typedef struct { struct Block *scope; /* NULL for file scope */ struct Declaration *decl; } IdentDecl; /* The way you search an identifier in a tree is: root.children[low part of 1st char].children[high part of 1st char] .children[low part of 2nd char]... */ #define TREE_NCHILDREN 16 typedef struct IdentTree { /* zero value is an empty trie */ uint16_t depth; unsigned char index_in_parent; /* index of this in .parent.children */ struct IdentTree *parent; struct IdentTree *children[TREE_NCHILDREN]; Array decls; /* array of declarations of this identifier */ unsigned long c_fn_reps; /* number of repetitions of this identifier in the C output--only used for functions */ } IdentTree; typedef IdentTree *Identifier; typedef struct { BlockArr trees; IdentTree *root; } Identifiers; #if CHAR_MAX - CHAR_MIN > 255 #error "Currently only systems with 8-bit characters can compile toc." /* TODO: maybe do a run-time error for large characters? */ #endif /* can this character be used in an identifier? */ static int isident(int c) { if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') return 1; if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') return 1; if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') return 1; if (c == '_') return 1; #if CHAR_MIN < 0 if (c < 0) /* on systems where char = signed char, UTF-8 characters are probably < 0? */ return 1; #endif if (c > 127) /* UTF-8 */ return 1; return 0; } /* used internally to allocate identifiers */ static Identifier ident_new(Identifiers *ids, Identifier parent, unsigned char index_in_parent) { IdentTree *tree = block_arr_add(&ids->trees); memset(tree, 0, sizeof *tree); /* use zero value of IdentTree */ #if NONZERO_NULL_PTRS tree->parent = NULL; for (size_t i = 0; i < TREE_NCHILDREN; i++) tree->children[i] = NULL; #endif tree->parent = parent; if (parent) tree->depth = parent->depth + 1; tree->index_in_parent = index_in_parent; return tree; } /* Initialize Identifiers. */ static void idents_create(Identifiers *ids) { block_arr_create(&ids->trees, 10, sizeof(IdentTree)); /* blocks of 1 << 10 = 1024 */ ids->root = ident_new(ids, NULL, 0); /* create root tree */ } #if CHAR_MIN < 0 #define ident_char_to_uchar(c) ((c) < 0 ? (256 + (c)) : (c)) #else #define ident_char_to_uchar(c) (c) #endif #if CHAR_MIN < 0 #define ident_uchar_to_char(c) ((c) > 127 ? ((c) - 256) : (c)) #else #define ident_uchar_to_char(c) (c) #endif /* moves s to the char after the identifier */ /* inserts if does not exist. reads until non-ident char is found. */ /* advances past identifier */ static Identifier ident_insert(Identifiers *ids, char **s) { IdentTree *tree = ids->root; while (1) { if (!isident(**s)) { return tree; } int c = ident_char_to_uchar(**s); assert(c >= 0 && c <= 255); unsigned char c_low = (unsigned char)(c & 0xf); unsigned char c_high = (unsigned char)(c >> 4); if (!tree->children[c_low]) { tree->children[c_low] = ident_new(ids, tree, c_low); } tree = tree->children[c_low]; if (!tree->children[c_high]) { tree->children[c_high] = ident_new(ids, tree, c_high); } tree = tree->children[c_high]; (*s)++; } } static void fprint_ident(FILE *out, Identifier id) { assert(id); if (id->parent == NULL) return; /* at root */ fprint_ident(out, id->parent->parent); /* to go up one character, we need to go to the grandparent */ int c_low = id->parent->index_in_parent; int c_high = id->index_in_parent; int c = ident_uchar_to_char(c_low + (c_high << 4)); fputc(c, out); } /* reduced charset = a-z, A-Z, 0-9, _ */ static void fprint_ident_reduced_charset(FILE *out, Identifier id) { assert(id); if (id->parent == NULL) return; /* at root */ fprint_ident_reduced_charset(out, id->parent->parent); /* to go up one character, we need to go to the grandparent */ int c_low = id->parent->index_in_parent; int c_high = id->index_in_parent; int c = c_low + (c_high << 4); if (c > 127) { fprintf(out, "x__%x",c); } else { char chr = (char)ident_uchar_to_char(c); fputc(chr, out); } } /* NULL = no such identifier */ static Identifier ident_get(Identifiers *ids, const char *s) { IdentTree *tree = ids->root; while (*s) { int c = ident_char_to_uchar(*s); assert(c >= 0 && c <= 255); unsigned char c_low = (unsigned char)(c & 0xf); unsigned char c_high = (unsigned char)(c >> 4); tree = tree->children[c_low]; if (!tree) return NULL; tree = tree->children[c_high]; if (!tree) return NULL; s++; } return tree; } static char *ident_to_str(Identifier i) { size_t i_len = (size_t)(i->depth / 2); /* length = depth / 2 */ char *str = err_malloc(i_len + 1); str += i_len; *str = 0; while (i->parent) { str--; unsigned char c_high = i->index_in_parent; unsigned char c_low = i->parent->index_in_parent; char c = (char)ident_uchar_to_char((int)c_low + ((int)c_high << 4)); *str = c; i = i->parent->parent; /* go to grandparent (prev char) */ } return str; } static void ident_add_decl(Identifier i, struct Declaration *d, struct Block *b) { if (!i->decls.item_sz) { arr_create(&i->decls, sizeof(IdentDecl)); } IdentDecl *id_decl = arr_add(&i->decls); id_decl->decl = d; id_decl->scope = b; } static IdentDecl *ident_decl(Identifier i) { return i->decls.item_sz == 0 ? NULL : (IdentDecl*)arr_last(&i->decls); } static void idents_free(Identifiers *ids) { block_arr_free(&ids->trees); }