/* Includes all of toc's files */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include typedef int64_t Integer; typedef uint64_t UInteger; typedef long double Floating; /* OPTIM: Switch to double, but make sure floating-point literals are right */ #define INTEGER_MAX INT64_MAX #define UINTEGER_MAX UINT64_MAX #define INTEGER_FMT "%"PRId64 #define UINTEGER_FMT "%"PRIu64 typedef uint8_t U8; typedef uint16_t U16; typedef uint32_t U32; typedef uint64_t U64; typedef int8_t I8; typedef int16_t I16; typedef int32_t I32; typedef int64_t I64; typedef float F32; typedef double F64; #include "location.c" #include "err.c" #include "allocator.c" #include "arr.c" #include "blockarr.c" #include "str.c" #include "identifiers.c" #include "tokenizer.c" #include "parse.c" #include "eval.c" #include "types.c" #include "tests.c"