/* figures out types and writes function prototypes */ /* TODO: check ferror */ typedef enum { CGEN_WRITING_TO_H, CGEN_WRITING_TO_C } CGenWritingTo; typedef struct { FILE *c_out; FILE *h_out; unsigned long anon_fn_count; Block *block; int indent_level; bool indent_next; /* should the next thing written be indented? */ CGenWritingTo writing_to; } CGenerator; static FILE *cgen_writing_to(CGenerator *g) { switch (g->writing_to) { case CGEN_WRITING_TO_H: return g->h_out; case CGEN_WRITING_TO_C: return g->c_out; } assert(0); return NULL; } static void cgen_indent(CGenerator *g) { if (g->indent_next) { for (int i = 0; i < g->indent_level; i++) fprintf(cgen_writing_to(g), "\t"); g->indent_next = false; } } static void cgen_vwrite(CGenerator *g, const char *fmt, va_list args) { cgen_indent(g); vfprintf(cgen_writing_to(g), fmt, args); } static void cgen_write(CGenerator *g, const char *fmt, ...) { va_list args; va_start(args, fmt); cgen_vwrite(g, fmt, args); va_end(args); } /* Used to write an UNNECESSARY space */ static void cgen_write_space(CGenerator *g) { cgen_write(g, " "); } /* Used to write something followed by an UNNECESSARY newline */ static void cgen_writeln(CGenerator *g, const char *fmt, ...) { va_list args; va_start(args, fmt); cgen_vwrite(g, fmt, args); va_end(args); cgen_write(g, "\n"); g->indent_next = true; } static void cgen_write_comment(CGenerator *g, const char *fmt, ...) { cgen_write(g, "/* "); va_list args; va_start(args, fmt); cgen_vwrite(g, fmt, args); va_end(args); cgen_write(g, " */"); } static void cgen_write_line_comment(CGenerator *g, const char *fmt, ...) { /* could switch to // for c99 */ cgen_write(g, "/* "); va_list args; va_start(args, fmt); cgen_vwrite(g, fmt, args); va_end(args); cgen_write(g, " */\n"); } static void cgen_create(CGenerator *g, FILE *c_out, FILE *h_out, const char *h_filename) { g->c_out = c_out; g->h_out = h_out; g->anon_fn_count = 0; g->indent_level = 0; g->block = NULL; g->indent_next = true; g->writing_to = CGEN_WRITING_TO_H; cgen_write(g, "#include \n"); g->writing_to = CGEN_WRITING_TO_C; cgen_write(g, "#include \"%s\"\n", h_filename); cgen_writeln(g, ""); /* extra newline between includes and code */ } /* Pass NULL for where if you don't want to check if it's declared */ static bool cgen_fn_name(CGenerator *g, FnExpr *f, Location *where); static bool cgen_ident(CGenerator *g, Identifier i, Location *where) { if (where) { IdentDecl *id_decl = ident_decl(i); if (!id_decl) { err_print(*where, "Identifier undeclared: %s", ident_to_str(i)); return false; } Declaration *decl = id_decl->decl; if (decl->expr.kind == EXPR_FN) { cgen_fn_name(g, &decl->expr.fn, NULL); return true; } if (decl->where.line == where->line) { /* e.g. x: int = x; */ err_print(*where, "Use of identifier \"%s\" in its own declaration.", ident_to_str(i)); return false; } else if (decl->where.line > where->line) { /* x used before declared */ char *str = ident_to_str(i); err_print(*where, "Use of identifier \"%s\" before its declaration.", str); info_print(decl->where, "%s will be declared here.", str); return false; } } cgen_indent(g); fprint_ident(cgen_writing_to(g), i); return true; } static const char *builtin_type_to_str(BuiltinType b) { /* TODO: make this return int/long/etc. if stdint.h is not available */ switch (b) { case BUILTIN_INT: return "int64_t"; case BUILTIN_I8: return "int8_t"; case BUILTIN_I16: return "int16_t"; case BUILTIN_I32: return "int32_t"; case BUILTIN_I64: return "int64_t"; case BUILTIN_U8: return "uint8_t"; case