// various core ted functions (opening files, displaying errors, etc.)

#include "ted.h"

void die(const char *fmt, ...) {
	char buf[256] = {0};
	va_list args;
	va_start(args, fmt);
	vsnprintf(buf, sizeof buf - 1, fmt, args);
	// show a message box, and if that fails, print it
	if (SDL_ShowSimpleMessageBox(SDL_MESSAGEBOX_ERROR, "Error", buf, NULL) < 0) {
		debug_println("%s\n", buf);

static void ted_vset_message(Ted *ted, MessageType type, const char *fmt, va_list args) {
	char message[sizeof ted->message] = {0};
	vsnprintf(message, sizeof message - 1, fmt, args);
	// output error to log file
	char tstr[256];
	time_t t = time(NULL);
	struct tm *tm = localtime(&t);
	strftime(tstr, sizeof tstr, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", tm);
	ted_log(ted, "[ERROR %s] %s\n", tstr, message);
	if (type >= ted->message_type) {
		ted->message_type = type;
		strbuf_cpy(ted->message, message);

bool ted_is_key_down(Ted *ted, SDL_Keycode key) {
	// not currently used but there might be a reason for it in the future
	const Uint8 *kbd_state = SDL_GetKeyboardState(NULL);
	for (int i = 0; i < SDL_NUM_SCANCODES; ++i) {
		if (kbd_state[i] && SDL_GetKeyFromScancode((SDL_Scancode)i) == key) {
			return true;
	return false;

bool ted_is_key_combo_down(Ted *ted, KeyCombo combo) {
	if (!ted_is_key_down(ted, KEY_COMBO_KEY(combo)))
		return false;
	if (KEY_COMBO_MODIFIER(combo) != ted_get_key_modifier(ted))
		return false;
	return true;

bool ted_is_ctrl_down(Ted *ted) {
	return ted_is_key_down(ted, SDLK_LCTRL) || ted_is_key_down(ted, SDLK_RCTRL);

bool ted_is_shift_down(Ted *ted) {
	return ted_is_key_down(ted, SDLK_LSHIFT) || ted_is_key_down(ted, SDLK_RSHIFT);

bool ted_is_alt_down(Ted *ted) {
	return ted_is_key_down(ted, SDLK_LALT) || ted_is_key_down(ted, SDLK_RALT);

u32 ted_get_key_modifier(Ted *ted) {
	u32 ctrl_down = ted_is_ctrl_down(ted);
	u32 shift_down = ted_is_shift_down(ted);
	u32 alt_down = ted_is_alt_down(ted);
	return ctrl_down << KEY_MODIFIER_CTRL_BIT
		| shift_down << KEY_MODIFIER_SHIFT_BIT
		| alt_down << KEY_MODIFIER_ALT_BIT;

void ted_set_message(Ted *ted, MessageType type, const char *fmt, ...) {
	va_list args;
	va_start(args, fmt);
	ted_vset_message(ted, type, fmt, args);

void ted_error(Ted *ted, const char *fmt, ...) {
	va_list args;
	va_start(args, fmt);
	ted_vset_message(ted, MESSAGE_ERROR, fmt, args);

void ted_warn(Ted *ted, const char *fmt, ...) {
	va_list args;
	va_start(args, fmt);
	ted_vset_message(ted, MESSAGE_WARNING, fmt, args);

void ted_info(Ted *ted, const char *fmt, ...) {
	va_list args;
	va_start(args, fmt);
	ted_vset_message(ted, MESSAGE_INFO, fmt, args);

void ted_log(Ted *ted, const char *fmt, ...) {
	if (!ted->log) return;
	va_list args;
	va_start(args, fmt);
	vfprintf(ted->log, fmt, args);

void ted_error_from_buffer(Ted *ted, TextBuffer *buffer) {
	if (*buffer->error)
		ted_error(ted, "%s", buffer->error);

void ted_out_of_mem(Ted *ted) {
	ted_error(ted, "Out of memory.");

