned long long)-1;
- else if (exp >= 0)
- return l << exp;
- else if (exp >= -52)
- return l >> -exp;
- else
- return 0;
-unsigned long long __fixunsxfdi (long double a1)
- register union ldouble_long dl1;
- register int exp;
- register unsigned long long l;
- dl1.ld = a1;
- if (dl1.l.lower == 0 && dl1.l.upper == 0)
- return (0);
- exp = EXPLD (dl1) - EXCESSLD - 64;
- l = dl1.l.lower;
- if (exp > 0)
- return (unsigned long long)-1;
- else if (exp >= -63)
- return l >> -exp;
- else
- return 0;
diff --git a/05/tcc-0.9.25/libtcc.c b/05/tcc-0.9.25/libtcc.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 3311357..0000000
--- a/05/tcc-0.9.25/libtcc.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2276 +0,0 @@
- * TCC - Tiny C Compiler
- *
- * Copyright (c) 2001-2004 Fabrice Bellard
- *
- * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
- * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
- * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * Lesser General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
- * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
- */
-#include "tcc.h"
-/* global variables */
-/* display benchmark infos */
-int total_lines;
-int total_bytes;
-/* parser */
-static struct BufferedFile *file;
-static int ch, tok;
-static CValue tokc;
-static CString tokcstr; /* current parsed string, if any */
-/* additional informations about token */
-static int tok_flags;
-#define TOK_FLAG_BOL 0x0001 /* beginning of line before */
-#define TOK_FLAG_BOF 0x0002 /* beginning of file before */
-#define TOK_FLAG_ENDIF 0x0004 /* a endif was found matching starting #ifdef */
-#define TOK_FLAG_EOF 0x0008 /* end of file */
-static int *macro_ptr, *macro_ptr_allocated;
-static int *unget_saved_macro_ptr;
-static int unget_saved_buffer[TOK_MAX_SIZE + 1];
-static int unget_buffer_enabled;
-static int parse_flags;
-#define PARSE_FLAG_PREPROCESS 0x0001 /* activate preprocessing */
-#define PARSE_FLAG_TOK_NUM 0x0002 /* return numbers instead of TOK_PPNUM */
-#define PARSE_FLAG_LINEFEED 0x0004 /* line feed is returned as a
- token. line feed is also
- returned at eof */
-#define PARSE_FLAG_ASM_COMMENTS 0x0008 /* '#' can be used for line comment */
-#define PARSE_FLAG_SPACES 0x0010 /* next() returns space tokens (for -E) */
-static Section *text_section, *data_section, *bss_section; /* predefined sections */
-static Section *cur_text_section; /* current section where function code is
- generated */
-static Section *last_text_section; /* to handle .previous asm directive */
-/* bound check related sections */
-static Section *bounds_section; /* contains global data bound description */
-static Section *lbounds_section; /* contains local data bound description */
-/* symbol sections */
-static Section *symtab_section, *strtab_section;
-/* debug sections */
-static Section *stab_section, *stabstr_section;
-/* loc : local variable index
- ind : output code index
- rsym: return symbol
- anon_sym: anonymous symbol index
-static int rsym, anon_sym, ind, loc;
-/* expression generation modifiers */
-static int const_wanted; /* true if constant wanted */
-static int nocode_wanted; /* true if no code generation wanted for an expression */
-static int global_expr; /* true if compound literals must be allocated
- globally (used during initializers parsing */
-static CType func_vt; /* current function return type (used by return
- instruction) */
-static int func_vc;
-static int last_line_num, last_ind, func_ind; /* debug last line number and pc */
-static int tok_ident;
-static TokenSym **table_ident;
-static TokenSym *hash_ident[TOK_HASH_SIZE];
-static char token_buf[STRING_MAX_SIZE + 1];
-static char *funcname;
-static Sym *global_stack, *local_stack;
-static Sym *define_stack;
-static Sym *global_label_stack, *local_label_stack;
-/* symbol allocator */
-#define SYM_POOL_NB (8192 / sizeof(Sym))
-static Sym *sym_free_first;
-static void **sym_pools;
-static int nb_sym_pools;
-static SValue vstack[VSTACK_SIZE], *vtop;
-/* some predefined types */
-static CType char_pointer_type, func_old_type, int_type;
-/* use GNU C extensions */
-static int gnu_ext = 1;
-/* use Tiny C extensions */
-static int tcc_ext = 1;
-/* max number of callers shown if error */
-int num_callers = 6;
-const char **rt_bound_error_msg;
-/* XXX: get rid of this ASAP */
-static struct TCCState *tcc_state;
-/* function prototypes */
-/* tccpp.c */
-static void next(void);
-char *get_tok_str(int v, CValue *cv);
-/* tccgen.c */
-static void parse_expr_type(CType *type);
-static void expr_type(CType *type);
-static void unary_type(CType *type);
-static void block(int *bsym, int *csym, int *case_sym, int *def_sym,
- int case_reg, int is_expr);
-static int expr_const(void);
-static void expr_eq(void);
-static void gexpr(void);
-static void gen_inline_functions(void);
-static void decl(int l);
-static void decl_initializer(CType *type, Section *sec, unsigned long c,
- int first, int size_only);
-static void decl_initializer_alloc(CType *type, AttributeDef *ad, int r,
- int has_init, int v, int scope);
-int gv(int rc);
-void gv2(int rc1, int rc2);
-void move_reg(int r, int s);
-void save_regs(int n);
-void save_reg(int r);
-void vpop(void);
-void vswap(void);
-void vdup(void);
-int get_reg(int rc);
-int get_reg_ex(int rc,int rc2);
-void gen_op(int op);
-void force_charshort_cast(int t);
-static void gen_cast(CType *type);
-void vstore(void);
-static Sym *sym_find(int v);
-static Sym *sym_push(int v, CType *type, int r, int c);
-/* type handling */
-static int type_size(CType *type, int *a);
-static inline CType *pointed_type(CType *type);
-static int pointed_size(CType *type);
-static int lvalue_type(int t);
-static int parse_btype(CType *type, AttributeDef *ad);
-static void type_decl(CType *type, AttributeDef *ad, int *v, int td);
-static int compare_types(CType *type1, CType *type2, int unqualified);
-static int is_compatible_types(CType *type1, CType *type2);
-static int is_compatible_parameter_types(CType *type1, CType *type2);
-int ieee_finite(double d);
-void vpushi(int v);
-void vpushll(long long v);
-void vrott(int n);
-void vnrott(int n);
-void lexpand_nr(void);
-static void vpush_global_sym(CType *type, int v);
-void vset(CType *type, int r, int v);
-void type_to_str(char *buf, int buf_size,
- CType *type, const char *varstr);
-static Sym *get_sym_ref(CType *type, Section *sec,
- unsigned long offset, unsigned long size);
-static Sym *external_global_sym(int v, CType *type, int r);
-/* section generation */
-static void section_realloc(Section *sec, unsigned long new_size);
-static void *section_ptr_add(Section *sec, unsigned long size);
-static void put_extern_sym(Sym *sym, Section *section,
- unsigned long value, unsigned long size);
-static void greloc(Section *s, Sym *sym, unsigned long addr, int type);
-static int put_elf_str(Section *s, const char *sym);
-static int put_elf_sym(Section *s,
- unsigned long value, unsigned long size,
- int info, int other, int shndx, const char *name);
-static int add_elf_sym(Section *s, unsigned long value, unsigned long size,
- int info, int other, int sh_num, const char *name);
-static void put_elf_reloc(Section *symtab, Section *s, unsigned long offset,
- int type, int symbol);
-static void put_stabs(const char *str, int type, int other, int desc,
- unsigned long value);
-static void put_stabs_r(const char *str, int type, int other, int desc,
- unsigned long value, Section *sec, int sym_index);
-static void put_stabn(int type, int other, int desc, int value);
-static void put_stabd(int type, int other, int desc);
-static int tcc_add_dll(TCCState *s, const char *filename, int flags);
-#define AFF_PRINT_ERROR 0x0001 /* print error if file not found */
-#define AFF_REFERENCED_DLL 0x0002 /* load a referenced dll from another dll */
-#define AFF_PREPROCESS 0x0004 /* preprocess file */
-static int tcc_add_file_internal(TCCState *s, const char *filename, int flags);
-/* tcccoff.c */
-int tcc_output_coff(TCCState *s1, FILE *f);
-/* tccpe.c */
-void *resolve_sym(TCCState *s1, const char *sym, int type);
-int pe_load_def_file(struct TCCState *s1, int fd);
-int pe_test_res_file(void *v, int size);
-int pe_load_res_file(struct TCCState *s1, int fd);
-void pe_add_runtime(struct TCCState *s1);
-void pe_guess_outfile(char *objfilename, int output_type);
-int pe_output_file(struct TCCState *s1, const char *filename);
-/* tccasm.c */
-static void asm_expr(TCCState *s1, ExprValue *pe);
-static int asm_int_expr(TCCState *s1);
-static int find_constraint(ASMOperand *operands, int nb_operands,
- const char *name, const char **pp);
-static int tcc_assemble(TCCState *s1, int do_preprocess);
-static void asm_instr(void);
-static void asm_global_instr(void);
-/* global variables */
-#ifdef TCC_TARGET_I386
-#include "i386-gen.c"
-#include "arm-gen.c"
-#ifdef TCC_TARGET_C67
-#include "c67-gen.c"
-#ifdef TCC_TARGET_X86_64
-#include "x86_64-gen.c"
-#define RTLD_LAZY 0x001
-#define RTLD_NOW 0x002
-#define RTLD_GLOBAL 0x100
-/* dummy function for profiling */
-void *dlopen(const char *filename, int flag)
- return NULL;
-void dlclose(void *p)
-const char *dlerror(void)
- return "error";
-typedef struct TCCSyms {
- char *str;
- void *ptr;
-} TCCSyms;
-#define TCCSYM(a) { #a, &a, },
-/* add the symbol you want here if no dynamic linking is done */
-static TCCSyms tcc_syms[] = {
- {"printf", 0},
- {"fprintf", 0},
- {"fopen", 0},
- {"fclose", 0},
- { NULL, NULL }
-void _init_tcc_syms(void) {
- tcc_syms[0].ptr = printf;
- tcc_syms[1].ptr = fprintf;
- tcc_syms[2].ptr = fopen;
- tcc_syms[3].ptr = fclose;
-void *resolve_sym(TCCState *s1, const char *symbol, int type)
- TCCSyms *p;
- p = tcc_syms;
- while (p->str != NULL) {
- if (!strcmp(p->str, symbol))
- return p->ptr;
- p++;
- }
- return NULL;
-#elif !defined(_WIN32)
-#include <dlfcn.h>
-void *resolve_sym(TCCState *s1, const char *sym, int type)
- return dlsym(RTLD_DEFAULT, sym);
-/* we use our own 'finite' function to avoid potential problems with
- non standard math libs */
-/* XXX: endianness dependent */
-int ieee_finite(double d)
- int *p = (int *)&d;
- return ((unsigned)((p[1] | 0x800fffff) + 1)) >> 31;
-/* copy a string and truncate it. */
-char *pstrcpy(char *buf, int buf_size, const char *s)
- char *q, *q_end;
- int c;
- if (buf_size > 0) {
- q = buf;
- q_end = buf + buf_size - 1;
- while (q < q_end) {
- c = *s++;
- if (c == '\0')
- break;
- *q++ = c;
- }
- *q = '\0';
- }
- return buf;
-/* strcat and truncate. */
-char *pstrcat(char *buf, int buf_size, const char *s)
- int len;
- len = strlen(buf);
- if (len < buf_size)
- pstrcpy(buf + len, buf_size - len, s);
- return buf;
-/* extract the basename of a file */
-char *tcc_basename(const char *name)
- char *p = strchr(name, 0);
- while (p > name && !IS_PATHSEP(p[-1]))
- --p;
- return p;
-char *tcc_fileextension (const char *name)
- char *b = tcc_basename(name);
- char *e = strrchr(b, '.');
- return e ? e : strchr(b, 0);
-#ifdef _WIN32
-char *normalize_slashes(char *path)
- char *p;
- for (p = path; *p; ++p)
- if (*p == '\\')
- *p = '/';
- return path;
-void tcc_set_lib_path_w32(TCCState *s)
- /* on win32, we suppose the lib and includes are at the location
- of 'tcc.exe' */
- char path[1024], *p;
- GetModuleFileNameA(NULL, path, sizeof path);
- p = tcc_basename(normalize_slashes(strlwr(path)));
- if (p - 5 > path && 0 == strncmp(p - 5, "/bin/", 5))
- p -= 5;
- else if (p > path)
- p--;
- *p = 0;
- tcc_set_lib_path(s, path);
-void set_pages_executable(void *ptr, unsigned long length)
-#ifdef _WIN32
- unsigned long old_protect;
- VirtualProtect(ptr, length, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE, &old_protect);
- unsigned long start, end;
- start = (unsigned long)ptr & ~(PAGESIZE - 1);
- end = (unsigned long)ptr + length;
- end = (end + PAGESIZE - 1) & ~(PAGESIZE - 1);
- mprotect((void *)start, end - start, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE | PROT_EXEC);
-/* memory management */
-#ifdef MEM_DEBUG
-int mem_cur_size;
-int mem_max_size;
-unsigned malloc_usable_size(void*);
-void tcc_free(void *ptr)
-#ifdef MEM_DEBUG
- mem_cur_size -= malloc_usable_size(ptr);
- free(ptr);
-void *tcc_malloc(unsigned long size)
- void *ptr;
- ptr = malloc(size);
- if (!ptr && size)
- error("memory full");
-#ifdef MEM_DEBUG
- mem_cur_size += malloc_usable_size(ptr);
- if (mem_cur_size > mem_max_size)
- mem_max_size = mem_cur_size;
- return ptr;
-void *tcc_mallocz(unsigned long size)
- void *ptr;
- ptr = tcc_malloc(size);
- memset(ptr, 0, size);
- return ptr;
-void *tcc_realloc(void *ptr, unsigned long size)
- void *ptr1;
-#ifdef MEM_DEBUG
- mem_cur_size -= malloc_usable_size(ptr);
- ptr1 = realloc(ptr, size);
-#ifdef MEM_DEBUG
- /* NOTE: count not correct if alloc error, but not critical */
- mem_cur_size += malloc_usable_size(ptr1);
- if (mem_cur_size > mem_max_size)
- mem_max_size = mem_cur_size;
- return ptr1;
-char *tcc_strdup(const char *str)
- char *ptr;
- ptr = tcc_malloc(strlen(str) + 1);
- strcpy(ptr, str);
- return ptr;
-#define free(p) use_tcc_free(p)
-#define malloc(s) use_tcc_malloc(s)
-#define realloc(p, s) use_tcc_realloc(p, s)
-void dynarray_add(void ***ptab, int *nb_ptr, void *data)
- int nb, nb_alloc;
- void **pp;
- nb = *nb_ptr;
- pp = *ptab;
- /* every power of two we double array size */
- if ((nb & (nb - 1)) == 0) {
- if (!nb)
- nb_alloc = 1;
- else
- nb_alloc = nb * 2;
- pp = tcc_realloc(pp, nb_alloc * sizeof(void *));
- if (!pp)
- error("memory full");
- *ptab = pp;
- }
- pp[nb++] = data;
- *nb_ptr = nb;
-void dynarray_reset(void *pp, int *n)
- void **p;
- for (p = *(void***)pp; *n; ++p, --*n)
- if (*p)
- tcc_free(*p);
- tcc_free(*(void**)pp);
- *(void**)pp = NULL;
-/* symbol allocator */
-static Sym *__sym_malloc(void)
- Sym *sym_pool, *sym, *last_sym;
- int i;
- sym_pool = tcc_malloc(SYM_POOL_NB * sizeof(Sym));
- dynarray_add(&sym_pools, &nb_sym_pools, sym_pool);
- last_sym = sym_free_first;
- sym = sym_pool;
- for(i = 0; i < SYM_POOL_NB; i++) {
- sym->next = last_sym;
- last_sym = sym;
- sym++;
- }
- sym_free_first = last_sym;
- return last_sym;
-static inline Sym *sym_malloc(void)
- Sym *sym;
- sym = sym_free_first;
- if (!sym)
- sym = __sym_malloc();
- sym_free_first = sym->next;
- return sym;
-static inline void sym_free(Sym *sym)
- sym->next = sym_free_first;
- sym_free_first = sym;
-Section *new_section(TCCState *s1, const char *name, int sh_type, int sh_flags)
- Section *sec;
- sec = tcc_mallocz(sizeof(Section) + strlen(name));
- strcpy(sec->name, name);
- sec->sh_type = sh_type;
- sec->sh_flags = sh_flags;
- switch(sh_type) {
- case SHT_HASH:
- case SHT_REL:
- case SHT_RELA:
- case SHT_DYNSYM:
- case SHT_SYMTAB:
- sec->sh_addralign = 4;
- break;
- case SHT_STRTAB:
- sec->sh_addralign = 1;
- break;
- default:
- sec->sh_addralign = 32; /* default conservative alignment */
- break;
- }
- if (sh_flags & SHF_PRIVATE) {
- dynarray_add((void ***)&s1->priv_sections, &s1->nb_priv_sections, sec);
- } else {
- sec->sh_num = s1->nb_sections;
- dynarray_add((void ***)&s1->sections, &s1->nb_sections, sec);
- }
- return sec;
-static void free_section(Section *s)
- tcc_free(s->data);
-/* realloc section and set its content to zero */
-static void section_realloc(Section *sec, unsigned long new_size)
- unsigned long size;
- unsigned char *data;
- size = sec->data_allocated;
- if (size == 0)
- size = 1;
- while (size < new_size)
- size = size * 2;
- data = tcc_realloc(sec->data, size);
- if (!data)
- error("memory full");
- memset(data + sec->data_allocated, 0, size - sec->data_allocated);
- sec->data = data;
- sec->data_allocated = size;
-/* reserve at least 'size' bytes in section 'sec' from
- sec->data_offset. */
-static void *section_ptr_add(Section *sec, unsigned long size)
- unsigned long offset, offset1;
- offset = sec->data_offset;
- offset1 = offset + size;
- if (offset1 > sec->data_allocated)
- section_realloc(sec, offset1);
- sec->data_offset = offset1;
- return sec->data + offset;
-/* return a reference to a section, and create it if it does not
- exists */
-Section *find_section(TCCState *s1, const char *name)
- Section *sec;
- int i;
- for(i = 1; i < s1->nb_sections; i++) {
- sec = s1->sections[i];
- if (!strcmp(name, sec->name))
- return sec;
- }
- /* sections are created as PROGBITS */
- return new_section(s1, name, SHT_PROGBITS, SHF_ALLOC);
-/* update sym->c so that it points to an external symbol in section
- 'section' with value 'value' */
-static void put_extern_sym2(Sym *sym, Section *section,
- unsigned long value, unsigned long size,
- int can_add_underscore)
- int sym_type, sym_bind, sh_num, info, other, attr;
- ElfW(Sym) *esym;
- const char *name;
- char buf1[256];
- if (section == NULL)
- sh_num = SHN_UNDEF;
- else if (section == SECTION_ABS)
- sh_num = SHN_ABS;
- else
- sh_num = section->sh_num;
- other = attr = 0;
- if ((sym->type.t & VT_BTYPE) == VT_FUNC) {
- sym_type = STT_FUNC;
- if (sym->type.ref)
- attr = sym->type.ref->r;
- if (FUNC_EXPORT(attr))
- other |= 1;
- if (FUNC_CALL(attr) == FUNC_STDCALL)
- other |= 2;
- } else {
- sym_type = STT_OBJECT;
- }
- if (sym->type.t & VT_STATIC)
- sym_bind = STB_LOCAL;
- else
- sym_bind = STB_GLOBAL;
- if (!sym->c) {
- name = get_tok_str(sym->v, NULL);
- if (tcc_state->do_bounds_check) {
- char buf[32];
- /* XXX: avoid doing that for statics ? */
- /* if bound checking is activated, we change some function
- names by adding the "__bound" prefix */
- switch(sym->v) {
-#if 0
- /* XXX: we rely only on malloc hooks */
- case TOK_malloc:
- case TOK_free:
- case TOK_realloc:
- case TOK_memalign:
- case TOK_calloc:
- case TOK_memcpy:
- case TOK_memmove:
- case TOK_memset:
- case TOK_strlen:
- case TOK_strcpy:
- case TOK_alloca:
- strcpy(buf, "__bound_");
- strcat(buf, name);
- name = buf;
- break;
- }
- }
- if ((other & 2) && can_add_underscore) {
- sprintf(buf1, "_%s@%d", name, FUNC_ARGS(attr));
- name = buf1;
- } else
- if (tcc_state->leading_underscore && can_add_underscore) {
- buf1[0] = '_';
- pstrcpy(buf1 + 1, sizeof(buf1) - 1, name);
- name = buf1;
- }
- info = ELF64_ST_INFO(sym_bind, sym_type);
- sym->c = add_elf_sym(symtab_section, value, size, info, other, sh_num, name);
- } else {
- esym = &((ElfW(Sym) *)symtab_section->data)[sym->c];
- esym->st_value = value;
- esym->st_size = size;
- esym->st_shndx = sh_num;
- esym->st_other |= other;
- }
-static void put_extern_sym(Sym *sym, Section *section,
- unsigned long value, unsigned long size)
- put_extern_sym2(sym, section, value, size, 1);
-/* add a new relocation entry to symbol 'sym' in section 's' */
-static void greloc(Section *s, Sym *sym, unsigned long offset, int type)
- if (!sym->c)
- put_extern_sym(sym, NULL, 0, 0);
- /* now we can add ELF relocation info */
- put_elf_reloc(symtab_section, s, offset, type, sym->c);
-static inline int isid(int c)
- return (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') ||
- (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') ||
- c == '_';
-static inline int isnum(int c)
- return c >= '0' && c <= '9';
-static inline int isoct(int c)
- return c >= '0' && c <= '7';
-static inline int toup(int c)
- if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z')
- return c - 'a' + 'A';
- else
- return c;
-static void strcat_vprintf(char *buf, int buf_size, const char *fmt, va_list ap)
- int len;
- len = strlen(buf);
- vsnprintf(buf + len, buf_size - len, fmt, ap);
-static void strcat_printf(char *buf, int buf_size, const char *fmt, ...)
- va_list ap;
- va_start(ap, fmt);
- strcat_vprintf(buf, buf_size, fmt, ap);
- va_end(ap);
-void error1(TCCState *s1, int is_warning, const char *fmt, va_list ap)
- char buf[2048];
- BufferedFile **f;
- buf[0] = '\0';
- if (file) {
- for(f = s1->include_stack; f < s1->include_stack_ptr; f++)
- strcat_printf(buf, sizeof(buf), "In file included from %s:%d:\n",
- (*f)->filename, (*f)->line_num);
- if (file->line_num > 0) {
- strcat_printf(buf, sizeof(buf),
- "%s:%d: ", file->filename, file->line_num);
- } else {
- strcat_printf(buf, sizeof(buf),
- "%s: ", file->filename);
- }
- } else {
- strcat_printf(buf, sizeof(buf),
- "tcc: ");
- }
- if (is_warning)
- strcat_printf(buf, sizeof(buf), "warning: ");
- strcat_vprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), fmt, ap);
- if (!s1->error_func) {
- /* default case: stderr */
- fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", buf);
- } else {
- s1->error_func(s1->error_opaque, buf);
- }
- if (!is_warning || s1->warn_error)
- s1->nb_errors++;
-void tcc_set_error_func(TCCState *s, void *error_opaque,
- void (*error_func)(void *opaque, const char *msg))
- s->error_opaque = error_opaque;
- s->error_func = error_func;
-/* error without aborting current compilation */
-void error_noabort(const char *fmt, ...)
- TCCState *s1 = tcc_state;
- va_list ap;
- va_start(ap, fmt);
- error1(s1, 0, fmt, ap);
- va_end(ap);
-void error(const char *fmt, ...)
- TCCState *s1 = tcc_state;
- va_list ap;
- va_start(ap, fmt);
- error1(s1, 0, fmt, ap);
- va_end(ap);
- /* better than nothing: in some cases, we accept to handle errors */
- if (s1->error_set_jmp_enabled) {
- longjmp(s1->error_jmp_buf, 1);
- } else {
- /* XXX: eliminate this someday */
- exit(1);
- }
-void expect(const char *msg)
- error("%s expected", msg);
-void warning(const char *fmt, ...)
- TCCState *s1 = tcc_state;
- va_list ap;
- if (s1->warn_none)
- return;
- va_start(ap, fmt);
- error1(s1, 1, fmt, ap);
- va_end(ap);
-void skip(int c)
- if (tok != c)
- error("'%c' expected", c);
- next();
-static void test_lvalue(void)
- if (!(vtop->r & VT_LVAL))
- expect("lvalue");
-/* CString handling */
-static void cstr_realloc(CString *cstr, int new_size)
- int size;
- void *data;
- size = cstr->size_allocated;
- if (size == 0)
- size = 8; /* no need to allocate a too small first string */
- while (size < new_size)
- size = size * 2;
- data = tcc_realloc(cstr->data_allocated, size);
- if (!data)
- error("memory full");
- cstr->data_allocated = data;
- cstr->size_allocated = size;
- cstr->data = data;
-/* add a byte */
-static inline void cstr_ccat(CString *cstr, int ch)
- int size;
- size = cstr->size + 1;
- if (size > cstr->size_allocated)
- cstr_realloc(cstr, size);
- ((unsigned char *)cstr->data)[size - 1] = ch;
- cstr->size = size;
-static void cstr_cat(CString *cstr, const char *str)
- int c;
- for(;;) {
- c = *str;
- if (c == '\0')
- break;
- cstr_ccat(cstr, c);
- str++;
- }
-/* add a wide char */
-static void cstr_wccat(CString *cstr, int ch)
- int size;
- size = cstr->size + sizeof(nwchar_t);
- if (size > cstr->size_allocated)
- cstr_realloc(cstr, size);
- *(nwchar_t *)(((unsigned char *)cstr->data) + size - sizeof(nwchar_t)) = ch;
- cstr->size = size;
-static void cstr_new(CString *cstr)
- memset(cstr, 0, sizeof(CString));
-/* free string and reset it to NULL */
-static void cstr_free(CString *cstr)
- tcc_free(cstr->data_allocated);
- cstr_new(cstr);
-#define cstr_reset(cstr) cstr_free(cstr)
-/* XXX: unicode ? */
-static void add_char(CString *cstr, int c)
- if (c == '\'' || c == '\"' || c == '\\') {
- /* XXX: could be more precise if char or string */
- cstr_ccat(cstr, '\\');
- }
- if (c >= 32 && c <= 126) {
- cstr_ccat(cstr, c);
- } else {
- cstr_ccat(cstr, '\\');
- if (c == '\n') {
- cstr_ccat(cstr, 'n');
- } else {
- cstr_ccat(cstr, '0' + ((c >> 6) & 7));
- cstr_ccat(cstr, '0' + ((c >> 3) & 7));
- cstr_ccat(cstr, '0' + (c & 7));
- }
- }
-/* push, without hashing */
-static Sym *sym_push2(Sym **ps, int v, int t, long c)
- Sym *s;
- s = sym_malloc();
- s->v = v;
- s->type.t = t;
- s->c = c;
- s->next = NULL;
- /* add in stack */
- s->prev = *ps;
- *ps = s;
- return s;
-/* find a symbol and return its associated structure. 's' is the top
- of the symbol stack */
-static Sym *sym_find2(Sym *s, int v)
- while (s) {
- if (s->v == v)
- return s;
- s = s->prev;
- }
- return NULL;
-/* structure lookup */
-static inline Sym *struct_find(int v)
- v -= TOK_IDENT;
- if ((unsigned)v >= (unsigned)(tok_ident - TOK_IDENT))
- return NULL;
- return table_ident[v]->sym_struct;
-/* find an identifier */
-static inline Sym *sym_find(int v)
- v -= TOK_IDENT;
- if ((unsigned)v >= (unsigned)(tok_ident - TOK_IDENT))
- return NULL;
- return table_ident[v]->sym_identifier;
-/* push a given symbol on the symbol stack */
-static Sym *sym_push(int v, CType *type, int r, int c)
- Sym *s, **ps;
- TokenSym *ts;
- if (local_stack)
- ps = &local_stack;
- else
- ps = &global_stack;
- s = sym_push2(ps, v, type->t, c);
- s->type.ref = type->ref;
- s->r = r;
- /* don't record fields or anonymous symbols */
- /* XXX: simplify */
- if (!(v & SYM_FIELD) && (v & ~SYM_STRUCT) < SYM_FIRST_ANOM) {
- /* record symbol in token array */
- ts = table_ident[(v & ~SYM_STRUCT) - TOK_IDENT];
- if (v & SYM_STRUCT)
- ps = &ts->sym_struct;
- else
- ps = &ts->sym_identifier;
- s->prev_tok = *ps;
- *ps = s;
- }
- return s;
-/* push a global identifier */
-static Sym *global_identifier_push(int v, int t, int c)
- Sym *s, **ps;
- s = sym_push2(&global_stack, v, t, c);
- /* don't record anonymous symbol */
- if (v < SYM_FIRST_ANOM) {
- ps = &table_ident[v - TOK_IDENT]->sym_identifier;
- /* modify the top most local identifier, so that
- sym_identifier will point to 's' when popped */
- while (*ps != NULL)
- ps = &(*ps)->prev_tok;
- s->prev_tok = NULL;
- *ps = s;
- }
- return s;
-/* pop symbols until top reaches 'b' */
-static void sym_pop(Sym **ptop, Sym *b)
- Sym *s, *ss, **ps;
- TokenSym *ts;
- int v;
- s = *ptop;
- while(s != b) {
- ss = s->prev;
- v = s->v;
- /* remove symbol in token array */
- /* XXX: simplify */
- if (!(v & SYM_FIELD) && (v & ~SYM_STRUCT) < SYM_FIRST_ANOM) {
- ts = table_ident[(v & ~SYM_STRUCT) - TOK_IDENT];
- if (v & SYM_STRUCT)
- ps = &ts->sym_struct;
- else
- ps = &ts->sym_identifier;
- *ps = s->prev_tok;
- }
- sym_free(s);
- s = ss;
- }
- *ptop = b;
-/* I/O layer */
-BufferedFile *tcc_open(TCCState *s1, const char *filename)
- int fd;
- BufferedFile *bf;
- if (strcmp(filename, "-") == 0)
- fd = 0, filename = "stdin";
- else
- fd = open(filename, O_RDONLY | O_BINARY);
- if ((s1->verbose == 2 && fd >= 0) || s1->verbose == 3)
- printf("%s %*s%s\n", fd < 0 ? "nf":"->",
- (s1->include_stack_ptr - s1->include_stack), "", filename);
- if (fd < 0)
- return NULL;
- bf = tcc_malloc(sizeof(BufferedFile));
- bf->fd = fd;
- bf->buf_ptr = bf->buffer;
- bf->buf_end = bf->buffer;
- bf->buffer[0] = CH_EOB; /* put eob symbol */
- pstrcpy(bf->filename, sizeof(bf->filename), filename);
-#ifdef _WIN32
- normalize_slashes(bf->filename);
- bf->line_num = 1;
- bf->ifndef_macro = 0;
- bf->ifdef_stack_ptr = s1->ifdef_stack_ptr;
- // printf("opening '%s'\n", filename);
- return bf;
-void tcc_close(BufferedFile *bf)
- total_lines += bf->line_num;
- close(bf->fd);
- tcc_free(bf);
-#include "tccpp.c"
-#include "tccgen.c"
-/* compile the C file opened in 'file'. Return non zero if errors. */
-static int tcc_compile(TCCState *s1)
- Sym *define_start;
- char buf[512];
- volatile int section_sym;
-#ifdef INC_DEBUG
- printf("%s: **** new file\n", file->filename);
- preprocess_init(s1);
- cur_text_section = NULL;
- funcname = "";
- anon_sym = SYM_FIRST_ANOM;
- /* file info: full path + filename */
- section_sym = 0; /* avoid warning */
- if (s1->do_debug) {
- section_sym = put_elf_sym(symtab_section, 0, 0,
- text_section->sh_num, NULL);
- getcwd(buf, sizeof(buf));
-#ifdef _WIN32
- normalize_slashes(buf);
- pstrcat(buf, sizeof(buf), "/");
- put_stabs_r(buf, N_SO, 0, 0,
- text_section->data_offset, text_section, section_sym);
- put_stabs_r(file->filename, N_SO, 0, 0,
- text_section->data_offset, text_section, section_sym);
- }
- /* an elf symbol of type STT_FILE must be put so that STB_LOCAL
- symbols can be safely used */
- put_elf_sym(symtab_section, 0, 0,
- SHN_ABS, file->filename);
- /* define some often used types */
- int_type.t = VT_INT;
- char_pointer_type.t = VT_BYTE;
- mk_pointer(&char_pointer_type);
- func_old_type.t = VT_FUNC;
- func_old_type.ref = sym_push(SYM_FIELD, &int_type, FUNC_CDECL, FUNC_OLD);
-#if defined(TCC_ARM_EABI) && defined(TCC_ARM_VFP)
- float_type.t = VT_FLOAT;
- double_type.t = VT_DOUBLE;
- func_float_type.t = VT_FUNC;
- func_float_type.ref = sym_push(SYM_FIELD, &float_type, FUNC_CDECL, FUNC_OLD);
- func_double_type.t = VT_FUNC;
- func_double_type.ref = sym_push(SYM_FIELD, &double_type, FUNC_CDECL, FUNC_OLD);
-#if 0
- /* define 'void *alloca(unsigned int)' builtin function */
- {
- Sym *s1;
- p = anon_sym++;
- sym = sym_push(p, mk_pointer(VT_VOID), FUNC_CDECL, FUNC_NEW);
- s1 = sym_push(SYM_FIELD, VT_UNSIGNED | VT_INT, 0, 0);
- s1->next = NULL;
- sym->next = s1;
- sym_push(TOK_alloca, VT_FUNC | (p << VT_STRUCT_SHIFT), VT_CONST, 0);
- }
- define_start = define_stack;
- nocode_wanted = 1;
- if (setjmp(s1->error_jmp_buf) == 0) {
- s1->nb_errors = 0;
- s1->error_set_jmp_enabled = 1;
- ch = file->buf_ptr[0];
- tok_flags = TOK_FLAG_BOL | TOK_FLAG_BOF;
- next();
- decl(VT_CONST);
- if (tok != TOK_EOF)
- expect("declaration");
- /* end of translation unit info */
- if (s1->do_debug) {
- put_stabs_r(NULL, N_SO, 0, 0,
- text_section->data_offset, text_section, section_sym);
- }
- }
- s1->error_set_jmp_enabled = 0;
- /* reset define stack, but leave -Dsymbols (may be incorrect if
- they are undefined) */
- free_defines(define_start);
- gen_inline_functions();
- sym_pop(&global_stack, NULL);
- sym_pop(&local_stack, NULL);
- return s1->nb_errors != 0 ? -1 : 0;
-int tcc_compile_string(TCCState *s, const char *str)
- BufferedFile bf1, *bf = &bf1;
- int ret, len;
- char *buf;
- /* init file structure */
- bf->fd = -1;
- /* XXX: avoid copying */
- len = strlen(str);
- buf = tcc_malloc(len + 1);
- if (!buf)
- return -1;
- memcpy(buf, str, len);
- buf[len] = CH_EOB;
- bf->buf_ptr = buf;
- bf->buf_end = buf + len;
- pstrcpy(bf->filename, sizeof(bf->filename), "<string>");
- bf->line_num = 1;
- file = bf;
- ret = tcc_compile(s);
- file = NULL;
- tcc_free(buf);
- /* currently, no need to close */
- return ret;
-/* define a preprocessor symbol. A value can also be provided with the '=' operator */
-void tcc_define_symbol(TCCState *s1, const char *sym, const char *value)
- BufferedFile bf1, *bf = &bf1;
- pstrcpy(bf->buffer, IO_BUF_SIZE, sym);
- pstrcat(bf->buffer, IO_BUF_SIZE, " ");
- /* default value */
- if (!value)
- value = "1";
- pstrcat(bf->buffer, IO_BUF_SIZE, value);
- /* init file structure */
- bf->fd = -1;
- bf->buf_ptr = bf->buffer;
- bf->buf_end = bf->buffer + strlen(bf->buffer);
- *bf->buf_end = CH_EOB;
- bf->filename[0] = '\0';
- bf->line_num = 1;
- file = bf;
- s1->include_stack_ptr = s1->include_stack;
- /* parse with define parser */
- ch = file->buf_ptr[0];
- next_nomacro();
- parse_define();
- file = NULL;
-/* undefine a preprocessor symbol */
-void tcc_undefine_symbol(TCCState *s1, const char *sym)
- TokenSym *ts;
- Sym *s;
- ts = tok_alloc(sym, strlen(sym));
- s = define_find(ts->tok);
- /* undefine symbol by putting an invalid name */
- if (s)
- define_undef(s);
-#ifdef TCC_TARGET_I386
-#include "i386-asm.c"
-#include "tccasm.c"
-static void asm_instr(void)
- error("inline asm() not supported");
-static void asm_global_instr(void)
- error("inline asm() not supported");
-#include "tccelf.c"
-#include "tcccoff.c"
-#include "tccpe.c"
-/* print the position in the source file of PC value 'pc' by reading
- the stabs debug information */
-static void rt_printline(unsigned long wanted_pc)
- Stab_Sym *sym, *sym_end;
- char func_name[128], last_func_name[128];
- unsigned long func_addr, last_pc, pc;
- const char *incl_files[INCLUDE_STACK_SIZE];
- int incl_index, len, last_line_num, i;
- const char *str, *p;
- fprintf(stderr, "0x%08lx:", wanted_pc);
- func_name[0] = '\0';
- func_addr = 0;
- incl_index = 0;
- last_func_name[0] = '\0';
- last_pc = 0xffffffff;
- last_line_num = 1;
- sym = (Stab_Sym *)stab_section->data + 1;
- sym_end = (Stab_Sym *)(stab_section->data + stab_section->data_offset);
- while (sym < sym_end) {
- switch(sym->n_type) {
- /* function start or end */
- case N_FUN:
- if (sym->n_strx == 0) {
- /* we test if between last line and end of function */
- pc = sym->n_value + func_addr;
- if (wanted_pc >= last_pc && wanted_pc < pc)
- goto found;
- func_name[0] = '\0';
- func_addr = 0;
- } else {
- str = stabstr_section->data + sym->n_strx;
- p = strchr(str, ':');
- if (!p) {
- pstrcpy(func_name, sizeof(func_name), str);
- } else {
- len = p - str;
- if (len > sizeof(func_name) - 1)
- len = sizeof(func_name) - 1;
- memcpy(func_name, str, len);
- func_name[len] = '\0';
- }
- func_addr = sym->n_value;
- }
- break;
- /* line number info */
- case N_SLINE:
- pc = sym->n_value + func_addr;
- if (wanted_pc >= last_pc && wanted_pc < pc)
- goto found;
- last_pc = pc;
- last_line_num = sym->n_desc;
- /* XXX: slow! */
- strcpy(last_func_name, func_name);
- break;
- /* include files */
- case N_BINCL:
- str = stabstr_section->data + sym->n_strx;
- add_incl:
- if (incl_index < INCLUDE_STACK_SIZE) {
- incl_files[incl_index++] = str;
- }
- break;
- case N_EINCL:
- if (incl_index > 1)
- incl_index--;
- break;
- case N_SO:
- if (sym->n_strx == 0) {
- incl_index = 0; /* end of translation unit */
- } else {
- str = stabstr_section->data + sym->n_strx;
- /* do not add path */
- len = strlen(str);
- if (len > 0 && str[len - 1] != '/')
- goto add_incl;
- }
- break;
- }
- sym++;
- }
- /* second pass: we try symtab symbols (no line number info) */
- incl_index = 0;
- {
- ElfW(Sym) *sym, *sym_end;
- int type;
- sym_end = (ElfW(Sym) *)(symtab_section->data + symtab_section->data_offset);
- for(sym = (ElfW(Sym) *)symtab_section->data + 1;
- sym < sym_end;
- sym++) {
- type = ELF64_ST_TYPE(sym->st_info);
- if (type == STT_FUNC) {
- if (wanted_pc >= sym->st_value &&
- wanted_pc < sym->st_value + sym->st_size) {
- pstrcpy(last_func_name, sizeof(last_func_name),
- strtab_section->data + sym->st_name);
- goto found;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /* did not find any info: */
- fprintf(stderr, " ???\n");
- return;
- found:
- if (last_func_name[0] != '\0') {
- fprintf(stderr, " %s()", last_func_name);
- }
- if (incl_index > 0) {
- fprintf(stderr, " (%s:%d",
- incl_files[incl_index - 1], last_line_num);
- for(i = incl_index - 2; i >= 0; i--)
- fprintf(stderr, ", included from %s", incl_files[i]);
- fprintf(stderr, ")");
- }
- fprintf(stderr, "\n");
-#ifdef __i386__
-/* fix for glibc 2.1 */
-#ifndef REG_EIP
-#define REG_EIP EIP
-#define REG_EBP EBP
-/* return the PC at frame level 'level'. Return non zero if not found */
-static int rt_get_caller_pc(unsigned long *paddr,
- ucontext_t *uc, int level)
- unsigned long fp;
- int i;
- if (level == 0) {
-#if defined(__FreeBSD__)
- *paddr = uc->uc_mcontext.mc_eip;
-#elif defined(__dietlibc__)
- *paddr = uc->uc_mcontext.eip;
- *paddr = uc->uc_mcontext.gregs[REG_EIP];
- return 0;
- } else {
-#if defined(__FreeBSD__)
- fp = uc->uc_mcontext.mc_ebp;
-#elif defined(__dietlibc__)
- fp = uc->uc_mcontext.ebp;
- fp = uc->uc_mcontext.gregs[REG_EBP];
- for(i=1;i<level;i++) {
- /* XXX: check address validity with program info */
- if (fp <= 0x1000 || fp >= 0xc0000000)
- return -1;
- fp = ((unsigned long *)fp)[0];
- }
- *paddr = ((unsigned long *)fp)[1];
- return 0;
- }
-#elif 1
-/* return the PC at frame level 'level'. Return non zero if not found */
-static int rt_get_caller_pc(unsigned long *paddr,
- ucontext_t *uc, int level)
- unsigned long fp;
- int i;
- if (level == 0) {
- /* XXX: only support linux */
- *paddr = uc->uc_mcontext.gregs[REG_RIP];
- return 0;
- } else {
- fp = uc->uc_mcontext.gregs[REG_RBP];
- for(i=1;i<level;i++) {
- /* XXX: check address validity with program info */
- if (fp <= 0x1000)
- return -1;
- fp = ((unsigned long *)fp)[0];
- }
- *paddr = ((unsigned long *)fp)[1];
- return 0;
- }
-#warning add arch specific rt_get_caller_pc()
-static int rt_get_caller_pc(unsigned long *paddr,
- ucontext_t *uc, int level)
- return -1;
-/* emit a run time error at position 'pc' */
-void rt_error(ucontext_t *uc, const char *fmt, ...)
- va_list ap;
- unsigned long pc;
- int i;
- va_start(ap, fmt);
- fprintf(stderr, "Runtime error: ");
- vfprintf(stderr, fmt, ap);
- fprintf(stderr, "\n");
- for(i=0;i<num_callers;i++) {
- if (rt_get_caller_pc(&pc, uc, i) < 0)
- break;
- if (i == 0)
- fprintf(stderr, "at ");
- else
- fprintf(stderr, "by ");
- rt_printline(pc);
- }
- exit(255);
- va_end(ap);
-/* signal handler for fatal errors */
-static void sig_error(int signum, siginfo_t *siginf, void *puc)
- ucontext_t *uc = puc;
- switch(signum) {
- case SIGFPE:
- switch(siginf->si_code) {
- case FPE_INTDIV:
- case FPE_FLTDIV:
- rt_error(uc, "division by zero");
- break;
- default:
- rt_error(uc, "floating point exception");
- break;
- }
- break;
- case SIGBUS:
- case SIGSEGV:
- if (rt_bound_error_msg && *rt_bound_error_msg)
- rt_error(uc, *rt_bound_error_msg);
- else
- rt_error(uc, "dereferencing invalid pointer");
- break;
- case SIGILL:
- rt_error(uc, "illegal instruction");
- break;
- case SIGABRT:
- rt_error(uc, "abort() called");
- break;
- default:
- rt_error(uc, "caught signal %d", signum);
- break;
- }
- exit(255);
-/* copy code into memory passed in by the caller and do all relocations
- (needed before using tcc_get_symbol()).
- returns -1 on error and required size if ptr is NULL */
-int tcc_relocate(TCCState *s1, void *ptr)
- Section *s;
- unsigned long offset, length, mem;
- int i;
- if (0 == s1->runtime_added) {
- s1->runtime_added = 1;
- s1->nb_errors = 0;
- pe_add_runtime(s1);
- relocate_common_syms();
- tcc_add_linker_symbols(s1);
- tcc_add_runtime(s1);
- relocate_common_syms();
- tcc_add_linker_symbols(s1);
- build_got_entries(s1);
- }
- offset = 0, mem = (unsigned long)ptr;
- for(i = 1; i < s1->nb_sections; i++) {
- s = s1->sections[i];
- if (0 == (s->sh_flags & SHF_ALLOC))
- continue;
- length = s->data_offset;
- s->sh_addr = mem ? (mem + offset + 15) & ~15 : 0;
- offset = (offset + length + 15) & ~15;
- }
- /* relocate symbols */
- relocate_syms(s1, 1);
- if (s1->nb_errors)
- return -1;
-#ifdef TCC_TARGET_X86_64
- s1->runtime_plt_and_got_offset = 0;
- s1->runtime_plt_and_got = (char *)(mem + offset);
- /* double the size of the buffer for got and plt entries
- XXX: calculate exact size for them? */
- offset *= 2;
- if (0 == mem)
- return offset + 15;
- /* relocate each section */
- for(i = 1; i < s1->nb_sections; i++) {
- s = s1->sections[i];
- if (s->reloc)
- relocate_section(s1, s);
- }
- for(i = 1; i < s1->nb_sections; i++) {
- s = s1->sections[i];
- if (0 == (s->sh_flags & SHF_ALLOC))
- continue;
- length = s->data_offset;
- // printf("%-12s %08x %04x\n", s->name, s->sh_addr, length);
- ptr = (void*)s->sh_addr;
- if (NULL == s->data || s->sh_type == SHT_NOBITS)
- memset(ptr, 0, length);
- else
- memcpy(ptr, s->data, length);
- /* mark executable sections as executable in memory */
- if (s->sh_flags & SHF_EXECINSTR)
- set_pages_executable(ptr, length);
- }
-#ifdef TCC_TARGET_X86_64
- set_pages_executable(s1->runtime_plt_and_got,
- s1->runtime_plt_and_got_offset);
- return 0;
-/* launch the compiled program with the given arguments */
-int tcc_run(TCCState *s1, int argc, char **argv)
- int (*prog_main)(int, char **);
- void *ptr;
- int ret;
- ret = tcc_relocate(s1, NULL);
- if (ret < 0)
- return -1;
- ptr = tcc_malloc(ret);
- tcc_relocate(s1, ptr);
- prog_main = tcc_get_symbol_err(s1, "main");
- if (s1->do_debug) {
- struct sigaction sigact;
- /* install TCC signal handlers to print debug info on fatal
- runtime errors */
- sigact.sa_flags = SA_SIGINFO | SA_RESETHAND;
- sigact.sa_sigaction = sig_error;
- sigemptyset(&sigact.sa_mask);
- sigaction(SIGFPE, &sigact, NULL);
- sigaction(SIGILL, &sigact, NULL);
- sigaction(SIGSEGV, &sigact, NULL);
- sigaction(SIGBUS, &sigact, NULL);
- sigaction(SIGABRT, &sigact, NULL);
- error("debug mode not available");
- }
- if (s1->do_bounds_check) {
- void (*bound_init)(void);
- /* set error function */
- rt_bound_error_msg = tcc_get_symbol_err(s1, "__bound_error_msg");
- /* XXX: use .init section so that it also work in binary ? */
- bound_init = (void *)tcc_get_symbol_err(s1, "__bound_init");
- bound_init();
- }
- ret = (*prog_main)(argc, argv);
- tcc_free(ptr);
- return ret;
-void tcc_memstats(void)
-#ifdef MEM_DEBUG
- printf("memory in use: %d\n", mem_cur_size);
-static void tcc_cleanup(void)
- int i, n;
- if (NULL == tcc_state)
- return;
- tcc_state = NULL;
- /* free -D defines */
- free_defines(NULL);
- /* free tokens */
- n = tok_ident - TOK_IDENT;
- for(i = 0; i < n; i++)
- tcc_free(table_ident[i]);
- tcc_free(table_ident);
- /* free sym_pools */
- dynarray_reset(&sym_pools, &nb_sym_pools);
- /* string buffer */
- cstr_free(&tokcstr);
- /* reset symbol stack */
- sym_free_first = NULL;
- /* cleanup from error/setjmp */
- macro_ptr = NULL;
-TCCState *tcc_new(void)
- TCCState *s;
- tcc_cleanup();
- s = tcc_mallocz(sizeof(TCCState));
- if (!s)
- return NULL;
- tcc_state = s;
- s->output_type = TCC_OUTPUT_MEMORY;
- s->tcc_lib_path = CONFIG_TCCDIR;
- preprocess_new();
- /* we add dummy defines for some special macros to speed up tests
- and to have working defined() */
- define_push(TOK___LINE__, MACRO_OBJ, NULL, NULL);
- define_push(TOK___FILE__, MACRO_OBJ, NULL, NULL);
- define_push(TOK___DATE__, MACRO_OBJ, NULL, NULL);
- define_push(TOK___TIME__, MACRO_OBJ, NULL, NULL);
- /* standard defines */
- tcc_define_symbol(s, "__STDC__", NULL);
- tcc_define_symbol(s, "__STDC_VERSION__", "199901L");
-#if defined(TCC_TARGET_I386)
- tcc_define_symbol(s, "__i386__", NULL);
-#if defined(TCC_TARGET_X86_64)
- tcc_define_symbol(s, "__x86_64__", NULL);
-#if defined(TCC_TARGET_ARM)
- tcc_define_symbol(s, "__ARM_ARCH_4__", NULL);
- tcc_define_symbol(s, "__arm_elf__", NULL);
- tcc_define_symbol(s, "__arm_elf", NULL);
- tcc_define_symbol(s, "arm_elf", NULL);
- tcc_define_symbol(s, "__arm__", NULL);
- tcc_define_symbol(s, "__arm", NULL);
- tcc_define_symbol(s, "arm", NULL);
- tcc_define_symbol(s, "__APCS_32__", NULL);
- tcc_define_symbol(s, "_WIN32", NULL);
- tcc_define_symbol(s, "__unix__", NULL);
- tcc_define_symbol(s, "__unix", NULL);
-#if defined(__linux)
- tcc_define_symbol(s, "__linux__", NULL);
- tcc_define_symbol(s, "__linux", NULL);
- /* tiny C specific defines */
- tcc_define_symbol(s, "__TINYC__", NULL);
- /* tiny C & gcc defines */
- tcc_define_symbol(s, "__SIZE_TYPE__", "unsigned int");
- tcc_define_symbol(s, "__PTRDIFF_TYPE__", "int");
- tcc_define_symbol(s, "__WCHAR_TYPE__", "unsigned short");
- tcc_define_symbol(s, "__WCHAR_TYPE__", "int");
-#ifndef TCC_TARGET_PE
- /* default library paths */
- tcc_add_library_path(s, CONFIG_SYSROOT "/usr/local/lib");
- tcc_add_library_path(s, CONFIG_SYSROOT "/usr/lib");
- tcc_add_library_path(s, CONFIG_SYSROOT "/lib");
- /* no section zero */
- dynarray_add((void ***)&s->sections, &s->nb_sections, NULL);
- /* create standard sections */
- text_section = new_section(s, ".text", SHT_PROGBITS, SHF_ALLOC | SHF_EXECINSTR);
- data_section = new_section(s, ".data", SHT_PROGBITS, SHF_ALLOC | SHF_WRITE);
- bss_section = new_section(s, ".bss", SHT_NOBITS, SHF_ALLOC | SHF_WRITE);
- /* symbols are always generated for linking stage */
- symtab_section = new_symtab(s, ".symtab", SHT_SYMTAB, 0,
- ".strtab",
- ".hashtab", SHF_PRIVATE);
- strtab_section = symtab_section->link;
- /* private symbol table for dynamic symbols */
- s->dynsymtab_section = new_symtab(s, ".dynsymtab", SHT_SYMTAB, SHF_PRIVATE,
- ".dynstrtab",
- ".dynhashtab", SHF_PRIVATE);
- s->alacarte_link = 1;
- s->char_is_unsigned = 1;
-#if defined(TCC_TARGET_PE) && 0
- /* XXX: currently the PE linker is not ready to support that */
- s->leading_underscore = 1;
- return s;
-void tcc_delete(TCCState *s1)
- int i;
- tcc_cleanup();
- /* free all sections */
- for(i = 1; i < s1->nb_sections; i++)
- free_section(s1->sections[i]);
- dynarray_reset(&s1->sections, &s1->nb_sections);
- for(i = 0; i < s1->nb_priv_sections; i++)
- free_section(s1->priv_sections[i]);
- dynarray_reset(&s1->priv_sections, &s1->nb_priv_sections);
- /* free any loaded DLLs */
- for ( i = 0; i < s1->nb_loaded_dlls; i++) {
- DLLReference *ref = s1->loaded_dlls[i];
- if ( ref->handle )
- dlclose(ref->handle);
- }
- /* free loaded dlls array */
- dynarray_reset(&s1->loaded_dlls, &s1->nb_loaded_dlls);
- /* free library paths */
- dynarray_reset(&s1->library_paths, &s1->nb_library_paths);
- /* free include paths */
- dynarray_reset(&s1->cached_includes, &s1->nb_cached_includes);
- dynarray_reset(&s1->include_paths, &s1->nb_include_paths);
- dynarray_reset(&s1->sysinclude_paths, &s1->nb_sysinclude_paths);
- tcc_free(s1);
-int tcc_add_include_path(TCCState *s1, const char *pathname)
- char *pathname1;
- pathname1 = tcc_strdup(pathname);
- dynarray_add((void ***)&s1->include_paths, &s1->nb_include_paths, pathname1);
- return 0;
-int tcc_add_sysinclude_path(TCCState *s1, const char *pathname)
- char *pathname1;
- pathname1 = tcc_strdup(pathname);
- dynarray_add((void ***)&s1->sysinclude_paths, &s1->nb_sysinclude_paths, pathname1);
- return 0;
-static int tcc_add_file_internal(TCCState *s1, const char *filename, int flags)
- const char *ext;
- ElfW(Ehdr) ehdr;
- int fd, ret;
- BufferedFile *saved_file;
- /* find source file type with extension */
- ext = tcc_fileextension(filename);
- if (ext[0])
- ext++;
- /* open the file */
- saved_file = file;
- file = tcc_open(s1, filename);
- if (!file) {
- if (flags & AFF_PRINT_ERROR) {
- error_noabort("file '%s' not found", filename);
- }
- ret = -1;
- goto fail1;
- }
- if (flags & AFF_PREPROCESS) {
- ret = tcc_preprocess(s1);
- } else if (!ext[0] || !PATHCMP(ext, "c")) {
- /* C file assumed */
- ret = tcc_compile(s1);
- } else
- if (!strcmp(ext, "S")) {
- /* preprocessed assembler */
- ret = tcc_assemble(s1, 1);
- } else if (!strcmp(ext, "s")) {
- /* non preprocessed assembler */
- ret = tcc_assemble(s1, 0);
- } else
- if (!PATHCMP(ext, "def")) {
- ret = pe_load_def_file(s1, file->fd);
- } else
- {
- fd = file->fd;
- /* assume executable format: auto guess file type */
- ret = read(fd, &ehdr, sizeof(ehdr));
- lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_SET);
- if (ret <= 0) {
- error_noabort("could not read header");
- goto fail;
- } else if (ret != sizeof(ehdr)) {
- goto try_load_script;
- }
- if (ehdr.e_ident[0] == ELFMAG0 &&
- ehdr.e_ident[1] == ELFMAG1 &&
- ehdr.e_ident[2] == ELFMAG2 &&
- ehdr.e_ident[3] == ELFMAG3) {
- file->line_num = 0; /* do not display line number if error */
- if (ehdr.e_type == ET_REL) {
- ret = tcc_load_object_file(s1, fd, 0);
- } else if (ehdr.e_type == ET_DYN) {
- if (s1->output_type == TCC_OUTPUT_MEMORY) {
- ret = -1;
- void *h;
- h = dlopen(filename, RTLD_GLOBAL | RTLD_LAZY);
- if (h)
- ret = 0;
- else
- ret = -1;
- } else {
- ret = tcc_load_dll(s1, fd, filename,
- (flags & AFF_REFERENCED_DLL) != 0);
- }
- } else {
- error_noabort("unrecognized ELF file");
- goto fail;
- }
- } else if (memcmp((char *)&ehdr, ARMAG, 8) == 0) {
- file->line_num = 0; /* do not display line number if error */
- ret = tcc_load_archive(s1, fd);
- } else
- if (*(uint16_t *)(&ehdr) == COFF_C67_MAGIC) {
- ret = tcc_load_coff(s1, fd);
- } else
- if (pe_test_res_file(&ehdr, ret)) {
- ret = pe_load_res_file(s1, fd);
- } else
- {
- /* as GNU ld, consider it is an ld script if not recognized */
- try_load_script:
- ret = tcc_load_ldscript(s1);
- if (ret < 0) {
- error_noabort("unrecognized file type");
- goto fail;
- }
- }
- }
- the_end:
- tcc_close(file);
- fail1:
- file = saved_file;
- return ret;
- fail:
- ret = -1;
- goto the_end;
-int tcc_add_file(TCCState *s, const char *filename)
- if (s->output_type == TCC_OUTPUT_PREPROCESS)
- return tcc_add_file_internal(s, filename, AFF_PRINT_ERROR | AFF_PREPROCESS);
- else
- return tcc_add_file_internal(s, filename, AFF_PRINT_ERROR);
-int tcc_add_library_path(TCCState *s, const char *pathname)
- char *pathname1;
- pathname1 = tcc_strdup(pathname);
- dynarray_add((void ***)&s->library_paths, &s->nb_library_paths, pathname1);
- return 0;
-/* find and load a dll. Return non zero if not found */
-/* XXX: add '-rpath' option support ? */
-static int tcc_add_dll(TCCState *s, const char *filename, int flags)
- char buf[1024];
- int i;
- for(i = 0; i < s->nb_library_paths; i++) {
- snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s/%s",
- s->library_paths[i], filename);
- if (tcc_add_file_internal(s, buf, flags) == 0)
- return 0;
- }
- return -1;
-/* the library name is the same as the argument of the '-l' option */
-int tcc_add_library(TCCState *s, const char *libraryname)
- char buf[1024];
- int i;
- /* first we look for the dynamic library if not static linking */
- if (!s->static_link) {
- snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s.def", libraryname);
- snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "", libraryname);
- if (tcc_add_dll(s, buf, 0) == 0)
- return 0;
- }
- /* then we look for the static library */
- for(i = 0; i < s->nb_library_paths; i++) {
- snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s/lib%s.a",
- s->library_paths[i], libraryname);
- if (tcc_add_file_internal(s, buf, 0) == 0)
- return 0;
- }
- return -1;
-int tcc_add_symbol(TCCState *s, const char *name, void *val)
- add_elf_sym(symtab_section, (unsigned long)val, 0,
- SHN_ABS, name);
- return 0;
-int tcc_set_output_type(TCCState *s, int output_type)
- char buf[1024];
- s->output_type = output_type;
- if (!s->nostdinc) {
- /* default include paths */
- /* XXX: reverse order needed if -isystem support */
-#ifndef TCC_TARGET_PE
- tcc_add_sysinclude_path(s, CONFIG_SYSROOT "/usr/local/include");
- tcc_add_sysinclude_path(s, CONFIG_SYSROOT "/usr/include");
- snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s/include", s->tcc_lib_path);
- tcc_add_sysinclude_path(s, buf);
- snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s/include/winapi", s->tcc_lib_path);
- tcc_add_sysinclude_path(s, buf);
- }
- /* if bound checking, then add corresponding sections */
- if (s->do_bounds_check) {
- /* define symbol */
- tcc_define_symbol(s, "__BOUNDS_CHECKING_ON", NULL);
- /* create bounds sections */
- bounds_section = new_section(s, ".bounds",
- lbounds_section = new_section(s, ".lbounds",
- }
- if (s->char_is_unsigned) {
- tcc_define_symbol(s, "__CHAR_UNSIGNED__", NULL);
- }
- /* add debug sections */
- if (s->do_debug) {
- /* stab symbols */
- stab_section = new_section(s, ".stab", SHT_PROGBITS, 0);
- stab_section->sh_entsize = sizeof(Stab_Sym);
- stabstr_section = new_section(s, ".stabstr", SHT_STRTAB, 0);
- put_elf_str(stabstr_section, "");
- stab_section->link = stabstr_section;
- /* put first entry */
- put_stabs("", 0, 0, 0, 0);
- }
- /* add libc crt1/crti objects */
-#ifndef TCC_TARGET_PE
- if ((output_type == TCC_OUTPUT_EXE || output_type == TCC_OUTPUT_DLL) &&
- !s->nostdlib) {
- if (output_type != TCC_OUTPUT_DLL)
- tcc_add_file(s, CONFIG_TCC_CRT_PREFIX "/crt1.o");
- tcc_add_file(s, CONFIG_TCC_CRT_PREFIX "/crti.o");
- }
- snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s/lib", s->tcc_lib_path);
- tcc_add_library_path(s, buf);
- return 0;
-#define WD_ALL 0x0001 /* warning is activated when using -Wall */
-#define FD_INVERT 0x0002 /* invert value before storing */
-typedef struct FlagDef {
- uint16_t offset;
- uint16_t flags;
- const char *name;
-} FlagDef;
-static FlagDef warning_defs[] = {
- { 0, 0, "unsupported" },
- { 0, 0, "write-strings" },
- { 0, 0, "error" },
- { 0, WD_ALL, "implicit-function-declaration" }
-void _init_warning_defs(void) {
- warning_defs[0].offset = offsetof(TCCState, warn_unsupported);
- warning_defs[1].offset = offsetof(TCCState, warn_write_strings);
- warning_defs[2].offset = offsetof(TCCState, warn_error);
- warning_defs[3].offset = offsetof(TCCState, warn_implicit_function_declaration);
-static int set_flag(TCCState *s, const FlagDef *flags, int nb_flags,
- const char *name, int value)
- int i;
- const FlagDef *p;
- const char *r;
- r = name;
- if (r[0] == 'n' && r[1] == 'o' && r[2] == '-') {
- r += 3;
- value = !value;
- }
- for(i = 0, p = flags; i < nb_flags; i++, p++) {
- if (!strcmp(r, p->name))
- goto found;
- }
- return -1;
- found:
- if (p->flags & FD_INVERT)
- value = !value;
- *(int *)((uint8_t *)s + p->offset) = value;
- return 0;
-/* set/reset a warning */
-int tcc_set_warning(TCCState *s, const char *warning_name, int value)
- int i;
- const FlagDef *p;
- if (!strcmp(warning_name, "all")) {
- for(i = 0, p = warning_defs; i < countof(warning_defs); i++, p++) {
- if (p->flags & WD_ALL)
- *(int *)((uint8_t *)s + p->offset) = 1;
- }
- return 0;
- } else {
- return set_flag(s, warning_defs, countof(warning_defs),
- warning_name, value);
- }
-static FlagDef flag_defs[] = {
- { 0, 0, "unsigned-char" },
- { 0, FD_INVERT, "signed-char" },
- { 0, FD_INVERT, "common" },
- { 0, 0, "leading-underscore" }
-void _init_flag_defs(void) {
- flag_defs[0].offset = offsetof(TCCState, char_is_unsigned);
- flag_defs[1].offset = offsetof(TCCState, char_is_unsigned);
- flag_defs[2].offset = offsetof(TCCState, nocommon);
- flag_defs[3].offset = offsetof(TCCState, leading_underscore);
-/* set/reset a flag */
-int tcc_set_flag(TCCState *s, const char *flag_name, int value)
- return set_flag(s, flag_defs, countof(flag_defs),
- flag_name, value);
-/* set CONFIG_TCCDIR at runtime */
-void tcc_set_lib_path(TCCState *s, const char *path)
- s->tcc_lib_path = tcc_strdup(path);
-void tcc_print_stats(TCCState *s, int64_t total_time)
- double tt;
- tt = (double)total_time / 1000000.0;
- if (tt < 0.001)
- tt = 0.001;
- if (total_bytes < 1)
- total_bytes = 1;
- printf("%d idents, %d lines, %d bytes, %0.3f s, %d lines/s, %0.1f MB/s\n",
- tok_ident - TOK_IDENT, total_lines, total_bytes,
- tt, (int)(total_lines / tt),
- total_bytes / tt / 1000000.0);
diff --git a/05/tcc-0.9.25/libtcc.h b/05/tcc-0.9.25/libtcc.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 96070e2..0000000
--- a/05/tcc-0.9.25/libtcc.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,108 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef LIBTCC_H
-#define LIBTCC_H
-#define LIBTCCAPI __declspec(dllexport)
-#define LIBTCCAPI
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
-struct TCCState;
-typedef struct TCCState TCCState;
-/* create a new TCC compilation context */
-LIBTCCAPI TCCState *tcc_new(void);
-/* free a TCC compilation context */
-LIBTCCAPI void tcc_delete(TCCState *s);
-/* add debug information in the generated code */
-LIBTCCAPI void tcc_enable_debug(TCCState *s);
-/* set error/warning display callback */
-LIBTCCAPI void tcc_set_error_func(TCCState *s, void *error_opaque,
- void (*error_func)(void *opaque, const char *msg));
-/* set/reset a warning */
-LIBTCCAPI int tcc_set_warning(TCCState *s, const char *warning_name, int value);
-/* preprocessor */
-/* add include path */
-LIBTCCAPI int tcc_add_include_path(TCCState *s, const char *pathname);
-/* add in system include path */
-LIBTCCAPI int tcc_add_sysinclude_path(TCCState *s, const char *pathname);
-/* define preprocessor symbol 'sym'. Can put optional value */
-LIBTCCAPI void tcc_define_symbol(TCCState *s, const char *sym, const char *value);
-/* undefine preprocess symbol 'sym' */
-LIBTCCAPI void tcc_undefine_symbol(TCCState *s, const char *sym);
-/* compiling */
-/* add a file (either a C file, dll, an object, a library or an ld
- script). Return -1 if error. */
-LIBTCCAPI int tcc_add_file(TCCState *s, const char *filename);
-/* compile a string containing a C source. Return non zero if
- error. */
-LIBTCCAPI int tcc_compile_string(TCCState *s, const char *buf);
-/* linking commands */
-/* set output type. MUST BE CALLED before any compilation */
-#define TCC_OUTPUT_MEMORY 0 /* output will be ran in memory (no
- output file) (default) */
-#define TCC_OUTPUT_EXE 1 /* executable file */
-#define TCC_OUTPUT_DLL 2 /* dynamic library */
-#define TCC_OUTPUT_OBJ 3 /* object file */
-#define TCC_OUTPUT_PREPROCESS 4 /* preprocessed file (used internally) */
-LIBTCCAPI int tcc_set_output_type(TCCState *s, int output_type);
-#define TCC_OUTPUT_FORMAT_ELF 0 /* default output format: ELF */
-#define TCC_OUTPUT_FORMAT_BINARY 1 /* binary image output */
-/* equivalent to -Lpath option */
-LIBTCCAPI int tcc_add_library_path(TCCState *s, const char *pathname);
-/* the library name is the same as the argument of the '-l' option */
-LIBTCCAPI int tcc_add_library(TCCState *s, const char *libraryname);
-/* add a symbol to the compiled program */
-LIBTCCAPI int tcc_add_symbol(TCCState *s, const char *name, void *val);
-/* output an executable, library or object file. DO NOT call
- tcc_relocate() before. */
-LIBTCCAPI int tcc_output_file(TCCState *s, const char *filename);
-/* link and run main() function and return its value. DO NOT call
- tcc_relocate() before. */
-LIBTCCAPI int tcc_run(TCCState *s, int argc, char **argv);
-/* copy code into memory passed in by the caller and do all relocations
- (needed before using tcc_get_symbol()).
- returns -1 on error and required size if ptr is NULL */
-LIBTCCAPI int tcc_relocate(TCCState *s1, void *ptr);
-/* return symbol value or NULL if not found */
-LIBTCCAPI void *tcc_get_symbol(TCCState *s, const char *name);
-/* set CONFIG_TCCDIR at runtime */
-LIBTCCAPI void tcc_set_lib_path(TCCState *s, const char *path);
-#ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/05/tcc-0.9.25/limits.h b/05/tcc-0.9.25/limits.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 633e9ff..0000000
--- a/05/tcc-0.9.25/limits.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef _LIMITS_H
-#define _LIMITS_H
-#include <stdc_common.h> // we define all the relevant constants here
-#endif // _LIMITS_H
diff --git a/05/tcc-0.9.25/locale.h b/05/tcc-0.9.25/locale.h
deleted file mode 100644
index af90729..0000000
--- a/05/tcc-0.9.25/locale.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef _LOCALE_H
-#define _LOCALE_H
-#include <stdc_common.h>
-struct lconv {
- char *decimal_point; /* "." */
- char *thousands_sep; /* "" */
- char *grouping; /* "" */
- char *int_curr_symbol; /* "" */
- char *currency_symbol; /* "" */
- char *mon_decimal_point; /* "" */
- char *mon_thousands_sep; /* "" */
- char *mon_grouping; /* "" */
- char *positive_sign; /* "" */
- char *negative_sign; /* "" */
- char int_frac_digits; /* CHAR_MAX */
- char frac_digits; /* CHAR_MAX */
- char p_cs_precedes; /* CHAR_MAX */
- char p_sep_by_space; /* CHAR_MAX */
- char n_cs_precedes; /* CHAR_MAX */
- char n_sep_by_space; /* CHAR_MAX */
- char p_sign_posn; /* CHAR_MAX */
- char n_sign_posn; /* CHAR_MAX */
-// these are GCC's constants, but it doesn't really matter which constants we use.
-#define LC_ALL 6
-#define LC_COLLATE 3
-#define LC_CTYPE 0
-#define LC_MONETARY 4
-#define LC_NUMERIC 1
-#define LC_TIME 2
-char *setlocale(int category, char *locale) {
- if (!locale) return "C";
- if (*locale == 'C' && !locale[1]) {
- // yep
- return "C";
- }
- // we only support the C locale
- return NULL;
-struct lconv *localeconv(void) {
- static struct lconv conv = {
- ".",
- "", "", "",
- "", "", "",
- "", "", "",
- };
- return &conv;
-#endif // _LOCALE_H
diff --git a/05/tcc-0.9.25/math.h b/05/tcc-0.9.25/math.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 7b029ac..0000000
--- a/05/tcc-0.9.25/math.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,409 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef _MATH_H
-#define _MATH_H
-#include <stdc_common.h>
-#define HUGE_VAL _INFINITY // glibc defines HUGE_VAL as infinity (the C standard only requires it to be positive, funnily enough)
-#define _NAN (-(_INFINITY-_INFINITY))
-#define _PI 3.141592653589793
-#define _2PI 6.283185307179586
-#define _HALF_PI 1.5707963267948966
-#define _THREE_HALVES_PI 4.71238898038469
-// NOTE: these functions are not IEEE 754-compliant (the C standard doesn't require them to be), but they're pretty good
-double frexp(double value, int *exp) {
- if (value == 0) {
- *exp = 0;
- return 0;
- }
- unsigned long u = *(unsigned long *)&value, significand;
- *exp = ((u >> 52) & 0x7ff) - 1022;
- // replace exponent with 1022
- u &= 0x800fffffffffffff;
- u |= 0x3fe0000000000000;
- return *(double *)&u;
-double ldexp(double x, int exp) {
- int e;
- double y = frexp(x, &e);
- // since x = y * 2^e, x * 2^exp = y * 2^(e+exp)
- exp += e;
- if (exp < -1022) return 0;
- if (exp > 1023) return _INFINITY;
- unsigned long pow2 = (unsigned long)(exp + 1023) << 52;
- return y * *(double *)&pow2;
-double floor(double x) {
- if (x >= 0.0) {
- if (x > 1073741824.0 * 1073741824.0)
- return x; // floats this big must be integers
- return (unsigned long)x;
- } else {
- if (x < -1073741824.0 * 1073741824.0)
- return x; // floats this big must be integers
- double i = (long)x;
- if (x == i) return x;
- return i - 1.0;
- }
-double ceil(double x) {
- double f = floor(x);
- if (x == f) return f;
- return f + 1.;
-double fabs(double x) {
- // this is better than x >= 0 ? x : -x because it deals with -0 properly
- unsigned long u = *(unsigned long *)&x;
- u &= 0x7fffffffffffffff;
- return *(double *)&u;
-double fmod(double x, double y) {
- if (y == 0.0) {
- errno = EDOM;
- return 0.0;
- }
- return x - (floor(x / y) * y);
-double _sin_taylor(double x) {
- double i;
- double term = x;
- // taylor expansion for sin: x - x³/3! + xâµ/5! - ...
- //
- double prev = -1.0;
- double sum = 0.0;
- double c = 0.0;
- for (i = 0.0; i < 100.0 && sum != prev; ++i) {
- prev = sum;
- double y = term - c;
- double t = sum + y;
- c = (t - sum) - y;
- sum = t;
- term *= -(x * x) / ((2.0*i+2.0)*(2.0*i+3.0));
- }
- return sum;
-double _cos_taylor(double x) {
- double i;
- double term = 1.0;
- // taylor expansion for cos: 1 - x²/2! + xâ´/4! - ...
- //
- double prev = -1.0;
- double sum = 0.0;
- double c = 0.0;
- for (i = 0.0; i < 100.0 && sum != prev; ++i) {
- prev = sum;
- double y = term - c;
- double t = sum + y;
- c = (t - sum) - y;
- sum = t;
- term *= -(x * x) / ((2.0*i+1.0)*(2.0*i+2.0));
- }
- return sum;
-double sin(double x) {
- x = fmod(x, 2.0*_PI);
- // the Taylor series works best for small inputs. so, provide _sin_taylor with a value in the range [0,Ï€/2]
- if (x < _HALF_PI)
- return _sin_taylor(x);
- if (x < _PI)
- return _sin_taylor(_PI - x);
- if (x < _THREE_HALVES_PI)
- return -_sin_taylor(x - _PI);
- return -_sin_taylor(_2PI - x);
-double cos(double x) {
- x = fmod(x, 2.0*_PI);
- // the Taylor series works best for small inputs. so, provide _cos_taylor with a value in the range [0,Ï€/2]
- if (x < _HALF_PI)
- return _cos_taylor(x);
- if (x < _PI)
- return -_cos_taylor(_PI - x);
- if (x < _THREE_HALVES_PI)
- return -_cos_taylor(x - _PI);
- return _cos_taylor(_2PI - x);
-double tan(double x) {
- return sin(x)/cos(x);
-// for sqrt and the inverse trigonometric functions, we use Newton's method
-double sqrt(double x) {
- if (x < 0.0) {
- errno = EDOM;
- return _NAN;
- }
- if (x == 0.0) return 0.0;
- if (x == _INFINITY) return _INFINITY;
- // we want to find the root of: f(t) = t² - x
- // f'(t) = 2t
- int exp;
- double y = frexp(x, &exp);
- if (exp & 1) {
- y *= 2;
- --exp;
- }
- // newton's method will be slow for very small or very large numbers.
- // so we have ensured that
- // 0.5 ≤ y < 2
- // and also x = y * 2^exp; sqrt(x) = sqrt(y) * 2^(exp/2) NB: we've ensured that exp is even
- // 7 iterations seems to be more than enough for any number
- double t = y;
- t = (y / t + t) * 0.5;
- t = (y / t + t) * 0.5;
- t = (y / t + t) * 0.5;
- t = (y / t + t) * 0.5;
- t = (y / t + t) * 0.5;
- t = (y / t + t) * 0.5;
- t = (y / t + t) * 0.5;
- return ldexp(t, exp>>1);
-double _acos_newton(double x) {
- // we want to find the root of: f(t) = cos(t) - x
- // f'(t) = -sin(t)
- double t = _HALF_PI - x; // reasonably good first approximation
- double prev_t = -100.0;
- int i;
- for (i = 0; i < 100 && prev_t != t; ++i) {
- prev_t = t;
- t += (cos(t) - x) / sin(t);
- }
- return t;
-double _asin_newton(double x) {
- // we want to find the root of: f(t) = sin(t) - x
- // f'(t) = cos(t)
- double t = x; // reasonably good first approximation
- double prev_t = -100.0;
- int i;
- for (i = 0; i < 100 && prev_t != t; ++i) {
- prev_t = t;
- t += (x - sin(t)) / cos(t);
- }
- return t;
-double acos(double x) {
- if (x > 1.0 || x < -1.0) {
- errno = EDOM;
- return _NAN;
- }
- // Newton's method doesn't work well near -1 and 1, because f(x) / f'(x) is very large.
- if (x > 0.8)
- return _asin_newton(sqrt(1-x*x));
- if (x < -0.8)
- return _PI-_asin_newton(sqrt(1-x*x));
- return _acos_newton(x);
-double asin(double x) {
- if (x > 1.0 || x < -1.0) {
- errno = EDOM;
- return _NAN;
- }
- // Newton's method doesn't work well near -1 and 1, because f(x) / f'(x) is very large.
- if (x > 0.8)
- return _acos_newton(sqrt(1.0-x*x));
- if (x < -0.8)
- return -_acos_newton(sqrt(1.0-x*x));
- return _asin_newton(x);
-double atan(double x) {
- // the formula below breaks for really large inputs; tan(10^20) as a double is indistinguishable from pi/2 anyways
- if (x > 1e20) return _HALF_PI;
- if (x < -1e20) return -_HALF_PI;
- // we can use a nice trigonometric identity here
- return asin(x / sqrt(1+x*x));
-double atan2(double y, double x) {
- if (x == 0.0) {
- if (y > 0.0) return _HALF_PI;
- if (y < 0.0) return -_HALF_PI;
- return 0.0; // this is what IEEE 754 does
- }
- double a = atan(y/x);
- if (x > 0.0) {
- return a;
- } else if (y > 0.0) {
- return a + _PI;
- } else {
- return a - _PI;
- }
-double _exp_taylor(double x) {
- double i;
- double term = 1.0;
- // taylor expansion for exp: 1 + x/1! + x²/2! + ...
- //
- double prev = -1.0;
- double sum = 0.0;
- double c = 0.0;
- for (i = 1.0; i < 100.0 && sum != prev; ++i) {
- prev = sum;
- double y = term - c;
- double t = sum + y;
- c = (t - sum) - y;
- sum = t;
- term *= x / i;
- }
- return sum;
-double exp(double x) {
- if (x > 709.782712893384) {
- errno = ERANGE;
- return _INFINITY;
- }
- if (x == 0.0) return 1;
- if (x < -744.4400719213812)
- return 0;
- int i, e;
- double y = frexp(x, &e);
- if (e < 1.0) return _exp_taylor(x);
- // the taylor series doesn't work well for large x (positive or negative),
- // so we use the fact that exp(y*2^e) = exp(y)^(2^e)
- double value = _exp_taylor(y);
- for (i = 0; i < e; ++i)
- value *= value;
- return value;
-#define _LOG2 0.6931471805599453
-double log(double x) {
- if (x < 0.0) {
- errno = EDOM;
- return _NAN;
- }
- if (x == 0.0) return -_INFINITY;
- if (x == 1.0) return 0.0;
- int e;
- double sum;
- double a = frexp(x, &e);
- // since x = a * 2^e, log(x) = log(a) + log(2^e) = log(a) + e log(2)
- sum = e * _LOG2;
- // now that a is in [1/2,1), the series log(a) = (a-1) - (a-1)²/2 + (a-1)³/3 - ... converges quickly
- a -= 1;
- //
- double prev = HUGE_VAL;
- double c = 0;
- double term = a;
- double i;
- for (i = 1.0; i < 100.0 && sum != prev; ++i) {
- prev = sum;
- double y = term / i - c;
- double t = sum + y;
- c = (t - sum) - y;
- sum = t;
- term *= -a;
- }
- return sum;
-#define _INVLOG10 0.43429448190325176 // = 1/log(10)
-double log10(double x) {
- return log(x) * _INVLOG10;
-double modf(double value, double *iptr) {
- double m = fmod(value, 1.0);
- if (value >= 0.0) {
- *iptr = value - m;
- return m;
- } else if (m == 0.0) {
- *iptr = value;
- return 0.0;
- } else {
- *iptr = value - m + 1.0;
- return m - 1.0;
- }
-// double raised to the power of an integer
-double _dpowi(double x, unsigned long y) {
- double result = 1.0;
- if (y & 1) {
- --y;
- result *= x;
- }
- if (y > 0) {
- double p = _dpowi(x, y >> 1);
- result *= p * p;
- }
- return result;
-double pow(double x, double y) {
- if (x > 0.0) {
- return exp(y * log(x));
- } else if (x < 0.0) {
- if (fmod(y, 1.0) != 0) {
- errno = EDOM;
- return _NAN;
- }
- if (y > 1.6602069666338597e+19)
- return x < -1. ? -_INFINITY : 0.;
- if (y < -1.6602069666338597e+19)
- return x < -1. ? 0. : -_INFINITY;
- return _dpowi(x, (unsigned long)y);
- } else {
- if (y < 0) {
- errno = EDOM;
- return _NAN;
- }
- if (y > 0) {
- // 0^x = 0 for x>0
- return 0.;
- }
- // 0^0 = 1
- return 1.;
- }
-double cosh(double x) {
- double e = exp(x);
- return (e + 1./e) * 0.5;
-double sinh(double x) {
- double e = exp(x);
- return (e - 1./e) * 0.5;
-double tanh(double x) {
- if (x > 20.0) return 1.;
- if (x < -20.0) return -1.;
- double e = exp(x);
- double f = 1./e;
- return (e - f) / (e + f);
-#endif // _MATH_H
diff --git a/05/tcc-0.9.25/setjmp.h b/05/tcc-0.9.25/setjmp.h
deleted file mode 100644
index b3ffce1..0000000
--- a/05/tcc-0.9.25/setjmp.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef _SETJMP_H
-#define _SETJMP_H
-#include <stdc_common.h>
-typedef long jmp_buf[3];
-// @NONSTANDARD: we don't actually support setjmp
-int setjmp(jmp_buf env) {
- return 0;
-void __longjmp(jmp_buf env, int val, const char *filename, int line) {
- fprintf(stderr, "Error: Tried to longjmp from %s:%d with value %d\n", filename, line, val);
- _Exit(-1);
-#define longjmp(env, val) __longjmp(env, val, __FILE__, __LINE__)
diff --git a/05/tcc-0.9.25/signal.h b/05/tcc-0.9.25/signal.h
deleted file mode 100644
index ded960c..0000000
--- a/05/tcc-0.9.25/signal.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,253 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef _SIGNAL_H
-#define _SIGNAL_H
-#include <stdc_common.h>
-typedef long sig_atomic_t; // there are no "asynchronous interrupts"
-#define SIG_DFL ((void *)0)
-#define SIG_IGN _sig_ign
-#define SIG_ERR ((void *)-1)
-typedef void (*_Sighandler)(int);
-struct sigaction {
- void (*sa_handler)(int);
- #define sa_sigaction sa_handler
- unsigned long sa_flags;
- void (*sa_restorer)(void);
- unsigned long sa_mask;
-unsigned char _signal_restorer[] = {
- 0x48,0xb8,15,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, // mov rax, 15 (sigreturn)
- 0x0f,0x05 // syscall
-#define _SIGNAL_HANDLERS 0xfff000
-#define _LE64(x) (x)&0xff, ((x)>> 8)&0xff, ((x)>>16)&0xff, ((x)>>24)&0xff, \
- ((x)>>32)&0xff, ((x)>>40)&0xff, ((x)>>48)&0xff, (x)>>56
-// we need to do this weird indirection because linux has a different
-// calling convention from us.
-unsigned char _signal_handler[] = {
- // signal # passed in rdi
- 0x48,0x89,0xf8, // mov rax, rdi (signal #)
- 0x50, // push rax
- 0x50, // push rax (allocate space for return value)
- 0x48,0xb8,_LE64(_SIGNAL_HANDLERS), // mov rax, _SIGNAL_HANDLERS
- 0x48,0x89,0xc3, // mov rbx, rax
- 0x48,0x89,0xf8, // mov rax, rdi (signal #)
- 0x48,0xc1,0xe0,0x03, // shl rax, 3
- 0x48,0x01,0xd8, // add rax, rbx
- 0x48,0x89,0xc3, // mov rbx, rax
- 0x48,0x8b,0x03, // mov rax, [rbx]
- 0xff,0xd0, // call rax
- 0x48,0x81,0xc4,16,0,0,0, // add rsp, 16
- 0xc3 // ret
-#define _SA_RESTORER 0x04000000
-#define SA_SIGINFO 4
-#define SA_RESETHAND 0x80000000
-int __sigaction(int signum, const struct sigaction *act, struct sigaction *oldact) {
- return __syscall(13, signum, act, oldact, 8, 0, 0);
-void sigemptyset(unsigned long *set) {
- *set = 0;
-void _sig_ign(int signal) {
- return;
-static unsigned long _sig_mask = 0;
-_Sighandler signal(int sig, _Sighandler func) {
- void **handlers = _SIGNAL_HANDLERS;
- _Sighandler ret = handlers[sig];
- if (func == SIG_IGN) {
- func = _sig_ign;
- }
- handlers[sig] = func;
- if (func == SIG_DFL) {
- _sig_mask &= ~(1ul << (sig-1));
- } else {
- _sig_mask |= 1ul << (sig-1);
- }
- struct sigaction act = {0};
- act.sa_handler = func == SIG_DFL ? SIG_DFL : (void*)_signal_handler;
- act.sa_mask = _sig_mask;
- act.sa_flags = _SA_RESTORER;
- act.sa_restorer = _signal_restorer;
- __sigaction(sig, &act, NULL);
- return ret;
-int raise(int signal) {
- return kill(getpid(), signal);
-#define FPE_INTDIV 1
-#define FPE_FLTDIV 3
-#define __SI_MAX_SIZE 128
-#if __WORDSIZE == 64
-# define __SI_PAD_SIZE ((__SI_MAX_SIZE / sizeof (int)) - 4)
-# define __SI_PAD_SIZE ((__SI_MAX_SIZE / sizeof (int)) - 3)
-#ifndef __SI_ALIGNMENT
-# define __SI_ALIGNMENT /* nothing */
-#ifndef __SI_BAND_TYPE
-# define __SI_BAND_TYPE long int
-#ifndef __SI_CLOCK_T
-# define __SI_CLOCK_T __clock_t
-# define __SI_ERRNO_THEN_CODE 1
-#ifndef __SI_HAVE_SIGSYS
-# define __SI_HAVE_SIGSYS 1
-# define __SI_SIGFAULT_ADDL /* nothing */
-typedef int __pid_t;
-typedef unsigned __uid_t;
-union __sigval
- int __sival_int;
- void *__sival_ptr;
-typedef union __sigval __sigval_t;
-typedef long __clock_t;
-typedef struct
- {
- int si_signo; /* Signal number. */
- int si_errno; /* If non-zero, an errno value associated with
- this signal, as defined in <errno.h>. */
- int si_code; /* Signal code. */
- int si_code;
- int si_errno;
-#if __WORDSIZE == 64
- int __pad0; /* Explicit padding. */
- union
- {
- int _pad[__SI_PAD_SIZE];
- /* kill(). */
- struct
- {
- __pid_t si_pid; /* Sending process ID. */
- __uid_t si_uid; /* Real user ID of sending process. */
- } _kill;
- /* POSIX.1b timers. */
- struct
- {
- int si_tid; /* Timer ID. */
- int si_overrun; /* Overrun count. */
- __sigval_t si_sigval; /* Signal value. */
- } _timer;
- /* POSIX.1b signals. */
- struct
- {
- __pid_t si_pid; /* Sending process ID. */
- __uid_t si_uid; /* Real user ID of sending process. */
- __sigval_t si_sigval; /* Signal value. */
- } _rt;
- /* SIGCHLD. */
- struct
- {
- __pid_t si_pid; /* Which child. */
- __uid_t si_uid; /* Real user ID of sending process. */
- int si_status; /* Exit value or signal. */
- __SI_CLOCK_T si_utime;
- __SI_CLOCK_T si_stime;
- } _sigchld;
- struct
- {
- void *si_addr; /* Faulting insn/memory ref. */
- short int si_addr_lsb; /* Valid LSB of the reported address. */
- union
- {
- /* used when si_code=SEGV_BNDERR */
- struct
- {
- void *_lower;
- void *_upper;
- } _addr_bnd;
- /* used when si_code=SEGV_PKUERR */
- uint32_t _pkey;
- } _bounds;
- } _sigfault;
- /* SIGPOLL. */
- struct
- {
- __SI_BAND_TYPE si_band; /* Band event for SIGPOLL. */
- int si_fd;
- } _sigpoll;
- /* SIGSYS. */
- struct
- {
- void *_call_addr; /* Calling user insn. */
- int _syscall; /* Triggering system call number. */
- unsigned int _arch; /* AUDIT_ARCH_* of syscall. */
- } _sigsys;
- } _sifields;
- } siginfo_t __SI_ALIGNMENT;
-/* X/Open requires some more fields with fixed names. */
-#define si_pid _sifields._kill.si_pid
-#define si_uid _sifields._kill.si_uid
-#define si_timerid _sifields._timer.si_tid
-#define si_overrun _sifields._timer.si_overrun
-#define si_status _sifields._sigchld.si_status
-#define si_utime _sifields._sigchld.si_utime
-#define si_stime _sifields._sigchld.si_stime
-#define si_value _sifields._rt.si_sigval
-#define si_int _sifields._rt.si_sigval.sival_int
-#define si_ptr _sifields._rt.si_sigval.sival_ptr
-#define si_addr _sifields._sigfault.si_addr
-#define si_addr_lsb _sifields._sigfault.si_addr_lsb
-#define si_lower _sifields._sigfault._bounds._addr_bnd._lower
-#define si_upper _sifields._sigfault._bounds._addr_bnd._upper
-#define si_pkey _sifields._sigfault._bounds._pkey
-#define si_band _sifields._sigpoll.si_band
-#define si_fd _sifields._sigpoll.si_fd
-# define si_call_addr _sifields._sigsys._call_addr
-# define si_syscall _sifields._sigsys._syscall
-# define si_arch _sifields._sigsys._arch
-#endif // _SIGNAL_H
diff --git a/05/tcc-0.9.25/stab.def b/05/tcc-0.9.25/stab.def
deleted file mode 100644
index 3d10ca6..0000000
--- a/05/tcc-0.9.25/stab.def
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,238 +0,0 @@
-/* Table of DBX symbol codes for the GNU system.
- Copyright (C) 1988, 1997 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- This file is part of the GNU C Library.
- The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as
- published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
- License, or (at your option) any later version.
- The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- Library General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
- License along with the GNU C Library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not,
- write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
- Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-/* This contains contribution from Cygnus Support. */
-#if 0
- // random page break character for some reason
-/* Global variable. Only the name is significant.
- To find the address, look in the corresponding external symbol. */
-__define_stab (N_GSYM, 0x20, "GSYM")
-/* Function name for BSD Fortran. Only the name is significant.
- To find the address, look in the corresponding external symbol. */
-__define_stab (N_FNAME, 0x22, "FNAME")
-/* Function name or text-segment variable for C. Value is its address.
- Desc is supposedly starting line number, but GCC doesn't set it
- and DBX seems not to miss it. */
-__define_stab (N_FUN, 0x24, "FUN")
-/* Data-segment variable with internal linkage. Value is its address.
- "Static Sym". */
-__define_stab (N_STSYM, 0x26, "STSYM")
-/* BSS-segment variable with internal linkage. Value is its address. */
-__define_stab (N_LCSYM, 0x28, "LCSYM")
-/* Name of main routine. Only the name is significant.
- This is not used in C. */
-__define_stab (N_MAIN, 0x2a, "MAIN")
-/* Global symbol in Pascal.
- Supposedly the value is its line number; I'm skeptical. */
-__define_stab (N_PC, 0x30, "PC")
-/* Number of symbols: 0, files,,funcs,lines according to Ultrix V4.0. */
-__define_stab (N_NSYMS, 0x32, "NSYMS")
-/* "No DST map for sym: name, ,0,type,ignored" according to Ultrix V4.0. */
-__define_stab (N_NOMAP, 0x34, "NOMAP")
-/* New stab from Solaris. I don't know what it means, but it
- don't seem to contain useful information. */
-__define_stab (N_OBJ, 0x38, "OBJ")
-/* New stab from Solaris. I don't know what it means, but it
- don't seem to contain useful information. Possibly related to the
- optimization flags used in this module. */
-__define_stab (N_OPT, 0x3c, "OPT")
-/* Register variable. Value is number of register. */
-__define_stab (N_RSYM, 0x40, "RSYM")
-/* Modula-2 compilation unit. Can someone say what info it contains? */
-__define_stab (N_M2C, 0x42, "M2C")
-/* Line number in text segment. Desc is the line number;
- value is corresponding address. */
-__define_stab (N_SLINE, 0x44, "SLINE")
-/* Similar, for data segment. */
-__define_stab (N_DSLINE, 0x46, "DSLINE")
-/* Similar, for bss segment. */
-__define_stab (N_BSLINE, 0x48, "BSLINE")
-/* Sun's source-code browser stabs. ?? Don't know what the fields are.
- Supposedly the field is "path to associated .cb file". THIS VALUE
-__define_stab (N_BROWS, 0x48, "BROWS")
-/* GNU Modula-2 definition module dependency. Value is the modification time
- of the definition file. Other is non-zero if it is imported with the
- GNU M2 keyword %INITIALIZE. Perhaps N_M2C can be used if there
- are enough empty fields? */
-__define_stab(N_DEFD, 0x4a, "DEFD")
-/* THE FOLLOWING TWO STAB VALUES CONFLICT. Happily, one is for Modula-2
- and one is for C++. Still,... */
-/* GNU C++ exception variable. Name is variable name. */
-__define_stab (N_EHDECL, 0x50, "EHDECL")
-/* Modula2 info "for imc": name,,0,0,0 according to Ultrix V4.0. */
-__define_stab (N_MOD2, 0x50, "MOD2")
-/* GNU C++ `catch' clause. Value is its address. Desc is nonzero if
- this entry is immediately followed by a CAUGHT stab saying what exception
- was caught. Multiple CAUGHT stabs means that multiple exceptions
- can be caught here. If Desc is 0, it means all exceptions are caught
- here. */
-__define_stab (N_CATCH, 0x54, "CATCH")
-/* Structure or union element. Value is offset in the structure. */
-__define_stab (N_SSYM, 0x60, "SSYM")
-/* Name of main source file.
- Value is starting text address of the compilation. */
-__define_stab (N_SO, 0x64, "SO")
-/* Automatic variable in the stack. Value is offset from frame pointer.
- Also used for type descriptions. */
-__define_stab (N_LSYM, 0x80, "LSYM")
-/* Beginning of an include file. Only Sun uses this.
- In an object file, only the name is significant.
- The Sun linker puts data into some of the other fields. */
-__define_stab (N_BINCL, 0x82, "BINCL")
-/* Name of sub-source file (#include file).
- Value is starting text address of the compilation. */
-__define_stab (N_SOL, 0x84, "SOL")
-/* Parameter variable. Value is offset from argument pointer.
- (On most machines the argument pointer is the same as the frame pointer. */
-__define_stab (N_PSYM, 0xa0, "PSYM")
-/* End of an include file. No name.
- This and N_BINCL act as brackets around the file's output.
- In an object file, there is no significant data in this entry.
- The Sun linker puts data into some of the fields. */
-__define_stab (N_EINCL, 0xa2, "EINCL")
-/* Alternate entry point. Value is its address. */
-__define_stab (N_ENTRY, 0xa4, "ENTRY")
-/* Beginning of lexical block.
- The desc is the nesting level in lexical blocks.
- The value is the address of the start of the text for the block.
- The variables declared inside the block *precede* the N_LBRAC symbol. */
-__define_stab (N_LBRAC, 0xc0, "LBRAC")
-/* Place holder for deleted include file. Replaces a N_BINCL and everything
- up to the corresponding N_EINCL. The Sun linker generates these when
- it finds multiple identical copies of the symbols from an include file.
- This appears only in output from the Sun linker. */
-__define_stab (N_EXCL, 0xc2, "EXCL")
-/* Modula-2 scope information. Can someone say what info it contains? */
-__define_stab (N_SCOPE, 0xc4, "SCOPE")
-/* End of a lexical block. Desc matches the N_LBRAC's desc.
- The value is the address of the end of the text for the block. */
-__define_stab (N_RBRAC, 0xe0, "RBRAC")
-/* Begin named common block. Only the name is significant. */
-__define_stab (N_BCOMM, 0xe2, "BCOMM")
-/* End named common block. Only the name is significant
- (and it should match the N_BCOMM). */
-__define_stab (N_ECOMM, 0xe4, "ECOMM")
-/* End common (local name): value is address.
- I'm not sure how this is used. */
-__define_stab (N_ECOML, 0xe8, "ECOML")
-/* These STAB's are used on Gould systems for Non-Base register symbols
- or something like that. FIXME. I have assigned the values at random
- since I don't have a Gould here. Fixups from Gould folk welcome... */
-__define_stab (N_NBTEXT, 0xF0, "NBTEXT")
-__define_stab (N_NBDATA, 0xF2, "NBDATA")
-__define_stab (N_NBBSS, 0xF4, "NBBSS")
-__define_stab (N_NBSTS, 0xF6, "NBSTS")
-__define_stab (N_NBLCS, 0xF8, "NBLCS")
-/* Second symbol entry containing a length-value for the preceding entry.
- The value is the length. */
-__define_stab (N_LENG, 0xfe, "LENG")
-#if 0
- // random page break character for some reason
-/* The above information, in matrix format.
- _________________________________________________
- | 00 - 1F are not dbx stab symbols |
- | In most cases, the low bit is the EXTernal bit|
- | 00 UNDEF | 02 ABS | 04 TEXT | 06 DATA |
- | 01 |EXT | 03 |EXT | 05 |EXT | 07 |EXT |
- | 08 BSS | 0A INDR | 0C FN_SEQ | 0E |
- | 09 |EXT | 0B | 0D | 0F |
- | 10 | 12 COMM | 14 SETA | 16 SETT |
- | 11 | 13 | 15 | 17 |
- | 18 SETD | 1A SETB | 1C SETV | 1E WARNING|
- | 19 | 1B | 1D | 1F FN |
- |_______________________________________________|
- | Debug entries with bit 01 set are unused. |
- | 20 GSYM | 22 FNAME | 24 FUN | 26 STSYM |
- | 28 LCSYM | 2A MAIN | 2C | 2E |
- | 30 PC | 32 NSYMS | 34 NOMAP | 36 |
- | 38 OBJ | 3A | 3C OPT | 3E |
- | 40 RSYM | 42 M2C | 44 SLINE | 46 DSLINE |
- | 48 BSLINE*| 4A DEFD | 4C | 4E |
- | 50 EHDECL*| 52 | 54 CATCH | 56 |
- | 58 | 5A | 5C | 5E |
- | 60 SSYM | 62 | 64 SO | 66 |
- | 68 | 6A | 6C | 6E |
- | 70 | 72 | 74 | 76 |
- | 78 | 7A | 7C | 7E |
- | 80 LSYM | 82 BINCL | 84 SOL | 86 |
- | 88 | 8A | 8C | 8E |
- | 90 | 92 | 94 | 96 |
- | 98 | 9A | 9C | 9E |
- | A0 PSYM | A2 EINCL | A4 ENTRY | A6 |
- | A8 | AA | AC | AE |
- | B0 | B2 | B4 | B6 |
- | B8 | BA | BC | BE |
- | C0 LBRAC | C2 EXCL | C4 SCOPE | C6 |
- | C8 | CA | CC | CE |
- | D0 | D2 | D4 | D6 |
- | D8 | DA | DC | DE |
- | E0 RBRAC | E2 BCOMM | E4 ECOMM | E6 |
- | E8 ECOML | EA | EC | EE |
- | F0 | F2 | F4 | F6 |
- | F8 | FA | FC | FE LENG |
- +-----------------------------------------------+
- * 50 EHDECL is also MOD2.
- * 48 BSLINE is also BROWS.
