; this is the format of the executables we produce: ; elf header + code 4MB addresses 0x400000-0x7fffff ; read-only data 4MB addresses 0x800000-0xbfffff ; read-write data 4MB addresses 0xc00000-0xffffff #define RODATA_OFFSET 0x400000 #define RODATA_ADDR 0x800000 ; C OPERATOR PRECEDENCE ; lowest ; 1 , ; 2 = += -= *= /= %= <<= >>= &= ^= |= ; 3 ? ... : ; 4 || ; 5 && ; 6 | ; 7 ^ ; 8 & ; 9 == != ; a < > <= >= ; b << >> ; c + - ; d * / % ; e8 cast ; e sizeof, unary prefixes ++ -- & * + - ~ ! ; f . -> () [] postfix ++ -- ; highest ; NB: for equal precedence, operators are applied left-to-right except for assignment operators (precedence 2) #define SYMBOL_COMMA 200 ; NOTE: operator_right_associative requires SYMBOL_EQ to be the first assignment operator #define SYMBOL_EQ 201 #define SYMBOL_PLUS_EQ 202 #define SYMBOL_MINUS_EQ 203 #define SYMBOL_TIMES_EQ 204 #define SYMBOL_DIV_EQ 205 #define SYMBOL_PERCENT_EQ 206 #define SYMBOL_LSHIFT_EQ 207 #define SYMBOL_RSHIFT_EQ 208 #define SYMBOL_AND_EQ 209 #define SYMBOL_XOR_EQ 210 #define SYMBOL_OR_EQ 211 ; NOTE: operator_right_associative requires SYMBOL_OR_EQ to be the last assignment operator #define SYMBOL_QUESTION 212 #define SYMBOL_OR_OR 213 #define SYMBOL_AND_AND 214 #define SYMBOL_OR 215 #define SYMBOL_XOR 216 #define SYMBOL_AND 217 #define SYMBOL_EQ_EQ 218 #define SYMBOL_NOT_EQ 219 #define SYMBOL_LT 220 #define SYMBOL_GT 221 #define SYMBOL_LT_EQ 222 #define SYMBOL_GT_EQ 223 #define SYMBOL_LSHIFT 224 #define SYMBOL_RSHIFT 225 #define SYMBOL_PLUS 226 #define SYMBOL_MINUS 227 #define SYMBOL_TIMES 228 #define SYMBOL_DIV 229 #define SYMBOL_PERCENT 230 #define SYMBOL_PLUS_PLUS 231 #define SYMBOL_MINUS_MINUS 232 #define SYMBOL_NOT 233 #define SYMBOL_TILDE 234 #define SYMBOL_ARROW 235 #define SYMBOL_DOTDOTDOT 236 #define SYMBOL_COLON 237 #define SYMBOL_LBRACE 238 #define SYMBOL_RBRACE 239 #define SYMBOL_LSQUARE 240 #define SYMBOL_RSQUARE 241 #define SYMBOL_LPAREN 242 #define SYMBOL_RPAREN 243 #define SYMBOL_SEMICOLON 244 #define SYMBOL_DOT 245 #define TOKEN_IDENTIFIER 1 #define TOKEN_CONSTANT_FLOAT 2 #define TOKEN_CONSTANT_INT 3 #define TOKEN_CONSTANT_CHAR 4 #define TOKEN_STRING_LITERAL 5 #define TOKEN_EOF 6 ; these are stored in the "info" field of the token #define NUMBER_NO_SUFFIX 0 #define NUMBER_SUFFIX_U 1 #define NUMBER_SUFFIX_L 2 #define NUMBER_SUFFIX_UL 3 #define NUMBER_SUFFIX_F 4 ; #define KEYWORD_AUTO 21 (@NONSTANDARD auto only exists in C for legacy reasons and doesn't appear in TCC's source code) #define KEYWORD_DOUBLE 22 #define KEYWORD_INT 23 #define KEYWORD_STRUCT 24 #define KEYWORD_BREAK 25 #define KEYWORD_ELSE 26 #define KEYWORD_LONG 27 #define KEYWORD_SWITCH 28 #define KEYWORD_CASE 29 #define KEYWORD_ENUM 30 ; #define KEYWORD_REGISTER 31 (we can just #define register) #define KEYWORD_TYPEDEF 32 #define KEYWORD_CHAR 33 #define KEYWORD_EXTERN 34 #define KEYWORD_RETURN 35 #define KEYWORD_UNION 36 ; #define KEYWORD_CONST 37 (we can just #define const) #define KEYWORD_FLOAT 38 #define KEYWORD_SHORT 39 #define KEYWORD_UNSIGNED 40 #define KEYWORD_CONTINUE 41 #define KEYWORD_FOR 42 ; #define KEYWORD_SIGNED 