static const char *lsp_language_id(Language lang) { switch (lang) { case LANG_CONFIG: case LANG_TED_CFG: case LANG_NONE: return "text"; case LANG_C: return "c"; case LANG_CPP: return "cpp"; case LANG_JAVA: return "java"; case LANG_JAVASCRIPT: return "javascript"; case LANG_MARKDOWN: return "markdown"; case LANG_GO: return "go"; case LANG_RUST: return "rust"; case LANG_PYTHON: return "python"; case LANG_HTML: return "html"; case LANG_TEX: return "latex"; case LANG_COUNT: break; } assert(0); return "text"; } typedef struct { LSP *lsp; StrBuilder builder; bool is_first; } JSONWriter; static JSONWriter json_writer_new(LSP *lsp) { return (JSONWriter){ .lsp = lsp, .builder = str_builder_new(), .is_first = true }; } static void write_obj_start(JSONWriter *o) { str_builder_append(&o->builder, "{"); o->is_first = true; } static void write_obj_end(JSONWriter *o) { str_builder_append(&o->builder, "}"); o->is_first = false; } static void write_arr_start(JSONWriter *o) { str_builder_append(&o->builder, "["); o->is_first = true; } static void write_arr_end(JSONWriter *o) { str_builder_append(&o->builder, "]"); o->is_first = false; } static void write_arr_elem(JSONWriter *o) { if (o->is_first) { o->is_first = false; } else { str_builder_append(&o->builder, ","); } } static void write_escaped(JSONWriter *o, const char *string) { StrBuilder *b = &o->builder; size_t output_index = str_builder_len(b); size_t capacity = 2 * strlen(string) + 1; // append a bunch of null bytes which will hold the escaped string str_builder_append_null(b, capacity); char *out = str_builder_get_ptr(b, output_index); // do the escaping size_t length = json_escape_to(out, capacity, string); // shrink down to just the escaped text str_builder_shrink(&o->builder, output_index + length); } static void write_string(JSONWriter *o, const char *string) { str_builder_append(&o->builder, "\""); write_escaped(o, string); str_builder_append(&o->builder, "\""); } static void write_key(JSONWriter *o, const char *key) { // NOTE: no keys in the LSP spec need escaping. str_builder_appendf(&o->builder, "%s\"%s\":", o->is_first ? "" : ",", key); o->is_first = false; } static void write_key_obj_start(JSONWriter *o, const char *key) { write_key(o, key); write_obj_start(o); } static void write_key_arr_start(JSONWriter *o, const char *key) { write_key(o, key); write_arr_start(o); } static void write_arr_elem_obj_start(JSONWriter *o) { write_arr_elem(o); write_obj_start(o); } static void write_arr_elem_arr_start(JSONWriter *o) { write_arr_elem(o); write_arr_start(o); } static void write_number(JSONWriter *o, double number) { str_builder_appendf(&o->builder, "%g", number); } static void write_key_number(JSONWriter *o, const char *key, double number) { write_key(o, key); write_number(o, number); } static void write_arr_elem_number(JSONWriter *o, double number) { write_arr_elem(o); write_number(o, number); } static void write_null(JSONWriter *o) { str_builder_append(&o->builder, "null"); } static void write_key_null(JSONWriter *o, const char *key) { write_key(o, key); write_null(o); } static void write_bool(JSONWriter *o, bool b) { str_builder_append(&o->builder, b ? "true" : "false"); } static void write_key_bool(JSONWriter *o, const char *key, bool b) { write_key(o, key); write_bool(o, b); } static void write_arr_elem_null(JSONWriter *o) { write_arr_elem(o); write_null(o); } static void write_key_string(JSONWriter *o, const char *key, const char *s) { write_key(o, key); write_string(o, s); } static void write_arr_elem_string(JSONWriter *o, const char *s) { write_arr_elem(o); write_string(o, s); } static void write_file_uri_direct(JSONWriter *o, const char *path) { str_builder_append(&o->builder, "\"file://"); write_escaped(o, path); str_builder_append(&o->builder, "\""); } static void write_file_uri(JSONWriter *o, LSPDocumentID document) { if (document >= arr_len(o->lsp->document_data)) { assert(0); str_builder_append(&o->builder, "\"\""); return; } const char *path = o->lsp->document_data[document].path; write_file_uri_direct(o, path); } static void write_key_file_uri(JSONWriter *o, const char *key, LSPDocumentID document) { write_key(o, key); write_file_uri(o, document); } static void write_key_file_uri_direct(JSONWriter *o, const char *key, const char *path) { write_key(o, key); write_file_uri_direct(o, path); } static void write_position(JSONWriter *o, LSPPosition