; returns a string of null character-separated preprocessing tokens and space characters ; this corresponds to translation phases 1-3 in the C89 standard ; each sequence of two or more spaces is replaced with a single space ; spaces around # and ## are removed function split_into_preprocessing_tokens argument filename local fd local file_contents local pptokens local pptokens2 local p local b local c local in local out local n local line_number fd = open_r(filename) file_contents = malloc(2000000) pptokens = malloc(2000000) p = file_contents :pptokens_read_loop n = syscall(0, fd, p, 4096) if n == 0 goto pptokens_read_loop_end p += n goto pptokens_read_loop :pptokens_read_loop_end p -= 1 if *1p != 10 goto no_newline_at_end_of_file ; okay we read the file. first, delete every backslash-newline sequence (phase 2) local newlines ; we add more newlines to keep line numbers right newlines = 1 in = file_contents out = file_contents :backslashnewline_loop c = *1in if c == 0 goto backslashnewline_loop_end if c == 10 goto proper_newline_loop if c != '\ goto not_backslashnewline p = in + 1 c = *1p if c != 10 goto not_backslashnewline in += 2 ; skip backlash and newline newlines += 1 ; add one additional newline the next time around to compensate goto backslashnewline_loop :not_backslashnewline *1out = *1in out += 1 in += 1 goto backslashnewline_loop :proper_newline_loop if newlines == 0 goto proper_newline_loop_end ; output a newline *1out = 10 out += 1 newlines -= 1 goto proper_newline_loop :proper_newline_loop_end newlines = 1 in += 1 goto backslashnewline_loop :backslashnewline_loop_end *1out = 0 ; @NONSTANDARD: this is where trigraphs would go ; split file into preprocessing tokens, remove comments (phase 3) ; we're still doing the trick with newlines, this time for ones inside comments ; this is needed because the following is legal C: ; #include/* ; */ ; and is not equivalent to: ; #include ; newlines = 1 in = file_contents out = pptokens line_number = 1 :pptokens_loop c = *1in if c == 10 goto pptokens_newline_loop if c == 0 goto pptokens_loop_end if c == 32 goto pptoken_space if c == 9 goto pptoken_space b = isdigit(c) if b != 0 goto pptoken_number b = isalpha_or_underscore(c) if b != 0 goto pptoken_identifier b = str_startswith(in, .str_comment_start) if b != 0 goto pptoken_comment ; now we check for all the various operators and symbols in C if c == 59 goto pptoken_single_character ; semicolon if c == '( goto pptoken_single_character if c == ') goto pptoken_single_character if c == '[ goto pptoken_single_character if c == '] goto pptoken_single_character if c == '{ goto pptoken_single_character if c == '} goto pptoken_single_character if c == ', goto pptoken_single_character if c == '~ goto pptoken_single_character if c == '? goto pptoken_single_character if c == ': goto pptoken_single_character if c == '" goto pptoken_string_or_char_literal if c == '' goto pptoken_string_or_char_literal b = str_startswith(in, .str_lshift_eq) if b != 0 goto pptoken_3_chars b = str_startswith(in, .str_rshift_eq) if b != 0 goto pptoken_3_chars b = str_startswith(in, .str_eq_eq) if b != 0 goto pptoken_2_chars b = str_startswith(in, .str_not_eq) if b != 0 goto pptoken_2_chars b = str_startswith(in, .str_gt_eq) if b != 0 goto pptoken_2_chars b = str_startswith(in, .str_lt_eq) if b != 0 goto pptoken_2_chars b = str_startswith(in, .str_plus_plus) if b != 0 goto pptoken_2_chars b = str_startswith(in, .str_minus_minus) if b != 0 goto pptoken_2_chars b = str_startswith(in, .str_plus_eq) if b != 0 goto pptoken_2_chars b = str_startswith(in, .str_minus_eq) if b != 0 goto pptoken_2_chars b = str_startswith(in, .str_times_eq) if b != 0 goto pptoken_2_chars b = str_startswith(in, .str_div_eq) if b != 0 goto pptoken_2_chars b = str_startswith(in, .str_percent_eq) if b != 0 goto pptoken_2_chars b = str_startswith(in, .str_and_eq) if b != 0 goto pptoken_2_chars b = str_startswith(in, .str_or_eq) if b != 0 goto pptoken_2_chars b = str_startswith(in, .str_xor_eq) if b != 0 goto pptoken_2_chars b = str_startswith(in, .str_and_and) if b != 0 goto pptoken_2_chars b = str_startswith(in, .str_or_or) if b != 0 goto pptoken_2_chars b = str_startswith(in, .str_lshift) if b != 0 goto pptoken_2_chars b = str_startswith(in, .str_rshift) if b != 0 goto pptoken_2_chars b = str_startswith(in, .str_arrow) if b != 0 goto pptoken_2_chars b = str_startswith(in, .str_dotdotdot) if b != 0 goto pptoken_3_chars b = str_startswith(in, .str_hash_hash) if b != 0 goto pptoken_2_chars if c == '+ goto pptoken_single_character if c == '- goto pptoken_single_character if c == '* goto pptoken_single_character if c == '/ goto pptoken_single_character if c == '% goto pptoken_single_character if c == '& goto pptoken_single_character if c == '| goto pptoken_single_character if c == '^ goto pptoken_single_character if c == '> goto pptoken_single_character if c == '< goto pptoken_single_character if c == '! goto pptoken_single_character if c == '= goto pptoken_single_character if c == '# goto