BUILTIN_U16: return "uint16_t"; case BUILTIN_U32: return "uint32_t"; case BUILTIN_U64: return "uint64_t"; case BUILTIN_FLOAT: return "float"; case BUILTIN_DOUBLE: return "double"; case BUILTIN_TYPE_COUNT: break; } assert(0); return NULL; } static bool cgen_type_pre(CGenerator *g, Type *t) { switch (t->kind) { case TYPE_VOID: cgen_write(g, "void "); break; case TYPE_BUILTIN: cgen_write(g, "%s ", builtin_type_to_str(t->builtin)); break; case TYPE_FN: { Type *types = t->fn.types.data; Type *ret_type = &types[0]; if (!cgen_type_pre(g, ret_type)) return false; cgen_write(g, "(*"); } break; } return true; } static bool cgen_type_post(CGenerator *g, Type *t) { switch (t->kind) { case TYPE_VOID: case TYPE_BUILTIN: break; case TYPE_FN: { Type *types = t->fn.types.data; Type *ret_type = &types[0]; Type *param_types = types + 1; assert(t->fn.types.len > 0); size_t nparams = t->fn.types.len-1; cgen_write(g, ")("); if (nparams) { for (size_t i = 0; i < nparams; i++) { if (!cgen_type_pre(g, ¶m_types[i])) return true; if (!cgen_type_post(g, ¶m_types[i])) return true; cgen_write(g, ","); cgen_write_space(g); } } else { cgen_write(g, "void"); } cgen_write(g, ")"); if (!cgen_type_post(g, ret_type)) return false; } break; } return true; } static bool cgen_fn_name(CGenerator *g, FnExpr *f, Location *where) { if (f->name) { if (ident_eq_str(f->name, "main")) cgen_write(g, "main__"); else return cgen_ident(g, f->name, where); } else { cgen_write(g, "a___"); } if (f->id != 0) cgen_write(g, "%lu", f->id); return true; } static bool cgen_fn_header(CGenerator *g, FnExpr *f) { if (!f->name || g->block != NULL) { cgen_write(g, "static "); /* anonymous functions only exist in this translation unit */ } if (!cgen_type_pre(g, &f->ret_type)) return false; cgen_fn_name(g, f, NULL); if (!cgen_type_post(g, &f->ret_type)) return false; cgen_write(g, "("); if (f->params.len) { arr_foreach(&f->params, Param, p) { if (p != f->params.data) { cgen_write(g, ","); cgen_write_space(g); } if (!cgen_type_pre(g, &p->type)) return false; cgen_ident(g, p->name, NULL); if (!cgen_type_post(g, &p->type)) return false; } } else { cgen_write(g, "void"); } cgen_write(g, ")"); return true; } static bool cgen_block_enter(CGenerator *g, Block *b) { bool ret = true; g->block = b; arr_foreach(&b->stmts, Statement, stmt) { if (stmt->kind == STMT_DECL) { Declaration *decl = &stmt->decl; arr_foreach(&decl->idents, Identifier, ident) { Array *decls = &(*ident)->decls; if (decls->len) { /* check that it hasn't been declared in this block */ IdentDecl *prev = decls->last; if (prev->scope == b) { err_print(decl->where, "Re-declaration of identifier in the same block."); info_print(prev->decl->where, "Previous declaration was here."); ret = false; continue; } } else { /* array not initialized yet */ arr_create(&(*ident)->decls, sizeof(IdentDecl)); } if (infer_decl(decl)) { IdentDecl *ident_decl = arr_add(decls); ident_decl->decl = decl; ident_decl->scope = b; } else { ret = false; } } } } return ret; } static bool cgen_block_exit(CGenerator *g, Block *into) { /* OPTIM: figure out some way of not re-iterating over everything */ bool ret = true; Block *b = g->block; g->block = into; arr_foreach(&b->stmts, Statement, stmt) { if (stmt->kind == STMT_DECL) { Declaration *decl = &stmt->decl; arr_foreach(&decl->idents, Identifier, ident) { Array *decls = &(*ident)->decls; assert(decls->item_sz); IdentDecl *last_decl = decls->last; if (last_decl->scope == b) { arr_remove_last(decls); /* remove that declaration */ } } } } return ret; }