#!/bin/bash tests='bf control_flow types arrs_slices defer sizeof new arr arr2 arr3 foreign params nms varargs printf use misc' STARTPWD=$(pwd) cd $(pwd)/$(dirname $0) TOC=../toc CFLAGS="-g -Wno-parentheses-equality" echo $$ compile_c() { EXTRA_FLAGS="" if [ "$CC" = "gcc -O0 -g" ]; then EXTRA_FLAGS="-Wno-builtin-declaration-mismatch" elif [ "$CC" = "clang -O3 -s" ]; then EXTRA_FLAGS="-Wno-builtin-requires-header -Wno-format-security" elif [ "$CC" = "tcc" ]; then EXTRA_FLAGS="-w" fi $CC $CFLAGS $EXTRA_FLAGS -Werror -o a.out out.c || exit 1 } failed=false do_tests() { echo "----$1----" valgrind -q --exit-on-first-error=yes --error-exitcode=1 $TOC "$1.toc" -o out.c || exit 1 for CC in "gcc -O0 -g" "tcc" "clang -O3 -s"; do if [ "$1" = "sizeof" ]; then if [ "$CC" = "tcc" ]; then continue # some versions of tcc don't have _Alignof fi fi printf "Running test $1 with C compiler $CC... " compile_c "$1" ./a.out > got if diff "$1"_expected got; then printf '\x1b[92mpassed!\x1b[0m\n' else printf '\x1b[91mfailed!\x1b[0m\n' exit 1 fi done } for x in $tests; do do_tests "$x" done rm got a.out out.c