diff options
authorLeo Tenenbaum <>2020-05-08 21:41:45 -0400
committerLeo Tenenbaum <>2020-05-08 21:41:45 -0400
commitd31a2f61610fc23b63b643018167f518ce3e8b01 (patch)
parent6886389e7c55b382545026b668dd400949edf337 (diff)
fixed a few bugs starting to make buffered io
5 files changed, 56 insertions, 53 deletions
diff --git a/decls_cgen.c b/decls_cgen.c
index 5a85b09..97c63ec 100644
--- a/decls_cgen.c
+++ b/decls_cgen.c
@@ -277,7 +277,10 @@ static void cgen_fn_decl(CGenerator *g, FnExpr *f, Type *t) {
cgen_ctype(g, csub);
- cgen_write(g, ") = %s;", foreign_name);
+ cgen_write(g, ")");
+ if (ctypes[0].kind == CTYPE_NONE)
+ cgen_type_post(g, &fn_types[0]);
+ cgen_write(g, "= %s;", foreign_name);
diff --git a/parse.c b/parse.c
index 0aacaff..4ced599 100644
--- a/parse.c
+++ b/parse.c
@@ -823,6 +823,7 @@ static Status parse_block(Parser *p, Block *b, U8 flags) {
Block *prev_block = p->block;
b->flags = 0;
b->kind = BLOCK_OTHER;
+ b->uses = NULL;
b->ret_expr = NULL;
assert(p->block != b);
b->parent = p->block;
diff --git a/std/base.toc b/std/base.toc
index bdb91e0..08c5e53 100644
--- a/std/base.toc
+++ b/std/base.toc
@@ -20,4 +20,8 @@ PLATFORM ::= #builtin("platform");
libc ::= "";
+// @TODO: write your own
+memcpy ::= #foreign("memcpy", libc) fn(&void, #C &"const void", #C size_t) &void;
diff --git a/std/io.toc b/std/io.toc
index 71ff009..9b77ac3 100644
--- a/std/io.toc
+++ b/std/io.toc
@@ -1,61 +1,57 @@
-/* @TODO: use write / WriteFile */
#include "std/base.toc", base;
-putchar ::= #foreign("putchar", base.libc) fn(#C int) #C int;
-toc_putchar ::= fn(x: char) {
- putchar(x as #C int);
-printf ::= #foreign("printf", base.libc) fn (#C &"const char", #C ..) #C int;
-unfortunately, we can't use fwrite because MSVC doesn't like it when you
-use a file handle that's not from the DLL. (i.e. you can't pass your stdout
-to the imported version of fwrite)
-writes ::= fn(x: []char) {
- for c := x {
- toc_putchar(c);
+#if base.PLATFORM_IS_UNIX {
+ // @TODO: use syscall instead
+ write ::= #foreign("write", "") fn(#C int, #C &"const void", #C size_t) #C long;
+ RawFile ::= int;
+ raw_file_write ::= fn(file: RawFile, buf: &void, size: int) int {
+ write(file as #C int, buf, size as #C size_t) as int
+ }
+ get_stdout ::= fn() RawFile {
+ 1
+ }
+} else {
+ // @TODO: on windows, use WriteFile
+ fwrite ::= #foreign("fwrite", base.libc) fn(#C &"const void", #C size_t, #C size_t, &void) #C size_t;
+ RawFile ::= &void;
+ raw_file_write ::= fn(file: RawFile, buf: &void, size: int) int {
+ fwrite(buf, 1, size, file);
+ }
+ get_stdout ::= fn() RawFile {
+ #builtin("stdout")
-puts ::= fn(x: []char) {
- writes(x);
- toc_putchar('\n');
-writei ::= fn(x: int) {
- if x < 0 {
- toc_putchar('-');
- // NOTE: don't do x = -x; here to make sure I64_MIN works
- }
- if x == 0 {
- toc_putchar('0');
- } else {
- abs ::= fn(x: int) int { if x < 0 { -x } else { x } };
- scan_digit := 1000000000000000000;
- started := false;
- while scan_digit > 0 {
- digit := abs((x / scan_digit) % 10);
- if digit > 0 { started = true; }
- if started {
- toc_putchar((('0' as int) + digit) as char);
- }
- scan_digit /= 10;
- }
- }
+File ::= struct {
+ BUFSZ ::= 4096;
+ raw : RawFile;
+ written : int; // ranges from 0 to FILE_BUFSZ-1
+ buffer : [BUFSZ]char;
-puti ::= fn(x: int) {
- writei(x);
- toc_putchar('\n');
+raw_file_to_file ::= fn(raw : RawFile) f: File {
+ f.raw = raw;
-writef ::= fn(x: float) {
- fmt := "%f\0";
- printf(&fmt[0], x as f64);
+std_out := raw_file_to_file(get_stdout());
+file_flush ::= fn(use f: &File) {
+ raw_file_write(raw, &buffer[0], written);
+ written = 0;
-putf ::= fn(x: float) {
- writef(x);
- toc_putchar('\n');
+file_writes ::= fn(use f: &File, s : []char) {
+ if written + s.len > BUFSZ {
+ file_flush(f);
+ if s.len > BUFSZ {
+ raw_file_write(raw, &s[0], s.len);
+ } else {
+ base.memcpy(&buffer[0], &s[0], s.len as #C size_t);
+ written = s.len;
+ }
+ } else {
+ base.memcpy(&buffer[written], &s[0], s.len as #C size_t);
+ written += s.len;
+ }
diff --git a/test.toc b/test.toc
index da48b5c..c90b3ce 100644
--- a/test.toc
+++ b/test.toc
@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
#include "std/io.toc", io;
-#include "std/base.toc", base;
main ::= fn() {
- io.putf(3.7);
+ io.file_writes(&io.std_out, "hello!\n");
+ io.file_flush(&io.std_out);