/* Copyright (C) 2019, 2020 Leo Tenenbaum. This file is part of toc. toc is distributed under version 3 of the GNU General Public License, without any warranty whatsoever. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with toc. If not, see . */ static bool types_stmt(Typer *tr, Statement *s); static bool types_block(Typer *tr, Block *b); static bool type_resolve(Typer *tr, Type *t, Location where); static inline void *typer_malloc(Typer *tr, size_t bytes) { return allocr_malloc(tr->allocr, bytes); } static inline void *typer_calloc(Typer *tr, size_t n, size_t sz) { return allocr_calloc(tr->allocr, n, sz); } static inline void *typer_arr_add_(Typer *tr, void **arr, size_t sz) { return arr_adda_(arr, sz, tr->allocr); } #define typer_arr_add(tr, a) typer_arr_add_(tr, (void **)(a), sizeof **(a)) static bool type_eq(Type *a, Type *b) { if (a->kind == TYPE_UNKNOWN || b->kind == TYPE_UNKNOWN) return true; /* allow things such as 3 + #C("5") */ assert(a->flags & TYPE_IS_RESOLVED); assert(b->flags & TYPE_IS_RESOLVED); if (a->kind != b->kind) return false; if (b->flags & TYPE_IS_FLEXIBLE) { Type *tmp = a; a = b; b = tmp; } if (a->flags & TYPE_IS_FLEXIBLE) { if (b->flags & TYPE_IS_FLEXIBLE) return true; assert(a->kind == TYPE_BUILTIN); if (type_builtin_is_float(a->builtin)) { return type_builtin_is_float(b->builtin); } assert(a->builtin == BUILTIN_I64); return type_builtin_is_numerical(b->builtin); } switch (a->kind) { case TYPE_VOID: return true; case TYPE_UNKNOWN: assert(0); return false; case TYPE_BUILTIN: return a->builtin == b->builtin; case TYPE_STRUCT: return a->struc == b->struc; case TYPE_FN: { if (arr_len(a->fn.types) != arr_len(b->fn.types)) return false; Type *a_types = a->fn.types, *b_types = b->fn.types; Constness *a_constness = a->fn.constness, *b_constness = b->fn.constness; for (size_t i = 0; i < arr_len(a->fn.types); ++i) { Constness const_a = CONSTNESS_NO, const_b = CONSTNESS_NO; if (a_constness) const_a = a_constness[i]; if (b_constness) const_b = b_constness[i]; if ((const_a == CONSTNESS_NO && const_b == CONSTNESS_YES) || (const_a == CONSTNESS_YES && const_b == CONSTNESS_NO)) return false; if (!type_eq(&a_types[i], &b_types[i])) return false; } return true; } case TYPE_TUPLE: { if (arr_len(a->tuple) != arr_len(b->tuple)) return false; Type *a_types = a->tuple, *b_types = b->tuple; for (size_t i = 0; i < arr_len(a->tuple); ++i) { if (!type_eq(&a_types[i], &b_types[i])) return false; } return true; } case TYPE_ARR: if (a->arr.n != b->arr.n) return false; return type_eq(a->arr.of, b->arr.of); case TYPE_SLICE: return type_eq(a->slice, b->slice); case TYPE_PTR: return type_eq(a->ptr, b->ptr); case TYPE_EXPR: break; } assert(0); return false; } /* expected must equal got, or an error will be produced */ static bool type_must_eq(Location where, Type *expected, Type *got) { if (!type_eq(expected, got)) { char *str_ex = type_to_str(expected); char *str_got = type_to_str(got); err_print(where, "Type mismatch: expected %s, but got %s.", str_ex, str_got); return false; } return true; } /* prints an error and returns false if the given expression is not an l-value */ static bool expr_must_lval(Expression *e) { /* NOTE: make sure you update eval when you change this */ switch (e->kind) { case EXPR_IDENT: { IdentDecl *id_decl = ident_decl(e->ident); assert(id_decl); if (id_decl->kind == IDECL_DECL) { Declaration *d = id_decl->decl; if (d->flags & DECL_IS_CONST) { char *istr = ident_to_str(e->ident); err_print(e->where, "Use of constant %s as a non-constant expression.", istr); info_print(d->where, "%s was declared here.", istr); return false; } } return true; } case EXPR_UNARY_OP: if (e->unary.op == UNARY_DEREF) return true; if (e->unary.op == UNARY_LEN) { Type *of_type = &e->unary.of->type; if (of_type->kind != TYPE_PTR && !expr_must_lval(e->unary.of)) { /* can't set length of a non-lvalue slice */ return false; } return of_type->kind == TYPE_SLICE || (of_type->kind == TYPE_PTR && of_type->kind == TYPE_SLICE); } err_print(e->where, "Cannot use operator %s as l-value.", unary_op_to_str(e->unary.op)); return false; case EXPR_BINARY_OP: switch (e->binary.op) { case BINARY_AT_INDEX: if (!expr_must_lval(e->binary.lhs)) return false; return true; case BINARY_DOT: return true; default: break; } err_print(e->where, "Cannot use operator %s as l-value.", binary_op_to_str(e->binary.op)); return false; case EXPR_TUPLE: /* x, y is an lval, but 3, "hello" is not. */ arr_foreach(e->tuple, Expression, x) { if (!expr_must_lval(x)) return false; } return true; case EXPR_CAST: case EXPR_NEW: case EXPR_FN: case EXPR_LITERAL_FLOAT: case EXPR_LITERAL_CHAR: case EXPR_LITERAL_STR: case EXPR_LITERAL_INT: case EXPR_LITERAL_BOOL: case EXPR_IF: case EXPR_WHILE: case EXPR_EACH: case EXPR_CALL: case EXPR_C: case EXPR_BLOCK: case EXPR_SLICE: case EXPR_TYPE: case EXPR_VAL: case EXPR_PKG: { err_print(e->where, "Cannot use %s as l-value.", expr_kind_to_str(e->kind)); return false; } } assert(0); return false; } /* does this type have a Type or a Package in it? (e.g. [5]Type, &&Package) */ static bool type_is_compileonly(Type *t) { assert(t->flags & TYPE_IS_RESOLVED); switch (t->kind) { case TYPE_VOID: case TYPE_UNKNOWN: return false; case TYPE_BUILTIN: return t->builtin == BUILTIN_PKG || t->builtin == BUILTIN_TYPE; case TYPE_PTR: return type_is_compileonly(t->ptr); case TYPE_SLICE: return type_is_compileonly(t->slice); case TYPE_ARR: return type_is_compileonly(t->arr.of); case TYPE_FN: arr_foreach(t->fn.types, Type, sub) { if (sub->flags & TYPE_IS_RESOLVED) /* for templates */ { if (type_is_compileonly(sub)) return true; } else { return true; } } return false; case TYPE_TUPLE: arr_foreach(t->tuple, Type, sub) if (type_is_compileonly(sub)) return true; return false; case TYPE_STRUCT: arr_foreach(t->struc->fields, Field, f) if (type_is_compileonly(&f->type)) return true; return false; case TYPE_EXPR: break; } assert(0); return false; } enum { /* is f an instance? (changes behaviour a bit) */ TYPE_OF_FN_IS_INSTANCE = 0x01 }; static bool type_of_fn(Typer *tr, FnExpr *f, Type *t, U16 flags) { t->kind = TYPE_FN; t->fn.types = NULL; t->fn.constness = NULL; /* OPTIM: constness doesn't need to be a dynamic array */ bool success = true; bool entered_fn = false; size_t param_idx; FnExpr *prev_fn = tr->fn; FnExpr fn_copy = {0}; Block *prev_block = tr->block; /* fakely enter the body of the function, so that fn (x : int) y := x {} works */ tr->block = &f->body; *(Block **)arr_adda(&tr->blocks, tr->allocr) = tr->block; /* f has compile time params, but it's not an instance! */ bool generic = !(flags & TYPE_OF_FN_IS_INSTANCE) && fn_has_any_const_params(f); if (generic) { Copier cop = copier_create(tr->allocr, tr->block); copy_fn_expr(&cop, &fn_copy, f, false); f = &fn_copy; } size_t idx = 0; bool has_constant_params = false; Type *ret_type = typer_arr_add(tr, &t->fn.types); if (!fn_enter(f, SCOPE_CHECK_REDECL)) return false; tr->fn = f; size_t nparams = arr_len(f->params); entered_fn = true; for (param_idx = 0; param_idx < nparams; ++param_idx) { Declaration *param = &f->params[param_idx]; if (!generic) { if (!types_decl(tr, param)) { success = false; goto ret; } if (param->type.kind == TYPE_TUPLE) { err_print(param->where, "Functions can't have tuple parameters."); success = false; goto ret; } if (param->flags & DECL_HAS_EXPR) { if (param->expr.kind != EXPR_VAL) { Value val; if (!eval_expr(tr->evalr, ¶m->expr, &val)) { info_print(param->where, "Was trying to evaluate default arguments (which must be constants!)"); success = false; goto ret; } param->expr.kind = EXPR_VAL; param->expr.val = val; if (param->expr.type.flags & TYPE_IS_FLEXIBLE) { /* cast to the annotated type, if one exists */ if (param->flags & DECL_ANNOTATES_TYPE) { val_cast(¶m->expr.val, ¶m->expr.type, ¶m->expr.val, ¶m->type); param->expr.type = param->type; } } } } } U32 is_at_all_const = param->flags & (DECL_IS_CONST | DECL_SEMI_CONST); if (is_at_all_const) { if (!t->fn.constness) { has_constant_params = true; for (size_t i = 0; i < idx; ++i) { *(Constness *)typer_arr_add(tr, &t->fn.constness) = CONSTNESS_NO; } } } for (size_t i = 0; i < arr_len(param->idents); ++i) { Type *param_type = typer_arr_add(tr, &t->fn.types); if (!generic) { *param_type = param->type; } else { param_type->flags = 0; param_type->kind = TYPE_UNKNOWN; } if (has_constant_params) { Constness constn; if (param->flags & DECL_IS_CONST) { constn = CONSTNESS_YES; } else if (param->flags & DECL_SEMI_CONST) { constn = CONSTNESS_SEMI; } else { constn = CONSTNESS_NO; } *(Constness *)typer_arr_add(tr, &t->fn.constness) = constn; } ++idx; } } if (f->ret_decls && !generic && f->ret_type.kind == TYPE_VOID /* haven't found return type yet */) { /* find return type */ arr_foreach(f->ret_decls, Declaration, d) { if (!types_decl(tr, d)) { success = false; goto ret; } } if (arr_len(f->ret_decls) == 1 && arr_len(f->ret_decls[0].idents) == 1) { f->ret_type = f->ret_decls[0].type; } else { f->ret_type.kind = TYPE_TUPLE; f->ret_type.flags = TYPE_IS_RESOLVED; f->ret_type.was_expr = NULL; f->ret_type.tuple = NULL; f->ret_type.where = f->ret_decls[0].where; arr_foreach(f->ret_decls, Declaration, d) { arr_foreach(d->idents, Identifier, i) { *(Type *)arr_add(&f->ret_type.tuple) = d->type; } } } } if (!generic) { if (!type_resolve(tr, &f->ret_type, f->ret_type.where)) { success = false; goto ret; } if (type_is_compileonly(&f->ret_type)) { /* a function which returns a compile-only type but has non-constant parameters is weird... but might be useful, so let's warn */ arr_foreach(f->params, Declaration, param) { if (!(param->flags & DECL_IS_CONST)) { char *s = type_to_str(ret_type); warn_print(param->where, "Non-constant parameter in function which returns %s (which is a type which can only be used at run time).", s); free(s); break; } } } } *ret_type = f->ret_type; ret: arr_remove_lasta(&tr->blocks, tr->allocr); tr->block = prev_block; /* cleanup */ if (entered_fn) { fn_exit(f); tr->fn = prev_fn; } return success; } static bool type_of_ident(Typer *tr, Location where, Identifier i, Type *t) { t->flags = 0; IdentDecl *decl = ident_decl(i); if (!decl) { char *s = ident_to_str(i); err_print(where, "Undeclared identifier: %s", s); free(s); return false; } switch (decl->kind) { case IDECL_DECL: { Declaration *d = decl->decl; bool captured = false; if (decl->scope != NULL) { /* go back through scopes */ for (Block **block = arr_last(tr->blocks); *block && *block != decl->scope; --block) { if ((*block)->flags & BLOCK_IS_FN) { captured = true; break; } } } if (captured && !(d->flags & DECL_IS_CONST)) { err_print(where, "Variables cannot be captured into inner functions (but constants can)."); return false; } if (arr_len(tr->is_reference_stack) && *(bool *)arr_last(tr->is_reference_stack) && (d->flags & DECL_HAS_EXPR) && (d->expr.kind == EXPR_TYPE)) { /* allow using a type before declaring it */ t->kind = TYPE_BUILTIN; t->builtin = BUILTIN_TYPE; t->flags = TYPE_IS_RESOLVED; return true; } /* are we inside this declaration? */ typedef Declaration *DeclarationPtr; arr_foreach(tr->in_decls, DeclarationPtr, in_decl) { if (d == *in_decl) { assert(d->flags & DECL_HAS_EXPR); /* we can only be in decls with an expr */ if (d->expr.kind != EXPR_FN) { /* it's okay if a function references itself */ /* if we've complained about it before when we were figuring out the type, don't complain again */ if (!(d->flags & DECL_ERRORED_ABOUT_SELF_REFERENCE)) { char *s = ident_to_str(i); err_print(where, "Use of identifier %s in its own declaration.", s); free(s); info_print(d->where, "Declaration was here."); d->flags |= DECL_ERRORED_ABOUT_SELF_REFERENCE; } return false; } } } if (d->flags & DECL_FOUND_TYPE) { *t = *decl_type_at_index(d, decl_ident_index(d, i)); return true; } else { if ((d->flags & DECL_HAS_EXPR) && (d->expr.kind == EXPR_FN)) { /* allow using a function before declaring it */ if (!type_of_fn(tr, d->expr.fn, t, 0)) return false; return true; } else { if (where.start <= d->where.end) { char *s = ident_to_str(i); err_print(where, "Use of identifier %s before its declaration.", s); info_print(d->where, "%s will be declared here.", s); free(s); } else { /* let's type the declaration, and redo this (for evaling future functions) */ if (!types_decl(tr, d)) return false; return type_of_ident(tr, where, i, t); } return false; } } } break; case IDECL_EXPR: { Expression *e = decl->expr; /* are we inside this expression? */ typedef Expression *ExpressionPtr; arr_foreach(tr->in_expr_decls, ExpressionPtr, in_e) { if (*in_e == e) { char *s = ident_to_str(i); err_print(where, "Use of identifier %s in its own declaration.", s); free(s); return false; } } switch (e->kind) { case EXPR_EACH: if (i == e->each->index) { t->kind = TYPE_BUILTIN; t->builtin = BUILTIN_I64; } else { assert(i == e->each->value); *t = e->each->type; } break; default: assert(0); return false; } } break; } return true; } static bool type_resolve_(Typer *tr, Type *t, Location where, bool is_reference) { Evaluator *ev = tr->evalr; if (t->flags & TYPE_IS_RESOLVED) return true; t->was_expr = NULL; switch (t->kind) { case TYPE_ARR: { /* it's an array */ Value val; Expression *n_expr = t->arr.n_expr; if (!types_expr(tr, n_expr)) return false; if (n_expr->type.kind == TYPE_UNKNOWN) { err_print(n_expr->where, "Cannot determine type of array size at compile time."); return false; } if (n_expr->type.kind != TYPE_BUILTIN || !type_builtin_is_int(n_expr->type.builtin)) { char *s = type_to_str(&n_expr->type); err_print(n_expr->where, "Cannot use type %s as the size of an array (it's not an integer type).", s); free(s); return false; } if (!eval_expr(ev, n_expr, &val)) return false; U64 size; if (type_builtin_is_signed(n_expr->type.builtin)) { I64 ssize = val_to_i64(&val, n_expr->type.builtin); if (ssize < 0) { err_print(t->arr.n_expr->where, "Negative array length (" I64_FMT ")", ssize); return false; } size = (U64)ssize; } else { size = val_to_u64(&val, n_expr->type.builtin); } t->arr.n = (U64)size; if (!type_resolve_(tr, t->arr.of, where, is_reference)) return false; } break; case TYPE_FN: arr_foreach(t->fn.types, Type, child_type) { if (!type_resolve_(tr, child_type, where, true)) return false; } break; case TYPE_TUPLE: arr_foreach(t->tuple, Type, child_type) { if (!type_resolve_(tr, child_type, where, is_reference)) return false; } break; case TYPE_PTR: if (!type_resolve_(tr, t->ptr, where, true)) return false; break; case TYPE_SLICE: if (!type_resolve_(tr, t->slice, where, true)) return false; break; case TYPE_STRUCT: arr_foreach(t->struc->fields, Field, f) { if (!type_resolve_(tr, &f->type, where, is_reference)) return false; } break; case TYPE_EXPR: { Value typeval; *(bool *)arr_add(&tr->is_reference_stack) = is_reference; bool success = types_expr(tr, t->expr); arr_remove_last(&tr->is_reference_stack); if (!success) return false; if (t->expr->type.kind == TYPE_UNKNOWN && tr->err_ctx->have_errored) return false; /* silently fail (e.g. if a function couldn't be typed) */ if (!type_is_builtin(&t->expr->type, BUILTIN_TYPE)) { err_print(where, "This expression is not a type, but it's being used as one."); return false; } Expression *expr = t->expr; if (!eval_expr(tr->evalr, t->expr, &typeval)) return false; *t = *typeval.type; t->was_expr = expr; assert(t->flags & TYPE_IS_RESOLVED); } break; case TYPE_UNKNOWN: case TYPE_VOID: case TYPE_BUILTIN: break; } assert(t->kind != TYPE_EXPR); t->flags |= TYPE_IS_RESOLVED; return true; } /* fixes the type (replaces [5+3]int with [8]int, etc.) */ static bool type_resolve(Typer *tr, Type *t, Location where) { return type_resolve_(tr, t, where, false); } static bool type_can_be_truthy(Type *t) { assert(t->flags & TYPE_IS_RESOLVED); switch (t->kind) { case TYPE_VOID: case TYPE_TUPLE: case TYPE_ARR: case TYPE_STRUCT: return false; case TYPE_FN: case TYPE_UNKNOWN: case TYPE_PTR: case TYPE_SLICE: return true; case TYPE_BUILTIN: switch (t->builtin) { case BUILTIN_TYPE: case BUILTIN_PKG: return false; case BUILTIN_I8: case BUILTIN_U8: case BUILTIN_I16: case BUILTIN_U16: case BUILTIN_I32: case BUILTIN_U32: case BUILTIN_I64: case BUILTIN_U64: case BUILTIN_F32: case BUILTIN_F64: case BUILTIN_CHAR: case BUILTIN_BOOL: return true; } case TYPE_EXPR: break; } assert(0); return false; } typedef enum { STATUS_NONE, STATUS_WARN, STATUS_ERR } Status; static Status type_cast_status(Type *from, Type *to) { assert(from->flags & TYPE_IS_RESOLVED); assert(to->flags & TYPE_IS_RESOLVED); if (to->kind == TYPE_UNKNOWN) return STATUS_NONE; switch (from->kind) { case TYPE_UNKNOWN: return STATUS_NONE; case TYPE_STRUCT: case TYPE_VOID: return STATUS_ERR; case TYPE_BUILTIN: switch (from->builtin) { case BUILTIN_I8: case BUILTIN_U8: case BUILTIN_I16: case BUILTIN_U16: case BUILTIN_I32: case BUILTIN_U32: case BUILTIN_I64: case BUILTIN_U64: switch (to->kind) { case TYPE_BUILTIN: switch (to->builtin) { case BUILTIN_I8: case BUILTIN_U8: case BUILTIN_I16: case BUILTIN_U16: case BUILTIN_I32: case BUILTIN_U32: case BUILTIN_I64: case BUILTIN_U64: case BUILTIN_F32: case BUILTIN_F64: case BUILTIN_BOOL: case BUILTIN_CHAR: return STATUS_NONE; case BUILTIN_PKG: case BUILTIN_TYPE: return STATUS_ERR; } assert(0); break; case TYPE_UNKNOWN: return STATUS_NONE; case TYPE_PTR: return STATUS_WARN; default: return STATUS_ERR; } break; case BUILTIN_F32: case BUILTIN_F64: if (to->kind == TYPE_BUILTIN) return STATUS_ERR; switch (to->builtin) { case BUILTIN_I8: case BUILTIN_U8: case BUILTIN_I16: case BUILTIN_U16: case BUILTIN_I32: case BUILTIN_U32: case BUILTIN_I64: case BUILTIN_U64: case BUILTIN_F32: case BUILTIN_F64: case BUILTIN_BOOL: return STATUS_NONE; case BUILTIN_CHAR: case BUILTIN_TYPE: case BUILTIN_PKG: return STATUS_ERR; } assert(0); break; case BUILTIN_CHAR: if (to->kind == TYPE_BUILTIN && type_builtin_is_int(to->builtin)) return STATUS_NONE; return STATUS_ERR; case BUILTIN_BOOL: return type_can_be_truthy(to) ? STATUS_NONE : STATUS_ERR; case BUILTIN_TYPE: case BUILTIN_PKG: return STATUS_ERR; } break; case TYPE_TUPLE: return STATUS_ERR; case TYPE_FN: if (to->kind == TYPE_PTR || to->kind == TYPE_FN) return STATUS_WARN; return STATUS_ERR; case TYPE_PTR: if (to->kind == TYPE_BUILTIN && type_builtin_is_int(to->builtin)) return STATUS_WARN; if (to->kind == TYPE_PTR) return STATUS_NONE; if (to->kind == TYPE_FN) return STATUS_WARN; /* TODO: Cast from ptr to arr */ return STATUS_ERR; case TYPE_ARR: return STATUS_ERR; case TYPE_SLICE: if (to->kind == TYPE_PTR && type_eq(from->slice, to->ptr)) return STATUS_NONE; return STATUS_ERR; case TYPE_EXPR: break; } assert(0); return STATUS_ERR; } static bool arg_is_const(Expression *arg, Constness constness) { switch (constness) { case CONSTNESS_NO: return false; case CONSTNESS_SEMI: return expr_is_definitely_const(arg); case CONSTNESS_YES: return true; } assert(0); return false; } /* MUST be called after type_of_fn. */ /* pass NULL for instance if this isn't an instance */ static bool types_fn(Typer *tr, FnExpr *f, Type *t, Location where, Instance *instance) { FnExpr *prev_fn = tr->fn; bool success = true; bool entered_fn = false; Expression *ret_expr; Type *ret_type; bool has_named_ret_vals; assert(t->kind == TYPE_FN); if (instance) { f = &instance->fn; } else { if (t->fn.constness) return true; /* don't type function body yet; we need to do that for every instance */ } tr->fn = f; if (!fn_enter(f, SCOPE_CHECK_REDECL)) { success = false; goto ret; } entered_fn = true; if (!types_block(tr, &f->body)) { success = false; goto ret; } ret_expr = f->body.ret_expr; ret_type = t->fn.types; has_named_ret_vals = f->ret_decls != NULL; if (ret_expr) { if (!type_eq(ret_type, &ret_expr->type)) { char *got = type_to_str(&ret_expr->type); char *expected = type_to_str(ret_type); err_print(ret_expr->where, "Returning type %s, but function returns type %s.", got, expected); if (!instance) /* where will only actually be at the function declaration if it isn't an instance. otherwise, where will be at the calling site, which will already be printed */ info_print(where, "Function declaration is here."); free(got); free(expected); success = false; goto ret; } } else if (ret_type->kind != TYPE_VOID && !has_named_ret_vals) { Statement *stmts = f->body.stmts; if (arr_len(stmts)) { Statement *last_stmt = (Statement *)stmts + (arr_len(stmts) - 1); if (last_stmt->kind == STMT_RET) { /* last statement is a return, so it doesn't matter that the function has no return value ideally this would handle if foo { return 5; } else { return 6; } */ success = true; goto ret; } } /* TODO: this should really be at the closing brace, and not the function declaration */ char *expected = type_to_str(ret_type); err_print(token_location(f->body.where.end), "No return value in function which returns %s.", expected); free(expected); info_print(where, "Function was declared here:"); success = false; goto ret; } ret: if (entered_fn) fn_exit(f); tr->fn = prev_fn; return success; } /* puts a dynamic array of the parameter indices of the arguments into param_indices. */ static bool call_arg_param_order(Allocator *allocr, FnExpr *fn, Location fn_where, Type *fn_type, Argument *args, Location where, U16 **param_indices) { size_t nparams = arr_len(fn_type->fn.types)-1; size_t nargs = arr_len(args); if (nargs > nparams) { err_print(where, "Expected at most %lu arguments to function, but got %lu.", nparams, nargs); return false; } int p = 0; /* counter for sequential parameters */ Declaration *last_param_without_default_value = NULL; arr_foreach(fn->params, Declaration, param) { if (!(param->flags & DECL_HAS_EXPR)) { last_param_without_default_value = param; } } Declaration *param = fn->params; size_t ident_idx = 0; U16 *order = NULL; arr_foreach(args, Argument, arg) { bool named = arg->name != NULL; int param_idx = -1; if (named) { /* named argument */ int index = 0; bool found = false; arr_foreach(fn->params, Declaration, pa) { arr_foreach(pa->idents, Identifier, id) { if (ident_eq(*id, arg->name)) { found = true; break; } ++index; } if (found) break; } if (!found) { char *s = ident_to_str(arg->name); err_print(arg->where, "Argument '%s' does not appear in declaration of function.", s); free(s); info_print(fn_where, "Declaration is here."); return false; } param_idx = index; } else { if (param > (Declaration *)arr_last(fn->params)) { err_print(arg->where, "Too many arguments to function!"); info_print(fn_where, "Declaration is here."); return false; } if ((param->flags & (DECL_HAS_EXPR | DECL_INFER)) && param < last_param_without_default_value) { /* this param must be named; so this is referring to a later parameter */ --arg; } else { param_idx = p; } } if (param_idx != -1) { *(U16 *)arr_adda(&order, allocr) = (U16)param_idx; } if (!named) { /* sequential order of parameters */ ++p; ++ident_idx; if (ident_idx == arr_len(param->idents)) { ++param; ident_idx = 0; } } } *param_indices = order; return true; } static bool types_expr(Typer *tr, Expression *e) { if (e->flags & EXPR_FOUND_TYPE) return true; Type *t = &e->type; t->flags = 0; t->was_expr = NULL; t->kind = TYPE_UNKNOWN; /* default to unknown type (in the case of an error) */ e->flags |= EXPR_FOUND_TYPE; /* even if failed, pretend we found the type */ switch (e->kind) { case EXPR_FN: { if (!type_of_fn(tr, e->fn, &e->type, 0)) return false; if (fn_has_any_const_params(e->fn)) { HashTable z = {0}; e->fn->instances = z; } else { if (!types_fn(tr, e->fn, &e->type, e->where, NULL)) return false; } } break; case EXPR_LITERAL_INT: t->kind = TYPE_BUILTIN; t->builtin = BUILTIN_I64; t->flags |= TYPE_IS_FLEXIBLE; break; case EXPR_LITERAL_STR: t->kind = TYPE_SLICE; t->slice = typer_malloc(tr, sizeof *t->slice); t->slice->flags = TYPE_IS_RESOLVED; t->slice->was_expr = NULL; t->slice->kind = TYPE_BUILTIN; t->slice->builtin = BUILTIN_CHAR; break; case EXPR_LITERAL_FLOAT: t->kind = TYPE_BUILTIN; t->builtin = BUILTIN_F32; t->flags |= TYPE_IS_FLEXIBLE; break; case EXPR_LITERAL_BOOL: t->kind = TYPE_BUILTIN; t->builtin = BUILTIN_BOOL; break; case EXPR_LITERAL_CHAR: t->kind = TYPE_BUILTIN; t->builtin = BUILTIN_CHAR; break; case EXPR_PKG: { t->kind = TYPE_BUILTIN; t->builtin = BUILTIN_PKG; Expression *name_expr = e->pkg.name_expr; if (!types_expr(tr, name_expr)) return false; if (!type_is_slicechar(&name_expr->type)) { char *s = type_to_str(&name_expr->type); err_print(name_expr->where, "Package name is not of type []char (as it should be), but of type %s.", s); free(s); return false; } Value name_val; if (!eval_expr(tr->evalr, name_expr, &name_val)) return false; Slice name_str = name_val.slice; if (name_str.n < 0) { err_print(name_expr->where, "Package name has negative length (" I64_FMT ")!", name_str.n); return false; } size_t name_str_len = (size_t)name_str.n; char *name_cstr = typer_malloc(tr, name_str_len + 1); memcpy(name_cstr, name_str.data, name_str_len); name_cstr[name_str.n] = '\0'; char *name_ptr = name_cstr; Identifier name_ident = ident_insert(tr->idents, &name_ptr); if (*name_ptr) { err_print(name_expr->where, "Package name (\"%s\") is not a valid identifier.", name_cstr); return false; } e->pkg.name_ident = name_ident; if (!name_ident->pkg) { char *filename = typer_malloc(tr, name_str_len + 5); Package *pkg = name_ident->pkg = err_calloc(1, sizeof *pkg); pkg->c.prefix = name_cstr; memcpy(filename, name_str.data, name_str_len); strcpy(filename + name_str.n, ".top"); /* TODO: library paths */ FILE *fp = fopen(filename, "rb"); if (!fp) { err_print(e->where, "Could not open package: %s (does this file exist?)", filename); free(filename); return false; } if (!import_pkg(tr->allocr, pkg, fp, filename, tr->idents, tr->err_ctx, e->where)) { return false; } *(Package **)arr_add(&tr->pkgs) = pkg; fclose(fp); } } break; case EXPR_EACH: { EachExpr *ea = e->each; *(Expression **)typer_arr_add(tr, &tr->in_expr_decls) = e; if (!each_enter(e)) return false; if (ea->flags & EACH_IS_RANGE) { /* TODO: allow user-defined numerical types */ if (!types_expr(tr, ea->range.from)) return false; { Type *ft = &ea->range.from->type; if (ft->kind != TYPE_BUILTIN || !type_builtin_is_numerical(ft->builtin)) { char *s = type_to_str(ft); err_print(e->where, "from expression of each must be a builtin numerical type, not %s", s); free(s); } } if (ea->range.step) { if (!types_expr(tr, ea->range.step)) return false; Type *st = &ea->range.step->type; if (st->kind != TYPE_BUILTIN || !type_builtin_is_numerical(st->builtin)) { char *s = type_to_str(st); err_print(e->where, "step expression of each must be a builtin numerical type, not %s", s); free(s); } } if (ea->range.to) { if (!types_expr(tr, ea->range.to)) return false; Type *tt = &ea->range.to->type; if (tt->kind != TYPE_BUILTIN || !type_builtin_is_numerical(tt->builtin)) { char *s = type_to_str(tt); err_print(e->where, "to expression of each must be a builtin numerical type, not %s", s); free(s); } } if (!(ea->flags & EACH_ANNOTATED_TYPE)) { ea->type = ea->range.from->type; } if (!type_eq(&ea->type, &ea->range.from->type)) { char *exp = type_to_str(&ea->type); char *got = type_to_str(&ea->range.from->type); err_print(e->where, "Type of each does not match the type of the from expression. Expected %s, but got %s.", exp, got); free(exp); free(got); return false; } if (ea->range.step && !type_eq(&ea->type, &ea->range.step->type)) { char *exp = type_to_str(&ea->type); char *got = type_to_str(&ea->range.step->type); err_print(e->where, "Type of each does not match the type of the step expression. Expected %s, but got %s.", exp, got); free(exp); free(got); return false; } if ((ea->type.flags & TYPE_IS_FLEXIBLE) && ea->range.step) ea->type = ea->range.step->type; if (ea->range.to && !type_eq(&ea->type, &ea->range.to->type)) { char *exp = type_to_str(&ea->type); char *got = type_to_str(&ea->range.to->type); err_print(e->where, "Type of each does not match the type of the to expression. Expected %s, but got %s.", exp, got); free(exp); free(got); return false; } if ((ea->type.flags & TYPE_IS_FLEXIBLE) && ea->range.to) ea->type = ea->range.to->type; ea->type.flags &= (TypeFlags)~(TypeFlags)TYPE_IS_FLEXIBLE; } else { if (!types_expr(tr, ea->of)) return false; Type *iter_type = &ea->of->type; bool uses_ptr = false; if (iter_type->kind == TYPE_PTR) { uses_ptr = true; iter_type = iter_type->ptr; } switch (iter_type->kind) { case TYPE_SLICE: iter_type = iter_type->slice; break; case TYPE_ARR: iter_type = iter_type->arr.of; break; default: { char *s = type_to_str(&ea->of->type); err_print(e->where, "Cannot iterate over non-array non-slice type %s.", s); free(s); return false; } } Type ptr_type = {0}; if (uses_ptr) { ptr_type.flags = TYPE_IS_RESOLVED; ptr_type.kind = TYPE_PTR; ptr_type.ptr = iter_type; iter_type = &ptr_type; } if (ea->flags & EACH_ANNOTATED_TYPE) { if (!type_eq(iter_type, &ea->type)) { char *exp = type_to_str(iter_type); char *got = type_to_str(&ea->type); err_print(e->where, "Expected to iterate over type %s, but it was annotated as iterating over type %s."); free(exp); free(got); return false; } } else ea->type = *iter_type; } if ((ea->flags & EACH_IS_RANGE) && ea->range.step) { Value *stepval = typer_malloc(tr, sizeof *ea->range.stepval); if (!eval_expr(tr->evalr, ea->range.step, stepval)) { info_print(ea->range.step->where, "Note that the step of an each loop must be a compile-time constant."); return false; } val_cast(stepval, &ea->range.step->type, stepval, &ea->type); ea->range.stepval = stepval; } arr_remove_lasta(&tr->in_expr_decls, tr->allocr); if (!types_block(tr, &ea->body)) return false; each_exit(e); if (ea->body.ret_expr) { *t = ea->body.ret_expr->type; } else { t->kind = TYPE_VOID; t->flags |= TYPE_IS_RESOLVED; } } break; case EXPR_IDENT: { if (!type_of_ident(tr, e->where, e->ident, t)) return false; } break; case EXPR_CAST: { CastExpr *c = &e->cast; if (!types_expr(tr, c->expr)) return false; if (!type_resolve(tr, &c->type, e->where)) return false; Status status = type_cast_status(&c->expr->type, &c->type); if (status != STATUS_NONE) { char *from = type_to_str(&c->expr->type); char *to = type_to_str(&c->type); if (status == STATUS_ERR) err_print(e->where, "Cannot cast from type %s to %s.", from, to); else warn_print(e->where, "Casting from type %s to %s.", from, to); free(from); free(to); if (status == STATUS_ERR) return false; } *t = c->type; } break; case EXPR_NEW: if (!type_resolve(tr, &e->new.type, e->where)) return false; if (e->new.n) { if (!types_expr(tr, e->new.n)) return false; if (e->new.n->type.kind != TYPE_BUILTIN || !type_builtin_is_int(e->new.n->type.builtin)) { char *got = type_to_str(&e->new.n->type); err_print(e->where, "Expected integer as second argument to new, but got %s.", got); free(got); return false; } t->kind = TYPE_SLICE; t->slice = &e->new.type; } else { t->kind = TYPE_PTR; t->ptr = &e->new.type; } break; case EXPR_IF: { IfExpr *i = &e->if_; IfExpr *curr = i; Type *curr_type = t; bool has_else = false; if (!types_block(tr, &curr->body)) return false; if (curr->body.ret_expr) { *t = curr->body.ret_expr->type; } else { t->kind = TYPE_VOID; t->flags |= TYPE_IS_RESOLVED; } while (1) { if (curr->cond) { if (!types_expr(tr, curr->cond)) return false; if (!type_can_be_truthy(&curr->cond->type)) { char *s = type_to_str(&curr->cond->type); err_print(curr->cond->where, "Type %s cannot be the condition of an if statement.", s); free(s); return false; } } else { has_else = true; } if (curr->next_elif) { IfExpr *nexti = &curr->next_elif->if_; Type *next_type = &curr->next_elif->type; curr->next_elif->flags |= EXPR_FOUND_TYPE; if (!types_block(tr, &nexti->body)) { return false; } if (nexti->body.ret_expr) { *next_type = nexti->body.ret_expr->type; } else { next_type->kind = TYPE_VOID; next_type->flags = TYPE_IS_RESOLVED; next_type->was_expr = NULL; } if (!type_eq(curr_type, next_type)) { char *currstr = type_to_str(curr_type); char *nextstr = type_to_str(next_type); err_print(curr->next_elif->where, "Mismatched types in if/elif/else chain. Previous block was of type %s, but this one is of type %s.", currstr, nextstr); free(currstr); free(nextstr); return false; } curr = nexti; } else { break; } } if (!has_else && t->kind != TYPE_VOID) { err_print(e->where, "Non-void if block with no else."); return false; } } break; case EXPR_WHILE: { WhileExpr *w = &e->while_; bool ret = true; if (w->cond && !types_expr(tr, w->cond)) ret = false; if (!types_block(tr, &w->body)) ret = false; if (!ret) return false; if (w->cond != NULL && w->body.ret_expr != NULL) { err_print(e->where, "A finite loop can't have a return expression (for an infinite loop, use while { ... })."); return false; } if (w->body.ret_expr) *t = w->body.ret_expr->type; else t->kind = TYPE_VOID; } break; case EXPR_CALL: { CallExpr *c = &e->call; c->instance = NULL; Expression *f = c->fn; FnExpr *fn_decl = NULL; if (!types_expr(tr, f)) return false; arr_foreach(c->args, Argument, arg) { if (!types_expr(tr, &arg->val)) return false; } if (f->type.kind == TYPE_UNKNOWN) { e->type.kind = TYPE_UNKNOWN; return true; } if (f->type.kind != TYPE_FN) { char *type = type_to_str(&f->type); err_print(e->where, "Calling non-function (type %s).", type); return false; } Type *ret_type = f->type.fn.types; Type *param_types = ret_type + 1; Argument *args = c->args; size_t nparams = arr_len(f->type.fn.types) - 1; size_t nargs = arr_len(c->args); Expression *arg_exprs = NULL; arr_set_lena(&arg_exprs, nparams, tr->allocr); bool *params_set = nparams ? typer_calloc(tr, nparams, sizeof *params_set) : NULL; if (expr_is_definitely_const(f)) { Value val; if (!eval_expr(tr->evalr, f, &val)) return false; fn_decl = val.fn; } if (fn_decl) { U16 *order; if (!call_arg_param_order(tr->allocr, fn_decl, fn_decl->where, &f->type, c->args, e->where, &order)) return false; size_t arg; for (arg = 0; arg < nargs; ++arg) { U16 idx = order[arg]; Expression expr = args[arg].val; arg_exprs[idx] = expr; if (params_set[idx]) { Declaration *param = fn_decl->params; Identifier *ident = NULL; for (Declaration *end = arr_end(fn_decl->params); param < end; ++param) { ident = param->idents; for (Identifier *iend = arr_end(param->idents); ident != iend; ++ident) { if (idx == 0) goto dblbreak; --idx; } } assert(0); dblbreak:; char *s = ident_to_str(*ident); err_print(args[arg].where, "Argument #%lu (%s) set twice in function call.", idx+1, s); free(s); return false; } params_set[idx] = true; } arr_cleara(&order, tr->allocr); } else { if (nargs != nparams) { err_print(e->where, "Expected %lu arguments to function call, but got %lu.", (unsigned long)nparams, (unsigned long)nargs); return false; } for (size_t p = 0; p < nargs; ++p) { if (args[p].name) { err_print(args[p].where, "You can only use named arguments if you directly call a function."); } arg_exprs[p] = args[p].val; params_set[p] = true; } } FnType *fn_type = &f->type.fn; for (size_t i = 0; i < nparams; ++i) { if (!params_set[i]) { size_t index = 0; assert(fn_decl); /* we can only miss an arg if we're using named/optional args */ arr_foreach(fn_decl->params, Declaration, param) { bool is_required = !(param->flags & (DECL_HAS_EXPR|DECL_INFER)); int ident_idx = 0; arr_foreach(param->idents, Identifier, ident) { if (index == i) { if (is_required) { char *s = ident_to_str(*ident); err_print(e->where, "Argument %lu (%s) not set in function call.", 1+(unsigned long)i, s); free(s); return false; } else { if (!fn_type->constness) { /* default arg */ assert(param->expr.kind == EXPR_VAL); /* evaluated in type_of_fn */ arg_exprs[i].kind = EXPR_VAL; arg_exprs[i].flags = param->expr.flags; arg_exprs[i].type = param->type; arg_exprs[i].val = param->expr.val; } } } ++ident_idx; ++index; } } } } c->arg_exprs = arg_exprs; FnExpr *original_fn = NULL; Type table_index_type = {0}; Value table_index = {0}; FnExpr fn_copy; Copier cop = copier_create(tr->allocr, tr->block); if (fn_type->constness) { /* evaluate compile-time arguments + add an instance */ /* the function had better be a compile time constant if it has constant params */ Value fn_val = {0}; if (!eval_expr(tr->evalr, f, &fn_val)) return false; FnExpr *fn = fn_val.fn; /* fn is the instance, original_fn is not */ original_fn = fn; copy_fn_expr(&cop, &fn_copy, fn, false); fn = &fn_copy; /* keep track of the declaration */ Declaration *param_decl = fn->params; size_t ident_idx = 0; size_t i = 0; Type **arg_types = NULL; Type **decl_types = NULL; Identifier *inferred_idents = NULL; arr_foreach(fn->params, Declaration, param) { arr_foreach(param->idents, Identifier, ident) { if (param->flags & DECL_INFER) { *(Identifier *)typer_arr_add(tr, &inferred_idents) = *ident; } else if ((param->flags & DECL_ANNOTATES_TYPE) && !(param->flags & DECL_HAS_EXPR)) { if (param->type.kind == TYPE_TUPLE) err_print(param->where, "Parameters cannot have tuple types."); Type **p = typer_arr_add(tr, &decl_types); *p = ¶m->type; Type **q = typer_arr_add(tr, &arg_types); *q = &arg_exprs[i].type; } ++i; } } size_t ninferred_idents = arr_len(inferred_idents); if (ninferred_idents) { Value *inferred_vals; Type *inferred_types; size_t inferred_vals_size = ninferred_idents * sizeof *inferred_vals; inferred_vals = typer_malloc(tr, inferred_vals_size); size_t inferred_types_size = ninferred_idents * sizeof *inferred_types; inferred_types = typer_malloc(tr, inferred_types_size); if (!infer_ident_vals(tr, decl_types, arg_types, inferred_idents, inferred_vals, inferred_types)) return false; arr_cleara(&inferred_idents, tr->allocr); { Type *type = inferred_types; for (i = 0; i < ninferred_idents; ++i) { if (type->kind == TYPE_UNKNOWN) { long counter = (long)i; Declaration *decl = fn->params; while (1) { counter -= (long)arr_len(decl->idents); if (counter < 0) break; ++decl; } err_print(decl->where, "Could not infer value of declaration."); info_print(e->where, "While processing this call"); return false; } ++type; } } i = 0; arr_foreach(fn->params, Declaration, param) { if (param->flags & DECL_INFER) { Value *val = &inferred_vals[i]; Type *type = &inferred_types[i]; /* if we have an inferred type argument, it shouldn't be flexible */ if (type_is_builtin(type, BUILTIN_TYPE)) val->type->flags &= (TypeFlags)~(TypeFlags)TYPE_IS_FLEXIBLE; param->val = *val; param->type = *type; param->flags |= DECL_FOUND_VAL | DECL_FOUND_TYPE; ++i; } } allocr_free(tr->allocr, inferred_vals, inferred_vals_size); allocr_free(tr->allocr, inferred_types, inferred_types_size); } i = 0; table_index_type.flags = TYPE_IS_RESOLVED; table_index_type.kind = TYPE_TUPLE; table_index_type.tuple = NULL; Type *u64t = typer_arr_add(tr, &table_index_type.tuple); u64t->was_expr = NULL; u64t->flags = TYPE_IS_RESOLVED; u64t->kind = TYPE_BUILTIN; u64t->builtin = BUILTIN_U64; table_index.tuple = NULL; /* we need to keep table_index's memory around because instance_table_add makes a copy of it to compare against. */ Value *which_are_const_val = typer_arr_add(tr, &table_index.tuple); U64 *which_are_const = &which_are_const_val->u64; *which_are_const = 0; int semi_const_index = 0; /* eval compile time arguments */ for (i = 0; i < nparams; ++i) { bool should_be_evald = arg_is_const(&arg_exprs[i], fn_type->constness[i]); if (should_be_evald) { if (params_set[i]) { Expression *expr = &arg_exprs[i]; Value *arg_val = typer_arr_add(tr, &table_index.tuple); if (!eval_expr(tr->evalr, expr, arg_val)) { if (tr->evalr->enabled) { info_print(arg_exprs[i].where, "(error occured while trying to evaluate compile-time argument, argument #%lu)", 1+(unsigned long)i); } return false; } Type *type = &expr->type; *(Type *)typer_arr_add(tr, &table_index_type.tuple) = *type; arg_exprs[i].kind = EXPR_VAL; arg_exprs[i].flags = EXPR_FOUND_TYPE; copy_val(tr->allocr, &arg_exprs[i].val, arg_val, type); arg_exprs[i].val = *arg_val; copy_val(tr->allocr, ¶m_decl->val, arg_val, type); param_decl->flags |= DECL_FOUND_VAL; if (!