diff options
8 files changed, 224 insertions, 23 deletions
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index c7559c0..c34498a 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -31,7 +31,8 @@ libpcre2-32.a:
cd pcre2-10.36 && cmake -DPCRE2_BUILD_PCRE2_32=ON . && $(MAKE) -j8
cp pcre2-10.36/libpcre2-32.a ./
+ ./
ted.deb: release
rm -rf /tmp/ted
mkdir -p /tmp/ted/DEBIAN
diff --git a/ b/
index 04eb29b..054ce0e 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ in other editors.
- Multiple tabs, each with a different file
- Split screen (default: Ctrl+\\, Ctrl+Shift+\\)
- Auto-indent
-- Syntax highlighting for C, C++, Rust, Python, and LaTeX.
+- Syntax highlighting for C, C++, Rust, Python, LaTeX, and Markdown.
- Find and replace (with regular expressions!)
- Run build command (F4), go to errors
- Run any shell command (Ctrl+!)
diff --git a/keywords.h b/keywords.h
index 5906c6f..5fdb0e5 100644
--- a/keywords.h
+++ b/keywords.h
@@ -179,3 +179,27 @@ static Keyword const *const syntax_all_keywords_python[] = {
['A'] = syntax_keywords_python_A, ['B'] = syntax_keywords_python_B, ['C'] = syntax_keywords_python_C, ['D'] = syntax_keywords_python_D, ['E'] = syntax_keywords_python_E, ['F'] = syntax_keywords_python_F, ['G'] = syntax_keywords_python_G, ['I'] = syntax_keywords_python_I, ['K'] = syntax_keywords_python_K, ['L'] = syntax_keywords_python_L, ['M'] = syntax_keywords_python_M, ['N'] = syntax_keywords_python_N, ['O'] = syntax_keywords_python_O, ['P'] = syntax_keywords_python_P, ['R'] = syntax_keywords_python_R, ['S'] = syntax_keywords_python_S, ['T'] = syntax_keywords_python_T, ['U'] = syntax_keywords_python_U, ['V'] = syntax_keywords_python_V, ['W'] = syntax_keywords_python_W, ['Z'] = syntax_keywords_python_Z, ['_'] = syntax_keywords_python__, ['a'] = syntax_keywords_python_a, ['b'] = syntax_keywords_python_b, ['c'] = syntax_keywords_python_c, ['d'] = syntax_keywords_python_d, ['e'] = syntax_keywords_python_e, ['f'] = syntax_keywords_python_f, ['g'] = syntax_keywords_python_g, ['h'] = syntax_keywords_python_h, ['i'] = syntax_keywords_python_i, ['l'] = syntax_keywords_python_l, ['m'] = syntax_keywords_python_m, ['n'] = syntax_keywords_python_n, ['o'] = syntax_keywords_python_o, ['p'] = syntax_keywords_python_p, ['q'] = syntax_keywords_python_q, ['r'] = syntax_keywords_python_r, ['s'] = syntax_keywords_python_s, ['t'] = syntax_keywords_python_t, ['v'] = syntax_keywords_python_v, ['w'] = syntax_keywords_python_w, ['y'] = syntax_keywords_python_y, ['z'] = syntax_keywords_python_z
+static Keyword const syntax_keywords_html_a[11] = {{"accept-charset=", SYNTAX_BUILTIN},{"accept=", SYNTAX_BUILTIN},{"accesskey=", SYNTAX_BUILTIN},{"action=", SYNTAX_BUILTIN},{"align=", SYNTAX_BUILTIN},{"alt=", SYNTAX_BUILTIN},{"async=", SYNTAX_BUILTIN},{"autocomplete=", SYNTAX_BUILTIN},{"autofocus=", SYNTAX_BUILTIN},{"autoplay=", SYNTAX_BUILTIN}};