- */
diff --git a/05/tcc-0.9.25/stab.h b/05/tcc-0.9.25/stab.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 80bd594..0000000
--- a/05/tcc-0.9.25/stab.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef __GNU_STAB__
-/* Indicate the GNU stab.h is in use. */
-#define __GNU_STAB__
-#define __define_stab(NAME, CODE, STRING) NAME=CODE,
-enum __stab_debug_code
-#include "stab.def"
-#undef __define_stab
-#endif /* __GNU_STAB_ */
diff --git a/05/tcc-0.9.25/stdarg.h b/05/tcc-0.9.25/stdarg.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 4df996f..0000000
--- a/05/tcc-0.9.25/stdarg.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef _STDARG_H
-#define _STDARG_H
-typedef unsigned long va_list;
-#define va_start(list, arg) ((list) = (unsigned long)&arg)
-#define va_arg(list, type) (*((type *)(list += ((sizeof(type) + 7) & 0xfffffffffffffff8))))
-#define va_end(list)
-#endif // _STDARG_H
diff --git a/05/tcc-0.9.25/stdc_common.h b/05/tcc-0.9.25/stdc_common.h
deleted file mode 100644
index b9ffd9d..0000000
--- a/05/tcc-0.9.25/stdc_common.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,684 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef _STDC_COMMON_H
-#define _STDC_COMMON_H
-#define signed
-#define volatile
-#define register
-#define const
-#define NULL ((void*)0)
-typedef unsigned char uint8_t;
-typedef char int8_t;
-typedef unsigned short uint16_t;
-typedef short int16_t;
-typedef unsigned int uint32_t;
-typedef int int32_t;
-typedef unsigned long uint64_t;
-typedef long int64_t;
-typedef unsigned long size_t;
-typedef long ptrdiff_t;
-typedef unsigned long uintptr_t;
-typedef long intptr_t;
-#define INT8_MAX 0x7f
-#define INT8_MIN (-0x80)
-#define INT16_MAX 0x7fff
-#define INT16_MIN (-0x8000)
-#define INT32_MAX 0x7fffffff
-#define INT32_MIN (-0x80000000)
-#define INT64_MAX 0x7fffffffffffffff
-#define INT64_MIN (-0x8000000000000000)
-#define UINT8_MAX 0xff
-#define UINT16_MAX 0xffff
-#define UINT32_MAX 0xffffffff
-#define UINT64_MAX 0xffffffffffffffff
-#define CHAR_BIT 8
-#define MB_LEN_MAX 4
-#define CHAR_MIN INT8_MIN
-#define CHAR_MAX INT8_MAX
-#define INT_MIN INT32_MIN
-#define INT_MAX INT32_MAX
-#define LONG_MIN INT64_MIN
-#define LONG_MAX INT64_MAX
-#define SHRT_MIN INT16_MIN
-#define SHRT_MAX INT16_MAX
-#define UINT_MAX UINT32_MAX
-static unsigned char __syscall_data[] = {
- // mov rax, [rsp+24]
- 0x48, 0x8b, 0x84, 0x24, 24, 0, 0, 0,
- // mov rdi, rax
- 0x48, 0x89, 0xc7,
- // mov rax, [rsp+32]
- 0x48, 0x8b, 0x84, 0x24, 32, 0, 0, 0,
- // mov rsi, rax
- 0x48, 0x89, 0xc6,
- // mov rax, [rsp+40]
- 0x48, 0x8b, 0x84, 0x24, 40, 0, 0, 0,
- // mov rdx, rax
- 0x48, 0x89, 0xc2,
- // mov rax, [rsp+48]
- 0x48, 0x8b, 0x84, 0x24, 48, 0, 0, 0,
- // mov r10, rax
- 0x49, 0x89, 0xc2,
- // mov rax, [rsp+56]
- 0x48, 0x8b, 0x84, 0x24, 56, 0, 0, 0,
- // mov r8, rax
- 0x49, 0x89, 0xc0,
- // mov rax, [rsp+64]
- 0x48, 0x8b, 0x84, 0x24, 64, 0, 0, 0,
- // mov r9, rax
- 0x49, 0x89, 0xc1,
- // mov rax, [rsp+16]
- 0x48, 0x8b, 0x84, 0x24, 16, 0, 0, 0,
- // syscall
- 0x0f, 0x05,
- // mov [rsp+8], rax
- 0x48, 0x89, 0x84, 0x24, 8, 0, 0, 0,
- // ret
- 0xc3
-#define __syscall(no, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6)\
- (((unsigned long (*)(unsigned long, unsigned long, unsigned long, unsigned long, unsigned long, unsigned long, unsigned long))__syscall_data)\
- (no, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6))
-// we need to define ucontext_t
-# define __ctx(fld) fld
-typedef long long int greg_t;
-#define __NGREG 23
-typedef greg_t gregset_t[__NGREG];
-#define _SIGSET_NWORDS (1024 / (8 * sizeof (unsigned long int)))
-typedef struct
- unsigned long int __val[_SIGSET_NWORDS];
-} __sigset_t, sigset_t;
-typedef struct
- void *ss_sp;
- int ss_flags;
- size_t ss_size;
-} stack_t;
- REG_R8 = 0,
-# define REG_R8 REG_R8
- REG_R9,
-# define REG_R9 REG_R9
- REG_R10,
-# define REG_R10 REG_R10
- REG_R11,
-# define REG_R11 REG_R11
- REG_R12,
-# define REG_R12 REG_R12
- REG_R13,
-# define REG_R13 REG_R13
- REG_R14,
-# define REG_R14 REG_R14
- REG_R15,
-# define REG_R15 REG_R15
-# define REG_RDI REG_RDI
-# define REG_RSI REG_RSI
-# define REG_RBP REG_RBP
-# define REG_RBX REG_RBX
-# define REG_RDX REG_RDX
-# define REG_RAX REG_RAX
-# define REG_RCX REG_RCX
-# define REG_RSP REG_RSP
-# define REG_RIP REG_RIP
-# define REG_EFL REG_EFL
- REG_CSGSFS, /* Actually short cs, gs, fs, __pad0. */
-# define REG_ERR REG_ERR
-# define REG_CR2 REG_CR2
-struct _libc_fpxreg
- unsigned short int __ctx(significand)[4];
- unsigned short int __ctx(exponent);
- unsigned short int __glibc_reserved1[3];
-struct _libc_xmmreg
- uint32_t __ctx(element)[4];
-struct _libc_fpstate
- uint16_t __ctx(cwd);
- uint16_t __ctx(swd);
- uint16_t __ctx(ftw);
- uint16_t __ctx(fop);
- uint64_t __ctx(rip);
- uint64_t __ctx(rdp);
- uint32_t __ctx(mxcsr);
- uint32_t __ctx(mxcr_mask);
- struct _libc_fpxreg _st[8];
- struct _libc_xmmreg _xmm[16];
- uint32_t __glibc_reserved1[24];
-typedef struct _libc_fpstate *fpregset_t;
-typedef struct {
- gregset_t __ctx(gregs);
- fpregset_t __ctx(fpregs);
- unsigned long long __reserved1 [8];
-} mcontext_t;
-typedef struct ucontext_t {
- unsigned long int __ctx(uc_flags);
- struct ucontext_t *uc_link;
- stack_t uc_stack;
- mcontext_t uc_mcontext;
- sigset_t uc_sigmask;
- struct _libc_fpstate __fpregs_mem;
- unsigned long long int __ssp[4];
-} ucontext_t;
-long read(int fd, void *buf, size_t count) {
- return __syscall(0, fd, buf, count, 0, 0, 0);
-long write(int fd, void *buf, size_t count) {
- return __syscall(1, fd, buf, count, 0, 0, 0);
-void _Exit(int status) {
- return __syscall(60, status, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
-int kill(int pid, int sig) {
- return __syscall(62, pid, sig, 0, 0, 0, 0);
-int getpid(void) {
- return __syscall(39, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
-int fork(void) {
- return __syscall(57, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
-int execve(const char *pathname, char *const argv[], char *const envp[]) {
- return __syscall(59, pathname, argv, envp, 0, 0, 0);
-int gettimeofday(struct timeval *tv, struct timezone *tz) {
- return __syscall(96, tv, tz, 0, 0, 0, 0);
-typedef long time_t;
-struct timespec {
- time_t tv_sec;
- long tv_nsec;
-struct timeval {
- time_t tv_sec;
- long tv_usec;
-struct timezone {
- int tz_minuteswest;
- int tz_dsttime;
-char *getcwd(char *buf, size_t size) {
- long n = __syscall(79, buf, size, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- if (n < 0) return NULL;
- return buf;
-#define _WEXITSTATUS(status) (((status) & 0xff00) >> 8)
-#define _WIFEXITED(status) (__WTERMSIG(status) == 0)
-#define _WIFSIGNALED(status) \
- (((signed char) (((status) & 0x7f) + 1) >> 1) > 0)
-int wait4(int pid, int *status, int options, struct rusage *rusage) {
- return __syscall(61, pid, status, options, rusage, 0, 0);
-#define SIGABRT 6
-#define SIGFPE 8
-#define SIGKILL 9
-#define SIGILL 4
-#define SIGINT 2
-#define SIGSEGV 11
-#define SIGTERM 15
-#define SIGBUS 7
-#define SIGTRAP 5
-void abort(void) {
- kill(getpid(), SIGABRT);
-int clock_gettime(int clock, struct timespec *tp) {
- return __syscall(228, clock, tp, 0, 0, 0, 0);
-#define F_OK 0
-#define R_OK 4
-#define W_OK 2
-#define X_OK 1
-int access(const char *pathname, int mode) {
- return __syscall(21, pathname, mode, 0, 0, 0, 0);
-typedef struct {
- int fd;
- unsigned char eof;
- unsigned char err;
- unsigned char has_ungetc;
- char ungetc; // character which was pushed by ungetc()
-} FILE;
-int errno;
-int printf(char *, ...);
-int fprintf(FILE *, char *, ...); // needed now for assert()
-FILE _stdin = {0}, *stdin;
-FILE _stdout = {1}, *stdout;
-FILE _stderr = {2}, *stderr;
-#ifdef NDEBUG
-#define assert(x) ((void)0)
-int __assert_failed(const char *file, int line, const char *expr) {
- fprintf(stderr, "Assertion failed at %s:%d: %s\n", file, line, expr);
- abort();
-#define assert(x) (void)((x) || __assert_failed(__FILE__, __LINE__, #x))
-int _clamp_long_to_int(long x) {
- if (x < INT_MIN) return INT_MIN;
- if (x > INT_MAX) return INT_MAX;
- return x;
-short _clamp_long_to_short(long x) {
- if (x < SHRT_MIN) return SHRT_MIN;
- if (x > SHRT_MAX) return SHRT_MAX;
- return x;
-unsigned _clamp_ulong_to_uint(unsigned long x) {
- if (x > UINT_MAX) return UINT_MAX;
- return x;
-unsigned short _clamp_ulong_to_ushort(unsigned long x) {
- if (x > USHRT_MAX) return USHRT_MAX;
- return x;
-#define EIO 5
-#define EDOM 33
-#define ERANGE 34
-#define PROT_READ 1
-#define PROT_WRITE 2
-#define PROT_EXEC 4
-#define MAP_SHARED 0x01
-#define MAP_ANONYMOUS 0x20
-#define MAP_PRIVATE 0x02
-void *mmap(void *addr, size_t length, int prot, int flags, int fd, long offset) {
- return __syscall(9, addr, length, prot, flags, fd, offset);
-int munmap(void *addr, size_t length) {
- return __syscall(11, addr, length, 0, 0, 0, 0);
-int mprotect(void *addr, size_t len, int prot) {
- return __syscall(10, addr, len, prot, 0, 0, 0);
-void *_mremap(void *addr, size_t old_size, size_t new_size, int flags) {
- return __syscall(25, addr, old_size, new_size, flags, 0, 0);
-void *malloc(size_t n) {
- if (!n) return NULL;
- void *memory;
- size_t bytes = n + 16;
- memory = mmap(0, bytes, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_ANONYMOUS|MAP_PRIVATE, -1, 0);
- if ((uint64_t)memory > 0xffffffffffff0000) return NULL;
- *(uint64_t *)memory = bytes;
- return (char *)memory + 16;
-void free(void *ptr) {
- if (!ptr) return;
- uint64_t *memory = (char *)ptr - 16;
- uint64_t size = *memory;
- munmap(memory, size);
-size_t strlen(char *s) {
- char *t = s;
- while (*t) ++t;
- return t - s;
-void *memcpy(void *s1, const void *s2, size_t n) {
- char *p = s1, *end = p + n, *q = s2;
- while (p < end)
- *p++ = *q++;
- return s1;
-int isspace(int c) {
- return c == ' ' || c == '\f' || c == '\n' || c == '\r' || c == '\t' || c == '\v';
-int isdigit(int c) {
- return c >= '0' && c <= '9';
-int _isdigit_in_base(int c, int base) {
- if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') {
- return c - '0' < base;
- } else if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') {
- return c - 'a' + 10 < base;
- } else if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') {
- return c - 'A' + 10 < base;
- }
- return 0;
-void *memset(void *s, int c, size_t n) {
- char *p = s, *end = p + n;
- while (p < end)
- *p++ = c;
- return s;
-unsigned long strtoul(const char *nptr, char **endptr, int base) {
- unsigned long value = 0, newvalue;
- int overflow = 0;
- while (isspace(*nptr)) ++nptr;
- if (*nptr == '+') ++nptr;
- if (base == 0) {
- if (*nptr == '0') {
- ++nptr;
- switch (*nptr) {
- case 'x':
- case 'X':
- base = 16;
- ++nptr;
- break;
- case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7':
- base = 8;
- break;
- default:
- // this must just be the number 0.
- if (endptr) *endptr = nptr;
- return 0;
- }
- } else {
- base = 10;
- }
- }
- while (1) {
- int c = *nptr;
- unsigned v;
- if (c >= '0' && c <= '9')
- v = c - '0';
- else if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z')
- v = c - 'a' + 10;
- else if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z')
- v = c - 'A' + 10;
- else break;
- if (v >= base) break;
- unsigned long newvalue = value * base + v;
- if (newvalue < value) overflow = 1;
- value = newvalue;
- ++nptr;
- }
- if (endptr) *endptr = nptr;
- if (overflow) {
- errno = ERANGE;
- return ULONG_MAX;
- } else {
- return value;
- }
-long strtol(const char *nptr, char **endptr, int base) {
- int sign = 1;
- while (isspace(*nptr)) ++nptr;
- if (*nptr == '-') {
- sign = -1;
- ++nptr;
- }
- unsigned long mag = strtoul(nptr, endptr, base);
- if (sign > 0) {
- if (mag > LONG_MAX) {
- errno = ERANGE;
- return LONG_MAX;
- }
- return (long)mag;
- } else {
- if (mag > (unsigned long)LONG_MAX + 1) {
- errno = ERANGE;
- return LONG_MIN;
- }
- return -(long)mag;
- }
-long _strtol_clamped(const char *nptr, char **endptr, int base, int min, int max) {
- long l = strtol(nptr, endptr, base);
- if (l < min) return min;
- if (l > max) return max;
- return l;
-#define _NPOW10 310
-#define _INFINITY 1e1000
-// non-negative floating-point number with more precision than a double
-// its value is equal to fraction * 2^exponent
-typedef struct {
- unsigned long fraction;
- int exponent;
-} _Float;
-// ensure that f->fraction >= 2^64 / 2
-static void _normalize_float(_Float *f) {
- if (!f->fraction) return;
- while (f->fraction < 0x8000000000000000) {
- f->exponent -= 1;
- f->fraction <<= 1;
- }
-static double _Float_to_double(_Float f) {
- unsigned long dbl_fraction;
- int dbl_exponent;
- unsigned long dbl_value;
- if (f.fraction == 0) return 0;
- _normalize_float(&f);
- f.fraction &= 0x7fffffffffffffff; // remove the "1." in 1.01101110111... to get 63-bit significand
- dbl_fraction = (f.fraction + 0x3ff) >> 11;
- dbl_exponent = f.exponent + 63;
- if (dbl_exponent < -1022) return 0;
- if (dbl_exponent > 1023) return _INFINITY;
- dbl_exponent += 1023;
- dbl_value = (unsigned long)dbl_exponent << 52 | dbl_fraction;
- return *(double *)&dbl_value;
-static _Float _powers_of_10_dat[2*_NPOW10+1];
-static _Float *_powers_of_10;
-static _Float _Float_ZERO = {0, 1};
-static _Float _Float_INFINITY = {0x8000000000000000, 100000};
-_Float _int_pow10(int x) {
- if (x <= -_NPOW10) return _Float_ZERO;
- if (x >= _NPOW10) return _Float_INFINITY;
- return _powers_of_10[x];
-double strtod(const char *nptr, char **endptr) {
- const char *flt, *dot, *p, *number_end;
- double sign = 1;
- int exponent = 0;
- while (isspace(*nptr)) ++nptr;
- flt = nptr; // start of float
- if (*flt == '+') ++flt;
- else if (*flt == '-') sign = -1, ++flt;
- if (*flt != '.' && (*flt < '0' || *flt > '9')) {
- // this isn't a float
- *endptr = nptr;
- return 0;
- }
- // find the decimal point, if any
- dot = flt;
- while (*dot >= '0' && *dot <= '9') ++dot;
- nptr = dot + (*dot == '.');
- // skip digits after the dot
- while (*nptr >= '0' && *nptr <= '9') ++nptr;
- number_end = nptr;
- if (*nptr == 'e') {
- ++nptr;
- exponent = 1;
- if (*nptr == '+') ++nptr;
- else if (*nptr == '-') ++nptr, exponent = -1;
- exponent *= _strtol_clamped(nptr, &nptr, 10, -10000, 10000); // use _strtol_clamped to prevent problems with -LONG_MIN
- }
- // construct the value using the Kahan summation algorithm (
- double sum = 0;
- double c = 0;
- for (p = flt; p < number_end; ++p) {
- if (*p == '.') continue;
- int n = *p - '0';
- assert(n >= 0 && n <= 9);
- int pow10 = dot - p;
- pow10 -= pow10 > 0;
- pow10 += exponent;
- _Float f_val = _int_pow10(pow10);
- f_val.fraction >>= 4;
- f_val.exponent += 4;
- f_val.fraction *= n;
- double value = _Float_to_double(f_val);
- if (value == _INFINITY || sum == _INFINITY) {
- sum = _INFINITY;
- break;
- }
- double y = value - c;
- double t = sum + y;
- c = (t - sum) - y;
- sum = t;
- }
- if (sum == _INFINITY) errno = ERANGE;
- if (endptr) *endptr = nptr;
- return sum * sign;
-float strtof(const char *nptr, char **endptr) {
- return strtod(nptr, endptr);
-long double strtold(const char *nptr, char **endptr) {
- return strtod(nptr, endptr);
-char *strerror(int errnum) {
- switch (errnum) {
- case ERANGE: return "Range error";
- case EDOM: return "Domain error";
- case EIO: return "I/O error";
- }
- return "Other error";
-typedef void (*_ExitHandler)(void);
-_ExitHandler _exit_handlers[33];
-int _n_exit_handlers;
-void exit(int status) {
- int i;
- for (i = _n_exit_handlers - 1; i >= 0; --i)
- _exit_handlers[i]();
- _Exit(status);
-int main();
-static char **_envp;
-static uint64_t _rand_seed;
-int _main(int argc, char **argv) {
- int i;
- _Float p = {1, 0};
- _envp = argv + argc + 1; // this is where the environment variables will be
- stdin = &_stdin;
- stdout = &_stdout;
- stderr = &_stderr;
- /*
- "If rand is called before any calls to srand have been made,
- the same sequence shall be generated as when srand is first
- called with a seed value of 1." C89 §
- */
- _rand_seed = 1;
- // initialize powers of 10
- _powers_of_10 = _powers_of_10_dat + _NPOW10;
- for (i = 0; i < _NPOW10; ++i) {
- _normalize_float(&p);
- _powers_of_10[i] = p;
- p.exponent += 4;
- p.fraction >>= 4;
- p.fraction *= 10;
- }
- p.fraction = 1;
- p.exponent = 0;
- for (i = 0; i > -_NPOW10; --i) {
- _normalize_float(&p);
- _powers_of_10[i] = p;
- p.fraction /= 5;
- p.exponent -= 1;
- }
- exit(main(argc, argv));
-#endif // _STDC_COMMON_H
diff --git a/05/tcc-0.9.25/stddef.h b/05/tcc-0.9.25/stddef.h
deleted file mode 100644
index f012d95..0000000
--- a/05/tcc-0.9.25/stddef.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef _STDDEF_H
-#define _STDDEF_H
-#include <stdc_common.h>
-#define offsetof(struct, member) ((size_t)(&((struct *)NULL)->member))
-// @NONSTANDARD: we don't have wchar_t
-#endif // _STDDEF_H
diff --git a/05/tcc-0.9.25/stdio.h b/05/tcc-0.9.25/stdio.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 436dd62..0000000
--- a/05/tcc-0.9.25/stdio.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2270 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef _STDIO_H
-#define _STDIO_H
-#include <stdc_common.h>
-#include <stdarg.h>
-int printf(const char *, ...);
-/* --- snprintf, adapted from stb_sprintf.h */
-#define STB_SPRINTF_MIN 512 // how many characters per callback
-typedef char *_STBSP_SPRINTFCB(const char *buf, void *user, int len);
-// internal float utility functions
-static int32_t _stbsp__real_to_str(char const **start, uint32_t *len, char *out, int32_t *decimal_pos, double value, uint32_t frac_digits);
-static int32_t _stbsp__real_to_parts(int64_t *bits, int32_t *expo, double value);
-#define STBSP__SPECIAL 0x7000
-static char _stbsp__period = '.';
-static char _stbsp__comma = ',';
-static struct
- short temp; // force next field to be 2-byte aligned
- char pair[201];
-} _stbsp__digitpair =
- 0,
- "00010203040506070809101112131415161718192021222324"
- "25262728293031323334353637383940414243444546474849"
- "50515253545556575859606162636465666768697071727374"
- "75767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899"
-#define STBSP__LEFTJUST 1
-#define STBSP__LEADING_0X 8
-#define STBSP__INTMAX 32
-#define STBSP__NEGATIVE 128
-#define STBSP__HALFWIDTH 512
-#define STBSP__METRIC_1024 2048
-#define STBSP__METRIC_JEDEC 4096
-static void _stbsp__lead_sign(uint32_t fl, char *sign)
- sign[0] = 0;
- if (fl & STBSP__NEGATIVE) {
- sign[0] = 1;
- sign[1] = '-';
- } else if (fl & STBSP__LEADINGSPACE) {
- sign[0] = 1;
- sign[1] = ' ';
- } else if (fl & STBSP__LEADINGPLUS) {
- sign[0] = 1;
- sign[1] = '+';
- }
-static uint32_t _stbsp__strlen_limited(char const *s, uint32_t limit)
- char const * sn = s;
- // get up to 4-byte alignment
- for (;;) {
- if (((uintptr_t)sn & 3) == 0)
- break;
- if (!limit || *sn == 0)
- return (uint32_t)(sn - s);
- ++sn;
- --limit;
- }
- // scan over 4 bytes at a time to find terminating 0
- // this will intentionally scan up to 3 bytes past the end of buffers,
- // but becase it works 4B aligned, it will never cross page boundaries
- // (hence the STBSP__ASAN markup; the over-read here is intentional
- // and harmless)
- while (limit >= 4) {
- uint32_t v = *(uint32_t *)sn;
- // bit hack to find if there's a 0 byte in there
- if ((v - 0x01010101) & (~v) & 0x80808080UL)
- break;
- sn += 4;
- limit -= 4;
- }
- // handle the last few characters to find actual size
- while (limit && *sn) {
- ++sn;
- --limit;
- }
- return (uint32_t)(sn - s);
-int __vsprintfcb(_STBSP_SPRINTFCB *callback, void *user, char *buf, char const *fmt, va_list va)
- static char hex[] = "0123456789abcdefxp";
- static char hexu[] = "0123456789ABCDEFXP";
- char *bf;
- char const *f;
- int tlen = 0;
- bf = buf;
- f = fmt;
- for (;;) {
- int32_t fw, pr, tz;
- uint32_t fl;
- // macros for the callback buffer stuff
- #define stbsp__chk_cb_bufL(bytes) \
- { \
- int len = (int)(bf - buf); \
- if ((len + (bytes)) >= STB_SPRINTF_MIN) { \
- tlen += len; \
- if (0 == (bf = buf = callback(buf, user, len))) \
- goto done; \
- } \
- }
- #define stbsp__chk_cb_buf(bytes) \
- { \
- if (callback) { \
- stbsp__chk_cb_bufL(bytes); \
- } \
- }
- #define stbsp__flush_cb() \
- { \
- stbsp__chk_cb_bufL(STB_SPRINTF_MIN - 1); \
- } // flush if there is even one byte in the buffer
- #define stbsp__cb_buf_clamp(cl, v) \
- cl = v; \
- if (callback) { \
- int lg = STB_SPRINTF_MIN - (int)(bf - buf); \
- if (cl > lg) \
- cl = lg; \
- }
- // fast copy everything up to the next % (or end of string)
- for (;;) {
- while (((uintptr_t)f) & 3) {
- schk1:
- if (f[0] == '%')
- goto scandd;
- schk2:
- if (f[0] == 0)
- goto endfmt;
- stbsp__chk_cb_buf(1);
- *bf++ = f[0];
- ++f;
- }
- for (;;) {
- // Check if the next 4 bytes contain %(0x25) or end of string.
- // Using the 'hasless' trick:
- //
- uint32_t v, c;
- v = *(uint32_t *)f;
- c = (~v) & 0x80808080;
- if (((v ^ 0x25252525) - 0x01010101) & c)
- goto schk1;
- if ((v - 0x01010101) & c)
- goto schk2;
- if (callback)
- if ((STB_SPRINTF_MIN - (int)(bf - buf)) < 4)
- goto schk1;
- {
- *(uint32_t *)bf = v;
- }
- bf += 4;
- f += 4;
- }
- }
- scandd:
- ++f;
- // ok, we have a percent, read the modifiers first
- fw = 0;
- pr = -1;
- fl = 0;
- tz = 0;
- // flags
- for (;;) {
- switch (f[0]) {
- // if we have left justify
- case '-':
- ++f;
- continue;
- // if we have leading plus
- case '+':
- ++f;
- continue;
- // if we have leading space
- case ' ':
- ++f;
- continue;
- // if we have leading 0x
- case '#':
- fl |= STBSP__LEADING_0X;
- ++f;
- continue;
- // if we have thousand commas
- case '\'':
- ++f;
- continue;
- // if we have kilo marker (none->kilo->kibi->jedec)
- case '$':
- if (fl & STBSP__METRIC_SUFFIX) {
- if (fl & STBSP__METRIC_1024) {
- } else {
- fl |= STBSP__METRIC_1024;
- }
- } else {
- }
- ++f;
- continue;
- // if we don't want space between metric suffix and number
- case '_':
- ++f;
- continue;
- // if we have leading zero
- case '0':
- ++f;
- goto flags_done;
- default: goto flags_done;
- }
- }
- flags_done:
- // get the field width
- if (f[0] == '*') {
- fw = va_arg(va, uint32_t);
- ++f;
- } else {
- while ((f[0] >= '0') && (f[0] <= '9')) {
- fw = fw * 10 + f[0] - '0';
- f++;
- }
- }
- // get the precision
- if (f[0] == '.') {
- ++f;
- if (f[0] == '*') {
- pr = va_arg(va, uint32_t);
- ++f;
- } else {
- pr = 0;
- while ((f[0] >= '0') && (f[0] <= '9')) {
- pr = pr * 10 + f[0] - '0';
- f++;
- }
- }
- }
- // handle integer size overrides
- switch (f[0]) {
- // are we halfwidth?
- case 'h':
- ++f;
- if (f[0] == 'h')
- break;
- // are we 64-bit (unix style)
- case 'l':
- fl |= ((sizeof(long) == 8) ? STBSP__INTMAX : 0);
- ++f;
- if (f[0] == 'l') {
- fl |= STBSP__INTMAX;
- ++f;
- }
- break;
- // are we 64-bit on intmax? (c99)
- case 'j':
- fl |= (sizeof(size_t) == 8) ? STBSP__INTMAX : 0;
- ++f;
- break;
- // are we 64-bit on size_t or ptrdiff_t? (c99)
- case 'z':
- fl |= (sizeof(ptrdiff_t) == 8) ? STBSP__INTMAX : 0;
- ++f;
- break;
- case 't':
- fl |= (sizeof(ptrdiff_t) == 8) ? STBSP__INTMAX : 0;
- ++f;
- break;
- // are we 64-bit (msft style)
- case 'I':
- if ((f[1] == '6') && (f[2] == '4')) {
- fl |= STBSP__INTMAX;
- f += 3;
- } else if ((f[1] == '3') && (f[2] == '2')) {
- f += 3;
- } else {
- fl |= ((sizeof(void *) == 8) ? STBSP__INTMAX : 0);
- ++f;
- }
- break;
- default: break;
- }
- // handle each replacement
- switch (f[0]) {
- #define STBSP__NUMSZ 512 // big enough for e308 (with commas) or e-307
- char num[STBSP__NUMSZ];
- char lead[8];
- char tail[8];
- char *s;
- char const *h;
- uint32_t l, n, cs;
- uint64_t n64;
- double fv;
- int32_t dp;
- char const *sn;
- case 's':
- // get the string
- s = va_arg(va, char *);
- if (s == 0)
- s = (char *)"null";
- // get the length, limited to desired precision
- // always limit to ~0u chars since our counts are 32b
- l = _stbsp__strlen_limited(s, (pr >= 0) ? pr : ~0u);
- lead[0] = 0;
- tail[0] = 0;
- pr = 0;
- dp = 0;
- cs = 0;
- // copy the string in
- goto scopy;
- case 'c': // char
- // get the character
- s = num + STBSP__NUMSZ - 1;
- *s = (char)va_arg(va, int);
- l = 1;
- lead[0] = 0;
- tail[0] = 0;
- pr = 0;
- dp = 0;
- cs = 0;
- goto scopy;
- case 'n': // weird write-bytes specifier
- {
- int *d = va_arg(va, int *);
- *d = tlen + (int)(bf - buf);
- } break;
- case 'A': // hex float
- case 'a': // hex float
- h = (f[0] == 'A') ? hexu : hex;
- fv = va_arg(va, double);
- if (pr == -1)
- pr = 6; // default is 6
- // read the double into a string
- if (_stbsp__real_to_parts((int64_t *)&n64, &dp, fv))
- s = num + 64;
- _stbsp__lead_sign(fl, lead);
- if (dp == -1023)
- dp = (n64) ? -1022 : 0;
- else
- n64 |= (((uint64_t)1) << 52);
- n64 <<= (64 - 56);
- if (pr < 15)
- n64 += ((((uint64_t)8) << 56) >> (pr * 4));
-// add leading chars
- lead[1 + lead[0]] = '0';
- lead[2 + lead[0]] = 'x';
- lead[0] += 2;
- *s++ = h[(n64 >> 60) & 15];
- n64 <<= 4;
- if (pr)
- *s++ = _stbsp__period;
- sn = s;
- // print the bits
- n = pr;
- if (n > 13)
- n = 13;
- if (pr > (int32_t)n)
- tz = pr - n;
- pr = 0;
- while (n--) {
- *s++ = h[(n64 >> 60) & 15];
- n64 <<= 4;
- }
- // print the expo
- tail[1] = h[17];
- if (dp < 0) {
- tail[2] = '-';
- dp = -dp;
- } else
- tail[2] = '+';
- n = (dp >= 1000) ? 6 : ((dp >= 100) ? 5 : ((dp >= 10) ? 4 : 3));
- tail[0] = (char)n;
- for (;;) {
- tail[n] = '0' + dp % 10;
- if (n <= 3)
- break;
- --n;
- dp /= 10;
- }
- dp = (int)(s - sn);
- l = (int)(s - (num + 64));
- s = num + 64;
- cs = 1 + (3 << 24);
- goto scopy;
- case 'G': // float
- case 'g': // float
- h = (f[0] == 'G') ? hexu : hex;
- fv = va_arg(va, double);
- if (pr == -1)
- pr = 6;
- else if (pr == 0)
- pr = 1; // default is 6
- // read the double into a string
- if (_stbsp__real_to_str(&sn, &l, num, &dp, fv, (pr - 1) | 0x80000000))
- // clamp the precision and delete extra zeros after clamp
- n = pr;
- if (l > (uint32_t)pr)
- l = pr;
- while ((l > 1) && (pr) && (sn[l - 1] == '0')) {
- --pr;
- --l;
- }
- // should we use %e
- if ((dp <= -4) || (dp > (int32_t)n)) {
- if (pr > (int32_t)l)
- pr = l - 1;
- else if (pr)
- --pr; // when using %e, there is one digit before the decimal
- goto doexpfromg;
- }
- // this is the insane action to get the pr to match %g semantics for %f
- if (dp > 0) {
- pr = (dp < (int32_t)l) ? l - dp : 0;
- } else {
- pr = -dp + ((pr > (int32_t)l) ? (int32_t) l : pr);
- }
- goto dofloatfromg;
- case 'E': // float
- case 'e': // float
- h = (f[0] == 'E') ? hexu : hex;
- fv = va_arg(va, double);
- if (pr == -1)
- pr = 6; // default is 6
- // read the double into a string
- if (_stbsp__real_to_str(&sn, &l, num, &dp, fv, pr | 0x80000000))
- doexpfromg:
- tail[0] = 0;
- _stbsp__lead_sign(fl, lead);
- if (dp == STBSP__SPECIAL) {
- s = (char *)sn;
- cs = 0;
- pr = 0;
- goto scopy;
- }
- s = num + 64;
- // handle leading chars
- *s++ = sn[0];
- if (pr)
- *s++ = _stbsp__period;
- // handle after decimal
- if ((l - 1) > (uint32_t)pr)
- l = pr + 1;
- for (n = 1; n < l; n++)
- *s++ = sn[n];
- // trailing zeros
- tz = pr - (l - 1);
- pr = 0;
- // dump expo
- tail[1] = h[0xe];
- dp -= 1;
- if (dp < 0) {
- tail[2] = '-';
- dp = -dp;
- } else
- tail[2] = '+';
- n = (dp >= 100) ? 5 : 4;
- tail[0] = (char)n;
- for (;;) {
- tail[n] = '0' + dp % 10;
- if (n <= 3)
- break;
- --n;
- dp /= 10;
- }
- cs = 1 + (3 << 24); // how many tens
- goto flt_lead;
- case 'f': // float
- fv = va_arg(va, double);
- doafloat:
- // do kilos
- if (fl & STBSP__METRIC_SUFFIX) {
- double divisor;
- divisor = 1000.0f;
- if (fl & STBSP__METRIC_1024)
- divisor = 1024.0;
- while (fl < 0x4000000) {
- if ((fv < divisor) && (fv > -divisor))
- break;
- fv /= divisor;
- fl += 0x1000000;
- }
- }
- if (pr == -1)
- pr = 6; // default is 6
- // read the double into a string
- if (_stbsp__real_to_str(&sn, &l, num, &dp, fv, pr))
- dofloatfromg:
- tail[0] = 0;
- _stbsp__lead_sign(fl, lead);
- if (dp == STBSP__SPECIAL) {
- s = (char *)sn;
- cs = 0;
- pr = 0;
- goto scopy;
- }
- s = num + 64;
- // handle the three decimal varieties
- if (dp <= 0) {
- int32_t i;
- // handle 0.000*000xxxx
- *s++ = '0';
- if (pr)
- *s++ = _stbsp__period;
- n = -dp;
- if ((int32_t)n > pr)
- n = pr;
- i = n;
- while (i) {
- if ((((uintptr_t)s) & 3) == 0)
- break;
- *s++ = '0';
- --i;
- }
- while (i >= 4) {
- *(uint32_t *)s = 0x30303030;
- s += 4;
- i -= 4;
- }
- while (i) {
- *s++ = '0';
- --i;
- }
- if ((int32_t)(l + n) > pr)
- l = pr - n;
- i = l;
- while (i) {
- *s++ = *sn++;
- --i;
- }
- tz = pr - (n + l);
- cs = 1 + (3 << 24); // how many tens did we write (for commas below)
- } else {
- cs = (fl & STBSP__TRIPLET_COMMA) ? ((600 - (uint32_t)dp) % 3) : 0;
- if ((uint32_t)dp >= l) {
- // handle xxxx000*000.0
- n = 0;
- for (;;) {
- if ((fl & STBSP__TRIPLET_COMMA) && (++cs == 4)) {
- cs = 0;
- *s++ = _stbsp__comma;
- } else {
- *s++ = sn[n];
- ++n;
- if (n >= l)
- break;
- }
- }
- if (n < (uint32_t)dp) {
- n = dp - n;
- if ((fl & STBSP__TRIPLET_COMMA) == 0) {
- while (n) {
- if ((((uintptr_t)s) & 3) == 0)
- break;
- *s++ = '0';
- --n;
- }
- while (n >= 4) {
- *(uint32_t *)s = 0x30303030;
- s += 4;
- n -= 4;
- }
- }
- while (n) {
- if ((fl & STBSP__TRIPLET_COMMA) && (++cs == 4)) {
- cs = 0;
- *s++ = _stbsp__comma;
- } else {
- *s++ = '0';
- --n;
- }
- }
- }
- cs = (int)(s - (num + 64)) + (3 << 24); // cs is how many tens
- if (pr) {
- *s++ = _stbsp__period;
- tz = pr;
- }
- } else {
- // handle xxxxx.xxxx000*000
- n = 0;
- for (;;) {
- if ((fl & STBSP__TRIPLET_COMMA) && (++cs == 4)) {
- cs = 0;
- *s++ = _stbsp__comma;
- } else {
- *s++ = sn[n];
- ++n;
- if (n >= (uint32_t)dp)
- break;
- }
- }
- cs = (int)(s - (num + 64)) + (3 << 24); // cs is how many tens
- if (pr)
- *s++ = _stbsp__period;
- if ((l - dp) > (uint32_t)pr)
- l = pr + dp;
- while (n < l) {
- *s++ = sn[n];
- ++n;
- }
- tz = pr - (l - dp);
- }
- }
- pr = 0;
- // handle k,m,g,t
- if (fl & STBSP__METRIC_SUFFIX) {
- char idx;
- idx = 1;
- idx = 0;
- tail[0] = idx;
- tail[1] = ' ';
- {
- if (fl >> 24) { // SI kilo is 'k', JEDEC and SI kibits are 'K'.
- if (fl & STBSP__METRIC_1024)
- tail[idx + 1] = "_KMGT"[fl >> 24];
- else
- tail[idx + 1] = "_kMGT"[fl >> 24];
- idx++;
- // If printing kibits and not in jedec, add the 'i'.
- if (fl & STBSP__METRIC_1024 && !(fl & STBSP__METRIC_JEDEC)) {
- tail[idx + 1] = 'i';
- idx++;
- }
- tail[0] = idx;
- }
- }
- };
- flt_lead:
- // get the length that we copied
- l = (uint32_t)(s - (num + 64));
- s = num + 64;
- goto scopy;
- case 'B': // upper binary
- case 'b': // lower binary
- h = (f[0] == 'B') ? hexu : hex;
- lead[0] = 0;
- if (fl & STBSP__LEADING_0X) {
- lead[0] = 2;
- lead[1] = '0';
- lead[2] = h[0xb];
- }
- l = (8 << 4) | (1 << 8);
- goto radixnum;
- case 'o': // octal
- h = hexu;
- lead[0] = 0;
- if (fl & STBSP__LEADING_0X) {
- lead[0] = 1;
- lead[1] = '0';
- }
- l = (3 << 4) | (3 << 8);
- goto radixnum;
- case 'p': // pointer
- fl |= (sizeof(void *) == 8) ? STBSP__INTMAX : 0;
- pr = sizeof(void *) * 2;
- fl &= ~STBSP__LEADINGZERO; // 'p' only prints the pointer with zeros
- // fall through - to X
- case 'X': // upper hex
- case 'x': // lower hex
- h = (f[0] == 'X') ? hexu : hex;
- l = (4 << 4) | (4 << 8);
- lead[0] = 0;
- if (fl & STBSP__LEADING_0X) {
- lead[0] = 2;
- lead[1] = '0';
- lead[2] = h[16];
- }
- radixnum:
- // get the number
- if (fl & STBSP__INTMAX)
- n64 = va_arg(va, uint64_t);
- else
- n64 = va_arg(va, uint32_t);
- s = num + STBSP__NUMSZ;
- dp = 0;
- // clear tail, and clear leading if value is zero
- tail[0] = 0;
- if (n64 == 0) {
- lead[0] = 0;
- if (pr == 0) {
- l = 0;
- cs = 0;
- goto scopy;
- }
- }
- // convert to string
- for (;;) {
- *--s = h[n64 & ((1 << (l >> 8)) - 1)];
- n64 >>= (l >> 8);
- if (!((n64) || ((int32_t)((num + STBSP__NUMSZ) - s) < pr)))
- break;
- if (fl & STBSP__TRIPLET_COMMA) {
- ++l;
- if ((l & 15) == ((l >> 4) & 15)) {
- l &= ~15;
- *--s = _stbsp__comma;
- }
- }
- };
- // get the tens and the comma pos
- cs = (uint32_t)((num + STBSP__NUMSZ) - s) + ((((l >> 4) & 15)) << 24);
- // get the length that we copied
- l = (uint32_t)((num + STBSP__NUMSZ) - s);
- // copy it
- goto scopy;
- case 'u': // unsigned
- case 'i':
- case 'd': // integer
- // get the integer and abs it
- if (fl & STBSP__INTMAX) {
- int64_t i64 = va_arg(va, int64_t);
- n64 = (uint64_t)i64;
- if ((f[0] != 'u') && (i64 < 0)) {
- n64 = (uint64_t)-i64;
- }
- } else {
- int32_t i = va_arg(va, int32_t);
- n64 = (uint32_t)i;
- if ((f[0] != 'u') && (i < 0)) {
- n64 = (uint32_t)-i;
- }
- }
- if (fl & STBSP__METRIC_SUFFIX) {
- if (n64 < 1024)
- pr = 0;
- else if (pr == -1)
- pr = 1;
- fv = (double)(int64_t)n64;
- goto doafloat;
- }
- // convert to string
- s = num + STBSP__NUMSZ;
- l = 0;
- for (;;) {
- // do in 32-bit chunks (avoid lots of 64-bit divides even with constant denominators)
- char *o = s - 8;
- if (n64 >= 100000000) {
- n = (uint32_t)(n64 % 100000000);
- n64 /= 100000000;
- } else {
- n = (uint32_t)n64;
- n64 = 0;
- }
- if ((fl & STBSP__TRIPLET_COMMA) == 0) {
- do {
- s -= 2;
- *(uint16_t *)s = *(uint16_t *)&_stbsp__digitpair.pair[(n % 100) * 2];
- n /= 100;
- } while (n);
- }
- while (n) {
- if ((fl & STBSP__TRIPLET_COMMA) && (l++ == 3)) {
- l = 0;
- *--s = _stbsp__comma;
- --o;
- } else {
- *--s = (char)(n % 10) + '0';
- n /= 10;
- }
- }
- if (n64 == 0) {
- if ((s[0] == '0') && (s != (num + STBSP__NUMSZ)))
- ++s;
- break;
- }
- while (s != o)
- if ((fl & STBSP__TRIPLET_COMMA) && (l++ == 3)) {
- l = 0;
- *--s = _stbsp__comma;
- --o;
- } else {
- *--s = '0';
- }
- }
- tail[0] = 0;
- _stbsp__lead_sign(fl, lead);
- // get the length that we copied
- l = (uint32_t)((num + STBSP__NUMSZ) - s);
- if (l == 0) {
- *--s = '0';
- l = 1;
- }
- cs = l + (3 << 24);
- if (pr < 0)
- pr = 0;
- scopy:
- // get fw=leading/trailing space, pr=leading zeros
- if (pr < (int32_t)l)
- pr = l;
- n = pr + lead[0] + tail[0] + tz;
- if (fw < (int32_t)n)
- fw = n;
- fw -= n;
- pr -= l;
- // handle right justify and leading zeros
- if ((fl & STBSP__LEFTJUST) == 0) {
- if (fl & STBSP__LEADINGZERO) // if leading zeros, everything is in pr
- {
- pr = (fw > pr) ? fw : pr;
- fw = 0;
- } else {
- fl &= ~STBSP__TRIPLET_COMMA; // if no leading zeros, then no commas
- }
- }
- // copy the spaces and/or zeros
- if (fw + pr) {
- int32_t i;
- uint32_t c;
- // copy leading spaces (or when doing %8.4d stuff)
- if ((fl & STBSP__LEFTJUST) == 0)
- while (fw > 0) {
- stbsp__cb_buf_clamp(i, fw);
- fw -= i;
- while (i) {
- if ((((uintptr_t)bf) & 3) == 0)
- break;
- *bf++ = ' ';
- --i;
- }
- while (i >= 4) {
- *(uint32_t *)bf = 0x20202020;
- bf += 4;
- i -= 4;
- }
- while (i) {
- *bf++ = ' ';
- --i;
- }
- stbsp__chk_cb_buf(1);
- }
- // copy leader
- sn = lead + 1;
- while (lead[0]) {
- stbsp__cb_buf_clamp(i, lead[0]);
- lead[0] -= (char)i;
- while (i) {
- *bf++ = *sn++;
- --i;
- }
- stbsp__chk_cb_buf(1);
- }
- // copy leading zeros
- c = cs >> 24;
- cs &= 0xffffff;
- cs = (fl & STBSP__TRIPLET_COMMA) ? ((uint32_t)(c - ((pr + cs) % (c + 1)))) : 0;
- while (pr > 0) {
- stbsp__cb_buf_clamp(i, pr);
- pr -= i;
- if ((fl & STBSP__TRIPLET_COMMA) == 0) {
- while (i) {
- if ((((uintptr_t)bf) & 3) == 0)
- break;
- *bf++ = '0';
- --i;
- }
- while (i >= 4) {
- *(uint32_t *)bf = 0x30303030;
- bf += 4;
- i -= 4;
- }
- }
- while (i) {
- if ((fl & STBSP__TRIPLET_COMMA) && (cs++ == c)) {
- cs = 0;
- *bf++ = _stbsp__comma;
- } else
- *bf++ = '0';
- --i;
- }
- stbsp__chk_cb_buf(1);
- }
- }
- // copy leader if there is still one
- sn = lead + 1;
- while (lead[0]) {
- int32_t i;
- stbsp__cb_buf_clamp(i, lead[0]);
- lead[0] -= (char)i;
- while (i) {
- *bf++ = *sn++;
- --i;
- }
- stbsp__chk_cb_buf(1);
- }
- // copy the string
- n = l;
- while (n) {
- int32_t i;
- stbsp__cb_buf_clamp(i, n);
- n -= i;
- while (i >= 4) {
- *(uint32_t volatile *)bf = *(uint32_t volatile *)s;
- bf += 4;
- s += 4;
- i -= 4;
- }
- while (i) {
- *bf++ = *s++;
- --i;
- }
- stbsp__chk_cb_buf(1);
- }
- // copy trailing zeros
- while (tz) {
- int32_t i;
- stbsp__cb_buf_clamp(i, tz);
- tz -= i;
- while (i) {
- if ((((uintptr_t)bf) & 3) == 0)
- break;
- *bf++ = '0';
- --i;
- }
- while (i >= 4) {
- *(uint32_t *)bf = 0x30303030;
- bf += 4;
- i -= 4;
- }
- while (i) {
- *bf++ = '0';
- --i;
- }
- stbsp__chk_cb_buf(1);
- }
- // copy tail if there is one
- sn = tail + 1;
- while (tail[0]) {
- int32_t i;
- stbsp__cb_buf_clamp(i, tail[0]);
- tail[0] -= (char)i;
- while (i) {
- *bf++ = *sn++;
- --i;
- }
- stbsp__chk_cb_buf(1);
- }
- // handle the left justify
- if (fl & STBSP__LEFTJUST)
- if (fw > 0) {
- while (fw) {
- int32_t i;
- stbsp__cb_buf_clamp(i, fw);
- fw -= i;
- while (i) {
- if ((((uintptr_t)bf) & 3) == 0)
- break;
- *bf++ = ' ';
- --i;
- }
- while (i >= 4) {
- *(uint32_t *)bf = 0x20202020;
- bf += 4;
- i -= 4;
- }
- while (i--)
- *bf++ = ' ';
- stbsp__chk_cb_buf(1);
- }
- }
- break;
- default: // unknown, just copy code
- s = num + STBSP__NUMSZ - 1;
- *s = f[0];
- l = 1;
- fw = fl = 0;
- lead[0] = 0;
- tail[0] = 0;
- pr = 0;
- dp = 0;
- cs = 0;
- goto scopy;
- }
- ++f;
- }
- if (!callback)
- *bf = 0;
- else
- stbsp__flush_cb();
- return tlen + (int)(bf - buf);
-// cleanup
-#undef STBSP__NUMSZ
-#undef stbsp__chk_cb_bufL
-#undef stbsp__chk_cb_buf
-#undef stbsp__flush_cb
-#undef stbsp__cb_buf_clamp
-// ============================================================================
-// wrapper functions
-int sprintf(char *buf, char const *fmt, ...)
- int result;
- va_list va;
- va_start(va, fmt);
- result = __vsprintfcb(0, 0, buf, fmt, va);
- va_end(va);
- return result;
-typedef struct stbsp__context {
- char *buf;
- int count;
- int length;
- char tmp[STB_SPRINTF_MIN];
-} stbsp__context;
-static char *stbsp__clamp_callback(const char *buf, void *user, int len)
- stbsp__context *c = (stbsp__context *)user;
- c->length += len;
- if (len > c->count)
- len = c->count;
- if (len) {
- if (buf != c->buf) {
- const char *s, *se;
- char *d;
- d = c->buf;
- s = buf;
- se = buf + len;
- do {
- *d++ = *s++;
- } while (s < se);
- }
- c->buf += len;
- c->count -= len;
- }
- if (c->count <= 0)
- return c->tmp;
- return (c->count >= STB_SPRINTF_MIN) ? c->buf : c->tmp; // go direct into buffer if you can
-char * stbsp__count_clamp_callback( const char * buf, void * user, int len )
- stbsp__context * c = (stbsp__context*)user;
- (void) sizeof(buf);
- c->length += len;
- return c->tmp; // go direct into buffer if you can
-int vsnprintf( char * buf, int count, char const * fmt, va_list va )
- stbsp__context c;
- if ( (count == 0) && !buf )
- {
- c.length = 0;
- __vsprintfcb( stbsp__count_clamp_callback, &c, c.tmp, fmt, va );
- }
- else
- {
- int l;
- c.buf = buf;
- c.count = count;
- c.length = 0;
- __vsprintfcb( stbsp__clamp_callback, &c, stbsp__clamp_callback(0,&c,0), fmt, va );
- // zero-terminate
- l = (int)( c.buf - buf );
- if ( l >= count ) // should never be greater, only equal (or less) than count
- l = count - 1;
- buf[l] = 0;
- }
- return c.length;
-int snprintf(char *buf, int count, char const *fmt, ...)
- int result;
- va_list va;
- va_start(va, fmt);
- result = vsnprintf(buf, count, fmt, va);
- va_end(va);
- return result;
-int vsprintf(char *buf, char const *fmt, va_list va)
- return __vsprintfcb(0, 0, buf, fmt, va);
-// =======================================================================
-// low level float utility functions
-// copies d to bits w/ strict aliasing (this compiles to nothing on /Ox)
-#define STBSP__COPYFP(dest, src) { *(long *)&dest = *(long *)&src; }
- \
- { \
- int cn; \
- for (cn = 0; cn < 8; cn++) \
- ((char *)&dest)[cn] = ((char *)&src)[cn]; \
- }
-// get float info
-int32_t _stbsp__real_to_parts(int64_t *bits, int32_t *expo, double value)
- double d;
- int64_t b = 0;
- // load value and round at the frac_digits
- d = value;
- STBSP__COPYFP(b, d);
- *bits = b & ((((uint64_t)1) << 52) - 1);
- *expo = (int32_t)(((b >> 52) & 2047) - 1023);
- return (int32_t)((uint64_t) b >> 63);
-static double const stbsp__bot[23] = {
- 1e+000, 1e+001, 1e+002, 1e+003, 1e+004, 1e+005, 1e+006, 1e+007, 1e+008, 1e+009, 1e+010, 1e+011,
- 1e+012, 1e+013, 1e+014, 1e+015, 1e+016, 1e+017, 1e+018, 1e+019, 1e+020, 1e+021, 1e+022
-static double const stbsp__negbot[22] = {
- 1e-001, 1e-002, 1e-003, 1e-004, 1e-005, 1e-006, 1e-007, 1e-008, 1e-009, 1e-010, 1e-011,
- 1e-012, 1e-013, 1e-014, 1e-015, 1e-016, 1e-017, 1e-018, 1e-019, 1e-020, 1e-021, 1e-022
-static double const stbsp__negboterr[22] = {
- -5.551115123125783e-018, -2.0816681711721684e-019, -2.0816681711721686e-020, -4.7921736023859299e-021, -8.1803053914031305e-022, 4.5251888174113741e-023,
- 4.5251888174113739e-024, -2.0922560830128471e-025, -6.2281591457779853e-026, -3.6432197315497743e-027, 6.0503030718060191e-028, 2.0113352370744385e-029,
- -3.0373745563400371e-030, 1.1806906454401013e-032, -7.7705399876661076e-032, 2.0902213275965398e-033, -7.1542424054621921e-034, -7.1542424054621926e-035,
- 2.4754073164739869e-036, 5.4846728545790429e-037, 9.2462547772103625e-038, -4.8596774326570872e-039
-static double const stbsp__top[13] = {
- 1e+023, 1e+046, 1e+069, 1e+092, 1e+115, 1e+138, 1e+161, 1e+184, 1e+207, 1e+230, 1e+253, 1e+276, 1e+299
-static double const stbsp__negtop[13] = {
- 1e-023, 1e-046, 1e-069, 1e-092, 1e-115, 1e-138, 1e-161, 1e-184, 1e-207, 1e-230, 1e-253, 1e-276, 1e-299
-static double const stbsp__toperr[13] = {
- 8388608.,
- 6.8601809640529717e+028,
- -7.253143638152921e+052,
- -4.3377296974619174e+075,
- -1.5559416129466825e+098,
- -3.2841562489204913e+121,
- -3.7745893248228135e+144,
- -1.7356668416969134e+167,
- -3.8893577551088374e+190,
- -9.9566444326005119e+213,
- 6.3641293062232429e+236,
- -5.2069140800249813e+259,
- -5.2504760255204387e+282
-static double const stbsp__negtoperr[13] = {
- 3.9565301985100693e-040, -2.299904345391321e-063, 3.6506201437945798e-086, 1.1875228833981544e-109,
- -5.0644902316928607e-132, -6.7156837247865426e-155, -2.812077463003139e-178, -5.7778912386589953e-201,
- 7.4997100559334532e-224, -4.6439668915134491e-247, -6.3691100762962136e-270, -9.436808465446358e-293,
- 8.0970921678014997e-317
-static uint64_t const stbsp__powten[20] = {
- 1,
- 10,
- 100,
- 1000,
- 10000,
- 100000,
- 1000000,
- 10000000,
- 100000000,
- 1000000000,
- 10000000000ULL,
- 100000000000ULL,
- 1000000000000ULL,
- 10000000000000ULL,
- 100000000000000ULL,
- 1000000000000000ULL,
- 10000000000000000ULL,
- 100000000000000000ULL,
- 1000000000000000000ULL,
- 10000000000000000000ULL
-#define stbsp__tento19th (1000000000000000000ULL)
-#define stbsp__ddmulthi(oh, ol, xh, yh) \
- { \
- double ahi = 0, alo, bhi = 0, blo; \
- int64_t bt; \
- oh = xh * yh; \
- STBSP__COPYFP(bt, xh); \
- bt &= ((~(uint64_t)0) << 27); \
- STBSP__COPYFP(ahi, bt); \
- alo = xh - ahi; \
- STBSP__COPYFP(bt, yh); \
- bt &= ((~(uint64_t)0) << 27); \
- STBSP__COPYFP(bhi, bt); \
- blo = yh - bhi; \
- ol = ((ahi * bhi - oh) + ahi * blo + alo * bhi) + alo * blo; \
- }
-#define stbsp__ddtoS64(ob, xh, xl) \
- { \
- double ahi = 0, alo, vh, t; \
- ob = (int64_t)xh; \
- vh = (double)ob; \
- ahi = (xh - vh); \
- t = (ahi - xh); \
- alo = (xh - (ahi - t)) - (vh + t); \
- ob += (int64_t)(ahi + alo + xl); \
- }
-#define stbsp__ddrenorm(oh, ol) \
- { \
- double s; \
- s = oh + ol; \
- ol = ol - (s - oh); \
- oh = s; \
- }
-#define stbsp__ddmultlo(oh, ol, xh, xl, yh, yl) ol = ol + (xh * yl + xl * yh);
-#define stbsp__ddmultlos(oh, ol, xh, yl) ol = ol + (xh * yl);
-static void stbsp__raise_to_power10(double *ohi, double *olo, double d, int32_t power) // power can be -323 to +350
- double ph, pl;
- if ((power >= 0) && (power <= 22)) {
- stbsp__ddmulthi(ph, pl, d, stbsp__bot[power]);
- } else {
- int32_t e, et, eb;
- double p2h, p2l;
- e = power;
- if (power < 0)
- e = -e;
- et = (e * 0x2c9) >> 14; /* %23 */
- if (et > 13)
- et = 13;
- eb = e - (et * 23);
- ph = d;
- pl = 0.0;
- if (power < 0) {
- if (eb) {
- --eb;
- stbsp__ddmulthi(ph, pl, d, stbsp__negbot[eb]);
- stbsp__ddmultlos(ph, pl, d, stbsp__negboterr[eb]);
- }
- if (et) {
- stbsp__ddrenorm(ph, pl);
- --et;
- stbsp__ddmulthi(p2h, p2l, ph, stbsp__negtop[et]);
- stbsp__ddmultlo(p2h, p2l, ph, pl, stbsp__negtop[et], stbsp__negtoperr[et]);
- ph = p2h;
- pl = p2l;
- }
- } else {
- if (eb) {
- e = eb;
- if (eb > 22)
- eb = 22;
- e -= eb;
- stbsp__ddmulthi(ph, pl, d, stbsp__bot[eb]);
- if (e) {
- stbsp__ddrenorm(ph, pl);
- stbsp__ddmulthi(p2h, p2l, ph, stbsp__bot[e]);
- stbsp__ddmultlos(p2h, p2l, stbsp__bot[e], pl);
- ph = p2h;
- pl = p2l;
- }
- }
- if (et) {
- stbsp__ddrenorm(ph, pl);
- --et;
- stbsp__ddmulthi(p2h, p2l, ph, stbsp__top[et]);
- stbsp__ddmultlo(p2h, p2l, ph, pl, stbsp__top[et], stbsp__toperr[et]);
- ph = p2h;
- pl = p2l;
- }
- }
- }
- stbsp__ddrenorm(ph, pl);
- *ohi = ph;
- *olo = pl;
-// given a float value, returns the significant bits in bits, and the position of the
-// decimal point in decimal_pos. +/-INF and NAN are specified by special values
-// returned in the decimal_pos parameter.
-// frac_digits is absolute normally, but if you want from first significant digits (got %g and %e), or in 0x80000000
-static int32_t _stbsp__real_to_str(char const **start, uint32_t *len, char *out, int32_t *decimal_pos, double value, uint32_t frac_digits)
- double d;
- int64_t bits = 0;
- int32_t expo, e, ng, tens;
- d = value;
- STBSP__COPYFP(bits, d);
- expo = (int32_t)((bits >> 52) & 2047);
- ng = (int32_t)((uint64_t) bits >> 63);
- if (ng)
- d = -d;
- if (expo == 2047) // is nan or inf?
- {
- *start = (bits & ((((uint64_t)1) << 52) - 1)) ? "NaN" : "Inf";
- *decimal_pos = STBSP__SPECIAL;
- *len = 3;
- return ng;
- }
- if (expo == 0) // is zero or denormal
- {
- if (((uint64_t) bits << 1) == 0) // do zero
- {
- *decimal_pos = 1;
- *start = out;
- out[0] = '0';
- *len = 1;
- return ng;
- }
- // find the right expo for denormals
- {
- int64_t v = ((uint64_t)1) << 51;
- while ((bits & v) == 0) {
- --expo;
- v >>= 1;
- }
- }
- }
- // find the decimal exponent as well as the decimal bits of the value
- {
- double ph, pl;
- // log10 estimate - very specifically tweaked to hit or undershoot by no more than 1 of log10 of all expos 1..2046
- tens = expo - 1023;
- tens = (tens < 0) ? ((tens * 617) / 2048) : (((tens * 1233) / 4096) + 1);
- // move the significant bits into position and stick them into an int
- stbsp__raise_to_power10(&ph, &pl, d, 18 - tens);
- // get full as much precision from double-double as possible
- stbsp__ddtoS64(bits, ph, pl);
- // check if we undershot
- if (((uint64_t)bits) >= stbsp__tento19th)
- ++tens;
- }
- // now do the rounding in integer land
- frac_digits = (frac_digits & 0x80000000) ? ((frac_digits & 0x7ffffff) + 1) : (tens + frac_digits);
- if ((frac_digits < 24)) {
- uint32_t dg = 1;
- if ((uint64_t)bits >= stbsp__powten[9])
- dg = 10;
- while ((uint64_t)bits >= stbsp__powten[dg]) {
- ++dg;
- if (dg == 20)
- goto noround;
- }
- if (frac_digits < dg) {
- uint64_t r;
- // add 0.5 at the right position and round
- e = dg - frac_digits;
- if ((uint32_t)e >= 24)
- goto noround;
- r = stbsp__powten[e];
- bits = bits + (r / 2);
- if ((uint64_t)bits >= stbsp__powten[dg])
- ++tens;
- bits /= r;
- }
- noround:;
- }
- // kill long trailing runs of zeros
- if (bits) {
- uint32_t n;
- for (;;) {
- if (bits <= 0xffffffff)
- break;
- if (bits % 1000)
- goto donez;
- bits /= 1000;
- }
- n = (uint32_t)bits;
- while ((n % 1000) == 0)
- n /= 1000;
- bits = n;
- donez:;
- }
- // convert to string
- out += 64;
- e = 0;
- for (;;) {
- uint32_t n;
- char *o = out - 8;
- // do the conversion in chunks of U32s (avoid most 64-bit divides, worth it, constant denomiators be damned)
- if (bits >= 100000000) {
- n = (uint32_t)(bits % 100000000);
- bits /= 100000000;
- } else {
- n = (uint32_t)bits;
- bits = 0;
- }
- while (n) {
- out -= 2;
- *(uint16_t *)out = *(uint16_t *)&_stbsp__digitpair.pair[(n % 100) * 2];
- n /= 100;
- e += 2;
- }
- if (bits == 0) {
- if ((e) && (out[0] == '0')) {
- ++out;
- --e;
- }
- break;
- }
- while (out != o) {
- *--out = '0';
- ++e;
- }
- }
- *decimal_pos = tens;
- *start = out;
- *len = e;
- return ng;
-#undef stbsp__ddmulthi
-#undef stbsp__ddrenorm
-#undef stbsp__ddmultlo
-#undef stbsp__ddmultlos
-// these are the constants that gnu uses, but they don't really matter for us
-#define _IOFBF 0
-#define _IOLBF 1
-#define _IONBF 2
-#define BUFSIZ 8192
-#define EOF (-1)
-#define FILENAME_MAX 4096
-#define FOPEN_MAX 16
-typedef long fpos_t;
-#define L_tmpnam 20
-#define SEEK_CUR 1
-#define SEEK_END 2
-#define SEEK_SET 0
-#define TMP_MAX 500
-long lseek(int fd, long offset, int whence) {
- return __syscall(8, fd, offset, whence, 0, 0, 0);
-size_t fwrite(const void *ptr, size_t size, size_t nmemb, FILE *stream) {
- size_t count;
- if (nmemb > 0xffffffffffffffff / size) {
- stream->err = 1;
- return 0;
- }
- count = size * nmemb;
- while (count > 0) {
- long n = write(stream->fd, ptr, count);
- if (n <= 0) break;
- count -= n;
- ptr = (char *)ptr + n;
- }
- if (count > 0) stream->err = 1;
- return nmemb - count / size;
-size_t fread(void *ptr, size_t size, size_t nmemb, FILE *stream) {
- size_t count;
- long n = 1;
- if (nmemb > 0xffffffffffffffff / size) {
- stream->err = 1;
- return 0;
- }
- if (size == 0 || nmemb == 0) return 0;
- count = size * nmemb;
- if (stream->has_ungetc) {
- *(char *)ptr = stream->ungetc;
- stream->has_ungetc = 0;
- ptr = (char *)ptr + 1;
- --count;
- }
- if (stream->eof) return 0;
- while (count > 0) {
- n = read(stream->fd, ptr, count);
- if (n <= 0) break;
- count -= n;
- ptr = (char *)ptr + n;
- }
- if (n == 0) stream->eof = 1;
- if (n < 0) stream->err = 1;
- return nmemb - count / size;
-static char *__fprintf_callback(const char *buf, void *user, int len) {
- FILE *fp = user;
- fwrite(buf, 1, len, fp);
- return buf;
-int vfprintf(FILE *fp, const char *fmt, va_list args) {
- char buf[STB_SPRINTF_MIN];
- return __vsprintfcb(__fprintf_callback, fp, buf, fmt, args);
-int fprintf(FILE *fp, const char *fmt, ...) {
- va_list args;
- int ret;
- va_start(args, fmt);
- ret = vfprintf(fp, fmt, args);
- va_end(args);
- return ret;
-int vprintf(const char *fmt, va_list args) {
- return vfprintf(stdout, fmt, args);
-int printf(const char *fmt, ...) {
- va_list args;
- int ret;
- va_start(args, fmt);
- ret = vfprintf(stdout, fmt, args);
- va_end(args);
- return ret;
-#define O_RDONLY 0
-#define O_WRONLY 1
-#define O_RDWR 2
-#define O_CREAT 0100
-#define O_TRUNC 01000
-#define O_APPEND 02000
-#define O_DIRECTORY 0200000
-#define __O_TMPFILE 020000000
-int open(const char *path, int flags, int mode) {
- return __syscall(2, path, flags, mode, 0, 0, 0);
-int close(int fd) {
- return __syscall(3, fd, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
-int _fopen_flags_from_mode(const char *mode) {
- int flags;
- if (mode[1] == '+' || (mode[1] && mode[2] == '+')) {
- // open for updating
- flags = O_RDWR;
- switch (mode[0]) {
- case 'r': break;
- case 'w': flags |= O_TRUNC | O_CREAT; break;
- case 'a': flags |= O_APPEND | O_CREAT; break;
- default: return -1;
- }
- } else {
- switch (mode[0]) {
- case 'r': flags = O_RDONLY; break;
- case 'w': flags = O_WRONLY | O_TRUNC | O_CREAT; break;
- case 'a': flags = O_WRONLY | O_APPEND | O_CREAT; break;
- default: return -1;
- }
- }
- return flags;
-FILE *_FILE_from_fd(int fd) {
- FILE *fp = malloc(sizeof(FILE));
- // NB: our malloc implementation returns zeroed memory
- fp->fd = fd;
- return fp;
-FILE *fopen(const char *filename, const char *mode) {
- int flags = _fopen_flags_from_mode(mode);
- if (flags < 0) return NULL;
- int fd;
- fd = open(filename, flags, 0644);
- if (fd < 0) return NULL;
- return _FILE_from_fd(fd);
-FILE *fdopen(int fd, const char *mode) {
- // mode doesn't matter, hopefully
- return _FILE_from_fd(fd);
-int fclose(FILE *stream) {
- int ret = close(stream->fd);
- free(stream);
- return ret;
-int fflush(FILE *stream) {
- // we don't buffer anything
- return 0;
-FILE *freopen(const char *filename, const char *mode, FILE *stream) {
- int flags = _fopen_flags_from_mode(mode);
- close(stream->fd);
- if (flags < 0) return NULL;
- stream->eof = stream->err = 0;
- stream->fd = open(filename, flags, 0644);
- return stream;
-int unlink(const char *pathname) {
- return __syscall(87, pathname, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
-int rmdir(const char *pathname) {
- return __syscall(84, pathname, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
-int remove(const char *filename) {
- return rmdir(filename)
- ? unlink(filename)
- : 0;
-int rename(const char *old, const char *new) {
- return __syscall(82, old, new, 0, 0, 0, 0);
-char *tmpnam(char *s) {
- struct timespec t = {0};
- do {
- // NB: we can't use rand() here because
- // "The implementation shall behave as if no library function calls the rand function." C89 §
- clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &t); // use clock as a source of randomness
- sprintf(s, "/tmp/C_%06u", t.tv_nsec % 1000000);
- } while (access(s, F_OK) == 0); // if file exists, generate a new name
- return s;
-FILE *tmpfile(void) {
- int fd = open("/tmp", O_TMPFILE | O_RDWR, 0600);
- if (fd < 0) return NULL;
- return _FILE_from_fd(fd);
-int getc(FILE *stream) {
- unsigned char c;
- long n;
- if (stream->eof) return EOF;
- n = fread(&c, 1, 1, stream);
- if (n != 1) return EOF;
- return c;
-int fgetc(FILE *stream) {
- return getc(stream);
-char *fgets(char *s, int n, FILE *stream) {
- char *p = s, *end = p + (n-1);
- if (stream->eof) return NULL;
- while (p < end) {
- size_t n = fread(p, 1, 1, stream);
- if (n != 1) {
- if (p == s) {
- // end of file reached, and no characters were read
- return NULL;
- }
- break;
- }
- if (*p == '\n') {
- ++p;
- break;
- }
- ++p;
- }
- *p = '\0';
- return s;
-int putc(int c, FILE *stream) {
- size_t n = fwrite(&c, 1, 1, stream);
- if (n == 1) return c;
- return EOF;
-int fputc(int c, FILE *stream) {
- return putc(c, stream);
-int fputs(const char *s, FILE *stream) {
- size_t n = strlen(s);
- if (fwrite(s, 1, n, stream) == n)
- return n;
- return EOF;
-int getchar(void) {
- return getc(stdin);
-char *gets(char *s) {
- char *p;
- fgets(s, 1l<<20, stdin);
- if (*s) {
- p = s + strlen(s) - 1;
- // remove newline
- if (*p == '\n')
- *p = '\0';
- }
- return s;
-int putchar(int c) {
- return putc(c, stdout);
-int puts(const char *s) {
- fputs(s, stdout);
- putchar('\n');
-int ungetc(int c, FILE *stream) {
- if (c == EOF || stream->has_ungetc) return EOF;
- stream->has_ungetc = 1;
- stream->ungetc = c;
- stream->eof = 0;
- return c;
-int fgetpos(FILE *stream, fpos_t *pos) {
- long off = lseek(stream->fd, 0, SEEK_CUR);
- if (off < 0) {
- errno = EIO;
- return EIO;
- }
- *pos = off;
- return 0;
-int fsetpos(FILE *stream, const fpos_t *pos) {
- long off = lseek(stream->fd, *pos, SEEK_SET);
- if (off < 0) {
- errno = EIO;
- return EIO;
- }
- stream->eof = 0;
- return 0;
-int fseek(FILE *stream, long int offset, int whence) {
- long off = lseek(stream->fd, offset, whence);
- if (off < 0) {
- return EIO;
- }
- stream->eof = 0;
- return 0;
-long int ftell(FILE *stream) {
- long off = lseek(stream->fd, 0, SEEK_CUR);
- if (off < 0) {
- errno = EIO;
- return -1L;
- }
- return off;
-void rewind(FILE *stream) {
- fseek(stream, 0, SEEK_SET);
- stream->err = 0;
-void clearerr(FILE *stream) {
- stream->err = 0;
-int feof(FILE *stream) {
- return stream->eof;
-int ferror(FILE *stream) {
- return stream->err;
-// we don't buffer anything
-// we're allowed to do this: "The contents of the array at any time are indeterminate." C89 §
-void setbuf(FILE *stream, char *buf) {
-int setvbuf(FILE *stream, char *buf, int mode, size_t size) {
- return 0;
-typedef int _VscanfNextChar(void *, long *);
-typedef int _VscanfPeekChar(void *);
-int _str_next_char(void *dat, long *pos) {
- const char **s = dat;
- int c = **s;
- if (c == '\0') return c;
- ++*pos;
- ++*s;
- return c;
-int _file_next_char(void *dat, long *pos) {
- int c = getc(dat);
- if (c == EOF) return c;
- ++*pos;
- return c;
-int _str_peek_char(void *dat) {
- const char **s = dat;
- return **s;
-int _file_peek_char(void *dat) {
- int c = getc(dat);
- ungetc(c, dat);
- return c;
-void _bad_scanf(void) {
- fprintf(stderr, "bad scanf format.\n");
- abort();
-char _parse_escape_sequence(char **p_str) {
- char *str = *p_str;
- if (*str == '\\') {
- ++str;
- switch (*str) {
- case 'n': *p_str = str + 1; return '\n';
- case 'v': *p_str = str + 1; return '\v';
- case 't': *p_str = str + 1; return '\t';
- case 'a': *p_str = str + 1; return '\a';
- case 'f': *p_str = str + 1; return '\f';
- case 'r': *p_str = str + 1; return '\r';
- case 'b': *p_str = str + 1; return '\b';
- case 'x':
- ++str;
- return (char)strtoul(str, p_str, 16);
- case '0':case '1':case '2':case '3':case '4':case '5':case '6':case '7': {
- int c = *str++ - '0';
- if (_isdigit_in_base(*str, 8)) c = (c << 3) + *str - '0', ++str;
- if (_isdigit_in_base(*str, 8)) c = (c << 3) + *str - '0', ++str;
- return c;
- } break;
- default: *p_str = str + 1; return *str;
- }
- } else {
- *p_str += 1;
- return *str;
- }
-int _vscanf(_VscanfNextChar *__next_char, _VscanfPeekChar *__peek_char, int terminator, void *data, const char *fmt, va_list args) {
- long pos = 0; // position in file/string (needed for %n)
- int assignments = 0;
- char number[128], *p_number;
- unsigned char charset[256];
- int i;
- #define _next_char() (__next_char(data, &pos))
- #define _peek_char() (__peek_char(data))
- while (*fmt) {
- if (*fmt == '%') {
- int base = 10;
- int assign = 1;
- long field_width = LONG_MAX;
- int modifier = 0;
- char *end;
- ++fmt;
- if (*fmt == '*') assign = 0, ++fmt; // assignment suppression
- if (*fmt >= '0' && *fmt <= '9')
- field_width = strtol(fmt, &fmt, 10); // field width
- if (*fmt == 'l' || *fmt == 'L' || *fmt == 'h')
- modifier = *fmt, ++fmt;
- switch (*fmt) {
- case 'd': {
- while (isspace(_peek_char())) _next_char();
- // signed decimal integer
- ++fmt;
- if (field_width > 100) field_width = 100; // max number length
- if (field_width == 0) goto vscanf_done; // number can't have size 0
- int c = _peek_char();
- p_number = number;
- if (c == '-' || c == '+') {
- if (field_width == 1) goto vscanf_done;
- *p_number++ = _next_char();
- }
- while ((p_number - number) < field_width && isdigit(_peek_char()))
- *p_number++ = _next_char();
- *p_number = 0;
- long value = strtol(number, &end, 10);
- if (end == number) goto vscanf_done; // bad number
- if (assign) {
- switch (modifier) {
- case 0: *va_arg(args, int*) = _clamp_long_to_int(value); break;
- case 'h': *va_arg(args, short*) = _clamp_long_to_short(value); break;
- case 'l': *va_arg(args, long*) = value; break;
- default: _bad_scanf(); break;
- }
- ++assignments;
- }
- } break;
- case 'i': {
- while (isspace(_peek_char())) _next_char();
- // signed integer
- long value = 0;
- ++fmt;
- if (field_width > 100) field_width = 100; // max number length
- if (field_width == 0) goto vscanf_done; // number can't have size 0
- int c = _peek_char();
- p_number = number;
- if (c == '-' || c == '+') {
- if (field_width == 1) goto vscanf_done;
- *p_number++ = _next_char();
- c = _peek_char();
- }
- if (c == '0') {
- *p_number++ = _next_char();
- if ((p_number - number) < field_width) {
- c = _peek_char();
- if (c == 'x') {
- if ((p_number - number) < field_width-1)
- *p_number++ = _next_char(), base = 16;
- else
- goto emit_value; // e.g. 0x... width field width 2
- } else {
- base = 8;
- }
- } else goto emit_value;
- }
- while ((p_number - number) < field_width && _isdigit_in_base(_peek_char(), base))
- *p_number++ = _next_char();
- *p_number = 0;
- value = strtol(number, &end, 0);
- if (end == number) goto vscanf_done; // bad number
- emit_value:
- if (assign) {
- switch (modifier) {
- case 0: *va_arg(args, int*) = _clamp_long_to_int(value); break;
- case 'h': *va_arg(args, short*) = _clamp_long_to_short(value); break;
- case 'l': *va_arg(args, long*) = value; break;
- default: _bad_scanf(); break;
- }
- ++assignments;
- }
- } break;
- case 'o': base = 8; goto vscanf_unsigned;
- case 'u': goto vscanf_unsigned;
- case 'p': modifier = 'l', base = 16; goto vscanf_unsigned;
- case 'x': case 'X': base = 16; goto vscanf_unsigned;
- vscanf_unsigned:{
- while (isspace(_peek_char())) _next_char();
- // unsigned integers
- ++fmt;
- if (field_width > 100) field_width = 100; // max number length
- if (field_width == 0) goto vscanf_done;
- int c = _peek_char();
- p_number = number;
- if (c == '+') *p_number++ = _next_char();
- while ((p_number - number) < field_width && _isdigit_in_base(_peek_char(), base))
- *p_number++ = _next_char();
- *p_number = 0;
- unsigned long value = strtoul(number, &end, base);
- if (end == number) goto vscanf_done; // bad number
- if (assign) {
- switch (modifier) {
- case 0: *va_arg(args, unsigned*) = _clamp_ulong_to_uint(value); break;
- case 'h': *va_arg(args, unsigned short*) = _clamp_ulong_to_ushort(value); break;
- case 'l': *va_arg(args, unsigned long*) = value; break;
- default: _bad_scanf(); break;
- }
- ++assignments;
- }
- } break;
- case 'e':
- case 'f':
- case 'g':
- case 'E':
- case 'G': {
- while (isspace(_peek_char())) _next_char();
- // floats
- ++fmt;
- if (field_width > 100) field_width = 100; // max number length
- if (field_width == 0) goto vscanf_done;
- int c = _peek_char();
- p_number = number;
- if (c == '-' || c == '+') {
- if (field_width == 1) goto vscanf_done;
- *p_number++ = _next_char();
- c = _peek_char();
- }
- if (c != '.' && !isdigit(c))
- goto vscanf_done;
- while ((p_number - number) < field_width && isdigit(_peek_char()))
- *p_number++ = _next_char();
- if ((p_number - number) < field_width && _peek_char() == '.') {
- *p_number++ = _next_char();
- while ((p_number - number) < field_width && isdigit(_peek_char()))
- *p_number++ = _next_char();
- }
- c = _peek_char();
- if ((p_number - number) < field_width && c == 'e' || c == 'E') {
- *p_number++ = _next_char();
- c = _peek_char();
- if ((p_number - number) < field_width && c == '+')
- *p_number++ = _next_char();
- else if ((p_number - number) < field_width && c == '-')
- *p_number++ = _next_char();
- while ((p_number - number) < field_width && isdigit(_peek_char()))
- *p_number++ = _next_char();
- }
- double value = strtod(number, &end);
- if (end == number) goto vscanf_done; // bad number
- if (assign) {
- switch (modifier) {
- case 0: *va_arg(args, float*) = value; break;
- case 'l': case 'L': *va_arg(args, double*) = value; break;
- default: _bad_scanf(); break;
- }
- ++assignments;
- }
- } break;
- case 's': {
- while (isspace(_peek_char())) _next_char();
- // string of non-whitespace characters
- ++fmt;
- char *str = assign ? va_arg(args, char*) : NULL, *p = str;
- for (i = 0; i < field_width && !isspace(_peek_char()); ++i) {
- int c = _next_char();
- if (c == terminator) break;
- if (p) *p++ = c;
- }
- if (i == 0) goto vscanf_done; // empty sequence
- if (p) {
- *p = 0;
- ++assignments;
- }
- } break;
- case '[': {
- // string of characters in charset
- int complement = 0;
- ++fmt;
- if (*fmt == '^') {
- complement = 1;
- ++fmt;
- }
- memset(charset, complement, sizeof charset);
- do { // NB: this is a do-while loop and not a while loop, because []] matches strings of ]'s.
- charset[(unsigned char)_parse_escape_sequence(&fmt)] = !complement;
- } while (*fmt != ']');
- ++fmt; // skip ]
- char *str = assign ? va_arg(args, char*) : NULL, *p = str;
- for (i = 0; i < field_width && charset[(unsigned char)_peek_char()]; ++i) {
- int c = _next_char();
- if (c == terminator) break;
- if (p) *p++ = c;
- }
- if (i == 0) goto vscanf_done; // empty sequence
- if (p) {
- *p = 0;
- ++assignments;
- }
- } break;
- case 'c': {
- // string of characters
- ++fmt;
- char *str = assign ? va_arg(args, char*) : NULL, *p = str;
- if (field_width == LONG_MAX) field_width = 1;
- for (i = 0; i < field_width; ++i) {
- int c = _next_char();
- if (c == terminator) break;
- if (p) *p++ = c;
- }
- if (i < field_width) goto vscanf_done; // end of file encountered
- if (p) {
- ++assignments;
- }
- } break;
- case 'n':
- ++fmt;
- switch (modifier) {
- case 0: *va_arg(args, int *) = pos; break;
- case 'h': *va_arg(args, short *) = pos; break;
- case 'l': *va_arg(args, long *) = pos; break;
- default: _bad_scanf(); break;
- }
- break;
- default:
- _bad_scanf();
- break;
- }
- } else if (isspace(*fmt)) {
- // skip spaces in input
- ++fmt;
- while (isspace(_peek_char())) _next_char();
- } else {
- if (_peek_char() == *fmt) {
- // format character matches input character
- ++fmt;
- _next_char();
- } else {
- // format character doesn't match input character; stop parsing
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- vscanf_done:
- if (_peek_char() == terminator && assignments == 0) return EOF;
- return assignments;
- #undef _next_char
- #undef _peek_char
-int fscanf(FILE *stream, const char *format, ...) {
- va_list args;
- va_start(args, format);
- int ret = _vscanf(_file_next_char, _file_peek_char, EOF, stream, format, args);
- va_end(args);
- return ret;
-int sscanf(const char *s, const char *format, ...) {
- va_list args;
- va_start(args, format);
- int ret = _vscanf(_str_next_char, _str_peek_char, 0, &s, format, args);
- va_end(args);
- return ret;
-int scanf(const char *format, ...) {
- va_list args;
- va_start(args, format);
- int ret = _vscanf(_file_next_char, _file_peek_char, EOF, stdin, format, args);
- va_end(args);
- return ret;
-void perror(const char *s) {
- printf("%s: %s\n", s, strerror(errno));
-#endif // _STDIO_H
diff --git a/05/tcc-0.9.25/stdlib.h b/05/tcc-0.9.25/stdlib.h
deleted file mode 100644
index c2f83eb..0000000
--- a/05/tcc-0.9.25/stdlib.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,193 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef _STDLIB_H
-#define _STDLIB_H
-#include <stdc_common.h>
-#define EXIT_FAILURE (-1)
-#define EXIT_SUCCESS 0
-#define RAND_MAX 2147483647
-// @NONSTANDARD: we don't define MB_CUR_MAX or any of the mbtowc functions
-typedef struct {
- int quot;
- int rem;
-} div_t;
-typedef struct {
- long quot;
- long rem;
-} ldiv_t;
-char *getenv(const char *name) {
- int i, j;
- for (i = 0; _envp[i]; ++i) {
- char *key = _envp[i];
- for (j = 0; key[j] != '=' && name[j]; ++j)
- if (name[j] != key[j])
- break;
- if (key[j] == '=' && !name[j])
- return key + (j+1);
- }
- return NULL;
-double atof(const char *nptr) {
- return strtod(nptr, NULL);
-int atoi(const char *nptr) {
- return _clamp_long_to_int(strtol(nptr, NULL, 10));
-long atol(const char *nptr) {
- return strtol(nptr, NULL, 10);
-int rand(void) {
- //
- // we're using musl/newlib's constants
- _rand_seed = 6364136223846793005 * _rand_seed + 1;
- return _rand_seed >> 33;
-void srand(unsigned seed) {
- _rand_seed = seed;
-void *calloc(size_t nmemb, size_t size) {
- if (nmemb > 0xffffffffffffffff / size)
- return NULL;
- // NB: our malloc implementation returns zeroed memory
- return malloc(nmemb * size);
-void *realloc(void *ptr, size_t size) {
- if (!ptr) return malloc(size);
- if (!size) {
- free(ptr);
- return NULL;
- }
- uint64_t *memory = (char *)ptr - 16;
- uint64_t old_size = *memory;
- uint64_t *new_memory = _mremap(memory, old_size, size, MREMAP_MAYMOVE);
- if ((uint64_t)new_memory > 0xffffffffffff0000) return NULL;
- *new_memory = size;
- return (char *)new_memory + 16;
-int atexit(void (*func)(void)) {
- if (_n_exit_handlers >= 32) return -1;
- _exit_handlers[_n_exit_handlers++] = func;
- return 0;
-int system(const char *string) {
- if (!string) return 1;
- int pid = fork();
- if (pid < 0) {
- return -1;
- } else if (pid == 0) {
- // child
- char *argv[] = {
- "/bin/sh",
- "-c",
- 0,
- 0
- };
- argv[2] = string;
- execve("/bin/sh", argv, _envp);
- // on success, execve does not return.
- _Exit(-1);
- } else {
- // parent
- int status = 0;
- int ret = wait4(pid, &status, 0, NULL);
- if (ret != pid) return -1;
- if (_WIFSIGNALED(status)) return -1;
- return _WEXITSTATUS(status);
- }
-void *bsearch(const void *key, const void *base, size_t nmemb, size_t size, int (*compar)(const void *, const void *)) {
- size_t lo = 0;
- size_t hi = nmemb;
- while (lo < hi) {
- size_t mid = (lo + hi) >> 1;
- void *elem = (char *)base + mid * size;
- int cmp = compar(key, elem);
- if (cmp < 0) {
- // key < elem
- hi = mid;
- } else if (cmp) {
- // key > elem
- lo = mid + 1;
- } else {
- return elem;
- }
- }
- return NULL;
-void qsort(void *base, size_t nmemb, size_t size, int (*compar)(const void *, const void *)) {
- // quicksort
- if (nmemb < 2) return;
- void *temp = malloc(size);
- void *mid = (char *)base + ((nmemb >> 1) * size); // choose middle element to speed up sorting an already-sorted array
- size_t pivot_index = 0, i;
- for (i = 0; i < nmemb; ++i) {
- void *elem = (char *)base + i * size;
- if (compar(elem, mid) < 0)
- ++pivot_index;
- }
- void *pivot = (char *)base + pivot_index * size;
- memcpy(temp, pivot, size);
- memcpy(pivot, mid, size);
- memcpy(mid, temp, size);
- char *l, *r = (char *)base + (nmemb-1) * size;
- for (l = base; l < r;) {
- if (compar(l, pivot) > 0) {
- // swap l and r
- memcpy(temp, l, size);
- memcpy(l, r, size);
- memcpy(r, temp, size);
- r -= size;
- } else {
- // l is already in the right place
- l += size;
- }
- }
- qsort(base, pivot_index, size, compar);
- qsort((char *)pivot + size, nmemb - 1 - pivot_index, size, compar);
- free(temp);
-int abs(int x) {
- return x >= 0 ? x : -x;
-long labs(long x) {
- return x >= 0 ? x : -x;
-div_t div(int numer, int denom) {
- div_t d;
- d.quot = numer / denom;
- d.rem = numer % denom;
- return d;
-ldiv_t ldiv(long numer, long denom) {
- ldiv_t d;
- d.quot = numer / denom;
- d.rem = numer % denom;
- return d;
-#endif // _STDLIB_H
diff --git a/05/tcc-0.9.25/string.h b/05/tcc-0.9.25/string.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 4b73101..0000000
--- a/05/tcc-0.9.25/string.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,185 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef _STRING_H
-#define _STRING_H
-#include <stdc_common.h>
-void *memmove(void *s1, const void *s2, size_t n) {
- if (s1 < s2) return memcpy(s1, s2, n); // our memcpy does a forwards copy
- // backwards copy
- char *p = (char*)s1 + n, *q = (char*)s2 + n;
- while (p > s1)
- *--p = *--q;
- return s1;
-char *strcpy(char *s1, const char *s2) {
- char *p = s1 - 1, *q = s2 - 1;
- while ((*++p = *++q));
- return s1;
-char *strncpy(char *s1, const char *s2, size_t n) {
- char *p = s1 - 1, *q = s2 - 1;
- size_t i;
- for (i = 0; i < n; ++i)
- if (!(*++p = *++q))
- break;
- for (; i < n; ++i)
- *++p = 0;
- return s1;
-char *strcat(char *s1, const char *s2) {
- return strcpy(s1 + strlen(s1), s2);
-char *strncat(char *s1, const char *s2, size_t n) {
- // oddly, not equivalent to strncpy(s1 + strlen(s1), s2, n)
- char *p = s1 + strlen(s1) - 1, *q = s2 - 1;
- size_t i;
- for (i = 0; i < n; ++i)
- if (!(*++p = *++q))
- break;
- *++p = 0;
- return s1;
-int memcmp(const void *s1, const void *s2, size_t n) {
- char *p = s1, *q = s2;
- size_t i;
- for (i = 0; i < n; ++i, ++p, ++q) {
- if (*p > *q)
- return 1;
- if (*p < *q)
- return -1;
- }
- return 0;
-int strcmp(const char *s1, const char *s2) {
- char *p = s1, *q = s2;
- for (; ; ++p, ++q) {
- if (*p > *q)
- return 1;
- if (*p < *q)
- return -1;
- if (!*p) break;
- }
- return 0;
-int strcoll(const char *s1, const char *s2) {
- // we only support the C locale
- return strcmp(s1, s2);
-int strncmp(const char *s1, const char *s2, size_t n) {
- char *p = s1, *q = s2;
- size_t i;
- for (i = 0; i < n; ++i, ++p, ++q) {
- if (*p > *q)
- return 1;
- if (*p < *q)
- return -1;
- if (!*p) break;
- }
- return 0;
-size_t strxfrm(char *s1, const char *s2, size_t n) {
- // we only support the C locale
- size_t l = strlen(s2);
- if (l >= n) return l;
- strcpy(s1, s2);
- return l;
-void *memchr(const void *s, int c, size_t n) {
- char *p = s, *end = p + n;
- while (p < end) {
- if ((unsigned char)*p == c)
- return p;
- ++p;
- }
- return NULL;
-char *strchr(const char *s, int c) {
- return memchr(s, c, strlen(s)+1);
-size_t strcspn(const char *s1, const char *s2) {
- const char *p, *q;
- for (p = s1; *p; ++p) {
- for (q = s2; *q; ++q) {
- if (*p == *q)
- goto ret;
- }
- }
- ret:
- return p - s1;
-char *strpbrk(const char *s1, const char *s2) {
- const char *p, *q;
- for (p = s1; *p; ++p) {
- for (q = s2; *q; ++q) {
- if (*p == *q)
- return p;
- }
- }
- return NULL;
-char *strrchr(const char *s, int c) {
- char *p;
- for (p = s + strlen(s); p >= s; --p) {
- if (*p == c)
- return p;
- }
- return NULL;
-size_t strspn(const char *s1, const char *s2) {
- const char *p, *q;
- for (p = s1; *p; ++p) {
- for (q = s2; *q; ++q) {
- if (*p == *q) break;
- }
- if (!*q) break;
- }
- return p - s1;
-char *strstr(const char *s1, const char *s2) {
- char *p;
- size_t l = strlen(s2);
- for (p = s1; *p; ++p) {
- if (memcmp(p, s2, l) == 0)
- return p;
- }
- return NULL;
-char *strtok(char *s1, const char *s2) {
- static char *str;
- if (s1) str = s1;
- if (!str) return NULL;
- char *p = str + strspn(str, s2);
- if (!*p) {
- str = NULL;
- return NULL;
- }
- char *q = strpbrk(p, s2);
- if (q) {
- *q = 0;
- str = q + 1;
- } else {
- str = NULL;
- }
- return p;
-#endif // _STRING_H
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-<h1 class="settitle">Tiny C Compiler Reference Documentation</h1>
-<p>This manual documents version of the Tiny C Compiler.
-<table class="menu" border="0" cellspacing="0">
-<tr><td align="left" valign="top"><a href="#SEC1">1. Introduction</a></td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td><td align="left" valign="top"> Introduction to tcc.
-<tr><td align="left" valign="top"><a href="#SEC2">2. Command line invocation</a></td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td><td align="left" valign="top"> Invocation of tcc (command line, options).
-<tr><td align="left" valign="top"><a href="#SEC5">3. C language support</a></td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td><td align="left" valign="top"> ANSI C and extensions.
-<tr><td align="left" valign="top"><a href="#SEC10">4. TinyCC Assembler</a></td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td><td align="left" valign="top"> Assembler syntax.
-<tr><td align="left" valign="top"><a href="#SEC16">5. TinyCC Linker</a></td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td><td align="left" valign="top"> Output file generation and supported targets.
-<tr><td align="left" valign="top"><a href="#SEC21">6. TinyCC Memory and Bound checks</a></td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td><td align="left" valign="top"> Automatic bounds-checking of C code.
-<tr><td align="left" valign="top"><a href="#SEC22">7. The <code>libtcc</code> library</a></td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td><td align="left" valign="top"> The libtcc library.
-<tr><td align="left" valign="top"><a href="#SEC23">8. Developer's guide</a></td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td><td align="left" valign="top"> Guide for Developers.
-<hr size="1">
-<a name="Introduction"></a>
-<a name="SEC1"></a>
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-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC_Top" title="Cover (top) of document">Top</a>]</td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC_Contents" title="Table of contents">Contents</a>]</td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC36" title="Index">Index</a>]</td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC_About" title="About (help)"> ? </a>]</td>
-<h1 class="chapter"> 1. Introduction </h1>
-<p>TinyCC (aka TCC) is a small but hyper fast C compiler. Unlike other C
-compilers, it is meant to be self-relying: you do not need an
-external assembler or linker because TCC does that for you.
-<p>TCC compiles so <em>fast</em> that even for big projects <code>Makefile</code>s may
-not be necessary.
-<p>TCC not only supports ANSI C, but also most of the new ISO C99
-standard and many GNUC extensions including inline assembly.
-<p>TCC can also be used to make <em>C scripts</em>, i.e. pieces of C source
-that you run as a Perl or Python script. Compilation is so fast that
-your script will be as fast as if it was an executable.
-<p>TCC can also automatically generate memory and bound checks
-(see section <a href="#SEC21">TinyCC Memory and Bound checks</a>) while allowing all C pointers operations. TCC can do
-these checks even if non patched libraries are used.
-<p>With <code>libtcc</code>, you can use TCC as a backend for dynamic code
-generation (see section <a href="#SEC22">The <code>libtcc</code> library</a>).
-<p>TCC mainly supports the i386 target on Linux and Windows. There are alpha
-ports for the ARM (<code>arm-tcc</code>) and the TMS320C67xx targets
-(<code>c67-tcc</code>). More information about the ARM port is available at
-<a href=""></a>.
-<p>For usage on Windows, see also tcc-win32.txt.
-<hr size="6">
-<a name="Invoke"></a>
-<a name="SEC2"></a>
-<table cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1" border="0">
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-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC_Contents" title="Table of contents">Contents</a>]</td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC36" title="Index">Index</a>]</td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC_About" title="About (help)"> ? </a>]</td>
-<h1 class="chapter"> 2. Command line invocation </h1>
-<hr size="6">
-<a name="SEC3"></a>
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-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC4" title="Next section in reading order"> &gt; </a>]</td>
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-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC2" title="Beginning of this chapter or previous chapter"> &lt;&lt; </a>]</td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC2" title="Up section"> Up </a>]</td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC5" title="Next chapter"> &gt;&gt; </a>]</td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left"> &nbsp; </td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left"> &nbsp; </td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left"> &nbsp; </td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left"> &nbsp; </td>
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-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC_Contents" title="Table of contents">Contents</a>]</td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC36" title="Index">Index</a>]</td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC_About" title="About (help)"> ? </a>]</td>
-<h2 class="section"> 2.1 Quick start </h2>
-<table><tr><td>&nbsp;</td><td><pre class="example">usage: tcc [options] [<var>infile1</var> <var>infile2</var>&hellip;] [&lsquo;<samp>-run</samp>&rsquo; <var>infile</var> <var>args</var>&hellip;]
-<p>TCC options are a very much like gcc options. The main difference is that TCC
-can also execute directly the resulting program and give it runtime
-<p>Here are some examples to understand the logic:
-<dl compact="compact">
-<dt> <code>&lsquo;<samp>tcc -run a.c</samp>&rsquo;</code></dt>
-<dd><p>Compile &lsquo;<tt>a.c</tt>&rsquo; and execute it directly
-<dt> <code>&lsquo;<samp>tcc -run a.c arg1</samp>&rsquo;</code></dt>
-<dd><p>Compile a.c and execute it directly. arg1 is given as first argument to
-the <code>main()</code> of a.c.
-<dt> <code>&lsquo;<samp>tcc a.c -run b.c arg1</samp>&rsquo;</code></dt>
-<dd><p>Compile &lsquo;<tt>a.c</tt>&rsquo; and &lsquo;<tt>b.c</tt>&rsquo;, link them together and execute them. arg1 is given
-as first argument to the <code>main()</code> of the resulting program.
-<dt> <code>&lsquo;<samp>tcc -o myprog a.c b.c</samp>&rsquo;</code></dt>
-<dd><p>Compile &lsquo;<tt>a.c</tt>&rsquo; and &lsquo;<tt>b.c</tt>&rsquo;, link them and generate the executable &lsquo;<tt>myprog</tt>&rsquo;.
-<dt> <code>&lsquo;<samp>tcc -o myprog a.o b.o</samp>&rsquo;</code></dt>
-<dd><p>link &lsquo;<tt>a.o</tt>&rsquo; and &lsquo;<tt>b.o</tt>&rsquo; together and generate the executable &lsquo;<tt>myprog</tt>&rsquo;.
-<dt> <code>&lsquo;<samp>tcc -c a.c</samp>&rsquo;</code></dt>
-<dd><p>Compile &lsquo;<tt>a.c</tt>&rsquo; and generate object file &lsquo;<tt>a.o</tt>&rsquo;.
-<dt> <code>&lsquo;<samp>tcc -c asmfile.S</samp>&rsquo;</code></dt>
-<dd><p>Preprocess with C preprocess and assemble &lsquo;<tt>asmfile.S</tt>&rsquo; and generate
-object file &lsquo;<tt>asmfile.o</tt>&rsquo;.
-<dt> <code>&lsquo;<samp>tcc -c asmfile.s</samp>&rsquo;</code></dt>
-<dd><p>Assemble (but not preprocess) &lsquo;<tt>asmfile.s</tt>&rsquo; and generate object file
-<dt> <code>&lsquo;<samp>tcc -r -o ab.o a.c b.c</samp>&rsquo;</code></dt>
-<dd><p>Compile &lsquo;<tt>a.c</tt>&rsquo; and &lsquo;<tt>b.c</tt>&rsquo;, link them together and generate the object file &lsquo;<tt>ab.o</tt>&rsquo;.
-<p>TCC can be invoked from <em>scripts</em>, just as shell scripts. You just
-need to add <code>#!/usr/local/bin/tcc -run</code> at the start of your C source:
-<table><tr><td>&nbsp;</td><td><pre class="example">#!/usr/local/bin/tcc -run
-#include &lt;stdio.h&gt;
-int main()
- printf(&quot;Hello World\n&quot;);
- return 0;
-<p>TCC can read C source code from <em>standard input</em> when &lsquo;<samp>-</samp>&rsquo; is used in
-place of &lsquo;<samp>infile</samp>&rsquo;. Example:
-<table><tr><td>&nbsp;</td><td><pre class="example">echo 'main(){puts(&quot;hello&quot;);}' | tcc -run -
-<hr size="6">
-<a name="SEC4"></a>
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-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC2" title="Beginning of this chapter or previous chapter"> &lt;&lt; </a>]</td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC2" title="Up section"> Up </a>]</td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC5" title="Next chapter"> &gt;&gt; </a>]</td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left"> &nbsp; </td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left"> &nbsp; </td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left"> &nbsp; </td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left"> &nbsp; </td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC_Top" title="Cover (top) of document">Top</a>]</td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC_Contents" title="Table of contents">Contents</a>]</td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC36" title="Index">Index</a>]</td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC_About" title="About (help)"> ? </a>]</td>
-<h2 class="section"> 2.2 Option summary </h2>
-<p>General Options:
-<dl compact="compact">
-<dt> &lsquo;<samp>-v</samp>&rsquo;</dt>
-<dd><p>Display current TCC version, increase verbosity.
-<dt> &lsquo;<samp>-c</samp>&rsquo;</dt>
-<dd><p>Generate an object file (&lsquo;<samp>-o</samp>&rsquo; option must also be given).
-<dt> &lsquo;<samp>-o outfile</samp>&rsquo;</dt>
-<dd><p>Put object file, executable, or dll into output file &lsquo;<tt>outfile</tt>&rsquo;.
-<dt> &lsquo;<samp>-Bdir</samp>&rsquo;</dt>
-<dd><p>Set the path where the tcc internal libraries can be found (default is
-<dt> &lsquo;<samp>-bench</samp>&rsquo;</dt>
-<dd><p>Output compilation statistics.
-<dt> &lsquo;<samp>-run source [args...]</samp>&rsquo;</dt>
-<dd><p>Compile file <var>source</var> and run it with the command line arguments
-<var>args</var>. In order to be able to give more than one argument to a
-script, several TCC options can be given <em>after</em> the
-&lsquo;<samp>-run</samp>&rsquo; option, separated by spaces. Example:
-<table><tr><td>&nbsp;</td><td><pre class="example">tcc &quot;-run -L/usr/X11R6/lib -lX11&quot; ex4.c
-<p>In a script, it gives the following header:
-<table><tr><td>&nbsp;</td><td><pre class="example">#!/usr/local/bin/tcc -run -L/usr/X11R6/lib -lX11
-#include &lt;stdlib.h&gt;
-int main(int argc, char **argv)
- ...
-<p>Preprocessor options:
-<dl compact="compact">
-<dt> &lsquo;<samp>-Idir</samp>&rsquo;</dt>
-<dd><p>Specify an additional include path. Include paths are searched in the
-order they are specified.
-<p>System include paths are always searched after. The default system
-include paths are: &lsquo;<tt>/usr/local/include</tt>&rsquo;, &lsquo;<tt>/usr/include</tt>&rsquo;
-and &lsquo;<tt>PREFIX/lib/tcc/include</tt>&rsquo;. (&lsquo;<tt>PREFIX</tt>&rsquo; is usually
-&lsquo;<tt>/usr</tt>&rsquo; or &lsquo;<tt>/usr/local</tt>&rsquo;).
-<dt> &lsquo;<samp>-Dsym[=val]</samp>&rsquo;</dt>
-<dd><p>Define preprocessor symbol &lsquo;<samp>sym</samp>&rsquo; to
-val. If val is not present, its value is &lsquo;<samp>1</samp>&rsquo;. Function-like macros can
-also be defined: &lsquo;<samp>-DF(a)=a+1</samp>&rsquo;
-<dt> &lsquo;<samp>-Usym</samp>&rsquo;</dt>
-<dd><p>Undefine preprocessor symbol &lsquo;<samp>sym</samp>&rsquo;.
-<p>Compilation flags:
-<p>Note: each of the following warning options has a negative form beginning with
-<dl compact="compact">
-<dt> &lsquo;<samp>-funsigned-char</samp>&rsquo;</dt>
-<dd><p>Let the <code>char</code> type be unsigned.
-<dt> &lsquo;<samp>-fsigned-char</samp>&rsquo;</dt>
-<dd><p>Let the <code>char</code> type be signed.
-<dt> &lsquo;<samp>-fno-common</samp>&rsquo;</dt>
-<dd><p>Do not generate common symbols for uninitialized data.
-<dt> &lsquo;<samp>-fleading-underscore</samp>&rsquo;</dt>
-<dd><p>Add a leading underscore at the beginning of each C symbol.
-<p>Warning options:
-<dl compact="compact">
-<dt> &lsquo;<samp>-w</samp>&rsquo;</dt>
-<dd><p>Disable all warnings.
-<p>Note: each of the following warning options has a negative form beginning with
-<dl compact="compact">
-<dt> &lsquo;<samp>-Wimplicit-function-declaration</samp>&rsquo;</dt>
-<dd><p>Warn about implicit function declaration.
-<dt> &lsquo;<samp>-Wunsupported</samp>&rsquo;</dt>
-<dd><p>Warn about unsupported GCC features that are ignored by TCC.
-<dt> &lsquo;<samp>-Wwrite-strings</samp>&rsquo;</dt>
-<dd><p>Make string constants be of type <code>const char *</code> instead of <code>char
-<dt> &lsquo;<samp>-Werror</samp>&rsquo;</dt>
-<dd><p>Abort compilation if warnings are issued.
-<dt> &lsquo;<samp>-Wall</samp>&rsquo; </dt>
-<dd><p>Activate all warnings, except &lsquo;<samp>-Werror</samp>&rsquo;, &lsquo;<samp>-Wunusupported</samp>&rsquo; and
-<p>Linker options:
-<dl compact="compact">
-<dt> &lsquo;<samp>-Ldir</samp>&rsquo;</dt>
-<dd><p>Specify an additional static library path for the &lsquo;<samp>-l</samp>&rsquo; option. The
-default library paths are &lsquo;<tt>/usr/local/lib</tt>&rsquo;, &lsquo;<tt>/usr/lib</tt>&rsquo; and &lsquo;<tt>/lib</tt>&rsquo;.
-<dt> &lsquo;<samp>-lxxx</samp>&rsquo;</dt>
-<dd><p>Link your program with dynamic library or static library
-libxxx.a. The library is searched in the paths specified by the
-&lsquo;<samp>-L</samp>&rsquo; option.
-<dt> &lsquo;<samp>-shared</samp>&rsquo;</dt>
-<dd><p>Generate a shared library instead of an executable (&lsquo;<samp>-o</samp>&rsquo; option
-must also be given).
-<dt> &lsquo;<samp>-static</samp>&rsquo;</dt>
-<dd><p>Generate a statically linked executable (default is a shared linked
-executable) (&lsquo;<samp>-o</samp>&rsquo; option must also be given).
-<dt> &lsquo;<samp>-rdynamic</samp>&rsquo;</dt>
-<dd><p>Export global symbols to the dynamic linker. It is useful when a library
-opened with <code>dlopen()</code> needs to access executable symbols.
-<dt> &lsquo;<samp>-r</samp>&rsquo;</dt>
-<dd><p>Generate an object file combining all input files (&lsquo;<samp>-o</samp>&rsquo; option must
-also be given).
-<dt> &lsquo;<samp>-Wl,-Ttext,address</samp>&rsquo;</dt>
-<dd><p>Set the start of the .text section to <var>address</var>.
-<dt> &lsquo;<samp>-Wl,--oformat,fmt</samp>&rsquo;</dt>
-<dd><p>Use <var>fmt</var> as output format. The supported output formats are:
-</p><dl compact="compact">
-<dt> <code>elf32-i386</code></dt>
-<dd><p>ELF output format (default)
-<dt> <code>binary</code></dt>
-<dd><p>Binary image (only for executable output)
-<dt> <code>coff</code></dt>
-<dd><p>COFF output format (only for executable output for TMS320C67xx target)
-<p>Debugger options:
-<dl compact="compact">
-<dt> &lsquo;<samp>-g</samp>&rsquo;</dt>
-<dd><p>Generate run time debug information so that you get clear run time
-error messages: <code> test.c:68: in function 'test5()': dereferencing
-invalid pointer</code> instead of the laconic <code>Segmentation
-<dt> &lsquo;<samp>-b</samp>&rsquo;</dt>
-<dd><p>Generate additional support code to check
-memory allocations and array/pointer bounds. &lsquo;<samp>-g</samp>&rsquo; is implied. Note
-that the generated code is slower and bigger in this case.
-<dt> &lsquo;<samp>-bt N</samp>&rsquo;</dt>
-<dd><p>Display N callers in stack traces. This is useful with &lsquo;<samp>-g</samp>&rsquo; or
-<p>Note: GCC options &lsquo;<samp>-Ox</samp>&rsquo;, &lsquo;<samp>-fx</samp>&rsquo; and &lsquo;<samp>-mx</samp>&rsquo; are
-<hr size="6">
-<a name="Clang"></a>
-<a name="SEC5"></a>
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-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC_Contents" title="Table of contents">Contents</a>]</td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC36" title="Index">Index</a>]</td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC_About" title="About (help)"> ? </a>]</td>
-<h1 class="chapter"> 3. C language support </h1>
-<hr size="6">
-<a name="SEC6"></a>
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-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC10" title="Next chapter"> &gt;&gt; </a>]</td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left"> &nbsp; </td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left"> &nbsp; </td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left"> &nbsp; </td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left"> &nbsp; </td>
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-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC_Contents" title="Table of contents">Contents</a>]</td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC36" title="Index">Index</a>]</td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC_About" title="About (help)"> ? </a>]</td>
-<h2 class="section"> 3.1 ANSI C </h2>
-<p>TCC implements all the ANSI C standard, including structure bit fields
-and floating point numbers (<code>long double</code>, <code>double</code>, and
-<code>float</code> fully supported).
-<hr size="6">
-<a name="SEC7"></a>
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-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC10" title="Next chapter"> &gt;&gt; </a>]</td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left"> &nbsp; </td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left"> &nbsp; </td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left"> &nbsp; </td>
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-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC_Contents" title="Table of contents">Contents</a>]</td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC36" title="Index">Index</a>]</td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC_About" title="About (help)"> ? </a>]</td>
-<h2 class="section"> 3.2 ISOC99 extensions </h2>
-<p>TCC implements many features of the new C standard: ISO C99. Currently
-missing items are: complex and imaginary numbers and variable length
-<p>Currently implemented ISOC99 features:
-<ul class="toc">
-<li> 64 bit <code>long long</code> types are fully supported.
