#define va_arg(va, type) (*(type*)(va)) #define va_start(va, arg) #define va_end(va) #define const #define signed #define volatile #define NULL ((void *)0) #define INT_MAX 0x7fffffff #define UINT_MAX 0xffffffffu typedef void *va_list; typedef unsigned long size_t; typedef long ptrdiff_t; #define STB_TRUETYPE_IMPLEMENTATION #define STBTT_assert(x) ((void)(x)) void *memset(void *a, int c, size_t n) { size_t i; char *p = a; for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) *p++ = (char)c; return a; } void *memcpy(void *dest, void *src, size_t n) { char *p = dest, *q = src; size_t i; for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) *p++ = *q++; return dest; } int abs(int x) { if (x >= 0) return x; return -x; } int strcmp(char *a, char *b) { return 0; } int strncmp(char *a, char *b, size_t n) { return 0; } double pow(double a, double b) { return 0; } double ldexp(double x, int exp) { return 0; } long strtol(const char *nptr, char **endptr, int base) { return 0; } double sqrt(double x) { return 0; } double floor(double x) { return 0; } double ceil(double x) { return 0; } double fmod(double x, double y) { return 0; } double cos(double x) { return 0; } double acos(double x) { return 0; } double fabs(double x) { return 0; } void *malloc(size_t n) { return 0; } void free(void *mem) { } size_t strlen(char *s) { return 0; } #if 0 #define STB_TRUETYPE_IMPLEMENTATION #include "stb_truetype.h" unsigned char ttf_buffer[1<<20]; unsigned char temp_bitmap[512*512]; stbtt_bakedchar cdata[96]; GLuint ftex; void my_stbtt_initfont(void) { fread(ttf_buffer, 1, 1<<20, fopen("c:/windows/fonts/times.ttf", "rb")); stbtt_BakeFontBitmap(ttf_buffer,0, 32.0, temp_bitmap,512,512, 32,96, cdata); glGenTextures(1, &ftex); glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, ftex); glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_ALPHA, 512,512, 0, GL_ALPHA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, temp_bitmap); glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, GL_LINEAR); } void my_stbtt_print(float x, float y, char *text) { glEnable(GL_BLEND); glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA); glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D); glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, ftex); glBegin(GL_QUADS); while (*text) { if (*text >= 32 && *text < 128) { stbtt_aligned_quad q; stbtt_GetBakedQuad(cdata, 512,512, *text-32, &x,&y,&q,1); glTexCoord2f(q.s0,q.t0); glVertex2f(q.x0,q.y0); glTexCoord2f(q.s1,q.t0); glVertex2f(q.x1,q.y0); glTexCoord2f(q.s1,q.t1); glVertex2f(q.x1,q.y1); glTexCoord2f(q.s0,q.t1); glVertex2f(q.x0,q.y1); } ++text; } glEnd(); } #endif #if 0 #include #define STB_TRUETYPE_IMPLEMENTATION #include "stb_truetype.h" char ttf_buffer[1<<25]; int main(int argc, char **argv) { stbtt_fontinfo font; unsigned char *bitmap; int w,h,i,j,c = (argc > 1 ? atoi(argv[1]) : 'a'), s = (argc > 2 ? atoi(argv[2]) : 20); fread(ttf_buffer, 1, 1<<25, fopen(argc > 3 ? argv[3] : "c:/windows/fonts/arialbd.ttf", "rb")); stbtt_InitFont(&font, ttf_buffer, stbtt_GetFontOffsetForIndex(ttf_buffer,0)); bitmap = stbtt_GetCodepointBitmap(&font, 0,stbtt_ScaleForPixelHeight(&font, s), c, &w, &h, 0,0); for (j=0; j < h; ++j) { for (i=0; i < w; ++i) putchar(" .:ioVM@"[bitmap[j*w+i]>>5]); putchar('\n'); } return 0; } #endif #if 0 char buffer[24<<20]; unsigned char screen[20][79]; int main(int arg, char **argv) { stbtt_fontinfo font; int i,j,ascent,baseline,ch=0; float scale, xpos=2; char *text = "Heljo World!"; fread(buffer, 1, 1000000, fopen("c:/windows/fonts/arialbd.ttf", "rb")); stbtt_InitFont(&font, buffer, 0); scale = stbtt_ScaleForPixelHeight(&font, 15); stbtt_GetFontVMetrics(&font, &ascent,0,0); baseline = (int) (ascent*scale); while (text[ch]) { int advance,lsb,x0,y0,x1,y1; float x_shift = xpos - (float) floor(xpos); stbtt_GetCodepointHMetrics(&font, text[ch], &advance, &lsb); stbtt_GetCodepointBitmapBoxSubpixel(&font, text[ch], scale,scale,x_shift,0, &x0,&y0,&x1,&y1); stbtt_MakeCodepointBitmapSubpixel(&font, &screen[baseline + y0][(int) xpos + x0], x1-x0,y1-y0, 79, scale,scale,x_shift,0, text[ch]); xpos += (advance * scale); if (text[ch+1]) xpos += scale*stbtt_GetCodepointKernAdvance(&font, text[ch],text[ch+1]); ++ch; } for (j=0; j < 20; ++j) { for (i=0; i < 78; ++i) putchar(" .:ioVM@"[screen[j][i]>>5]); putchar('\n'); } return 0; } #endif #ifdef STB_TRUETYPE_IMPLEMENTATION #ifndef stbtt_uint8 typedef unsigned char stbtt_uint8; typedef signed char stbtt_int8; typedef unsigned short stbtt_uint16; typedef signed short stbtt_int16; typedef unsigned int stbtt_uint32; typedef signed int stbtt_int32; #endif typedef char stbtt__check_size32[sizeof(stbtt_int32)==4 ? 1 : -1]; typedef char stbtt__check_size16[sizeof(stbtt_int16)==2 ? 1 : -1]; #ifndef STBTT_ifloor #define STBTT_ifloor(x) ((int) floor(x)) #define STBTT_iceil(x) ((int) ceil(x)) #endif #ifndef STBTT_sqrt #define STBTT_sqrt(x) sqrt(x) #define STBTT_pow(x,y) pow(x,y) #endif #ifndef STBTT_fmod #define STBTT_fmod(x,y) fmod(x,y) #endif #ifndef STBTT_cos #define STBTT_cos(x) cos(x) #define STBTT_acos(x) acos(x) #endif #ifndef STBTT_fabs #define STBTT_fabs(x) fabs(x) #endif #ifndef STBTT_malloc #define STBTT_malloc(x,u) ((void)(u),malloc(x)) #define STBTT_free(x,u) ((void)(u),free(x)) #endif #ifndef STBTT_assert #define STBTT_assert(x) assert(x) #endif #ifndef STBTT_strlen #define STBTT_strlen(x) strlen(x) #endif #ifndef STBTT_memcpy #define STBTT_memcpy memcpy #define STBTT_memset memset #endif #endif #ifndef __STB_INCLUDE_STB_TRUETYPE_H__ #define __STB_INCLUDE_STB_TRUETYPE_H__ #ifdef STBTT_STATIC #define STBTT_DEF static #else #define STBTT_DEF extern #endif #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif typedef struct { unsigned char *data; int cursor; int size; } stbtt__buf; typedef struct { unsigned short x0,y0,x1,y1; float xoff,yoff,xadvance; } stbtt_bakedchar; STBTT_DEF int stbtt_BakeFontBitmap(const unsigned char *data, int offset, float pixel_height, unsigned char *pixels, int pw, int ph, int first_char, int num_chars, stbtt_bakedchar *chardata); typedef struct { float x0,y0,s0,t0; float x1,y1,s1,t1; } stbtt_aligned_quad; STBTT_DEF void stbtt_GetBakedQuad(const stbtt_bakedchar *chardata, int pw, int ph, int char_index, float *xpos, float *ypos, stbtt_aligned_quad *q, int opengl_fillrule); STBTT_DEF void stbtt_GetScaledFontVMetrics(const unsigned char *fontdata, int index, float size, float *ascent, float *descent, float *lineGap); typedef struct { unsigned short x0,y0,x1,y1; float xoff,yoff,xadvance; float xoff2,yoff2; } stbtt_packedchar; typedef struct stbtt_pack_context stbtt_pack_context; typedef struct stbtt_fontinfo stbtt_fontinfo; #ifndef STB_RECT_PACK_VERSION typedef struct stbrp_rect stbrp_rect; #endif STBTT_DEF int stbtt_PackBegin(stbtt_pack_context *spc, unsigned char *pixels, int width, int height, int stride_in_bytes, int padding, void *alloc_context); STBTT_DEF void stbtt_PackEnd (stbtt_pack_context *spc); #define STBTT_POINT_SIZE(x) (-(x)) STBTT_DEF int stbtt_PackFontRange(stbtt_pack_context *spc, const unsigned char *fontdata, int font_index, float font_size, int first_unicode_char_in_range, int num_chars_in_range, stbtt_packedchar *chardata_for_range); typedef struct { float font_size; int first_unicode_codepoint_in_range; int *array_of_unicode_codepoints; int num_chars; stbtt_packedchar *chardata_for_range; unsigned char h_oversample, v_oversample; } stbtt_pack_range; STBTT_DEF int stbtt_PackFontRanges(stbtt_pack_context *spc, const unsigned char *fontdata, int font_index, stbtt_pack_range *ranges, int num_ranges); STBTT_DEF void stbtt_PackSetOversampling(stbtt_pack_context *spc, unsigned int h_oversample, unsigned int v_oversample); STBTT_DEF void stbtt_PackSetSkipMissingCodepoints(stbtt_pack_context *spc, int skip); STBTT_DEF void stbtt_GetPackedQuad(const stbtt_packedchar *chardata, int pw, int ph, int char_index, float *xpos, float *ypos, stbtt_aligned_quad *q, int align_to_integer); STBTT_DEF int stbtt_PackFontRangesGatherRects(stbtt_pack_context *spc, const stbtt_fontinfo *info, stbtt_pack_range *ranges, int num_ranges, stbrp_rect *rects); STBTT_DEF void stbtt_PackFontRangesPackRects(stbtt_pack_context *spc, stbrp_rect *rects, int num_rects); STBTT_DEF int stbtt_PackFontRangesRenderIntoRects(stbtt_pack_context *spc, const stbtt_fontinfo *info, stbtt_pack_range *ranges, int num_ranges, stbrp_rect *rects); struct stbtt_pack_context { void *user_allocator_context; void *pack_info; int width; int height; int stride_in_bytes; int padding; int skip_missing; unsigned int h_oversample, v_oversample; unsigned char *pixels; void *nodes; }; STBTT_DEF int stbtt_GetNumberOfFonts(const unsigned char *data); STBTT_DEF int stbtt_GetFontOffsetForIndex(const unsigned char *data, int index); struct stbtt_fontinfo { void * userdata; unsigned char * data; int fontstart; int numGlyphs; int loca,head,glyf,hhea,hmtx,kern,gpos,svg; int index_map; int indexToLocFormat; stbtt__buf cff; stbtt__buf charstrings; stbtt__buf gsubrs; stbtt__buf subrs; stbtt__buf fontdicts; stbtt__buf fdselect; }; STBTT_DEF int stbtt_InitFont(stbtt_fontinfo *info, const unsigned char *data, int offset); STBTT_DEF int stbtt_FindGlyphIndex(const stbtt_fontinfo *info, int unicode_codepoint); STBTT_DEF float stbtt_ScaleForPixelHeight(const stbtt_fontinfo *info, float pixels); STBTT_DEF float stbtt_ScaleForMappingEmToPixels(const stbtt_fontinfo *info, float pixels); STBTT_DEF void stbtt_GetFontVMetrics(const stbtt_fontinfo *info, int *ascent, int *descent, int *lineGap); STBTT_DEF int stbtt_GetFontVMetricsOS2(const stbtt_fontinfo *info, int *typoAscent, int *typoDescent, int *typoLineGap); STBTT_DEF void stbtt_GetFontBoundingBox(const stbtt_fontinfo *info, int *x0, int *y0, int *x1, int *y1); STBTT_DEF void stbtt_GetCodepointHMetrics(const stbtt_fontinfo *info, int codepoint, int *advanceWidth, int *leftSideBearing); STBTT_DEF int stbtt_GetCodepointKernAdvance(const stbtt_fontinfo *info, int ch1, int ch2); STBTT_DEF int stbtt_GetCodepointBox(const stbtt_fontinfo *info, int codepoint, int *x0, int *y0, int *x1, int *y1); STBTT_DEF void stbtt_GetGlyphHMetrics(const stbtt_fontinfo *info, int glyph_index, int *advanceWidth, int *leftSideBearing); STBTT_DEF int stbtt_GetGlyphKernAdvance(const stbtt_fontinfo *info, int glyph1, int glyph2); STBTT_DEF int stbtt_GetGlyphBox(const stbtt_fontinfo *info, int glyph_index, int *x0, int *y0, int *x1, int *y1); typedef struct stbtt_kerningentry { int glyph1; int glyph2; int advance; } stbtt_kerningentry; STBTT_DEF int stbtt_GetKerningTableLength(const stbtt_fontinfo *info); STBTT_DEF int stbtt_GetKerningTable(const stbtt_fontinfo *info, stbtt_kerningentry* table, int table_length); #ifndef STBTT_vmove enum { STBTT_vmove=1, STBTT_vline, STBTT_vcurve, STBTT_vcubic }; #endif #ifndef stbtt_vertex #define stbtt_vertex_type short typedef struct { stbtt_vertex_type x,y,cx,cy,cx1,cy1; unsigned char type,padding; } stbtt_vertex; #endif STBTT_DEF int stbtt_IsGlyphEmpty(const stbtt_fontinfo *info, int glyph_index); STBTT_DEF int stbtt_GetCodepointShape(const stbtt_fontinfo *info, int unicode_codepoint, stbtt_vertex **vertices); STBTT_DEF int stbtt_GetGlyphShape(const stbtt_fontinfo *info, int glyph_index, stbtt_vertex **vertices); STBTT_DEF void stbtt_FreeShape(const stbtt_fontinfo *info, stbtt_vertex *vertices); STBTT_DEF unsigned char *stbtt_FindSVGDoc(const stbtt_fontinfo *info, int gl); STBTT_DEF int stbtt_GetCodepointSVG(const stbtt_fontinfo *info, int unicode_codepoint, const char **svg); STBTT_DEF int stbtt_GetGlyphSVG(const stbtt_fontinfo *info, int gl, const char **svg); STBTT_DEF void stbtt_FreeBitmap(unsigned char *bitmap, void *userdata); STBTT_DEF unsigned char *stbtt_GetCodepointBitmap(const stbtt_fontinfo *info, float scale_x, float scale_y, int codepoint, int *width, int *height, int *xoff, int *yoff); STBTT_DEF unsigned char *stbtt_GetCodepointBitmapSubpixel(const stbtt_fontinfo *info, float scale_x, float scale_y, float shift_x, float shift_y, int codepoint, int *width, int *height, int *xoff, int *yoff); STBTT_DEF void stbtt_MakeCodepointBitmap(const stbtt_fontinfo *info, unsigned char *output, int out_w, int out_h, int out_stride, float scale_x, float scale_y, int codepoint); STBTT_DEF void stbtt_MakeCodepointBitmapSubpixel(const stbtt_fontinfo *info, unsigned char *output, int out_w, int out_h, int out_stride, float scale_x, float scale_y, float shift_x, float shift_y, int codepoint); STBTT_DEF void stbtt_MakeCodepointBitmapSubpixelPrefilter(const stbtt_fontinfo *info, unsigned char *output, int out_w, int out_h, int out_stride, float scale_x, float scale_y, float shift_x, float shift_y, int oversample_x, int oversample_y, float *sub_x, float *sub_y, int codepoint); STBTT_DEF void stbtt_GetCodepointBitmapBox(const stbtt_fontinfo *font, int codepoint, float scale_x, float scale_y, int *ix0, int *iy0, int *ix1, int *iy1); STBTT_DEF void stbtt_GetCodepointBitmapBoxSubpixel(const stbtt_fontinfo *font, int codepoint, float scale_x, float scale_y, float shift_x, float shift_y, int *ix0, int *iy0, int *ix1, int *iy1); STBTT_DEF unsigned char *stbtt_GetGlyphBitmap(const stbtt_fontinfo *info, float scale_x, float scale_y, int glyph, int *width, int *height, int *xoff, int *yoff); STBTT_DEF unsigned char *stbtt_GetGlyphBitmapSubpixel(const stbtt_fontinfo *info, float scale_x, float scale_y, float shift_x, float shift_y, int glyph, int *width, int *height, int *xoff, int *yoff); STBTT_DEF void stbtt_MakeGlyphBitmap(const stbtt_fontinfo *info, unsigned char *output, int out_w, int out_h, int out_stride, float scale_x, float scale_y, int glyph); STBTT_DEF void stbtt_MakeGlyphBitmapSubpixel(const stbtt_fontinfo *info, unsigned char *output, int out_w, int out_h, int out_stride, float scale_x, float scale_y, float shift_x, float shift_y, int glyph); STBTT_DEF void stbtt_MakeGlyphBitmapSubpixelPrefilter(const stbtt_fontinfo *info, unsigned char *output, int out_w, int out_h, int out_stride, float scale_x, float scale_y, float shift_x, float shift_y, int oversample_x, int oversample_y, float *sub_x, float *sub_y, int glyph); STBTT_DEF void stbtt_GetGlyphBitmapBox(const stbtt_fontinfo *font, int glyph, float scale_x, float scale_y, int *ix0, int *iy0, int *ix1, int *iy1); STBTT_DEF void stbtt_GetGlyphBitmapBoxSubpixel(const stbtt_fontinfo *font, int glyph, float scale_x, float scale_y,float shift_x, float shift_y, int *ix0, int *iy0, int *ix1, int *iy1); typedef struct { int w,h,stride; unsigned char *pixels; } stbtt__bitmap; STBTT_DEF void stbtt_Rasterize(stbtt__bitmap *result, float flatness_in_pixels, stbtt_vertex *vertices, int num_verts, float scale_x, float scale_y, float shift_x, float shift_y, int x_off, int y_off, int invert, void *userdata); STBTT_DEF void stbtt_FreeSDF(unsigned char *bitmap, void *userdata); STBTT_DEF unsigned char * stbtt_GetGlyphSDF(const stbtt_fontinfo *info, float scale, int glyph, int padding, unsigned char onedge_value, float pixel_dist_scale, int *width, int *height, int *xoff, int *yoff); STBTT_DEF unsigned char * stbtt_GetCodepointSDF(const stbtt_fontinfo *info, float scale, int codepoint, int padding, unsigned char onedge_value, float pixel_dist_scale, int *width, int *height, int *xoff, int *yoff); STBTT_DEF int stbtt_FindMatchingFont(const unsigned char *fontdata, const char *name, int flags); #define STBTT_MACSTYLE_DONTCARE 0 #define STBTT_MACSTYLE_BOLD 1 #define STBTT_MACSTYLE_ITALIC 2 #define STBTT_MACSTYLE_UNDERSCORE 4 #define STBTT_MACSTYLE_NONE 8 STBTT_DEF int stbtt_CompareUTF8toUTF16_bigendian(const char *s1, int len1, const char *s2, int len2); STBTT_DEF const char *stbtt_GetFontNameString(const stbtt_fontinfo *font, int *length, int platformID, int encodingID, int languageID, int nameID); enum { STBTT_PLATFORM_ID_UNICODE =0, STBTT_PLATFORM_ID_MAC =1, STBTT_PLATFORM_ID_ISO =2, STBTT_PLATFORM_ID_MICROSOFT =3 }; enum { STBTT_UNICODE_EID_UNICODE_1_0 =0, STBTT_UNICODE_EID_UNICODE_1_1 =1, STBTT_UNICODE_EID_ISO_10646 =2, STBTT_UNICODE_EID_UNICODE_2_0_BMP=3, STBTT_UNICODE_EID_UNICODE_2_0_FULL=4 }; enum { STBTT_MS_EID_SYMBOL =0, STBTT_MS_EID_UNICODE_BMP =1, STBTT_MS_EID_SHIFTJIS =2, STBTT_MS_EID_UNICODE_FULL =10 }; enum { STBTT_MAC_EID_ROMAN =0, STBTT_MAC_EID_ARABIC =4, STBTT_MAC_EID_JAPANESE =1, STBTT_MAC_EID_HEBREW =5, STBTT_MAC_EID_CHINESE_TRAD =2, STBTT_MAC_EID_GREEK =6, STBTT_MAC_EID_KOREAN =3, STBTT_MAC_EID_RUSSIAN =7 }; enum { STBTT_MS_LANG_ENGLISH =0x0409, STBTT_MS_LANG_ITALIAN =0x0410, STBTT_MS_LANG_CHINESE =0x0804, STBTT_MS_LANG_JAPANESE =0x0411, STBTT_MS_LANG_DUTCH =0x0413, STBTT_MS_LANG_KOREAN =0x0412, STBTT_MS_LANG_FRENCH =0x040c, STBTT_MS_LANG_RUSSIAN =0x0419, STBTT_MS_LANG_GERMAN =0x0407, STBTT_MS_LANG_SPANISH =0x0409, STBTT_MS_LANG_HEBREW =0x040d, STBTT_MS_LANG_SWEDISH =0x041D }; enum { STBTT_MAC_LANG_ENGLISH =0 , STBTT_MAC_LANG_JAPANESE =11, STBTT_MAC_LANG_ARABIC =12, STBTT_MAC_LANG_KOREAN =23, STBTT_MAC_LANG_DUTCH =4 , STBTT_MAC_LANG_RUSSIAN =32, STBTT_MAC_LANG_FRENCH =1 , STBTT_MAC_LANG_SPANISH =6 , STBTT_MAC_LANG_GERMAN =2 , STBTT_MAC_LANG_SWEDISH =5 , STBTT_MAC_LANG_HEBREW =10, STBTT_MAC_LANG_CHINESE_SIMPLIFIED =33, STBTT_MAC_LANG_ITALIAN =3 , STBTT_MAC_LANG_CHINESE_TRAD =19 }; #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif #ifdef STB_TRUETYPE_IMPLEMENTATION #ifndef STBTT_MAX_OVERSAMPLE #define STBTT_MAX_OVERSAMPLE 8 #endif #if STBTT_MAX_OVERSAMPLE > 255 #error "STBTT_MAX_OVERSAMPLE cannot be > 255" #endif typedef int stbtt__test_oversample_pow2[(STBTT_MAX_OVERSAMPLE & (STBTT_MAX_OVERSAMPLE-1)) == 0 ? 1 : -1]; #ifndef STBTT_RASTERIZER_VERSION #define STBTT_RASTERIZER_VERSION 2 #endif #ifdef _MSC_VER #define STBTT__NOTUSED(v) (void)(v) #else #define STBTT__NOTUSED(v) (void)sizeof(v) #endif static stbtt_uint8 stbtt__buf_get8(stbtt__buf *b) { if (b->cursor >= b->size) return 0; return b->data[b->cursor++]; } static stbtt_uint8 stbtt__buf_peek8(stbtt__buf *b) { if (b->cursor >= b->size) return 0; return b->data[b->cursor]; } static void stbtt__buf_seek(stbtt__buf *b, int o) { STBTT_assert(!(o > b->size || o < 0)); b->cursor = (o > b->size || o < 0) ? b->size : o; } static void stbtt__buf_skip(stbtt__buf *b, int o) { stbtt__buf_seek(b, b->cursor + o); } static stbtt_uint32 stbtt__buf_get(stbtt__buf *b, int n) { stbtt_uint32 v = 0; int i; STBTT_assert(n >= 1 && n <= 4); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) v = (v << 8) | stbtt__buf_get8(b); return v; } static stbtt__buf stbtt__new_buf(const void *p, size_t size) { stbtt__buf r; STBTT_assert(size < 0x40000000); r.data = (stbtt_uint8*) p; r.size = (int) size; r.cursor = 0; return r; } #define stbtt__buf_get16(b) stbtt__buf_get((b), 2) #define stbtt__buf_get32(b) stbtt__buf_get((b), 4) static stbtt__buf stbtt__buf_range(const stbtt__buf *b, int o, int s) { stbtt__buf r = stbtt__new_buf(NULL, 0); if (o < 0 || s < 0 || o > b->size || s > b->size - o) return r; r.data = b->data + o; r.size = s; return r; } static stbtt__buf stbtt__cff_get_index(stbtt__buf *b) { int count, start, offsize; start = b->cursor; count = stbtt__buf_get16(b); if (count) { offsize = stbtt__buf_get8(b); STBTT_assert(offsize >= 1 && offsize <= 4); stbtt__buf_skip(b, offsize * count); stbtt__buf_skip(b, stbtt__buf_get(b, offsize) - 1); } return stbtt__buf_range(b, start, b->cursor - start); } static stbtt_uint32 stbtt__cff_int(stbtt__buf *b) { int b0 = stbtt__buf_get8(b); if (b0 >= 32 && b0 <= 246) return b0 - 139; else if (b0 >= 247 && b0 <= 250) return (b0 - 247)*256 + stbtt__buf_get8(b) + 108; else if (b0 >= 251 && b0 <= 254) return -(b0 - 251)*256 - stbtt__buf_get8(b) - 108; else if (b0 == 28) return stbtt__buf_get16(b); else if (b0 == 29) return stbtt__buf_get32(b); STBTT_assert(0); return 0; } static void stbtt__cff_skip_operand(stbtt__buf *b) { int v, b0 = stbtt__buf_peek8(b); STBTT_assert(b0 >= 28); if (b0 == 30) { stbtt__buf_skip(b, 1); while (b->cursor < b->size) { v = stbtt__buf_get8(b); if ((v & 0xF) == 0xF || (v >> 4) == 0xF) break; } } else { stbtt__cff_int(b); } } static stbtt__buf stbtt__dict_get(stbtt__buf *b, int key) { stbtt__buf_seek(b, 0); while (b->cursor < b->size) { int start = b->cursor, end, op; while (stbtt__buf_peek8(b) >= 28) stbtt__cff_skip_operand(b); end = b->cursor; op = stbtt__buf_get8(b); if (op == 12) op = stbtt__buf_get8(b) | 0x100; if (op == key) return stbtt__buf_range(b, start, end-start); } return stbtt__buf_range(b, 0, 0); } static void stbtt__dict_get_ints(stbtt__buf *b, int key, int outcount, stbtt_uint32 *out) { int i; stbtt__buf operands = stbtt__dict_get(b, key); for (i = 0; i < outcount && operands.cursor < operands.size; i++) out[i] = stbtt__cff_int(&operands); } static int stbtt__cff_index_count(stbtt__buf *b) { stbtt__buf_seek(b, 0); return stbtt__buf_get16(b); } static stbtt__buf stbtt__cff_index_get(stbtt__buf b, int i) { int count, offsize, start, end; stbtt__buf_seek(&b, 0); count = stbtt__buf_get16(&b); offsize = stbtt__buf_get8(&b); STBTT_assert(i >= 0 && i < count); STBTT_assert(offsize >= 1 && offsize <= 4); stbtt__buf_skip(&b, i*offsize); start = stbtt__buf_get(&b, offsize); end = stbtt__buf_get(&b, offsize); return stbtt__buf_range(&b, 2+(count+1)*offsize+start, end - start); } #define ttBYTE(p) (* (stbtt_uint8 *) (p)) #define ttCHAR(p) (* (stbtt_int8 *) (p)) #define ttFixed(p) ttLONG(p) static stbtt_uint16 ttUSHORT(stbtt_uint8 *p) { return p[0]*256 + p[1]; } static stbtt_int16 ttSHORT(stbtt_uint8 *p) { return p[0]*256 + p[1]; } static stbtt_uint32 ttULONG(stbtt_uint8 *p) { return (p[0]<<24) + (p[1]<<16) + (p[2]<<8) + p[3]; } static stbtt_int32 ttLONG(stbtt_uint8 *p) { return (p[0]<<24) + (p[1]<<16) + (p[2]<<8) + p[3]; } #define stbtt_tag4(p,c0,c1,c2,c3) ((p)[0] == (c0) && (p)[1] == (c1) && (p)[2] == (c2) && (p)[3] == (c3)) #define stbtt_tag(p,str) stbtt_tag4(p,str[0],str[1],str[2],str[3]) static int stbtt__isfont(stbtt_uint8 *font) { if (stbtt_tag4(font, '1',0,0,0)) return 1; if (stbtt_tag(font, "typ1")) return 1; if (stbtt_tag(font, "OTTO")) return 1; if (stbtt_tag4(font, 0,1,0,0)) return 1; if (stbtt_tag(font, "true")) return 1; return 0; } static stbtt_uint32 stbtt__find_table(stbtt_uint8 *data, stbtt_uint32 fontstart, const char *tag) { stbtt_int32 num_tables = ttUSHORT(data+fontstart+4); stbtt_uint32 tabledir = fontstart + 12; stbtt_int32 i; for (i=0; i < num_tables; ++i) { stbtt_uint32 loc = tabledir + 16*i; if (stbtt_tag(data+loc+0, tag)) return ttULONG(data+loc+8); } return 0; } static int stbtt_GetFontOffsetForIndex_internal(unsigned char *font_collection, int index) { if (stbtt__isfont(font_collection)) return index == 0 ? 0 : -1; if (stbtt_tag(font_collection, "ttcf")) { if (ttULONG(font_collection+4) == 0x00010000 || ttULONG(font_collection+4) == 0x00020000) { stbtt_int32 n = ttLONG(font_collection+8); if (index >= n) return -1; return ttULONG(font_collection+12+index*4); } } return -1; } static int stbtt_GetNumberOfFonts_internal(unsigned char *font_collection) { if (stbtt__isfont(font_collection)) return 1; if (stbtt_tag(font_collection, "ttcf")) { if (ttULONG(font_collection+4) == 0x00010000 || ttULONG(font_collection+4) == 0x00020000) { return ttLONG(font_collection+8); } } return 0; } static stbtt__buf stbtt__get_subrs(stbtt__buf cff, stbtt__buf fontdict) { stbtt_uint32 subrsoff = 0, private_loc[2] = { 0, 0 }; stbtt__buf pdict; stbtt__dict_get_ints(&fontdict, 18, 2, private_loc); if (!private_loc[1] || !private_loc[0]) return stbtt__new_buf(NULL, 0); pdict = stbtt__buf_range(&cff, private_loc[1], private_loc[0]); stbtt__dict_get_ints(&pdict, 19, 1, &subrsoff); if (!subrsoff) return stbtt__new_buf(NULL, 0); stbtt__buf_seek(&cff, private_loc[1]+subrsoff); return stbtt__cff_get_index(&cff); } static int stbtt__get_svg(stbtt_fontinfo *info) { stbtt_uint32 t; if (info->svg < 0) { t = stbtt__find_table(info->data, info->fontstart, "SVG "); if (t) { stbtt_uint32 offset = ttULONG(info->data + t + 2); info->svg = t + offset; } else { info->svg = 0; } } return info->svg; } static int stbtt_InitFont_internal(stbtt_fontinfo *info, unsigned char *data, int fontstart) { stbtt_uint32 cmap, t; stbtt_int32 i,numTables; info->data = data; info->fontstart = fontstart; info->cff = stbtt__new_buf(NULL, 0); cmap = stbtt__find_table(data, fontstart, "cmap"); info->loca = stbtt__find_table(data, fontstart, "loca"); info->head = stbtt__find_table(data, fontstart, "head"); info->glyf = stbtt__find_table(data, fontstart, "glyf"); info->hhea = stbtt__find_table(data, fontstart, "hhea"); info->hmtx = stbtt__find_table(data, fontstart, "hmtx"); info->kern = stbtt__find_table(data, fontstart, "kern"); info->gpos = stbtt__find_table(data, fontstart, "GPOS"); if (!cmap || !info->head || !info->hhea || !info->hmtx) return 0; if (info->glyf) { if (!info->loca) return 0; } else { stbtt__buf b, topdict, topdictidx; stbtt_uint32 cstype = 2, charstrings = 0, fdarrayoff = 0, fdselectoff = 0; stbtt_uint32 cff; cff = stbtt__find_table(data, fontstart, "CFF "); if (!cff) return 0; info->fontdicts = stbtt__new_buf(NULL, 0); info->fdselect = stbtt__new_buf(NULL, 0); info->cff = stbtt__new_buf(data+cff, 512*1024*1024); b = info->cff; stbtt__buf_skip(&b, 2); stbtt__buf_seek(&b, stbtt__buf_get8(&b)); stbtt__cff_get_index(&b); topdictidx = stbtt__cff_get_index(&b); topdict = stbtt__cff_index_get(topdictidx, 0); stbtt__cff_get_index(&b); info->gsubrs = stbtt__cff_get_index(&b); stbtt__dict_get_ints(&topdict, 17, 1, &charstrings); stbtt__dict_get_ints(&topdict, 0x100 | 6, 1, &cstype); stbtt__dict_get_ints(&topdict, 0x100 | 36, 1, &fdarrayoff); stbtt__dict_get_ints(&topdict, 0x100 | 37, 1, &fdselectoff); info->subrs = stbtt__get_subrs(b, topdict); if (cstype != 2) return 0; if (charstrings == 0) return 0; if (fdarrayoff) { if (!fdselectoff) return 0; stbtt__buf_seek(&b, fdarrayoff); info->fontdicts = stbtt__cff_get_index(&b); info->fdselect = stbtt__buf_range(&b, fdselectoff, b.size-fdselectoff); } stbtt__buf_seek(&b, charstrings); info->charstrings = stbtt__cff_get_index(&b); } t = stbtt__find_table(data, fontstart, "maxp"); if (t) info->numGlyphs = ttUSHORT(data+t+4); else info->numGlyphs = 0xffff; info->svg = -1; numTables = ttUSHORT(data + cmap + 2); info->index_map = 0; for (i=0; i < numTables; ++i) { stbtt_uint32 encoding_record = cmap + 4 + 8 * i; switch(ttUSHORT(data+encoding_record)) { case STBTT_PLATFORM_ID_MICROSOFT: switch (ttUSHORT(data+encoding_record+2)) { case STBTT_MS_EID_UNICODE_BMP: case STBTT_MS_EID_UNICODE_FULL: info->index_map = cmap + ttULONG(data+encoding_record+4); break; } break; case STBTT_PLATFORM_ID_UNICODE: info->index_map = cmap + ttULONG(data+encoding_record+4); break; } } if (info->index_map == 0) return 0; info->indexToLocFormat = ttUSHORT(data+info->head + 50); return 1; } STBTT_DEF int stbtt_FindGlyphIndex(const stbtt_fontinfo *info, int unicode_codepoint) { stbtt_uint8 *data = info->data; stbtt_uint32 index_map = info->index_map; stbtt_uint16 format = ttUSHORT(data + index_map + 0); if (format == 0) { stbtt_int32 bytes = ttUSHORT(data + index_map + 2); if (unicode_codepoint < bytes-6) return ttBYTE(data + index_map + 6 + unicode_codepoint); return 0; } else if (format == 6) { stbtt_uint32 first = ttUSHORT(data + index_map + 6); stbtt_uint32 count = ttUSHORT(data + index_map + 8); if ((stbtt_uint32) unicode_codepoint >= first && (stbtt_uint32) unicode_codepoint < first+count) return ttUSHORT(data + index_map + 10 + (unicode_codepoint - first)*2); return 0; } else if (format == 2) { STBTT_assert(0); return 0; } else if (format == 4) { stbtt_uint16 segcount = ttUSHORT(data+index_map+6) >> 1; stbtt_uint16 searchRange = ttUSHORT(data+index_map+8) >> 1; stbtt_uint16 entrySelector = ttUSHORT(data+index_map+10); stbtt_uint16 rangeShift = ttUSHORT(data+index_map+12) >> 1; stbtt_uint32 endCount = index_map + 14; stbtt_uint32 search = endCount; if (unicode_codepoint > 0xffff) return 0; if (unicode_codepoint >= ttUSHORT(data + search + rangeShift*2)) search += rangeShift*2; search -= 2; while (entrySelector) { stbtt_uint16 end; searchRange >>= 1; end = ttUSHORT(data + search + searchRange*2); if (unicode_codepoint > end) search += searchRange*2; --entrySelector; } search += 2; { stbtt_uint16 offset, start, last; stbtt_uint16 item = (stbtt_uint16) ((search - endCount) >> 1); start = ttUSHORT(data + index_map + 14 + segcount*2 + 2 + 2*item); last = ttUSHORT(data + endCount + 2*item); if (unicode_codepoint < start || unicode_codepoint > last) return 0; offset = ttUSHORT(data + index_map + 14 + segcount*6 + 2 + 2*item); if (offset == 