void *ted_malloc(Ted *ted, size_t size) {
	void *ret = malloc(size);
	if (!ret) ted_out_of_mem(ted);
	return ret;

void *ted_calloc(Ted *ted, size_t n, size_t size) {
	void *ret = calloc(n, size);
	if (!ret) ted_out_of_mem(ted);
	return ret;

void *ted_realloc(Ted *ted, void *p, size_t new_size) {
	void *ret = realloc(p, new_size);
	if (!ret) ted_out_of_mem(ted);
	return ret;

char *ted_get_root_dir_of(Ted *ted, const char *path) {
	Settings *settings = ted_active_settings(ted);
	return settings_get_root_dir(settings, path);

// get the project root directory (based on the active buffer or ted->cwd if there's no active buffer).
// the return value should be freed
char *ted_get_root_dir(Ted *ted) {
	TextBuffer *buffer = ted->active_buffer;
	if (buffer && buffer_is_named_file(buffer)) {
		return ted_get_root_dir_of(ted, buffer->path);
	} else {
		return ted_get_root_dir_of(ted, ted->cwd);

Settings *ted_active_settings(Ted *ted) {
	if (ted->active_buffer)
		return buffer_settings(ted->active_buffer);
	Settings *settings = ted->default_settings;
	int settings_score = 0;
	arr_foreach_ptr(ted->all_settings, Settings, s) {
		const SettingsContext *c = &s->context;
		if (c->language != 0) continue;
		if (!c->path || !str_has_prefix(ted->cwd, c->path)) continue;
		int score = (int)strlen(c->path);
		if (score > settings_score) {
			settings = s;
			settings_score = score;
	return settings;

Settings *ted_get_settings(Ted *ted, const char *path, Language language) {
	long best_score = 0;
	Settings *settings = ted->default_settings;
	arr_foreach_ptr(ted->all_settings, Settings, s) {
		long score = context_score(path, language, &s->context);
		if (score > best_score) {
			best_score = score;
			settings = s;
	return settings;

LSP *ted_get_lsp_by_id(Ted *ted, LSPID id) {
	for (int i = 0; ted->lsps[i]; ++i) {
		LSP *lsp = ted->lsps[i];
		if (lsp->id == id)
			return lsp->exited ? NULL : lsp;
	return NULL;

LSP *ted_get_lsp(Ted *ted, const char *path, Language language) {
	Settings *settings = ted_get_settings(ted, path, language);
	if (!settings->lsp_enabled)
		return NULL;
	int i;
	for (i = 0; i < TED_LSP_MAX; ++i) {
		LSP *lsp = ted->lsps[i];
		if (!lsp) break;
		if (!streq(lsp->command, settings->lsp)) continue;
		if (!lsp->initialized) {
			// withhold judgement until this server initializes.
			// we shouldn't call lsp_try_add_root_dir yet because it doesn't know
			// if the server supports workspaceFolders.
			return NULL;
		if (lsp_covers_path(lsp, path) && lsp->exited) {
			// this server died. give up.
			return NULL;
		// check if root matches up or if we can add a workspace folder
		char *root = ted_get_root_dir_of(ted, path);
		bool success = lsp_try_add_root_dir(lsp, root);
		if (success) return lsp;
	if (i == TED_LSP_MAX)
		return NULL; // why are there so many LSP open???
	if (*settings->lsp) {
		// start up this LSP
		FILE *log = settings->lsp_log ? ted->log : NULL;
		char *root_dir = settings_get_root_dir(settings, path);
		ted->lsps[i] = lsp_create(root_dir, settings->lsp, settings->lsp_configuration, log);
		// don't actually return it yet, since it's still initializing (see above)
	return NULL;