+static Keyword const syntax_keywords_html_b[3] = {{"bgcolor=", SYNTAX_BUILTIN},{"border=", SYNTAX_BUILTIN}};
+static Keyword const syntax_keywords_html_c[12] = {{"charset=", SYNTAX_BUILTIN},{"checked=", SYNTAX_BUILTIN},{"cite=", SYNTAX_BUILTIN},{"class=", SYNTAX_BUILTIN},{"color=", SYNTAX_BUILTIN},{"cols=", SYNTAX_BUILTIN},{"colspan=", SYNTAX_BUILTIN},{"content=", SYNTAX_BUILTIN},{"contenteditable=", SYNTAX_BUILTIN},{"controls=", SYNTAX_BUILTIN},{"coords=", SYNTAX_BUILTIN}};
+static Keyword const syntax_keywords_html_d[10] = {{"data=", SYNTAX_BUILTIN},{"datetime=", SYNTAX_BUILTIN},{"default=", SYNTAX_BUILTIN},{"defer=", SYNTAX_BUILTIN},{"dir=", SYNTAX_BUILTIN},{"dirname=", SYNTAX_BUILTIN},{"disabled=", SYNTAX_BUILTIN},{"download=", SYNTAX_BUILTIN},{"draggable=", SYNTAX_BUILTIN}};
+static Keyword const syntax_keywords_html_e[2] = {{"enctype=", SYNTAX_BUILTIN}};
+static Keyword const syntax_keywords_html_f[4] = {{"for=", SYNTAX_BUILTIN},{"form=", SYNTAX_BUILTIN},{"formaction=", SYNTAX_BUILTIN}};
+static Keyword const syntax_keywords_html_h[8] = {{"headers=", SYNTAX_BUILTIN},{"height=", SYNTAX_BUILTIN},{"hidden=", SYNTAX_BUILTIN},{"high=", SYNTAX_BUILTIN},{"href=", SYNTAX_BUILTIN},{"hreflang=", SYNTAX_BUILTIN},{"http-equiv=", SYNTAX_BUILTIN}};
+static Keyword const syntax_keywords_html_i[3] = {{"id=", SYNTAX_BUILTIN},{"ismap=", SYNTAX_BUILTIN}};
+static Keyword const syntax_keywords_html_k[2] = {{"kind=", SYNTAX_BUILTIN}};
+static Keyword const syntax_keywords_html_l[6] = {{"label=", SYNTAX_BUILTIN},{"lang=", SYNTAX_BUILTIN},{"list=", SYNTAX_BUILTIN},{"loop=", SYNTAX_BUILTIN},{"low=", SYNTAX_BUILTIN}};
+static Keyword const syntax_keywords_html_m[8] = {{"max=", SYNTAX_BUILTIN},{"maxlength=", SYNTAX_BUILTIN},{"media=", SYNTAX_BUILTIN},{"method=", SYNTAX_BUILTIN},{"min=", SYNTAX_BUILTIN},{"multiple=", SYNTAX_BUILTIN},{"muted=", SYNTAX_BUILTIN}};
+static Keyword const syntax_keywords_html_n[3] = {{"name=", SYNTAX_BUILTIN},{"novalidate=", SYNTAX_BUILTIN}};
+static Keyword const syntax_keywords_html_o[73] = {{"onabort=", SYNTAX_BUILTIN},{"onafterprint=", SYNTAX_BUILTIN},{"onbeforeprint=", SYNTAX_BUILTIN},{"onbeforeunload=", SYNTAX_BUILTIN},{"onblur=", SYNTAX_BUILTIN},{"oncanplay=", SYNTAX_BUILTIN},{"oncanplaythrough=", SYNTAX_BUILTIN},{"onchange=", SYNTAX_BUILTIN},{"onclick=", SYNTAX_BUILTIN},{"oncontextmenu=", SYNTAX_BUILTIN},{"oncopy=", SYNTAX_BUILTIN},{"oncuechange=", SYNTAX_BUILTIN},{"oncut=", SYNTAX_BUILTIN},{"ondblclick=", SYNTAX_BUILTIN},{"ondrag=", SYNTAX_BUILTIN},{"ondragend=", SYNTAX_BUILTIN},{"ondragenter=", SYNTAX_BUILTIN},{"ondragleave=", SYNTAX_BUILTIN},{"ondragover=", SYNTAX_BUILTIN},{"ondragstart=", SYNTAX_BUILTIN},{"ondrop=", SYNTAX_BUILTIN},{"ondurationchange=", SYNTAX_BUILTIN},{"onemptied