# ted A text editor. **ted is still very new, and there are almost certainly bugs. There are also definitely important features missing. I don't recommend using this as your main text editor yet.** To install ted, you will need to build it from source (see below). Eventually there will be a nice installer, but only when it's stable and bug-free enough for ordinary use. ## Why? There are a lot of text editors out there. ted doesn't do anything new. But in the modern world of text editors running browsers internally, it can be nice to have a simple editor that starts up practically instantaneously, and performs well on reasonably-sized files. ## Supported features (more coming soon) All the keybindings listed below are customizable! - Multiple tabs, each with a different file - Split screen (Ctrl+/, Ctrl+Shift+/) - Auto-indent - Customization of (pretty much) all colours and keyboard commands. - Syntax highlighting for C, C++, Rust, and Python. - Find and replace (with regular expressions!) - Run build command (F4), go to errors - Run any shell command (Ctrl+!) - Go to definition (Ctrl+click) - Go to line (Ctrl+G) ## Building from source To install `ted` on Linux, you will need: - A C compiler - The SDL2 development libraries - wget, unzip (for downloading, extracting PCRE2) - cmake (for PCRE2) These can be installed on Ubuntu/Debian with: ``` sudo apt install gcc libsdl2-dev wget unzip cmake ``` Then run ``` wget https://ftp.pcre.org/pub/pcre/pcre2-10.36.zip sudo make install -j4 ``` On Windows (64-bit), first you will need to install Microsoft Visual Studio, then find and add vcvarsall.bat to your PATH. Next you will need the SDL2 VC development libraries: https://www.libsdl.org/download-2.0.php Extract the zip, copy SDL2-2.x.y into the ted directory, and rename it to SDL2. Also copy SDL2\lib\x64\SDL2.dll to the ted directory. You will also need PCRE2. Download it here: https://ftp.pcre.org/pub/pcre/pcre2-10.36.zip, unzip it, and put pcre2-10.36 in the same folder as ted. Then run `make.bat`. ## Version history
Version | Description | Date |
0.0 | Very basic editor | 2021 Jan 31 |
0.1 | Syntax highlighting | 2021 Feb 3 |
0.2 | Line numbers, check if file changed by another program | 2021 Feb 5 |
0.3 | Find+replace, highlight matching parentheses, indent/dedent selection | 2021 Feb 11 |
0.3a | Find+replace bug fixes, view-only mode | 2021 Feb 14 |
0.4 | :build | 2021 Feb 18 |
0.5 | Go to definition | 2021 Feb 22 |
0.5a | Several bugfixes, go to line | 2021 Feb 23 |
0.6 | Split-screen | 2021 Feb 28 |
0.7 | Restore session, command selector, :shell, big bug fixes | 2021 Mar 3 |