position) { write_obj_start(o); write_key_number(o, "line", (double)position.line); write_key_number(o, "character", (double)position.character); write_obj_end(o); } static void write_key_position(JSONWriter *o, const char *key, LSPPosition position) { write_key(o, key); write_position(o, position); } static void write_range(JSONWriter *o, LSPRange range) { write_obj_start(o); write_key_position(o, "start", range.start); write_key_position(o, "end", range.end); write_obj_end(o); } static void write_key_range(JSONWriter *o, const char *key, LSPRange range) { write_key(o, key); write_range(o, range); } static void write_workspace_folders(JSONWriter *o, char **workspace_folders) { write_arr_start(o); arr_foreach_ptr(workspace_folders, char *, folder) { write_arr_elem_obj_start(o); write_key_file_uri_direct(o, "uri", *folder); write_key_string(o, "name", *folder); write_obj_end(o); } write_arr_end(o); } static const char *lsp_request_method(LSPRequest *request) { switch (request->type) { case LSP_REQUEST_NONE: break; case LSP_REQUEST_SHOW_MESSAGE: return "window/showMessage"; case LSP_REQUEST_LOG_MESSAGE: return "window/logMessage"; case LSP_REQUEST_INITIALIZE: return "initialize"; case LSP_REQUEST_INITIALIZED: return "initialized"; case LSP_REQUEST_DID_OPEN: return "textDocument/didOpen"; case LSP_REQUEST_DID_CLOSE: return "textDocument/didClose"; case LSP_REQUEST_DID_CHANGE: return "textDocument/didChange"; case LSP_REQUEST_COMPLETION: return "textDocument/completion"; case LSP_REQUEST_SHUTDOWN: return "shutdown"; case LSP_REQUEST_EXIT: return "exit"; case LSP_REQUEST_WORKSPACE_FOLDERS: return "workspace/workspaceFolders"; } assert(0); return "$/ignore"; } static bool request_type_is_notification(LSPRequestType type) { switch (type) { case LSP_REQUEST_NONE: break; case LSP_REQUEST_INITIALIZED: case LSP_REQUEST_EXIT: case LSP_REQUEST_DID_OPEN: case LSP_REQUEST_DID_CLOSE: case LSP_REQUEST_DID_CHANGE: return true; case LSP_REQUEST_INITIALIZE: case LSP_REQUEST_SHUTDOWN: case LSP_REQUEST_SHOW_MESSAGE: case LSP_REQUEST_LOG_MESSAGE: case LSP_REQUEST_COMPLETION: case LSP_REQUEST_WORKSPACE_FOLDERS: return false; } assert(0); return false; } static const size_t max_header_size = 64; static JSONWriter message_writer_new(LSP *lsp) { JSONWriter writer = json_writer_new(lsp); // this is where our header will go str_builder_append_null(&writer.builder, max_header_size); return writer; } static void message_writer_write_and_free(LSP *lsp, JSONWriter *o) { StrBuilder builder = o->builder; // this is kind of hacky but it lets us send the whole request with one write call. // probably not *actually* needed. i thought it would help fix an error but it didn't. size_t content_length = str_builder_len(&builder) - max_header_size; char content_length_str[32]; sprintf(content_length_str, "%zu", content_length); size_t header_size = strlen("Content-Length: \r\n\r\n") + strlen(content_length_str); char *header = &builder.str[max_header_size - header_size]; strcpy(header, "Content-Length: "); strcat(header, content_length_str); // we specifically DON'T want a null byte memcpy(header + strlen(header), "\r\n\r\n", 4); char *content = header; #if LSP_SHOW_C2S printf("%s%s%s\n",term_bold(stdout),content,term_clear(stdout)); #endif // @TODO: does write always write the full amount? probably not. this should be fixed. process_write(&lsp->process, content, strlen(content)); str_builder_free(&builder); } // NOTE: don't call lsp_request_free after calling this function. // I will do it for you. static void write_request(LSP *lsp, LSPRequest *request) { JSONWriter writer = message_writer_new(lsp); JSONWriter *o = &writer; write_obj_start(o); write_key_string(o, "jsonrpc", "2.0"); bool is_notification = request_type_is_notification(request->type); if (!is_notification) { u32 id = lsp->request_id++; request->id = id; write_key_number(o, "id", id); } write_key_string(o, "method", lsp_request_method(request)); switch (request->type) { case LSP_REQUEST_NONE: // these are server-to-client-only requests case LSP_REQUEST_SHOW_MESSAGE: case LSP_REQUEST_LOG_MESSAGE: case LSP_REQUEST_WORKSPACE_FOLDERS: assert(0); break; case LSP_REQUEST_INITIALIZED: case LSP_REQUEST_SHUTDOWN: case LSP_REQUEST_EXIT: // no params break; case LSP_REQUEST_INITIALIZE: { write_key_obj_start(o, "params"); write_key_number(o, "processId", process_get_id()); write_key_obj_start(o, "capabilities"); write_key_obj_start(o, "textDocument"); write_key_obj_start(o, "completion"); // completion capabilities