#define G_DEBUG 1 ; add 24 + 16 = 40 to the stack pointer to put argc, argv in the right place byte 0x48 byte 0x81 byte 0xc4 byte 40 byte 0 byte 0 byte 0 goto main global object_macros_size global function_macros_size ; these are allocated in main() global object_macros global function_macros ; powers of 10, stored in the following format: ; ulong significand ; ulong exponent ; where for i = -1023..1023, powers_of_10 + 16*i points to an entry where ; 10^i = significand * 2^exponent global powers_of_10 global types global types_bytes_used ; ident list of type IDs global typedefs ; ident list of enum values global enumerators ; struct/unions ; an ident list of pointers to struct data ; each struct data is an ident list of 64-bit values, (type << 32) | offset ; for unions, offset will always be 0. global structures global structures_bytes_used ; ident map of "locations" (see token_get_location) where structs are defined ; this is used in a horrible way to avoid getting struct redefinition errors from ; struct A { int x; } a,b; ; it's not foolproof -- you could have struct A {int x;} a; struct A {float x;} b; on one line ; but that seems extremely unlikely to happen global structure_locations ; file offset/runtime address to write next piece of read-only data; initialized in main global rodata_end_addr ; file offset/runtime address to write next piece of read-write data; initialized in main global rwdata_end_addr global output_file_data ; ident list of global variables. each one is stored as ; (type << 32) | address global global_variables ; ident list of functions. each entry is a pointer to a statement (specifically, a STATEMENT_BLOCK) global function_statements ; ident list mapping function names to function types (TYPE_FUNCTION {...}) global function_types ; statement_datas[0] = pointer to statement data for block-nesting depth 0 (i.e. function bodies) ; statement_datas[1] = pointer to statement data for block-nesting depth 1 (blocks inside functions) ; statement_datas[2] = pointer to statement data for block-nesting depth 2 (blocks inside blocks inside functions) ; etc. up to statement_datas[BLOCK_DEPTH_LIMIT-1] ; these have to be separated for reasons™ global statement_datas global statement_datas_ends ; ident lists of (type << 32) | address ; block_static_variables[0] = static variables inside this function ; block_static_variables[1] = static variables inside this block inside this function ; etc. global block_static_variables ; ident lists of (type << 32) | rbp offset; one per block depth -- note that rbp offset may be negative! global local_variables global block_depth global expressions global expressions_end ; current rbp offset (where rsp is) global local_var_rbp_offset global function_param_names ; set to 1 by parse_type_declarators if at least one function parameter has no name. global function_param_has_no_name ; ident list of number of bytes of stack space needed by local variables in each function global functions_required_stack_space ; a map from pc addresses to program locations will be outputted to this file global address_map_fd #include util.b #include idents.b #include constants.b #include preprocess.b #include tokenize.b #include parse.b #include codegen.b function debug_puts argument str if G_DEBUG == 0 goto return_0 return puts(str) function debug_putsln argument str if G_DEBUG == 0 goto return_0 return putsln(str) function types_init argument _types argument ptypes_bytes_used local i local p i = 0 p = _types :fill_initial_types_loop *1p = i p += 1 i += 1 if i <= 16 goto fill_initial_types_loop p = _types + TYPE_POINTER_TO_CHAR *1p = TYPE_POINTER p += 1 *1p = TYPE_CHAR p += 1 p = _types + TYPE_POINTER_TO_VOID *1p = TYPE_POINTER p += 1 *1p = TYPE_VOID p += 1 *8ptypes_bytes_used = p - types return function fprint_token_location argument fd argument token token += 2 fprint_filename(fd, *2token) token += 2 fputc(fd, ':) fputn(fd, *4token) return function print_token_location argument token fprint_token_location(1, token) return function print_statement_location argument statement ; statements & tokens have the same format for locations! print_token_location(statement) return function fprint_statement_location argument fd argument statement ; statements & tokens have the same format for locations! fprint_token_location(fd, statement) return ; accepts EITHER file index OR pointer to filename function fprint_filename argument fd argument file if file ] 65535 goto print_filename_string file = file_get(file) ; (fallthrough) :print_filename_string fputs(fd, file) return function print_filename argument file fprint_filename(1, file) return ; accepts EITHER file index OR pointer to filename function compile_error argument file argument line argument message print_filename(file) putc(':) putn(line) puts(.str_error_prefix) puts(message) putc(10) exit(1) function token_error argument token argument message local p local file local line p = token + 2 file = *2p p += 2 line = *4p compile_error(file, line, message) function statement_error argument statement argument message token_error(statement, message) ; tokens & statements have the same location format ; accepts EITHER file index OR pointer to filename function compile_warning argument file argument line argument message print_filename(file) putc(':) putn(line) puts(.str_warning_prefix) puts(message) putc(10) return :str_error_prefix string : Error: byte 32 byte 0 :str_warning_prefix string : Warning: byte 32 byte 0 :str_preprocessing string Preprocessing... byte 10 byte 0 :str_tokenizing string Turning preprocessing tokens into tokens... byte 10 byte 0 :str_parsing string Parsing... byte 10 byte 0 function main argument