pptoken_single_character if c == '. goto pptoken_dot ; " each non-white-space character that cannot be one of the above" goto pptoken_single_character :pptoken_comment ; emit a space ("Each comment is replaced by one space character.") *1out = 32 out += 1 *1out = 0 out += 1 ; skip over comment :pptoken_comment_loop b = str_startswith(in, .str_comment_end) if b != 0 goto pptoken_comment_loop_end c = *1in in += 1 if c == 0 goto unterminated_comment if c == 10 goto pptoken_comment_newline goto pptoken_comment_loop :pptoken_comment_loop_end in += 2 ; skip */ goto pptokens_loop :pptoken_comment_newline ; keep line numbers correct newlines += 1 goto pptoken_comment_loop :pptoken_dot ; could just be a . or could be .3 -- we need to check if *(in+1) is a digit p = in + 1 b = isdigit(*1p) if b != 0 goto pptoken_number ; okay it's just a dot goto pptoken_single_character :pptoken_string_or_char_literal local delimiter local backslash delimiter = c backslash = 0 *1out = c out += 1 in += 1 :pptoken_strchar_loop c = *1in *1out = c in += 1 out += 1 if c == '\ goto pptoken_strchar_backslash if c == 10 goto unterminated_string if c == 0 goto unterminated_string b = backslash backslash = 0 if b == 1 goto pptoken_strchar_loop ; string can't end with an odd number of backslashes if c == delimiter goto pptoken_strchar_loop_end goto pptoken_strchar_loop :pptoken_strchar_backslash backslash ^= 1 goto pptoken_strchar_loop :pptoken_strchar_loop_end *1out = 0 out += 1 goto pptokens_loop :pptoken_number c = *1in b = is_ppnumber_char(c) if b == 0 goto pptoken_number_end *1out = c out += 1 in += 1 if c == 'e goto pptoken_number_e if c == 'E goto pptoken_number_e goto pptoken_number :pptoken_number_e c = *1in if c == '+ goto pptoken_number_sign if c == '- goto pptoken_number_sign goto pptoken_number :pptoken_number_sign ; special code to handle + - immediately following e *1out = c in += 1 out += 1 goto pptoken_number :pptoken_number_end *1out = 0 out += 1 goto pptokens_loop :pptoken_identifier c = *1in b = isalnum_or_underscore(c) if b == 0 goto pptoken_identifier_end *1out = c in += 1 out += 1 goto pptoken_identifier :pptoken_identifier_end *1out = 0 out += 1 goto pptokens_loop :pptoken_space ; space character token *1out = 32 in += 1 out += 1 *1out = 0 out += 1 goto pptokens_loop :pptoken_single_character ; a single character preprocessing token, like {?} *1out = c in += 1 out += 1 *1out = 0 out += 1 goto pptokens_loop :pptoken_2_chars ; two-character pptoken (e.g. ##) *1out = c in += 1 out += 1 *1out = *1in in += 1 out += 1 *1out = 0 out += 1 goto pptokens_loop :pptoken_3_chars ; three-character pptoken (e.g. >>=) *1out = c in += 1 out += 1 *1out = *1in in += 1 out += 1 *1out = *1in in += 1 out += 1 *1out = 0 out += 1 goto pptokens_loop :pptokens_newline_loop if newlines == 0 goto pptokens_newline_loop_end ; output a newline *1out = 10 out += 1 *1out = 0 out += 1 line_number += 1 newlines -= 1 goto pptokens_newline_loop :pptokens_newline_loop_end newlines = 1 in += 1 goto pptokens_loop :pptokens_loop_end pptokens2 = file_contents ; repurpose file contents ; replace each sequence of two or more spaces with a single space ; "Whether each nonempty sequence of other white-space characters is ; retained or replaced by one space character is implementation-defined." (C89 § in = pptokens out = pptokens2 :join_spaces_loop if *1in == 0 goto join_spaces_loop_end c = *1in pptoken_copy_and_advance(&in, &out) if c == 32 goto join_spaces goto join_spaces_loop :join_spaces pptoken_skip_spaces(&in) goto join_spaces_loop :join_spaces_loop_end *1out = 0 ; delete space surrounding ## and # ; we want to delete spaces before # so that all preprocessor directives are at the start of the line ; (this makes recognizing them slightly easier) in = pptokens2 out = pptokens :delete_hash_spaces_loop c = *1in if c == 0 goto delete_hash_spaces_loop_end if c == '# goto delete_hash_spaces_hash pptoken_copy_and_advance(&in, &out) goto delete_hash_spaces_loop :delete_hash_spaces_hash if out == pptokens goto copy_and_delete_spaces_after_hash ; little edge case p = out - 2 if *1p != 32 goto copy_and_delete_spaces_after_hash ; no space before ## ; space before #/## ; remove it out -= 2 *1out = 0 :copy_and_delete_spaces_after_hash pptoken_copy_and_advance(&in, &out) pptoken_skip_spaces(&in) goto delete_hash_spaces_loop :delete_hash_spaces_loop_end *1out = 0 free(pptokens2) close(fd) return pptokens :unterminated_comment compile_error(filename, line_number, .str_unterminated_comment) :str_unterminated_comment string Unterminated comment. byte 0 :unterminated_string compile_error(filename, line_number, .str_unterminated_string) :str_unterminated_string string Unterminated string or character literal. byte 0 :no_newline_at_end_of_file compile_error(filename, 0, .str_no_newline_at_end_of_file) :str_no_newline_at_end_of_file string No newline at end of file. byte 0 ; can the given character appear in a C89 ppnumber? function is_ppnumber_char argument c if c == '. goto return_1 