path: root/main.c
diff options
authorLeo Tenenbaum <>2021-04-22 14:02:12 -0400
committerLeo Tenenbaum <>2021-04-22 14:02:12 -0400
commitf6c6f709fed4914a41e3928ad728a076a842bb29 (patch)
treed33be3f8bd3c00c8dd532bfeac4260a3c2358e2d /main.c
initial commit
Diffstat (limited to 'main.c')
1 files changed, 468 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/main.c b/main.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..59b2b12
--- /dev/null
+++ b/main.c
@@ -0,0 +1,468 @@
+// directory to take png images from
+#define INPUT_DIR "i"
+// directory to output cropped png images to
+#define OUTPUT_DIR "o"
+// aspect ratio = width / height
+#define ASPECT_RATIO (2.0f/3.0f)
+// output width in pixels. all output images be resized to this width.
+#define OUTPUT_WIDTH 1550
+// starting scale for frame
+#define STARTING_SCALE 0.8f
+#if __GNUC__
+#pragma GCC diagnostic push
+#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wimplicit-fallthrough"
+#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wconversion"
+#include <SDL.h>
+#include <dirent.h>
+#define STBI_ONLY_PNG
+#include "stb_image.h"
+#include "stb_image_resize.h"
+#include "stb_image_write.h"
+#if __GNUC__
+#pragma GCC diagnostic pop
+#include <stdbool.h>
+#if _WIN32 || WINDOWS
+#include <windows.h>
+#include "base.h"
+#include "util.c"
+#include "gl.c"
+#include "math.c"
+#include "time.c"
+#include "arr.c"
+static void die(char const *fmt, ...) {
+ char buf[256] = {0};
+ va_list args;
+ va_start(args, fmt);
+ vsnprintf(buf, sizeof buf - 1, fmt, args);
+ va_end(args);
+ // show a message box, and if that fails, print it
+ if (SDL_ShowSimpleMessageBox(SDL_MESSAGEBOX_ERROR, "Error", buf, NULL) < 0) {
+ debug_println("%s\n", buf);
+ }
+#if DEBUG
+static void APIENTRY gl_message_callback(GLenum source, GLenum type, unsigned int id, GLenum severity,
+ GLsizei length, const char *message, const void *userParam) {
+ (void)source; (void)type; (void)id; (void)length; (void)userParam;
+ if (severity == GL_DEBUG_SEVERITY_NOTIFICATION) return;
+ debug_println("Message from OpenGL: %s.", message);
+static void load_texture(char const *filename, int *width, int *height, unsigned char *image, GLuint tex) {
+ int c;
+ int w, h;
+ unsigned char *data = stbi_load(filename, &w, &h, &c, 1);
+ if (data) {
+ memcpy(image, data, (size_t)w*(size_t)h);
+ // flip vertically
+ for (int y = 0; y < h/2; ++y) {
+ int oy = h-1-y;
+ for (int x = 0; x < w; ++x) {
+ unsigned char *a = &data[y*w+x], *b = &data[oy*w+x];
+ unsigned char tmp = *a;
+ *a = *b;
+ *b = tmp;
+ }
+ }
+ glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, tex);
+ glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT, 1);
+ glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_RED, w, h, 0, GL_RED, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, data);
+ *width = w;
+ *height = h;
+ stbi_image_free(data);
+ } else {
+ printf("Error loading %s\n", filename);
+ }
+static int qsort_strcmp(const void *a, const void *b) {
+ return strcmp(*(const char *const *)a, *(const char *const *)b);
+int main(int argc, char **argv) {
+ mkdir(OUTPUT_DIR, 0755);
+ DIR *input_dir = opendir(INPUT_DIR);
+ static char const *filenames[10000];
+ int nfiles = 0;
+ {
+ struct dirent *ent;
+ while ((ent = readdir(input_dir))) {
+ if (ent->d_type == DT_REG) {
+ char const *name = ent->d_name;
+ if (strchr(name, '.') && strcmp(strchr(name, '.'), ".png") == 0)
+ filenames[nfiles++] = strdup(ent->d_name);
+ }
+ }
+ qsort(filenames, (size_t)nfiles, sizeof *filenames, qsort_strcmp);
+ }
+ if (nfiles == 0) {
+ printf("No files!\n");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ int file_idx = 0;
+ if (argc < 2) {
+ FILE *fp = fopen("pos.txt", "r");
+ if (fp) {
+ fscanf(fp, "%d", &file_idx);
+ fclose(fp);
+ }
+ } else {
+ file_idx = atoi(argv[1]);
+ }
+ setbuf(stdout, NULL);
+ int gl_version_major = 0, gl_version_minor = 0;
+ struct {
+ int major;
+ int minor;
+ } gl_versions[] = {
+ // first try gl_versions[0], then gl_versions[1], etc.
