Graph reverse polish notation complex functions

See explanation below.



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The x axis represents the real component, and the y axis represents the imaginary component. Complex numbers are numbers with both real and imaginary parts: $$z = a + b\sqrt{-1} = a + bi$$ Reverse Polish Notation, or postfix notation is a way of writing functions. Normally, most people would write functions using infix notation like this: $$a + b + \sin c$$ Postfix notation looks like this: $$a\ b + c \sin +$$ For a more simple example, $a + b$ would be $a\ b\ +$, and $\sin x$ would be $x \sin$. You can plot multiple functions by separating them with commas, but it will be slow.

List of all functions and constants

Function or constant What it means
x The input to the function.
i $i = \sqrt{-1}$
n (e.g. 5, 4, 3.1, -32.123) A real number.
ni (e.g. 5i, 4i, 3.1i, -32.123i) $i$ ($\sqrt{-1}$) times a certain real number.
+ Addition
- Subtraction
* Multiplication
/ Division
^ Exponentiation ($a^b$)
re Real component. If $z = a+bi$, $\textrm{Re}(z) = a$
im Imaginary component. If $z = a+bi$, $\textrm{Im}(z) = b$
pi $\pi = 3.14159265...$
e $e = 2.7182818...$
sqrt $\sqrt{x}$
abs $|x|$
exp $e^x$
sin Sine
cos Cosine
tan Tangent
r, theta Polar coordinates
ln Natural logarithm ($\log_e x$)
log Logarithm ($\log_a b$)
sinh Hyperbolic sine
cosh Hyperbolic cosine
tanh Hyperbolic tangent