43 (again, just #define signed) #define KEYWORD_VOID 44 #define KEYWORD_DEFAULT 45 #define KEYWORD_GOTO 46 #define KEYWORD_SIZEOF 47 ; #define KEYWORD_VOLATILE 48 (just #define volatile if need be) #define KEYWORD_DO 49 #define KEYWORD_IF 50 #define KEYWORD_STATIC 51 #define KEYWORD_WHILE 52 ; the format of expression headers is: ; uchar kind (one of the constants below) ; uchar info ; ushort (padding) ; uint type (0 if expression hasn't been typed yet) ; immediately following the header in memory are the arguments of the expression ; - for constant ints, the 64-bit integral value ; - for constant floats, the 64-bit double value (even if expression has type float) ; - for string literals, a 64-bit pointer to the string (for the executable, not for the compiler) ; - for unary operators, the operand ; - for binary operators, the first operand followed by the second ; - for the operators . and ->, the first operand is an expression and the second is just a pointer to the name of the member ; - for the ternary operator ? :, the first followed by the second followed by the third ; - for function calls, the function, followed by each of the arguments to the function — info indicates the number of arguments ; Note that file/line number are not stored in expressions. #define EXPRESSION_IDENTIFIER 200 #define EXPRESSION_CONSTANT_INT 201 #define EXPRESSION_CONSTANT_FLOAT 202 #define EXPRESSION_STRING_LITERAL 203 #define EXPRESSION_SUBSCRIPT 204 #define EXPRESSION_CALL 205 #define EXPRESSION_DOT 206 #define EXPRESSION_ARROW 207 #define EXPRESSION_POST_INCREMENT 208 #define EXPRESSION_POST_DECREMENT 209 #define EXPRESSION_PRE_INCREMENT 210 #define EXPRESSION_PRE_DECREMENT 211 #define EXPRESSION_ADDRESS_OF 212 #define EXPRESSION_DEREFERENCE 213 ; this matters for promotion. if x is a char, sizeof(+x) should be sizeof(int) #define EXPRESSION_UNARY_PLUS 214 #define EXPRESSION_UNARY_MINUS 215 #define EXPRESSION_BITWISE_NOT 216 #define EXPRESSION_NOT 217 #define EXPRESSION_SIZEOF 218 #define EXPRESSION_CAST 219 #define EXPRESSION_MUL 220 #define EXPRESSION_DIV 221 #define EXPRESSION_REMAINDER 222 #define EXPRESSION_ADD 223 #define EXPRESSION_SUB 224 #define EXPRESSION_LSHIFT 225 #define EXPRESSION_RSHIFT 226 #define EXPRESSION_LT 227 #define EXPRESSION_GT 228 #define EXPRESSION_LEQ 229 #define EXPRESSION_GEQ 230 #define EXPRESSION_EQ 231 #define EXPRESSION_NEQ 232 #define EXPRESSION_BITWISE_AND 233 #define EXPRESSION_BITWISE_XOR 234 #define EXPRESSION_BITWISE_OR 235 #define EXPRESSION_LOGICAL_AND 236 #define EXPRESSION_LOGICAL_OR 237 ; e.g. x == 5 ? 6 : 7 #define EXPRESSION_CONDITIONAL 238 #define EXPRESSION_ASSIGN 239 #define EXPRESSION_ASSIGN_ADD 240 #define EXPRESSION_ASSIGN_SUB 241 #define EXPRESSION_ASSIGN_MUL 242 #define EXPRESSION_ASSIGN_DIV 243 #define EXPRESSION_ASSIGN_REMAINDER 244 #define EXPRESSION_ASSIGN_LSHIFT 245 #define EXPRESSION_ASSIGN_RSHIFT 246 #define EXPRESSION_ASSIGN_AND 247 #define EXPRESSION_ASSIGN_XOR 248 #define EXPRESSION_ASSIGN_OR 249 #define EXPRESSION_COMMA 250 ; TYPES: A type is a 4-byte index into the global array `types`. Byte 