path: root/styles/classic.ted.cfg
diff options
authorpommicket <>2023-03-05 10:01:42 -0500
committerpommicket <>2023-03-05 10:01:42 -0500
commit600721070f2970b3386393ca93cb8dc53aedc240 (patch)
tree1ac17bbb4eefd3c21a5dc44d52a1b6859d0aa0aa /styles/classic.ted.cfg
parent2dd95d477dde9ef1fb00b6caca78b1f234ed9ff9 (diff)
rename styles -> themes
Diffstat (limited to 'styles/classic.ted.cfg')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 73 deletions
diff --git a/styles/classic.ted.cfg b/styles/classic.ted.cfg
deleted file mode 100644
index b7a9025..0000000
--- a/styles/classic.ted.cfg
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
-# below, bg is short for background and hl is short for highlight
-border = #a77
-active-tab-hl = #a77a
-# this color is used for tabs which are selected, but not active (because you are on the other side of a split, perhaps)
-selected-tab-hl = #7777
-cursor-line-bg = #fff2
-cursor = #3ff
-# used as cursor color when you do autocomplete and there are no suggestions
-cursor-error = #f00
-# color to highlight matching brackets with
-matching-bracket-hl = #fda8
-selection-bg = #36aa
-view-only-cursor = #0d0
-view-only-selection-bg = #0a05
-text = #fff
-# For example, in the open menu it is nice to have a visual distinction between folders and files.
-# This is the color used for folders.
-text-folder = #88f
-# Used for things that are neither files nor folders.
-text-other = #8f8
-bg = #001
-# The entire screen gets filled with this color when a menu (e.g. the "open" menu) is shown.
-# By making it transparent, we can dim everything else while the menu is open.
-menu-backdrop = #0004
-menu-bg = #222
-menu-hl = #afa2
-# error box colors
-error-border = #f00
-error-bg = #800
-# warning box colors
-warning-border = #ff0
-warning-bg = #660
-# info box colors
-info-border = #00f
-info-bg = #004
-# color to highlight search results with
-find-hl = #fff4
-yes = #afa
-no = #faa
-cancel = #ffa
-# autocomplete
-autocomplete-bg = #000
-autocomplete-border = #999
-autocomplete-hl = #f6a3
-# hover (press F1 while hovering over an identifier with an LSP server running)
-hover-bg = #000a
-hover-border = #fffa
-hover-text = #fff
-hover-hl = #fff4
-# highlight color for F2 key (LSP "document highlights") for write accesses to a variable
-# (hover-hl is used for read accesses)
-hl-write = #fca4
-# these control the text color for various kinds of completions
-autocomplete-variable = #bfb
-autocomplete-function = #fec
-autocomplete-type = #faf
-# Syntax highlighting
-keyword = #0c0
-preprocessor = #77f
-string = #f77
-character = #fa7
-builtin = #a7f
-comment = #999
-constant = #8ff
-line-numbers = #779
-cursor-line-number = #ddf
-line-numbers-separator = #fff3