// main file for dealing with LSP servers #define LSP_INTERNAL 1 #include "lsp.h" #include "util.h" static LSPMutex request_id_mutex; // it's nice to have request IDs be totally unique, including across LSP servers. static LSPRequestID get_request_id(void) { // it's important that this never returns 0, since that's reserved for "no ID" static LSPRequestID last_request_id; assert(request_id_mutex); SDL_LockMutex(request_id_mutex); u32 id = ++last_request_id; SDL_UnlockMutex(request_id_mutex); return id; } bool lsp_get_error(LSP *lsp, char *error, size_t error_size, bool clear) { bool has_err = false; SDL_LockMutex(lsp->error_mutex); has_err = *lsp->error != '\0'; if (error_size) str_cpy(error, error_size, lsp->error); if (clear) *lsp->error = '\0'; SDL_UnlockMutex(lsp->error_mutex); return has_err; } static void lsp_document_change_event_free(LSPDocumentChangeEvent *event) { free(event->text); } void lsp_request_free(LSPRequest *r) { free(r->id_string); switch (r->type) { case LSP_REQUEST_NONE: case LSP_REQUEST_INITIALIZE: case LSP_REQUEST_INITIALIZED: case LSP_REQUEST_SHUTDOWN: case LSP_REQUEST_CANCEL: case LSP_REQUEST_EXIT: case LSP_REQUEST_COMPLETION: case LSP_REQUEST_SIGNATURE_HELP: case LSP_REQUEST_HOVER: case LSP_REQUEST_DEFINITION: case LSP_REQUEST_DECLARATION: case LSP_REQUEST_TYPE_DEFINITION: case LSP_REQUEST_IMPLEMENTATION: case LSP_REQUEST_REFERENCES: case LSP_REQUEST_HIGHLIGHT: case LSP_REQUEST_DID_CLOSE: case LSP_REQUEST_WORKSPACE_FOLDERS: break; case LSP_REQUEST_CONFIGURATION: { LSPRequestConfiguration *config = &r->data.configuration; free(config->settings); } break; case LSP_REQUEST_DID_OPEN: { LSPRequestDidOpen *open = &r->data.open; free(open->file_contents); } break; case LSP_REQUEST_SHOW_MESSAGE: case LSP_REQUEST_LOG_MESSAGE: free(r->data.message.message); break; case LSP_REQUEST_DID_CHANGE: { LSPRequestDidChange *c = &r->data.change; arr_foreach_ptr(c->changes, LSPDocumentChangeEvent, event) lsp_document_change_event_free(event); arr_free(c->changes); } break; case LSP_REQUEST_DID_CHANGE_WORKSPACE_FOLDERS: { LSPRequestDidChangeWorkspaceFolders *w = &r->data.change_workspace_folders; arr_free(w->added); arr_free(w->removed); } break; case LSP_REQUEST_RENAME: free(r->data.rename.new_name); break; case LSP_REQUEST_WORKSPACE_SYMBOLS: free(r->data.workspace_symbols.query); break; } memset(r, 0, sizeof *r); } void lsp_response_free(LSPResponse *r) { arr_free(r->string_data); switch (r->request.type) { case LSP_REQUEST_COMPLETION: arr_free(r->data.completion.items); break; case LSP_REQUEST_SIGNATURE_HELP: arr_free(r->data.signature_help.signatures); break; case LSP_REQUEST_DEFINITION: arr_free(r->data.definition.locations); break; case LSP_REQUEST_WORKSPACE_SYMBOLS: arr_free(r->data.workspace_symbols.symbols); break; case LSP_REQUEST_RENAME: arr_free(r->data.rename.changes); break; case LSP_REQUEST_HIGHLIGHT: arr_free(r->data.highlight.highlights); break; case LSP_REQUEST_REFERENCES: arr_free(r->data.references.locations); break; default: break; } lsp_request_free(&r->request); free(r->error); memset(r, 0, sizeof *r); } void lsp_message_free(LSPMessage *message) { switch (message->type) { case LSP_REQUEST: lsp_request_free(&message->u.request); break; case LSP_RESPONSE: lsp_response_free(&message->u.response); break; } memset(message, 0, sizeof *message); } // figure out if data begins with a complete LSP