=", SYNTAX_BUILTIN},{"onended=", SYNTAX_BUILTIN},{"onerror=", SYNTAX_BUILTIN},{"onfocus=", SYNTAX_BUILTIN},{"onhashchange=", SYNTAX_BUILTIN},{"oninput=", SYNTAX_BUILTIN},{"oninvalid=", SYNTAX_BUILTIN},{"onkeydown=", SYNTAX_BUILTIN},{"onkeypress=", SYNTAX_BUILTIN},{"onkeyup=", SYNTAX_BUILTIN},{"onload=", SYNTAX_BUILTIN},{"onloadeddata=", SYNTAX_BUILTIN},{"onloadedmetadata=", SYNTAX_BUILTIN},{"onloadstart=", SYNTAX_BUILTIN},{"onmousedown=", SYNTAX_BUILTIN},{"onmousemove=", SYNTAX_BUILTIN},{"onmouseout=", SYNTAX_BUILTIN},{"onmouseover=", SYNTAX_BUILTIN},{"onmouseup=", SYNTAX_BUILTIN},{"onmousewheel=", SYNTAX_BUILTIN},{"onoffline=", SYNTAX_BUILTIN},{"ononline=", SYNTAX_BUILTIN},{"onpagehide=", SYNTAX_BUILTIN},{"onpageshow=", SYNTAX_BUILTIN},{"onpaste=", SYNTAX_BUILTIN},{"onpause=", SYNTAX_BUILTIN},{"onplay=", SYNTAX_BUILTIN},{"onplaying=", SYNTAX_BUILTIN},{"onpopstate=", SYNTAX_BUILTIN},{"onprogress=", SYNTAX_BUILTIN},{"onratechange=", SYNTAX_BUILTIN},{"onreset=", SYNTAX_BUILTIN},{"onresize=", SYNTAX_BUILTIN},{"onscroll=", SYNTAX_BUILTIN},{"onsearch=", SYNTAX_BUILTIN},{"onseeked=", SYNTAX_BUILTIN},{"onseeking=", SYNTAX_BUILTIN},{"onselect=", SYNTAX_BUILTIN},{"onstalled=", SYNTAX_BUILTIN},{"onstorage=", SYNTAX_BUILTIN},{"onsubmit=", SYNTAX_BUILTIN},{"onsuspend=", SYNTAX_BUILTIN},{"ontimeupdate=", SYNTAX_BUILTIN},{"ontoggle=", SYNTAX_BUILTIN},{"onunload=", SYNTAX_BUILTIN},{"onvolumechange=", SYNTAX_BUILTIN},{"onwaiting=", SYNTAX_BUILTIN},{"onwheel=", SYNTAX_BUILTIN},{"open=", SYNTAX_BUILTIN},{"optimum=", SYNTAX_BUILTIN}};
+static Keyword const syntax_keywords_html_p[5] = {{"pattern=", SYNTAX_BUILTIN},{"placeholder=", SYNTAX_BUILTIN},{"poster=", SYNTAX_BUILTIN},{"preload=", SYNTAX_BUILTIN}};
+static Keyword const syntax_keywords_html_r[7] = {{"readonly=", SYNTAX_BUILTIN},{"rel=", SYNTAX_BUILTIN},{"required=", SYNTAX_BUILTIN},{"reversed=", SYNTAX_BUILTIN},{"rows=", SYNTAX_BUILTIN},{"rowspan=", SYNTAX_BUILTIN}};
+static Keyword const syntax_keywords_html_s[16] = {{"sandbox=", SYNTAX_BUILTIN},{"scope=", SYNTAX_BUILTIN},{"selected=", SYNTAX_BUILTIN},{"shape=", SYNTAX_BUILTIN},{"size=", SYNTAX_BUILTIN},{"sizes=", SYNTAX_BUILTIN},{"span=", SYNTAX_BUILTIN},{"spellcheck=", SYNTAX_BUILTIN},{"src=", SYNTAX_BUILTIN},{"srcdoc=", SYNTAX_BUILTIN},{"srclang=", SYNTAX_BUILTIN},{"srcset=", SYNTAX_BUILTIN},{"start=", SYNTAX_BUILTIN},{"step=", SYNTAX_BUILTIN},{"style=", SYNTAX_BUILTIN}};
+static Keyword const syntax_keywords_html_t[6] = {{"tabindex=", SYNTAX_BUILTIN},{"target=", SYNTAX_BUILTIN},{"title=", SYNTAX_BUILTIN},{"translate=", SYNTAX_BUILTIN},{"type=", SYNTAX_BUILTIN}};
+static Keyword const syntax_keywords_html_u[2] = {{"usemap=", SYNTAX_BUILTIN}};
+static Keyword const syntax_keywords_html_v[2] = {{"value=", SYNTAX_BUILTIN}};
