path: root/platforms.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'platforms.cpp')
1 files changed, 254 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/platforms.cpp b/platforms.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d208e50
--- /dev/null
+++ b/platforms.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,254 @@
+// how far right could any part of this platform possibly go?
+static float platform_rightmost_x(Platform const *platform) {
+ float angle;
+ if (platform->rotates)
+ angle = 0; // for rotating platforms, the maximum x coordinate is achieved when the platform has an angle of 0
+ else
+ angle = platform->angle;
+ float x_past_center = platform->radius * fabsf(cosf(angle)); // width of platform to the right of the center
+ v2 center;
+ if (platform->moves) {
+ v2 p1 = platform->move_p1, p2 = platform->move_p2;
+ // pick the point with the higher x coordinate
+ if (p1.x > p2.x)
+ center = p1;
+ else
+ center = p2;
+ } else {
+ center = platform->center;
+ }
+ return center.x + x_past_center;
+// where the ball's distance traveled should be measured from
+static float platforms_starting_line(Platform const *platforms, u32 nplatforms) {
+ float rightmost_x = BALL_STARTING_X; // the starting line can't be to the left of the ball
+ for (u32 i = 0; i < nplatforms; ++i) {
+ float x = platform_rightmost_x(&platforms[i]);
+ if (x > rightmost_x)
+ rightmost_x = x;
+ }
+ return rightmost_x;
+// render the given platforms
+static void platforms_render(State *state, Platform *platforms, u32 nplatforms) {
+ GL *gl = &state->gl;
+ ShaderPlatform *shader = &state->shader_platform;
+ float platform_render_thickness = state->platform_thickness;
+ shader_start_using(gl, &shader->base);
+ gl->Uniform1f(shader->uniform_thickness, platform_render_thickness);
+ gl->UniformMatrix4fv(shader->uniform_transform, 1, GL_FALSE, state->transform.e);
+ glBegin(GL_QUADS);
+ glColor3f(1,0,1);
+ for (Platform *platform = platforms, *end = platform + nplatforms; platform != end; ++platform) {
+ float radius = platform->radius;
+ v2 center = platform->center;
+ v2 thickness_r = v2_polar(platform_render_thickness, platform->angle - HALF_PIf);
+ v2 platform_r = v2_polar(radius, platform->angle);
+ v2 endpoint1 = v2_add(center, platform_r);
+ v2 endpoint2 = v2_sub(center, platform_r);
+ gl_rgbacolor(platform->color);
+ #if 1
+ gl->VertexAttrib2f(shader->vertex_p1, endpoint1.x, endpoint1.y);
+ gl->VertexAttrib2f(shader->vertex_p2, endpoint2.x, endpoint2.y);
+ v2_gl_vertex(v2_sub(endpoint1, thickness_r));
+ v2_gl_vertex(v2_sub(endpoint2, thickness_r));
+ v2_gl_vertex(v2_add(endpoint2, thickness_r));
+ v2_gl_vertex(v2_add(endpoint1, thickness_r));
+ #else
+ v2_gl_vertex(endpoint1);
+ v2_gl_vertex(endpoint2);
+ #endif
+ }
+ glEnd();
+ shader_stop_using(gl);
+ if (state->building) {
+ // show arrows for platforms
+ glBegin(GL_LINES);
+ for (Platform *platform = platforms, *end = platform + nplatforms; platform != end; ++platform) {
+ gl_rgbacolor(platform->color);
+ if (platform->rotates) {
+ float speed = platform->rotate_speed;
+ float angle = speed * 0.5f;
+ if (angle) {
+ // draw arc-shaped arrow to show rotation
+ float theta1 = HALF_PIf;
+ float theta2 = theta1 + angle;
+ float dtheta = 0.03f * sgnf(angle);
+ float radius = platform->radius;
+ v2 last_point;
+ for (float theta = theta1; angle > 0 ? (theta < theta2) : (theta > theta2); theta += dtheta) {
+ v2 point = b2_to_gl(state, v2_add(platform->center, v2_polar(radius, theta)));
+ if (theta != theta1) {
+ v2_gl_vertex(last_point);
+ v2_gl_vertex(point);
+ }
+ last_point = point;
+ }
+ v2 p1 = b2_to_gl(state, v2_add(platform->center, v2_polar(radius-0.2f, theta2-0.1f * sgnf(angle))));
+ v2 p2 = b2_to_gl(state, v2_add(platform->center, v2_polar(radius, theta2)));
+ v2 p3 = b2_to_gl(state, v2_add(platform->center, v2_polar(radius+0.2f, theta2-0.1f * sgnf(angle))));
+ v2_gl_vertex(p1); v2_gl_vertex(p2);
+ v2_gl_vertex(p2); v2_gl_vertex(p3);
+ }
+ }
+ if (platform->moves) {
+ // draw double-headed arrow to show back & forth motion
+ v2 p1 = platform->move_p1;
+ v2 p2 = platform->move_p2;
+ v2 p2_to_p1 = v2_scale(v2_normalize(v2_sub(p1, p2)), platform->move_speed * 0.5f);
+ v2 p1_to_p2 = v2_scale(p2_to_p1, -1);
+ v2 arrowhead_a1 = v2_add(p1, v2_rotate(p1_to_p2, +0.5f));
+ v2 arrowhead_b1 = v2_add(p1, v2_rotate(p1_to_p2, -0.5f));
+ v2 arrowhead_a2 = v2_add(p2, v2_rotate(p2_to_p1, +0.5f));
+ v2 arrowhead_b2 = v2_add(p2, v2_rotate(p2_to_p1, -0.5f));
+ v2 p1_gl = b2_to_gl(state, p1);
+ v2 p2_gl = b2_to_gl(state, p2);
+ v2 aa1_gl = b2_to_gl(state, arrowhead_a1);
+ v2 ab1_gl = b2_to_gl(state, arrowhead_b1);
+ v2 aa2_gl = b2_to_gl(state, arrowhead_a2);
+ v2 ab2_gl = b2_to_gl(state, arrowhead_b2);
+ v2_gl_vertex(p1_gl);
+ v2_gl_vertex(p2_gl);
+ v2_gl_vertex(aa1_gl);
+ v2_gl_vertex(p1_gl);
+ v2_gl_vertex(p1_gl);
+ v2_gl_vertex(ab1_gl);
+ v2_gl_vertex(aa2_gl);
+ v2_gl_vertex(p2_gl);
+ v2_gl_vertex(p2_gl);
+ v2_gl_vertex(ab2_gl);
+ }
+ }
+ glEnd();
+ }
+static uintptr_t platform_to_user_data(State *state, Platform *platform) {
+ return USER_DATA_PLATFORM | (uintptr_t)(platform - state->platforms);
+static Platform *platform_from_user_data(State *state, uintptr_t user_data) {
+ if ((user_data & USER_DATA_TYPE) == USER_DATA_PLATFORM) {
+ uintptr_t index = user_data & USER_DATA_INDEX;
+ return &state->platforms[index];
+ } else {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+// sets platform->body to a new Box2D body.
+static void platform_make_body(State *state, Platform *platform) {
+ b2World *world = state->world;
+ float radius = platform->radius;
+ if (platform->moves)
+ platform->center = platform->move_p1;
+ v2 center = platform->center;
+ b2BodyDef body_def;
+ body_def.type = b2_kinematicBody;
+ body_def.position.Set(center.x, center.y);
+ body_def.angle = platform->angle;
+ b2Body *body = world->CreateBody(&body_def);
+ b2PolygonShape shape;
+ shape.SetAsBox(radius, state->platform_thickness);
+ b2FixtureDef fixture;
+ fixture.shape = &shape;
+ fixture.friction = 0.5f;
+ fixture.userData.pointer = platform_to_user_data(state, platform);
+ body->CreateFixture(&fixture);
+ if (platform->moves) {
+ float speed = platform->move_speed;
+ v2 p1 = platform->move_p1, p2 = platform->move_p2;
+ v2 direction = v2_normalize(v2_sub(p2, p1));
+ v2 velocity = v2_scale(direction, speed);
+ body->SetLinearVelocity(v2_to_b2(velocity));
+ }
+ body->SetAngularVelocity(platform->rotate_speed);
+ platform->body = body;
+class PlatformQueryCallback : public b2QueryCallback {
+ PlatformQueryCallback(State *state_) {
+ this->state = state_;
+ }
+ bool ReportFixture(b2Fixture *fixture) {
+ platform = platform_from_user_data(state, fixture->GetUserData().pointer);
+ return !platform; // if we haven't found a platform, keep going
+ }
+ Platform *platform = NULL;
+ State *state = NULL;
+static Platform *platform_at_mouse_pos(State *state) {
+ v2 mouse_pos = state->mouse_pos;
+ v2 mouse_radius = V2(0.1f, 0.1f); // you don't have to hover exactly over a platform to select it. this is the tolerance.
+ v2 a = v2_sub(mouse_pos, mouse_radius);
+ v2 b = v2_add(mouse_pos, mouse_radius);
+ PlatformQueryCallback callback(state);
+ b2AABB aabb;
+ aabb.lowerBound = v2_to_b2(a);
+ aabb.upperBound = v2_to_b2(b);
+ state->world->QueryAABB(&callback, aabb);
+ return callback.platform;
+static void platform_delete(State *state, Platform *platform) {
+ Platform *platforms = state->platforms;
+ u32 nplatforms = state->nplatforms;
+ u32 index = (u32)(platform - platforms);
+ state->world->DestroyBody(platforms[index].body);
+ if (index+1 < nplatforms) {
+ // set this platform to last platform
+ platforms[index] = platforms[nplatforms-1];
+ memset(&platforms[nplatforms-1], 0, sizeof(Platform));
+ platforms[index].body->GetFixtureList()->GetUserData().pointer = platform_to_user_data(state, &platforms[index]);
+ } else {
+ // platform is at end of array; don't need to do anything special
+ memset(&platforms[index], 0, sizeof(Platform));
+ }
+ --state->nplatforms;
+static float platform_cost(Platform const *platform) {
+ float cost = platform->radius;
+ if (platform->moves)
+ cost += platform->move_speed;
+ if (platform->rotates)
+ cost += platform->rotate_speed;
+ return cost;
+static float platforms_cost(Platform const *platforms, u32 nplatforms) {
+ float total_cost = 0;
+ for (u32 i = 0; i < nplatforms; ++i) {
+ total_cost += platform_cost(&platforms[i]);
+ }
+ return total_cost;