typedef enum { TYPE_VOID, TYPE_BUILTIN } TypeKind; typedef enum { BUILTIN_INT, BUILTIN_I8, BUILTIN_I16, BUILTIN_I32, BUILTIN_I64, BUILTIN_U8, BUILTIN_U16, BUILTIN_U32, BUILTIN_U64, BUILTIN_FLOAT, BUILTIN_F32, BUILTIN_F64, BUILTIN_TYPE_COUNT } BuiltinType; typedef struct { Location where; TypeKind kind; union { BuiltinType builtin; }; } Type; typedef struct { Identifier name; Type type; } Param; typedef struct { Array stmts; } Block; typedef struct { Array params; Type ret_type; Block body; } FnExpr; /* an expression such as fn(x: int) int {return 2 * x;} */ typedef enum { EXPR_INT_LITERAL, EXPR_FLOAT_LITERAL, EXPR_STR_LITERAL, EXPR_IDENT, /* variable or constant */ EXPR_BINARY_OP, EXPR_UNARY_OP, EXPR_FN, EXPR_CALL } ExprKind; typedef enum { UNARY_MINUS } UnaryOp; typedef enum { BINARY_PLUS, BINARY_MINUS } BinaryOp; #define EXPR_FLAG_FLEXIBLE 0x01 typedef struct Expression { Location where; ExprKind kind; Type type; uint16_t flags; union { FloatLiteral floatl; IntLiteral intl; StrLiteral strl; struct { UnaryOp op; struct Expression *of; } unary; struct { BinaryOp op; struct Expression *lhs; struct Expression *rhs; } binary; struct { struct Expression *fn; Array args; /* of expression */ } call; Identifier ident; FnExpr fn; }; } Expression; #define DECL_FLAG_INFER_TYPE 0x01 #define DECL_FLAG_CONST 0x02 #define DECL_FLAG_HAS_EXPR 0x04 typedef struct { Location where; Array idents; Type type; Expression expr; uint16_t flags; } Declaration; /* OPTIM: Instead of using dynamic arrays, do two passes. */ typedef enum { STMT_DECL, STMT_EXPR } StatementKind; typedef struct { Location where; StatementKind kind; union { Declaration decl; Expression expr; }; } Statement; typedef struct { Array stmts; } ParsedFile; typedef struct { Tokenizer *tokr; BlockArr exprs; /* a dynamic array of expressions, so that we don't need to call malloc every time we make an expression */ } Parser; /* allocate a new expression. IMPORTANT: This invalidates all other parser-allocated Expression pointers. */ static Expression *parser_new_expr(Parser *p) { return block_arr_add(&p->exprs); } /* returns BUILTIN_TYPE_COUNT on failure */ static BuiltinType kw_to_builtin_type(Keyword kw) { switch (kw) { case KW_INT: return BUILTIN_INT; case KW_I8: return BUILTIN_I8; case KW_I16: return BUILTIN_I16; case KW_I32: return BUILTIN_I32; case KW_I64: return BUILTIN_I64; case KW_U8: return BUILTIN_U8; case KW_U16: return BUILTIN_U16; case KW_U32: return BUILTIN_U32; case KW_U64: return BUILTIN_U64; case KW_FLOAT: return BUILTIN_FLOAT; case KW_F32: return BUILTIN_F32; case KW_F64: return BUILTIN_F64; default: return BUILTIN_TYPE_COUNT; } } static Keyword builtin_type_to_kw(BuiltinType t) { switch (t) { case BUILTIN_INT: return KW_INT; case BUILTIN_I8: return KW_I8; case BUILTIN_I16: return KW_I16; case BUILTIN_I32: return KW_I32; case BUILTIN_I64: return KW_I64; case BUILTIN_U8: return KW_U8; case BUILTIN_U16: return KW_U16; case BUILTIN_U32: return KW_U32; case BUILTIN_U64: return KW_U64; case BUILTIN_FLOAT: return KW_FLOAT; case BUILTIN_F32: return KW_F32; case BUILTIN_F64: return KW_F64; case BUILTIN_TYPE_COUNT: break; } assert(0); return KW_COUNT; } static bool type_parse(Type *type, Parser *p) { Tokenizer *t = p->tokr; type->where = t->token->where; switch (t->token->kind) { case TOKEN_KW: type->kind = TYPE_BUILTIN; type->builtin = kw_to_builtin_type(t->token->kw); if (type->builtin == BUILTIN_TYPE_COUNT) { tokr_err(t, "Expected type."); return false; } else { t->token++; return true; } break; default: break; } tokr_err(t, "Unrecognized type."); return false; } static bool param_parse(Param *p, Parser *parser) { Tokenizer *t = parser->tokr; if (t->token->kind != TOKEN_IDENT) { tokr_err(t, "Expected parameter