+static Keyword const syntax_keywords_html_w[3] = {{"width=", SYNTAX_BUILTIN},{"wrap=", SYNTAX_BUILTIN}};
+static Keyword const *const syntax_all_keywords_html[] = {
+ ['a'] = syntax_keywords_html_a, ['b'] = syntax_keywords_html_b, ['c'] = syntax_keywords_html_c, ['d'] = syntax_keywords_html_d, ['e'] = syntax_keywords_html_e, ['f'] = syntax_keywords_html_f, ['h'] = syntax_keywords_html_h, ['i'] = syntax_keywords_html_i, ['k'] = syntax_keywords_html_k, ['l'] = syntax_keywords_html_l, ['m'] = syntax_keywords_html_m, ['n'] = syntax_keywords_html_n, ['o'] = syntax_keywords_html_o, ['p'] = syntax_keywords_html_p, ['r'] = syntax_keywords_html_r, ['s'] = syntax_keywords_html_s, ['t'] = syntax_keywords_html_t, ['u'] = syntax_keywords_html_u, ['v'] = syntax_keywords_html_v, ['w'] = syntax_keywords_html_w
diff --git a/ b/
index 951f3b2..c8f7e9c 100755
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -216,6 +216,40 @@ builtins_python = ['ArithmeticError', 'AssertionError', 'AttributeError', 'BaseE
'vars', 'zip',
+attributes_html = [
+ 'accept','accept-charset','accesskey','action','align','alt','async',
+ 'autocomplete','autofocus','autoplay','bgcolor','border','charset',
+ 'checked','cite','class','color','cols','colspan','content',
+ 'contenteditable','controls','coords','data','datetime',
+ 'default','defer','dir','dirname','disabled','download','draggable',
+ 'enctype','for','form','formaction','headers','height','hidden','high',
+ 'href','hreflang','http-equiv','id','ismap','kind','label','lang','list',
+ 'loop','low','max','maxlength','media','method','min','multiple','muted',
+ 'name','novalidate','onabort','onafterprint','onbeforeprint',
+ 'onbeforeunload','onblur','oncanplay','oncanplaythrough','onchange',
+ 'onclick','oncontextmenu','oncopy','oncuechange','oncut','ondblclick',
+ 'ondrag','ondragend','ondragenter','ondragleave','ondragover','ondragstart',
+ 'ondrop','ondurationchange','onemptied','onended','onerror','onfocus',
+ 'onhashchange','oninput','oninvalid','onkeydown','onkeypress','onkeyup',
+ 'onload','onloadeddata','onloadedmetadata','onloadstart','onmousedown',
+ 'onmousemove','onmouseout','onmouseover','onmouseup','onmousewheel','onoffline',
+ 'ononline','onpagehide','onpageshow','onpaste','onpause','onplay','onplaying',
+ 'onpopstate','onprogress','onratechange','onreset','onresize','onscroll',
+ 'onsearch','onseeked','onseeking','onselect','onstalled','onstorage',
+ 'onsubmit','onsuspend','ontimeupdate','ontoggle','onunload','onvolumechange',
+ 'onwaiting','onwheel','open','optimum','pattern','placeholder','poster',
+ 'preload','readonly','rel','required','reversed','rows','rowspan','sandbox',
+ 'scope','selected','shape','size','sizes','span','spellcheck','src','srcdoc',
+ 'srclang','srcset','start','step','style','tabindex','target',
+ 'title','translate','type','usemap','value','width','wrap'
