/* Copyright (C) 2019 Leo Tenenbaum. This file is part of toc. toc is distributed under version 3 of the GNU General Public License, without any warranty whatsoever. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with toc. If not, see . */ /* TODO: better hash functions, especially for integers (right now, nearby integers are close together in hash space, which is bad with the way these hash tables are designed) */ /* NOTE: any time you see 0x then 16 hexadecimal digits, that's probably a random number for hashing */ /* hash tables are initialized by setting them to {0}, e.g. HashTable x = {0}; */ static void *val_get_ptr(Value *v, Type *t); static U64 val_hash(Value v, Type *t); static size_t compiler_sizeof(Type *t); static bool val_eq(Value u, Value v, Type *t); static bool type_eq(Type *t1, Type *t2); static U64 f32_hash(F32 f) { /* OPTIM */ U64 hash = 0; if (f < 0) { hash = 0x9a6db29edcba8af4; f = -f; } F32 last = f; int exponent = 0; while (f > 1.0f) { ++exponent; f /= 10; if (f == last) { /* +/- infinity probably */ hash ^= 0x78bf61a81e80b9f2; return hash; } last = f; } for (int i = 0; i < F32_MANT_DIG; ++i) { f *= 10; } hash ^= (U64)exponent + (U64)F32_DIG * (U64)f; return hash; } static U64 f64_hash(F64 f) { /* OPTIM */ U64 hash = 0; if (f < 0) { hash = 0x9a6db29edcba8af4; f = -f; } F64 last = f; int exponent = 0; while (f > 1.0) { ++exponent; f /= 10; if (f == last) { /* +/- infinity probably */ hash ^= 0x78bf61a81e80b9f2; return hash; } last = f; } for (int i = 0; i < F64_MANT_DIG; ++i) { f *= 10; } hash ^= (U64)exponent + (U64)F64_DIG * (U64)f; return hash; } static U64 type_hash(Type *t) { static const U64 starters[TYPE_COUNT] = { 0x40d8675d0f148df7, 0xee4db91f31fdf2e1, 0x94963ca71f7f0df4, 0x95b9d36f45f27cf2, 0x68d393d7cade0570, 0x8191b5178d728e8c, 0x50da97f1211b2423, 0xc3977306abd0ae6c, 0x87ea684427e1c521, 0xcee5fd6d6cbdfe23, 0xd80dd2469d6e7c1b }; U64 hash = starters[t->kind]; assert(t->flags & TYPE_IS_RESOLVED); switch (t->kind) { case TYPE_BUILTIN: return hash + (U64)t->builtin * 0x1307787dfff73417; case TYPE_VOID: case TYPE_UNKNOWN: case TYPE_TYPE: return hash; case TYPE_TUPLE: arr_foreach(t->tuple, Type, sub) hash = hash * type_hash(sub) + 0x16225b0aa9993299; return hash; case TYPE_FN: arr_foreach(t->fn.types, Type, sub) hash = hash * type_hash(sub) + 0x2092d851ab2008de; return hash; case TYPE_PTR: hash += type_hash(t->ptr) * 0x277caae472151119 + 0xf5c6ae7b4dae3bcf; return hash; case TYPE_SLICE: hash += type_hash(t->slice) * 0x67a571620f9a5d6a + 0xc3f91e92c844ab1f; return hash; case TYPE_STRUCT: hash += (U64)t->struc; return hash; case TYPE_ARR: hash += type_hash(t->arr.of) * 0x3b6256104800a414 + 0xa901e68bbd8968a1 + 0xbf79c81a3e68e504 * t->arr.n; return hash; case TYPE_EXPR: break; } assert(0); return 0; } /* Note that for these value hashing functions, values of different types may collide */ static U64 val_ptr_hash(void *v, Type *t) { assert(t->flags & TYPE_IS_RESOLVED); switch (t->kind) { case TYPE_VOID: return 0; case TYPE_UNKNOWN: return 0; case TYPE_BUILTIN: switch (t->builtin) { case BUILTIN_I8: return (U64)*(I8 *)v; case BUILTIN_U8: return (U64)*(U8 *)v; case BUILTIN_I16: return (U64)*(I16 *)v; case BUILTIN_U16: return (U64)*(U16 *)v; case BUILTIN_I32: return (U64)*(I32 *)v; case BUILTIN_U32: return (U64)*(U32 *)v; case BUILTIN_I64: return (U64)*(I64 *)v; case BUILTIN_U64: return (U64)*(U64 *)v; case BUILTIN_F32: return f32_hash(*(F32 *)v); case BUILTIN_F64: return f64_hash(*(F64 *)v); case BUILTIN_CHAR: return (U64)*(char *)v; case BUILTIN_BOOL: return (U64)*(bool *)v; } assert(0); return 0; case TYPE_FN: return (U64)*(FnExpr **)v; case TYPE_TUPLE: { U64 hash = 0; Value *elems = *(Value **)v; U32 x = 1; for (U64 i = 0; i < (U64)arr_len(t->tuple); ++i) { hash += (U64)x * val_hash(elems[i], &t->tuple[i]); x = rand_u32(x); } return hash; } case TYPE_PTR: return (U64)*(void **)v; case TYPE_TYPE: return type_hash(*(Type **)v); case TYPE_ARR: { U32 x = 1; U64 hash = 0; U64 size = (U64)compiler_sizeof(t->arr.of); for (U64 i = 0; i < (U64)t->arr.n; ++i) { hash += (U64)x * val_ptr_hash((char *)v + i * size, t->arr.of); x = rand_u32(x); } return hash; } case TYPE_SLICE: { U32 x = 1; U64 hash = 0; Slice *s = v; U64 