response. static bool has_response(const char *data, size_t data_len, u64 *p_offset, u64 *p_size) { const char *content_length = strstr(data, "Content-Length"); if (!content_length) return false; const char *p = content_length + strlen("Content-Length"); if (!p[0] || !p[1] || !p[2]) return false; p += 2; size_t size = (size_t)atoll(p); *p_size = size; const char *header_end = strstr(content_length, "\r\n\r\n"); if (!header_end) return false; header_end += 4; u64 offset = (u64)(header_end - data); *p_offset = offset; return offset + size <= data_len; } static bool lsp_supports_request(LSP *lsp, const LSPRequest *request) { LSPCapabilities *cap = &lsp->capabilities; switch (request->type) { case LSP_REQUEST_NONE: // return false for server-to-client requests since we should never send them case LSP_REQUEST_SHOW_MESSAGE: case LSP_REQUEST_LOG_MESSAGE: case LSP_REQUEST_WORKSPACE_FOLDERS: return false; case LSP_REQUEST_INITIALIZE: case LSP_REQUEST_INITIALIZED: case LSP_REQUEST_CANCEL: case LSP_REQUEST_DID_OPEN: case LSP_REQUEST_DID_CLOSE: case LSP_REQUEST_DID_CHANGE: case LSP_REQUEST_CONFIGURATION: case LSP_REQUEST_SHUTDOWN: case LSP_REQUEST_EXIT: return true; case LSP_REQUEST_COMPLETION: return cap->completion_support; case LSP_REQUEST_SIGNATURE_HELP: return cap->signature_help_support; case LSP_REQUEST_DID_CHANGE_WORKSPACE_FOLDERS: return cap->workspace_folders_support; case LSP_REQUEST_HOVER: return cap->hover_support; case LSP_REQUEST_DEFINITION: return cap->definition_support; case LSP_REQUEST_DECLARATION: return cap->declaration_support; case LSP_REQUEST_TYPE_DEFINITION: return cap->type_definition_support; case LSP_REQUEST_IMPLEMENTATION: return cap->implementation_support; case LSP_REQUEST_WORKSPACE_SYMBOLS: return cap->workspace_symbols_support; case LSP_REQUEST_RENAME: return cap->rename_support; case LSP_REQUEST_HIGHLIGHT: return cap->highlight_support; case LSP_REQUEST_REFERENCES: return cap->references_support; } assert(0); return false; } void lsp_send_message(LSP *lsp, LSPMessage *message) { SDL_LockMutex(lsp->messages_mutex); arr_add(lsp->messages_client2server, *message); SDL_UnlockMutex(lsp->messages_mutex); } static bool request_type_is_notification(LSPRequestType type) { switch (type) { case LSP_REQUEST_NONE: break; case LSP_REQUEST_INITIALIZED: case LSP_REQUEST_EXIT: case LSP_REQUEST_CANCEL: case LSP_REQUEST_DID_OPEN: case LSP_REQUEST_DID_CLOSE: case LSP_REQUEST_DID_CHANGE: case LSP_REQUEST_DID_CHANGE_WORKSPACE_FOLDERS: case LSP_REQUEST_CONFIGURATION: return true; case LSP_REQUEST_INITIALIZE: case LSP_REQUEST_SHUTDOWN: case LSP_REQUEST_SHOW_MESSAGE: case LSP_REQUEST_LOG_MESSAGE: case LSP_REQUEST_COMPLETION: case LSP_REQUEST_HIGHLIGHT: case LSP_REQUEST_SIGNATURE_HELP: case LSP_REQUEST_HOVER: case LSP_REQUEST_DEFINITION: case LSP_REQUEST_DECLARATION: case LSP_REQUEST_TYPE_DEFINITION: case LSP_REQUEST_IMPLEMENTATION: case LSP_REQUEST_REFERENCES: case LSP_REQUEST_RENAME: case LSP_REQUEST_WORKSPACE_SYMBOLS: case LSP_REQUEST_WORKSPACE_FOLDERS: return false; } assert(0); return false; } LSPServerRequestID lsp_send_request(LSP *lsp, LSPRequest *request) { if (!lsp_supports_request(lsp, request)) { lsp_request_free(request); return (LSPServerRequestID){0}; } bool is_notification = request_type_is_notification(request->type); if (!is_notification) request->id = get_request_id(); LSPMessage message = {.type = LSP_REQUEST}; message.u.request = *request; lsp_send_message(lsp, &message); return (LSPServerRequestID) { .lsp = lsp->id, .id = request->id }; } void lsp_send_response(LSP *lsp, LSPResponse *response) { LSPMessage message = {.type = LSP_RESPONSE}; message.u.response = *response; lsp_send_message(lsp, &message); } const char *lsp_response_string(const LSPResponse *response, LSPString string) { assert(string.offset < arr_len(response->string_data)); return &response->string_data[string.offset]; } // receive responses/requests/notifications from LSP, up to max_size bytes. // returns false if the process exited static bool lsp_receive(LSP *lsp, size_t max_size) { { // read stderr. if all goes well, we shouldn't get anything over stderr. char stderr_buf[1024] = {0}; for (size_t i = 0; i < (max_size + sizeof stderr_buf) / sizeof stderr_buf; ++i) { long long nstderr = process_read_stderr(lsp->process, stderr_buf, sizeof stderr_buf - 1); if (nstderr > 0) { // uh oh stderr_buf[nstderr] = '\0'; if (lsp->log) { fprintf(lsp->log, "LSP SERVER STDERR\n%s\n\n", stderr_buf); } eprint("%s%s%s%s", term_bold(stderr), term_yellow(stderr), stderr_buf, term_clear(stderr)); } else { break; } } } { // check process status ProcessExitInfo info = {0}; int status = process_check_status(&lsp->process, &info); if (status != 0) { bool not_found = #if _WIN32 false // @TODO #else info.exit_code == 127 #endif ; if (not_found) { // don't give an error if the server is not found. // still log it though. if (lsp->log) fprintf(lsp->log, "LSP server exited: %s. Probably the server is not installed.", info.message); } else { lsp_set_error(lsp, "Can't access LSP server: %s\n" "Run ted in a terminal or set lsp-log = on for more details.\n" "Run the :lsp-reset command to restart the server." , info.message); } return false; } } size_t received_so_far = arr_len(lsp->received_data); arr_reserve(lsp->received_data, received_so_far + max_size + 1); long long bytes_read = process_read(lsp->process, lsp->received_data + received_so_far, max_size); if (bytes_read <= 0) { // no data return true; } received_so_far += (size_t)bytes_read; // kind of a hack. this is needed because arr_set_len zeroes the data. arr_hdr_(lsp->received_data)->len = (u32)received_so_far; lsp->received_data[received_so_far] = '\0';// null terminate #if LSP_SHOW_S2C printf("%s%s%s\n",term_italics(stdout),lsp->received_data,term_clear(stdout)); #endif u64 response_offset=0, response_size=0; while (has_response(lsp->received_data, received_so_far, &response_offset, &response_size)) { if (response_offset + response_size > arr_len(lsp->received_data)) { // we haven't received this whole response yet. break; } char *copy = strn_dup(lsp->received_data + response_offset, response_size); if (lsp->log) { fprintf(lsp->log, "LSP MESSAGE FROM SERVER TO CLIENT\n%s\n\n", copy); } JSON json = {0}; if (json_parse(&json, copy)) { assert(json.text == copy); json.is_text_copied = true; process_message(lsp, &json); } else { lsp_set_error(lsp, "couldn't parse response JSON: %s", json.error); json_free(&json); } size_t leftover_data_len = arr_len(lsp->received_data) - (response_offset + response_size); //printf("arr_cap = %u response_offset = %u, response_size = %zu, leftover len = %u\n", // arr_hdr_(lsp->received_data)->cap, // response_offset, response_size, leftover_data_len); memmove(lsp->received_data, lsp->received_data + response_offset + response_size, leftover_data_len); arr_set_len(lsp->received_data, leftover_data_len); arr_reserve(lsp->received_data, leftover_data_len + 1); lsp->received_data[leftover_data_len] = '\0'; } return true; } // send requests. static bool lsp_send(LSP *lsp) { if (!lsp->initialized) { // don't send anything before the server is initialized. return false; } LSPMessage *messages = NULL; SDL_LockMutex(lsp->messages_mutex); size_t n_messages = arr_len(lsp->messages_client2server); messages = calloc(n_messages, sizeof *messages); memcpy(messages, lsp->messages_client2server, n_messages * sizeof *messages); #if __GNUC__ && !__clang__ #pragma GCC diagnostic push // i don't know why GCC is giving me this. some compiler bug. #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wfree-nonheap-object" #endif arr_clear(lsp->messages_client2server); #if __GNUC__ && !__clang__ #pragma GCC diagnostic pop #endif SDL_UnlockMutex(lsp->messages_mutex); bool quit = false; for (size_t i = 0; i < n_messages; ++i) { LSPMessage *m = &messages[i]; if (quit) { lsp_message_free(m); } else { write_message(lsp, m); } if (SDL_SemTryWait(lsp->quit_sem) == 0) { quit = true; } } free(messages); return quit; } // Do any necessary communication with the LSP. // This writes requests and reads (and parses) responses. static int lsp_communication_thread(void *data) { LSP *lsp = data; while (1) { bool quit = lsp_send(lsp); if (quit) break; if (!lsp_receive(lsp, (size_t)10<<20)) break; if (SDL_SemWaitTimeout(lsp->quit_sem, 5) == 0) break; } lsp->exited = true; if (!lsp->process) { // process already exited return 0; } if (lsp->initialized) { LSPRequest shutdown = { .type = LSP_REQUEST_SHUTDOWN, .data = {{0}} }; LSPRequest exit = { .type = LSP_REQUEST_EXIT, .data = {{0}} }; write_request(lsp, &shutdown); // i give you ONE MILLISECOND to send your fucking shutdown response time_sleep_ms(1); write_request(lsp, &exit); // i give you ONE MILLISECOND to terminate // I WILL KILL YOU IF IT TAKES ANY LONGER time_sleep_ms(1); #if 0 char buf[1024]={0}; long long n = process_read(&lsp->process, buf, sizeof buf); if (n>0) { buf[n]=0; printf("%s\n",buf); } n = process_read_stderr(&lsp->process, buf, sizeof buf); if (n>0) { buf[n]=0; printf("\x1b[1m%s\x1b[0m\n",buf); } #endif } return 0; } u32 lsp_document_id(LSP *lsp, const char *path) { if (!path) { assert(0); return 0; } SDL_LockMutex(lsp->document_mutex); u32 *value = str_hash_table_get(&lsp->document_ids, path); if (!value) { u32 id = arr_len(lsp->document_data); value = str_hash_table_insert(&lsp->document_ids, path); *value = id; LSPDocumentData *data = arr_addp(lsp->document_data); data->path = str_dup(path); } u32 id = *value; SDL_UnlockMutex(lsp->document_mutex); return id; } const char *lsp_document_path(LSP *lsp, LSPDocumentID document) { SDL_LockMutex(lsp->document_mutex); if (document >= arr_len(lsp->document_data)) { assert(0); return ""; } // it's okay to keep a pointer to this around without the mutex locked // we'll never change the path of a document ID. const char *path = lsp->document_data[document].path; SDL_UnlockMutex(lsp->document_mutex); return path; } LSP *lsp_create(const char *root_dir, const char *command, const char *configuration, FILE *log) { LSP *lsp = calloc(1, sizeof *lsp); if (!lsp) return NULL; if (!request_id_mutex) request_id_mutex = SDL_CreateMutex(); static LSPID curr_id = 