static bool cgen_decls_stmt(CGenerator *g, Statement *s); static bool cgen_decls_block(CGenerator *g, Block *b); static bool cgen_decls_expr(CGenerator *g, Expression *e) { cgen_recurse_subexprs(g, e, cgen_decls_expr, cgen_decls_block); switch (e->kind) { case EXPR_CALL: { e->call.c.instance = 0; assert(e->call.fn->type.kind == TYPE_FN); FnType *fn_type = &e->call.fn->type.fn; if (fn_type->constness) { Value fval; /* e->call.fn had better be a compile-time constant if it has compile-time arguments */ if (!eval_expr(g->evalr, e->call.fn, &fval)) return false; FnExpr *f = fval.fn; /* directly calling a function; might need to generate a copy of this function */ /* OPTIM should we really be constructing a tuple & type every time? */ Value *compile_time_args = NULL; Type *tuple_types = NULL; size_t nparams = arr_len(fn_type->types)-1; Value *which_are_const_val = arr_add(&compile_time_args); U64 *which_are_const = &which_are_const_val->u64; Type *u64t = arr_add(&tuple_types); u64t->kind = TYPE_BUILTIN; u64t->flags = TYPE_IS_RESOLVED; u64t->builtin = BUILTIN_U64; *which_are_const = 0; int semi_const_arg_index = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < nparams; i++) { Expression *arg = &e->call.arg_exprs[i]; if (arg_is_const(arg, fn_type->constness[i])) { if (fn_type->constness[i] == CONSTNESS_SEMI) { if (semi_const_arg_index >= 64) { err_print(e->where, "You can't have more than 64 semi-constant parameters in a function at the moment."); return false; } *which_are_const |= ((U64)1) << semi_const_arg_index; semi_const_arg_index++; } assert(arg->kind == EXPR_VAL); /* should have been evaluated by types.c */ *(Value *)arr_adda(&compile_time_args, g->allocr) = arg->val; *(Type *)arr_add(&tuple_types) = arg->type; i++; } } if (compile_time_args) { Value tuple; Type tuple_type; tuple.tuple = compile_time_args; tuple_type.kind = TYPE_TUPLE; tuple_type.flags = TYPE_IS_RESOLVED; tuple_type.tuple = tuple_types; if (!f->c.instances) { f->c.instances = allocr_calloc(g->allocr, 1, sizeof *f->c.instances); } /* lookup compile time arguments */ I64 instance_number = (I64)f->c.instances->n + 1; bool already_generated_decl = val_hash_table_adda(g->allocr, f->c.instances, tuple, &tuple_type, &instance_number); if (!already_generated_decl) { /* generate a copy of this function */ if (!cgen_fn_header(g, f, e->where, instance_number, *which_are_const)) return false; cgen_write(g, ";"); cgen_nl(g); } arr_clear(&tuple_types); e->call.c.instance = (U32)instance_number; } } } break; case EXPR_FN: e-> = NULL; if (!e-> e-> = g->ident_counter++; bool any_const = false; FnType *fn_type = &e->type.fn; if (fn_type->constness) { for (size_t i = 0; i < arr_len(fn_type->types)-1; i++) { if (fn_type->constness[i] == CONSTNESS_YES) any_const = true; } } if (!any_const) { fn_enter(&e->fn, 0); if (!cgen_fn_header(g, &e->fn, e->where, 0, 0)) return false; cgen_write(g, ";"); cgen_nl(g); fn_exit(&e->fn); } break; default: break; } return true; } static bool cgen_decls_block(CGenerator *g, Block *b) { Block *prev = g->block; if (!cgen_block_enter(g, b)) return false; arr_foreach(b->stmts, Statement, s) if (!cgen_decls_stmt(g, s)) return false; cgen_block_exit(g, prev); return true; } static bool cgen_decls_decl(CGenerator *g, Declaration *d) { if (cgen_fn_is_direct(g, d)) { d-> = d->idents[0]; if (!fn_has_any_const_params(&d->expr.fn)) { fn_enter(&d->expr.fn, 0); if (!cgen_fn_header(g, &d->expr.fn, d->where, 0, 0)) return false; cgen_write(g, ";"); cgen_nl(g); } if (!cgen_decls_block(g, &d->expr.fn.body)) return false; fn_exit(&d->expr.fn); } else if (d->flags & DECL_HAS_EXPR) { if (d->flags & DECL_IS_CONST) { for (size_t idx = 0; idx < arr_len(d->idents); idx++) { Identifier i = d->idents[idx]; Type *type = d->type.kind == TYPE_TUPLE ? &d->type.tuple[idx] : &d->type; if (type->kind == TYPE_TYPE) { Value *val = d->type.kind == TYPE_TUPLE ? &d->val.tuple[idx] : &d->val; if (val->type->kind == TYPE_STRUCT) { /* generate struct definition */ cgen_write(g, "struct "); if (g->block == NULL) cgen_ident(g, i); else cgen_ident_id(g, d->c.ids[idx]); cgen_write(g, "{"); cgen_nl(g); g->indent_lvl++; arr_foreach(val->type->struc.fields, Field, f) { if (!cgen_type_pre(g, f->type, d->where)) return false; cgen_write(g, " "); cgen_ident(g, f->name); if (!cgen_type_post(g, f->type, d->where)) return false; cgen_write(g, ";"); cgen_nl(g); } g->indent_lvl--; cgen_write(g, "};"); cgen_nl(g); } } } } if (!(d->flags & DECL_IS_CONST) || (d->expr.kind == EXPR_FN)) { if (!cgen_decls_expr(g, &d->expr)) return false; } } return true; } static bool cgen_decls_stmt(CGenerator *g, Statement *s) { switch (s->kind) { case STMT_DECL: if (!cgen_decls_decl(g, &s->decl)) return false; break; case STMT_EXPR: if (!cgen_decls_expr(g, &s->expr)) return false; break; case STMT_RET: if (s->ret.flags & RET_HAS_EXPR) if (!cgen_decls_expr(g, &s->ret.expr)) return false; break; } return true; } static bool cgen_decls_file(CGenerator *g, ParsedFile *f) { cgen_write(g, "/* declarations */\n"); arr_foreach(f->stmts, Statement, s) { if (!cgen_decls_stmt(g, s)) return false; } return true; }