/* Copyright (C) 2019, 2020 Leo Tenenbaum. This file is part of toc. toc is distributed under version 3 of the GNU General Public License, without any warranty whatsoever. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with toc. If not, see . */ static void exptr_create(Exporter *exptr, FILE *out) { exptr->out = out; exptr->export_locations = true; } static void export_u8(Exporter *ex, U8 u8) { write_u8(ex->out, u8); } static void export_i8(Exporter *ex, I8 i8) { write_i8(ex->out, i8); } static void export_u16(Exporter *ex, U16 u16) { write_u16(ex->out, u16); } static void export_i16(Exporter *ex, I16 i16) { write_i16(ex->out, i16); } static void export_u32(Exporter *ex, U32 u32) { write_u32(ex->out, u32); } static void export_i32(Exporter *ex, I32 i32) { write_i32(ex->out, i32); } static void export_u64(Exporter *ex, U64 u64) { write_u64(ex->out, u64); } static void export_i64(Exporter *ex, I64 i64) { write_i64(ex->out, i64); } static void export_f32(Exporter *ex, F32 f32) { write_f32(ex->out, f32); } static void export_f64(Exporter *ex, F64 f64) { write_f64(ex->out, f64); } static void export_bool(Exporter *ex, bool b) { write_bool(ex->out, b); } static void export_char(Exporter *ex, char c) { write_char(ex->out, c); } static void export_location(Exporter *ex, Location where) { if (ex->export_locations) { export_u32(ex, where.line); export_u32(ex, where.pos); } } static void export_ident(Exporter *ex, Identifier i) { assert(i->id); if (sizeof i->id == 8) { export_u64(ex, (U64)i->id); } else { assert(sizeof i->id == 4); export_u32(ex, (U32)i->id); } } static bool export_len16(Exporter *ex, size_t len, const char *for_, Location where) { if (len > 65535) { err_print(where, "Too many %s (the maximum is 65535).", for_); return false; } export_u16(ex, (U16)len); return true; } static bool export_type(Exporter *ex, Type *type, Location where) { assert(type->flags & TYPE_IS_RESOLVED); export_u8(ex, (U8)type->kind); switch (type->kind) { case TYPE_VOID: case TYPE_TYPE: case TYPE_UNKNOWN: break; case TYPE_PTR: export_type(ex, type->ptr, where); break; case TYPE_SLICE: export_type(ex, type->slice, where); break; case TYPE_BUILTIN: export_u8(ex, (U8)type->builtin); break; case TYPE_TUPLE: if (!export_len16(ex, arr_len(type->tuple), "types in a tuple", where)) return false; arr_foreach(type->tuple, Type, sub) if (!export_type(ex, sub, where)) return false; break; case TYPE_ARR: export_u64(ex, type->arr.n); if (!export_type(ex, type->arr.of, where)) return false; break; case TYPE_EXPR: assert(0); return false; } return true; } static bool export_val(Exporter *ex, Value val, Type *type, Location where); static bool export_val_ptr(Exporter *ex, void *val, Type *type, Location where) { switch (type->kind) { case TYPE_VOID: break; case TYPE_BUILTIN: switch (type->builtin) { case BUILTIN_I8: export_i8(ex, *(I8 *)val); break; case BUILTIN_U8: export_u8(ex, *(U8 *)val); break; case BUILTIN_I16: export_i16(ex, *(I16 *)val); break; case BUILTIN_U16: export_u16(ex, *(U16 *)val); break; case BUILTIN_I32: export_i32(ex, *(I32 *)val); break; case BUILTIN_U32: export_u32(ex, *(U32 *)val); break; case BUILTIN_I64: export_i64(ex, *(I64 *)val); break; case BUILTIN_U64: export_u64(ex, *(U64 *)val); break; case