LSP *ted_active_lsp(Ted *ted) {
	if (!ted->active_buffer) {
		char *root = ted_get_root_dir(ted);
		for (int i = 0; ted->lsps[i]; ++i) {
			LSP *lsp = ted->lsps[i];
			if (lsp_covers_path(lsp, root))
				return lsp;
		return NULL;
	return buffer_lsp(ted->active_buffer);

u32 ted_active_color(Ted *ted, ColorSetting color) {
	return ted_active_settings(ted)->colors[color];

void ted_path_full(Ted *ted, const char *relpath, char *abspath, size_t abspath_size) {
	path_full(ted->cwd, relpath, abspath, abspath_size);

static bool ted_is_regular_buffer(Ted *ted, TextBuffer *buffer) {
	return buffer >= ted->buffers && buffer < ted->buffers + TED_MAX_BUFFERS;

Status ted_get_file(Ted const *ted, const char *name, char *out, size_t outsz) {
	if (ted->search_start_cwd) {
		// check in start_cwd
		path_full(ted->start_cwd, name, out, outsz);
		if (fs_file_exists(out))
			return true;
	if (*ted->local_data_dir) {
		str_printf(out, outsz, "%s" PATH_SEPARATOR_STR "%s", ted->local_data_dir, name);
		if (fs_file_exists(out))
			return true;
	if (*ted->global_data_dir) {
		str_printf(out, outsz, "%s" PATH_SEPARATOR_STR "%s", ted->global_data_dir, name);
		if (fs_file_exists(out))
			return true;
	return false;

// Loads font from filename into *out, freeing any font that was previously there.
// *out is left unchanged on failure.
static void ted_load_font(Ted *ted, const char *filename, Font **out) {
	char font_filename[TED_PATH_MAX];
	if (ted_get_file(ted, filename, font_filename, sizeof font_filename)) {
		Font *font = text_font_load(font_filename, ted_active_settings(ted)->text_size);
		if (font) {
			// we don't properly handle variable-width fonts
			text_font_set_force_monospace(font, true);
			if (*out) {
			*out = font;
		} else {
			die("Couldn't load font: %s", text_get_err());
	} else {
		die("Couldn't find font file. There is probably a problem with your ted installation.");

void ted_load_fonts(Ted *ted) {
	ted_load_font(ted, "assets/font.ttf", &ted->font);
	ted_load_font(ted, "assets/font-bold.ttf", &ted->font_bold);

void ted_switch_to_buffer(Ted *ted, TextBuffer *buffer) {
	TextBuffer *search_buffer = find_search_buffer(ted);
	ted->active_buffer = buffer;
	if (buffer != search_buffer) {
		if (ted->find)
			find_update(ted, true); // make sure find results are for this file

	if (buffer >= ted->buffers && buffer < ted->buffers + TED_MAX_BUFFERS) {
		ted->prev_active_buffer = buffer;

		u16 idx = (u16)(buffer - ted->buffers);
		// now we need to figure out where this buffer is
		bool *nodes_used = ted->nodes_used;
		for (u16 i = 0; i < TED_MAX_NODES; ++i) {
			if (nodes_used[i]) {
				Node *node = &ted->nodes[i];
				arr_foreach_ptr(node->tabs, u16, tab) {
					if (idx == *tab) {
						node->active_tab = (u16)(tab - node->tabs);
						ted->active_node = node;
	} else {
		ted->active_node = NULL;

void ted_reset_active_buffer(Ted *ted) {
	if (ted->nodes_used[0]) {
		Node *node = &ted->nodes[0];
		while (!node->tabs)
			node = &ted->nodes[node->split_a]; // arbitrarily pick split_a.
		ted_switch_to_buffer(ted, &ted->buffers[node->tabs[node->active_tab]]);
	} else {
		// there's nothing to set it to
		ted_switch_to_buffer(ted, NULL);

i32 ted_new_buffer(Ted *ted) {
	bool *buffers_used = ted->buffers_used;
	for (i32 i = 1; // start from 1, so as not to use the null buffer
		i < TED_MAX_BUFFERS; ++i) {
		if (!buffers_used[i]) {
			buffers_used[i] = true;
			buffer_create(&ted->buffers[i], ted);
			return i;
	return -1;

