/* pass NULL for file */ static bool block_enter(Block *b) { bool ret = true; arr_foreach(&b->stmts, Statement, stmt) { if (stmt->kind == STMT_DECL) { Declaration *decl = &stmt->decl; arr_foreach(&decl->idents, Identifier, ident) { Array *decls = &(*ident)->decls; if (decls->len) { /* check that it hasn't been declared in this block */ IdentDecl *prev = decls->last; if (prev->scope == b) { err_print(decl->where, "Re-declaration of identifier in the same block."); info_print(prev->decl->where, "Previous declaration was here."); ret = false; continue; } } else { /* array not initialized yet */ arr_create(&(*ident)->decls, sizeof(IdentDecl)); } IdentDecl *ident_decl = arr_add(decls); ident_decl->decl = decl; ident_decl->scope = b; } } } return ret; } static bool block_exit(Block *b) { /* OPTIM: figure out some way of not re-iterating over everything */ bool ret = true; arr_foreach(&b->stmts, Statement, stmt) { if (stmt->kind == STMT_DECL) { Declaration *decl = &stmt->decl; arr_foreach(&decl->idents, Identifier, ident) { Array *decls = &(*ident)->decls; assert(decls->item_sz); IdentDecl *last_decl = decls->last; if (last_decl->scope == b) { arr_remove_last(decls); /* remove that declaration */ } } } } return ret; } /* returns the number of characters written, not including the null character */ static size_t type_to_string(Type *a, char *buffer, size_t bufsize) { switch (a->kind) { case TYPE_VOID: return str_copy(buffer, bufsize, "void"); case TYPE_BUILTIN: { const char *s = keywords[builtin_type_to_kw(a->builtin)]; return str_copy(buffer, bufsize, s); } case TYPE_FN: { /* number of chars written */ size_t written = str_copy(buffer, bufsize, "fn ("); Type *ret_type = a->fn.types.data; Type *param_types = ret_type + 1; size_t nparams = a->fn.types.len - 1; for (size_t i = 0; i < nparams; i++) { if (i > 0) written += str_copy(buffer + written, bufsize - written, ", "); written += type_to_string(¶m_types[i], buffer + written, bufsize - written); } written += str_copy(buffer + written, bufsize - written, ")"); if (ret_type->kind != TYPE_VOID) { written += str_copy(buffer + written, bufsize - written, " "); written += type_to_string(ret_type, buffer + written, bufsize - written); } return written; } break; } assert(0); return 0; } static bool type_eq(Type *a, Type *b) { if (a->kind != b->kind) return false; switch (a->kind) { case TYPE_VOID: return true; case TYPE_BUILTIN: return a->builtin == b->builtin; case TYPE_FN: { if (a->fn.types.len != b->fn.types.len) return false; Type *a_types = a->fn.types.data, *b_types = b->fn.types.data; for (size_t i = 0; i < a->fn.types.len; i++) if (!type_eq(&a_types[i], &b_types[i])) return false; return true; } } assert(0); return false; } /* expected must equal got, or an error will be produced */ static bool type_must_eq(Location where, Type *expected, Type *got) { if (!type_eq(expected, got)) { char str_ex[128]; char str_got[128]; type_to_string(expected, str_ex, sizeof str_ex); type_to_string(got, str_got, sizeof str_got); err_print(where, "Type mismatch: expected %s, but got %s.", str_ex, str_got); return false; } return true; } static bool types_stmt(Statement *s); static bool types_decl(Declaration *d); static bool types_expr(Expression *e) { Type *t = &e->type; switch (e->kind) { case EXPR_FN: { FnExpr *f = &e->fn; t->kind = TYPE_FN; arr_create(&t->fn.types, sizeof(Type)); Type *ret_type = arr_add(&t->fn.types); *ret_type = f->ret_type; arr_foreach(&f->params, Param, param) { Type *param_type = arr_add(&t->fn.types); *param_type = param->type; } block_enter(&f->body); arr_foreach(&f->body.stmts, Statement, s) { if (!types_stmt(s)) return false; } block_exit(&f->body); } break; case EXPR_INT_LITERAL: t->kind = TYPE_BUILTIN; t->builtin = BUILTIN_I64; break; case EXPR_FLOAT_LITERAL: t->kind = TYPE_BUILTIN; t->builtin = BUILTIN_FLOAT; break; case EXPR_IDENT: { IdentDecl *decl = ident_decl(e->ident); if (!decl) { char *s = ident_to_str(e->ident); err_print(e->where, "Undeclared identifier: %s", s); free(s); } *t = decl->decl->type; } break; /* TODO */ } return true; } static bool types_decl(Declaration *d) { if (d->flags & DECL_FLAG_FOUND_TYPE) return true; if (!types_expr(&d->expr)) return false; if (d->flags & DECL_FLAG_INFER_TYPE) { d->type = d->expr.type; } else { if (!type_must_eq(d->expr.where, &d->type, &d->expr.type)) { return false; } } d->flags |= DECL_FLAG_FOUND_TYPE; return types_expr(&d->expr); } static bool types_stmt(Statement *s) { switch (s->kind) { case STMT_EXPR: if (!types_expr(&s->expr)) return false; break; case STMT_DECL: if (!types_decl(&s->decl)) return false; break; } return true; } static bool types_file(ParsedFile *f) { arr_foreach(&f->stmts, Statement, s) { if (!types_stmt(s)) { return false; } } return true; }