tab-width = 4
# cursor width in pixels
cursor-width = 1
# time to blink cursor for (i.e. it will be on for cursor-blink-time-on seconds, then off for cursor-blink-time-off seconds)
# set -off to 0 to disable blinking
cursor-blink-time-on = 0.5
cursor-blink-time-off = 0.3
# amount of scroll "padding" (minimum number of lines below the cursor will the bottom of the screen be)
scrolloff = 5
# if you do a bunch of typing, then undo, it will generally
# undo the past this many seconds of editing.
undo-save-time = 6
text-size = 18
border-thickness = 1
max-menu-width = 600
padding = 6
error-display-time = 10
auto-indent = on
# automatically add a newline at the end of the file on save
auto-add-newline = on
syntax-highlighting = on
line-numbers = on
# If set to "on", when a file is changed by another program, it will be reloaded by ted without asking you.
auto-reload = off

# motion and selection
Left = :left
Shift+Left = :select-left
Ctrl+Left = :left-word
Ctrl+Shift+Left = :select-left-word
Right = :right
Shift+Right = :select-right
Ctrl+Right = :right-word
Ctrl+Shift+Right = :select-right-word
Up = :up
Shift+Up = :select-up
Down = :down
Shift+Down = :select-down
Ctrl+Up = 10 :up
Ctrl+Shift+Up = 10 :select-up
Ctrl+Down = 10 :down
Ctrl+Shift+Down = 10 :select-down
Home = :start-of-line
Shift+Home = :select-start-of-line
Ctrl+Home = :start-of-file
Ctrl+Shift+Home = :select-start-of-file
End = :end-of-line
Shift+End = :select-end-of-line
Ctrl+End = :end-of-file
Ctrl+Shift+End = :select-end-of-file
Ctrl+a = :select-all

# insertion
Tab = :tab
Enter = :newline
# same as :newline for normal text insertion, but goes to the previous search result instead of the next one
Shift+Enter = :newline-back
Keypad Enter = :newline
Shift+Keypad Enter = :newline-back

# deletion
Delete = :delete
Shift+Delete = :delete
Ctrl+Delete = :delete-word
Ctrl+Shift+Delete = :delete-word
Backspace = :backspace
Shift+Backspace = :backspace
Ctrl+Backspace = :backspace-word
Ctrl+Shift+Backspace = :backspace-word

# scrolling
PageUp = :page-up
PageDown = :page-down
Ctrl+PageUp = 10 :page-up
Ctrl+PageDown = 10 :page-down

Ctrl+o = :open
Ctrl+n = :new
Ctrl+s = :save
Ctrl+Alt+Shift+s = :save-all
Ctrl+Shift+s = :save-as
Ctrl+q = :quit
Ctrl+z = :undo
Ctrl+Shift+z = :redo
Ctrl+f = :find
Ctrl+Shift+f = :find-replace
Ctrl+c = :copy
Ctrl+x = :cut
Ctrl+v = :paste

# tabs
Ctrl+w = :tab-close
Ctrl+PageUp = :tab-prev
Ctrl+PageDown = :tab-next
Alt+1 = 0 :tab-switch
Alt+2 = 1 :tab-switch
Alt+3 = 2 :tab-switch
Alt+4 = 3 :tab-switch
Alt+5 = 4 :tab-switch
Alt+6 = 5 :tab-switch
Alt+7 = 6 :tab-switch
Alt+8 = 7 :tab-switch
Alt+9 = 8 :tab-switch
Alt+0 = 9 :tab-switch

Ctrl++ = 3 :increase-text-size
Ctrl+- = 3 :decrease-text-size

Escape = :escape

border = #a77
active-tab-hl = #a77a
cursor-line-bg = #222
cursor = #3ff
selection-bg = #36aa
hl = #ccc
text = #fff
# less prominent text color
text-secondary = #fff7
# For example, in the open menu it is nice to have a visual distinction between folders and files.
# This is the color used for folders.
text-folder = #88f
# Used for things that are neither files nor folders.
text-other = #8f8
bg = #001
# The entire screen gets filled with this color when a menu (e.g. the "open" menu) is shown.
# By making it transparent, we can dim everything else while the menu is open.
menu-backdrop = #0004
menu-bg = #222
menu-hl = #afa2
# error box colors
error-border = #f00
error-bg = #800
error-text = #fdd
# color to highlight search results with
find-hl = #fff3
yes = #afa
no = #faa
cancel = #ffa

# Syntax highlighting
keyword = #0c0
preprocessor = #77f
string = #f77
character = #fa7
builtin = #a7f
comment = #999
constant = #8ff

line-numbers = #779
cursor-line-number = #ddf
line-numbers-separator = #fff3

C = .c, .h
C++ = .cpp, .hpp, .C, .H, .cxx, .hxx, .cc, .hh
Rust = .rs
Python = .py