+ {4, 3}, // debug context support
+ {3, 2}, // framebuffer support
+ {3, 0}, // vao support
+ };
+ SDL_GLContext *glctx = NULL;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < arr_count(gl_versions); ++i) {
+ gl_version_major = gl_versions[i].major;
+ gl_version_minor = gl_versions[i].minor;
+ SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL_GL_CONTEXT_MAJOR_VERSION, gl_version_major);
+ SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL_GL_CONTEXT_MINOR_VERSION, gl_version_minor);
+ #if DEBUG
+ SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL_GL_CONTEXT_FLAGS, gl_version_major * 100 + gl_version_minor >= 403 ? SDL_GL_CONTEXT_DEBUG_FLAG : 0);
+ #endif
+ glctx = SDL_GL_CreateContext(window);
+ if (glctx) {
+ #if DEBUG
+ print("Got GL %d.%d context.\n", gl_version_major, gl_version_minor);
+ #endif
+ break;
+ } else {
+ debug_println("Couldn't get GL %d.%d context.", gl_version_major, gl_version_minor);
+ }
+ }
+ if (!glctx)
+ die("%s\n(your GPU/graphics drivers might be too old)", SDL_GetError());
+ gl_get_procs();
+#if DEBUG
+ if (gl_version_major * 100 + gl_version_minor >= 403) {
+ GLint flags = 0;
+ glGetIntegerv(GL_CONTEXT_FLAGS, &flags);
+ glEnable(GL_DEBUG_OUTPUT);
+ if (flags & GL_CONTEXT_FLAG_DEBUG_BIT) {
+ // set up debug message callback
+ glDebugMessageCallback(gl_message_callback, NULL);
+ printf("Set up debug message callback\n");
+ }
+ }
+ SDL_GL_SetSwapInterval(1);
+ Uint32 last_frame = SDL_GetTicks();
+ bool quit = false;
+ GLuint shader = gl_create_program_from_files("v.glsl", "f.glsl");
+ GLuint vbo = gl_gen_buffer(), vao = gl_gen_vertex_array();
+ GLuint v_pos = gl_attrib_loc(shader, "v_pos");
+ GLuint v_tex_coord = gl_attrib_loc(shader, "v_tex_coord");
+ GLuint v_color = gl_attrib_loc(shader, "v_color");
+ GLint u_transform = gl_uniform_loc(shader, "u_transform");
+ GLint u_aspect_ratio = gl_uniform_loc(shader, "u_aspect_ratio");
+ GLint u_use_texture = gl_uniform_loc(shader, "u_use_texture");
+ GLint u_texture = gl_uniform_loc(shader, "u_texture");
+ int tex_width = 0, tex_height = 0;
+ unsigned char *tex_image = malloc(32ul<<20);
+ GLuint texture = 0;
+ glGenTextures(1, &texture);
+ char path[1024];
+ sprintf(path, "%s/%s", INPUT_DIR, filenames[file_idx]);
+ load_texture(path, &tex_width, &tex_height, tex_image, texture);
+ glEnable(GL_BLEND);
+ float frame_aspect_ratio = ASPECT_RATIO;
+ float frame_scale = OUTPUT_WIDTH * STARTING_SCALE;
+ unsigned char *output = malloc(32ul<<20);
+ int out_idx = 1;
+ float out_idx_animation = 0;
+ int out_idx_animation_number = 0;
+ while (!quit) {
+ Uint32 this_frame = SDL_GetTicks();
+ float dt = (float)(this_frame - last_frame) * 0.001f;
+ dt = minf(dt, 0.1f); // set a maximum frame time to avoid weird edge cases involving really long frames
+ last_frame = this_frame;
+ float window_width, window_height;
+ {
+ int w = 0, h = 0;
+ SDL_GetWindowSize(window, &w, &h);
+ window_width = (float)w;
+ window_height = (float)h;
+ glViewport(0, 0, w, h);
+ }
+ float aspect_ratio = window_width / window_height;
+ bool clicked = false;
+ Uint8 const *keys_down = SDL_GetKeyboardState(NULL); (void)keys_down;
+ SDL_Event event;
+ while (SDL_PollEvent(&event)) {
+ switch (event.type) {
+ case SDL_QUIT:
+ quit = true;
+ break;
+ switch (event.key.keysym.sym) {
+ case SDLK_r:
+ break;
+ case SDLK_n:
+ case SDLK_SPACE:
+ ++file_idx;
+ file_idx %= nfiles;
+ goto reload;
