/* Copyright (C) 2019, 2020 Leo Tenenbaum. This file is part of toc. toc is distributed under version 3 of the GNU General Public License, without any warranty whatsoever. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with toc. If not, see . these copy functions MUST be used before typing!!!! (except for copy_val) ----- IMPORTANT: These functions are like memcpy, in that in and out must not overlap! ----- */ typedef struct { Allocator *allocr; Block *block; } Copier; static Expression *copy_expr_(Copier *c, Expression *in); static void copy_expr(Copier *c, Expression *out, Expression *in); static void copy_decl(Copier *c, Declaration *out, Declaration *in); enum { COPY_BLOCK_DONT_CREATE_IDENTS = 0x01 }; static void copy_block(Copier *c, Block *out, Block *in, U8 flags); static void copy_type(Copier *c, Type *out, Type *in); static Type *copy_type_(Copier *c, Type *in); static Copier copier_create(Allocator *a, Block *b) { Copier c; c.allocr = a; c.block = b; return c; } static void copy_val(Allocator *a, Value *out, Value *in, Type *t) { assert(t->flags & TYPE_IS_RESOLVED); switch (t->kind) { case TYPE_BUILTIN: case TYPE_FN: case TYPE_PTR: case TYPE_SLICE: case TYPE_VOID: case TYPE_UNKNOWN: *out = *in; break; case TYPE_ARR: { size_t bytes = t->arr.n * compiler_sizeof(t->arr.of); out->arr = allocr_malloc(a, bytes); memcpy(out->arr, in->arr, bytes); } break; case TYPE_TUPLE: { size_t bytes = arr_len(t->tuple) * sizeof(*out->tuple); out->tuple = allocr_malloc(a, bytes); memcpy(out->tuple, in->tuple, bytes); } break; case TYPE_STRUCT: { size_t bytes = compiler_sizeof(t); out->struc = allocr_malloc(a, bytes); memcpy(out->struc, in->struc, bytes); } break; case TYPE_EXPR: assert(0); break; } } static void copy_val_full(Copier *c, Value *out, Value *in, Type *t) { if (type_is_builtin(t, BUILTIN_TYPE)) { Type *new_type = allocr_malloc(c->allocr, sizeof *new_type); copy_type(c, new_type, in->type); out->type = new_type; } else { copy_val(c->allocr, out, in, t); } } static void copy_struct(Copier *c, StructDef *out, StructDef *in) { *out = *in; size_t nfields = arr_len(in->fields); out->fields = NULL; out->scope = in->scope; idents_create(&out->scope.idents, c->allocr, &out->scope); Block *prev = c->block; copy_block(c, &out->scope, &in->scope, 0); c->block = &out->scope; arr_set_lena(&out->fields, nfields, c->allocr); for (size_t i = 0; i < nfields; ++i) { Field *fout = &out->fields[i]; Field *fin = &in->fields[i]; *fout = *fin; copy_type(c, &fout->type, &fin->type); } size_t nparams = arr_len(in->params); out->params = NULL; arr_set_lena(&out->params, nparams, c->allocr); for (size_t i = 0; i < nparams; ++i) { copy_decl(c, &out->params[i], &in->params[i]); } out->constants = NULL; size_t nconstants = arr_len(in->constants); arr_set_lena(&out->constants, nconstants, c->allocr); for (size_t i = 0; i < nconstants; ++i) { copy_decl(c, &out->constants[i], &in->constants[i]); } c->block = prev; } /* works on unresolved and resolved types (for inference) */ static void copy_type(Copier *c, Type *out, Type *in) { *out = *in; switch (in->kind) { case TYPE_BUILTIN: case TYPE_VOID: case TYPE_UNKNOWN: break; case TYPE_EXPR: out->expr = copy_expr_(c, in->expr); break; case TYPE_FN: { size_t ntypes = arr_len(in->fn.types); out->fn.types = NULL; arr_set_lena(&out->fn.types, ntypes, c->allocr); for (size_t i = 0; i < ntypes; ++i) { copy_type(c, &out->fn.types[i], &in->fn.types[i]); } } break; case TYPE_TUPLE: { size_t ntypes = arr_len(in->tuple); out->tuple = NULL; arr_set_lena(&out->tuple, ntypes, c->allocr); for (size_t i = 0; i < ntypes; ++i) { copy_type(c, &out->tuple[i], &in->tuple[i]); } } break; case TYPE_ARR: if (in->flags & TYPE_IS_RESOLVED) { out->arr.n = in->arr.n; } else { out->arr.n_expr = copy_expr_(c, in->arr.n_expr); } out->arr.of = copy_type_(c, in->arr.of); break; case TYPE_PTR: out->ptr = copy_type_(c, in->ptr); break; case TYPE_SLICE: out->slice = copy_type_(c, in->slice); break; case TYPE_STRUCT: { if (in->flags & TYPE_IS_RESOLVED) { /* we don't actually need to make a copy of the struct for inference */ } else { /* it's okay to copy the struct definition here, because before resolving, only one thing can point to a given StructDef */ out->struc = allocr_malloc(c->allocr, sizeof *out->struc); copy_struct(c, out->struc, in->struc); } } break; } } static Type *copy_type_(Copier *c, Type *in) { Type *out = allocr_malloc(c->allocr, sizeof *out); copy_type(c, out, in); return out; } static inline void *copier_malloc(Copier *c, size_t n) { return allocr_malloc(c->allocr, n); } static void copy_fn_expr(Copier *c, FnExpr *fout, FnExpr *fin, bool copy_body) { *fout = *fin; if (fin->flags & FN_EXPR_FOREIGN) { copy_expr(c, fout->foreign.name_expr = copier_malloc(c, sizeof *fin->foreign.name_expr), fin->foreign.name_expr); copy_expr(c, fout->foreign.lib_expr = copier_malloc(c, sizeof *fin->foreign.lib_expr), fin->foreign.lib_expr); copy_type(c, &fout->foreign.type, &fin->foreign.type); size_t nctypes = arr_len(fin->foreign.type.fn.types); fout->foreign.ctypes = copier_malloc(c, nctypes * sizeof(CType)); memcpy(fout->foreign.ctypes, fin->foreign.ctypes, nctypes * sizeof(CType)); } else { Block *prev; if (copy_body) { prev = c->block; c->block = &fout->body; idents_create(&fout->body.idents, c->allocr, &fout->body); } size_t i; size_t nparam_decls = arr_len(fin->params); fout->params = NULL; arr_set_lena(&fout->params, nparam_decls, c->allocr); for (i = 0; i < nparam_decls; ++i) copy_decl(c, fout->params + i, fin->params + i); size_t nret_decls = arr_len(fin->ret_decls); if (fin->ret_decls) { fout->ret_decls = NULL; arr_set_lena(&fout->ret_decls, nret_decls, c->allocr); for (i = 0; i < nret_decls; ++i) copy_decl(c, fout->ret_decls + i, fin->ret_decls + i); } copy_type(c, &fout->ret_type, &fin->ret_type); if (copy_body) { c->block = prev; copy_block(c, &fout->body, &fin->body, copy_body ? COPY_BLOCK_DONT_CREATE_IDENTS : 0); } } } static inline void copier_ident_translate(Copier *c, Identifier *i) { assert(c->block); assert(c->block->idents.scope == c->block); *i = ident_translate_forced(*i, &c->block->idents); } static void copy_expr(Copier *c, Expression *out, Expression *in) { Allocator *a = c->allocr; *out = *in; assert(!