+assert len(attributes_html) == len(set(attributes_html))
+builtins_html = []
+for attr in attributes_html:
+ builtins_html.append(attr + '=')
file = open('keywords.h', 'w')
file.write('''// keywords for all languages ted supports
// This file was auto-generated by
@@ -239,4 +273,5 @@ cpp_things.remove((SYNTAX_BUILTIN, 'wchar_t'))
output_keywords(file, cpp_things, 'cpp')
output_keywords(file, label(keywords_rust, SYNTAX_KEYWORD) + label(builtins_rust, SYNTAX_BUILTIN) + label(constants_rust, SYNTAX_CONSTANT), 'rust')
output_keywords(file, label(keywords_python, SYNTAX_KEYWORD) + label(builtins_python, SYNTAX_BUILTIN), 'python')
+output_keywords(file, label(builtins_html, SYNTAX_BUILTIN), 'html')
diff --git a/main.c b/main.c
index 64fc96d..044a11b 100644
--- a/main.c
+++ b/main.c
@@ -1,4 +1,7 @@
-// HTML highlighting
+// Highlighting for:
+// - Config (cfg)
+// :set-language command; -1 = default language for this extension
#include "base.h"
#if _WIN32
diff --git a/syntax.c b/syntax.c
index 0a4805d..2e361cf 100644
--- a/syntax.c
+++ b/syntax.c
@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ char const *language_comment_start(Language l) {
case LANG_CPP: return "// ";
case LANG_PYTHON: return "# ";
case LANG_TEX: return "% ";
+ case LANG_HTML: return "<!-- ";
@@ -34,6 +35,8 @@ char const *language_comment_end(Language l) {
switch (l) {
case LANG_C:
return " */";
+ case LANG_HTML:
+ return " -->";
return "";
@@ -54,10 +57,10 @@ ColorSetting syntax_char_type_to_color(SyntaxCharType t) {
return COLOR_TEXT;
-static inline bool syntax_keyword_matches(char32_t *text, size_t len, char const *keyword) {
+static inline bool syntax_keyword_matches(char32_t const *text, size_t len, char const *keyword) {
if (len == strlen(keyword)) {
bool matches = true;
- char32_t *p = text;
+ char32_t const *p = text;
// check if `p` starts with `keyword`
for (char const *q = keyword; *q; ++p, ++q) {
if (*p != (char32_t)*q) {
@@ -98,7 +101,7 @@ bool syntax_is_opening_bracket(Language lang, char32_t c) {
// lookup the given string in the keywords table
-static Keyword const *syntax_keyword_lookup(Keyword const *const *all_keywords, size_t n_all_keywords, char32_t *str, size_t len) {
+static Keyword const *syntax_keyword_lookup(Keyword const *const *all_keywords, size_t n_all_keywords, char32_t const *str, size_t len) {
if (!len) return NULL;
if (str[0] >= n_all_keywords) return NULL;
@@ -115,7 +118,7 @@ static Keyword const *syntax_keyword_lookup(Keyword const *const *all_keywords,
// does i continue the number literal from i-1
-static inline bool syntax_number_continues(char32_t *line, u32 line_len, u32 i) {
+static inline bool syntax_number_continues(char32_t const *line, u32 line_len, u32 i) {
if (line[i] == '.' && ((i && line[i-1] == '.') || (i < line_len-1 && line[i+1] == '.')))
