/* Copyright (C) 2019, 2020 Leo Tenenbaum. This file is part of toc. toc is distributed under version 3 of the GNU General Public License, without any warranty whatsoever. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with toc. If not, see . */ static inline const char *kw_to_str(Keyword k) { return keywords[k]; } /* Returns KW_COUNT if it's not a keyword */ /* @OPTIM: don't use strncmp so much */ static Keyword tokenize_kw(char **s) { for (Keyword k = 0; k < KW_COUNT; k = k + 1) { size_t len = strlen(keywords[k]); if (strncmp(*s, keywords[k], len) == 0) { if (k > KW_LAST_SYMBOL) { /* it's not a symbol, so we need to check if it's something like "intfoo" */ if (is_ident((*s)[len])) { continue; } } *s += len; return k; } } return KW_COUNT; } /* Returns DIRECT_COUNT if it's not a directive */ static Directive tokenize_direct(char **s) { for (Directive d = 0; d < DIRECT_COUNT; d = d + 1) { size_t len = strlen(directives[d]); if (strncmp(*s, directives[d], len) == 0) { if (is_ident((*s)[len])) { continue; } *s += len; return d; } } return DIRECT_COUNT; } static inline bool token_is_kw(Token *t, Keyword kw) { return t->kind == TOKEN_KW && t->kw == kw; } static inline bool token_is_direct(Token *t, Directive d) { return t->kind == TOKEN_DIRECT && t->direct == d; } static const char *token_kind_to_str(TokenKind t) { switch (t) { case TOKEN_KW: return "keyword"; case TOKEN_IDENT: return "identifier"; case TOKEN_DIRECT: return "directive"; case TOKEN_LITERAL_NUM: return "numerical literal"; case TOKEN_LITERAL_CHAR: return "character literal"; case TOKEN_LITERAL_STR: return "string literal"; case TOKEN_EOF: return "end of file"; } assert(0); return ""; } static void fprint_token(FILE *out, Token *t) { fprintf(out, "l%lu-", (unsigned long)t->pos.line); switch (t->kind) { case TOKEN_KW: fprintf(out, "keyword: %s", kw_to_str(t->kw)); break; case TOKEN_IDENT: { fprintf(out, "identifier: "); fprint_ident_str(out, t->ident); } break; case TOKEN_LITERAL_NUM: fprintf(out, "number: "); switch (t->num.kind) { case NUM_LITERAL_INT: fprintf(out, U64_FMT, t->num.intval); break; case NUM_LITERAL_FLOAT: fprintf(out, "%g", (double)t->num.floatval); break; } break; case TOKEN_LITERAL_CHAR: fprintf(out, "char: '%c' (%d)", t->chr, t->chr); break; case TOKEN_LITERAL_STR: fprintf(out, "str: \"%s\"", t->str.str); break; case TOKEN_DIRECT: fprintf(out, "directive: #%s", directives[t->direct]); break; case TOKEN_EOF: fprintf(out, "eof"); break; } } static void print_token(Token *t) { fprint_token(stdout, t); printf("\n"); } static inline void tokr_nextchar(Tokenizer *t) { if (*(t->s) == '\n') { ++t->line; } ++t->s; } /* returns -1 if not a hex digit, otherwise 0-15 */ static inline int char_as_hex_digit(char c) { if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') return c - '0'; if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'f') return 10 + c - 'a'; if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'F') return 10 + c - 'A'; return -1; } /* returns -1 if escape sequence is invalid */ static int tokr_esc_seq(Tokenizer *t) { /* @TODO: octal (\032)? */ switch (*t->s) { case '\'': tokr_nextchar(t); return '\''; case '"': tokr_nextchar(t); return '"'; case '\\': tokr_nextchar(t); return '\\'; case 'n': tokr_nextchar(t); return '\n'; case '0': tokr_nextchar(t); return '\0'; case 'x': { int c1 = char_as_hex_digit(t->s[1]); if (c1 == -1) return 0; int c2 = char_as_hex_digit(t->s[2]); if (c2 == -1) return 0; tokr_nextchar(t); tokr_nextchar(t); tokr_nextchar(t); return (char)(c1 * 16 + c2); } default: return -1; } } static Location token_location(File *file, Token *t) { Location loc; loc.start = (U32)(t - file->tokens); loc.end = loc.start + 1; loc.file = file; return loc; } static void print_token_location(File *file, Token *t) { print_location(token_location(file, t)); } /* for use during tokenization */ static void tokenization_err_( #if ERR_SHOW_SOURCE_LOCATION const char *src_file, int src_line, #endif Tokenizer *t, const char *fmt, ...) { va_list args; ErrCtx *ctx = t->err_ctx; if (!ctx->enabled) return; #if ERR_SHOW_SOURCE_LOCATION err_fprint(ctx, "Generated by line %d of %s:\n", src_line, src_file); #endif va_start(args, fmt); err_text_err(ctx, "error"); err_fprint(ctx, " at line %lu of %s:\n", (unsigned long)t->line, t->file->filename); err_vfprint(ctx, fmt, args); va_end(args); err_fprint(ctx, "\n\t"); U32 pos = (U32)(t->s - t->file->contents); print_pos_highlight(err_ctx_file(ctx), ctx, t->file, pos, pos + 1); while (*t->s) { if (*t->s == '\n') { tokr_nextchar(t); break; } ++t->s; } } #if ERR_SHOW_SOURCE_LOCATION #define tokenization_err(...) tokenization_err_(__FILE__, __LINE__, __VA_ARGS__) #else #define tokenization_err tokenization_err_ #endif /* for use after tokenization */ static void tokr_err_( #if ERR_SHOW_SOURCE_LOCATION const char *src_file, int src_line, #endif Tokenizer *t, const char *fmt, ...) { ErrCtx *ctx = t->err_ctx; if (!ctx->enabled) return; #if ERR_SHOW_SOURCE_LOCATION err_fprint(ctx, "Generated by line %d of %s:\n", src_line, src_file); #endif va_list args; va_start(args, fmt); err_vprint(token_location(t->file, t->token), fmt, args); va_end(args); } #if ERR_SHOW_SOURCE_LOCATION #define tokr_err(...) tokr_err_(__FILE__, __LINE__, __VA_ARGS__) #else #define tokr_err tokr_err_ #endif static void tokr_put_start_pos(Tokenizer *tokr, Token *t) { t->pos.line = tokr->line; t->pos.start = (U32)(tokr->s - tokr->file->contents); } static void tokr_put_end_pos(Tokenizer *tokr, Token *t) { t->pos.end = (U32)(tokr->s - tokr->file->contents); } static void tokr_get_start_pos(Tokenizer *tokr, Token *t) { tokr->line = t->pos.line; tokr->s = tokr->file->contents + t->pos.start; } /* the allocator you pass it will be used for string literals, so it shouldn't be freed until everything is done */ static void tokr_create(Tokenizer *t, ErrCtx *err_ctx, Allocator *allocr) { t->tokens = NULL; arr_resva(t->tokens, 256, allocr); t->allocr = allocr; t->err_ctx = err_ctx; } static inline void *tokr_malloc(Tokenizer *t, size_t bytes) { return allocr_malloc(t->allocr, bytes); } static Token *tokr_add(Tokenizer *t) { Token *token = arr_adda_ptr(t->tokens, t->allocr); tokr_put_start_pos(t, token); return token; } static Status tokenize_file(Tokenizer *t, File *file) { int has_err = 0; t->s = file->contents; t->file = file; t->line = 1; while (1) { if (*t->s == 0) break; if (isspace(*t->s)) { tokr_nextchar(t); continue; } if (*t->s == '/') { /* maybe it's a comment */ int is_comment = 1; switch (t->s[1]) { case '/': /* single line comment */ tokr_nextchar(t); while (*t->s && *t->s != '\n') ++t->s; if (*t->s) tokr_nextchar(t); /* skip newline */ break; case '*': { /* multi line comment */ tokr_nextchar(t); int comment_level = 1; /* allow nested multi-line comments */ while (1) { if (t->s[0] == '*' && t->s[1] == '/') { t->s += 2; --comment_level; if (comment_level == 0) { break; } } else if (t->s[0] == '/' && t->s[1] == '*') { t->s += 2; ++comment_level; } else { if (*t->s == 0) { tokenization_err(t, "End of file reached inside multi-line comment."); return false; } tokr_nextchar(t); } } } break; default: is_comment = 0; break; } if (is_comment) continue; } if (*t->s == '#') { /* it's a directive */ Token token; tokr_put_start_pos(t, &token); ++t->s; /* move past # */ Directive direct = tokenize_direct(&t->s); if (direct != DIRECT_COUNT) { /* it's a directive */ tokr_put_end_pos(t, &token); token.kind = TOKEN_DIRECT; token.direct = direct; arr_adda(t->tokens, token, t->allocr); continue; } --t->s; /* go back to # */ tokenization_err(t, "Unrecognized directive."); goto err; } { Token token; tokr_put_start_pos(t, &token); Keyword kw = tokenize_kw(&t->s); if (kw != KW_COUNT) { /* it's a keyword */ tokr_put_end_pos(t, &token); token.kind = TOKEN_KW; token.kw = kw; arr_adda(t->tokens, token, t->allocr); continue; } } /* check if it's a number */ if (isdigit(*t->s)) { /* it's a numeric literal */ int base = 10; Floating decimal_pow10 = 0; Token *token = tokr_add(t); NumLiteral *n = &token->num; n->kind = NUM_LITERAL_INT; n->intval = 0; if (*t->s == '0') { tokr_nextchar(t); /* octal/hexadecimal/binary (or zero) */ char format = *t->s; if (isdigit(format)) /* octal */ base = 8; else { switch (format) { case 'b': base = 2; tokr_nextchar(t); break; case 'x': base = 16; tokr_nextchar(t); break; default: /* it's 0/0.something etc. */ break; } } } while (1) { if (*t->s == '.') { if (t->s[1] == '.') { /* .. (not a decimal point; end the number here) */ break; } if (n->kind == NUM_LITERAL_FLOAT) { tokenization_err(t, "Double . in number."); goto err; } if (base != 10) { tokenization_err(t, "Decimal point in non base 10 number."); goto err; } n->kind = NUM_LITERAL_FLOAT; decimal_pow10 = 0.1; n->floatval = (Floating)n->intval; tokr_nextchar(t); continue; } else if (*t->s == 'e') { tokr_nextchar(t); if (n->kind == NUM_LITERAL_INT) { n->kind = NUM_LITERAL_FLOAT; n->floatval = (Floating)n->intval; } /* @TODO: check if exceeding maximum exponent */ int exponent = 0; if (*t->s == '+') tokr_nextchar(t); /* ignore + after e */ int negative_exponent = 0; if (*t->s == '-') { tokr_nextchar(t); negative_exponent = 1; } for (; isdigit(*t->s); tokr_nextchar(t)) { exponent *= 10; exponent += *t->s - '0'; } /* @OPTIM: Slow for very large exponents (unlikely to happen) */ for (int i = 0; i < exponent; ++i) { if (negative_exponent) n->floatval /= 10; else n->floatval *= 10; } break; } int digit = -1; if (base == 16) { if (*t->s >= 'a' && *t->s <= 'f') digit = 10 + *t->s - 'a'; else if (*t->s >= 'A' && *t->s <= 'F') digit = *t->s - 'A'; } if (digit == -1) { if (*t->s >= '0' && *t->s <= '9') digit = *t->s - '0'; } if (digit < 0 || digit >= base) { if (isdigit(*t->s)) { /* something like 0b011012 */ tokenization_err(t, "Digit %d cannot appear in a base %d number.", digit, base); goto err; } /* end of numeric literal */ break; } switch (n->kind) { case NUM_LITERAL_INT: if (n->intval > U64_MAX / (U64)base || n->intval * (U64)base > U64_MAX - (U64)digit) { /* too big! */ tokenization_err(t, "Number too big to fit in a numeric literal."); goto err; } n->intval *= (U64)base; n->intval += (U64)digit; break; case NUM_LITERAL_FLOAT: n->floatval += decimal_pow10 * (Floating)digit; decimal_pow10 /= 10; break; } tokr_nextchar(t); } tokr_put_end_pos(t, token); token->kind = TOKEN_LITERAL_NUM; continue; } if (*t->s == '\'') { /* it's a character literal! */ Token *token = tokr_add(t); tokr_nextchar(t); char c; if (*t->s == '\\') { /* escape sequence */ tokr_nextchar(t); int e = tokr_esc_seq(t); if (e == -1) { tokenization_err(t, "Unrecognized escape character: '\\%c'.", *t->s); goto err; } c = (char)e; } else { c = *t->s; tokr_nextchar(t); } if (*t->s != '\'') { tokenization_err(t, "End of character literal expected."); goto err; } tokr_nextchar(t); token->kind = TOKEN_LITERAL_CHAR; token->chr = c; tokr_put_end_pos(t, token); continue; } if (*t->s == '"') { /* it's a string literal! */ Token *token = tokr_add(t); tokr_nextchar(t); size_t len = 0; /* counts \n as 2 chars */ size_t backslashes = 0; while (*t->s != '"' || backslashes % 2 == 1) { if (*t->s == '\\') { ++backslashes; } else if (*t->s == 0) { /* return t to opening " */ tokr_get_start_pos(t, token); tokenization_err(t, "No matching \" found."); goto err; } else { backslashes = 0; } ++len; tokr_nextchar(t); } char *strlit = tokr_malloc(t, len + 1); char *strptr = strlit; tokr_get_start_pos(t, token); tokr_nextchar(t); /* past opening " */ while (*t->s != '"') { assert(*t->s); if (*t->s == '\\') { tokr_nextchar(t); int c = tokr_esc_seq(t); if (c == -1) { tokenization_err(t, "Unrecognized escape character: '\\%c'.", *t->s); goto err; } *strptr++ = (char)c; } else { *strptr++ = *t->s; tokr_nextchar(t); } } *strptr = 0; token->kind = TOKEN_LITERAL_STR; token->str.len = (size_t)(strptr - strlit); token->str.str = strlit; tokr_nextchar(t); /* move past closing " */ tokr_put_end_pos(t, token); continue; } if (is_ident(*t->s)) { /* it's an identifier */ Token *token = tokr_add(t); token->kind = TOKEN_IDENT; token->ident = t->s; while (is_ident(*t->s)) ++t->s; tokr_put_end_pos(t, token); continue; } tokenization_err(t, "Token not recognized"); err: has_err = 1; } Token *token = tokr_add(t); token->kind = TOKEN_EOF; t->token = t->tokens; file->tokens = t->tokens; return !has_err; } /* skip to one token past the next semicolon not in braces (or the end of the file). */ static void tokr_skip_semicolon(Tokenizer *t) { int brace_level = 0; while (t->token->kind != TOKEN_EOF) { if (t->token->kind == TOKEN_KW) switch (t->token->kw) { case KW_LBRACE: ++brace_level; break; case KW_RBRACE: --brace_level; break; case KW_SEMICOLON: if (brace_level == 0) { ++t->token; return; } break; default: break; } ++t->token; } } static inline void tokr_skip_to_eof(Tokenizer *t) { while (t->token->kind != TOKEN_EOF) ++t->token; /* move to end of file */ }