1; lsp->id = curr_id++; lsp->log = log; #if DEBUG printf("Starting up LSP %p (ID %u) `%s` in %s\n", (void *)lsp, (unsigned)lsp->id, command, root_dir); #endif str_hash_table_create(&lsp->document_ids, sizeof(u32)); lsp->command = str_dup(command); if (configuration && *configuration) lsp->configuration_to_send = str_dup(configuration); lsp->quit_sem = SDL_CreateSemaphore(0); lsp->error_mutex = SDL_CreateMutex(); lsp->messages_mutex = SDL_CreateMutex(); // document ID 0 is reserved LSPDocumentID zero_id = lsp_document_id(lsp, ""); (void)zero_id; assert(zero_id == 0); arr_add(lsp->workspace_folders, lsp_document_id(lsp, root_dir)); lsp->workspace_folders_mutex = SDL_CreateMutex(); ProcessSettings settings = { .separate_stderr = true, .working_directory = root_dir, }; lsp->process = process_run_ex(command, &settings); const char *error = process_geterr(lsp->process); if (error) { // don't show an error box if the server is not installed #if _WIN32 if (strstr(error, " 2)")) { if (lsp->log) fprintf(lsp->log, "Couldn't start LSP server %s: file not found.", command); } else #endif lsp_set_error(lsp, "Couldn't start LSP server: %s", error); lsp->exited = true; process_kill(&lsp->process); } else { LSPRequest initialize = { .type = LSP_REQUEST_INITIALIZE }; initialize.id = get_request_id(); // immediately send the request rather than queueing it. // this is a small request, so it shouldn't be a problem. write_request(lsp, &initialize); lsp->communication_thread = SDL_CreateThread(lsp_communication_thread, "LSP communicate", lsp); } return lsp; } bool lsp_try_add_root_dir(LSP *lsp, const char *new_root_dir) { assert(lsp->initialized); bool got_it = false; SDL_LockMutex(lsp->workspace_folders_mutex); arr_foreach_ptr(lsp->workspace_folders, LSPDocumentID, folder) { if (str_has_path_prefix(new_root_dir, lsp_document_path(lsp, *folder))) { got_it = true; break; } } SDL_UnlockMutex(lsp->workspace_folders_mutex); if (got_it) return true; if (!lsp->capabilities.workspace_folders_support) { return false; } // send workspace/didChangeWorkspaceFolders notification LSPRequest req = {.type = LSP_REQUEST_DID_CHANGE_WORKSPACE_FOLDERS}; LSPRequestDidChangeWorkspaceFolders *w = &req.data.change_workspace_folders; LSPDocumentID document_id = lsp_document_id(lsp, new_root_dir); arr_add(w->added, document_id); lsp_send_request(lsp, &req); // *technically* this is incorrect because if the server *just now sent* a // workspace/workspaceFolders request, we'd give it back inconsistent information. // i don't care. SDL_LockMutex(lsp->workspace_folders_mutex); arr_add(lsp->workspace_folders, document_id); SDL_UnlockMutex(lsp->workspace_folders_mutex); return true; } bool lsp_next_message(LSP *lsp, LSPMessage *message) { bool any = false; SDL_LockMutex(lsp->messages_mutex); if (arr_len(lsp->messages_server2client)) { *message = lsp->messages_server2client[0]; arr_remove(lsp->messages_server2client, 0); any = true; } SDL_UnlockMutex(lsp->messages_mutex); return any; } void lsp_free(LSP *lsp) { SDL_SemPost(lsp->quit_sem); if (lsp->communication_thread) SDL_WaitThread(lsp->communication_thread, NULL); SDL_DestroyMutex(lsp->messages_mutex); SDL_DestroyMutex(lsp->workspace_folders_mutex); SDL_DestroyMutex(lsp->error_mutex); SDL_DestroySemaphore(lsp->quit_sem); process_kill(&lsp->process); arr_free(lsp->received_data); str_hash_table_clear(&lsp->document_ids); for (size_t i = 0; i < arr_len(lsp->document_data); ++i) free(lsp->document_data[i].path); arr_free(lsp->document_data); arr_foreach_ptr(lsp->messages_server2client, LSPMessage, message) lsp_message_free(message); arr_free(lsp->messages_server2client); arr_foreach_ptr(lsp->messages_client2server, LSPMessage, message) lsp_message_free(message); arr_free(lsp->messages_client2server); arr_foreach_ptr(lsp->requests_sent, LSPRequest, r) lsp_request_free(r); arr_free(lsp->requests_sent); arr_free(lsp->workspace_folders); arr_free(lsp->completion_trigger_chars); arr_free(lsp->signature_help_trigger_chars); arr_free(lsp->signature_help_retrigger_chars); free(lsp->command); free(lsp->configuration_to_send); memset(lsp, 0, sizeof *lsp); free(lsp); } void lsp_document_changed(LSP *lsp, const char *document, LSPDocumentChangeEvent change) { // @TODO(optimization, eventually): batch changes (using the contentChanges array) LSPRequest request = {.type = LSP_REQUEST_DID_CHANGE}; LSPRequestDidChange *c = &request.data.change; c->document = lsp_document_id(lsp, document); arr_add(c->changes, change); lsp_send_request(lsp, &request); } int lsp_position_cmp(LSPPosition a, LSPPosition b) { if (a.line < b.line) return -1; if (a.line > b.line) return 1; if (a.character < b.character) return -1; if (a.character > b.character) return 1; return 0; } bool lsp_position_eq(LSPPosition a, LSPPosition b) { return a.line == b.line && a.character == b.character; } bool lsp_ranges_overlap(LSPRange a, LSPRange b) { if (lsp_position_cmp(a.end, b.start) <= 0) return false; if (lsp_position_cmp(b.end, a.start) <= 0) return false; return true; } bool lsp_document_position_eq(LSPDocumentPosition a, LSPDocumentPosition b) { return a.document == b.document && lsp_position_eq(a.pos, b.pos); } LSPDocumentPosition lsp_location_start_position(LSPLocation location) { return (LSPDocumentPosition) { .document = location.document, .pos = location.range.start }; } LSPDocumentPosition lsp_location_end_position(LSPLocation location) { return (LSPDocumentPosition) { .document = location.document, .pos = location.range.end }; } bool lsp_covers_path(LSP *lsp, const char *path) { bool ret = false; SDL_LockMutex(lsp->workspace_folders_mutex); arr_foreach_ptr(lsp->workspace_folders, LSPDocumentID, folder) { if (str_has_path_prefix(path, lsp_document_path(lsp, *folder))) { ret = true; break; } } SDL_UnlockMutex(lsp->workspace_folders_mutex); return ret; } void lsp_cancel_request(LSP *lsp, LSPRequestID id) { if (!id) return; if (!lsp) return; bool sent = false; SDL_LockMutex(lsp->messages_mutex); for (u32 i = 0; i < arr_len(lsp->requests_sent); ++i) { LSPRequest *req = &lsp->requests_sent[i]; if (req->id == id) { // we sent this request but haven't received a response sent = true; arr_remove(lsp->requests_sent, i); break; } } for (u32 i = 0; i < arr_len(lsp->messages_client2server); ++i) { LSPMessage *message = &lsp->messages_client2server[i]; if (message->type == LSP_REQUEST && message->u.request.id == id) { // we haven't sent this request yet arr_remove(lsp->messages_client2server, i); break; } } SDL_UnlockMutex(lsp->messages_mutex); if (sent) { LSPRequest request = {.type = LSP_REQUEST_CANCEL}; request.data.cancel.id = id; lsp_send_request(lsp, &request); } } void lsp_quit(void) { if (request_id_mutex) { SDL_DestroyMutex(request_id_mutex); request_id_mutex = NULL; } lsp_write_quit(); }