-</li><li> The boolean type <code>_Bool</code> is supported.
-</li><li> <code>__func__</code> is a string variable containing the current
-function name.
-</li><li> Variadic macros: <code>__VA_ARGS__</code> can be used for
- function-like macros:
-<table><tr><td>&nbsp;</td><td><pre class="example"> #define dprintf(level, __VA_ARGS__) printf(__VA_ARGS__)
-<p><code>dprintf</code> can then be used with a variable number of parameters.
-</li><li> Declarations can appear anywhere in a block (as in C++).
-</li><li> Array and struct/union elements can be initialized in any order by
- using designators:
-<table><tr><td>&nbsp;</td><td><pre class="example"> struct { int x, y; } st[10] = { [0].x = 1, [0].y = 2 };
- int tab[10] = { 1, 2, [5] = 5, [9] = 9};
-</li><li> Compound initializers are supported:
-<table><tr><td>&nbsp;</td><td><pre class="example"> int *p = (int []){ 1, 2, 3 };
-<p>to initialize a pointer pointing to an initialized array. The same
-works for structures and strings.
-</li><li> Hexadecimal floating point constants are supported:
-<table><tr><td>&nbsp;</td><td><pre class="example"> double d = 0x1234p10;
-<p>is the same as writing
-</p><table><tr><td>&nbsp;</td><td><pre class="example"> double d = 4771840.0;
-</li><li> <code>inline</code> keyword is ignored.
-</li><li> <code>restrict</code> keyword is ignored.
-<hr size="6">
-<a name="SEC8"></a>
-<table cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1" border="0">
-<tr><td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC7" title="Previous section in reading order"> &lt; </a>]</td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC9" title="Next section in reading order"> &gt; </a>]</td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left"> &nbsp; </td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC5" title="Beginning of this chapter or previous chapter"> &lt;&lt; </a>]</td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC5" title="Up section"> Up </a>]</td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC10" title="Next chapter"> &gt;&gt; </a>]</td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left"> &nbsp; </td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left"> &nbsp; </td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left"> &nbsp; </td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left"> &nbsp; </td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC_Top" title="Cover (top) of document">Top</a>]</td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC_Contents" title="Table of contents">Contents</a>]</td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC36" title="Index">Index</a>]</td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC_About" title="About (help)"> ? </a>]</td>
-<h2 class="section"> 3.3 GNU C extensions </h2>
-<p>TCC implements some GNU C extensions:
-<ul class="toc">
-<li> array designators can be used without '=':
-<table><tr><td>&nbsp;</td><td><pre class="example"> int a[10] = { [0] 1, [5] 2, 3, 4 };
-</li><li> Structure field designators can be a label:
-<table><tr><td>&nbsp;</td><td><pre class="example"> struct { int x, y; } st = { x: 1, y: 1};
-<p>instead of
-</p><table><tr><td>&nbsp;</td><td><pre class="example"> struct { int x, y; } st = { .x = 1, .y = 1};
-</li><li> <code>\e</code> is ASCII character 27.
-</li><li> case ranges : ranges can be used in <code>case</code>s:
-<table><tr><td>&nbsp;</td><td><pre class="example"> switch(a) {
- case 1 &hellip; 9:
- printf(&quot;range 1 to 9\n&quot;);
- break;
- default:
- printf(&quot;unexpected\n&quot;);
- break;
- }
-<a name="IDX1"></a>
-<a name="IDX2"></a>
-<a name="IDX3"></a>
-<a name="IDX4"></a>
-<a name="IDX5"></a>
-<a name="IDX6"></a>
-<a name="IDX7"></a>
-<a name="IDX8"></a>
-</li><li> The keyword <code>__attribute__</code> is handled to specify variable or
-function attributes. The following attributes are supported:
-<ul class="toc">
-<li> <code>aligned(n)</code>: align a variable or a structure field to n bytes
-(must be a power of two).
- </li><li> <code>packed</code>: force alignment of a variable or a structure field to
- 1.
- </li><li> <code>section(name)</code>: generate function or data in assembly section
-name (name is a string containing the section name) instead of the default
- </li><li> <code>unused</code>: specify that the variable or the function is unused.
- </li><li> <code>cdecl</code>: use standard C calling convention (default).
- </li><li> <code>stdcall</code>: use Pascal-like calling convention.
- </li><li> <code>regparm(n)</code>: use fast i386 calling convention. <var>n</var> must be
-between 1 and 3. The first <var>n</var> function parameters are respectively put in
-registers <code>%eax</code>, <code>%edx</code> and <code>%ecx</code>.
- </li><li> <code>dllexport</code>: export function from dll/executable (win32 only)
-<p>Here are some examples:
-</p><table><tr><td>&nbsp;</td><td><pre class="example"> int a __attribute__ ((aligned(8), section(&quot;.mysection&quot;)));
-<p>align variable <code>a</code> to 8 bytes and put it in section <code>.mysection</code>.
-<table><tr><td>&nbsp;</td><td><pre class="example"> int my_add(int a, int b) __attribute__ ((section(&quot;.mycodesection&quot;)))
- {
- return a + b;
- }
-<p>generate function <code>my_add</code> in section <code>.mycodesection</code>.
-</li><li> GNU style variadic macros:
-<table><tr><td>&nbsp;</td><td><pre class="example"> #define dprintf(fmt, args&hellip;) printf(fmt, ## args)
- dprintf(&quot;no arg\n&quot;);
- dprintf(&quot;one arg %d\n&quot;, 1);
-</li><li> <code>__FUNCTION__</code> is interpreted as C99 <code>__func__</code>
-(so it has not exactly the same semantics as string literal GNUC
-where it is a string literal).
-</li><li> The <code>__alignof__</code> keyword can be used as <code>sizeof</code>
-to get the alignment of a type or an expression.
-</li><li> The <code>typeof(x)</code> returns the type of <code>x</code>.
-<code>x</code> is an expression or a type.
-</li><li> Computed gotos: <code>&amp;&amp;label</code> returns a pointer of type
-<code>void *</code> on the goto label <code>label</code>. <code>goto *expr</code> can be
-used to jump on the pointer resulting from <code>expr</code>.
-</li><li> Inline assembly with asm instruction:
-<a name="IDX9"></a>
-<a name="IDX10"></a>
-<a name="IDX11"></a>
-<table><tr><td>&nbsp;</td><td><pre class="example">static inline void * my_memcpy(void * to, const void * from, size_t n)
-int d0, d1, d2;
-__asm__ __volatile__(
- &quot;rep ; movsl\n\t&quot;
- &quot;testb $2,%b4\n\t&quot;
- &quot;je 1f\n\t&quot;
- &quot;movsw\n&quot;
- &quot;1:\ttestb $1,%b4\n\t&quot;
- &quot;je 2f\n\t&quot;
- &quot;movsb\n&quot;
- &quot;2:&quot;
- : &quot;=&amp;c&quot; (d0), &quot;=&amp;D&quot; (d1), &quot;=&amp;S&quot; (d2)
- :&quot;0&quot; (n/4), &quot;q&quot; (n),&quot;1&quot; ((long) to),&quot;2&quot; ((long) from)
- : &quot;memory&quot;);
-return (to);
-<a name="IDX12"></a>
-<p>TCC includes its own x86 inline assembler with a <code>gas</code>-like (GNU
-assembler) syntax. No intermediate files are generated. GCC 3.x named
-operands are supported.
-</li><li> <code>__builtin_types_compatible_p()</code> and <code>__builtin_constant_p()</code>
-are supported.
-</li><li> <code>#pragma pack</code> is supported for win32 compatibility.
-<hr size="6">
-<a name="SEC9"></a>
-<table cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1" border="0">
-<tr><td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC8" title="Previous section in reading order"> &lt; </a>]</td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC10" title="Next section in reading order"> &gt; </a>]</td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left"> &nbsp; </td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC5" title="Beginning of this chapter or previous chapter"> &lt;&lt; </a>]</td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC5" title="Up section"> Up </a>]</td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC10" title="Next chapter"> &gt;&gt; </a>]</td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left"> &nbsp; </td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left"> &nbsp; </td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left"> &nbsp; </td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left"> &nbsp; </td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC_Top" title="Cover (top) of document">Top</a>]</td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC_Contents" title="Table of contents">Contents</a>]</td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC36" title="Index">Index</a>]</td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC_About" title="About (help)"> ? </a>]</td>
-<h2 class="section"> 3.4 TinyCC extensions </h2>
-<ul class="toc">
-<li> <code>__TINYC__</code> is a predefined macro to <code>1</code> to
-indicate that you use TCC.
-</li><li> <code>#!</code> at the start of a line is ignored to allow scripting.
-</li><li> Binary digits can be entered (<code>0b101</code> instead of
-</li><li> <code>__BOUNDS_CHECKING_ON</code> is defined if bound checking is activated.
-<hr size="6">
-<a name="asm"></a>
-<a name="SEC10"></a>
-<table cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1" border="0">
-<tr><td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC9" title="Previous section in reading order"> &lt; </a>]</td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC11" title="Next section in reading order"> &gt; </a>]</td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left"> &nbsp; </td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC5" title="Beginning of this chapter or previous chapter"> &lt;&lt; </a>]</td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC_Top" title="Up section"> Up </a>]</td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC16" title="Next chapter"> &gt;&gt; </a>]</td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left"> &nbsp; </td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left"> &nbsp; </td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left"> &nbsp; </td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left"> &nbsp; </td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC_Top" title="Cover (top) of document">Top</a>]</td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC_Contents" title="Table of contents">Contents</a>]</td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC36" title="Index">Index</a>]</td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC_About" title="About (help)"> ? </a>]</td>
-<h1 class="chapter"> 4. TinyCC Assembler </h1>
-<p>Since version 0.9.16, TinyCC integrates its own assembler. TinyCC
-assembler supports a gas-like syntax (GNU assembler). You can
-desactivate assembler support if you want a smaller TinyCC executable
-(the C compiler does not rely on the assembler).
-<p>TinyCC Assembler is used to handle files with &lsquo;<tt>.S</tt>&rsquo; (C
-preprocessed assembler) and &lsquo;<tt>.s</tt>&rsquo; extensions. It is also used to
-handle the GNU inline assembler with the <code>asm</code> keyword.
-<hr size="6">
-<a name="SEC11"></a>
-<table cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1" border="0">
-<tr><td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC10" title="Previous section in reading order"> &lt; </a>]</td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC12" title="Next section in reading order"> &gt; </a>]</td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left"> &nbsp; </td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC10" title="Beginning of this chapter or previous chapter"> &lt;&lt; </a>]</td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC10" title="Up section"> Up </a>]</td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC16" title="Next chapter"> &gt;&gt; </a>]</td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left"> &nbsp; </td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left"> &nbsp; </td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left"> &nbsp; </td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left"> &nbsp; </td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC_Top" title="Cover (top) of document">Top</a>]</td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC_Contents" title="Table of contents">Contents</a>]</td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC36" title="Index">Index</a>]</td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC_About" title="About (help)"> ? </a>]</td>
-<h2 class="section"> 4.1 Syntax </h2>
-<p>TinyCC Assembler supports most of the gas syntax. The tokens are the
-same as C.
-<ul class="toc">
-<li> C and C++ comments are supported.
-</li><li> Identifiers are the same as C, so you cannot use '.' or '$'.
-</li><li> Only 32 bit integer numbers are supported.
-<hr size="6">
-<a name="SEC12"></a>
-<table cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1" border="0">
-<tr><td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC11" title="Previous section in reading order"> &lt; </a>]</td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC13" title="Next section in reading order"> &gt; </a>]</td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left"> &nbsp; </td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC10" title="Beginning of this chapter or previous chapter"> &lt;&lt; </a>]</td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC10" title="Up section"> Up </a>]</td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC16" title="Next chapter"> &gt;&gt; </a>]</td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left"> &nbsp; </td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left"> &nbsp; </td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left"> &nbsp; </td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left"> &nbsp; </td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC_Top" title="Cover (top) of document">Top</a>]</td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC_Contents" title="Table of contents">Contents</a>]</td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC36" title="Index">Index</a>]</td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC_About" title="About (help)"> ? </a>]</td>
-<h2 class="section"> 4.2 Expressions </h2>
-<ul class="toc">
-<li> Integers in decimal, octal and hexa are supported.
-</li><li> Unary operators: +, -, ~.
-</li><li> Binary operators in decreasing priority order:
-<li> *, /, %
-</li><li> &amp;, |, ^
-</li><li> +, -
-</li><li> A value is either an absolute number or a label plus an offset.
-All operators accept absolute values except '+' and '-'. '+' or '-' can be
-used to add an offset to a label. '-' supports two labels only if they
-are the same or if they are both defined and in the same section.
-<hr size="6">
-<a name="SEC13"></a>
-<table cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1" border="0">
-<tr><td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC12" title="Previous section in reading order"> &lt; </a>]</td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC14" title="Next section in reading order"> &gt; </a>]</td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left"> &nbsp; </td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC10" title="Beginning of this chapter or previous chapter"> &lt;&lt; </a>]</td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC10" title="Up section"> Up </a>]</td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC16" title="Next chapter"> &gt;&gt; </a>]</td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left"> &nbsp; </td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left"> &nbsp; </td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left"> &nbsp; </td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left"> &nbsp; </td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC_Top" title="Cover (top) of document">Top</a>]</td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC_Contents" title="Table of contents">Contents</a>]</td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC36" title="Index">Index</a>]</td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC_About" title="About (help)"> ? </a>]</td>
-<h2 class="section"> 4.3 Labels </h2>
-<ul class="toc">
-<li> All labels are considered as local, except undefined ones.
-</li><li> Numeric labels can be used as local <code>gas</code>-like labels.
-They can be defined several times in the same source. Use 'b'
-(backward) or 'f' (forward) as suffix to reference them:
-<table><tr><td>&nbsp;</td><td><pre class="example"> 1:
- jmp 1b /* jump to '1' label before */
- jmp 1f /* jump to '1' label after */
- 1:
-<hr size="6">
-<a name="SEC14"></a>
-<table cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1" border="0">
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-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC15" title="Next section in reading order"> &gt; </a>]</td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left"> &nbsp; </td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC10" title="Beginning of this chapter or previous chapter"> &lt;&lt; </a>]</td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC10" title="Up section"> Up </a>]</td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC16" title="Next chapter"> &gt;&gt; </a>]</td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left"> &nbsp; </td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left"> &nbsp; </td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left"> &nbsp; </td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left"> &nbsp; </td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC_Top" title="Cover (top) of document">Top</a>]</td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC_Contents" title="Table of contents">Contents</a>]</td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC36" title="Index">Index</a>]</td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC_About" title="About (help)"> ? </a>]</td>
-<h2 class="section"> 4.4 Directives </h2>
-<p>All directives are preceeded by a '.'. The following directives are
-<ul class="toc">
-<li> .align n[,value]
-</li><li> .skip n[,value]
-</li><li> .space n[,value]
-</li><li> .byte value1[,...]
-</li><li> .word value1[,...]
-</li><li> .short value1[,...]
-</li><li> .int value1[,...]
-</li><li> .long value1[,...]
-</li><li> .quad immediate_value1[,...]
-</li><li> .globl symbol
-</li><li> .global symbol
-</li><li> .section section
-</li><li> .text
-</li><li> .data
-</li><li> .bss
-</li><li> .fill repeat[,size[,value]]
-</li><li> .org n
-</li><li> .previous
-</li><li> .string string[,...]
-</li><li> .asciz string[,...]
-</li><li> .ascii string[,...]
-<hr size="6">
-<a name="SEC15"></a>
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-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC16" title="Next section in reading order"> &gt; </a>]</td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left"> &nbsp; </td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC10" title="Beginning of this chapter or previous chapter"> &lt;&lt; </a>]</td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC10" title="Up section"> Up </a>]</td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC16" title="Next chapter"> &gt;&gt; </a>]</td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left"> &nbsp; </td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left"> &nbsp; </td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left"> &nbsp; </td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left"> &nbsp; </td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC_Top" title="Cover (top) of document">Top</a>]</td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC_Contents" title="Table of contents">Contents</a>]</td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC36" title="Index">Index</a>]</td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC_About" title="About (help)"> ? </a>]</td>
-<h2 class="section"> 4.5 X86 Assembler </h2>
-<p>All X86 opcodes are supported. Only ATT syntax is supported (source
-then destination operand order). If no size suffix is given, TinyCC
-tries to guess it from the operand sizes.
-<p>Currently, MMX opcodes are supported but not SSE ones.
-<hr size="6">
-<a name="linker"></a>
-<a name="SEC16"></a>
-<table cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1" border="0">
-<tr><td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC15" title="Previous section in reading order"> &lt; </a>]</td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC17" title="Next section in reading order"> &gt; </a>]</td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left"> &nbsp; </td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC10" title="Beginning of this chapter or previous chapter"> &lt;&lt; </a>]</td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC_Top" title="Up section"> Up </a>]</td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC21" title="Next chapter"> &gt;&gt; </a>]</td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left"> &nbsp; </td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left"> &nbsp; </td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left"> &nbsp; </td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left"> &nbsp; </td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC_Top" title="Cover (top) of document">Top</a>]</td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC_Contents" title="Table of contents">Contents</a>]</td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC36" title="Index">Index</a>]</td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC_About" title="About (help)"> ? </a>]</td>
-<h1 class="chapter"> 5. TinyCC Linker </h1>
-<hr size="6">
-<a name="SEC17"></a>
-<table cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1" border="0">
-<tr><td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC16" title="Previous section in reading order"> &lt; </a>]</td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC18" title="Next section in reading order"> &gt; </a>]</td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left"> &nbsp; </td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC16" title="Beginning of this chapter or previous chapter"> &lt;&lt; </a>]</td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC16" title="Up section"> Up </a>]</td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC21" title="Next chapter"> &gt;&gt; </a>]</td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left"> &nbsp; </td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left"> &nbsp; </td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left"> &nbsp; </td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left"> &nbsp; </td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC_Top" title="Cover (top) of document">Top</a>]</td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC_Contents" title="Table of contents">Contents</a>]</td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC36" title="Index">Index</a>]</td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC_About" title="About (help)"> ? </a>]</td>
-<h2 class="section"> 5.1 ELF file generation </h2>
-<p>TCC can directly output relocatable ELF files (object files),
-executable ELF files and dynamic ELF libraries without relying on an
-external linker.
-<p>Dynamic ELF libraries can be output but the C compiler does not generate
-position independent code (PIC). It means that the dynamic library
-code generated by TCC cannot be factorized among processes yet.
-<p>TCC linker eliminates unreferenced object code in libraries. A single pass is
-done on the object and library list, so the order in which object files and
-libraries are specified is important (same constraint as GNU ld). No grouping
-options (&lsquo;<samp>--start-group</samp>&rsquo; and &lsquo;<samp>--end-group</samp>&rsquo;) are supported.
-<hr size="6">
-<a name="SEC18"></a>
-<table cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1" border="0">
-<tr><td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC17" title="Previous section in reading order"> &lt; </a>]</td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC19" title="Next section in reading order"> &gt; </a>]</td>
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-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC16" title="Beginning of this chapter or previous chapter"> &lt;&lt; </a>]</td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC16" title="Up section"> Up </a>]</td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC21" title="Next chapter"> &gt;&gt; </a>]</td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left"> &nbsp; </td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left"> &nbsp; </td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left"> &nbsp; </td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left"> &nbsp; </td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC_Top" title="Cover (top) of document">Top</a>]</td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC_Contents" title="Table of contents">Contents</a>]</td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC36" title="Index">Index</a>]</td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC_About" title="About (help)"> ? </a>]</td>
-<h2 class="section"> 5.2 ELF file loader </h2>
-<p>TCC can load ELF object files, archives (.a files) and dynamic
-libraries (.so).
-<hr size="6">
-<a name="SEC19"></a>
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-<tr><td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC18" title="Previous section in reading order"> &lt; </a>]</td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC20" title="Next section in reading order"> &gt; </a>]</td>
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-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC16" title="Beginning of this chapter or previous chapter"> &lt;&lt; </a>]</td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC16" title="Up section"> Up </a>]</td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC21" title="Next chapter"> &gt;&gt; </a>]</td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left"> &nbsp; </td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left"> &nbsp; </td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left"> &nbsp; </td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left"> &nbsp; </td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC_Top" title="Cover (top) of document">Top</a>]</td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC_Contents" title="Table of contents">Contents</a>]</td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC36" title="Index">Index</a>]</td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC_About" title="About (help)"> ? </a>]</td>
-<h2 class="section"> 5.3 PE-i386 file generation </h2>
-<p>TCC for Windows supports the native Win32 executable file format (PE-i386). It
-generates EXE files (console and gui) and DLL files.
-<p>For usage on Windows, see also tcc-win32.txt.
-<hr size="6">
-<a name="SEC20"></a>
-<table cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1" border="0">
-<tr><td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC19" title="Previous section in reading order"> &lt; </a>]</td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC21" title="Next section in reading order"> &gt; </a>]</td>
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-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC16" title="Beginning of this chapter or previous chapter"> &lt;&lt; </a>]</td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC16" title="Up section"> Up </a>]</td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC21" title="Next chapter"> &gt;&gt; </a>]</td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left"> &nbsp; </td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left"> &nbsp; </td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left"> &nbsp; </td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left"> &nbsp; </td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC_Top" title="Cover (top) of document">Top</a>]</td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC_Contents" title="Table of contents">Contents</a>]</td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC36" title="Index">Index</a>]</td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC_About" title="About (help)"> ? </a>]</td>
-<h2 class="section"> 5.4 GNU Linker Scripts </h2>
-<p>Because on many Linux systems some dynamic libraries (such as
-&lsquo;<tt>/usr/lib/</tt>&rsquo;) are in fact GNU ld link scripts (horrible!),
-the TCC linker also supports a subset of GNU ld scripts.
-<p>The <code>GROUP</code> and <code>FILE</code> commands are supported. <code>OUTPUT_FORMAT</code>
-and <code>TARGET</code> are ignored.
-<p>Example from &lsquo;<tt>/usr/lib/</tt>&rsquo;:
-</p><table><tr><td>&nbsp;</td><td><pre class="example">/* GNU ld script
- Use the shared library, but some functions are only in
- the static library, so try that secondarily. */
-GROUP ( /lib/ /usr/lib/libc_nonshared.a )
-<hr size="6">
-<a name="Bounds"></a>
-<a name="SEC21"></a>
-<table cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1" border="0">
-<tr><td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC20" title="Previous section in reading order"> &lt; </a>]</td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC22" title="Next section in reading order"> &gt; </a>]</td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left"> &nbsp; </td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC16" title="Beginning of this chapter or previous chapter"> &lt;&lt; </a>]</td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC_Top" title="Up section"> Up </a>]</td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC22" title="Next chapter"> &gt;&gt; </a>]</td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left"> &nbsp; </td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left"> &nbsp; </td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left"> &nbsp; </td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left"> &nbsp; </td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC_Top" title="Cover (top) of document">Top</a>]</td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC_Contents" title="Table of contents">Contents</a>]</td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC36" title="Index">Index</a>]</td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC_About" title="About (help)"> ? </a>]</td>
-<h1 class="chapter"> 6. TinyCC Memory and Bound checks </h1>
-<p>This feature is activated with the &lsquo;<samp>-b</samp>&rsquo; (see section <a href="#SEC2">Command line invocation</a>).
-<p>Note that pointer size is <em>unchanged</em> and that code generated
-with bound checks is <em>fully compatible</em> with unchecked
-code. When a pointer comes from unchecked code, it is assumed to be
-valid. Even very obscure C code with casts should work correctly.
-<p>For more information about the ideas behind this method, see
-<a href=""></a>.
-<p>Here are some examples of caught errors:
-<dl compact="compact">
-<dt> Invalid range with standard string function:</dt>
-<dd><table><tr><td>&nbsp;</td><td><pre class="example">{
- char tab[10];
- memset(tab, 0, 11);
-<dt> Out of bounds-error in global or local arrays:</dt>
-<dd><table><tr><td>&nbsp;</td><td><pre class="example">{
- int tab[10];
- for(i=0;i&lt;11;i++) {
- sum += tab[i];
- }
-<dt> Out of bounds-error in malloc'ed data:</dt>
-<dd><table><tr><td>&nbsp;</td><td><pre class="example">{
- int *tab;
- tab = malloc(20 * sizeof(int));
- for(i=0;i&lt;21;i++) {
- sum += tab4[i];
- }
- free(tab);
-<dt> Access of freed memory:</dt>
-<dd><table><tr><td>&nbsp;</td><td><pre class="example">{
- int *tab;
- tab = malloc(20 * sizeof(int));
- free(tab);
- for(i=0;i&lt;20;i++) {
- sum += tab4[i];
- }
-<dt> Double free:</dt>
-<dd><table><tr><td>&nbsp;</td><td><pre class="example">{
- int *tab;
- tab = malloc(20 * sizeof(int));
- free(tab);
- free(tab);
-<hr size="6">
-<a name="Libtcc"></a>
-<a name="SEC22"></a>
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-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC23" title="Next chapter"> &gt;&gt; </a>]</td>
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-<td valign="middle" align="left"> &nbsp; </td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left"> &nbsp; </td>
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-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC_Contents" title="Table of contents">Contents</a>]</td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC36" title="Index">Index</a>]</td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC_About" title="About (help)"> ? </a>]</td>
-<h1 class="chapter"> 7. The <code>libtcc</code> library </h1>
-<p>The <code>libtcc</code> library enables you to use TCC as a backend for
-dynamic code generation.
-<p>Read the &lsquo;<tt>libtcc.h</tt>&rsquo; to have an overview of the API. Read
-&lsquo;<tt>libtcc_test.c</tt>&rsquo; to have a very simple example.
-<p>The idea consists in giving a C string containing the program you want
-to compile directly to <code>libtcc</code>. Then you can access to any global
-symbol (function or variable) defined.
-<hr size="6">
-<a name="devel"></a>
-<a name="SEC23"></a>
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-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC24" title="Next section in reading order"> &gt; </a>]</td>
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-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC22" title="Beginning of this chapter or previous chapter"> &lt;&lt; </a>]</td>
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-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC36" title="Next chapter"> &gt;&gt; </a>]</td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left"> &nbsp; </td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left"> &nbsp; </td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left"> &nbsp; </td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left"> &nbsp; </td>
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-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC_Contents" title="Table of contents">Contents</a>]</td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC36" title="Index">Index</a>]</td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC_About" title="About (help)"> ? </a>]</td>
-<h1 class="chapter"> 8. Developer's guide </h1>
-<p>This chapter gives some hints to understand how TCC works. You can skip
-it if you do not intend to modify the TCC code.
-<hr size="6">
-<a name="SEC24"></a>
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-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC23" title="Beginning of this chapter or previous chapter"> &lt;&lt; </a>]</td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC23" title="Up section"> Up </a>]</td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC36" title="Next chapter"> &gt;&gt; </a>]</td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left"> &nbsp; </td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left"> &nbsp; </td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left"> &nbsp; </td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left"> &nbsp; </td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC_Top" title="Cover (top) of document">Top</a>]</td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC_Contents" title="Table of contents">Contents</a>]</td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC36" title="Index">Index</a>]</td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC_About" title="About (help)"> ? </a>]</td>
-<h2 class="section"> 8.1 File reading </h2>
-<p>The <code>BufferedFile</code> structure contains the context needed to read a
-file, including the current line number. <code>tcc_open()</code> opens a new
-file and <code>tcc_close()</code> closes it. <code>inp()</code> returns the next
-<hr size="6">
-<a name="SEC25"></a>
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-<tr><td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC24" title="Previous section in reading order"> &lt; </a>]</td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC26" title="Next section in reading order"> &gt; </a>]</td>
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-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC23" title="Beginning of this chapter or previous chapter"> &lt;&lt; </a>]</td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC23" title="Up section"> Up </a>]</td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC36" title="Next chapter"> &gt;&gt; </a>]</td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left"> &nbsp; </td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left"> &nbsp; </td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left"> &nbsp; </td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left"> &nbsp; </td>
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-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC_Contents" title="Table of contents">Contents</a>]</td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC36" title="Index">Index</a>]</td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC_About" title="About (help)"> ? </a>]</td>
-<h2 class="section"> 8.2 Lexer </h2>
-<p><code>next()</code> reads the next token in the current
-file. <code>next_nomacro()</code> reads the next token without macro
-<p><code>tok</code> contains the current token (see <code>TOK_xxx</code>)
-constants. Identifiers and keywords are also keywords. <code>tokc</code>
-contains additional infos about the token (for example a constant value
-if number or string token).
-<hr size="6">
-<a name="SEC26"></a>
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-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC23" title="Beginning of this chapter or previous chapter"> &lt;&lt; </a>]</td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC23" title="Up section"> Up </a>]</td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC36" title="Next chapter"> &gt;&gt; </a>]</td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left"> &nbsp; </td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left"> &nbsp; </td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left"> &nbsp; </td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left"> &nbsp; </td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC_Top" title="Cover (top) of document">Top</a>]</td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC_Contents" title="Table of contents">Contents</a>]</td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC36" title="Index">Index</a>]</td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC_About" title="About (help)"> ? </a>]</td>
-<h2 class="section"> 8.3 Parser </h2>
-<p>The parser is hardcoded (yacc is not necessary). It does only one pass,
-<ul class="toc">
-<li> For initialized arrays with unknown size, a first pass
-is done to count the number of elements.
-</li><li> For architectures where arguments are evaluated in
-reverse order, a first pass is done to reverse the argument order.
-<hr size="6">
-<a name="SEC27"></a>
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-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC28" title="Next section in reading order"> &gt; </a>]</td>
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-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC23" title="Beginning of this chapter or previous chapter"> &lt;&lt; </a>]</td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC23" title="Up section"> Up </a>]</td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC36" title="Next chapter"> &gt;&gt; </a>]</td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left"> &nbsp; </td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left"> &nbsp; </td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left"> &nbsp; </td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left"> &nbsp; </td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC_Top" title="Cover (top) of document">Top</a>]</td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC_Contents" title="Table of contents">Contents</a>]</td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC36" title="Index">Index</a>]</td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC_About" title="About (help)"> ? </a>]</td>
-<h2 class="section"> 8.4 Types </h2>
-<p>The types are stored in a single 'int' variable. It was choosen in the
-first stages of development when tcc was much simpler. Now, it may not
-be the best solution.
-<table><tr><td>&nbsp;</td><td><pre class="example">#define VT_INT 0 /* integer type */
-#define VT_BYTE 1 /* signed byte type */
-#define VT_SHORT 2 /* short type */
-#define VT_VOID 3 /* void type */
-#define VT_PTR 4 /* pointer */
-#define VT_ENUM 5 /* enum definition */
-#define VT_FUNC 6 /* function type */
-#define VT_STRUCT 7 /* struct/union definition */
-#define VT_FLOAT 8 /* IEEE float */
-#define VT_DOUBLE 9 /* IEEE double */
-#define VT_LDOUBLE 10 /* IEEE long double */
-#define VT_BOOL 11 /* ISOC99 boolean type */
-#define VT_LLONG 12 /* 64 bit integer */
-#define VT_LONG 13 /* long integer (NEVER USED as type, only
- during parsing) */
-#define VT_BTYPE 0x000f /* mask for basic type */
-#define VT_UNSIGNED 0x0010 /* unsigned type */
-#define VT_ARRAY 0x0020 /* array type (also has VT_PTR) */
-#define VT_BITFIELD 0x0040 /* bitfield modifier */
-#define VT_STRUCT_SHIFT 16 /* structure/enum name shift (16 bits left) */
-<p>When a reference to another type is needed (for pointers, functions and
-structures), the <code>32 - VT_STRUCT_SHIFT</code> high order bits are used to
-store an identifier reference.
-<p>The <code>VT_UNSIGNED</code> flag can be set for chars, shorts, ints and long
-<p>Arrays are considered as pointers <code>VT_PTR</code> with the flag
-<code>VT_ARRAY</code> set.
-<p>The <code>VT_BITFIELD</code> flag can be set for chars, shorts, ints and long
-longs. If it is set, then the bitfield position is stored from bits
-VT_STRUCT_SHIFT to VT_STRUCT_SHIFT + 5 and the bit field size is stored
-from bits VT_STRUCT_SHIFT + 6 to VT_STRUCT_SHIFT + 11.
-<p><code>VT_LONG</code> is never used except during parsing.
-<p>During parsing, the storage of an object is also stored in the type
-<table><tr><td>&nbsp;</td><td><pre class="example">#define VT_EXTERN 0x00000080 /* extern definition */
-#define VT_STATIC 0x00000100 /* static variable */
-#define VT_TYPEDEF 0x00000200 /* typedef definition */
-<hr size="6">
-<a name="SEC28"></a>
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-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC23" title="Beginning of this chapter or previous chapter"> &lt;&lt; </a>]</td>
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-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC36" title="Next chapter"> &gt;&gt; </a>]</td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left"> &nbsp; </td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left"> &nbsp; </td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left"> &nbsp; </td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left"> &nbsp; </td>
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-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC_Contents" title="Table of contents">Contents</a>]</td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC36" title="Index">Index</a>]</td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC_About" title="About (help)"> ? </a>]</td>
-<h2 class="section"> 8.5 Symbols </h2>
-<p>All symbols are stored in hashed symbol stacks. Each symbol stack
-contains <code>Sym</code> structures.
-<p><code>Sym.v</code> contains the symbol name (remember
-an idenfier is also a token, so a string is never necessary to store
-it). <code>Sym.t</code> gives the type of the symbol. <code>Sym.r</code> is usually
-the register in which the corresponding variable is stored. <code>Sym.c</code> is
-usually a constant associated to the symbol.
-<p>Four main symbol stacks are defined:
-<dl compact="compact">
-<dt> <code>define_stack</code></dt>
-<dd><p>for the macros (<code>#define</code>s).
-<dt> <code>global_stack</code></dt>
-<dd><p>for the global variables, functions and types.
-<dt> <code>local_stack</code></dt>
-<dd><p>for the local variables, functions and types.
-<dt> <code>global_label_stack</code></dt>
-<dd><p>for the local labels (for <code>goto</code>).
-<dt> <code>label_stack</code></dt>
-<dd><p>for GCC block local labels (see the <code>__label__</code> keyword).
-<p><code>sym_push()</code> is used to add a new symbol in the local symbol
-stack. If no local symbol stack is active, it is added in the global
-symbol stack.
-<p><code>sym_pop(st,b)</code> pops symbols from the symbol stack <var>st</var> until
-the symbol <var>b</var> is on the top of stack. If <var>b</var> is NULL, the stack
-is emptied.
-<p><code>sym_find(v)</code> return the symbol associated to the identifier
-<var>v</var>. The local stack is searched first from top to bottom, then the
-global stack.
-<hr size="6">
-<a name="SEC29"></a>
-<table cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1" border="0">
-<tr><td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC28" title="Previous section in reading order"> &lt; </a>]</td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC30" title="Next section in reading order"> &gt; </a>]</td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left"> &nbsp; </td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC23" title="Beginning of this chapter or previous chapter"> &lt;&lt; </a>]</td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC23" title="Up section"> Up </a>]</td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC36" title="Next chapter"> &gt;&gt; </a>]</td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left"> &nbsp; </td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left"> &nbsp; </td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left"> &nbsp; </td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left"> &nbsp; </td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC_Top" title="Cover (top) of document">Top</a>]</td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC_Contents" title="Table of contents">Contents</a>]</td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC36" title="Index">Index</a>]</td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC_About" title="About (help)"> ? </a>]</td>
-<h2 class="section"> 8.6 Sections </h2>
-<p>The generated code and datas are written in sections. The structure
-<code>Section</code> contains all the necessary information for a given
-section. <code>new_section()</code> creates a new section. ELF file semantics
-is assumed for each section.
-<p>The following sections are predefined:
-<dl compact="compact">
-<dt> <code>text_section</code></dt>
-<dd><p>is the section containing the generated code. <var>ind</var> contains the
-current position in the code section.
-<dt> <code>data_section</code></dt>
-<dd><p>contains initialized data
-<dt> <code>bss_section</code></dt>
-<dd><p>contains uninitialized data
-<dt> <code>bounds_section</code></dt>
-<dt> <code>lbounds_section</code></dt>
-<dd><p>are used when bound checking is activated
-<dt> <code>stab_section</code></dt>
-<dt> <code>stabstr_section</code></dt>
-<dd><p>are used when debugging is actived to store debug information
-<dt> <code>symtab_section</code></dt>
-<dt> <code>strtab_section</code></dt>
-<dd><p>contain the exported symbols (currently only used for debugging).
-<hr size="6">
-<a name="SEC30"></a>
-<table cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1" border="0">
-<tr><td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC29" title="Previous section in reading order"> &lt; </a>]</td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC31" title="Next section in reading order"> &gt; </a>]</td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left"> &nbsp; </td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC23" title="Beginning of this chapter or previous chapter"> &lt;&lt; </a>]</td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC23" title="Up section"> Up </a>]</td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC36" title="Next chapter"> &gt;&gt; </a>]</td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left"> &nbsp; </td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left"> &nbsp; </td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left"> &nbsp; </td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left"> &nbsp; </td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC_Top" title="Cover (top) of document">Top</a>]</td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC_Contents" title="Table of contents">Contents</a>]</td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC36" title="Index">Index</a>]</td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC_About" title="About (help)"> ? </a>]</td>
-<h2 class="section"> 8.7 Code generation </h2>
-<hr size="6">
-<a name="SEC31"></a>
-<table cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1" border="0">
-<tr><td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC30" title="Previous section in reading order"> &lt; </a>]</td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC32" title="Next section in reading order"> &gt; </a>]</td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left"> &nbsp; </td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC23" title="Beginning of this chapter or previous chapter"> &lt;&lt; </a>]</td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC30" title="Up section"> Up </a>]</td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC36" title="Next chapter"> &gt;&gt; </a>]</td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left"> &nbsp; </td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left"> &nbsp; </td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left"> &nbsp; </td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left"> &nbsp; </td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC_Top" title="Cover (top) of document">Top</a>]</td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC_Contents" title="Table of contents">Contents</a>]</td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC36" title="Index">Index</a>]</td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC_About" title="About (help)"> ? </a>]</td>
-<h3 class="subsection"> 8.7.1 Introduction </h3>
-<p>The TCC code generator directly generates linked binary code in one
-pass. It is rather unusual these days (see gcc for example which
-generates text assembly), but it can be very fast and surprisingly
-little complicated.
-<p>The TCC code generator is register based. Optimization is only done at
-the expression level. No intermediate representation of expression is
-kept except the current values stored in the <em>value stack</em>.
-<p>On x86, three temporary registers are used. When more registers are
-needed, one register is spilled into a new temporary variable on the stack.
-<hr size="6">
-<a name="SEC32"></a>
-<table cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1" border="0">
-<tr><td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC31" title="Previous section in reading order"> &lt; </a>]</td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC33" title="Next section in reading order"> &gt; </a>]</td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left"> &nbsp; </td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC23" title="Beginning of this chapter or previous chapter"> &lt;&lt; </a>]</td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC30" title="Up section"> Up </a>]</td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC36" title="Next chapter"> &gt;&gt; </a>]</td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left"> &nbsp; </td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left"> &nbsp; </td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left"> &nbsp; </td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left"> &nbsp; </td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC_Top" title="Cover (top) of document">Top</a>]</td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC_Contents" title="Table of contents">Contents</a>]</td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC36" title="Index">Index</a>]</td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC_About" title="About (help)"> ? </a>]</td>
-<h3 class="subsection"> 8.7.2 The value stack </h3>
-<p>When an expression is parsed, its value is pushed on the value stack
-(<var>vstack</var>). The top of the value stack is <var>vtop</var>. Each value
-stack entry is the structure <code>SValue</code>.
-<p><code>SValue.t</code> is the type. <code>SValue.r</code> indicates how the value is
-currently stored in the generated code. It is usually a CPU register
-index (<code>REG_xxx</code> constants), but additional values and flags are
-<table><tr><td>&nbsp;</td><td><pre class="example">#define VT_CONST 0x00f0
-#define VT_LLOCAL 0x00f1
-#define VT_LOCAL 0x00f2
-#define VT_CMP 0x00f3
-#define VT_JMP 0x00f4
-#define VT_JMPI 0x00f5
-#define VT_LVAL 0x0100
-#define VT_SYM 0x0200
-#define VT_MUSTCAST 0x0400
-#define VT_MUSTBOUND 0x0800
-#define VT_BOUNDED 0x8000
-#define VT_LVAL_BYTE 0x1000
-#define VT_LVAL_SHORT 0x2000
-#define VT_LVAL_UNSIGNED 0x4000
-<dl compact="compact">
-<dt> <code>VT_CONST</code></dt>
-<dd><p>indicates that the value is a constant. It is stored in the union
-<code>SValue.c</code>, depending on its type.
-<dt> <code>VT_LOCAL</code></dt>
-<dd><p>indicates a local variable pointer at offset <code>SValue.c.i</code> in the
-<dt> <code>VT_CMP</code></dt>
-<dd><p>indicates that the value is actually stored in the CPU flags (i.e. the
-value is the consequence of a test). The value is either 0 or 1. The
-actual CPU flags used is indicated in <code>SValue.c.i</code>.
-<p>If any code is generated which destroys the CPU flags, this value MUST be
-put in a normal register.
-<dt> <code>VT_JMP</code></dt>
-<dt> <code>VT_JMPI</code></dt>
-<dd><p>indicates that the value is the consequence of a conditional jump. For VT_JMP,
-it is 1 if the jump is taken, 0 otherwise. For VT_JMPI it is inverted.
-<p>These values are used to compile the <code>||</code> and <code>&amp;&amp;</code> logical
-<p>If any code is generated, this value MUST be put in a normal
-register. Otherwise, the generated code won't be executed if the jump is
-<dt> <code>VT_LVAL</code></dt>
-<dd><p>is a flag indicating that the value is actually an lvalue (left value of
-an assignment). It means that the value stored is actually a pointer to
-the wanted value.
-<p>Understanding the use <code>VT_LVAL</code> is very important if you want to
-understand how TCC works.
-<dt> <code>VT_LVAL_BYTE</code></dt>
-<dt> <code>VT_LVAL_SHORT</code></dt>
-<dt> <code>VT_LVAL_UNSIGNED</code></dt>
-<dd><p>if the lvalue has an integer type, then these flags give its real
-type. The type alone is not enough in case of cast optimisations.
-<dt> <code>VT_LLOCAL</code></dt>
-<dd><p>is a saved lvalue on the stack. <code>VT_LLOCAL</code> should be eliminated
-ASAP because its semantics are rather complicated.
-<dt> <code>VT_MUSTCAST</code></dt>
-<dd><p>indicates that a cast to the value type must be performed if the value
-is used (lazy casting).
-<dt> <code>VT_SYM</code></dt>
-<dd><p>indicates that the symbol <code>SValue.sym</code> must be added to the constant.
-<dt> <code>VT_MUSTBOUND</code></dt>
-<dt> <code>VT_BOUNDED</code></dt>
-<dd><p>are only used for optional bound checking.
-<hr size="6">
-<a name="SEC33"></a>
-<table cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1" border="0">
-<tr><td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC32" title="Previous section in reading order"> &lt; </a>]</td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC34" title="Next section in reading order"> &gt; </a>]</td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left"> &nbsp; </td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC23" title="Beginning of this chapter or previous chapter"> &lt;&lt; </a>]</td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC30" title="Up section"> Up </a>]</td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC36" title="Next chapter"> &gt;&gt; </a>]</td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left"> &nbsp; </td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left"> &nbsp; </td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left"> &nbsp; </td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left"> &nbsp; </td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC_Top" title="Cover (top) of document">Top</a>]</td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC_Contents" title="Table of contents">Contents</a>]</td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC36" title="Index">Index</a>]</td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC_About" title="About (help)"> ? </a>]</td>
-<h3 class="subsection"> 8.7.3 Manipulating the value stack </h3>
-<p><code>vsetc()</code> and <code>vset()</code> pushes a new value on the value
-stack. If the previous <var>vtop</var> was stored in a very unsafe place(for
-example in the CPU flags), then some code is generated to put the
-previous <var>vtop</var> in a safe storage.
-<p><code>vpop()</code> pops <var>vtop</var>. In some cases, it also generates cleanup
-code (for example if stacked floating point registers are used as on
-<p>The <code>gv(rc)</code> function generates code to evaluate <var>vtop</var> (the
-top value of the stack) into registers. <var>rc</var> selects in which
-register class the value should be put. <code>gv()</code> is the <em>most
-important function</em> of the code generator.
-<p><code>gv2()</code> is the same as <code>gv()</code> but for the top two stack
-<hr size="6">
-<a name="SEC34"></a>
-<table cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1" border="0">
-<tr><td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC33" title="Previous section in reading order"> &lt; </a>]</td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC35" title="Next section in reading order"> &gt; </a>]</td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left"> &nbsp; </td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC23" title="Beginning of this chapter or previous chapter"> &lt;&lt; </a>]</td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC30" title="Up section"> Up </a>]</td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC36" title="Next chapter"> &gt;&gt; </a>]</td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left"> &nbsp; </td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left"> &nbsp; </td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left"> &nbsp; </td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left"> &nbsp; </td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC_Top" title="Cover (top) of document">Top</a>]</td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC_Contents" title="Table of contents">Contents</a>]</td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC36" title="Index">Index</a>]</td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC_About" title="About (help)"> ? </a>]</td>
-<h3 class="subsection"> 8.7.4 CPU dependent code generation </h3>
-<p>See the &lsquo;<tt>i386-gen.c</tt>&rsquo; file to have an example.
-<dl compact="compact">
-<dt> <code>load()</code></dt>
-<dd><p>must generate the code needed to load a stack value into a register.
-<dt> <code>store()</code></dt>
-<dd><p>must generate the code needed to store a register into a stack value
-<dt> <code>gfunc_start()</code></dt>
-<dt> <code>gfunc_param()</code></dt>
-<dt> <code>gfunc_call()</code></dt>
-<dd><p>should generate a function call
-<dt> <code>gfunc_prolog()</code></dt>
-<dt> <code>gfunc_epilog()</code></dt>
-<dd><p>should generate a function prolog/epilog.
-<dt> <code>gen_opi(op)</code></dt>
-<dd><p>must generate the binary integer operation <var>op</var> on the two top
-entries of the stack which are guaranted to contain integer types.
-<p>The result value should be put on the stack.
-<dt> <code>gen_opf(op)</code></dt>
-<dd><p>same as <code>gen_opi()</code> for floating point operations. The two top
-entries of the stack are guaranted to contain floating point values of
-same types.
-<dt> <code>gen_cvt_itof()</code></dt>
-<dd><p>integer to floating point conversion.
-<dt> <code>gen_cvt_ftoi()</code></dt>
-<dd><p>floating point to integer conversion.
-<dt> <code>gen_cvt_ftof()</code></dt>
-<dd><p>floating point to floating point of different size conversion.
-<dt> <code>gen_bounded_ptr_add()</code></dt>
-<dt> <code>gen_bounded_ptr_deref()</code></dt>
-<dd><p>are only used for bounds checking.
-<hr size="6">
-<a name="SEC35"></a>
-<table cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1" border="0">
-<tr><td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC34" title="Previous section in reading order"> &lt; </a>]</td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC36" title="Next section in reading order"> &gt; </a>]</td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left"> &nbsp; </td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC23" title="Beginning of this chapter or previous chapter"> &lt;&lt; </a>]</td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC23" title="Up section"> Up </a>]</td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC36" title="Next chapter"> &gt;&gt; </a>]</td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left"> &nbsp; </td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left"> &nbsp; </td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left"> &nbsp; </td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left"> &nbsp; </td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC_Top" title="Cover (top) of document">Top</a>]</td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC_Contents" title="Table of contents">Contents</a>]</td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC36" title="Index">Index</a>]</td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC_About" title="About (help)"> ? </a>]</td>
-<h2 class="section"> 8.8 Optimizations done </h2>
-<p>Constant propagation is done for all operations. Multiplications and
-divisions are optimized to shifts when appropriate. Comparison
-operators are optimized by maintaining a special cache for the
-processor flags. &amp;&amp;, || and ! are optimized by maintaining a special
-'jump target' value. No other jump optimization is currently performed
-because it would require to store the code in a more abstract fashion.
-<hr size="6">
-<a name="SEC36"></a>
-<table cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1" border="0">
-<tr><td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC35" title="Previous section in reading order"> &lt; </a>]</td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left">[ &gt; ]</td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left"> &nbsp; </td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC23" title="Beginning of this chapter or previous chapter"> &lt;&lt; </a>]</td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC_Top" title="Up section"> Up </a>]</td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left">[ &gt;&gt; ]</td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left"> &nbsp; </td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left"> &nbsp; </td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left"> &nbsp; </td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left"> &nbsp; </td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC_Top" title="Cover (top) of document">Top</a>]</td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC_Contents" title="Table of contents">Contents</a>]</td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC36" title="Index">Index</a>]</td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC_About" title="About (help)"> ? </a>]</td>
-<h1 class="unnumbered"> Concept Index </h1>
-<table><tr><th valign="top">Jump to: &nbsp; </th><td><a href="#SEC36_0" class="summary-letter"><b>_</b></a>
- &nbsp;
-<a href="#SEC36_1" class="summary-letter"><b>A</b></a>
- &nbsp;
-<a href="#SEC36_2" class="summary-letter"><b>B</b></a>
- &nbsp;
-<a href="#SEC36_3" class="summary-letter"><b>C</b></a>
- &nbsp;
-<a href="#SEC36_4" class="summary-letter"><b>D</b></a>
- &nbsp;
-<a href="#SEC36_5" class="summary-letter"><b>E</b></a>
- &nbsp;
-<a href="#SEC36_6" class="summary-letter"><b>F</b></a>
- &nbsp;
-<a href="#SEC36_7" class="summary-letter"><b>G</b></a>
- &nbsp;
-<a href="#SEC36_8" class="summary-letter"><b>I</b></a>
- &nbsp;
-<a href="#SEC36_9" class="summary-letter"><b>J</b></a>
- &nbsp;
-<a href="#SEC36_10" class="summary-letter"><b>L</b></a>
- &nbsp;
-<a href="#SEC36_11" class="summary-letter"><b>M</b></a>
- &nbsp;
-<a href="#SEC36_12" class="summary-letter"><b>O</b></a>
- &nbsp;
-<a href="#SEC36_13" class="summary-letter"><b>P</b></a>
- &nbsp;
-<a href="#SEC36_14" class="summary-letter"><b>Q</b></a>
- &nbsp;
-<a href="#SEC36_15" class="summary-letter"><b>R</b></a>
- &nbsp;
-<a href="#SEC36_16" class="summary-letter"><b>S</b></a>
- &nbsp;
-<a href="#SEC36_17" class="summary-letter"><b>T</b></a>
- &nbsp;
-<a href="#SEC36_18" class="summary-letter"><b>U</b></a>
- &nbsp;
-<a href="#SEC36_19" class="summary-letter"><b>V</b></a>
- &nbsp;
-<a href="#SEC36_20" class="summary-letter"><b>W</b></a>
- &nbsp;
-<table border="0" class="index-cp">
-<tr><td></td><th align="left">Index Entry</th><th align="left"> Section</th></tr>
-<tr><td colspan="3"> <hr></td></tr>
-<tr><th><a name="SEC36_0">_</a></th><td></td><td></td></tr>
-<tr><td></td><td valign="top"><a href="#IDX11">__asm__</a></td><td valign="top"><a href="#SEC8">3.3 GNU C extensions</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td colspan="3"> <hr></td></tr>
-<tr><th><a name="SEC36_1">A</a></th><td></td><td></td></tr>
-<tr><td></td><td valign="top"><a href="#SEC14">align directive</a></td><td valign="top"><a href="#SEC14">4.4 Directives</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td></td><td valign="top"><a href="#IDX1">aligned attribute</a></td><td valign="top"><a href="#SEC8">3.3 GNU C extensions</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td></td><td valign="top"><a href="#SEC14">ascii directive</a></td><td valign="top"><a href="#SEC14">4.4 Directives</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td></td><td valign="top"><a href="#SEC14">asciz directive</a></td><td valign="top"><a href="#SEC14">4.4 Directives</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td></td><td valign="top"><a href="#SEC15">assembler</a></td><td valign="top"><a href="#SEC15">4.5 X86 Assembler</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td></td><td valign="top"><a href="#SEC14">assembler directives</a></td><td valign="top"><a href="#SEC14">4.4 Directives</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td></td><td valign="top"><a href="#IDX10">assembly, inline</a></td><td valign="top"><a href="#SEC8">3.3 GNU C extensions</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td colspan="3"> <hr></td></tr>
-<tr><th><a name="SEC36_2">B</a></th><td></td><td></td></tr>
-<tr><td></td><td valign="top"><a href="#SEC21">bound checks</a></td><td valign="top"><a href="#SEC21">6. TinyCC Memory and Bound checks</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td></td><td valign="top"><a href="#SEC14">bss directive</a></td><td valign="top"><a href="#SEC14">4.4 Directives</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td></td><td valign="top"><a href="#SEC14">byte directive</a></td><td valign="top"><a href="#SEC14">4.4 Directives</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td colspan="3"> <hr></td></tr>
-<tr><th><a name="SEC36_3">C</a></th><td></td><td></td></tr>
-<tr><td></td><td valign="top"><a href="#SEC35">caching processor flags</a></td><td valign="top"><a href="#SEC35">8.8 Optimizations done</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td></td><td valign="top"><a href="#IDX5">cdecl attribute</a></td><td valign="top"><a href="#SEC8">3.3 GNU C extensions</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td></td><td valign="top"><a href="#SEC30">code generation</a></td><td valign="top"><a href="#SEC30">8.7 Code generation</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td></td><td valign="top"><a href="#SEC35">comparison operators</a></td><td valign="top"><a href="#SEC35">8.8 Optimizations done</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td></td><td valign="top"><a href="#SEC35">constant propagation</a></td><td valign="top"><a href="#SEC35">8.8 Optimizations done</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td></td><td valign="top"><a href="#SEC34">CPU dependent</a></td><td valign="top"><a href="#SEC34">8.7.4 CPU dependent code generation</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td colspan="3"> <hr></td></tr>
-<tr><th><a name="SEC36_4">D</a></th><td></td><td></td></tr>
-<tr><td></td><td valign="top"><a href="#SEC14">data directive</a></td><td valign="top"><a href="#SEC14">4.4 Directives</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td></td><td valign="top"><a href="#SEC14">directives, assembler</a></td><td valign="top"><a href="#SEC14">4.4 Directives</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td></td><td valign="top"><a href="#IDX8">dllexport attribute</a></td><td valign="top"><a href="#SEC8">3.3 GNU C extensions</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td colspan="3"> <hr></td></tr>
-<tr><th><a name="SEC36_5">E</a></th><td></td><td></td></tr>
-<tr><td></td><td valign="top"><a href="#SEC17">ELF</a></td><td valign="top"><a href="#SEC17">5.1 ELF file generation</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td colspan="3"> <hr></td></tr>
-<tr><th><a name="SEC36_6">F</a></th><td></td><td></td></tr>
-<tr><td></td><td valign="top"><a href="#SEC20">FILE, linker command</a></td><td valign="top"><a href="#SEC20">5.4 GNU Linker Scripts</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td></td><td valign="top"><a href="#SEC14">fill directive</a></td><td valign="top"><a href="#SEC14">4.4 Directives</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td></td><td valign="top"><a href="#SEC35">flags, caching</a></td><td valign="top"><a href="#SEC35">8.8 Optimizations done</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td colspan="3"> <hr></td></tr>
-<tr><th><a name="SEC36_7">G</a></th><td></td><td></td></tr>
-<tr><td></td><td valign="top"><a href="#IDX12">gas</a></td><td valign="top"><a href="#SEC8">3.3 GNU C extensions</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td></td><td valign="top"><a href="#SEC14">global directive</a></td><td valign="top"><a href="#SEC14">4.4 Directives</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td></td><td valign="top"><a href="#SEC14">globl directive</a></td><td valign="top"><a href="#SEC14">4.4 Directives</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td></td><td valign="top"><a href="#SEC20">GROUP, linker command</a></td><td valign="top"><a href="#SEC20">5.4 GNU Linker Scripts</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td colspan="3"> <hr></td></tr>
-<tr><th><a name="SEC36_8">I</a></th><td></td><td></td></tr>
-<tr><td></td><td valign="top"><a href="#IDX9">inline assembly</a></td><td valign="top"><a href="#SEC8">3.3 GNU C extensions</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td></td><td valign="top"><a href="#SEC14">int directive</a></td><td valign="top"><a href="#SEC14">4.4 Directives</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td colspan="3"> <hr></td></tr>
-<tr><th><a name="SEC36_9">J</a></th><td></td><td></td></tr>
-<tr><td></td><td valign="top"><a href="#SEC35">jump optimization</a></td><td valign="top"><a href="#SEC35">8.8 Optimizations done</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td colspan="3"> <hr></td></tr>
-<tr><th><a name="SEC36_10">L</a></th><td></td><td></td></tr>
-<tr><td></td><td valign="top"><a href="#SEC16">linker</a></td><td valign="top"><a href="#SEC16">5. TinyCC Linker</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td></td><td valign="top"><a href="#SEC20">linker scripts</a></td><td valign="top"><a href="#SEC20">5.4 GNU Linker Scripts</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td></td><td valign="top"><a href="#SEC14">long directive</a></td><td valign="top"><a href="#SEC14">4.4 Directives</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td colspan="3"> <hr></td></tr>
-<tr><th><a name="SEC36_11">M</a></th><td></td><td></td></tr>
-<tr><td></td><td valign="top"><a href="#SEC21">memory checks</a></td><td valign="top"><a href="#SEC21">6. TinyCC Memory and Bound checks</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td colspan="3"> <hr></td></tr>
-<tr><th><a name="SEC36_12">O</a></th><td></td><td></td></tr>
-<tr><td></td><td valign="top"><a href="#SEC35">optimizations</a></td><td valign="top"><a href="#SEC35">8.8 Optimizations done</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td></td><td valign="top"><a href="#SEC14">org directive</a></td><td valign="top"><a href="#SEC14">4.4 Directives</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td></td><td valign="top"><a href="#SEC20">OUTPUT_FORMAT, linker command</a></td><td valign="top"><a href="#SEC20">5.4 GNU Linker Scripts</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td colspan="3"> <hr></td></tr>
-<tr><th><a name="SEC36_13">P</a></th><td></td><td></td></tr>
-<tr><td></td><td valign="top"><a href="#IDX2">packed attribute</a></td><td valign="top"><a href="#SEC8">3.3 GNU C extensions</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td></td><td valign="top"><a href="#SEC19">PE-i386</a></td><td valign="top"><a href="#SEC19">5.3 PE-i386 file generation</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td></td><td valign="top"><a href="#SEC14">previous directive</a></td><td valign="top"><a href="#SEC14">4.4 Directives</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td colspan="3"> <hr></td></tr>
-<tr><th><a name="SEC36_14">Q</a></th><td></td><td></td></tr>
-<tr><td></td><td valign="top"><a href="#SEC14">quad directive</a></td><td valign="top"><a href="#SEC14">4.4 Directives</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td colspan="3"> <hr></td></tr>
-<tr><th><a name="SEC36_15">R</a></th><td></td><td></td></tr>
-<tr><td></td><td valign="top"><a href="#IDX7">regparm attribute</a></td><td valign="top"><a href="#SEC8">3.3 GNU C extensions</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td colspan="3"> <hr></td></tr>
-<tr><th><a name="SEC36_16">S</a></th><td></td><td></td></tr>
-<tr><td></td><td valign="top"><a href="#SEC20">scripts, linker</a></td><td valign="top"><a href="#SEC20">5.4 GNU Linker Scripts</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td></td><td valign="top"><a href="#IDX3">section attribute</a></td><td valign="top"><a href="#SEC8">3.3 GNU C extensions</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td></td><td valign="top"><a href="#SEC14">section directive</a></td><td valign="top"><a href="#SEC14">4.4 Directives</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td></td><td valign="top"><a href="#SEC14">short directive</a></td><td valign="top"><a href="#SEC14">4.4 Directives</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td></td><td valign="top"><a href="#SEC14">skip directive</a></td><td valign="top"><a href="#SEC14">4.4 Directives</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td></td><td valign="top"><a href="#SEC14">space directive</a></td><td valign="top"><a href="#SEC14">4.4 Directives</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td></td><td valign="top"><a href="#IDX6">stdcall attribute</a></td><td valign="top"><a href="#SEC8">3.3 GNU C extensions</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td></td><td valign="top"><a href="#SEC35">strength reduction</a></td><td valign="top"><a href="#SEC35">8.8 Optimizations done</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td></td><td valign="top"><a href="#SEC14">string directive</a></td><td valign="top"><a href="#SEC14">4.4 Directives</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td colspan="3"> <hr></td></tr>
-<tr><th><a name="SEC36_17">T</a></th><td></td><td></td></tr>
-<tr><td></td><td valign="top"><a href="#SEC20">TARGET, linker command</a></td><td valign="top"><a href="#SEC20">5.4 GNU Linker Scripts</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td></td><td valign="top"><a href="#SEC14">text directive</a></td><td valign="top"><a href="#SEC14">4.4 Directives</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td colspan="3"> <hr></td></tr>
-<tr><th><a name="SEC36_18">U</a></th><td></td><td></td></tr>
-<tr><td></td><td valign="top"><a href="#IDX4">unused attribute</a></td><td valign="top"><a href="#SEC8">3.3 GNU C extensions</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td colspan="3"> <hr></td></tr>
-<tr><th><a name="SEC36_19">V</a></th><td></td><td></td></tr>
-<tr><td></td><td valign="top"><a href="#SEC33">value stack</a></td><td valign="top"><a href="#SEC33">8.7.3 Manipulating the value stack</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td></td><td valign="top"><a href="#SEC32">value stack, introduction</a></td><td valign="top"><a href="#SEC32">8.7.2 The value stack</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td colspan="3"> <hr></td></tr>
-<tr><th><a name="SEC36_20">W</a></th><td></td><td></td></tr>
-<tr><td></td><td valign="top"><a href="#SEC14">word directive</a></td><td valign="top"><a href="#SEC14">4.4 Directives</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td colspan="3"> <hr></td></tr>
-<table><tr><th valign="top">Jump to: &nbsp; </th><td><a href="#SEC36_0" class="summary-letter"><b>_</b></a>
- &nbsp;
-<a href="#SEC36_1" class="summary-letter"><b>A</b></a>
- &nbsp;
-<a href="#SEC36_2" class="summary-letter"><b>B</b></a>
- &nbsp;
-<a href="#SEC36_3" class="summary-letter"><b>C</b></a>
- &nbsp;
-<a href="#SEC36_4" class="summary-letter"><b>D</b></a>
- &nbsp;
-<a href="#SEC36_5" class="summary-letter"><b>E</b></a>
- &nbsp;
-<a href="#SEC36_6" class="summary-letter"><b>F</b></a>
- &nbsp;
-<a href="#SEC36_7" class="summary-letter"><b>G</b></a>
- &nbsp;
-<a href="#SEC36_8" class="summary-letter"><b>I</b></a>
- &nbsp;
-<a href="#SEC36_9" class="summary-letter"><b>J</b></a>
- &nbsp;
-<a href="#SEC36_10" class="summary-letter"><b>L</b></a>
- &nbsp;
-<a href="#SEC36_11" class="summary-letter"><b>M</b></a>
- &nbsp;
-<a href="#SEC36_12" class="summary-letter"><b>O</b></a>
- &nbsp;
-<a href="#SEC36_13" class="summary-letter"><b>P</b></a>
- &nbsp;
-<a href="#SEC36_14" class="summary-letter"><b>Q</b></a>
- &nbsp;
-<a href="#SEC36_15" class="summary-letter"><b>R</b></a>
- &nbsp;
-<a href="#SEC36_16" class="summary-letter"><b>S</b></a>
- &nbsp;
-<a href="#SEC36_17" class="summary-letter"><b>T</b></a>
- &nbsp;
-<a href="#SEC36_18" class="summary-letter"><b>U</b></a>
- &nbsp;
-<a href="#SEC36_19" class="summary-letter"><b>V</b></a>
- &nbsp;
-<a href="#SEC36_20" class="summary-letter"><b>W</b></a>
- &nbsp;
-<hr size="6">
-<a name="SEC_Contents"></a>
-<table cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1" border="0">
-<tr><td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC_Top" title="Cover (top) of document">Top</a>]</td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC_Contents" title="Table of contents">Contents</a>]</td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC36" title="Index">Index</a>]</td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC_About" title="About (help)"> ? </a>]</td>
-<h1>Table of Contents</h1>
-<div class="contents">
-<ul class="toc">
- <li><a name="TOC1" href="#SEC1">1. Introduction</a></li>
- <li><a name="TOC2" href="#SEC2">2. Command line invocation</a>
- <ul class="toc">
- <li><a name="TOC3" href="#SEC3">2.1 Quick start</a></li>
- <li><a name="TOC4" href="#SEC4">2.2 Option summary</a></li>
- </ul></li>
- <li><a name="TOC5" href="#SEC5">3. C language support</a>
- <ul class="toc">
- <li><a name="TOC6" href="#SEC6">3.1 ANSI C</a></li>
- <li><a name="TOC7" href="#SEC7">3.2 ISOC99 extensions</a></li>
- <li><a name="TOC8" href="#SEC8">3.3 GNU C extensions</a></li>
- <li><a name="TOC9" href="#SEC9">3.4 TinyCC extensions</a></li>
- </ul></li>
- <li><a name="TOC10" href="#SEC10">4. TinyCC Assembler</a>
- <ul class="toc">
- <li><a name="TOC11" href="#SEC11">4.1 Syntax</a></li>
- <li><a name="TOC12" href="#SEC12">4.2 Expressions</a></li>
- <li><a name="TOC13" href="#SEC13">4.3 Labels</a></li>
- <li><a name="TOC14" href="#SEC14">4.4 Directives</a></li>
- <li><a name="TOC15" href="#SEC15">4.5 X86 Assembler</a></li>
- </ul></li>
- <li><a name="TOC16" href="#SEC16">5. TinyCC Linker</a>
- <ul class="toc">
- <li><a name="TOC17" href="#SEC17">5.1 ELF file generation</a></li>
- <li><a name="TOC18" href="#SEC18">5.2 ELF file loader</a></li>
- <li><a name="TOC19" href="#SEC19">5.3 PE-i386 file generation</a></li>
- <li><a name="TOC20" href="#SEC20">5.4 GNU Linker Scripts</a></li>
- </ul></li>
- <li><a name="TOC21" href="#SEC21">6. TinyCC Memory and Bound checks</a></li>
- <li><a name="TOC22" href="#SEC22">7. The <code>libtcc</code> library</a></li>
- <li><a name="TOC23" href="#SEC23">8. Developer's guide</a>
- <ul class="toc">
- <li><a name="TOC24" href="#SEC24">8.1 File reading</a></li>
- <li><a name="TOC25" href="#SEC25">8.2 Lexer</a></li>
- <li><a name="TOC26" href="#SEC26">8.3 Parser</a></li>
- <li><a name="TOC27" href="#SEC27">8.4 Types</a></li>
- <li><a name="TOC28" href="#SEC28">8.5 Symbols</a></li>
- <li><a name="TOC29" href="#SEC29">8.6 Sections</a></li>
- <li><a name="TOC30" href="#SEC30">8.7 Code generation</a>
- <ul class="toc">
- <li><a name="TOC31" href="#SEC31">8.7.1 Introduction</a></li>
- <li><a name="TOC32" href="#SEC32">8.7.2 The value stack</a></li>
- <li><a name="TOC33" href="#SEC33">8.7.3 Manipulating the value stack</a></li>
- <li><a name="TOC34" href="#SEC34">8.7.4 CPU dependent code generation</a></li>
- </ul></li>
- <li><a name="TOC35" href="#SEC35">8.8 Optimizations done</a></li>
- </ul></li>
- <li><a name="TOC36" href="#SEC36">Concept Index</a></li>
-<hr size="1">
-<a name="SEC_About"></a>
-<table cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1" border="0">
-<tr><td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC_Top" title="Cover (top) of document">Top</a>]</td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC_Contents" title="Table of contents">Contents</a>]</td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC36" title="Index">Index</a>]</td>
-<td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC_About" title="About (help)"> ? </a>]</td>
-<h1>About This Document</h1>
- This document was generated by <em>gr</em> on <em>May, 18 2009</em> using <a href=""><em>texi2html 1.78</em></a>.
- The buttons in the navigation panels have the following meaning:
-<table border="1">
- <tr>
- <th> Button </th>
- <th> Name </th>
- <th> Go to </th>
- <th> From 1.2.3 go to</th>
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- <td align="center">Back</td>
- <td>Previous section in reading order</td>
- <td>1.2.2</td>
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- <td align="center">Forward</td>
- <td>Next section in reading order</td>
- <td>1.2.4</td>
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- <td align="center">FastBack</td>
- <td>Beginning of this chapter or previous chapter</td>
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- <td align="center">Up</td>
- <td>Up section</td>
- <td>1.2</td>
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- <td align="center">FastForward</td>
- <td>Next chapter</td>
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- <tr>
- <td align="center"> [Contents] </td>
- <td align="center">Contents</td>
- <td>Table of contents</td>
- <td> &nbsp; </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td align="center"> [Index] </td>
- <td align="center">Index</td>
- <td>Index</td>
- <td> &nbsp; </td>
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- <td align="center"> [ ? ] </td>
- <td align="center">About</td>
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- where the <strong> Example </strong> assumes that the current position is at <strong> Subsubsection One-Two-Three </strong> of a document of the following structure:
- <li> 1. Section One
- <ul>
- <li>1.1 Subsection One-One
- <ul>
- <li>...</li>
- </ul>
- </li>
- <li>1.2 Subsection One-Two
- <ul>
- <li>1.2.1 Subsubsection One-Two-One</li>
- <li>1.2.2 Subsubsection One-Two-Two</li>
- <li>1.2.3 Subsubsection One-Two-Three &nbsp; &nbsp;
- <strong>&lt;== Current Position </strong></li>
- <li>1.2.4 Subsubsection One-Two-Four</li>
- </ul>
- </li>
- <li>1.3 Subsection One-Three
- <ul>
- <li>...</li>
- </ul>
- </li>
- <li>1.4 Subsection One-Four</li>
- </ul>
- </li>
-<hr size="1">
- <font size="-1">
- This document was generated by <em>gr</em> on <em>May, 18 2009</em> using <a href=""><em>texi2html 1.78</em></a>.
- </font>
- <br>
diff --git a/05/tcc-0.9.25/tcc-doc.texi b/05/tcc-0.9.25/tcc-doc.texi
deleted file mode 100644
index 7cc61bb..0000000
--- a/05/tcc-0.9.25/tcc-doc.texi
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1227 +0,0 @@
-\input texinfo @c -*- texinfo -*-
-@c %**start of header
-@settitle Tiny C Compiler Reference Documentation
-@c %**end of header
-@include config.texi
-@sp 7
-@center @titlefont{Tiny C Compiler Reference Documentation}
-@sp 3
-@end titlepage
-@headings double
-@end iftex
-@node Top, Introduction, (dir), (dir)
-@top Tiny C Compiler Reference Documentation
-This manual documents version @value{VERSION} of the Tiny C Compiler.
-* Introduction:: Introduction to tcc.
-* Invoke:: Invocation of tcc (command line, options).
-* Clang:: ANSI C and extensions.
-* asm:: Assembler syntax.
-* linker:: Output file generation and supported targets.
-* Bounds:: Automatic bounds-checking of C code.
-* Libtcc:: The libtcc library.
-* devel:: Guide for Developers.
-@end menu
-@node Introduction
-@chapter Introduction
-TinyCC (aka TCC) is a small but hyper fast C compiler. Unlike other C
-compilers, it is meant to be self-relying: you do not need an
-external assembler or linker because TCC does that for you.
-TCC compiles so @emph{fast} that even for big projects @code{Makefile}s may
-not be necessary.
-TCC not only supports ANSI C, but also most of the new ISO C99
-standard and many GNUC extensions including inline assembly.
-TCC can also be used to make @emph{C scripts}, i.e. pieces of C source
-that you run as a Perl or Python script. Compilation is so fast that
-your script will be as fast as if it was an executable.
-TCC can also automatically generate memory and bound checks
-(@pxref{Bounds}) while allowing all C pointers operations. TCC can do
-these checks even if non patched libraries are used.
-With @code{libtcc}, you can use TCC as a backend for dynamic code
-generation (@pxref{Libtcc}).
-TCC mainly supports the i386 target on Linux and Windows. There are alpha
-ports for the ARM (@code{arm-tcc}) and the TMS320C67xx targets
-(@code{c67-tcc}). More information about the ARM port is available at
-For usage on Windows, see also tcc-win32.txt.
-@node Invoke
-@chapter Command line invocation
-@section Quick start
-@c man begin SYNOPSIS
-usage: tcc [options] [@var{infile1} @var{infile2}@dots{}] [@option{-run} @var{infile} @var{args}@dots{}]
-@c man end
-@end example
-@c man begin DESCRIPTION
-TCC options are a very much like gcc options. The main difference is that TCC
-can also execute directly the resulting program and give it runtime
-Here are some examples to understand the logic:
-@table @code
-@item @samp{tcc -run a.c}
-Compile @file{a.c} and execute it directly
-@item @samp{tcc -run a.c arg1}
-Compile a.c and execute it directly. arg1 is given as first argument to
-the @code{main()} of a.c.
-@item @samp{tcc a.c -run b.c arg1}
-Compile @file{a.c} and @file{b.c}, link them together and execute them. arg1 is given
-as first argument to the @code{main()} of the resulting program.
-Because multiple C files are specified, @option{--} are necessary to clearly
-separate the program arguments from the TCC options.
-@end ignore
-@item @samp{tcc -o myprog a.c b.c}
-Compile @file{a.c} and @file{b.c}, link them and generate the executable @file{myprog}.
-@item @samp{tcc -o myprog a.o b.o}
-link @file{a.o} and @file{b.o} together and generate the executable @file{myprog}.
-@item @samp{tcc -c a.c}
-Compile @file{a.c} and generate object file @file{a.o}.
-@item @samp{tcc -c asmfile.S}
-Preprocess with C preprocess and assemble @file{asmfile.S} and generate
-object file @file{asmfile.o}.
-@item @samp{tcc -c asmfile.s}
-Assemble (but not preprocess) @file{asmfile.s} and generate object file
-@item @samp{tcc -r -o ab.o a.c b.c}
-Compile @file{a.c} and @file{b.c}, link them together and generate the object file @file{ab.o}.
-@end table
-TCC can be invoked from @emph{scripts}, just as shell scripts. You just
-need to add @code{#!/usr/local/bin/tcc -run} at the start of your C source:
-#!/usr/local/bin/tcc -run
-#include <stdio.h>
-int main()
- printf("Hello World\n");
- return 0;
-@end example
-TCC can read C source code from @emph{standard input} when @option{-} is used in
-place of @option{infile}. Example:
-echo 'main()@{puts("hello");@}' | tcc -run -
-@end example
-@c man end
-@section Option summary
-General Options:
-@c man begin OPTIONS
-@table @option
-@item -v
-Display current TCC version, increase verbosity.
-@item -c
-Generate an object file (@option{-o} option must also be given).
-@item -o outfile
-Put object file, executable, or dll into output file @file{outfile}.
-@item -Bdir
-Set the path where the tcc internal libraries can be found (default is
-@item -bench
-Output compilation statistics.
-@item -run source [args...]
-Compile file @var{source} and run it with the command line arguments
-@var{args}. In order to be able to give more than one argument to a
-script, several TCC options can be given @emph{after} the
-@option{-run} option, separated by spaces. Example:
-tcc "-run -L/usr/X11R6/lib -lX11" ex4.c
-@end example
-In a script, it gives the following header:
-#!/usr/local/bin/tcc -run -L/usr/X11R6/lib -lX11
-#include <stdlib.h>
-int main(int argc, char **argv)
- ...
-@end example
-@end table
-Preprocessor options:
-@table @option
-@item -Idir
-Specify an additional include path. Include paths are searched in the
-order they are specified.
-System include paths are always searched after. The default system
-include paths are: @file{/usr/local/include}, @file{/usr/include}
-and @file{PREFIX/lib/tcc/include}. (@file{PREFIX} is usually
-@file{/usr} or @file{/usr/local}).
-@item -Dsym[=val]
-Define preprocessor symbol @samp{sym} to
-val. If val is not present, its value is @samp{1}. Function-like macros can
-also be defined: @option{-DF(a)=a+1}
-@item -Usym
-Undefine preprocessor symbol @samp{sym}.
-@end table
-Compilation flags:
-Note: each of the following warning options has a negative form beginning with
-@table @option
-@item -funsigned-char
-Let the @code{char} type be unsigned.
-@item -fsigned-char
-Let the @code{char} type be signed.
-@item -fno-common
-Do not generate common symbols for uninitialized data.
-@item -fleading-underscore
-Add a leading underscore at the beginning of each C symbol.
-@end table
-Warning options:
-@table @option
-@item -w
-Disable all warnings.
-@end table
-Note: each of the following warning options has a negative form beginning with
-@table @option
-@item -Wimplicit-function-declaration
-Warn about implicit function declaration.
-@item -Wunsupported
-Warn about unsupported GCC features that are ignored by TCC.
-@item -Wwrite-strings
-Make string constants be of type @code{const char *} instead of @code{char
-@item -Werror
-Abort compilation if warnings are issued.
-@item -Wall
-Activate all warnings, except @option{-Werror}, @option{-Wunusupported} and
-@end table
-Linker options:
-@table @option
-@item -Ldir
-Specify an additional static library path for the @option{-l} option. The
-default library paths are @file{/usr/local/lib}, @file{/usr/lib} and @file{/lib}.
-@item -lxxx
-Link your program with dynamic library or static library
-libxxx.a. The library is searched in the paths specified by the
-@option{-L} option.
-@item -shared
-Generate a shared library instead of an executable (@option{-o} option
-must also be given).
-@item -static
-Generate a statically linked executable (default is a shared linked
-executable) (@option{-o} option must also be given).
-@item -rdynamic
-Export global symbols to the dynamic linker. It is useful when a library
-opened with @code{dlopen()} needs to access executable symbols.
-@item -r
-Generate an object file combining all input files (@option{-o} option must
-also be given).
-@item -Wl,-Ttext,address
-Set the start of the .text section to @var{address}.
-@item -Wl,--oformat,fmt
-Use @var{fmt} as output format. The supported output formats are:
-@table @code
-@item elf32-i386
-ELF output format (default)
-@item binary
-Binary image (only for executable output)
-@item coff
-COFF output format (only for executable output for TMS320C67xx target)
-@end table
-@end table
-Debugger options:
-@table @option
-@item -g
-Generate run time debug information so that you get clear run time
-error messages: @code{ test.c:68: in function 'test5()': dereferencing
-invalid pointer} instead of the laconic @code{Segmentation
-@item -b
-Generate additional support code to check
-memory allocations and array/pointer bounds. @option{-g} is implied. Note
-that the generated code is slower and bigger in this case.
-@item -bt N
-Display N callers in stack traces. This is useful with @option{-g} or
-@end table
-Note: GCC options @option{-Ox}, @option{-fx} and @option{-mx} are
-@c man end
-@setfilename tcc
-@settitle Tiny C Compiler
-@c man begin SEEALSO
-@c man end
-@c man begin AUTHOR
-Fabrice Bellard
-@c man end
-@end ignore
-@node Clang
-@chapter C language support
-@section ANSI C
-TCC implements all the ANSI C standard, including structure bit fields
-and floating point numbers (@code{long double}, @code{double}, and
-@code{float} fully supported).
-@section ISOC99 extensions
-TCC implements many features of the new C standard: ISO C99. Currently
-missing items are: complex and imaginary numbers and variable length
-Currently implemented ISOC99 features:
-@item 64 bit @code{long long} types are fully supported.
-@item The boolean type @code{_Bool} is supported.
-@item @code{__func__} is a string variable containing the current
-function name.
-@item Variadic macros: @code{__VA_ARGS__} can be used for
- function-like macros:
- #define dprintf(level, __VA_ARGS__) printf(__VA_ARGS__)
-@end example
-@code{dprintf} can then be used with a variable number of parameters.
-@item Declarations can appear anywhere in a block (as in C++).
-@item Array and struct/union elements can be initialized in any order by
- using designators:
- struct @{ int x, y; @} st[10] = @{ [0].x = 1, [0].y = 2 @};
- int tab[10] = @{ 1, 2, [5] = 5, [9] = 9@};
-@end example
-@item Compound initializers are supported:
- int *p = (int [])@{ 1, 2, 3 @};
-@end example
-to initialize a pointer pointing to an initialized array. The same
-works for structures and strings.
-@item Hexadecimal floating point constants are supported:
- double d = 0x1234p10;
-@end example
-is the same as writing
- double d = 4771840.0;
-@end example
-@item @code{inline} keyword is ignored.
-@item @code{restrict} keyword is ignored.
-@end itemize
-@section GNU C extensions
-TCC implements some GNU C extensions:
-@item array designators can be used without '=':
- int a[10] = @{ [0] 1, [5] 2, 3, 4 @};
-@end example
-@item Structure field designators can be a label:
- struct @{ int x, y; @} st = @{ x: 1, y: 1@};
-@end example
-instead of
- struct @{ int x, y; @} st = @{ .x = 1, .y = 1@};
-@end example
-@item @code{\e} is ASCII character 27.
-@item case ranges : ranges can be used in @code{case}s:
- switch(a) @{
- case 1 @dots{} 9:
- printf("range 1 to 9\n");
- break;
- default:
- printf("unexpected\n");
- break;
- @}
-@end example
-@cindex aligned attribute
-@cindex packed attribute
-@cindex section attribute
-@cindex unused attribute
-@cindex cdecl attribute
-@cindex stdcall attribute
-@cindex regparm attribute
-@cindex dllexport attribute
-@item The keyword @code{__attribute__} is handled to specify variable or
-function attributes. The following attributes are supported:
- @itemize
- @item @code{aligned(n)}: align a variable or a structure field to n bytes
-(must be a power of two).
- @item @code{packed}: force alignment of a variable or a structure field to
- 1.
- @item @code{section(name)}: generate function or data in assembly section
-name (name is a string containing the section name) instead of the default
- @item @code{unused}: specify that the variable or the function is unused.
- @item @code{cdecl}: use standard C calling convention (default).
- @item @code{stdcall}: use Pascal-like calling convention.
- @item @code{regparm(n)}: use fast i386 calling convention. @var{n} must be
-between 1 and 3. The first @var{n} function parameters are respectively put in
-registers @code{%eax}, @code{%edx} and @code{%ecx}.
- @item @code{dllexport}: export function from dll/executable (win32 only)
- @end itemize
-Here are some examples:
- int a __attribute__ ((aligned(8), section(".mysection")));
-@end example
-align variable @code{a} to 8 bytes and put it in section @code{.mysection}.
- int my_add(int a, int b) __attribute__ ((section(".mycodesection")))
- @{
- return a + b;
- @}
-@end example
-generate function @code{my_add} in section @code{.mycodesection}.
-@item GNU style variadic macros:
- #define dprintf(fmt, args@dots{}) printf(fmt, ## args)
- dprintf("no arg\n");
- dprintf("one arg %d\n", 1);
-@end example
-@item @code{__FUNCTION__} is interpreted as C99 @code{__func__}
-(so it has not exactly the same semantics as string literal GNUC
-where it is a string literal).
-@item The @code{__alignof__} keyword can be used as @code{sizeof}
-to get the alignment of a type or an expression.
-@item The @code{typeof(x)} returns the type of @code{x}.
-@code{x} is an expression or a type.
-@item Computed gotos: @code{&&label} returns a pointer of type
-@code{void *} on the goto label @code{label}. @code{goto *expr} can be
-used to jump on the pointer resulting from @code{expr}.
-@item Inline assembly with asm instruction:
-@cindex inline assembly
-@cindex assembly, inline
-@cindex __asm__
-static inline void * my_memcpy(void * to, const void * from, size_t n)
-int d0, d1, d2;
-__asm__ __volatile__(
- "rep ; movsl\n\t"
- "testb $2,%b4\n\t"
- "je 1f\n\t"
- "movsw\n"
- "1:\ttestb $1,%b4\n\t"
- "je 2f\n\t"
- "movsb\n"
- "2:"
- : "=&c" (d0), "=&D" (d1), "=&S" (d2)
- :"0" (n/4), "q" (n),"1" ((long) to),"2" ((long) from)
- : "memory");
-return (to);
-@end example
-@cindex gas
-TCC includes its own x86 inline assembler with a @code{gas}-like (GNU
-assembler) syntax. No intermediate files are generated. GCC 3.x named
-operands are supported.
-@item @code{__builtin_types_compatible_p()} and @code{__builtin_constant_p()}
-are supported.
-@item @code{#pragma pack} is supported for win32 compatibility.
-@end itemize
-@section TinyCC extensions
-@item @code{__TINYC__} is a predefined macro to @code{1} to
-indicate that you use TCC.
-@item @code{#!} at the start of a line is ignored to allow scripting.
-@item Binary digits can be entered (@code{0b101} instead of
-@item @code{__BOUNDS_CHECKING_ON} is defined if bound checking is activated.
-@end itemize
-@node asm
-@chapter TinyCC Assembler
-Since version 0.9.16, TinyCC integrates its own assembler. TinyCC
-assembler supports a gas-like syntax (GNU assembler). You can
-desactivate assembler support if you want a smaller TinyCC executable
-(the C compiler does not rely on the assembler).
-TinyCC Assembler is used to handle files with @file{.S} (C
-preprocessed assembler) and @file{.s} extensions. It is also used to
-handle the GNU inline assembler with the @code{asm} keyword.
-@section Syntax
-TinyCC Assembler supports most of the gas syntax. The tokens are the
-same as C.
-@item C and C++ comments are supported.
-@item Identifiers are the same as C, so you cannot use '.' or '$'.
-@item Only 32 bit integer numbers are supported.
-@end itemize
-@section Expressions
-@item Integers in decimal, octal and hexa are supported.
-@item Unary operators: +, -, ~.
-@item Binary operators in decreasing priority order:
-@item *, /, %
-@item &, |, ^
-@item +, -
-@end enumerate
-@item A value is either an absolute number or a label plus an offset.
-All operators accept absolute values except '+' and '-'. '+' or '-' can be
-used to add an offset to a label. '-' supports two labels only if they
-are the same or if they are both defined and in the same section.
-@end itemize
-@section Labels
-@item All labels are considered as local, except undefined ones.
-@item Numeric labels can be used as local @code{gas}-like labels.
-They can be defined several times in the same source. Use 'b'
-(backward) or 'f' (forward) as suffix to reference them:
- 1:
- jmp 1b /* jump to '1' label before */
- jmp 1f /* jump to '1' label after */
- 1:
-@end example
-@end itemize
-@section Directives
-@cindex assembler directives
-@cindex directives, assembler
-@cindex align directive
-@cindex skip directive
-@cindex space directive
-@cindex byte directive
-@cindex word directive
-@cindex short directive
-@cindex int directive
-@cindex long directive
-@cindex quad directive
-@cindex globl directive
-@cindex global directive
-@cindex section directive
-@cindex text directive
-@cindex data directive
-@cindex bss directive
-@cindex fill directive
-@cindex org directive
-@cindex previous directive
-@cindex string directive
-@cindex asciz directive
-@cindex ascii directive
-All directives are preceeded by a '.'. The following directives are
-@item .align n[,value]
-@item .skip n[,value]
-@item .space n[,value]
-@item .byte value1[,...]
-@item .word value1[,...]
-@item .short value1[,...]
-@item .int value1[,...]
-@item .long value1[,...]
-@item .quad immediate_value1[,...]
-@item .globl symbol
-@item .global symbol
-@item .section section
-@item .text
-@item .data
-@item .bss
-@item .fill repeat[,size[,value]]
-@item .org n
-@item .previous
-@item .string string[,...]
-@item .asciz string[,...]
-@item .ascii string[,...]
-@end itemize
-@section X86 Assembler
-@cindex assembler
-All X86 opcodes are supported. Only ATT syntax is supported (source
-then destination operand order). If no size suffix is given, TinyCC
-tries to guess it from the operand sizes.
-Currently, MMX opcodes are supported but not SSE ones.
-@node linker
-@chapter TinyCC Linker
-@cindex linker
-@section ELF file generation
-@cindex ELF
-TCC can directly output relocatable ELF files (object files),
-executable ELF files and dynamic ELF libraries without relying on an
-external linker.
-Dynamic ELF libraries can be output but the C compiler does not generate
-position independent code (PIC). It means that the dynamic library
-code generated by TCC cannot be factorized among processes yet.
-TCC linker eliminates unreferenced object code in libraries. A single pass is
-done on the object and library list, so the order in which object files and
-libraries are specified is important (same constraint as GNU ld). No grouping
-options (@option{--start-group} and @option{--end-group}) are supported.
-@section ELF file loader
-TCC can load ELF object files, archives (.a files) and dynamic
-libraries (.so).
-@section PE-i386 file generation
-@cindex PE-i386
-TCC for Windows supports the native Win32 executable file format (PE-i386). It
-generates EXE files (console and gui) and DLL files.
-For usage on Windows, see also tcc-win32.txt.
-@section GNU Linker Scripts
-@cindex scripts, linker
-@cindex linker scripts
-@cindex GROUP, linker command
-@cindex FILE, linker command
-@cindex OUTPUT_FORMAT, linker command
-@cindex TARGET, linker command
-Because on many Linux systems some dynamic libraries (such as
-@file{/usr/lib/}) are in fact GNU ld link scripts (horrible!),
-the TCC linker also supports a subset of GNU ld scripts.
-The @code{GROUP} and @code{FILE} commands are supported. @code{OUTPUT_FORMAT}
-and @code{TARGET} are ignored.
-Example from @file{/usr/lib/}:
-/* GNU ld script
- Use the shared library, but some functions are only in
- the static library, so try that secondarily. */
-GROUP ( /lib/ /usr/lib/libc_nonshared.a )
-@end example
-@node Bounds
-@chapter TinyCC Memory and Bound checks
-@cindex bound checks
-@cindex memory checks
-This feature is activated with the @option{-b} (@pxref{Invoke}).
-Note that pointer size is @emph{unchanged} and that code generated
-with bound checks is @emph{fully compatible} with unchecked
-code. When a pointer comes from unchecked code, it is assumed to be
-valid. Even very obscure C code with casts should work correctly.
-For more information about the ideas behind this method, see
-Here are some examples of caught errors:
-@table @asis
-@item Invalid range with standard string function:
- char tab[10];
- memset(tab, 0, 11);
-@end example
-@item Out of bounds-error in global or local arrays:
- int tab[10];
- for(i=0;i<11;i++) @{
- sum += tab[i];
- @}
-@end example
-@item Out of bounds-error in malloc'ed data:
- int *tab;
- tab = malloc(20 * sizeof(int));
- for(i=0;i<21;i++) @{
- sum += tab4[i];
- @}
- free(tab);
-@end example
-@item Access of freed memory:
- int *tab;
- tab = malloc(20 * sizeof(int));
- free(tab);
- for(i=0;i<20;i++) @{
- sum += tab4[i];
- @}
-@end example
-@item Double free:
- int *tab;
- tab = malloc(20 * sizeof(int));
- free(tab);
- free(tab);
-@end example
-@end table
-@node Libtcc
-@chapter The @code{libtcc} library
-The @code{libtcc} library enables you to use TCC as a backend for
-dynamic code generation.
-Read the @file{libtcc.h} to have an overview of the API. Read
-@file{libtcc_test.c} to have a very simple example.
-The idea consists in giving a C string containing the program you want
-to compile directly to @code{libtcc}. Then you can access to any global
-symbol (function or variable) defined.
-@node devel
-@chapter Developer's guide
-This chapter gives some hints to understand how TCC works. You can skip
-it if you do not intend to modify the TCC code.
-@section File reading
-The @code{BufferedFile} structure contains the context needed to read a
-file, including the current line number. @code{tcc_open()} opens a new
-file and @code{tcc_close()} closes it. @code{inp()} returns the next
-@section Lexer
-@code{next()} reads the next token in the current
-file. @code{next_nomacro()} reads the next token without macro
-@code{tok} contains the current token (see @code{TOK_xxx})
-constants. Identifiers and keywords are also keywords. @code{tokc}
-contains additional infos about the token (for example a constant value
-if number or string token).
-@section Parser
-The parser is hardcoded (yacc is not necessary). It does only one pass,
-@item For initialized arrays with unknown size, a first pass
-is done to count the number of elements.
-@item For architectures where arguments are evaluated in
-reverse order, a first pass is done to reverse the argument order.
-@end itemize
-@section Types
-The types are stored in a single 'int' variable. It was choosen in the
-first stages of development when tcc was much simpler. Now, it may not
-be the best solution.
-#define VT_INT 0 /* integer type */
-#define VT_BYTE 1 /* signed byte type */
-#define VT_SHORT 2 /* short type */
-#define VT_VOID 3 /* void type */
-#define VT_PTR 4 /* pointer */
-#define VT_ENUM 5 /* enum definition */
-#define VT_FUNC 6 /* function type */
-#define VT_STRUCT 7 /* struct/union definition */
-#define VT_FLOAT 8 /* IEEE float */
-#define VT_DOUBLE 9 /* IEEE double */
-#define VT_LDOUBLE 10 /* IEEE long double */
-#define VT_BOOL 11 /* ISOC99 boolean type */
-#define VT_LLONG 12 /* 64 bit integer */
-#define VT_LONG 13 /* long integer (NEVER USED as type, only
- during parsing) */
-#define VT_BTYPE 0x000f /* mask for basic type */
-#define VT_UNSIGNED 0x0010 /* unsigned type */
-#define VT_ARRAY 0x0020 /* array type (also has VT_PTR) */
-#define VT_BITFIELD 0x0040 /* bitfield modifier */
-#define VT_STRUCT_SHIFT 16 /* structure/enum name shift (16 bits left) */
-@end example
-When a reference to another type is needed (for pointers, functions and
-structures), the @code{32 - VT_STRUCT_SHIFT} high order bits are used to
-store an identifier reference.
-The @code{VT_UNSIGNED} flag can be set for chars, shorts, ints and long
-Arrays are considered as pointers @code{VT_PTR} with the flag
-@code{VT_ARRAY} set.
-The @code{VT_BITFIELD} flag can be set for chars, shorts, ints and long
-longs. If it is set, then the bitfield position is stored from bits
-VT_STRUCT_SHIFT to VT_STRUCT_SHIFT + 5 and the bit field size is stored
-from bits VT_STRUCT_SHIFT + 6 to VT_STRUCT_SHIFT + 11.
-@code{VT_LONG} is never used except during parsing.
-During parsing, the storage of an object is also stored in the type
-#define VT_EXTERN 0x00000080 /* extern definition */
-#define VT_STATIC 0x00000100 /* static variable */
-#define VT_TYPEDEF 0x00000200 /* typedef definition */
-@end example
-@section Symbols
-All symbols are stored in hashed symbol stacks. Each symbol stack
-contains @code{Sym} structures.
-@code{Sym.v} contains the symbol name (remember
-an idenfier is also a token, so a string is never necessary to store
-it). @code{Sym.t} gives the type of the symbol. @code{Sym.r} is usually
-the register in which the corresponding variable is stored. @code{Sym.c} is
-usually a constant associated to the symbol.
-Four main symbol stacks are defined:
-@table @code
-@item define_stack
-for the macros (@code{#define}s).
-@item global_stack
-for the global variables, functions and types.
-@item local_stack
-for the local variables, functions and types.
-@item global_label_stack
-for the local labels (for @code{goto}).
-@item label_stack
-for GCC block local labels (see the @code{__label__} keyword).
-@end table
-@code{sym_push()} is used to add a new symbol in the local symbol
-stack. If no local symbol stack is active, it is added in the global
-symbol stack.
-@code{sym_pop(st,b)} pops symbols from the symbol stack @var{st} until
-the symbol @var{b} is on the top of stack. If @var{b} is NULL, the stack
-is emptied.
-@code{sym_find(v)} return the symbol associated to the identifier
-@var{v}. The local stack is searched first from top to bottom, then the
-global stack.
-@section Sections
-The generated code and datas are written in sections. The structure
-@code{Section} contains all the necessary information for a given
-section. @code{new_section()} creates a new section. ELF file semantics
-is assumed for each section.
-The following sections are predefined:
-@table @code
-@item text_section
-is the section containing the generated code. @var{ind} contains the
-current position in the code section.
-@item data_section
-contains initialized data
-@item bss_section
-contains uninitialized data
-@item bounds_section
-@itemx lbounds_section
-are used when bound checking is activated
-@item stab_section
-@itemx stabstr_section
-are used when debugging is actived to store debug information
-@item symtab_section
-@itemx strtab_section
-contain the exported symbols (currently only used for debugging).
-@end table
-@section Code generation
-@cindex code generation
-@subsection Introduction
-The TCC code generator directly generates linked binary code in one
-pass. It is rather unusual these days (see gcc for example which
-generates text assembly), but it can be very fast and surprisingly
-little complicated.
-The TCC code generator is register based. Optimization is only done at
-the expression level. No intermediate representation of expression is
-kept except the current values stored in the @emph{value stack}.
-On x86, three temporary registers are used. When more registers are
-needed, one register is spilled into a new temporary variable on the stack.
-@subsection The value stack
-@cindex value stack, introduction
-When an expression is parsed, its value is pushed on the value stack
-(@var{vstack}). The top of the value stack is @var{vtop}. Each value
-stack entry is the structure @code{SValue}.
-@code{SValue.t} is the type. @code{SValue.r} indicates how the value is
-currently stored in the generated code. It is usually a CPU register
-index (@code{REG_xxx} constants), but additional values and flags are
-#define VT_CONST 0x00f0
-#define VT_LLOCAL 0x00f1
-#define VT_LOCAL 0x00f2
-#define VT_CMP 0x00f3
-#define VT_JMP 0x00f4
-#define VT_JMPI 0x00f5
-#define VT_LVAL 0x0100
-#define VT_SYM 0x0200
-#define VT_MUSTCAST 0x0400
-#define VT_MUSTBOUND 0x0800
-#define VT_BOUNDED 0x8000
-#define VT_LVAL_BYTE 0x1000
-#define VT_LVAL_SHORT 0x2000
-#define VT_LVAL_UNSIGNED 0x4000
-@end example
-@table @code
-@item VT_CONST
-indicates that the value is a constant. It is stored in the union
-@code{SValue.c}, depending on its type.
-@item VT_LOCAL
-indicates a local variable pointer at offset @code{SValue.c.i} in the
-@item VT_CMP
-indicates that the value is actually stored in the CPU flags (i.e. the
-value is the consequence of a test). The value is either 0 or 1. The
-actual CPU flags used is indicated in @code{SValue.c.i}.
-If any code is generated which destroys the CPU flags, this value MUST be
-put in a normal register.
-@item VT_JMP
-@itemx VT_JMPI
-indicates that the value is the consequence of a conditional jump. For VT_JMP,
-it is 1 if the jump is taken, 0 otherwise. For VT_JMPI it is inverted.
-These values are used to compile the @code{||} and @code{&&} logical
-If any code is generated, this value MUST be put in a normal
-register. Otherwise, the generated code won't be executed if the jump is
-@item VT_LVAL
-is a flag indicating that the value is actually an lvalue (left value of
-an assignment). It means that the value stored is actually a pointer to
-the wanted value.
-Understanding the use @code{VT_LVAL} is very important if you want to
-understand how TCC works.
-if the lvalue has an integer type, then these flags give its real
-type. The type alone is not enough in case of cast optimisations.
-@item VT_LLOCAL
-is a saved lvalue on the stack. @code{VT_LLOCAL} should be eliminated
-ASAP because its semantics are rather complicated.
-indicates that a cast to the value type must be performed if the value
-is used (lazy casting).
-@item VT_SYM
-indicates that the symbol @code{SValue.sym} must be added to the constant.
-@itemx VT_BOUNDED
-are only used for optional bound checking.
-@end table
-@subsection Manipulating the value stack
-@cindex value stack
-@code{vsetc()} and @code{vset()} pushes a new value on the value
-stack. If the previous @var{vtop} was stored in a very unsafe place(for
-example in the CPU flags), then some code is generated to put the
-previous @var{vtop} in a safe storage.
-@code{vpop()} pops @var{vtop}. In some cases, it also generates cleanup
-code (for example if stacked floating point registers are used as on
-The @code{gv(rc)} function generates code to evaluate @var{vtop} (the
-top value of the stack) into registers. @var{rc} selects in which
-register class the value should be put. @code{gv()} is the @emph{most
-important function} of the code generator.
-@code{gv2()} is the same as @code{gv()} but for the top two stack
-@subsection CPU dependent code generation
-@cindex CPU dependent
-See the @file{i386-gen.c} file to have an example.
-@table @code
-@item load()
-must generate the code needed to load a stack value into a register.
-@item store()
-must generate the code needed to store a register into a stack value
-@item gfunc_start()
-@itemx gfunc_param()
-@itemx gfunc_call()
-should generate a function call
-@item gfunc_prolog()
-@itemx gfunc_epilog()
-should generate a function prolog/epilog.
-@item gen_opi(op)
-must generate the binary integer operation @var{op} on the two top
-entries of the stack which are guaranted to contain integer types.
-The result value should be put on the stack.
-@item gen_opf(op)
-same as @code{gen_opi()} for floating point operations. The two top
-entries of the stack are guaranted to contain floating point values of
-same types.
-@item gen_cvt_itof()
-integer to floating point conversion.
-@item gen_cvt_ftoi()
-floating point to integer conversion.
-@item gen_cvt_ftof()
-floating point to floating point of different size conversion.
-@item gen_bounded_ptr_add()
-@item gen_bounded_ptr_deref()
-are only used for bounds checking.
-@end table
-@section Optimizations done
-@cindex optimizations
-@cindex constant propagation
-@cindex strength reduction
-@cindex comparison operators
-@cindex caching processor flags
-@cindex flags, caching
-@cindex jump optimization
-Constant propagation is done for all operations. Multiplications and
-divisions are optimized to shifts when appropriate. Comparison
-operators are optimized by maintaining a special cache for the
-processor flags. &&, || and ! are optimized by maintaining a special
-'jump target' value. No other jump optimization is currently performed
-because it would require to store the code in a more abstract fashion.
