Mathematical Demonstrations

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Modular Pascal's Triangle

A picture of Pascal's triangle mod x. Set x and
Click update to see the triangle.

Modular Circles

There are a circle of points, each one corresponding
to a number. Lines are drawn between points according
to rules. Create interesting shapes like cardioids

Shape Roller

This program rolls (invisible) shapes around other
(invisible) shapes and traces a point on the shape as
it moves along. Create interesting shapes like cardioids.

The Mandelbrot Set

This program draws the Mandelbrot Set. You can
zoom in and change the power.

Langton's Ant

This is the cellular automaton known as Langton's
Ant. You can find out more about it here.

Maze Solver

Create a maze, choose a starting point and an
ending point, and your computer will solve the


A computer program that creates art. It uses
random functions to generate images. An explanation
can be found here.
There is also AutoArtEvolve, which improves its
images based on the ones you prefer:


A computer program that creates videos. It uses
random functions to generate videos. An explanation
can be found here.


A computer program that creates audio. It uses
random functions to generate audio. An explanation
can be found here.


A computer program that generates names! It uses
the frequencies of trigrams.

π Calculator

Draw a circle, then find out how well your circle
approximates π!