write_key_obj_start(o, "completionItem"); write_key_bool(o, "snippetSupport", false); write_key_bool(o, "commitCharactersSupport", false); write_key_arr_start(o, "documentationFormat"); // we dont really support markdown write_arr_elem_string(o, "plaintext"); write_arr_end(o); write_key_bool(o, "deprecatedSupport", true); write_key_bool(o, "preselectSupport", false); write_key_obj_start(o, "tagSupport"); write_key_arr_start(o, "valueSet"); // currently the only tag in the spec write_arr_elem_number(o, 1); write_arr_end(o); write_obj_end(o); write_key_bool(o, "insertReplaceSupport", false); write_obj_end(o); // "completion item kinds" supported by ted // (these are the little icons displayed for function/variable/etc.) write_key_obj_start(o, "completionItemKind"); write_key_arr_start(o, "valueSet"); for (int i = LSP_COMPLETION_KIND_MIN; i <= LSP_COMPLETION_KIND_MAX; ++i) { write_arr_elem_number(o, i); } write_arr_end(o); write_obj_end(o); write_key_bool(o, "contextSupport", true); write_obj_end(o); write_obj_end(o); write_key_obj_start(o, "workspace"); write_key_bool(o, "workspaceFolders", true); write_obj_end(o); write_obj_end(o); write_key_file_uri_direct(o, "rootUri", lsp->workspace_folders[0]); write_key(o, "workspaceFolders"); write_workspace_folders(o, lsp->workspace_folders); write_key_obj_start(o, "clientInfo"); write_key_string(o, "name", "ted"); write_obj_end(o); write_obj_end(o); } break; case LSP_REQUEST_DID_OPEN: { const LSPRequestDidOpen *open = &request->; write_key_obj_start(o, "params"); write_key_obj_start(o, "textDocument"); write_key_file_uri(o, "uri", open->document); write_key_string(o, "languageId", lsp_language_id(open->language)); write_key_number(o, "version", 0); write_key_string(o, "text", open->file_contents); write_obj_end(o); write_obj_end(o); } break; case LSP_REQUEST_DID_CLOSE: { const LSPRequestDidClose *close = &request->data.close; write_key_obj_start(o, "params"); write_key_obj_start(o, "textDocument"); write_key_file_uri(o, "uri", close->document); write_obj_end(o); write_obj_end(o); } break; case LSP_REQUEST_DID_CHANGE: { LSPRequestDidChange *change = &request->data.change; if (change->document >= arr_len(lsp->document_data)) { assert(0); break; } LSPDocumentData *document = &lsp->document_data[change->document]; ++document->version_number; write_key_obj_start(o, "params"); write_key_obj_start(o, "textDocument"); write_key_number(o, "version", (double)document->version_number); write_key_file_uri(o, "uri", change->document); write_obj_end(o); write_key_arr_start(o, "contentChanges"); arr_foreach_ptr(change->changes, LSPDocumentChangeEvent, event) { write_arr_elem(o); write_obj_start(o); write_key_range(o, "range", event->range); write_key_string(o, "text", event->text ? event->text : ""); write_obj_end(o); } write_arr_end(o); write_obj_end(o); } break; case LSP_REQUEST_COMPLETION: { const LSPRequestCompletion *completion = &request->data.completion; write_key_obj_start(o, "params"); write_key_obj_start(o, "textDocument"); write_key_file_uri(o, "uri", completion->position.document); write_obj_end(o); write_key_position(o, "position", completion->position.pos); const LSPCompletionContext *context = &completion->context; LSPCompletionTriggerKind trigger_kind = context->trigger_kind; if (trigger_kind != LSP_TRIGGER_NONE) { write_key_obj_start(o, "context"); write_key_number(o, "triggerKind", trigger_kind); if (trigger_kind == LSP_TRIGGER_CHARACTER) write_key_string(o, "triggerCharacter", context->trigger_character); write_obj_end(o); } write_obj_end(o); } break; } write_obj_end(o); message_writer_write_and_free(lsp, o); if (is_notification) { lsp_request_free(request); } else { SDL_LockMutex(lsp->requests_mutex); arr_add(lsp->requests_sent, *request); SDL_UnlockMutex(lsp->requests_mutex); } } // NOTE: don't call lsp_response_free after calling this function. // I will do it for you. static void write_response(LSP *lsp, LSPResponse *response) { JSONWriter writer = message_writer_new(lsp); JSONWriter *o = &writer; LSPRequest *request = &response->request; if (request->id_string) write_key_string(o, "id", request->id_string); else write_key_number(o, "id", request->id); write_key_obj_start(o, "result"); switch (response->request.type) { case LSP_REQUEST_WORKSPACE_FOLDERS: write_workspace_folders(o, lsp->workspace_folders); break; default: // this is not a valid client-to-server response. assert(0); break; } write_obj_end(o); message_writer_write_and_free(lsp, o); lsp_response_free(response); }