#ifndef UTIL_H_ #define UTIL_H_ // like snprintf, but not screwed up on windows #define str_printf(str, size, ...) (str)[(size) - 1] = '\0', snprintf((str), (size) - 1, __VA_ARGS__) // like snprintf, but the size is taken to be the length of the array str. // first, check that str is actually an array #define strbuf_printf(str, ...) assert(sizeof str != 4 && sizeof str != 8), \ str_printf(str, sizeof str, __VA_ARGS__) #define str_catf(str, size, ...) str_printf((str) + strlen(str), (size) - strlen(str), __VA_ARGS__) #define strbuf_catf(str, ...) assert(sizeof str != 4 && sizeof str != 8), \ str_catf(str, sizeof str, __VA_ARGS__) #define strbuf_cpy(dst, src) str_cpy(dst, sizeof dst, src) #define strbuf_cat(dst, src) str_cat(dst, sizeof dst, src) // ctype functions for 32-bit chars. bool is_word(char32_t c); bool is_digit(char32_t c); bool is_space(char32_t c); bool is_a_tty(FILE *out); // terminal colors. if `out` is a TTY, these will return the appropriate escape sequences. // if `out` is not a TTY, these will return "". const char *term_italics(FILE *out); const char *term_bold(FILE *out); const char *term_yellow(FILE *out); const char *term_clear(FILE *out); // number of 1 bits in x. u8 util_popcount(u64 x); // count leading zeroes. if x == 0, this always returns 32 (not undefined behavior). u8 util_count_leading_zeroes32(u32 x); // is x a power of 2? bool util_is_power_of_2(u64 x); // like memchr, but 32-bit. char32_t *util_mem32chr(char32_t *s, char32_t c, size_t n); // like memchr, but 32-bit, and constant. const char32_t *util_mem32chr_const(const char32_t *s, char32_t c, size_t n); // does `str` have this prefix? bool str_has_prefix(const char *str, const char *prefix); // like str_has_prefix, but for paths. "ab/cd" is a path-prefix of "ab/cd/ef", but not "ab/cde". bool str_has_path_prefix(const char *path, const char *prefix); // are these two strings equal? bool streq(const char *a, const char *b); // equivalent to the POSIX function strnlen size_t strn_len(const char *src, size_t n); // equivalent to the POSIX function strndup char *strn_dup(const char *src, size_t n); // equivalent to the POSIX function strdup char *str_dup(const char *src); // a safer version of strncat. `dst_sz` includes a null-terminator. void strn_cat(char *dst, size_t dst_sz, const char *src, size_t src_len); // a safer version of strcat. `dst_sz` includes a null-terminator. void str_cat(char *dst, size_t dst_sz, const char *src); // a safer version of strncpy. `dst_sz` includes a null-terminator. void strn_cpy(char *dst, size_t dst_sz, const char *src, size_t src_len); // a safer version of strcpy. `dst_sz` includes a null-terminator. void str_cpy(char *dst, size_t dst_sz, const char *src); // equivalent to GNU function asprintf (like sprintf, but allocates the string with malloc). char *a_sprintf(const char *fmt, ...); // print some bytes. useful for debugging. void print_bytes(const u8 *bytes, size_t n); // like strstr, but case-insensitive // currently this uses a "naive" string searching algorithm so // it may be O(len(haystack) * len(needle)) for certain strings. char *strstr_case_insensitive(const char *haystack, const char *needle); // like strcmp, but case-insensitive int strcmp_case_insensitive(const char *a, const char *b); // function to be passed into qsort for case insensitive sorting int str_qsort_case_insensitive_cmp(const void *av, const void *bv); // the actual file name part of the path; get rid of the containing directory. // NOTE: the returned string is part of path, so you don't need to free it or anything. const char *path_filename(const char *path); // is this an absolute path? bool path_is_absolute(const char *path); // assuming `dir` is an absolute path, returns the absolute path of `relpath`, relative to `dir`. void path_full(const char *dir, const char *relpath, char *abspath, size_t abspath_size); // returns true if the paths are the same. // handles the fact that paths are case insensitive on windows and that \ is the same as /. // a symbolic link is considered different from the file it points to, as are two hard // links to the same file. bool paths_eq(const char *path1, const char *path2); // equivalent to POSIX function chdir. void change_directory(const char *path); // copy file from src to dest // returns true on success bool copy_file(const char *src, const char *dst); // like qsort, but with a context object which gets passed to the comparison function void qsort_with_context(void *base, size_t nmemb, size_t size, int (*compar)(void *, const void *, const void *), void *arg); #endif // UTIL_H_