void ted_delete_buffer(Ted *ted, u16 index) {
	TextBuffer *buffer = &ted->buffers[index];
	if (buffer == ted->active_buffer)
		ted_switch_to_buffer(ted, NULL); // make sure we don't set the active buffer to something invalid
	if (buffer == ted->prev_active_buffer)
		ted->prev_active_buffer = NULL;
	ted->buffers_used[index] = false;

i32 ted_new_node(Ted *ted) {
	bool *nodes_used = ted->nodes_used;
	for (i32 i = 0; i < TED_MAX_NODES; ++i) {
		if (!nodes_used[i]) {
			memset(&ted->nodes[i], 0, sizeof ted->nodes[i]); // zero new node
			nodes_used[i] = true;
			return i;
	ted_error(ted, "Too many nodes.");
	return -1;

float ted_line_buffer_height(Ted *ted) {
	const float char_height = text_font_char_height(ted->font);
	return char_height + 2 * ted_active_settings(ted)->border_thickness;

void ted_node_switch(Ted *ted, Node *node) {
	ted_switch_to_buffer(ted, &ted->buffers[node->tabs[node->active_tab]]);

// Open a new buffer. Fills out *tab to the index of the tab used, and *buffer_idx to the index of the buffer.
// Returns true on success.
static Status ted_open_buffer(Ted *ted, u16 *buffer_idx, u16 *tab) {
	i32 new_buffer_index = ted_new_buffer(ted);
	if (new_buffer_index >= 0) {
		Node *node = ted->active_node;
		if (!node) {
			// no active node; let's create one!
			i32 node_idx = ted_new_node(ted);
			if (node_idx >= 0) {
				node = &ted->nodes[node_idx];
				ted->active_node = node;
			} else {
				ted_delete_buffer(ted, (u16)new_buffer_index);
				return false;
		if (arr_len(node->tabs) < TED_MAX_TABS) {
			arr_add(node->tabs, (u16)new_buffer_index);
			TextBuffer *new_buffer = &ted->buffers[new_buffer_index];
			buffer_create(new_buffer, ted);
			node->active_tab = (u16)(arr_len(node->tabs) - 1);
			*buffer_idx = (u16)new_buffer_index;
			*tab = node->active_tab;
			ted_switch_to_buffer(ted, new_buffer);
			return true;
		} else {
			ted_error(ted, "Too many tabs.");
			ted_delete_buffer(ted, (u16)new_buffer_index);
			return false;
	} else {
		return false;

TextBuffer *ted_get_buffer_with_file(Ted *ted, const char *path) {
	if (!path) return NULL;
	bool *buffers_used = ted->buffers_used;
	TextBuffer *buffers = ted->buffers;
	for (u16 i = 0; i < TED_MAX_BUFFERS; ++i) {
		if (buffers_used[i]) {
			if (buffers[i].path && paths_eq(path, buffers[i].path)) {
				return &buffers[i];
	return NULL;

bool ted_open_file(Ted *ted, const char *filename) {
	if (!filename) {
		return false;
	char path[TED_PATH_MAX];
	ted_path_full(ted, filename, path, sizeof path);

	// first, check if file is already open
	TextBuffer *already_open = ted_get_buffer_with_file(ted, path);
	if (already_open) {
		ted_switch_to_buffer(ted, already_open);
		return true;
	// not open; we need to load it
	u16 buffer_idx, tab_idx;
	if (ted->active_buffer && !ted->active_buffer->path && buffer_empty(ted->active_buffer)) {
		// the active buffer is just an empty untitled buffer. open it here.
		return buffer_load_file(ted->active_buffer, path);
	} else if (ted_open_buffer(ted, &buffer_idx, &tab_idx)) {
		TextBuffer *buffer = &ted->buffers[buffer_idx];
		if (buffer_load_file(buffer, path)) {
			return true;
		} else {
			ted_error_from_buffer(ted, buffer);
			node_tab_close(ted, ted->active_node, tab_idx);
			return false;
	} else {
		return false;