-@unnumbered Concept Index
-@printindex cp
-@c Local variables:
-@c fill-column: 78
-@c texinfo-column-for-description: 32
-@c End:
diff --git a/05/tcc-0.9.25/tcc.c b/05/tcc-0.9.25/tcc.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 28c59a3..0000000
--- a/05/tcc-0.9.25/tcc.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,556 +0,0 @@
- * TCC - Tiny C Compiler
- *
- * Copyright (c) 2001-2004 Fabrice Bellard
- *
- * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
- * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
- * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * Lesser General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
- * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
- */
-#include "libtcc.c"
-void help(void)
- printf("tcc version " TCC_VERSION " - Tiny C Compiler - Copyright (C) 2001-2006 Fabrice Bellard\n"
- "usage: tcc [-v] [-c] [-o outfile] [-Bdir] [-bench] [-Idir] [-Dsym[=val]] [-Usym]\n"
- " [-Wwarn] [-g] [-b] [-bt N] [-Ldir] [-llib] [-shared] [-soname name]\n"
- " [-static] [infile1 infile2...] [-run infile args...]\n"
- "\n"
- "General options:\n"
- " -v display current version, increase verbosity\n"
- " -c compile only - generate an object file\n"
- " -o outfile set output filename\n"
- " -Bdir set tcc internal library path\n"
- " -bench output compilation statistics\n"
- " -run run compiled source\n"
- " -fflag set or reset (with 'no-' prefix) 'flag' (see man page)\n"
- " -Wwarning set or reset (with 'no-' prefix) 'warning' (see man page)\n"
- " -w disable all warnings\n"
- "Preprocessor options:\n"
- " -E preprocess only\n"
- " -Idir add include path 'dir'\n"
- " -Dsym[=val] define 'sym' with value 'val'\n"
- " -Usym undefine 'sym'\n"
- "Linker options:\n"
- " -Ldir add library path 'dir'\n"
- " -llib link with dynamic or static library 'lib'\n"
- " -shared generate a shared library\n"
- " -soname set name for shared library to be used at runtime\n"
- " -static static linking\n"
- " -rdynamic export all global symbols to dynamic linker\n"
- " -r generate (relocatable) object file\n"
- "Debugger options:\n"
- " -g generate runtime debug info\n"
- " -b compile with built-in memory and bounds checker (implies -g)\n"
- " -bt N show N callers in stack traces\n"
- );
-static char **files;
-static int nb_files, nb_libraries;
-static int multiple_files;
-static int print_search_dirs;
-static int output_type;
-static int reloc_output;
-static const char *outfile;
-static int do_bench = 0;
-#define TCC_OPTION_HAS_ARG 0x0001
-#define TCC_OPTION_NOSEP 0x0002 /* cannot have space before option and arg */
-typedef struct TCCOption {
- const char *name;
- uint16_t index;
- uint16_t flags;
-} TCCOption;
-enum {
- TCC_OPTION_bench,
- TCC_OPTION_static,
- TCC_OPTION_shared,
- TCC_OPTION_soname,
- TCC_OPTION_nostdinc,
- TCC_OPTION_nostdlib,
- TCC_OPTION_print_search_dirs,
- TCC_OPTION_rdynamic,
- TCC_OPTION_pipe,
-static const TCCOption tcc_options[] = {
- { "h", TCC_OPTION_HELP, 0 },
- { "?", TCC_OPTION_HELP, 0 },
- { "bench", TCC_OPTION_bench, 0 },
- { "b", TCC_OPTION_b, 0 },
- { "c", TCC_OPTION_c, 0 },
- { "static", TCC_OPTION_static, 0 },
- { "shared", TCC_OPTION_shared, 0 },
- { "soname", TCC_OPTION_soname, TCC_OPTION_HAS_ARG },
- { "rdynamic", TCC_OPTION_rdynamic, 0 },
- { "r", TCC_OPTION_r, 0 },
- { "nostdinc", TCC_OPTION_nostdinc, 0 },
- { "nostdlib", TCC_OPTION_nostdlib, 0 },
- { "print-search-dirs", TCC_OPTION_print_search_dirs, 0 },
- { "w", TCC_OPTION_w, 0 },
- { "pipe", TCC_OPTION_pipe, 0},
- { "E", TCC_OPTION_E, 0},
- { NULL }
-static int64_t getclock_us(void)
-#ifdef _WIN32
- struct _timeb tb;
- _ftime(&tb);
- return (tb.time * 1000LL + tb.millitm) * 1000LL;
- struct timeval tv;
- gettimeofday(&tv, NULL);
- return tv.tv_sec * 1000000LL + tv.tv_usec;
-static int strstart(const char *str, const char *val, const char **ptr)
- const char *p, *q;
- p = str;
- q = val;
- while (*q != '\0') {
- if (*p != *q)
- return 0;
- p++;
- q++;
- }
- if (ptr)
- *ptr = p;
- return 1;
-/* convert 'str' into an array of space separated strings */
-static int expand_args(char ***pargv, const char *str)
- const char *s1;
- char **argv, *arg;
- int argc, len;
- argc = 0;
- argv = NULL;
- for(;;) {
- while (is_space(*str))
- str++;
- if (*str == '\0')
- break;
- s1 = str;
- while (*str != '\0' && !is_space(*str))
- str++;
- len = str - s1;
- arg = tcc_malloc(len + 1);
- memcpy(arg, s1, len);
- arg[len] = '\0';
- dynarray_add((void ***)&argv, &argc, arg);
- }
- *pargv = argv;
- return argc;
-int parse_args(TCCState *s, int argc, char **argv)
- int optind;
- const TCCOption *popt;
- const char *optarg, *p1, *r1;
- char *r;
- optind = 0;
- while (optind < argc) {
- r = argv[optind++];
- if (r[0] != '-' || r[1] == '\0') {
- /* add a new file */
- dynarray_add((void ***)&files, &nb_files, r);
- if (!multiple_files) {
- optind--;
- /* argv[0] will be this file */
- break;
- }
- } else {
- /* find option in table (match only the first chars */
- popt = tcc_options;
- for(;;) {
- p1 = popt->name;
- if (p1 == NULL)
- error("invalid option -- '%s'", r);
- r1 = r + 1;
- for(;;) {
- if (*p1 == '\0')
- goto option_found;
- if (*r1 != *p1)
- break;
- p1++;
- r1++;
- }
- popt++;
- }
- option_found:
- if (popt->flags & TCC_OPTION_HAS_ARG) {
- if (*r1 != '\0' || (popt->flags & TCC_OPTION_NOSEP)) {
- optarg = r1;
- } else {
- if (optind >= argc)
- error("argument to '%s' is missing", r);
- optarg = argv[optind++];
- }
- } else {
- if (*r1 != '\0')
- return 0;
- optarg = NULL;
- }
- switch(popt->index) {
- return 0;
- case TCC_OPTION_I:
- if (tcc_add_include_path(s, optarg) < 0)
- error("too many include paths");
- break;
- case TCC_OPTION_D:
- {
- char *sym, *value;
- sym = (char *)optarg;
- value = strchr(sym, '=');
- if (value) {
- *value = '\0';
- value++;
- }
- tcc_define_symbol(s, sym, value);
- }
- break;
- case TCC_OPTION_U:
- tcc_undefine_symbol(s, optarg);
- break;
- case TCC_OPTION_L:
- tcc_add_library_path(s, optarg);
- break;
- case TCC_OPTION_B:
- /* set tcc utilities path (mainly for tcc development) */
- tcc_set_lib_path(s, optarg);
- break;
- case TCC_OPTION_l:
- dynarray_add((void ***)&files, &nb_files, r);
- nb_libraries++;
- break;
- case TCC_OPTION_bench:
- do_bench = 1;
- break;
- case TCC_OPTION_bt:
- num_callers = atoi(optarg);
- break;
- case TCC_OPTION_b:
- s->do_bounds_check = 1;
- s->do_debug = 1;
- break;
- case TCC_OPTION_g:
- s->do_debug = 1;
- break;
- case TCC_OPTION_c:
- multiple_files = 1;
- output_type = TCC_OUTPUT_OBJ;
- break;
- case TCC_OPTION_static:
- s->static_link = 1;
- break;
- case TCC_OPTION_shared:
- output_type = TCC_OUTPUT_DLL;
- break;
- case TCC_OPTION_soname:
- s->soname = optarg;
- break;
- case TCC_OPTION_o:
- multiple_files = 1;
- outfile = optarg;
- break;
- case TCC_OPTION_r:
- /* generate a .o merging several output files */
- reloc_output = 1;
- output_type = TCC_OUTPUT_OBJ;
- break;
- case TCC_OPTION_nostdinc:
- s->nostdinc = 1;
- break;
- case TCC_OPTION_nostdlib:
- s->nostdlib = 1;
- break;
- case TCC_OPTION_print_search_dirs:
- print_search_dirs = 1;
- break;
- case TCC_OPTION_run:
- {
- int argc1;
- char **argv1;
- argc1 = expand_args(&argv1, optarg);
- if (argc1 > 0) {
- parse_args(s, argc1, argv1);
- }
- multiple_files = 0;
- output_type = TCC_OUTPUT_MEMORY;
- }
- break;
- case TCC_OPTION_v:
- do {
- if (0 == s->verbose++)
- printf("tcc version %s\n", TCC_VERSION);
- } while (*optarg++ == 'v');
- break;
- case TCC_OPTION_f:
- if (tcc_set_flag(s, optarg, 1) < 0 && s->warn_unsupported)
- goto unsupported_option;
- break;
- case TCC_OPTION_W:
- if (tcc_set_warning(s, optarg, 1) < 0 &&
- s->warn_unsupported)
- goto unsupported_option;
- break;
- case TCC_OPTION_w:
- s->warn_none = 1;
- break;
- case TCC_OPTION_rdynamic:
- s->rdynamic = 1;
- break;
- case TCC_OPTION_Wl:
- {
- const char *p;
- if (strstart(optarg, "-Ttext,", &p)) {
- s->text_addr = strtoul(p, NULL, 16);
- s->has_text_addr = 1;
- } else if (strstart(optarg, "--oformat,", &p)) {
- if (strstart(p, "elf32-", NULL)) {
- s->output_format = TCC_OUTPUT_FORMAT_ELF;
- } else if (!strcmp(p, "binary")) {
- s->output_format = TCC_OUTPUT_FORMAT_BINARY;
- } else
- if (!strcmp(p, "coff")) {
- s->output_format = TCC_OUTPUT_FORMAT_COFF;
- } else
- {
- error("target %s not found", p);
- }
- } else {
- error("unsupported linker option '%s'", optarg);
- }
- }
- break;
- case TCC_OPTION_E:
- output_type = TCC_OUTPUT_PREPROCESS;
- break;
- default:
- if (s->warn_unsupported) {
- unsupported_option:
- warning("unsupported option '%s'", r);
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- return optind + 1;
-int main(int argc, char **argv)
- int i;
- TCCState *s;
- int nb_objfiles, ret, optind;
- char objfilename[1024];
- int64_t start_time = 0;
- _init_tcc_syms();
- _init_warning_defs();
- _init_flag_defs();
- s = tcc_new();
-#ifdef _WIN32
- tcc_set_lib_path_w32(s);
- output_type = TCC_OUTPUT_EXE;
- outfile = NULL;
- multiple_files = 1;
- files = NULL;
- nb_files = 0;
- nb_libraries = 0;
- reloc_output = 0;
- print_search_dirs = 0;
- ret = 0;
- optind = parse_args(s, argc - 1, argv + 1);
- if (print_search_dirs) {
- /* enough for Linux kernel */
- printf("install: %s/\n", s->tcc_lib_path);
- return 0;
- }
- if (optind == 0 || nb_files == 0) {
- if (optind && s->verbose)
- return 0;
- help();
- return 1;
- }
- nb_objfiles = nb_files - nb_libraries;
- /* if outfile provided without other options, we output an
- executable */
- if (outfile && output_type == TCC_OUTPUT_MEMORY)
- output_type = TCC_OUTPUT_EXE;
- /* check -c consistency : only single file handled. XXX: checks file type */
- if (output_type == TCC_OUTPUT_OBJ && !reloc_output) {
- /* accepts only a single input file */
- if (nb_objfiles != 1)
- error("cannot specify multiple files with -c");
- if (nb_libraries != 0)
- error("cannot specify libraries with -c");
- }
- if (output_type == TCC_OUTPUT_PREPROCESS) {
- if (!outfile) {
- s->outfile = stdout;
- } else {
- s->outfile = fopen(outfile, "w");
- if (!s->outfile)
- error("could not open '%s", outfile);
- }
- } else if (output_type != TCC_OUTPUT_MEMORY) {
- if (!outfile) {
- /* compute default outfile name */
- char *ext;
- const char *name =
- strcmp(files[0], "-") == 0 ? "a" : tcc_basename(files[0]);
- pstrcpy(objfilename, sizeof(objfilename), name);
- ext = tcc_fileextension(objfilename);
- if (output_type == TCC_OUTPUT_DLL)
- strcpy(ext, ".dll");
- else
- if (output_type == TCC_OUTPUT_EXE)
- strcpy(ext, ".exe");
- else
- if (output_type == TCC_OUTPUT_OBJ && !reloc_output && *ext)
- strcpy(ext, ".o");
- else
- pstrcpy(objfilename, sizeof(objfilename), "a.out");
- outfile = objfilename;
- }
- }
- if (do_bench) {
- start_time = getclock_us();
- }
- tcc_set_output_type(s, output_type);
- /* compile or add each files or library */
- for(i = 0; i < nb_files && ret == 0; i++) {
- const char *filename;
- filename = files[i];
- if (filename[0] == '-' && filename[1]) {
- if (tcc_add_library(s, filename + 2) < 0) {
- error_noabort("cannot find %s", filename);
- ret = 1;
- }
- } else {
- if (1 == s->verbose)
- printf("-> %s\n", filename);
- if (tcc_add_file(s, filename) < 0)
- ret = 1;
- }
- }
- /* free all files */
- tcc_free(files);
- if (ret)
- goto the_end;
- if (do_bench)
- tcc_print_stats(s, getclock_us() - start_time);
- if (s->output_type == TCC_OUTPUT_PREPROCESS) {
- if (outfile)
- fclose(s->outfile);
- } else if (s->output_type == TCC_OUTPUT_MEMORY) {
- ret = tcc_run(s, argc - optind, argv + optind);
- } else
- ret = tcc_output_file(s, outfile) ? 1 : 0;
- the_end:
- /* XXX: cannot do it with bound checking because of the malloc hooks */
- if (!s->do_bounds_check)
- tcc_delete(s);
-#ifdef MEM_DEBUG
- if (do_bench) {
- printf("memory: %d bytes, max = %d bytes\n", mem_cur_size, mem_max_size);
- }
- return ret;
diff --git a/05/tcc-0.9.25/tcc.h b/05/tcc-0.9.25/tcc.h
deleted file mode 100644
index b4789da..0000000
--- a/05/tcc-0.9.25/tcc.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,764 +0,0 @@
- * TCC - Tiny C Compiler
- *
- * Copyright (c) 2001-2004 Fabrice Bellard
- *
- * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
- * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
- * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * Lesser General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
- * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
- */
-#define _GNU_SOURCE
-#include "config.h"
-#include "tccboot.h"
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdarg.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <errno.h>
-#include <math.h>
-#include <signal.h>
-#include <setjmp.h>
-#include <time.h>
-#ifdef __GNUC__
-#include <inttypes.h>
-#include <sys/mman.h>
-#include <sys/time.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <fcntl.h>
-#ifdef _WIN32
-#include <windows.h>
-#include <sys/timeb.h>
-#include <io.h> /* open, close etc. */
-#include <direct.h> /* getcwd */
-#define inline __inline
-#define inp next_inp
-#endif /* !CONFIG_TCCBOOT */
-#ifndef PAGESIZE
-#define PAGESIZE 4096
-#include "elf.h"
-#include "stab.h"
-#ifndef O_BINARY
-#define O_BINARY 0
-#include "libtcc.h"
-/* parser debug */
-//#define PARSE_DEBUG
-/* preprocessor debug */
-//#define PP_DEBUG
-/* include file debug */
-//#define INC_DEBUG
-//#define MEM_DEBUG
-/* assembler debug */
-//#define ASM_DEBUG
-/* target selection */
-//#define TCC_TARGET_I386 /* i386 code generator */
-//#define TCC_TARGET_ARM /* ARMv4 code generator */
-//#define TCC_TARGET_C67 /* TMS320C67xx code generator */
-//#define TCC_TARGET_X86_64 /* x86-64 code generator */
-/* default target is I386 */
-#if !defined(TCC_TARGET_I386) && !defined(TCC_TARGET_ARM) && \
- !defined(TCC_TARGET_C67) && !defined(TCC_TARGET_X86_64)
-#define TCC_TARGET_I386
-#if !defined(_WIN32) && !defined(TCC_UCLIBC) && !defined(TCC_TARGET_ARM) && \
- !defined(TCC_TARGET_C67) && !defined(TCC_TARGET_X86_64)
-#define CONFIG_TCC_BCHECK /* enable bound checking code */
-#if defined(_WIN32) && !defined(TCC_TARGET_PE)
-/* define it to include assembler support */
-#if !defined(TCC_TARGET_ARM) && !defined(TCC_TARGET_C67) && \
- !defined(TCC_TARGET_X86_64)
-/* object format selection */
-#if defined(TCC_TARGET_C67)
-#if !defined(_WIN32) && !defined(CONFIG_TCCBOOT)
-//#define CONFIG_TCC_BACKTRACE// this uses sigaction() which we don't have
-#define FALSE 0
-#define false 0
-#define TRUE 1
-#define true 1
-typedef int BOOL;
-/* path to find crt1.o, crti.o and crtn.o. Only needed when generating
- executables or dlls */
-#define IFDEF_STACK_SIZE 64
-#define VSTACK_SIZE 256
-#define STRING_MAX_SIZE 1024
-#define PACK_STACK_SIZE 8
-#define TOK_HASH_SIZE 8192 /* must be a power of two */
-#define TOK_ALLOC_INCR 512 /* must be a power of two */
-#define TOK_MAX_SIZE 4 /* token max size in int unit when stored in string */
-/* token symbol management */
-typedef struct TokenSym {
- struct TokenSym *hash_next;
- struct Sym *sym_define; /* direct pointer to define */
- struct Sym *sym_label; /* direct pointer to label */
- struct Sym *sym_struct; /* direct pointer to structure */
- struct Sym *sym_identifier; /* direct pointer to identifier */
- int tok; /* token number */
- int len;
- char str[1];
-} TokenSym;
-typedef unsigned short nwchar_t;
-typedef int nwchar_t;
-typedef struct CString {
- int size; /* size in bytes */
- void *data; /* either 'char *' or 'nwchar_t *' */
- int size_allocated;
- void *data_allocated; /* if non NULL, data has been malloced */
-} CString;
-/* type definition */
-typedef struct CType {
- int t;
- struct Sym *ref;
-} CType;
-/* constant value */
-typedef union CValue {
- long double ld;
- double d;
- float f;
- int i;
- unsigned int ui;
- unsigned int ul; /* address (should be unsigned long on 64 bit cpu) */
- long long ll;
- unsigned long long ull;
- struct CString *cstr;
- void *ptr;
- int tab[1];
-} CValue;
-/* value on stack */
-typedef struct SValue {
- CType type; /* type */
- unsigned short r; /* register + flags */
- unsigned short r2; /* second register, used for 'long long'
- type. If not used, set to VT_CONST */
- CValue c; /* constant, if VT_CONST */
- struct Sym *sym; /* symbol, if (VT_SYM | VT_CONST) */
-} SValue;
-/* symbol management */
-typedef struct Sym {
- int v; /* symbol token */
- long r; /* associated register */
- long c; /* associated number */
- CType type; /* associated type */
- struct Sym *next; /* next related symbol */
- struct Sym *prev; /* prev symbol in stack */
- struct Sym *prev_tok; /* previous symbol for this token */
-} Sym;
-/* section definition */
-/* XXX: use directly ELF structure for parameters ? */
-/* special flag to indicate that the section should not be linked to
- the other ones */
-#define SHF_PRIVATE 0x80000000
-/* special flag, too */
-#define SECTION_ABS ((void *)1)
-typedef struct Section {
- unsigned long data_offset; /* current data offset */
- unsigned char *data; /* section data */
- unsigned long data_allocated; /* used for realloc() handling */
- int sh_name; /* elf section name (only used during output) */
- int sh_num; /* elf section number */
- int sh_type; /* elf section type */
- int sh_flags; /* elf section flags */
- int sh_info; /* elf section info */
- int sh_addralign; /* elf section alignment */
- int sh_entsize; /* elf entry size */
- unsigned long sh_size; /* section size (only used during output) */
- unsigned long sh_addr; /* address at which the section is relocated */
- unsigned long sh_offset; /* file offset */
- int nb_hashed_syms; /* used to resize the hash table */
- struct Section *link; /* link to another section */
- struct Section *reloc; /* corresponding section for relocation, if any */
- struct Section *hash; /* hash table for symbols */
- struct Section *next;
- char name[1]; /* section name */
-} Section;
-typedef struct DLLReference {
- int level;
- void *handle;
- char name[1];
-} DLLReference;
-/* GNUC attribute definition */
-typedef struct AttributeDef {
- int aligned;
- int packed;
- Section *section;
- int func_attr; /* calling convention, exports, ... */
-} AttributeDef;
-/* -------------------------------------------------- */
-/* gr: wrappers for casting sym->r for other purposes */
-typedef struct {
- unsigned char func_call, func_args, func_export; // should be equivalent to the bitfields that were here before
-} func_attr_t;
-#define FUNC_CALL(r) (((func_attr_t*)&(r))->func_call)
-#define FUNC_EXPORT(r) (((func_attr_t*)&(r))->func_export)
-#define FUNC_ARGS(r) (((func_attr_t*)&(r))->func_args)
-#define INLINE_DEF(r) (*(int **)&(r))
-/* -------------------------------------------------- */
-#define SYM_STRUCT 0x40000000 /* struct/union/enum symbol space */
-#define SYM_FIELD 0x20000000 /* struct/union field symbol space */
-#define SYM_FIRST_ANOM 0x10000000 /* first anonymous sym */
-/* stored in 'Sym.c' field */
-#define FUNC_NEW 1 /* ansi function prototype */
-#define FUNC_OLD 2 /* old function prototype */
-#define FUNC_ELLIPSIS 3 /* ansi function prototype with ... */
-/* stored in 'Sym.r' field */
-#define FUNC_CDECL 0 /* standard c call */
-#define FUNC_STDCALL 1 /* pascal c call */
-#define FUNC_FASTCALL1 2 /* first param in %eax */
-#define FUNC_FASTCALL2 3 /* first parameters in %eax, %edx */
-#define FUNC_FASTCALL3 4 /* first parameter in %eax, %edx, %ecx */
-#define FUNC_FASTCALLW 5 /* first parameter in %ecx, %edx */
-/* field 'Sym.t' for macros */
-#define MACRO_OBJ 0 /* object like macro */
-#define MACRO_FUNC 1 /* function like macro */
-/* field 'Sym.r' for C labels */
-#define LABEL_DEFINED 0 /* label is defined */
-#define LABEL_FORWARD 1 /* label is forward defined */
-#define LABEL_DECLARED 2 /* label is declared but never used */
-/* type_decl() types */
-#define TYPE_ABSTRACT 1 /* type without variable */
-#define TYPE_DIRECT 2 /* type with variable */
-#define IO_BUF_SIZE 8192
-typedef struct BufferedFile {
- uint8_t *buf_ptr;
- uint8_t *buf_end;
- int fd;
- int line_num; /* current line number - here to simplify code */
- int ifndef_macro; /* #ifndef macro / #endif search */
- int ifndef_macro_saved; /* saved ifndef_macro */
- int *ifdef_stack_ptr; /* ifdef_stack value at the start of the file */
- char inc_type; /* type of include */
- char inc_filename[512]; /* filename specified by the user */
- char filename[1024]; /* current filename - here to simplify code */
- unsigned char buffer[IO_BUF_SIZE + 1]; /* extra size for CH_EOB char */
-} BufferedFile;
-#define CH_EOB '\\' /* end of buffer or '\0' char in file */
-#define CH_EOF (-1) /* end of file */
-/* parsing state (used to save parser state to reparse part of the
- source several times) */
-typedef struct ParseState {
- int *macro_ptr;
- int line_num;
- int tok;
- CValue tokc;
-} ParseState;
-/* used to record tokens */
-typedef struct TokenString {
- int *str;
- int len;
- int allocated_len;
- int last_line_num;
-} TokenString;
-/* include file cache, used to find files faster and also to eliminate
- inclusion if the include file is protected by #ifndef ... #endif */
-typedef struct CachedInclude {
- int ifndef_macro;
- int hash_next; /* -1 if none */
- char type; /* '"' or '>' to give include type */
- char filename[1]; /* path specified in #include */
-} CachedInclude;
-typedef struct ExprValue {
- uint32_t v;
- Sym *sym;
-} ExprValue;
-#define MAX_ASM_OPERANDS 30
-typedef struct ASMOperand {
- int id; /* GCC 3 optionnal identifier (0 if number only supported */
- char *constraint;
- char asm_str[16]; /* computed asm string for operand */
- SValue *vt; /* C value of the expression */
- int ref_index; /* if >= 0, gives reference to a output constraint */
- int input_index; /* if >= 0, gives reference to an input constraint */
- int priority; /* priority, used to assign registers */
- int reg; /* if >= 0, register number used for this operand */
- int is_llong; /* true if double register value */
- int is_memory; /* true if memory operand */
- int is_rw; /* for '+' modifier */
-} ASMOperand;
-struct TCCState {
- int output_type;
- BufferedFile **include_stack_ptr;
- int *ifdef_stack_ptr;
- /* include file handling */
- char **include_paths;
- int nb_include_paths;
- char **sysinclude_paths;
- int nb_sysinclude_paths;
- CachedInclude **cached_includes;
- int nb_cached_includes;
- char **library_paths;
- int nb_library_paths;
- /* array of all loaded dlls (including those referenced by loaded
- dlls) */
- DLLReference **loaded_dlls;
- int nb_loaded_dlls;
- /* sections */
- Section **sections;
- int nb_sections; /* number of sections, including first dummy section */
- Section **priv_sections;
- int nb_priv_sections; /* number of private sections */
- /* got handling */
- Section *got;
- Section *plt;
- unsigned long *got_offsets;
- int nb_got_offsets;
- /* give the correspondance from symtab indexes to dynsym indexes */
- int *symtab_to_dynsym;
- /* temporary dynamic symbol sections (for dll loading) */
- Section *dynsymtab_section;
- /* exported dynamic symbol section */
- Section *dynsym;
- int nostdinc; /* if true, no standard headers are added */
- int nostdlib; /* if true, no standard libraries are added */
- int nocommon; /* if true, do not use common symbols for .bss data */
- /* if true, static linking is performed */
- int static_link;
- /* soname as specified on the command line (-soname) */
- const char *soname;
- /* if true, all symbols are exported */
- int rdynamic;
- /* if true, only link in referenced objects from archive */
- int alacarte_link;
- /* address of text section */
- unsigned long text_addr;
- int has_text_addr;
- /* output format, see TCC_OUTPUT_FORMAT_xxx */
- int output_format;
- /* C language options */
- int char_is_unsigned;
- int leading_underscore;
- /* warning switches */
- int warn_write_strings;
- int warn_unsupported;
- int warn_error;
- int warn_none;
- int warn_implicit_function_declaration;
- /* display some information during compilation */
- int verbose;
- /* compile with debug symbol (and use them if error during execution) */
- int do_debug;
- /* compile with built-in memory and bounds checker */
- int do_bounds_check;
- /* give the path of the tcc libraries */
- const char *tcc_lib_path;
- /* error handling */
- void *error_opaque;
- void (*error_func)(void *opaque, const char *msg);
- int error_set_jmp_enabled;
- jmp_buf error_jmp_buf;
- int nb_errors;
- /* tiny assembler state */
- Sym *asm_labels;
- /* see include_stack_ptr */
- BufferedFile *include_stack[INCLUDE_STACK_SIZE];
- /* see ifdef_stack_ptr */
- int ifdef_stack[IFDEF_STACK_SIZE];
- /* see cached_includes */
- int cached_includes_hash[CACHED_INCLUDES_HASH_SIZE];
- /* pack stack */
- int pack_stack[PACK_STACK_SIZE];
- int *pack_stack_ptr;
- /* output file for preprocessing */
- FILE *outfile;
- /* for tcc_relocate */
- int runtime_added;
-#ifdef TCC_TARGET_X86_64
- /* write PLT and GOT here */
- char *runtime_plt_and_got;
- unsigned int runtime_plt_and_got_offset;
-/* The current value can be: */
-#define VT_VALMASK 0x00ff
-#define VT_CONST 0x00f0 /* constant in vc
- (must be first non register value) */
-#define VT_LLOCAL 0x00f1 /* lvalue, offset on stack */
-#define VT_LOCAL 0x00f2 /* offset on stack */
-#define VT_CMP 0x00f3 /* the value is stored in processor flags (in vc) */
-#define VT_JMP 0x00f4 /* value is the consequence of jmp true (even) */
-#define VT_JMPI 0x00f5 /* value is the consequence of jmp false (odd) */
-#define VT_LVAL 0x0100 /* var is an lvalue */
-#define VT_SYM 0x0200 /* a symbol value is added */
-#define VT_MUSTCAST 0x0400 /* value must be casted to be correct (used for
- char/short stored in integer registers) */
-#define VT_MUSTBOUND 0x0800 /* bound checking must be done before
- dereferencing value */
-#define VT_BOUNDED 0x8000 /* value is bounded. The address of the
- bounding function call point is in vc */
-#define VT_LVAL_BYTE 0x1000 /* lvalue is a byte */
-#define VT_LVAL_SHORT 0x2000 /* lvalue is a short */
-#define VT_LVAL_UNSIGNED 0x4000 /* lvalue is unsigned */
-/* types */
-#define VT_INT 0 /* integer type */
-#define VT_BYTE 1 /* signed byte type */
-#define VT_SHORT 2 /* short type */
-#define VT_VOID 3 /* void type */
-#define VT_PTR 4 /* pointer */
-#define VT_ENUM 5 /* enum definition */
-#define VT_FUNC 6 /* function type */
-#define VT_STRUCT 7 /* struct/union definition */
-#define VT_FLOAT 8 /* IEEE float */
-#define VT_DOUBLE 9 /* IEEE double */
-#define VT_LDOUBLE 10 /* IEEE long double */
-#define VT_BOOL 11 /* ISOC99 boolean type */
-#define VT_LLONG 12 /* 64 bit integer */
-#define VT_LONG 13 /* long integer (NEVER USED as type, only
- during parsing) */
-#define VT_BTYPE 0x000f /* mask for basic type */
-#define VT_UNSIGNED 0x0010 /* unsigned type */
-#define VT_ARRAY 0x0020 /* array type (also has VT_PTR) */
-#define VT_BITFIELD 0x0040 /* bitfield modifier */
-#define VT_CONSTANT 0x0800 /* const modifier */
-#define VT_VOLATILE 0x1000 /* volatile modifier */
-#define VT_SIGNED 0x2000 /* signed type */
-/* storage */
-#define VT_EXTERN 0x00000080 /* extern definition */
-#define VT_STATIC 0x00000100 /* static variable */
-#define VT_TYPEDEF 0x00000200 /* typedef definition */
-#define VT_INLINE 0x00000400 /* inline definition */
-#define VT_STRUCT_SHIFT 16 /* shift for bitfield shift values */
-/* type mask (except storage) */
-#define VT_TYPE (~(VT_STORAGE))
-/* token values */
-/* warning: the following compare tokens depend on i386 asm code */
-#define TOK_ULT 0x92
-#define TOK_UGE 0x93
-#define TOK_EQ 0x94
-#define TOK_NE 0x95
-#define TOK_ULE 0x96
-#define TOK_UGT 0x97
-#define TOK_Nset 0x98
-#define TOK_Nclear 0x99
-#define TOK_LT 0x9c
-#define TOK_GE 0x9d
-#define TOK_LE 0x9e
-#define TOK_GT 0x9f
-#define TOK_LAND 0xa0
-#define TOK_LOR 0xa1
-#define TOK_DEC 0xa2
-#define TOK_MID 0xa3 /* inc/dec, to void constant */
-#define TOK_INC 0xa4
-#define TOK_UDIV 0xb0 /* unsigned division */
-#define TOK_UMOD 0xb1 /* unsigned modulo */
-#define TOK_PDIV 0xb2 /* fast division with undefined rounding for pointers */
-#define TOK_CINT 0xb3 /* number in tokc */
-#define TOK_CCHAR 0xb4 /* char constant in tokc */
-#define TOK_STR 0xb5 /* pointer to string in tokc */
-#define TOK_TWOSHARPS 0xb6 /* ## preprocessing token */
-#define TOK_LCHAR 0xb7
-#define TOK_LSTR 0xb8
-#define TOK_CFLOAT 0xb9 /* float constant */
-#define TOK_LINENUM 0xba /* line number info */
-#define TOK_CDOUBLE 0xc0 /* double constant */
-#define TOK_CLDOUBLE 0xc1 /* long double constant */
-#define TOK_UMULL 0xc2 /* unsigned 32x32 -> 64 mul */
-#define TOK_ADDC1 0xc3 /* add with carry generation */
-#define TOK_ADDC2 0xc4 /* add with carry use */
-#define TOK_SUBC1 0xc5 /* add with carry generation */
-#define TOK_SUBC2 0xc6 /* add with carry use */
-#define TOK_CUINT 0xc8 /* unsigned int constant */
-#define TOK_CLLONG 0xc9 /* long long constant */
-#define TOK_CULLONG 0xca /* unsigned long long constant */
-#define TOK_ARROW 0xcb
-#define TOK_DOTS 0xcc /* three dots */
-#define TOK_SHR 0xcd /* unsigned shift right */
-#define TOK_PPNUM 0xce /* preprocessor number */
-#define TOK_SHL 0x01 /* shift left */
-#define TOK_SAR 0x02 /* signed shift right */
-/* assignement operators : normal operator or 0x80 */
-#define TOK_A_MOD 0xa5
-#define TOK_A_AND 0xa6
-#define TOK_A_MUL 0xaa
-#define TOK_A_ADD 0xab
-#define TOK_A_SUB 0xad
-#define TOK_A_DIV 0xaf
-#define TOK_A_XOR 0xde
-#define TOK_A_OR 0xfc
-#define TOK_A_SHL 0x81
-#define TOK_A_SAR 0x82
-#ifndef offsetof
-#define offsetof(type, field) ((size_t) &((type *)0)->field)
-#ifndef countof
-#define countof(tab) (sizeof(tab) / sizeof((tab)[0]))
-#define TOK_EOF (-1) /* end of file */
-#define TOK_LINEFEED 10 /* line feed */
-/* all identificators and strings have token above that */
-#define TOK_IDENT 256
-/* only used for i386 asm opcodes definitions */
-#define DEF_ASM(x) DEF(TOK_ASM_ ## x, #x)
-#define DEF_BWL(x) \
- DEF(TOK_ASM_ ## x ## b, #x "b") \
- DEF(TOK_ASM_ ## x ## w, #x "w") \
- DEF(TOK_ASM_ ## x ## l, #x "l") \
- DEF(TOK_ASM_ ## x, #x)
-#define DEF_WL(x) \
- DEF(TOK_ASM_ ## x ## w, #x "w") \
- DEF(TOK_ASM_ ## x ## l, #x "l") \
- DEF(TOK_ASM_ ## x, #x)
-#define DEF_FP1(x) \
- DEF(TOK_ASM_ ## f ## x ## s, "f" #x "s") \
- DEF(TOK_ASM_ ## fi ## x ## l, "fi" #x "l") \
- DEF(TOK_ASM_ ## f ## x ## l, "f" #x "l") \
- DEF(TOK_ASM_ ## fi ## x ## s, "fi" #x "s")
-#define DEF_FP(x) \
- DEF(TOK_ASM_ ## f ## x, "f" #x ) \
- DEF(TOK_ASM_ ## f ## x ## p, "f" #x "p") \
- DEF_FP1(x)
-#define DEF_ASMTEST(x) \
- DEF_ASM(x ## o) \
- DEF_ASM(x ## no) \
- DEF_ASM(x ## b) \
- DEF_ASM(x ## c) \
- DEF_ASM(x ## nae) \
- DEF_ASM(x ## nb) \
- DEF_ASM(x ## nc) \
- DEF_ASM(x ## ae) \
- DEF_ASM(x ## e) \
- DEF_ASM(x ## z) \
- DEF_ASM(x ## ne) \
- DEF_ASM(x ## nz) \
- DEF_ASM(x ## be) \
- DEF_ASM(x ## na) \
- DEF_ASM(x ## nbe) \
- DEF_ASM(x ## a) \
- DEF_ASM(x ## s) \
- DEF_ASM(x ## ns) \
- DEF_ASM(x ## p) \
- DEF_ASM(x ## pe) \
- DEF_ASM(x ## np) \
- DEF_ASM(x ## po) \
- DEF_ASM(x ## l) \
- DEF_ASM(x ## nge) \
- DEF_ASM(x ## nl) \
- DEF_ASM(x ## ge) \
- DEF_ASM(x ## le) \
- DEF_ASM(x ## ng) \
- DEF_ASM(x ## nle) \
- DEF_ASM(x ## g)
-#define TOK_ASM_int TOK_INT
-enum tcc_token {
-#define DEF(id, str) id,
-#include "tcctok.h"
-#undef DEF
-#ifdef _WIN32
-#define snprintf _snprintf
-#define vsnprintf _vsnprintf
-#ifndef __GNUC__
- #define strtold (long double)strtod
- #define strtof (float)strtod
- #define strtoll (long long)strtol
-#elif defined(TCC_UCLIBC) || defined(__FreeBSD__) || defined(__DragonFly__) \
- || defined(__OpenBSD__)
-/* currently incorrect */
-long double strtold(const char *nptr, char **endptr)
- return (long double)strtod(nptr, endptr);
-float strtof(const char *nptr, char **endptr)
- return (float)strtod(nptr, endptr);
-/* XXX: need to define this to use them in non ISOC99 context */
-extern float strtof (const char *__nptr, char **__endptr);
-extern long double strtold (const char *__nptr, char **__endptr);
-#ifdef _WIN32
-#define IS_PATHSEP(c) (c == '/' || c == '\\')
-#define IS_ABSPATH(p) (IS_PATHSEP(p[0]) || (p[0] && p[1] == ':' && IS_PATHSEP(p[2])))
-#define PATHCMP stricmp
-#define IS_PATHSEP(c) (c == '/')
-#define IS_ABSPATH(p) IS_PATHSEP(p[0])
-#define PATHCMP strcmp
-void error(const char *fmt, ...);
-void error_noabort(const char *fmt, ...);
-void warning(const char *fmt, ...);
-void tcc_set_lib_path_w32(TCCState *s);
-int tcc_set_flag(TCCState *s, const char *flag_name, int value);
-void tcc_print_stats(TCCState *s, int64_t total_time);
-void tcc_free(void *ptr);
-void *tcc_malloc(unsigned long size);
-void *tcc_mallocz(unsigned long size);
-void *tcc_realloc(void *ptr, unsigned long size);
-char *tcc_strdup(const char *str);
-char *tcc_basename(const char *name);
-char *tcc_fileextension (const char *name);
-char *pstrcpy(char *buf, int buf_size, const char *s);
-char *pstrcat(char *buf, int buf_size, const char *s);
-void dynarray_add(void ***ptab, int *nb_ptr, void *data);
-void dynarray_reset(void *pp, int *n);
-extern int num_callers;
-extern const char **rt_bound_error_msg;
-/* true if float/double/long double type */
-static inline int is_float(int t)
- int bt;
- bt = t & VT_BTYPE;
- return bt == VT_LDOUBLE || bt == VT_DOUBLE || bt == VT_FLOAT;
-/* space exlcuding newline */
-static inline int is_space(int ch)
- return ch == ' ' || ch == '\t' || ch == '\v' || ch == '\f' || ch == '\r';
diff --git a/05/tcc-0.9.25/tccasm.c b/05/tcc-0.9.25/tccasm.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 8834b53..0000000
--- a/05/tcc-0.9.25/tccasm.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1021 +0,0 @@
- * GAS like assembler for TCC
- *
- * Copyright (c) 2001-2004 Fabrice Bellard
- *
- * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
- * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
- * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * Lesser General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
- * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
- */
-static int asm_get_local_label_name(TCCState *s1, unsigned int n)
- char buf[64];
- TokenSym *ts;
- snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "L..%u", n);
- ts = tok_alloc(buf, strlen(buf));
- return ts->tok;
-static void asm_expr(TCCState *s1, ExprValue *pe);
-/* We do not use the C expression parser to handle symbols. Maybe the
- C expression parser could be tweaked to do so. */
-static void asm_expr_unary(TCCState *s1, ExprValue *pe)
- Sym *sym;
- int op, n, label;
- const char *p;
- switch(tok) {
- case TOK_PPNUM:
- p = tokc.cstr->data;
- n = strtoul(p, (char **)&p, 0);
- if (*p == 'b' || *p == 'f') {
- /* backward or forward label */
- label = asm_get_local_label_name(s1, n);
- sym = label_find(label);
- if (*p == 'b') {
- /* backward : find the last corresponding defined label */
- if (sym && sym->r == 0)
- sym = sym->prev_tok;
- if (!sym)
- error("local label '%d' not found backward", n);
- } else {
- /* forward */
- if (!sym || sym->r) {
- /* if the last label is defined, then define a new one */
- sym = label_push(&s1->asm_labels, label, 0);
- sym->type.t = VT_STATIC | VT_VOID;
- }
- }
- pe->v = 0;
- pe->sym = sym;
- } else if (*p == '\0') {
- pe->v = n;
- pe->sym = NULL;
- } else {
- error("invalid number syntax");
- }
- next();
- break;
- case '+':
- next();
- asm_expr_unary(s1, pe);
- break;
- case '-':
- case '~':
- op = tok;
- next();
- asm_expr_unary(s1, pe);
- if (pe->sym)
- error("invalid operation with label");
- if (op == '-')
- pe->v = -pe->v;
- else
- pe->v = ~pe->v;
- break;
- case TOK_CCHAR:
- case TOK_LCHAR:
- pe->v = tokc.i;
- pe->sym = NULL;
- next();
- break;
- case '(':
- next();
- asm_expr(s1, pe);
- skip(')');
- break;
- default:
- if (tok >= TOK_IDENT) {
- /* label case : if the label was not found, add one */
- sym = label_find(tok);
- if (!sym) {
- sym = label_push(&s1->asm_labels, tok, 0);
- /* NOTE: by default, the symbol is global */
- sym->type.t = VT_VOID;
- }
- if (sym->r == SHN_ABS) {
- /* if absolute symbol, no need to put a symbol value */
- pe->v = (long)sym->next;
- pe->sym = NULL;
- } else {
- pe->v = 0;
- pe->sym = sym;
- }
- next();
- } else {
- error("bad expression syntax [%s]", get_tok_str(tok, &tokc));
- }
- break;
- }
-static void asm_expr_prod(TCCState *s1, ExprValue *pe)
- int op;
- ExprValue e2;
- asm_expr_unary(s1, pe);
- for(;;) {
- op = tok;
- if (op != '*' && op != '/' && op != '%' &&
- op != TOK_SHL && op != TOK_SAR)
- break;
- next();
- asm_expr_unary(s1, &e2);
- if (pe->sym || e2.sym)
- error("invalid operation with label");
- switch(op) {
- case '*':
- pe->v *= e2.v;
- break;
- case '/':
- if (e2.v == 0) {
- div_error:
- error("division by zero");
- }
- pe->v /= e2.v;
- break;
- case '%':
- if (e2.v == 0)
- goto div_error;
- pe->v %= e2.v;
- break;
- case TOK_SHL:
- pe->v <<= e2.v;
- break;
- default:
- case TOK_SAR:
- pe->v >>= e2.v;
- break;
- }
- }
-static void asm_expr_logic(TCCState *s1, ExprValue *pe)
- int op;
- ExprValue e2;
- asm_expr_prod(s1, pe);
- for(;;) {
- op = tok;
- if (op != '&' && op != '|' && op != '^')
- break;
- next();
- asm_expr_prod(s1, &e2);
- if (pe->sym || e2.sym)
- error("invalid operation with label");
- switch(op) {
- case '&':
- pe->v &= e2.v;
- break;
- case '|':
- pe->v |= e2.v;
- break;
- default:
- case '^':
- pe->v ^= e2.v;
- break;
- }
- }
-static inline void asm_expr_sum(TCCState *s1, ExprValue *pe)
- int op;
- ExprValue e2;
- asm_expr_logic(s1, pe);
- for(;;) {
- op = tok;
- if (op != '+' && op != '-')
- break;
- next();
- asm_expr_logic(s1, &e2);
- if (op == '+') {
- if (pe->sym != NULL && e2.sym != NULL)
- goto cannot_relocate;
- pe->v += e2.v;
- if (pe->sym == NULL && e2.sym != NULL)
- pe->sym = e2.sym;
- } else {
- pe->v -= e2.v;
- /* NOTE: we are less powerful than gas in that case
- because we store only one symbol in the expression */
- if (!pe->sym && !e2.sym) {
- /* OK */
- } else if (pe->sym && !e2.sym) {
- /* OK */
- } else if (pe->sym && e2.sym) {
- if (pe->sym == e2.sym) {
- /* OK */
- } else if (pe->sym->r == e2.sym->r && pe->sym->r != 0) {
- /* we also accept defined symbols in the same section */
- pe->v += (long)pe->sym->next - (long)e2.sym->next;
- } else {
- goto cannot_relocate;
- }
- pe->sym = NULL; /* same symbols can be substracted to NULL */
- } else {
- cannot_relocate:
- error("invalid operation with label");
- }
- }
- }
-static void asm_expr(TCCState *s1, ExprValue *pe)
- asm_expr_sum(s1, pe);
-static int asm_int_expr(TCCState *s1)
- ExprValue e;
- asm_expr(s1, &e);
- if (e.sym)
- expect("constant");
- return e.v;
-/* NOTE: the same name space as C labels is used to avoid using too
- much memory when storing labels in TokenStrings */
-static void asm_new_label1(TCCState *s1, int label, int is_local,
- int sh_num, int value)
- Sym *sym;
- sym = label_find(label);
- if (sym) {
- if (sym->r) {
- /* the label is already defined */
- if (!is_local) {
- error("assembler label '%s' already defined",
- get_tok_str(label, NULL));
- } else {
- /* redefinition of local labels is possible */
- goto new_label;
- }
- }
- } else {
- new_label:
- sym = label_push(&s1->asm_labels, label, 0);
- sym->type.t = VT_STATIC | VT_VOID;
- }
- sym->r = sh_num;
- sym->next = (void *)value;
-static void asm_new_label(TCCState *s1, int label, int is_local)
- asm_new_label1(s1, label, is_local, cur_text_section->sh_num, ind);
-static void asm_free_labels(TCCState *st)
- Sym *s, *s1;
- Section *sec;
- for(s = st->asm_labels; s != NULL; s = s1) {
- s1 = s->prev;
- /* define symbol value in object file */
- if (s->r) {
- if (s->r == SHN_ABS)
- sec = SECTION_ABS;
- else
- sec = st->sections[s->r];
- put_extern_sym2(s, sec, (long)s->next, 0, 0);
- }
- /* remove label */
- table_ident[s->v - TOK_IDENT]->sym_label = NULL;
- sym_free(s);
- }
- st->asm_labels = NULL;
-static void use_section1(TCCState *s1, Section *sec)
- cur_text_section->data_offset = ind;
- cur_text_section = sec;
- ind = cur_text_section->data_offset;
-static void use_section(TCCState *s1, const char *name)
- Section *sec;
- sec = find_section(s1, name);
- use_section1(s1, sec);
-static void asm_parse_directive(TCCState *s1)
- int n, offset, v, size, tok1;
- Section *sec;
- uint8_t *ptr;
- /* assembler directive */
- next();
- sec = cur_text_section;
- switch(tok) {
- case TOK_ASM_align:
- case TOK_ASM_skip:
- case TOK_ASM_space:
- tok1 = tok;
- next();
- n = asm_int_expr(s1);
- if (tok1 == TOK_ASM_align) {
- if (n < 0 || (n & (n-1)) != 0)
- error("alignment must be a positive power of two");
- offset = (ind + n - 1) & -n;
- size = offset - ind;
- /* the section must have a compatible alignment */
- if (sec->sh_addralign < n)
- sec->sh_addralign = n;
- } else {
- size = n;
- }
- v = 0;
- if (tok == ',') {
- next();
- v = asm_int_expr(s1);
- }
- zero_pad:
- if (sec->sh_type != SHT_NOBITS) {
- sec->data_offset = ind;
- ptr = section_ptr_add(sec, size);
- memset(ptr, v, size);
- }
- ind += size;
- break;
- case TOK_ASM_quad:
- next();
- for(;;) {
- uint64_t vl;
- const char *p;
- p = tokc.cstr->data;
- if (tok != TOK_PPNUM) {
- error_constant:
- error("64 bit constant");
- }
- vl = strtoll(p, (char **)&p, 0);
- if (*p != '\0')
- goto error_constant;
- next();
- if (sec->sh_type != SHT_NOBITS) {
- /* XXX: endianness */
- gen_le32(vl);
- gen_le32(vl >> 32);
- } else {
- ind += 8;
- }
- if (tok != ',')
- break;
- next();
- }
- break;
- case TOK_ASM_byte:
- size = 1;
- goto asm_data;
- case TOK_ASM_word:
- case TOK_SHORT:
- size = 2;
- goto asm_data;
- case TOK_LONG:
- case TOK_INT:
- size = 4;
- asm_data:
- next();
- for(;;) {
- ExprValue e;
- asm_expr(s1, &e);
- if (sec->sh_type != SHT_NOBITS) {
- if (size == 4) {
- gen_expr32(&e);
- } else {
- if (e.sym)
- expect("constant");
- if (size == 1)
- g(e.v);
- else
- gen_le16(e.v);
- }
- } else {
- ind += size;
- }
- if (tok != ',')
- break;
- next();
- }
- break;
- case TOK_ASM_fill:
- {
- int repeat, size, val, i, j;
- uint8_t repeat_buf[8];
- next();
- repeat = asm_int_expr(s1);
- if (repeat < 0) {
- error("repeat < 0; .fill ignored");
- break;
- }
- size = 1;
- val = 0;
- if (tok == ',') {
- next();
- size = asm_int_expr(s1);
- if (size < 0) {
- error("size < 0; .fill ignored");
- break;
- }
- if (size > 8)
- size = 8;
- if (tok == ',') {
- next();
- val = asm_int_expr(s1);
- }
- }
- /* XXX: endianness */
- repeat_buf[0] = val;
- repeat_buf[1] = val >> 8;
- repeat_buf[2] = val >> 16;
- repeat_buf[3] = val >> 24;
- repeat_buf[4] = 0;
- repeat_buf[5] = 0;
- repeat_buf[6] = 0;
- repeat_buf[7] = 0;
- for(i = 0; i < repeat; i++) {
- for(j = 0; j < size; j++) {
- g(repeat_buf[j]);
- }
- }
- }
- break;
- case TOK_ASM_org:
- {
- unsigned long n;
- next();
- /* XXX: handle section symbols too */
- n = asm_int_expr(s1);
- if (n < ind)
- error("attempt to .org backwards");
- v = 0;
- size = n - ind;
- goto zero_pad;
- }
- break;
- case TOK_ASM_globl:
- case TOK_ASM_global:
- {
- Sym *sym;
- next();
- sym = label_find(tok);
- if (!sym) {
- sym = label_push(&s1->asm_labels, tok, 0);
- sym->type.t = VT_VOID;
- }
- sym->type.t &= ~VT_STATIC;
- next();
- }
- break;
- case TOK_ASM_string:
- case TOK_ASM_ascii:
- case TOK_ASM_asciz:
- {
- const uint8_t *p;
- int i, size, t;
- t = tok;
- next();
- for(;;) {
- if (tok != TOK_STR)
- expect("string constant");
- p = tokc.cstr->data;
- size = tokc.cstr->size;
- if (t == TOK_ASM_ascii && size > 0)
- size--;
- for(i = 0; i < size; i++)
- g(p[i]);
- next();
- if (tok == ',') {
- next();
- } else if (tok != TOK_STR) {
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- break;
- case TOK_ASM_text:
- case TOK_ASM_data:
- case TOK_ASM_bss:
- {
- char sname[64];
- tok1 = tok;
- n = 0;
- next();
- if (tok != ';' && tok != TOK_LINEFEED) {
- n = asm_int_expr(s1);
- next();
- }
- sprintf(sname, (n?".%s%d":".%s"), get_tok_str(tok1, NULL), n);
- use_section(s1, sname);
- }
- break;
- case TOK_SECTION1:
- {
- char sname[256];
- /* XXX: support more options */
- next();
- sname[0] = '\0';
- while (tok != ';' && tok != TOK_LINEFEED && tok != ',') {
- if (tok == TOK_STR)
- pstrcat(sname, sizeof(sname), tokc.cstr->data);
- else
- pstrcat(sname, sizeof(sname), get_tok_str(tok, NULL));
- next();
- }
- if (tok == ',') {
- /* skip section options */
- next();
- if (tok != TOK_STR)
- expect("string constant");
- next();
- }
- last_text_section = cur_text_section;
- use_section(s1, sname);
- }
- break;
- case TOK_ASM_previous:
- {
- Section *sec;
- next();
- if (!last_text_section)
- error("no previous section referenced");
- sec = cur_text_section;
- use_section1(s1, last_text_section);
- last_text_section = sec;
- }
- break;
- default:
- error("unknown assembler directive '.%s'", get_tok_str(tok, NULL));
- break;
- }
-/* assemble a file */
-static int tcc_assemble_internal(TCCState *s1, int do_preprocess)
- int opcode;
-#if 0
- /* print stats about opcodes */
- {
- const ASMInstr *pa;
- int freq[4];
- int op_vals[500];
- int nb_op_vals, i, j;
- nb_op_vals = 0;
- memset(freq, 0, sizeof(freq));
- for(pa = asm_instrs; pa->sym != 0; pa++) {
- freq[pa->nb_ops]++;
- for(i=0;i<pa->nb_ops;i++) {
- for(j=0;j<nb_op_vals;j++) {
- if (pa->op_type[i] == op_vals[j])
- goto found;
- }
- op_vals[nb_op_vals++] = pa->op_type[i];
- found: ;
- }
- }
- for(i=0;i<nb_op_vals;i++) {
- int v = op_vals[i];
- if ((v & (v - 1)) != 0)
- printf("%3d: %08x\n", i, v);
- }
- printf("size=%d nb=%d f0=%d f1=%d f2=%d f3=%d\n",
- sizeof(asm_instrs), sizeof(asm_instrs) / sizeof(ASMInstr),
- freq[0], freq[1], freq[2], freq[3]);
- }
- /* XXX: undefine C labels */
- ch = file->buf_ptr[0];
- tok_flags = TOK_FLAG_BOL | TOK_FLAG_BOF;
- parse_flags = PARSE_FLAG_ASM_COMMENTS;
- if (do_preprocess)
- parse_flags |= PARSE_FLAG_PREPROCESS;
- next();
- for(;;) {
- if (tok == TOK_EOF)
- break;
- parse_flags |= PARSE_FLAG_LINEFEED; /* XXX: suppress that hack */
- redo:
- if (tok == '#') {
- /* horrible gas comment */
- while (tok != TOK_LINEFEED)
- next();
- } else if (tok == '.') {
- asm_parse_directive(s1);
- } else if (tok == TOK_PPNUM) {
- const char *p;
- int n;
- p = tokc.cstr->data;
- n = strtoul(p, (char **)&p, 10);
- if (*p != '\0')
- expect("':'");
- /* new local label */
- asm_new_label(s1, asm_get_local_label_name(s1, n), 1);
- next();
- skip(':');
- goto redo;
- } else if (tok >= TOK_IDENT) {
- /* instruction or label */
- opcode = tok;
- next();
- if (tok == ':') {
- /* new label */
- asm_new_label(s1, opcode, 0);
- next();
- goto redo;
- } else if (tok == '=') {
- int n;
- next();
- n = asm_int_expr(s1);
- asm_new_label1(s1, opcode, 0, SHN_ABS, n);
- goto redo;
- } else {
- asm_opcode(s1, opcode);
- }
- }
- /* end of line */
- if (tok != ';' && tok != TOK_LINEFEED){
- expect("end of line");
- }
- parse_flags &= ~PARSE_FLAG_LINEFEED; /* XXX: suppress that hack */
- next();
- }
- asm_free_labels(s1);
- return 0;
-/* Assemble the current file */
-static int tcc_assemble(TCCState *s1, int do_preprocess)
- Sym *define_start;
- int ret;
- preprocess_init(s1);
- /* default section is text */
- cur_text_section = text_section;
- ind = cur_text_section->data_offset;
- define_start = define_stack;
- ret = tcc_assemble_internal(s1, do_preprocess);
- cur_text_section->data_offset = ind;
- free_defines(define_start);
- return ret;
-/* GCC inline asm support */
-/* assemble the string 'str' in the current C compilation unit without
- C preprocessing. NOTE: str is modified by modifying the '\0' at the
- end */
-static void tcc_assemble_inline(TCCState *s1, char *str, int len)
- BufferedFile *bf, *saved_file;
- int saved_parse_flags, *saved_macro_ptr;
- bf = tcc_malloc(sizeof(BufferedFile));
- memset(bf, 0, sizeof(BufferedFile));
- bf->fd = -1;
- bf->buf_ptr = str;
- bf->buf_end = str + len;
- str[len] = CH_EOB;
- /* same name as current file so that errors are correctly
- reported */
- pstrcpy(bf->filename, sizeof(bf->filename), file->filename);
- bf->line_num = file->line_num;
- saved_file = file;
- file = bf;
- saved_parse_flags = parse_flags;
- saved_macro_ptr = macro_ptr;
- macro_ptr = NULL;
- tcc_assemble_internal(s1, 0);
- parse_flags = saved_parse_flags;
- macro_ptr = saved_macro_ptr;
- file = saved_file;
- tcc_free(bf);
-/* find a constraint by its number or id (gcc 3 extended
- syntax). return -1 if not found. Return in *pp in char after the
- constraint */
-static int find_constraint(ASMOperand *operands, int nb_operands,
- const char *name, const char **pp)
- int index;
- TokenSym *ts;
- const char *p;
- if (isnum(*name)) {
- index = 0;
- while (isnum(*name)) {
- index = (index * 10) + (*name) - '0';
- name++;
- }
- if ((unsigned)index >= nb_operands)
- index = -1;
- } else if (*name == '[') {
- name++;
- p = strchr(name, ']');
- if (p) {
- ts = tok_alloc(name, p - name);
- for(index = 0; index < nb_operands; index++) {
- if (operands[index].id == ts->tok)
- goto found;
- }
- index = -1;
- found:
- name = p + 1;
- } else {
- index = -1;
- }
- } else {
- index = -1;
- }
- if (pp)
- *pp = name;
- return index;
-static void subst_asm_operands(ASMOperand *operands, int nb_operands,
- int nb_outputs,
- CString *out_str, CString *in_str)
- int c, index, modifier;
- const char *str;
- ASMOperand *op;
- SValue sv;
- cstr_new(out_str);
- str = in_str->data;
- for(;;) {
- c = *str++;
- if (c == '%') {
- if (*str == '%') {
- str++;
- goto add_char;
- }
- modifier = 0;
- if (*str == 'c' || *str == 'n' ||
- *str == 'b' || *str == 'w' || *str == 'h')
- modifier = *str++;
- index = find_constraint(operands, nb_operands, str, &str);
- if (index < 0)
- error("invalid operand reference after %%");
- op = &operands[index];
- sv = *op->vt;
- if (op->reg >= 0) {
- sv.r = op->reg;
- if ((op->vt->r & VT_VALMASK) == VT_LLOCAL && op->is_memory)
- sv.r |= VT_LVAL;
- }
- subst_asm_operand(out_str, &sv, modifier);
- } else {
- add_char:
- cstr_ccat(out_str, c);
- if (c == '\0')
- break;
- }
- }
-static void parse_asm_operands(ASMOperand *operands, int *nb_operands_ptr,
- int is_output)
- ASMOperand *op;
- int nb_operands;
- if (tok != ':') {
- nb_operands = *nb_operands_ptr;
- for(;;) {
- if (nb_operands >= MAX_ASM_OPERANDS)
- error("too many asm operands");
- op = &operands[nb_operands++];
- op->id = 0;
- if (tok == '[') {
- next();
- if (tok < TOK_IDENT)
- expect("identifier");
- op->id = tok;
- next();
- skip(']');
- }
- if (tok != TOK_STR)
- expect("string constant");
- op->constraint = tcc_malloc(tokc.cstr->size);
- strcpy(op->constraint, tokc.cstr->data);
- next();
- skip('(');
- gexpr();
- if (is_output) {
- test_lvalue();
- } else {
- /* we want to avoid LLOCAL case, except when the 'm'
- constraint is used. Note that it may come from
- register storage, so we need to convert (reg)
- case */
- if ((vtop->r & VT_LVAL) &&
- ((vtop->r & VT_VALMASK) == VT_LLOCAL ||
- (vtop->r & VT_VALMASK) < VT_CONST) &&
- !strchr(op->constraint, 'm')) {
- gv(RC_INT);
- }
- }
- op->vt = vtop;
- skip(')');
- if (tok == ',') {
- next();
- } else {
- break;
- }
- }
- *nb_operands_ptr = nb_operands;
- }
-static void parse_asm_str(CString *astr)
- skip('(');
- /* read the string */
- if (tok != TOK_STR)
- expect("string constant");
- cstr_new(astr);
- while (tok == TOK_STR) {
- /* XXX: add \0 handling too ? */
- cstr_cat(astr, tokc.cstr->data);
- next();
- }
- cstr_ccat(astr, '\0');
-/* parse the GCC asm() instruction */
-static void asm_instr(void)
- CString astr, astr1;
- ASMOperand operands[MAX_ASM_OPERANDS];
- int nb_inputs, nb_outputs, nb_operands, i, must_subst, out_reg;
- uint8_t clobber_regs[NB_ASM_REGS];
- next();
- /* since we always generate the asm() instruction, we can ignore
- volatile */
- if (tok == TOK_VOLATILE1 || tok == TOK_VOLATILE2 || tok == TOK_VOLATILE3) {
- next();
- }
- parse_asm_str(&astr);
- nb_operands = 0;
- nb_outputs = 0;
- must_subst = 0;
- memset(clobber_regs, 0, sizeof(clobber_regs));
- if (tok == ':') {
- next();
- must_subst = 1;
- /* output args */
- parse_asm_operands(operands, &nb_operands, 1);
- nb_outputs = nb_operands;
- if (tok == ':') {
- next();
- if (tok != ')') {
- /* input args */
- parse_asm_operands(operands, &nb_operands, 0);
- if (tok == ':') {
- /* clobber list */
- /* XXX: handle registers */
- next();
- for(;;) {
- if (tok != TOK_STR)
- expect("string constant");
- asm_clobber(clobber_regs, tokc.cstr->data);
- next();
- if (tok == ',') {
- next();
- } else {
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- skip(')');
- /* NOTE: we do not eat the ';' so that we can restore the current
- token after the assembler parsing */
- if (tok != ';')
- expect("';'");
- nb_inputs = nb_operands - nb_outputs;
- /* save all values in the memory */
- save_regs(0);
- /* compute constraints */
- asm_compute_constraints(operands, nb_operands, nb_outputs,
- clobber_regs, &out_reg);
- /* substitute the operands in the asm string. No substitution is
- done if no operands (GCC behaviour) */
-#ifdef ASM_DEBUG
- printf("asm: \"%s\"\n", (char *);
- if (must_subst) {
- subst_asm_operands(operands, nb_operands, nb_outputs, &astr1, &astr);
- cstr_free(&astr);
- } else {
- astr1 = astr;
- }
-#ifdef ASM_DEBUG
- printf("subst_asm: \"%s\"\n", (char *);
- /* generate loads */
- asm_gen_code(operands, nb_operands, nb_outputs, 0,
- clobber_regs, out_reg);
- /* assemble the string with tcc internal assembler */
- tcc_assemble_inline(tcc_state,, astr1.size - 1);
- /* restore the current C token */
- next();
- /* store the output values if needed */
- asm_gen_code(operands, nb_operands, nb_outputs, 1,
- clobber_regs, out_reg);
- /* free everything */
- for(i=0;i<nb_operands;i++) {
- ASMOperand *op;
- op = &operands[i];
- tcc_free(op->constraint);
- vpop();
- }
- cstr_free(&astr1);
-static void asm_global_instr(void)
- CString astr;
- next();
- parse_asm_str(&astr);
- skip(')');
- /* NOTE: we do not eat the ';' so that we can restore the current
- token after the assembler parsing */
- if (tok != ';')
- expect("';'");
-#ifdef ASM_DEBUG
- printf("asm_global: \"%s\"\n", (char *);
- cur_text_section = text_section;
- ind = cur_text_section->data_offset;
- /* assemble the string with tcc internal assembler */
- tcc_assemble_inline(tcc_state,, astr.size - 1);
- cur_text_section->data_offset = ind;
- /* restore the current C token */
- next();
- cstr_free(&astr);
diff --git a/05/tcc-0.9.25/tcccoff.c b/05/tcc-0.9.25/tcccoff.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 0dcbe50..0000000
--- a/05/tcc-0.9.25/tcccoff.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,957 +0,0 @@
- * COFF file handling for TCC
- *
- * Copyright (c) 2003, 2004 TK
- * Copyright (c) 2004 Fabrice Bellard
- *
- * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
- * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
- * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * Lesser General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
- * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
- */
-#include "coff.h"
-#define MAX_STR_TABLE 1000000
-SCNHDR section_header[MAXNSCNS];
-#define MAX_FUNCS 1000
-int nFuncs;
-char AssociatedFile[MAX_FUNCS][MAX_FUNC_NAME_LENGTH];
-int LineNoFilePtr[MAX_FUNCS];
-int EndAddress[MAX_FUNCS];
-int LastLineNo[MAX_FUNCS];
-int FuncEntries[MAX_FUNCS];
-BOOL OutputTheSection(Section * sect);
-short int GetCoffFlags(const char *s);
-void SortSymbolTable(void);
-Section *FindSection(TCCState * s1, const char *sname);
-int C67_main_entry_point;
-int FindCoffSymbolIndex(const char *func_name);
-int nb_syms;
-typedef struct {
- long tag;
- long size;
- long fileptr;
- long nextsym;
- short int dummy;
-typedef struct {
- long regmask;
- unsigned short lineno;
- unsigned short nentries;
- int localframe;
- int nextentry;
- short int dummy;
-typedef struct {
- long dummy;
- unsigned short lineno;
- unsigned short dummy1;
- int dummy2;
- int dummy3;
- unsigned short dummy4;
-int tcc_output_coff(TCCState *s1, FILE *f)
- Section *tcc_sect;
- SCNHDR *coff_sec;
- int file_pointer;
- char *Coff_str_table, *pCoff_str_table;
- int CoffTextSectionNo, coff_nb_syms;
- Section *stext, *sdata, *sbss;
- int i, NSectionsToOutput = 0;
- Coff_str_table = pCoff_str_table = NULL;
- stext = FindSection(s1, ".text");
- sdata = FindSection(s1, ".data");
- sbss = FindSection(s1, ".bss");
- nb_syms = symtab_section->data_offset / sizeof(Elf32_Sym);
- coff_nb_syms = FindCoffSymbolIndex("XXXXXXXXXX1");
- file_hdr.f_magic = COFF_C67_MAGIC; /* magic number */
- file_hdr.f_timdat = 0; /* time & date stamp */
- file_hdr.f_opthdr = sizeof(AOUTHDR); /* sizeof(optional hdr) */
- file_hdr.f_flags = 0x1143; /* flags (copied from what code composer does) */
- file_hdr.f_TargetID = 0x99; /* for C6x = 0x0099 */
- o_filehdr.magic = 0x0108; /* see magic.h */
- o_filehdr.vstamp = 0x0190; /* version stamp */
- o_filehdr.tsize = stext->data_offset; /* text size in bytes, padded to FW bdry */
- o_filehdr.dsize = sdata->data_offset; /* initialized data " " */
- o_filehdr.bsize = sbss->data_offset; /* uninitialized data " " */
- o_filehdr.entrypt = C67_main_entry_point; /* entry pt. */
- o_filehdr.text_start = stext->sh_addr; /* base of text used for this file */
- o_filehdr.data_start = sdata->sh_addr; /* base of data used for this file */
- // create all the section headers
- file_pointer = FILHSZ + sizeof(AOUTHDR);
- CoffTextSectionNo = -1;
- for (i = 1; i < s1->nb_sections; i++) {
- coff_sec = &section_header[i];
- tcc_sect = s1->sections[i];
- if (OutputTheSection(tcc_sect)) {
- NSectionsToOutput++;
- if (CoffTextSectionNo == -1 && tcc_sect == stext)
- CoffTextSectionNo = NSectionsToOutput; // rem which coff sect number the .text sect is
- strcpy(coff_sec->s_name, tcc_sect->name); /* section name */
- coff_sec->s_paddr = tcc_sect->sh_addr; /* physical address */
- coff_sec->s_vaddr = tcc_sect->sh_addr; /* virtual address */
- coff_sec->s_size = tcc_sect->data_offset; /* section size */
- coff_sec->s_scnptr = 0; /* file ptr to raw data for section */
- coff_sec->s_relptr = 0; /* file ptr to relocation */
- coff_sec->s_lnnoptr = 0; /* file ptr to line numbers */
- coff_sec->s_nreloc = 0; /* number of relocation entries */
- coff_sec->s_flags = GetCoffFlags(coff_sec->s_name); /* flags */
- coff_sec->s_reserved = 0; /* reserved byte */
- coff_sec->s_page = 0; /* memory page id */
- file_pointer += sizeof(SCNHDR);
- }
- }
- file_hdr.f_nscns = NSectionsToOutput; /* number of sections */
- // now loop through and determine file pointer locations
- // for the raw data
- for (i = 1; i < s1->nb_sections; i++) {
- coff_sec = &section_header[i];
- tcc_sect = s1->sections[i];
- if (OutputTheSection(tcc_sect)) {
- // put raw data
- coff_sec->s_scnptr = file_pointer; /* file ptr to raw data for section */
- file_pointer += coff_sec->s_size;
- }
- }
- // now loop through and determine file pointer locations
- // for the relocation data
- for (i = 1; i < s1->nb_sections; i++) {
- coff_sec = &section_header[i];
- tcc_sect = s1->sections[i];
- if (OutputTheSection(tcc_sect)) {
- // put relocations data
- if (coff_sec->s_nreloc > 0) {
- coff_sec->s_relptr = file_pointer; /* file ptr to relocation */
- file_pointer += coff_sec->s_nreloc * sizeof(struct reloc);
- }
- }
- }
- // now loop through and determine file pointer locations
- // for the line number data
- for (i = 1; i < s1->nb_sections; i++) {
- coff_sec = &section_header[i];
- tcc_sect = s1->sections[i];
- coff_sec->s_nlnno = 0;
- coff_sec->s_lnnoptr = 0;
- if (s1->do_debug && tcc_sect == stext) {
- // count how many line nos data
- // also find association between source file name and function
- // so we can sort the symbol table
- Stab_Sym *sym, *sym_end;
- char func_name[MAX_FUNC_NAME_LENGTH],
- last_func_name[MAX_FUNC_NAME_LENGTH];
- unsigned long func_addr, last_pc, pc;
- const char *incl_files[INCLUDE_STACK_SIZE];
- int incl_index, len, last_line_num;
- const char *str, *p;
- coff_sec->s_lnnoptr = file_pointer; /* file ptr to linno */
- func_name[0] = '\0';
- func_addr = 0;
- incl_index = 0;
- last_func_name[0] = '\0';
- last_pc = 0xffffffff;
- last_line_num = 1;
- sym = (Stab_Sym *) stab_section->data + 1;
- sym_end =
- (Stab_Sym *) (stab_section->data +
- stab_section->data_offset);
- nFuncs = 0;
- while (sym < sym_end) {
- switch (sym->n_type) {
- /* function start or end */
- case N_FUN:
- if (sym->n_strx == 0) {
- // end of function
- coff_sec->s_nlnno++;
- file_pointer += LINESZ;
- pc = sym->n_value + func_addr;
- func_name[0] = '\0';
- func_addr = 0;
- EndAddress[nFuncs] = pc;
- FuncEntries[nFuncs] =
- (file_pointer -
- LineNoFilePtr[nFuncs]) / LINESZ - 1;
- LastLineNo[nFuncs++] = last_line_num + 1;
- } else {
- // beginning of function
- LineNoFilePtr[nFuncs] = file_pointer;
- coff_sec->s_nlnno++;
- file_pointer += LINESZ;
- str =
- (const char *) stabstr_section->data +
- sym->n_strx;
- p = strchr(str, ':');
- if (!p) {
- pstrcpy(func_name, sizeof(func_name), str);
- pstrcpy(Func[nFuncs], sizeof(func_name), str);
- } else {
- len = p - str;
- if (len > sizeof(func_name) - 1)
- len = sizeof(func_name) - 1;
- memcpy(func_name, str, len);
- memcpy(Func[nFuncs], str, len);
- func_name[len] = '\0';
- }
- // save the file that it came in so we can sort later
- pstrcpy(AssociatedFile[nFuncs], sizeof(func_name),
- incl_files[incl_index - 1]);
- func_addr = sym->n_value;
- }
- break;
- /* line number info */
- case N_SLINE:
- pc = sym->n_value + func_addr;
- last_pc = pc;
- last_line_num = sym->n_desc;
- /* XXX: slow! */
- strcpy(last_func_name, func_name);
- coff_sec->s_nlnno++;
- file_pointer += LINESZ;
- break;
- /* include files */
- case N_BINCL:
- str =
- (const char *) stabstr_section->data + sym->n_strx;
- add_incl:
- if (incl_index < INCLUDE_STACK_SIZE) {
- incl_files[incl_index++] = str;
- }
- break;
- case N_EINCL:
- if (incl_index > 1)
- incl_index--;
- break;
- case N_SO:
- if (sym->n_strx == 0) {
- incl_index = 0; /* end of translation unit */
- } else {
- str =
- (const char *) stabstr_section->data +
- sym->n_strx;
- /* do not add path */
- len = strlen(str);
- if (len > 0 && str[len - 1] != '/')
- goto add_incl;
- }
- break;
- }
- sym++;
- }
- }
- }
- file_hdr.f_symptr = file_pointer; /* file pointer to symtab */
- if (s1->do_debug)
- file_hdr.f_nsyms = coff_nb_syms; /* number of symtab entries */
- else
- file_hdr.f_nsyms = 0;
- file_pointer += file_hdr.f_nsyms * SYMNMLEN;
- // OK now we are all set to write the file
- fwrite(&file_hdr, FILHSZ, 1, f);
- fwrite(&o_filehdr, sizeof(o_filehdr), 1, f);
- // write section headers
- for (i = 1; i < s1->nb_sections; i++) {
- coff_sec = &section_header[i];
- tcc_sect = s1->sections[i];
- if (OutputTheSection(tcc_sect)) {
- fwrite(coff_sec, sizeof(SCNHDR), 1, f);
- }
- }
- // write raw data
- for (i = 1; i < s1->nb_sections; i++) {
- coff_sec = &section_header[i];
- tcc_sect = s1->sections[i];
- if (OutputTheSection(tcc_sect)) {
- fwrite(tcc_sect->data, tcc_sect->data_offset, 1, f);
- }
- }
- // write relocation data
- for (i = 1; i < s1->nb_sections; i++) {
- coff_sec = &section_header[i];
- tcc_sect = s1->sections[i];
- if (OutputTheSection(tcc_sect)) {
- // put relocations data
- if (coff_sec->s_nreloc > 0) {
- fwrite(tcc_sect->reloc,
- coff_sec->s_nreloc * sizeof(struct reloc), 1, f);
- }
- }
- }
- // group the symbols in order of filename, func1, func2, etc
- // finally global symbols
- if (s1->do_debug)
- SortSymbolTable();
- // write line no data
- for (i = 1; i < s1->nb_sections; i++) {
- coff_sec = &section_header[i];
- tcc_sect = s1->sections[i];
- if (s1->do_debug && tcc_sect == stext) {
- // count how many line nos data
- Stab_Sym *sym, *sym_end;
- char func_name[128], last_func_name[128];
- unsigned long func_addr, last_pc, pc;
- const char *incl_files[INCLUDE_STACK_SIZE];
- int incl_index, len, last_line_num;
- const char *str, *p;
- LINENO CoffLineNo;
- func_name[0] = '\0';
- func_addr = 0;
- incl_index = 0;
- last_func_name[0] = '\0';
- last_pc = 0;
- last_line_num = 1;
- sym = (Stab_Sym *) stab_section->data + 1;
- sym_end =
- (Stab_Sym *) (stab_section->data +
- stab_section->data_offset);
- while (sym < sym_end) {
- switch (sym->n_type) {
- /* function start or end */
- case N_FUN:
- if (sym->n_strx == 0) {
- // end of function
- CoffLineNo.l_addr.l_paddr = last_pc;
- CoffLineNo.l_lnno = last_line_num + 1;
- fwrite(&CoffLineNo, 6, 1, f);
- pc = sym->n_value + func_addr;
- func_name[0] = '\0';
- func_addr = 0;
- } else {
- // beginning of function
- str =
- (const char *) stabstr_section->data +
- sym->n_strx;
- p = strchr(str, ':');
- if (!p) {
- pstrcpy(func_name, sizeof(func_name), str);
- } else {
- len = p - str;
- if (len > sizeof(func_name) - 1)
- len = sizeof(func_name) - 1;
- memcpy(func_name, str, len);
- func_name[len] = '\0';
- }
- func_addr = sym->n_value;
- last_pc = func_addr;
- last_line_num = -1;
- // output a function begin
- CoffLineNo.l_addr.l_symndx =
- FindCoffSymbolIndex(func_name);
- CoffLineNo.l_lnno = 0;
- fwrite(&CoffLineNo, 6, 1, f);
- }
- break;
- /* line number info */
- case N_SLINE:
- pc = sym->n_value + func_addr;
- /* XXX: slow! */
- strcpy(last_func_name, func_name);
- // output a line reference
- CoffLineNo.l_addr.l_paddr = last_pc;
- if (last_line_num == -1) {
- CoffLineNo.l_lnno = sym->n_desc;
- } else {
- CoffLineNo.l_lnno = last_line_num + 1;
- }
- fwrite(&CoffLineNo, 6, 1, f);
- last_pc = pc;
- last_line_num = sym->n_desc;
- break;
- /* include files */
- case N_BINCL:
- str =
- (const char *) stabstr_section->data + sym->n_strx;
- add_incl2:
- if (incl_index < INCLUDE_STACK_SIZE) {
- incl_files[incl_index++] = str;
- }
- break;
- case N_EINCL:
- if (incl_index > 1)
- incl_index--;
- break;
- case N_SO:
- if (sym->n_strx == 0) {
- incl_index = 0; /* end of translation unit */
- } else {
- str =
- (const char *) stabstr_section->data +
- sym->n_strx;
- /* do not add path */
- len = strlen(str);
- if (len > 0 && str[len - 1] != '/')
- goto add_incl2;
- }
- break;
- }
- sym++;
- }
- }
- }
- // write symbol table
- if (s1->do_debug) {
- int k;
- struct syment csym;
- AUXFUNC auxfunc;
- AUXBF auxbf;
- AUXEF auxef;
- int i;
- Elf32_Sym *p;
- const char *name;
- int nstr;
- int n = 0;
- Coff_str_table = (char *) tcc_malloc(MAX_STR_TABLE);
- pCoff_str_table = Coff_str_table;
- nstr = 0;
- p = (Elf32_Sym *) symtab_section->data;
- for (i = 0; i < nb_syms; i++) {
- name = symtab_section->link->data + p->st_name;
- for (k = 0; k < 8; k++)
- csym._n._n_name[k] = 0;
- if (strlen(name) <= 8) {
- strcpy(csym._n._n_name, name);
- } else {
- if (pCoff_str_table - Coff_str_table + strlen(name) >
- error("String table too large");
- csym._n._n_n._n_zeroes = 0;
- csym._n._n_n._n_offset =
- pCoff_str_table - Coff_str_table + 4;
- strcpy(pCoff_str_table, name);
- pCoff_str_table += strlen(name) + 1; // skip over null
- nstr++;
- }
- if (p->st_info == 4) {
- // put a filename symbol
- csym.n_value = 33; // ?????