name."); return false; } p->name = t->token->ident; t->token++; if (!token_is_kw(t->token, KW_COLON)) { tokr_err(t, "Expected ':' between parameter name and type."); return false; } t->token++; if (!type_parse(&p->type, parser)) return false; return true; } static bool stmt_parse(Statement *s, Parser *p); static bool block_parse(Block *b, Parser *p) { Tokenizer *t = p->tokr; if (!token_is_kw(t->token, KW_LBRACE)) { tokr_err(t, "Expected '{' to open block."); return false; } t->token++; /* move past { */ arr_create(&b->stmts, sizeof(Statement)); if (!token_is_kw(t->token, KW_RBRACE)) { /* non-empty function body */ while (1) { Statement *stmt = arr_add(&b->stmts); if (!stmt_parse(stmt, p)) return false; if (token_is_kw(t->token, KW_RBRACE)) break; if (t->token->kind == TOKEN_EOF) { tokr_err(t, "Expected '}' to close function body."); return false; } } } t->token++; /* move past } */ return true; } static bool fn_expr_parse(FnExpr *f, Parser *p) { Tokenizer *t = p->tokr; /* only called when token is fn */ assert(token_is_kw(t->token, KW_FN)); t->token++; if (!token_is_kw(t->token, KW_LPAREN)) { tokr_err(t, "Expected '(' after 'fn'."); return false; } arr_create(&f->params, sizeof(Param)); t->token++; if (!token_is_kw(t->token, KW_RPAREN)) { /* non-empty parameter list */ while (1) { Param *param = arr_add(&f->params); if (!param_parse(param, p)) return false; if (token_is_kw(t->token, KW_RPAREN)) break; if (token_is_kw(t->token, KW_COMMA)) { t->token++; continue; } tokr_err(t, "Expected ',' or ')' to continue or end parameter list."); return false; } } t->token++; /* move past ) */ if (token_is_kw(t->token, KW_LBRACE)) { /* void function */ f->ret_type.kind = TYPE_VOID; } else { if (!type_parse(&f->ret_type, p)) { return false; } } return block_parse(&f->body, p); } #define NOT_AN_OP -1 static int op_precedence(Keyword op) { switch (op) { case KW_PLUS: return 10; case KW_MINUS: return 20; default: return NOT_AN_OP; } } /* ends_with = which keyword does this expression end with? if it's KW_RPAREN, this will match parentheses properly. */ typedef enum { EXPR_END_RPAREN_OR_COMMA, EXPR_END_SEMICOLON } ExprEndKind; static Token *expr_find_end(Parser *p, ExprEndKind ends_with) { Tokenizer *t = p->tokr; int bracket_level = 0; int brace_level = 0; Token *token = t->token; while (1) { switch (ends_with) { case EXPR_END_RPAREN_OR_COMMA: if (token->kind == TOKEN_KW) { switch (token->kw) { case KW_COMMA: if (bracket_level == 0) return token; break; case KW_LPAREN: bracket_level++; break; case KW_RPAREN: bracket_level--; if (bracket_level < 0) return token; break; default: break; } } break; case EXPR_END_SEMICOLON: if (token->kind == TOKEN_KW) { switch (token->kw) { case KW_SEMICOLON: /* ignore semicolons inside braces {} */ if (brace_level == 0) return token; break; case KW_LBRACE: brace_level++; break; case KW_RBRACE: brace_level--; if (brace_level < 0) { t->token = token; tokr_err(t, "Closing '}' without matching opening '{'."); return NULL; } break; default: break; } } break; } if (token->kind == TOKEN_EOF) { switch (ends_with) { case EXPR_END_SEMICOLON: if (brace_level > 0) { tokr_err(t, "Opening brace was never closed."); /* FEATURE: Find out where this is */ return NULL; } else { tokr_err(t, "Could not find ';' at end of expression."); return NULL; } case EXPR_END_RPAREN_OR_COMMA: if (bracket_level > 0) { tokr_err(t, "Opening parenthesis was never closed."); /* FEATURE: Find out where this is */ return NULL; } else { tokr_err(t, "Could not find ')' or ',' at end of expression."); return NULL; } } } token++; } } static bool expr_parse(Expression *e, Parser *p, Token *end) { Tokenizer *t = p->tokr; if (end == NULL) return false; e->flags = 0; e->where = t->token->where; if (end <= t->token) { tokr_err(t, "Empty expression."); t->token = end + 1; return false; } if (end - t->token == 1) { /* 1-token expression */ switch (t->token->kind) { case TOKEN_NUM_LITERAL: { NumLiteral *num = &t->token->num; switch (num->kind) { case NUM_LITERAL_FLOAT: e->kind = EXPR_FLOAT_LITERAL; e->type.kind = TYPE_BUILTIN; e->type.builtin = BUILTIN_FLOAT; e->floatl = num->floatval; break; case NUM_LITERAL_INT: e->kind = EXPR_INT_LITERAL; e->flags |= EXPR_FLAG_FLEXIBLE; e->type.kind = TYPE_BUILTIN; e->type.builtin = BUILTIN_INT; /* TODO: if it's too big, use a u64 instead. */ e->intl = num->intval; break; } } break; case TOKEN_IDENT: e->kind = EXPR_IDENT; e->ident = t->token->ident; break; case TOKEN_STR_LITERAL: e->kind = EXPR_STR_LITERAL; e->strl = t->token->str; break; default: tokr_err(t, "Unrecognized expression."); t->token = end + 1; return false; } t->token = end; return true; } if (token_is_kw(t->token, KW_FN)) { /* this is a function */ e->kind = EXPR_FN; if (!fn_expr_parse(&e->fn, p)) { t->token = end + 1; /* move token past end for further parsing */ return false; } if (t->token != end) { tokr_err(t, "Direct function calling in an expression is not supported yet.\nYou can wrap the function in parentheses."); /* TODO */ t->token = end + 1; return false; } return true; } /* Find the lowest-precedence operator not in parentheses */ int paren_level = 0; int lowest_precedence = NOT_AN_OP; /* e.g. (5+3) */ bool entirely_within_parentheses = token_is_kw(t->token, KW_LPAREN); Token *lowest_precedence_op; for (Token *token = t->token; token < end; token++) { if (token->kind == TOKEN_KW) { switch (token->kw) { case KW_LPAREN: paren_level++; break; case KW_RPAREN: paren_level--; if (paren_level == 0 && token != end - 1) entirely_within_parentheses = false; if (paren_level < 0) { t->token = token; tokr_err(t, "Excessive closing parenthesis."); return false; } break; default: { /* OPTIM: use individual cases for each op */ if (paren_level == 0) { int precedence = op_precedence(token->kw); if (precedence == NOT_AN_OP) break; /* nvm it's not an operator */ if (lowest_precedence == NOT_AN_OP || precedence <= lowest_precedence) { lowest_precedence = precedence; lowest_precedence_op = token; } } } break; } } } /* TODO: These errors are bad for functions, since they can be very long, and this will only point to the end. */ if (paren_level > 0) { tokr_err(t, "Too many opening parentheses."); t->token = end + 1; return false; } if (paren_level < 0) { tokr_err(t, "Too many closing parentheses."); t->token = end + 1; return false; } if (entirely_within_parentheses) { t->token++; /* move past opening ( */ Token *new_end = end - 1; /* parse to ending ) */ if (!expr_parse(e, p, new_end)) { t->token = end + 1; return false; } t->token++; /* move past closing ) */ return true; } if (lowest_precedence == NOT_AN_OP) { /* function calls, array accesses, etc. */ /* try a function call */ Token *token = t->token; /* can't call at start, e.g. in (fn() {})(), it is not the empty function "" being called with fn() {} as an argument */ if (token_is_kw(t->token, KW_LPAREN)) { paren_level++; token++; } for (; token < end; token++) { if (token->kind == TOKEN_KW) { if (token->kw == KW_LPAREN) { if (paren_level == 0) break; /* this left parenthesis opens the function call */ paren_level++; } if (token->kw == KW_RPAREN) { paren_level--; } } } if (token != t->token && token != end) { /* it's a function call! */ e->kind = EXPR_CALL; e->call.fn = parser_new_expr(p); if (!expr_parse(e->call.fn, p, token)) { /* parse up to ( as function */ t->token = end + 1; return false; } arr_create(&e->call.args, sizeof(Expression)); t->token = token + 1; /* move past ( */ if (!token_is_kw(t->token, KW_RPAREN)) { /* non-empty arg list */ while (1) { if (t->token->kind == TOKEN_EOF) { tokr_err(t, "Expected argument list to continue."); t->token = end + 1; return false; } Expression *arg = arr_add(&e->call.args); if (!expr_parse(arg, p, expr_find_end(p, EXPR_END_RPAREN_OR_COMMA))) { t->token = end + 1; return false; } if (token_is_kw(t->token, KW_RPAREN)) break; } } t->token++; /* move past ) */ return true; } /* array accesses, etc. */ tokr_err(t, "Not implemented yet."); t->token = end + 1; return false; } /* This is a unary op not a binary one. */ while (lowest_precedence_op != t->token && lowest_precedence_op[-1].kind == TOKEN_KW && op_precedence(lowest_precedence_op[-1].kw) != NOT_AN_OP) { lowest_precedence_op--; } /* Unary */ if (lowest_precedence_op == t->token) { UnaryOp op; bool is_unary; switch (lowest_precedence_op->kw) { case KW_PLUS: /* unary + is ignored entirely */ t->token++; /* re-parse this expression without + */ return expr_parse(e, p, end); case KW_MINUS: is_unary = true; op = UNARY_MINUS; break; default: is_unary = false; break; } if (!is_unary) { tokr_err(t, "%s is not a unary operator.", keywords[lowest_precedence_op->kw]); t->token = end + 1; return false; } e->unary.op = op; e->kind = EXPR_UNARY_OP; t->token++; Expression *of = parser_new_expr(p); e->unary.of = of; return expr_parse(of, p, end); } BinaryOp op; switch (lowest_precedence_op->kw) { case KW_PLUS: op = BINARY_PLUS; break; case KW_MINUS: op = BINARY_MINUS; break; default: assert(0); break; } e->binary.op = op; e->kind = EXPR_BINARY_OP; Expression *lhs = parser_new_expr(p); e->binary.lhs = lhs; if (!expr_parse(lhs, p, lowest_precedence_op)) { t->token = end + 1; return false; } Expression *rhs = parser_new_expr(p); t->token = lowest_precedence_op + 1; e->binary.rhs = rhs; if (!expr_parse(rhs, p, end)) { t->token = end + 1; return false; } return true; } static bool decl_parse(Declaration *d, Parser *p) { Tokenizer *t = p->tokr; /* OPTIM: Maybe don't use a dynamic array or use parser allocator. */ arr_create(&d->idents, sizeof(Identifier)); while (1) { Identifier *ident = arr_add(&d->idents); if (t->token->kind != TOKEN_IDENT) { tokr_err(t, "Cannot declare non-identifier."); return false; } *ident = t->token->ident; t->token++; if (token_is_kw(t->token, KW_COMMA)) { t->token++; continue; } if (token_is_kw(t->token, KW_COLON)) { t->token++; break; } tokr_err(t, "Expected ',' to continue listing variables or ':' to indicate type."); } d->flags = 0; if (!token_is_kw(t->token, KW_MINUS) && !token_is_kw(t->token, KW_EQ) && !token_is_kw(t->token, KW_SEMICOLON)) { if (!type_parse(&d->type, p)) return false; } else { d->flags |= DECL_FLAG_INFER_TYPE; } if (token_is_kw(t->token, KW_SEMICOLON)) { if (d->flags & DECL_FLAG_INFER_TYPE) { tokr_err(t, "Cannot infer type without expression."); return false; } } else if (token_is_kw(t->token, KW_EQ)) { t->token++; if (!expr_parse(&d->expr, p, expr_find_end(p, EXPR_END_SEMICOLON))) return false; d->flags |= DECL_FLAG_HAS_EXPR; } else if (token_is_kw(t->token, KW_MINUS)) { t->token++; if (!expr_parse(&d->expr, p, expr_find_end(p, EXPR_END_SEMICOLON))) return false; d->flags |= DECL_FLAG_HAS_EXPR | DECL_FLAG_CONST; } else { tokr_err(t, "Expected ';', '=', or '-' in delaration."); return false; } if (token_is_kw(t->token, KW_SEMICOLON)) { t->token++; return true; } tokr_err(t, "Expected ';' at end of expression"); /* should never happen in theory right now */ return false; } static bool stmt_parse(Statement *s, Parser *p) { Tokenizer *t = p->tokr; if (t->token->kind == TOKEN_EOF) tokr_err(t, "Expected statement."); s->where = t->token->where; /* NOTE: This may cause problems in the future! Other statements might have comma as the second