(param_decl->flags & DECL_ANNOTATES_TYPE)) { param_decl->type = *type; } } else { /* leave gap for this (default argument) */ typer_arr_add(tr, &table_index.tuple); typer_arr_add(tr, &table_index_type.tuple); } } if (fn_type->constness[i] == CONSTNESS_SEMI) { if (semi_const_index >= 64) { err_print(f->where, "You can't have more than 64 semi-constant arguments to a function at the moment (sorry)."); return false; } *which_are_const |= ((U64)1) << semi_const_index; } if (fn_type->constness[i] == CONSTNESS_SEMI) { ++semi_const_index; } ++ident_idx; if (ident_idx >= arr_len(param_decl->idents)) { ident_idx = 0; ++param_decl; } } /* type params, return declarations, etc */ if (!type_of_fn(tr, &fn_copy, &f->type, TYPE_OF_FN_IS_INSTANCE)) return false; /* deal with default arguments */ i = 0; arr_foreach(fn->params, Declaration, param) { arr_foreach(param->idents, Identifier, ident) { if (!params_set[i]) { if (param->flags & DECL_INFER) { arg_exprs[i].kind = EXPR_VAL; arg_exprs[i].flags = EXPR_FOUND_TYPE; arg_exprs[i].type = table_index_type.tuple[i+1] = param_types[i] = param->type; arg_exprs[i].val = table_index.tuple[i+1] = param->val; params_set[i] = true; ++i; continue; } assert(param->flags & DECL_HAS_EXPR); assert(param->expr.kind == EXPR_VAL); /* this was done by type_of_fn */ arg_exprs[i] = param->expr; /* make sure value is copied */ copy_val(tr->allocr, &arg_exprs[i].val, ¶m->expr.val, ¶m->expr.type); Value *arg_val = &table_index.tuple[i+1]; copy_val(tr->allocr, arg_val, ¶m->expr.val, ¶m->expr.type); table_index_type.tuple[i+1] = param->expr.type; params_set[i] = true; } ++i; } } ret_type = f->type.fn.types; param_types = ret_type + 1; } /* check types of arguments */ for (size_t p = 0; p < nparams; ++p) { Expression *arg = &arg_exprs[p]; Type *expected = ¶m_types[p]; Type *got = &arg->type; if (!type_eq(expected, got)) { char *estr = type_to_str(expected); char *gstr = type_to_str(got); err_print(arg->where, "Expected type %s as argument to function, but got %s.", estr, gstr); return false; } } if (fn_type->constness) { bool instance_already_exists; c->instance = instance_table_adda(tr->allocr, &original_fn->instances, table_index, &table_index_type, &instance_already_exists); if (instance_already_exists) { arr_cleara(&table_index_type.tuple, tr->allocr); arr_cleara(&table_index.tuple, tr->allocr); } else { copy_block(&cop, &fn_copy.body, &original_fn->body); c->instance->fn = fn_copy; /* fix parameter and return types (they were kind of problematic before, because we didn't know about the instance) */ c->instance->c.id = original_fn->instances.n; /* let's help cgen out and assign an ID to this */ /* type this instance */ /* if anything happens, make sure we let the user know that this happened while generating a fn */ ErrCtx *err_ctx = e->where.start->pos.ctx; *(Location *)typer_arr_add(tr, &err_ctx->instance_stack) = e->where; bool success = types_fn(tr, &c->instance->fn, &f->type, e->where, c->instance); arr_remove_lasta(&err_ctx->instance_stack, tr->allocr); if (!success) return false; arr_cleara(&table_index_type.tuple, tr->allocr); } } *t = *ret_type; } break; case EXPR_BLOCK: { Block *b = &e->block; if (!types_block(tr, b)) return false; if (b->ret_expr) { *t = b->ret_expr->type; } else { t->kind = TYPE_VOID; } } break; case EXPR_C: { Expression *code = e->c.code; if (!types_expr(tr, code)) return false; if (!type_is_slicechar(&code->type)) { char *s = type_to_str(&code->type); err_print(e->where, "Argument to #C directive must of type []char, but got type %s."); free(s); return false; } Value code_val; if (!eval_expr(tr->evalr, code, &code_val)) return false; code->val = code_val; code->kind = EXPR_VAL; t->kind = TYPE_UNKNOWN; } break; case EXPR_UNARY_OP: { Expression *of = e->unary.of; Type *of_type = &of->type; if (!types_expr(tr, e->unary.of)) return false; if (of_type->kind == TYPE_UNKNOWN) { return true; } switch (e->unary.op) { case UNARY_MINUS: if (of_type->kind != TYPE_BUILTIN || !type_builtin_is_numerical(of_type->builtin)) { char *s = type_to_str(of_type); err_print(e->where, "Cannot apply unary - to non-numerical type %s.", s); free(s); return false; } if (!type_builtin_is_signed(of_type->builtin)) { char *s = type_to_str(of_type); warn_print(e->where, "Applying unary - to unsigned type %s may cause overflow.", s); free(s); } *t = *of_type; break; case UNARY_ADDRESS: if (type_is_builtin(of_type, BUILTIN_TYPE)) { /* oh it's a type! */ t->kind = TYPE_BUILTIN; t->builtin = BUILTIN_TYPE; break; } if (!expr_must_lval(of)) { return false; } if (of_type->kind == TYPE_TUPLE) { err_print(e->where, "Cannot take address of tuple."); return false; } t->kind = TYPE_PTR; t->ptr = typer_malloc(tr, sizeof *t->ptr); *t->ptr = *of_type; break; case UNARY_DEREF: if (of_type->kind != TYPE_PTR) { char *s = type_to_str(of_type); err_print(e->where, "Cannot dereference non-pointer type %s.", s); free(s); return false; } *t = *of_type->ptr; break; case UNARY_DEL: if (of_type->kind != TYPE_PTR && of_type->kind != TYPE_SLICE) { char *s = type_to_str(of_type); err_print(e->where, "Cannot delete non-pointer, non-slice type %s.", s); free(s); return false; } t->kind = TYPE_VOID; break; case UNARY_NOT: if (!type_can_be_truthy(of_type)) { char *s = type_to_str(of_type); err_print(e->where, "Type '%s' cannot be truthy, so the not operator cannot be applied to it.", s); free(s); return false; } t->kind = TYPE_BUILTIN; t->builtin = BUILTIN_BOOL; break; case UNARY_LEN: t->kind = TYPE_BUILTIN; t->builtin = BUILTIN_I64; if (of_type->kind != TYPE_SLICE || of_type->kind != TYPE_ARR) { char *s = type_to_str(of_type); err_print(e->where, "Cannot get length of non-array, non-slice type %s.", s); free(s); return false; } break; case UNARY_DSIZEOF: case UNARY_DALIGNOF: { if (!types_expr(tr, of)) return false; Type *queried_type; if (type_is_builtin(&of->type, BUILTIN_TYPE)) { Value val; if (!eval_expr(tr->evalr, of, &val)) return false; queried_type = val.type; } else { queried_type = &of->type; } if (e->unary.op == UNARY_DSIZEOF) e->val.i64 = (I64)compiler_sizeof(queried_type); else e->val.i64 = (I64)compiler_alignof(queried_type); e->kind = EXPR_VAL; t->kind = TYPE_BUILTIN; t->builtin = BUILTIN_I64; } break; } } break; case EXPR_BINARY_OP: { Expression *lhs = e->binary.lhs; Expression *rhs = e->binary.rhs; Type *lhs_type = &lhs->type; Type *rhs_type = &rhs->type; BinaryOp o = e->binary.op; if (o != BINARY_DOT) { if (!types_expr(tr, lhs) || !types_expr(tr, rhs)) return false; if (lhs_type->kind == TYPE_UNKNOWN || rhs_type->kind == TYPE_UNKNOWN) { return true; } } switch (o) { case BINARY_SET: case BINARY_SET_ADD: case BINARY_SET_SUB: case BINARY_SET_MUL: case BINARY_SET_DIV: if (!expr_must_lval(e->binary.lhs)) { return false; } /* fallthrough */ case BINARY_ADD: case BINARY_SUB: case