--- guide

your first pugl

when you load up pugl for the first time, you should be greeted with a “Buffer” widget. try changing its “input” value to .pos.x.

you should see a nice gradient like this: here the color of each pixel is directly determined by its x coordinate. specifically: .pos.x is −1 at the left side of the screen and +1 at the right side of the screen. since the “Buffer” widget’s title is in yellow, the pixel values will be drawn from it. 0 (or anything below 0) is black and 1 (or anything above 1) is white, so we see a gradient from black to white starting from the center of the screen.

now let’s try something a little more interesting. try adding a “Multiply” widget (by searching for it or selecting it from the “math” section). set the “a” input to .pos.x and the “b” input to .pos.y. then click on the “Multiply” text to set it as the active widget.

you should now see a more interesting pattern where two of the corners of the screen are white, and the other two corners are black:


well, black & white is pretty boring. let’s try making some colors! one of the nice things about shaders is that they’re very good at dealing with vectors. there’s a lot of mathematical theory behind vectors, but for our purposes all that really matters is that a vector is a list of numbers (called components). in shaders you basically only deal with vectors with 2 to 4 components (referred to as x, y, z, w). in graphics programming, colors are represented as vectors with 3 components, red, green, and blue, which go from 0 to 1. try putting 0,0.8,1 in a “Buffer” widget and making it active. now the widget is outputting a vector with x=0, y=0.8, and z=1, so you’ll get a nice greenish blue color!

.pos is itself a vector, so you can just throw it into the Buffer input:

notice how the output is red on the right side of the screen (where the x component of .pos is high) and green at the top of the screen (where the y component of .pos is high).

most widgets like Multiply work on both numbers and vectors. try multiplying together .pos and .pos.x:

this multiplies each of the components of .pos by .pos.x. so the top-left corner is red, because (−1, 1) × −1 = (1, −1), so the top-left pixel gets a red value of 1 and a green value of −1.

multiple widgets

you can use the output of one widget to specify the input of another widget using its name. try creating an “Add” widget with inputs mul1,0 and 0,0,.pos.x (assuming your Multiply widget from the last section was called mul1).

now the left side looks the same as before, but the right side (where .pos.x is 1) is bluer!

putting everything together

alright let's use all this to make something cool. we'll start by making a rainbow. the “Hue shift” widget shifts the hue of a color through the rainbow. so if we start with a color of red, and shift it by .pos.x, we'll get a rainbow across the screen:

now let's animate this rainbow: create a new “Add” widget, and set a=.pos.x, b=.time, and use that as the shift instead of .pos.x:

now the rainbow moves across the screen over time!

next we’ll use the widget that makes pugl unique ☺ “Last frame”. this lets you grab pixel values from the previous frame to use in the current frame. add a “Last frame” widget, and set it as the active widget. notice how the rainbow freezes in place — that’s because each pixel value is just being determined by what it was on the last frame.

now add a “Weighted sum” widget, set “a weight” to 0.95, “b weight” to 0.05, ”a” to your last frame widget's output, and “b” to the hue shift's output. this will output a value which is 95% like the previous frame's value, and 5% like the shifting rainbow.

try switching between the “Hue shift” and “Weighted sum” widgets and note how the weighted sum is blurrier, because it's averaging with the previous pixel value.

now, we don’t have to use .pos as the position for getting pixel values from the last frame. instead, let’s rotate .pos by a small amount and use that as the position for the “Last frame” widget:

now we’re getting something interesting!

be sure to check out the rest of this guide to learn all the things you can do with pugl. have fun! 🐱