- csym.n_scnum = N_DEBUG;
- csym.n_type = 0;
- csym.n_sclass = C_FILE;
- csym.n_numaux = 0;
- fwrite(&csym, 18, 1, f);
- n++;
- } else if (p->st_info == 0x12) {
- // find the function data
- for (k = 0; k < nFuncs; k++) {
- if (strcmp(name, Func[k]) == 0)
- break;
- }
- if (k >= nFuncs) {
- char s[256];
- sprintf(s, "debug info can't find function: %s", name);
- error(s);
- }
- // put a Function Name
- csym.n_value = p->st_value; // physical address
- csym.n_scnum = CoffTextSectionNo;
- csym.n_type = MKTYPE(T_INT, DT_FCN, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- csym.n_sclass = C_EXT;
- csym.n_numaux = 1;
- fwrite(&csym, 18, 1, f);
- // now put aux info
- auxfunc.tag = 0;
- auxfunc.size = EndAddress[k] - p->st_value;
- auxfunc.fileptr = LineNoFilePtr[k];
- auxfunc.nextsym = n + 6; // tktk
- auxfunc.dummy = 0;
- fwrite(&auxfunc, 18, 1, f);
- // put a .bf
- strcpy(csym._n._n_name, ".bf");
- csym.n_value = p->st_value; // physical address
- csym.n_scnum = CoffTextSectionNo;
- csym.n_type = 0;
- csym.n_sclass = C_FCN;
- csym.n_numaux = 1;
- fwrite(&csym, 18, 1, f);
- // now put aux info
- auxbf.regmask = 0;
- auxbf.lineno = 0;
- auxbf.nentries = FuncEntries[k];
- auxbf.localframe = 0;
- auxbf.nextentry = n + 6;
- auxbf.dummy = 0;
- fwrite(&auxbf, 18, 1, f);
- // put a .ef
- strcpy(csym._n._n_name, ".ef");
- csym.n_value = EndAddress[k]; // physical address
- csym.n_scnum = CoffTextSectionNo;
- csym.n_type = 0;
- csym.n_sclass = C_FCN;
- csym.n_numaux = 1;
- fwrite(&csym, 18, 1, f);
- // now put aux info
- auxef.dummy = 0;
- auxef.lineno = LastLineNo[k];
- auxef.dummy1 = 0;
- auxef.dummy2 = 0;
- auxef.dummy3 = 0;
- auxef.dummy4 = 0;
- fwrite(&auxef, 18, 1, f);
- n += 6;
- } else {
- // try an put some type info
- if ((p->st_other & VT_BTYPE) == VT_DOUBLE) {
- csym.n_type = T_DOUBLE; // int
- csym.n_sclass = C_EXT;
- } else if ((p->st_other & VT_BTYPE) == VT_FLOAT) {
- csym.n_type = T_FLOAT;
- csym.n_sclass = C_EXT;
- } else if ((p->st_other & VT_BTYPE) == VT_INT) {
- csym.n_type = T_INT; // int
- csym.n_sclass = C_EXT;
- } else if ((p->st_other & VT_BTYPE) == VT_SHORT) {
- csym.n_type = T_SHORT;
- csym.n_sclass = C_EXT;
- } else if ((p->st_other & VT_BTYPE) == VT_BYTE) {
- csym.n_type = T_CHAR;
- csym.n_sclass = C_EXT;
- } else {
- csym.n_type = T_INT; // just mark as a label
- csym.n_sclass = C_LABEL;
- }
- csym.n_value = p->st_value;
- csym.n_scnum = 2;
- csym.n_numaux = 1;
- fwrite(&csym, 18, 1, f);
- auxfunc.tag = 0;
- auxfunc.size = 0x20;
- auxfunc.fileptr = 0;
- auxfunc.nextsym = 0;
- auxfunc.dummy = 0;
- fwrite(&auxfunc, 18, 1, f);
- n++;
- n++;
- }
- p++;
- }
- }
- if (s1->do_debug) {
- // write string table
- // first write the size
- i = pCoff_str_table - Coff_str_table;
- fwrite(&i, 4, 1, f);
- // then write the strings
- fwrite(Coff_str_table, i, 1, f);
- tcc_free(Coff_str_table);
- }
- return 0;
-// group the symbols in order of filename, func1, func2, etc
-// finally global symbols
-void SortSymbolTable(void)
- int i, j, k, n = 0;
- Elf32_Sym *p, *p2, *NewTable;
- char *name, *name2;
- NewTable = (Elf32_Sym *) tcc_malloc(nb_syms * sizeof(Elf32_Sym));
- p = (Elf32_Sym *) symtab_section->data;
- // find a file symbol, copy it over
- // then scan the whole symbol list and copy any function
- // symbols that match the file association
- for (i = 0; i < nb_syms; i++) {
- if (p->st_info == 4) {
- name = (char *) symtab_section->link->data + p->st_name;
- // this is a file symbol, copy it over
- NewTable[n++] = *p;
- p2 = (Elf32_Sym *) symtab_section->data;
- for (j = 0; j < nb_syms; j++) {
- if (p2->st_info == 0x12) {
- // this is a func symbol
- name2 =
- (char *) symtab_section->link->data + p2->st_name;
- // find the function data index
- for (k = 0; k < nFuncs; k++) {
- if (strcmp(name2, Func[k]) == 0)
- break;
- }
- if (k >= nFuncs) {
- char s[256];
- sprintf(s,
- "debug (sort) info can't find function: %s",
- name2);
- error(s);
- }
- if (strcmp(AssociatedFile[k], name) == 0) {
- // yes they match copy it over
- NewTable[n++] = *p2;
- }
- }
- p2++;
- }
- }
- p++;
- }
- // now all the filename and func symbols should have been copied over
- // copy all the rest over (all except file and funcs)
- p = (Elf32_Sym *) symtab_section->data;
- for (i = 0; i < nb_syms; i++) {
- if (p->st_info != 4 && p->st_info != 0x12) {
- NewTable[n++] = *p;
- }
- p++;
- }
- if (n != nb_syms)
- error("Internal Compiler error, debug info");
- // copy it all back
- p = (Elf32_Sym *) symtab_section->data;
- for (i = 0; i < nb_syms; i++) {
- *p++ = NewTable[i];
- }
- tcc_free(NewTable);
-int FindCoffSymbolIndex(const char *func_name)
- int i, n = 0;
- Elf32_Sym *p;
- char *name;
- p = (Elf32_Sym *) symtab_section->data;
- for (i = 0; i < nb_syms; i++) {
- name = (char *) symtab_section->link->data + p->st_name;
- if (p->st_info == 4) {
- // put a filename symbol
- n++;
- } else if (p->st_info == 0x12) {
- if (strcmp(func_name, name) == 0)
- return n;
- n += 6;
- // put a Function Name
- // now put aux info
- // put a .bf
- // now put aux info
- // put a .ef
- // now put aux info
- } else {
- n += 2;
- }
- p++;
- }
- return n; // total number of symbols
-BOOL OutputTheSection(Section * sect)
- const char *s = sect->name;
- if (!strcmp(s, ".text"))
- return true;
- else if (!strcmp(s, ".data"))
- return true;
- else
- return 0;
-short int GetCoffFlags(const char *s)
- if (!strcmp(s, ".text"))
- return STYP_TEXT | STYP_DATA | STYP_ALIGN | 0x400;
- else if (!strcmp(s, ".data"))
- return STYP_DATA;
- else if (!strcmp(s, ".bss"))
- return STYP_BSS;
- else if (!strcmp(s, ".stack"))
- return STYP_BSS | STYP_ALIGN | 0x200;
- else if (!strcmp(s, ".cinit"))
- return STYP_COPY | STYP_DATA | STYP_ALIGN | 0x200;
- else
- return 0;
-Section *FindSection(TCCState * s1, const char *sname)
- Section *s;
- int i;
- for (i = 1; i < s1->nb_sections; i++) {
- s = s1->sections[i];
- if (!strcmp(sname, s->name))
- return s;
- }
- error("could not find section %s", sname);
- return 0;
-int tcc_load_coff(TCCState * s1, int fd)
-// tktk TokenSym *ts;
- FILE *f;
- unsigned int str_size;
- char *Coff_str_table, *name;
- int i, k;
- struct syment csym;
- char name2[9];
- f = fdopen(fd, "rb");
- if (!f) {
- error("Unable to open .out file for input");
- }
- if (fread(&file_hdr, FILHSZ, 1, f) != 1)
- error("error reading .out file for input");
- if (fread(&o_filehdr, sizeof(o_filehdr), 1, f) != 1)
- error("error reading .out file for input");
- // first read the string table
- if (fseek(f, file_hdr.f_symptr + file_hdr.f_nsyms * SYMESZ, SEEK_SET))
- error("error reading .out file for input");
- if (fread(&str_size, sizeof(int), 1, f) != 1)
- error("error reading .out file for input");
- Coff_str_table = (char *) tcc_malloc(str_size);
- if (fread(Coff_str_table, str_size - 4, 1, f) != 1)
- error("error reading .out file for input");
- // read/process all the symbols
- // seek back to symbols
- if (fseek(f, file_hdr.f_symptr, SEEK_SET))
- error("error reading .out file for input");
- for (i = 0; i < file_hdr.f_nsyms; i++) {
- if (fread(&csym, SYMESZ, 1, f) != 1)
- error("error reading .out file for input");
- if (csym._n._n_n._n_zeroes == 0) {
- name = Coff_str_table + csym._n._n_n._n_offset - 4;
- } else {
- name = csym._n._n_name;
- if (name[7] != 0) {
- for (k = 0; k < 8; k++)
- name2[k] = name[k];
- name2[8] = 0;
- name = name2;
- }
- }
-// if (strcmp("_DAC_Buffer",name)==0) // tktk
-// name[0]=0;
- if (((csym.n_type & 0x30) == 0x20 && csym.n_sclass == 0x2) || ((csym.n_type & 0x30) == 0x30 && csym.n_sclass == 0x2) || (csym.n_type == 0x4 && csym.n_sclass == 0x2) || (csym.n_type == 0x8 && csym.n_sclass == 0x2) || // structures
- (csym.n_type == 0x18 && csym.n_sclass == 0x2) || // pointer to structure
- (csym.n_type == 0x7 && csym.n_sclass == 0x2) || // doubles
- (csym.n_type == 0x6 && csym.n_sclass == 0x2)) // floats
- {
- // strip off any leading underscore (except for other main routine)
- if (name[0] == '_' && strcmp(name, "_main") != 0)
- name++;
- tcc_add_symbol(s1, name, (void*)csym.n_value);
- }
- // skip any aux records
- if (csym.n_numaux == 1) {
- if (fread(&csym, SYMESZ, 1, f) != 1)
- error("error reading .out file for input");
- i++;
- }
- }
- return 0;
diff --git a/05/tcc-0.9.25/tccelf.c b/05/tcc-0.9.25/tccelf.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 5da02e1..0000000
--- a/05/tcc-0.9.25/tccelf.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2732 +0,0 @@
- * ELF file handling for TCC
- *
- * Copyright (c) 2001-2004 Fabrice Bellard
- *
- * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
- * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
- * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * Lesser General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
- * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
- */
-#ifdef TCC_TARGET_X86_64
-#define ElfW_Rel ElfW(Rela)
-#define REL_SECTION_FMT ".rela%s"
-/* x86-64 requires PLT for DLLs */
-#define ElfW_Rel ElfW(Rel)
-#define REL_SECTION_FMT ".rel%s"
-/* XXX: DLL with PLT would only work with x86-64 for now */
-static int put_elf_str(Section *s, const char *sym)
- int offset, len;
- char *ptr;
- len = strlen(sym) + 1;
- offset = s->data_offset;
- ptr = section_ptr_add(s, len);
- memcpy(ptr, sym, len);
- return offset;
-/* elf symbol hashing function */
-static unsigned long elf_hash(const unsigned char *name)
- unsigned long h = 0, g;
- while (*name) {
- h = (h << 4) + *name++;
- g = h & 0xf0000000;
- if (g)
- h ^= g >> 24;
- h &= ~g;
- }
- return h;
-/* rebuild hash table of section s */
-/* NOTE: we do factorize the hash table code to go faster */
-static void rebuild_hash(Section *s, unsigned int nb_buckets)
- ElfW(Sym) *sym;
- int *ptr, *hash, nb_syms, sym_index, h;
- char *strtab;
- strtab = s->link->data;
- nb_syms = s->data_offset / sizeof(ElfW(Sym));
- s->hash->data_offset = 0;
- ptr = section_ptr_add(s->hash, (2 + nb_buckets + nb_syms) * sizeof(int));
- ptr[0] = nb_buckets;
- ptr[1] = nb_syms;
- ptr += 2;
- hash = ptr;
- memset(hash, 0, (nb_buckets + 1) * sizeof(int));
- ptr += nb_buckets + 1;
- sym = (ElfW(Sym) *)s->data + 1;
- for(sym_index = 1; sym_index < nb_syms; sym_index++) {
- if (ELF64_ST_BIND(sym->st_info) != STB_LOCAL) {
- h = elf_hash(strtab + sym->st_name) % nb_buckets;
- *ptr = hash[h];
- hash[h] = sym_index;
- } else {
- *ptr = 0;
- }
- ptr++;
- sym++;
- }
-/* return the symbol number */
-static int put_elf_sym(Section *s,
- unsigned long value, unsigned long size,
- int info, int other, int shndx, const char *name)
- int name_offset, sym_index;
- int nbuckets, h;
- ElfW(Sym) *sym;
- Section *hs;
- sym = section_ptr_add(s, sizeof(ElfW(Sym)));
- if (name)
- name_offset = put_elf_str(s->link, name);
- else
- name_offset = 0;
- /* XXX: endianness */
- sym->st_name = name_offset;
- sym->st_value = value;
- sym->st_size = size;
- sym->st_info = info;
- sym->st_other = other;
- sym->st_shndx = shndx;
- sym_index = sym - (ElfW(Sym) *)s->data;
- hs = s->hash;
- if (hs) {
- int *ptr, *base;
- ptr = section_ptr_add(hs, sizeof(int));
- base = (int *)hs->data;
- /* only add global or weak symbols */
- if (ELF64_ST_BIND(info) != STB_LOCAL) {
- /* add another hashing entry */
- nbuckets = base[0];
- h = elf_hash(name) % nbuckets;
- *ptr = base[2 + h];
- base[2 + h] = sym_index;
- base[1]++;
- /* we resize the hash table */
- hs->nb_hashed_syms++;
- if (hs->nb_hashed_syms > 2 * nbuckets) {
- rebuild_hash(s, 2 * nbuckets);
- }
- } else {
- *ptr = 0;
- base[1]++;
- }
- }
- return sym_index;
-/* find global ELF symbol 'name' and return its index. Return 0 if not
- found. */
-static int find_elf_sym(Section *s, const char *name)
- ElfW(Sym) *sym;
- Section *hs;
- int nbuckets, sym_index, h;
- const char *name1;
- hs = s->hash;
- if (!hs)
- return 0;
- nbuckets = ((int *)hs->data)[0];
- h = elf_hash(name) % nbuckets;
- sym_index = ((int *)hs->data)[2 + h];
- while (sym_index != 0) {
- sym = &((ElfW(Sym) *)s->data)[sym_index];
- name1 = s->link->data + sym->st_name;
- if (!strcmp(name, name1))
- return sym_index;
- sym_index = ((int *)hs->data)[2 + nbuckets + sym_index];
- }
- return 0;
-/* return elf symbol value or error */
-void *tcc_get_symbol(TCCState *s, const char *name)
- int sym_index;
- ElfW(Sym) *sym;
- sym_index = find_elf_sym(symtab_section, name);
- if (!sym_index)
- return NULL;
- sym = &((ElfW(Sym) *)symtab_section->data)[sym_index];
- return (void*)(long)sym->st_value;
-void *tcc_get_symbol_err(TCCState *s, const char *name)
- void *sym;
- sym = tcc_get_symbol(s, name);
- if (!sym)
- error("%s not defined", name);
- return sym;
-/* add an elf symbol : check if it is already defined and patch
- it. Return symbol index. NOTE that sh_num can be SHN_UNDEF. */
-static int add_elf_sym(Section *s, unsigned long value, unsigned long size,
- int info, int other, int sh_num, const char *name)
- ElfW(Sym) *esym;
- int sym_bind, sym_index, sym_type, esym_bind;
- unsigned char sym_vis, esym_vis, new_vis;
- sym_bind = ELF64_ST_BIND(info);
- sym_type = ELF64_ST_TYPE(info);
- sym_vis = ELF64_ST_VISIBILITY(other);
- if (sym_bind != STB_LOCAL) {
- /* we search global or weak symbols */
- sym_index = find_elf_sym(s, name);
- if (!sym_index)
- goto do_def;
- esym = &((ElfW(Sym) *)s->data)[sym_index];
- if (esym->st_shndx != SHN_UNDEF) {
- esym_bind = ELF64_ST_BIND(esym->st_info);
- /* propagate the most constraining visibility */
- esym_vis = ELF64_ST_VISIBILITY(esym->st_other);
- if (esym_vis == STV_DEFAULT) {
- new_vis = sym_vis;
- } else if (sym_vis == STV_DEFAULT) {
- new_vis = esym_vis;
- } else {
- new_vis = (esym_vis < sym_vis) ? esym_vis : sym_vis;
- }
- esym->st_other = (esym->st_other & ~ELF64_ST_VISIBILITY(-1))
- | new_vis;
- other = esym->st_other; /* in case we have to patch esym */
- if (sh_num == SHN_UNDEF) {
- /* ignore adding of undefined symbol if the
- corresponding symbol is already defined */
- } else if (sym_bind == STB_GLOBAL && esym_bind == STB_WEAK) {
- /* global overrides weak, so patch */
- goto do_patch;
- } else if (sym_bind == STB_WEAK && esym_bind == STB_GLOBAL) {
- /* weak is ignored if already global */
- } else if (sym_vis == STV_HIDDEN || sym_vis == STV_INTERNAL) {
- /* ignore hidden symbols after */
- } else if (esym->st_shndx == SHN_COMMON && sh_num < SHN_LORESERVE) {
- /* gr: Happens with 'tcc ... -static tcctest.c' on e.g. Ubuntu 6.01
- No idea if this is the correct solution ... */
- goto do_patch;
- } else if (s == tcc_state->dynsymtab_section) {
- /* we accept that two DLL define the same symbol */
- } else {
-#if 1
- printf("new_bind=%x new_shndx=%x new_vis=%x old_bind=%x old_shndx=%x old_vis=%x\n",
- sym_bind, sh_num, new_vis, esym_bind, esym->st_shndx, esym_vis);
- error_noabort("'%s' defined twice", name);
- }
- } else {
- do_patch:
- esym->st_info = ELF64_ST_INFO(sym_bind, sym_type);
- esym->st_shndx = sh_num;
- esym->st_value = value;
- esym->st_size = size;
- esym->st_other = other;
- }
- } else {
- do_def:
- sym_index = put_elf_sym(s, value, size,
- ELF64_ST_INFO(sym_bind, sym_type), other,
- sh_num, name);
- }
- return sym_index;
-/* put relocation */
-static void put_elf_reloc(Section *symtab, Section *s, unsigned long offset,
- int type, int symbol)
- char buf[256];
- Section *sr;
- ElfW_Rel *rel;
- sr = s->reloc;
- if (!sr) {
- /* if no relocation section, create it */
- snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), REL_SECTION_FMT, s->name);
- /* if the symtab is allocated, then we consider the relocation
- are also */
- sr = new_section(tcc_state, buf, SHT_RELX, symtab->sh_flags);
- sr->sh_entsize = sizeof(ElfW_Rel);
- sr->link = symtab;
- sr->sh_info = s->sh_num;
- s->reloc = sr;
- }
- rel = section_ptr_add(sr, sizeof(ElfW_Rel));
- rel->r_offset = offset;
- rel->r_info = ELF64_R_INFO(symbol, type);
-#ifdef TCC_TARGET_X86_64
- rel->r_addend = 0;
-/* put stab debug information */
-typedef struct {
- unsigned int n_strx; /* index into string table of name */
- unsigned char n_type; /* type of symbol */
- unsigned char n_other; /* misc info (usually empty) */
- unsigned short n_desc; /* description field */
- unsigned int n_value; /* value of symbol */
-} Stab_Sym;
-static void put_stabs(const char *str, int type, int other, int desc,
- unsigned long value)
- Stab_Sym *sym;
- sym = section_ptr_add(stab_section, sizeof(Stab_Sym));
- if (str) {
- sym->n_strx = put_elf_str(stabstr_section, str);
- } else {
- sym->n_strx = 0;
- }
- sym->n_type = type;
- sym->n_other = other;
- sym->n_desc = desc;
- sym->n_value = value;
-static void put_stabs_r(const char *str, int type, int other, int desc,
- unsigned long value, Section *sec, int sym_index)
- put_stabs(str, type, other, desc, value);
- put_elf_reloc(symtab_section, stab_section,
- stab_section->data_offset - sizeof(unsigned int),
- R_DATA_32, sym_index);
-static void put_stabn(int type, int other, int desc, int value)
- put_stabs(NULL, type, other, desc, value);
-static void put_stabd(int type, int other, int desc)
- put_stabs(NULL, type, other, desc, 0);
-/* In an ELF file symbol table, the local symbols must appear below
- the global and weak ones. Since TCC cannot sort it while generating
- the code, we must do it after. All the relocation tables are also
- modified to take into account the symbol table sorting */
-static void sort_syms(TCCState *s1, Section *s)
- int *old_to_new_syms;
- ElfW(Sym) *new_syms;
- int nb_syms, i;
- ElfW(Sym) *p, *q;
- ElfW_Rel *rel, *rel_end;
- Section *sr;
- int type, sym_index;
- nb_syms = s->data_offset / sizeof(ElfW(Sym));
- new_syms = tcc_malloc(nb_syms * sizeof(ElfW(Sym)));
- old_to_new_syms = tcc_malloc(nb_syms * sizeof(int));
- /* first pass for local symbols */
- p = (ElfW(Sym) *)s->data;
- q = new_syms;
- for(i = 0; i < nb_syms; i++) {
- if (ELF64_ST_BIND(p->st_info) == STB_LOCAL) {
- old_to_new_syms[i] = q - new_syms;
- *q++ = *p;
- }
- p++;
- }
- /* save the number of local symbols in section header */
- s->sh_info = q - new_syms;
- /* then second pass for non local symbols */
- p = (ElfW(Sym) *)s->data;
- for(i = 0; i < nb_syms; i++) {
- if (ELF64_ST_BIND(p->st_info) != STB_LOCAL) {
- old_to_new_syms[i] = q - new_syms;
- *q++ = *p;
- }
- p++;
- }
- /* we copy the new symbols to the old */
- memcpy(s->data, new_syms, nb_syms * sizeof(ElfW(Sym)));
- tcc_free(new_syms);
- /* now we modify all the relocations */
- for(i = 1; i < s1->nb_sections; i++) {
- sr = s1->sections[i];
- if (sr->sh_type == SHT_RELX && sr->link == s) {
- rel_end = (ElfW_Rel *)(sr->data + sr->data_offset);
- for(rel = (ElfW_Rel *)sr->data;
- rel < rel_end;
- rel++) {
- sym_index = ELF64_R_SYM(rel->r_info);
- type = ELF64_R_TYPE(rel->r_info);
- sym_index = old_to_new_syms[sym_index];
- rel->r_info = ELF64_R_INFO(sym_index, type);
- }
- }
- }
- tcc_free(old_to_new_syms);
-/* relocate common symbols in the .bss section */
-static void relocate_common_syms(void)
- ElfW(Sym) *sym, *sym_end;
- unsigned long offset, align;
- sym_end = (ElfW(Sym) *)(symtab_section->data + symtab_section->data_offset);
- for(sym = (ElfW(Sym) *)symtab_section->data + 1;
- sym < sym_end;
- sym++) {
- if (sym->st_shndx == SHN_COMMON) {
- /* align symbol */
- align = sym->st_value;
- offset = bss_section->data_offset;
- offset = (offset + align - 1) & -align;
- sym->st_value = offset;
- sym->st_shndx = bss_section->sh_num;
- offset += sym->st_size;
- bss_section->data_offset = offset;
- }
- }
-/* relocate symbol table, resolve undefined symbols if do_resolve is
- true and output error if undefined symbol. */
-static void relocate_syms(TCCState *s1, int do_resolve)
- ElfW(Sym) *sym, *esym, *sym_end;
- int sym_bind, sh_num, sym_index;
- const char *name;
- unsigned long addr;
- sym_end = (ElfW(Sym) *)(symtab_section->data + symtab_section->data_offset);
- for(sym = (ElfW(Sym) *)symtab_section->data + 1;
- sym < sym_end;
- sym++) {
- sh_num = sym->st_shndx;
- if (sh_num == SHN_UNDEF) {
- name = strtab_section->data + sym->st_name;
- if (do_resolve) {
- name = symtab_section->link->data + sym->st_name;
- addr = (unsigned long)resolve_sym(s1, name, ELF64_ST_TYPE(sym->st_info));
- if (addr) {
- sym->st_value = addr;
- goto found;
- }
- } else if (s1->dynsym) {
- /* if dynamic symbol exist, then use it */
- sym_index = find_elf_sym(s1->dynsym, name);
- if (sym_index) {
- esym = &((ElfW(Sym) *)s1->dynsym->data)[sym_index];
- sym->st_value = esym->st_value;
- goto found;
- }
- }
- /* XXX: _fp_hw seems to be part of the ABI, so we ignore
- it */
- if (!strcmp(name, "_fp_hw"))
- goto found;
- /* only weak symbols are accepted to be undefined. Their
- value is zero */
- sym_bind = ELF64_ST_BIND(sym->st_info);
- if (sym_bind == STB_WEAK) {
- sym->st_value = 0;
- } else {
- error_noabort("undefined symbol '%s'", name);
- }
- } else if (sh_num < SHN_LORESERVE) {
- /* add section base */
- sym->st_value += s1->sections[sym->st_shndx]->sh_addr;
- }
- found: ;
- }
-#ifdef TCC_TARGET_X86_64
-static unsigned long add_jmp_table(TCCState *s1, unsigned long val)
- char *p = s1->runtime_plt_and_got + s1->runtime_plt_and_got_offset;
- s1->runtime_plt_and_got_offset += JMP_TABLE_ENTRY_SIZE;
- /* jmp *0x0(%rip) */
- p[0] = 0xff;
- p[1] = 0x25;
- *(int *)(p + 2) = 0;
- *(unsigned long *)(p + 6) = val;
- return (unsigned long)p;
-static unsigned long add_got_table(TCCState *s1, unsigned long val)
- unsigned long *p =(unsigned long *)(s1->runtime_plt_and_got +
- s1->runtime_plt_and_got_offset);
- s1->runtime_plt_and_got_offset += sizeof(void *);
- *p = val;
- return (unsigned long)p;
-/* relocate a given section (CPU dependent) */
-static void relocate_section(TCCState *s1, Section *s)
- Section *sr;
- ElfW_Rel *rel, *rel_end, *qrel;
- ElfW(Sym) *sym;
- int type, sym_index;
- unsigned char *ptr;
- unsigned long val, addr;
-#if defined TCC_TARGET_I386 || defined TCC_TARGET_X86_64
- int esym_index;
- sr = s->reloc;
- rel_end = (ElfW_Rel *)(sr->data + sr->data_offset);
- qrel = (ElfW_Rel *)sr->data;
- for(rel = qrel;
- rel < rel_end;
- rel++) {
- ptr = s->data + rel->r_offset;
- sym_index = ELF64_R_SYM(rel->r_info);
- sym = &((ElfW(Sym) *)symtab_section->data)[sym_index];
- val = sym->st_value;
-#ifdef TCC_TARGET_X86_64
- /* XXX: not tested */
- val += rel->r_addend;
- type = ELF64_R_TYPE(rel->r_info);
- addr = s->sh_addr + rel->r_offset;
- /* CPU specific */
- switch(type) {
-#if defined(TCC_TARGET_I386)
- case R_386_32:
- if (s1->output_type == TCC_OUTPUT_DLL) {
- esym_index = s1->symtab_to_dynsym[sym_index];
- qrel->r_offset = rel->r_offset;
- if (esym_index) {
- qrel->r_info = ELF64_R_INFO(esym_index, R_386_32);
- qrel++;
- break;
- } else {
- qrel->r_info = ELF64_R_INFO(0, R_386_RELATIVE);
- qrel++;
- }
- }
- *(int *)ptr += val;
- break;
- case R_386_PC32:
- if (s1->output_type == TCC_OUTPUT_DLL) {
- /* DLL relocation */
- esym_index = s1->symtab_to_dynsym[sym_index];
- if (esym_index) {
- qrel->r_offset = rel->r_offset;
- qrel->r_info = ELF64_R_INFO(esym_index, R_386_PC32);
- qrel++;
- break;
- }
- }
- *(int *)ptr += val - addr;
- break;
- case R_386_PLT32:
- *(int *)ptr += val - addr;
- break;
- case R_386_GLOB_DAT:
- case R_386_JMP_SLOT:
- *(int *)ptr = val;
- break;
- case R_386_GOTPC:
- *(int *)ptr += s1->got->sh_addr - addr;
- break;
- case R_386_GOTOFF:
- *(int *)ptr += val - s1->got->sh_addr;
- break;
- case R_386_GOT32:
- /* we load the got offset */
- *(int *)ptr += s1->got_offsets[sym_index];
- break;
-#elif defined(TCC_TARGET_ARM)
- case R_ARM_PC24:
- case R_ARM_CALL:
- case R_ARM_JUMP24:
- case R_ARM_PLT32:
- {
- int x;
- x = (*(int *)ptr)&0xffffff;
- (*(int *)ptr) &= 0xff000000;
- if (x & 0x800000)
- x -= 0x1000000;
- x *= 4;
- x += val - addr;
- if((x & 3) != 0 || x >= 0x4000000 || x < -0x4000000)
- error("can't relocate value at %x",addr);
- x >>= 2;
- x &= 0xffffff;
- (*(int *)ptr) |= x;
- }
- break;
- case R_ARM_PREL31:
- {
- int x;
- x = (*(int *)ptr) & 0x7fffffff;
- (*(int *)ptr) &= 0x80000000;
- x = (x * 2) / 2;
- x += val - addr;
- if((x^(x>>1))&0x40000000)
- error("can't relocate value at %x",addr);
- (*(int *)ptr) |= x & 0x7fffffff;
- }
- case R_ARM_ABS32:
- *(int *)ptr += val;
- break;
- *(int *)ptr += s1->got->sh_addr - addr;
- break;
- case R_ARM_GOTOFF32:
- *(int *)ptr += val - s1->got->sh_addr;
- break;
- case R_ARM_GOT_BREL:
- /* we load the got offset */
- *(int *)ptr += s1->got_offsets[sym_index];
- break;
- case R_ARM_COPY:
- break;
- default:
- fprintf(stderr,"FIXME: handle reloc type %x at %lx [%.8x] to %lx\n",
- type,addr,(unsigned int )ptr,val);
- break;
-#elif defined(TCC_TARGET_C67)
- case R_C60_32:
- *(int *)ptr += val;
- break;
- case R_C60LO16:
- {
- uint32_t orig;
- /* put the low 16 bits of the absolute address */
- // add to what is already there
- orig = ((*(int *)(ptr )) >> 7) & 0xffff;
- orig |= (((*(int *)(ptr+4)) >> 7) & 0xffff) << 16;
- //patch both at once - assumes always in pairs Low - High
- *(int *) ptr = (*(int *) ptr & (~(0xffff << 7)) ) | (((val+orig) & 0xffff) << 7);
- *(int *)(ptr+4) = (*(int *)(ptr+4) & (~(0xffff << 7)) ) | ((((val+orig)>>16) & 0xffff) << 7);
- }
- break;
- case R_C60HI16:
- break;
- default:
- fprintf(stderr,"FIXME: handle reloc type %x at %lx [%.8x] to %lx\n",
- type,addr,(unsigned int )ptr,val);
- break;
-#elif defined(TCC_TARGET_X86_64)
- case R_X86_64_64:
- if (s1->output_type == TCC_OUTPUT_DLL) {
- qrel->r_info = ELF64_R_INFO(0, R_X86_64_RELATIVE);
- qrel->r_addend = *(long long *)ptr + val;
- qrel++;
- }
- *(long long *)ptr += val;
- break;
- case R_X86_64_32:
- case R_X86_64_32S:
- if (s1->output_type == TCC_OUTPUT_DLL) {
- /* XXX: this logic may depend on TCC's codegen
- now TCC uses R_X86_64_32 even for a 64bit pointer */
- qrel->r_info = ELF64_R_INFO(0, R_X86_64_RELATIVE);
- qrel->r_addend = *(int *)ptr + val;
- qrel++;
- }
- *(int *)ptr += val;
- break;
- case R_X86_64_PC32: {
- if (s1->output_type == TCC_OUTPUT_DLL) {
- /* DLL relocation */
- esym_index = s1->symtab_to_dynsym[sym_index];
- if (esym_index) {
- qrel->r_offset = rel->r_offset;
- qrel->r_info = ELF64_R_INFO(esym_index, R_X86_64_PC32);
- qrel->r_addend = *(int *)ptr;
- qrel++;
- break;
- }
- }
- long diff = val - addr;
- if (diff <= -2147483647 || diff > 2147483647) {
- /* XXX: naive support for over 32bit jump */
- if (s1->output_type == TCC_OUTPUT_MEMORY) {
- val = add_jmp_table(s1, val);
- diff = val - addr;
- }
- if (diff <= -2147483647 || diff > 2147483647) {
- error("internal error: relocation failed");
- }
- }
- *(int *)ptr += diff;
- }
- break;
- case R_X86_64_PLT32:
- *(int *)ptr += val - addr;
- break;
- case R_X86_64_GLOB_DAT:
- case R_X86_64_JUMP_SLOT:
- *(int *)ptr = val;
- break;
- case R_X86_64_GOTPCREL:
- if (s1->output_type == TCC_OUTPUT_MEMORY) {
- val = add_got_table(s1, val - rel->r_addend) + rel->r_addend;
- *(int *)ptr += val - addr;
- break;
- }
- *(int *)ptr += (s1->got->sh_addr - addr +
- s1->got_offsets[sym_index] - 4);
- break;
- case R_X86_64_GOTTPOFF:
- *(int *)ptr += val - s1->got->sh_addr;
- break;
- case R_X86_64_GOT32:
- /* we load the got offset */
- *(int *)ptr += s1->got_offsets[sym_index];
- break;
-#error unsupported processor
- }
- }
- /* if the relocation is allocated, we change its symbol table */
- if (sr->sh_flags & SHF_ALLOC)
- sr->link = s1->dynsym;
-/* relocate relocation table in 'sr' */
-static void relocate_rel(TCCState *s1, Section *sr)
- Section *s;
- ElfW_Rel *rel, *rel_end;
- s = s1->sections[sr->sh_info];
- rel_end = (ElfW_Rel *)(sr->data + sr->data_offset);
- for(rel = (ElfW_Rel *)sr->data;
- rel < rel_end;
- rel++) {
- rel->r_offset += s->sh_addr;
- }
-/* count the number of dynamic relocations so that we can reserve
- their space */
-static int prepare_dynamic_rel(TCCState *s1, Section *sr)
- ElfW_Rel *rel, *rel_end;
- int sym_index, esym_index, type, count;
- count = 0;
- rel_end = (ElfW_Rel *)(sr->data + sr->data_offset);
- for(rel = (ElfW_Rel *)sr->data; rel < rel_end; rel++) {
- sym_index = ELF64_R_SYM(rel->r_info);
- type = ELF64_R_TYPE(rel->r_info);
- switch(type) {
-#if defined(TCC_TARGET_I386)
- case R_386_32:
-#elif defined(TCC_TARGET_X86_64)
- case R_X86_64_32:
- case R_X86_64_32S:
- case R_X86_64_64:
- count++;
- break;
-#if defined(TCC_TARGET_I386)
- case R_386_PC32:
-#elif defined(TCC_TARGET_X86_64)
- case R_X86_64_PC32:
- esym_index = s1->symtab_to_dynsym[sym_index];
- if (esym_index)
- count++;
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- }
- if (count) {
- /* allocate the section */
- sr->sh_flags |= SHF_ALLOC;
- sr->sh_size = count * sizeof(ElfW_Rel);
- }
- return count;
-static void put_got_offset(TCCState *s1, int index, unsigned long val)
- int n;
- unsigned long *tab;
- if (index >= s1->nb_got_offsets) {
- /* find immediately bigger power of 2 and reallocate array */
- n = 1;
- while (index >= n)
- n *= 2;
- tab = tcc_realloc(s1->got_offsets, n * sizeof(unsigned long));
- if (!tab)
- error("memory full");
- s1->got_offsets = tab;
- memset(s1->got_offsets + s1->nb_got_offsets, 0,
- (n - s1->nb_got_offsets) * sizeof(unsigned long));
- s1->nb_got_offsets = n;
- }
- s1->got_offsets[index] = val;
-/* XXX: suppress that */
-static void put32(unsigned char *p, uint32_t val)
- p[0] = val;
- p[1] = val >> 8;
- p[2] = val >> 16;
- p[3] = val >> 24;
-#if defined(TCC_TARGET_I386) || defined(TCC_TARGET_ARM) || \
- defined(TCC_TARGET_X86_64)
-static uint32_t get32(unsigned char *p)
- return p[0] | (p[1] << 8) | (p[2] << 16) | (p[3] << 24);
-static void build_got(TCCState *s1)
- unsigned char *ptr;
- /* if no got, then create it */
- s1->got = new_section(s1, ".got", SHT_PROGBITS, SHF_ALLOC | SHF_WRITE);
- s1->got->sh_entsize = 4;
- add_elf_sym(symtab_section, 0, 4, ELF64_ST_INFO(STB_GLOBAL, STT_OBJECT),
- 0, s1->got->sh_num, "_GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_");
- ptr = section_ptr_add(s1->got, 3 * PTR_SIZE);
-#if PTR_SIZE == 4
- /* keep space for _DYNAMIC pointer, if present */
- put32(ptr, 0);
- /* two dummy got entries */
- put32(ptr + 4, 0);
- put32(ptr + 8, 0);
- /* keep space for _DYNAMIC pointer, if present */
- put32(ptr, 0);
- put32(ptr + 4, 0);
- /* two dummy got entries */
- put32(ptr + 8, 0);
- put32(ptr + 12, 0);
- put32(ptr + 16, 0);
- put32(ptr + 20, 0);
-/* put a got entry corresponding to a symbol in symtab_section. 'size'
- and 'info' can be modifed if more precise info comes from the DLL */
-static void put_got_entry(TCCState *s1,
- int reloc_type, unsigned long size, int info,
- int sym_index)
- int index;
- const char *name;
- ElfW(Sym) *sym;
- unsigned long offset;
- int *ptr;
- if (!s1->got)
- build_got(s1);
- /* if a got entry already exists for that symbol, no need to add one */
- if (sym_index < s1->nb_got_offsets &&
- s1->got_offsets[sym_index] != 0)
- return;
- put_got_offset(s1, sym_index, s1->got->data_offset);
- if (s1->dynsym) {
- sym = &((ElfW(Sym) *)symtab_section->data)[sym_index];
- name = symtab_section->link->data + sym->st_name;
- offset = sym->st_value;
-#if defined(TCC_TARGET_I386) || defined(TCC_TARGET_X86_64)
- if (reloc_type ==
-#ifdef TCC_TARGET_X86_64
- R_X86_64_JUMP_SLOT
- R_386_JMP_SLOT
- ) {
- Section *plt;
- uint8_t *p;
- int modrm;
- modrm = 0x25;
- /* if we build a DLL, we add a %ebx offset */
- if (s1->output_type == TCC_OUTPUT_DLL)
- modrm = 0xa3;
- else
- modrm = 0x25;
- /* add a PLT entry */
- plt = s1->plt;
- if (plt->data_offset == 0) {
- /* first plt entry */
- p = section_ptr_add(plt, 16);
- p[0] = 0xff; /* pushl got + PTR_SIZE */
- p[1] = modrm + 0x10;
- put32(p + 2, PTR_SIZE);
- p[6] = 0xff; /* jmp *(got + PTR_SIZE * 2) */
- p[7] = modrm;
- put32(p + 8, PTR_SIZE * 2);
- }
- p = section_ptr_add(plt, 16);
- p[0] = 0xff; /* jmp *(got + x) */
- p[1] = modrm;
- put32(p + 2, s1->got->data_offset);
- p[6] = 0x68; /* push $xxx */
- put32(p + 7, (plt->data_offset - 32) >> 1);
- p[11] = 0xe9; /* jmp plt_start */
- put32(p + 12, -(plt->data_offset));
- /* the symbol is modified so that it will be relocated to
- the PLT */
-#if !defined(TCC_OUTPUT_DLL_WITH_PLT)
- if (s1->output_type == TCC_OUTPUT_EXE)
- offset = plt->data_offset - 16;
- }
-#elif defined(TCC_TARGET_ARM)
- if (reloc_type == R_ARM_JUMP_SLOT) {
- Section *plt;
- uint8_t *p;
- /* if we build a DLL, we add a %ebx offset */
- if (s1->output_type == TCC_OUTPUT_DLL)
- error("DLLs unimplemented!");
- /* add a PLT entry */
- plt = s1->plt;
- if (plt->data_offset == 0) {
- /* first plt entry */
- p = section_ptr_add(plt, 16);
- put32(p , 0xe52de004);
- put32(p + 4, 0xe59fe010);
- put32(p + 8, 0xe08fe00e);
- put32(p + 12, 0xe5bef008);
- }
- p = section_ptr_add(plt, 16);
- put32(p , 0xe59fc004);
- put32(p+4, 0xe08fc00c);
- put32(p+8, 0xe59cf000);
- put32(p+12, s1->got->data_offset);
- /* the symbol is modified so that it will be relocated to
- the PLT */
- if (s1->output_type == TCC_OUTPUT_EXE)
- offset = plt->data_offset - 16;
- }
-#elif defined(TCC_TARGET_C67)
- error("C67 got not implemented");
-#error unsupported CPU
- index = put_elf_sym(s1->dynsym, offset,
- size, info, 0, sym->st_shndx, name);
- /* put a got entry */
- put_elf_reloc(s1->dynsym, s1->got,
- s1->got->data_offset,
- reloc_type, index);
- }
- ptr = section_ptr_add(s1->got, PTR_SIZE);
- *ptr = 0;
-/* build GOT and PLT entries */
-static void build_got_entries(TCCState *s1)
- Section *s, *symtab;
- ElfW_Rel *rel, *rel_end;
- ElfW(Sym) *sym;
- int i, type, reloc_type, sym_index;
- for(i = 1; i < s1->nb_sections; i++) {
- s = s1->sections[i];
- if (s->sh_type != SHT_RELX)
- continue;
- /* no need to handle got relocations */
- if (s->link != symtab_section)
- continue;
- symtab = s->link;
- rel_end = (ElfW_Rel *)(s->data + s->data_offset);
- for(rel = (ElfW_Rel *)s->data;
- rel < rel_end;
- rel++) {
- type = ELF64_R_TYPE(rel->r_info);
- switch(type) {
-#if defined(TCC_TARGET_I386)
- case R_386_GOT32:
- case R_386_GOTOFF:
- case R_386_GOTPC:
- case R_386_PLT32:
- if (!s1->got)
- build_got(s1);
- if (type == R_386_GOT32 || type == R_386_PLT32) {
- sym_index = ELF64_R_SYM(rel->r_info);
- sym = &((ElfW(Sym) *)symtab_section->data)[sym_index];
- /* look at the symbol got offset. If none, then add one */
- if (type == R_386_GOT32)
- reloc_type = R_386_GLOB_DAT;
- else
- reloc_type = R_386_JMP_SLOT;
- put_got_entry(s1, reloc_type, sym->st_size, sym->st_info,
- sym_index);
- }
- break;
-#elif defined(TCC_TARGET_ARM)
- case R_ARM_GOT_BREL:
- case R_ARM_GOTOFF32:
- case R_ARM_PLT32:
- if (!s1->got)
- build_got(s1);
- if (type == R_ARM_GOT_BREL || type == R_ARM_PLT32) {
- sym_index = ELF64_R_SYM(rel->r_info);
- sym = &((ElfW(Sym) *)symtab_section->data)[sym_index];
- /* look at the symbol got offset. If none, then add one */
- if (type == R_ARM_GOT_BREL)
- reloc_type = R_ARM_GLOB_DAT;
- else
- reloc_type = R_ARM_JUMP_SLOT;
- put_got_entry(s1, reloc_type, sym->st_size, sym->st_info,
- sym_index);
- }
- break;
-#elif defined(TCC_TARGET_C67)
- case R_C60_GOT32:
- case R_C60_GOTOFF:
- case R_C60_GOTPC:
- case R_C60_PLT32:
- if (!s1->got)
- build_got(s1);
- if (type == R_C60_GOT32 || type == R_C60_PLT32) {
- sym_index = ELF64_R_SYM(rel->r_info);
- sym = &((ElfW(Sym) *)symtab_section->data)[sym_index];
- /* look at the symbol got offset. If none, then add one */
- if (type == R_C60_GOT32)
- reloc_type = R_C60_GLOB_DAT;
- else
- reloc_type = R_C60_JMP_SLOT;
- put_got_entry(s1, reloc_type, sym->st_size, sym->st_info,
- sym_index);
- }
- break;
-#elif defined(TCC_TARGET_X86_64)
- case R_X86_64_GOT32:
- case R_X86_64_GOTTPOFF:
- case R_X86_64_GOTPCREL:
- case R_X86_64_PLT32:
- if (!s1->got)
- build_got(s1);
- if (type == R_X86_64_GOT32 || type == R_X86_64_GOTPCREL ||
- type == R_X86_64_PLT32) {
- sym_index = ELF64_R_SYM(rel->r_info);
- sym = &((ElfW(Sym) *)symtab_section->data)[sym_index];
- /* look at the symbol got offset. If none, then add one */
- if (type == R_X86_64_GOT32 || type == R_X86_64_GOTPCREL)
- reloc_type = R_X86_64_GLOB_DAT;
- else
- reloc_type = R_X86_64_JUMP_SLOT;
- put_got_entry(s1, reloc_type, sym->st_size, sym->st_info,
- sym_index);
- }
- break;
-#error unsupported CPU
- default:
- break;
- }
- }
- }
-static Section *new_symtab(TCCState *s1,
- const char *symtab_name, int sh_type, int sh_flags,
- const char *strtab_name,
- const char *hash_name, int hash_sh_flags)
- Section *symtab, *strtab, *hash;
- int *ptr, nb_buckets;
- symtab = new_section(s1, symtab_name, sh_type, sh_flags);
- symtab->sh_entsize = sizeof(ElfW(Sym));
- strtab = new_section(s1, strtab_name, SHT_STRTAB, sh_flags);
- put_elf_str(strtab, "");
- symtab->link = strtab;
- put_elf_sym(symtab, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL);
- nb_buckets = 1;
- hash = new_section(s1, hash_name, SHT_HASH, hash_sh_flags);
- hash->sh_entsize = sizeof(int);
- symtab->hash = hash;
- hash->link = symtab;
- ptr = section_ptr_add(hash, (2 + nb_buckets + 1) * sizeof(int));
- ptr[0] = nb_buckets;
- ptr[1] = 1;
- memset(ptr + 2, 0, (nb_buckets + 1) * sizeof(int));
- return symtab;
-/* put dynamic tag */
-static void put_dt(Section *dynamic, int dt, unsigned long val)
- ElfW(Dyn) *dyn;
- dyn = section_ptr_add(dynamic, sizeof(ElfW(Dyn)));
- dyn->d_tag = dt;
- dyn->d_un.d_val = val;
-static void add_init_array_defines(TCCState *s1, const char *section_name)
- Section *s;
- long end_offset;
- char sym_start[1024];
- char sym_end[1024];
- snprintf(sym_start, sizeof(sym_start), "__%s_start", section_name + 1);
- snprintf(sym_end, sizeof(sym_end), "__%s_end", section_name + 1);
- s = find_section(s1, section_name);
- if (!s) {
- end_offset = 0;
- s = data_section;
- } else {
- end_offset = s->data_offset;
- }
- add_elf_sym(symtab_section,
- 0, 0,
- s->sh_num, sym_start);
- add_elf_sym(symtab_section,
- end_offset, 0,
- s->sh_num, sym_end);
-/* add tcc runtime libraries */
-static void tcc_add_runtime(TCCState *s1)
-#if defined(CONFIG_TCC_BCHECK) || !defined(CONFIG_USE_LIBGCC)
- char buf[1024];
- if (s1->do_bounds_check) {
- unsigned long *ptr;
- Section *init_section;
- unsigned char *pinit;
- int sym_index;
- /* XXX: add an object file to do that */
- ptr = section_ptr_add(bounds_section, sizeof(unsigned long));
- *ptr = 0;
- add_elf_sym(symtab_section, 0, 0,
- bounds_section->sh_num, "__bounds_start");
- /* add bound check code */
- snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s/%s", s1->tcc_lib_path, "bcheck.o");
- tcc_add_file(s1, buf);
-#ifdef TCC_TARGET_I386
- if (s1->output_type != TCC_OUTPUT_MEMORY) {
- /* add 'call __bound_init()' in .init section */
- init_section = find_section(s1, ".init");
- pinit = section_ptr_add(init_section, 5);
- pinit[0] = 0xe8;
- put32(pinit + 1, -4);
- sym_index = find_elf_sym(symtab_section, "__bound_init");
- put_elf_reloc(symtab_section, init_section,
- init_section->data_offset - 4, R_386_PC32, sym_index);
- }
- }
- /* add libc */
- if (!s1->nostdlib) {
- tcc_add_library(s1, "c");
- tcc_add_file(s1, CONFIG_SYSROOT "/lib/");
- snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s/%s", s1->tcc_lib_path, "libtcc1.a");
- tcc_add_file(s1, buf);
- }
- /* add crt end if not memory output */
- if (s1->output_type != TCC_OUTPUT_MEMORY && !s1->nostdlib) {
- tcc_add_file(s1, CONFIG_TCC_CRT_PREFIX "/crtn.o");
- }
-/* add various standard linker symbols (must be done after the
- sections are filled (for example after allocating common
- symbols)) */
-static void tcc_add_linker_symbols(TCCState *s1)
- char buf[1024];
- int i;
- Section *s;
- add_elf_sym(symtab_section,
- text_section->data_offset, 0,
- text_section->sh_num, "_etext");
- add_elf_sym(symtab_section,
- data_section->data_offset, 0,
- data_section->sh_num, "_edata");
- add_elf_sym(symtab_section,
- bss_section->data_offset, 0,
- bss_section->sh_num, "_end");
- /* horrible new standard ldscript defines */
- add_init_array_defines(s1, ".preinit_array");
- add_init_array_defines(s1, ".init_array");
- add_init_array_defines(s1, ".fini_array");
- /* add start and stop symbols for sections whose name can be
- expressed in C */
- for(i = 1; i < s1->nb_sections; i++) {
- s = s1->sections[i];
- if (s->sh_type == SHT_PROGBITS &&
- (s->sh_flags & SHF_ALLOC)) {
- const char *p;
- int ch;
- /* check if section name can be expressed in C */
- p = s->name;
- for(;;) {
- ch = *p;
- if (!ch)
- break;
- if (!isid(ch) && !isnum(ch))
- goto next_sec;
- p++;
- }
- snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "__start_%s", s->name);
- add_elf_sym(symtab_section,
- 0, 0,
- s->sh_num, buf);
- snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "__stop_%s", s->name);
- add_elf_sym(symtab_section,
- s->data_offset, 0,
- s->sh_num, buf);
- }
- next_sec: ;
- }
-/* name of ELF interpreter */
-#if defined __FreeBSD__
-static char elf_interp[] = "/usr/libexec/";
-#elif defined TCC_ARM_EABI
-static char elf_interp[] = "/lib/";
-#elif defined(TCC_TARGET_X86_64)
-static char elf_interp[] = "/lib/";
-#elif defined(TCC_UCLIBC)
-static char elf_interp[] = "/lib/";
-static char elf_interp[] = "/lib/";
-static void tcc_output_binary(TCCState *s1, FILE *f,
- const int *section_order)
- Section *s;
- int i, offset, size;
- offset = 0;
- for(i=1;i<s1->nb_sections;i++) {
- s = s1->sections[section_order[i]];
- if (s->sh_type != SHT_NOBITS &&
- (s->sh_flags & SHF_ALLOC)) {
- while (offset < s->sh_offset) {
- fputc(0, f);
- offset++;
- }
- size = s->sh_size;
- fwrite(s->data, 1, size, f);
- offset += size;
- }
- }
-/* output an ELF file */
-/* XXX: suppress unneeded sections */
-int elf_output_file(TCCState *s1, const char *filename)
- ElfW(Ehdr) ehdr;
- FILE *f;
- int fd, mode, ret;
- int *section_order;
- int shnum, i, phnum, file_offset, offset, size, j, tmp, sh_order_index, k;
- unsigned long addr;
- Section *strsec, *s;
- ElfW(Shdr) shdr, *sh;
- ElfW(Phdr) *phdr, *ph;
- Section *interp, *dynamic, *dynstr;
- unsigned long saved_dynamic_data_offset;
- ElfW(Sym) *sym;
- int type, file_type;
- unsigned long rel_addr, rel_size;
- file_type = s1->output_type;
- s1->nb_errors = 0;
- if (file_type != TCC_OUTPUT_OBJ) {
- tcc_add_runtime(s1);
- }
- phdr = NULL;
- section_order = NULL;
- interp = NULL;
- dynamic = NULL;
- dynstr = NULL; /* avoid warning */
- saved_dynamic_data_offset = 0; /* avoid warning */
- if (file_type != TCC_OUTPUT_OBJ) {
- relocate_common_syms();
- tcc_add_linker_symbols(s1);
- if (!s1->static_link) {
- const char *name;
- int sym_index, index;
- ElfW(Sym) *esym, *sym_end;
- if (file_type == TCC_OUTPUT_EXE) {
- char *ptr;
- /* add interpreter section only if executable */
- interp = new_section(s1, ".interp", SHT_PROGBITS, SHF_ALLOC);
- interp->sh_addralign = 1;
- ptr = section_ptr_add(interp, sizeof(elf_interp));
- strcpy(ptr, elf_interp);
- }
- /* add dynamic symbol table */
- s1->dynsym = new_symtab(s1, ".dynsym", SHT_DYNSYM, SHF_ALLOC,
- ".dynstr",
- ".hash", SHF_ALLOC);
- dynstr = s1->dynsym->link;
- /* add dynamic section */
- dynamic = new_section(s1, ".dynamic", SHT_DYNAMIC,
- dynamic->link = dynstr;
- dynamic->sh_entsize = sizeof(ElfW(Dyn));
- /* add PLT */
- s1->plt = new_section(s1, ".plt", SHT_PROGBITS,
- s1->plt->sh_entsize = 4;
- build_got(s1);
- /* scan for undefined symbols and see if they are in the
- dynamic symbols. If a symbol STT_FUNC is found, then we
- add it in the PLT. If a symbol STT_OBJECT is found, we
- add it in the .bss section with a suitable relocation */
- sym_end = (ElfW(Sym) *)(symtab_section->data +
- symtab_section->data_offset);
- if (file_type == TCC_OUTPUT_EXE) {
- for(sym = (ElfW(Sym) *)symtab_section->data + 1;
- sym < sym_end;
- sym++) {
- if (sym->st_shndx == SHN_UNDEF) {
- name = symtab_section->link->data + sym->st_name;
- sym_index = find_elf_sym(s1->dynsymtab_section, name);
- if (sym_index) {
- esym = &((ElfW(Sym) *)s1->dynsymtab_section->data)[sym_index];
- type = ELF64_ST_TYPE(esym->st_info);
- if (type == STT_FUNC) {
- put_got_entry(s1, R_JMP_SLOT, esym->st_size,
- esym->st_info,
- sym - (ElfW(Sym) *)symtab_section->data);
- } else if (type == STT_OBJECT) {
- unsigned long offset;
- offset = bss_section->data_offset;
- /* XXX: which alignment ? */
- offset = (offset + 16 - 1) & -16;
- index = put_elf_sym(s1->dynsym, offset, esym->st_size,
- esym->st_info, 0,
- bss_section->sh_num, name);
- put_elf_reloc(s1->dynsym, bss_section,
- offset, R_COPY, index);
- offset += esym->st_size;
- bss_section->data_offset = offset;
- }
- } else {
- /* STB_WEAK undefined symbols are accepted */
- /* XXX: _fp_hw seems to be part of the ABI, so we ignore
- it */
- if (ELF64_ST_BIND(sym->st_info) == STB_WEAK ||
- !strcmp(name, "_fp_hw")) {
- } else {
- error_noabort("undefined symbol '%s'", name);
- }
- }
- } else if (s1->rdynamic &&
- ELF64_ST_BIND(sym->st_info) != STB_LOCAL) {
- /* if -rdynamic option, then export all non
- local symbols */
- name = symtab_section->link->data + sym->st_name;
- put_elf_sym(s1->dynsym, sym->st_value, sym->st_size,
- sym->st_info, 0,
- sym->st_shndx, name);
- }
- }
- if (s1->nb_errors)
- goto fail;
- /* now look at unresolved dynamic symbols and export
- corresponding symbol */
- sym_end = (ElfW(Sym) *)(s1->dynsymtab_section->data +
- s1->dynsymtab_section->data_offset);
- for(esym = (ElfW(Sym) *)s1->dynsymtab_section->data + 1;
- esym < sym_end;
- esym++) {
- if (esym->st_shndx == SHN_UNDEF) {
- name = s1->dynsymtab_section->link->data + esym->st_name;
- sym_index = find_elf_sym(symtab_section, name);
- if (sym_index) {
- /* XXX: avoid adding a symbol if already
- present because of -rdynamic ? */
- sym = &((ElfW(Sym) *)symtab_section->data)[sym_index];
- put_elf_sym(s1->dynsym, sym->st_value, sym->st_size,
- sym->st_info, 0,
- sym->st_shndx, name);
- } else {
- if (ELF64_ST_BIND(esym->st_info) == STB_WEAK) {
- /* weak symbols can stay undefined */
- } else {
- warning("undefined dynamic symbol '%s'", name);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- } else {
- int nb_syms;
- /* shared library case : we simply export all the global symbols */
- nb_syms = symtab_section->data_offset / sizeof(ElfW(Sym));
- s1->symtab_to_dynsym = tcc_mallocz(sizeof(int) * nb_syms);
- for(sym = (ElfW(Sym) *)symtab_section->data + 1;
- sym < sym_end;
- sym++) {
- if (ELF64_ST_BIND(sym->st_info) != STB_LOCAL) {
- if (ELF64_ST_TYPE(sym->st_info) == STT_FUNC &&
- sym->st_shndx == SHN_UNDEF) {
- put_got_entry(s1, R_JMP_SLOT, sym->st_size,
- sym->st_info,
- sym - (ElfW(Sym) *)symtab_section->data);
- }
- else if (ELF64_ST_TYPE(sym->st_info) == STT_OBJECT) {
- put_got_entry(s1, R_X86_64_GLOB_DAT, sym->st_size,
- sym->st_info,
- sym - (ElfW(Sym) *)symtab_section->data);
- }
- else
- {
- name = symtab_section->link->data + sym->st_name;
- index = put_elf_sym(s1->dynsym, sym->st_value, sym->st_size,
- sym->st_info, 0,
- sym->st_shndx, name);
- s1->symtab_to_dynsym[sym -
- (ElfW(Sym) *)symtab_section->data] =
- index;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- build_got_entries(s1);
- /* add a list of needed dlls */
- for(i = 0; i < s1->nb_loaded_dlls; i++) {
- DLLReference *dllref = s1->loaded_dlls[i];
- if (dllref->level == 0)
- put_dt(dynamic, DT_NEEDED, put_elf_str(dynstr, dllref->name));
- }
- /* XXX: currently, since we do not handle PIC code, we
- must relocate the readonly segments */
- if (file_type == TCC_OUTPUT_DLL) {
- if (s1->soname)
- put_dt(dynamic, DT_SONAME, put_elf_str(dynstr, s1->soname));
- put_dt(dynamic, DT_TEXTREL, 0);
- }
- /* add necessary space for other entries */
- saved_dynamic_data_offset = dynamic->data_offset;
- dynamic->data_offset += sizeof(ElfW(Dyn)) * 9;
- } else {
- /* still need to build got entries in case of static link */
- build_got_entries(s1);
- }
- }
- memset(&ehdr, 0, sizeof(ehdr));
- /* we add a section for symbols */
- strsec = new_section(s1, ".shstrtab", SHT_STRTAB, 0);
- put_elf_str(strsec, "");
- /* compute number of sections */
- shnum = s1->nb_sections;
- /* this array is used to reorder sections in the output file */
- section_order = tcc_malloc(sizeof(int) * shnum);
- section_order[0] = 0;
- sh_order_index = 1;
- /* compute number of program headers */
- switch(file_type) {
- if (!s1->static_link)
- phnum = 4;
- else
- phnum = 2;
- break;
- phnum = 3;
- break;
- default:
- phnum = 0;
- break;
- }
- /* allocate strings for section names and decide if an unallocated
- section should be output */
- /* NOTE: the strsec section comes last, so its size is also
- correct ! */
- for(i = 1; i < s1->nb_sections; i++) {
- s = s1->sections[i];
- s->sh_name = put_elf_str(strsec, s->name);
-#if 0 //gr
- printf("section: f=%08x t=%08x i=%08x %s %s\n",
- s->sh_flags,
- s->sh_type,
- s->sh_info,
- s->name,
- s->reloc ? s->reloc->name : "n"
- );
- /* when generating a DLL, we include relocations but we may
- patch them */
- if (file_type == TCC_OUTPUT_DLL &&
- s->sh_type == SHT_RELX &&
- !(s->sh_flags & SHF_ALLOC)) {
- /* //gr: avoid bogus relocs for empty (debug) sections */
- if (s1->sections[s->sh_info]->sh_flags & SHF_ALLOC)
- prepare_dynamic_rel(s1, s);
- else if (s1->do_debug)
- s->sh_size = s->data_offset;
- } else if (s1->do_debug ||
- file_type == TCC_OUTPUT_OBJ ||
- (s->sh_flags & SHF_ALLOC) ||
- i == (s1->nb_sections - 1)) {
- /* we output all sections if debug or object file */
- s->sh_size = s->data_offset;
- }
- }
- /* allocate program segment headers */
- phdr = tcc_mallocz(phnum * sizeof(ElfW(Phdr)));
- if (s1->output_format == TCC_OUTPUT_FORMAT_ELF) {
- file_offset = sizeof(ElfW(Ehdr)) + phnum * sizeof(ElfW(Phdr));
- } else {
- file_offset = 0;
- }
- if (phnum > 0) {
- /* compute section to program header mapping */
- if (s1->has_text_addr) {
- int a_offset, p_offset;
- addr = s1->text_addr;
- /* we ensure that (addr % ELF_PAGE_SIZE) == file_offset %
- a_offset = addr & (ELF_PAGE_SIZE - 1);
- p_offset = file_offset & (ELF_PAGE_SIZE - 1);
- if (a_offset < p_offset)
- a_offset += ELF_PAGE_SIZE;
- file_offset += (a_offset - p_offset);
- } else {
- if (file_type == TCC_OUTPUT_DLL)
- addr = 0;
- else
- addr = ELF_START_ADDR;
- /* compute address after headers */
- addr += (file_offset & (ELF_PAGE_SIZE - 1));
- }
- /* dynamic relocation table information, for .dynamic section */
- rel_size = 0;
- rel_addr = 0;
- /* leave one program header for the program interpreter */
- ph = &phdr[0];
- if (interp)
- ph++;
- for(j = 0; j < 2; j++) {
- ph->p_type = PT_LOAD;
- if (j == 0)
- ph->p_flags = PF_R | PF_X;
- else
- ph->p_flags = PF_R | PF_W;
- ph->p_align = ELF_PAGE_SIZE;
- /* we do the following ordering: interp, symbol tables,
- relocations, progbits, nobits */
- /* XXX: do faster and simpler sorting */
- for(k = 0; k < 5; k++) {
- for(i = 1; i < s1->nb_sections; i++) {
- s = s1->sections[i];
- /* compute if section should be included */
- if (j == 0) {
- if ((s->sh_flags & (SHF_ALLOC | SHF_WRITE)) !=
- continue;
- } else {
- if ((s->sh_flags & (SHF_ALLOC | SHF_WRITE)) !=
- continue;
- }
- if (s == interp) {
- if (k != 0)
- continue;
- } else if (s->sh_type == SHT_DYNSYM ||
- s->sh_type == SHT_STRTAB ||
- s->sh_type == SHT_HASH) {
- if (k != 1)
- continue;
- } else if (s->sh_type == SHT_RELX) {
- if (k != 2)
- continue;
- } else if (s->sh_type == SHT_NOBITS) {
- if (k != 4)
- continue;
- } else {
- if (k != 3)
- continue;
- }
- section_order[sh_order_index++] = i;
- /* section matches: we align it and add its size */
- tmp = addr;
- addr = (addr + s->sh_addralign - 1) &
- ~(s->sh_addralign - 1);
- file_offset += addr - tmp;
- s->sh_offset = file_offset;
- s->sh_addr = addr;
- /* update program header infos */
- if (ph->p_offset == 0) {
- ph->p_offset = file_offset;
- ph->p_vaddr = addr;
- ph->p_paddr = ph->p_vaddr;
- }
- /* update dynamic relocation infos */
- if (s->sh_type == SHT_RELX) {
- if (rel_size == 0)
- rel_addr = addr;
- rel_size += s->sh_size;
- }
- addr += s->sh_size;
- if (s->sh_type != SHT_NOBITS)
- file_offset += s->sh_size;
- }
- }
- ph->p_filesz = file_offset - ph->p_offset;
- ph->p_memsz = addr - ph->p_vaddr;
- ph++;
- if (j == 0) {
- if (s1->output_format == TCC_OUTPUT_FORMAT_ELF) {
- /* if in the middle of a page, we duplicate the page in
- memory so that one copy is RX and the other is RW */
- if ((addr & (ELF_PAGE_SIZE - 1)) != 0)
- addr += ELF_PAGE_SIZE;
- } else {
- addr = (addr + ELF_PAGE_SIZE - 1) & ~(ELF_PAGE_SIZE - 1);
- file_offset = (file_offset + ELF_PAGE_SIZE - 1) &
- ~(ELF_PAGE_SIZE - 1);
- }
- }
- }
- /* if interpreter, then add corresponing program header */
- if (interp) {
- ph = &phdr[0];
- ph->p_type = PT_INTERP;
- ph->p_offset = interp->sh_offset;
- ph->p_vaddr = interp->sh_addr;
- ph->p_paddr = ph->p_vaddr;
- ph->p_filesz = interp->sh_size;
- ph->p_memsz = interp->sh_size;
- ph->p_flags = PF_R;
- ph->p_align = interp->sh_addralign;
- }
- /* if dynamic section, then add corresponing program header */
- if (dynamic) {
- ElfW(Sym) *sym_end;
- ph = &phdr[phnum - 1];
- ph->p_type = PT_DYNAMIC;
- ph->p_offset = dynamic->sh_offset;
- ph->p_vaddr = dynamic->sh_addr;
- ph->p_paddr = ph->p_vaddr;
- ph->p_filesz = dynamic->sh_size;
- ph->p_memsz = dynamic->sh_size;
- ph->p_flags = PF_R | PF_W;
- ph->p_align = dynamic->sh_addralign;
- /* put GOT dynamic section address */
- put32(s1->got->data, dynamic->sh_addr);
- /* relocate the PLT */
- if (file_type == TCC_OUTPUT_EXE
- || file_type == TCC_OUTPUT_DLL
- ) {
- uint8_t *p, *p_end;
- p = s1->plt->data;
- p_end = p + s1->plt->data_offset;
- if (p < p_end) {
-#if defined(TCC_TARGET_I386)
- put32(p + 2, get32(p + 2) + s1->got->sh_addr);
- put32(p + 8, get32(p + 8) + s1->got->sh_addr);
- p += 16;
- while (p < p_end) {
- put32(p + 2, get32(p + 2) + s1->got->sh_addr);
- p += 16;
- }
-#elif defined(TCC_TARGET_X86_64)
- int x = s1->got->sh_addr - s1->plt->sh_addr - 6;
- put32(p + 2, get32(p + 2) + x);
- put32(p + 8, get32(p + 8) + x - 6);
- p += 16;
- while (p < p_end) {
- put32(p + 2, get32(p + 2) + x + s1->plt->data - p);
- p += 16;
- }
-#elif defined(TCC_TARGET_ARM)
- int x;
- x=s1->got->sh_addr - s1->plt->sh_addr - 12;
- p +=16;
- while (p < p_end) {
- put32(p + 12, x + get32(p + 12) + s1->plt->data - p);
- p += 16;
- }
-#elif defined(TCC_TARGET_C67)
- /* XXX: TODO */
-#error unsupported CPU
- }
- }
- /* relocate symbols in .dynsym */
- sym_end = (ElfW(Sym) *)(s1->dynsym->data + s1->dynsym->data_offset);
- for(sym = (ElfW(Sym) *)s1->dynsym->data + 1;
- sym < sym_end;
- sym++) {
- if (sym->st_shndx == SHN_UNDEF) {
- /* relocate to the PLT if the symbol corresponds
- to a PLT entry */
- if (sym->st_value)
- sym->st_value += s1->plt->sh_addr;
- } else if (sym->st_shndx < SHN_LORESERVE) {
- /* do symbol relocation */
- sym->st_value += s1->sections[sym->st_shndx]->sh_addr;
- }
- }
- /* put dynamic section entries */
- dynamic->data_offset = saved_dynamic_data_offset;
- put_dt(dynamic, DT_HASH, s1->dynsym->hash->sh_addr);
- put_dt(dynamic, DT_STRTAB, dynstr->sh_addr);
- put_dt(dynamic, DT_SYMTAB, s1->dynsym->sh_addr);
- put_dt(dynamic, DT_STRSZ, dynstr->data_offset);
- put_dt(dynamic, DT_SYMENT, sizeof(ElfW(Sym)));
-#ifdef TCC_TARGET_X86_64
- put_dt(dynamic, DT_RELA, rel_addr);
- put_dt(dynamic, DT_RELASZ, rel_size);
- put_dt(dynamic, DT_RELAENT, sizeof(ElfW_Rel));
- put_dt(dynamic, DT_REL, rel_addr);
- put_dt(dynamic, DT_RELSZ, rel_size);
- put_dt(dynamic, DT_RELENT, sizeof(ElfW_Rel));
- if (s1->do_debug)
- put_dt(dynamic, DT_DEBUG, 0);
- put_dt(dynamic, DT_NULL, 0);
- }
- ehdr.e_phentsize = sizeof(ElfW(Phdr));
- ehdr.e_phnum = phnum;
- ehdr.e_phoff = sizeof(ElfW(Ehdr));
- }
- /* all other sections come after */
- for(i = 1; i < s1->nb_sections; i++) {
- s = s1->sections[i];
- if (phnum > 0 && (s->sh_flags & SHF_ALLOC))
- continue;
- section_order[sh_order_index++] = i;
- file_offset = (file_offset + s->sh_addralign - 1) &
- ~(s->sh_addralign - 1);
- s->sh_offset = file_offset;
- if (s->sh_type != SHT_NOBITS)
- file_offset += s->sh_size;
- }
- /* if building executable or DLL, then relocate each section
- except the GOT which is already relocated */
- if (file_type != TCC_OUTPUT_OBJ) {
- relocate_syms(s1, 0);
- if (s1->nb_errors != 0) {
- fail:
- ret = -1;
- goto the_end;
- }
- /* relocate sections */
- /* XXX: ignore sections with allocated relocations ? */
- for(i = 1; i < s1->nb_sections; i++) {
- s = s1->sections[i];
- if (s->reloc && s != s1->got && (s->sh_flags & SHF_ALLOC)) //gr
- relocate_section(s1, s);
- }
- /* relocate relocation entries if the relocation tables are
- allocated in the executable */
- for(i = 1; i < s1->nb_sections; i++) {
- s = s1->sections[i];
- if ((s->sh_flags & SHF_ALLOC) &&
- s->sh_type == SHT_RELX) {
- relocate_rel(s1, s);
- }
- }
- /* get entry point address */
- if (file_type == TCC_OUTPUT_EXE)
- ehdr.e_entry = (unsigned long)tcc_get_symbol_err(s1, "_start");
- else
- ehdr.e_entry = text_section->sh_addr; /* XXX: is it correct ? */
- }
- /* write elf file */
- if (file_type == TCC_OUTPUT_OBJ)
- mode = 0666;
- else
- mode = 0777;
- fd = open(filename, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC | O_BINARY, mode);
- if (fd < 0) {
- error_noabort("could not write '%s'", filename);
- goto fail;
- }
- f = fdopen(fd, "wb");
- if (s1->verbose)
- printf("<- %s\n", filename);
- if (s1->output_format == TCC_OUTPUT_FORMAT_COFF) {
- tcc_output_coff(s1, f);
- } else
- if (s1->output_format == TCC_OUTPUT_FORMAT_ELF) {
- sort_syms(s1, symtab_section);
- /* align to 4 */
- file_offset = (file_offset + 3) & -4;
- /* fill header */
- ehdr.e_ident[0] = ELFMAG0;
- ehdr.e_ident[1] = ELFMAG1;
- ehdr.e_ident[2] = ELFMAG2;
- ehdr.e_ident[3] = ELFMAG3;
- ehdr.e_ident[4] = TCC_ELFCLASS;
- ehdr.e_ident[5] = ELFDATA2LSB;
- ehdr.e_ident[6] = EV_CURRENT;
-#ifdef __FreeBSD__
- ehdr.e_ident[EI_OSABI] = ELFOSABI_FREEBSD;
-#ifdef TCC_ARM_EABI
- ehdr.e_ident[EI_OSABI] = 0;
- ehdr.e_flags = 4 << 24;
- ehdr.e_ident[EI_OSABI] = ELFOSABI_ARM;
- switch(file_type) {
- ehdr.e_type = ET_DYN;
- break;
- ehdr.e_type = ET_REL;
- break;
- default:
- ehdr.e_type = ET_EXEC;
- break;
- }
- ehdr.e_machine = EM_TCC_TARGET;
- ehdr.e_version = EV_CURRENT;
- ehdr.e_shoff = file_offset;
- ehdr.e_ehsize = sizeof(ElfW(Ehdr));
- ehdr.e_shentsize = sizeof(ElfW(Shdr));
- ehdr.e_shnum = shnum;
- ehdr.e_shstrndx = shnum - 1;
- fwrite(&ehdr, 1, sizeof(ElfW(Ehdr)), f);
- fwrite(phdr, 1, phnum * sizeof(ElfW(Phdr)), f);
- offset = sizeof(ElfW(Ehdr)) + phnum * sizeof(ElfW(Phdr));
- for(i=1;i<s1->nb_sections;i++) {
- s = s1->sections[section_order[i]];
- if (s->sh_type != SHT_NOBITS) {
- while (offset < s->sh_offset) {
- fputc(0, f);
- offset++;
- }
- size = s->sh_size;
- fwrite(s->data, 1, size, f);
- offset += size;
- }
- }
- /* output section headers */
- while (offset < ehdr.e_shoff) {
- fputc(0, f);
- offset++;
- }
- for(i=0;i<s1->nb_sections;i++) {
- sh = &shdr;
- memset(sh, 0, sizeof(ElfW(Shdr)));
- s = s1->sections[i];
- if (s) {
- sh->sh_name = s->sh_name;
- sh->sh_type = s->sh_type;
- sh->sh_flags = s->sh_flags;
- sh->sh_entsize = s->sh_entsize;
- sh->sh_info = s->sh_info;
- if (s->link)
- sh->sh_link = s->link->sh_num;
- sh->sh_addralign = s->sh_addralign;
- sh->sh_addr = s->sh_addr;
- sh->sh_offset = s->sh_offset;
- sh->sh_size = s->sh_size;
- }
- fwrite(sh, 1, sizeof(ElfW(Shdr)), f);
- }
- } else {
- tcc_output_binary(s1, f, section_order);
- }
- fclose(f);
- ret = 0;
- the_end:
- tcc_free(s1->symtab_to_dynsym);
- tcc_free(section_order);
- tcc_free(phdr);
- tcc_free(s1->got_offsets);
- return ret;
-int tcc_output_file(TCCState *s, const char *filename)
- int ret;
- if (s->output_type != TCC_OUTPUT_OBJ) {
- ret = pe_output_file(s, filename);
- } else
- {
- ret = elf_output_file(s, filename);
- }
- return ret;
-static void *load_data(int fd, unsigned long file_offset, unsigned long size)
- void *data;
- data = tcc_malloc(size);
- lseek(fd, file_offset, SEEK_SET);
- read(fd, data, size);
- return data;
-typedef struct SectionMergeInfo {
- Section *s; /* corresponding existing section */
- unsigned long offset; /* offset of the new section in the existing section */
- uint8_t new_section; /* true if section 's' was added */
- uint8_t link_once; /* true if link once section */
-} SectionMergeInfo;
-/* load an object file and merge it with current files */
-/* XXX: handle correctly stab (debug) info */
-static int tcc_load_object_file(TCCState *s1,
- int fd, unsigned long file_offset)
- ElfW(Ehdr) ehdr;
- ElfW(Shdr) *shdr, *sh;
- int size, i, j, offset, offseti, nb_syms, sym_index, ret;
- unsigned char *strsec, *strtab;
- int *old_to_new_syms;
- char *sh_name, *name;
- SectionMergeInfo *sm_table, *sm;
- ElfW(Sym) *sym, *symtab;
- ElfW_Rel *rel, *rel_end;
- Section *s;
- int stab_index;
- int stabstr_index;
- stab_index = stabstr_index = 0;
- if (read(fd, &ehdr, sizeof(ehdr)) != sizeof(ehdr))
- goto fail1;
- if (ehdr.e_ident[0] != ELFMAG0 ||
- ehdr.e_ident[1] != ELFMAG1 ||
- ehdr.e_ident[2] != ELFMAG2 ||
- ehdr.e_ident[3] != ELFMAG3)
- goto fail1;
- /* test if object file */
- if (ehdr.e_type != ET_REL)
- goto fail1;
- /* test CPU specific stuff */
- if (ehdr.e_ident[5] != ELFDATA2LSB ||
- ehdr.e_machine != EM_TCC_TARGET) {
- fail1:
- error_noabort("invalid object file");
- return -1;
- }
- /* read sections */
- shdr = load_data(fd, file_offset + ehdr.e_shoff,
- sizeof(ElfW(Shdr)) * ehdr.e_shnum);
- sm_table = tcc_mallocz(sizeof(SectionMergeInfo) * ehdr.e_shnum);
- /* load section names */
- sh = &shdr[ehdr.e_shstrndx];
- strsec = load_data(fd, file_offset + sh->sh_offset, sh->sh_size);
- /* load symtab and strtab */
- old_to_new_syms = NULL;
- symtab = NULL;
- strtab = NULL;
- nb_syms = 0;
- for(i = 1; i < ehdr.e_shnum; i++) {
- sh = &shdr[i];
- if (sh->sh_type == SHT_SYMTAB) {
- if (symtab) {
- error_noabort("object must contain only one symtab");
- fail:
- ret = -1;
- goto the_end;
- }
- nb_syms = sh->sh_size / sizeof(ElfW(Sym));
- symtab = load_data(fd, file_offset + sh->sh_offset, sh->sh_size);
- sm_table[i].s = symtab_section;
- /* now load strtab */
- sh = &shdr[sh->sh_link];
- strtab = load_data(fd, file_offset + sh->sh_offset, sh->sh_size);
- }
- }
- /* now examine each section and try to merge its content with the
- ones in memory */
- for(i = 1; i < ehdr.e_shnum; i++) {
- /* no need to examine section name strtab */
- if (i == ehdr.e_shstrndx)
- continue;
- sh = &shdr[i];
- sh_name = strsec + sh->sh_name;
- /* ignore sections types we do not handle */
- if (sh->sh_type != SHT_PROGBITS &&
- sh->sh_type != SHT_RELX &&
-#ifdef TCC_ARM_EABI
- sh->sh_type != SHT_ARM_EXIDX &&
- sh->sh_type != SHT_NOBITS &&
- strcmp(sh_name, ".stabstr")
- )
- continue;
- if (sh->sh_addralign < 1)
- sh->sh_addralign = 1;
- /* find corresponding section, if any */
- for(j = 1; j < s1->nb_sections;j++) {
- s = s1->sections[j];
- if (!strcmp(s->name, sh_name)) {
- if (!strncmp(sh_name, ".gnu.linkonce",
- sizeof(".gnu.linkonce") - 1)) {
- /* if a 'linkonce' section is already present, we
- do not add it again. It is a little tricky as
- symbols can still be defined in
- it. */
- sm_table[i].link_once = 1;
- goto next;
- } else {
- goto found;
- }
- }
- }
- /* not found: create new section */
- s = new_section(s1, sh_name, sh->sh_type, sh->sh_flags);
- /* take as much info as possible from the section. sh_link and
- sh_info will be updated later */
- s->sh_addralign = sh->sh_addralign;
- s->sh_entsize = sh->sh_entsize;
- sm_table[i].new_section = 1;
- found:
- if (sh->sh_type != s->sh_type) {
- error_noabort("invalid section type");
- goto fail;
- }
- /* align start of section */
- offset = s->data_offset;
- if (0 == strcmp(sh_name, ".stab")) {
- stab_index = i;
- goto no_align;
- }
- if (0 == strcmp(sh_name, ".stabstr")) {
- stabstr_index = i;
- goto no_align;
- }
- size = sh->sh_addralign - 1;
- offset = (offset + size) & ~size;
- if (sh->sh_addralign > s->sh_addralign)
- s->sh_addralign = sh->sh_addralign;
- s->data_offset = offset;
- no_align:
- sm_table[i].offset = offset;
- sm_table[i].s = s;
- /* concatenate sections */
- size = sh->sh_size;
- if (sh->sh_type != SHT_NOBITS) {
- unsigned char *ptr;
- lseek(fd, file_offset + sh->sh_offset, SEEK_SET);
- ptr = section_ptr_add(s, size);
- read(fd, ptr, size);
- } else {
- s->data_offset += size;
- }
- next: ;
- }
- /* //gr relocate stab strings */
- if (stab_index && stabstr_index) {
- Stab_Sym *a, *b;
- unsigned o;
- s = sm_table[stab_index].s;
- a = (Stab_Sym *)(s->data + sm_table[stab_index].offset);
- b = (Stab_Sym *)(s->data + s->data_offset);
- o = sm_table[stabstr_index].offset;
- while (a < b)
- a->n_strx += o, a++;
- }
- /* second short pass to update sh_link and sh_info fields of new
- sections */
- for(i = 1; i < ehdr.e_shnum; i++) {
- s = sm_table[i].s;
- if (!s || !sm_table[i].new_section)
- continue;
- sh = &shdr[i];
- if (sh->sh_link > 0)
- s->link = sm_table[sh->sh_link].s;
- if (sh->sh_type == SHT_RELX) {
- s->sh_info = sm_table[sh->sh_info].s->sh_num;
- /* update backward link */
- s1->sections[s->sh_info]->reloc = s;
- }
- }
- sm = sm_table;
- /* resolve symbols */
- old_to_new_syms = tcc_mallocz(nb_syms * sizeof(int));
- sym = symtab + 1;
- for(i = 1; i < nb_syms; i++, sym++) {
- if (sym->st_shndx != SHN_UNDEF &&
- sym->st_shndx < SHN_LORESERVE) {
- sm = &sm_table[sym->st_shndx];
- if (sm->link_once) {
- /* if a symbol is in a link once section, we use the
- already defined symbol. It is very important to get
- correct relocations */
- if (ELF64_ST_BIND(sym->st_info) != STB_LOCAL) {
- name = strtab + sym->st_name;
- sym_index = find_elf_sym(symtab_section, name);
- if (sym_index)
- old_to_new_syms[i] = sym_index;
- }
- continue;
- }
- /* if no corresponding section added, no need to add symbol */
- if (!sm->s)
- continue;
- /* convert section number */
- sym->st_shndx = sm->s->sh_num;
- /* offset value */
- sym->st_value += sm->offset;
- }
- /* add symbol */
- name = strtab + sym->st_name;
- sym_index = add_elf_sym(symtab_section, sym->st_value, sym->st_size,
- sym->st_info, sym->st_other,
- sym->st_shndx, name);
- old_to_new_syms[i] = sym_index;
- }
- /* third pass to patch relocation entries */
- for(i = 1; i < ehdr.e_shnum; i++) {
- s = sm_table[i].s;
- if (!s)
- continue;
- sh = &shdr[i];
- offset = sm_table[i].offset;
- switch(s->sh_type) {
- case SHT_RELX:
- /* take relocation offset information */
- offseti = sm_table[sh->sh_info].offset;
- rel_end = (ElfW_Rel *)(s->data + s->data_offset);
- for(rel = (ElfW_Rel *)(s->data + offset);
- rel < rel_end;
- rel++) {
- int type;
- unsigned sym_index;
- /* convert symbol index */
- type = ELF64_R_TYPE(rel->r_info);
- sym_index = ELF64_R_SYM(rel->r_info);
- /* NOTE: only one symtab assumed */
- if (sym_index >= nb_syms)
- goto invalid_reloc;
- sym_index = old_to_new_syms[sym_index];
- /* ignore link_once in rel section. */
- if (!sym_index && !sm->link_once) {
- invalid_reloc:
- error_noabort("Invalid relocation entry [%2d] '%s' @ %.8x",
- i, strsec + sh->sh_name, rel->r_offset);
- goto fail;
- }
- rel->r_info = ELF64_R_INFO(sym_index, type);
- /* offset the relocation offset */
- rel->r_offset += offseti;
- }
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- }
- ret = 0;
- the_end:
- tcc_free(symtab);
- tcc_free(strtab);
- tcc_free(old_to_new_syms);
- tcc_free(sm_table);
- tcc_free(strsec);
- tcc_free(shdr);
- return ret;
-#define ARMAG "!<arch>\012" /* For COFF and a.out archives */
-typedef struct ArchiveHeader {
- char ar_name[16]; /* name of this member */
- char ar_date[12]; /* file mtime */
- char ar_uid[6]; /* owner uid; printed as decimal */
- char ar_gid[6]; /* owner gid; printed as decimal */
- char ar_mode[8]; /* file mode, printed as octal */
- char ar_size[10]; /* file size, printed as decimal */
- char ar_fmag[2]; /* should contain ARFMAG */
-} ArchiveHeader;
-static int get_be32(const uint8_t *b)
- return b[3] | (b[2] << 8) | (b[1] << 16) | (b[0] << 24);
-/* load only the objects which resolve undefined symbols */
-static int tcc_load_alacarte(TCCState *s1, int fd, int size)
- int i, bound, nsyms, sym_index, off, ret;
- uint8_t *data;
- const char *ar_names, *p;
- const uint8_t *ar_index;
- ElfW(Sym) *sym;
- data = tcc_malloc(size);
- if (read(fd, data, size) != size)
- goto fail;
- nsyms = get_be32(data);
- ar_index = data + 4;
- ar_names = ar_index + nsyms * 4;
- do {
- bound = 0;
- for(p = ar_names, i = 0; i < nsyms; i++, p += strlen(p)+1) {
- sym_index = find_elf_sym(symtab_section, p);
- if(sym_index) {
- sym = &((ElfW(Sym) *)symtab_section->data)[sym_index];
- if(sym->st_shndx == SHN_UNDEF) {
- off = get_be32(ar_index + i * 4) + sizeof(ArchiveHeader);
-#if 0
- printf("%5d\t%s\t%08x\n", i, p, sym->st_shndx);
- ++bound;
- lseek(fd, off, SEEK_SET);
- if(tcc_load_object_file(s1, fd, off) < 0) {
- fail:
- ret = -1;
- goto the_end;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- } while(bound);
- ret = 0;
- the_end:
- tcc_free(data);
- return ret;
-/* load a '.a' file */
-static int tcc_load_archive(TCCState *s1, int fd)
- ArchiveHeader hdr;
- char ar_size[11];
- char ar_name[17];
- char magic[8];
- int size, len, i;
- unsigned long file_offset;
- /* skip magic which was already checked */
- read(fd, magic, sizeof(magic));
- for(;;) {
- len = read(fd, &hdr, sizeof(hdr));
- if (len == 0)
- break;
- if (len != sizeof(hdr)) {
- error_noabort("invalid archive");
- return -1;
- }
- memcpy(ar_size, hdr.ar_size, sizeof(hdr.ar_size));
- ar_size[sizeof(hdr.ar_size)] = '\0';
- size = strtol(ar_size, NULL, 0);
- memcpy(ar_name, hdr.ar_name, sizeof(hdr.ar_name));
- for(i = sizeof(hdr.ar_name) - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
- if (ar_name[i] != ' ')
- break;
- }
- ar_name[i + 1] = '\0';
- // printf("name='%s' size=%d %s\n", ar_name, size, ar_size);
- file_offset = lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_CUR);
- /* align to even */
- size = (size + 1) & ~1;
- if (!strcmp(ar_name, "/")) {
- /* coff symbol table : we handle it */
- if(s1->alacarte_link)
- return tcc_load_alacarte(s1, fd, size);
- } else if (!strcmp(ar_name, "//") ||
- !strcmp(ar_name, "__.SYMDEF") ||
- !strcmp(ar_name, "__.SYMDEF/") ||
- !strcmp(ar_name, "ARFILENAMES/")) {
- /* skip symbol table or archive names */
- } else {
- if (tcc_load_object_file(s1, fd, file_offset) < 0)
- return -1;
- }
- lseek(fd, file_offset + size, SEEK_SET);
- }
- return 0;
-/* load a DLL and all referenced DLLs. 'level = 0' means that the DLL
- is referenced by the user (so it should be added as DT_NEEDED in
- the generated ELF file) */
-static int tcc_load_dll(TCCState *s1, int fd, const char *filename, int level)
- ElfW(Ehdr) ehdr;
- ElfW(Shdr) *shdr, *sh, *sh1;
- int i, j, nb_syms, nb_dts, sym_bind, ret;
- ElfW(Sym) *sym, *dynsym;
- ElfW(Dyn) *dt, *dynamic;
- unsigned char *dynstr;
- const char *name, *soname;
- DLLReference *dllref;
- read(fd, &ehdr, sizeof(ehdr));
- /* test CPU specific stuff */
- if (ehdr.e_ident[5] != ELFDATA2LSB ||
- ehdr.e_machine != EM_TCC_TARGET) {
- error_noabort("bad architecture");
- return -1;
- }
- /* read sections */
- shdr = load_data(fd, ehdr.e_shoff, sizeof(ElfW(Shdr)) * ehdr.e_shnum);
- /* load dynamic section and dynamic symbols */
- nb_syms = 0;
- nb_dts = 0;
- dynamic = NULL;
- dynsym = NULL; /* avoid warning */
- dynstr = NULL; /* avoid warning */
- for(i = 0, sh = shdr; i < ehdr.e_shnum; i++, sh++) {
- switch(sh->sh_type) {
- nb_dts = sh->sh_size / sizeof(ElfW(Dyn));
- dynamic = load_data(fd, sh->sh_offset, sh->sh_size);
- break;
- case SHT_DYNSYM:
- nb_syms = sh->sh_size / sizeof(ElfW(Sym));
- dynsym = load_data(fd, sh->sh_offset, sh->sh_size);
- sh1 = &shdr[sh->sh_link];
- dynstr = load_data(fd, sh1->sh_offset, sh1->sh_size);
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- }
- /* compute the real library name */
- soname = tcc_basename(filename);
- for(i = 0, dt = dynamic; i < nb_dts; i++, dt++) {
- if (dt->d_tag == DT_SONAME) {
- soname = dynstr + dt->d_un.d_val;
- }
- }
- /* if the dll is already loaded, do not load it */
- for(i = 0; i < s1->nb_loaded_dlls; i++) {
- dllref = s1->loaded_dlls[i];
- if (!strcmp(soname, dllref->name)) {
- /* but update level if needed */
- if (level < dllref->level)
- dllref->level = level;
- ret = 0;
- goto the_end;
- }
- }
- // printf("loading dll '%s'\n", soname);
- /* add the dll and its level */
- dllref = tcc_mallocz(sizeof(DLLReference) + strlen(soname));
- dllref->level = level;
- strcpy(dllref->name, soname);
- dynarray_add((void ***)&s1->loaded_dlls, &s1->nb_loaded_dlls, dllref);
- /* add dynamic symbols in dynsym_section */
- for(i = 1, sym = dynsym + 1; i < nb_syms; i++, sym++) {
- sym_bind = ELF64_ST_BIND(sym->st_info);
- if (sym_bind == STB_LOCAL)
- continue;
- name = dynstr + sym->st_name;
- add_elf_sym(s1->dynsymtab_section, sym->st_value, sym->st_size,
- sym->st_info, sym->st_other, sym->st_shndx, name);
- }
- /* load all referenced DLLs */
- for(i = 0, dt = dynamic; i < nb_dts; i++, dt++) {
- switch(dt->d_tag) {
- case DT_NEEDED:
- name = dynstr + dt->d_un.d_val;
- for(j = 0; j < s1->nb_loaded_dlls; j++) {
- dllref = s1->loaded_dlls[j];
- if (!strcmp(name, dllref->name))
- goto already_loaded;
- }
- if (tcc_add_dll(s1, name, AFF_REFERENCED_DLL) < 0) {
- error_noabort("referenced dll '%s' not found", name);
- ret = -1;
- goto the_end;
- }
- already_loaded:
- break;
- }
- }
- ret = 0;
- the_end:
- tcc_free(dynstr);
- tcc_free(dynsym);
- tcc_free(dynamic);
- tcc_free(shdr);
- return ret;
-#define LD_TOK_NAME 256
-#define LD_TOK_EOF (-1)
-/* return next ld script token */
-static int ld_next(TCCState *s1, char *name, int name_size)
- int c;
- char *q;
- redo:
- switch(ch) {
- case ' ':
- case '\t':
- case '\f':
- case '\v':
- case '\r':
- case '\n':
- inp();
- goto redo;
- case '/':
- minp();
- if (ch == '*') {
- file->buf_ptr = parse_comment(file->buf_ptr);
- ch = file->buf_ptr[0];
- goto redo;
- } else {
- q = name;
- *q++ = '/';
- goto parse_name;
- }
- break;
- /* case 'a' ... 'z': */
- case 'a':
- case 'b':
- case 'c':
- case 'd':
- case 'e':
- case 'f':
- case 'g':
- case 'h':
- case 'i':
- case 'j':
- case 'k':
- case 'l':
- case 'm':
- case 'n':
- case 'o':
- case 'p':
- case 'q':
- case 'r':
- case 's':
- case 't':
- case 'u':
- case 'v':
- case 'w':
- case 'x':
- case 'y':
- case 'z':
- /* case 'A' ... 'z': */
- case 'A':
- case 'B':
- case 'C':
- case 'D':
- case 'E':
- case 'F':
- case 'G':
- case 'H':
- case 'I':
- case 'J':
- case 'K':
- case 'L':
- case 'M':
- case 'N':
- case 'O':
- case 'P':
- case 'Q':
- case 'R':
- case 'S':
- case 'T':
- case 'U':
- case 'V':
- case 'W':
- case 'X':
- case 'Y':
- case 'Z':
- case '_':
- case '\\':
- case '.':
- case '$':
- case '~':
- q = name;
- parse_name:
- for(;;) {
- if (!((ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'z') ||
- (ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'Z') ||
- (ch >= '0' && ch <= '9') ||
- strchr("/.-_+=$:\\,~", ch)))
- break;
- if ((q - name) < name_size - 1) {
- *q++ = ch;
- }
- minp();
- }
- *q = '\0';
- c = LD_TOK_NAME;
- break;
- case CH_EOF:
- c = LD_TOK_EOF;
- break;
- default:
- c = ch;
- inp();
- break;
- }
-#if 0
- printf("tok=%c %d\n", c, c);
- if (c == LD_TOK_NAME)
- printf(" name=%s\n", name);
- return c;
-static int ld_add_file_list(TCCState *s1, int as_needed)
- char filename[1024];
- int t, ret;
- t = ld_next(s1, filename, sizeof(filename));
- if (t != '(')
- expect("(");
- t = ld_next(s1, filename, sizeof(filename));
- for(;;) {
- if (t == LD_TOK_EOF) {
- error_noabort("unexpected end of file");
- return -1;
- } else if (t == ')') {
- break;
- } else if (t != LD_TOK_NAME) {
- error_noabort("filename expected");
- return -1;
- }
- if (!strcmp(filename, "AS_NEEDED")) {
- ret = ld_add_file_list(s1, 1);
- if (ret)
- return ret;
- } else {
- /* TODO: Implement AS_NEEDED support. Ignore it for now */
- if (!as_needed)
- tcc_add_file(s1, filename);
- }
- t = ld_next(s1, filename, sizeof(filename));
- if (t == ',') {
- t = ld_next(s1, filename, sizeof(filename));
- }
- }
- return 0;
-/* interpret a subset of GNU ldscripts to handle the dummy
- files */
-static int tcc_load_ldscript(TCCState *s1)
- char cmd[64];
- char filename[1024];
- int t, ret;
- ch = file->buf_ptr[0];
- ch = handle_eob();
- for(;;) {
- t = ld_next(s1, cmd, sizeof(cmd));
- if (t == LD_TOK_EOF)
- return 0;
- else if (t != LD_TOK_NAME)
- return -1;
- if (!strcmp(cmd, "INPUT") ||
- !strcmp(cmd, "GROUP")) {
- ret = ld_add_file_list(s1, 0);
- if (ret)
- return ret;
- } else if (!strcmp(cmd, "OUTPUT_FORMAT") ||
- !strcmp(cmd, "TARGET")) {
- /* ignore some commands */
- t = ld_next(s1, cmd, sizeof(cmd));
- if (t != '(')
- expect("(");
- for(;;) {
- t = ld_next(s1, filename, sizeof(filename));
- if (t == LD_TOK_EOF) {
- error_noabort("unexpected end of file");
- return -1;
- } else if (t == ')') {
- break;
- }
- }
- } else {
- return -1;
- }
- }
- return 0;
diff --git a/05/tcc-0.9.25/tccgen.c b/05/tcc-0.9.25/tccgen.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 860e580..0000000
--- a/05/tcc-0.9.25/tccgen.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5123 +0,0 @@
- * TCC - Tiny C Compiler
- *
- * Copyright (c) 2001-2004 Fabrice Bellard
- *
- * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
- * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
- * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * Lesser General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
- * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
- */
-void swap(int *p, int *q)
- int t;
- t = *p;
- *p = *q;
- *q = t;
-void vsetc(CType *type, int r, CValue *vc)
- int v;
- if (vtop >= vstack + (VSTACK_SIZE - 1))
- error("memory full");
- /* cannot let cpu flags if other instruction are generated. Also
- avoid leaving VT_JMP anywhere except on the top of the stack
- because it would complicate the code generator. */
- if (vtop >= vstack) {
- v = vtop->r & VT_VALMASK;
- if (v == VT_CMP || (v & ~1) == VT_JMP)
- gv(RC_INT);
- }
- vtop++;
- vtop->type = *type;
- vtop->r = r;
- vtop->r2 = VT_CONST;
- vtop->c = *vc;
-/* push integer constant */
-void vpushi(int v)
- CValue cval;
- cval.i = v;
- vsetc(&int_type, VT_CONST, &cval);
-/* push long long constant */
-void vpushll(long long v)
- CValue cval;
- CType ctype;
- ctype.t = VT_LLONG;
- cval.ull = v;
- vsetc(&ctype, VT_CONST, &cval);
-/* Return a static symbol pointing to a section */
-static Sym *get_sym_ref(CType *type, Section *sec,
- unsigned long offset, unsigned long size)
- int v;
- Sym *sym;
- v = anon_sym++;
- sym = global_identifier_push(v, type->t | VT_STATIC, 0);
- sym->type.ref = type->ref;
- sym->r = VT_CONST | VT_SYM;
- put_extern_sym(sym, sec, offset, size);
- return sym;
-/* push a reference to a section offset by adding a dummy symbol */
-static void vpush_ref(CType *type, Section *sec, unsigned long offset, unsigned long size)
- CValue cval;
- cval.ul = 0;
- vsetc(type, VT_CONST | VT_SYM, &cval);
- vtop->sym = get_sym_ref(type, sec, offset, size);
-/* define a new external reference to a symbol 'v' of type 'u' */
-static Sym *external_global_sym(int v, CType *type, int r)
- Sym *s;
- s = sym_find(v);
- if (!s) {
- /* push forward reference */
- s = global_identifier_push(v, type->t | VT_EXTERN, 0);
- s->type.ref = type->ref;
- s->r = r | VT_CONST | VT_SYM;
- }
- return s;
-/* define a new external reference to a symbol 'v' of type 'u' */
-static Sym *external_sym(int v, CType *type, int r)
- Sym *s;
- s = sym_find(v);
- if (!s) {
- /* push forward reference */
- s = sym_push(v, type, r | VT_CONST | VT_SYM, 0);
- s->type.t |= VT_EXTERN;
- } else {
- if (!is_compatible_types(&s->type, type))
- error("incompatible types for redefinition of '%s'",
- get_tok_str(v, NULL));
- }
- return s;
-/* push a reference to global symbol v */
-static void vpush_global_sym(CType *type, int v)
- Sym *sym;
- CValue cval;
- sym = external_global_sym(v, type, 0);
- cval.ul = 0;
- vsetc(type, VT_CONST | VT_SYM, &cval);
- vtop->sym = sym;
-void vset(CType *type, int r, int v)
- CValue cval;
- cval.i = v;
- vsetc(type, r, &cval);
-void vseti(int r, int v)
- CType type;
- type.t = VT_INT;
- vset(&type, r, v);
-void vswap(void)
- SValue tmp;
- tmp = vtop[0];
- vtop[0] = vtop[-1];
- vtop[-1] = tmp;
-void vpushv(SValue *v)
- if (vtop >= vstack + (VSTACK_SIZE - 1))
- error("memory full");
- vtop++;
- *vtop = *v;
-void vdup(void)
- vpushv(vtop);
-/* save r to the memory stack, and mark it as being free */
-void save_reg(int r)
- int l, saved, size, align;
- SValue *p, sv;
- CType *type;
- /* modify all stack values */
- saved = 0;
- l = 0;
- for(p=vstack;p<=vtop;p++) {
- if ((p->r & VT_VALMASK) == r ||
- ((p->type.t & VT_BTYPE) == VT_LLONG && (p->r2 & VT_VALMASK) == r)) {
- /* must save value on stack if not already done */
- if (!saved) {
- /* NOTE: must reload 'r' because r might be equal to r2 */
- r = p->r & VT_VALMASK;
- /* store register in the stack */
- type = &p->type;
- if ((p->r & VT_LVAL) ||
- (!is_float(type->t) && (type->t & VT_BTYPE) != VT_LLONG))
-#ifdef TCC_TARGET_X86_64
- type = &char_pointer_type;
- type = &int_type;
- size = type_size(type, &align);
- loc = (loc - size) & -align;
- sv.type.t = type->t;
- sv.r = VT_LOCAL | VT_LVAL;
- sv.c.ul = loc;
- store(r, &sv);
-#if defined(TCC_TARGET_I386) || defined(TCC_TARGET_X86_64)
- /* x86 specific: need to pop fp register ST0 if saved */
- if (r == TREG_ST0) {
- o(0xd9dd); /* fstp %st(1) */
- }
-#ifndef TCC_TARGET_X86_64
- /* special long long case */
- if ((type->t & VT_BTYPE) == VT_LLONG) {
- sv.c.ul += 4;
- store(p->r2, &sv);
- }
- l = loc;
- saved = 1;
- }
- /* mark that stack entry as being saved on the stack */
- if (p->r & VT_LVAL) {
- /* also clear the bounded flag because the
- relocation address of the function was stored in
- p->c.ul */
- p->r = (p->r & ~(VT_VALMASK | VT_BOUNDED)) | VT_LLOCAL;
- } else {
- p->r = lvalue_type(p->type.t) | VT_LOCAL;
- }
- p->r2 = VT_CONST;
- p->c.ul = l;
- }
- }
-/* find a register of class 'rc2' with at most one reference on stack.
- * If none, call get_reg(rc) */
-int get_reg_ex(int rc, int rc2)
- int r;
- SValue *p;
- for(r=0;r<NB_REGS;r++) {
- if (reg_classes[r] & rc2) {
- int n;
- n=0;
- for(p = vstack; p <= vtop; p++) {
- if ((p->r & VT_VALMASK) == r ||
- (p->r2 & VT_VALMASK) == r)
- n++;
- }
- if (n <= 1)
- return r;
- }
- }
- return get_reg(rc);
-/* find a free register of class 'rc'. If none, save one register */
-int get_reg(int rc)
- int r;
- SValue *p;
- /* find a free register */
- for(r=0;r<NB_REGS;r++) {
- if (reg_classes[r] & rc) {
- for(p=vstack;p<=vtop;p++) {
- if ((p->r & VT_VALMASK) == r ||
- (p->r2 & VT_VALMASK) == r)
- goto notfound;
- }
- return r;
- }
- notfound: ;
- }
- /* no register left : free the first one on the stack (VERY
- IMPORTANT to start from the bottom to ensure that we don't
- spill registers used in gen_opi()) */
- for(p=vstack;p<=vtop;p++) {
- r = p->r & VT_VALMASK;
- if (r < VT_CONST && (reg_classes[r] & rc))
- goto save_found;
- /* also look at second register (if long long) */
- r = p->r2 & VT_VALMASK;
- if (r < VT_CONST && (reg_classes[r] & rc)) {
- save_found:
- save_reg(r);
- return r;
- }
- }
- /* Should never comes here */
- return -1;
-/* save registers up to (vtop - n) stack entry */
-void save_regs(int n)
- int r;
- SValue *p, *p1;
- p1 = vtop - n;
- for(p = vstack;p <= p1; p++) {
- r = p->r & VT_VALMASK;
- if (r < VT_CONST) {
- save_reg(r);
- }
- }
-/* move register 's' to 'r', and flush previous value of r to memory
- if needed */
-void move_reg(int r, int s)
- SValue sv;
- if (r != s) {
- save_reg(r);
- sv.type.t = VT_INT;
- sv.r = s;
- sv.c.ul = 0;
- load(r, &sv);
- }
-/* get address of vtop (vtop MUST BE an lvalue) */
-void gaddrof(void)
- vtop->r &= ~VT_LVAL;
- /* tricky: if saved lvalue, then we can go back to lvalue */
- if ((vtop->r & VT_VALMASK) == VT_LLOCAL)
- vtop->r = (vtop->r & ~(VT_VALMASK | VT_LVAL_TYPE)) | VT_LOCAL | VT_LVAL;
-/* generate lvalue bound code */
-void gbound(void)
- int lval_type;
- CType type1;
- vtop->r &= ~VT_MUSTBOUND;
- /* if lvalue, then use checking code before dereferencing */
- if (vtop->r & VT_LVAL) {
- /* if not VT_BOUNDED value, then make one */
- if (!(vtop->r & VT_BOUNDED)) {
- lval_type = vtop->r & (VT_LVAL_TYPE | VT_LVAL);
- /* must save type because we must set it to int to get pointer */
- type1 = vtop->type;
- vtop->type.t = VT_INT;
- gaddrof();
- vpushi(0);
- gen_bounded_ptr_add();
- vtop->r |= lval_type;
- vtop->type = type1;
- }
- /* then check for dereferencing */
- gen_bounded_ptr_deref();
- }
-/* store vtop a register belonging to class 'rc'. lvalues are
- converted to values. Cannot be used if cannot be converted to
- register value (such as structures). */
-int gv(int rc)
- int r, rc2, bit_pos, bit_size, size, align, i;
- /* NOTE: get_reg can modify vstack[] */
- if (vtop->type.t & VT_BITFIELD) {
- CType type;
- int bits = 32;
- bit_pos = (vtop->type.t >> VT_STRUCT_SHIFT) & 0x3f;
- bit_size = (vtop->type.t >> (VT_STRUCT_SHIFT + 6)) & 0x3f;
- /* remove bit field info to avoid loops */
- vtop->type.t &= ~(VT_BITFIELD | (-1 << VT_STRUCT_SHIFT));
- /* cast to int to propagate signedness in following ops */
- if ((vtop->type.t & VT_BTYPE) == VT_LLONG) {
- type.t = VT_LLONG;
- bits = 64;
- } else
- type.t = VT_INT;
- if((vtop->type.t & VT_UNSIGNED) ||
- (vtop->type.t & VT_BTYPE) == VT_BOOL)
- type.t |= VT_UNSIGNED;
- gen_cast(&type);
- /* generate shifts */
- vpushi(bits - (bit_pos + bit_size));
- gen_op(TOK_SHL);
- vpushi(bits - bit_size);
- /* NOTE: transformed to SHR if unsigned */
- gen_op(TOK_SAR);
- r = gv(rc);
- } else {
- if (is_float(vtop->type.t) &&
- (vtop->r & (VT_VALMASK | VT_LVAL)) == VT_CONST) {
- Sym *sym;
- int *ptr;
- unsigned long offset;
-#if defined(TCC_TARGET_ARM) && !defined(TCC_ARM_VFP)
- CValue check;
- /* XXX: unify with initializers handling ? */
- /* CPUs usually cannot use float constants, so we store them
- generically in data segment */
- size = type_size(&vtop->type, &align);
- offset = (data_section->data_offset + align - 1) & -align;
- data_section->data_offset = offset;
- /* XXX: not portable yet */
-#if defined(__i386__) || defined(__x86_64__)
- /* Zero pad x87 tenbyte long doubles */
- if (size == LDOUBLE_SIZE)
- vtop->[2] &= 0xffff;
- ptr = section_ptr_add(data_section, size);
- size = size >> 2;
-#if defined(TCC_TARGET_ARM) && !defined(TCC_ARM_VFP)
- check.d = 1;
- if([0])
- for(i=0;i<size;i++)
- ptr[i] = vtop->[size-1-i];
- else
- for(i=0;i<size;i++)
- ptr[i] = vtop->[i];
- sym = get_sym_ref(&vtop->type, data_section, offset, size << 2);
- vtop->r |= VT_LVAL | VT_SYM;
- vtop->sym = sym;
- vtop->c.ul = 0;
- }
- if (vtop->r & VT_MUSTBOUND)
- gbound();
- r = vtop->r & VT_VALMASK;
- rc2 = RC_INT;
- if (rc == RC_IRET)
- rc2 = RC_LRET;
- /* need to reload if:
- - constant
- - lvalue (need to dereference pointer)
- - already a register, but not in the right class */
- if (r >= VT_CONST ||
- (vtop->r & VT_LVAL) ||
- !(reg_classes[r] & rc) ||
- ((vtop->type.t & VT_BTYPE) == VT_LLONG &&
- !(reg_classes[vtop->r2] & rc2))) {
- r = get_reg(rc);
-#ifndef TCC_TARGET_X86_64
- if ((vtop->type.t & VT_BTYPE) == VT_LLONG) {
- int r2;
- unsigned long long ll;
- /* two register type load : expand to two words
- temporarily */
- if ((vtop->r & (VT_VALMASK | VT_LVAL)) == VT_CONST) {
- /* load constant */
- ll = vtop->c.ull;
- vtop->c.ui = ll; /* first word */
- load(r, vtop);
- vtop->r = r; /* save register value */
- vpushi(ll >> 32); /* second word */
- } else if (r >= VT_CONST || /* XXX: test to VT_CONST incorrect ? */
- (vtop->r & VT_LVAL)) {
- /* We do not want to modifier the long long
- pointer here, so the safest (and less
- efficient) is to save all the other registers
- in the stack. XXX: totally inefficient. */
- save_regs(1);
- /* load from memory */
- load(r, vtop);
- vdup();
- vtop[-1].r = r; /* save register value */
- /* increment pointer to get second word */
- vtop->type.t = VT_INT;
- gaddrof();
- vpushi(4);
- gen_op('+');
- vtop->r |= VT_LVAL;
- } else {
- /* move registers */
- load(r, vtop);
- vdup();
- vtop[-1].r = r; /* save register value */
- vtop->r = vtop[-1].r2;
- }
- /* allocate second register */
- r2 = get_reg(rc2);
- load(r2, vtop);
- vpop();
- /* write second register */
- vtop->r2 = r2;
- } else
- if ((vtop->r & VT_LVAL) && !is_float(vtop->type.t)) {
- int t1, t;
- /* lvalue of scalar type : need to use lvalue type
- because of possible cast */
- t = vtop->type.t;
- t1 = t;
- /* compute memory access type */
- if (vtop->r & VT_LVAL_BYTE)
- t = VT_BYTE;
- else if (vtop->r & VT_LVAL_SHORT)
- t = VT_SHORT;
- if (vtop->r & VT_LVAL_UNSIGNED)
- vtop->type.t = t;
- load(r, vtop);
- /* restore wanted type */
- vtop->type.t = t1;
- } else {
- /* one register type load */
- load(r, vtop);
- }
- }
- vtop->r = r;
-#ifdef TCC_TARGET_C67
- /* uses register pairs for doubles */
- if ((vtop->type.t & VT_BTYPE) == VT_DOUBLE)
- vtop->r2 = r+1;
- }
- return r;
-/* generate vtop[-1] and vtop[0] in resp. classes rc1 and rc2 */
-void gv2(int rc1, int rc2)
- int v;
- /* generate more generic register first. But VT_JMP or VT_CMP
- values must be generated first in all cases to avoid possible
- reload errors */
- v = vtop[0].r & VT_VALMASK;
- if (v != VT_CMP && (v & ~1) != VT_JMP && rc1 <= rc2) {
- vswap();
- gv(rc1);
- vswap();
- gv(rc2);
- /* test if reload is needed for first register */
- if ((vtop[-1].r & VT_VALMASK) >= VT_CONST) {
- vswap();
- gv(rc1);
- vswap();
- }
- } else {
- gv(rc2);
- vswap();
- gv(rc1);
- vswap();
- /* test if reload is needed for first register */
- if ((vtop[0].r & VT_VALMASK) >= VT_CONST) {
- gv(rc2);
- }
- }
-/* wrapper around RC_FRET to return a register by type */
-int rc_fret(int t)
-#ifdef TCC_TARGET_X86_64
- if (t == VT_LDOUBLE) {
- return RC_ST0;
- }
- return RC_FRET;
-/* wrapper around REG_FRET to return a register by type */
-int reg_fret(int t)
-#ifdef TCC_TARGET_X86_64
- if (t == VT_LDOUBLE) {
- return TREG_ST0;
- }
- return REG_FRET;
-/* expand long long on stack in two int registers */
-void lexpand(void)
- int u;
- u = vtop->type.t & VT_UNSIGNED;
- gv(RC_INT);
- vdup();
- vtop[0].r = vtop[-1].r2;
- vtop[0].r2 = VT_CONST;
- vtop[-1].r2 = VT_CONST;
- vtop[0].type.t = VT_INT | u;
- vtop[-1].type.t = VT_INT | u;
-/* expand long long on stack */
-void lexpand_nr(void)
- int u,v;
- u = vtop->type.t & VT_UNSIGNED;
- vdup();
- vtop->r2 = VT_CONST;
- vtop->type.t = VT_INT | u;
- v=vtop[-1].r & (VT_VALMASK | VT_LVAL);
- if (v == VT_CONST) {
- vtop[-1].c.ui = vtop->c.ull;
- vtop->c.ui = vtop->c.ull >> 32;
- vtop->r = VT_CONST;
- } else if (v == (VT_LVAL|VT_CONST) || v == (VT_LVAL|VT_LOCAL)) {
- vtop->c.ui += 4;
- vtop->r = vtop[-1].r;
- } else if (v > VT_CONST) {
- vtop--;
- lexpand();
- } else
- vtop->r = vtop[-1].r2;
- vtop[-1].r2 = VT_CONST;
- vtop[-1].type.t = VT_INT | u;
-/* build a long long from two ints */
-void lbuild(int t)
- gv2(RC_INT, RC_INT);
- vtop[-1].r2 = vtop[0].r;
- vtop[-1].type.t = t;
- vpop();
-/* rotate n first stack elements to the bottom
- I1 ... In -> I2 ... In I1 [top is right]
-void vrotb(int n)
- int i;
- SValue tmp;
- tmp = vtop[-n + 1];
- for(i=-n+1;i!=0;i++)
- vtop[i] = vtop[i+1];
- vtop[0] = tmp;
-/* rotate n first stack elements to the top
- I1 ... In -> In I1 ... I(n-1) [top is right]
- */
-void vrott(int n)
- int i;
- SValue tmp;
- tmp = vtop[0];
- for(i = 0;i < n - 1; i++)
- vtop[-i] = vtop[-i - 1];
- vtop[-n + 1] = tmp;
-/* like vrott but in other direction
- In ... I1 -> I(n-1) ... I1 In [top is right]
- */
-void vnrott(int n)
- int i;
- SValue tmp;
- tmp = vtop[-n + 1];
- for(i = n - 1; i > 0; i--)
- vtop[-i] = vtop[-i + 1];
- vtop[0] = tmp;
-/* pop stack value */
-void vpop(void)
- int v;
- v = vtop->r & VT_VALMASK;
-#if defined(TCC_TARGET_I386) || defined(TCC_TARGET_X86_64)
- /* for x86, we need to pop the FP stack */
- if (v == TREG_ST0 && !nocode_wanted) {
- o(0xd9dd); /* fstp %st(1) */
- } else
- if (v == VT_JMP || v == VT_JMPI) {
- /* need to put correct jump if && or || without test */
- gsym(vtop->c.ul);
- }
- vtop--;
-/* convert stack entry to register and duplicate its value in another
- register */
-void gv_dup(void)
- int rc, t, r, r1;
- SValue sv;
- t = vtop->type.t;
- if ((t & VT_BTYPE) == VT_LLONG) {
- lexpand();
- gv_dup();
- vswap();
- vrotb(3);
- gv_dup();
- vrotb(4);
- /* stack: H L L1 H1 */
- lbuild(t);
- vrotb(3);
- vrotb(3);
- vswap();
- lbuild(t);
- vswap();
- } else {
- /* duplicate value */
- rc = RC_INT;
- sv.type.t = VT_INT;
- if (is_float(t)) {
- rc = RC_FLOAT;
-#ifdef TCC_TARGET_X86_64
- if ((t & VT_BTYPE) == VT_LDOUBLE) {
- rc = RC_ST0;
- }
- sv.type.t = t;
- }
- r = gv(rc);
- r1 = get_reg(rc);
- sv.r = r;
- sv.c.ul = 0;
- load(r1, &sv); /* move r to r1 */
- vdup();
- /* duplicates value */
- vtop->r = r1;
- }
-#ifndef TCC_TARGET_X86_64
-/* generate CPU independent (unsigned) long long operations */
-void gen_opl(int op)
- int t, a, b, op1, c, i;
- int func;
- unsigned short reg_iret = REG_IRET;
- unsigned short reg_lret = REG_LRET;
- SValue tmp;
- switch(op) {
- case '/':
- case TOK_PDIV:
- func = TOK___divdi3;
- goto gen_func;
- case TOK_UDIV:
- func = TOK___udivdi3;
- goto gen_func;
- case '%':
- func = TOK___moddi3;
- goto gen_mod_func;
- case TOK_UMOD:
- func = TOK___umoddi3;
- gen_mod_func:
-#ifdef TCC_ARM_EABI
- reg_iret = TREG_R2;
- reg_lret = TREG_R3;
- gen_func:
- /* call generic long long function */
- vpush_global_sym(&func_old_type, func);
- vrott(3);
- gfunc_call(2);
- vpushi(0);
- vtop->r = reg_iret;
- vtop->r2 = reg_lret;
- break;
- case '^':
- case '&':
- case '|':
- case '*':
- case '+':
- case '-':
- t = vtop->type.t;
- vswap();
- lexpand();
- vrotb(3);
- lexpand();
- /* stack: L1 H1 L2 H2 */
- tmp = vtop[0];
- vtop[0] = vtop[-3];
- vtop[-3] = tmp;
- tmp = vtop[-2];
- vtop[-2] = vtop[-3];
- vtop[-3] = tmp;
- vswap();
- /* stack: H1 H2 L1 L2 */
- if (op == '*') {
- vpushv(vtop - 1);
- vpushv(vtop - 1);
- gen_op(TOK_UMULL);
- lexpand();
- /* stack: H1 H2 L1 L2 ML MH */
- for(i=0;i<4;i++)
- vrotb(6);
- /* stack: ML MH H1 H2 L1 L2 */
- tmp = vtop[0];
- vtop[0] = vtop[-2];
- vtop[-2] = tmp;
- /* stack: ML MH H1 L2 H2 L1 */
- gen_op('*');
- vrotb(3);
- vrotb(3);
- gen_op('*');
- /* stack: ML MH M1 M2 */
- gen_op('+');
- gen_op('+');
- } else if (op == '+' || op == '-') {
- /* XXX: add non carry method too (for MIPS or alpha) */
- if (op == '+')
- op1 = TOK_ADDC1;
- else
- op1 = TOK_SUBC1;
- gen_op(op1);
- /* stack: H1 H2 (L1 op L2) */
- vrotb(3);
- vrotb(3);
- gen_op(op1 + 1); /* TOK_xxxC2 */
- } else {
- gen_op(op);
- /* stack: H1 H2 (L1 op L2) */
- vrotb(3);
- vrotb(3);
- /* stack: (L1 op L2) H1 H2 */
- gen_op(op);
- /* stack: (L1 op L2) (H1 op H2) */
- }
- /* stack: L H */
- lbuild(t);
- break;
- case TOK_SAR:
- case TOK_SHR:
- case TOK_SHL:
- if ((vtop->r & (VT_VALMASK | VT_LVAL | VT_SYM)) == VT_CONST) {
- t = vtop[-1].type.t;
- vswap();
- lexpand();
- vrotb(3);
- /* stack: L H shift */
- c = (int)vtop->c.i;
- /* constant: simpler */
- /* NOTE: all comments are for SHL. the other cases are
- done by swaping words */
- vpop();
- if (op != TOK_SHL)
- vswap();
- if (c >= 32) {
- /* stack: L H */
- vpop();
- if (c > 32) {
- vpushi(c - 32);
- gen_op(op);
- }
- if (op != TOK_SAR) {
- vpushi(0);
- } else {
- gv_dup();
- vpushi(31);
- gen_op(TOK_SAR);
- }
- vswap();
- } else {
- vswap();
- gv_dup();
- /* stack: H L L */
- vpushi(c);
- gen_op(op);
- vswap();
- vpushi(32 - c);
- if (op == TOK_SHL)
- gen_op(TOK_SHR);
- else
- gen_op(TOK_SHL);
- vrotb(3);
- /* stack: L L H */
- vpushi(c);
- if (op == TOK_SHL)
- gen_op(TOK_SHL);
- else
- gen_op(TOK_SHR);
- gen_op('|');
- }
- if (op != TOK_SHL)
- vswap();
- lbuild(t);
- } else {
- /* XXX: should provide a faster fallback on x86 ? */
- switch(op) {
- case TOK_SAR:
- func = TOK___ashrdi3;
- goto gen_func;
- case TOK_SHR:
- func = TOK___lshrdi3;
- goto gen_func;
- case TOK_SHL:
- func = TOK___ashldi3;
- goto gen_func;
- }
- }
- break;
- default:
- /* compare operations */
- t = vtop->type.t;
- vswap();
- lexpand();
- vrotb(3);
- lexpand();
- /* stack: L1 H1 L2 H2 */
- tmp = vtop[-1];
- vtop[-1] = vtop[-2];
- vtop[-2] = tmp;
- /* stack: L1 L2 H1 H2 */
- /* compare high */
- op1 = op;
- /* when values are equal, we need to compare low words. since
- the jump is inverted, we invert the test too. */
- if (op1 == TOK_LT)
- op1 = TOK_LE;
- else if (op1 == TOK_GT)
- op1 = TOK_GE;
- else if (op1 == TOK_ULT)
- op1 = TOK_ULE;
- else if (op1 == TOK_UGT)
- op1 = TOK_UGE;
- a = 0;
- b = 0;
- gen_op(op1);
- if (op1 != TOK_NE) {
- a = gtst(1, 0);
- }
- if (op != TOK_EQ) {
- /* generate non equal test */
- /* XXX: NOT PORTABLE yet */
- if (a == 0) {
- b = gtst(0, 0);
- } else {
-#if defined(TCC_TARGET_I386)
- b = psym(0x850f, 0);
-#elif defined(TCC_TARGET_ARM)
- b = ind;
- o(0x1A000000 | encbranch(ind, 0, 1));
-#elif defined(TCC_TARGET_C67)
- error("not implemented");
-#error not supported
- }
- }
- /* compare low. Always unsigned */
- op1 = op;
- if (op1 == TOK_LT)
- op1 = TOK_ULT;
- else if (op1 == TOK_LE)
- op1 = TOK_ULE;
- else if (op1 == TOK_GT)
- op1 = TOK_UGT;
- else if (op1 == TOK_GE)
- op1 = TOK_UGE;
- gen_op(op1);
- a = gtst(1, a);
- gsym(b);
- vseti(VT_JMPI, a);
- break;
- }
-typedef unsigned long long _U;
-/* handle integer constant optimizations and various machine
- independent opt */
-void gen_opic(int op)
- int c1, c2, t1, t2, n;
- SValue *v1, *v2;
- long long l1, l2;
- v1 = vtop - 1;
- v2 = vtop;
- t1 = v1->type.t & VT_BTYPE;
- t2 = v2->type.t & VT_BTYPE;
- if (t1 == VT_LLONG)
- l1 = v1->c.ll;
- else if (v1->type.t & VT_UNSIGNED)
- l1 = v1->c.ui;
- else
- l1 = v1->c.i;
- if (t2 == VT_LLONG)
- l2 = v2->c.ll;
- else if (v2->type.t & VT_UNSIGNED)
- l2 = v2->c.ui;
- else
- l2 = v2->c.i;
- /* currently, we cannot do computations with forward symbols */
- c1 = (v1->r & (VT_VALMASK | VT_LVAL | VT_SYM)) == VT_CONST;
- c2 = (v2->r & (VT_VALMASK | VT_LVAL | VT_SYM)) == VT_CONST;
- if (c1 && c2) {
- switch(op) {
- case '+': l1 += l2; break;
- case '-': l1 -= l2; break;
- case '&': l1 &= l2; break;
- case '^': l1 ^= l2; break;
- case '|': l1 |= l2; break;
- case '*': l1 *= l2; break;
- case TOK_PDIV:
- case '/':
- case '%':
- case TOK_UDIV:
- case TOK_UMOD:
- /* if division by zero, generate explicit division */
- if (l2 == 0) {
- if (const_wanted)
- error("division by zero in constant");
- goto general_case;
- }
- switch(op) {
- case '%': l1 %= l2; break;
- case TOK_UDIV: l1 = (_U)l1 / l2; break;
- case TOK_UMOD: l1 = (_U)l1 % l2; break;
- default: l1 /= l2; break;
- }
- break;
- case TOK_SHL: l1 <<= l2; break;
- case TOK_SHR: l1 = (_U)l1 >> l2; break;
- case TOK_SAR: l1 >>= l2; break;
- /* tests */
- case TOK_ULT: l1 = (_U)l1 < (_U)l2; break;
- case TOK_UGE: l1 = (_U)l1 >= (_U)l2; break;
- case TOK_EQ: l1 = l1 == l2; break;
- case TOK_NE: l1 = l1 != l2; break;
- case TOK_ULE: l1 = (_U)l1 <= (_U)l2; break;
- case TOK_UGT: l1 = (_U)l1 > (_U)l2; break;
- case TOK_LT: l1 = l1 < l2; break;
- case TOK_GE: l1 = l1 >= l2; break;
- case TOK_LE: l1 = l1 <= l2; break;
- case TOK_GT: l1 = l1 > l2; break;
- /* logical */
- case TOK_LAND: l1 = l1 && l2; break;
- case TOK_LOR: l1 = l1 || l2; break;
- default:
- goto general_case;
- }
- v1->c.ll = l1;
- vtop--;
- } else {
- /* if commutative ops, put c2 as constant */
- if (c1 && (op == '+' || op == '&' || op == '^' ||
- op == '|' || op == '*')) {
- vswap();
- c2 = c1; //c = c1, c1 = c2, c2 = c;
- l2 = l1; //l = l1, l1 = l2, l2 = l;
- }
- /* Filter out NOP operations like x*1, x-0, x&-1... */
- if (c2 && (((op == '*' || op == '/' || op == TOK_UDIV ||
- op == TOK_PDIV) &&
- l2 == 1) ||
- ((op == '+' || op == '-' || op == '|' || op == '^' ||
- op == TOK_SHL || op == TOK_SHR || op == TOK_SAR) &&
- l2 == 0) ||
- (op == '&' &&
- l2 == -1))) {
- /* nothing to do */
- vtop--;
- } else if (c2 && (op == '*' || op == TOK_PDIV || op == TOK_UDIV)) {
- /* try to use shifts instead of muls or divs */
- if (l2 > 0 && (l2 & (l2 - 1)) == 0) {
- n = -1;
- while (l2) {
- l2 >>= 1;
- n++;
- }
- vtop->c.ll = n;
- if (op == '*')
- op = TOK_SHL;
- else if (op == TOK_PDIV)
- op = TOK_SAR;
- else
- op = TOK_SHR;
- }
- goto general_case;
- } else if (c2 && (op == '+' || op == '-') &&
- ((vtop[-1].r & (VT_VALMASK | VT_LVAL | VT_SYM)) ==
- (VT_CONST | VT_SYM) ||
- (vtop[-1].r & (VT_VALMASK | VT_LVAL)) == VT_LOCAL)) {
- /* symbol + constant case */
- if (op == '-')
- l2 = -l2;
- vtop--;
- vtop->c.ll += l2;
- } else {
- general_case:
- if (!nocode_wanted) {
- /* call low level op generator */
- if (t1 == VT_LLONG || t2 == VT_LLONG)
- gen_opl(op);
- else
- gen_opi(op);
- } else {
- vtop--;
- }
- }
- }
-/* generate a floating point operation with constant propagation */
-void gen_opif(int op)
- int c1, c2;
- SValue *v1, *v2;
- long double f1, f2;
- v1 = vtop - 1;
- v2 = vtop;
- /* currently, we cannot do computations with forward symbols */
- c1 = (v1->r & (VT_VALMASK | VT_LVAL | VT_SYM)) == VT_CONST;
- c2 = (v2->r & (VT_VALMASK | VT_LVAL | VT_SYM)) == VT_CONST;
- if (c1 && c2) {
- if (v1->type.t == VT_FLOAT) {
- f1 = v1->c.f;
- f2 = v2->c.f;
- } else if (v1->type.t == VT_DOUBLE) {
- f1 = v1->c.d;
- f2 = v2->c.d;
- } else {
- f1 = v1->c.ld;
- f2 = v2->c.ld;
- }
- /* NOTE: we only do constant propagation if finite number (not
- NaN or infinity) (ANSI spec) */
- if (!ieee_finite(f1) || !ieee_finite(f2))
- goto general_case;
- switch(op) {
- case '+': f1 += f2; break;
- case '-': f1 -= f2; break;
- case '*': f1 *= f2; break;
- case '/':
- if (f2 == 0.0) {
- if (const_wanted)
- error("division by zero in constant");
- goto general_case;
- }
- f1 /= f2;
- break;
- /* XXX: also handles tests ? */
- default:
- goto general_case;
- }
- /* XXX: overflow test ? */
- if (v1->type.t == VT_FLOAT) {
- v1->c.f = f1;
- } else if (v1->type.t == VT_DOUBLE) {
- v1->c.d = f1;
- } else {
- v1->c.ld = f1;
- }
- vtop--;
- } else {
- general_case:
- if (!nocode_wanted) {
- gen_opf(op);
- } else {
- vtop--;
- }
- }
-static int pointed_size(CType *type)
- int align;
- return type_size(pointed_type(type), &align);
-static inline int is_null_pointer(SValue *p)
- if ((p->r & (VT_VALMASK | VT_LVAL | VT_SYM)) != VT_CONST)
- return 0;
- return ((p->type.t & VT_BTYPE) == VT_INT && p->c.i == 0) ||
- ((p->type.t & VT_BTYPE) == VT_LLONG && p->c.ll == 0);
-static inline int is_integer_btype(int bt)
- return (bt == VT_BYTE || bt == VT_SHORT ||
- bt == VT_INT || bt == VT_LLONG);
-/* check types for comparison or substraction of pointers */
-static void check_comparison_pointer_types(SValue *p1, SValue *p2, int op)
- CType *type1, *type2, tmp_type1, tmp_type2;
- int bt1, bt2;
- /* null pointers are accepted for all comparisons as gcc */
- if (is_null_pointer(p1) || is_null_pointer(p2))
- return;
- type1 = &p1->type;
- type2 = &p2->type;
- bt1 = type1->t & VT_BTYPE;
- bt2 = type2->t & VT_BTYPE;
- /* accept comparison between pointer and integer with a warning */
- if ((is_integer_btype(bt1) || is_integer_btype(bt2)) && op != '-') {
- if (op != TOK_LOR && op != TOK_LAND )
- warning("comparison between pointer and integer");
- return;
- }
- /* both must be pointers or implicit function pointers */
- if (bt1 == VT_PTR) {
- type1 = pointed_type(type1);
- } else if (bt1 != VT_FUNC)
- goto invalid_operands;
- if (bt2 == VT_PTR) {
- type2 = pointed_type(type2);
- } else if (bt2 != VT_FUNC) {
- invalid_operands:
- error("invalid operands to binary %s", get_tok_str(op, NULL));
- }
- if ((type1->t & VT_BTYPE) == VT_VOID ||
- (type2->t & VT_BTYPE) == VT_VOID)
- return;
- tmp_type1 = *type1;
- tmp_type2 = *type2;
- tmp_type1.t &= ~(VT_UNSIGNED | VT_CONSTANT | VT_VOLATILE);
- tmp_type2.t &= ~(VT_UNSIGNED | VT_CONSTANT | VT_VOLATILE);
- if (!is_compatible_types(&tmp_type1, &tmp_type2)) {
- /* gcc-like error if '-' is used */
- if (op == '-')
- goto invalid_operands;
- else
- warning("comparison of distinct pointer types lacks a cast");
- }
-/* generic gen_op: handles types problems */
-void gen_op(int op)
- int u, t1, t2, bt1, bt2, t;
- CType type1;
- t1 = vtop[-1].type.t;
- t2 = vtop[0].type.t;
- bt1 = t1 & VT_BTYPE;
- bt2 = t2 & VT_BTYPE;
- if (bt1 == VT_PTR || bt2 == VT_PTR) {
- /* at least one operand is a pointer */
- /* relationnal op: must be both pointers */
- if (op >= TOK_ULT && op <= TOK_LOR) {
- check_comparison_pointer_types(vtop - 1, vtop, op);
- /* pointers are handled are unsigned */
-#ifdef TCC_TARGET_X86_64
- goto std_op;
- }
- /* if both pointers, then it must be the '-' op */
- if (bt1 == VT_PTR && bt2 == VT_PTR) {
- if (op != '-')
- error("cannot use pointers here");
- check_comparison_pointer_types(vtop - 1, vtop, op);
- /* XXX: check that types are compatible */
- u = pointed_size(&vtop[-1].type);
- gen_opic(op);
- /* set to integer type */
-#ifdef TCC_TARGET_X86_64
- vtop->type.t = VT_LLONG;
- vtop->type.t = VT_INT;
- vpushi(u);
- gen_op(TOK_PDIV);
- } else {
- /* exactly one pointer : must be '+' or '-'. */
- if (op != '-' && op != '+')
- error("cannot use pointers here");
- /* Put pointer as first operand */
- if (bt2 == VT_PTR) {
- vswap();
- swap(&t1, &t2);
- }
- type1 = vtop[-1].type;
-#ifdef TCC_TARGET_X86_64
- vpushll(pointed_size(&vtop[-1].type));
- /* XXX: cast to int ? (long long case) */
- vpushi(pointed_size(&vtop[-1].type));
- gen_op('*');
- /* if evaluating constant expression, no code should be
- generated, so no bound check */
- if (tcc_state->do_bounds_check && !const_wanted) {
- /* if bounded pointers, we generate a special code to
- test bounds */
- if (op == '-') {
- vpushi(0);
- vswap();
- gen_op('-');
- }
- gen_bounded_ptr_add();
- } else
- {
- gen_opic(op);
- }
- /* put again type if gen_opic() swaped operands */
- vtop->type = type1;
- }
- } else if (is_float(bt1) || is_float(bt2)) {
- /* compute bigger type and do implicit casts */
- if (bt1 == VT_LDOUBLE || bt2 == VT_LDOUBLE) {
- } else if (bt1 == VT_DOUBLE || bt2 == VT_DOUBLE) {
- t = VT_DOUBLE;
- } else {
- t = VT_FLOAT;
- }
- /* floats can only be used for a few operations */
- if (op != '+' && op != '-' && op != '*' && op != '/' &&
- (op < TOK_ULT || op > TOK_GT))
- error("invalid operands for binary operation");
- goto std_op;
- } else if (bt1 == VT_LLONG || bt2 == VT_LLONG) {
- /* cast to biggest op */
- t = VT_LLONG;
- /* convert to unsigned if it does not fit in a long long */
- if ((t1 & (VT_BTYPE | VT_UNSIGNED)) == (VT_LLONG | VT_UNSIGNED) ||
- goto std_op;
- } else {
- /* integer operations */
- t = VT_INT;
- /* convert to unsigned if it does not fit in an integer */
- if ((t1 & (VT_BTYPE | VT_UNSIGNED)) == (VT_INT | VT_UNSIGNED) ||
- std_op:
- /* XXX: currently, some unsigned operations are explicit, so
- we modify them here */
- if (t & VT_UNSIGNED) {
- if (op == TOK_SAR)
- op = TOK_SHR;
- else if (op == '/')
- op = TOK_UDIV;
- else if (op == '%')
- op = TOK_UMOD;
- else if (op == TOK_LT)
- op = TOK_ULT;
- else if (op == TOK_GT)
- op = TOK_UGT;
- else if (op == TOK_LE)
- op = TOK_ULE;
- else if (op == TOK_GE)
- op = TOK_UGE;
- }
- vswap();
- type1.t = t;
- gen_cast(&type1);
- vswap();
- /* special case for shifts and long long: we keep the shift as
- an integer */
- if (op == TOK_SHR || op == TOK_SAR || op == TOK_SHL)
- type1.t = VT_INT;
- gen_cast(&type1);
- if (is_float(t))
- gen_opif(op);
- else
- gen_opic(op);
- if (op >= TOK_ULT && op <= TOK_GT) {
- /* relationnal op: the result is an int */
- vtop->type.t = VT_INT;
- } else {
- vtop->type.t = t;
- }
- }
-/* generic itof for unsigned long long case */
-void gen_cvt_itof1(int t)
- if ((vtop->type.t & (VT_BTYPE | VT_UNSIGNED)) ==
- if (t == VT_FLOAT)
- vpush_global_sym(&func_old_type, TOK___floatundisf);
-#if LDOUBLE_SIZE != 8
- else if (t == VT_LDOUBLE)
- vpush_global_sym(&func_old_type, TOK___floatundixf);
- else
- vpush_global_sym(&func_old_type, TOK___floatundidf);
- vrott(2);
- gfunc_call(1);
- vpushi(0);
- vtop->r = reg_fret(t);
- } else {
- gen_cvt_itof(t);
- }
-/* generic ftoi for unsigned long long case */
-void gen_cvt_ftoi1(int t)
- int st;
- if (t == (VT_LLONG | VT_UNSIGNED)) {
- /* not handled natively */
- st = vtop->type.t & VT_BTYPE;
- if (st == VT_FLOAT)
- vpush_global_sym(&func_old_type, TOK___fixunssfdi);
-#if LDOUBLE_SIZE != 8
- else if (st == VT_LDOUBLE)
- vpush_global_sym(&func_old_type, TOK___fixunsxfdi);
- else
- vpush_global_sym(&func_old_type, TOK___fixunsdfdi);
- vrott(2);
- gfunc_call(1);
- vpushi(0);
- vtop->r = REG_IRET;
- vtop->r2 = REG_LRET;
- } else {
- gen_cvt_ftoi(t);
- }
-/* force char or short cast */
-void force_charshort_cast(int t)
- int bits, dbt;
- dbt = t & VT_BTYPE;
- /* XXX: add optimization if lvalue : just change type and offset */
- if (dbt == VT_BYTE)
- bits = 8;
- else
- bits = 16;
- if (t & VT_UNSIGNED) {
- vpushi((1 << bits) - 1);
- gen_op('&');
- } else {
- bits = 32 - bits;
- vpushi(bits);
- gen_op(TOK_SHL);
- /* result must be signed or the SAR is converted to an SHL
- This was not the case when "t" was a signed short
- and the last value on the stack was an unsigned int */
- vtop->type.t &= ~VT_UNSIGNED;
- vpushi(bits);
- gen_op(TOK_SAR);
- }
-/* cast 'vtop' to 'type'. Casting to bitfields is forbidden. */
-static void gen_cast(CType *type)
- int sbt, dbt, sf, df, c, p;
- /* special delayed cast for char/short */
- /* XXX: in some cases (multiple cascaded casts), it may still
- be incorrect */
- if (vtop->r & VT_MUSTCAST) {
- vtop->r &= ~VT_MUSTCAST;
- force_charshort_cast(vtop->type.t);
- }
- /* bitfields first get cast to ints */
- if (vtop->type.t & VT_BITFIELD) {
- gv(RC_INT);
- }
- dbt = type->t & (VT_BTYPE | VT_UNSIGNED);
- sbt = vtop->type.t & (VT_BTYPE | VT_UNSIGNED);
- if (sbt != dbt) {
- sf = is_float(sbt);
- df = is_float(dbt);
- c = (vtop->r & (VT_VALMASK | VT_LVAL | VT_SYM)) == VT_CONST;
- p = (vtop->r & (VT_VALMASK | VT_LVAL | VT_SYM)) == (VT_CONST | VT_SYM);
- if (c) {
- /* constant case: we can do it now */
- /* XXX: in ISOC, cannot do it if error in convert */
- if (sbt == VT_FLOAT)
- vtop->c.ld = vtop->c.f;
- else if (sbt == VT_DOUBLE)
- vtop->c.ld = vtop->c.d;
- if (df) {
- if ((sbt & VT_BTYPE) == VT_LLONG) {
- if (sbt & VT_UNSIGNED)
- vtop->c.ld = vtop->c.ull;
- else
- vtop->c.ld = vtop->c.ll;
- } else if(!sf) {
- if (sbt & VT_UNSIGNED)
- vtop->c.ld = vtop->c.ui;
- else
- vtop->c.ld = vtop->c.i;
- }
- if (dbt == VT_FLOAT)
- vtop->c.f = (float)vtop->c.ld;
- else if (dbt == VT_DOUBLE)
- vtop->c.d = (double)vtop->c.ld;
- } else if (sf && dbt == (VT_LLONG|VT_UNSIGNED)) {
- vtop->c.ull = (unsigned long long)vtop->c.ld;
- } else if (sf && dbt == VT_BOOL) {
- vtop->c.i = (vtop->c.ld != 0);
- } else {
- if(sf)
- vtop->c.ll = (long long)vtop->c.ld;
- else if (sbt == (VT_LLONG|VT_UNSIGNED))
- vtop->c.ll = vtop->c.ull;
- else if (sbt & VT_UNSIGNED)
- vtop->c.ll = vtop->c.ui;
- else if (sbt != VT_LLONG)
- vtop->c.ll = vtop->c.i;
- if (dbt == (VT_LLONG|VT_UNSIGNED))
- vtop->c.ull = vtop->c.ll;
- else if (dbt == VT_BOOL)
- vtop->c.i = (vtop->c.ll != 0);
- else if (dbt != VT_LLONG) {
- int s = 0;
- if ((dbt & VT_BTYPE) == VT_BYTE)
- s = 24;
- else if ((dbt & VT_BTYPE) == VT_SHORT)
- s = 16;
- if(dbt & VT_UNSIGNED)
- vtop->c.ui = ((unsigned int)vtop->c.ll << s) >> s;
- else
- vtop->c.i = ((int)vtop->c.ll << s) >> s;
- }
- }
- } else if (p && dbt == VT_BOOL) {
- vtop->r = VT_CONST;
- vtop->c.i = 1;
- } else if (!nocode_wanted) {
- /* non constant case: generate code */
- if (sf && df) {
- /* convert from fp to fp */
- gen_cvt_ftof(dbt);
- } else if (df) {
- /* convert int to fp */
- gen_cvt_itof1(dbt);
- } else if (sf) {
- /* convert fp to int */
- if (dbt == VT_BOOL) {
- vpushi(0);
- gen_op(TOK_NE);
- } else {
- /* we handle char/short/etc... with generic code */
- if (dbt != (VT_INT | VT_UNSIGNED) &&
- dbt != (VT_LLONG | VT_UNSIGNED) &&
- dbt != VT_LLONG)
- dbt = VT_INT;
- gen_cvt_ftoi1(dbt);
- if (dbt == VT_INT && (type->t & (VT_BTYPE | VT_UNSIGNED)) != dbt) {
- /* additional cast for char/short... */
- vtop->type.t = dbt;
- gen_cast(type);
- }
- }
-#ifndef TCC_TARGET_X86_64
- } else if ((dbt & VT_BTYPE) == VT_LLONG) {
- if ((sbt & VT_BTYPE) != VT_LLONG) {
- /* scalar to long long */
- /* machine independent conversion */
- gv(RC_INT);
- /* generate high word */
- if (sbt == (VT_INT | VT_UNSIGNED)) {
- vpushi(0);
- gv(RC_INT);
- } else {
- if (sbt == VT_PTR) {
- /* cast from pointer to int before we apply
- shift operation, which pointers don't support*/
- gen_cast(&int_type);
- }
- gv_dup();
- vpushi(31);
- gen_op(TOK_SAR);
- }
- /* patch second register */
- vtop[-1].r2 = vtop->r;
- vpop();
- }
- } else if ((dbt & VT_BTYPE) == VT_LLONG ||
- (dbt & VT_BTYPE) == VT_PTR) {
- /* XXX: not sure if this is perfect... need more tests */
- if ((sbt & VT_BTYPE) != VT_LLONG) {
- int r = gv(RC_INT);
- if (sbt != (VT_INT | VT_UNSIGNED) &&
- sbt != VT_PTR && sbt != VT_FUNC) {
- /* x86_64 specific: movslq */
- o(0x6348);
- o(0xc0 + (REG_VALUE(r) << 3) + REG_VALUE(r));
- }
- }
- } else if (dbt == VT_BOOL) {
- /* scalar to bool */
- vpushi(0);
- gen_op(TOK_NE);
- } else if ((dbt & VT_BTYPE) == VT_BYTE ||
- (dbt & VT_BTYPE) == VT_SHORT) {
- if (sbt == VT_PTR) {
- vtop->type.t = VT_INT;
- warning("nonportable conversion from pointer to char/short");
- }
- force_charshort_cast(dbt);
- } else if ((dbt & VT_BTYPE) == VT_INT) {
- /* scalar to int */
- if (sbt == VT_LLONG) {
- /* from long long: just take low order word */
- lexpand();
- vpop();
- }
- /* if lvalue and single word type, nothing to do because
- the lvalue already contains the real type size (see
- VT_LVAL_xxx constants) */
- }
- }
- } else if ((dbt & VT_BTYPE) == VT_PTR && !(vtop->r & VT_LVAL)) {
- /* if we are casting between pointer types,
- we must update the VT_LVAL_xxx size */
- vtop->r = (vtop->r & ~VT_LVAL_TYPE)
- | (lvalue_type(type->ref->type.t) & VT_LVAL_TYPE);
- }
- vtop->type = *type;
-/* return type size. Put alignment at 'a' */
-static int type_size(CType *type, int *a)
- Sym *s;
- int bt;
- bt = type->t & VT_BTYPE;
- if (bt == VT_STRUCT) {
- /* struct/union */
- s = type->ref;
- *a = s->r;
- return s->c;
- } else if (bt == VT_PTR) {
- if (type->t & VT_ARRAY) {
- int ts;
- s = type->ref;
- ts = type_size(&s->type, a);
- if (ts < 0 && s->c < 0)
- ts = -ts;
- return ts * s->c;
- } else {
- *a = PTR_SIZE;
- return PTR_SIZE;
- }
- } else if (bt == VT_LDOUBLE) {
- return LDOUBLE_SIZE;
- } else if (bt == VT_DOUBLE || bt == VT_LLONG) {
-#ifdef TCC_TARGET_I386
- *a = 8;
- *a = 4;
-#elif defined(TCC_TARGET_ARM)
-#ifdef TCC_ARM_EABI
- *a = 8;
- *a = 4;
- *a = 8;
- return 8;
- } else if (bt == VT_INT || bt == VT_ENUM || bt == VT_FLOAT) {
- *a = 4;
- return 4;
- } else if (bt == VT_SHORT) {
- *a = 2;
- return 2;
- } else {
- /* char, void, function, _Bool */
- *a = 1;
- return 1;
- }
-/* return the pointed type of t */
-static inline CType *pointed_type(CType *type)
- return &type->ref->type;
-/* modify type so that its it is a pointer to type. */
-static void mk_pointer(CType *type)
- Sym *s;
- s = sym_push(SYM_FIELD, type, 0, -1);
- type->t = VT_PTR | (type->t & ~VT_TYPE);
- type->ref = s;
-/* compare function types. OLD functions match any new functions */
-static int is_compatible_func(CType *type1, CType *type2)
- Sym *s1, *s2;
- s1 = type1->ref;
- s2 = type2->ref;
- if (!is_compatible_types(&s1->type, &s2->type))
- return 0;
- /* check func_call */
- if (FUNC_CALL(s1->r) != FUNC_CALL(s2->r))
- return 0;
- /* XXX: not complete */
- if (s1->c == FUNC_OLD || s2->c == FUNC_OLD)
- return 1;
- if (s1->c != s2->c)
- return 0;
- while (s1 != NULL) {
- if (s2 == NULL)
- return 0;
- if (!is_compatible_parameter_types(&s1->type, &s2->type))
- return 0;
- s1 = s1->next;
- s2 = s2->next;
- }
- if (s2)
- return 0;
- return 1;
-/* return true if type1 and type2 are the same. If unqualified is
- true, qualifiers on the types are ignored.