BINARY_MUL: case BINARY_DIV: case BINARY_LT: case BINARY_GT: case BINARY_LE: case BINARY_GE: case BINARY_EQ: case BINARY_NE: { bool valid = false; assert(lhs_type->flags & TYPE_IS_RESOLVED); assert(rhs_type->flags & TYPE_IS_RESOLVED); if (o == BINARY_SET) { valid = type_eq(lhs_type, rhs_type); } else { /* numerical binary ops */ if (lhs_type->kind == TYPE_BUILTIN && type_eq(lhs_type, rhs_type)) { /* int + int, etc. */ valid = true; } if (o == BINARY_ADD || o == BINARY_SUB || o == BINARY_SET_ADD || o == BINARY_SET_SUB) { if (lhs_type->kind == TYPE_PTR && rhs_type->kind == TYPE_BUILTIN && type_builtin_is_numerical(rhs_type->builtin)) { valid = true; } } if (o == BINARY_LT || o == BINARY_GT || o == BINARY_LE || o == BINARY_GE || o == BINARY_EQ || o == BINARY_NE) { /* comparable types */ if (type_eq(lhs_type, rhs_type)) { switch (lhs_type->kind) { case TYPE_PTR: case TYPE_BUILTIN: /* all builtins are comparable */ valid = true; default: break; } } } } if (valid) { switch (o) { case BINARY_SET: /* type of x = y is always void */ t->kind = TYPE_VOID; break; case BINARY_LT: case BINARY_GT: case BINARY_LE: case BINARY_GE: case BINARY_EQ: case BINARY_NE: t->kind = TYPE_BUILTIN; t->builtin = BUILTIN_BOOL; break; default: { int lhs_is_flexible = lhs_type->flags & TYPE_IS_FLEXIBLE; int rhs_is_flexible = rhs_type->flags & TYPE_IS_FLEXIBLE; if (lhs_is_flexible && rhs_is_flexible) { /* both flexible */ *t = *lhs_type; if (rhs_type->builtin == BUILTIN_F32) { /* promote to float */ t->builtin = BUILTIN_F32; } } else if (!lhs_is_flexible) { /* lhs inflexible, rhs ? */ *t = *lhs_type; } else { /* lhs flexible, rhs ? */ *t = *rhs_type; } } break; } } if (!valid) { char *s1, *s2; s1 = type_to_str(lhs_type); s2 = type_to_str(rhs_type); const char *op = binary_op_to_str(o); err_print(e->where, "Invalid types to operator %s: %s and %s", op, s1, s2); return false; } if (o == BINARY_SET_ADD || o == BINARY_SET_SUB || o == BINARY_SET_MUL || o == BINARY_SET_DIV) { t->kind = TYPE_VOID; /* actually, it's just void */ } break; } case BINARY_AT_INDEX: if ((lhs_type->kind == TYPE_ARR || lhs_type->kind == TYPE_SLICE) && (rhs_type->kind != TYPE_BUILTIN || !type_builtin_is_numerical(rhs_type->builtin))) { err_print(e->where, "The index of an array must be a builtin numerical type."); return false; } switch (lhs_type->kind) { case TYPE_ARR: *t = *lhs_type->arr.of; break; case TYPE_SLICE: *t = *lhs_type->slice; break; case TYPE_PTR: lhs_type = lhs_type->ptr; if (lhs_type->kind != TYPE_STRUCT) break; /* fallthrough */ case TYPE_STRUCT: { /* allow accessing struct members with a string */ if (!type_is_slicechar(rhs_type)) { char *s = type_to_str(rhs_type); err_print(e->where, "Expected a string for struct member access with [], but got type %s.", s); return false; } Value field_name; /* replace with BINARY_DOT */ e->binary.op = BINARY_DOT; bool is_field = false; if (!eval_expr(tr->evalr, rhs, &field_name)) return false; arr_foreach(lhs_type->struc->fields, Field, f) { if (ident_eq_str(f->name, field_name.slice.data)) { is_field = true; *t = f->type; e->binary.dot.field = f; } } if (!is_field) { char *fstr = err_malloc((size_t)(field_name.slice.n + 1)); memcpy(fstr, field_name.slice.data, (size_t)field_name.slice.n); fstr[field_name.slice.n] = 0; /* null-terminate */ char *typestr = type_to_str(lhs_type); err_print(e->where, "%s is not a field of structure %s.", fstr, typestr); free(fstr); free(typestr); return false; } } break; default: { char *s = type_to_str(lhs_type); err_print(e->where, "Trying to take index of non-array type %s.", s); free(s); return false; } } break; case BINARY_DOT: { if (!types_expr(tr, lhs)) return false; Type *struct_type = lhs_type; if (type_is_builtin(struct_type, BUILTIN_PKG)) { if (rhs->kind != EXPR_IDENT) { err_print(rhs->where, "Expected identifier for package access, but got %s.", expr_kind_to_str(rhs->kind)); return false; } Value pkg_val; if (!eval_expr(tr->evalr, lhs, &pkg_val)) return false; lhs->kind = EXPR_VAL; lhs->val = pkg_val; e->binary.dot.pkg_ident = ident_translate(rhs->ident, &pkg_val.pkg->idents); if (!e->binary.dot.pkg_ident) { char *ident_name = ident_to_str(rhs->ident), *pkg_name = ident_to_str(pkg_val.pkg->name); err_print(e->where, "%s was not imported from package %s.", ident_name, pkg_name); free(ident_name); free(pkg_name); return false; } if (!type_of_ident(tr, e->where, e->binary.dot.pkg_ident, t)) { return false; } break; } if (struct_type->kind == TYPE_PTR) struct_type = struct_type->ptr; if (rhs->kind != EXPR_IDENT) { err_print(rhs->where, "Expected identifier for struct member access, but got %s.", expr_kind_to_str(rhs->kind)); return false; } if (struct_type->kind == TYPE_STRUCT) { bool is_field = false; if (rhs->kind == EXPR_IDENT) { /* maybe accessing a field? */ arr_foreach(struct_type->struc->fields, Field, f) { if (ident_eq(f->name, rhs->ident)) { is_field = true; *t = f->type; e->binary.dot.field = f; } } } if (!is_field) { char *member = ident_to_str(rhs->ident); char *struc = type_to_str(struct_type); err_print(e->where, "%s is not a member of structure %s.", member, struc); return false; } } else if (struct_type->kind == TYPE_SLICE || struct_type->kind == TYPE_ARR) { if (!(rhs->kind == EXPR_IDENT && ident_eq_str(rhs->ident, "len"))) { Value field_name; if (!types_expr(tr, rhs)) return false; if (!type_is_slicechar(rhs_type)) { char *s = type_to_str(rhs_type); err_print(e->where, "Invalid field of type %s.", s); free(s); return false; } if (!eval_expr(tr->evalr, rhs, &field_name)) return false; char *str = field_name.slice.data; if (field_name.slice.n != 3 || strcmp(str, "len") != 0) { char *fstr = err_malloc((size_t)(field_name.slice.n + 1)); memcpy(fstr, field_name.slice.data, (size_t)field_name.slice.n); fstr[field_name.slice.n] = 0; /* null-terminate */ char *typestr = type_to_str(lhs_type); err_print(e->where, "%s is not a field of type %s.", fstr, typestr); free(fstr); free(typestr); return false; } } /* length of slice/arr */ t->kind = TYPE_BUILTIN; t->builtin = BUILTIN_I64; /* change expr to UNARY_LEN */ e->kind = EXPR_UNARY_OP; Expression *of = lhs; e->unary.op = UNARY_LEN; e->unary.of = of; } else { char *s = type_to_str(lhs_type); err_print(e->where, "Operator . applied to type %s, which is not a structure or pointer to structure.", s); free(s); return false; } } break; } break; } break; case EXPR_TUPLE: t->kind = TYPE_TUPLE; t->tuple = NULL; arr_foreach(e->tuple, Expression, x) { Type *x_type = typer_arr_add(tr, &t->tuple); if (!types_expr(tr, x)) return false; *x_type = x->type; } break; case EXPR_SLICE: { t->kind = TYPE_SLICE; SliceExpr *s = &e->slice; if (!types_expr(tr, s->of)) return false; if (e->slice.from && !types_expr(tr, s->from)) return false; if (e->slice.to && !types_expr(tr, s->to)) return false; switch (s->of->type.kind) { case TYPE_ARR: t->slice = s->of->type.arr.of; break; case TYPE_SLICE: t->slice = s->of->type.slice; break; default: { char *str = type_to_str(&s->of->type); err_print(e->where, "Cannot take slice of non-array, non-slice type %s.", str); free(str); return false; } } break; } case EXPR_TYPE: if (!type_resolve(tr, &e->typeval, e->where)) return false; t->kind = TYPE_BUILTIN; t->builtin = BUILTIN_TYPE; break; case EXPR_VAL: assert(0); return false; } t->flags |= TYPE_IS_RESOLVED; return true; } static bool typer_block_enter(Typer *tr, Block *b) { tr->block = b; *(Block **)arr_adda(&tr->blocks, tr->allocr) = b; if (!block_enter(b, b->stmts, SCOPE_CHECK_REDECL)) return false; return true; } static void typer_block_exit(Typer *tr) { Block *b = tr->block; block_exit(b, b->stmts); arr_remove_last(&tr->blocks); tr->block = *(Block **)arr_last(tr->blocks); } static bool types_block(Typer *tr, Block *b) { if (b->flags & BLOCK_FOUND_TYPES) return true; bool success = true; if (!typer_block_enter(tr, b)) return false; b->ret_expr = NULL; arr_foreach(b->stmts, Statement, s) { if (!types_stmt(tr, s)) success = false; else if (s->kind == STMT_EXPR && (s->flags & STMT_EXPR_NO_SEMICOLON)) { /* not voided */ Expression *e = &s->expr; if (e->type.kind == TYPE_VOID) { if (!