0) return (stbtt_uint16) (unicode_codepoint + ttSHORT(data + index_map + 14 + segcount*4 + 2 + 2*item)); return ttUSHORT(data + offset + (unicode_codepoint-start)*2 + index_map + 14 + segcount*6 + 2 + 2*item); } } else if (format == 12 || format == 13) { stbtt_uint32 ngroups = ttULONG(data+index_map+12); stbtt_int32 low,high; low = 0; high = (stbtt_int32)ngroups; while (low < high) { stbtt_int32 mid = low + ((high-low) >> 1); stbtt_uint32 start_char = ttULONG(data+index_map+16+mid*12); stbtt_uint32 end_char = ttULONG(data+index_map+16+mid*12+4); if ((stbtt_uint32) unicode_codepoint < start_char) high = mid; else if ((stbtt_uint32) unicode_codepoint > end_char) low = mid+1; else { stbtt_uint32 start_glyph = ttULONG(data+index_map+16+mid*12+8); if (format == 12) return start_glyph + unicode_codepoint-start_char; else return start_glyph; } } return 0; } STBTT_assert(0); return 0; } STBTT_DEF int stbtt_GetCodepointShape(const stbtt_fontinfo *info, int unicode_codepoint, stbtt_vertex **vertices) { return stbtt_GetGlyphShape(info, stbtt_FindGlyphIndex(info, unicode_codepoint), vertices); } static void stbtt_setvertex(stbtt_vertex *v, stbtt_uint8 type, stbtt_int32 x, stbtt_int32 y, stbtt_int32 cx, stbtt_int32 cy) { v->type = type; v->x = (stbtt_int16) x; v->y = (stbtt_int16) y; v->cx = (stbtt_int16) cx; v->cy = (stbtt_int16) cy; } static int stbtt__GetGlyfOffset(const stbtt_fontinfo *info, int glyph_index) { int g1,g2; STBTT_assert(!info->cff.size); if (glyph_index >= info->numGlyphs) return -1; if (info->indexToLocFormat >= 2) return -1; if (info->indexToLocFormat == 0) { g1 = info->glyf + ttUSHORT(info->data + info->loca + glyph_index * 2) * 2; g2 = info->glyf + ttUSHORT(info->data + info->loca + glyph_index * 2 + 2) * 2; } else { g1 = info->glyf + ttULONG (info->data + info->loca + glyph_index * 4); g2 = info->glyf + ttULONG (info->data + info->loca + glyph_index * 4 + 4); } return g1==g2 ? -1 : g1; } static int stbtt__GetGlyphInfoT2(const stbtt_fontinfo *info, int glyph_index, int *x0, int *y0, int *x1, int *y1); STBTT_DEF int stbtt_GetGlyphBox(const stbtt_fontinfo *info, int glyph_index, int *x0, int *y0, int *x1, int *y1) { if (info->cff.size) { stbtt__GetGlyphInfoT2(info, glyph_index, x0, y0, x1, y1); } else { int g = stbtt__GetGlyfOffset(info, glyph_index); if (g < 0) return 0; if (x0) *x0 = ttSHORT(info->data + g + 2); if (y0) *y0 = ttSHORT(info->data + g + 4); if (x1) *x1 = ttSHORT(info->data + g + 6); if (y1) *y1 = ttSHORT(info->data + g + 8); } return 1; } STBTT_DEF int stbtt_GetCodepointBox(const stbtt_fontinfo *info, int codepoint, int *x0, int *y0, int *x1, int *y1) { return stbtt_GetGlyphBox(info, stbtt_FindGlyphIndex(info,codepoint), x0,y0,x1,y1); } STBTT_DEF int stbtt_IsGlyphEmpty(const stbtt_fontinfo *info, int glyph_index) { stbtt_int16 numberOfContours; int g; if (info->cff.size) return stbtt__GetGlyphInfoT2(info, glyph_index, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL) == 0; g = stbtt__GetGlyfOffset(info, glyph_index); if (g < 0) return 1; numberOfContours = ttSHORT(info->data + g); return numberOfContours == 0; } static int stbtt__close_shape(stbtt_vertex *vertices, int num_vertices, int was_off, int start_off, stbtt_int32 sx, stbtt_int32 sy, stbtt_int32 scx, stbtt_int32 scy, stbtt_int32 cx, stbtt_int32 cy) { if (start_off) { if (was_off) stbtt_setvertex(&vertices[num_vertices++], STBTT_vcurve, (cx+scx)>>1, (cy+scy)>>1, cx,cy); stbtt_setvertex(&vertices[num_vertices++], STBTT_vcurve, sx,sy,scx,scy); } else { if (was_off) stbtt_setvertex(&vertices[num_vertices++], STBTT_vcurve,sx,sy,cx,cy); else stbtt_setvertex(&vertices[num_vertices++], STBTT_vline,sx,sy,0,0); } return num_vertices; } static int stbtt__GetGlyphShapeTT(const stbtt_fontinfo *info, int glyph_index, stbtt_vertex **pvertices) { stbtt_int16 numberOfContours; stbtt_uint8 *endPtsOfContours; stbtt_uint8 *data = info->data; stbtt_vertex *vertices=0; int num_vertices=0; int g = stbtt__GetGlyfOffset(info, glyph_index); *pvertices = NULL; if (g < 0) return 0; numberOfContours = ttSHORT(data + g); if (numberOfContours > 0) { stbtt_uint8 flags=0,flagcount; stbtt_int32 ins, i,j=0,m,n, next_move, was_off=0, off, start_off=0; stbtt_int32 x,y,cx,cy,sx,sy, scx,scy; stbtt_uint8 *points; endPtsOfContours = (data + g + 10); ins = ttUSHORT(data + g + 10 + numberOfContours * 2); points = data + g + 10 + numberOfContours * 2 + 2 + ins; n = 1+ttUSHORT(endPtsOfContours + numberOfContours*2-2); m = n + 2*numberOfContours; vertices = (stbtt_vertex *) STBTT_malloc(m * sizeof(vertices[0]), info->userdata); if (vertices == 0) return 0; next_move = 0; flagcount=0; off = m - n; for (i=0; i < n; ++i) { if (flagcount == 0) { flags = *points++; if (flags & 8) flagcount = *points++; } else --flagcount; vertices[off+i].type = flags; } x=0; for (i=0; i < n; ++i) { flags = vertices[off+i].type; if (flags & 2) { stbtt_int16 dx = *points++; x += (flags & 16) ? dx : -dx; } else { if (!(flags & 16)) { x = x + (stbtt_int16) (points[0]*256 + points[1]); points += 2; } } vertices[off+i].x = (stbtt_int16) x; } y=0; for (i=0; i < n; ++i) { flags = vertices[off+i].type; if (flags & 4) { stbtt_int16 dy = *points++; y += (flags & 32) ? dy : -dy; } else { if (!(flags & 32)) { y = y + (stbtt_int16) (points[0]*256 + points[1]); points += 2; } } vertices[off+i].y = (stbtt_int16) y; } num_vertices=0; sx = sy = cx = cy = scx = scy = 0; for (i=0; i < n; ++i) { flags = vertices[off+i].type; x = (stbtt_int16) vertices[off+i].x; y = (stbtt_int16) vertices[off+i].y; if (next_move == i) { if (i != 0) num_vertices = stbtt__close_shape(vertices, num_vertices, was_off, start_off, sx,sy,scx,scy,cx,cy); start_off = !(flags & 1); if (start_off) { scx = x; scy = y; if (!(vertices[off+i+1].type & 1)) { sx = (x + (stbtt_int32) vertices[off+i+1].x) >> 1; sy = (y + (stbtt_int32) vertices[off+i+1].y) >> 1; } else { sx = (stbtt_int32) vertices[off+i+1].x; sy = (stbtt_int32) vertices[off+i+1].y; ++i; } } else { sx = x; sy = y; } stbtt_setvertex(&vertices[num_vertices++], STBTT_vmove,sx,sy,0,0); was_off = 0; next_move = 1 + ttUSHORT(endPtsOfContours+j*2); ++j; } else { if (!(flags & 1)) { if (was_off) stbtt_setvertex(&vertices[num_vertices++], STBTT_vcurve, (cx+x)>>1, (cy+y)>>1, cx, cy); cx = x; cy = y; was_off = 1; } else { if (was_off) stbtt_setvertex(&vertices[num_vertices++], STBTT_vcurve, x,y, cx, cy); else stbtt_setvertex(&vertices[num_vertices++], STBTT_vline, x,y,0,0); was_off = 0; } } } num_vertices = stbtt__close_shape(vertices, num_vertices, was_off, start_off, sx,sy,scx,scy,cx,cy); } else if (numberOfContours < 0) { int more = 1; stbtt_uint8 *comp = data + g + 10; num_vertices = 0; vertices = 0; while (more) { stbtt_uint16 flags, gidx; int comp_num_verts = 0, i; stbtt_vertex *comp_verts = 0, *tmp = 0; float mtx[6] = {1,0,0,1,0,0}, m, n; flags = ttSHORT(comp); comp+=2; gidx = ttSHORT(comp); comp+=2; if (flags & 2) { if (flags & 1) { mtx[4] = ttSHORT(comp); comp+=2; mtx[5] = ttSHORT(comp); comp+=2; } else { mtx[4] = ttCHAR(comp); comp+=1; mtx[5] = ttCHAR(comp); comp+=1; } } else { STBTT_assert(0); } if (flags & (1<<3)) { mtx[0] = mtx[3] = ttSHORT(comp)/16384.0f; comp+=2; mtx[1] = mtx[2] = 0; } else if (flags & (1<<6)) { mtx[0] = ttSHORT(comp)/16384.0f; comp+=2; mtx[1] = mtx[2] = 0; mtx[3] = ttSHORT(comp)/16384.0f; comp+=2; } else if (flags & (1<<7)) { mtx[0] = ttSHORT(comp)/16384.0f; comp+=2; mtx[1] = ttSHORT(comp)/16384.0f; comp+=2; mtx[2] = ttSHORT(comp)/16384.0f; comp+=2; mtx[3] = ttSHORT(comp)/16384.0f; comp+=2; } m = (float) STBTT_sqrt(mtx[0]*mtx[0] + mtx[1]*mtx[1]); n = (float) STBTT_sqrt(mtx[2]*mtx[2] + mtx[3]*mtx[3]); comp_num_verts = stbtt_GetGlyphShape(info, gidx, &comp_verts); if (comp_num_verts > 0) { for (i = 0; i < comp_num_verts; ++i) { stbtt_vertex* v = &comp_verts[i]; stbtt_vertex_type x,y; x=v->x; y=v->y; v->x = (stbtt_vertex_type)(m * (mtx[0]*x + mtx[2]*y + mtx[4])); v->y = (stbtt_vertex_type)(n * (mtx[1]*x + mtx[3]*y + mtx[5])); x=v->cx; y=v->cy; v->cx = (stbtt_vertex_type)(m * (mtx[0]*x + mtx[2]*y + mtx[4])); v->cy = (stbtt_vertex_type)(n * (mtx[1]*x + mtx[3]*y + mtx[5])); } tmp = (stbtt_vertex*)STBTT_malloc((num_vertices+comp_num_verts)*sizeof(stbtt_vertex), info->userdata); if (!tmp) { if (vertices) STBTT_free(vertices, info->userdata); if (comp_verts) STBTT_free(comp_verts, info->userdata); return 0; } if (num_vertices > 0 && vertices) STBTT_memcpy(tmp, vertices, num_vertices*sizeof(stbtt_vertex)); STBTT_memcpy(tmp+num_vertices, comp_verts, comp_num_verts*sizeof(stbtt_vertex)); if (vertices) STBTT_free(vertices, info->userdata); vertices = tmp; STBTT_free(comp_verts, info->userdata); num_vertices += comp_num_verts; } more = flags & (1<<5); } } else { } *pvertices = vertices; return num_vertices; } typedef struct { int bounds; int started; float first_x, first_y; float x, y; stbtt_int32 min_x, max_x, min_y, max_y; stbtt_vertex *pvertices; int num_vertices; } stbtt__csctx; #define STBTT__CSCTX_INIT(bounds) {bounds,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0,0,0, NULL, 0} static void stbtt__track_vertex(stbtt__csctx *c, stbtt_int32 x, stbtt_int32 y) { if (x > c->max_x || !c->started) c->max_x = x; if (y > c->max_y || !c->started) c->max_y = y; if (x < c->min_x || !c->started) c->min_x = x; if (y < c->min_y || !c->started) c->min_y = y; c->started = 1; } static void stbtt__csctx_v(stbtt__csctx *c, stbtt_uint8 type, stbtt_int32 x, stbtt_int32 y, stbtt_int32 cx, stbtt_int32 cy, stbtt_int32 cx1, stbtt_int32 cy1) { if (c->bounds) { stbtt__track_vertex(c, x, y); if (type == STBTT_vcubic) { stbtt__track_vertex(c, cx, cy); stbtt__track_vertex(c, cx1, cy1); } } else { stbtt_setvertex(&c->pvertices[c->num_vertices], type, x, y, cx, cy); c->pvertices[c->num_vertices].cx1 = (stbtt_int16) cx1; c->pvertices[c->num_vertices].cy1 = (stbtt_int16) cy1; } c->num_vertices++; } static void stbtt__csctx_close_shape(stbtt__csctx *ctx) { if (ctx->first_x != ctx->x || ctx->first_y != ctx->y) stbtt__csctx_v(ctx, STBTT_vline, (int)ctx->first_x, (int)ctx->first_y, 0, 0, 0, 0); } static void stbtt__csctx_rmove_to(stbtt__csctx *ctx, float dx, float dy) { stbtt__csctx_close_shape(ctx); ctx->first_x = ctx->x = ctx->x + dx; ctx->first_y = ctx->y = ctx->y + dy; stbtt__csctx_v(ctx, STBTT_vmove, (int)ctx->x, (int)ctx->y, 0, 0, 0, 0); } static void stbtt__csctx_rline_to(stbtt__csctx *ctx, float dx, float dy) { ctx->x += dx; ctx->y += dy; stbtt__csctx_v(ctx, STBTT_vline, (int)ctx->x, (int)ctx->y, 0, 0, 0, 0); } static void stbtt__csctx_rccurve_to(stbtt__csctx *ctx, float dx1, float dy1, float dx2, float dy2, float dx3, float dy3) { float cx1 = ctx->x + dx1; float cy1 = ctx->y + dy1; float cx2 = cx1 + dx2; float cy2 = cy1 + dy2; ctx->x = cx2 + dx3; ctx->y = cy2 + dy3; stbtt__csctx_v(ctx, STBTT_vcubic, (int)ctx->x, (int)ctx->y, (int)cx1, (int)cy1, (int)cx2, (int)cy2); } static stbtt__buf stbtt__get_subr(stbtt__buf idx, int n) { int count = stbtt__cff_index_count(&idx); int bias = 107; if (count >= 33900) bias = 32768; else if (count >= 1240) bias = 1131; n += bias; if (n < 0 || n >= count) return stbtt__new_buf(NULL, 0); return stbtt__cff_index_get(idx, n); } static stbtt__buf stbtt__cid_get_glyph_subrs(const stbtt_fontinfo *info, int glyph_index) { stbtt__buf fdselect = info->fdselect; int nranges, start, end, v, fmt, fdselector = -1, i; stbtt__buf_seek(&fdselect, 0); fmt = stbtt__buf_get8(&fdselect); if (fmt == 0) { stbtt__buf_skip(&fdselect, glyph_index); fdselector = stbtt__buf_get8(&fdselect); } else if (fmt == 3) { nranges = stbtt__buf_get16(&fdselect); start = stbtt__buf_get16(&fdselect); for (i = 0; i < nranges; i++) { v = stbtt__buf_get8(&fdselect); end = stbtt__buf_get16(&fdselect); if (glyph_index >= start && glyph_index < end) { fdselector = v; break; } start = end; } } if (fdselector == -1) stbtt__new_buf(NULL, 0); return stbtt__get_subrs(info->cff, stbtt__cff_index_get(info->fontdicts, fdselector)); } static int stbtt__run_charstring(const stbtt_fontinfo *info, int glyph_index, stbtt__csctx *c) { int in_header = 1, maskbits = 0, subr_stack_height = 0, sp = 0, v, i, b0; int has_subrs = 0, clear_stack; float s[48]; stbtt__buf subr_stack[10], subrs = info->subrs, b; float f; #define STBTT__CSERR(s) (0) b = stbtt__cff_index_get(info->charstrings, glyph_index); while (b.cursor < b.size) { i = 0; clear_stack = 1; b0 = stbtt__buf_get8(&b); switch (b0) { case 0x13: case 0x14: if (in_header) maskbits += (sp / 2); in_header = 0; stbtt__buf_skip(&b, (maskbits + 7) / 8); break; case 0x01: case 0x03: case 0x12: case 0x17: maskbits += (sp / 2); break; case 0x15: in_header = 0; if (sp < 2) return STBTT__CSERR("rmoveto stack"); stbtt__csctx_rmove_to(c, s[sp-2], s[sp-1]); break; case 0x04: in_header = 0; if (sp < 1) return STBTT__CSERR("vmoveto stack"); stbtt__csctx_rmove_to(c, 0, s[sp-1]); break; case 0x16: in_header = 0; if (sp < 1) return STBTT__CSERR("hmoveto stack"); stbtt__csctx_rmove_to(c, s[sp-1], 0); break; case 0x05: if (sp < 2) return STBTT__CSERR("rlineto stack"); for (; i + 1 < sp; i += 2) stbtt__csctx_rline_to(c, s[i], s[i+1]); break; case 0x07: if (sp < 1) return STBTT__CSERR("vlineto stack"); goto vlineto; case 0x06: if (sp < 1) return STBTT__CSERR("hlineto stack"); for (;;) { if (i >= sp) break; stbtt__csctx_rline_to(c, s[i], 0); i++; vlineto: if (i >= sp) break; stbtt__csctx_rline_to(c, 0, s[i]); i++; } break; case 0x1F: if (sp < 4) return STBTT__CSERR("hvcurveto stack"); goto hvcurveto; case 0x1E: if (sp < 4) return STBTT__CSERR("vhcurveto stack"); for (;;) { if (i + 3 >= sp) break; stbtt__csctx_rccurve_to(c, 0, s[i], s[i+1], s[i+2], s[i+3], (sp - i == 5) ? s[i + 4] : 0.0f); i += 4; hvcurveto: if (i + 3 >= sp) break; stbtt__csctx_rccurve_to(c, s[i], 0, s[i+1], s[i+2], (sp - i == 5) ? s[i+4] : 0.0f, s[i+3]); i += 4; } break; case 0x08: if (sp < 6) return STBTT__CSERR("rcurveline stack"); for (; i + 5 < sp; i += 6) stbtt__csctx_rccurve_to(c, s[i], s[i+1], s[i+2], s[i+3], s[i+4], s[i+5]); break; case 0x18: if (sp < 8) return STBTT__CSERR("rcurveline stack"); for (; i + 5 < sp - 2; i += 6) stbtt__csctx_rccurve_to(c, s[i], s[i+1], s[i+2], s[i+3], s[i+4], s[i+5]); if (i + 1 >= sp) return STBTT__CSERR("rcurveline stack"); stbtt__csctx_rline_to(c, s[i], s[i+1]); break; case 0x19: if (sp < 8) return STBTT__CSERR("rlinecurve