return false; // can't have two .s in a row
return (line[i] < CHAR_MAX &&
@@ -123,19 +126,34 @@ static inline bool syntax_number_continues(char32_t *line, u32 line_len, u32 i)
|| (i && line[i-1] == 'e' && (line[i] == '+' || line[i] == '-'))));
+static bool is_keyword(Language lang, char32_t c) {
+ if (is32_ident(c)) return true;
+ switch (lang) {
+ case LANG_RUST:
+ // Rust builtin macros
+ if (c == '!')
+ return true;
+ break;
+ case LANG_HTML:
+ if (c == '-' || c == '=')
+ return true;
+ break;
+ default: break;
+ }
+ return false;
// find how long this keyword would be (if this is a keyword)
-static inline u32 syntax_keyword_len(Language lang, char32_t *line, u32 i, u32 line_len) {
+static inline u32 syntax_keyword_len(Language lang, char32_t const *line, u32 i, u32 line_len) {
u32 keyword_end;
- for (keyword_end = i;
- keyword_end < line_len
- && (is32_ident(line[keyword_end])
- || (lang == LANG_RUST && line[keyword_end] == '!')) // for rust builtin macros
- ; ++keyword_end);
+ for (keyword_end = i; keyword_end < line_len; ++keyword_end) {
+ if (!is_keyword(lang, line[keyword_end]))
+ break;
+ }
return keyword_end - i;
-static void syntax_highlight_c_cpp(SyntaxState *state_ptr, bool cpp, char32_t *line, u32 line_len, SyntaxCharType *char_types) {
+static void syntax_highlight_c_cpp(SyntaxState *state_ptr, bool cpp, char32_t const *line, u32 line_len, SyntaxCharType *char_types) {
SyntaxState state = *state_ptr;
bool in_preprocessor = (state & SYNTAX_STATE_CPP_PREPROCESSOR) != 0;
bool in_string = (state & SYNTAX_STATE_CPP_STRING) != 0;
@@ -293,7 +311,7 @@ static void syntax_highlight_c_cpp(SyntaxState *state_ptr, bool cpp, char32_t *l
-static void syntax_highlight_rust(SyntaxState *state, char32_t *line, u32 line_len, SyntaxCharType *char_types) {
+static void syntax_highlight_rust(SyntaxState *state, char32_t const *line, u32 line_len, SyntaxCharType *char_types) {
bool in_string = (*state & SYNTAX_STATE_RUST_STRING) != 0;
bool string_is_raw = (*state & SYNTAX_STATE_RUST_STRING_IS_RAW) != 0;
@@ -446,7 +464,7 @@ static void syntax_highlight_rust(SyntaxState *state, char32_t *line, u32 line_l
-static void syntax_highlight_python(SyntaxState *state, char32_t *line, u32 line_len, SyntaxCharType *char_types) {
+static void syntax_highlight_python(SyntaxState *state, char32_t const *line, u32 line_len, SyntaxCharType *char_types) {
bool in_string = (*state & SYNTAX_STATE_PYTHON_STRING) != 0;
bool string_is_dbl_quoted = (*state & SYNTAX_STATE_PYTHON_STRING_DBL_QUOTED) != 0;
@@ -559,7 +577,7 @@ static bool is_tex_ident(char32_t c) {
return is32_ident(c) && !is32_digit(c);
-static void syntax_highlight_tex(SyntaxState *state, char32_t *line, u32 line_len, SyntaxCharType *char_types) {
+static void syntax_highlight_tex(SyntaxState *state, char32_t const *line, u32 line_len, SyntaxCharType *char_types) {
bool dollar = (*state & SYNTAX_STATE_TEX_DOLLAR) != 0;
bool dollardollar = (*state & SYNTAX_STATE_TEX_DOLLARDOLLAR) != 0;
bool verbatim = (*state & SYNTAX_STATE_TEX_VERBATIM) != 0;
@@ -577,7 +595,7 @@ static void syntax_highlight_tex(SyntaxState *state, char32_t *line, u32 line_le
