typedef struct { struct Block *scope; /* NULL for file scope */ struct Declaration *decl; } IdentDecl; /* OPTIM: This is not ideal. There should be one dynamic array of tree nodes. */ typedef struct IdentTree { /* zero value is an empty trie */ long id; int len; /* length of identifier = depth in tree */ struct IdentTree *children; struct IdentTree *parent; Array decls; /* array of declarations of this identifier */ unsigned long c_fn_reps; /* number of repetitions of this identifier in the C output--only used for functions */ size_t depth; struct Type *type; } IdentTree; typedef IdentTree *Identifier; static IdentTree ident_base_tree; static long ident_curr_id; /* NOTE: you should eventually add something to reset this */ static char identifier_chars[] = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789_"; #define NIDENTIFIER_CHARS ((int)((sizeof identifier_chars) - 1)) /* -1 for null char */ /* returns -1 if c is not a valid identifier character, its index in identifier_chars otherwise */ static int ident_char_index(int c) { if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') return c - 'a'; if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') return c - 'A' + 26; if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') return c - '0' + 52; if (c == '_') return 62; return -1; } /* can this character be used in an identifier? */ static int isident(int c) { return ident_char_index(c) != -1; /* OPTIM: Write separate function */ } /* moves s to the char after the identifier */ static Identifier ident_tree_insert(IdentTree *t, char **s) { while (1) { char c = **s; if (!isident(c)) { if (t->id == 0) t->id = ++ident_curr_id; return t; } if (!t->children) { /* allocate children */ t->children = err_calloc(NIDENTIFIER_CHARS, sizeof *t->children); for (int i = 0; i < NIDENTIFIER_CHARS; i++) { t->children[i].parent = t; /* child's parent = self */ t->children[i].depth = t->depth + 1; } } t = &t->children[ident_char_index(c)]; (*s)++; } } /* inserts if does not exist. reads until non-ident char is found. */ /* advances past identifier */ static Identifier ident_insert(char **s) { return ident_tree_insert(&ident_base_tree, s); } static void fprint_ident(FILE *out, Identifier id) { if (id->parent == NULL) return; /* at root */ /* OPTIM: Use malloc(id->len)???? */ fprint_ident(out, id->parent); fputc(identifier_chars[id - id->parent->children /* index of self in parent */], out); } static bool ident_eq_str(Identifier i, const char *s) { size_t len = strlen(s); if (i->depth != len) return false; s += len - 1; while (i->parent != NULL) { if (identifier_chars[i - i->parent->children /* index of self in parent */] != *s) return false; i = i->parent; if (i->parent != NULL) s--; } return true; } static char *ident_to_str(Identifier i) { char *str = malloc(i->depth + 1); str += i->depth; *str = 0; while (i->parent != NULL) { str--; *str = identifier_chars[i - i->parent->children]; i = i->parent; } return str; } static IdentDecl *ident_decl(Identifier i) { return (IdentDecl*)i->decls.last; } static void idents_free_tree(IdentTree *tree) { if (!tree->children) return; for (int i = 0; i < NIDENTIFIER_CHARS; i++) idents_free_tree(&tree->children[i]); free(tree->children); } static void idents_free(void) { idents_free_tree(&ident_base_tree); }