stack"); for (; i + 1 < sp - 6; i += 2) stbtt__csctx_rline_to(c, s[i], s[i+1]); if (i + 5 >= sp) return STBTT__CSERR("rlinecurve stack"); stbtt__csctx_rccurve_to(c, s[i], s[i+1], s[i+2], s[i+3], s[i+4], s[i+5]); break; case 0x1A: case 0x1B: if (sp < 4) return STBTT__CSERR("(vv|hh)curveto stack"); f = 0.0; if (sp & 1) { f = s[i]; i++; } for (; i + 3 < sp; i += 4) { if (b0 == 0x1B) stbtt__csctx_rccurve_to(c, s[i], f, s[i+1], s[i+2], s[i+3], 0.0); else stbtt__csctx_rccurve_to(c, f, s[i], s[i+1], s[i+2], 0.0, s[i+3]); f = 0.0; } break; case 0x0A: if (!has_subrs) { if (info->fdselect.size) subrs = stbtt__cid_get_glyph_subrs(info, glyph_index); has_subrs = 1; } case 0x1D: if (sp < 1) return STBTT__CSERR("call(g|)subr stack"); v = (int) s[--sp]; if (subr_stack_height >= 10) return STBTT__CSERR("recursion limit"); subr_stack[subr_stack_height++] = b; b = stbtt__get_subr(b0 == 0x0A ? subrs : info->gsubrs, v); if (b.size == 0) return STBTT__CSERR("subr not found"); b.cursor = 0; clear_stack = 0; break; case 0x0B: if (subr_stack_height <= 0) return STBTT__CSERR("return outside subr"); b = subr_stack[--subr_stack_height]; clear_stack = 0; break; case 0x0E: stbtt__csctx_close_shape(c); return 1; case 0x0C: { float dx1, dx2, dx3, dx4, dx5, dx6, dy1, dy2, dy3, dy4, dy5, dy6; float dx, dy; int b1 = stbtt__buf_get8(&b); switch (b1) { case 0x22: if (sp < 7) return STBTT__CSERR("hflex stack"); dx1 = s[0]; dx2 = s[1]; dy2 = s[2]; dx3 = s[3]; dx4 = s[4]; dx5 = s[5]; dx6 = s[6]; stbtt__csctx_rccurve_to(c, dx1, 0, dx2, dy2, dx3, 0); stbtt__csctx_rccurve_to(c, dx4, 0, dx5, -dy2, dx6, 0); break; case 0x23: if (sp < 13) return STBTT__CSERR("flex stack"); dx1 = s[0]; dy1 = s[1]; dx2 = s[2]; dy2 = s[3]; dx3 = s[4]; dy3 = s[5]; dx4 = s[6]; dy4 = s[7]; dx5 = s[8]; dy5 = s[9]; dx6 = s[10]; dy6 = s[11]; stbtt__csctx_rccurve_to(c, dx1, dy1, dx2, dy2, dx3, dy3); stbtt__csctx_rccurve_to(c, dx4, dy4, dx5, dy5, dx6, dy6); break; case 0x24: if (sp < 9) return STBTT__CSERR("hflex1 stack"); dx1 = s[0]; dy1 = s[1]; dx2 = s[2]; dy2 = s[3]; dx3 = s[4]; dx4 = s[5]; dx5 = s[6]; dy5 = s[7]; dx6 = s[8]; stbtt__csctx_rccurve_to(c, dx1, dy1, dx2, dy2, dx3, 0); stbtt__csctx_rccurve_to(c, dx4, 0, dx5, dy5, dx6, -(dy1+dy2+dy5)); break; case 0x25: if (sp < 11) return STBTT__CSERR("flex1 stack"); dx1 = s[0]; dy1 = s[1]; dx2 = s[2]; dy2 = s[3]; dx3 = s[4]; dy3 = s[5]; dx4 = s[6]; dy4 = s[7]; dx5 = s[8]; dy5 = s[9]; dx6 = dy6 = s[10]; dx = dx1+dx2+dx3+dx4+dx5; dy = dy1+dy2+dy3+dy4+dy5; if (STBTT_fabs(dx) > STBTT_fabs(dy)) dy6 = -dy; else dx6 = -dx; stbtt__csctx_rccurve_to(c, dx1, dy1, dx2, dy2, dx3, dy3); stbtt__csctx_rccurve_to(c, dx4, dy4, dx5, dy5, dx6, dy6); break; default: return STBTT__CSERR("unimplemented"); } } break; default: if (b0 != 255 && b0 != 28 && b0 < 32) return STBTT__CSERR("reserved operator"); if (b0 == 255) { f = (float)(stbtt_int32)stbtt__buf_get32(&b) / 0x10000; } else { stbtt__buf_skip(&b, -1); f = (float)(stbtt_int16)stbtt__cff_int(&b); } if (sp >= 48) return STBTT__CSERR("push stack overflow"); s[sp++] = f; clear_stack = 0; break; } if (clear_stack) sp = 0; } return STBTT__CSERR("no endchar"); #undef STBTT__CSERR } static int stbtt__GetGlyphShapeT2(const stbtt_fontinfo *info, int glyph_index, stbtt_vertex **pvertices) { stbtt__csctx count_ctx = STBTT__CSCTX_INIT(1); stbtt__csctx output_ctx = STBTT__CSCTX_INIT(0); if (stbtt__run_charstring(info, glyph_index, &count_ctx)) { *pvertices = (stbtt_vertex*)STBTT_malloc(count_ctx.num_vertices*sizeof(stbtt_vertex), info->userdata); output_ctx.pvertices = *pvertices; if (stbtt__run_charstring(info, glyph_index, &output_ctx)) { STBTT_assert(output_ctx.num_vertices == count_ctx.num_vertices); return output_ctx.num_vertices; } } *pvertices = NULL; return 0; } static int stbtt__GetGlyphInfoT2(const stbtt_fontinfo *info, int glyph_index, int *x0, int *y0, int *x1, int *y1) { stbtt__csctx c = STBTT__CSCTX_INIT(1); int r = stbtt__run_charstring(info, glyph_index, &c); if (x0) *x0 = r ? c.min_x : 0; if (y0) *y0 = r ? c.min_y : 0; if (x1) *x1 = r ? c.max_x : 0; if (y1) *y1 = r ? c.max_y : 0; return r ? c.num_vertices : 0; } STBTT_DEF int stbtt_GetGlyphShape(const stbtt_fontinfo *info, int glyph_index, stbtt_vertex **pvertices) { if (!info->cff.size) return stbtt__GetGlyphShapeTT(info, glyph_index, pvertices); else return stbtt__GetGlyphShapeT2(info, glyph_index, pvertices); } STBTT_DEF void stbtt_GetGlyphHMetrics(const stbtt_fontinfo *info, int glyph_index, int *advanceWidth, int *leftSideBearing) { stbtt_uint16 numOfLongHorMetrics = ttUSHORT(info->data+info->hhea + 34); if (glyph_index < numOfLongHorMetrics) { if (advanceWidth) *advanceWidth = ttSHORT(info->data + info->hmtx + 4*glyph_index); if (leftSideBearing) *leftSideBearing = ttSHORT(info->data + info->hmtx + 4*glyph_index + 2); } else { if (advanceWidth) *advanceWidth = ttSHORT(info->data + info->hmtx + 4*(numOfLongHorMetrics-1)); if (leftSideBearing) *leftSideBearing = ttSHORT(info->data + info->hmtx + 4*numOfLongHorMetrics + 2*(glyph_index - numOfLongHorMetrics)); } } STBTT_DEF int stbtt_GetKerningTableLength(const stbtt_fontinfo *info) { stbtt_uint8 *data = info->data + info->kern; if (!info->kern) return 0; if (ttUSHORT(data+2) < 1) return 0; if (ttUSHORT(data+8) != 1) return 0; return ttUSHORT(data+10); } STBTT_DEF int stbtt_GetKerningTable(const stbtt_fontinfo *info, stbtt_kerningentry* table, int table_length) { stbtt_uint8 *data = info->data + info->kern; int k, length; if (!info->kern) return 0; if (ttUSHORT(data+2) < 1) return 0; if (ttUSHORT(data+8) != 1) return 0; length = ttUSHORT(data+10); if (table_length < length) length = table_length; for (k = 0; k < length; k++) { table[k].glyph1 = ttUSHORT(data+18+(k*6)); table[k].glyph2 = ttUSHORT(data+20+(k*6)); table[k].advance = ttSHORT(data+22+(k*6)); } return length; } static int stbtt__GetGlyphKernInfoAdvance(const stbtt_fontinfo *info, int glyph1, int glyph2) { stbtt_uint8 *data = info->data + info->kern; stbtt_uint32 needle, straw; int l, r, m; if (!info->kern) return 0; if (ttUSHORT(data+2) < 1) return 0; if (ttUSHORT(data+8) != 1) return 0; l = 0; r = ttUSHORT(data+10) - 1; needle = glyph1 << 16 | glyph2; while (l <= r) { m = (l + r) >> 1; straw = ttULONG(data+18+(m*6)); if (needle < straw) r = m - 1; else if (needle > straw) l = m + 1; else return ttSHORT(data+22+(m*6)); } return 0; } static stbtt_int32 stbtt__GetCoverageIndex(stbtt_uint8 *coverageTable, int glyph) { stbtt_uint16 coverageFormat = ttUSHORT(coverageTable); switch (coverageFormat) { case 1: { stbtt_uint16 glyphCount = ttUSHORT(coverageTable + 2); stbtt_int32 l=0, r=glyphCount-1, m; int straw, needle=glyph; while (l <= r) { stbtt_uint8 *glyphArray = coverageTable + 4; stbtt_uint16 glyphID; m = (l + r) >> 1; glyphID = ttUSHORT(glyphArray + 2 * m); straw = glyphID; if (needle < straw) r = m - 1; else if (needle > straw) l = m + 1; else { return m; } } break; } case 2: { stbtt_uint16 rangeCount = ttUSHORT(coverageTable + 2); stbtt_uint8 *rangeArray = coverageTable + 4; stbtt_int32 l=0, r=rangeCount-1, m; int strawStart, strawEnd, needle=glyph; while (l <= r) { stbtt_uint8 *rangeRecord; m = (l + r) >> 1; rangeRecord = rangeArray + 6 * m; strawStart = ttUSHORT(rangeRecord); strawEnd = ttUSHORT(rangeRecord + 2); if (needle < strawStart) r = m - 1; else if (needle > strawEnd) l = m + 1; else { stbtt_uint16 startCoverageIndex = ttUSHORT(rangeRecord + 4); return startCoverageIndex + glyph - strawStart; } } break; } default: return -1; } return -1; } static stbtt_int32 stbtt__GetGlyphClass(stbtt_uint8 *classDefTable, int glyph) { stbtt_uint16 classDefFormat = ttUSHORT(classDefTable); switch (classDefFormat) { case 1: { stbtt_uint16 startGlyphID = ttUSHORT(classDefTable + 2); stbtt_uint16 glyphCount = ttUSHORT(classDefTable + 4); stbtt_uint8 *classDef1ValueArray = classDefTable + 6; if (glyph >= startGlyphID && glyph < startGlyphID + glyphCount) return (stbtt_int32)ttUSHORT(classDef1ValueArray + 2 * (glyph - startGlyphID)); break; } case 2: { stbtt_uint16 classRangeCount = ttUSHORT(classDefTable + 2); stbtt_uint8 *classRangeRecords = classDefTable + 4; stbtt_int32 l=0, r=classRangeCount-1, m; int strawStart, strawEnd, needle=glyph; while (l <= r) { stbtt_uint8 *classRangeRecord; m = (l + r) >> 1; classRangeRecord = classRangeRecords + 6 * m; strawStart = ttUSHORT(classRangeRecord); strawEnd = ttUSHORT(classRangeRecord + 2); if (needle < strawStart) r = m - 1; else if (needle > strawEnd) l = m + 1; else return (stbtt_int32)ttUSHORT(classRangeRecord + 4); } break; } default: return -1; } return 0; } #define STBTT_GPOS_TODO_assert(x) static stbtt_int32 stbtt__GetGlyphGPOSInfoAdvance(const stbtt_fontinfo *info, int glyph1, int glyph2) { stbtt_uint16 lookupListOffset; stbtt_uint8 *lookupList; stbtt_uint16 lookupCount; stbtt_uint8 *data; stbtt_int32 i, sti; if (!info->gpos) return 0; data = info->data + info->gpos; if (ttUSHORT(data+0) != 1) return 0; if (ttUSHORT(data+2) != 0) return 0; lookupListOffset = ttUSHORT(data+8); lookupList = data + lookupListOffset; lookupCount = ttUSHORT(lookupList); for (i=0; i= pairSetCount) return 0; needle=glyph2; r=pairValueCount-1; l=0; while (l <= r) { stbtt_uint16 secondGlyph; stbtt_uint8 *pairValue; m = (l + r) >> 1; pairValue = pairValueArray + (2 + valueRecordPairSizeInBytes) * m; secondGlyph = ttUSHORT(pairValue); straw = secondGlyph; if (needle < straw) r = m - 1; else if (needle > straw) l = m + 1; else { stbtt_int16 xAdvance = ttSHORT(pairValue + 2); return xAdvance; } } } else return 0; break; } case 2: { stbtt_uint16 valueFormat1 = ttUSHORT(table + 4); stbtt_uint16 valueFormat2 = ttUSHORT(table + 6); if (valueFormat1 == 4 && valueFormat2 == 0) { stbtt_uint16 classDef1Offset = ttUSHORT(table + 8); stbtt_uint16 classDef2Offset = ttUSHORT(table + 10); int glyph1class = stbtt__GetGlyphClass(table + classDef1Offset, glyph1); int glyph2class = stbtt__GetGlyphClass(table + classDef2Offset, glyph2); stbtt_uint16 class1Count = ttUSHORT(table + 12); stbtt_uint16 class2Count = ttUSHORT(table + 14); stbtt_uint8 *class1Records, *class2Records; stbtt_int16 xAdvance; if (glyph1class < 0 || glyph1class >= class1Count) return 0; if (glyph2class < 0 || glyph2class >= class2Count) return 0; class1Records = table + 16; class2Records = class1Records + 2 * (glyph1class * class2Count); xAdvance = ttSHORT(class2Records + 2 * glyph2class); return xAdvance; } else return 0; break; } default: return 0; } } } return 0; } STBTT_DEF int stbtt_GetGlyphKernAdvance(const stbtt_fontinfo *info, int g1, int g2) { int xAdvance = 0; if (info->gpos) xAdvance += stbtt__GetGlyphGPOSInfoAdvance(info, g1, g2); else if (info->kern) xAdvance += stbtt__GetGlyphKernInfoAdvance(info, g1, g2); return xAdvance; } STBTT_DEF int stbtt_GetCodepointKernAdvance(const stbtt_fontinfo *info, int ch1, int ch2) { if (!info->kern && !info->gpos) return 0; return stbtt_GetGlyphKernAdvance(info, stbtt_FindGlyphIndex(info,ch1), stbtt_FindGlyphIndex(info,ch2)); } STBTT_DEF void stbtt_GetCodepointHMetrics(const stbtt_fontinfo *info, int codepoint, int *advanceWidth, int *leftSideBearing) { stbtt_GetGlyphHMetrics(info, stbtt_FindGlyphIndex(info,codepoint), advanceWidth, leftSideBearing); } STBTT_DEF void stbtt_GetFontVMetrics(const stbtt_fontinfo *info, int *ascent, int *descent, int *lineGap) { if (ascent ) *ascent = ttSHORT(info->data+info->hhea + 4); if (descent) *descent = ttSHORT(info->data+info->hhea + 6); if (lineGap) *lineGap = ttSHORT(info->data+info->hhea + 8); } STBTT_DEF int stbtt_GetFontVMetricsOS2(const stbtt_fontinfo *info, int *typoAscent, int *typoDescent, int *typoLineGap) { int tab = stbtt__find_table(info->data, info->fontstart, "OS/2"); if (!tab) return 0; if (typoAscent ) *typoAscent = ttSHORT(info->data+tab + 68); if (typoDescent) *typoDescent = ttSHORT(info->data+tab + 70); if (typoLineGap) *typoLineGap = ttSHORT(info->data+tab + 72); return 1; } STBTT_DEF void stbtt_GetFontBoundingBox(const stbtt_fontinfo *info, int *x0, int *y0, int *x1, int *y1) { *x0 = ttSHORT(info->data + info->head + 36); *y0 = ttSHORT(info->data + info->head + 38); *x1 = ttSHORT(info->data + info->head + 40); *y1 = ttSHORT(info->data + info->head + 42); } STBTT_DEF float stbtt_ScaleForPixelHeight(const stbtt_fontinfo *info, float height) { int fheight = ttSHORT(info->data + info->hhea + 4) - ttSHORT(info->data + info->hhea + 6); return (float) height / fheight; } STBTT_DEF float stbtt_ScaleForMappingEmToPixels(const stbtt_fontinfo *info, float pixels) { int unitsPerEm = ttUSHORT(info->data + info->head + 18); return pixels / unitsPerEm; } STBTT_DEF void stbtt_FreeShape(const stbtt_fontinfo *info, stbtt_vertex *v) { STBTT_free(v, info->userdata); } STBTT_DEF stbtt_uint8 *stbtt_FindSVGDoc(const stbtt_fontinfo *info, int gl) { int i; stbtt_uint8 *data = info->data; stbtt_uint8 *svg_doc_list = data + stbtt__get_svg((stbtt_fontinfo *) info); int numEntries = ttUSHORT(svg_doc_list); stbtt_uint8 *svg_docs = svg_doc_list + 2; for(i=0; i= ttUSHORT(svg_doc)) && (gl <= ttUSHORT(svg_doc + 2))) return svg_doc; } return 0; } STBTT_DEF int stbtt_GetGlyphSVG(const stbtt_fontinfo *info, int gl, const char **svg) { stbtt_uint8 *data = info->data; stbtt_uint8 *svg_doc; if (info->svg == 0) return 0; svg_doc = stbtt_FindSVGDoc(info, gl); if (svg_doc != NULL) { *svg = (char *) data + info->svg + ttULONG(svg_doc + 4); return ttULONG(svg_doc + 8); } else { return 0; } } STBTT_DEF int stbtt_GetCodepointSVG(const stbtt_fontinfo *info, int unicode_codepoint, const char **svg) { return stbtt_GetGlyphSVG(info, stbtt_FindGlyphIndex(info, unicode_codepoint), svg); } STBTT_DEF void stbtt_GetGlyphBitmapBoxSubpixel(const stbtt_fontinfo *font, int glyph, float scale_x, float scale_y,float shift_x, float shift_y, int *ix0, int *iy0, int *ix1, int *iy1) { int x0=0,y0=0,x1,y1; if (!stbtt_GetGlyphBox(font, glyph, &x0,&y0,&x1,&y1)) { if (ix0) *ix0 = 0; if (iy0) *iy0 = 0; if (ix1) *ix1 = 0; if (iy1) *iy1 = 0; } else { if (ix0) *ix0 = STBTT_ifloor( x0 * scale_x + shift_x); if (iy0) *iy0 = STBTT_ifloor(-y1 * scale_y + shift_y); if (ix1) *ix1 = STBTT_iceil ( x1 * scale_x + shift_x); if (iy1) *iy1 = STBTT_iceil (-y0 * scale_y + shift_y); } } STBTT_DEF void stbtt_GetGlyphBitmapBox(const stbtt_fontinfo *font, int glyph, float scale_x, float scale_y, int *ix0, int *iy0, int *ix1, int *iy1) { stbtt_GetGlyphBitmapBoxSubpixel(font, glyph, scale_x, scale_y,0.0f,0.0f, ix0, iy0, ix1, iy1); } STBTT_DEF void stbtt_GetCodepointBitmapBoxSubpixel(const stbtt_fontinfo *font, int codepoint, float scale_x, float scale_y, float shift_x, float shift_y, int *ix0, int *iy0, int *ix1, int *iy1) { stbtt_GetGlyphBitmapBoxSubpixel(font, stbtt_FindGlyphIndex(font,codepoint), scale_x, scale_y,shift_x,shift_y, ix0,iy0,ix1,iy1); } STBTT_DEF void stbtt_GetCodepointBitmapBox(const stbtt_fontinfo *font, int codepoint, float scale_x, float scale_y, int *ix0, int *iy0, int *ix1, int *iy1) { stbtt_GetCodepointBitmapBoxSubpixel(font, codepoint, scale_x, scale_y,0.0f,0.0f, ix0,iy0,ix1,iy1); } typedef struct stbtt__hheap_chunk { struct stbtt__hheap_chunk *next; } stbtt__hheap_chunk; typedef struct stbtt__hheap { struct stbtt__hheap_chunk *head; void *first_free; int num_remaining_in_head_chunk; } stbtt__hheap; static void *stbtt__hheap_alloc(stbtt__hheap *hh, size_t size, void *userdata) { if (hh->first_free) { void *p = hh->first_free; hh->first_free = * (void **) p; return p; } else { if (hh->num_remaining_in_head_chunk == 0) { int count = (size < 32 ? 