path: root/binfile.c
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2020-01-07fixed bug with multiline commentsLeo Tenenbaum
2020-01-07started binfile read_ functionsLeo Tenenbaum
2020-01-04top headerLeo Tenenbaum
2020-01-04formattingLeo Tenenbaum
2020-01-04vlqs for exportingLeo Tenenbaum
2020-01-03fixed a bug with returningLeo Tenenbaum
2020-01-02fixed goto problem when compiling as c++Leo Tenenbaum
2019-12-29fixed the bugLeo Tenenbaum
2019-12-27more work on exporting (floats), discovered bugLeo Tenenbaum
2019-12-26more exportLeo Tenenbaum
2019-12-22more exportingLeo Tenenbaum