if c < '0 goto return_0 if c <= '9 goto return_1 if c < 'A goto return_0 if c <= 'Z goto return_1 if c == '_ goto return_1 if c < 'a goto return_0 if c <= 'z goto return_1 goto return_0 function print_pptokens argument pptokens local p p = pptokens :print_pptokens_loop if *1p == 0 goto print_pptokens_loop_end putc('{) puts(p) putc('}) p += strlen(p) p += 1 goto print_pptokens_loop :print_pptokens_loop_end putc(10) return function pptoken_copy_and_advance argument p_in argument p_out local in local out in = *8p_in out = *8p_out out = strcpy(out, in) in = memchr(in, 0) *8p_in = in + 1 *8p_out = out + 1 return function pptoken_skip argument p_in local in in = *8p_in in = memchr(in, 0) *8p_in = in + 1 return ; reverse one pptoken ; don't call this on the first pptoken in the file function pptoken_reverse argument p_in argument p_line_number local in in = *8p_in in -= 2 :pptoken_rev_loop if *1in == 0 goto pptoken_rev_loop_end in -= 1 goto pptoken_rev_loop :pptoken_rev_loop_end in += 1 *8p_in = in if *1in != 10 goto return_0 *8p_line_number -= 1 return ; skip any space tokens here function pptoken_skip_spaces argument p_in local in in = *8p_in :pptoken_skip_spaces_loop if *1in != 32 goto pptoken_skip_spaces_loop_end pptoken_skip(&in) goto pptoken_skip_spaces_loop :pptoken_skip_spaces_loop_end *8p_in = in return ; skip any whitespace tokens here function pptoken_skip_whitespace argument p_in argument p_line_number local in in = *8p_in :skip_whitespace_loop if *1in == 10 goto skip_whitespace_incline if *1in != 32 goto skip_whitespace_loop_end pptoken_skip(&in) goto skip_whitespace_loop :skip_whitespace_incline *8p_line_number += 1 pptoken_skip(&in) goto skip_whitespace_loop :skip_whitespace_loop_end *8p_in = in return ; go backwards before any spaces and newlines here ; don't do this for spaces at the start of the file function pptoken_reverse_whitespace argument p_in argument p_line_number local in in = *8p_in :reverse_whitespace_loop if *1in == 10 goto reverse_whitespace if *1in != 32 goto reverse_whitespace_loop_end :reverse_whitespace pptoken_reverse(&in, p_line_number) goto reverse_whitespace_loop :reverse_whitespace_loop_end *8p_in = in return function pptoken_skip_to_newline argument p_in local in in = *8p_in :pptoken_skip_to_newline_loop if *1in == 10 goto pptoken_skip_to_newline_end pptoken_skip(&in) goto pptoken_skip_to_newline_loop :pptoken_skip_to_newline_end *8p_in = in return ; phase 4: ; Preprocessing directives are executed and macro invocations are expanded. ; A #include preprocessing directive causes the named header or source file to be processed from phase 1 through phase 4, recursively. function translation_phase_4 argument filename argument input argument output local in local out local p local q local n local c local b local macro_name local line_number local temp_out out = output in = input ; output line directive to put us in the right place for included files *1out = '$ out += 1 *1out = '1 out += 1 *1out = 32 out += 1 out = strcpy(out, filename) out += 1 line_number = 0 :phase4_line line_number += 1 :phase4_line_noinc c = *1in if c == 0 goto phase4_end if c == '# goto pp_directive ; NOTE: ## cannot appear at the start of a line :process_pptoken c = *1in if c == 10 goto phase4_next_line b = isdigit(c) if b != 0 goto phase4_next_pptoken b = isalnum_or_underscore(c) if b != 0 goto phase4_try_replacements ; (fallthrough) :phase4_next_pptoken pptoken_copy_and_advance(&in, &out) goto process_pptoken :phase4_next_line pptoken_copy_and_advance(&in, &out) goto phase4_line :phase4_try_replacements macro_replacement(filename, &line_number, &in, &out) goto process_pptoken :pp_directive pptoken_skip(&in) ; skip # pptoken_skip_spaces(&in) c = *1in if c == 10 goto phase4_next_line ; "null directive" C89 § 3.8.7 b = str_equals(in, .str_error) if b != 0 goto pp_directive_error b = str_equals(in, .str_define) if b != 0 goto pp_directive_define b = str_equals(in, .str_undef) if b != 0 goto pp_directive_undef b = str_equals(in, .str_pragma) if b != 0 goto pp_directive_pragma b = str_equals(in, .str_line) if b != 0 goto pp_directive_line b = str_equals(in, .str_include) if b != 0 goto pp_directive_include b = str_equals(in, .str_ifdef) if b != 0 goto pp_directive_ifdef b = str_equals(in, .str_if) if b != 0 goto pp_directive_if b = str_equals(in, .str_elif) if b != 0 goto pp_directive_else ; treat elif the same as else at this point b = str_equals(in, .str_ifndef) if b != 0 goto pp_directive_ifndef b = str_equals(in, .str_else) if b != 0 goto pp_directive_else b = str_equals(in, .str_endif) if b != 0 goto pp_directive_endif goto unrecognized_directive :pp_directive_error puts(filename) putc(':) putn(line_number) puts(.str_directive_error) exit(1) :str_directive_error string : #error byte 10 byte 0 :pp_directive_line global 1000 dat_directive_line_text temp_out = &dat_directive_line_text macro_replacement_to_terminator(filename, &line_number, &in, &temp_out, 10) temp_out = &dat_directive_line_text ; at this stage, we