argv2 argument argv1 argument argv0 argument argc local input_filename local output_filename local pptokens local processed_pptokens local tokens local ast local p local q local i local output_fd local memory memory = malloc(4000) statement_datas = memory statement_datas_ends = memory + 400 block_static_variables = memory + 800 local_variables = memory + 1200 function_param_names = memory + 1600 p = statement_datas q = statement_datas_ends i = 0 :statement_datas_loop *8p = malloc(4000000) ; supports 100,000 statements at each level *8q = *8p p += 8 q += 8 i += 1 if i < BLOCK_DEPTH_LIMIT goto statement_datas_loop p = block_static_variables i = 0 :bsv_alloc_loop *8p = malloc(24000) ; more than enough memory to hold static variable names/addresses for a particular block p += 8 i += 1 if i < BLOCK_DEPTH_LIMIT goto bsv_alloc_loop p = local_variables i = 0 :lv_alloc_loop *8p = malloc(100000) p += 8 i += 1 if i < BLOCK_DEPTH_LIMIT goto lv_alloc_loop fill_in_powers_of_10() typedefs = ident_list_create(100000) enumerators = ident_list_create(4000000) structures = ident_list_create(2000000) structure_locations = ident_list_create(2000000) global_variables = ident_list_create(400000) function_statements = ident_list_create(800000) functions_addresses = ident_list_create(800000) functions_labels = ident_list_create(800000) function_types = ident_list_create(800000) functions_required_stack_space = ident_list_create(800000) function_stmt_data = malloc(800000) ; should be at least 40 bytes * max # of functions dat_banned_objmacros = 255 dat_banned_fmacros = 255 file_list = malloc(40000) *1file_list = 255 object_macros = malloc(4000000) function_macros = malloc(4000000) expressions = malloc(16000000) expressions_end = expressions types = malloc(16000000) types_init(types, &types_bytes_used) input_filename = .str_default_input_filename output_filename = .str_default_output_filename if argc == 1 goto have_filenames if argc != 3 goto usage_error input_filename = argv1 output_filename = argv2 :have_filenames output_fd = open_rw(output_filename, 493) rodata_end_addr = RODATA_ADDR rwdata_end_addr = RWDATA_ADDR ftruncate(output_fd, RWDATA_END) output_file_data = mmap(0, RWDATA_END, PROT_READ_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, output_fd, 0) if output_file_data ] 0xffffffffffff0000 goto mmap_output_fd_failed debug_puts(.str_preprocessing) pptokens = split_into_preprocessing_tokens(input_filename) ;print_pptokens(pptokens) ;print_separator() processed_pptokens = malloc(16000000) translation_phase_4(input_filename, pptokens, processed_pptokens) free(pptokens) pptokens = processed_pptokens ;print_pptokens(pptokens) ;print_separator() ;print_object_macros() ;print_function_macros() debug_puts(.str_tokenizing) tokens = malloc(16000000) p = tokenize(pptokens, tokens, input_filename, 1) ;print_tokens(tokens, p) ;print_separator() ; NOTE: do NOT free pptokens; identifiers still reference them. debug_puts(.str_parsing) parse_tokens(tokens) address_map_fd = open_w(.str_addrmap_filename, 420) generate_code() p = output_file_data + RODATA_ADDR munmap(output_file_data, RWDATA_END) close(output_fd) close(address_map_fd) ;ident_list_printx64(global_variables) ;puts(.str_types_bytes_used) ;putnln(types_bytes_used) exit(0) :str_addrmap_filename string address_map.txt byte 0 :str_types_bytes_used string types_bytes_used: byte 32 byte 0 :mmap_output_fd_failed puts(.str_mmap_output_fd_failed) exit(1) :str_mmap_output_fd_failed string Couldn't mmap output file. byte 10 byte 0 :usage_error puts(.str_usage_error) exit(1) :str_usage_error string Please either specify no arguments or an input and output file. :str_default_input_filename string main.c byte 0 :str_default_output_filename string a.out byte 0 ; NOTE: this language doesn't have proper support for floating-point numbers, ; but we need to do some float stuff. floats are stored as a 58-bit significand ; and an exponent. the significand ranges from 0 (inclusive) to 0x400000000000000 (exclusive) function normalize_float argument p_significand argument p_exponent local significand local exponent significand = *8p_significand if significand == 0 goto normalize_0 exponent = *8p_exponent :float_reduce_loop if significand [ 0x400000000000000 goto float_reduce_loop_end significand >= 1 exponent += 1 goto float_reduce_loop :float_reduce_loop_end :float_increase_loop if significand ]= 0x200000000000000 goto float_increase_loop_end significand <= 1 exponent -= 1 goto float_increase_loop :float_increase_loop_end *8p_significand = significand *8p_exponent = exponent return :normalize_0 *8p_exponent = 0 return function fill_in_powers_of_10 local i local p local significand local exponent powers_of_10 = malloc(40000) powers_of_10 += 20000 significand = 1 < 57 exponent = -57 i = 0 :pow10_loop_positive p = powers_of_10 p += i < 4 *8p = significand p += 8 *8p = exponent significand *= 10 normalize_float(&significand, &exponent) i += 1 if i < 1024 goto pow10_loop_positive significand = 1 < 57 exponent = -57 i = 0 :pow10_loop_negative p = powers_of_10 p += i < 4 *8p = significand p += 8 *8p = exponent significand *= 32 exponent -= 5 significand /= 10 normalize_float(&significand, &exponent) i -= 1 if i > -1024 goto pow10_loop_negative return function print_powers_of_10 local i local j local b local p local significand i = -325 :print_powers_of_10_loop putc(49) putc(48) putc('^) putn_signed(i) putc(61) p = powers_of_10 p += i < 4 significand = *8p j = 57 :pow10_binary_loop b = significand > j b &= 1 b += '0 putc(b) j -= 1 if j >= 0 goto pow10_binary_loop putc('*) putc('2) putc('^) p += 8 putn_signed(*8p) putc(10) i += 1 if i < 325 goto print_powers_of_10_loop return