BUILTIN_F32: export_f32(ex, *(F32 *)val); break; case BUILTIN_F64: export_f64(ex, *(F64 *)val); break; case BUILTIN_BOOL: export_bool(ex, *(bool *)val); break; case BUILTIN_CHAR: export_char(ex, *(char *)val); break; } break; case TYPE_TUPLE: { size_t n = arr_len(type->tuple); Value *vals = *(Value **)val; for (size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) { if (!export_val(ex, vals[i], &type->tuple[i], where)) return false; } } break; case TYPE_TYPE: if (!export_type(ex, *(Type **)val, where)) return false; break; case TYPE_PTR: err_print(where, "Cannot export pointer."); return false; case TYPE_ARR: { size_t item_size = compiler_sizeof(type->arr.of); char *ptr = val; for (U64 i = 0; i < type->arr.n; ++i) { if (!export_val_ptr(ex, ptr, type->arr.of, where)) return false; ptr += item_size; } } break; case TYPE_STRUCT: eval_struct_find_offsets(type); arr_foreach(type->struc->fields, Field, f) { if (!export_val_ptr(ex, (char *)val + f->offset, f->type, where)) return false; } break; case TYPE_SLICE: { Slice slice = *(Slice *)val; I64 n = slice.n; size_t item_size = compiler_sizeof(type->slice); export_i64(ex, n); char *ptr = slice.data; for (I64 i = 0; i < n; ++i) { if (!export_val_ptr(ex, ptr, type->slice, where)) return false; ptr += item_size; } } break; case TYPE_UNKNOWN: case TYPE_EXPR: assert(0); return false; } return true; } static bool export_val(Exporter *ex, Value val, Type *type, Location where) { return export_val_ptr(ex, val_get_ptr(&val, type), type, where); } static bool export_expr(Exporter *ex, Expression *e) { assert(e->flags & EXPR_FOUND_TYPE); if (!export_type(ex, &e->type, e->where)) return false; switch (e->kind) { case EXPR_LITERAL_INT: export_u64(ex, e->intl); break; case EXPR_LITERAL_FLOAT: if (e->type.builtin == BUILTIN_F32) export_f32(ex, (F32)e->floatl); else export_f64(ex, (F64)e->floatl); break; case EXPR_LITERAL_BOOL: export_bool(ex, e->booll); break; case EXPR_LITERAL_CHAR: export_char(ex, e->charl); break; case EXPR_LITERAL_STR: fwrite(e->strl.str, 1, e->strl.len, ex->out); break; case EXPR_C: assert(e->c.code->kind == EXPR_VAL); export_val(ex, e->c.code->val, &e->c.code->type, e->where); break; case EXPR_IDENT: export_ident(ex, e->ident); break; } return true; } enum { DECL_EXPORT_NONE, DECL_EXPORT_EXPR, DECL_EXPORT_VAL }; static bool export_decl(Exporter *ex, Declaration *d) { if (d->type.kind == TYPE_UNKNOWN) { err_print(d->where, "Can't export declaration of unknown type."); return false; } export_location(ex, d->where); if (!export_len16(ex, arr_len(d->idents), "identifiers in one declaration", d->where)) return false; arr_foreach(d->idents, Identifier, ident) { export_ident(ex, *ident); } if (!export_type(ex, &d->type, d->where)) return false; U8 constness = 0; if (d->flags & DECL_IS_CONST) constness = 1; else if (d->flags & DECL_SEMI_CONST) constness = 2; export_u8(ex, constness); U8 expr_kind = 0; if (d->flags & DECL_HAS_EXPR) expr_kind = DECL_EXPORT_EXPR; if (d->flags & DECL_FOUND_VAL) expr_kind = DECL_EXPORT_VAL; export_u8(ex, expr_kind); if (expr_kind == DECL_EXPORT_EXPR) { if (!export_expr(ex, &d->expr)) return false; } else if (expr_kind == DECL_EXPORT_VAL) { if (!export_val(ex, d->val, &d->type, d->where)) return false; } return true; }