+ case SDLK_p:
+ file_idx = (file_idx + nfiles-1) % nfiles;
+ goto reload;
+ reload:
+ sprintf(path, "%s/%s", INPUT_DIR, filenames[file_idx]);
+ load_texture(path, &tex_width, &tex_height, tex_image, texture);
+ out_idx = 1;
+ break;
+ case SDLK_1: out_idx = 1; break;
+ case SDLK_2: out_idx = 2; break;
+ case SDLK_3: out_idx = 3; break;
+ case SDLK_4: out_idx = 4; break;
+ case SDLK_5: out_idx = 5; break;
+ case SDLK_6: out_idx = 6; break;
+ case SDLK_7: out_idx = 7; break;
+ case SDLK_8: out_idx = 8; break;
+ case SDLK_9: out_idx = 9; break;
+ }
+ break;
+ float scale_speed = 30.0f;
+ frame_scale += (float)event.wheel.y * scale_speed;
+ if (frame_scale / frame_aspect_ratio > tex_height) frame_scale = tex_height * frame_aspect_ratio;
+ if (frame_scale > tex_width) frame_scale = tex_width;
+ if (frame_scale < 50) frame_scale = 50;
+ } break;
+ clicked = true;
+ } break;
+ }
+ }
+ int imouse_x = 0, imouse_y = 0;
+ SDL_GetMouseState(&imouse_x, &imouse_y);
+ imouse_y = (int)window_height-1-imouse_y;
+ float mouse_x = ((float)imouse_x / window_width * 2 - 1) * aspect_ratio;
+ float mouse_y = (float)imouse_y / window_height * 2 - 1;
+ glClearColor(0, 0, 0, 1);
+ typedef struct {
+ v2 pos;
+ v2 tex_coord;
+ v4 color;
+ } Vertex;
+ Vertex *vertices = NULL;
+ int iframe_w = (int)frame_scale;
+ int iframe_h = (int)frame_scale / frame_aspect_ratio;
+ int mouse_tex_x, mouse_tex_y;
+ float frame_dx, frame_dy; // half-width and half-height of cropping frame
+ {
+ float x = (float)tex_width / (float)tex_height;
+ float y = 1;
+ if (x > aspect_ratio) {
+ x = 1;
+ y = (float)tex_height / (float)tex_width;
+ }
+ frame_dx = (float)iframe_w / (float)tex_width * x;
+ frame_dy = (float)iframe_h / (float)tex_height * y;
+ if (mouse_x - frame_dx < -x) mouse_x = -x + frame_dx;
+ if (mouse_x + frame_dx > +x) mouse_x = +x - frame_dx;
+ if (mouse_y - frame_dy < -y) mouse_y = -y + frame_dy;
+ if (mouse_y + frame_dy > +y) mouse_y = +y - frame_dy;
+ mouse_tex_x = (int)((float)tex_width * (mouse_x / x * 0.5f + 0.5f));
+ mouse_tex_y = tex_height-1-(int)((float)tex_height * (mouse_y / y * 0.5f + 0.5f));
+ int cx1 = mouse_tex_x - iframe_w / 2;
+ //int cx2 = mouse_tex_x + iframe_w / 2;
+ int cy1 = mouse_tex_y - iframe_h / 2;
+ //int cy2 = mouse_tex_y + iframe_h / 2;
+ if (cx1 < 0) cx1 = 0;
+ if (cy1 < 0) cy1 = 0;
+ if (cx1 + iframe_w > tex_width) iframe_w = tex_width - cx1;
+ if (cy1 + iframe_h > tex_height) iframe_h = tex_height - cy1;
+ if (clicked) {
+ int out_w = OUTPUT_WIDTH;
+ int out_h = (int)(out_w / ASPECT_RATIO);
+ stbir_resize_uint8(&tex_image[cy1*tex_width+cx1], iframe_w, iframe_h, tex_width,
+ output, out_w, out_h, out_w, 1);
+ sprintf(path, "%s/%.*s-%d.png", OUTPUT_DIR, (int)strcspn(filenames[file_idx], "."), filenames[file_idx], out_idx);
+ out_idx_animation = 1;
+ out_idx_animation_number = out_idx;
+ stbi_write_png(path, out_w, out_h, 1, output, out_w);
+ ++out_idx;
+ }
+ arr_add(vertices, ((Vertex){{-x, -y}, {0, 0}, {1,1,1,1}}));
+ arr_add(vertices, ((Vertex){{+x, -y}, {1, 0}, {1,1,1,1}}));
+ arr_add(vertices, ((Vertex){{-x, +y}, {0, 1}, {1,1,1,1}}));
+ arr_add(vertices, ((Vertex){{+x, +y}, {1, 1}, {1,1,1,1}}));
+ }
+ GLushort *elements = NULL;
+ arr_add(elements, 0);
+ arr_add(elements, 1);
+ arr_add(elements, 2);
+ arr_add(elements, 1);
+ arr_add(elements, 3);
+ arr_add(elements, 2);
+ glBindVertexArray(vao);
+ glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, vbo);
