path: root/ted.h
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authorpommicket <>2023-01-04 23:16:09 -0500
committerpommicket <>2023-01-04 23:16:09 -0500
commit629ce76eb480d63fdd57769a0d9972a1a0c0fbea (patch)
treef66c3a19c9f16ba09607e8818d49ed6c12ad4003 /ted.h
parent808b9a13cb5c71c28db6c842b78ef7f1743283cd (diff)
more documentation
Diffstat (limited to 'ted.h')
1 files changed, 94 insertions, 6 deletions
diff --git a/ted.h b/ted.h
index 3c137db..7353606 100644
--- a/ted.h
+++ b/ted.h
@@ -412,10 +412,13 @@ typedef struct {
} Autocompletion;
enum {
- // autocomplete was triggered by :autocomplete command
+ // autocomplete/signature help was manually triggered
// autocomplete list needs to be updated because more characters were typed
+ // signtaure help needs to be updated because the cursor was moved or
+ // the buffer's contents changed.
// data needed for autocompletion
@@ -925,7 +928,9 @@ void buffer_paste(TextBuffer *buffer);
// Load the file `path`. If `path` is not an absolute path,
// this function will fail.
bool buffer_load_file(TextBuffer *buffer, const char *path);
+// Reloads the file loaded in the buffer.
void buffer_reload(TextBuffer *buffer);
+// has this buffer been changed by another program since last save?
bool buffer_externally_changed(TextBuffer *buffer);
// Clear `buffer`, and set its path to `path`.
// if `path` is NULL, this will turn `buffer` into an untitled buffer.
@@ -935,23 +940,40 @@ void buffer_new_file(TextBuffer *buffer, const char *path);
bool buffer_save(TextBuffer *buffer);
// save, but with a different path
bool buffer_save_as(TextBuffer *buffer, const char *new_filename);
+// index of first line that will be displayed on screen
u32 buffer_first_rendered_line(TextBuffer *buffer);
+// index of last line that will be displayed on screen
u32 buffer_last_rendered_line(TextBuffer *buffer);
+// go to the definition/declaration/etc of the word at the cursor.
void buffer_goto_word_at_cursor(TextBuffer *buffer, GotoType type);
+// process a mouse click.
+// returns true if the event was consumed.
bool buffer_handle_click(Ted *ted, TextBuffer *buffer, vec2 click, u8 times);
+// render the buffer in the given rectangle
void buffer_render(TextBuffer *buffer, Rect r);
+// indent the given lines
void buffer_indent_lines(TextBuffer *buffer, u32 first_line, u32 last_line);
+// de-indent the given lines
void buffer_dedent_lines(TextBuffer *buffer, u32 first_line, u32 last_line);
+// indent the selected lines
void buffer_indent_selection(TextBuffer *buffer);
+// de-indent the selected lines
void buffer_dedent_selection(TextBuffer *buffer);
+// indent the line the cursor is on
void buffer_indent_cursor_line(TextBuffer *buffer);
+// de-indent the line the cursor is on
void buffer_dedent_cursor_line(TextBuffer *buffer);
+// comment the lines from `first_line` to `last_line`
void buffer_comment_lines(TextBuffer *buffer, u32 first_line, u32 last_line);
+// uncomment the lines from `first_line` to `last_line`
void buffer_uncomment_lines(TextBuffer *buffer, u32 first_line, u32 last_line);
+// comment the lines from `first_line` to `last_line`, or uncomment them if they're all commented.
void buffer_toggle_comment_lines(TextBuffer *buffer, u32 first_line, u32 last_line);
+// comment the selected lines, or uncomment them if they're all commented
void buffer_toggle_comment_selection(TextBuffer *buffer);
// make sure to call gl_geometry_draw after this
void buffer_highlight_lsp_range(TextBuffer *buffer, LSPRange range);
+// returns true if p1 and p2 are equal
bool buffer_pos_eq(BufferPos p1, BufferPos p2);
// returns:
@@ -990,6 +1012,8 @@ void build_frame(Ted *ted, float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2);
ColorSetting color_setting_from_str(const char *str);
const char *color_setting_to_str(ColorSetting s);
Status color_from_str(const char *str, u32 *color);
+// which color setting should be used for the given symbol kind.
+// this is the color used in the autocomplete selector, for example.
ColorSetting color_for_symbol_kind(SymbolKind kind);
// === command.c ===
@@ -1012,25 +1036,41 @@ void command_execute(Ted *ted, Command c, i64 argument);
// ---config file 2---
// [core]
// tab-width = 4
-void config_read(Ted *ted, ConfigPart **parts, const char *filename);
+void config_read(Ted *ted, ConfigPart **pparts, const char *filename);
void config_parse(Ted *ted, ConfigPart **pparts);
void config_free(Ted *ted);
+// returns the best guess for the root directory of the project containing `path`
+// (which should be an absolute path).
