/* TODO: bf interpreter (& other tests) unicode variable names make sure initializers for global variables are compile-time constants structs length of slice/arr with .len don't allow while {3; 5} (once break is added) any odd number of "s for a string modifiable strings: s := ["sakjdfhkjh ksjdahfkjsd ahs ahdf hsdaf khsadkjfh"]; */ #include "toc.c" int main(int argc, char **argv) { #ifdef TOC_DEBUG test_all(); #endif if (argc < 2) { fprintf(stderr, "Please specify an input file.\n"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } const char *in_filename = argv[1]; FILE *in = fopen(in_filename, "r"); if (!in) { fprintf(stderr, "Could not open file: %s.\n", argv[1]); return EXIT_FAILURE; } char *contents = err_malloc(4096); long contents_cap = 4095; long contents_len = 0; while (fgets(contents + contents_len, (int)(contents_cap - contents_len), in)) { contents_len += (long)strlen(contents + contents_len); if (contents_len >= (long)contents_cap - 1024) { contents_cap *= 2; /* allocate +1 so that pointers don't overflow */ contents = err_realloc(contents, (size_t)contents_cap + 1); } } if (ferror(in)) { fprintf(stderr, "Error reading input file: %s.\n", argv[1]); return EXIT_FAILURE; } fclose(in); Identifiers file_idents; idents_create(&file_idents); Tokenizer t; tokr_create(&t, &file_idents, in_filename); if (!tokenize_string(&t, contents)) { err_fprint(TEXT_IMPORTANT("Errors occured while preprocessing.\n")); return EXIT_FAILURE; } arr_foreach(t.tokens, Token, token) { if (token != t.tokens) printf(" "); fprint_token(stdout, token); } printf("\n"); Parser p; parser_from_tokenizer(&p, &t); ParsedFile f; if (!parse_file(&p, &f)) { err_fprint(TEXT_IMPORTANT("Errors occured while parsing.\n")); return EXIT_FAILURE; } tokr_free_tokens(&t); fprint_parsed_file(stdout, &f); printf("\n\n-----\n\n"); Typer tr; Evaluator ev; evalr_create(&ev); typer_create(&tr, &ev); if (!block_enter(NULL, f.stmts, SCOPE_FLAG_CHECK_REDECL)) /* enter global scope */ return false; if (!types_file(&tr, &f)) { err_fprint(TEXT_IMPORTANT("Errors occured while determining types.\n")); return EXIT_FAILURE; } parse_printing_after_types = true; fprint_parsed_file(stdout, &f); FILE *out = fopen("out.c", "w"); if (!out) { err_fprint(TEXT_IMPORTANT("Could not open output file (out.c).\n")); return EXIT_FAILURE; } CGenerator g; cgen_create(&g, out, &file_idents, &ev); cgen_file(&g, &f); block_exit(NULL, f.stmts); /* exit global scope */ tokr_free(&t); free(contents); parser_free(&p); typer_free(&tr); evalr_free(&ev); fclose(out); /* fclose(h_out); */ idents_free(&file_idents); }