(e->kind == EXPR_BLOCK || e->kind == EXPR_IF || e->kind == EXPR_WHILE || e->kind == EXPR_EACH)) { err_print(e->where, "void expression must be followed by ;"); success = false; goto ret; } } else { if (s != (Statement *)arr_last(b->stmts)) { err_print(e->where, "Return value must be the last statement in a block."); success = false; goto ret; } b->ret_expr = typer_malloc(tr, sizeof *b->ret_expr); *b->ret_expr = *e; arr_remove_lasta(&b->stmts, tr->allocr); } } } ret: typer_block_exit(tr); b->flags |= BLOCK_FOUND_TYPES; return success; } static bool types_decl(Typer *tr, Declaration *d) { bool success = true; if (d->flags & DECL_FOUND_TYPE) return true; if ((d->flags & DECL_HAS_EXPR) && d->expr.kind == EXPR_TYPE && d->expr.typeval.kind == TYPE_STRUCT) { d->expr.typeval.struc->name = d->idents[0]; } if (d->flags & DECL_INFER) { d->type.kind = TYPE_UNKNOWN; d->type.flags = 0; return true; } Declaration **dptr = typer_arr_add(tr, &tr->in_decls); *dptr = d; if (d->flags & DECL_ANNOTATES_TYPE) { /* type supplied */ assert(d->type.kind != TYPE_VOID); /* there's no way to annotate void */ if (!type_resolve(tr, &d->type, d->where)) { success = false; goto ret; } } if (d->flags & DECL_HAS_EXPR) { if (!types_expr(tr, &d->expr)) { success = false; goto ret; } if (d->flags & DECL_ANNOTATES_TYPE) { if (!type_must_eq(d->expr.where, &d->type, &d->expr.type)) { success = false; goto ret; } d->expr.type = d->type; } else { if (d->expr.type.kind == TYPE_VOID) { /* e.g. x := (fn(){})(); */ err_print(d->expr.where, "Use of void value."); success = false; goto ret; } d->type = d->expr.type; d->type.flags &= (TypeFlags)~(TypeFlags)TYPE_IS_FLEXIBLE; /* x := 5; => x is not flexible */ } if ((d->flags & DECL_IS_CONST) || (tr->block == NULL && tr->fn == NULL)) { if (!(d->flags & DECL_FOUND_VAL)) { Value val; if (!eval_expr(tr->evalr, &d->expr, &val)) { success = false; goto ret; } copy_val(tr->allocr, &d->val, &val, &d->type); d->flags |= DECL_FOUND_VAL; } } } for (size_t i = 0; i < arr_len(d->idents); ++i) { Type *t = d->type.kind == TYPE_TUPLE ? &d->type.tuple[i] : &d->type; if (type_is_compileonly(&d->type)) { if (!(d->flags & DECL_IS_CONST)) { char *s = type_to_str(&d->type); err_print(d->where, "Declarations with type %s must be constant.", s); free(s); success = false; goto ret; } } if (type_is_builtin(t, BUILTIN_TYPE)) { if (d->flags & DECL_HAS_EXPR) { Value *val = d->type.kind == TYPE_TUPLE ? &d->val.tuple[i] : &d->val; if (!type_resolve(tr, val->type, d->where)) return false; if (val->type->kind == TYPE_TUPLE) { err_print(d->where, "You can't declare a new type to be a tuple."); success = false; goto ret; } } } else if (!(d->flags & DECL_IS_CONST) && t->kind == TYPE_FN && t->fn.constness) { for (size_t p = 0; p < arr_len(t->fn.types)-1; ++p) { if (t->fn.constness[p] == CONSTNESS_YES) { err_print(d->where, "You can't have a pointer to a function with constant parameters."); success = false; goto ret; } } /* make constness NULL, so that semi-constant parameters turn into non-constant arguments */ t->fn.constness = NULL; } } { size_t n_idents = arr_len(d->idents); if (d->type.kind == TYPE_TUPLE) { if (n_idents != arr_len(d->type.tuple)) { err_print(d->where, "Expected to have %lu things declared in declaration, but got %lu.", (unsigned long)arr_len(d->type.tuple), (unsigned long)n_idents); success = false; goto ret; } } } ret: /* pretend we found the type even if we didn't to prevent too many errors */ d->flags |= DECL_FOUND_TYPE; if (success) { if (d->flags & DECL_EXPORT) { /* export it! */ if (!tr->exptr) { err_print(d->where, "Declaration marked for exporting, but no package output was specified."); success = false; } else { success = export_decl_external(tr->exptr, d); } } } else { /* use unknown type if we didn't get the type */ d->type.flags = TYPE_IS_RESOLVED; d->type.was_expr = NULL; d->type.kind = TYPE_UNKNOWN; tr->evalr->enabled = false; /* disable evaluator completely so that it doesn't accidentally try to access this declaration */ } arr_remove_lasta(&tr->in_decls, tr->allocr); return success; } static bool types_stmt(Typer *tr, Statement *s) { switch (s->kind) { case STMT_EXPR: if (!types_expr(tr, &s->expr)) { return false; } if (s->expr.type.kind == TYPE_TUPLE && !(s->flags & STMT_EXPR_NO_SEMICOLON)) { err_print(s->where, "Statement of a tuple is not allowed. Use a semicolon instead of a comma here."); return false; } break; case STMT_DECL: if (!types_decl(tr, &s->decl)) return false; break; case STMT_RET: if (!tr->fn) { err_print(s->where, "return outside of a function."); return false; } if (s->ret.flags & RET_HAS_EXPR) { if (tr->fn->ret_type.kind == TYPE_VOID) { err_print(s->where, "Return value in a void function."); return false; } if (tr->fn->ret_decls) { err_print(s->where, "Return expression in a function with named return values."); return false; } if (!types_expr(tr, &s->ret.expr)) return false; if (!type_eq(&tr->fn->ret_type, &s->ret.expr.type)) { char *got = type_to_str(&s->ret.expr.type); char *expected = type_to_str(&tr->fn->ret_type); err_print(s->where, "Returning type %s in function which returns %s.", got, expected); return false; } } else { if (tr->fn->ret_type.kind != TYPE_VOID && !tr->fn->ret_decls) { err_print(s->where, "No return value in non-void function."); return false; } } break; } return true; } static void typer_create(Typer *tr, Evaluator *ev, ErrCtx *err_ctx, Allocator *allocr, Identifiers *idents) { tr->block = NULL; tr->blocks = NULL; tr->pkgs = NULL; tr->fn = NULL; tr->evalr = ev; tr->err_ctx = err_ctx; tr->exptr = NULL; /* by default, don't set an exporter */ tr->in_decls = NULL; tr->in_expr_decls = NULL; tr->pkg_name = NULL; tr->allocr = allocr; tr->idents = idents; tr->is_reference_stack = NULL; *(Block **)arr_adda(&tr->blocks, allocr) = NULL; } static bool types_file(Typer *tr, ParsedFile *f) { bool ret = true; FILE *pkg_fp = NULL; if (f->pkg_name) { Value pkg_name; if (!types_expr(tr, f->pkg_name)) return false; if (!type_is_slicechar(&f->pkg_name->type)) { char *typestr = type_to_str(&f->pkg_name->type); err_print(f->pkg_name->where, "Package names must be of type []char, but this is of type %s.", typestr); free(typestr); return false; } if (!eval_expr(tr->evalr, f->pkg_name, &pkg_name)) return false; Slice pkg_name_slice = pkg_name.slice; char *pkg_name_str = pkg_name_slice.data; if (pkg_name_slice.n < 0) { err_print(f->pkg_name->where, "Package name has a negative length (" I64_FMT ")!", pkg_name_slice.n); return false; } size_t pkg_name_len = (size_t)pkg_name_slice.n; char *pkg_name_cstr = typer_malloc(tr, pkg_name_len+1); memcpy(pkg_name_cstr, pkg_name_str, pkg_name_len); pkg_name_cstr[pkg_name_len] = 0; tr->pkg_name = pkg_name_cstr; char *pkg_file_name = err_malloc(pkg_name_len+5); sprintf(pkg_file_name, "%s.top", pkg_name_cstr); pkg_fp = fopen(pkg_file_name, "wb"); if (!pkg_fp) { err_print(f->pkg_name->where, "Could not open package output file: %s.", pkg_file_name); free(pkg_file_name); return false; } free(pkg_file_name); exptr_create(tr->exptr, pkg_fp); exptr_start(tr->exptr, pkg_name_str, pkg_name_len); } arr_foreach(f->stmts, Statement, s) { if (!types_stmt(tr, s)) { ret = false; } } if (pkg_fp) { exptr_finish(tr->exptr); fclose(pkg_fp); } return ret; } static void typer_free(Typer *tr) { typedef Package *PackagePtr; arr_foreach(tr->pkgs, PackagePtr, pkg) { package_free(*pkg); free(*pkg); } arr_clear(&tr->pkgs); }