if (is_tex_ident(line[i+1])) {
// command, e.g. \begin
String32 command_str = {
- .str = line + i+1,
+ .str = (char32_t *)line + i+1,
.len = line_len - (i+1),
bool new_verbatim = false;
@@ -658,7 +676,7 @@ static void syntax_highlight_tex(SyntaxState *state, char32_t *line, u32 line_le
-static void syntax_highlight_markdown(SyntaxState *state, char32_t *line, u32 line_len, SyntaxCharType *char_types) {
+static void syntax_highlight_markdown(SyntaxState *state, char32_t const *line, u32 line_len, SyntaxCharType *char_types) {
bool multiline_code = (*state & SYNTAX_STATE_MARKDOWN_CODE) != 0;
*state = (multiline_code * SYNTAX_STATE_MARKDOWN_CODE);
@@ -703,7 +721,7 @@ static void syntax_highlight_markdown(SyntaxState *state, char32_t *line, u32 li
String32 remains = {
- .str = line + i,
+ .str = (char32_t *)line + i,
.len = line_len - i
if (!format_ending && str32_has_ascii_prefix(remains, "http")) {
@@ -845,11 +863,121 @@ static void syntax_highlight_markdown(SyntaxState *state, char32_t *line, u32 li
+static bool is_html_tag_char(char32_t c) {
+ return c == '<' || c == '/' || c == '!' || is32_alnum(c);
+static void syntax_highlight_html(SyntaxState *state, char32_t const *line, u32 line_len, SyntaxCharType *char_types) {
+ bool comment = (*state & SYNTAX_STATE_HTML_COMMENT) != 0;
+ bool in_sgl_string = false; // 'string'
+ bool in_dbl_string = false; // "string"
+ int backslashes = 0;
+ for (u32 i = 0; i < line_len; ++i) {
+ String32 remains = {
+ .str = (char32_t *)line + i,
+ .len = line_len - i
+ };
+ bool has_1_char = i + 1 < line_len;
+ if (comment) {
+ if (str32_has_ascii_prefix(remains, "-->")) {
+ if (char_types)
+ memset(&char_types[i], SYNTAX_COMMENT, 3);
+ i += 2;
+ // (don't worry, comments can't nest in HTML)
+ comment = false;
+ } else {
+ if (char_types) char_types[i] = SYNTAX_COMMENT;
+ }
+ } else if (!in_sgl_string && !in_dbl_string && str32_has_ascii_prefix(remains, "<!--")) {
+ comment = true;
+ if (char_types) char_types[i] = SYNTAX_COMMENT;
+ } else if (in_sgl_string || in_dbl_string) {
+ if (char_types)
+ char_types[i] = SYNTAX_STRING;
+ if (line[i] == (in_sgl_string ? '\'' : '"') && backslashes % 2 == 0)
+ in_sgl_string = in_dbl_string = false;
+ } else {
+ if (char_types) char_types[i] = SYNTAX_NORMAL;
+ switch (line[i]) {
+ case '"':
+ if (i > 0 && line[i-1] == '=') {
+ in_dbl_string = true;
+ if (char_types)
+ char_types[i] = SYNTAX_STRING;
+ }
+ break;
+ case '\'':
+ if (i > 0 && line[i-1] == '=') {
+ in_sgl_string = true;
+ if (char_types)
+ char_types[i] = SYNTAX_STRING;
+ }
+ break;
+ case '&':
+ for (; i < line_len; ++i) {
+ if (char_types)
+ char_types[i] = SYNTAX_BUILTIN;
+ if (line[i] == ';')
+ break;
+ }
+ break;
+ case '<':
+ if (has_1_char && is_html_tag_char(line[i+1])) {
+ for (; i < line_len; ++i) {
+ if (!is_html_tag_char(line[i])) {
+ --i;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (char_types)
+ char_types[i] = SYNTAX_KEYWORD;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case '>':
+ if (char_types) {
+ // we want to check if the character before it is a space so that
+ // > in JavaScript/PHP doesn't get picked up as a "tag".