2000 : size < 128 ? 800 : 100); stbtt__hheap_chunk *c = (stbtt__hheap_chunk *) STBTT_malloc(sizeof(stbtt__hheap_chunk) + size * count, userdata); if (c == NULL) return NULL; c->next = hh->head; hh->head = c; hh->num_remaining_in_head_chunk = count; } --hh->num_remaining_in_head_chunk; return (char *) (hh->head) + sizeof(stbtt__hheap_chunk) + size * hh->num_remaining_in_head_chunk; } } static void stbtt__hheap_free(stbtt__hheap *hh, void *p) { *(void **) p = hh->first_free; hh->first_free = p; } static void stbtt__hheap_cleanup(stbtt__hheap *hh, void *userdata) { stbtt__hheap_chunk *c = hh->head; while (c) { stbtt__hheap_chunk *n = c->next; STBTT_free(c, userdata); c = n; } } typedef struct stbtt__edge { float x0,y0, x1,y1; int invert; } stbtt__edge; typedef struct stbtt__active_edge { struct stbtt__active_edge *next; #if STBTT_RASTERIZER_VERSION==1 int x,dx; float ey; int direction; #elif STBTT_RASTERIZER_VERSION==2 float fx,fdx,fdy; float direction; float sy; float ey; #else #error "Unrecognized value of STBTT_RASTERIZER_VERSION" #endif } stbtt__active_edge; #if STBTT_RASTERIZER_VERSION == 1 #define STBTT_FIXSHIFT 10 #define STBTT_FIX (1 << STBTT_FIXSHIFT) #define STBTT_FIXMASK (STBTT_FIX-1) static stbtt__active_edge *stbtt__new_active(stbtt__hheap *hh, stbtt__edge *e, int off_x, float start_point, void *userdata) { stbtt__active_edge *z = (stbtt__active_edge *) stbtt__hheap_alloc(hh, sizeof(*z), userdata); float dxdy = (e->x1 - e->x0) / (e->y1 - e->y0); STBTT_assert(z != NULL); if (!z) return z; if (dxdy < 0) z->dx = -STBTT_ifloor(STBTT_FIX * -dxdy); else z->dx = STBTT_ifloor(STBTT_FIX * dxdy); z->x = STBTT_ifloor(STBTT_FIX * e->x0 + z->dx * (start_point - e->y0)); z->x -= off_x * STBTT_FIX; z->ey = e->y1; z->next = 0; z->direction = e->invert ? 1 : -1; return z; } #elif STBTT_RASTERIZER_VERSION == 2 static stbtt__active_edge *stbtt__new_active(stbtt__hheap *hh, stbtt__edge *e, int off_x, float start_point, void *userdata) { stbtt__active_edge *z = (stbtt__active_edge *) stbtt__hheap_alloc(hh, sizeof(*z), userdata); float dxdy = (e->x1 - e->x0) / (e->y1 - e->y0); STBTT_assert(z != NULL); if (!z) return z; z->fdx = dxdy; z->fdy = dxdy != 0.0f ? (1.0f/dxdy) : 0.0f; z->fx = e->x0 + dxdy * (start_point - e->y0); z->fx -= off_x; z->direction = e->invert ? 1.0f : -1.0f; z->sy = e->y0; z->ey = e->y1; z->next = 0; return z; } #else #error "Unrecognized value of STBTT_RASTERIZER_VERSION" #endif #if STBTT_RASTERIZER_VERSION == 1 static void stbtt__fill_active_edges(unsigned char *scanline, int len, stbtt__active_edge *e, int max_weight) { int x0=0, w=0; while (e) { if (w == 0) { x0 = e->x; w += e->direction; } else { int x1 = e->x; w += e->direction; if (w == 0) { int i = x0 >> STBTT_FIXSHIFT; int j = x1 >> STBTT_FIXSHIFT; if (i < len && j >= 0) { if (i == j) { scanline[i] = scanline[i] + (stbtt_uint8) ((x1 - x0) * max_weight >> STBTT_FIXSHIFT); } else { if (i >= 0) scanline[i] = scanline[i] + (stbtt_uint8) (((STBTT_FIX - (x0 & STBTT_FIXMASK)) * max_weight) >> STBTT_FIXSHIFT); else i = -1; if (j < len) scanline[j] = scanline[j] + (stbtt_uint8) (((x1 & STBTT_FIXMASK) * max_weight) >> STBTT_FIXSHIFT); else j = len; for (++i; i < j; ++i) scanline[i] = scanline[i] + (stbtt_uint8) max_weight; } } } } e = e->next; } } static void stbtt__rasterize_sorted_edges(stbtt__bitmap *result, stbtt__edge *e, int n, int vsubsample, int off_x, int off_y, void *userdata) { stbtt__hheap hh = { 0, 0, 0 }; stbtt__active_edge *active = NULL; int y,j=0; int max_weight = (255 / vsubsample); int s; unsigned char scanline_data[512], *scanline; if (result->w > 512) scanline = (unsigned char *) STBTT_malloc(result->w, userdata); else scanline = scanline_data; y = off_y * vsubsample; e[n].y0 = (off_y + result->h) * (float) vsubsample + 1; while (j < result->h) { STBTT_memset(scanline, 0, result->w); for (s=0; s < vsubsample; ++s) { float scan_y = y + 0.5f; stbtt__active_edge **step = &active; while (*step) { stbtt__active_edge * z = *step; if (z->ey <= scan_y) { *step = z->next; STBTT_assert(z->direction); z->direction = 0; stbtt__hheap_free(&hh, z); } else { z->x += z->dx; step = &((*step)->next); } } for(;;) { int changed=0; step = &active; while (*step && (*step)->next) { if ((*step)->x > (*step)->next->x) { stbtt__active_edge *t = *step; stbtt__active_edge *q = t->next; t->next = q->next; q->next = t; *step = q; changed = 1; } step = &(*step)->next; } if (!changed) break; } while (e->y0 <= scan_y) { if (e->y1 > scan_y) { stbtt__active_edge *z = stbtt__new_active(&hh, e, off_x, scan_y, userdata); if (z != NULL) { if (active == NULL) active = z; else if (z->x < active->x) { z->next = active; active = z; } else { stbtt__active_edge *p = active; while (p->next && p->next->x < z->x) p = p->next; z->next = p->next; p->next = z; } } } ++e; } if (active) stbtt__fill_active_edges(scanline, result->w, active, max_weight); ++y; } STBTT_memcpy(result->pixels + j * result->stride, scanline, result->w); ++j; } stbtt__hheap_cleanup(&hh, userdata); if (scanline != scanline_data) STBTT_free(scanline, userdata); } #elif STBTT_RASTERIZER_VERSION == 2 static void stbtt__handle_clipped_edge(float *scanline, int x, stbtt__active_edge *e, float x0, float y0, float x1, float y1) { if (y0 == y1) return; STBTT_assert(y0 < y1); STBTT_assert(e->sy <= e->ey); if (y0 > e->ey) return; if (y1 < e->sy) return; if (y0 < e->sy) { x0 += (x1-x0) * (e->sy - y0) / (y1-y0); y0 = e->sy; } if (y1 > e->ey) { x1 += (x1-x0) * (e->ey - y1) / (y1-y0); y1 = e->ey; } if (x0 == x) STBTT_assert(x1 <= x+1); else if (x0 == x+1) STBTT_assert(x1 >= x); else if (x0 <= x) STBTT_assert(x1 <= x); else if (x0 >= x+1) STBTT_assert(x1 >= x+1); else STBTT_assert(x1 >= x && x1 <= x+1); if (x0 <= x && x1 <= x) scanline[x] += e->direction * (y1-y0); else if (x0 >= x+1 && x1 >= x+1) ; else { STBTT_assert(x0 >= x && x0 <= x+1 && x1 >= x && x1 <= x+1); scanline[x] += e->direction * (y1-y0) * (1-((x0-x)+(x1-x))/2); } } static float stbtt__sized_trapezoid_area(float height, float top_width, float bottom_width) { STBTT_assert(top_width >= 0); STBTT_assert(bottom_width >= 0); return (top_width + bottom_width) / 2.0f * height; } static float stbtt__position_trapezoid_area(float height, float tx0, float tx1, float bx0, float bx1) { return stbtt__sized_trapezoid_area(height, tx1 - tx0, bx1 - bx0); } static float stbtt__sized_triangle_area(float height, float width) { return height * width / 2; } static void stbtt__fill_active_edges_new(float *scanline, float *scanline_fill, int len, stbtt__active_edge *e, float y_top) { float y_bottom = y_top+1; while (e) { STBTT_assert(e->ey >= y_top); if (e->fdx == 0) { float x0 = e->fx; if (x0 < len) { if (x0 >= 0) { stbtt__handle_clipped_edge(scanline,(int) x0,e, x0,y_top, x0,y_bottom); stbtt__handle_clipped_edge(scanline_fill-1,(int) x0+1,e, x0,y_top, x0,y_bottom); } else { stbtt__handle_clipped_edge(scanline_fill-1,0,e, x0,y_top, x0,y_bottom); } } } else { float x0 = e->fx; float dx = e->fdx; float xb = x0 + dx; float x_top, x_bottom; float sy0,sy1; float dy = e->fdy; STBTT_assert(e->sy <= y_bottom && e->ey >= y_top); if (e->sy > y_top) { x_top = x0 + dx * (e->sy - y_top); sy0 = e->sy; } else { x_top = x0; sy0 = y_top; } if (e->ey < y_bottom) { x_bottom = x0 + dx * (e->ey - y_top); sy1 = e->ey; } else { x_bottom = xb; sy1 = y_bottom; } if (x_top >= 0 && x_bottom >= 0 && x_top < len && x_bottom < len) { if ((int) x_top == (int) x_bottom) { float height; int x = (int) x_top; height = (sy1 - sy0) * e->direction; STBTT_assert(x >= 0 && x < len); scanline[x] += stbtt__position_trapezoid_area(height, x_top, x+1.0f, x_bottom, x+1.0f); scanline_fill[x] += height; } else { int x,x1,x2; float y_crossing, y_final, step, sign, area; if (x_top > x_bottom) { float t; sy0 = y_bottom - (sy0 - y_top); sy1 = y_bottom - (sy1 - y_top); t = sy0, sy0 = sy1, sy1 = t; t = x_bottom, x_bottom = x_top, x_top = t; dx = -dx; dy = -dy; t = x0, x0 = xb, xb = t; } STBTT_assert(dy >= 0); STBTT_assert(dx >= 0); x1 = (int) x_top; x2 = (int) x_bottom; y_crossing = y_top + dy * (x1+1 - x0); y_final = y_top + dy * (x2 - x0); if (y_crossing > y_bottom) y_crossing = y_bottom; sign = e->direction; area = sign * (y_crossing-sy0); scanline[x1] += stbtt__sized_triangle_area(area, x1+1 - x_top); if (y_final > y_bottom) { y_final = y_bottom; dy = (y_final - y_crossing ) / (x2 - (x1+1)); } step = sign * dy * 1; for (x = x1+1; x < x2; ++x) { scanline[x] += area + step/2; area += step; } STBTT_assert(STBTT_fabs(area) <= 1.01f); STBTT_assert(sy1 > y_final-0.01f); scanline[x2] += area + sign * stbtt__position_trapezoid_area(sy1-y_final, (float) x2, x2+1.0f, x_bottom, x2+1.0f); scanline_fill[x2] += sign * (sy1-sy0); } } else { int x; for (x=0; x < len; ++x) { float y0 = y_top; float x1 = (float) (x); float x2 = (float) (x+1); float x3 = xb; float y3 = y_bottom; float y1 = (x - x0) / dx + y_top; float y2 = (x+1 - x0) / dx + y_top; if (x0 < x1 && x3 > x2) { stbtt__handle_clipped_edge(scanline,x,e, x0,y0, x1,y1); stbtt__handle_clipped_edge(scanline,x,e, x1,y1, x2,y2); stbtt__handle_clipped_edge(scanline,x,e, x2,y2, x3,y3); } else if (x3 < x1 && x0 > x2) { stbtt__handle_clipped_edge(scanline,x,e, x0,y0, x2,y2); stbtt__handle_clipped_edge(scanline,x,e, x2,y2, x1,y1); stbtt__handle_clipped_edge(scanline,x,e, x1,y1, x3,y3); } else if (x0 < x1 && x3 > x1) { stbtt__handle_clipped_edge(scanline,x,e, x0,y0, x1,y1); stbtt__handle_clipped_edge(scanline,x,e, x1,y1, x3,y3); } else if (x3 < x1 && x0 > x1) { stbtt__handle_clipped_edge(scanline,x,e, x0,y0, x1,y1); stbtt__handle_clipped_edge(scanline,x,e, x1,y1, x3,y3); } else if (x0 < x2 && x3 > x2) { stbtt__handle_clipped_edge(scanline,x,e, x0,y0, x2,y2); stbtt__handle_clipped_edge(scanline,x,e, x2,y2, x3,y3); } else if (x3 < x2 && x0 > x2) { stbtt__handle_clipped_edge(scanline,x,e, x0,y0, x2,y2); stbtt__handle_clipped_edge(scanline,x,e, x2,y2, x3,y3); } else { stbtt__handle_clipped_edge(scanline,x,e, x0,y0, x3,y3); } } } } e = e->next; } } static void stbtt__rasterize_sorted_edges(stbtt__bitmap *result, stbtt__edge *e, int n, int vsubsample, int off_x, int off_y, void *userdata) { stbtt__hheap hh = { 0, 0, 0 }; stbtt__active_edge *active = NULL; int y,j=0, i; float scanline_data[129], *scanline, *scanline2; STBTT__NOTUSED(vsubsample); if (result->w > 64) scanline = (float *) STBTT_malloc((result->w*2+1) * sizeof(float), userdata); else scanline = scanline_data; scanline2 = scanline + result->w; y = off_y; e[n].y0 = (float) (off_y + result->h) + 1; while (j < result->h) { float scan_y_top = y + 0.0f; float scan_y_bottom = y + 1.0f; stbtt__active_edge **step = &active; STBTT_memset(scanline , 0, result->w*sizeof(scanline[0])); STBTT_memset(scanline2, 0, (result->w+1)*sizeof(scanline[0])); while (*step) { stbtt__active_edge * z = *step; if (z->ey <= scan_y_top) { *step = z->next; STBTT_assert(z->direction); z->direction = 0; stbtt__hheap_free(&hh, z); } else { step = &((*step)->next); } } while (e->y0 <= scan_y_bottom) { if (e->y0 != e->y1) { stbtt__active_edge *z = stbtt__new_active(&hh, e, off_x, scan_y_top, userdata); if (z != NULL) { if (j == 0 && off_y != 0) { if (z->ey < scan_y_top) { z->ey = scan_y_top; } } STBTT_assert(z->ey >= scan_y_top); z->next = active; active = z; } } ++e; } if (active) stbtt__fill_active_edges_new(scanline, scanline2+1, result->w, active, scan_y_top); { float sum = 0; for (i=0; i < result->w; ++i) { float k; int m; sum += scanline2[i]; k = scanline[i] + sum; k = (float) STBTT_fabs(k)*255 + 0.5f; m = (int) k; if (m > 255) m = 255; result->pixels[j*result->stride + i] = (unsigned char) m; } } step = &active; while (*step) { stbtt__active_edge *z = *step; z->fx += z->fdx; step = &((*step)->next); } ++y; ++j; } stbtt__hheap_cleanup(&hh, userdata); if (scanline != scanline_data) STBTT_free(scanline, userdata); } #else #error "Unrecognized value of STBTT_RASTERIZER_VERSION" #endif #define STBTT__COMPARE(a,b) ((a)->y0 < (b)->y0) static void stbtt__sort_edges_ins_sort(stbtt__edge *p, int n) { int i,j; for (i=1; i < n; ++i) { stbtt__edge t = p[i], *a = &t; j = i; while (j > 0) { stbtt__edge *b = &p[j-1]; int c = STBTT__COMPARE(a,b); if (!c) break; p[j] = p[j-1]; --j; } if (i != j) p[j] = t; } } static void stbtt__sort_edges_quicksort(stbtt__edge *p, int n) { /* threshold for transitioning to insertion sort */ while (n > 12) { stbtt__edge t; int c01,c12,c,m,i,j; /* compute median of three */ m = n >> 1; c01 = STBTT__COMPARE(&p[0],&p[m]); c12 = STBTT__COMPARE(&p[m],&p[n-1]); /* if 0 >= mid >= end, or 0 < mid < end, then use mid */ if (c01 != c12) { /* otherwise, we'll need to swap something else to middle */ int z; c = STBTT__COMPARE(&p[0],&p[n-1]); /* 0>mid && midn => n; 0 0 */ /* 0n: 0>n => 0; 0 n */ z = (c == c12) ? 