- - enums are not checked as gcc __builtin_types_compatible_p ()
- */
-static int compare_types(CType *type1, CType *type2, int unqualified)
- int bt1, t1, t2;
- t1 = type1->t & VT_TYPE;
- t2 = type2->t & VT_TYPE;
- if (unqualified) {
- /* strip qualifiers before comparing */
- }
- /* XXX: bitfields ? */
- if (t1 != t2)
- return 0;
- /* test more complicated cases */
- bt1 = t1 & VT_BTYPE;
- if (bt1 == VT_PTR) {
- type1 = pointed_type(type1);
- type2 = pointed_type(type2);
- return is_compatible_types(type1, type2);
- } else if (bt1 == VT_STRUCT) {
- return (type1->ref == type2->ref);
- } else if (bt1 == VT_FUNC) {
- return is_compatible_func(type1, type2);
- } else {
- return 1;
- }
-/* return true if type1 and type2 are exactly the same (including
- qualifiers).
-static int is_compatible_types(CType *type1, CType *type2)
- return compare_types(type1,type2,0);
-/* return true if type1 and type2 are the same (ignoring qualifiers).
-static int is_compatible_parameter_types(CType *type1, CType *type2)
- return compare_types(type1,type2,1);
-/* print a type. If 'varstr' is not NULL, then the variable is also
- printed in the type */
-/* XXX: union */
-/* XXX: add array and function pointers */
-void type_to_str(char *buf, int buf_size,
- CType *type, const char *varstr)
- int bt, v, t;
- Sym *s, *sa;
- char buf1[256];
- const char *tstr;
- t = type->t & VT_TYPE;
- bt = t & VT_BTYPE;
- buf[0] = '\0';
- if (t & VT_CONSTANT)
- pstrcat(buf, buf_size, "const ");
- if (t & VT_VOLATILE)
- pstrcat(buf, buf_size, "volatile ");
- if (t & VT_UNSIGNED)
- pstrcat(buf, buf_size, "unsigned ");
- switch(bt) {
- case VT_VOID:
- tstr = "void";
- goto add_tstr;
- case VT_BOOL:
- tstr = "_Bool";
- goto add_tstr;
- case VT_BYTE:
- tstr = "char";
- goto add_tstr;
- case VT_SHORT:
- tstr = "short";
- goto add_tstr;
- case VT_INT:
- tstr = "int";
- goto add_tstr;
- case VT_LONG:
- tstr = "long";
- goto add_tstr;
- case VT_LLONG:
- tstr = "long long";
- goto add_tstr;
- case VT_FLOAT:
- tstr = "float";
- goto add_tstr;
- case VT_DOUBLE:
- tstr = "double";
- goto add_tstr;
- case VT_LDOUBLE:
- tstr = "long double";
- add_tstr:
- pstrcat(buf, buf_size, tstr);
- break;
- case VT_ENUM:
- case VT_STRUCT:
- if (bt == VT_STRUCT)
- tstr = "struct ";
- else
- tstr = "enum ";
- pstrcat(buf, buf_size, tstr);
- v = type->ref->v & ~SYM_STRUCT;
- if (v >= SYM_FIRST_ANOM)
- pstrcat(buf, buf_size, "<anonymous>");
- else
- pstrcat(buf, buf_size, get_tok_str(v, NULL));
- break;
- case VT_FUNC:
- s = type->ref;
- type_to_str(buf, buf_size, &s->type, varstr);
- pstrcat(buf, buf_size, "(");
- sa = s->next;
- while (sa != NULL) {
- type_to_str(buf1, sizeof(buf1), &sa->type, NULL);
- pstrcat(buf, buf_size, buf1);
- sa = sa->next;
- if (sa)
- pstrcat(buf, buf_size, ", ");
- }
- pstrcat(buf, buf_size, ")");
- goto no_var;
- case VT_PTR:
- s = type->ref;
- pstrcpy(buf1, sizeof(buf1), "*");
- if (varstr)
- pstrcat(buf1, sizeof(buf1), varstr);
- type_to_str(buf, buf_size, &s->type, buf1);
- goto no_var;
- }
- if (varstr) {
- pstrcat(buf, buf_size, " ");
- pstrcat(buf, buf_size, varstr);
- }
- no_var: ;
-/* verify type compatibility to store vtop in 'dt' type, and generate
- casts if needed. */
-static void gen_assign_cast(CType *dt)
- CType *st, *type1, *type2, tmp_type1, tmp_type2;
- char buf1[256], buf2[256];
- int dbt, sbt;
- st = &vtop->type; /* source type */
- dbt = dt->t & VT_BTYPE;
- sbt = st->t & VT_BTYPE;
- if (dt->t & VT_CONSTANT)
- warning("assignment of read-only location");
- switch(dbt) {
- case VT_PTR:
- /* special cases for pointers */
- /* '0' can also be a pointer */
- if (is_null_pointer(vtop))
- goto type_ok;
- /* accept implicit pointer to integer cast with warning */
- if (is_integer_btype(sbt)) {
- warning("assignment makes pointer from integer without a cast");
- goto type_ok;
- }
- type1 = pointed_type(dt);
- /* a function is implicitely a function pointer */
- if (sbt == VT_FUNC) {
- if ((type1->t & VT_BTYPE) != VT_VOID &&
- !is_compatible_types(pointed_type(dt), st))
- goto error;
- else
- goto type_ok;
- }
- if (sbt != VT_PTR)
- goto error;
- type2 = pointed_type(st);
- if ((type1->t & VT_BTYPE) == VT_VOID ||
- (type2->t & VT_BTYPE) == VT_VOID) {
- /* void * can match anything */
- } else {
- /* exact type match, except for unsigned */
- tmp_type1 = *type1;
- tmp_type2 = *type2;
- tmp_type1.t &= ~(VT_UNSIGNED | VT_CONSTANT | VT_VOLATILE);
- tmp_type2.t &= ~(VT_UNSIGNED | VT_CONSTANT | VT_VOLATILE);
- if (!is_compatible_types(&tmp_type1, &tmp_type2))
- warning("assignment from incompatible pointer type");
- }
- /* check const and volatile */
- if ((!(type1->t & VT_CONSTANT) && (type2->t & VT_CONSTANT)) ||
- (!(type1->t & VT_VOLATILE) && (type2->t & VT_VOLATILE)))
- warning("assignment discards qualifiers from pointer target type");
- break;
- case VT_BYTE:
- case VT_SHORT:
- case VT_INT:
- case VT_LLONG:
- if (sbt == VT_PTR || sbt == VT_FUNC) {
- warning("assignment makes integer from pointer without a cast");
- }
- /* XXX: more tests */
- break;
- case VT_STRUCT:
- tmp_type1 = *dt;
- tmp_type2 = *st;
- tmp_type1.t &= ~(VT_CONSTANT | VT_VOLATILE);
- tmp_type2.t &= ~(VT_CONSTANT | VT_VOLATILE);
- if (!is_compatible_types(&tmp_type1, &tmp_type2)) {
- error:
- type_to_str(buf1, sizeof(buf1), st, NULL);
- type_to_str(buf2, sizeof(buf2), dt, NULL);
- error("cannot cast '%s' to '%s'", buf1, buf2);
- }
- break;
- }
- type_ok:
- gen_cast(dt);
-/* store vtop in lvalue pushed on stack */
-void vstore(void)
- int sbt, dbt, ft, r, t, size, align, bit_size, bit_pos, rc, delayed_cast;
- ft = vtop[-1].type.t;
- sbt = vtop->type.t & VT_BTYPE;
- dbt = ft & VT_BTYPE;
- if (((sbt == VT_INT || sbt == VT_SHORT) && dbt == VT_BYTE) ||
- (sbt == VT_INT && dbt == VT_SHORT)) {
- /* optimize char/short casts */
- delayed_cast = VT_MUSTCAST;
- vtop->type.t = ft & (VT_TYPE & ~(VT_BITFIELD | (-1 << VT_STRUCT_SHIFT)));
- /* XXX: factorize */
- if (ft & VT_CONSTANT)
- warning("assignment of read-only location");
- } else {
- delayed_cast = 0;
- if (!(ft & VT_BITFIELD))
- gen_assign_cast(&vtop[-1].type);
- }
- if (sbt == VT_STRUCT) {
- /* if structure, only generate pointer */
- /* structure assignment : generate memcpy */
- /* XXX: optimize if small size */
- if (!nocode_wanted) {
- size = type_size(&vtop->type, &align);
-#ifdef TCC_ARM_EABI
- if(!(align & 7))
- vpush_global_sym(&func_old_type, TOK_memcpy8);
- else if(!(align & 3))
- vpush_global_sym(&func_old_type, TOK_memcpy4);
- else
- vpush_global_sym(&func_old_type, TOK_memcpy);
- /* destination */
- vpushv(vtop - 2);
- vtop->type.t = VT_PTR;
- gaddrof();
- /* source */
- vpushv(vtop - 2);
- vtop->type.t = VT_PTR;
- gaddrof();
- /* type size */
- vpushi(size);
- gfunc_call(3);
- vswap();
- vpop();
- } else {
- vswap();
- vpop();
- }
- /* leave source on stack */
- } else if (ft & VT_BITFIELD) {
- /* bitfield store handling */
- bit_pos = (ft >> VT_STRUCT_SHIFT) & 0x3f;
- bit_size = (ft >> (VT_STRUCT_SHIFT + 6)) & 0x3f;
- /* remove bit field info to avoid loops */
- vtop[-1].type.t = ft & ~(VT_BITFIELD | (-1 << VT_STRUCT_SHIFT));
- /* duplicate source into other register */
- gv_dup();
- vswap();
- vrott(3);
- if((ft & VT_BTYPE) == VT_BOOL) {
- gen_cast(&vtop[-1].type);
- vtop[-1].type.t = (vtop[-1].type.t & ~VT_BTYPE) | (VT_BYTE | VT_UNSIGNED);
- }
- /* duplicate destination */
- vdup();
- vtop[-1] = vtop[-2];
- /* mask and shift source */
- if((ft & VT_BTYPE) != VT_BOOL) {
- if((ft & VT_BTYPE) == VT_LLONG) {
- vpushll((1ULL << bit_size) - 1ULL);
- } else {
- vpushi((1 << bit_size) - 1);
- }
- gen_op('&');
- }
- vpushi(bit_pos);
- gen_op(TOK_SHL);
- /* load destination, mask and or with source */
- vswap();
- if((ft & VT_BTYPE) == VT_LLONG) {
- vpushll(~(((1ULL << bit_size) - 1ULL) << bit_pos));
- } else {
- vpushi(~(((1 << bit_size) - 1) << bit_pos));
- }
- gen_op('&');
- gen_op('|');
- /* store result */
- vstore();
- /* pop off shifted source from "duplicate source..." above */
- vpop();
- } else {
- /* bound check case */
- if (vtop[-1].r & VT_MUSTBOUND) {
- vswap();
- gbound();
- vswap();
- }
- if (!nocode_wanted) {
- rc = RC_INT;
- if (is_float(ft)) {
- rc = RC_FLOAT;
-#ifdef TCC_TARGET_X86_64
- if ((ft & VT_BTYPE) == VT_LDOUBLE) {
- rc = RC_ST0;
- }
- }
- r = gv(rc); /* generate value */
- /* if lvalue was saved on stack, must read it */
- if ((vtop[-1].r & VT_VALMASK) == VT_LLOCAL) {
- SValue sv;
- t = get_reg(RC_INT);
-#ifdef TCC_TARGET_X86_64
- sv.type.t = VT_PTR;
- sv.type.t = VT_INT;
- sv.r = VT_LOCAL | VT_LVAL;
- sv.c.ul = vtop[-1].c.ul;
- load(t, &sv);
- vtop[-1].r = t | VT_LVAL;
- }
- store(r, vtop - 1);
-#ifndef TCC_TARGET_X86_64
- /* two word case handling : store second register at word + 4 */
- if ((ft & VT_BTYPE) == VT_LLONG) {
- vswap();
- /* convert to int to increment easily */
- vtop->type.t = VT_INT;
- gaddrof();
- vpushi(4);
- gen_op('+');
- vtop->r |= VT_LVAL;
- vswap();
- /* XXX: it works because r2 is spilled last ! */
- store(vtop->r2, vtop - 1);
- }
- }
- vswap();
- vtop--; /* NOT vpop() because on x86 it would flush the fp stack */
- vtop->r |= delayed_cast;
- }
-/* post defines POST/PRE add. c is the token ++ or -- */
-void inc(int post, int c)
- test_lvalue();
- vdup(); /* save lvalue */
- if (post) {
- gv_dup(); /* duplicate value */
- vrotb(3);
- vrotb(3);
- }
- /* add constant */
- vpushi(c - TOK_MID);
- gen_op('+');
- vstore(); /* store value */
- if (post)
- vpop(); /* if post op, return saved value */
-/* Parse GNUC __attribute__ extension. Currently, the following
- extensions are recognized:
- - aligned(n) : set data/function alignment.
- - packed : force data alignment to 1
- - section(x) : generate data/code in this section.
- - unused : currently ignored, but may be used someday.
- - regparm(n) : pass function parameters in registers (i386 only)
- */
-static void parse_attribute(AttributeDef *ad)
- int t, n;
- while (tok == TOK_ATTRIBUTE1 || tok == TOK_ATTRIBUTE2) {
- next();
- skip('(');
- skip('(');
- while (tok != ')') {
- if (tok < TOK_IDENT)
- expect("attribute name");
- t = tok;
- next();
- switch(t) {
- case TOK_SECTION1:
- case TOK_SECTION2:
- skip('(');
- if (tok != TOK_STR)
- expect("section name");
- ad->section = find_section(tcc_state, (char *)tokc.cstr->data);
- next();
- skip(')');
- break;
- case TOK_ALIGNED1:
- case TOK_ALIGNED2:
- if (tok == '(') {
- next();
- n = expr_const();
- if (n <= 0 || (n & (n - 1)) != 0)
- error("alignment must be a positive power of two");
- skip(')');
- } else {
- n = MAX_ALIGN;
- }
- ad->aligned = n;
- break;
- case TOK_PACKED1:
- case TOK_PACKED2:
- ad->packed = 1;
- break;
- case TOK_UNUSED1:
- case TOK_UNUSED2:
- /* currently, no need to handle it because tcc does not
- track unused objects */
- break;
- /* currently, no need to handle it because tcc does not
- track unused objects */
- break;
- case TOK_CDECL1:
- case TOK_CDECL2:
- case TOK_CDECL3:
- FUNC_CALL(ad->func_attr) = FUNC_CDECL;
- break;
- case TOK_STDCALL1:
- case TOK_STDCALL2:
- case TOK_STDCALL3:
- FUNC_CALL(ad->func_attr) = FUNC_STDCALL;
- break;
-#ifdef TCC_TARGET_I386
- case TOK_REGPARM1:
- case TOK_REGPARM2:
- skip('(');
- n = expr_const();
- if (n > 3)
- n = 3;
- else if (n < 0)
- n = 0;
- if (n > 0)
- FUNC_CALL(ad->func_attr) = FUNC_FASTCALL1 + n - 1;
- skip(')');
- break;
- FUNC_CALL(ad->func_attr) = FUNC_FASTCALLW;
- break;
- FUNC_EXPORT(ad->func_attr) = 1;
- break;
- default:
- if (tcc_state->warn_unsupported)
- warning("'%s' attribute ignored", get_tok_str(t, NULL));
- /* skip parameters */
- if (tok == '(') {
- int parenthesis = 0;
- do {
- if (tok == '(')
- parenthesis++;
- else if (tok == ')')
- parenthesis--;
- next();
- } while (parenthesis && tok != -1);
- }
- break;
- }
- if (tok != ',')
- break;
- next();
- }
- skip(')');
- skip(')');
- }
-/* enum/struct/union declaration. u is either VT_ENUM or VT_STRUCT */
-static void struct_decl(CType *type, int u)
- int a, v, size, align, maxalign, c, offset;
- int bit_size, bit_pos, bsize, bt, lbit_pos, prevbt;
- Sym *s, *ss, *ass, **ps;
- AttributeDef ad;
- CType type1, btype;
- a = tok; /* save decl type */
- next();
- if (tok != '{') {
- v = tok;
- next();
- /* struct already defined ? return it */
- if (v < TOK_IDENT)
- expect("struct/union/enum name");
- s = struct_find(v);
- if (s) {
- if (s->type.t != a)
- error("invalid type");
- goto do_decl;
- }
- } else {
- v = anon_sym++;
- }
- type1.t = a;
- /* we put an undefined size for struct/union */
- s = sym_push(v | SYM_STRUCT, &type1, 0, -1);
- s->r = 0; /* default alignment is zero as gcc */
- /* put struct/union/enum name in type */
- do_decl:
- type->t = u;
- type->ref = s;
- if (tok == '{') {
- next();
- if (s->c != -1)
- error("struct/union/enum already defined");
- /* cannot be empty */
- c = 0;
- /* non empty enums are not allowed */
- if (a == TOK_ENUM) {
- for(;;) {
- v = tok;
- if (v < TOK_UIDENT)
- expect("identifier");
- next();
- if (tok == '=') {
- next();
- c = expr_const();
- }
- /* enum symbols have static storage */
- ss = sym_push(v, &int_type, VT_CONST, c);
- ss->type.t |= VT_STATIC;
- if (tok != ',')
- break;
- next();
- c++;
- /* NOTE: we accept a trailing comma */
- if (tok == '}')
- break;
- }
- skip('}');
- } else {
- maxalign = 1;
- ps = &s->next;
- prevbt = VT_INT;
- bit_pos = 0;
- offset = 0;
- while (tok != '}') {
- parse_btype(&btype, &ad);
- while (1) {
- bit_size = -1;
- v = 0;
- type1 = btype;
- if (tok != ':') {
- type_decl(&type1, &ad, &v, TYPE_DIRECT | TYPE_ABSTRACT);
- if (v == 0 && (type1.t & VT_BTYPE) != VT_STRUCT)
- expect("identifier");
- if ((type1.t & VT_BTYPE) == VT_FUNC ||
- error("invalid type for '%s'",
- get_tok_str(v, NULL));
- }
- if (tok == ':') {
- next();
- bit_size = expr_const();
- /* XXX: handle v = 0 case for messages */
- if (bit_size < 0)
- error("negative width in bit-field '%s'",
- get_tok_str(v, NULL));
- if (v && bit_size == 0)
- error("zero width for bit-field '%s'",
- get_tok_str(v, NULL));
- }
- size = type_size(&type1, &align);
- if (ad.aligned) {
- if (align < ad.aligned)
- align = ad.aligned;
- } else if (ad.packed) {
- align = 1;
- } else if (*tcc_state->pack_stack_ptr) {
- if (align > *tcc_state->pack_stack_ptr)
- align = *tcc_state->pack_stack_ptr;
- }
- lbit_pos = 0;
- if (bit_size >= 0) {
- bt = type1.t & VT_BTYPE;
- if (bt != VT_INT &&
- bt != VT_BYTE &&
- bt != VT_SHORT &&
- bt != VT_BOOL &&
- bt != VT_ENUM &&
- bt != VT_LLONG)
- error("bitfields must have scalar type");
- bsize = size * 8;
- if (bit_size > bsize) {
- error("width of '%s' exceeds its type",
- get_tok_str(v, NULL));
- } else if (bit_size == bsize) {
- /* no need for bit fields */
- bit_pos = 0;
- } else if (bit_size == 0) {
- /* XXX: what to do if only padding in a
- structure ? */
- /* zero size: means to pad */
- bit_pos = 0;
- } else {
- /* we do not have enough room ?
- did the type change?
- is it a union? */
- if ((bit_pos + bit_size) > bsize ||
- bt != prevbt || a == TOK_UNION)
- bit_pos = 0;
- lbit_pos = bit_pos;
- /* XXX: handle LSB first */
- type1.t |= VT_BITFIELD |
- (bit_pos << VT_STRUCT_SHIFT) |
- (bit_size << (VT_STRUCT_SHIFT + 6));
- bit_pos += bit_size;
- }
- prevbt = bt;
- } else {
- bit_pos = 0;
- }
- if (v != 0 || (type1.t & VT_BTYPE) == VT_STRUCT) {
- /* add new memory data only if starting
- bit field */
- if (lbit_pos == 0) {
- if (a == TOK_STRUCT) {
- c = (c + align - 1) & -align;
- offset = c;
- if (size > 0)
- c += size;
- } else {
- offset = 0;
- if (size > c)
- c = size;
- }
- if (align > maxalign)
- maxalign = align;
- }
-#if 0
- printf("add field %s offset=%d",
- get_tok_str(v, NULL), offset);
- if (type1.t & VT_BITFIELD) {
- printf(" pos=%d size=%d",
- (type1.t >> VT_STRUCT_SHIFT) & 0x3f,
- (type1.t >> (VT_STRUCT_SHIFT + 6)) & 0x3f);
- }
- printf("\n");
- }
- if (v == 0 && (type1.t & VT_BTYPE) == VT_STRUCT) {
- ass = type1.ref;
- while ((ass = ass->next) != NULL) {
- ss = sym_push(ass->v, &ass->type, 0, offset + ass->c);
- *ps = ss;
- ps = &ss->next;
- }
- } else if (v) {
- ss = sym_push(v | SYM_FIELD, &type1, 0, offset);
- *ps = ss;
- ps = &ss->next;
- }
- if (tok == ';' || tok == TOK_EOF)
- break;
- skip(',');
- }
- skip(';');
- }
- skip('}');
- /* store size and alignment */
- s->c = (c + maxalign - 1) & -maxalign;
- s->r = maxalign;
- }
- }
-/* return 0 if no type declaration. otherwise, return the basic type
- and skip it.
- */
-static int parse_btype(CType *type, AttributeDef *ad)
- int t, u, type_found, typespec_found, typedef_found;
- Sym *s;
- CType type1;
- memset(ad, 0, sizeof(AttributeDef));
- type_found = 0;
- typespec_found = 0;
- typedef_found = 0;
- t = 0;
- while(1) {
- switch(tok) {
- /* currently, we really ignore extension */
- next();
- continue;
- /* basic types */
- case TOK_CHAR:
- u = VT_BYTE;
- basic_type:
- next();
- basic_type1:
- if ((t & VT_BTYPE) != 0)
- error("too many basic types");
- t |= u;
- typespec_found = 1;
- break;
- case TOK_VOID:
- u = VT_VOID;
- goto basic_type;
- case TOK_SHORT:
- u = VT_SHORT;
- goto basic_type;
- case TOK_INT:
- next();
- typespec_found = 1;
- break;
- case TOK_LONG:
- next();
- if ((t & VT_BTYPE) == VT_DOUBLE) {
- t = (t & ~VT_BTYPE) | VT_LDOUBLE;
- } else if ((t & VT_BTYPE) == VT_LONG) {
- t = (t & ~VT_BTYPE) | VT_LLONG;
- } else {
- u = VT_LONG;
- goto basic_type1;
- }
- break;
- case TOK_BOOL:
- u = VT_BOOL;
- goto basic_type;
- case TOK_FLOAT:
- u = VT_FLOAT;
- goto basic_type;
- case TOK_DOUBLE:
- next();
- if ((t & VT_BTYPE) == VT_LONG) {
- t = (t & ~VT_BTYPE) | VT_LDOUBLE;
- } else {
- u = VT_DOUBLE;
- goto basic_type1;
- }
- break;
- case TOK_ENUM:
- struct_decl(&type1, VT_ENUM);
- basic_type2:
- u = type1.t;
- type->ref = type1.ref;
- goto basic_type1;
- case TOK_STRUCT:
- case TOK_UNION:
- struct_decl(&type1, VT_STRUCT);
- goto basic_type2;
- /* type modifiers */
- case TOK_CONST1:
- case TOK_CONST2:
- case TOK_CONST3:
- next();
- break;
- next();
- break;
- case TOK_SIGNED1:
- case TOK_SIGNED2:
- case TOK_SIGNED3:
- typespec_found = 1;
- t |= VT_SIGNED;
- next();
- break;
- case TOK_AUTO:
- next();
- break;
- next();
- typespec_found = 1;
- break;
- /* storage */
- case TOK_EXTERN:
- t |= VT_EXTERN;
- next();
- break;
- case TOK_STATIC:
- t |= VT_STATIC;
- next();
- break;
- t |= VT_TYPEDEF;
- next();
- break;
- case TOK_INLINE1:
- case TOK_INLINE2:
- case TOK_INLINE3:
- t |= VT_INLINE;
- next();
- break;
- /* GNUC attribute */
- parse_attribute(ad);
- break;
- /* GNUC typeof */
- case TOK_TYPEOF1:
- case TOK_TYPEOF2:
- case TOK_TYPEOF3:
- next();
- parse_expr_type(&type1);
- goto basic_type2;
- default:
- if (typespec_found || typedef_found)
- goto the_end;
- s = sym_find(tok);
- if (!s || !(s->type.t & VT_TYPEDEF))
- goto the_end;
- typedef_found = 1;
- t |= (s->type.t & ~VT_TYPEDEF);
- type->ref = s->type.ref;
- next();
- typespec_found = 1;
- break;
- }
- type_found = 1;
- }
- error("signed and unsigned modifier");
- if (tcc_state->char_is_unsigned) {
- }
- t &= ~VT_SIGNED;
- /* long is never used as type */
- if ((t & VT_BTYPE) == VT_LONG)
-#ifndef TCC_TARGET_X86_64
- t = (t & ~VT_BTYPE) | VT_INT;
- t = (t & ~VT_BTYPE) | VT_LLONG;
- type->t = t;
- return type_found;
-/* convert a function parameter type (array to pointer and function to
- function pointer) */
-static inline void convert_parameter_type(CType *pt)
- /* remove const and volatile qualifiers (XXX: const could be used
- to indicate a const function parameter */
- pt->t &= ~(VT_CONSTANT | VT_VOLATILE);
- /* array must be transformed to pointer according to ANSI C */
- pt->t &= ~VT_ARRAY;
- if ((pt->t & VT_BTYPE) == VT_FUNC) {
- mk_pointer(pt);
- }
-static void post_type(CType *type, AttributeDef *ad)
- int n, l, t1, arg_size, align;
- Sym **plast, *s, *first;
- AttributeDef ad1;
- CType pt;
- if (tok == '(') {
- /* function declaration */
- next();
- l = 0;
- first = NULL;
- plast = &first;
- arg_size = 0;
- if (tok != ')') {
- for(;;) {
- /* read param name and compute offset */
- if (l != FUNC_OLD) {
- if (!parse_btype(&pt, &ad1)) {
- if (l) {
- error("invalid type");
- } else {
- l = FUNC_OLD;
- goto old_proto;
- }
- }
- l = FUNC_NEW;
- if ((pt.t & VT_BTYPE) == VT_VOID && tok == ')')
- break;
- type_decl(&pt, &ad1, &n, TYPE_DIRECT | TYPE_ABSTRACT);
- if ((pt.t & VT_BTYPE) == VT_VOID)
- error("parameter declared as void");
- arg_size += (type_size(&pt, &align) + 3) & ~3;
- } else {
- old_proto:
- n = tok;
- if (n < TOK_UIDENT)
- expect("identifier");
- pt.t = VT_INT;
- next();
- }
- convert_parameter_type(&pt);
- s = sym_push(n | SYM_FIELD, &pt, 0, 0);
- *plast = s;
- plast = &s->next;
- if (tok == ')')
- break;
- skip(',');
- if (l == FUNC_NEW && tok == TOK_DOTS) {
- next();
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- /* if no parameters, then old type prototype */
- if (l == 0)
- l = FUNC_OLD;
- skip(')');
- t1 = type->t & VT_STORAGE;
- /* NOTE: const is ignored in returned type as it has a special
- meaning in gcc / C++ */
- type->t &= ~(VT_STORAGE | VT_CONSTANT);
- post_type(type, ad);
- /* we push a anonymous symbol which will contain the function prototype */
- FUNC_ARGS(ad->func_attr) = arg_size;
- s = sym_push(SYM_FIELD, type, ad->func_attr, l);
- s->next = first;
- type->t = t1 | VT_FUNC;
- type->ref = s;
- } else if (tok == '[') {
- /* array definition */
- next();
- if (tok == TOK_RESTRICT1)
- next();
- n = -1;
- if (tok != ']') {
- n = expr_const();
- if (n < 0)
- error("invalid array size");
- }
- skip(']');
- /* parse next post type */
- t1 = type->t & VT_STORAGE;
- type->t &= ~VT_STORAGE;
- post_type(type, ad);
- /* we push a anonymous symbol which will contain the array
- element type */
- s = sym_push(SYM_FIELD, type, 0, n);
- type->t = t1 | VT_ARRAY | VT_PTR;
- type->ref = s;
- }
-/* Parse a type declaration (except basic type), and return the type
- in 'type'. 'td' is a bitmask indicating which kind of type decl is
- expected. 'type' should contain the basic type. 'ad' is the
- attribute definition of the basic type. It can be modified by
- type_decl().
- */
-static void type_decl(CType *type, AttributeDef *ad, int *v, int td)
- Sym *s;
- CType type1, *type2;
- int qualifiers;
- while (tok == '*') {
- qualifiers = 0;
- redo:
- next();
- switch(tok) {
- case TOK_CONST1:
- case TOK_CONST2:
- case TOK_CONST3:
- qualifiers |= VT_CONSTANT;
- goto redo;
- qualifiers |= VT_VOLATILE;
- goto redo;
- goto redo;
- }
- mk_pointer(type);
- type->t |= qualifiers;
- }
- /* XXX: clarify attribute handling */
- if (tok == TOK_ATTRIBUTE1 || tok == TOK_ATTRIBUTE2)
- parse_attribute(ad);
- /* recursive type */
- /* XXX: incorrect if abstract type for functions (e.g. 'int ()') */
- type1.t = 0; /* XXX: same as int */
- if (tok == '(') {
- next();
- /* XXX: this is not correct to modify 'ad' at this point, but
- the syntax is not clear */
- if (tok == TOK_ATTRIBUTE1 || tok == TOK_ATTRIBUTE2)
- parse_attribute(ad);
- type_decl(&type1, ad, v, td);
- skip(')');
- } else {
- /* type identifier */
- if (tok >= TOK_IDENT && (td & TYPE_DIRECT)) {
- *v = tok;
- next();
- } else {
- if (!(td & TYPE_ABSTRACT))
- expect("identifier");
- *v = 0;
- }
- }
- post_type(type, ad);
- if (tok == TOK_ATTRIBUTE1 || tok == TOK_ATTRIBUTE2)
- parse_attribute(ad);
- if (!type1.t)
- return;
- /* append type at the end of type1 */
- type2 = &type1;
- for(;;) {
- s = type2->ref;
- type2 = &s->type;
- if (!type2->t) {
- *type2 = *type;
- break;
- }
- }
- *type = type1;
-/* compute the lvalue VT_LVAL_xxx needed to match type t. */
-static int lvalue_type(int t)
- int bt, r;
- r = VT_LVAL;
- bt = t & VT_BTYPE;
- if (bt == VT_BYTE || bt == VT_BOOL)
- r |= VT_LVAL_BYTE;
- else if (bt == VT_SHORT)
- else
- return r;
- if (t & VT_UNSIGNED)
- return r;
-/* indirection with full error checking and bound check */
-static void indir(void)
- if ((vtop->type.t & VT_BTYPE) != VT_PTR) {
- if ((vtop->type.t & VT_BTYPE) == VT_FUNC)
- return;
- expect("pointer");
- }
- if ((vtop->r & VT_LVAL) && !nocode_wanted)
- gv(RC_INT);
- vtop->type = *pointed_type(&vtop->type);
- /* Arrays and functions are never lvalues */
- if (!(vtop->type.t & VT_ARRAY)
- && (vtop->type.t & VT_BTYPE) != VT_FUNC) {
- vtop->r |= lvalue_type(vtop->type.t);
- /* if bound checking, the referenced pointer must be checked */
- if (tcc_state->do_bounds_check)
- vtop->r |= VT_MUSTBOUND;
- }
-/* pass a parameter to a function and do type checking and casting */
-static void gfunc_param_typed(Sym *func, Sym *arg)
- int func_type;
- CType type;
- func_type = func->c;
- if (func_type == FUNC_OLD ||
- (func_type == FUNC_ELLIPSIS && arg == NULL)) {
- /* default casting : only need to convert float to double */
- if ((vtop->type.t & VT_BTYPE) == VT_FLOAT) {
- type.t = VT_DOUBLE;
- gen_cast(&type);
- }
- } else if (arg == NULL) {
- error("too many arguments to function");
- } else {
- type = arg->type;
- type.t &= ~VT_CONSTANT; /* need to do that to avoid false warning */
- gen_assign_cast(&type);
- }
-/* parse an expression of the form '(type)' or '(expr)' and return its
- type */
-static void parse_expr_type(CType *type)
- int n;
- AttributeDef ad;
- skip('(');
- if (parse_btype(type, &ad)) {
- type_decl(type, &ad, &n, TYPE_ABSTRACT);
- } else {
- expr_type(type);
- }
- skip(')');
-static void parse_type(CType *type)
- AttributeDef ad;
- int n;
- if (!parse_btype(type, &ad)) {
- expect("type");
- }
- type_decl(type, &ad, &n, TYPE_ABSTRACT);
-static void vpush_tokc(int t)
- CType type;
- type.t = t;
- vsetc(&type, VT_CONST, &tokc);
-static void unary(void)
- int n, t, align, size, r;
- CType type;
- Sym *s;
- AttributeDef ad;
- /* XXX: GCC 2.95.3 does not generate a table although it should be
- better here */
- tok_next:
- switch(tok) {
- next();
- goto tok_next;
- case TOK_CINT:
- case TOK_CCHAR:
- case TOK_LCHAR:
- vpushi(tokc.i);
- next();
- break;
- case TOK_CUINT:
- vpush_tokc(VT_INT | VT_UNSIGNED);
- next();
- break;
- case TOK_CLLONG:
- vpush_tokc(VT_LLONG);
- next();
- break;
- vpush_tokc(VT_LLONG | VT_UNSIGNED);
- next();
- break;
- case TOK_CFLOAT:
- vpush_tokc(VT_FLOAT);
- next();
- break;
- vpush_tokc(VT_DOUBLE);
- next();
- break;
- vpush_tokc(VT_LDOUBLE);
- next();
- break;
- case TOK___FUNCTION__:
- if (!gnu_ext)
- goto tok_identifier;
- /* fall thru */
- case TOK___FUNC__:
- {
- void *ptr;
- int len;
- /* special function name identifier */
- len = strlen(funcname) + 1;
- /* generate char[len] type */
- type.t = VT_BYTE;
- mk_pointer(&type);
- type.t |= VT_ARRAY;
- type.ref->c = len;
- vpush_ref(&type, data_section, data_section->data_offset, len);
- ptr = section_ptr_add(data_section, len);
- memcpy(ptr, funcname, len);
- next();
- }
- break;
- case TOK_LSTR:
- t = VT_INT;
- goto str_init;
- case TOK_STR:
- /* string parsing */
- t = VT_BYTE;
- str_init:
- if (tcc_state->warn_write_strings)
- type.t = t;
- mk_pointer(&type);
- type.t |= VT_ARRAY;
- memset(&ad, 0, sizeof(AttributeDef));
- decl_initializer_alloc(&type, &ad, VT_CONST, 2, 0, 0);
- break;
- case '(':
- next();
- /* cast ? */
- if (parse_btype(&type, &ad)) {
- type_decl(&type, &ad, &n, TYPE_ABSTRACT);
- skip(')');
- /* check ISOC99 compound literal */
- if (tok == '{') {
- /* data is allocated locally by default */
- if (global_expr)
- r = VT_CONST;
- else
- r = VT_LOCAL;
- /* all except arrays are lvalues */
- if (!(type.t & VT_ARRAY))
- r |= lvalue_type(type.t);
- memset(&ad, 0, sizeof(AttributeDef));
- decl_initializer_alloc(&type, &ad, r, 1, 0, 0);
- } else {
- unary();
- gen_cast(&type);
- }
- } else if (tok == '{') {
- /* save all registers */
- save_regs(0);
- /* statement expression : we do not accept break/continue
- inside as GCC does */
- block(NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 1);
- skip(')');
- } else {
- gexpr();
- skip(')');
- }
- break;
- case '*':
- next();
- unary();
- indir();
- break;
- case '&':
- next();
- unary();
- /* functions names must be treated as function pointers,
- except for unary '&' and sizeof. Since we consider that
- functions are not lvalues, we only have to handle it
- there and in function calls. */
- /* arrays can also be used although they are not lvalues */
- if ((vtop->type.t & VT_BTYPE) != VT_FUNC &&
- !(vtop->type.t & VT_ARRAY) && !(vtop->type.t & VT_LLOCAL))
- test_lvalue();
- mk_pointer(&vtop->type);
- gaddrof();
- break;
- case '!':
- next();
- unary();
- if ((vtop->r & (VT_VALMASK | VT_LVAL | VT_SYM)) == VT_CONST) {
- CType boolean;
- boolean.t = VT_BOOL;
- gen_cast(&boolean);
- vtop->c.i = !vtop->c.i;
- } else if ((vtop->r & VT_VALMASK) == VT_CMP)
- vtop->c.i = vtop->c.i ^ 1;
- else {
- save_regs(1);
- vseti(VT_JMP, gtst(1, 0));
- }
- break;
- case '~':
- next();
- unary();
- vpushi(-1);
- gen_op('^');
- break;
- case '+':
- next();
- /* in order to force cast, we add zero */
- unary();
- if ((vtop->type.t & VT_BTYPE) == VT_PTR)
- error("pointer not accepted for unary plus");
- vpushi(0);
- gen_op('+');
- break;
- case TOK_SIZEOF:
- case TOK_ALIGNOF1:
- case TOK_ALIGNOF2:
- t = tok;
- next();
- if (tok == '(') {
- parse_expr_type(&type);
- } else {
- unary_type(&type);
- }
- size = type_size(&type, &align);
- if (t == TOK_SIZEOF) {
- if (size < 0)
- error("sizeof applied to an incomplete type");
- vpushi(size);
- } else {
- vpushi(align);
- }
- vtop->type.t |= VT_UNSIGNED;
- break;
- case TOK_builtin_types_compatible_p:
- {
- CType type1, type2;
- next();
- skip('(');
- parse_type(&type1);
- skip(',');
- parse_type(&type2);
- skip(')');
- type1.t &= ~(VT_CONSTANT | VT_VOLATILE);
- type2.t &= ~(VT_CONSTANT | VT_VOLATILE);
- vpushi(is_compatible_types(&type1, &type2));
- }
- break;
- case TOK_builtin_constant_p:
- {
- int saved_nocode_wanted, res;
- next();
- skip('(');
- saved_nocode_wanted = nocode_wanted;
- nocode_wanted = 1;
- gexpr();
- res = (vtop->r & (VT_VALMASK | VT_LVAL | VT_SYM)) == VT_CONST;
- vpop();
- nocode_wanted = saved_nocode_wanted;
- skip(')');
- vpushi(res);
- }
- break;
- case TOK_builtin_frame_address:
- {
- CType type;
- next();
- skip('(');
- if (tok != TOK_CINT) {
- error("__builtin_frame_address only takes integers");
- }
- if (tokc.i != 0) {
- error("TCC only supports __builtin_frame_address(0)");
- }
- next();
- skip(')');
- type.t = VT_VOID;
- mk_pointer(&type);
- vset(&type, VT_LOCAL, 0);
- }
- break;
-#ifdef TCC_TARGET_X86_64
- case TOK_builtin_malloc:
- tok = TOK_malloc;
- goto tok_identifier;
- case TOK_builtin_free:
- tok = TOK_free;
- goto tok_identifier;
- case TOK_INC:
- case TOK_DEC:
- t = tok;
- next();
- unary();
- inc(0, t);
- break;
- case '-':
- next();
- vpushi(0);
- unary();
- gen_op('-');
- break;
- case TOK_LAND:
- if (!gnu_ext)
- goto tok_identifier;
- next();
- /* allow to take the address of a label */
- if (tok < TOK_UIDENT)
- expect("label identifier");
- s = label_find(tok);
- if (!s) {
- s = label_push(&global_label_stack, tok, LABEL_FORWARD);
- } else {
- if (s->r == LABEL_DECLARED)
- }
- if (!s->type.t) {
- s->type.t = VT_VOID;
- mk_pointer(&s->type);
- s->type.t |= VT_STATIC;
- }
- vset(&s->type, VT_CONST | VT_SYM, 0);
- vtop->sym = s;
- next();
- break;
- default:
- tok_identifier:
- t = tok;
- next();
- if (t < TOK_UIDENT)
- expect("identifier");
- s = sym_find(t);
- if (!s) {
- if (tok != '(')
- error("'%s' undeclared", get_tok_str(t, NULL));
- /* for simple function calls, we tolerate undeclared
- external reference to int() function */
- if (tcc_state->warn_implicit_function_declaration)
- warning("implicit declaration of function '%s'",
- get_tok_str(t, NULL));
- s = external_global_sym(t, &func_old_type, 0);
- }
- if ((s->type.t & (VT_STATIC | VT_INLINE | VT_BTYPE)) ==
- /* if referencing an inline function, then we generate a
- symbol to it if not already done. It will have the
- effect to generate code for it at the end of the
- compilation unit. Inline function as always
- generated in the text section. */
- if (!s->c)
- put_extern_sym(s, text_section, 0, 0);
- r = VT_SYM | VT_CONST;
- } else {
- r = s->r;
- }
- vset(&s->type, r, s->c);
- /* if forward reference, we must point to s */
- if (vtop->r & VT_SYM) {
- vtop->sym = s;
- vtop->c.ul = 0;
- }
- break;
- }
- /* post operations */
- while (1) {
- if (tok == TOK_INC || tok == TOK_DEC) {
- inc(1, tok);
- next();
- } else if (tok == '.' || tok == TOK_ARROW) {
- /* field */
- if (tok == TOK_ARROW)
- indir();
- test_lvalue();
- gaddrof();
- next();
- /* expect pointer on structure */
- if ((vtop->type.t & VT_BTYPE) != VT_STRUCT)
- expect("struct or union");
- s = vtop->type.ref;
- /* find field */
- tok |= SYM_FIELD;
- while ((s = s->next) != NULL) {
- if (s->v == tok)
- break;
- }
- if (!s)
- error("field not found: %s", get_tok_str(tok & ~SYM_FIELD, NULL));
- /* add field offset to pointer */
- vtop->type = char_pointer_type; /* change type to 'char *' */
- vpushi(s->c);
- gen_op('+');
- /* change type to field type, and set to lvalue */
- vtop->type = s->type;
- /* an array is never an lvalue */
- if (!(vtop->type.t & VT_ARRAY)) {
- vtop->r |= lvalue_type(vtop->type.t);
- /* if bound checking, the referenced pointer must be checked */
- if (tcc_state->do_bounds_check)
- vtop->r |= VT_MUSTBOUND;
- }
- next();
- } else if (tok == '[') {
- next();
- gexpr();
- gen_op('+');
- indir();
- skip(']');
- } else if (tok == '(') {
- SValue ret;
- Sym *sa;
- int nb_args;
- /* function call */
- if ((vtop->type.t & VT_BTYPE) != VT_FUNC) {
- /* pointer test (no array accepted) */
- if ((vtop->type.t & (VT_BTYPE | VT_ARRAY)) == VT_PTR) {
- vtop->type = *pointed_type(&vtop->type);
- if ((vtop->type.t & VT_BTYPE) != VT_FUNC)
- goto error_func;
- } else {
- error_func:
- expect("function pointer");
- }
- } else {
- vtop->r &= ~VT_LVAL; /* no lvalue */
- }
- /* get return type */
- s = vtop->type.ref;
- next();
- sa = s->next; /* first parameter */
- nb_args = 0;
- ret.r2 = VT_CONST;
- /* compute first implicit argument if a structure is returned */
- if ((s->type.t & VT_BTYPE) == VT_STRUCT) {
- /* get some space for the returned structure */
- size = type_size(&s->type, &align);
- loc = (loc - size) & -align;
- ret.type = s->type;
- ret.r = VT_LOCAL | VT_LVAL;
- /* pass it as 'int' to avoid structure arg passing
- problems */
- vseti(VT_LOCAL, loc);
- ret.c = vtop->c;
- nb_args++;
- } else {
- ret.type = s->type;
- /* return in register */
- if (is_float(ret.type.t)) {
- ret.r = reg_fret(ret.type.t);
- } else {
- if ((ret.type.t & VT_BTYPE) == VT_LLONG)
- ret.r2 = REG_LRET;
- ret.r = REG_IRET;
- }
- ret.c.i = 0;
- }
- if (tok != ')') {
- for(;;) {
- expr_eq();
- gfunc_param_typed(s, sa);
- nb_args++;
- if (sa)
- sa = sa->next;
- if (tok == ')')
- break;
- skip(',');
- }
- }
- if (sa)
- error("too few arguments to function");
- skip(')');
- if (!nocode_wanted) {
- gfunc_call(nb_args);
- } else {
- vtop -= (nb_args + 1);
- }
- /* return value */
- vsetc(&ret.type, ret.r, &ret.c);
- vtop->r2 = ret.r2;
- } else {
- break;
- }
- }
-static void uneq(void)
- int t;
- unary();
- if (tok == '=' ||
- (tok >= TOK_A_MOD && tok <= TOK_A_DIV) ||
- tok == TOK_A_XOR || tok == TOK_A_OR ||
- tok == TOK_A_SHL || tok == TOK_A_SAR) {
- test_lvalue();
- t = tok;
- next();
- if (t == '=') {
- expr_eq();
- } else {
- vdup();
- expr_eq();
- gen_op(t & 0x7f);
- }
- vstore();
- }
-static void expr_prod(void)
- int t;
- uneq();
- while (tok == '*' || tok == '/' || tok == '%') {
- t = tok;
- next();
- uneq();
- gen_op(t);
- }
-static void expr_sum(void)
- int t;
- expr_prod();
- while (tok == '+' || tok == '-') {
- t = tok;
- next();
- expr_prod();
- gen_op(t);
- }
-static void expr_shift(void)
- int t;
- expr_sum();
- while (tok == TOK_SHL || tok == TOK_SAR) {
- t = tok;
- next();
- expr_sum();
- gen_op(t);
- }
-static void expr_cmp(void)
- int t;
- expr_shift();
- while ((tok >= TOK_ULE && tok <= TOK_GT) ||
- tok == TOK_ULT || tok == TOK_UGE) {
- t = tok;
- next();
- expr_shift();
- gen_op(t);
- }
-static void expr_cmpeq(void)
- int t;
- expr_cmp();
- while (tok == TOK_EQ || tok == TOK_NE) {
- t = tok;
- next();
- expr_cmp();
- gen_op(t);
- }
-static void expr_and(void)
- expr_cmpeq();
- while (tok == '&') {
- next();
- expr_cmpeq();
- gen_op('&');
- }
-static void expr_xor(void)
- expr_and();
- while (tok == '^') {
- next();
- expr_and();
- gen_op('^');
- }
-static void expr_or(void)
- expr_xor();
- while (tok == '|') {
- next();
- expr_xor();
- gen_op('|');
- }
-/* XXX: fix this mess */
-static void expr_land_const(void)
- expr_or();
- while (tok == TOK_LAND) {
- next();
- expr_or();
- gen_op(TOK_LAND);
- }
-/* XXX: fix this mess */
-static void expr_lor_const(void)
- expr_land_const();
- while (tok == TOK_LOR) {
- next();
- expr_land_const();
- gen_op(TOK_LOR);
- }
-/* only used if non constant */
-static void expr_land(void)
- int t;
- expr_or();
- if (tok == TOK_LAND) {
- t = 0;
- save_regs(1);
- for(;;) {
- t = gtst(1, t);
- if (tok != TOK_LAND) {
- vseti(VT_JMPI, t);
- break;
- }
- next();
- expr_or();
- }
- }
-static void expr_lor(void)
- int t;
- expr_land();
- if (tok == TOK_LOR) {
- t = 0;
- save_regs(1);
- for(;;) {
- t = gtst(0, t);
- if (tok != TOK_LOR) {
- vseti(VT_JMP, t);
- break;
- }
- next();
- expr_land();
- }
- }
-/* XXX: better constant handling */
-static void expr_eq(void)
- int tt, u, r1, r2, rc, t1, t2, bt1, bt2;
- SValue sv;
- CType type, type1, type2;
- if (const_wanted) {
- expr_lor_const();
- if (tok == '?') {
- CType boolean;
- int c;
- boolean.t = VT_BOOL;
- vdup();
- gen_cast(&boolean);
- c = vtop->c.i;
- vpop();
- next();
- if (tok != ':' || !gnu_ext) {
- vpop();
- gexpr();
- }
- if (!c)
- vpop();
- skip(':');
- expr_eq();
- if (c)
- vpop();
- }
- } else {
- expr_lor();
- if (tok == '?') {
- next();
- if (vtop != vstack) {
- /* needed to avoid having different registers saved in
- each branch */
- if (is_float(vtop->type.t)) {
- rc = RC_FLOAT;
-#ifdef TCC_TARGET_X86_64
- if ((vtop->type.t & VT_BTYPE) == VT_LDOUBLE) {
- rc = RC_ST0;
- }
- }
- else
- rc = RC_INT;
- gv(rc);
- save_regs(1);
- }
- if (tok == ':' && gnu_ext) {
- gv_dup();
- tt = gtst(1, 0);
- } else {
- tt = gtst(1, 0);
- gexpr();
- }
- type1 = vtop->type;
- sv = *vtop; /* save value to handle it later */
- vtop--; /* no vpop so that FP stack is not flushed */
- skip(':');
- u = gjmp(0);
- gsym(tt);
- expr_eq();
- type2 = vtop->type;
- t1 = type1.t;
- bt1 = t1 & VT_BTYPE;
- t2 = type2.t;
- bt2 = t2 & VT_BTYPE;
- /* cast operands to correct type according to ISOC rules */
- if (is_float(bt1) || is_float(bt2)) {
- if (bt1 == VT_LDOUBLE || bt2 == VT_LDOUBLE) {
- type.t = VT_LDOUBLE;
- } else if (bt1 == VT_DOUBLE || bt2 == VT_DOUBLE) {
- type.t = VT_DOUBLE;
- } else {
- type.t = VT_FLOAT;
- }
- } else if (bt1 == VT_LLONG || bt2 == VT_LLONG) {
- /* cast to biggest op */
- type.t = VT_LLONG;
- /* convert to unsigned if it does not fit in a long long */
- if ((t1 & (VT_BTYPE | VT_UNSIGNED)) == (VT_LLONG | VT_UNSIGNED) ||
- type.t |= VT_UNSIGNED;
- } else if (bt1 == VT_PTR || bt2 == VT_PTR) {
- /* XXX: test pointer compatibility */
- type = type1;
- } else if (bt1 == VT_FUNC || bt2 == VT_FUNC) {
- /* XXX: test function pointer compatibility */
- type = type1;
- } else if (bt1 == VT_STRUCT || bt2 == VT_STRUCT) {
- /* XXX: test structure compatibility */
- type = type1;
- } else if (bt1 == VT_VOID || bt2 == VT_VOID) {
- /* NOTE: as an extension, we accept void on only one side */
- type.t = VT_VOID;
- } else {
- /* integer operations */
- type.t = VT_INT;
- /* convert to unsigned if it does not fit in an integer */
- if ((t1 & (VT_BTYPE | VT_UNSIGNED)) == (VT_INT | VT_UNSIGNED) ||
- type.t |= VT_UNSIGNED;
- }
- /* now we convert second operand */
- gen_cast(&type);
- if (VT_STRUCT == (vtop->type.t & VT_BTYPE))
- gaddrof();
- rc = RC_INT;
- if (is_float(type.t)) {
- rc = RC_FLOAT;
-#ifdef TCC_TARGET_X86_64
- if ((type.t & VT_BTYPE) == VT_LDOUBLE) {
- rc = RC_ST0;
- }
- } else if ((type.t & VT_BTYPE) == VT_LLONG) {
- /* for long longs, we use fixed registers to avoid having
- to handle a complicated move */
- rc = RC_IRET;
- }
- r2 = gv(rc);
- /* this is horrible, but we must also convert first
- operand */
- tt = gjmp(0);
- gsym(u);
- /* put again first value and cast it */
- *vtop = sv;
- gen_cast(&type);
- if (VT_STRUCT == (vtop->type.t & VT_BTYPE))
- gaddrof();
- r1 = gv(rc);
- move_reg(r2, r1);
- vtop->r = r2;
- gsym(tt);
- }
- }
-static void gexpr(void)
- while (1) {
- expr_eq();
- if (tok != ',')
- break;
- vpop();
- next();
- }
-/* parse an expression and return its type without any side effect. */
-static void expr_type(CType *type)
- int saved_nocode_wanted;
- saved_nocode_wanted = nocode_wanted;
- nocode_wanted = 1;
- gexpr();
- *type = vtop->type;
- vpop();
- nocode_wanted = saved_nocode_wanted;
-/* parse a unary expression and return its type without any side
- effect. */
-static void unary_type(CType *type)
- int a;
- a = nocode_wanted;
- nocode_wanted = 1;
- unary();
- *type = vtop->type;
- vpop();
- nocode_wanted = a;
-/* parse a constant expression and return value in vtop. */
-static void expr_const1(void)
- int a;
- a = const_wanted;
- const_wanted = 1;
- expr_eq();
- const_wanted = a;
-/* parse an integer constant and return its value. */
-static int expr_const(void)
- int c;
- expr_const1();
- if ((vtop->r & (VT_VALMASK | VT_LVAL | VT_SYM)) != VT_CONST)
- expect("constant expression");
- c = vtop->c.i;
- vpop();
- return c;
-/* return the label token if current token is a label, otherwise
- return zero */
-static int is_label(void)
- int last_tok;
- /* fast test first */
- if (tok < TOK_UIDENT)
- return 0;
- /* no need to save tokc because tok is an identifier */
- last_tok = tok;
- next();
- if (tok == ':') {
- next();
- return last_tok;
- } else {
- unget_tok(last_tok);
- return 0;
- }
-static void block(int *bsym, int *csym, int *case_sym, int *def_sym,
- int case_reg, int is_expr)
- int a, b, c, d;
- Sym *s;
- /* generate line number info */
- if (tcc_state->do_debug &&
- (last_line_num != file->line_num || last_ind != ind)) {
- put_stabn(N_SLINE, 0, file->line_num, ind - func_ind);
- last_ind = ind;
- last_line_num = file->line_num;
- }
- if (is_expr) {
- /* default return value is (void) */
- vpushi(0);
- vtop->type.t = VT_VOID;
- }
- if (tok == TOK_IF) {
- /* if test */
- next();
- skip('(');
- gexpr();
- skip(')');
- a = gtst(1, 0);
- block(bsym, csym, case_sym, def_sym, case_reg, 0);
- c = tok;
- if (c == TOK_ELSE) {
- next();
- d = gjmp(0);
- gsym(a);
- block(bsym, csym, case_sym, def_sym, case_reg, 0);
- gsym(d); /* patch else jmp */
- } else
- gsym(a);
- } else if (tok == TOK_WHILE) {
- next();
- d = ind;
- skip('(');
- gexpr();
- skip(')');
- a = gtst(1, 0);
- b = 0;
- block(&a, &b, case_sym, def_sym, case_reg, 0);
- gjmp_addr(d);
- gsym(a);
- gsym_addr(b, d);
- } else if (tok == '{') {
- Sym *llabel;
- next();
- /* record local declaration stack position */
- s = local_stack;
- llabel = local_label_stack;
- /* handle local labels declarations */
- if (tok == TOK_LABEL) {
- next();
- for(;;) {
- if (tok < TOK_UIDENT)
- expect("label identifier");
- label_push(&local_label_stack, tok, LABEL_DECLARED);
- next();
- if (tok == ',') {
- next();
- } else {
- skip(';');
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- while (tok != '}') {
- decl(VT_LOCAL);
- if (tok != '}') {
- if (is_expr)
- vpop();
- block(bsym, csym, case_sym, def_sym, case_reg, is_expr);
- }
- }
- /* pop locally defined labels */
- label_pop(&local_label_stack, llabel);
- /* pop locally defined symbols */
- if(is_expr) {
- /* XXX: this solution makes only valgrind happy...
- triggered by gcc.c-torture/execute/20000917-1.c */
- Sym *p;
- switch(vtop->type.t & VT_BTYPE) {
- case VT_PTR:
- case VT_STRUCT:
- case VT_ENUM:
- case VT_FUNC:
- for(p=vtop->type.ref;p;p=p->prev)
- if(p->prev==s)
- error("unsupported expression type");
- }
- }
- sym_pop(&local_stack, s);
- next();
- } else if (tok == TOK_RETURN) {
- next();
- if (tok != ';') {
- gexpr();
- gen_assign_cast(&func_vt);
- if ((func_vt.t & VT_BTYPE) == VT_STRUCT) {
- CType type;
- /* if returning structure, must copy it to implicit
- first pointer arg location */
-#ifdef TCC_ARM_EABI
- int align, size;
- size = type_size(&func_vt,&align);
- if(size <= 4)
- {
- if((vtop->r != (VT_LOCAL | VT_LVAL) || (vtop->c.i & 3))
- && (align & 3))
- {
- int addr;
- loc = (loc - size) & -4;
- addr = loc;
- type = func_vt;
- vset(&type, VT_LOCAL | VT_LVAL, addr);
- vswap();
- vstore();
- vset(&int_type, VT_LOCAL | VT_LVAL, addr);
- }
- vtop->type = int_type;
- gv(RC_IRET);
- } else {
- type = func_vt;
- mk_pointer(&type);
- vset(&type, VT_LOCAL | VT_LVAL, func_vc);
- indir();
- vswap();
- /* copy structure value to pointer */
- vstore();
-#ifdef TCC_ARM_EABI
- }
- } else if (is_float(func_vt.t)) {
- gv(rc_fret(func_vt.t));
- } else {
- gv(RC_IRET);
- }
- vtop--; /* NOT vpop() because on x86 it would flush the fp stack */
- }
- skip(';');
- rsym = gjmp(rsym); /* jmp */
- } else if (tok == TOK_BREAK) {
- /* compute jump */
- if (!bsym)
- error("cannot break");
- *bsym = gjmp(*bsym);
- next();
- skip(';');
- } else if (tok == TOK_CONTINUE) {
- /* compute jump */
- if (!csym)
- error("cannot continue");
- *csym = gjmp(*csym);
- next();
- skip(';');
- } else if (tok == TOK_FOR) {
- int e;
- next();
- skip('(');
- if (tok != ';') {
- gexpr();
- vpop();
- }
- skip(';');
- d = ind;
- c = ind;
- a = 0;
- b = 0;
- if (tok != ';') {
- gexpr();
- a = gtst(1, 0);
- }
- skip(';');
- if (tok != ')') {
- e = gjmp(0);
- c = ind;
- gexpr();
- vpop();
- gjmp_addr(d);
- gsym(e);
- }
- skip(')');
- block(&a, &b, case_sym, def_sym, case_reg, 0);
- gjmp_addr(c);
- gsym(a);
- gsym_addr(b, c);
- } else
- if (tok == TOK_DO) {
- next();
- a = 0;
- b = 0;
- d = ind;
- block(&a, &b, case_sym, def_sym, case_reg, 0);
- skip(TOK_WHILE);
- skip('(');
- gsym(b);
- gexpr();
- c = gtst(0, 0);
- gsym_addr(c, d);
- skip(')');
- gsym(a);
- skip(';');
- } else
- if (tok == TOK_SWITCH) {
- next();
- skip('(');
- gexpr();
- /* XXX: other types than integer */
- case_reg = gv(RC_INT);
- vpop();
- skip(')');
- a = 0;
- b = gjmp(0); /* jump to first case */
- c = 0;
- block(&a, csym, &b, &c, case_reg, 0);
- /* if no default, jmp after switch */
- if (c == 0)
- c = ind;
- /* default label */
- gsym_addr(b, c);
- /* break label */
- gsym(a);
- } else
- if (tok == TOK_CASE) {
- int v1, v2;
- if (!case_sym)
- expect("switch");
- next();
- v1 = expr_const();
- v2 = v1;
- if (gnu_ext && tok == TOK_DOTS) {
- next();
- v2 = expr_const();
- if (v2 < v1)
- warning("empty case range");
- }
- /* since a case is like a label, we must skip it with a jmp */
- b = gjmp(0);
- gsym(*case_sym);
- vseti(case_reg, 0);
- vpushi(v1);
- if (v1 == v2) {
- gen_op(TOK_EQ);
- *case_sym = gtst(1, 0);
- } else {
- gen_op(TOK_GE);
- *case_sym = gtst(1, 0);
- vseti(case_reg, 0);
- vpushi(v2);
- gen_op(TOK_LE);
- *case_sym = gtst(1, *case_sym);
- }
- gsym(b);
- skip(':');
- is_expr = 0;
- goto block_after_label;
- } else
- if (tok == TOK_DEFAULT) {
- next();
- skip(':');
- if (!def_sym)
- expect("switch");
- if (*def_sym)
- error("too many 'default'");
- *def_sym = ind;
- is_expr = 0;
- goto block_after_label;
- } else
- if (tok == TOK_GOTO) {
- next();
- if (tok == '*' && gnu_ext) {
- /* computed goto */
- next();
- gexpr();
- if ((vtop->type.t & VT_BTYPE) != VT_PTR)
- expect("pointer");
- ggoto();
- } else if (tok >= TOK_UIDENT) {
- s = label_find(tok);
- /* put forward definition if needed */
- if (!s) {
- s = label_push(&global_label_stack, tok, LABEL_FORWARD);
- } else {
- if (s->r == LABEL_DECLARED)
- }
- /* label already defined */
- if (s->r & LABEL_FORWARD)
- s->next = (void *)gjmp((long)s->next);
- else
- gjmp_addr((long)s->next);
- next();
- } else {
- expect("label identifier");
- }
- skip(';');
- } else if (tok == TOK_ASM1 || tok == TOK_ASM2 || tok == TOK_ASM3) {
- asm_instr();
- } else {
- b = is_label();
- if (b) {
- /* label case */
- s = label_find(b);
- if (s) {
- if (s->r == LABEL_DEFINED)
- error("duplicate label '%s'", get_tok_str(s->v, NULL));
- gsym((long)s->next);
- } else {
- s = label_push(&global_label_stack, b, LABEL_DEFINED);
- }
- s->next = (void *)ind;
- /* we accept this, but it is a mistake */
- block_after_label:
- if (tok == '}') {
- warning("deprecated use of label at end of compound statement");
- } else {
- if (is_expr)
- vpop();
- block(bsym, csym, case_sym, def_sym, case_reg, is_expr);
- }
- } else {
- /* expression case */
- if (tok != ';') {
- if (is_expr) {
- vpop();
- gexpr();
- } else {
- gexpr();
- vpop();
- }
- }
- skip(';');
- }
- }
-/* t is the array or struct type. c is the array or struct
- address. cur_index/cur_field is the pointer to the current
- value. 'size_only' is true if only size info is needed (only used
- in arrays) */
-static void decl_designator(CType *type, Section *sec, unsigned long c,
- int *cur_index, Sym **cur_field,
- int size_only)
- Sym *s, *f;
- int notfirst, index, index_last, align, l, nb_elems, elem_size;
- CType type1;
- notfirst = 0;
- elem_size = 0;
- nb_elems = 1;
- if (gnu_ext && (l = is_label()) != 0)
- goto struct_field;
- while (tok == '[' || tok == '.') {
- if (tok == '[') {
- if (!(type->t & VT_ARRAY))
- expect("array type");
- s = type->ref;
- next();
- index = expr_const();
- if (index < 0 || (s->c >= 0 && index >= s->c))
- expect("invalid index");
- if (tok == TOK_DOTS && gnu_ext) {
- next();
- index_last = expr_const();
- if (index_last < 0 ||
- (s->c >= 0 && index_last >= s->c) ||
- index_last < index)
- expect("invalid index");
- } else {
- index_last = index;
- }
- skip(']');
- if (!notfirst)
- *cur_index = index_last;
- type = pointed_type(type);
- elem_size = type_size(type, &align);
- c += index * elem_size;
- /* NOTE: we only support ranges for last designator */
- nb_elems = index_last - index + 1;
- if (nb_elems != 1) {
- notfirst = 1;
- break;
- }
- } else {
- next();
- l = tok;
- next();
- struct_field:
- if ((type->t & VT_BTYPE) != VT_STRUCT)
- expect("struct/union type");
- s = type->ref;
- l |= SYM_FIELD;
- f = s->next;
- while (f) {
- if (f->v == l)
- break;
- f = f->next;
- }
- if (!f)
- expect("field");
- if (!notfirst)
- *cur_field = f;
- /* XXX: fix this mess by using explicit storage field */
- type1 = f->type;
- type1.t |= (type->t & ~VT_TYPE);
- type = &type1;
- c += f->c;
- }
- notfirst = 1;
- }
- if (notfirst) {
- if (tok == '=') {
- next();
- } else {
- if (!gnu_ext)
- expect("=");
- }
- } else {
- if (type->t & VT_ARRAY) {
- index = *cur_index;
- type = pointed_type(type);
- c += index * type_size(type, &align);
- } else {
- f = *cur_field;
- if (!f)
- error("too many field init");
- /* XXX: fix this mess by using explicit storage field */
- type1 = f->type;
- type1.t |= (type->t & ~VT_TYPE);
- type = &type1;
- c += f->c;
- }
- }
- decl_initializer(type, sec, c, 0, size_only);
- /* XXX: make it more general */
- if (!size_only && nb_elems > 1) {
- unsigned long c_end;
- uint8_t *src, *dst;
- int i;
- if (!sec)
- error("range init not supported yet for dynamic storage");
- c_end = c + nb_elems * elem_size;
- if (c_end > sec->data_allocated)
- section_realloc(sec, c_end);
- src = sec->data + c;
- dst = src;
- for(i = 1; i < nb_elems; i++) {
- dst += elem_size;
- memcpy(dst, src, elem_size);
- }
- }
-#define EXPR_VAL 0
-#define EXPR_CONST 1
-#define EXPR_ANY 2
-/* store a value or an expression directly in global data or in local array */
-static void init_putv(CType *type, Section *sec, unsigned long c,
- int v, int expr_type)
- int saved_global_expr, bt, bit_pos, bit_size;
- void *ptr;
- unsigned long long bit_mask;
- CType dtype;
- switch(expr_type) {
- case EXPR_VAL:
- vpushi(v);
- break;
- case EXPR_CONST:
- /* compound literals must be allocated globally in this case */
- saved_global_expr = global_expr;
- global_expr = 1;
- expr_const1();
- global_expr = saved_global_expr;
- /* NOTE: symbols are accepted */
- if ((vtop->r & (VT_VALMASK | VT_LVAL)) != VT_CONST)
- error("initializer element is not constant");
- break;
- case EXPR_ANY:
- expr_eq();
- break;
- }
- dtype = *type;
- dtype.t &= ~VT_CONSTANT; /* need to do that to avoid false warning */
- if (sec) {
- /* XXX: not portable */
- /* XXX: generate error if incorrect relocation */
- gen_assign_cast(&dtype);
- bt = type->t & VT_BTYPE;
- /* we'll write at most 12 bytes */
- if (c + 12 > sec->data_allocated) {
- section_realloc(sec, c + 12);
- }
- ptr = sec->data + c;
- /* XXX: make code faster ? */
- if (!(type->t & VT_BITFIELD)) {
- bit_pos = 0;
- bit_size = 32;
- bit_mask = -1LL;
- } else {
- bit_pos = (vtop->type.t >> VT_STRUCT_SHIFT) & 0x3f;
- bit_size = (vtop->type.t >> (VT_STRUCT_SHIFT + 6)) & 0x3f;
- bit_mask = (1LL << bit_size) - 1;
- }
- if ((vtop->r & VT_SYM) &&
- (bt == VT_BYTE ||
- bt == VT_SHORT ||
- bt == VT_DOUBLE ||
- bt == VT_LDOUBLE ||
- bt == VT_LLONG ||
- (bt == VT_INT && bit_size != 32)))
- error("initializer element is not computable at load time");
- switch(bt) {
- case VT_BOOL:
- vtop->c.i = (vtop->c.i != 0);
- case VT_BYTE:
- *(char *)ptr |= (vtop->c.i & bit_mask) << bit_pos;
- break;
- case VT_SHORT:
- *(short *)ptr |= (vtop->c.i & bit_mask) << bit_pos;
- break;
- case VT_DOUBLE:
- *(double *)ptr = vtop->c.d;
- break;
- case VT_LDOUBLE:
- *(long double *)ptr = vtop->c.ld;
- break;
- case VT_LLONG:
- *(long long *)ptr |= (vtop->c.ll & bit_mask) << bit_pos;
- break;
- default:
- if (vtop->r & VT_SYM) {
- greloc(sec, vtop->sym, c, R_DATA_32);
- }
- *(int *)ptr |= (vtop->c.i & bit_mask) << bit_pos;
- break;
- }
- vtop--;
- } else {
- vset(&dtype, VT_LOCAL|VT_LVAL, c);
- vswap();
- vstore();
- vpop();
- }
-/* put zeros for variable based init */
-static void init_putz(CType *t, Section *sec, unsigned long c, int size)
- if (sec) {
- /* nothing to do because globals are already set to zero */
- } else {
- vpush_global_sym(&func_old_type, TOK_memset);
- vseti(VT_LOCAL, c);
- vpushi(0);
- vpushi(size);
- gfunc_call(3);
- }
-/* 't' contains the type and storage info. 'c' is the offset of the
- object in section 'sec'. If 'sec' is NULL, it means stack based
- allocation. 'first' is true if array '{' must be read (multi
- dimension implicit array init handling). 'size_only' is true if
- size only evaluation is wanted (only for arrays). */
-static void decl_initializer(CType *type, Section *sec, unsigned long c,
- int first, int size_only)
- int index, array_length, n, no_oblock, nb, parlevel, i;
- int size1, align1, expr_type;
- Sym *s, *f;
- CType *t1;
- if (type->t & VT_ARRAY) {
- s = type->ref;
- n = s->c;
- array_length = 0;
- t1 = pointed_type(type);
- size1 = type_size(t1, &align1);
- no_oblock = 1;
- if ((first && tok != TOK_LSTR && tok != TOK_STR) ||
- tok == '{') {
- skip('{');
- no_oblock = 0;
- }
- /* only parse strings here if correct type (otherwise: handle
- them as ((w)char *) expressions */
- if ((tok == TOK_LSTR &&
- (t1->t & VT_BTYPE) == VT_SHORT && (t1->t & VT_UNSIGNED)
- (t1->t & VT_BTYPE) == VT_INT
- ) || (tok == TOK_STR && (t1->t & VT_BTYPE) == VT_BYTE)) {
- while (tok == TOK_STR || tok == TOK_LSTR) {
- int cstr_len, ch;
- CString *cstr;
- cstr = tokc.cstr;
- /* compute maximum number of chars wanted */
- if (tok == TOK_STR)
- cstr_len = cstr->size;
- else
- cstr_len = cstr->size / sizeof(nwchar_t);
- cstr_len--;
- nb = cstr_len;
- if (n >= 0 && nb > (n - array_length))
- nb = n - array_length;
- if (!size_only) {
- if (cstr_len > nb)
- warning("initializer-string for array is too long");
- /* in order to go faster for common case (char
- string in global variable, we handle it
- specifically */
- if (sec && tok == TOK_STR && size1 == 1) {
- memcpy(sec->data + c + array_length, cstr->data, nb);
- } else {
- for(i=0;i<nb;i++) {
- if (tok == TOK_STR)
- ch = ((unsigned char *)cstr->data)[i];
- else
- ch = ((nwchar_t *)cstr->data)[i];
- init_putv(t1, sec, c + (array_length + i) * size1,
- ch, EXPR_VAL);
- }
- }
- }
- array_length += nb;
- next();
- }
- /* only add trailing zero if enough storage (no
- warning in this case since it is standard) */
- if (n < 0 || array_length < n) {
- if (!size_only) {
- init_putv(t1, sec, c + (array_length * size1), 0, EXPR_VAL);
- }
- array_length++;
- }
- } else {
- index = 0;
- while (tok != '}') {
- decl_designator(type, sec, c, &index, NULL, size_only);
- if (n >= 0 && index >= n)
- error("index too large");
- /* must put zero in holes (note that doing it that way
- ensures that it even works with designators) */
- if (!size_only && array_length < index) {
- init_putz(t1, sec, c + array_length * size1,
- (index - array_length) * size1);
- }
- index++;
- if (index > array_length)
- array_length = index;
- /* special test for multi dimensional arrays (may not
- be strictly correct if designators are used at the
- same time) */
- if (index >= n && no_oblock)
- break;
- if (tok == '}')
- break;
- skip(',');
- }
- }
- if (!no_oblock)
- skip('}');
- /* put zeros at the end */
- if (!size_only && n >= 0 && array_length < n) {
- init_putz(t1, sec, c + array_length * size1,
- (n - array_length) * size1);
- }
- /* patch type size if needed */
- if (n < 0)
- s->c = array_length;
- } else if ((type->t & VT_BTYPE) == VT_STRUCT &&
- (sec || !first || tok == '{')) {
- int par_count;
- /* NOTE: the previous test is a specific case for automatic
- struct/union init */
- /* XXX: union needs only one init */
- /* XXX: this test is incorrect for local initializers
- beginning with ( without {. It would be much more difficult
- to do it correctly (ideally, the expression parser should
- be used in all cases) */
- par_count = 0;
- if (tok == '(') {
- AttributeDef ad1;
- CType type1;
- next();
- while (tok == '(') {
- par_count++;
- next();
- }
- if (!parse_btype(&type1, &ad1))
- expect("cast");
- type_decl(&type1, &ad1, &n, TYPE_ABSTRACT);
-#if 0
- if (!is_assignable_types(type, &type1))
- error("invalid type for cast");
- skip(')');
- }
- no_oblock = 1;
- if (first || tok == '{') {
- skip('{');
- no_oblock = 0;
- }
- s = type->ref;
- f = s->next;
- array_length = 0;
- index = 0;
- n = s->c;
- while (tok != '}') {
- decl_designator(type, sec, c, NULL, &f, size_only);
- index = f->c;
- if (!size_only && array_length < index) {
- init_putz(type, sec, c + array_length,
- index - array_length);
- }
- index = index + type_size(&f->type, &align1);
- if (index > array_length)
- array_length = index;
- f = f->next;
- if (no_oblock && f == NULL)
- break;
- if (tok == '}')
- break;
- skip(',');
- }
- /* put zeros at the end */
- if (!size_only && array_length < n) {
- init_putz(type, sec, c + array_length,
- n - array_length);
- }
- if (!no_oblock)
- skip('}');
- while (par_count) {
- skip(')');
- par_count--;
- }
- } else if (tok == '{') {
- next();
- decl_initializer(type, sec, c, first, size_only);
- skip('}');
- } else if (size_only) {
- /* just skip expression */
- parlevel = 0;
- while ((parlevel > 0 || (tok != '}' && tok != ',')) &&
- tok != -1) {
- if (tok == '(')
- parlevel++;
- else if (tok == ')')
- parlevel--;
- next();
- }
- } else {
- /* currently, we always use constant expression for globals
- (may change for scripting case) */
- expr_type = EXPR_CONST;
- if (!sec)
- expr_type = EXPR_ANY;
- init_putv(type, sec, c, 0, expr_type);
- }
-/* parse an initializer for type 't' if 'has_init' is non zero, and
- allocate space in local or global data space ('r' is either
- VT_LOCAL or VT_CONST). If 'v' is non zero, then an associated
- variable 'v' of scope 'scope' is declared before initializers are
- parsed. If 'v' is zero, then a reference to the new object is put
- in the value stack. If 'has_init' is 2, a special parsing is done
- to handle string constants. */
-static void decl_initializer_alloc(CType *type, AttributeDef *ad, int r,
- int has_init, int v, int scope)
- int size, align, addr, data_offset;
- int level;
- ParseState saved_parse_state = {0};
- TokenString init_str;
- Section *sec;
- size = type_size(type, &align);
- /* If unknown size, we must evaluate it before
- evaluating initializers because
- initializers can generate global data too
- (e.g. string pointers or ISOC99 compound
- literals). It also simplifies local
- initializers handling */
- tok_str_new(&init_str);
- if (size < 0) {
- if (!has_init)
- error("unknown type size");
- /* get all init string */
- if (has_init == 2) {
- /* only get strings */
- while (tok == TOK_STR || tok == TOK_LSTR) {
- tok_str_add_tok(&init_str);
- next();
- }
- } else {
- level = 0;
- while (level > 0 || (tok != ',' && tok != ';')) {
- if (tok < 0)
- error("unexpected end of file in initializer");
- tok_str_add_tok(&init_str);
- if (tok == '{')
- level++;
- else if (tok == '}') {
- level--;
- if (level <= 0) {
- next();
- break;
- }
- }
- next();
- }
- }
- tok_str_add(&init_str, -1);
- tok_str_add(&init_str, 0);
- /* compute size */
- save_parse_state(&saved_parse_state);
- macro_ptr = init_str.str;
- next();
- decl_initializer(type, NULL, 0, 1, 1);
- /* prepare second initializer parsing */
- macro_ptr = init_str.str;
- next();
- /* if still unknown size, error */
- size = type_size(type, &align);
- if (size < 0)
- error("unknown type size");
- }
- /* take into account specified alignment if bigger */
- if (ad->aligned) {
- if (ad->aligned > align)
- align = ad->aligned;
- } else if (ad->packed) {
- align = 1;
- }
- if ((r & VT_VALMASK) == VT_LOCAL) {
- sec = NULL;
- if (tcc_state->do_bounds_check && (type->t & VT_ARRAY))
- loc--;
- loc = (loc - size) & -align;
- addr = loc;
- /* handles bounds */
- /* XXX: currently, since we do only one pass, we cannot track
- '&' operators, so we add only arrays */
- if (tcc_state->do_bounds_check && (type->t & VT_ARRAY)) {
- unsigned long *bounds_ptr;
- /* add padding between regions */
- loc--;
- /* then add local bound info */
- bounds_ptr = section_ptr_add(lbounds_section, 2 * sizeof(unsigned long));
- bounds_ptr[0] = addr;
- bounds_ptr[1] = size;
- }
- if (v) {
- /* local variable */
- sym_push(v, type, r, addr);
- } else {
- /* push local reference */
- vset(type, r, addr);
- }
- } else {
- Sym *sym;
- sym = NULL;
- if (v && scope == VT_CONST) {
- /* see if the symbol was already defined */
- sym = sym_find(v);
- if (sym) {
- if (!is_compatible_types(&sym->type, type))
- error("incompatible types for redefinition of '%s'",
- get_tok_str(v, NULL));
- if (sym->type.t & VT_EXTERN) {
- /* if the variable is extern, it was not allocated */
- sym->type.t &= ~VT_EXTERN;
- /* set array size if it was ommited in extern
- declaration */
- if ((sym->type.t & VT_ARRAY) &&
- sym->type.ref->c < 0 &&
- type->ref->c >= 0)
- sym->type.ref->c = type->ref->c;
- } else {
- /* we accept several definitions of the same
- global variable. this is tricky, because we
- must play with the SHN_COMMON type of the symbol */
- /* XXX: should check if the variable was already
- initialized. It is incorrect to initialized it
- twice */
- /* no init data, we won't add more to the symbol */
- if (!has_init)
- goto no_alloc;
- }
- }
- }
- /* allocate symbol in corresponding section */
- sec = ad->section;
- if (!sec) {
- if (has_init)
- sec = data_section;
- else if (tcc_state->nocommon)
- sec = bss_section;
- }
- if (sec) {
- data_offset = sec->data_offset;
- data_offset = (data_offset + align - 1) & -align;
- addr = data_offset;
- /* very important to increment global pointer at this time
- because initializers themselves can create new initializers */
- data_offset += size;
- /* add padding if bound check */
- if (tcc_state->do_bounds_check)
- data_offset++;
- sec->data_offset = data_offset;
- /* allocate section space to put the data */
- if (sec->sh_type != SHT_NOBITS &&
- data_offset > sec->data_allocated)
- section_realloc(sec, data_offset);
- /* align section if needed */
- if (align > sec->sh_addralign)
- sec->sh_addralign = align;
- } else {
- addr = 0; /* avoid warning */
- }
- if (v) {
- if (scope != VT_CONST || !sym) {
- sym = sym_push(v, type, r | VT_SYM, 0);
- }
- /* update symbol definition */
- if (sec) {
- put_extern_sym(sym, sec, addr, size);
- } else {
- ElfW(Sym) *esym;
- /* put a common area */
- put_extern_sym(sym, NULL, align, size);
- /* XXX: find a nicer way */
- esym = &((ElfW(Sym) *)symtab_section->data)[sym->c];
- esym->st_shndx = SHN_COMMON;
- }
- } else {
- CValue cval;
- /* push global reference */
- sym = get_sym_ref(type, sec, addr, size);
- cval.ul = 0;
- vsetc(type, VT_CONST | VT_SYM, &cval);
- vtop->sym = sym;
- }
- /* handles bounds now because the symbol must be defined
- before for the relocation */
- if (tcc_state->do_bounds_check) {
- unsigned long *bounds_ptr;
- greloc(bounds_section, sym, bounds_section->data_offset, R_DATA_32);
- /* then add global bound info */
- bounds_ptr = section_ptr_add(bounds_section, 2 * sizeof(long));
- bounds_ptr[0] = 0; /* relocated */
- bounds_ptr[1] = size;
- }
- }
- if (has_init) {
- decl_initializer(type, sec, addr, 1, 0);
- /* restore parse state if needed */
- if (init_str.str) {
- tok_str_free(init_str.str);
- restore_parse_state(&saved_parse_state);
- }
- }
- no_alloc: ;
-void put_func_debug(Sym *sym)
- char buf[512];
- /* stabs info */
- /* XXX: we put here a dummy type */
- snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s:%c1",
- funcname, sym->type.t & VT_STATIC ? 'f' : 'F');
- put_stabs_r(buf, N_FUN, 0, file->line_num, 0,
- cur_text_section, sym->c);
- /* //gr gdb wants a line at the function */
- put_stabn(N_SLINE, 0, file->line_num, 0);
- last_ind = 0;
- last_line_num = 0;
-/* parse an old style function declaration list */
-/* XXX: check multiple parameter */
-static void func_decl_list(Sym *func_sym)
- AttributeDef ad;
- int v;
- Sym *s;
- CType btype, type;
- /* parse each declaration */
- while (tok != '{' && tok != ';' && tok != ',' && tok != TOK_EOF) {
- if (!parse_btype(&btype, &ad))
- expect("declaration list");
- if (((btype.t & VT_BTYPE) == VT_ENUM ||
- (btype.t & VT_BTYPE) == VT_STRUCT) &&
- tok == ';') {
- /* we accept no variable after */
- } else {
- for(;;) {
- type = btype;
- type_decl(&type, &ad, &v, TYPE_DIRECT);
- /* find parameter in function parameter list */
- s = func_sym->next;
- while (s != NULL) {
- if ((s->v & ~SYM_FIELD) == v)
- goto found;
- s = s->next;
- }
- error("declaration for parameter '%s' but no such parameter",
- get_tok_str(v, NULL));
- found:
- /* check that no storage specifier except 'register' was given */
- if (type.t & VT_STORAGE)
- error("storage class specified for '%s'", get_tok_str(v, NULL));
- convert_parameter_type(&type);
- /* we can add the type (NOTE: it could be local to the function) */
- s->type = type;
- /* accept other parameters */
- if (tok == ',')
- next();
- else
- break;
- }
- }
- skip(';');
- }
-/* parse a function defined by symbol 'sym' and generate its code in
- 'cur_text_section' */
-static void gen_function(Sym *sym)
- int saved_nocode_wanted = nocode_wanted;
- nocode_wanted = 0;
- ind = cur_text_section->data_offset;
- /* NOTE: we patch the symbol size later */
- put_extern_sym(sym, cur_text_section, ind, 0);
- funcname = get_tok_str(sym->v, NULL);
- func_ind = ind;
- /* put debug symbol */
- if (tcc_state->do_debug)
- put_func_debug(sym);
- /* push a dummy symbol to enable local sym storage */
- sym_push2(&local_stack, SYM_FIELD, 0, 0);
- gfunc_prolog(&sym->type);
- rsym = 0;
- block(NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 0);
- gsym(rsym);
- gfunc_epilog();
- cur_text_section->data_offset = ind;
- label_pop(&global_label_stack, NULL);
- sym_pop(&local_stack, NULL); /* reset local stack */
- /* end of function */
- /* patch symbol size */
- ((ElfW(Sym) *)symtab_section->data)[sym->c].st_size =
- ind - func_ind;
- if (tcc_state->do_debug) {
- put_stabn(N_FUN, 0, 0, ind - func_ind);
- }
- /* It's better to crash than to generate wrong code */
- cur_text_section = NULL;
- funcname = ""; /* for safety */
- func_vt.t = VT_VOID; /* for safety */
- ind = 0; /* for safety */
- nocode_wanted = saved_nocode_wanted;
-static void gen_inline_functions(void)
- Sym *sym;
- CType *type;
- int *str, inline_generated;
- /* iterate while inline function are referenced */
- for(;;) {
- inline_generated = 0;
- for(sym = global_stack; sym != NULL; sym = sym->prev) {
- type = &sym->type;
- if (((type->t & VT_BTYPE) == VT_FUNC) &&
- (type->t & (VT_STATIC | VT_INLINE)) ==
- sym->c != 0) {
- /* the function was used: generate its code and
- convert it to a normal function */
- str = INLINE_DEF(sym->r);
- sym->r = VT_SYM | VT_CONST;
- sym->type.t &= ~VT_INLINE;
- macro_ptr = str;
- next();
- cur_text_section = text_section;
- gen_function(sym);
- macro_ptr = NULL; /* fail safe */
- tok_str_free(str);
- inline_generated = 1;
- }
- }
- if (!inline_generated)
- break;
- }
- /* free all remaining inline function tokens */
- for(sym = global_stack; sym != NULL; sym = sym->prev) {
- type = &sym->type;
- if (((type->t & VT_BTYPE) == VT_FUNC) &&
- (type->t & (VT_STATIC | VT_INLINE)) ==
- //gr printf("sym %d %s\n", sym->r, get_tok_str(sym->v, NULL));
- if (sym->r == (VT_SYM | VT_CONST)) //gr beware!