+ if (i > 0 && !is32_space(line[i-1])) {
+ char_types[i] = SYNTAX_KEYWORD;
+ if (line[i-1] == '/') // tags like <thing+ />
+ char_types[i-1] = SYNTAX_KEYWORD;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ if (char_types) {
+ u32 keyword_len = syntax_keyword_len(LANG_HTML, line, i, line_len);
+ Keyword const *keyword = syntax_keyword_lookup(syntax_all_keywords_html, arr_count(syntax_all_keywords_html),
+ &line[i], keyword_len);
+ if (keyword) {
+ SyntaxCharType type = keyword->type;
+ for (size_t j = 0; j < keyword_len; ++j) {
+ char_types[i++] = type;
+ }
+ --i; // we'll increment i from the for loop
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (i < line_len) {
+ if (line[i] == '\\')
+ ++backslashes;
+ else
+ backslashes = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ *state = (comment * SYNTAX_STATE_HTML_COMMENT);
// This is the main syntax highlighting function. It will determine which colors to use for each character.
// Rather than returning colors, it returns a character type (e.g. comment) which can be converted to a color.
// To highlight multiple lines, start out with a zeroed SyntaxState, and pass a pointer to it each time.
// You can set char_types to NULL if you just want to advance the state, and don't care about the character types.
-void syntax_highlight(SyntaxState *state, Language lang, char32_t *line, u32 line_len, SyntaxCharType *char_types) {
+void syntax_highlight(SyntaxState *state, Language lang, char32_t const *line, u32 line_len, SyntaxCharType *char_types) {
switch (lang) {
if (char_types)
@@ -873,6 +1001,9 @@ void syntax_highlight(SyntaxState *state, Language lang, char32_t *line, u32 lin
syntax_highlight_markdown(state, line, line_len, char_types);
+ case LANG_HTML:
+ syntax_highlight_html(state, line, line_len, char_types);
+ break;
case LANG_COUNT: assert(0); break;
diff --git a/ted.cfg b/ted.cfg
index 1ed74cc..aa15520 100644
--- a/ted.cfg
+++ b/ted.cfg
@@ -203,9 +203,10 @@ cursor-line-number = #ddf
line-numbers-separator = #fff3
-C = .c, .h
+C = .c, .h, .glsl
C++ = .cpp, .hpp, .C, .H, .cxx, .hxx, .cc, .hh
Rust = .rs
Python = .py
Tex = .tex
Markdown = .md
+HTML = .html, .php
diff --git a/ted.h b/ted.h
index c05f8d3..6e61ea9 100644
--- a/ted.h
+++ b/ted.h
@@ -37,6 +37,10 @@ enum {
SYNTAX_STATE_MARKDOWN_CODE = 0x01u, // inside ``` ``` code section
+enum {
typedef u8 SyntaxState;
ENUM_U16 {
@@ -47,6 +51,7 @@ ENUM_U16 {
} ENUM_U16_END(Language);
@@ -63,6 +68,7 @@ static LanguageName const language_names[] = {
{LANG_PYTHON, "Python"},
{LANG_TEX, "Tex"},
{LANG_MARKDOWN, "Markdown"},
static_assert_if_possible(arr_count(language_names) == LANG_COUNT)