0 : n-1; t = p[z]; p[z] = p[m]; p[m] = t; } /* now p[m] is the median-of-three */ /* swap it to the beginning so it won't move around */ t = p[0]; p[0] = p[m]; p[m] = t; /* partition loop */ i=1; j=n-1; for(;;) { /* handling of equality is crucial here */ /* for sentinels & efficiency with duplicates */ for (;;++i) { if (!STBTT__COMPARE(&p[i], &p[0])) break; } for (;;--j) { if (!STBTT__COMPARE(&p[0], &p[j])) break; } /* make sure we haven't crossed */ if (i >= j) break; t = p[i]; p[i] = p[j]; p[j] = t; ++i; --j; } /* recurse on smaller side, iterate on larger */ if (j < (n-i)) { stbtt__sort_edges_quicksort(p,j); p = p+i; n = n-i; } else { stbtt__sort_edges_quicksort(p+i, n-i); n = j; } } } static void stbtt__sort_edges(stbtt__edge *p, int n) { stbtt__sort_edges_quicksort(p, n); stbtt__sort_edges_ins_sort(p, n); } typedef struct { float x,y; } stbtt__point; static void stbtt__rasterize(stbtt__bitmap *result, stbtt__point *pts, int *wcount, int windings, float scale_x, float scale_y, float shift_x, float shift_y, int off_x, int off_y, int invert, void *userdata) { float y_scale_inv = invert ? -scale_y : scale_y; stbtt__edge *e; int n,i,j,k,m; #if STBTT_RASTERIZER_VERSION == 1 int vsubsample = result->h < 8 ? 15 : 5; #elif STBTT_RASTERIZER_VERSION == 2 int vsubsample = 1; #else #error "Unrecognized value of STBTT_RASTERIZER_VERSION" #endif n = 0; for (i=0; i < windings; ++i) n += wcount[i]; e = (stbtt__edge *) STBTT_malloc(sizeof(*e) * (n+1), userdata); if (e == 0) return; n = 0; m=0; for (i=0; i < windings; ++i) { stbtt__point *p = pts + m; m += wcount[i]; j = wcount[i]-1; for (k=0; k < wcount[i]; j=k++) { int a=k,b=j; if (p[j].y == p[k].y) continue; e[n].invert = 0; if (invert ? p[j].y > p[k].y : p[j].y < p[k].y) { e[n].invert = 1; a=j,b=k; } e[n].x0 = p[a].x * scale_x + shift_x; e[n].y0 = (p[a].y * y_scale_inv + shift_y) * vsubsample; e[n].x1 = p[b].x * scale_x + shift_x; e[n].y1 = (p[b].y * y_scale_inv + shift_y) * vsubsample; ++n; } } stbtt__sort_edges(e, n); stbtt__rasterize_sorted_edges(result, e, n, vsubsample, off_x, off_y, userdata); STBTT_free(e, userdata); } static void stbtt__add_point(stbtt__point *points, int n, float x, float y) { if (!points) return; points[n].x = x; points[n].y = y; } static int stbtt__tesselate_curve(stbtt__point *points, int *num_points, float x0, float y0, float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, float objspace_flatness_squared, int n) { float mx = (x0 + 2*x1 + x2)/4; float my = (y0 + 2*y1 + y2)/4; float dx = (x0+x2)/2 - mx; float dy = (y0+y2)/2 - my; if (n > 16) return 1; if (dx*dx+dy*dy > objspace_flatness_squared) { stbtt__tesselate_curve(points, num_points, x0,y0, (x0+x1)/2.0f,(y0+y1)/2.0f, mx,my, objspace_flatness_squared,n+1); stbtt__tesselate_curve(points, num_points, mx,my, (x1+x2)/2.0f,(y1+y2)/2.0f, x2,y2, objspace_flatness_squared,n+1); } else { stbtt__add_point(points, *num_points,x2,y2); *num_points = *num_points+1; } return 1; } static void stbtt__tesselate_cubic(stbtt__point *points, int *num_points, float x0, float y0, float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, float x3, float y3, float objspace_flatness_squared, int n) { float dx0 = x1-x0; float dy0 = y1-y0; float dx1 = x2-x1; float dy1 = y2-y1; float dx2 = x3-x2; float dy2 = y3-y2; float dx = x3-x0; float dy = y3-y0; float longlen = (float) (STBTT_sqrt(dx0*dx0+dy0*dy0)+STBTT_sqrt(dx1*dx1+dy1*dy1)+STBTT_sqrt(dx2*dx2+dy2*dy2)); float shortlen = (float) STBTT_sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy); float flatness_squared = longlen*longlen-shortlen*shortlen; if (n > 16) return; if (flatness_squared > objspace_flatness_squared) { float x01 = (x0+x1)/2; float y01 = (y0+y1)/2; float x12 = (x1+x2)/2; float y12 = (y1+y2)/2; float x23 = (x2+x3)/2; float y23 = (y2+y3)/2; float xa = (x01+x12)/2; float ya = (y01+y12)/2; float xb = (x12+x23)/2; float yb = (y12+y23)/2; float mx = (xa+xb)/2; float my = (ya+yb)/2; stbtt__tesselate_cubic(points, num_points, x0,y0, x01,y01, xa,ya, mx,my, objspace_flatness_squared,n+1); stbtt__tesselate_cubic(points, num_points, mx,my, xb,yb, x23,y23, x3,y3, objspace_flatness_squared,n+1); } else { stbtt__add_point(points, *num_points,x3,y3); *num_points = *num_points+1; } } static stbtt__point *stbtt_FlattenCurves(stbtt_vertex *vertices, int num_verts, float objspace_flatness, int **contour_lengths, int *num_contours, void *userdata) { stbtt__point *points=0; int num_points=0; float objspace_flatness_squared = objspace_flatness * objspace_flatness; int i,n=0,start=0, pass; for (i=0; i < num_verts; ++i) if (vertices[i].type == STBTT_vmove) ++n; *num_contours = n; if (n == 0) return 0; *contour_lengths = (int *) STBTT_malloc(sizeof(**contour_lengths) * n, userdata); if (*contour_lengths == 0) { *num_contours = 0; return 0; } for (pass=0; pass < 2; ++pass) { float x=0,y=0; if (pass == 1) { points = (stbtt__point *) STBTT_malloc(num_points * sizeof(points[0]), userdata); if (points == NULL) goto error; } num_points = 0; n= -1; for (i=0; i < num_verts; ++i) { switch (vertices[i].type) { case STBTT_vmove: if (n >= 0) (*contour_lengths)[n] = num_points - start; ++n; start = num_points; x = vertices[i].x, y = vertices[i].y; stbtt__add_point(points, num_points++, x,y); break; case STBTT_vline: x = vertices[i].x, y = vertices[i].y; stbtt__add_point(points, num_points++, x, y); break; case STBTT_vcurve: stbtt__tesselate_curve(points, &num_points, x,y, vertices[i].cx, vertices[i].cy, vertices[i].x, vertices[i].y, objspace_flatness_squared, 0); x = vertices[i].x, y = vertices[i].y; break; case STBTT_vcubic: stbtt__tesselate_cubic(points, &num_points, x,y, vertices[i].cx, vertices[i].cy, vertices[i].cx1, vertices[i].cy1, vertices[i].x, vertices[i].y, objspace_flatness_squared, 0); x = vertices[i].x, y = vertices[i].y; break; } } (*contour_lengths)[n] = num_points - start; } return points; error: STBTT_free(points, userdata); STBTT_free(*contour_lengths, userdata); *contour_lengths = 0; *num_contours = 0; return NULL; } STBTT_DEF void stbtt_Rasterize(stbtt__bitmap *result, float flatness_in_pixels, stbtt_vertex *vertices, int num_verts, float scale_x, float scale_y, float shift_x, float shift_y, int x_off, int y_off, int invert, void *userdata) { float scale = scale_x > scale_y ? scale_y : scale_x; int winding_count = 0; int *winding_lengths = NULL; stbtt__point *windings = stbtt_FlattenCurves(vertices, num_verts, flatness_in_pixels / scale, &winding_lengths, &winding_count, userdata); if (windings) { stbtt__rasterize(result, windings, winding_lengths, winding_count, scale_x, scale_y, shift_x, shift_y, x_off, y_off, invert, userdata); STBTT_free(winding_lengths, userdata); STBTT_free(windings, userdata); } } STBTT_DEF void stbtt_FreeBitmap(unsigned char *bitmap, void *userdata) { STBTT_free(bitmap, userdata); } STBTT_DEF unsigned char *stbtt_GetGlyphBitmapSubpixel(const stbtt_fontinfo *info, float scale_x, float scale_y, float shift_x, float shift_y, int glyph, int *width, int *height, int *xoff, int *yoff) { int ix0,iy0,ix1,iy1; stbtt__bitmap gbm; stbtt_vertex *vertices; int num_verts = stbtt_GetGlyphShape(info, glyph, &vertices); if (scale_x == 0) scale_x = scale_y; if (scale_y == 0) { if (scale_x == 0) { STBTT_free(vertices, info->userdata); return NULL; } scale_y = scale_x; } stbtt_GetGlyphBitmapBoxSubpixel(info, glyph, scale_x, scale_y, shift_x, shift_y, &ix0,&iy0,&ix1,&iy1); gbm.w = (ix1 - ix0); gbm.h = (iy1 - iy0); gbm.pixels = NULL; if (width ) *width = gbm.w; if (height) *height = gbm.h; if (xoff ) *xoff = ix0; if (yoff ) *yoff = iy0; if (gbm.w && gbm.h) { gbm.pixels = (unsigned char *) STBTT_malloc(gbm.w * gbm.h, info->userdata); if (gbm.pixels) { gbm.stride = gbm.w; stbtt_Rasterize(&gbm, 0.35f, vertices, num_verts, scale_x, scale_y, shift_x, shift_y, ix0, iy0, 1, info->userdata); } } STBTT_free(vertices, info->userdata); return gbm.pixels; } STBTT_DEF unsigned char *stbtt_GetGlyphBitmap(const stbtt_fontinfo *info, float scale_x, float scale_y, int glyph, int *width, int *height, int *xoff, int *yoff) { return stbtt_GetGlyphBitmapSubpixel(info, scale_x, scale_y, 0.0f, 0.0f, glyph, width, height, xoff, yoff); } STBTT_DEF void stbtt_MakeGlyphBitmapSubpixel(const stbtt_fontinfo *info, unsigned char *output, int out_w, int out_h, int out_stride, float scale_x, float scale_y, float shift_x, float shift_y, int glyph) { int ix0,iy0; stbtt_vertex *vertices; int num_verts = stbtt_GetGlyphShape(info, glyph, &vertices); stbtt__bitmap gbm; stbtt_GetGlyphBitmapBoxSubpixel(info, glyph, scale_x, scale_y, shift_x, shift_y, &ix0,&iy0,0,0); gbm.pixels = output; gbm.w = out_w; gbm.h = out_h; gbm.stride = out_stride; if (gbm.w && gbm.h) stbtt_Rasterize(&gbm, 0.35f, vertices, num_verts, scale_x, scale_y, shift_x, shift_y, ix0,iy0, 1, info->userdata); STBTT_free(vertices, info->userdata); } STBTT_DEF void stbtt_MakeGlyphBitmap(const stbtt_fontinfo *info, unsigned char *output, int out_w, int out_h, int out_stride, float scale_x, float scale_y, int glyph) { stbtt_MakeGlyphBitmapSubpixel(info, output, out_w, out_h, out_stride, scale_x, scale_y, 0.0f,0.0f, glyph); } STBTT_DEF unsigned char *stbtt_GetCodepointBitmapSubpixel(const stbtt_fontinfo *info, float scale_x, float scale_y, float shift_x, float shift_y, int codepoint, int *width, int *height, int *xoff, int *yoff) { return stbtt_GetGlyphBitmapSubpixel(info, scale_x, scale_y,shift_x,shift_y, stbtt_FindGlyphIndex(info,codepoint), width,height,xoff,yoff); } STBTT_DEF void stbtt_MakeCodepointBitmapSubpixelPrefilter(const stbtt_fontinfo *info, unsigned char *output, int out_w, int out_h, int out_stride, float scale_x, float scale_y, float shift_x, float shift_y, int oversample_x, int oversample_y, float *sub_x, float *sub_y, int codepoint) { stbtt_MakeGlyphBitmapSubpixelPrefilter(info, output, out_w, out_h, out_stride, scale_x, scale_y, shift_x, shift_y, oversample_x, oversample_y, sub_x, sub_y, stbtt_FindGlyphIndex(info,codepoint)); } STBTT_DEF void stbtt_MakeCodepointBitmapSubpixel(const stbtt_fontinfo *info, unsigned char *output, int out_w, int out_h, int out_stride, float scale_x, float scale_y, float shift_x, float shift_y, int codepoint) { stbtt_MakeGlyphBitmapSubpixel(info, output, out_w, out_h, out_stride, scale_x, scale_y, shift_x, shift_y, stbtt_FindGlyphIndex(info,codepoint)); } STBTT_DEF unsigned char *stbtt_GetCodepointBitmap(const stbtt_fontinfo *info, float scale_x, float scale_y, int codepoint, int *width, int *height, int *xoff, int *yoff) { return stbtt_GetCodepointBitmapSubpixel(info, scale_x, scale_y, 0.0f,0.0f, codepoint, width,height,xoff,yoff); } STBTT_DEF void stbtt_MakeCodepointBitmap(const stbtt_fontinfo *info, unsigned char *output, int out_w, int out_h, int out_stride, float scale_x, float scale_y, int codepoint) { stbtt_MakeCodepointBitmapSubpixel(info, output, out_w, out_h, out_stride, scale_x, scale_y, 0.0f,0.0f, codepoint); } static int stbtt_BakeFontBitmap_internal(unsigned char *data, int offset, float pixel_height, unsigned char *pixels, int pw, int ph, int first_char, int num_chars, stbtt_bakedchar *chardata) { float scale; int x,y,bottom_y, i; stbtt_fontinfo f; f.userdata = NULL; if (!stbtt_InitFont(&f, data, offset)) return -1; STBTT_memset(pixels, 0, pw*ph); x=y=1; bottom_y = 1; scale = stbtt_ScaleForPixelHeight(&f, pixel_height); for (i=0; i < num_chars; ++i) { int advance, lsb, x0,y0,x1,y1,gw,gh; int g = stbtt_FindGlyphIndex(&f, first_char + i); stbtt_GetGlyphHMetrics(&f, g, &advance, &lsb); stbtt_GetGlyphBitmapBox(&f, g, scale,scale, &x0,&y0,&x1,&y1); gw = x1-x0; gh = y1-y0; if (x + gw + 1 >= pw) y = bottom_y, x = 1; if (y + gh + 1 >= ph) return -i; STBTT_assert(x+gw < pw); STBTT_assert(y+gh < ph); stbtt_MakeGlyphBitmap(&f, pixels+x+y*pw, gw,gh,pw, scale,scale, g); chardata[i].x0 = (stbtt_int16) x; chardata[i].y0 = (stbtt_int16) y; chardata[i].x1 = (stbtt_int16) (x + gw); chardata[i].y1 = (stbtt_int16) (y + gh); chardata[i].xadvance = scale * advance; chardata[i].xoff = (float) x0; chardata[i].yoff = (float) y0; x = x + gw + 1; if (y+gh+1 > bottom_y) bottom_y = y+gh+1; } return bottom_y; } STBTT_DEF void stbtt_GetBakedQuad(const stbtt_bakedchar *chardata, int pw, int ph, int char_index, float *xpos, float *ypos, stbtt_aligned_quad *q, int opengl_fillrule) { float d3d_bias = opengl_fillrule ? 0 : -0.5f; float ipw = 1.0f / pw, iph = 1.0f / ph; const stbtt_bakedchar *b = chardata + char_index; int round_x = STBTT_ifloor((*xpos + b->xoff) + 0.5f); int round_y = STBTT_ifloor((*ypos + b->yoff) + 0.5f); q->x0 = round_x + d3d_bias; q->y0 = round_y + d3d_bias; q->x1 = round_x + b->x1 - b->x0 + d3d_bias; q->y1 = round_y + b->y1 - b->y0 + d3d_bias; q->s0 = b->x0 * ipw; q->t0 = b->y0 * iph; q->s1 = b->x1 * ipw; q->t1 = b->y1 * iph; *xpos += b->xadvance; } #ifndef STB_RECT_PACK_VERSION typedef int stbrp_coord; typedef struct { int width,height; int x,y,bottom_y; } stbrp_context; typedef struct { unsigned char x; } stbrp_node; struct stbrp_rect { stbrp_coord x,y; int id,w,h,was_packed; }; static void stbrp_init_target(stbrp_context *con, int pw, int ph, stbrp_node *nodes, int num_nodes) { con->width = pw; con->height = ph; con->x = 0; con->y = 0; con->bottom_y = 0; STBTT__NOTUSED(nodes); STBTT__NOTUSED(num_nodes); } static void stbrp_pack_rects(stbrp_context *con, stbrp_rect *rects, int num_rects) { int i; for (i=0; i < num_rects; ++i) { if (con->x + rects[i].w > con->width) { con->x = 0; con->y = con->bottom_y; } if (con->y + rects[i].h > con->height) break; rects[i].x = con->x; rects[i].y = con->y; rects[i].was_packed = 1; con->x += rects[i].w; if (con->y + rects[i].h > con->bottom_y) con->bottom_y = con->y + rects[i].h; } for ( ; i < num_rects; ++i) rects[i].was_packed = 0; } #endif STBTT_DEF int stbtt_PackBegin(stbtt_pack_context *spc, unsigned char *pixels, int pw, int ph, int stride_in_bytes, int padding, void *alloc_context) { stbrp_context *context = (stbrp_context *) STBTT_malloc(sizeof(*context) ,alloc_context); int num_nodes = pw - padding; stbrp_node *nodes = (stbrp_node *) STBTT_malloc(sizeof(*nodes ) * num_nodes,alloc_context); if (context == NULL || nodes == NULL) { if (context != NULL) STBTT_free(context, alloc_context); if (nodes != NULL) STBTT_free(nodes , alloc_context); return 0; } spc->user_allocator_context = alloc_context; spc->width = pw; spc->height = ph; spc->pixels = pixels; spc->pack_info = context; spc->nodes = nodes; spc->padding = padding; spc->stride_in_bytes = stride_in_bytes != 0 ? stride_in_bytes : pw; spc->h_oversample = 1; spc->v_oversample = 1; spc->skip_missing = 0; stbrp_init_target(context, pw-padding, ph-padding, nodes, num_nodes); if (pixels) STBTT_memset(pixels, 0, pw*ph); return 1; } STBTT_DEF void stbtt_PackEnd (stbtt_pack_context *spc) { STBTT_free(spc->nodes , spc->user_allocator_context); STBTT_free(spc->pack_info, spc->user_allocator_context); } STBTT_DEF void stbtt_PackSetOversampling(stbtt_pack_context *spc, unsigned int h_oversample, unsigned int v_oversample) { STBTT_assert(h_oversample <= STBTT_MAX_OVERSAMPLE); STBTT_assert(v_oversample <= STBTT_MAX_OVERSAMPLE); if (h_oversample <= STBTT_MAX_OVERSAMPLE) spc->h_oversample = h_oversample; if (v_oversample <= STBTT_MAX_OVERSAMPLE) spc->v_oversample = v_oversample; } STBTT_DEF void stbtt_PackSetSkipMissingCodepoints(stbtt_pack_context *spc, int skip) { spc->skip_missing = skip; } #define STBTT__OVER_MASK (STBTT_MAX_OVERSAMPLE-1) static void stbtt__h_prefilter(unsigned char *pixels, int w, int h, int stride_in_bytes, unsigned int kernel_width) { unsigned char buffer[STBTT_MAX_OVERSAMPLE]; int safe_w = w - kernel_width; int j; STBTT_memset(buffer, 0, STBTT_MAX_OVERSAMPLE); for (j=0; j < h; ++j) { int i; unsigned int total; STBTT_memset(buffer, 0, kernel_width); total = 0; switch (kernel_width) { case 2: for (i=0; i <= safe_w; ++i) { total += pixels[i] - buffer[i & STBTT__OVER_MASK]; buffer[(i+kernel_width) & STBTT__OVER_MASK] = pixels[i]; pixels[i] = (unsigned char) (total / 2); } break; case 3: for (i=0; i <= safe_w; ++i) { total += pixels[i] - buffer[i & STBTT__OVER_MASK]; buffer[(i+kernel_width) & STBTT__OVER_MASK] = pixels[i]; pixels[i] = (unsigned char) (total / 3); } break; case 4: for (i=0; i <= safe_w; ++i) { total += pixels[i] - buffer[i & STBTT__OVER_MASK]; buffer[(i+kernel_width) & STBTT__OVER_MASK] = pixels[i]; pixels[i] = (unsigned char) (total / 4); } break; case 5: for (i=0; i <= safe_w; ++i) { total += pixels[i] - buffer[i & STBTT__OVER_MASK]; buffer[(i+kernel_width) & STBTT__OVER_MASK] = pixels[i]; pixels[i] = (unsigned char) (total / 5); } break; default: for (i=0; i <= safe_w; ++i) { total += pixels[i] - buffer[i & STBTT__OVER_MASK]; buffer[(i+kernel_width) & STBTT__OVER_MASK] = pixels[i]; pixels[i] = (unsigned char) (total / kernel_width); } break; } for (; i < w; ++i) { STBTT_assert(pixels[i] == 0); total -= buffer[i & STBTT__OVER_MASK]; pixels[i] = (unsigned char) (total / kernel_width); } pixels += stride_in_bytes; } } static void stbtt__v_prefilter(unsigned char *pixels, int w, int h, int stride_in_bytes, unsigned int kernel_width) { unsigned char buffer[STBTT_MAX_OVERSAMPLE]; int safe_h = h - kernel_width; int j; STBTT_memset(buffer, 0, STBTT_MAX_OVERSAMPLE); for (j=0; j < w; ++j) { int i; unsigned int total; STBTT_memset(buffer, 0, kernel_width); total = 0; switch (kernel_width) { case 2: for (i=0; i <= safe_h; ++i) { total += pixels[i*stride_in_bytes] - buffer[i & STBTT__OVER_MASK]; buffer[(i+kernel_width) & STBTT__OVER_MASK] = pixels[i*stride_in_bytes]; pixels[i*stride_in_bytes] = (unsigned char) (total / 2); } break; case 3: for (i=0; i <= safe_h; ++i) { total += pixels[i*stride_in_bytes] - buffer[i & STBTT__OVER_MASK]; buffer[(i+kernel_width) & STBTT__OVER_MASK] = pixels[i*stride_in_bytes]; pixels[i*stride_in_bytes] = (unsigned char) (total / 3); } break; case 4: for (i=0; i <= safe_h; ++i) { total += pixels[i*stride_in_bytes] - buffer[i & STBTT__OVER_MASK]; buffer[(i+kernel_width) & STBTT__OVER_MASK] = pixels[i*stride_in_bytes]; pixels[i*stride_in_bytes] = (unsigned char) (total / 4); } break; case 5: for (i=0; i <= safe_h; ++i) { total += pixels[i*stride_in_bytes] - buffer[i & STBTT__OVER_MASK]; buffer[(i+kernel_width) & STBTT__OVER_MASK] = pixels[i*stride_in_bytes]; pixels[i*stride_in_bytes] = (unsigned char) (total / 5); } break; default: for (i=0; i <= safe_h; ++i) { total += pixels[i*stride_in_bytes] - buffer[i & STBTT__OVER_MASK]; buffer[(i+kernel_width) & STBTT__OVER_MASK] = pixels[i*stride_in_bytes]; pixels[i*stride_in_bytes] = (unsigned char) (total / kernel_width); } break; } for (; i < h; ++i) { STBTT_assert(pixels[i*stride_in_bytes] == 0); total -= buffer[i & STBTT__OVER_MASK]; pixels[i*stride_in_bytes] = (unsigned char) (total / kernel_width); } pixels += 1; } } static float stbtt__oversample_shift(int oversample) { if (!oversample) return 0.0f; return (float)-(oversample - 1) / (2.0f * (float)oversample); } STBTT_DEF int stbtt_PackFontRangesGatherRects(stbtt_pack_context *spc, const stbtt_fontinfo *info, stbtt_pack_range *ranges, int num_ranges, stbrp_rect *rects) { int i,j,k; int missing_glyph_added = 0; k=0; for (i=0; i < num_ranges; ++i) { float fh = ranges[i].font_size; float scale = fh > 0 ? stbtt_ScaleForPixelHeight(info, fh) : stbtt_ScaleForMappingEmToPixels(info, -fh); ranges[i].h_oversample = (unsigned char) spc->h_oversample; ranges[i].v_oversample = (unsigned char) spc->v_oversample; for (j=0; j < ranges[i].num_chars; ++j) { int x0,y0,x1,y1; int codepoint = ranges[i].array_of_unicode_codepoints == NULL ? ranges[i].first_unicode_codepoint_in_range + j : ranges[i].array_of_unicode_codepoints[j]; int glyph = stbtt_FindGlyphIndex(info, codepoint); if (glyph == 0 && (spc->skip_missing || missing_glyph_added)) { rects[k].w = rects[k].h = 0; } else { stbtt_GetGlyphBitmapBoxSubpixel(info,glyph, scale * spc->h_oversample, scale * spc->v_oversample, 0,0, &x0,&y0,&x1,&y1); rects[k].w = (stbrp_coord) (x1-x0 + spc->padding + spc->h_oversample-1); rects[k].h = (stbrp_coord) (y1-y0 + spc->padding + spc->v_oversample-1); if (glyph == 0) missing_glyph_added = 1; } ++k; } } return k; } STBTT_DEF void stbtt_MakeGlyphBitmapSubpixelPrefilter(const stbtt_fontinfo *info, unsigned char *output, int out_w, int out_h, int out_stride, float scale_x, float scale_y, float shift_x, float shift_y, int prefilter_x, int prefilter_y, float *sub_x, float *sub_y, int glyph) { stbtt_MakeGlyphBitmapSubpixel(info, output, out_w - (prefilter_x - 1), out_h - (prefilter_y - 1), out_stride, scale_x, scale_y, shift_x, shift_y, glyph); if (prefilter_x > 1) stbtt__h_prefilter(output, out_w, out_h, out_stride, prefilter_x); if (prefilter_y > 1) stbtt__v_prefilter(output, out_w, out_h, out_stride, prefilter_y); *sub_x = stbtt__oversample_shift(prefilter_x); *sub_y = stbtt__oversample_shift(prefilter_y); } STBTT_DEF int stbtt_PackFontRangesRenderIntoRects(stbtt_pack_context *spc, const stbtt_fontinfo *info, stbtt_pack_range *ranges, int num_ranges, stbrp_rect *rects) { int i,j,k, missing_glyph = -1, return_value = 1; int old_h_over = spc->h_oversample; int old_v_over = spc->v_oversample; k = 0; for (i=0; i < num_ranges; ++i) { float fh = ranges[i].font_size; float scale = fh > 0 ? stbtt_ScaleForPixelHeight(info, fh) : stbtt_ScaleForMappingEmToPixels(info, -fh); float recip_h,recip_v,sub_x,sub_y; spc->h_oversample = ranges[i].h_oversample; spc->v_oversample = ranges[i].v_oversample; recip_h = 1.0f / spc->h_oversample; recip_v = 1.0f / spc->v_oversample; sub_x = stbtt__oversample_shift(spc->h_oversample); sub_y = stbtt__oversample_shift(spc->v_oversample); for (j=0; j < ranges[i].num_chars; ++j) { stbrp_rect *r = &rects[k]; if (r->was_packed && r->w != 0 && r->h != 0) { stbtt_packedchar *bc = &ranges[i].chardata_for_range[j]; int advance, lsb, x0,y0,x1,y1; int codepoint = ranges[i].array_of_unicode_codepoints == NULL ? ranges[i].first_unicode_codepoint_in_range + j : ranges[i].array_of_unicode_codepoints[j]; int glyph = stbtt_FindGlyphIndex(info, codepoint); stbrp_coord pad = (stbrp_coord) spc->padding; r->x += pad; r->y += pad; r->w -= pad; r->h -= pad; stbtt_GetGlyphHMetrics(info, glyph, &advance, &lsb); stbtt_GetGlyphBitmapBox(info, glyph, scale * spc->h_oversample, scale * spc->v_oversample, &x0,&y0,&x1,&y1); stbtt_MakeGlyphBitmapSubpixel(info, spc->pixels + r->x + r->y*spc->stride_in_bytes, r->w - spc->h_oversample+1, r->h - spc->v_oversample+1, spc->stride_in_bytes, scale * spc->h_oversample, scale * spc->v_oversample, 0,0, glyph); if (spc->h_oversample > 1) stbtt__h_prefilter(spc->pixels + r->x + r->y*spc->stride_in_bytes, r->w, r->h, spc->stride_in_bytes, spc->h_oversample); if (spc->v_oversample > 1) stbtt__v_prefilter(spc->pixels + r->x + r->y*spc->stride_in_bytes, r->w, r->h, spc->stride_in_bytes, spc->v_oversample); bc->x0 = (stbtt_int16) r->x; bc->y0 = (stbtt_int16) r->y; bc->x1 = (stbtt_int16) (r->x + r->w); bc->y1 = (stbtt_int16) (r->y + r->h); bc->xadvance = scale * advance; bc->xoff = (float) x0 * recip_h + sub_x; bc->yoff = (float) y0 * recip_v + sub_y; bc->xoff2 = (x0 + r->w) * recip_h + sub_x; bc->yoff2 = (y0 + r->h) * recip_v + sub_y; if (glyph == 0) missing_glyph = j; } else if (spc->skip_missing) { return_value = 0; } else if (r->was_packed && r->w == 0 && r->h == 0 && missing_glyph >= 0) { ranges[i].chardata_for_range[j] = ranges[i].chardata_for_range[missing_glyph]; } else { return_value = 0; } ++k; } } spc->h_oversample = old_h_over; spc->v_oversample = old_v_over; return return_value; } STBTT_DEF void stbtt_PackFontRangesPackRects(stbtt_pack_context *spc, stbrp_rect *rects, int num_rects) { stbrp_pack_rects((stbrp_context *) spc->pack_info, rects, num_rects); } STBTT_DEF int stbtt_PackFontRanges(stbtt_pack_context *spc, const unsigned char *fontdata, int font_index, stbtt_pack_range *ranges, int num_ranges) { stbtt_fontinfo info; int i,j,n, return_value = 1; stbrp_rect *rects; for (i=0; i < num_ranges; ++i) for (j=0; j < ranges[i].num_chars; ++j) ranges[i].chardata_for_range[j].x0 = ranges[i].chardata_for_range[j].y0 = ranges[i].chardata_for_range[j].x1 = ranges[i].chardata_for_range[j].y1 = 0; n = 0; for (i=0; i < num_ranges; ++i) n += ranges[i].num_chars; rects = (stbrp_rect *) STBTT_malloc(sizeof(*rects) * n, spc->user_allocator_context); if (rects == NULL) return 0; info.userdata = spc->user_allocator_context; stbtt_InitFont(&info, fontdata, stbtt_GetFontOffsetForIndex(fontdata,font_index)); n = stbtt_PackFontRangesGatherRects(spc, &info, ranges, num_ranges, rects); stbtt_PackFontRangesPackRects(spc, rects, n); return_value = stbtt_PackFontRangesRenderIntoRects(spc, &info, ranges, num_ranges, rects); STBTT_free(rects, spc->user_allocator_context); return return_value; } STBTT_DEF int stbtt_PackFontRange(stbtt_pack_context *spc, const unsigned char *fontdata, int font_index, float font_size, int first_unicode_codepoint_in_range, int num_chars_in_range, stbtt_packedchar *chardata_for_range) { stbtt_pack_range range; range.first_unicode_codepoint_in_range = first_unicode_codepoint_in_range; range.array_of_unicode_codepoints = NULL; range.num_chars = num_chars_in_range; range.chardata_for_range = chardata_for_range; range.font_size = font_size; return stbtt_PackFontRanges(spc, fontdata, font_index, &range, 1); } STBTT_DEF void stbtt_GetScaledFontVMetrics(const unsigned char *fontdata, int index, float size, float *ascent, float *descent, float *lineGap) { int i_ascent, i_descent, i_lineGap; float scale; stbtt_fontinfo info; stbtt_InitFont(&info, fontdata, stbtt_GetFontOffsetForIndex(fontdata, index)); scale = size > 0 ? stbtt_ScaleForPixelHeight(&info, size) : stbtt_ScaleForMappingEmToPixels(&info, -size); stbtt_GetFontVMetrics(&info, &i_ascent, &i_descent, &i_lineGap); *ascent = (float) i_ascent * scale; *descent = (float) i_descent * scale; *lineGap = (float) i_lineGap * scale; } STBTT_DEF void stbtt_GetPackedQuad(const stbtt_packedchar *chardata, int pw, int ph, int char_index, float *xpos, float *ypos, stbtt_aligned_quad *q, int align_to_integer) { float ipw = 1.0f / pw, iph = 1.0f / ph; const stbtt_packedchar *b = chardata + char_index; if (align_to_integer) { float x = (float) STBTT_ifloor((*xpos + b->xoff) + 0.5f); float y = (float) STBTT_ifloor((*ypos + b->yoff) + 0.5f); q->x0 = x; q->y0 = y; q->x1 = x + b->xoff2 - b->xoff; q->y1 = y + b->yoff2 - b->yoff; } else { q->x0 = *xpos + b->xoff; q->y0 = *ypos + b->yoff; q->x1 = *xpos + b->xoff2; q->y1 = *ypos + b->yoff2; } q->s0 = b->x0 * ipw; q->t0 = b->y0 * iph; q->s1 = b->x1 * ipw; q->t1 = b->y1 * iph; *xpos += b->xadvance; } #define STBTT_min(a,b) ((a) < (b) ? (a) : (b)) #define STBTT_max(a,b) ((a) < (b) ? (b) : (a)) static int stbtt__ray_intersect_bezier(float orig[2], float ray[2], float q0[2], float q1[2], float q2[2], float hits[2][2]) { float q0perp = q0[1]*ray[0] - q0[0]*ray[1]; float q1perp = q1[1]*ray[0] - q1[0]*ray[1]; float q2perp = q2[1]*ray[0] - q2[0]*ray[1]; float roperp = orig[1]*ray[0] - orig[0]*ray[1]; float a = q0perp - 2*q1perp + q2perp; float b = q1perp - q0perp; float c = q0perp - roperp; float s0 = 0., s1 = 0.; int num_s = 0; if (a != 0.0) { float discr = b*b - a*c; if (discr > 0.0) { float rcpna = -1 / a; float d = (float) STBTT_sqrt(discr); s0 = (b+d) * rcpna; s1 = (b-d) * rcpna; if (s0 >= 0.0 && s0 <= 1.0) num_s = 1; if (d > 0.0 && s1 >= 0.0 && s1 <= 1.0) { if (num_s == 0) s0 = s1; ++num_s; } } } else { s0 = c / (-2 * b); if (s0 >= 0.0 && s0 <= 1.0) num_s = 1; } if (num_s == 0) return 0; else { float rcp_len2 = 1 / (ray[0]*ray[0] + ray[1]*ray[1]); float rayn_x = ray[0] * rcp_len2, rayn_y = ray[1] * rcp_len2; float q0d = q0[0]*rayn_x + q0[1]*rayn_y; float q1d = q1[0]*rayn_x + q1[1]*rayn_y; float q2d = q2[0]*rayn_x + q2[1]*rayn_y; float rod = orig[0]*rayn_x + orig[1]*rayn_y; float q10d = q1d - q0d; float q20d = q2d - q0d; float q0rd = q0d - rod; hits[0][0] = q0rd + s0*(2.0f - 2.0f*s0)*q10d + s0*s0*q20d; hits[0][1] = a*s0+b; if (num_s > 1) { hits[1][0] = q0rd + s1*(2.0f - 2.0f*s1)*q10d + s1*s1*q20d; hits[1][1] = a*s1+b; return 2; } else { return 1; } } } static int equal(float *a, float *b) { return (a[0] == b[0] && a[1] == b[1]); } static int stbtt__compute_crossings_x(float x, float y, int nverts, stbtt_vertex *verts) { int i; float orig[2], ray[2] = { 1, 0 }; float y_frac; int winding = 0; y_frac = (float) STBTT_fmod(y, 1.0f); if (y_frac < 0.01f) y += 0.01f; else if (y_frac > 0.99f) y -= 0.01f; orig[0] = x; orig[1] = y; for (i=0; i < nverts; ++i) { if (verts[i].type == STBTT_vline) { int x0 = (int) verts[i-1].x, y0 = (int) verts[i-1].y; int x1 = (int) verts[i ].x, y1 = (int) verts[i ].y; if (y > STBTT_min(y0,y1) && y < STBTT_max(y0,y1) && x > STBTT_min(x0,x1)) { float x_inter = (y - y0) / (y1 - y0) * (x1-x0) + x0; if (x_inter < x) winding += (y0 < y1) ? 