+// the return value should be freed.
char *settings_get_root_dir(Settings *settings, const char *path);
+// how well does this settings context fit the given path and language?
+// the context with the highest score will be chosen.
long context_score(const char *path, Language lang, const SettingsContext *context);
// === find.c ===
+// which buffer will be searched?
TextBuffer *find_search_buffer(Ted *ted);
+// height of the find/find+replace menu in pixels
float find_menu_height(Ted *ted);
+// update find results.
+// if `force` is true, the results will be updated even if the pattern & flags have not been changed.
void find_update(Ted *ted, bool force);
+// replace the match we are currently highlighting, or do nothing if there is no highlighted match
void find_replace(Ted *ted);
+// go to next find result
void find_next(Ted *ted);
+// go to previous find result
void find_prev(Ted *ted);
+// replace all matches
void find_replace_all(Ted *ted);
void find_menu_frame(Ted *ted, Rect menu_bounds);
+// open the find/find+replace menu.
void find_open(Ted *ted, bool replace);
+// close the find/find+replace menu.
void find_close(Ted *ted);
// === gl.c ===
+// set by main()
extern float gl_window_width, gl_window_height;
// set by main()
extern int gl_version_major, gl_version_minor;
@@ -1096,24 +1136,39 @@ extern int gl_version_major, gl_version_minor;
#undef gl_declare_proc
+// get addresses of GL functions
void gl_get_procs(void);
+// create a new reference-counted shader-array-buffer object.
GlRcSAB *gl_rc_sab_new(GLuint shader, GLuint array, GLuint buffer);
+// increase reference count on `s`.
void gl_rc_sab_incref(GlRcSAB *s);
+// decrease reference count on `*ps`, and set `*ps` to NULL if the reference count is 0.
void gl_rc_sab_decref(GlRcSAB **ps);
+// create a new reference-counted texture.
GlRcTexture *gl_rc_texture_new(GLuint texture);
+// increase reference count on `t`.
void gl_rc_texture_incref(GlRcTexture *t);
+// decrease reference count on `*t`, and set `*t` to NULL if the reference count is 0.
void gl_rc_texture_decref(GlRcTexture **pt);
+// create and compile a shader
GLuint gl_compile_shader(char error_buf[256], const char *code, GLenum shader_type);
+// create new shader program from shaders
GLuint gl_link_program(char error_buf[256], GLuint *shaders, size_t count);
+// create a shader program from vertex shader and fragment shader source
GLuint gl_compile_and_link_shaders(char error_buf[256], const char *vshader_code, const char *fshader_code);
// prints a debug message if `attrib` is not found
GLuint gl_attrib_location(GLuint program, const char *attrib);
// prints a debug message if `uniform` is not found
GLint gl_uniform_location(GLuint program, const char *uniform);
+// initialize geometry stuff
void gl_geometry_init(void);
+// queue a filled rectangle with the given color.
void gl_geometry_rect(Rect r, u32 color_rgba);
+// queue the border of a rectangle with the given color.
void gl_geometry_rect_border(Rect r, float border_thickness, u32 color);
+// draw all queued geometry
void gl_geometry_draw(void);
+// create an OpenGL texture object from an image file.
GLuint gl_load_texture_from_image(const char *path);
// === ide-autocomplete.c ===
@@ -1122,11 +1177,14 @@ GLuint gl_load_texture_from_image(const char *path);
void autocomplete_open(Ted *ted, uint32_t trigger);
void autocomplete_process_lsp_response(Ted *ted, const LSPResponse *response);
void autocomplete_select_cursor_completion(Ted *ted);
+// scroll completion list
void autocomplete_scroll(Ted *ted, i32 by);
+// move cursor to next completion
void autocomplete_next(Ted *ted);
+// move cursor to previous completion
void autocomplete_prev(Ted *ted);
+// close completion menu
void autocomplete_close(Ted *ted);
-void autocomplete_update_suggested(Ted *ted);
void autocomplete_frame(Ted *ted);
// === ide-definitions.c ===
@@ -1135,11 +1193,15 @@ void autocomplete_frame(Ted *ted);
// Note: the document position is required for LSP requests because of overloading (where the name
// alone isn't sufficient)
void definition_goto(Ted *ted, LSP *lsp, const char *name, LSPDocumentPosition pos, GotoType type);
+// cancel the last go-to-definition / find symbols request.
void definition_cancel_lookup(Ted *ted);
void definitions_process_lsp_response(Ted *ted, LSP *lsp, const LSPResponse *response);
+// open the definitions menu
void definitions_selector_open(Ted *ted);
+// update the definitions menu
void definitions_selector_update(Ted *ted);
void definitions_selector_render(Ted *ted, Rect bounds);
+// close the definitions menu
void definitions_selector_close(Ted *ted);
void definitions_frame(Ted *ted);
@@ -1154,25 +1216,32 @@ void hover_process_lsp_response(Ted *ted, LSPResponse *response);
void hover_frame(Ted *ted, double dt);
// === ide-signature-help.c ===
-void signature_help_send_request(Ted *ted);
+// figure out new signature help
void signature_help_retrigger(Ted *ted);
-void signature_help_open(Ted *ted, char32_t trigger);
+// open signature help. `trigger` should either be the trigger character (e.g. ',')
+// or one of the TRIGGER_* constants.