just turn #line directives into a nicer format: ; {$line_number filename} e.g. {$77 main.c} local new_line_number pptoken_skip(&temp_out) pptoken_skip_spaces(&temp_out) new_line_number = stoi(temp_out) new_line_number -= 1 ; #line directive applies to the following line *1out = '$ out += 1 ; copy line number p = itos(new_line_number) out = strcpy(out, p) *1out = 32 out += 1 pptoken_skip(&temp_out) pptoken_skip_spaces(&temp_out) if *1temp_out == 10 goto ppdirective_line_no_filename if *1temp_out != '" goto bad_line_directive ; copy filename temp_out += 1 filename = out out = memccpy(out, temp_out, '") *1out = 0 out += 1 goto ppdirective_line_cont :ppdirective_line_no_filename out = strcpy(out, filename) out += 1 :ppdirective_line_cont line_number = new_line_number goto process_pptoken :pp_directive_undef pptoken_skip(&in) pptoken_skip_spaces(&in) macro_name = in pptoken_skip(&in) pptoken_skip_spaces(&in) if *1in != 10 goto bad_undef p = look_up_object_macro(macro_name) if p == 0 goto undef_not_object p -= 2 *1p = '@ ; replace last character of macro name with @ to "undefine" it :undef_not_object p = look_up_function_macro(macro_name) if p == 0 goto undef_not_function p -= 2 *1p = '@ :undef_not_function goto process_pptoken :pp_directive_define local definition pptoken_skip(&in) pptoken_skip_spaces(&in) macro_name = in pptoken_skip(&in) c = *1in if c == '( goto function_macro_definition ; it's an object-like macro, e.g. #define X 47 pptoken_skip_spaces(&in) b = look_up_object_macro(macro_name) if b != 0 goto macro_redefinition p = object_macros + object_macros_size ; copy name p = strcpy(p, macro_name) p += 1 definition = in ; copy contents memccpy_advance(&p, &in, 10) ; copy until newline if in == definition goto objmacro_cont ; remove terminal space if there is one p -= 2 if *1p == 32 goto objmacro_cont p += 2 :objmacro_cont *1p = 255 ; replace newline with special "macro end" character p += 1 object_macros_size = p - object_macros goto phase4_next_line :function_macro_definition ; a function-like macro, e.g. #define JOIN(a,b) a##b local param_names local param_name local param_idx b = look_up_function_macro(macro_name) if b != 0 goto macro_redefinition param_names = malloc(4000) pptoken_skip(&in) ; skip opening parenthesis pptoken_skip_spaces(&in) param_name = param_names ; macros with no arguments are legal for some reason if *1in == ') goto macro_params_loop_end :macro_params_loop c = *1in if c == 10 goto phase4_missing_closing_bracket b = isalpha_or_underscore(c) if b == 0 goto bad_macro_params param_name = strcpy(param_name, in) param_name += 1 pptoken_skip(&in) pptoken_skip_spaces(&in) c = *1in if c == ') goto macro_params_loop_end if c != ', goto bad_macro_params pptoken_skip(&in) ; skip , pptoken_skip_spaces(&in) goto macro_params_loop :macro_params_loop_end pptoken_skip(&in) ; skip ) pptoken_skip_spaces(&in) p = function_macros + function_macros_size p = strcpy(p, macro_name) p += 1 definition = in :fmacro_body_loop if *1in == 10 goto fmacro_body_loop_end param_name = param_names param_idx = 1 ; check if this token matches any of the parameter names :fmacro_param_check_loop if *1param_name == 0 goto fmacro_param_check_loop_end b = str_equals(in, param_name) if b != 0 goto fmacro_param_match param_name = memchr(param_name, 0) param_name += 1 param_idx += 1 goto fmacro_param_check_loop :fmacro_param_check_loop_end ; it's not a parameter; just copy it out p = strcpy(p, in) p += 1 pptoken_skip(&in) goto fmacro_body_loop :fmacro_param_match ; a match! *1p = param_idx ; store the parameter index (1 = first argument) as a pptoken p += 2 pptoken_skip(&in) goto fmacro_body_loop :fmacro_body_loop_end if in == definition goto fmacro_cont ; remove terminal space if there is one p -= 2 if *1p == 32 goto fmacro_cont p += 2 :fmacro_cont *1p = 255 p += 1 function_macros_size = p - function_macros free(param_names) goto phase4_next_line :pp_directive_pragma ; we don't have any pragmas compile_warning(filename, line_number, .str_unrecognized_pragma) pptoken_skip_to_newline(&in) goto process_pptoken :str_unrecognized_pragma string Unrecognized #pragma. byte 0 :pp_directive_include global 1000 dat_directive_include_text local inc_filename temp_out = &dat_directive_include_text memset(temp_out, 0, 1000) inc_filename = malloc(4000) pptoken_skip(&in) macro_replacement_to_terminator(filename, &line_number, &in, &temp_out, 10) temp_out = &dat_directive_include_text pptoken_skip_spaces(&temp_out) if *1temp_out == '" goto pp_include_string if *1temp_out == '< goto pp_include_angle_brackets goto bad_include :pp_include_string p = inc_filename temp_out += 1 :pp_include_string_loop c = *1temp_out temp_out += 1 if c == '" goto pp_include_string_loop_end if c == 10 goto bad_include ; no terminating quote *1p = c p += 1 goto pp_include_string_loop :pp_include_string_loop_end temp_out += 1 ; skip null separator after terminating quote pptoken_skip_spaces(&temp_out) if *1temp_out != 0 goto bad_include ; stuff after filename goto