1 : -1; } } if (verts[i].type == STBTT_vcurve) { int x0 = (int) verts[i-1].x , y0 = (int) verts[i-1].y ; int x1 = (int) verts[i ].cx, y1 = (int) verts[i ].cy; int x2 = (int) verts[i ].x , y2 = (int) verts[i ].y ; int ax = STBTT_min(x0,STBTT_min(x1,x2)), ay = STBTT_min(y0,STBTT_min(y1,y2)); int by = STBTT_max(y0,STBTT_max(y1,y2)); if (y > ay && y < by && x > ax) { float q0[2],q1[2],q2[2]; float hits[2][2]; q0[0] = (float)x0; q0[1] = (float)y0; q1[0] = (float)x1; q1[1] = (float)y1; q2[0] = (float)x2; q2[1] = (float)y2; if (equal(q0,q1) || equal(q1,q2)) { x0 = (int)verts[i-1].x; y0 = (int)verts[i-1].y; x1 = (int)verts[i ].x; y1 = (int)verts[i ].y; if (y > STBTT_min(y0,y1) && y < STBTT_max(y0,y1) && x > STBTT_min(x0,x1)) { float x_inter = (y - y0) / (y1 - y0) * (x1-x0) + x0; if (x_inter < x) winding += (y0 < y1) ? 1 : -1; } } else { int num_hits = stbtt__ray_intersect_bezier(orig, ray, q0, q1, q2, hits); if (num_hits >= 1) if (hits[0][0] < 0) winding += (hits[0][1] < 0 ? -1 : 1); if (num_hits >= 2) if (hits[1][0] < 0) winding += (hits[1][1] < 0 ? -1 : 1); } } } } return winding; } static float stbtt__cuberoot( float x ) { if (x<0) return -(float) STBTT_pow(-x,1.0f/3.0f); else return (float) STBTT_pow( x,1.0f/3.0f); } static int stbtt__solve_cubic(float a, float b, float c, float* r) { float s = -a / 3; float p = b - a*a / 3; float q = a * (2*a*a - 9*b) / 27 + c; float p3 = p*p*p; float d = q*q + 4*p3 / 27; if (d >= 0) { float z = (float) STBTT_sqrt(d); float u = (-q + z) / 2; float v = (-q - z) / 2; u = stbtt__cuberoot(u); v = stbtt__cuberoot(v); r[0] = s + u + v; return 1; } else { float u = (float) STBTT_sqrt(-p/3); float v = (float) STBTT_acos(-STBTT_sqrt(-27/p3) * q / 2) / 3; float m = (float) STBTT_cos(v); float n = (float) STBTT_cos(v-3.141592/2)*1.732050808f; r[0] = s + u * 2 * m; r[1] = s - u * (m + n); r[2] = s - u * (m - n); return 3; } } STBTT_DEF unsigned char * stbtt_GetGlyphSDF(const stbtt_fontinfo *info, float scale, int glyph, int padding, unsigned char onedge_value, float pixel_dist_scale, int *width, int *height, int *xoff, int *yoff) { float scale_x = scale, scale_y = scale; int ix0,iy0,ix1,iy1; int w,h; unsigned char *data; if (scale == 0) return NULL; stbtt_GetGlyphBitmapBoxSubpixel(info, glyph, scale, scale, 0.0f,0.0f, &ix0,&iy0,&ix1,&iy1); if (ix0 == ix1 || iy0 == iy1) return NULL; ix0 -= padding; iy0 -= padding; ix1 += padding; iy1 += padding; w = (ix1 - ix0); h = (iy1 - iy0); if (width ) *width = w; if (height) *height = h; if (xoff ) *xoff = ix0; if (yoff ) *yoff = iy0; scale_y = -scale_y; { int x,y,i,j; float *precompute; stbtt_vertex *verts; int num_verts = stbtt_GetGlyphShape(info, glyph, &verts); data = (unsigned char *) STBTT_malloc(w * h, info->userdata); precompute = (float *) STBTT_malloc(num_verts * sizeof(float), info->userdata); for (i=0,j=num_verts-1; i < num_verts; j=i++) { if (verts[i].type == STBTT_vline) { float x0 = verts[i].x*scale_x, y0 = verts[i].y*scale_y; float x1 = verts[j].x*scale_x, y1 = verts[j].y*scale_y; float dist = (float) STBTT_sqrt((x1-x0)*(x1-x0) + (y1-y0)*(y1-y0)); precompute[i] = (dist == 0) ? 0.0f : 1.0f / dist; } else if (verts[i].type == STBTT_vcurve) { float x2 = verts[j].x *scale_x, y2 = verts[j].y *scale_y; float x1 = verts[i].cx*scale_x, y1 = verts[i].cy*scale_y; float x0 = verts[i].x *scale_x, y0 = verts[i].y *scale_y; float bx = x0 - 2*x1 + x2, by = y0 - 2*y1 + y2; float len2 = bx*bx + by*by; if (len2 != 0.0f) precompute[i] = 1.0f / (bx*bx + by*by); else precompute[i] = 0.0f; } else precompute[i] = 0.0f; } for (y=iy0; y < iy1; ++y) { for (x=ix0; x < ix1; ++x) { float val; float min_dist = 999999.0f; float sx = (float) x + 0.5f; float sy = (float) y + 0.5f; float x_gspace = (sx / scale_x); float y_gspace = (sy / scale_y); int winding = stbtt__compute_crossings_x(x_gspace, y_gspace, num_verts, verts); for (i=0; i < num_verts; ++i) { float x0 = verts[i].x*scale_x, y0 = verts[i].y*scale_y; if (verts[i].type == STBTT_vline && precompute[i] != 0.0f) { float x1 = verts[i-1].x*scale_x, y1 = verts[i-1].y*scale_y; float dist,dist2 = (x0-sx)*(x0-sx) + (y0-sy)*(y0-sy); if (dist2 < min_dist*min_dist) min_dist = (float) STBTT_sqrt(dist2); dist = (float) STBTT_fabs((x1-x0)*(y0-sy) - (y1-y0)*(x0-sx)) * precompute[i]; STBTT_assert(i != 0); if (dist < min_dist) { float dx = x1-x0, dy = y1-y0; float px = x0-sx, py = y0-sy; float t = -(px*dx + py*dy) / (dx*dx + dy*dy); if (t >= 0.0f && t <= 1.0f) min_dist = dist; } } else if (verts[i].type == STBTT_vcurve) { float x2 = verts[i-1].x *scale_x, y2 = verts[i-1].y *scale_y; float x1 = verts[i ].cx*scale_x, y1 = verts[i ].cy*scale_y; float box_x0 = STBTT_min(STBTT_min(x0,x1),x2); float box_y0 = STBTT_min(STBTT_min(y0,y1),y2); float box_x1 = STBTT_max(STBTT_max(x0,x1),x2); float box_y1 = STBTT_max(STBTT_max(y0,y1),y2); if (sx > box_x0-min_dist && sx < box_x1+min_dist && sy > box_y0-min_dist && sy < box_y1+min_dist) { int num=0; float ax = x1-x0, ay = y1-y0; float bx = x0 - 2*x1 + x2, by = y0 - 2*y1 + y2; float mx = x0 - sx, my = y0 - sy; float res[3] = {0.f,0.f,0.f}; float px,py,t,it,dist2; float a_inv = precompute[i]; if (a_inv == 0.0) { float a = 3*(ax*bx + ay*by); float b = 2*(ax*ax + ay*ay) + (mx*bx+my*by); float c = mx*ax+my*ay; if (a == 0.0) { if (b != 0.0) { res[num++] = -c/b; } } else { float discriminant = b*b - 4*a*c; if (discriminant < 0) num = 0; else { float root = (float) STBTT_sqrt(discriminant); res[0] = (-b - root)/(2*a); res[1] = (-b + root)/(2*a); num = 2; } } } else { float b = 3*(ax*bx + ay*by) * a_inv; float c = (2*(ax*ax + ay*ay) + (mx*bx+my*by)) * a_inv; float d = (mx*ax+my*ay) * a_inv; num = stbtt__solve_cubic(b, c, d, res); } dist2 = (x0-sx)*(x0-sx) + (y0-sy)*(y0-sy); if (dist2 < min_dist*min_dist) min_dist = (float) STBTT_sqrt(dist2); if (num >= 1 && res[0] >= 0.0f && res[0] <= 1.0f) { t = res[0], it = 1.0f - t; px = it*it*x0 + 2*t*it*x1 + t*t*x2; py = it*it*y0 + 2*t*it*y1 + t*t*y2; dist2 = (px-sx)*(px-sx) + (py-sy)*(py-sy); if (dist2 < min_dist * min_dist) min_dist = (float) STBTT_sqrt(dist2); } if (num >= 2 && res[1] >= 0.0f && res[1] <= 1.0f) { t = res[1], it = 1.0f - t; px = it*it*x0 + 2*t*it*x1 + t*t*x2; py = it*it*y0 + 2*t*it*y1 + t*t*y2; dist2 = (px-sx)*(px-sx) + (py-sy)*(py-sy); if (dist2 < min_dist * min_dist) min_dist = (float) STBTT_sqrt(dist2); } if (num >= 3 && res[2] >= 0.0f && res[2] <= 1.0f) { t = res[2], it = 1.0f - t; px = it*it*x0 + 2*t*it*x1 + t*t*x2; py = it*it*y0 + 2*t*it*y1 + t*t*y2; dist2 = (px-sx)*(px-sx) + (py-sy)*(py-sy); if (dist2 < min_dist * min_dist) min_dist = (float) STBTT_sqrt(dist2); } } } } if (winding == 0) min_dist = -min_dist; val = onedge_value + pixel_dist_scale * min_dist; if (val < 0) val = 0; else if (val > 255) val = 255; data[(y-iy0)*w+(x-ix0)] = (unsigned char) val; } } STBTT_free(precompute, info->userdata); STBTT_free(verts, info->userdata); } return data; } STBTT_DEF unsigned char * stbtt_GetCodepointSDF(const stbtt_fontinfo *info, float scale, int codepoint, int padding, unsigned char onedge_value, float pixel_dist_scale, int *width, int *height, int *xoff, int *yoff) { return stbtt_GetGlyphSDF(info, scale, stbtt_FindGlyphIndex(info, codepoint), padding, onedge_value, pixel_dist_scale, width, height, xoff, yoff); } STBTT_DEF void stbtt_FreeSDF(unsigned char *bitmap, void *userdata) { STBTT_free(bitmap, userdata); } static stbtt_int32 stbtt__CompareUTF8toUTF16_bigendian_prefix(stbtt_uint8 *s1, stbtt_int32 len1, stbtt_uint8 *s2, stbtt_int32 len2) { stbtt_int32 i=0; while (len2) { stbtt_uint16 ch = s2[0]*256 + s2[1]; if (ch < 0x80) { if (i >= len1) return -1; if (s1[i++] != ch) return -1; } else if (ch < 0x800) { if (i+1 >= len1) return -1; if (s1[i++] != 0xc0 + (ch >> 6)) return -1; if (s1[i++] != 0x80 + (ch & 0x3f)) return -1; } else if (ch >= 0xd800 && ch < 0xdc00) { stbtt_uint32 c; stbtt_uint16 ch2 = s2[2]*256 + s2[3]; if (i+3 >= len1) return -1; c = ((ch - 0xd800) << 10) + (ch2 - 0xdc00) + 0x10000; if (s1[i++] != 0xf0 + (c >> 18)) return -1; if (s1[i++] != 0x80 + ((c >> 12) & 0x3f)) return -1; if (s1[i++] != 0x80 + ((c >> 6) & 0x3f)) return -1; if (s1[i++] != 0x80 + ((c ) & 0x3f)) return -1; s2 += 2; len2 -= 2; } else if (ch >= 0xdc00 && ch < 0xe000) { return -1; } else { if (i+2 >= len1) return -1; if (s1[i++] != 0xe0 + (ch >> 12)) return -1; if (s1[i++] != 0x80 + ((ch >> 6) & 0x3f)) return -1; if (s1[i++] != 0x80 + ((ch ) & 0x3f)) return -1; } s2 += 2; len2 -= 2; } return i; } static int stbtt_CompareUTF8toUTF16_bigendian_internal(char *s1, int len1, char *s2, int len2) { return len1 == stbtt__CompareUTF8toUTF16_bigendian_prefix((stbtt_uint8*) s1, len1, (stbtt_uint8*) s2, len2); } STBTT_DEF const char *stbtt_GetFontNameString(const stbtt_fontinfo *font, int *length, int platformID, int encodingID, int languageID, int nameID) { stbtt_int32 i,count,stringOffset; stbtt_uint8 *fc = font->data; stbtt_uint32 offset = font->fontstart; stbtt_uint32 nm = stbtt__find_table(fc, offset, "name"); if (!nm) return NULL; count = ttUSHORT(fc+nm+2); stringOffset = nm + ttUSHORT(fc+nm+4); for (i=0; i < count; ++i) { stbtt_uint32 loc = nm + 6 + 12 * i; if (platformID == ttUSHORT(fc+loc+0) && encodingID == ttUSHORT(fc+loc+2) && languageID == ttUSHORT(fc+loc+4) && nameID == ttUSHORT(fc+loc+6)) { *length = ttUSHORT(fc+loc+8); return (const char *) (fc+stringOffset+ttUSHORT(fc+loc+10)); } } return NULL; } static int stbtt__matchpair(stbtt_uint8 *fc, stbtt_uint32 nm, stbtt_uint8 *name, stbtt_int32 nlen, stbtt_int32 target_id, stbtt_int32 next_id) { stbtt_int32 i; stbtt_int32 count = ttUSHORT(fc+nm+2); stbtt_int32 stringOffset = nm + ttUSHORT(fc+nm+4); for (i=0; i < count; ++i) { stbtt_uint32 loc = nm + 6 + 12 * i; stbtt_int32 id = ttUSHORT(fc+loc+6); if (id == target_id) { stbtt_int32 platform = ttUSHORT(fc+loc+0), encoding = ttUSHORT(fc+loc+2), language = ttUSHORT(fc+loc+4); if (platform == 0 || (platform == 3 && encoding == 1) || (platform == 3 && encoding == 10)) { stbtt_int32 slen = ttUSHORT(fc+loc+8); stbtt_int32 off = ttUSHORT(fc+loc+10); stbtt_int32 matchlen = stbtt__CompareUTF8toUTF16_bigendian_prefix(name, nlen, fc+stringOffset+off,slen); if (matchlen >= 0) { if (i+1 < count && ttUSHORT(fc+loc+12+6) == next_id && ttUSHORT(fc+loc+12) == platform && ttUSHORT(fc+loc+12+2) == encoding && ttUSHORT(fc+loc+12+4) == language) { slen = ttUSHORT(fc+loc+12+8); off = ttUSHORT(fc+loc+12+10); if (slen == 0) { if (matchlen == nlen) return 1; } else if (matchlen < nlen && name[matchlen] == ' ') { ++matchlen; if (stbtt_CompareUTF8toUTF16_bigendian_internal((char*) (name+matchlen), nlen-matchlen, (char*)(fc+stringOffset+off),slen)) return 1; } } else { if (matchlen == nlen) return 1; } } } } } return 0; } static int stbtt__matches(stbtt_uint8 *fc, stbtt_uint32 offset, stbtt_uint8 *name, stbtt_int32 flags) { stbtt_int32 nlen = (stbtt_int32) STBTT_strlen((char *) name); stbtt_uint32 nm,hd; if (!stbtt__isfont(fc+offset)) return 0; if (flags) { hd = stbtt__find_table(fc, offset, "head"); if ((ttUSHORT(fc+hd+44) & 7) != (flags & 7)) return 0; } nm = stbtt__find_table(fc, offset, "name"); if (!nm) return 0; if (flags) { if (stbtt__matchpair(fc, nm, name, nlen, 16, -1)) return 1; if (stbtt__matchpair(fc, nm, name, nlen, 1, -1)) return 1; if (stbtt__matchpair(fc, nm, name, nlen, 3, -1)) return 1; } else { if (stbtt__matchpair(fc, nm, name, nlen, 16, 17)) return 1; if (stbtt__matchpair(fc, nm, name, nlen, 1, 2)) return 1; if (stbtt__matchpair(fc, nm, name, nlen, 3, -1)) return 1; } return 0; } static int stbtt_FindMatchingFont_internal(unsigned char *font_collection, char *name_utf8, stbtt_int32 flags) { stbtt_int32 i; for (i=0;;++i) { stbtt_int32 off = stbtt_GetFontOffsetForIndex(font_collection, i); if (off < 0) return off; if (stbtt__matches((stbtt_uint8 *) font_collection, off, (stbtt_uint8*) name_utf8, flags)) return off; } } #if defined(__GNUC__) || defined(__clang__) #pragma GCC diagnostic push #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wcast-qual" #endif STBTT_DEF int stbtt_BakeFontBitmap(const unsigned char *data, int offset, float pixel_height, unsigned char *pixels, int pw, int ph, int first_char, int num_chars, stbtt_bakedchar *chardata) { return stbtt_BakeFontBitmap_internal((unsigned char *) data, offset, pixel_height, pixels, pw, ph, first_char, num_chars, chardata); } STBTT_DEF int stbtt_GetFontOffsetForIndex(const unsigned char *data, int index) { return stbtt_GetFontOffsetForIndex_internal((unsigned char *) data, index); } STBTT_DEF int stbtt_GetNumberOfFonts(const unsigned char *data) { return stbtt_GetNumberOfFonts_internal((unsigned char *) data); } STBTT_DEF int stbtt_InitFont(stbtt_fontinfo *info, const unsigned char *data, int offset) { return stbtt_InitFont_internal(info, (unsigned char *) data, offset); } STBTT_DEF int stbtt_FindMatchingFont(const unsigned char *fontdata, const char *name, int flags) { return stbtt_FindMatchingFont_internal((unsigned char *) fontdata, (char *) name, flags); } STBTT_DEF int stbtt_CompareUTF8toUTF16_bigendian(const char *s1, int len1, const char *s2, int len2) { return stbtt_CompareUTF8toUTF16_bigendian_internal((char *) s1, len1, (char *) s2, len2); } #if defined(__GNUC__) || defined(__clang__) #pragma GCC diagnostic pop #endif #endif /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This software is available under 2 licenses -- choose whichever you prefer. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ALTERNATIVE A - MIT License Copyright (c) 2017 Sean Barrett Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ALTERNATIVE B - Public Domain (www.unlicense.org) This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain. Anyone is free to copy, modify, publish, use, compile, sell, or distribute this software, either in source code form or as a compiled binary, for any purpose, commercial or non-commercial, and by any means. In jurisdictions that recognize copyright laws, the author or authors of this software dedicate any and all copyright interest in the software to the public domain. We make this dedication for the benefit of the public at large and to the detriment of our heirs and successors. We intend this dedication to be an overt act of relinquishment in perpetuity of all present and future rights to this software under copyright law. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */