path: root/04b/
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authorpommicket <>2022-01-07 11:07:06 -0500
committerpommicket <>2022-01-07 11:07:06 -0500
commit519069a89df7f2f704b9ba7052fc80660817115f (patch)
tree3713f912b9cb874775b149c009b51ab0bb1877df /04b/
parent4cd2b7047c19e45dc2e664bb6666ee1f288b126c (diff)
rename 04b => 04, better 04 README
Diffstat (limited to '04b/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 240 deletions
diff --git a/04b/ b/04b/
deleted file mode 100644
index f131943..0000000
--- a/04b/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,240 +0,0 @@
-# stage 04
-As usual, the source for this compiler is `in03`, an input to the [previous compiler](../03/
-`in04b` contains a hello world program written in the stage 4 language.
-Here is the core of the program:
-function main
- puts(.str_hello_world)
- putc(10) ; newline
- syscall(0x3c, 0)
-As you can see, we can now pass arguments to functions. And let's take a look at `putc`:
-function putc
- argument c
- local p
- p = &c
- syscall(1, 1, p, 1)
- return
-It's so simple compared to previous languages! Rather than mess around with registers, we can now
-declare local (and global) variables, and use them directly. These variables will be placed on the
-stack. Since arguments are also placed on the stack,
-by implementing local variables we get arguments for free. There is no difference
-between the `local` and `argument` keywords in this language other than spelling.
-In fact, the number of agruments to a function call is not checked against
-how many arguments the function has. This does make it easy to screw things up by calling a function
-with the wrong number of arguments, but it also means that we can provide a variable number of arguments
-to the `syscall` function. Speaking of which, if you look at the bottom of `in04b`, you'll see:
-function syscall
- ...
- byte 0x48
- byte 0x8b
- byte 0x85
- byte 0xf0
- byte 0xff
- byte 0xff
- byte 0xff
- ...
-Originally I was going to make `syscall` a built-in feature of the language, but then I realized that wasn't
-Instead, `syscall` is a function written manually in machine language.
-We can take a look at its decompilation to make things clearer:
-mov rax,[rbp-0x10]
-mov rdi,rax
-mov rax,[rbp-0x18]
-mov rsi,rax
-mov rax,[rbp-0x20]
-mov rdx,rax
-mov rax,[rbp-0x28]
-mov r10,rax
-mov rax,[rbp-0x30]
-mov r8,rax
-mov rax,[rbp-0x38]
-mov r9,rax
-mov rax,[rbp-0x8]
-This just sets `rax`, `rdi`, `rsi`, etc. to the arguments the function was called with,
-and then does a syscall.
-## functions and local variables
-In this language, function arguments are placed onto the stack from left to right
-and all arguments and local variables are 8 bytes.
-As a reminder,
-the stack is just an area of memory which is automatically extended downwards (on x86-64, at least).
-So, how do we keep track of the location of local variables in the stack? We could do something like
-sub rsp, 24 ; make room for 3 variables
-mov [rsp], 10 ; variable1 = 10
-mov [rsp+8], 20 ; variable2 = 20
-mov [rsp+16], 30 ; variable3 = 30
-; ...
-add rsp, 24 ; reset rsp
-But now suppose that in the middle of the `; ...` code we want another local variable:
-sub rsp, 8 ; make room for another variable
-well, since we've changed `rsp`, `variable1` is now at `rsp+8` instead of `rsp`,
-`variable2` is at `rsp+16` instead of `rsp+8`, and
-`variable3` is at `rsp+24` instead of `rsp+16`.
-Also, we had better make sure we increment `rsp` by `32` now instead of `24`
-to put it back in the right place.
-It would be annoying (but by no means impossible) to keep track of all this.
-We could just declare all local variables at the start of the function,
-but that makes the language more annoying to use.
-Instead, we can use the `rbp` register to keep track of what `rsp` was
-at the start of the function:
-; save old value of rbp
-sub rsp, 8
-mov [rsp], rbp
-; set rbp to initial value of rsp
-mov rbp, rsp
-lea rsp, [rbp-8] ; add variable1 (this instruction sets rsp to rbp-8)
-mov [rbp-8], 10 ; variable1 = 10
-lea rsp, [rbp-16] ; add variable2
-mov [rbp-16], 20 ; variable2 = 20
-lea rsp, [rbp-24] ; add variable3
-mov [rbp-24], 30 ; variable3 = 30
-; Note that variable1's address is still rbp-8; adding more variables didn't affect it.
-; ...
-; restore old values of rbp and rsp
-mov rsp, rbp
-mov rbp, [rsp]
-add rsp, 8
-This is actually the intended use of `rbp` (it *p*oints to the *b*ase of the stack frame).