- continue;
- str = INLINE_DEF(sym->r);
- tok_str_free(str);
- sym->r = 0; /* fail safe */
- }
- }
-/* 'l' is VT_LOCAL or VT_CONST to define default storage type */
-static void decl(int l)
- int v, has_init, r;
- CType type, btype;
- Sym *sym;
- AttributeDef ad;
- while (1) {
- if (!parse_btype(&btype, &ad)) {
- /* skip redundant ';' */
- /* XXX: find more elegant solution */
- if (tok == ';') {
- next();
- continue;
- }
- if (l == VT_CONST &&
- (tok == TOK_ASM1 || tok == TOK_ASM2 || tok == TOK_ASM3)) {
- /* global asm block */
- asm_global_instr();
- continue;
- }
- /* special test for old K&R protos without explicit int
- type. Only accepted when defining global data */
- if (l == VT_LOCAL || tok < TOK_DEFINE)
- break;
- btype.t = VT_INT;
- }
- if (((btype.t & VT_BTYPE) == VT_ENUM ||
- (btype.t & VT_BTYPE) == VT_STRUCT) &&
- tok == ';') {
- /* we accept no variable after */
- next();
- continue;
- }
- while (1) { /* iterate thru each declaration */
- type = btype;
- type_decl(&type, &ad, &v, TYPE_DIRECT);
-#if 0
- {
- char buf[500];
- type_to_str(buf, sizeof(buf), t, get_tok_str(v, NULL));
- printf("type = '%s'\n", buf);
- }
- if ((type.t & VT_BTYPE) == VT_FUNC) {
- /* if old style function prototype, we accept a
- declaration list */
- sym = type.ref;
- if (sym->c == FUNC_OLD)
- func_decl_list(sym);
- }
- if (tok == '{') {
- if (l == VT_LOCAL)
- error("cannot use local functions");
- if ((type.t & VT_BTYPE) != VT_FUNC)
- expect("function definition");
- /* reject abstract declarators in function definition */
- sym = type.ref;
- while ((sym = sym->next) != NULL)
- if (!(sym->v & ~SYM_FIELD))
- expect("identifier");
- /* XXX: cannot do better now: convert extern line to static inline */
- if ((type.t & (VT_EXTERN | VT_INLINE)) == (VT_EXTERN | VT_INLINE))
- type.t = (type.t & ~VT_EXTERN) | VT_STATIC;
- sym = sym_find(v);
- if (sym) {
- if ((sym->type.t & VT_BTYPE) != VT_FUNC)
- goto func_error1;
- /* specific case: if not func_call defined, we put
- the one of the prototype */
- /* XXX: should have default value */
- r = sym->type.ref->r;
- && FUNC_CALL(type.ref->r) == FUNC_CDECL)
- FUNC_CALL(type.ref->r) = FUNC_CALL(r);
- if (FUNC_EXPORT(r))
- FUNC_EXPORT(type.ref->r) = 1;
- if (!is_compatible_types(&sym->type, &type)) {
- func_error1:
- error("incompatible types for redefinition of '%s'",
- get_tok_str(v, NULL));
- }
- /* if symbol is already defined, then put complete type */
- sym->type = type;
- } else {
- /* put function symbol */
- sym = global_identifier_push(v, type.t, 0);
- sym->type.ref = type.ref;
- }
- /* static inline functions are just recorded as a kind
- of macro. Their code will be emitted at the end of
- the compilation unit only if they are used */
- if ((type.t & (VT_INLINE | VT_STATIC)) ==
- TokenString func_str;
- int block_level;
- tok_str_new(&func_str);
- block_level = 0;
- for(;;) {
- int t;
- if (tok == TOK_EOF)
- error("unexpected end of file");
- tok_str_add_tok(&func_str);
- t = tok;
- next();
- if (t == '{') {
- block_level++;
- } else if (t == '}') {
- block_level--;
- if (block_level == 0)
- break;
- }
- }
- tok_str_add(&func_str, -1);
- tok_str_add(&func_str, 0);
- INLINE_DEF(sym->r) = func_str.str;
- } else {
- /* compute text section */
- cur_text_section = ad.section;
- if (!cur_text_section)
- cur_text_section = text_section;
- sym->r = VT_SYM | VT_CONST;
- gen_function(sym);
- }
- break;
- } else {
- if (btype.t & VT_TYPEDEF) {
- /* save typedefed type */
- /* XXX: test storage specifiers ? */
- sym = sym_push(v, &type, 0, 0);
- sym->type.t |= VT_TYPEDEF;
- } else if ((type.t & VT_BTYPE) == VT_FUNC) {
- /* external function definition */
- /* specific case for func_call attribute */
- if (ad.func_attr)
- type.ref->r = ad.func_attr;
- external_sym(v, &type, 0);
- } else {
- /* not lvalue if array */
- r = 0;
- if (!(type.t & VT_ARRAY))
- r |= lvalue_type(type.t);
- has_init = (tok == '=');
- if ((btype.t & VT_EXTERN) ||
- ((type.t & VT_ARRAY) && (type.t & VT_STATIC) &&
- !has_init && l == VT_CONST && type.ref->c < 0)) {
- /* external variable */
- /* NOTE: as GCC, uninitialized global static
- arrays of null size are considered as
- extern */
- external_sym(v, &type, r);
- } else {
- type.t |= (btype.t & VT_STATIC); /* Retain "static". */
- if (type.t & VT_STATIC)
- r |= VT_CONST;
- else
- r |= l;
- if (has_init)
- next();
- decl_initializer_alloc(&type, &ad, r,
- has_init, v, l);
- }
- }
- if (tok != ',') {
- skip(';');
- break;
- }
- next();
- }
- }
- }
diff --git a/05/tcc-0.9.25/tccpe.c b/05/tcc-0.9.25/tccpe.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 1e3fdb3..0000000
--- a/05/tcc-0.9.25/tccpe.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1559 +0,0 @@
- * TCCPE.C - PE file output for the Tiny C Compiler
- *
- * Copyright (c) 2005-2007 grischka
- *
- * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
- * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
- * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * Lesser General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
- * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
- */
-#define ST_FN static
-#define ST_DATA static
-#define PUB_FN
-#ifndef _WIN32
-#define stricmp strcasecmp
-#define strnicmp strncasecmp
-#ifndef MAX_PATH
-#define MAX_PATH 260
-#define PE_MERGE_DATA
-/* ----------------------------------------------------------- */
-/* ----------------------------------------------------------- */
-/* definitions below are from winnt.h */
-typedef unsigned char BYTE;
-typedef unsigned short WORD;
-typedef unsigned long DWORD;
-#pragma pack(push, 1)
-typedef struct _IMAGE_DOS_HEADER { /* DOS .EXE header */
- WORD e_magic; /* Magic number */
- WORD e_cblp; /* Bytes on last page of file */
- WORD e_cp; /* Pages in file */
- WORD e_crlc; /* Relocations */
- WORD e_cparhdr; /* Size of header in paragraphs */
- WORD e_minalloc; /* Minimum extra paragraphs needed */
- WORD e_maxalloc; /* Maximum extra paragraphs needed */
- WORD e_ss; /* Initial (relative) SS value */
- WORD e_sp; /* Initial SP value */
- WORD e_csum; /* Checksum */
- WORD e_ip; /* Initial IP value */
- WORD e_cs; /* Initial (relative) CS value */
- WORD e_lfarlc; /* File address of relocation table */
- WORD e_ovno; /* Overlay number */
- WORD e_res[4]; /* Reserved words */
- WORD e_oemid; /* OEM identifier (for e_oeminfo) */
- WORD e_oeminfo; /* OEM information; e_oemid specific */
- WORD e_res2[10]; /* Reserved words */
- DWORD e_lfanew; /* File address of new exe header */
-#define IMAGE_NT_SIGNATURE 0x00004550 /* PE00 */
-typedef struct _IMAGE_FILE_HEADER {
- WORD Machine;
- WORD NumberOfSections;
- DWORD TimeDateStamp;
- DWORD PointerToSymbolTable;
- DWORD NumberOfSymbols;
- WORD SizeOfOptionalHeader;
- WORD Characteristics;
-typedef struct _IMAGE_DATA_DIRECTORY {
- DWORD VirtualAddress;
- DWORD Size;
-typedef struct _IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER {
- /* Standard fields. */
- WORD Magic;
- BYTE MajorLinkerVersion;
- BYTE MinorLinkerVersion;
- DWORD SizeOfCode;
- DWORD SizeOfInitializedData;
- DWORD SizeOfUninitializedData;
- DWORD AddressOfEntryPoint;
- DWORD BaseOfCode;
- DWORD BaseOfData;
- /* NT additional fields. */
- DWORD ImageBase;
- DWORD SectionAlignment;
- DWORD FileAlignment;
- WORD MajorOperatingSystemVersion;
- WORD MinorOperatingSystemVersion;
- WORD MajorImageVersion;
- WORD MinorImageVersion;
- WORD MajorSubsystemVersion;
- WORD MinorSubsystemVersion;
- DWORD Win32VersionValue;
- DWORD SizeOfImage;
- DWORD SizeOfHeaders;
- DWORD CheckSum;
- WORD Subsystem;
- WORD DllCharacteristics;
- DWORD SizeOfStackReserve;
- DWORD SizeOfStackCommit;
- DWORD SizeOfHeapReserve;
- DWORD SizeOfHeapCommit;
- DWORD LoaderFlags;
- DWORD NumberOfRvaAndSizes;
- IMAGE_DATA_DIRECTORY DataDirectory[16];
-#define IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_EXPORT 0 /* Export Directory */
-#define IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_IMPORT 1 /* Import Directory */
-#define IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_RESOURCE 2 /* Resource Directory */
-#define IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_EXCEPTION 3 /* Exception Directory */
-#define IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_SECURITY 4 /* Security Directory */
-#define IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_BASERELOC 5 /* Base Relocation Table */
-#define IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_DEBUG 6 /* Debug Directory */
-#define IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_ARCHITECTURE 7 /* Architecture Specific Data */
-#define IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_TLS 9 /* TLS Directory */
-#define IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_LOAD_CONFIG 10 /* Load Configuration Directory */
-#define IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_BOUND_IMPORT 11 /* Bound Import Directory in headers */
-#define IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_IAT 12 /* Import Address Table */
-#define IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_DELAY_IMPORT 13 /* Delay Load Import Descriptors */
-#define IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_COM_DESCRIPTOR 14 /* COM Runtime descriptor */
-/* Section header format. */
-typedef struct _IMAGE_SECTION_HEADER {
- union {
- DWORD PhysicalAddress;
- DWORD VirtualSize;
- } Misc;
- DWORD VirtualAddress;
- DWORD SizeOfRawData;
- DWORD PointerToRawData;
- DWORD PointerToRelocations;
- DWORD PointerToLinenumbers;
- WORD NumberOfRelocations;
- WORD NumberOfLinenumbers;
- DWORD Characteristics;
-typedef struct _IMAGE_BASE_RELOCATION {
- DWORD VirtualAddress;
- DWORD SizeOfBlock;
-// WORD TypeOffset[1];
-#define IMAGE_REL_BASED_REL32 7
-#pragma pack(pop)
-/* ----------------------------------------------------------- */
-#endif /* ndef IMAGE_NT_SIGNATURE */
-/* ----------------------------------------------------------- */
-#pragma pack(push, 1)
-struct pe_header
- BYTE dosstub[0x40];
- DWORD nt_sig;
-struct pe_import_header {
- DWORD first_entry;
- DWORD time_date;
- DWORD forwarder;
- DWORD lib_name_offset;
- DWORD first_thunk;
-struct pe_export_header {
- DWORD Characteristics;
- DWORD TimeDateStamp;
- DWORD Version;
- DWORD Name;
- DWORD Base;
- DWORD NumberOfFunctions;
- DWORD NumberOfNames;
- DWORD AddressOfFunctions;
- DWORD AddressOfNames;
- DWORD AddressOfNameOrdinals;
-struct pe_reloc_header {
- DWORD offset;
- DWORD size;
-struct pe_rsrc_header {
- struct _IMAGE_FILE_HEADER filehdr;
- struct _IMAGE_SECTION_HEADER sectionhdr;
-struct pe_rsrc_reloc {
- DWORD offset;
- DWORD size;
- WORD type;
-#pragma pack(pop)
-/* ----------------------------------------------------------- */
-ST_DATA struct pe_header pe_header = {
- /* IMAGE_DOS_HEADER doshdr */
- 0x5A4D, /*WORD e_magic; Magic number */
- 0x0090, /*WORD e_cblp; Bytes on last page of file */
- 0x0003, /*WORD e_cp; Pages in file */
- 0x0000, /*WORD e_crlc; Relocations */
- 0x0004, /*WORD e_cparhdr; Size of header in paragraphs */
- 0x0000, /*WORD e_minalloc; Minimum extra paragraphs needed */
- 0xFFFF, /*WORD e_maxalloc; Maximum extra paragraphs needed */
- 0x0000, /*WORD e_ss; Initial (relative) SS value */
- 0x00B8, /*WORD e_sp; Initial SP value */
- 0x0000, /*WORD e_csum; Checksum */
- 0x0000, /*WORD e_ip; Initial IP value */
- 0x0000, /*WORD e_cs; Initial (relative) CS value */
- 0x0040, /*WORD e_lfarlc; File address of relocation table */
- 0x0000, /*WORD e_ovno; Overlay number */
- {0,0,0,0}, /*WORD e_res[4]; Reserved words */
- 0x0000, /*WORD e_oemid; OEM identifier (for e_oeminfo) */
- 0x0000, /*WORD e_oeminfo; OEM information; e_oemid specific */
- {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}, /*WORD e_res2[10]; Reserved words */
- 0x00000080 /*DWORD e_lfanew; File address of new exe header */
- /* BYTE dosstub[0x40] */
- /* 14 code bytes + "This program cannot be run in DOS mode.\r\r\n$" + 6 * 0x00 */
- 0x0e,0x1f,0xba,0x0e,0x00,0xb4,0x09,0xcd,0x21,0xb8,0x01,0x4c,0xcd,0x21,0x54,0x68,
- 0x69,0x73,0x20,0x70,0x72,0x6f,0x67,0x72,0x61,0x6d,0x20,0x63,0x61,0x6e,0x6e,0x6f,
- 0x74,0x20,0x62,0x65,0x20,0x72,0x75,0x6e,0x20,0x69,0x6e,0x20,0x44,0x4f,0x53,0x20,
- 0x6d,0x6f,0x64,0x65,0x2e,0x0d,0x0d,0x0a,0x24,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,
- 0x00004550, /* DWORD nt_sig = IMAGE_NT_SIGNATURE */
- /* IMAGE_FILE_HEADER filehdr */
- 0x014C, /*WORD Machine; */
- 0x0003, /*WORD NumberOfSections; */
- 0x00000000, /*DWORD TimeDateStamp; */
- 0x00000000, /*DWORD PointerToSymbolTable; */
- 0x00000000, /*DWORD NumberOfSymbols; */
- 0x00E0, /*WORD SizeOfOptionalHeader; */
- 0x030F /*WORD Characteristics; */
- /* Standard fields. */
- 0x010B, /*WORD Magic; */
- 0x06, /*BYTE MajorLinkerVersion; */
- 0x00, /*BYTE MinorLinkerVersion; */
- 0x00000000, /*DWORD SizeOfCode; */
- 0x00000000, /*DWORD SizeOfInitializedData; */
- 0x00000000, /*DWORD SizeOfUninitializedData; */
- 0x00000000, /*DWORD AddressOfEntryPoint; */
- 0x00000000, /*DWORD BaseOfCode; */
- 0x00000000, /*DWORD BaseOfData; */
- /* NT additional fields. */
- 0x00400000, /*DWORD ImageBase; */
- 0x00001000, /*DWORD SectionAlignment; */
- 0x00000200, /*DWORD FileAlignment; */
- 0x0004, /*WORD MajorOperatingSystemVersion; */
- 0x0000, /*WORD MinorOperatingSystemVersion; */
- 0x0000, /*WORD MajorImageVersion; */
- 0x0000, /*WORD MinorImageVersion; */
- 0x0004, /*WORD MajorSubsystemVersion; */
- 0x0000, /*WORD MinorSubsystemVersion; */
- 0x00000000, /*DWORD Win32VersionValue; */
- 0x00000000, /*DWORD SizeOfImage; */
- 0x00000200, /*DWORD SizeOfHeaders; */
- 0x00000000, /*DWORD CheckSum; */
- 0x0002, /*WORD Subsystem; */
- 0x0000, /*WORD DllCharacteristics; */
- 0x00100000, /*DWORD SizeOfStackReserve; */
- 0x00001000, /*DWORD SizeOfStackCommit; */
- 0x00100000, /*DWORD SizeOfHeapReserve; */
- 0x00001000, /*DWORD SizeOfHeapCommit; */
- 0x00000000, /*DWORD LoaderFlags; */
- 0x00000010, /*DWORD NumberOfRvaAndSizes; */
- /* IMAGE_DATA_DIRECTORY DataDirectory[16]; */
- {{0,0}, {0,0}, {0,0}, {0,0}, {0,0}, {0,0}, {0,0}, {0,0},
- {0,0}, {0,0}, {0,0}, {0,0}, {0,0}, {0,0}, {0,0}, {0,0}}
-/* ------------------------------------------------------------- */
-/* internal temporary structures */
-#define IMAGE_SCN_CNT_CODE 0x00000020
-#define IMAGE_SCN_MEM_DISCARDABLE 0x02000000
-#define IMAGE_SCN_MEM_SHARED 0x10000000
-#define IMAGE_SCN_MEM_EXECUTE 0x20000000
-#define IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ 0x40000000
-#define IMAGE_SCN_MEM_WRITE 0x80000000
-enum {
- sec_text = 0,
- sec_data ,
- sec_bss ,
- sec_idata ,
- sec_other ,
- sec_rsrc ,
- sec_stab ,
- sec_reloc ,
- sec_last
-ST_DATA DWORD pe_sec_flags[] = {
- 0x60000020, /* ".text" , */
- 0xC0000040, /* ".data" , */
- 0xC0000080, /* ".bss" , */
- 0x40000040, /* ".idata" , */
- 0xE0000060, /* < other > , */
- 0x40000040, /* ".rsrc" , */
- 0x42000802, /* ".stab" , */
- 0x42000040, /* ".reloc" , */
-struct section_info {
- int cls, ord;
- char name[32];
- DWORD sh_addr;
- DWORD sh_size;
- DWORD sh_flags;
- unsigned char *data;
- DWORD data_size;
-struct import_symbol {
- int sym_index;
- int iat_index;
- int thk_offset;
-struct pe_import_info {
- int dll_index;
- int sym_count;
- struct import_symbol **symbols;
-struct pe_info {
- TCCState *s1;
- Section *reloc;
- Section *thunk;
- const char *filename;
- int type;
- DWORD sizeofheaders;
- DWORD imagebase;
- DWORD start_addr;
- DWORD imp_offs;
- DWORD imp_size;
- DWORD iat_offs;
- DWORD iat_size;
- DWORD exp_offs;
- DWORD exp_size;
- struct section_info *sec_info;
- int sec_count;
- struct pe_import_info **imp_info;
- int imp_count;
-/* ------------------------------------------------------------- */
-#define PE_NUL 0
-#define PE_DLL 1
-#define PE_GUI 2
-#define PE_EXE 3
-void error_noabort(const char *, ...);
-#ifdef _WIN32
-void dbg_printf (const char *fmt, ...)
- char buffer[4000];
- va_list arg;
- int x;
- va_start(arg, fmt);
- x = vsprintf (buffer, fmt, arg);
- strcpy(buffer+x, "\n");
- OutputDebugString(buffer);
-/* --------------------------------------------*/
-ST_FN const char* get_alt_symbol(char *buffer, const char *symbol)
- const char *p;
- p = strrchr(symbol, '@');
- if (p && isnum(p[1]) && symbol[0] == '_') { /* stdcall decor */
- strcpy(buffer, symbol+1)[p-symbol-1] = 0;
- } else if (symbol[0] != '_') { /* try non-ansi function */
- buffer[0] = '_', strcpy(buffer + 1, symbol);
- } else if (0 == memcmp(symbol, "__imp__", 7)) { /* mingw 2.0 */
- strcpy(buffer, symbol + 6);
- } else if (0 == memcmp(symbol, "_imp___", 7)) { /* mingw 3.7 */
- strcpy(buffer, symbol + 6);
- } else {
- return symbol;
- }
- return buffer;
-ST_FN int pe_find_import(TCCState * s1, const char *symbol)
- char buffer[200];
- const char *s;
- int sym_index, n = 0;
- do {
- s = n ? get_alt_symbol(buffer, symbol) : symbol;
- sym_index = find_elf_sym(s1->dynsymtab_section, s);
- // printf("find %d %s\n", sym_index, s);
- } while (0 == sym_index && ++n < 2);
- return sym_index;
-#if defined _WIN32 || defined __CYGWIN__
-#ifdef __CYGWIN__
-# include <dlfcn.h>
-# define LoadLibrary(s) dlopen(s, RTLD_NOW)
-# define GetProcAddress(h,s) dlsym(h, s)
-# define dlclose(h) FreeLibrary(h)
-/* for the -run option: dynamically load symbol from dll */
-void *resolve_sym(struct TCCState *s1, const char *symbol, int type)
- char buffer[100];
- int sym_index, dll_index;
- void *addr, **m;
- DLLReference *dllref;
- sym_index = pe_find_import(s1, symbol);
- if (0 == sym_index)
- return NULL;
- dll_index = ((Elf32_Sym *)s1->dynsymtab_section->data + sym_index)->st_value;
- dllref = s1->loaded_dlls[dll_index-1];
- if ( !dllref->handle )
- {
- dllref->handle = LoadLibrary(dllref->name);
- }
- addr = GetProcAddress(dllref->handle, symbol);
- if (NULL == addr)
- addr = GetProcAddress(dllref->handle, get_alt_symbol(buffer, symbol));
- if (addr && STT_OBJECT == type) {
- /* need to return a pointer to the address for data objects */
- m = (void**)tcc_malloc(sizeof addr), *m = addr, addr = m;
-#ifdef MEM_DEBUG
- /* yep, we don't free it */
- mem_cur_size -= sizeof (void*);
- }
- return addr;
-ST_FN int dynarray_assoc(void **pp, int n, int key)
- int i;
- for (i = 0; i < n; ++i, ++pp)
- if (key == **(int **) pp)
- return i;
- return -1;
-#if 0
- return a < b ? a : b;
- return a < b ? b : a;
-ST_FN void pe_fpad(FILE *fp, DWORD new_pos)
- DWORD pos = ftell(fp);
- while (++pos <= new_pos)
- fputc(0, fp);
-ST_FN DWORD pe_file_align(DWORD n)
- return (n + (0x200 - 1)) & ~(0x200 - 1);
-ST_FN DWORD pe_virtual_align(DWORD n)
- return (n + (0x1000 - 1)) & ~(0x1000 - 1);
-ST_FN void pe_align_section(Section *s, int a)
- int i = s->data_offset & (a-1);
- if (i)
- section_ptr_add(s, a - i);
-ST_FN void pe_set_datadir(int dir, DWORD addr, DWORD size)
- pe_header.opthdr.DataDirectory[dir].VirtualAddress = addr;
- pe_header.opthdr.DataDirectory[dir].Size = size;
-ST_FN int pe_write(struct pe_info *pe)
- int i;
- FILE *op;
- DWORD file_offset, r;
- op = fopen(pe->filename, "wb");
- if (NULL == op) {
- error_noabort("could not write '%s': %s", pe->filename, strerror(errno));
- return 1;
- }
- pe->sizeofheaders = pe_file_align(
- sizeof pe_header
- + pe->sec_count * sizeof (IMAGE_SECTION_HEADER)
- );
- file_offset = pe->sizeofheaders;
- pe_fpad(op, file_offset);
- if (2 == pe->s1->verbose)
- printf("-------------------------------"
- "\n virt file size section" "\n");
- for (i = 0; i < pe->sec_count; ++i) {
- struct section_info *si = pe->sec_info + i;
- const char *sh_name = si->name;
- unsigned long addr = si->sh_addr - pe->imagebase;
- unsigned long size = si->sh_size;
- IMAGE_SECTION_HEADER *psh = &si->ish;
- if (2 == pe->s1->verbose)
- printf("%6lx %6lx %6lx %s\n",
- addr, file_offset, size, sh_name);
- switch (si->cls) {
- case sec_text:
- pe_header.opthdr.BaseOfCode = addr;
- pe_header.opthdr.AddressOfEntryPoint = addr + pe->start_addr;
- break;
- case sec_data:
- pe_header.opthdr.BaseOfData = addr;
- break;
- case sec_bss:
- break;
- case sec_reloc:
- pe_set_datadir(IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_BASERELOC, addr, size);
- break;
- case sec_rsrc:
- pe_set_datadir(IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_RESOURCE, addr, size);
- break;
- case sec_stab:
- break;
- }
- if (pe->thunk == pe->s1->sections[si->ord]) {
- if (pe->imp_size) {
- pe->imp_offs + addr, pe->imp_size);
- pe->iat_offs + addr, pe->iat_size);
- }
- if (pe->exp_size) {
- pe->exp_offs + addr, pe->exp_size);
- }
- }
- strcpy((char*)psh->Name, sh_name);
- psh->Characteristics = pe_sec_flags[si->cls];
- psh->VirtualAddress = addr;
- psh->Misc.VirtualSize = size;
- pe_header.opthdr.SizeOfImage =
- umax(pe_virtual_align(size + addr), pe_header.opthdr.SizeOfImage);
- if (si->data_size) {
- psh->PointerToRawData = r = file_offset;
- fwrite(si->data, 1, si->data_size, op);
- file_offset = pe_file_align(file_offset + si->data_size);
- psh->SizeOfRawData = file_offset - r;
- pe_fpad(op, file_offset);
- }
- }
- // pe_header.filehdr.TimeDateStamp = time(NULL);
- pe_header.filehdr.NumberOfSections = pe->sec_count;
- pe_header.opthdr.SizeOfHeaders = pe->sizeofheaders;
- pe_header.opthdr.ImageBase = pe->imagebase;
- if (PE_DLL == pe->type)
- pe_header.filehdr.Characteristics = 0x230E;
- else if (PE_GUI != pe->type)
- pe_header.opthdr.Subsystem = 3;
- fseek(op, SEEK_SET, 0);
- fwrite(&pe_header, 1, sizeof pe_header, op);
- for (i = 0; i < pe->sec_count; ++i)
- fwrite(&pe->sec_info[i].ish, 1, sizeof(IMAGE_SECTION_HEADER), op);
- fclose (op);
- if (2 == pe->s1->verbose)
- printf("-------------------------------\n");
- if (pe->s1->verbose)
- printf("<- %s (%lu bytes)\n", pe->filename, file_offset);
- return 0;
-ST_FN struct import_symbol *pe_add_import(struct pe_info *pe, int sym_index)
- int i;
- int dll_index;
- struct pe_import_info *p;
- struct import_symbol *s;
- dll_index = ((Elf32_Sym *)pe->s1->dynsymtab_section->data + sym_index)->st_value;
- if (0 == dll_index)
- return NULL;
- i = dynarray_assoc ((void**)pe->imp_info, pe->imp_count, dll_index);
- if (-1 != i) {
- p = pe->imp_info[i];
- goto found_dll;
- }
- p = tcc_mallocz(sizeof *p);
- p->dll_index = dll_index;
- dynarray_add((void***)&pe->imp_info, &pe->imp_count, p);
- i = dynarray_assoc ((void**)p->symbols, p->sym_count, sym_index);
- if (-1 != i)
- return p->symbols[i];
- s = tcc_mallocz(sizeof *s);
- dynarray_add((void***)&p->symbols, &p->sym_count, s);
- s->sym_index = sym_index;
- return s;
-ST_FN void pe_build_imports(struct pe_info *pe)
- int thk_ptr, ent_ptr, dll_ptr, sym_cnt, i;
- DWORD rva_base = pe->thunk->sh_addr - pe->imagebase;
- int ndlls = pe->imp_count;
- for (sym_cnt = i = 0; i < ndlls; ++i)
- sym_cnt += pe->imp_info[i]->sym_count;
- if (0 == sym_cnt)
- return;
- pe_align_section(pe->thunk, 16);
- pe->imp_offs = dll_ptr = pe->thunk->data_offset;
- pe->imp_size = (ndlls + 1) * sizeof(struct pe_import_header);
- pe->iat_offs = dll_ptr + pe->imp_size;
- pe->iat_size = (sym_cnt + ndlls) * sizeof(DWORD);
- section_ptr_add(pe->thunk, pe->imp_size + 2*pe->iat_size);
- thk_ptr = pe->iat_offs;
- ent_ptr = pe->iat_offs + pe->iat_size;
- for (i = 0; i < pe->imp_count; ++i) {
- struct pe_import_header *hdr;
- int k, n, v;
- struct pe_import_info *p = pe->imp_info[i];
- const char *name = pe->s1->loaded_dlls[p->dll_index-1]->name;
- /* put the dll name into the import header */
- v = put_elf_str(pe->thunk, name);
- hdr = (struct pe_import_header*)(pe->thunk->data + dll_ptr);
- hdr->first_thunk = thk_ptr + rva_base;
- hdr->first_entry = ent_ptr + rva_base;
- hdr->lib_name_offset = v + rva_base;
- for (k = 0, n = p->sym_count; k <= n; ++k) {
- if (k < n) {
- DWORD iat_index = p->symbols[k]->iat_index;
- int sym_index = p->symbols[k]->sym_index;
- Elf32_Sym *imp_sym = (Elf32_Sym *)pe->s1->dynsymtab_section->data + sym_index;
- Elf32_Sym *org_sym = (Elf32_Sym *)symtab_section->data + iat_index;
- const char *name = pe->s1->dynsymtab_section->link->data + imp_sym->st_name;
- org_sym->st_value = thk_ptr;
- org_sym->st_shndx = pe->thunk->sh_num;
- v = pe->thunk->data_offset + rva_base;
- section_ptr_add(pe->thunk, sizeof(WORD)); /* hint, not used */
- put_elf_str(pe->thunk, name);
- } else {
- v = 0; /* last entry is zero */
- }
- *(DWORD*)(pe->thunk->data+thk_ptr) =
- *(DWORD*)(pe->thunk->data+ent_ptr) = v;
- thk_ptr += sizeof (DWORD);
- ent_ptr += sizeof (DWORD);
- }
- dll_ptr += sizeof(struct pe_import_header);
- dynarray_reset(&p->symbols, &p->sym_count);
- }
- dynarray_reset(&pe->imp_info, &pe->imp_count);
-/* ------------------------------------------------------------- */
- For now only functions are exported. Export of data
- would work, but import requires compiler support to
- do an additional indirection.
- For instance:
- __declspec(dllimport) extern int something;
- needs to be translated to:
- *(int*)something
-ST_FN int sym_cmp(const void *va, const void *vb)
- const char *ca = ((const char **)va)[1];
- const char *cb = ((const char **)vb)[1];
- return strcmp(ca, cb);
-ST_FN void pe_build_exports(struct pe_info *pe)
- Elf32_Sym *sym;
- int sym_index, sym_end;
- DWORD rva_base, func_o, name_o, ord_o, str_o;
- struct pe_export_header *hdr;
- int sym_count, n, ord, *sorted, *sp;
- FILE *op;
- char buf[MAX_PATH];
- const char *dllname;
- const char *name;
- rva_base = pe->thunk->sh_addr - pe->imagebase;
- sym_count = 0, n = 1, sorted = NULL, op = NULL;
- sym_end = symtab_section->data_offset / sizeof(Elf32_Sym);
- for (sym_index = 1; sym_index < sym_end; ++sym_index) {
- sym = (Elf32_Sym*)symtab_section->data + sym_index;
- name = symtab_section->link->data + sym->st_name;
- if ((sym->st_other & 1)
- /* export only symbols from actually written sections */
- && pe->s1->sections[sym->st_shndx]->sh_addr) {
- dynarray_add((void***)&sorted, &sym_count, (void*)n);
- dynarray_add((void***)&sorted, &sym_count, (void*)name);
- }
- ++n;
-#if 0
- if (sym->st_other & 1)
- printf("export: %s\n", name);
- if (sym->st_other & 2)
- printf("stdcall: %s\n", name);
- }
- if (0 == sym_count)
- return;
- sym_count /= 2;
- qsort (sorted, sym_count, 2 * sizeof sorted[0], sym_cmp);
- pe_align_section(pe->thunk, 16);
- dllname = tcc_basename(pe->filename);
- pe->exp_offs = pe->thunk->data_offset;
- func_o = pe->exp_offs + sizeof(struct pe_export_header);
- name_o = func_o + sym_count * sizeof (DWORD);
- ord_o = name_o + sym_count * sizeof (DWORD);
- str_o = ord_o + sym_count * sizeof(WORD);
- hdr = section_ptr_add(pe->thunk, str_o - pe->exp_offs);
- hdr->Characteristics = 0;
- hdr->Base = 1;
- hdr->NumberOfFunctions = sym_count;
- hdr->NumberOfNames = sym_count;
- hdr->AddressOfFunctions = func_o + rva_base;
- hdr->AddressOfNames = name_o + rva_base;
- hdr->AddressOfNameOrdinals = ord_o + rva_base;
- hdr->Name = str_o + rva_base;
- put_elf_str(pe->thunk, dllname);
-#if 1
- /* automatically write exports to <output-filename>.def */
- strcpy(buf, pe->filename);
- strcpy(tcc_fileextension(buf), ".def");
- op = fopen(buf, "w");
- if (NULL == op) {
- error_noabort("could not create '%s': %s", buf, strerror(errno));
- } else {
- fprintf(op, "LIBRARY %s\n\nEXPORTS\n", dllname);
- if (pe->s1->verbose)
- printf("<- %s (%d symbols)\n", buf, sym_count);
- }
- for (sp = sorted, ord = 0; ord < sym_count; ++ord, sp += 2)
- {
- sym_index = sp[0], name = (const char *)sp[1];
- /* insert actual address later in pe_relocate_rva */
- put_elf_reloc(symtab_section, pe->thunk,
- func_o, R_386_RELATIVE, sym_index);
- *(DWORD*)(pe->thunk->data + name_o)
- = pe->thunk->data_offset + rva_base;
- *(WORD*)(pe->thunk->data + ord_o)
- = ord;
- put_elf_str(pe->thunk, name);
- func_o += sizeof (DWORD);
- name_o += sizeof (DWORD);
- ord_o += sizeof (WORD);
- if (op)
- fprintf(op, "%s\n", name);
- }
- pe->exp_size = pe->thunk->data_offset - pe->exp_offs;
- tcc_free(sorted);
-/* ------------------------------------------------------------- */
-ST_FN void pe_build_reloc (struct pe_info *pe)
- DWORD offset, block_ptr, addr;
- int count, i;
- Elf32_Rel *rel, *rel_end;
- Section *s = NULL, *sr;
- offset = addr = block_ptr = count = i = 0;
- rel = rel_end = NULL;
- for(;;) {
- if (rel < rel_end) {
- int type = ELF32_R_TYPE(rel->r_info);
- addr = rel->r_offset + s->sh_addr;
- ++ rel;
- if (type != R_386_32)
- continue;
- if (count == 0) { /* new block */
- block_ptr = pe->reloc->data_offset;
- section_ptr_add(pe->reloc, sizeof(struct pe_reloc_header));
- offset = addr & 0xFFFFFFFF<<12;
- }
- if ((addr -= offset) < (1<<12)) { /* one block spans 4k addresses */
- WORD *wp = section_ptr_add(pe->reloc, sizeof (WORD));
- *wp = addr | IMAGE_REL_BASED_HIGHLOW<<12;
- ++count;
- continue;
- }
- -- rel;
- } else if (i < pe->sec_count) {
- sr = (s = pe->s1->sections[pe->sec_info[i++].ord])->reloc;
- if (sr) {
- rel = (Elf32_Rel *)sr->data;
- rel_end = (Elf32_Rel *)(sr->data + sr->data_offset);
- }
- continue;
- }
- if (count) {
- /* store the last block and ready for a new one */
- struct pe_reloc_header *hdr;
- if (count & 1) /* align for DWORDS */
- section_ptr_add(pe->reloc, sizeof(WORD)), ++count;
- hdr = (struct pe_reloc_header *)(pe->reloc->data + block_ptr);
- hdr -> offset = offset - pe->imagebase;
- hdr -> size = count * sizeof(WORD) + sizeof(struct pe_reloc_header);
- count = 0;
- }
- if (rel >= rel_end)
- break;
- }
-/* ------------------------------------------------------------- */
-ST_FN int pe_section_class(Section *s)
- int type, flags;
- const char *name;
- type = s->sh_type;
- flags = s->sh_flags;
- name = s->name;
- if (flags & SHF_ALLOC) {
- if (type == SHT_PROGBITS) {
- if (flags & SHF_EXECINSTR)
- return sec_text;
- if (flags & SHF_WRITE)
- return sec_data;
- if (0 == strcmp(name, ".rsrc"))
- return sec_rsrc;
- if (0 == strcmp(name, ".iedat"))
- return sec_idata;
- return sec_other;
- } else if (type == SHT_NOBITS) {
- if (flags & SHF_WRITE)
- return sec_bss;
- }
- } else {
- if (0 == strcmp(name, ".reloc"))
- return sec_reloc;
- if (0 == strncmp(name, ".stab", 5)) /* .stab and .stabstr */
- return sec_stab;
- }
- return -1;
-ST_FN int pe_assign_addresses (struct pe_info *pe)
- int i, k, o, c;
- DWORD addr;
- int *section_order;
- struct section_info *si;
- Section *s;
- // pe->thunk = new_section(pe->s1, ".iedat", SHT_PROGBITS, SHF_ALLOC);
- section_order = tcc_malloc(pe->s1->nb_sections * sizeof (int));
- for (o = k = 0 ; k < sec_last; ++k) {
- for (i = 1; i < pe->s1->nb_sections; ++i) {
- s = pe->s1->sections[i];
- if (k == pe_section_class(s)) {
- // printf("%s %d\n", s->name, k);
- s->sh_addr = pe->imagebase;
- section_order[o++] = i;
- }
- }
- }
- pe->sec_info = tcc_mallocz(o * sizeof (struct section_info));
- addr = pe->imagebase + 1;
- for (i = 0; i < o; ++i)
- {
- k = section_order[i];
- s = pe->s1->sections[k];
- c = pe_section_class(s);
- si = &pe->sec_info[pe->sec_count];
- if (c == sec_bss && pe->sec_count && si[-1].cls == sec_data) {
- /* append .bss to .data */
- s->sh_addr = addr = ((addr-1) | 15) + 1;
- addr += s->data_offset;
- si[-1].sh_size = addr - si[-1].sh_addr;
- continue;
- }
- strcpy(si->name, s->name);
- si->cls = c;
- si->ord = k;
- si->sh_addr = s->sh_addr = addr = pe_virtual_align(addr);
- si->sh_flags = s->sh_flags;
- if (c == sec_data && NULL == pe->thunk)
- pe->thunk = s;
- if (s == pe->thunk) {
- pe_build_imports(pe);
- pe_build_exports(pe);
- }
- if (c == sec_reloc)
- pe_build_reloc (pe);
- if (s->data_offset)
- {
- if (s->sh_type != SHT_NOBITS) {
- si->data = s->data;
- si->data_size = s->data_offset;
- }
- addr += s->data_offset;
- si->sh_size = s->data_offset;
- ++pe->sec_count;
- }
- // printf("%08x %05x %s\n", si->sh_addr, si->sh_size, si->name);
- }
-#if 0
- for (i = 1; i < pe->s1->nb_sections; ++i) {
- Section *s = pe->s1->sections[i];
- int type = s->sh_type;
- int flags = s->sh_flags;
- printf("section %-16s %-10s %5x %s,%s,%s\n",
- s->name,
- type == SHT_PROGBITS ? "progbits" :
- type == SHT_NOBITS ? "nobits" :
- type == SHT_SYMTAB ? "symtab" :
- type == SHT_STRTAB ? "strtab" :
- type == SHT_REL ? "rel" : "???",
- s->data_offset,
- flags & SHF_ALLOC ? "alloc" : "",
- flags & SHF_WRITE ? "write" : "",
- flags & SHF_EXECINSTR ? "exec" : ""
- );
- }
- pe->s1->verbose = 2;
- tcc_free(section_order);
- return 0;
-/* ------------------------------------------------------------- */
-ST_FN void pe_relocate_rva (struct pe_info *pe, Section *s)
- Section *sr = s->reloc;
- Elf32_Rel *rel, *rel_end;
- rel_end = (Elf32_Rel *)(sr->data + sr->data_offset);
- for(rel = (Elf32_Rel *)sr->data; rel < rel_end; rel++)
- if (ELF32_R_TYPE(rel->r_info) == R_386_RELATIVE) {
- int sym_index = ELF32_R_SYM(rel->r_info);
- DWORD addr = s->sh_addr;
- if (sym_index) {
- Elf32_Sym *sym = (Elf32_Sym *)symtab_section->data + sym_index;
- addr = sym->st_value;
- }
- *(DWORD*)(s->data + rel->r_offset) += addr - pe->imagebase;
- }
-ST_FN int pe_check_symbols(struct pe_info *pe)
- Elf32_Sym *sym;
- int sym_index, sym_end;
- int ret = 0;
- pe_align_section(text_section, 8);
- sym_end = symtab_section->data_offset / sizeof(Elf32_Sym);
- for (sym_index = 1; sym_index < sym_end; ++sym_index) {
- sym = (Elf32_Sym*)symtab_section->data + sym_index;
- if (sym->st_shndx == SHN_UNDEF) {
- const char *name = symtab_section->link->data + sym->st_name;
- unsigned type = ELF32_ST_TYPE(sym->st_info);
- int imp_sym = pe_find_import(pe->s1, name);
- struct import_symbol *is;
- if (0 == imp_sym)
- goto not_found;
- is = pe_add_import(pe, imp_sym);
- if (!is)
- goto not_found;
- if (type == STT_FUNC) {
- unsigned long offset = is->thk_offset;
- if (offset) {
- /* got aliased symbol, like stricmp and _stricmp */
- } else {
- char buffer[100];
- offset = text_section->data_offset;
- /* add the 'jmp IAT[x]' instruction */
- *(WORD*)section_ptr_add(text_section, 8) = 0x25FF;
- /* add a helper symbol, will be patched later in
- pe_build_imports */
- sprintf(buffer, "IAT.%s", name);
- is->iat_index = put_elf_sym(
- symtab_section, 0, sizeof(DWORD),
- 0, SHN_UNDEF, buffer);
- put_elf_reloc(symtab_section, text_section,
- offset + 2, R_386_32, is->iat_index);
- is->thk_offset = offset;
- }
- /* tcc_realloc might have altered sym's address */
- sym = (Elf32_Sym*)symtab_section->data + sym_index;
- /* patch the original symbol */
- sym->st_value = offset;
- sym->st_shndx = text_section->sh_num;
- sym->st_other &= ~1; /* do not export */
- continue;
- }
- if (type == STT_OBJECT) { /* data, ptr to that should be */
- if (0 == is->iat_index) {
- /* original symbol will be patched later in pe_build_imports */
- is->iat_index = sym_index;
- continue;
- }
- }
- not_found:
- error_noabort("undefined symbol '%s'", name);
- ret = 1;
- } else if (pe->s1->rdynamic
- && ELF32_ST_BIND(sym->st_info) != STB_LOCAL) {
- /* if -rdynamic option, then export all non local symbols */
- sym->st_other |= 1;
- }
- }
- return ret;
-ST_FN void pe_print_section(FILE * f, Section * s)
- /* just if you'r curious */
- BYTE *p, *e, b;
- int i, n, l, m;
- p = s->data;
- e = s->data + s->data_offset;
- l = e - p;
- fprintf(f, "section \"%s\"", s->name);
- if (s->link)
- fprintf(f, "\nlink \"%s\"", s->link->name);
- if (s->reloc)
- fprintf(f, "\nreloc \"%s\"", s->reloc->name);
- fprintf(f, "\nv_addr %08X", s->sh_addr);
- fprintf(f, "\ncontents %08X", l);
- fprintf(f, "\n\n");
- if (s->sh_type == SHT_NOBITS)
- return;
- if (0 == l)
- return;
- if (s->sh_type == SHT_SYMTAB)
- m = sizeof(Elf32_Sym);
- if (s->sh_type == SHT_REL)
- m = sizeof(Elf32_Rel);
- else
- m = 16;
- fprintf(f, "%-8s", "offset");
- for (i = 0; i < m; ++i)
- fprintf(f, " %02x", i);
- n = 56;
- if (s->sh_type == SHT_SYMTAB || s->sh_type == SHT_REL) {
- const char *fields1[] = {
- "name",
- "value",
- "size",
- "bind",
- "type",
- "other",
- "shndx",
- };
- const char *fields2[] = {
- "offs",
- "type",
- "symb",
- };
- const char **p;
- if (s->sh_type == SHT_SYMTAB)
- p = fields1, n = 106;
- else
- p = fields2, n = 58;
- for (i = 0; p[i]; ++i)
- fprintf(f, "%6s", p[i]);
- fprintf(f, " symbol");
- }
- fprintf(f, "\n");
- for (i = 0; i < n; ++i)
- fprintf(f, "-");
- fprintf(f, "\n");
- for (i = 0; i < l;)
- {
- fprintf(f, "%08X", i);
- for (n = 0; n < m; ++n) {
- if (n + i < l)
- fprintf(f, " %02X", p[i + n]);
- else
- fprintf(f, " ");
- }
- if (s->sh_type == SHT_SYMTAB) {
- Elf32_Sym *sym = (Elf32_Sym *) (p + i);
- const char *name = s->link->data + sym->st_name;
- fprintf(f, " %04X %04X %04X %02X %02X %02X %04X \"%s\"",
- sym->st_name,
- sym->st_value,
- sym->st_size,
- ELF32_ST_BIND(sym->st_info),
- ELF32_ST_TYPE(sym->st_info),
- sym->st_other, sym->st_shndx, name);
- } else if (s->sh_type == SHT_REL) {
- Elf32_Rel *rel = (Elf32_Rel *) (p + i);
- Elf32_Sym *sym =
- (Elf32_Sym *) s->link->data + ELF32_R_SYM(rel->r_info);
- const char *name = s->link->link->data + sym->st_name;
- fprintf(f, " %04X %02X %04X \"%s\"",
- rel->r_offset,
- ELF32_R_TYPE(rel->r_info),
- ELF32_R_SYM(rel->r_info), name);
- } else {
- fprintf(f, " ");
- for (n = 0; n < m; ++n) {
- if (n + i < l) {
- b = p[i + n];
- if (b < 32 || b >= 127)
- b = '.';
- fprintf(f, "%c", b);
- }
- }
- }
- i += m;
- fprintf(f, "\n");
- }
- fprintf(f, "\n\n");
-ST_FN void pe_print_sections(TCCState *s1, const char *fname)
- Section *s;
- FILE *f;
- int i;
- f = fopen(fname, "wt");
- for (i = 1; i < s1->nb_sections; ++i) {
- s = s1->sections[i];
- pe_print_section(f, s);
- }
- pe_print_section(f, s1->dynsymtab_section);
- fclose(f);
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------
- * This is for compiled windows resources in 'coff' format
- * as generated by 'windres.exe -O coff ...'.
- */
-PUB_FN int pe_test_res_file(void *v, int size)
- struct pe_rsrc_header *p = (struct pe_rsrc_header *)v;
- return
- && p->filehdr.Machine == 0x014C
- && 1 == p->filehdr.NumberOfSections
- && 0 == strcmp(p->sectionhdr.Name, ".rsrc")
- ;
-ST_FN int read_n(int fd, void *ptr, unsigned size)
- return size == read(fd, ptr, size);
-PUB_FN int pe_load_res_file(TCCState *s1, int fd)
- struct pe_rsrc_header hdr;
- Section *rsrc_section;
- int i, ret = -1;
- BYTE *ptr;
- lseek (fd, 0, SEEK_SET);
- if (!read_n(fd, &hdr, sizeof hdr))
- goto quit;
- if (!pe_test_res_file(&hdr, sizeof hdr))
- goto quit;
- rsrc_section = new_section(s1, ".rsrc", SHT_PROGBITS, SHF_ALLOC);
- ptr = section_ptr_add(rsrc_section, hdr.sectionhdr.SizeOfRawData);
- lseek (fd, hdr.sectionhdr.PointerToRawData, SEEK_SET);
- if (!read_n(fd, ptr, hdr.sectionhdr.SizeOfRawData))
- goto quit;
- lseek (fd, hdr.sectionhdr.PointerToRelocations, SEEK_SET);
- for (i = 0; i < hdr.sectionhdr.NumberOfRelocations; ++i)
- {
- struct pe_rsrc_reloc rel;
- if (!read_n(fd, &rel, sizeof rel))
- goto quit;
- // printf("rsrc_reloc: %x %x %x\n", rel.offset, rel.size, rel.type);
- if (rel.type != 7) /* DIR32NB */
- goto quit;
- put_elf_reloc(symtab_section, rsrc_section,
- rel.offset, R_386_RELATIVE, 0);
- }
- ret = 0;
- if (ret)
- error_noabort("unrecognized resource file format");
- return ret;
-/* ------------------------------------------------------------- */
-ST_FN char *trimfront(char *p)
- while (*p && (unsigned char)*p <= ' ')
- ++p;
- return p;
-ST_FN char *trimback(char *a, char *e)
- while (e > a && (unsigned char)e[-1] <= ' ')
- --e;
- *e = 0;;
- return a;
-ST_FN char *get_line(char *line, int size, FILE *fp)
- if (NULL == fgets(line, size, fp))
- return NULL;
- trimback(line, strchr(line, 0));
- return trimfront(line);
-/* ------------------------------------------------------------- */
-PUB_FN int pe_load_def_file(TCCState *s1, int fd)
- DLLReference *dllref;
- int state = 0, ret = -1;
- char line[400], dllname[80], *p;
- FILE *fp = fdopen(dup(fd), "rb");
- if (NULL == fp)
- goto quit;
- for (;;) {
- p = get_line(line, sizeof line, fp);
- if (NULL == p)
- break;
- if (0 == *p || ';' == *p)
- continue;
- switch (state) {
- case 0:
- if (0 != strnicmp(p, "LIBRARY", 7))
- goto quit;
- strcpy(dllname, trimfront(p+7));
- ++state;
- continue;
- case 1:
- if (0 != stricmp(p, "EXPORTS"))
- goto quit;
- ++state;
- continue;
- case 2:
- dllref = tcc_mallocz(sizeof(DLLReference) + strlen(dllname));
- strcpy(dllref->name, dllname);
- dynarray_add((void ***) &s1->loaded_dlls, &s1->nb_loaded_dlls, dllref);
- ++state;
- default:
- add_elf_sym(s1->dynsymtab_section,
- s1->nb_loaded_dlls, 0,
- text_section->sh_num, p);
- continue;
- }
- }
- ret = 0;
- if (fp)
- fclose(fp);
- if (ret)
- error_noabort("unrecognized export definition file format");
- return ret;
-/* ------------------------------------------------------------- */
-ST_FN void pe_add_runtime_ex(TCCState *s1, struct pe_info *pe)
- const char *start_symbol;
- unsigned long addr = 0;
- int pe_type = 0;
- if (find_elf_sym(symtab_section, "_WinMain@16"))
- pe_type = PE_GUI;
- else
- if (TCC_OUTPUT_DLL == s1->output_type) {
- pe_type = PE_DLL;
- /* need this for 'tccelf.c:relocate_section()' */
- s1->output_type = TCC_OUTPUT_EXE;
- }
- start_symbol =
- TCC_OUTPUT_MEMORY == s1->output_type
- ? PE_GUI == pe_type ? "_runwinmain" : NULL
- : PE_DLL == pe_type ? "__dllstart@12"
- : PE_GUI == pe_type ? "_winstart" : "_start"
- ;
- /* grab the startup code from libtcc1 */
- if (start_symbol)
- add_elf_sym(symtab_section,
- 0, 0,
- SHN_UNDEF, start_symbol);
- if (0 == s1->nostdlib) {
- tcc_add_library(s1, "tcc1");
-#ifdef __CYGWIN__
- tcc_add_library(s1, "cygwin1");
- tcc_add_library(s1, "msvcrt");
- tcc_add_library(s1, "kernel32");
- if (PE_DLL == pe_type || PE_GUI == pe_type) {
- tcc_add_library(s1, "user32");
- tcc_add_library(s1, "gdi32");
- }
- }
- if (start_symbol) {
- addr = (unsigned long)tcc_get_symbol_err(s1, start_symbol);
- if (s1->output_type == TCC_OUTPUT_MEMORY && addr)
- /* for -run GUI's, put '_runwinmain' instead of 'main' */
- add_elf_sym(symtab_section,
- addr, 0,
- text_section->sh_num, "main");
- }
- if (pe) {
- pe->type = pe_type;
- pe->start_addr = addr;
- }
-PUB_FN void pe_add_runtime(TCCState *s1)
- pe_add_runtime_ex(s1, NULL);
-PUB_FN int pe_output_file(TCCState * s1, const char *filename)
- int ret;
- struct pe_info pe;
- int i;
- memset(&pe, 0, sizeof pe);
- pe.filename = filename;
- pe.s1 = s1;
- pe_add_runtime_ex(s1, &pe);
- relocate_common_syms(); /* assign bss adresses */
- tcc_add_linker_symbols(s1);
- ret = pe_check_symbols(&pe);
- if (0 == ret) {
- if (PE_DLL == pe.type) {
- pe.reloc = new_section(pe.s1, ".reloc", SHT_PROGBITS, 0);
- pe.imagebase = 0x10000000;
- } else {
- pe.imagebase = 0x00400000;
- }
- pe_assign_addresses(&pe);
- relocate_syms(s1, 0);
- for (i = 1; i < s1->nb_sections; ++i) {
- Section *s = s1->sections[i];
- if (s->reloc) {
- relocate_section(s1, s);
- pe_relocate_rva(&pe, s);
- }
- }
- if (s1->nb_errors)
- ret = 1;
- else
- ret = pe_write(&pe);
- tcc_free(pe.sec_info);
- }
- pe_print_sections(s1, "tcc.log");
- return ret;
-/* ------------------------------------------------------------- */
-#endif /* def TCC_TARGET_PE */
-/* ------------------------------------------------------------- */
diff --git a/05/tcc-0.9.25/tccpp.c b/05/tcc-0.9.25/tccpp.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 9ae2a1e..0000000
--- a/05/tcc-0.9.25/tccpp.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2936 +0,0 @@
- * TCC - Tiny C Compiler
- *
- * Copyright (c) 2001-2004 Fabrice Bellard
- *
- * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
- * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
- * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * Lesser General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
- * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
- */
-static const char tcc_keywords[] =
-#define DEF(id, str) str "\n"
-#include "tcctok.h"
-#undef DEF
-/* WARNING: the content of this string encodes token numbers */
-static char tok_two_chars[] = "<=\236>=\235!=\225&&\240||\241++\244--\242==\224<<\1>>\2+=\253-=\255*=\252/=\257%=\245&=\246^=\336|=\374->\313..\250##\266";
-/* true if isid(c) || isnum(c) */
-static unsigned char isidnum_table[256-CH_EOF];
-struct macro_level {
- struct macro_level *prev;
- int *p;
-static void next_nomacro(void);
-static void next_nomacro_spc(void);
-static void macro_subst(TokenString *tok_str, Sym **nested_list,
- const int *macro_str, struct macro_level **can_read_stream);
-/* allocate a new token */
-static TokenSym *tok_alloc_new(TokenSym **pts, const char *str, int len)
- TokenSym *ts, **ptable;
- int i;
- if (tok_ident >= SYM_FIRST_ANOM)
- error("memory full");
- /* expand token table if needed */
- i = tok_ident - TOK_IDENT;
- if ((i % TOK_ALLOC_INCR) == 0) {
- ptable = tcc_realloc(table_ident, (i + TOK_ALLOC_INCR) * sizeof(TokenSym *));
- if (!ptable)
- error("memory full");
- table_ident = ptable;
- }
- ts = tcc_malloc(sizeof(TokenSym) + len);
- table_ident[i] = ts;
- ts->tok = tok_ident++;
- ts->sym_define = NULL;
- ts->sym_label = NULL;
- ts->sym_struct = NULL;
- ts->sym_identifier = NULL;
- ts->len = len;
- ts->hash_next = NULL;
- memcpy(ts->str, str, len);
- ts->str[len] = '\0';
- *pts = ts;
- return ts;
-#define TOK_HASH_INIT 1
-#define TOK_HASH_FUNC(h, c) ((h) * 263 + (c))
-/* find a token and add it if not found */
-static TokenSym *tok_alloc(const char *str, int len)
- TokenSym *ts, **pts;
- int i;
- unsigned int h;
- for(i=0;i<len;i++)
- h = TOK_HASH_FUNC(h, ((unsigned char *)str)[i]);
- h &= (TOK_HASH_SIZE - 1);
- pts = &hash_ident[h];
- for(;;) {
- ts = *pts;
- if (!ts)
- break;
- if (ts->len == len && !memcmp(ts->str, str, len))
- return ts;
- pts = &(ts->hash_next);
- }
- return tok_alloc_new(pts, str, len);
-/* XXX: buffer overflow */
-/* XXX: float tokens */
-char *get_tok_str(int v, CValue *cv)
- static char buf[STRING_MAX_SIZE + 1];
- static CString cstr_buf;
- CString *cstr;
- unsigned char *q;
- char *p;
- int i, len;
- /* NOTE: to go faster, we give a fixed buffer for small strings */
- cstr_reset(&cstr_buf);
- = buf;
- cstr_buf.size_allocated = sizeof(buf);
- p = buf;
- switch(v) {
- case TOK_CINT:
- case TOK_CUINT:
- /* XXX: not quite exact, but only useful for testing */
- sprintf(p, "%u", cv->ui);
- break;
- case TOK_CLLONG:
- /* XXX: not quite exact, but only useful for testing */
- sprintf(p, "%Lu", cv->ull);
- break;
- case TOK_LCHAR:
- cstr_ccat(&cstr_buf, 'L');
- case TOK_CCHAR:
- cstr_ccat(&cstr_buf, '\'');
- add_char(&cstr_buf, cv->i);
- cstr_ccat(&cstr_buf, '\'');
- cstr_ccat(&cstr_buf, '\0');
- break;
- case TOK_PPNUM:
- cstr = cv->cstr;
- len = cstr->size - 1;
- for(i=0;i<len;i++)
- add_char(&cstr_buf, ((unsigned char *)cstr->data)[i]);
- cstr_ccat(&cstr_buf, '\0');
- break;
- case TOK_LSTR:
- cstr_ccat(&cstr_buf, 'L');
- case TOK_STR:
- cstr = cv->cstr;
- cstr_ccat(&cstr_buf, '\"');
- if (v == TOK_STR) {
- len = cstr->size - 1;
- for(i=0;i<len;i++)
- add_char(&cstr_buf, ((unsigned char *)cstr->data)[i]);
- } else {
- len = (cstr->size / sizeof(nwchar_t)) - 1;
- for(i=0;i<len;i++)
- add_char(&cstr_buf, ((nwchar_t *)cstr->data)[i]);
- }
- cstr_ccat(&cstr_buf, '\"');
- cstr_ccat(&cstr_buf, '\0');
- break;
- case TOK_LT:
- v = '<';
- goto addv;
- case TOK_GT:
- v = '>';
- goto addv;
- case TOK_DOTS:
- return strcpy(p, "...");
- case TOK_A_SHL:
- return strcpy(p, "<<=");
- case TOK_A_SAR:
- return strcpy(p, ">>=");
- default:
- if (v < TOK_IDENT) {
- /* search in two bytes table */
- q = tok_two_chars;
- while (*q) {
- if (q[2] == v) {
- *p++ = q[0];
- *p++ = q[1];
- *p = '\0';
- return buf;
- }
- q += 3;
- }
- addv:
- *p++ = v;
- *p = '\0';
- } else if (v < tok_ident) {
- return table_ident[v - TOK_IDENT]->str;
- } else if (v >= SYM_FIRST_ANOM) {
- /* special name for anonymous symbol */
- sprintf(p, "L.%u", v - SYM_FIRST_ANOM);
- } else {
- /* should never happen */
- return NULL;
- }
- break;
- }
- return;
-/* fill input buffer and peek next char */
-static int tcc_peekc_slow(BufferedFile *bf)
- int len;
- /* only tries to read if really end of buffer */
- if (bf->buf_ptr >= bf->buf_end) {
- if (bf->fd != -1) {
-#if defined(PARSE_DEBUG)
- len = 8;
- len = IO_BUF_SIZE;
- len = read(bf->fd, bf->buffer, len);
- if (len < 0)
- len = 0;
- } else {
- len = 0;
- }
- total_bytes += len;
- bf->buf_ptr = bf->buffer;
- bf->buf_end = bf->buffer + len;
- *bf->buf_end = CH_EOB;
- }
- if (bf->buf_ptr < bf->buf_end) {
- return bf->buf_ptr[0];
- } else {
- bf->buf_ptr = bf->buf_end;
- return CH_EOF;
- }
-/* return the current character, handling end of block if necessary
- (but not stray) */
-static int handle_eob(void)
- return tcc_peekc_slow(file);
-/* read next char from current input file and handle end of input buffer */
-static inline void inp(void)
- ch = *(++(file->buf_ptr));
- /* end of buffer/file handling */
- if (ch == CH_EOB)
- ch = handle_eob();
-/* handle '\[\r]\n' */
-static int handle_stray_noerror(void)
- while (ch == '\\') {
- inp();
- if (ch == '\n') {
- file->line_num++;
- inp();
- } else if (ch == '\r') {
- inp();
- if (ch != '\n')
- goto fail;
- file->line_num++;
- inp();
- } else {
- fail:
- return 1;
- }
- }
- return 0;
-static void handle_stray(void)
- if (handle_stray_noerror())
- error("stray '\\' in program");
-/* skip the stray and handle the \\n case. Output an error if
- incorrect char after the stray */
-static int handle_stray1(uint8_t *p)
- int c;
- if (p >= file->buf_end) {
- file->buf_ptr = p;
- c = handle_eob();
- p = file->buf_ptr;
- if (c == '\\')
- goto parse_stray;
- } else {
- parse_stray:
- file->buf_ptr = p;
- ch = *p;
- handle_stray();
- p = file->buf_ptr;
- c = *p;
- }
- return c;
-/* handle just the EOB case, but not stray */
-#define PEEKC_EOB(c, p)\
- p++;\
- c = *p;\
- if (c == '\\') {\
- file->buf_ptr = p;\
- c = handle_eob();\
- p = file->buf_ptr;\
- }\
-/* handle the complicated stray case */
-#define PEEKC(c, p)\
- p++;\
- c = *p;\
- if (c == '\\') {\
- c = handle_stray1(p);\
- p = file->buf_ptr;\
- }\
-/* input with '\[\r]\n' handling. Note that this function cannot
- handle other characters after '\', so you cannot call it inside
- strings or comments */
-static void minp(void)
- inp();
- if (ch == '\\')
- handle_stray();
-/* single line C++ comments */
-static uint8_t *parse_line_comment(uint8_t *p)
- int c;
- p++;
- for(;;) {
- c = *p;
- redo:
- if (c == '\n' || c == CH_EOF) {
- break;
- } else if (c == '\\') {
- file->buf_ptr = p;
- c = handle_eob();
- p = file->buf_ptr;
- if (c == '\\') {
- PEEKC_EOB(c, p);
- if (c == '\n') {
- file->line_num++;
- PEEKC_EOB(c, p);
- } else if (c == '\r') {
- PEEKC_EOB(c, p);
- if (c == '\n') {
- file->line_num++;
- PEEKC_EOB(c, p);
- }
- }
- } else {
- goto redo;
- }
- } else {
- p++;
- }
- }
- return p;
-/* C comments */
-static uint8_t *parse_comment(uint8_t *p)
- int c;
- p++;
- for(;;) {
- /* fast skip loop */
- for(;;) {
- c = *p;
- if (c == '\n' || c == '*' || c == '\\')
- break;
- p++;
- c = *p;
- if (c == '\n' || c == '*' || c == '\\')
- break;
- p++;
- }
- /* now we can handle all the cases */
- if (c == '\n') {
- file->line_num++;
- p++;
- } else if (c == '*') {
- p++;
- for(;;) {
- c = *p;
- if (c == '*') {
- p++;
- } else if (c == '/') {
- goto end_of_comment;
- } else if (c == '\\') {
- file->buf_ptr = p;
- c = handle_eob();
- p = file->buf_ptr;
- if (c == '\\') {
- /* skip '\[\r]\n', otherwise just skip the stray */
- while (c == '\\') {
- PEEKC_EOB(c, p);
- if (c == '\n') {
- file->line_num++;
- PEEKC_EOB(c, p);
- } else if (c == '\r') {
- PEEKC_EOB(c, p);
- if (c == '\n') {
- file->line_num++;
- PEEKC_EOB(c, p);
- }
- } else {
- goto after_star;
- }
- }
- }
- } else {
- break;
- }
- }
- after_star: ;
- } else {
- /* stray, eob or eof */
- file->buf_ptr = p;
- c = handle_eob();
- p = file->buf_ptr;
- if (c == CH_EOF) {
- error("unexpected end of file in comment");
- } else if (c == '\\') {
- p++;
- }
- }
- }
- end_of_comment:
- p++;
- return p;
-#define cinp minp
-static inline void skip_spaces(void)
- while (is_space(ch))
- cinp();
-static inline int check_space(int t, int *spc)
- if (is_space(t)) {
- if (*spc)
- return 1;
- *spc = 1;
- } else
- *spc = 0;
- return 0;
-/* parse a string without interpreting escapes */
-static uint8_t *parse_pp_string(uint8_t *p,
- int sep, CString *str)
- int c;
- p++;
- for(;;) {
- c = *p;
- if (c == sep) {
- break;
- } else if (c == '\\') {
- file->buf_ptr = p;
- c = handle_eob();
- p = file->buf_ptr;
- if (c == CH_EOF) {
- unterminated_string:
- /* XXX: indicate line number of start of string */
- error("missing terminating %c character", sep);
- } else if (c == '\\') {
- /* escape : just skip \[\r]\n */
- PEEKC_EOB(c, p);
- if (c == '\n') {
- file->line_num++;
- p++;
- } else if (c == '\r') {
- PEEKC_EOB(c, p);
- if (c != '\n')
- expect("'\n' after '\r'");
- file->line_num++;
- p++;
- } else if (c == CH_EOF) {
- goto unterminated_string;
- } else {
- if (str) {
- cstr_ccat(str, '\\');
- cstr_ccat(str, c);
- }
- p++;
- }
- }
- } else if (c == '\n') {
- file->line_num++;
- goto add_char;
- } else if (c == '\r') {
- PEEKC_EOB(c, p);
- if (c != '\n') {
- if (str)
- cstr_ccat(str, '\r');
- } else {
- file->line_num++;
- goto add_char;
- }
- } else {
- add_char:
- if (str)
- cstr_ccat(str, c);
- p++;
- }
- }
- p++;
- return p;
-/* skip block of text until #else, #elif or #endif. skip also pairs of
- #if/#endif */
-void preprocess_skip(void)
- int a, start_of_line, c, in_warn_or_error;
- uint8_t *p;
- p = file->buf_ptr;
- a = 0;
- start_of_line = 1;
- in_warn_or_error = 0;
- for(;;) {
- redo_no_start:
- c = *p;
- switch(c) {
- case ' ':
- case '\t':
- case '\f':
- case '\v':
- case '\r':
- p++;
- goto redo_no_start;
- case '\n':
- file->line_num++;
- p++;
- goto redo_start;
- case '\\':
- file->buf_ptr = p;
- c = handle_eob();
- if (c == CH_EOF) {
- expect("#endif");
- } else if (c == '\\') {
- ch = file->buf_ptr[0];
- handle_stray_noerror();
- }
- p = file->buf_ptr;
- goto redo_no_start;
- /* skip strings */
- case '\"':
- case '\'':
- if (in_warn_or_error)
- goto _default;
- p = parse_pp_string(p, c, NULL);
- break;
- /* skip comments */
- case '/':
- if (in_warn_or_error)
- goto _default;
- file->buf_ptr = p;
- ch = *p;
- minp();
- p = file->buf_ptr;
- if (ch == '*') {
- p = parse_comment(p);
- } else if (ch == '/') {
- p = parse_line_comment(p);
- }
- break;
- case '#':
- p++;
- if (start_of_line) {
- file->buf_ptr = p;
- next_nomacro();
- p = file->buf_ptr;
- if (a == 0 &&
- (tok == TOK_ELSE || tok == TOK_ELIF || tok == TOK_ENDIF))
- goto the_end;
- if (tok == TOK_IF || tok == TOK_IFDEF || tok == TOK_IFNDEF)
- a++;
- else if (tok == TOK_ENDIF)
- a--;
- else if( tok == TOK_ERROR || tok == TOK_WARNING)
- in_warn_or_error = 1;
- }
- break;
- default:
- p++;
- break;
- }
- start_of_line = 0;
- }
- the_end: ;
- file->buf_ptr = p;
-/* ParseState handling */
-/* XXX: currently, no include file info is stored. Thus, we cannot display
- accurate messages if the function or data definition spans multiple
- files */
-/* save current parse state in 's' */
-void save_parse_state(ParseState *s)
- s->line_num = file->line_num;
- s->macro_ptr = macro_ptr;
- s->tok = tok;
- s->tokc = tokc;
-/* restore parse state from 's' */
-void restore_parse_state(ParseState *s)
- file->line_num = s->line_num;
- macro_ptr = s->macro_ptr;
- tok = s->tok;
- tokc = s->tokc;
-/* return the number of additional 'ints' necessary to store the
- token */
-static inline int tok_ext_size(int t)
- switch(t) {
- /* 4 bytes */
- case TOK_CINT:
- case TOK_CUINT:
- case TOK_CCHAR:
- case TOK_LCHAR:
- case TOK_CFLOAT:
- return 1;
- case TOK_STR:
- case TOK_LSTR:
- case TOK_PPNUM:
- error("unsupported token");
- return 1;
- case TOK_CLLONG:
- return 2;
- return LDOUBLE_SIZE / 4;
- default:
- return 0;
- }
-/* token string handling */
-static inline void tok_str_new(TokenString *s)
- s->str = NULL;
- s->len = 0;
- s->allocated_len = 0;
- s->last_line_num = -1;
-static void tok_str_free(int *str)
- tcc_free(str);
-static int *tok_str_realloc(TokenString *s)
- int *str, len;
- if (s->allocated_len == 0) {
- len = 8;
- } else {
- len = s->allocated_len * 2;
- }
- str = tcc_realloc(s->str, len * sizeof(int));
- if (!str)
- error("memory full");
- s->allocated_len = len;
- s->str = str;
- return str;
-static void tok_str_add(TokenString *s, int t)
- int len, *str;
- len = s->len;
- str = s->str;
- if (len >= s->allocated_len)
- str = tok_str_realloc(s);
- str[len++] = t;
- s->len = len;
-static void tok_str_add2(TokenString *s, int t, CValue *cv)
- int len, *str;
- len = s->len;
- str = s->str;
- /* allocate space for worst case */
- if (len + TOK_MAX_SIZE > s->allocated_len)
- str = tok_str_realloc(s);
- str[len++] = t;
- switch(t) {
- case TOK_CINT:
- case TOK_CUINT:
- case TOK_CCHAR:
- case TOK_LCHAR:
- case TOK_CFLOAT:
- str[len++] = cv->tab[0];
- break;
- case TOK_PPNUM:
- case TOK_STR:
- case TOK_LSTR:
- {
- int nb_words;
- CString *cstr;
- nb_words = (sizeof(CString) + cv->cstr->size + 3) >> 2;
- while ((len + nb_words) > s->allocated_len)
- str = tok_str_realloc(s);
- cstr = (CString *)(str + len);
- cstr->data = NULL;
- cstr->size = cv->cstr->size;
- cstr->data_allocated = NULL;
- cstr->size_allocated = cstr->size;
- memcpy((char *)cstr + sizeof(CString),
- cv->cstr->data, cstr->size);
- len += nb_words;
- }
- break;
- case TOK_CLLONG:
-#if LDOUBLE_SIZE == 8
- str[len++] = cv->tab[0];
- str[len++] = cv->tab[1];
- break;
-#if LDOUBLE_SIZE == 12
- str[len++] = cv->tab[0];
- str[len++] = cv->tab[1];
- str[len++] = cv->tab[2];
-#elif LDOUBLE_SIZE == 16
- str[len++] = cv->tab[0];
- str[len++] = cv->tab[1];
- str[len++] = cv->tab[2];
- str[len++] = cv->tab[3];
-#elif LDOUBLE_SIZE != 8
-#error add long double size support
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- s->len = len;
-/* add the current parse token in token string 's' */
-static void tok_str_add_tok(TokenString *s)
- CValue cval;
- /* save line number info */
- if (file->line_num != s->last_line_num) {
- s->last_line_num = file->line_num;
- cval.i = s->last_line_num;
- tok_str_add2(s, TOK_LINENUM, &cval);
- }
- tok_str_add2(s, tok, &tokc);
-#if LDOUBLE_SIZE == 16
-#define LDOUBLE_GET(p, cv) \
-[0] = p[0]; \
-[1] = p[1]; \
-[2] = p[2]; \
-[3] = p[3];
-#elif LDOUBLE_SIZE == 12
-#define LDOUBLE_GET(p, cv) \
-[0] = p[0]; \
-[1] = p[1]; \
-[2] = p[2];
-#elif LDOUBLE_SIZE == 8
-#define LDOUBLE_GET(p, cv) \
-[0] = p[0]; \
-[1] = p[1];
-#error add long double size support
-/* get a token from an integer array and increment pointer
- accordingly. we code it as a macro to avoid pointer aliasing. */
-#define TOK_GET(t, p, cv) \
-{ \
- t = *p++; \
- switch(t) { \
- case TOK_CINT: \
- case TOK_CUINT: \
- case TOK_CCHAR: \
- case TOK_LCHAR: \
- case TOK_CFLOAT: \
- case TOK_LINENUM: \
-[0] = *p++; \
- break; \
- case TOK_STR: \
- case TOK_LSTR: \
- case TOK_PPNUM: \
- cv.cstr = (CString *)p; \
- cv.cstr->data = (char *)p + sizeof(CString);\
- p += (sizeof(CString) + cv.cstr->size + 3) >> 2;\
- break; \
- case TOK_CDOUBLE: \
- case TOK_CLLONG: \
- case TOK_CULLONG: \
-[0] = p[0]; \
-[1] = p[1]; \
- p += 2; \
- break; \
- case TOK_CLDOUBLE: \
- LDOUBLE_GET(p, cv); \
- p += LDOUBLE_SIZE / 4; \
- break; \
- default: \
- break; \
- } \
-/* defines handling */
-static inline void define_push(int v, int macro_type, int *str, Sym *first_arg)
- Sym *s;
- s = sym_push2(&define_stack, v, macro_type, (long)str);
- s->next = first_arg;
- table_ident[v - TOK_IDENT]->sym_define = s;
-/* undefined a define symbol. Its name is just set to zero */
-static void define_undef(Sym *s)
- int v;
- v = s->v;
- if (v >= TOK_IDENT && v < tok_ident)
- table_ident[v - TOK_IDENT]->sym_define = NULL;
- s->v = 0;
-static inline Sym *define_find(int v)
- v -= TOK_IDENT;
- if ((unsigned)v >= (unsigned)(tok_ident - TOK_IDENT))
- return NULL;
- return table_ident[v]->sym_define;
-/* free define stack until top reaches 'b' */
-static void free_defines(Sym *b)
- Sym *top, *top1;
- int v;
- top = define_stack;
- while (top != b) {
- top1 = top->prev;
- /* do not free args or predefined defines */
- if (top->c)
- tok_str_free((int *)top->c);
- v = top->v;
- if (v >= TOK_IDENT && v < tok_ident)
- table_ident[v - TOK_IDENT]->sym_define = NULL;
- sym_free(top);
- top = top1;
- }
- define_stack = b;
-/* label lookup */
-static Sym *label_find(int v)
- v -= TOK_IDENT;
- if ((unsigned)v >= (unsigned)(tok_ident - TOK_IDENT))
- return NULL;
- return table_ident[v]->sym_label;
-static Sym *label_push(Sym **ptop, int v, int flags)
- Sym *s, **ps;
- s = sym_push2(ptop, v, 0, 0);
- s->r = flags;
- ps = &table_ident[v - TOK_IDENT]->sym_label;
- if (ptop == &global_label_stack) {
- /* modify the top most local identifier, so that
- sym_identifier will point to 's' when popped */
- while (*ps != NULL)
- ps = &(*ps)->prev_tok;
- }
- s->prev_tok = *ps;
- *ps = s;
- return s;
-/* pop labels until element last is reached. Look if any labels are
- undefined. Define symbols if '&&label' was used. */
-static void label_pop(Sym **ptop, Sym *slast)
- Sym *s, *s1;
- for(s = *ptop; s != slast; s = s1) {
- s1 = s->prev;
- if (s->r == LABEL_DECLARED) {
- warning("label '%s' declared but not used", get_tok_str(s->v, NULL));
- } else if (s->r == LABEL_FORWARD) {
- error("label '%s' used but not defined",
- get_tok_str(s->v, NULL));
- } else {
- if (s->c) {
- /* define corresponding symbol. A size of
- 1 is put. */
- put_extern_sym(s, cur_text_section, (long)s->next, 1);
- }
- }
- /* remove label */
- table_ident[s->v - TOK_IDENT]->sym_label = s->prev_tok;
- sym_free(s);
- }
- *ptop = slast;
-/* eval an expression for #if/#elif */
-static int expr_preprocess(void)
- int c, t;
- TokenString str;
- tok_str_new(&str);
- while (tok != TOK_LINEFEED && tok != TOK_EOF) {
- next(); /* do macro subst */
- if (tok == TOK_DEFINED) {
- next_nomacro();
- t = tok;
- if (t == '(')
- next_nomacro();
- c = define_find(tok) != 0;
- if (t == '(')
- next_nomacro();
- tok = TOK_CINT;
- tokc.i = c;
- } else if (tok >= TOK_IDENT) {
- /* if undefined macro */
- tok = TOK_CINT;
- tokc.i = 0;
- }
- tok_str_add_tok(&str);
- }
- tok_str_add(&str, -1); /* simulate end of file */
- tok_str_add(&str, 0);
- /* now evaluate C constant expression */
- macro_ptr = str.str;
- next();
- c = expr_const();
- macro_ptr = NULL;
- tok_str_free(str.str);
- return c != 0;
-#if defined(PARSE_DEBUG) || defined(PP_DEBUG)
-static void tok_print(int *str)
- int t;
- CValue cval;
- printf("<");
- while (1) {
- TOK_GET(t, str, cval);
- if (!t)
- break;
- printf("%s", get_tok_str(t, &cval));
- }
- printf(">\n");
-/* parse after #define */
-static void parse_define(void)
- Sym *s, *first, **ps;
- int v, t, varg, is_vaargs, spc;
- TokenString str;
- v = tok;
- if (v < TOK_IDENT)
- error("invalid macro name '%s'", get_tok_str(tok, &tokc));
- /* XXX: should check if same macro (ANSI) */
- first = NULL;
- t = MACRO_OBJ;
- /* '(' must be just after macro definition for MACRO_FUNC */
- next_nomacro_spc();
- if (tok == '(') {
- next_nomacro();
- ps = &first;
- while (tok != ')') {
- varg = tok;
- next_nomacro();
- is_vaargs = 0;
- if (varg == TOK_DOTS) {
- varg = TOK___VA_ARGS__;
- is_vaargs = 1;
- } else if (tok == TOK_DOTS && gnu_ext) {
- is_vaargs = 1;
- next_nomacro();
- }
- if (varg < TOK_IDENT)
- error("badly punctuated parameter list");
- s = sym_push2(&define_stack, varg | SYM_FIELD, is_vaargs, 0);
- *ps = s;
- ps = &s->next;
- if (tok != ',')
- break;
- next_nomacro();
- }
- if (tok == ')')
- next_nomacro_spc();
- }
- tok_str_new(&str);
- spc = 2;
- /* EOF testing necessary for '-D' handling */
- while (tok != TOK_LINEFEED && tok != TOK_EOF) {
- /* remove spaces around ## and after '#' */
- if (TOK_TWOSHARPS == tok) {
- if (1 == spc)
- --str.len;
- spc = 2;
- } else if ('#' == tok) {
- spc = 2;
- } else if (check_space(tok, &spc)) {
- goto skip;
- }
- tok_str_add2(&str, tok, &tokc);
- skip:
- next_nomacro_spc();
- }
- if (spc == 1)
- --str.len; /* remove trailing space */
- tok_str_add(&str, 0);
-#ifdef PP_DEBUG
- printf("define %s %d: ", get_tok_str(v, NULL), t);
- tok_print(str.str);
- define_push(v, t, str.str, first);
-static inline int hash_cached_include(int type, const char *filename)
- const unsigned char *s;
- unsigned int h;
- h = TOK_HASH_FUNC(h, type);
- s = filename;
- while (*s) {
- h = TOK_HASH_FUNC(h, *s);
- s++;
- }
- return h;
-/* XXX: use a token or a hash table to accelerate matching ? */
-static CachedInclude *search_cached_include(TCCState *s1,
- int type, const char *filename)
- CachedInclude *e;
- int i, h;
- h = hash_cached_include(type, filename);
- i = s1->cached_includes_hash[h];
- for(;;) {
- if (i == 0)
- break;
- e = s1->cached_includes[i - 1];
- if (e->type == type && !PATHCMP(e->filename, filename))
- return e;
- i = e->hash_next;
- }
- return NULL;
-static inline void add_cached_include(TCCState *s1, int type,
- const char *filename, int ifndef_macro)
- CachedInclude *e;
- int h;
- if (search_cached_include(s1, type, filename))
- return;
-#ifdef INC_DEBUG
- printf("adding cached '%s' %s\n", filename, get_tok_str(ifndef_macro, NULL));
- e = tcc_malloc(sizeof(CachedInclude) + strlen(filename));
- if (!e)
- return;
- e->type = type;
- strcpy(e->filename, filename);
- e->ifndef_macro = ifndef_macro;
- dynarray_add((void ***)&s1->cached_includes, &s1->nb_cached_includes, e);
- /* add in hash table */
- h = hash_cached_include(type, filename);
- e->hash_next = s1->cached_includes_hash[h];
- s1->cached_includes_hash[h] = s1->nb_cached_includes;
-static void pragma_parse(TCCState *s1)
- int val;
- next();
- if (tok == TOK_pack) {
- /*
- This may be:
- #pragma pack(1) // set
- #pragma pack() // reset to default
- #pragma pack(push,1) // push & set
- #pragma pack(pop) // restore previous
- */
- next();
- skip('(');
- if (tok == TOK_ASM_pop) {
- next();
- if (s1->pack_stack_ptr <= s1->pack_stack) {
- stk_error:
- error("out of pack stack");
- }
- s1->pack_stack_ptr--;
- } else {
- val = 0;
- if (tok != ')') {
- if (tok == TOK_ASM_push) {
- next();
- if (s1->pack_stack_ptr >= s1->pack_stack + PACK_STACK_SIZE - 1)
- goto stk_error;
- s1->pack_stack_ptr++;
- skip(',');
- }
- if (tok != TOK_CINT) {
- pack_error:
- error("invalid pack pragma");
- }
- val = tokc.i;
- if (val < 1 || val > 16 || (val & (val - 1)) != 0)
- goto pack_error;
- next();
- }
- *s1->pack_stack_ptr = val;
- skip(')');
- }
- }
-/* is_bof is true if first non space token at beginning of file */
-static void preprocess(int is_bof)
- TCCState *s1 = tcc_state;
- int i, c, n, saved_parse_flags;
- char buf[1024], *q;
- Sym *s;
- saved_parse_flags = parse_flags;
- next_nomacro();
- redo:
- switch(tok) {
- case TOK_DEFINE:
- next_nomacro();
- parse_define();
- break;
- case TOK_UNDEF:
- next_nomacro();
- s = define_find(tok);
- /* undefine symbol by putting an invalid name */
- if (s)
- define_undef(s);
- break;
- ch = file->buf_ptr[0];
- /* XXX: incorrect if comments : use next_nomacro with a special mode */
- skip_spaces();
- if (ch == '<') {
- c = '>';
- goto read_name;
- } else if (ch == '\"') {
- c = ch;
- read_name:
- inp();
- q = buf;
- while (ch != c && ch != '\n' && ch != CH_EOF) {
- if ((q - buf) < sizeof(buf) - 1)
- *q++ = ch;
- if (ch == '\\') {
- if (handle_stray_noerror() == 0)
- --q;
- } else
- inp();
- }
- *q = '\0';
- minp();
-#if 0
- /* eat all spaces and comments after include */
- /* XXX: slightly incorrect */
- while (ch1 != '\n' && ch1 != CH_EOF)
- inp();
- } else {
- /* computed #include : either we have only strings or
- we have anything enclosed in '<>' */
- next();
- buf[0] = '\0';
- if (tok == TOK_STR) {
- while (tok != TOK_LINEFEED) {
- if (tok != TOK_STR) {
- include_syntax:
- error("'#include' expects \"FILENAME\" or <FILENAME>");
- }
- pstrcat(buf, sizeof(buf), (char *)tokc.cstr->data);
- next();
- }
- c = '\"';
- } else {
- int len;
- while (tok != TOK_LINEFEED) {
- pstrcat(buf, sizeof(buf), get_tok_str(tok, &tokc));
- next();
- }
- len = strlen(buf);
- /* check syntax and remove '<>' */
- if (len < 2 || buf[0] != '<' || buf[len - 1] != '>')
- goto include_syntax;
- memmove(buf, buf + 1, len - 2);
- buf[len - 2] = '\0';
- c = '>';
- }
- }
- if (s1->include_stack_ptr >= s1->include_stack + INCLUDE_STACK_SIZE)
- error("#include recursion too deep");
- n = s1->nb_include_paths + s1->nb_sysinclude_paths;
- for (i = -2; i < n; ++i) {
- char buf1[sizeof file->filename];
- BufferedFile *f;
- CachedInclude *e;
- const char *path;
- int size;
- if (i == -2) {
- /* check absolute include path */
- if (!IS_ABSPATH(buf))
- continue;
- buf1[0] = 0;
- } else if (i == -1) {
- /* search in current dir if "header.h" */
- if (c != '\"')
- continue;
- size = tcc_basename(file->filename) - file->filename;
- memcpy(buf1, file->filename, size);
- buf1[size] = '\0';
- } else {
- /* search in all the include paths */
- if (i < s1->nb_include_paths)
- path = s1->include_paths[i];
- else
- path = s1->sysinclude_paths[i - s1->nb_include_paths];
- pstrcpy(buf1, sizeof(buf1), path);
- pstrcat(buf1, sizeof(buf1), "/");
- }
- pstrcat(buf1, sizeof(buf1), buf);
- e = search_cached_include(s1, c, buf1);
- if (e && define_find(e->ifndef_macro)) {
- /* no need to parse the include because the 'ifndef macro'
- is defined */
-#ifdef INC_DEBUG
- printf("%s: skipping %s\n", file->filename, buf);
- f = NULL;
- } else {
- f = tcc_open(s1, buf1);
- if (!f)
- continue;
- }
- if (tok == TOK_INCLUDE_NEXT) {
- tok = TOK_INCLUDE;
- if (f)
- tcc_close(f);
- continue;
- }
- if (!f)
- goto include_done;
-#ifdef INC_DEBUG
- printf("%s: including %s\n", file->filename, buf1);
- /* XXX: fix current line init */
- /* push current file in stack */
- *s1->include_stack_ptr++ = file;
- f->inc_type = c;
- pstrcpy(f->inc_filename, sizeof(f->inc_filename), buf1);
- file = f;
- /* add include file debug info */
- if (tcc_state->do_debug) {
- put_stabs(file->filename, N_BINCL, 0, 0, 0);
- }
- tok_flags |= TOK_FLAG_BOF | TOK_FLAG_BOL;
- ch = file->buf_ptr[0];
- goto the_end;
- }
- error("include file '%s' not found", buf);
- break;
- case TOK_IFNDEF:
- c = 1;
- goto do_ifdef;
- case TOK_IF:
- c = expr_preprocess();
- goto do_if;
- case TOK_IFDEF:
- c = 0;
- do_ifdef:
- next_nomacro();
- if (tok < TOK_IDENT)
- error("invalid argument for '#if%sdef'", c ? "n" : "");
- if (is_bof) {
- if (c) {
-#ifdef INC_DEBUG
- printf("#ifndef %s\n", get_tok_str(tok, NULL));
- file->ifndef_macro = tok;
- }
- }
- c = (define_find(tok) != 0) ^ c;
- do_if:
- if (s1->ifdef_stack_ptr >= s1->ifdef_stack + IFDEF_STACK_SIZE)
- error("memory full");
- *s1->ifdef_stack_ptr++ = c;
- goto test_skip;
- case TOK_ELSE:
- if (s1->ifdef_stack_ptr == s1->ifdef_stack)
- error("#else without matching #if");
- if (s1->ifdef_stack_ptr[-1] & 2)
- error("#else after #else");
- c = (s1->ifdef_stack_ptr[-1] ^= 3);
- goto test_skip;
- case TOK_ELIF:
- if (s1->ifdef_stack_ptr == s1->ifdef_stack)
- error("#elif without matching #if");
- c = s1->ifdef_stack_ptr[-1];
- if (c > 1)
- error("#elif after #else");
- /* last #if/#elif expression was true: we skip */
- if (c == 1)
- goto skip;
- c = expr_preprocess();
- s1->ifdef_stack_ptr[-1] = c;
- test_skip:
- if (!(c & 1)) {
- skip:
- preprocess_skip();
- is_bof = 0;
- goto redo;
- }
- break;
- case TOK_ENDIF:
- if (s1->ifdef_stack_ptr <= file->ifdef_stack_ptr)
- error("#endif without matching #if");
- s1->ifdef_stack_ptr--;
- /* '#ifndef macro' was at the start of file. Now we check if
- an '#endif' is exactly at the end of file */
- if (file->ifndef_macro &&
- s1->ifdef_stack_ptr == file->ifdef_stack_ptr) {
- file->ifndef_macro_saved = file->ifndef_macro;
- /* need to set to zero to avoid false matches if another
- #ifndef at middle of file */
- file->ifndef_macro = 0;
- while (tok != TOK_LINEFEED)
- next_nomacro();
- tok_flags |= TOK_FLAG_ENDIF;
- goto the_end;
- }
- break;
- case TOK_LINE:
- next();
- if (tok != TOK_CINT)
- error("#line");
- file->line_num = tokc.i - 1; /* the line number will be incremented after */
- next();
- if (tok != TOK_LINEFEED) {
- if (tok != TOK_STR)
- error("#line");
- pstrcpy(file->filename, sizeof(file->filename),
- (char *)tokc.cstr->data);
- }
- break;
- case TOK_ERROR:
- c = tok;
- ch = file->buf_ptr[0];
- skip_spaces();
- q = buf;
- while (ch != '\n' && ch != CH_EOF) {
- if ((q - buf) < sizeof(buf) - 1)
- *q++ = ch;
- if (ch == '\\') {
- if (handle_stray_noerror() == 0)
- --q;
- } else
- inp();
- }
- *q = '\0';
- if (c == TOK_ERROR)
- error("#error %s", buf);
- else
- warning("#warning %s", buf);
- break;
- case TOK_PRAGMA:
- pragma_parse(s1);
- break;
- default:
- if (tok == TOK_LINEFEED || tok == '!' || tok == TOK_CINT) {
- /* '!' is ignored to allow C scripts. numbers are ignored
- to emulate cpp behaviour */
- } else {
- if (!(saved_parse_flags & PARSE_FLAG_ASM_COMMENTS))
- warning("Ignoring unknown preprocessing directive #%s", get_tok_str(tok, &tokc));
- }
- break;
- }
- /* ignore other preprocess commands or #! for C scripts */
- while (tok != TOK_LINEFEED)
- next_nomacro();
- the_end:
- parse_flags = saved_parse_flags;
-/* evaluate escape codes in a string. */
-static void parse_escape_string(CString *outstr, const uint8_t *buf, int is_long)
- int c, n;
- const uint8_t *p;
- p = buf;
- for(;;) {
- c = *p;
- if (c == '\0')
- break;
- if (c == '\\') {
- p++;
- /* escape */
- c = *p;
- switch(c) {
- case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3':
- case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7':
- /* at most three octal digits */
- n = c - '0';
- p++;
- c = *p;
- if (isoct(c)) {
- n = n * 8 + c - '0';
- p++;
- c = *p;
- if (isoct(c)) {
- n = n * 8 + c - '0';
- p++;
- }
- }
- c = n;
- goto add_char_nonext;
- case 'x':
- case 'u':
- case 'U':
- p++;
- n = 0;
- for(;;) {
- c = *p;
- if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'f')
- c = c - 'a' + 10;
- else if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'F')
- c = c - 'A' + 10;
- else if (isnum(c))
- c = c - '0';
- else
- break;
- n = n * 16 + c;
- p++;
- }
- c = n;
- goto add_char_nonext;
- case 'a':
- c = '\a';
- break;
- case 'b':
- c = '\b';
- break;
- case 'f':
- c = '\f';
- break;
- case 'n':
- c = '\n';
- break;
- case 'r':
- c = '\r';
- break;
- case 't':
- c = '\t';
- break;
- case 'v':
- c = '\v';
- break;
- case 'e':
- if (!gnu_ext)
- goto invalid_escape;
- c = 27;
- break;
- case '\'':
- case '\"':
- case '\\':
- case '?':
- break;
- default:
- invalid_escape:
- if (c >= '!' && c <= '~')
- warning("unknown escape sequence: \'\\%c\'", c);
- else
- warning("unknown escape sequence: \'\\x%x\'", c);
- break;
- }
- }
- p++;
- add_char_nonext:
- if (!is_long)
- cstr_ccat(outstr, c);
- else
- cstr_wccat(outstr, c);
- }
- /* add a trailing '\0' */
- if (!is_long)
- cstr_ccat(outstr, '\0');
- else
- cstr_wccat(outstr, '\0');
-/* we use 64 bit numbers */
-#define BN_SIZE 2
-/* bn = (bn << shift) | or_val */
-void bn_lshift(unsigned int *bn, int shift, int or_val)
- int i;
- unsigned int v;
- for(i=0;i<BN_SIZE;i++) {
- v = bn[i];
- bn[i] = (v << shift) | or_val;
- or_val = v >> (32 - shift);
- }
-void bn_zero(unsigned int *bn)
- int i;
- for(i=0;i<BN_SIZE;i++) {
- bn[i] = 0;
- }
-/* parse number in null terminated string 'p' and return it in the
- current token */
-void parse_number(const char *p)
- int b, t, shift, frac_bits, s, exp_val, ch;
- char *q;
- unsigned int bn[BN_SIZE];
- double d;
- /* number */
- q = token_buf;
- ch = *p++;
- t = ch;
- ch = *p++;
- *q++ = t;
- b = 10;
- if (t == '.') {
- goto float_frac_parse;
- } else if (t == '0') {
- if (ch == 'x' || ch == 'X') {
- q--;
- ch = *p++;
- b = 16;
- } else if (tcc_ext && (ch == 'b' || ch == 'B')) {
- q--;
- ch = *p++;
- b = 2;
- }
- }
- /* parse all digits. cannot check octal numbers at this stage
- because of floating point constants */
- while (1) {
- if (ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'f')
- t = ch - 'a' + 10;
- else if (ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'F')
- t = ch - 'A' + 10;
- else if (isnum(ch))
- t = ch - '0';
- else
- break;
- if (t >= b)
- break;
- if (q >= token_buf + STRING_MAX_SIZE) {
- num_too_long:
- error("number too long");
- }
- *q++ = ch;
- ch = *p++;
- }
- if (ch == '.' ||
- ((ch == 'e' || ch == 'E') && b == 10) ||
- ((ch == 'p' || ch == 'P') && (b == 16 || b == 2))) {
- if (b != 10) {
- /* NOTE: strtox should support that for hexa numbers, but
- non ISOC99 libcs do not support it, so we prefer to do
- it by hand */
- /* hexadecimal or binary floats */
- /* XXX: handle overflows */
- *q = '\0';
- if (b == 16)
- shift = 4;
- else
- shift = 2;
- bn_zero(bn);
- q = token_buf;
- while (1) {
- t = *q++;
- if (t == '\0') {
- break;
- } else if (t >= 'a') {
- t = t - 'a' + 10;
- } else if (t >= 'A') {
- t = t - 'A' + 10;
- } else {
- t = t - '0';
- }
- bn_lshift(bn, shift, t);
- }
- frac_bits = 0;
- if (ch == '.') {
- ch = *p++;
- while (1) {
- t = ch;
- if (t >= 'a' && t <= 'f') {
- t = t - 'a' + 10;
- } else if (t >= 'A' && t <= 'F') {
- t = t - 'A' + 10;
- } else if (t >= '0' && t <= '9') {
- t = t - '0';
- } else {
- break;
- }
- if (t >= b)
- error("invalid digit");
- bn_lshift(bn, shift, t);
- frac_bits += shift;
- ch = *p++;
- }
- }
- if (ch != 'p' && ch != 'P')
- expect("exponent");
- ch = *p++;
- s = 1;
- exp_val = 0;
- if (ch == '+') {
- ch = *p++;
- } else if (ch == '-') {
- s = -1;
- ch = *p++;
- }
- if (ch < '0' || ch > '9')
- expect("exponent digits");
- while (ch >= '0' && ch <= '9') {
- exp_val = exp_val * 10 + ch - '0';
- ch = *p++;
- }
- exp_val = exp_val * s;
- /* now we can generate the number */
- /* XXX: should patch directly float number */
- d = (double)bn[1] * 4294967296.0 + (double)bn[0];
- d = ldexp(d, exp_val - frac_bits);
- t = toup(ch);
- if (t == 'F') {
- ch = *p++;
- tok = TOK_CFLOAT;
- /* float : should handle overflow */
- tokc.f = (float)d;
- } else if (t == 'L') {
- ch = *p++;
- /* XXX: not large enough */
- tokc.ld = (long double)d;
- } else {
- tok = TOK_CDOUBLE;
- tokc.d = d;
- }
- } else {
- /* decimal floats */
- if (ch == '.') {
- if (q >= token_buf + STRING_MAX_SIZE)
- goto num_too_long;
- *q++ = ch;
- ch = *p++;
- float_frac_parse:
- while (ch >= '0' && ch <= '9') {
- if (q >= token_buf + STRING_MAX_SIZE)
- goto num_too_long;
- *q++ = ch;
- ch = *p++;
- }
- }
- if (ch == 'e' || ch == 'E') {
- if (q >= token_buf + STRING_MAX_SIZE)
- goto num_too_long;
- *q++ = ch;
- ch = *p++;
- if (ch == '-' || ch == '+') {
- if (q >= token_buf + STRING_MAX_SIZE)
- goto num_too_long;
- *q++ = ch;
- ch = *p++;
- }
- if (ch < '0' || ch > '9')
- expect("exponent digits");
- while (ch >= '0' && ch <= '9') {
- if (q >= token_buf + STRING_MAX_SIZE)
- goto num_too_long;
- *q++ = ch;
- ch = *p++;
- }
- }
- *q = '\0';
- t = toup(ch);
- errno = 0;
- if (t == 'F') {
- ch = *p++;
- tok = TOK_CFLOAT;
- tokc.f = strtof(token_buf, NULL);
- } else if (t == 'L') {
- ch = *p++;
- tokc.ld = strtold(token_buf, NULL);
- } else {
- tok = TOK_CDOUBLE;
- tokc.d = strtod(token_buf, NULL);
- }
- }
- } else {
- unsigned long long n, n1;
- int lcount, ucount;
- /* integer number */
- *q = '\0';
- q = token_buf;
- if (b == 10 && *q == '0') {
- b = 8;
- q++;
- }
- n = 0;
- while(1) {
- t = *q++;
- /* no need for checks except for base 10 / 8 errors */
- if (t == '\0') {
- break;
- } else if (t >= 'a') {
- t = t - 'a' + 10;
- } else if (t >= 'A') {
- t = t - 'A' + 10;
- } else {
- t = t - '0';
- if (t >= b)
- error("invalid digit");
- }
- n1 = n;
- n = n * b + t;
- /* detect overflow */
- /* XXX: this test is not reliable */
- if (n < n1)
- error("integer constant overflow");
- }
- /* XXX: not exactly ANSI compliant */
- if ((n & 0xffffffff00000000LL) != 0) {
- if ((n >> 63) != 0)
- tok = TOK_CULLONG;
- else
- tok = TOK_CLLONG;
- } else if (n > 0x7fffffff) {
- tok = TOK_CUINT;
- } else {
- tok = TOK_CINT;
- }
- lcount = 0;
- ucount = 0;
- for(;;) {
- t = toup(ch);
- if (t == 'L') {
- if (lcount >= 2)
- error("three 'l's in integer constant");
- lcount++;
- if (lcount == 2) {
- if (tok == TOK_CINT)
- tok = TOK_CLLONG;
- else if (tok == TOK_CUINT)
- tok = TOK_CULLONG;
- }
- ch = *p++;
- } else if (t == 'U') {
- if (ucount >= 1)
- error("two 'u's in integer constant");
- ucount++;
- if (tok == TOK_CINT)
- tok = TOK_CUINT;
- else if (tok == TOK_CLLONG)
- tok = TOK_CULLONG;
- ch = *p++;
- } else {
- break;
- }
- }
- if (tok == TOK_CINT || tok == TOK_CUINT)
- tokc.ui = n;
- else
- tokc.ull = n;
- }
- if (ch)
- error("invalid number\n");
-#define PARSE2(c1, tok1, c2, tok2) \
- case c1: \
- PEEKC(c, p); \
- if (c == c2) { \
- p++; \
- tok = tok2; \
- } else { \
- tok = tok1; \
- } \
- break;
-/* return next token without macro substitution */
-static inline void next_nomacro1(void)
- int t, c, is_long;
- TokenSym *ts;
- uint8_t *p, *p1;
- unsigned int h;
- p = file->buf_ptr;
- redo_no_start:
- c = *p;
- switch(c) {
- case ' ':
- case '\t':
- tok = c;
- p++;
- goto keep_tok_flags;
- case '\f':
- case '\v':
- case '\r':
- p++;
- goto redo_no_start;
- case '\\':
- /* first look if it is in fact an end of buffer */
- if (p >= file->buf_end) {
- file->buf_ptr = p;
- handle_eob();
- p = file->buf_ptr;
- if (p >= file->buf_end)
- goto parse_eof;
- else
- goto redo_no_start;
- } else {
- file->buf_ptr = p;
- ch = *p;
- handle_stray();
- p = file->buf_ptr;
- goto redo_no_start;
- }
- parse_eof:
- {
- TCCState *s1 = tcc_state;
- if ((parse_flags & PARSE_FLAG_LINEFEED)
- && !(tok_flags & TOK_FLAG_EOF)) {
- tok_flags |= TOK_FLAG_EOF;
- goto keep_tok_flags;
- } else if (s1->include_stack_ptr == s1->include_stack ||
- !(parse_flags & PARSE_FLAG_PREPROCESS)) {
- /* no include left : end of file. */
- tok = TOK_EOF;
- } else {
- tok_flags &= ~TOK_FLAG_EOF;
- /* pop include file */
- /* test if previous '#endif' was after a #ifdef at
- start of file */
- if (tok_flags & TOK_FLAG_ENDIF) {
-#ifdef INC_DEBUG
- printf("#endif %s\n", get_tok_str(file->ifndef_macro_saved, NULL));
- add_cached_include(s1, file->inc_type, file->inc_filename,
- file->ifndef_macro_saved);
- }
- /* add end of include file debug info */
- if (tcc_state->do_debug) {
- put_stabd(N_EINCL, 0, 0);
- }
- /* pop include stack */
- tcc_close(file);
- s1->include_stack_ptr--;
- file = *s1->include_stack_ptr;
- p = file->buf_ptr;
- goto redo_no_start;
- }
- }
- break;
- case '\n':
- file->line_num++;
- tok_flags |= TOK_FLAG_BOL;
- p++;
- if (0 == (parse_flags & PARSE_FLAG_LINEFEED))
- goto redo_no_start;
- goto keep_tok_flags;
- case '#':
- /* XXX: simplify */
- PEEKC(c, p);
- if ((tok_flags & TOK_FLAG_BOL) &&
- (parse_flags & PARSE_FLAG_PREPROCESS)) {
- file->buf_ptr = p;
- preprocess(tok_flags & TOK_FLAG_BOF);
- p = file->buf_ptr;
- goto redo_no_start;
- } else {
- if (c == '#') {
- p++;
- } else {
- if (parse_flags & PARSE_FLAG_ASM_COMMENTS) {
- p = parse_line_comment(p - 1);
- goto redo_no_start;
- } else {
- tok = '#';
- }
- }
- }
- break;
- case 'a': case 'b': case 'c': case 'd':
- case 'e': case 'f': case 'g': case 'h':
- case 'i': case 'j': case 'k': case 'l':
- case 'm': case 'n': case 'o': case 'p':
- case 'q': case 'r': case 's': case 't':
- case 'u': case 'v': case 'w': case 'x':
- case 'y': case 'z':
- case 'A': case 'B': case 'C': case 'D':
- case 'E': case 'F': case 'G': case 'H':
- case 'I': case 'J': case 'K':
- case 'M': case 'N': case 'O': case 'P':
- case 'Q': case 'R': case 'S': case 'T':
- case 'U': case 'V': case 'W': case 'X':
- case 'Y': case 'Z':
- case '_':
- parse_ident_fast:
- p1 = p;
- h = TOK_HASH_FUNC(h, c);
- p++;
- for(;;) {
- c = *p;
- if (!isidnum_table[c-CH_EOF])
- break;
- h = TOK_HASH_FUNC(h, c);
- p++;
- }
- if (c != '\\') {
- TokenSym **pts;
- int len;
- /* fast case : no stray found, so we have the full token
- and we have already hashed it */
- len = p - p1;
- h &= (TOK_HASH_SIZE - 1);
- pts = &hash_ident[h];
- for(;;) {
- ts = *pts;
- if (!ts)
- break;
- if (ts->len == len && !memcmp(ts->str, p1, len))
- goto token_found;
- pts = &(ts->hash_next);
- }
- ts = tok_alloc_new(pts, p1, len);
- token_found: ;
- } else {
- /* slower case */
- cstr_reset(&tokcstr);
- while (p1 < p) {
- cstr_ccat(&tokcstr, *p1);
- p1++;
- }
- p--;
- PEEKC(c, p);
- parse_ident_slow:
- while (isidnum_table[c-CH_EOF]) {
- cstr_ccat(&tokcstr, c);
- PEEKC(c, p);
- }
- ts = tok_alloc(, tokcstr.size);
- }
- tok = ts->tok;
- break;
- case 'L':
- t = p[1];
- if (t != '\\' && t != '\'' && t != '\"') {
- /* fast case */
- goto parse_ident_fast;
- } else {
- PEEKC(c, p);
- if (c == '\'' || c == '\"') {
- is_long = 1;
- goto str_const;
- } else {
- cstr_reset(&tokcstr);
- cstr_ccat(&tokcstr, 'L');
- goto parse_ident_slow;
- }
- }
- break;
- case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3':
- case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7':
- case '8': case '9':
- cstr_reset(&tokcstr);
- /* after the first digit, accept digits, alpha, '.' or sign if
- prefixed by 'eEpP' */
- parse_num:
- for(;;) {
- t = c;
- cstr_ccat(&tokcstr, c);
- PEEKC(c, p);
- if (!(isnum(c) || isid(c) || c == '.' ||
- ((c == '+' || c == '-') &&
- (t == 'e' || t == 'E' || t == 'p' || t == 'P'))))
- break;
- }
- /* We add a trailing '\0' to ease parsing */
- cstr_ccat(&tokcstr, '\0');
- tokc.cstr = &tokcstr;
- tok = TOK_PPNUM;
- break;
- case '.':
- /* special dot handling because it can also start a number */
- PEEKC(c, p);
- if (isnum(c)) {
- cstr_reset(&tokcstr);
- cstr_ccat(&tokcstr, '.');
- goto parse_num;
- } else if (c == '.') {
- PEEKC(c, p);
- if (c != '.')
