import os, html from urllib.parse import quote import shutil INPUT_DIR = 'guide-src' OUTPUT_DIR = 'guide' TITLE_PREFIX = '---' os.makedirs(OUTPUT_DIR, exist_ok=True) try: for f in os.listdir(INPUT_DIR): if f.endswith('.png'): shutil.copyfile(INPUT_DIR + '/' + f, OUTPUT_DIR + '/' + f) elif not '.' in f: os.makedirs(OUTPUT_DIR + '/' + f, exist_ok=True) except FileNotFoundError: print('this script must be run from the root directory.') quit() def readlines(path): f = open(path) l = f.readlines() f.close() return l class Section: def __init__(self, path, name): self.path = path = name self.items = [] def __repr__(self): return ''.join(['Section(path=', repr(self.path), ', name=', repr(, ', items=', repr(self.items), ')']) outline = [l.strip() for l in readlines('{}/outline.txt'.format(INPUT_DIR)) if l.strip()] entries = [] for item in outline: if item[0] == '/': assert item.endswith('.html'), 'expected path ending in .html' entries[-1].items.append(item[1:]) elif ':' in item: [path, name] = item.split(': ') entries.append(Section(path, name)) else: entries.append(item) sidebar_content = [ ('', 'back to pugl'), ] def add_sidebar_link_for_page(path, indented): file = open(INPUT_DIR + '/' + path) first_line = file.readline().strip() file.close() assert first_line.startswith(TITLE_PREFIX), 'file {} doesn\'t start with title prefix {}'.format(path, TITLE_PREFIX) title = first_line[len(TITLE_PREFIX):].strip() sidebar_content.append(( path, '{title}'.format( url=quote(path), c=' guide-sidebar-item-indented' if indented else '', title=html.escape(title) ) )) for entry in entries: if isinstance(entry, Section): section = entry sidebar_content.append(('', '


'.format( for item in section.items: path = '{}/{}/{}'.format(INPUT_DIR, section.path, item) add_sidebar_link_for_page(section.path + '/' + item, True) else: assert isinstance(entry, str) add_sidebar_link_for_page(entry, False) def process_file(path): count = path.count('/') if count == 0: guide_root = '' elif count == 1: guide_root = '../' else: assert False, 'whats goin on with ' + path lines = readlines(INPUT_DIR + '/' + path) assert lines[0].startswith(TITLE_PREFIX) title = lines[0][len(TITLE_PREFIX):].strip() contents = ''.join(lines[1:]) sidebar = [] for (p, item) in sidebar_content: if p == path: item = item.replace('class="', 'class="guide-sidebar-item-active ') item = item.replace('', guide_root) sidebar.append(item.replace('', guide_root)) output = ''' pugl - {title}
'''.format(title=title, sidebar=''.join(sidebar), contents=contents, root=guide_root) f = open(OUTPUT_DIR + '/' + path, 'w') f.write(output) f.close() for entry in entries: if isinstance(entry, Section): section = entry for item in section.items: process_file('{}/{}'.format(section.path, item)) else: process_file(entry)