path: root/lsp.c
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
9 daysadd support for textDocument/prepareRenamepommicket
2024-12-07Better handling of LSP errorspommicket
2023-09-14batch write requests, fix tiny memory leak in ide-autocompletepommicket
2023-09-10swap return 0 and -1 for process_read/socket_readpommicket
for consistency with process_write/socket_write
2023-09-10LSP over TCP on windowspommicket
2023-09-10fix godot issues by adding lsp-delaypommicket
2023-09-09deal with LSP servers that don't support incremental syncpommicket
this was the problem with godot
2023-09-09start incremental sync supportpommicket
2023-09-09fix handling of TextEdit[]pommicket
i hate microsoft so much
2023-09-08LSP code formatting (not entirely working yet)pommicket
2023-09-08better LSP over TCPpommicket
2023-09-08LSP over TCP initial draftpommicket
2023-09-07textDocument/publishDiagnostics parsingpommicket
2023-09-07use LSPString in requests too for consistencypommicket
2023-08-04textDocument/documentLink parsingpommicket
2023-07-19fix memory leaks (not really leaky)pommicket
2023-03-03different read/write colors for ide-highlightspommicket
2023-03-01start dynamic lbanguage registarationpommicket
2023-01-12[2.0] minor windows path-related fixes, windows installer versionpommicket
2023-01-10linux build , etc.pommicket
2023-01-09fixed a bunch of windows stuffpommicket
also compile_commands.json does fix the usages problem!
2023-01-09fix some windows problemspommicket
2023-01-09windows cmake buildpommicket
2023-01-09building on windowspommicket
still needs lots more testing
2023-01-08start windows supportLeo Tenenbaum
2023-01-08fix memory leakspommicket
2023-01-08make 0 not a valid document IDpommicket
2023-01-08fix up stuff for when LSP server exitspommicket
2023-01-07fix tags go-to-definition menu, silence errors for LSP not foundpommicket
2023-01-07better request cancellation systempommicket
2023-01-07improve request cancellation, fix hover bugpommicket
2023-01-06check LSP process statuspommicket
2023-01-06finished lsp-logpommicket
2023-01-06lsp-log settingpommicket
2023-01-05lsp-configuration optionpommicket
2023-01-04fix command-line argument starting file if it doesn't existpommicket
it used to open an untitled buffer. also, clarified buffer_load_file
2023-01-04more documentationpommicket
2023-01-03read workspace/symbols containerNamepommicket
2023-01-03don't start up multiple LSP servers with the same commandpommicket
2023-01-03go to type definitionpommicket
2023-01-03go to declarationpommicket
2023-01-02fix tcc build problemspommicket
2023-01-02finish restructuringpommicket
2023-01-02restructure LSP stuffpommicket
2022-12-30basic find usagespommicket
2022-12-30textDocument/references requestpommicket
2022-12-30start document highlightspommicket
2022-12-30start parse rename responsepommicket
2022-12-30write rename requestpommicket
2022-12-30cancelling requestspommicket