path: root/command.c
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
7 daysadd support for textDocument/prepareRenamepommicket
2024-09-08manual indentation, command palette fixespommicket
2023-09-08LSP code formatting (not entirely working yet)pommicket
2023-08-27disambiguate between files with the same namepommicket
2023-08-15use home/end with selectorpommicket
2023-08-14selector search working againpommicket
2023-08-13internalize Nodepommicket
2023-08-13various little changes, remove calls to change_directorypommicket
2023-08-12internalize buffer - broke some stuffpommicket
2023-08-09more pointerizing of buffers, fix memory leakspommicket
2023-08-09new node/buffer system, needs more testingpommicket
2023-08-05more dynamic menus (menus are currently broken)pommicket
2023-08-05some cleanuppommicket
2023-08-05separate ted-internal.hpommicket
2023-08-05internalize Autocompletepommicket
2023-08-05more plugin preparationpommicket
2023-08-04start renmae symbolpommicket
2023-07-19new font management systempommicket
this lets us avoid reloading the font file from disk whenever the font size changes
2023-07-14copy-path commandpommicket
2023-05-11:matching-bracket, fix matching bracket highlighting in some casespommicket
2023-03-27fix crash on in/decrement-number & insert-text w no active bufferpommicket
2023-03-23increment-number and decrement-numberpommicket
2023-03-23macros are working!pommicket
2023-03-23get rid of ARG_STRING, start macrospommicket
2023-03-23fix crash on :previous-position with no active bufferpommicket
2023-03-02dynamic language registration workingpommicket
2023-03-01start dynamic lbanguage registarationpommicket
2023-02-26ctrl+scroll to adjust text sizepommicket
2023-01-06start phantom completionspommicket
2023-01-05clean up some TODOspommicket
2023-01-05lsp-reset commandpommicket
2023-01-04the great "filename to path" renamepommicket
2023-01-04fix command-line argument starting file if it doesn't existpommicket
it used to open an untitled buffer. also, clarified buffer_load_file
2023-01-04more documentationpommicket
2023-01-03go to type definitionpommicket
2023-01-03go to declarationpommicket
2023-01-03different types of messagespommicket
2023-01-02:up-blank-line, etc.pommicket
2023-01-02Status => bool on a few functionspommicket
2023-01-02finish restructuringpommicket
2023-01-02restructure ui.c, command.cpommicket
2023-01-01char const => const charpommicket
2023-01-01replace @OPTIMIZE with @TODOpommicket
2022-12-31start moving things aroundpommicket
2022-12-31goto-definition-at-cursor commandpommicket
2022-12-31avoid using time_get_secondspommicket
because it makes a syscall
2022-12-30basic find usagespommicket
2022-12-29show the wait cursor when waiting for go to definitionpommicket