pp_include_have_filename :pp_include_angle_brackets p = inc_filename temp_out += 1 :pp_include_angle_brackets_loop c = *1temp_out temp_out += 1 if c == '> goto pp_include_angle_brackets_loop_end if c == 10 goto bad_include ; no terminating > if c == 0 goto pp_include_angle_brackets_loop ; separators between pptokens *1p = c p += 1 goto pp_include_angle_brackets_loop :pp_include_angle_brackets_loop_end temp_out += 1 ; skip null separator after terminating > pptoken_skip_spaces(&temp_out) if *1temp_out != 0 goto bad_include ; stuff after filename goto pp_include_have_filename :pp_include_have_filename local included_pptokens included_pptokens = split_into_preprocessing_tokens(inc_filename) out = translation_phase_4(inc_filename, included_pptokens, out) free(included_pptokens) free(inc_filename) ; output a line directive to put us back in the right place *1out = '$ out += 1 p = itos(line_number) out = strcpy(out, p) *1out = 32 out += 1 out = strcpy(out, filename) out += 1 goto process_pptoken :pp_directive_ifdef pptoken_skip(&in) pptoken_skip_spaces(&in) macro_name = in pptoken_skip(&in) pptoken_skip_spaces(&in) if *1in != 10 goto bad_ifdef p = look_up_object_macro(macro_name) if p != 0 goto process_pptoken ; macro is defined; keep processing p = look_up_function_macro(macro_name) if p != 0 goto process_pptoken ; macro is defined; keep processing preprocessor_skip_if(filename, &line_number, &in, &out, 0) goto phase4_line_noinc :pp_directive_ifndef pptoken_skip(&in) pptoken_skip_spaces(&in) macro_name = in pptoken_skip(&in) pptoken_skip_spaces(&in) if *1in != 10 goto bad_ifdef p = look_up_object_macro(macro_name) if p != 0 goto ifndef_skip ; macro is defined; skip p = look_up_function_macro(macro_name) if p != 0 goto ifndef_skip ; macro is defined; skip goto process_pptoken ; macro not defined; keep processing :ifndef_skip preprocessor_skip_if(filename, &line_number, &in, &out, 0) goto phase4_line_noinc :pp_directive_else ; assume we got here from an if, so skip this pptoken_skip_to_newline(&in) ; this might actually be an elif, so skip all the way to #endif. preprocessor_skip_if(filename, &line_number, &in, &out, 1) goto phase4_line_noinc :pp_directive_endif ; assume we got here from an if/elif/else, just ignore it. pptoken_skip(&in) goto process_pptoken :pp_directive_if local if_pptokens local if_tokens local if_tokens_end local if_expr local def_name pptoken_skip(&in) pptoken_skip_spaces(&in) if_pptokens = malloc(8000) if_tokens = if_pptokens + 2500 if_expr = if_tokens + 2500 p = if_pptokens macro_replacement_to_terminator(filename, line_number, &in, &p, 10) if_tokens_end = tokenize(if_pptokens, if_tokens, filename, line_number) ; replace all identifiers with 0 p = if_tokens :pp_if_idents0_loop if *1p == TOKEN_EOF goto pp_if_idents0_done if *1p == TOKEN_IDENTIFIER goto pp_if_replace_ident p += 16 goto pp_if_idents0_loop :pp_if_replace_ident p += 8 b = str_equals(*8p, .str_defined) p -= 8 if b != 0 goto pp_replace_defined *1p = TOKEN_CONSTANT_INT p += 8 *8p = 0 p += 8 goto pp_if_idents0_loop :pp_replace_defined ; handle, e.g. #if defined(SOMETHING) ; @NONSTANDARD?? it seems unclear in the standard whether this is legal: ; #define X defined ; GCC and clang both accept it without warnings p += 16 if *1p != SYMBOL_LPAREN goto pp_defined_nolparen p += 16 if *1p != TOKEN_IDENTIFIER goto pp_bad_defined p += 8 def_name = *8p p += 8 if *1p != SYMBOL_RPAREN goto pp_bad_defined q = p + 16 p -= 32 n = if_tokens_end - q memcpy(p, q, n) ; shift everything over because 0 is less tokens than defined(X) p -= 16 goto pp_defined_lparen_cont :pp_defined_nolparen if *1p != TOKEN_IDENTIFIER goto pp_bad_defined p += 8 def_name = *8p p -= 8 q = p + 16 n = if_tokens_end - q memcpy(p, q, n) ; shift everything over because 0 is less tokens than defined X p -= 16 :pp_defined_lparen_cont *1p = TOKEN_CONSTANT_INT p += 8 b = look_up_object_macro(def_name) if b != 0 goto pp_defined_1 b = look_up_function_macro(def_name) if b != 0 goto pp_defined_1 ; not defined *8p = 0 goto pp_defined_cont :pp_defined_1 ; defined *8p = 1 :pp_defined_cont p += 8 goto pp_if_idents0_loop :pp_if_idents0_done ;print_tokens(if_tokens, p) parse_expression(if_tokens, p, if_expr) ;print_expression(if_expr) ;putc(10) evaluate_constant_expression(p, if_expr, &b) if b == 0 goto pp_directive_if0 goto pp_if_done :pp_directive_if0 preprocessor_skip_if(filename, &line_number, &in, &out, 0) goto pp_if_done :pp_bad_defined token_error(p, .str_pp_bad_defined) :str_pp_bad_defined string Bad use of defined() in macro. byte 0 :pp_if_done free(if_pptokens) goto phase4_line_noinc :unrecognized_directive compile_error(filename, line_number, .str_unrecognized_directive) :str_unrecognized_directive string Unrecognized preprocessor directive. byte 0 :macro_redefinition ; @NONSTANDARD: ; technically not an error if it was redefined to the same thing, but it's ; annoying to check for that compile_error(filename, line_number, .str_macro_redefinition) :str_macro_redefinition string Macro redefinition. byte 