-Note that setting `rsp` very specifically rather than just doing `sub rsp, 8` is important:
-if we skip over some code with a local variable declaration, or execute a local declaration twice,
-we want `rsp` to be in the right place.
-The first three and last three instructions above are called the function *prologue* and *epilogue*.
-They are all the same for all functions; a prologue is generated at the start of every function,
-and an epilogue is generated for every return statement.
-The return value is placed in `rax`.
-## global variables
-Global variables are much simpler than local ones. The variable `:static_memory_end` in the compiler
-keeps track of where to put the next global variable in memory. It is initialized at address `0x440000`,
-which gives us 256KB for code (and strings). When a global variable is added, `:static_memory_end` is increased
-by its size.
-## language description
-Comments begin with `;` and may be put at the end of lines
-with or without code.
-Blank lines are ignored.
-To make the compiler simpler, this language doesn't support fancy
-expressions like `2 * (3 + 5) / 6`. There is a limited set of possible
-expressions, specifically there are *terms* and *r-values*.
-But first, each program is made up of a series of statements, and
-each statement is one of the following:
-- `global {name}` or `global {size} {name}` - declare a global variable with the given size, or 8 bytes if none is provided.
-- `local {name}` - declare a local variable
-- `argument {name}` - declare a function argument. this is functionally equivalent to `local`, so it just exists for readability.
-- `function {name}` - declare a function
-- `:{name}` - declare a label
-- `goto {label}` - jump to the specified label
-- `if {term} {operator} {term} goto {label}` -
-conditionally jump to the specified label. `{operator}` should be one of
-`==`, `<`, `>`, `>=`, `<=`, `!=`, `[`, `]`, `[=`, `]=`
-(the last four do unsigned comparisons).
-- `{lvalue} = {rvalue}` - set `lvalue` to `rvalue`
-- `{lvalue} += {rvalue}` - add `rvalue` to `lvalue`
-- `{lvalue} -= {rvalue}` - etc.
-- `{lvalue} *= {rvalue}`
-- `{lvalue} /= {rvalue}`
-- `{lvalue} %= {rvalue}`
-- `{lvalue} &= {rvalue}`
-- `{lvalue} |= {rvalue}`
-- `{lvalue} ^= {rvalue}`
-- `{lvalue} <= {rvalue}` - left shift `lvalue` by `rvalue`
-- `{lvalue} >= {rvalue}` - right shift `lvalue` by `rvalue`
-- `{function}({term}, {term}, ...)` - function call, ignoring the return value
-- `return {rvalue}`
-- `string {str}` - places a literal string in the code
-- `byte {number}` - places a literal byte in the code
-Now let's get down into the weeds:
-A a *number* is one of:
-- `{decimal number}` - e.g. `108` (note: there's no `d` prefix anymore)
-- `0x{hexadecimal number}` - e.g. `0x2f` for 47
-- `'{character}` - e.g. `'a` for 97 (the character code for `a`)
-A *term* is one of:
-- `{variable name}` - the value of a (local or global) variable
-- `.{label name}` - the address of a label
-- `{number}`
-An *lvalue* is the left-hand side of an assignment expression,
-and it is one of:
-- `{variable}`
-- `*1{variable}` - dereference 1 byte
-- `*2{variable}` - dereference 2 bytes
-- `*4{variable}` - dereference 4 bytes
-- `*8{variable}` - dereference 8 bytes
-An *rvalue* is an expression, which can be more complicated than a term.
-rvalues are one of:
-- `{term}`
-- `&{variable}` - address of variable
-- `*1{variable}` / `*2{variable}` / `*4{variable}` / `*8{variable}` - dereference 1, 2, 4, or 8 bytes
-- `~{term}` - bitwise not
-- `{function}({term}, {term}, ...)`
-- `{term} + {term}`
-- `{term} - {term}`
-- `{term} * {term}`
-- `{term} / {term}`
-- `{term} % {term}`
-- `{term} & {term}`
-- `{term} | {term}`
-- `{term} ^ {term}`
-- `{term} < {term}` - left shift
-- `{term} > {term}` - right shift
-That's quite a lot of stuff, and it makes for a pretty powerful
-language, all things considered. To test out the language,
-in addition to the hello world program, I also wrote a little
-guessing game, which you can find in the file `guessing_game`.
-It ended up being quite nice to write!
-## limitations
-Variables in this language do not have types. This makes it very easy to make mistakes like
-treating numbers as pointers or vice versa.
-A big annoyance with this language is the lack of local label names. Due to the limited nature
-of branching in this language (`if ... goto ...` stands in for `if`, `else if`, `while`, etc.),
-you need to use a lot of labels, and that means their names can get quite long. But at least unlike
-the 03 language, you'll get an error if you use the same label name twice!
-Overall, though, this language ended up being surprisingly powerful. With any luck, the next stage will
-finally be a C compiler...