(in->flags & EXPR_FOUND_TYPE)); switch (in->kind) { case EXPR_LITERAL_FLOAT: case EXPR_LITERAL_INT: case EXPR_LITERAL_STR: case EXPR_LITERAL_CHAR: case EXPR_LITERAL_BOOL: break; case EXPR_IDENT: copier_ident_translate(c, &out->ident); break; case EXPR_UNARY_OP: out->unary.of = copy_expr_(c, in->unary.of); break; case EXPR_BINARY_OP: out->binary.lhs = copy_expr_(c, in->binary.lhs); out->binary.rhs = copy_expr_(c, in->binary.rhs); break; case EXPR_IF: { IfExpr *iin = in->if_; IfExpr *iout = out->if_ = allocr_malloc(a, sizeof *iout); *iout = *iin; if (iin->cond) iout->cond = copy_expr_(c, iin->cond); if (iin->next_elif) iout->next_elif = copy_expr_(c, iin->next_elif); copy_block(c, &iout->body, &iin->body, 0); } break; case EXPR_WHILE: { WhileExpr *win = in->while_; WhileExpr *wout = out->while_ = allocr_malloc(a, sizeof *wout); *wout = *win; if (win->cond) wout->cond = copy_expr_(c, win->cond); copy_block(c, &wout->body, &win->body, 0); } break; case EXPR_FOR: { ForExpr *fin = in->for_; ForExpr *fout = allocr_malloc(a, sizeof *fout); out->for_ = fout; *fout = *fin; Block *prev = c->block; idents_create(&fout->body.idents, c->allocr, &fout->body); c->block = &fout->body; if (fout->index) { copier_ident_translate(c, &fout->index); fout->index->decl_kind = IDECL_EXPR; fout->index->decl_expr = out; } if (fout->value) { copier_ident_translate(c, &fout->value); fout->value->decl_kind = IDECL_EXPR; fout->value->decl_expr = out; } if (fin->flags & FOR_ANNOTATED_TYPE) copy_type(c, &fout->type, &fin->type); if (fin->flags & FOR_IS_RANGE) { fout->range.from = copy_expr_(c, fin->range.from); if (fin->range.to) fout->range.to = copy_expr_(c, fin->range.to); if (fin->range.step) fout->range.step = copy_expr_(c, fin->range.step); } else { fout->of = copy_expr_(c, fin->of); } c->block = prev; copy_block(c, &fout->body, &fin->body, COPY_BLOCK_DONT_CREATE_IDENTS); } break; case EXPR_FN: copy_fn_expr(c, out->fn = allocr_malloc(a, sizeof *out->fn), in->fn, true); break; case EXPR_CAST: { CastExpr *cin = &in->cast; CastExpr *cout = &out->cast; copy_type(c, &cout->type, &cin->type); cout->expr = copy_expr_(c, cin->expr); } break; case EXPR_NEW: { NewExpr *nin = &in->new; NewExpr *nout = &out->new; copy_type(c, &nout->type, &nin->type); if (nin->n) nout->n = copy_expr_(c, nin->n); } break; case EXPR_CALL: { CallExpr *cin = &in->call; CallExpr *cout = &out->call; copy_expr(c, cout->fn = allocr_malloc(a, sizeof *cout->fn), cin->fn); size_t nargs = arr_len(cin->args); cout->arg_exprs = NULL; arr_set_lena(&cout->args, nargs, a); for (size_t i = 0; i < nargs; ++i) { Argument *arg_in = &cin->args[i]; Argument *arg_out = &cout->args[i]; *arg_out = *arg_in; copy_expr(c, &arg_out->val, &arg_in->val); } } break; case EXPR_BLOCK: copy_block(c, out->block = allocr_malloc(a, sizeof *out->block), in->block, 0); break; case EXPR_TUPLE: { size_t nexprs = arr_len(in->tuple); out->tuple = NULL; arr_set_lena(&out->tuple, nexprs, a); for (size_t i = 0; i < nexprs; ++i) copy_expr(c, out->tuple + i, in->tuple + i); } break; case EXPR_C: out->c.code = copy_expr_(c, in->c.code); break; case EXPR_BUILTIN: out->builtin.which.expr = copy_expr_(c, in->builtin.which.expr); break; case EXPR_SLICE: { SliceExpr *sin = &in->slice; SliceExpr *sout = &out->slice; copy_expr(c, sout->of = allocr_malloc(a, sizeof *sout->of), sin->of); if (sin->from) sout->from = copy_expr_(c, sin->from); if (sin->to) sout->to = copy_expr_(c, sin->to); } break; case EXPR_TYPE: copy_type(c, out->typeval = copier_malloc(c, sizeof *out->typeval), in->typeval); break; case EXPR_VAL: copy_val(a, &out->val, &in->val, &in->type); break; case EXPR_NMS: out->nms = allocr_malloc(a, sizeof *out->nms); *out->nms = *in->nms; copy_block(c, &out->nms->body, &in->nms->body, 0); break; } } static Expression *copy_expr_(Copier *c, Expression *in) { Expression *out = allocr_malloc(c->allocr, sizeof *out); copy_expr(c, out, in); return out; } static void copy_decl(Copier *c, Declaration *out, Declaration *in) { *out = *in; assert(!(in->flags & DECL_FOUND_TYPE)); if (in->flags & DECL_HAS_EXPR) copy_expr(c, &out->expr, &in->expr); if (in->flags & DECL_FOUND_VAL) { copy_val(c->allocr, &out->val, &in->val, &in->type); } if (in->flags & DECL_ANNOTATES_TYPE) copy_type(c, &out->type, &in->type); out->idents = NULL; size_t nidents = arr_len(in->idents); arr_set_lena(&out->idents, nidents, c->allocr); for (size_t i = 0; i < nidents; ++i) { out->idents[i] = in->idents[i]; assert(c->block); copier_ident_translate(c, &out->idents[i]); out->idents[i]->decl_kind = IDECL_DECL; out->idents[i]->decl = out; } } static void copy_stmt(Copier *c, Statement *out, Statement *in) { *out = *in; switch (in->kind) { case STMT_RET: if (in->ret.flags & RET_HAS_EXPR) copy_expr(c, &out->ret.expr, &in->ret.expr); break; case STMT_INCLUDE: if (in->flags & STMT_TYPED) { size_t nstmts = arr_len(in->inc.stmts); arr_set_lena(&out->inc.stmts, nstmts, c->allocr); for (size_t i = 0; i < nstmts; ++i) { copy_stmt(c, &out->inc.stmts[i], &in->inc.stmts[i]); } } else { copy_expr(c, &out->inc.filename, &in->inc.filename); } break; case STMT_EXPR: copy_expr(c, &out->expr, &in->expr); break; case STMT_DECL: copy_decl(c, out->decl = allocr_malloc(c->allocr, sizeof *out->decl), in->decl); break; } } /* COPY_BLOCK_DONT_CREATE_IDENTS is for copy_fn_expr */ static void copy_block(Copier *c, Block *out, Block *in, U8 flags) { assert(!(in->flags & BLOCK_FINDING_TYPES)); Identifiers out_idents = out->idents; *out = *in; out->parent = c->block; if (flags & COPY_BLOCK_DONT_CREATE_IDENTS) out->idents = out_idents; /* reset Identifiers */ size_t nstmts = arr_len(in->stmts); out->stmts = NULL; Block *prev = c->block; c->block = out; if (in->ret_expr) out->ret_expr = copy_expr_(c, in->ret_expr); if (!(flags & COPY_BLOCK_DONT_CREATE_IDENTS)) idents_create(&out->idents, c->allocr, out); arr_set_lena(&out->stmts, nstmts, c->allocr); for (size_t i = 0; i < nstmts; ++i) { copy_stmt(c, &out->stmts[i], &in->stmts[i]); } c->block = prev; }