+void signature_help_open(Ted *ted, uint32_t trigger);
bool signature_help_is_open(Ted *ted);
void signature_help_close(Ted *ted);
void signature_help_process_lsp_response(Ted *ted, const LSPResponse *response);
void signature_help_frame(Ted *ted);
// === ide-usages.c ===
+// cancel the last "find usages" request
void usages_cancel_lookup(Ted *ted);
+// find usages for word under the cursor in the active buffer.
void usages_find(Ted *ted);
-void usages_process_lsp_response(Ted *ted, LSPResponse *response);
+void usages_process_lsp_response(Ted *ted, const LSPResponse *response);
void usages_frame(Ted *ted);
// === menu.c ===
void menu_close(Ted *ted);
void menu_open(Ted *ted, Menu menu);
+// process a :escape command (by default this happens when the escape key is pressed)
void menu_escape(Ted *ted);
+// get width of menu in pixels
float menu_get_width(Ted *ted);
+// get rectangle which menu takes up
Rect menu_rect(Ted *ted);
void menu_update(Ted *ted);
void menu_render(Ted *ted);
@@ -1185,8 +1254,13 @@ void menu_shell_down(Ted *ted);
// === node.c ===
void node_switch_to_tab(Ted *ted, Node *node, u16 new_tab_index);
+// go to the `n`th next tab (e.g. `n=1` goes to the next tab)
+// going past the end of the tabs will "wrap around" to the first one.
void node_tab_next(Ted *ted, Node *node, i64 n);
+// go to the `n`th previous tab (e.g. `n=1` goes to the previous tab)
+// going before the first tab will "wrap around" to the last one.
void node_tab_prev(Ted *ted, Node *node, i64 n);
+// switch to a specific tab. if `tab` is out of range, nothing happens.
void node_tab_switch(Ted *ted, Node *node, i64 tab);
// swap the position of two tabs
void node_tabs_swap(Node *node, u16 tab1, u16 tab2);
@@ -1195,13 +1269,17 @@ void node_free(Node *node);
i32 node_parent(Ted *ted, u16 node_idx);
// join this node with its sibling
void node_join(Ted *ted, Node *node);
+// close a node, WITHOUT checking for unsaved changes
void node_close(Ted *ted, u16 node_idx);
// close tab, WITHOUT checking for unsaved changes!
// returns true if the node is still open
bool node_tab_close(Ted *ted, Node *node, u16 index);
void node_frame(Ted *ted, Node *node, Rect r);
+// make a split
void node_split(Ted *ted, Node *node, bool vertical);
+// switch to the other side of the current split.
void node_split_switch(Ted *ted);
+// swap the two sides of the current split.
void node_split_swap(Ted *ted);
// === session.c ===
@@ -1211,11 +1289,20 @@ void session_read(Ted *ted);
// === syntax.c ===
Language language_from_str(const char *str);
const char *language_to_str(Language language);
+// string which should be put before comments in the given language
const char *language_comment_start(Language l);
+// string which should be put after comments in the given language
const char *language_comment_end(Language l);
+// get the color setting associated with the given syntax highlighting type
ColorSetting syntax_char_type_to_color_setting(SyntaxCharType t);
+// returns ')' for '(', etc., or 0 if c is not an opening bracket
char32_t syntax_matching_bracket(Language lang, char32_t c);
+// returns true for opening brackets, false for closing brackets/non-brackets
bool syntax_is_opening_bracket(Language lang, char32_t c);
+// This is the main syntax highlighting function. It will determine which colors to use for each character.
+// Rather than returning colors, it returns a character type (e.g. comment) which can be converted to a color.
+// To highlight multiple lines, start out with a zeroed SyntaxState, and pass a pointer to it each time.
+// You can set char_types to NULL if you just want to advance the state, and don't care about the character types.
void syntax_highlight(SyntaxState *state, Language lang, const char32_t *line, u32 line_len, SyntaxCharType *char_types);
// === tags.c ===
@@ -1225,6 +1312,7 @@ void tags_generate(Ted *ted, bool run_in_build_window);
// (still maxing out at `out_size`).
// each element in `out` should be freed when you're done with them.
size_t tags_beginning_with(Ted *ted, const char *prefix, char **out, size_t out_size);
+// go to the definition of the given tag
bool tag_goto(Ted *ted, const char *tag);
// get all tags in the tags file as SymbolInfos.
SymbolInfo *tags_get_symbols(Ted *ted);