bool ted_new_file(Ted *ted, const char *filename) {
	u16 buffer_idx, tab_idx;
	char path[TED_PATH_MAX];
	if (filename)
		ted_path_full(ted, filename, path, sizeof path);
		*path = '\0';
	TextBuffer *buffer = ted_get_buffer_with_file(ted, path);
	if (buffer) {
		ted_switch_to_buffer(ted, buffer);
		return true;
	} else if (ted_open_buffer(ted, &buffer_idx, &tab_idx)) {
		buffer = &ted->buffers[buffer_idx];
		buffer_new_file(buffer, *path ? path : NULL);
		if (!buffer_has_error(buffer)) {
			return true;
		} else {
			ted_error_from_buffer(ted, buffer);
			node_tab_close(ted, ted->active_node, tab_idx);
			return false;
	} else {
		return false;

bool ted_save_all(Ted *ted) {
	bool success = true;
	bool *buffers_used = ted->buffers_used;
	for (u16 i = 0; i < TED_MAX_BUFFERS; ++i) {
		if (buffers_used[i]) {
			TextBuffer *buffer = &ted->buffers[i];
			if (buffer_unsaved_changes(buffer)) {
				if (!buffer->path) {
					ted_switch_to_buffer(ted, buffer);
					menu_open(ted, MENU_SAVE_AS);
					success = false; // we haven't saved this buffer yet; we've just opened the "save as" menu.
				} else {
					if (!buffer_save(buffer)) {
						success = false;
						ted_error_from_buffer(ted, buffer);
	return success;

void ted_reload_all(Ted *ted) {
	bool *buffers_used = ted->buffers_used;
	for (u64 i = 0; i < TED_MAX_BUFFERS; ++i) {
		if (buffers_used[i]) {
			TextBuffer *buffer = &ted->buffers[i];
			if (!buffer_unsaved_changes(buffer)) {
	if (ted->menu == MENU_ASK_RELOAD) {

// load/reload configs
void ted_load_configs(Ted *ted, bool reloading) {
	if (reloading) config_free(ted);
	// copy global config to local config
	char local_config_filename[TED_PATH_MAX];
	strbuf_printf(local_config_filename, "%s" PATH_SEPARATOR_STR TED_CFG, ted->local_data_dir);
	char global_config_filename[TED_PATH_MAX];
	strbuf_printf(global_config_filename, "%s" PATH_SEPARATOR_STR TED_CFG, ted->global_data_dir);
	if (!fs_file_exists(local_config_filename)) {
		if (fs_file_exists(global_config_filename)) {
			if (!copy_file(global_config_filename, local_config_filename)) {
				die("Couldn't copy config %s to %s.", global_config_filename, local_config_filename);
		} else {
			die("ted's backup config file, %s, does not exist. Try reinstalling ted?", global_config_filename);
	ConfigPart *parts = NULL;
	config_read(ted, &parts, global_config_filename);
	config_read(ted, &parts, local_config_filename);
	if (ted->search_start_cwd) {
		// read config in start_cwd
		char start_cwd_filename[TED_PATH_MAX];
		strbuf_printf(start_cwd_filename, "%s" PATH_SEPARATOR_STR TED_CFG, ted->start_cwd);
		config_read(ted, &parts, start_cwd_filename);
	config_parse(ted, &parts);
	if (reloading) {
		// reset text size

void ted_press_key(Ted *ted, SDL_Keycode keycode, SDL_Keymod modifier) {
	KeyCombo key_combo = KEY_COMBO(
		(u32)((modifier & (KMOD_LCTRL|KMOD_RCTRL)) != 0) << KEY_MODIFIER_CTRL_BIT |
		(u32)((modifier & (KMOD_LSHIFT|KMOD_RSHIFT)) != 0) << KEY_MODIFIER_SHIFT_BIT |
		(u32)((modifier & (KMOD_LALT|KMOD_RALT)) != 0) << KEY_MODIFIER_ALT_BIT,
	const KeyAction *const key_actions = ted_active_settings(ted)->key_actions;
	u32 lo = 0;
	u32 hi = arr_len(key_actions);
	while (lo < hi) {
		u32 mid = (lo + hi) / 2;
		if (key_actions[mid].key_combo.value < key_combo.value) {
			lo = mid + 1;
		} else if (key_actions[mid].key_combo.value > key_combo.value) {
			hi = mid;
		} else {
			CommandContext context = {0};
			command_execute_ex(ted, key_actions[mid].command, key_actions[mid].argument, context);
	// nothing bound to this key