+ glBufferData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, arr_size_in_bytes(vertices), vertices, GL_STREAM_DRAW);
+ arr_clear(vertices);
+ glVertexAttribPointer(v_pos, 2, GL_FLOAT, 0, sizeof(Vertex), (void *)offsetof(Vertex, pos));
+ glVertexAttribPointer(v_tex_coord, 2, GL_FLOAT, 0, sizeof(Vertex), (void *)offsetof(Vertex, tex_coord));
+ glVertexAttribPointer(v_color, 4, GL_FLOAT, 0, sizeof(Vertex), (void *)offsetof(Vertex, color));
+ glEnableVertexAttribArray(v_pos);
+ glEnableVertexAttribArray(v_tex_coord);
+ glEnableVertexAttribArray(v_color);
+ glUseProgram(shader);
+ glActiveTexture(GL_TEXTURE0);
+ glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, texture);
+ glUniform1i(u_use_texture, 1);
+ glUniform1i(u_texture, 0);
+ m3 transform = m3_identity;
+ m3_uniform(u_transform, &transform);
+ glUniform1f(u_aspect_ratio, aspect_ratio);
+ glBindVertexArray(vao);
+ glDrawElements(GL_TRIANGLES, arr_len(elements), GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT, elements);
+ arr_clear(elements);
+ {
+ v4 c = {0.5f,0,0.5f,0.2f};
+ float x1 = mouse_x - frame_dx;
+ float x2 = mouse_x + frame_dx;
+ float y1 = mouse_y - frame_dy;
+ float y2 = mouse_y + frame_dy;
+ // show frame
+ arr_add(vertices, ((Vertex){{x1, y1}, {0, 0}, c}));
+ arr_add(vertices, ((Vertex){{x2, y1}, {0, 0}, c}));
+ arr_add(vertices, ((Vertex){{x1, y2}, {0, 0}, c}));
+ arr_add(vertices, ((Vertex){{x2, y2}, {0, 0}, c}));
+ arr_add(elements, 0);
+ arr_add(elements, 1);
+ arr_add(elements, 2);
+ arr_add(elements, 1);
+ arr_add(elements, 3);
+ arr_add(elements, 2);
+ if (out_idx_animation > 0) {
+ v4 c2 = {0, 1, 0, out_idx_animation};
+ // show out_idx
+ out_idx_animation -= 0.0016f;
+ int n = out_idx_animation_number;
+ for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
+ float dx = 0.03f;
+ float dy = 0.03f;
+ float x = -0.9f + dx * 2 * 1.2f * (float)i;
+ float y = -0.9f;
+ GLushort e = (GLushort)arr_len(vertices);
+ arr_add(elements, e+0);
+ arr_add(elements, e+1);
+ arr_add(elements, e+2);
+ arr_add(elements, e+1);
+ arr_add(elements, e+3);
+ arr_add(elements, e+2);
+ arr_add(vertices, ((Vertex){{x-dx, y-dy}, {0, 0}, c2}));
+ arr_add(vertices, ((Vertex){{x+dx, y-dy}, {0, 0}, c2}));
+ arr_add(vertices, ((Vertex){{x-dx, y+dy}, {0, 0}, c2}));
+ arr_add(vertices, ((Vertex){{x+dx, y+dy}, {0, 0}, c2}));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ glBindVertexArray(vao);
+ glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, vbo);
+ glBufferData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, arr_size_in_bytes(vertices), vertices, GL_STREAM_DRAW);
+ arr_clear(vertices);
+ glVertexAttribPointer(v_pos, 2, GL_FLOAT, 0, sizeof(Vertex), (void *)offsetof(Vertex, pos));
+ glVertexAttribPointer(v_color, 4, GL_FLOAT, 0, sizeof(Vertex), (void *)offsetof(Vertex, color));
+ glEnableVertexAttribArray(v_pos);
+ glEnableVertexAttribArray(v_color);
+ glUseProgram(shader);
+ glUniform1i(u_use_texture, 0);
+ m3_uniform(u_transform, &transform);
+ glUniform1f(u_aspect_ratio, aspect_ratio);
+ glBindVertexArray(vao);
+ glDrawElements(GL_TRIANGLES, arr_len(elements), GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT, elements);
+ arr_clear(elements);
+ SDL_GL_SwapWindow(window);
+ }
+ SDL_DestroyWindow(window);
+ FILE *fp = fopen("pos.txt", "w");
+ if (fp) {
+ fprintf(fp, "%d", file_idx);
+ fclose(fp);
+ }
+ return 0;