- expect("'.'");
- PEEKC(c, p);
- tok = TOK_DOTS;
- } else {
- tok = '.';
- }
- break;
- case '\'':
- case '\"':
- is_long = 0;
- str_const:
- {
- CString str;
- int sep;
- sep = c;
- /* parse the string */
- cstr_new(&str);
- p = parse_pp_string(p, sep, &str);
- cstr_ccat(&str, '\0');
- /* eval the escape (should be done as TOK_PPNUM) */
- cstr_reset(&tokcstr);
- parse_escape_string(&tokcstr,, is_long);
- cstr_free(&str);
- if (sep == '\'') {
- int char_size;
- /* XXX: make it portable */
- if (!is_long)
- char_size = 1;
- else
- char_size = sizeof(nwchar_t);
- if (tokcstr.size <= char_size)
- error("empty character constant");
- if (tokcstr.size > 2 * char_size)
- warning("multi-character character constant");
- if (!is_long) {
- tokc.i = *(int8_t *);
- tok = TOK_CCHAR;
- } else {
- tokc.i = *(nwchar_t *);
- tok = TOK_LCHAR;
- }
- } else {
- tokc.cstr = &tokcstr;
- if (!is_long)
- tok = TOK_STR;
- else
- tok = TOK_LSTR;
- }
- }
- break;
- case '<':
- PEEKC(c, p);
- if (c == '=') {
- p++;
- tok = TOK_LE;
- } else if (c == '<') {
- PEEKC(c, p);
- if (c == '=') {
- p++;
- tok = TOK_A_SHL;
- } else {
- tok = TOK_SHL;
- }
- } else {
- tok = TOK_LT;
- }
- break;
- case '>':
- PEEKC(c, p);
- if (c == '=') {
- p++;
- tok = TOK_GE;
- } else if (c == '>') {
- PEEKC(c, p);
- if (c == '=') {
- p++;
- tok = TOK_A_SAR;
- } else {
- tok = TOK_SAR;
- }
- } else {
- tok = TOK_GT;
- }
- break;
- case '&':
- PEEKC(c, p);
- if (c == '&') {
- p++;
- tok = TOK_LAND;
- } else if (c == '=') {
- p++;
- tok = TOK_A_AND;
- } else {
- tok = '&';
- }
- break;
- case '|':
- PEEKC(c, p);
- if (c == '|') {
- p++;
- tok = TOK_LOR;
- } else if (c == '=') {
- p++;
- tok = TOK_A_OR;
- } else {
- tok = '|';
- }
- break;
- case '+':
- PEEKC(c, p);
- if (c == '+') {
- p++;
- tok = TOK_INC;
- } else if (c == '=') {
- p++;
- tok = TOK_A_ADD;
- } else {
- tok = '+';
- }
- break;
- case '-':
- PEEKC(c, p);
- if (c == '-') {
- p++;
- tok = TOK_DEC;
- } else if (c == '=') {
- p++;
- tok = TOK_A_SUB;
- } else if (c == '>') {
- p++;
- tok = TOK_ARROW;
- } else {
- tok = '-';
- }
- break;
- PARSE2('!', '!', '=', TOK_NE)
- PARSE2('=', '=', '=', TOK_EQ)
- PARSE2('*', '*', '=', TOK_A_MUL)
- PARSE2('%', '%', '=', TOK_A_MOD)
- PARSE2('^', '^', '=', TOK_A_XOR)
- /* comments or operator */
- case '/':
- PEEKC(c, p);
- if (c == '*') {
- p = parse_comment(p);
- goto redo_no_start;
- } else if (c == '/') {
- p = parse_line_comment(p);
- goto redo_no_start;
- } else if (c == '=') {
- p++;
- tok = TOK_A_DIV;
- } else {
- tok = '/';
- }
- break;
- /* simple tokens */
- case '(':
- case ')':
- case '[':
- case ']':
- case '{':
- case '}':
- case ',':
- case ';':
- case ':':
- case '?':
- case '~':
- case '$': /* only used in assembler */
- case '@': /* dito */
- tok = c;
- p++;
- break;
- default:
- error("unrecognized character \\x%02x", c);
- break;
- }
- tok_flags = 0;
- file->buf_ptr = p;
-#if defined(PARSE_DEBUG)
- printf("token = %s\n", get_tok_str(tok, &tokc));
-/* return next token without macro substitution. Can read input from
- macro_ptr buffer */
-static void next_nomacro_spc(void)
- if (macro_ptr) {
- redo:
- tok = *macro_ptr;
- if (tok) {
- TOK_GET(tok, macro_ptr, tokc);
- if (tok == TOK_LINENUM) {
- file->line_num = tokc.i;
- goto redo;
- }
- }
- } else {
- next_nomacro1();
- }
-static void next_nomacro(void)
- do {
- next_nomacro_spc();
- } while (is_space(tok));
-/* substitute args in macro_str and return allocated string */
-static int *macro_arg_subst(Sym **nested_list, int *macro_str, Sym *args)
- int *st, last_tok, t, spc;
- Sym *s;
- CValue cval;
- TokenString str;
- CString cstr;
- tok_str_new(&str);
- last_tok = 0;
- while(1) {
- TOK_GET(t, macro_str, cval);
- if (!t)
- break;
- if (t == '#') {
- /* stringize */
- TOK_GET(t, macro_str, cval);
- if (!t)
- break;
- s = sym_find2(args, t);
- if (s) {
- cstr_new(&cstr);
- st = (int *)s->c;
- spc = 0;
- while (*st) {
- TOK_GET(t, st, cval);
- if (!check_space(t, &spc))
- cstr_cat(&cstr, get_tok_str(t, &cval));
- }
- cstr.size -= spc;
- cstr_ccat(&cstr, '\0');
-#ifdef PP_DEBUG
- printf("stringize: %s\n", (char *);
- /* add string */
- cval.cstr = &cstr;
- tok_str_add2(&str, TOK_STR, &cval);
- cstr_free(&cstr);
- } else {
- tok_str_add2(&str, t, &cval);
- }
- } else if (t >= TOK_IDENT) {
- s = sym_find2(args, t);
- if (s) {
- st = (int *)s->c;
- /* if '##' is present before or after, no arg substitution */
- if (*macro_str == TOK_TWOSHARPS || last_tok == TOK_TWOSHARPS) {
- /* special case for var arg macros : ## eats the
- ',' if empty VA_ARGS variable. */
- /* XXX: test of the ',' is not 100%
- reliable. should fix it to avoid security
- problems */
- if (gnu_ext && s->type.t &&
- last_tok == TOK_TWOSHARPS &&
- str.len >= 2 && str.str[str.len - 2] == ',') {
- if (*st == 0) {
- /* suppress ',' '##' */
- str.len -= 2;
- } else {
- /* suppress '##' and add variable */
- str.len--;
- goto add_var;
- }
- } else {
- int t1;
- add_var:
- for(;;) {
- TOK_GET(t1, st, cval);
- if (!t1)
- break;
- tok_str_add2(&str, t1, &cval);
- }
- }
- } else {
- /* NOTE: the stream cannot be read when macro
- substituing an argument */
- macro_subst(&str, nested_list, st, NULL);
- }
- } else {
- tok_str_add(&str, t);
- }
- } else {
- tok_str_add2(&str, t, &cval);
- }
- last_tok = t;
- }
- tok_str_add(&str, 0);
- return str.str;
-static char const ab_month_name[12][4] =
- "Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun",
- "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"
-/* do macro substitution of current token with macro 's' and add
- result to (tok_str,tok_len). 'nested_list' is the list of all
- macros we got inside to avoid recursing. Return non zero if no
- substitution needs to be done */
-static int macro_subst_tok(TokenString *tok_str,
- Sym **nested_list, Sym *s, struct macro_level **can_read_stream)
- Sym *args, *sa, *sa1;
- int mstr_allocated, parlevel, *mstr, t, t1, *p, spc;
- TokenString str;
- char *cstrval;
- CValue cval;
- CString cstr;
- char buf[32];
- /* if symbol is a macro, prepare substitution */
- /* special macros */
- if (tok == TOK___LINE__) {
- snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%d", file->line_num);
- cstrval = buf;
- t1 = TOK_PPNUM;
- goto add_cstr1;
- } else if (tok == TOK___FILE__) {
- cstrval = file->filename;
- goto add_cstr;
- } else if (tok == TOK___DATE__ || tok == TOK___TIME__) {
- time_t ti;
- struct tm *tm;
- time(&ti);
- tm = localtime(&ti);
- if (tok == TOK___DATE__) {
- snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s %2d %d",
- ab_month_name[tm->tm_mon], tm->tm_mday, tm->tm_year + 1900);
- } else {
- snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%02d:%02d:%02d",
- tm->tm_hour, tm->tm_min, tm->tm_sec);
- }
- cstrval = buf;
- add_cstr:
- t1 = TOK_STR;
- add_cstr1:
- cstr_new(&cstr);
- cstr_cat(&cstr, cstrval);
- cstr_ccat(&cstr, '\0');
- cval.cstr = &cstr;
- tok_str_add2(tok_str, t1, &cval);
- cstr_free(&cstr);
- } else {
- mstr = (int *)s->c;
- mstr_allocated = 0;
- if (s->type.t == MACRO_FUNC) {
- /* NOTE: we do not use next_nomacro to avoid eating the
- next token. XXX: find better solution */
- redo:
- if (macro_ptr) {
- p = macro_ptr;
- while (is_space(t = *p) || TOK_LINEFEED == t)
- ++p;
- if (t == 0 && can_read_stream) {
- /* end of macro stream: we must look at the token
- after in the file */
- struct macro_level *ml = *can_read_stream;
- macro_ptr = NULL;
- if (ml)
- {
- macro_ptr = ml->p;
- ml->p = NULL;
- *can_read_stream = ml -> prev;
- }
- goto redo;
- }
- } else {
- /* XXX: incorrect with comments */
- ch = file->buf_ptr[0];
- while (is_space(ch) || ch == '\n')
- cinp();
- t = ch;
- }
- if (t != '(') /* no macro subst */
- return -1;
- /* argument macro */
- next_nomacro();
- next_nomacro();
- args = NULL;
- sa = s->next;
- /* NOTE: empty args are allowed, except if no args */
- for(;;) {
- /* handle '()' case */
- if (!args && !sa && tok == ')')
- break;
- if (!sa)
- error("macro '%s' used with too many args",
- get_tok_str(s->v, 0));
- tok_str_new(&str);
- parlevel = spc = 0;
- /* NOTE: non zero sa->t indicates VA_ARGS */
- while ((parlevel > 0 ||
- (tok != ')' &&
- (tok != ',' || sa->type.t))) &&
- tok != -1) {
- if (tok == '(')
- parlevel++;
- else if (tok == ')')
- parlevel--;
- if (tok == TOK_LINEFEED)
- tok = ' ';
- if (!check_space(tok, &spc))
- tok_str_add2(&str, tok, &tokc);
- next_nomacro_spc();
- }
- str.len -= spc;
- tok_str_add(&str, 0);
- sym_push2(&args, sa->v & ~SYM_FIELD, sa->type.t, (long)str.str);
- sa = sa->next;
- if (tok == ')') {
- /* special case for gcc var args: add an empty
- var arg argument if it is omitted */
- if (sa && sa->type.t && gnu_ext)
- continue;
- else
- break;
- }
- if (tok != ',')
- expect(",");
- next_nomacro();
- }
- if (sa) {
- error("macro '%s' used with too few args",
- get_tok_str(s->v, 0));
- }
- /* now subst each arg */
- mstr = macro_arg_subst(nested_list, mstr, args);
- /* free memory */
- sa = args;
- while (sa) {
- sa1 = sa->prev;
- tok_str_free((int *)sa->c);
- sym_free(sa);
- sa = sa1;
- }
- mstr_allocated = 1;
- }
- sym_push2(nested_list, s->v, 0, 0);
- macro_subst(tok_str, nested_list, mstr, can_read_stream);
- /* pop nested defined symbol */
- sa1 = *nested_list;
- *nested_list = sa1->prev;
- sym_free(sa1);
- if (mstr_allocated)
- tok_str_free(mstr);
- }
- return 0;
-/* handle the '##' operator. Return NULL if no '##' seen. Otherwise
- return the resulting string (which must be freed). */
-static inline int *macro_twosharps(const int *macro_str)
- TokenSym *ts;
- const int *ptr, *saved_macro_ptr;
- int t;
- const char *p1, *p2;
- CValue cval;
- TokenString macro_str1;
- CString cstr;
- /* we search the first '##' */
- for(ptr = macro_str;;) {
- TOK_GET(t, ptr, cval);
- if (t == TOK_TWOSHARPS)
- break;
- /* nothing more to do if end of string */
- if (t == 0)
- return NULL;
- }
- /* we saw '##', so we need more processing to handle it */
- cstr_new(&cstr);
- tok_str_new(&macro_str1);
- saved_macro_ptr = macro_ptr;
- /* XXX: get rid of the use of macro_ptr here */
- macro_ptr = (int *)macro_str;
- for(;;) {
- next_nomacro_spc();
- if (tok == 0)
- break;
- if (tok == TOK_TWOSHARPS)
- continue;
- while (*macro_ptr == TOK_TWOSHARPS) {
- t = *++macro_ptr;
- if (t && t != TOK_TWOSHARPS) {
- TOK_GET(t, macro_ptr, cval);
- /* We concatenate the two tokens if we have an
- identifier or a preprocessing number */
- cstr_reset(&cstr);
- p1 = get_tok_str(tok, &tokc);
- cstr_cat(&cstr, p1);
- p2 = get_tok_str(t, &cval);
- cstr_cat(&cstr, p2);
- cstr_ccat(&cstr, '\0');
- if ((tok >= TOK_IDENT || tok == TOK_PPNUM) &&
- (t >= TOK_IDENT || t == TOK_PPNUM)) {
- if (tok == TOK_PPNUM) {
- /* if number, then create a number token */
- /* NOTE: no need to allocate because
- tok_str_add2() does it */
- cstr_reset(&tokcstr);
- tokcstr = cstr;
- cstr_new(&cstr);
- tokc.cstr = &tokcstr;
- } else {
- /* if identifier, we must do a test to
- validate we have a correct identifier */
- if (t == TOK_PPNUM) {
- const char *p;
- int c;
- p = p2;
- for(;;) {
- c = *p;
- if (c == '\0')
- break;
- p++;
- if (!isnum(c) && !isid(c))
- goto error_pasting;
- }
- }
- ts = tok_alloc(, strlen(;
- tok = ts->tok; /* modify current token */
- }
- } else {
- const char *str =;
- const unsigned char *q;
- /* we look for a valid token */
- /* XXX: do more extensive checks */
- if (!strcmp(str, ">>=")) {
- tok = TOK_A_SAR;
- } else if (!strcmp(str, "<<=")) {
- tok = TOK_A_SHL;
- } else if (strlen(str) == 2) {
- /* search in two bytes table */
- q = tok_two_chars;
- for(;;) {
- if (!*q)
- goto error_pasting;
- if (q[0] == str[0] && q[1] == str[1])
- break;
- q += 3;
- }
- tok = q[2];
- } else {
- error_pasting:
- /* NOTE: because get_tok_str use a static buffer,
- we must save it */
- cstr_reset(&cstr);
- p1 = get_tok_str(tok, &tokc);
- cstr_cat(&cstr, p1);
- cstr_ccat(&cstr, '\0');
- p2 = get_tok_str(t, &cval);
- warning("pasting \"%s\" and \"%s\" does not give a valid preprocessing token",, p2);
- /* cannot merge tokens: just add them separately */
- tok_str_add2(&macro_str1, tok, &tokc);
- /* XXX: free associated memory ? */
- tok = t;
- tokc = cval;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- tok_str_add2(&macro_str1, tok, &tokc);
- }
- macro_ptr = (int *)saved_macro_ptr;
- cstr_free(&cstr);
- tok_str_add(&macro_str1, 0);
- return macro_str1.str;
-/* do macro substitution of macro_str and add result to
- (tok_str,tok_len). 'nested_list' is the list of all macros we got
- inside to avoid recursing. */
-static void macro_subst(TokenString *tok_str, Sym **nested_list,
- const int *macro_str, struct macro_level ** can_read_stream)
- Sym *s;
- int *macro_str1;
- const int *ptr;
- int t, ret, spc;
- CValue cval;
- struct macro_level ml;
- /* first scan for '##' operator handling */
- ptr = macro_str;
- macro_str1 = macro_twosharps(ptr);
- if (macro_str1)
- ptr = macro_str1;
- spc = 0;
- while (1) {
- /* NOTE: ptr == NULL can only happen if tokens are read from
- file stream due to a macro function call */
- if (ptr == NULL)
- break;
- TOK_GET(t, ptr, cval);
- if (t == 0)
- break;
- s = define_find(t);
- if (s != NULL) {
- /* if nested substitution, do nothing */
- if (sym_find2(*nested_list, t))
- goto no_subst;
- ml.p = macro_ptr;
- if (can_read_stream)
- ml.prev = *can_read_stream, *can_read_stream = &ml;
- macro_ptr = (int *)ptr;
- tok = t;
- ret = macro_subst_tok(tok_str, nested_list, s, can_read_stream);
- ptr = (int *)macro_ptr;
- macro_ptr = ml.p;
- if (can_read_stream && *can_read_stream == &ml)
- *can_read_stream = ml.prev;
- if (ret != 0)
- goto no_subst;
- } else {
- no_subst:
- if (!check_space(t, &spc))
- tok_str_add2(tok_str, t, &cval);
- }
- }
- if (macro_str1)
- tok_str_free(macro_str1);
-/* return next token with macro substitution */
-static void next(void)
- Sym *nested_list, *s;
- TokenString str;
- struct macro_level *ml;
- redo:
- if (parse_flags & PARSE_FLAG_SPACES)
- next_nomacro_spc();
- else
- next_nomacro();
- if (!macro_ptr) {
- /* if not reading from macro substituted string, then try
- to substitute macros */
- if (tok >= TOK_IDENT &&
- (parse_flags & PARSE_FLAG_PREPROCESS)) {
- s = define_find(tok);
- if (s) {
- /* we have a macro: we try to substitute */
- tok_str_new(&str);
- nested_list = NULL;
- ml = NULL;
- if (macro_subst_tok(&str, &nested_list, s, &ml) == 0) {
- /* substitution done, NOTE: maybe empty */
- tok_str_add(&str, 0);
- macro_ptr = str.str;
- macro_ptr_allocated = str.str;
- goto redo;
- }
- }
- }
- } else {
- if (tok == 0) {
- /* end of macro or end of unget buffer */
- if (unget_buffer_enabled) {
- macro_ptr = unget_saved_macro_ptr;
- unget_buffer_enabled = 0;
- } else {
- /* end of macro string: free it */
- tok_str_free(macro_ptr_allocated);
- macro_ptr = NULL;
- }
- goto redo;
- }
- }
- /* convert preprocessor tokens into C tokens */
- if (tok == TOK_PPNUM &&
- (parse_flags & PARSE_FLAG_TOK_NUM)) {
- parse_number((char *)tokc.cstr->data);
- }
-/* push back current token and set current token to 'last_tok'. Only
- identifier case handled for labels. */
-static inline void unget_tok(int last_tok)
- int i, n;
- int *q;
- unget_saved_macro_ptr = macro_ptr;
- unget_buffer_enabled = 1;
- q = unget_saved_buffer;
- macro_ptr = q;
- *q++ = tok;
- n = tok_ext_size(tok) - 1;
- for(i=0;i<n;i++)
- *q++ =[i];
- *q = 0; /* end of token string */
- tok = last_tok;
-/* better than nothing, but needs extension to handle '-E' option
- correctly too */
-static void preprocess_init(TCCState *s1)
- s1->include_stack_ptr = s1->include_stack;
- /* XXX: move that before to avoid having to initialize
- file->ifdef_stack_ptr ? */
- s1->ifdef_stack_ptr = s1->ifdef_stack;
- file->ifdef_stack_ptr = s1->ifdef_stack_ptr;
- /* XXX: not ANSI compliant: bound checking says error */
- vtop = vstack - 1;
- s1->pack_stack[0] = 0;
- s1->pack_stack_ptr = s1->pack_stack;
-void preprocess_new()
- int i, c;
- const char *p, *r;
- TokenSym *ts;
- /* init isid table */
- for(i=CH_EOF;i<256;i++)
- isidnum_table[i-CH_EOF] = isid(i) || isnum(i);
- /* add all tokens */
- table_ident = NULL;
- memset(hash_ident, 0, TOK_HASH_SIZE * sizeof(TokenSym *));
- tok_ident = TOK_IDENT;
- p = tcc_keywords;
- while (*p) {
- r = p;
- for(;;) {
- c = *r++;
- if (c == '\n')
- break;
- }
- ts = tok_alloc(p, r - p - 1);
- p = r;
- }
-/* Preprocess the current file */
-static int tcc_preprocess(TCCState *s1)
- Sym *define_start;
- BufferedFile *file_ref;
- int token_seen, line_ref;
- preprocess_init(s1);
- define_start = define_stack;
- ch = file->buf_ptr[0];
- tok_flags = TOK_FLAG_BOL | TOK_FLAG_BOF;
- token_seen = 0;
- line_ref = 0;
- file_ref = NULL;
- for (;;) {
- next();
- if (tok == TOK_EOF) {
- break;
- } else if (tok == TOK_LINEFEED) {
- if (!token_seen)
- continue;
- ++line_ref;
- token_seen = 0;
- } else if (!token_seen) {
- int d = file->line_num - line_ref;
- if (file != file_ref || d < 0 || d >= 8)
- fprintf(s1->outfile, "# %d \"%s\"\n", file->line_num, file->filename);
- else
- while (d)
- fputs("\n", s1->outfile), --d;
- line_ref = (file_ref = file)->line_num;
- token_seen = 1;
- }
- fputs(get_tok_str(tok, &tokc), s1->outfile);
- }
- free_defines(define_start);
- return 0;
diff --git a/05/tcc-0.9.25/tcctok.h b/05/tcc-0.9.25/tcctok.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 6dc4778..0000000
--- a/05/tcc-0.9.25/tcctok.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,469 +0,0 @@
-/* keywords */
- DEF(TOK_INT, "int")
- DEF(TOK_VOID, "void")
- DEF(TOK_CHAR, "char")
- DEF(TOK_IF, "if")
- DEF(TOK_ELSE, "else")
- DEF(TOK_WHILE, "while")
- DEF(TOK_BREAK, "break")
- DEF(TOK_RETURN, "return")
- DEF(TOK_FOR, "for")
- DEF(TOK_EXTERN, "extern")
- DEF(TOK_STATIC, "static")
- DEF(TOK_UNSIGNED, "unsigned")
- DEF(TOK_GOTO, "goto")
- DEF(TOK_DO, "do")
- DEF(TOK_CONTINUE, "continue")
- DEF(TOK_SWITCH, "switch")
- DEF(TOK_CASE, "case")
- DEF(TOK_CONST1, "const")
- DEF(TOK_CONST2, "__const") /* gcc keyword */
- DEF(TOK_CONST3, "__const__") /* gcc keyword */
- DEF(TOK_VOLATILE1, "volatile")
- DEF(TOK_VOLATILE2, "__volatile") /* gcc keyword */
- DEF(TOK_VOLATILE3, "__volatile__") /* gcc keyword */
- DEF(TOK_LONG, "long")
- DEF(TOK_REGISTER, "register")
- DEF(TOK_SIGNED1, "signed")
- DEF(TOK_SIGNED2, "__signed") /* gcc keyword */
- DEF(TOK_SIGNED3, "__signed__") /* gcc keyword */
- DEF(TOK_AUTO, "auto")
- DEF(TOK_INLINE1, "inline")
- DEF(TOK_INLINE2, "__inline") /* gcc keyword */
- DEF(TOK_INLINE3, "__inline__") /* gcc keyword */
- DEF(TOK_RESTRICT1, "restrict")
- DEF(TOK_RESTRICT2, "__restrict")
- DEF(TOK_RESTRICT3, "__restrict__")
- DEF(TOK_EXTENSION, "__extension__") /* gcc keyword */
- DEF(TOK_FLOAT, "float")
- DEF(TOK_DOUBLE, "double")
- DEF(TOK_BOOL, "_Bool")
- DEF(TOK_SHORT, "short")
- DEF(TOK_STRUCT, "struct")
- DEF(TOK_UNION, "union")
- DEF(TOK_TYPEDEF, "typedef")
- DEF(TOK_DEFAULT, "default")
- DEF(TOK_ENUM, "enum")
- DEF(TOK_SIZEOF, "sizeof")
- DEF(TOK_ATTRIBUTE1, "__attribute")
- DEF(TOK_ATTRIBUTE2, "__attribute__")
- DEF(TOK_ALIGNOF1, "__alignof")
- DEF(TOK_ALIGNOF2, "__alignof__")
- DEF(TOK_TYPEOF1, "typeof")
- DEF(TOK_TYPEOF2, "__typeof")
- DEF(TOK_TYPEOF3, "__typeof__")
- DEF(TOK_LABEL, "__label__")
- DEF(TOK_ASM1, "asm")
- DEF(TOK_ASM2, "__asm")
- DEF(TOK_ASM3, "__asm__")
-/* the following are not keywords. They are included to ease parsing */
-/* preprocessor only */
- DEF(TOK_DEFINE, "define")
- DEF(TOK_INCLUDE, "include")
- DEF(TOK_INCLUDE_NEXT, "include_next")
- DEF(TOK_IFDEF, "ifdef")
- DEF(TOK_IFNDEF, "ifndef")
- DEF(TOK_ELIF, "elif")
- DEF(TOK_ENDIF, "endif")
- DEF(TOK_DEFINED, "defined")
- DEF(TOK_UNDEF, "undef")
- DEF(TOK_ERROR, "error")
- DEF(TOK_WARNING, "warning")
- DEF(TOK_LINE, "line")
- DEF(TOK_PRAGMA, "pragma")
- DEF(TOK___LINE__, "__LINE__")
- DEF(TOK___FILE__, "__FILE__")
- DEF(TOK___DATE__, "__DATE__")
- DEF(TOK___TIME__, "__TIME__")
- DEF(TOK___VA_ARGS__, "__VA_ARGS__")
-/* special identifiers */
- DEF(TOK___FUNC__, "__func__")
-/* attribute identifiers */
-/* XXX: handle all tokens generically since speed is not critical */
- DEF(TOK_SECTION1, "section")
- DEF(TOK_SECTION2, "__section__")
- DEF(TOK_ALIGNED1, "aligned")
- DEF(TOK_ALIGNED2, "__aligned__")
- DEF(TOK_PACKED1, "packed")
- DEF(TOK_PACKED2, "__packed__")
- DEF(TOK_UNUSED1, "unused")
- DEF(TOK_UNUSED2, "__unused__")
- DEF(TOK_CDECL1, "cdecl")
- DEF(TOK_CDECL2, "__cdecl")
- DEF(TOK_CDECL3, "__cdecl__")
- DEF(TOK_STDCALL1, "stdcall")
- DEF(TOK_STDCALL2, "__stdcall")
- DEF(TOK_STDCALL3, "__stdcall__")
- DEF(TOK_FASTCALL1, "fastcall")
- DEF(TOK_FASTCALL2, "__fastcall")
- DEF(TOK_FASTCALL3, "__fastcall__")
- DEF(TOK_DLLEXPORT, "dllexport")
- DEF(TOK_NORETURN1, "noreturn")
- DEF(TOK_NORETURN2, "__noreturn__")
- DEF(TOK_builtin_types_compatible_p, "__builtin_types_compatible_p")
- DEF(TOK_builtin_constant_p, "__builtin_constant_p")
- DEF(TOK_builtin_frame_address, "__builtin_frame_address")
-#ifdef TCC_TARGET_X86_64
- DEF(TOK_builtin_malloc, "__builtin_malloc")
- DEF(TOK_builtin_free, "__builtin_free")
- DEF(TOK_malloc, "malloc")
- DEF(TOK_free, "free")
- DEF(TOK_REGPARM1, "regparm")
- DEF(TOK_REGPARM2, "__regparm__")
-/* pragma */
- DEF(TOK_pack, "pack")
-#if !defined(TCC_TARGET_I386)
- /* already defined for assembler */
- DEF(TOK_ASM_push, "push")
- DEF(TOK_ASM_pop, "pop")
-/* builtin functions or variables */
-#ifdef TCC_ARM_EABI
- DEF(TOK_memcpy, "__aeabi_memcpy")
- DEF(TOK_memcpy4, "__aeabi_memcpy4")
- DEF(TOK_memcpy8, "__aeabi_memcpy8")
- DEF(TOK_memset, "__aeabi_memset")
- DEF(TOK___aeabi_ldivmod, "__aeabi_ldivmod")
- DEF(TOK___aeabi_uldivmod, "__aeabi_uldivmod")
- DEF(TOK_memcpy, "memcpy")
- DEF(TOK_memset, "memset")
- DEF(TOK___divdi3, "__divdi3")
- DEF(TOK___moddi3, "__moddi3")
- DEF(TOK___udivdi3, "__udivdi3")
- DEF(TOK___umoddi3, "__umoddi3")
-#if defined(TCC_TARGET_ARM)
-#ifdef TCC_ARM_EABI
- DEF(TOK___aeabi_idivmod, "__aeabi_idivmod")
- DEF(TOK___aeabi_uidivmod, "__aeabi_uidivmod")
- DEF(TOK___divsi3, "__aeabi_idiv")
- DEF(TOK___udivsi3, "__aeabi_uidiv")
- DEF(TOK___floatdisf, "__aeabi_l2f")
- DEF(TOK___floatdidf, "__aeabi_l2d")
- DEF(TOK___fixsfdi, "__aeabi_f2lz")
- DEF(TOK___fixdfdi, "__aeabi_d2lz")
- DEF(TOK___modsi3, "__modsi3")
- DEF(TOK___umodsi3, "__umodsi3")
- DEF(TOK___divsi3, "__divsi3")
- DEF(TOK___udivsi3, "__udivsi3")
- DEF(TOK___floatdisf, "__floatdisf")
- DEF(TOK___floatdidf, "__floatdidf")
-#ifndef TCC_ARM_VFP
- DEF(TOK___floatdixf, "__floatdixf")
- DEF(TOK___fixunssfsi, "__fixunssfsi")
- DEF(TOK___fixunsdfsi, "__fixunsdfsi")
- DEF(TOK___fixunsxfsi, "__fixunsxfsi")
- DEF(TOK___fixxfdi, "__fixxfdi")
- DEF(TOK___fixsfdi, "__fixsfdi")
- DEF(TOK___fixdfdi, "__fixdfdi")
-#elif defined(TCC_TARGET_C67)
- DEF(TOK__divi, "_divi")
- DEF(TOK__divu, "_divu")
- DEF(TOK__divf, "_divf")
- DEF(TOK__divd, "_divd")
- DEF(TOK__remi, "_remi")
- DEF(TOK__remu, "_remu")
-#ifdef TCC_TARGET_I386
- DEF(TOK___tcc_int_fpu_control, "__tcc_int_fpu_control")
- DEF(TOK___tcc_fpu_control, "__tcc_fpu_control")
-#ifdef TCC_ARM_EABI
- DEF(TOK___ashrdi3, "__aeabi_lasr")
- DEF(TOK___lshrdi3, "__aeabi_llsr")
- DEF(TOK___ashldi3, "__aeabi_llsl")
- DEF(TOK___floatundisf, "__aeabi_ul2f")
- DEF(TOK___floatundidf, "__aeabi_ul2d")
- DEF(TOK___fixunssfdi, "__aeabi_f2ulz")
- DEF(TOK___fixunsdfdi, "__aeabi_d2ulz")
- DEF(TOK___ashrdi3, "__ashrdi3")
- DEF(TOK___lshrdi3, "__lshrdi3")
- DEF(TOK___ashldi3, "__ashldi3")
- DEF(TOK___floatundisf, "__floatundisf")
- DEF(TOK___floatundidf, "__floatundidf")
-#ifndef TCC_ARM_VFP
- DEF(TOK___floatundixf, "__floatundixf")
- DEF(TOK___fixunsxfdi, "__fixunsxfdi")
- DEF(TOK___fixunssfdi, "__fixunssfdi")
- DEF(TOK___fixunsdfdi, "__fixunsdfdi")
- DEF(TOK___chkstk, "__chkstk")
-/* bound checking symbols */
- DEF(TOK___bound_ptr_add, "__bound_ptr_add")
- DEF(TOK___bound_ptr_indir1, "__bound_ptr_indir1")
- DEF(TOK___bound_ptr_indir2, "__bound_ptr_indir2")
- DEF(TOK___bound_ptr_indir4, "__bound_ptr_indir4")
- DEF(TOK___bound_ptr_indir8, "__bound_ptr_indir8")
- DEF(TOK___bound_ptr_indir12, "__bound_ptr_indir12")
- DEF(TOK___bound_ptr_indir16, "__bound_ptr_indir16")
- DEF(TOK___bound_local_new, "__bound_local_new")
- DEF(TOK___bound_local_delete, "__bound_local_delete")
-#if 0
- DEF(TOK_malloc, "malloc")
- DEF(TOK_free, "free")
- DEF(TOK_realloc, "realloc")
- DEF(TOK_memalign, "memalign")
- DEF(TOK_calloc, "calloc")
- DEF(TOK_memmove, "memmove")
- DEF(TOK_strlen, "strlen")
- DEF(TOK_strcpy, "strcpy")
- DEF(TOK_alloca, "alloca")
-/* Tiny Assembler */
- DEF_ASM(byte)
- DEF_ASM(align)
- DEF_ASM(skip)
- DEF_ASM(space)
- DEF_ASM(string)
- DEF_ASM(asciz)
- DEF_ASM(ascii)
- DEF_ASM(globl)
- DEF_ASM(global)
- DEF_ASM(text)
- DEF_ASM(data)
- DEF_ASM(bss)
- DEF_ASM(previous)
- DEF_ASM(fill)
- DEF_ASM(org)
- DEF_ASM(quad)
-#ifdef TCC_TARGET_I386
-/* WARNING: relative order of tokens is important. */
- DEF_ASM(al)
- DEF_ASM(cl)
- DEF_ASM(dl)
- DEF_ASM(bl)
- DEF_ASM(ah)
- DEF_ASM(ch)
- DEF_ASM(dh)
- DEF_ASM(bh)
- DEF_ASM(ax)
- DEF_ASM(cx)
- DEF_ASM(dx)
- DEF_ASM(bx)
- DEF_ASM(sp)
- DEF_ASM(bp)
- DEF_ASM(si)
- DEF_ASM(di)
- DEF_ASM(eax)
- DEF_ASM(ecx)
- DEF_ASM(edx)
- DEF_ASM(ebx)
- DEF_ASM(esp)
- DEF_ASM(ebp)
- DEF_ASM(esi)
- DEF_ASM(edi)
- DEF_ASM(mm0)
- DEF_ASM(mm1)
- DEF_ASM(mm2)
- DEF_ASM(mm3)
- DEF_ASM(mm4)
- DEF_ASM(mm5)
- DEF_ASM(mm6)
- DEF_ASM(mm7)
- DEF_ASM(xmm0)
- DEF_ASM(xmm1)
- DEF_ASM(xmm2)
- DEF_ASM(xmm3)
- DEF_ASM(xmm4)
- DEF_ASM(xmm5)
- DEF_ASM(xmm6)
- DEF_ASM(xmm7)
- DEF_ASM(cr0)
- DEF_ASM(cr1)
- DEF_ASM(cr2)
- DEF_ASM(cr3)
- DEF_ASM(cr4)
- DEF_ASM(cr5)
- DEF_ASM(cr6)
- DEF_ASM(cr7)
- DEF_ASM(tr0)
- DEF_ASM(tr1)
- DEF_ASM(tr2)
- DEF_ASM(tr3)
- DEF_ASM(tr4)
- DEF_ASM(tr5)
- DEF_ASM(tr6)
- DEF_ASM(tr7)
- DEF_ASM(db0)
- DEF_ASM(db1)
- DEF_ASM(db2)
- DEF_ASM(db3)
- DEF_ASM(db4)
- DEF_ASM(db5)
- DEF_ASM(db6)
- DEF_ASM(db7)
- DEF_ASM(dr0)
- DEF_ASM(dr1)
- DEF_ASM(dr2)
- DEF_ASM(dr3)
- DEF_ASM(dr4)
- DEF_ASM(dr5)
- DEF_ASM(dr6)
- DEF_ASM(dr7)
- DEF_ASM(es)
- DEF_ASM(cs)
- DEF_ASM(ss)
- DEF_ASM(ds)
- DEF_ASM(fs)
- DEF_ASM(gs)
- DEF_ASM(st)
- DEF_BWL(mov)
- /* generic two operands */
- DEF_BWL(add)
- DEF_BWL(or)
- DEF_BWL(adc)
- DEF_BWL(sbb)
- DEF_BWL(and)
- DEF_BWL(sub)
- DEF_BWL(xor)
- DEF_BWL(cmp)
- /* unary ops */
- DEF_BWL(inc)
- DEF_BWL(dec)
- DEF_BWL(not)
- DEF_BWL(neg)
- DEF_BWL(mul)
- DEF_BWL(imul)
- DEF_BWL(div)
- DEF_BWL(idiv)
- DEF_BWL(xchg)
- DEF_BWL(test)
- /* shifts */
- DEF_BWL(rol)
- DEF_BWL(ror)
- DEF_BWL(rcl)
- DEF_BWL(rcr)
- DEF_BWL(shl)
- DEF_BWL(shr)
- DEF_BWL(sar)
- DEF_ASM(shldw)
- DEF_ASM(shldl)
- DEF_ASM(shld)
- DEF_ASM(shrdw)
- DEF_ASM(shrdl)
- DEF_ASM(shrd)
- DEF_ASM(pushw)
- DEF_ASM(pushl)
- DEF_ASM(push)
- DEF_ASM(popw)
- DEF_ASM(popl)
- DEF_ASM(pop)
- DEF_BWL(in)
- DEF_BWL(out)
- DEF_WL(movzb)
- DEF_ASM(movzwl)
- DEF_ASM(movsbw)
- DEF_ASM(movsbl)
- DEF_ASM(movswl)
- DEF_WL(lea)
- DEF_ASM(les)
- DEF_ASM(lds)
- DEF_ASM(lss)
- DEF_ASM(lfs)
- DEF_ASM(lgs)
- DEF_ASM(call)
- DEF_ASM(jmp)
- DEF_ASM(lcall)
- DEF_ASM(ljmp)
- DEF_WL(bsf)
- DEF_WL(bsr)
- DEF_WL(bt)
- DEF_WL(bts)
- DEF_WL(btr)
- DEF_WL(btc)
- DEF_WL(lsl)
- /* generic FP ops */
- DEF_FP(add)
- DEF_FP(mul)
- DEF_ASM(fcom)
- DEF_ASM(fcom_1) /* non existant op, just to have a regular table */
- DEF_FP1(com)
- DEF_FP(comp)
- DEF_FP(sub)
- DEF_FP(subr)
- DEF_FP(div)
- DEF_FP(divr)
- DEF_BWL(xadd)
- DEF_BWL(cmpxchg)
- /* string ops */
- DEF_BWL(cmps)
- DEF_BWL(scmp)
- DEF_BWL(ins)
- DEF_BWL(outs)
- DEF_BWL(lods)
- DEF_BWL(slod)
- DEF_BWL(movs)
- DEF_BWL(smov)
- DEF_BWL(scas)
- DEF_BWL(ssca)
- DEF_BWL(stos)
- DEF_BWL(ssto)
- /* generic asm ops */
-#define ALT(x)
-#define DEF_ASM_OP0(name, opcode) DEF_ASM(name)
-#define DEF_ASM_OP0L(name, opcode, group, instr_type)
-#define DEF_ASM_OP1(name, opcode, group, instr_type, op0)
-#define DEF_ASM_OP2(name, opcode, group, instr_type, op0, op1)
-#define DEF_ASM_OP3(name, opcode, group, instr_type, op0, op1, op2)
-#include "i386-asm.h"
-#define ALT(x)
-#define DEF_ASM_OP0(name, opcode)
-#define DEF_ASM_OP0L(name, opcode, group, instr_type) DEF_ASM(name)
-#define DEF_ASM_OP1(name, opcode, group, instr_type, op0) DEF_ASM(name)
-#define DEF_ASM_OP2(name, opcode, group, instr_type, op0, op1) DEF_ASM(name)
-#define DEF_ASM_OP3(name, opcode, group, instr_type, op0, op1, op2) DEF_ASM(name)
-#include "i386-asm.h"
diff --git a/05/tcc-0.9.25/ b/05/tcc-0.9.25/
deleted file mode 100755
index d86e176..0000000
--- a/05/tcc-0.9.25/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,427 +0,0 @@
-#! /usr/bin/perl -w
-# Copyright (C) 1999, 2000, 2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-# This file is part of GNU CC.
-# GNU CC is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-# any later version.
-# GNU CC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with GNU CC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
-# the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
-# Boston MA 02111-1307, USA.
-# This does trivial (and I mean _trivial_) conversion of Texinfo
-# markup to Perl POD format. It's intended to be used to extract
-# something suitable for a manpage from a Texinfo document.
-$output = 0;
-$skipping = 0;
-%sects = ();
-$section = "";
-@icstack = ();
-@endwstack = ();
-@skstack = ();
-@instack = ();
-$shift = "";
-%defs = ();
-$fnno = 1;
-$inf = "";
-$ibase = "";
-while ($_ = shift) {
- if (/^-D(.*)$/) {
- if ($1 ne "") {
- $flag = $1;
- } else {
- $flag = shift;
- }
- $value = "";
- ($flag, $value) = ($flag =~ /^([^=]+)(?:=(.+))?/);
- die "no flag specified for -D\n"
- unless $flag ne "";
- die "flags may only contain letters, digits, hyphens, dashes and underscores\n"
- unless $flag =~ /^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+$/;
- $defs{$flag} = $value;
- } elsif (/^-/) {
- usage();
- } else {
- $in = $_, next unless defined $in;
- $out = $_, next unless defined $out;
- usage();
- }
-if (defined $in) {
- $inf = gensym();
- open($inf, "<$in") or die "opening \"$in\": $!\n";
- $ibase = $1 if $in =~ m|^(.+)/[^/]+$|;
-} else {
- $inf = \*STDIN;
-if (defined $out) {
- open(STDOUT, ">$out") or die "opening \"$out\": $!\n";
-while(defined $inf) {
-while(<$inf>) {
- # Certain commands are discarded without further processing.
- /^\@(?:
- [a-z]+index # @*index: useful only in complete manual
- |need # @need: useful only in printed manual
- |(?:end\s+)?group # @group .. @end group: ditto
- |page # @page: ditto
- |node # @node: useful only in .info file
- |(?:end\s+)?ifnottex # @ifnottex .. @end ifnottex: use contents
- )\b/x and next;
- chomp;
- # Look for filename and title markers.
- /^\@setfilename\s+([^.]+)/ and $fn = $1, next;
- /^\@settitle\s+([^.]+)/ and $tl = postprocess($1), next;
- # Identify a man title but keep only the one we are interested in.
- /^\@c\s+man\s+title\s+([A-Za-z0-9-]+)\s+(.+)/ and do {
- if (exists $defs{$1}) {
- $fn = $1;
- $tl = postprocess($2);
- }
- next;
- };
- # Look for blocks surrounded by @c man begin SECTION ... @c man end.
- # This really oughta be @ifman ... @end ifman and the like, but such
- # would require rev'ing all other Texinfo translators.
- /^\@c\s+man\s+begin\s+([A-Z]+)\s+([A-Za-z0-9-]+)/ and do {
- $output = 1 if exists $defs{$2};
- $sect = $1;
- next;
- };
- /^\@c\s+man\s+begin\s+([A-Z]+)/ and $sect = $1, $output = 1, next;
- /^\@c\s+man\s+end/ and do {
- $sects{$sect} = "" unless exists $sects{$sect};
- $sects{$sect} .= postprocess($section);
- $section = "";
- $output = 0;
- next;
- };
- # handle variables
- /^\@set\s+([a-zA-Z0-9_-]+)\s*(.*)$/ and do {
- $defs{$1} = $2;
- next;
- };
- /^\@clear\s+([a-zA-Z0-9_-]+)/ and do {
- delete $defs{$1};
- next;
- };
- next unless $output;
- # Discard comments. (Can't do it above, because then we'd never see
- # @c man lines.)
- /^\@c\b/ and next;
- # End-block handler goes up here because it needs to operate even
- # if we are skipping.
- /^\@end\s+([a-z]+)/ and do {
- # Ignore @end foo, where foo is not an operation which may
- # cause us to skip, if we are presently skipping.
- my $ended = $1;
- next if $skipping && $ended !~ /^(?:ifset|ifclear|ignore|menu|iftex)$/;
- die "\@end $ended without \@$ended at line $.\n" unless defined $endw;
- die "\@$endw ended by \@end $ended at line $.\n" unless $ended eq $endw;
- $endw = pop @endwstack;
- if ($ended =~ /^(?:ifset|ifclear|ignore|menu|iftex)$/) {
- $skipping = pop @skstack;
- next;
- } elsif ($ended =~ /^(?:example|smallexample|display)$/) {
- $shift = "";
- $_ = ""; # need a paragraph break
- } elsif ($ended =~ /^(?:itemize|enumerate|[fv]?table)$/) {
- $_ = "\n=back\n";
- $ic = pop @icstack;
- } else {
- die "unknown command \@end $ended at line $.\n";
- }
- };
- # We must handle commands which can cause skipping even while we
- # are skipping, otherwise we will not process nested conditionals
- # correctly.
- /^\@ifset\s+([a-zA-Z0-9_-]+)/ and do {
- push @endwstack, $endw;
- push @skstack, $skipping;
- $endw = "ifset";
- $skipping = 1 unless exists $defs{$1};
- next;
- };
- /^\@ifclear\s+([a-zA-Z0-9_-]+)/ and do {
- push @endwstack, $endw;
- push @skstack, $skipping;
- $endw = "ifclear";
- $skipping = 1 if exists $defs{$1};
- next;
- };
- /^\@(ignore|menu|iftex)\b/ and do {
- push @endwstack, $endw;
- push @skstack, $skipping;
- $endw = $1;
- $skipping = 1;
- next;
- };
- next if $skipping;
- # Character entities. First the ones that can be replaced by raw text
- # or discarded outright:
- s/\@copyright\{\}/(c)/g;
- s/\@dots\{\}/.../g;
- s/\@enddots\{\}/..../g;
- s/\@([.!? ])/$1/g;
- s/\@[:-]//g;
- s/\@bullet(?:\{\})?/*/g;
- s/\@TeX\{\}/TeX/g;
- s/\@pounds\{\}/\#/g;
- s/\@minus(?:\{\})?/-/g;
- s/\\,/,/g;
- # Now the ones that have to be replaced by special escapes
- # (which will be turned back into text by unmunge())
- s/&/&amp;/g;
- s/\@\{/&lbrace;/g;
- s/\@\}/&rbrace;/g;
- s/\@\@/&at;/g;
- # Inside a verbatim block, handle @var specially.
- if ($shift ne "") {
- s/\@var\{([^\}]*)\}/<$1>/g;
- }
- # POD doesn't interpret E<> inside a verbatim block.
- if ($shift eq "") {
- s/</&lt;/g;
- s/>/&gt;/g;
- } else {
- s/</&LT;/g;
- s/>/&GT;/g;
- }
- # Single line command handlers.
- /^\@include\s+(.+)$/ and do {
- push @instack, $inf;
- $inf = gensym();
- # Try cwd and $ibase.
- open($inf, "<" . $1)
- or open($inf, "<" . $ibase . "/" . $1)
- or die "cannot open $1 or $ibase/$1: $!\n";
- next;
- };
- /^\@(?:section|unnumbered|unnumberedsec|center)\s+(.+)$/
- and $_ = "\n=head2 $1\n";
- /^\@subsection\s+(.+)$/
- and $_ = "\n=head3 $1\n";
- # Block command handlers:
- /^\@itemize\s+(\@[a-z]+|\*|-)/ and do {
- push @endwstack, $endw;
- push @icstack, $ic;
- $ic = $1;
- $_ = "\n=over 4\n";
- $endw = "itemize";
- };
- /^\@enumerate(?:\s+([a-zA-Z0-9]+))?/ and do {
- push @endwstack, $endw;
- push @icstack, $ic;
- if (defined $1) {
- $ic = $1 . ".";
- } else {
- $ic = "1.";
- }
- $_ = "\n=over 4\n";
- $endw = "enumerate";
- };
- /^\@([fv]?table)\s+(\@[a-z]+)/ and do {
- push @endwstack, $endw;
- push @icstack, $ic;
- $endw = $1;
- $ic = $2;
- $ic =~ s/\@(?:samp|strong|key|gcctabopt|option|env)/B/;
- $ic =~ s/\@(?:code|kbd)/C/;
- $ic =~ s/\@(?:dfn|var|emph|cite|i)/I/;
- $ic =~ s/\@(?:file)/F/;
- $_ = "\n=over 4\n";
- };
- /^\@((?:small)?example|display)/ and do {
- push @endwstack, $endw;
- $endw = $1;
- $shift = "\t";
- $_ = ""; # need a paragraph break
- };
- /^\@itemx?\s*(.+)?$/ and do {
- if (defined $1) {
- # Entity escapes prevent munging by the <> processing below.
- $_ = "\n=item $ic\&LT;$1\&GT;\n";
- } else {
- $_ = "\n=item $ic\n";
- $ic =~ y/A-Ya-y/B-Zb-z/;
- $ic =~ s/(\d+)/$1 + 1/eg;
- }
- };
- $section .= $shift.$_."\n";
-# End of current file.
-$inf = pop @instack;
-die "No filename or title\n" unless defined $fn && defined $tl;
-$sects{NAME} = "$fn \- $tl\n";
-$sects{FOOTNOTES} .= "=back\n" if exists $sects{FOOTNOTES};
- if(exists $sects{$sect}) {
- $head = $sect;
- $head =~ s/SEEALSO/SEE ALSO/;
- print "=head1 $head\n\n";
- print scalar unmunge ($sects{$sect});
- print "\n";
- }
-sub usage
- die "usage: $0 [-D toggle...] [infile [outfile]]\n";
-sub postprocess
- local $_ = $_[0];
- # @value{foo} is replaced by whatever 'foo' is defined as.
- while (m/(\@value\{([a-zA-Z0-9_-]+)\})/g) {
- if (! exists $defs{$2}) {
- print STDERR "Option $2 not defined\n";
- s/\Q$1\E//;
- } else {
- $value = $defs{$2};
- s/\Q$1\E/$value/;
- }
- }
- # Formatting commands.
- # Temporary escape for @r.
- s/\@r\{([^\}]*)\}/R<$1>/g;
- s/\@(?:dfn|var|emph|cite|i)\{([^\}]*)\}/I<$1>/g;
- s/\@(?:code|kbd)\{([^\}]*)\}/C<$1>/g;
- s/\@(?:gccoptlist|samp|strong|key|option|env|command|b)\{([^\}]*)\}/B<$1>/g;
- s/\@sc\{([^\}]*)\}/\U$1/g;
- s/\@file\{([^\}]*)\}/F<$1>/g;
- s/\@w\{([^\}]*)\}/S<$1>/g;
- s/\@(?:dmn|math)\{([^\}]*)\}/$1/g;
- # Cross references are thrown away, as are @noindent and @refill.
- # (@noindent is impossible in .pod, and @refill is unnecessary.)
- # @* is also impossible in .pod; we discard it and any newline that
- # follows it. Similarly, our macro @gol must be discarded.
- s/\(?\@xref\{(?:[^\}]*)\}(?:[^.<]|(?:<[^<>]*>))*\.\)?//g;
- s/\s+\(\@pxref\{(?:[^\}]*)\}\)//g;
- s/;\s+\@pxref\{(?:[^\}]*)\}//g;
- s/\@noindent\s*//g;
- s/\@refill//g;
- s/\@gol//g;
- s/\@\*\s*\n?//g;
- # @uref can take one, two, or three arguments, with different
- # semantics each time. @url and @email are just like @uref with
- # one argument, for our purposes.
- s/\@(?:uref|url|email)\{([^\},]*)\}/&lt;B<$1>&gt;/g;
- s/\@uref\{([^\},]*),([^\},]*)\}/$2 (C<$1>)/g;
- s/\@uref\{([^\},]*),([^\},]*),([^\},]*)\}/$3/g;
- # Turn B<blah I<blah> blah> into B<blah> I<blah> B<blah> to
- # match Texinfo semantics of @emph inside @samp. Also handle @r
- # inside bold.
- s/&LT;/</g;
- s/&GT;/>/g;
- 1 while s/B<((?:[^<>]|I<[^<>]*>)*)R<([^>]*)>/B<$1>${2}B</g;
- 1 while (s/B<([^<>]*)I<([^>]+)>/B<$1>I<$2>B</g);
- 1 while (s/I<([^<>]*)B<([^>]+)>/I<$1>B<$2>I</g);
- s/[BI]<>//g;
- s/([BI])<(\s+)([^>]+)>/$2$1<$3>/g;
- s/([BI])<([^>]+?)(\s+)>/$1<$2>$3/g;
- # Extract footnotes. This has to be done after all other
- # processing because otherwise the regexp will choke on formatting
- # inside @footnote.
- while (/\@footnote/g) {
- s/\@footnote\{([^\}]+)\}/[$fnno]/;
- add_footnote($1, $fnno);
- $fnno++;
- }
- return $_;
-sub unmunge
- # Replace escaped symbols with their equivalents.
- local $_ = $_[0];
- s/&lt;/E<lt>/g;
- s/&gt;/E<gt>/g;
- s/&lbrace;/\{/g;
- s/&rbrace;/\}/g;
- s/&at;/\@/g;
- s/&amp;/&/g;
- return $_;
-sub add_footnote
- unless (exists $sects{FOOTNOTES}) {
- $sects{FOOTNOTES} = "\n=over 4\n\n";
- }
- $sects{FOOTNOTES} .= "=item $fnno.\n\n"; $fnno++;
- $sects{FOOTNOTES} .= $_[0];
- $sects{FOOTNOTES} .= "\n\n";
-# stolen from
- my $genseq = 0;
- sub gensym
- {
- my $name = "GEN" . $genseq++;
- my $ref = \*{$name};
- delete $::{$name};
- return $ref;
- }
diff --git a/05/tcc-0.9.25/time.h b/05/tcc-0.9.25/time.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 8207156..0000000
--- a/05/tcc-0.9.25/time.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,293 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef _TIME_H
-#define _TIME_H
-#include <stdc_common.h>
-#define CLK_TCK 1000000000 // doesnt matter; clock() will always fail.
-typedef long clock_t;
-clock_t clock(void) {
- // "If the processor time used is not available or its value cannot be represented, the function returns the value (clock_t)-1." C89 §
- return -1;
-double difftime(time_t time1, time_t time0) {
- return (double)(time1 - time0);
-time_t time(time_t *timer) {
- struct timespec ts = {0};
- if (clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &ts) != 0) return -1;
- if (timer) *timer = ts.tv_sec;
- return ts.tv_sec;
-// @NONSTANDARD(except in UTC+0): we don't support local time in timezones other than UTC+0.
-struct tm {
- int tm_sec; /* seconds after the minute --- [0, 60] */
- int tm_min; /* minutes after the hour --- [0, 59] */
- int tm_hour; /* hours since midnight --- [0, 23] */
- int tm_mday; /* day of the month --- [1, 31] */
- int tm_mon; /* months since January --- [0, 11] */
- int tm_year; /* years since 1900 */
- int tm_wday; /* days since Sunday --- [0, 6] */
- int tm_yday; /* days since January 1 --- [0, 365] */
- int tm_isdst; /* Daylight Saving Time flag */
-void _gmtime_r(const time_t *timer, struct tm *tm) {
- time_t t = *timer;
- int year = 1970;
- int days = t / 86400;
- int leap_year;
- int month;
- tm->tm_isdst = 0;
- tm->tm_wday = (4 + days) % 7; // jan 1 1970 was a thursday
- while (1) {
- leap_year = year % 4 == 0 && (year % 100 != 0 || year % 400 == 0);
- int ydays = leap_year ? 366 : 365;
- if (days < ydays) break;
- days -= ydays;
- ++year;
- }
- tm->tm_year = year - 1900;
- tm->tm_yday = days;
- for (month = 0; month < 12; ++month) {
- int mdays;
- switch (month) {
- case 0: case 2: case 4: case 6: case 7: case 9: case 11:
- mdays = 31;
- break;
- case 3: case 5: case 8: case 10:
- mdays = 30;
- break;
- case 1:
- mdays = 28 + leap_year;
- break;
- }
- if (days < mdays) break;
- days -= mdays;
- }
- tm->tm_mday = days + 1;
- tm->tm_mon = month;
- t %= 86400;
- tm->tm_hour = t / 3600;
- t %= 3600;
- tm->tm_min = t / 60;
- tm->tm_sec = t % 60;
-time_t mktime(struct tm *tm) {
- // @NONSTANDARD-ish.
- // not implementing this -- note that the implementation has to support tm_* values
- // outside of their proper ranges.
- return (time_t)-1;
-struct tm *gmtime(const time_t *timer) {
- static struct tm result;
- _gmtime_r(timer, &result);
- return &result;
-struct tm *localtime(const time_t *timer) {
- static struct tm result;
- _gmtime_r(timer, &result);
- return &result;
-static const char _wday_name[7][4] = {
- "Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat"
-static const char _weekday_name[7][16] = {
- "Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday"
-static const char _mon_name[12][4] = {
- "Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun",
- "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"
-static const char _month_name[12][16] = {
- "January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June",
- "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December"
-char *asctime(const struct tm *timeptr) {
- // lifted from the (draft of the) C standard
- static char result[32];
- sprintf(result, "%.3s %.3s%3d %.2d:%.2d:%.2d %d\n",
- _wday_name[timeptr->tm_wday],
- _mon_name[timeptr->tm_mon],
- timeptr->tm_mday, timeptr->tm_hour,
- timeptr->tm_min, timeptr->tm_sec,
- 1900 + timeptr->tm_year);
- return result;
-char *ctime(const time_t *timer) {
- return asctime(localtime(timer));
-size_t strftime(char *s, size_t maxsize, const char *format, const struct tm *tm) {
- size_t n = 0, l;
- char *name;
- while (*format) {
- if (*format == '%') {
- ++format;
- int c = *format++;
- switch (c) {
- case 'a':
- if (n+4 >= maxsize) return 0;
- strcpy(s, _wday_name[tm->tm_wday]);
- s += 3;
- n += 3;
- break;
- case 'A':
- name = _weekday_name[tm->tm_wday];
- l = strlen(name);
- if (n+l+1 >= maxsize) return 0;
- strcpy(s, name);
- s += l;
- n += l;
- break;
- case 'b':
- if (n+4 >= maxsize) return 0;
- strcpy(s, _mon_name[tm->tm_mon]);
- s += 3;
- n += 3;
- break;
- case 'B':
- name = _month_name[tm->tm_mon];
- l = strlen(name);
- if (n+l+1 >= maxsize) return 0;
- strcpy(s, name);
- s += l;
- n += l;
- break;
- case 'c':
- if (n+32 >= maxsize) return 0;
- sprintf(s, "%s %02d %s %d %02d:%02d:%02d %s UTC",
- _wday_name[tm->tm_wday], tm->tm_mday, _mon_name[tm->tm_mon],
- 1900+tm->tm_year, (tm->tm_hour + 11) % 12 + 1, tm->tm_min, tm->tm_sec,
- tm->tm_hour >= 12 ? "PM" : "AM");
- s += 31;
- n += 31;
- break;
- case 'd':
- if (n+3 >= maxsize) return 0;
- sprintf(s, "%02d", tm->tm_mday);
- s += 2;
- n += 2;
- break;
- case 'H':
- if (n+3 >= maxsize) return 0;
- sprintf(s, "%02d", tm->tm_hour);
- s += 2;
- n += 2;
- break;
- case 'I':
- if (n+3 >= maxsize) return 0;
- sprintf(s, "%02d", (tm->tm_hour + 11) % 12 + 1);
- s += 2;
- n += 2;
- break;
- case 'j':
- if (n+4 >= maxsize) return 0;
- sprintf(s, "%03d", tm->tm_yday + 1);
- s += 3;
- n += 3;
- break;
- case 'm':
- if (n+3 >= maxsize) return 0;
- sprintf(s, "%02d", tm->tm_mon + 1);
- s += 2;
- n += 2;
- break;
- case 'M':
- if (n+3 >= maxsize) return 0;
- sprintf(s, "%02d", tm->tm_min);
- s += 2;
- n += 2;
- break;
- case 'p':
- if (n+3 >= maxsize) return 0;
- sprintf(s, "%s", tm->tm_hour >= 12 ? "PM" : "AM");
- s += 2;
- n += 2;
- break;
- case 'S':
- if (n+3 >= maxsize) return 0;
- sprintf(s, "%02d", tm->tm_sec);
- s += 2;
- n += 2;
- break;
- case 'w':
- if (n+2 >= maxsize) return 0;
- sprintf(s, "%d", tm->tm_wday);
- s += 1;
- n += 1;
- break;
- case 'x':
- if (n+16 >= maxsize) return 0;
- sprintf(s, "%s %02d %s %d",
- _wday_name[tm->tm_wday], tm->tm_mday, _mon_name[tm->tm_mon],
- 1900+tm->tm_year);
- s += 15;
- n += 15;
- break;
- case 'X':
- if (n+16 >= maxsize) return 0;
- sprintf(s, "%02d:%02d:%02d %s UTC",
- (tm->tm_hour + 11) % 12 + 1, tm->tm_min, tm->tm_sec,
- tm->tm_hour >= 12 ? "PM" : "AM");
- s += 15;
- n += 15;
- break;
- case 'y':
- if (n+3 >= maxsize) return 0;
- sprintf(s, "%02d", tm->tm_year % 100);
- s += 2;
- n += 2;
- break;
- case 'Y':
- if (n+5 >= maxsize) return 0;
- sprintf(s, "%d", tm->tm_year + 1900);
- s += 4;
- n += 4;
- break;
- case 'Z':
- if (n+4 >= maxsize) return 0;
- strcpy(s, "UTC");
- s += 3;
- n += 3;
- break;
- case '%':
- if (n >= maxsize) return 0;
- *s++ = '%';
- n += 1;
- break;
- default:
- fprintf(stderr, "Bad strftime format.\n");
- abort();
- }
- } else {
- if (n >= maxsize) return 0;
- *s++ = *format++;
- n += 1;
- }
- }
- if (n >= maxsize) return 0;
- *s = 0;
- #undef _Push_str
- return n;
-#endif // _TIME_H
diff --git a/05/tcc-0.9.25/x86_64-gen.c b/05/tcc-0.9.25/x86_64-gen.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 6b6e2f1..0000000
--- a/05/tcc-0.9.25/x86_64-gen.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1419 +0,0 @@
- * x86-64 code generator for TCC
- *
- * Copyright (c) 2008 Shinichiro Hamaji
- *
- * Based on i386-gen.c by Fabrice Bellard
- *
- * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
- * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
- * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * Lesser General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
- * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
- */
-#include <assert.h>
-/* number of available registers */
-#define NB_REGS 5
-/* a register can belong to several classes. The classes must be
- sorted from more general to more precise (see gv2() code which does
- assumptions on it). */
-#define RC_INT 0x0001 /* generic integer register */
-#define RC_FLOAT 0x0002 /* generic float register */
-#define RC_RAX 0x0004
-#define RC_RCX 0x0008
-#define RC_RDX 0x0010
-#define RC_XMM0 0x0020
-#define RC_ST0 0x0040 /* only for long double */
-#define RC_IRET RC_RAX /* function return: integer register */
-#define RC_LRET RC_RDX /* function return: second integer register */
-#define RC_FRET RC_XMM0 /* function return: float register */
-/* pretty names for the registers */
-enum {
- TREG_RAX = 0,
- TREG_RCX = 1,
- TREG_RDX = 2,
- TREG_RSI = 6,
- TREG_RDI = 7,
- TREG_R8 = 8,
- TREG_R9 = 9,
- TREG_R10 = 10,
- TREG_R11 = 11,
- TREG_XMM0 = 3,
- TREG_ST0 = 4,
- TREG_MEM = 0x10,
-#define REX_BASE(reg) (((reg) >> 3) & 1)
-#define REG_VALUE(reg) ((reg) & 7)
-int reg_classes[NB_REGS] = {
- /* eax */ RC_INT | RC_RAX,
- /* ecx */ RC_INT | RC_RCX,
- /* edx */ RC_INT | RC_RDX,
- /* xmm0 */ RC_FLOAT | RC_XMM0,
- /* st0 */ RC_ST0
-/* return registers for function */
-#define REG_IRET TREG_RAX /* single word int return register */
-#define REG_LRET TREG_RDX /* second word return register (for long long) */
-#define REG_FRET TREG_XMM0 /* float return register */
-/* defined if function parameters must be evaluated in reverse order */
-/* pointer size, in bytes */
-#define PTR_SIZE 8
-/* long double size and alignment, in bytes */
-#define LDOUBLE_SIZE 16
-#define LDOUBLE_ALIGN 8
-/* maximum alignment (for aligned attribute support) */
-#define MAX_ALIGN 8
-/* ELF defines */
-#define EM_TCC_TARGET EM_X86_64
-/* relocation type for 32 bit data relocation */
-#define R_DATA_32 R_X86_64_64
-#define R_JMP_SLOT R_X86_64_JUMP_SLOT
-#define R_COPY R_X86_64_COPY
-#define ELF_START_ADDR 0x08048000
-#define ELF_PAGE_SIZE 0x1000
-static unsigned long func_sub_sp_offset;
-static int func_ret_sub;
-/* XXX: make it faster ? */
-void g(int c)
- int ind1;
- ind1 = ind + 1;
- if (ind1 > cur_text_section->data_allocated)
- section_realloc(cur_text_section, ind1);
- cur_text_section->data[ind] = c;
- ind = ind1;
-void o(unsigned int c)
- while (c) {
- g(c);
- c = c >> 8;
- }
-void gen_le32(int c)
- g(c);
- g(c >> 8);
- g(c >> 16);
- g(c >> 24);
-void gen_le64(int64_t c)
- g(c);
- g(c >> 8);
- g(c >> 16);
- g(c >> 24);
- g(c >> 32);
- g(c >> 40);
- g(c >> 48);
- g(c >> 56);
-/* output a symbol and patch all calls to it */
-void gsym_addr(int t, int a)
- int n, *ptr;
- while (t) {
- ptr = (int *)(cur_text_section->data + t);
- n = *ptr; /* next value */
- *ptr = a - t - 4;
- t = n;
- }
-void gsym(int t)
- gsym_addr(t, ind);
-/* psym is used to put an instruction with a data field which is a
- reference to a symbol. It is in fact the same as oad ! */
-#define psym oad
-static int is64_type(int t)
- return ((t & VT_BTYPE) == VT_PTR ||
- (t & VT_BTYPE) == VT_FUNC ||
- (t & VT_BTYPE) == VT_LLONG);
-static int is_sse_float(int t) {
- int bt;
- bt = t & VT_BTYPE;
- return bt == VT_DOUBLE || bt == VT_FLOAT;
-/* instruction + 4 bytes data. Return the address of the data */
-static int oad(int c, int s)
- int ind1;
- o(c);
- ind1 = ind + 4;
- if (ind1 > cur_text_section->data_allocated)
- section_realloc(cur_text_section, ind1);
- *(int *)(cur_text_section->data + ind) = s;
- s = ind;
- ind = ind1;
- return s;
-/* output constant with relocation if 'r & VT_SYM' is true */
-static void gen_addr64(int r, Sym *sym, int64_t c)
- if (r & VT_SYM)
- greloc(cur_text_section, sym, ind, R_X86_64_64);
- gen_le64(c);
-/* output constant with relocation if 'r & VT_SYM' is true */
-static void gen_addrpc32(int r, Sym *sym, int c)
- if (r & VT_SYM)
- greloc(cur_text_section, sym, ind, R_X86_64_PC32);
- gen_le32(c-4);
-/* output got address with relocation */
-static void gen_gotpcrel(int r, Sym *sym, int c)
- Section *sr;
- ElfW(Rela) *rel;
- greloc(cur_text_section, sym, ind, R_X86_64_GOTPCREL);
- sr = cur_text_section->reloc;
- rel = (ElfW(Rela) *)(sr->data + sr->data_offset - sizeof(ElfW(Rela)));
- rel->r_addend = -4;
- gen_le32(0);
- if (c) {
- /* we use add c, %xxx for displacement */
- o(0x48 + REX_BASE(r));
- o(0x81);
- o(0xc0 + REG_VALUE(r));
- gen_le32(c);
- }
-static void gen_modrm_impl(int op_reg, int r, Sym *sym, int c, int is_got)
- op_reg = REG_VALUE(op_reg) << 3;
- if ((r & VT_VALMASK) == VT_CONST) {
- /* constant memory reference */
- o(0x05 | op_reg);
- if (is_got) {
- gen_gotpcrel(r, sym, c);
- } else {
- gen_addrpc32(r, sym, c);
- }
- } else if ((r & VT_VALMASK) == VT_LOCAL) {
- /* currently, we use only ebp as base */
- if (c == (char)c) {
- /* short reference */
- o(0x45 | op_reg);
- g(c);
- } else {
- oad(0x85 | op_reg, c);
- }
- } else if ((r & VT_VALMASK) >= TREG_MEM) {
- if (c) {
- g(0x80 | op_reg | REG_VALUE(r));
- gen_le32(c);
- } else {
- g(0x00 | op_reg | REG_VALUE(r));
- }
- } else {
- g(0x00 | op_reg | (r & VT_VALMASK));
- }
-/* generate a modrm reference. 'op_reg' contains the addtionnal 3
- opcode bits */
-static void gen_modrm(int op_reg, int r, Sym *sym, int c)
- gen_modrm_impl(op_reg, r, sym, c, 0);
-/* generate a modrm reference. 'op_reg' contains the addtionnal 3
- opcode bits */
-static void gen_modrm64(int opcode, int op_reg, int r, Sym *sym, int c)
- int is_got;
- int rex = 0x48 | (REX_BASE(op_reg) << 2);
- if ((r & VT_VALMASK) != VT_CONST &&
- (r & VT_VALMASK) != VT_LOCAL) {
- rex |= REX_BASE(VT_VALMASK & r);
- }
- o(rex);
- o(opcode);
- is_got = (op_reg & TREG_MEM) && !(sym->type.t & VT_STATIC);
- gen_modrm_impl(op_reg, r, sym, c, is_got);
-/* load 'r' from value 'sv' */
-void load(int r, SValue *sv)
- int v, t, ft, fc, fr;
- SValue v1;
- fr = sv->r;
- ft = sv->type.t;
- fc = sv->c.ul;
- /* we use indirect access via got */
- if ((fr & VT_VALMASK) == VT_CONST && (fr & VT_SYM) &&
- (fr & VT_LVAL) && !(sv->sym->type.t & VT_STATIC)) {
- /* use the result register as a temporal register */
- int tr = r | TREG_MEM;
- if (is_float(ft)) {
- /* we cannot use float registers as a temporal register */
- tr = get_reg(RC_INT) | TREG_MEM;
- }
- gen_modrm64(0x8b, tr, fr, sv->sym, 0);
- /* load from the temporal register */
- fr = tr | VT_LVAL;
- }
- v = fr & VT_VALMASK;
- if (fr & VT_LVAL) {
- if (v == VT_LLOCAL) {
- v1.type.t = VT_PTR;
- v1.r = VT_LOCAL | VT_LVAL;
- v1.c.ul = fc;
- load(r, &v1);
- fr = r;
- }
- if ((ft & VT_BTYPE) == VT_FLOAT) {
- o(0x6e0f66); /* movd */
- r = 0;
- } else if ((ft & VT_BTYPE) == VT_DOUBLE) {
- o(0x7e0ff3); /* movq */
- r = 0;
- } else if ((ft & VT_BTYPE) == VT_LDOUBLE) {
- o(0xdb); /* fldt */
- r = 5;
- } else if ((ft & VT_TYPE) == VT_BYTE) {
- o(0xbe0f); /* movsbl */
- } else if ((ft & VT_TYPE) == (VT_BYTE | VT_UNSIGNED)) {
- o(0xb60f); /* movzbl */
- } else if ((ft & VT_TYPE) == VT_SHORT) {
- o(0xbf0f); /* movswl */
- } else if ((ft & VT_TYPE) == (VT_SHORT | VT_UNSIGNED)) {
- o(0xb70f); /* movzwl */
- } else if (is64_type(ft)) {
- gen_modrm64(0x8b, r, fr, sv->sym, fc);
- return;
- } else {
- o(0x8b); /* movl */
- }
- gen_modrm(r, fr, sv->sym, fc);
- } else {
- if (v == VT_CONST) {
- if ((ft & VT_BTYPE) == VT_LLONG) {
- assert(!(fr & VT_SYM));
- o(0x48);
- o(0xb8 + REG_VALUE(r)); /* mov $xx, r */
- gen_addr64(fr, sv->sym, sv->c.ull);
- } else {
- if (fr & VT_SYM) {
- if (sv->sym->type.t & VT_STATIC) {
- o(0x8d48);
- o(0x05 + REG_VALUE(r) * 8); /* lea xx(%rip), r */
- gen_addrpc32(fr, sv->sym, fc);
- } else {
- o(0x8b48);
- o(0x05 + REG_VALUE(r) * 8); /* mov xx(%rip), r */
- gen_gotpcrel(r, sv->sym, fc);
- }
- } else {
- o(0xb8 + REG_VALUE(r)); /* mov $xx, r */
- gen_le32(fc);
- }
- }
- } else if (v == VT_LOCAL) {
- o(0x48 | REX_BASE(r));
- o(0x8d); /* lea xxx(%ebp), r */
- gen_modrm(r, VT_LOCAL, sv->sym, fc);
- } else if (v == VT_CMP) {
- oad(0xb8 + r, 0); /* mov $0, r */
- o(0x0f); /* setxx %br */
- o(fc);
- o(0xc0 + r);
- } else if (v == VT_JMP || v == VT_JMPI) {
- t = v & 1;
- oad(0xb8 + r, t); /* mov $1, r */
- o(0x05eb); /* jmp after */
- gsym(fc);
- oad(0xb8 + r, t ^ 1); /* mov $0, r */
- } else if (v != r) {
- if (r == TREG_XMM0) {
- assert(v == TREG_ST0);
- /* gen_cvt_ftof(VT_DOUBLE); */
- o(0xf0245cdd); /* fstpl -0x10(%rsp) */
- /* movsd -0x10(%rsp),%xmm0 */
- o(0x44100ff2);
- o(0xf024);
- } else if (r == TREG_ST0) {
- assert(v == TREG_XMM0);
- /* gen_cvt_ftof(VT_LDOUBLE); */
- /* movsd %xmm0,-0x10(%rsp) */
- o(0x44110ff2);
- o(0xf024);
- o(0xf02444dd); /* fldl -0x10(%rsp) */
- } else {
- o(0x48 | REX_BASE(r) | (REX_BASE(v) << 2));
- o(0x89);
- o(0xc0 + r + v * 8); /* mov v, r */
- }
- }
- }
-/* store register 'r' in lvalue 'v' */
-void store(int r, SValue *v)
- int fr, bt, ft, fc;
- int op64 = 0;
- /* store the REX prefix in this variable when PIC is enabled */
- int pic = 0;
- ft = v->type.t;
- fc = v->c.ul;
- fr = v->r & VT_VALMASK;
- bt = ft & VT_BTYPE;
- /* we need to access the variable via got */
- if (fr == VT_CONST && (v->r & VT_SYM)) {
- /* mov xx(%rip), %r11 */
- o(0x1d8b4c);
- gen_gotpcrel(TREG_R11, v->sym, v->c.ul);
- pic = is64_type(bt) ? 0x49 : 0x41;
- }
- /* XXX: incorrect if float reg to reg */
- if (bt == VT_FLOAT) {
- o(0x66);
- o(pic);
- o(0x7e0f); /* movd */
- r = 0;
- } else if (bt == VT_DOUBLE) {
- o(0x66);
- o(pic);
- o(0xd60f); /* movq */
- r = 0;
- } else if (bt == VT_LDOUBLE) {
- o(0xc0d9); /* fld %st(0) */
- o(pic);
- o(0xdb); /* fstpt */
- r = 7;
- } else {
- if (bt == VT_SHORT)
- o(0x66);
- o(pic);
- if (bt == VT_BYTE || bt == VT_BOOL)
- o(0x88);
- else if (is64_type(bt))
- op64 = 0x89;
- else
- o(0x89);
- }
- if (pic) {
- /* xxx r, (%r11) where xxx is mov, movq, fld, or etc */
- if (op64)
- o(op64);
- o(3 + (r << 3));
- } else if (op64) {
- if (fr == VT_CONST ||
- fr == VT_LOCAL ||
- (v->r & VT_LVAL)) {
- gen_modrm64(op64, r, v->r, v->sym, fc);
- } else if (fr != r) {
- /* XXX: don't we really come here? */
- abort();
- o(0xc0 + fr + r * 8); /* mov r, fr */
- }
- } else {
- if (fr == VT_CONST ||
- fr == VT_LOCAL ||
- (v->r & VT_LVAL)) {
- gen_modrm(r, v->r, v->sym, fc);
- } else if (fr != r) {
- /* XXX: don't we really come here? */
- abort();
- o(0xc0 + fr + r * 8); /* mov r, fr */
- }
- }
-static void gadd_sp(int val)
- if (val == (char)val) {
- o(0xc48348);
- g(val);
- } else {
- oad(0xc48148, val); /* add $xxx, %rsp */
- }
-/* 'is_jmp' is '1' if it is a jump */
-static void gcall_or_jmp(int is_jmp)
- int r;
- if ((vtop->r & (VT_VALMASK | VT_LVAL)) == VT_CONST) {
- /* constant case */
- if (vtop->r & VT_SYM) {
- /* relocation case */
- greloc(cur_text_section, vtop->sym,
- ind + 1, R_X86_64_PC32);
- } else {
- /* put an empty PC32 relocation */
- put_elf_reloc(symtab_section, cur_text_section,
- ind + 1, R_X86_64_PC32, 0);
- }
- oad(0xe8 + is_jmp, vtop->c.ul - 4); /* call/jmp im */
- } else {
- /* otherwise, indirect call */
- r = TREG_R11;
- load(r, vtop);
- o(0x41); /* REX */
- o(0xff); /* call/jmp *r */
- o(0xd0 + REG_VALUE(r) + (is_jmp << 4));
- }
-static uint8_t arg_regs[6] = {
-/* Generate function call. The function address is pushed first, then
- all the parameters in call order. This functions pops all the
- parameters and the function address. */
-void gfunc_call(int nb_args)
- int size, align, r, args_size, i, func_call;
- Sym *func_sym;
- SValue *orig_vtop;
- int nb_reg_args = 0;
- int nb_sse_args = 0;
- int sse_reg, gen_reg;
- /* calculate the number of integer/float arguments */
- args_size = 0;
- for(i = 0; i < nb_args; i++) {
- if ((vtop[-i].type.t & VT_BTYPE) == VT_STRUCT) {
- args_size += type_size(&vtop->type, &align);
- } else if ((vtop[-i].type.t & VT_BTYPE) == VT_LDOUBLE) {
- args_size += 16;
- } else if (is_sse_float(vtop[-i].type.t)) {
- nb_sse_args++;
- if (nb_sse_args > 8) args_size += 8;
- } else {
- nb_reg_args++;
- if (nb_reg_args > 6) args_size += 8;
- }
- }
- /* for struct arguments, we need to call memcpy and the function
- call breaks register passing arguments we are preparing.
- So, we process arguments which will be passed by stack first. */
- orig_vtop = vtop;
- gen_reg = nb_reg_args;
- sse_reg = nb_sse_args;
- /* adjust stack to align SSE boundary */
- if (args_size &= 8) {
- o(0x50); /* push $rax */
- }
- for(i = 0; i < nb_args; i++) {
- if ((vtop->type.t & VT_BTYPE) == VT_STRUCT) {
- size = type_size(&vtop->type, &align);
- /* align to stack align size */
- size = (size + 3) & ~3;
- /* allocate the necessary size on stack */
- o(0x48);
- oad(0xec81, size); /* sub $xxx, %rsp */
- /* generate structure store */
- r = get_reg(RC_INT);
- o(0x48 + REX_BASE(r));
- o(0x89); /* mov %rsp, r */
- o(0xe0 + r);
- {
- /* following code breaks vtop[1] */
- SValue tmp = vtop[1];
- vset(&vtop->type, r | VT_LVAL, 0);
- vswap();
- vstore();
- vtop[1] = tmp;
- }
- args_size += size;
- } else if ((vtop->type.t & VT_BTYPE) == VT_LDOUBLE) {
- gv(RC_ST0);
- size = LDOUBLE_SIZE;
- oad(0xec8148, size); /* sub $xxx, %rsp */
- o(0x7cdb); /* fstpt 0(%rsp) */
- g(0x24);
- g(0x00);
- args_size += size;
- } else if (is_sse_float(vtop->type.t)) {
- int j = --sse_reg;
- if (j >= 8) {
- gv(RC_FLOAT);
- o(0x50); /* push $rax */
- /* movq %xmm0, (%rsp) */
- o(0x04d60f66);
- o(0x24);
- args_size += 8;
- }
- } else {
- int j = --gen_reg;
- /* simple type */
- /* XXX: implicit cast ? */
- if (j >= 6) {
- r = gv(RC_INT);
- o(0x50 + r); /* push r */
- args_size += 8;
- }
- }
- vtop--;
- }
- vtop = orig_vtop;
- /* then, we prepare register passing arguments.
- Note that we cannot set RDX and RCX in this loop because gv()
- may break these temporary registers. Let's use R10 and R11
- instead of them */
- gen_reg = nb_reg_args;
- sse_reg = nb_sse_args;
- for(i = 0; i < nb_args; i++) {
- if ((vtop->type.t & VT_BTYPE) == VT_STRUCT ||
- (vtop->type.t & VT_BTYPE) == VT_LDOUBLE) {
- } else if (is_sse_float(vtop->type.t)) {
- int j = --sse_reg;
- if (j < 8) {
- gv(RC_FLOAT); /* only one float register */
- /* movaps %xmm0, %xmmN */
- o(0x280f);
- o(0xc0 + (sse_reg << 3));
- }
- } else {
- int j = --gen_reg;
- /* simple type */
- /* XXX: implicit cast ? */
- if (j < 6) {
- r = gv(RC_INT);
- if (j < 2) {
- o(0x8948); /* mov */
- o(0xc0 + r * 8 + arg_regs[j]);
- } else if (j < 4) {
- o(0x8949); /* mov */
- /* j=2: r10, j=3: r11 */
- o(0xc0 + r * 8 + j);
- } else {
- o(0x8949); /* mov */
- /* j=4: r8, j=5: r9 */
- o(0xc0 + r * 8 + j - 4);
- }
- }
- }
- vtop--;
- }
- save_regs(0); /* save used temporary registers */
- /* Copy R10 and R11 into RDX and RCX, respectively */
- if (nb_reg_args > 2) {
- o(0xd2894c); /* mov %r10, %rdx */
- if (nb_reg_args > 3) {
- o(0xd9894c); /* mov %r11, %rcx */
- }
- }
- func_sym = vtop->type.ref;
- func_call = FUNC_CALL(func_sym->r);
- oad(0xb8, nb_sse_args < 8 ? nb_sse_args : 8); /* mov nb_sse_args, %eax */
- gcall_or_jmp(0);
- if (args_size)
- gadd_sp(args_size);
- vtop--;
-/* XXX: support PE? */
-#warning "PE isn't tested at all"
-#define FUNC_PROLOG_SIZE 12
-#define FUNC_PROLOG_SIZE 11
-static void push_arg_reg(int i) {
- loc -= 8;
- gen_modrm64(0x89, arg_regs[i], VT_LOCAL, NULL, loc);
-/* generate function prolog of type 't' */
-void gfunc_prolog(CType *func_type)
- int i, addr, align, size, func_call;
- int param_index, param_addr, reg_param_index, sse_param_index;
- Sym *sym;
- CType *type;
- func_ret_sub = 0;
- sym = func_type->ref;
- func_call = FUNC_CALL(sym->r);
- addr = PTR_SIZE * 2;
- loc = 0;
- func_sub_sp_offset = ind;
- if (func_type->ref->c == FUNC_ELLIPSIS) {
- int seen_reg_num, seen_sse_num, seen_stack_size;
- seen_reg_num = seen_sse_num = 0;
- /* frame pointer and return address */
- seen_stack_size = PTR_SIZE * 2;
- /* count the number of seen parameters */
- sym = func_type->ref;
- while ((sym = sym->next) != NULL) {
- type = &sym->type;
- if (is_sse_float(type->t)) {
- if (seen_sse_num < 8) {
- seen_sse_num++;
- } else {
- seen_stack_size += 8;
- }
- } else if ((type->t & VT_BTYPE) == VT_STRUCT) {
- size = type_size(type, &align);
- size = (size + 3) & ~3;
- seen_stack_size += size;
- } else if ((type->t & VT_BTYPE) == VT_LDOUBLE) {
- seen_stack_size += LDOUBLE_SIZE;
- } else {
- if (seen_reg_num < 6) {
- seen_reg_num++;
- } else {
- seen_stack_size += 8;
- }
- }
- }
- loc -= 16;
- /* movl $0x????????, -0x10(%rbp) */
- o(0xf045c7);
- gen_le32(seen_reg_num * 8);
- /* movl $0x????????, -0xc(%rbp) */
- o(0xf445c7);
- gen_le32(seen_sse_num * 16 + 48);
- /* movl $0x????????, -0x8(%rbp) */
- o(0xf845c7);
- gen_le32(seen_stack_size);
- /* save all register passing arguments */
- for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
- loc -= 16;
- o(0xd60f66); /* movq */
- gen_modrm(7 - i, VT_LOCAL, NULL, loc);
- /* movq $0, loc+8(%rbp) */
- o(0x85c748);
- gen_le32(loc + 8);
- gen_le32(0);
- }
- for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
- push_arg_reg(5 - i);
- }
- }
- sym = func_type->ref;
- param_index = 0;
- reg_param_index = 0;
- sse_param_index = 0;
- /* if the function returns a structure, then add an
- implicit pointer parameter */
- func_vt = sym->type;
- if ((func_vt.t & VT_BTYPE) == VT_STRUCT) {
- push_arg_reg(reg_param_index);
- param_addr = loc;
- func_vc = loc;
- param_index++;
- reg_param_index++;
- }
- /* define parameters */
- while ((sym = sym->next) != NULL) {
- type = &sym->type;
- size = type_size(type, &align);
- size = (size + 3) & ~3;
- if (is_sse_float(type->t)) {
- if (sse_param_index < 8) {
- /* save arguments passed by register */
- loc -= 8;
- o(0xd60f66); /* movq */
- gen_modrm(sse_param_index, VT_LOCAL, NULL, loc);
- param_addr = loc;
- } else {
- param_addr = addr;
- addr += size;
- }
- sse_param_index++;
- } else if ((type->t & VT_BTYPE) == VT_STRUCT ||
- (type->t & VT_BTYPE) == VT_LDOUBLE) {
- param_addr = addr;
- addr += size;
- } else {
- if (reg_param_index < 6) {
- /* save arguments passed by register */
- push_arg_reg(reg_param_index);
- param_addr = loc;
- } else {
- param_addr = addr;
- addr += 8;
- }
- reg_param_index++;
- }
- sym_push(sym->v & ~SYM_FIELD, type,
- VT_LOCAL | VT_LVAL, param_addr);
- param_index++;
- }
-/* generate function epilog */
-void gfunc_epilog(void)
- int v, saved_ind;
- o(0xc9); /* leave */
- if (func_ret_sub == 0) {
- o(0xc3); /* ret */
- } else {
- o(0xc2); /* ret n */
- g(func_ret_sub);
- g(func_ret_sub >> 8);
- }
- /* align local size to word & save local variables */
- v = (-loc + 15) & -16;
- saved_ind = ind;
- ind = func_sub_sp_offset - FUNC_PROLOG_SIZE;
- if (v >= 4096) {
- Sym *sym = external_global_sym(TOK___chkstk, &func_old_type, 0);
- oad(0xb8, v); /* mov stacksize, %eax */
- oad(0xe8, -4); /* call __chkstk, (does the stackframe too) */
- greloc(cur_text_section, sym, ind-4, R_X86_64_PC32);
- } else
- {
- o(0xe5894855); /* push %rbp, mov %rsp, %rbp */
- o(0xec8148); /* sub rsp, stacksize */
- gen_le32(v);
- o(0x90); /* adjust to FUNC_PROLOG_SIZE */
- }
- ind = saved_ind;
-/* generate a jump to a label */
-int gjmp(int t)
- return psym(0xe9, t);
-/* generate a jump to a fixed address */
-void gjmp_addr(int a)
- int r;
- r = a - ind - 2;
- if (r == (char)r) {
- g(0xeb);
- g(r);
- } else {
- oad(0xe9, a - ind - 5);
- }
-/* generate a test. set 'inv' to invert test. Stack entry is popped */
-int gtst(int inv, int t)
- int v, *p;
- v = vtop->r & VT_VALMASK;
- if (v == VT_CMP) {
- /* fast case : can jump directly since flags are set */
- g(0x0f);
- t = psym((vtop->c.i - 16) ^ inv, t);
- } else if (v == VT_JMP || v == VT_JMPI) {
- /* && or || optimization */
- if ((v & 1) == inv) {
- /* insert vtop->c jump list in t */
- p = &vtop->c.i;
- while (*p != 0)
- p = (int *)(cur_text_section->data + *p);
- *p = t;
- t = vtop->c.i;
- } else {
- t = gjmp(t);
- gsym(vtop->c.i);
- }
- } else {
- if (is_float(vtop->type.t) ||
- (vtop->type.t & VT_BTYPE) == VT_LLONG) {
- vpushi(0);
- gen_op(TOK_NE);
- }
- if ((vtop->r & (VT_VALMASK | VT_LVAL | VT_SYM)) == VT_CONST) {
- /* constant jmp optimization */
- if ((vtop->c.i != 0) != inv)
- t = gjmp(t);
- } else {
- v = gv(RC_INT);
- o(0x85);
- o(0xc0 + v * 9);
- g(0x0f);
- t = psym(0x85 ^ inv, t);
- }
- }
- vtop--;
- return t;
-/* generate an integer binary operation */
-void gen_opi(int op)
- int r, fr, opc, c;
- switch(op) {
- case '+':
- case TOK_ADDC1: /* add with carry generation */
- opc = 0;
- gen_op8:
- if ((vtop->r & (VT_VALMASK | VT_LVAL | VT_SYM)) == VT_CONST &&
- !is64_type(vtop->type.t)) {
- /* constant case */
- vswap();
- r = gv(RC_INT);
- if (is64_type(vtop->type.t)) {
- o(0x48 | REX_BASE(r));
- }
- vswap();
- c = vtop->c.i;
- if (c == (char)c) {
- /* XXX: generate inc and dec for smaller code ? */
- o(0x83);
- o(0xc0 | (opc << 3) | REG_VALUE(r));
- g(c);
- } else {
- o(0x81);
- oad(0xc0 | (opc << 3) | REG_VALUE(r), c);
- }
- } else {
- gv2(RC_INT, RC_INT);
- r = vtop[-1].r;
- fr = vtop[0].r;
- if (opc != 7 ||
- is64_type(vtop[0].type.t) || (vtop[0].type.t & VT_UNSIGNED) ||
- is64_type(vtop[-1].type.t) || (vtop[-1].type.t & VT_UNSIGNED)) {
- o(0x48 | REX_BASE(r) | (REX_BASE(fr) << 2));
- }
- o((opc << 3) | 0x01);
- o(0xc0 + REG_VALUE(r) + REG_VALUE(fr) * 8);
- }
- vtop--;
- if (op >= TOK_ULT && op <= TOK_GT) {
- vtop->r = VT_CMP;
- vtop->c.i = op;
- }
- break;
- case '-':
- case TOK_SUBC1: /* sub with carry generation */
- opc = 5;
- goto gen_op8;
- case TOK_ADDC2: /* add with carry use */
- opc = 2;
- goto gen_op8;
- case TOK_SUBC2: /* sub with carry use */
- opc = 3;
- goto gen_op8;
- case '&':
- opc = 4;
- goto gen_op8;
- case '^':
- opc = 6;
- goto gen_op8;
- case '|':
- opc = 1;
- goto gen_op8;
- case '*':
- gv2(RC_INT, RC_INT);
- r = vtop[-1].r;
- fr = vtop[0].r;
- if (is64_type(vtop[0].type.t) || (vtop[0].type.t & VT_UNSIGNED) ||
- is64_type(vtop[-1].type.t) || (vtop[-1].type.t & VT_UNSIGNED)) {
- o(0x48 | REX_BASE(fr) | (REX_BASE(r) << 2));
- }
- vtop--;
- o(0xaf0f); /* imul fr, r */
- o(0xc0 + fr + r * 8);
- break;
- case TOK_SHL:
- opc = 4;
- goto gen_shift;
- case TOK_SHR:
- opc = 5;
- goto gen_shift;
- case TOK_SAR:
- opc = 7;
- gen_shift:
- opc = 0xc0 | (opc << 3);
- if ((vtop->r & (VT_VALMASK | VT_LVAL | VT_SYM)) == VT_CONST) {
- /* constant case */
- vswap();
- r = gv(RC_INT);
- if ((vtop->type.t & VT_BTYPE) == VT_LLONG) {
- o(0x48 | REX_BASE(r));
- c = 0x3f;
- } else {
- c = 0x1f;
- }
- vswap();
- c &= vtop->c.i;
- o(0xc1); /* shl/shr/sar $xxx, r */
- o(opc | r);
- g(c);
- } else {
- /* we generate the shift in ecx */
- gv2(RC_INT, RC_RCX);
- r = vtop[-1].r;
- if ((vtop[-1].type.t & VT_BTYPE) == VT_LLONG) {
- o(0x48 | REX_BASE(r));
- }
- o(0xd3); /* shl/shr/sar %cl, r */
- o(opc | r);
- }
- vtop--;
- break;
- case '/':
- case TOK_UDIV:
- case TOK_PDIV:
- case '%':
- case TOK_UMOD:
- case TOK_UMULL:
- /* first operand must be in eax */
- /* XXX: need better constraint for second operand */
- gv2(RC_RAX, RC_RCX);
- r = vtop[-1].r;
- fr = vtop[0].r;
- vtop--;
- save_reg(TREG_RDX);
- if (op == TOK_UMULL) {
- o(0xf7); /* mul fr */
- o(0xe0 + fr);
- vtop->r2 = TREG_RDX;
- r = TREG_RAX;
- } else {
- if (op == TOK_UDIV || op == TOK_UMOD) {
- o(0xf7d231); /* xor %edx, %edx, div fr, %eax */
- o(0xf0 + fr);
- } else {
- if ((vtop->type.t & VT_BTYPE) & VT_LLONG) {
- o(0x9948); /* cqto */
- o(0x48 + REX_BASE(fr));
- } else {
- o(0x99); /* cltd */
- }
- o(0xf7); /* idiv fr, %eax */
- o(0xf8 + fr);
- }
- if (op == '%' || op == TOK_UMOD)
- r = TREG_RDX;
- else
- r = TREG_RAX;
- }
- vtop->r = r;
- break;
- default:
- opc = 7;
- goto gen_op8;
- }
-void gen_opl(int op)
- gen_opi(op);
-/* generate a floating point operation 'v = t1 op t2' instruction. The
- two operands are guaranted to have the same floating point type */
-/* XXX: need to use ST1 too */
-void gen_opf(int op)
- int a, ft, fc, swapped, r;
- int float_type =
- (vtop->type.t & VT_BTYPE) == VT_LDOUBLE ? RC_ST0 : RC_FLOAT;
- /* convert constants to memory references */
- if ((vtop[-1].r & (VT_VALMASK | VT_LVAL)) == VT_CONST) {
- vswap();
- gv(float_type);
- vswap();
- }
- if ((vtop[0].r & (VT_VALMASK | VT_LVAL)) == VT_CONST)
- gv(float_type);
- /* must put at least one value in the floating point register */
- if ((vtop[-1].r & VT_LVAL) &&
- (vtop[0].r & VT_LVAL)) {
- vswap();
- gv(float_type);
- vswap();
- }
- swapped = 0;
- /* swap the stack if needed so that t1 is the register and t2 is
- the memory reference */
- if (vtop[-1].r & VT_LVAL) {
- vswap();
- swapped = 1;
- }
- if ((vtop->type.t & VT_BTYPE) == VT_LDOUBLE) {
- if (op >= TOK_ULT && op <= TOK_GT) {
- /* load on stack second operand */
- load(TREG_ST0, vtop);
- save_reg(TREG_RAX); /* eax is used by FP comparison code */
- if (op == TOK_GE || op == TOK_GT)
- swapped = !swapped;
- else if (op == TOK_EQ || op == TOK_NE)
- swapped = 0;
- if (swapped)
- o(0xc9d9); /* fxch %st(1) */
- o(0xe9da); /* fucompp */
- o(0xe0df); /* fnstsw %ax */
- if (op == TOK_EQ) {
- o(0x45e480); /* and $0x45, %ah */
- o(0x40fC80); /* cmp $0x40, %ah */
- } else if (op == TOK_NE) {
- o(0x45e480); /* and $0x45, %ah */
- o(0x40f480); /* xor $0x40, %ah */
- op = TOK_NE;
- } else if (op == TOK_GE || op == TOK_LE) {
- o(0x05c4f6); /* test $0x05, %ah */
- op = TOK_EQ;
- } else {
- o(0x45c4f6); /* test $0x45, %ah */
- op = TOK_EQ;
- }
- vtop--;
- vtop->r = VT_CMP;
- vtop->c.i = op;
- } else {
- /* no memory reference possible for long double operations */
- load(TREG_ST0, vtop);
- swapped = !swapped;
- switch(op) {
- case '-':
- a = 4;
- if (swapped)
- a++;
- break;
- case '*':
- a = 1;
- break;
- case '/':
- a = 6;
- if (swapped)
- a++;
- break;
- case '+':
- default:
- a = 0;
- break;
- }
- ft = vtop->type.t;
- fc = vtop->c.ul;
- o(0xde); /* fxxxp %st, %st(1) */
- o(0xc1 + (a << 3));
- vtop--;
- }
- } else {
- if (op >= TOK_ULT && op <= TOK_GT) {
- /* if saved lvalue, then we must reload it */
- r = vtop->r;
- fc = vtop->c.ul;
- if ((r & VT_VALMASK) == VT_LLOCAL) {
- SValue v1;
- r = get_reg(RC_INT);
- v1.type.t = VT_INT;
- v1.r = VT_LOCAL | VT_LVAL;
- v1.c.ul = fc;
- load(r, &v1);
- fc = 0;
- }
- if (op == TOK_EQ || op == TOK_NE) {
- swapped = 0;
- } else {
- if (op == TOK_LE || op == TOK_LT)
- swapped = !swapped;
- if (op == TOK_LE || op == TOK_GE) {
- op = 0x93; /* setae */
- } else {
- op = 0x97; /* seta */
- }
- }
- if (swapped) {
- o(0x7e0ff3); /* movq */
- gen_modrm(1, r, vtop->sym, fc);
- if ((vtop->type.t & VT_BTYPE) == VT_DOUBLE) {
- o(0x66);
- }
- o(0x2e0f); /* ucomisd %xmm0, %xmm1 */
- o(0xc8);
- } else {
- if ((vtop->type.t & VT_BTYPE) == VT_DOUBLE) {
- o(0x66);
- }
- o(0x2e0f); /* ucomisd */
- gen_modrm(0, r, vtop->sym, fc);
- }
- vtop--;
- vtop->r = VT_CMP;
- vtop->c.i = op;
- } else {
- /* no memory reference possible for long double operations */
- if ((vtop->type.t & VT_BTYPE) == VT_LDOUBLE) {
- load(TREG_XMM0, vtop);
- swapped = !swapped;
- }
- switch(op) {
- case '-':
- a = 4;
- break;
- case '*':
- a = 1;
- break;
- case '/':
- a = 6;
- break;
- case '+':
- default:
- a = 0;
- break;
- }
- ft = vtop->type.t;
- fc = vtop->c.ul;
- if ((ft & VT_BTYPE) == VT_LDOUBLE) {
- o(0xde); /* fxxxp %st, %st(1) */
- o(0xc1 + (a << 3));
- } else {
- /* if saved lvalue, then we must reload it */
- r = vtop->r;
- if ((r & VT_VALMASK) == VT_LLOCAL) {
- SValue v1;
- r = get_reg(RC_INT);
- v1.type.t = VT_INT;
- v1.r = VT_LOCAL | VT_LVAL;
- v1.c.ul = fc;
- load(r, &v1);
- fc = 0;
- }
- if (swapped) {
- /* movq %xmm0,%xmm1 */
- o(0x7e0ff3);
- o(0xc8);
- load(TREG_XMM0, vtop);
- /* subsd %xmm1,%xmm0 (f2 0f 5c c1) */
- if ((ft & VT_BTYPE) == VT_DOUBLE) {
- o(0xf2);
- } else {
- o(0xf3);
- }
- o(0x0f);
- o(0x58 + a);
- o(0xc1);
- } else {
- if ((ft & VT_BTYPE) == VT_DOUBLE) {
- o(0xf2);
- } else {
- o(0xf3);
- }
- o(0x0f);
- o(0x58 + a);
- gen_modrm(0, r, vtop->sym, fc);
- }
- }
- vtop--;
- }
- }
-/* convert integers to fp 't' type. Must handle 'int', 'unsigned int'
- and 'long long' cases. */
-void gen_cvt_itof(int t)
- if ((t & VT_BTYPE) == VT_LDOUBLE) {
- save_reg(TREG_ST0);
- gv(RC_INT);
- if ((vtop->type.t & VT_BTYPE) == VT_LLONG) {
- /* signed long long to float/double/long double (unsigned case
- is handled generically) */
- o(0x50 + (vtop->r & VT_VALMASK)); /* push r */
- o(0x242cdf); /* fildll (%rsp) */
- o(0x08c48348); /* add $8, %rsp */
- } else if ((vtop->type.t & (VT_BTYPE | VT_UNSIGNED)) ==
- /* unsigned int to float/double/long double */
- o(0x6a); /* push $0 */
- g(0x00);
- o(0x50 + (vtop->r & VT_VALMASK)); /* push r */
- o(0x242cdf); /* fildll (%rsp) */
- o(0x10c48348); /* add $16, %rsp */
- } else {
- /* int to float/double/long double */
- o(0x50 + (vtop->r & VT_VALMASK)); /* push r */
- o(0x2404db); /* fildl (%rsp) */
- o(0x08c48348); /* add $8, %rsp */
- }
- vtop->r = TREG_ST0;
- } else {
- save_reg(TREG_XMM0);
- gv(RC_INT);
- o(0xf2 + ((t & VT_BTYPE) == VT_FLOAT));
- if ((vtop->type.t & (VT_BTYPE | VT_UNSIGNED)) ==
- (vtop->type.t & VT_BTYPE) == VT_LLONG) {
- o(0x48); /* REX */
- }
- o(0x2a0f);
- o(0xc0 + (vtop->r & VT_VALMASK)); /* cvtsi2sd */
- vtop->r = TREG_XMM0;
- }
-/* convert from one floating point type to another */
-void gen_cvt_ftof(int t)
- int ft, bt, tbt;
- ft = vtop->type.t;
- bt = ft & VT_BTYPE;
- tbt = t & VT_BTYPE;
- if (bt == VT_FLOAT) {
- gv(RC_FLOAT);
- if (tbt == VT_DOUBLE) {
- o(0xc0140f); /* unpcklps */
- o(0xc05a0f); /* cvtps2pd */
- } else if (tbt == VT_LDOUBLE) {
- /* movss %xmm0,-0x10(%rsp) */
- o(0x44110ff3);
- o(0xf024);
- o(0xf02444d9); /* flds -0x10(%rsp) */
- vtop->r = TREG_ST0;
- }
- } else if (bt == VT_DOUBLE) {
- gv(RC_FLOAT);
- if (tbt == VT_FLOAT) {
- o(0xc0140f66); /* unpcklpd */
- o(0xc05a0f66); /* cvtpd2ps */
- } else if (tbt == VT_LDOUBLE) {
- /* movsd %xmm0,-0x10(%rsp) */
- o(0x44110ff2);
- o(0xf024);
- o(0xf02444dd); /* fldl -0x10(%rsp) */
- vtop->r = TREG_ST0;
- }
- } else {
- gv(RC_ST0);
- if (tbt == VT_DOUBLE) {
- o(0xf0245cdd); /* fstpl -0x10(%rsp) */
- /* movsd -0x10(%rsp),%xmm0 */
- o(0x44100ff2);
- o(0xf024);
- vtop->r = TREG_XMM0;
- } else if (tbt == VT_FLOAT) {
- o(0xf0245cd9); /* fstps -0x10(%rsp) */
- /* movss -0x10(%rsp),%xmm0 */
- o(0x44100ff3);
- o(0xf024);
- vtop->r = TREG_XMM0;
- }
- }
-/* convert fp to int 't' type */
-void gen_cvt_ftoi(int t)
- int ft, bt, size, r;
- ft = vtop->type.t;
- bt = ft & VT_BTYPE;
- if (bt == VT_LDOUBLE) {
- gen_cvt_ftof(VT_DOUBLE);
- bt = VT_DOUBLE;
- }
- gv(RC_FLOAT);
- if (t != VT_INT)
- size = 8;
- else
- size = 4;
- r = get_reg(RC_INT);
- if (bt == VT_FLOAT) {
- o(0xf3);
- } else if (bt == VT_DOUBLE) {
- o(0xf2);
- } else {
- assert(0);
- }
- if (size == 8) {
- o(0x48 + REX_BASE(r));
- }
- o(0x2c0f); /* cvttss2si or cvttsd2si */
- o(0xc0 + (REG_VALUE(r) << 3));
- vtop->r = r;
-/* computed goto support */
-void ggoto(void)
- gcall_or_jmp(1);
- vtop--;
-/* end of x86-64 code generator */