bool ted_get_mouse_buffer_pos(Ted *ted, TextBuffer **pbuffer, BufferPos *ppos) {
	for (u32 i = 0; i < TED_MAX_NODES; ++i) {
		if (ted->nodes_used[i]) {
			Node *node = &ted->nodes[i];
			if (node->tabs) {
				TextBuffer *buffer = &ted->buffers[node->tabs[node->active_tab]];
				BufferPos pos = {0};
				if (buffer_pixels_to_pos(buffer, ted->mouse_pos, &pos)) {
					if (ppos) *ppos = pos;
					if (pbuffer) *pbuffer = buffer;
					return true;
	return false;

void ted_flash_error_cursor(Ted *ted) {
	ted->cursor_error_time = ted->frame_time;

void ted_go_to_position(Ted *ted, const char *path, u32 line, u32 index, bool is_lsp) {
	if (ted_open_file(ted, path)) {
		TextBuffer *buffer = ted->active_buffer;
		BufferPos pos = {0};
		if (is_lsp) {
			LSPPosition lsp_pos = {
				.line = line,
				.character = index
			pos = buffer_pos_from_lsp(buffer, lsp_pos);
		} else {
			pos.line = line;
			pos.index = index;
		buffer_cursor_move_to_pos(buffer, pos);
		buffer->center_cursor_next_frame = true;
	} else {

void ted_go_to_lsp_document_position(Ted *ted, LSP *lsp, LSPDocumentPosition position) {
	if (!lsp) lsp = ted_active_lsp(ted);
	const char *path = lsp_document_path(lsp, position.document);
	u32 line = position.pos.line;
	u32 character = position.pos.character;
	ted_go_to_position(ted, path, line, character, true);

void ted_cancel_lsp_request(Ted *ted, LSPServerRequestID *request) {
	if (!request) return;
	LSP *lsp_obj = ted_get_lsp_by_id(ted, request->lsp);
	if (!lsp_obj) return;
	lsp_cancel_request(lsp_obj, request->id);
	memset(request, 0, sizeof *request);

static void mark_node_reachable(Ted *ted, u16 node, bool reachable[TED_MAX_NODES]) {
	if (reachable[node]) {
		ted_error(ted, "Node %u reachable in 2 different ways\nThis should never happen.", node);
		ted_log(ted, "Node %u reachable in 2 different ways\n", node);
		node_close(ted, node);
	reachable[node] = true;
	Node *n = &ted->nodes[node];
	if (!n->tabs) {
		mark_node_reachable(ted, n->split_a, reachable);
		mark_node_reachable(ted, n->split_b, reachable);

void ted_check_for_node_problems(Ted *ted) {
	bool reachable[TED_MAX_NODES] = {0};
	if (ted->nodes_used[0])
		mark_node_reachable(ted, 0, reachable);
	for (u16 i = 0; i < TED_MAX_NODES; ++i) {
		if (ted->nodes_used[i] && !reachable[i]) {
			ted_error(ted, "ORPHANED NODE %u\nThis should never happen.", i);
			ted_log(ted, "ORPHANED NODE %u\n", i);
			node_close(ted, i);

MessageType ted_message_type_from_lsp(LSPWindowMessageType type) {
	switch (type) {
		return MESSAGE_INFO;

void ted_color_settings_for_message_type(MessageType type, ColorSetting *bg_color, ColorSetting *border_color) {
	switch (type) {
		*bg_color = COLOR_ERROR_BG;
		*border_color = COLOR_ERROR_BORDER;
		*bg_color = COLOR_WARNING_BG;
		*border_color = COLOR_WARNING_BORDER;
		*bg_color = COLOR_INFO_BG;
		*border_color = COLOR_INFO_BORDER;