token. */ if (token_is_kw(t->token + 1, KW_COLON) || token_is_kw(t->token + 1, KW_COMMA)) { s->kind = STMT_DECL; return decl_parse(&s->decl, p); } else { s->kind = STMT_EXPR; if (!expr_parse(&s->expr, p, expr_find_end(p, EXPR_END_SEMICOLON))) return false; if (!token_is_kw(t->token, KW_SEMICOLON)) { tokr_err(t, "Expected ';' at end of statement."); return false; } t->token++; /* move past ; */ return true; } } static void parser_from_tokenizer(Parser *p, Tokenizer *t) { p->tokr = t; block_arr_create(&p->exprs, 10, sizeof(Expression)); /* block size = 1024 */ } static bool file_parse(ParsedFile *f, Parser *p) { Tokenizer *t = p->tokr; arr_create(&f->stmts, sizeof(Statement)); bool ret = true; while (t->token->kind != TOKEN_EOF) { Statement *stmt = arr_add(&f->stmts); if (!stmt_parse(stmt, p)) ret = false; } return ret; } #define PARSE_PRINT_LOCATION(l) //fprintf(out, "[l%lu]", (unsigned long)(l).line); static void type_fprint(FILE *out, Type *t) { PARSE_PRINT_LOCATION(t->where); switch (t->kind) { case TYPE_BUILTIN: fprintf(out, "%s", keywords[builtin_type_to_kw(t->builtin)]); break; case TYPE_VOID: fprintf(out, "void"); break; } } static void param_fprint(FILE *out, Param *p) { ident_fprint(out, p->name); fprintf(out, ": "); type_fprint(out, &p->type); } static void stmt_fprint(FILE *out, Statement *s); static void block_fprint(FILE *out, Block *b) { fprintf(out, "{\n"); arr_foreach(&b->stmts, Statement, stmt) { stmt_fprint(out, stmt); } fprintf(out, "}"); } static void fn_expr_fprint(FILE *out, FnExpr *f) { fprintf(out, "fn ("); arr_foreach(&f->params, Param, param) { if (param != f->params.data) fprintf(out, ", "); param_fprint(out, param); } fprintf(out, ") "); type_fprint(out, &f->ret_type); fprintf(out, " "); block_fprint(out, &f->body); } static void expr_fprint(FILE *out, Expression *e) { PARSE_PRINT_LOCATION(e->where); switch (e->kind) { case EXPR_INT_LITERAL: fprintf(out, "%lld", (long long)e->intl); break; case EXPR_FLOAT_LITERAL: fprintf(out, "%f", (double)e->floatl); break; case EXPR_STR_LITERAL: fprintf(out, "\"%s\"", e->strl.str); break; case EXPR_IDENT: ident_fprint(out, e->ident); break; case EXPR_BINARY_OP: switch (e->binary.op) { case BINARY_PLUS: fprintf(out, "add"); break; case BINARY_MINUS: fprintf(out, "subtract"); break; } fprintf(out, "("); expr_fprint(out, e->binary.lhs); fprintf(out, ","); expr_fprint(out, e->binary.rhs); fprintf(out, ")"); break; case EXPR_UNARY_OP: switch (e->unary.op) { case UNARY_MINUS: fprintf(out, "negate"); break; } fprintf(out, "("); expr_fprint(out, e->unary.of); fprintf(out, ")"); break; case EXPR_FN: fn_expr_fprint(out, &e->fn); break; case EXPR_CALL: expr_fprint(out, e->call.fn); fprintf(out, "("); arr_foreach(&e->call.args, Expression, arg) { if (arg != e->call.args.data) fprintf(out, ", "); expr_fprint(out, arg); } fprintf(out, ")"); break; } } static void decl_fprint(FILE *out, Declaration *d) { PARSE_PRINT_LOCATION(d->where); arr_foreach(&d->idents, Identifier, ident) { if (ident != d->idents.data) fprintf(out, ", "); ident_fprint(out, *ident); } if (d->flags & DECL_FLAG_CONST) { fprintf(out, "[const]"); } fprintf(out, ":"); if (!(d->flags & DECL_FLAG_INFER_TYPE)) { type_fprint(out, &d->type); } if (d->flags & DECL_FLAG_HAS_EXPR) { fprintf(out, "="); expr_fprint(out, &d->expr); } } static void stmt_fprint(FILE *out, Statement *s) { PARSE_PRINT_LOCATION(s->where); switch (s->kind) { case STMT_DECL: decl_fprint(out, &s->decl); fprintf(out, ";\n"); break; case STMT_EXPR: expr_fprint(out, &s->expr); fprintf(out, ";\n"); break; } } static void parsed_file_fprint(FILE *out, ParsedFile *f) { arr_foreach(&f->stmts, Statement, stmt) { stmt_fprint(out, stmt); } } /* TODO: Freeing parser (remember to free args) */