0 in `types` ; is reserved, and bytes 1-16 contain the values 1-16. Thus TYPE_INT, etc. ; can be used as types directly. ; The format of each type is as follows: ; char, unsigned char, etc.: TYPE_CHAR, TYPE_UNSIGNED_CHAR, etc. as a single byte ; pointer to type t: TYPE_PTR t ; array of n t's: TYPE_ARRAY {n as 8 bytes} t ; struct/union: TYPE_STRUCT/TYPE_UNION {0 for incomplete types/4-byte pointer to struct/union} ; NOTE: we just treat function pointers as pointers to the function return type. #define TYPE_VOID 1 #define TYPE_CHAR 3 #define TYPE_UNSIGNED_CHAR 4 #define TYPE_SHORT 5 #define TYPE_UNSIGNED_SHORT 6 #define TYPE_INT 7 #define TYPE_UNSIGNED_INT 8 #define TYPE_LONG 9 #define TYPE_UNSIGNED_LONG 10 #define TYPE_FLOAT 11 ; note that long double is treated the same as double. #define TYPE_DOUBLE 12 #define TYPE_POINTER 13 #define TYPE_STRUCT 14 #define TYPE_UNION 15 #define TYPE_ARRAY 16 ; types willl be initialized (in main) so that this refers to the type char* #define TYPE_POINTER_TO_CHAR 20 :keyword_table byte SYMBOL_SEMICOLON byte 59 byte 0 byte SYMBOL_EQ string = byte 0 byte SYMBOL_LBRACE string { byte 0 byte SYMBOL_RBRACE string } byte 0 byte SYMBOL_LSQUARE string [ byte 0 byte SYMBOL_RSQUARE string ] byte 0 byte SYMBOL_LPAREN string ( byte 0 byte SYMBOL_RPAREN string ) byte 0 byte SYMBOL_COMMA string , byte 0 byte SYMBOL_PLUS_EQ string += byte 0 byte SYMBOL_MINUS_EQ string -= byte 0 byte SYMBOL_TIMES_EQ string *= byte 0 byte SYMBOL_DIV_EQ string /= byte 0 byte SYMBOL_PERCENT_EQ string %= byte 0 byte SYMBOL_LSHIFT_EQ string <<= byte 0 byte SYMBOL_RSHIFT_EQ string >>= byte 0 byte SYMBOL_AND_EQ string &= byte 0 byte SYMBOL_XOR_EQ string ^= byte 0 byte SYMBOL_OR_EQ string |= byte 0 byte SYMBOL_QUESTION string ? byte 0 byte SYMBOL_OR_OR string || byte 0 byte SYMBOL_AND_AND string && byte 0 byte SYMBOL_OR string | byte 0 byte SYMBOL_XOR string ^ byte 0 byte SYMBOL_AND string & byte 0 byte SYMBOL_EQ_EQ string == byte 0 byte SYMBOL_NOT_EQ string != byte 0 byte SYMBOL_LT string < byte 0 byte SYMBOL_GT string > byte 0 byte SYMBOL_LT_EQ string <= byte 0 byte SYMBOL_GT_EQ string >= byte 0 byte SYMBOL_LSHIFT string << byte 0 byte SYMBOL_RSHIFT string >> byte 0 byte SYMBOL_PLUS string + byte 0 byte SYMBOL_MINUS string - byte 0 byte SYMBOL_TIMES string * byte 0 byte SYMBOL_DIV string / byte 0 byte SYMBOL_PERCENT string % byte 0 byte SYMBOL_PLUS_PLUS string ++ byte 0 byte SYMBOL_MINUS_MINUS string -- byte 0 byte SYMBOL_NOT string ! byte 0 byte SYMBOL_TILDE string ~ byte 0 byte SYMBOL_ARROW string -> byte 0 byte SYMBOL_DOT string . byte 0 byte SYMBOL_DOTDOTDOT string ... byte 0 byte SYMBOL_COLON string : byte 0 byte KEYWORD_DOUBLE string double byte 0 byte KEYWORD_INT string int byte 0 byte KEYWORD_STRUCT string struct byte 0 byte KEYWORD_BREAK string break byte 0 byte KEYWORD_ELSE string else byte 0 byte KEYWORD_LONG string long byte 0 byte KEYWORD_SWITCH string switch byte 0 byte KEYWORD_CASE string case byte 0 byte KEYWORD_ENUM string enum byte 0 byte KEYWORD_TYPEDEF string typedef byte 0 byte KEYWORD_CHAR string char byte 0 byte KEYWORD_EXTERN