0 :phase4_missing_closing_bracket compile_error(filename, line_number, .str_missing_closing_paren) :bad_macro_params compile_error(filename, line_number, .str_bad_macro_params) :str_bad_macro_params string Bad macro parameter list. byte 0 :bad_undef compile_error(filename, line_number, .str_bad_undef) :str_bad_undef string Bad #undef. byte 0 :bad_ifdef compile_error(filename, line_number, .str_bad_ifdef) :str_bad_ifdef string Bad #ifdef. byte 0 :bad_line_directive compile_error(filename, line_number, .str_bad_line_directive) :str_bad_line_directive string Bad #line. byte 0 :bad_include compile_error(filename, line_number, .str_bad_include) :str_bad_include string Bad #include. byte 0 :phase4_end return out ; skip body of #if / #elif / #else. This will advance *p_in to: ; - right after the next #endif ; OR if to_endif == 0 - right at the next unmatched #elif, replacing it with a #if ; OR if to_endif == 0 - right after the next #else ; whichever comes first ; @NONSTANDARD: this doesn't properly handle #endif's, etc. which appear in a different file from their corresponding #if's. ; NOTE: p_out is needed for newlines function preprocessor_skip_if argument filename argument p_line_number argument p_in argument p_out argument to_endif local in local out local p local b local line_number_start local prev_if_depth local if_depth in = *8p_in out = *8p_out if_depth = 0 line_number_start = *8p_line_number :preprocessor_skip_if_loop prev_if_depth = if_depth if *1in == 0 goto no_matching_endif if *1in == 10 goto skip_if_newline if *1in == '# goto skip_if_hash pptoken_skip(&in) goto preprocessor_skip_if_loop :skip_if_newline *8p_line_number += 1 pptoken_copy_and_advance(&in, &out) goto preprocessor_skip_if_loop :skip_if_hash p = in + 1 if *1p != '# goto skip_if_directive ; it's ##, not # pptoken_skip(&in) goto preprocessor_skip_if_loop :skip_if_directive pptoken_skip(&in) ; skip # b = str_equals(in, .str_else) if b != 0 goto skip_if_else b = str_equals(in, .str_endif) if b != 0 goto skip_if_endif b = str_equals(in, .str_elif) if b != 0 goto skip_if_elif b = str_equals(in, .str_if) if b != 0 goto skip_if_inc_depth b = str_equals(in, .str_ifdef) if b != 0 goto skip_if_inc_depth b = str_equals(in, .str_ifndef) if b != 0 goto skip_if_inc_depth goto preprocessor_skip_if_loop ; some unimportant directive :skip_if_elif if if_depth > 0 goto preprocessor_skip_if_loop if to_endif != 0 goto preprocessor_skip_if_loop ; replace #elif with #if (kinda sketchy) *1in = '# in += 1 *1in = 0 in += 1 *1in = 'i in += 1 *1in = 'f in -= 3 goto preprocessor_skip_if_loop_end :skip_if_inc_depth if_depth += 1 goto preprocessor_skip_if_loop :skip_if_endif if_depth -= 1 pptoken_skip(&in) ; skip endif if prev_if_depth > 0 goto preprocessor_skip_if_loop goto preprocessor_skip_if_loop_end :skip_if_else pptoken_skip(&in) ; skip else if to_endif != 0 goto preprocessor_skip_if_loop if prev_if_depth > 0 goto preprocessor_skip_if_loop goto preprocessor_skip_if_loop_end :preprocessor_skip_if_loop_end *8p_in = in *8p_out = out return :no_matching_endif compile_error(filename, line_number_start, .str_no_matching_endif) :str_no_matching_endif string #if/#elif/#else without matching #endif. byte 0 ; returns a pointer to the replacement pptokens, or 0 if this macro is not defined function look_up_macro argument macros argument name local p local b p = macros :macro_lookup_loop if *1p == 0 goto return_0 b = str_equals(p, name) if b != 0 goto macro_lookup_loop_end ; advance to next macro p = memchr(p, 255) p += 1 goto macro_lookup_loop :macro_lookup_loop_end p = memchr(p, 0) p += 1 return p function look_up_object_macro argument name return look_up_macro(object_macros, name) function look_up_function_macro argument name return look_up_macro(function_macros, name) ; replace macros at *p_in until terminator character is reached function macro_replacement_to_terminator argument filename argument p_line_number argument p_in argument p_out argument terminator local in local out in = *8p_in out = *8p_out :macro_replacement_to_terminator_loop if *1in == terminator goto macro_replacement_to_terminator_loop_end macro_replacement(filename, p_line_number, &in, &out) goto macro_replacement_to_terminator_loop :macro_replacement_to_terminator_loop_end *8p_in = in *8p_out = out return ; @NONSTANDARD: ; Macro replacement isn't handled properly in the following ways: ; - function-like macros are not evaluated if the ( is not on the same line as the name of the macro ; - if an object-like macro is defined to a function-like macro, the function-like macro is not evaluated, e.g.: ; #define f(x) 2*x ; #define g f ; g(2) => f(2) rather than 2*2 ; - when a macro refers to itself, it can be re-evaluated where that shouldn't happen, e.g. ; #define z z[0] ; #define f(x) x ; f(f(z)) => z[0][0] rather than z[0] ; These shouldn't be too much of an issue, though. ; replace pptoken(s) at *p_in into *p_out, advancing both ; NOTE: if *p_in starts with a function-like macro replacement, it is replaced