size = (U64)compiler_sizeof(t->slice); for (U64 i = 0; i < (U64)s->n; ++i) { hash += (U64)x * val_ptr_hash((char *)s->data + i * size, t->slice); x = rand_u32(x); } return hash; } case TYPE_STRUCT: { U32 x = 1; U64 hash = 0; arr_foreach(t->struc->fields, Field, f) { hash += (U64)x * val_ptr_hash((char *)v + f->offset, f->type); x = rand_u32(x); } return hash; } case TYPE_EXPR: break; } assert(0); return 0; } static U64 val_hash(Value v, Type *t) { return val_ptr_hash(val_get_ptr(&v, t), t); } static bool val_ptr_eq(void *u, void *v, Type *t) { assert(t->flags & TYPE_IS_RESOLVED); switch (t->kind) { case TYPE_BUILTIN: switch (t->builtin) { case BUILTIN_I8: return *(I8 *)u == *(I8 *)v; case BUILTIN_U8: return *(U8 *)u == *(U8 *)v; case BUILTIN_I16: return *(I16 *)u == *(I16 *)v; case BUILTIN_U16: return *(U16 *)u == *(U16 *)v; case BUILTIN_I32: return *(I32 *)u == *(I32 *)v; case BUILTIN_U32: return *(U32 *)u == *(U32 *)v; case BUILTIN_I64: return *(I64 *)u == *(I64 *)v; case BUILTIN_U64: return *(U64 *)u == *(U64 *)v; case BUILTIN_F32: return *(F32 *)u == *(F32 *)v; case BUILTIN_F64: return *(F64 *)u == *(F64 *)v; case BUILTIN_BOOL: return *(bool *)u == *(bool *)v; case BUILTIN_CHAR: return *(char *)u == *(char *)v; } break; case TYPE_VOID: return true; case TYPE_UNKNOWN: return false; case TYPE_FN: return *(FnExpr **)u == *(FnExpr **)v; case TYPE_PTR: return *(void **)u == *(void **)v; case TYPE_TYPE: { bool ret = type_eq(*(Type **)u, *(Type **)v); return ret; } case TYPE_TUPLE: { Value *us = *(Value **)u; Value *vs = *(Value **)v; for (size_t i = 0, len = arr_len(t->tuple); i < len; ++i) { if (!val_eq(us[i], vs[i], &t->tuple[i])) return false; } return true; } case TYPE_ARR: { U64 size = (U64)compiler_sizeof(t->arr.of); char *uptr = u, *vptr = v; for (U64 i = 0; i < t->arr.n; ++i) { if (!val_ptr_eq(uptr, vptr, t->arr.of)) return false; uptr += size; vptr += size; } return true; } case TYPE_SLICE: { U64 size = (U64)compiler_sizeof(t->arr.of); Slice *r = u; Slice *s = v; if (r->n != s->n) return false; char *sptr = r->data, *tptr = s->data; for (U64 i = 0; i < (U64)s->n; ++i) { if (!val_ptr_eq(sptr, tptr, t->slice)) return false; sptr += size; tptr += size; } return true; } case TYPE_STRUCT: arr_foreach(t->struc->fields, Field, f) { if (!val_ptr_eq((char *)u + f->offset, (char *)v + f->offset, f->type)) return false; } return true; case TYPE_EXPR: break; } assert(0); return false; } static bool val_eq(Value u, Value v, Type *t) { return val_ptr_eq(val_get_ptr(&u, t), val_get_ptr(&v, t), t); } /* if already_exists is not NULL, this will create the instance if it does not exist, and set already_exists accordingly */ /* OPTIM: store instances in a block array (remember that the pointers need to stay valid!) */ static Instance *instance_table_adda(Allocator *a, HashTable *h, Value v, Type *t, bool *already_exists) { if (h->n * 2 >= h->cap) { U64 new_cap = h->cap * 2 + 3; Instance **new_data = allocr_malloc(a, (size_t)new_cap * sizeof *new_data); bool *new_occupied = allocr_calloc(a, (size_t)new_cap, sizeof *new_occupied); Instance **old_data = h->data; bool *old_occupied = h->occupied; for (U64 i = 0; i < h->cap; ++i) { /* re-hash */ if (old_occupied[i]) { U64 index = val_hash(old_data[i]->val, t) % new_cap; while (new_occupied[index]) { ++index; if (index >= new_cap) index -= new_cap; } new_data[index] = old_data[i]; new_occupied[index] = true; } } h->data = new_data; h->occupied = new_occupied; allocr_free(a, old_occupied, h->cap * sizeof *old_occupied); allocr_free(a, old_data, h->cap * sizeof *old_data); h->cap = new_cap; } Instance **data = h->data; U64 index = val_hash(v, t) % h->cap; while (1) { if (h->occupied[index]) { if (val_eq(v, data[index]->val, t)) { *already_exists = true; return data[index]; } } else break; ++index; if (index >= h->cap) index -= h->cap; } if (already_exists) { /* create, because it doesn't exist */ *already_exists = false; data[index] = allocr_malloc(a, sizeof *data[index]); data[index]->val = v; h->occupied[index] = true; ++h->n; return data[index]; } return NULL; } #if 0 /* only call if you're not using an allocator */ static void hash_table_free(HashTable *h) { free(h->data); free(h->occupied); } #endif