string extern byte 0 byte KEYWORD_RETURN string return byte 0 byte KEYWORD_UNION string union byte 0 byte KEYWORD_FLOAT string float byte 0 byte KEYWORD_SHORT string short byte 0 byte KEYWORD_UNSIGNED string unsigned byte 0 byte KEYWORD_CONTINUE string continue byte 0 byte KEYWORD_FOR string for byte 0 byte KEYWORD_VOID string void byte 0 byte KEYWORD_DEFAULT string default byte 0 byte KEYWORD_GOTO string goto byte 0 byte KEYWORD_SIZEOF string sizeof byte 0 byte KEYWORD_DO string do byte 0 byte KEYWORD_IF string if byte 0 byte KEYWORD_STATIC string static byte 0 byte KEYWORD_WHILE string while byte 0 byte 255 :str_missing_closing_paren string Missing closing ). byte 0 :str_comment_start string /* byte 0 :str_comment_end string */ byte 0 :str_lshift_eq string <<= byte 0 :str_rshift_eq string >>= byte 0 :str_eq_eq string == byte 0 :str_not_eq string != byte 0 :str_gt_eq string >= byte 0 :str_lt_eq string <= byte 0 :str_plus_plus string ++ byte 0 :str_minus_minus string -- byte 0 :str_plus_eq string += byte 0 :str_minus_eq string -= byte 0 :str_times_eq string *= byte 0 :str_div_eq string /= byte 0 :str_percent_eq string %= byte 0 :str_and_eq string &= byte 0 :str_or_eq string |= byte 0 :str_xor_eq string ^= byte 0 :str_and_and string && byte 0 :str_or_or string || byte 0 :str_lshift string << byte 0 :str_rshift string >> byte 0 :str_arrow string -> byte 0 :str_dotdotdot string ... byte 0 :str_hash_hash string ## byte 0 :str_eq string = byte 0 :str_not string ! byte 0 :str_tilde string ~ byte 0 :str_lt string < byte 0 :str_gt string > byte 0 :str_and string & byte 0 :str_or string | byte 0 :str_xor string ^ byte 0 :str_plus string + byte 0 :str_minus string - byte 0 :str_times string * byte 0 :str_div string / byte 0 :str_percent string % byte 0 :str_question string ? byte 0 :str_comma string , byte 0 :str_colon string : byte 0 :str_semicolon byte 59 byte 0 :str_dot string . byte 0 :str_lparen string ( byte 0 :str_rparen string ) byte 0 :str_lsquare string [ byte 0 :str_rsquare string ] byte 0 :str_lbrace string { byte 0 :str_rbrace string } byte 0 :str_error string error byte 0 :str_define string define byte 0 :str_undef string undef byte 0 :str_pragma string pragma byte 0 :str_line string line byte 0 :str_include string include byte 0 :str_ifdef string ifdef byte 0 :str_ifndef string ifndef byte 0 :str_if string if byte 0 :str_elif string elif byte 0 :str_else string else byte 0 :str_endif string endif byte 0 :str___FILE__ string __FILE__ byte 0 :str___LINE__ string __LINE__ byte 0 :str___DATE__ string __DATE__ byte 0 :str___TIME__ string __TIME__ byte 0 :str___STDC__ string __STDC__ byte 0 :str_void string void byte 0 :str_char string char byte 0 :str_unsigned_char string unsigned char byte 0 :str_short string short byte 0 :str_unsigned_short string unsigned short byte 0 :str_int string int byte 0 :str_unsigned_int string unsigned int byte 0 :str_long string long byte 0 :str_unsigned_long string unsigned long byte 0 :str_float string float byte 0 :str_double string double byte 0 :str_struct string struct byte 0 :str_union string union byte 0