fully, ; otherwise this function only reads 1 token from *p_in ; NOTE: a pointer to the line number is passed in because function-like macro invocations ; can span across multiple lines function macro_replacement argument filename argument p_line_number argument p_in argument p_out ; "banned" macros prevent #define x x from being a problem ; C89 § ; "If the name of the macro being replaced is found during this scan ; of the replacement list, it is not replaced. Further, if any nested ; replacements encounter the name of the macro being replaced, it is not replaced." global 2000 dat_banned_objmacros ; 255-terminated array of strings (initialized in main) local old_banned_objmacros_end global 2000 dat_banned_fmacros local old_banned_fmacros_end local banned_fmacros local banned_objmacros local b local c local p local q local replacement local in local out in = *8p_in out = *8p_out banned_objmacros = &dat_banned_objmacros banned_fmacros = &dat_banned_fmacros old_banned_objmacros_end = memchr(banned_objmacros, 255) old_banned_fmacros_end = memchr(banned_fmacros, 255) p = in pptoken_skip(&p) pptoken_skip_spaces(&p) if *1p == '( goto fmacro_replacement p = banned_objmacros :check_banned_objmacros_loop if *1p == 255 goto check_banned_objmacros_loop_end b = str_equals(in, p) if b != 0 goto no_replacement p = memchr(p, 0) p += 1 goto check_banned_objmacros_loop :check_banned_objmacros_loop_end :objmacro_replacement b = str_equals(in, .str___FILE__) if b != 0 goto handle___FILE__ b = str_equals(in, .str___LINE__) if b != 0 goto handle___LINE__ b = str_equals(in, .str___DATE__) if b != 0 goto handle___DATE__ b = str_equals(in, .str___TIME__) if b != 0 goto handle___TIME__ b = str_equals(in, .str___STDC__) if b != 0 goto handle___STDC__ replacement = look_up_object_macro(in) if replacement == 0 goto no_replacement ; add this to list of banned macros p = strcpy(old_banned_objmacros_end, in) p += 1 *1p = 255 p = replacement pptoken_skip(&in) ; skip macro :objreplace_loop if *1p == 255 goto done_replacement macro_replacement(filename, p_line_number, &p, &out) goto objreplace_loop :fmacro_replacement p = banned_fmacros :check_banned_fmacros_loop if *1p == 255 goto check_banned_fmacros_loop_end b = str_equals(in, p) if b != 0 goto no_replacement p = memchr(p, 0) p += 1 goto check_banned_fmacros_loop :check_banned_fmacros_loop_end replacement = look_up_function_macro(in) if replacement == 0 goto objmacro_replacement ; not a fmacro, check if it's an objmacro local macro_name macro_name = in pptoken_skip(&in) ; skip macro name pptoken_skip_spaces(&in) pptoken_skip(&in) ; skip opening bracket pptoken_skip_whitespace(&in, p_line_number) local arguments local fmacro_out local fmacro_out_start arguments = malloc(4000) fmacro_out_start = malloc(8000) ; direct fmacro output. this will need to be re-scanned for macros fmacro_out = fmacro_out_start ; store the arguments (separated by 255-characters) p = arguments if *1in == ') goto fmacro_no_args :fmacro_arg_loop pptoken_skip_whitespace(&in, p_line_number) b = fmacro_arg_end(filename, p_line_number, in) b -= in ; putnln(b) memcpy(p, in, b) ; copy the argument to its proper place p += b in += b ; skip argument pptoken_skip_whitespace(&in, p_line_number) c = *1in in += 2 ; skip , or ) *1p = 255 p += 1 if c == ') goto fmacro_arg_loop_end goto fmacro_arg_loop :fmacro_no_args in += 2 ; skip ) ; (fallthrough) :fmacro_arg_loop_end *1p = 255 ; use an additional 255-character to mark the end (note: macro arguments may not be empty) ; print arguments: ; p += 1 ; p -= arguments ; syscall(1, 1, arguments, p) p = replacement :freplace_loop if *1p == 255 goto freplace_loop_end if *1p < 32 goto fmacro_argument if *1p == '# goto freplace_hash_operator pptoken_copy_and_advance(&p, &fmacro_out) goto freplace_loop :freplace_hash_operator ; handle paste and stringify operators ; NOTE: we already ensured that there's no spaces following #, ; and no spaces surrounding ## in split_into_preprocessing_tokens p += 1 if *1p == '# goto freplace_hashhash_operator ; stringify operator p += 1 ; skip null separator following # q = fmacro_get_arg(filename, p_line_number, arguments, *1p) *1fmacro_out = '" fmacro_out += 1 :fmacro_stringify_loop c = *1q q += 1 if c == 255 goto fmacro_stringify_loop_end if c == '\ goto fmacro_stringify_escape if c == '" goto fmacro_stringify_escape if c == 10 goto fmacro_stringify_space ; replace newline with space if c == 32 goto fmacro_stringify_space if c == 0 goto fmacro_stringify_loop :fmacro_stringify_emit *1fmacro_out = c fmacro_out += 1 goto fmacro_stringify_loop :fmacro_stringify_escape *1fmacro_out = '\ fmacro_out += 1 goto fmacro_stringify_emit :fmacro_stringify_space b = fmacro_out - 1 if *1b == 32 goto fmacro_stringify_loop ; don't emit two spaces in a row *1fmacro_out = 32 fmacro_out += 1 goto fmacro_stringify_loop :fmacro_stringify_loop_end *1fmacro_out = '" fmacro_out += 1 *1fmacro_out = 0 fmacro_out += 1 p += 2 ; skip arg idx & null separator goto freplace_loop :freplace_hashhash_operator ; the paste operator (e.g. #define JOIN(a,b) a##b) ; wow! surprisingly simple! fmacro_out -= 1 pptoken_skip(&p) goto freplace_loop :freplace_loop_end ; add this to list of banned macros ; it's important that we do this now and not earlier because this is valid: ; #define f(x) x x ; const char *s = f(f("a")); /* this preprocesses to s = "a" "a" "a" "a" */ p = strcpy(old_banned_fmacros_end, macro_name) p += 1 *1p = 255 fmacro_out = fmacro_out_start :frescan_loop if *1fmacro_out == 0 goto frescan_loop_end macro_replacement(filename, p_line_number, &fmacro_out, &out) goto frescan_loop :frescan_loop_end free(arguments) free(fmacro_out_start) goto done_replacement :fmacro_argument q = p + 3 ; skip these characters: arg idx, null separator, first '#' if *1q == '# goto fmacro_argument_no_rescan ; this argument is immediately followed by ## so it shouldn't be scanned for replacements q = p - 2 ; skip these characters: null separator, second '#' if *1q == '# goto fmacro_argument_no_rescan ; this argument is immediately preceded by ## ; write argument to *fmacro_out, performing any necessary macro substitutions q = fmacro_get_arg(filename, p_line_number, arguments, *1p) :fmacro_arg_replace_loop macro_replacement(filename, p_line_number, &q, &fmacro_out) if *1q != 255 goto fmacro_arg_replace_loop p += 2 ; skip arg idx & null separator goto freplace_loop :fmacro_argument_no_rescan q = fmacro_get_arg(filename, p_line_number, arguments, *1p) fmacro_out = memccpy(fmacro_out, q, 255) *1fmacro_out = 0 p += 2 ; skip arg idx & null separator goto freplace_loop :no_replacement pptoken_copy_and_advance(&in, &out) ; (fallthrough) :done_replacement *8p_in = in *8p_out = out ; unban any macros we just banned *1old_banned_objmacros_end = 255 *1old_banned_fmacros_end = 255 return :handle___FILE__ pptoken_skip(&in) *1out = '" out += 1 out = strcpy(out, filename) *1out = '" out += 1 *1out = 0 out += 1 goto done_replacement :handle___LINE__ pptoken_skip(&in) p = itos(*8p_line_number) out = strcpy(out, p) out += 1 goto done_replacement :handle___DATE__ pptoken_skip(&in) out = strcpy(out, .str_compilation_date) out += 1 goto done_replacement :handle___TIME__ pptoken_skip(&in) out = strcpy(out, .str_compilation_time) out += 1 goto done_replacement :handle___STDC__ pptoken_skip(&in) out = strcpy(out, .str_stdc) out += 1 goto done_replacement :str_compilation_date ; "If the date of translation is not available, an implementation-defined valid date shall be supplied." C89 § 3.8.8 string "Jan 01 1970" byte 0 :str_compilation_time ; "If the time of translation is not available, an implementation-defined valid time shall be supplied." C89 § 3.8.8 string "00:00:00" byte 0 :str_stdc ; (see @NONSTANDARD) a bit of a lie, but oh well string 1 byte 0 function fmacro_get_arg argument filename argument p_line_number argument arguments argument arg_idx :fmacro_argfind_loop if *1arguments == 255 goto fmacro_too_few_arguments if arg_idx == 1 goto fmacro_arg_found arguments = memchr(arguments, 255) arguments += 1 arg_idx -= 1 goto fmacro_argfind_loop :fmacro_arg_found return arguments :fmacro_too_few_arguments compile_error(filename, *8p_line_number, .str_fmacro_too_few_arguments) :str_fmacro_too_few_arguments string Too few arguments to function-like macro. byte 0 function fmacro_arg_end argument filename argument p_line_number argument in local bracket_depth bracket_depth = 1 :fmacro_arg_end_loop if *1in == 0 goto fmacro_missing_closing_bracket if *1in == '( goto fmacro_arg_opening_bracket if *1in == ') goto fmacro_arg_closing_bracket if *1in == 10 goto fmacro_arg_newline if *1in == ', goto fmacro_arg_potential_end pptoken_skip(&in) goto fmacro_arg_end_loop :fmacro_arg_potential_end if bracket_depth == 1 goto fmacro_arg_end_loop_end pptoken_skip(&in) goto fmacro_arg_end_loop :fmacro_arg_opening_bracket bracket_depth += 1 pptoken_skip(&in) goto fmacro_arg_end_loop :fmacro_arg_closing_bracket bracket_depth -= 1 if bracket_depth == 0 goto fmacro_arg_end_loop_end pptoken_skip(&in) goto fmacro_arg_end_loop :fmacro_arg_newline *8p_line_number += 1 pptoken_skip(&in) goto fmacro_arg_end_loop :fmacro_arg_end_loop_end pptoken_reverse(&in, p_line_number) pptoken_reverse_whitespace(&in, p_line_number) pptoken_skip(&in) return in :fmacro_missing_closing_bracket compile_error(filename, *8p_line_number, .str_missing_closing_paren) function print_object_macros print_macros(object_macros) return function print_function_macros print_macros(function_macros) return function print_macros argument macros local p local c p = macros :print_macros_loop if *1p == 0 goto return_0 ; done! puts(p) putc(':) putc(32) p = memchr(p, 0) p += 1 :print_replacement_loop c = *1p if c == 255 goto print_replacement_loop_end if c < 32 goto print_macro_param putc('{) puts(p) putc('}) p = memchr(p, 0) p += 1 goto print_replacement_loop :print_macro_param putc('{) putc('#) putn(c) putc('}) p += 2 goto print_replacement_loop :print_replacement_loop_end p += 1 fputc(1, 10) goto print_macros_loop