; add 24 + 16 = 40 to the stack pointer to put argc, argv in the right place byte 0x48 byte 0x81 byte 0xc4 byte 40 byte 0 byte 0 byte 0 goto main global output_fd global defines global defines_end function main argument argv2 argument argv1 argument argv0 argument argc local input_filename local output_filename defines = malloc(4000000) defines_end = defines if argc < 3 goto default_filenames input_filename = argv1 output_filename = argv2 goto got_filenames :default_filenames input_filename = .str_default_input_filename output_filename = .str_default_output_filename :got_filenames output_fd = syscall(2, output_filename, 0x241, 420) ; 420 = octal 644 if output_fd >= 0 goto output_file_good file_error(output_filename) :output_file_good preprocess(input_filename, output_fd) close(output_fd) free(defines) exit(0) :str_default_input_filename string in04a byte 0 :str_default_output_filename string out04a byte 0 function preprocess argument input_filename argument output_fd local input_fd global 2048 line_buf local line local b local p local c local line_number line_number = 0 line = &line_buf ; first, open the input file input_fd = syscall(2, input_filename, 0) if input_fd >= 0 goto input_file_good file_error(input_filename) :input_file_good ; output a line directive fputs(output_fd, .str_line1) fputs(output_fd, input_filename) fputc(output_fd, 10) :preprocess_loop line_number += 1 b = fgets(input_fd, line, 2000) if b == 0 goto preprocess_eof b = str_startswith(line, .str_define) if b != 0 goto handle_define b = str_startswith(line, .str_include) if b != 0 goto handle_include ; normal line (not #define or #include) p = line :normal_line_loop c = *1p if c == 0 goto normal_line_loop_end ; optimization: don't look this up if it doesn't start with an uppercase letter b = isupper(c) if b == 0 goto no_replacement b = look_up_define(p) if b == 0 goto no_replacement ; wow! a replacement! fputs(output_fd, b) ; advance p past this identifier :advance_loop c = *1p b = is_ident(c) if b == 0 goto normal_line_loop p += 1 goto advance_loop :no_replacement fputc(output_fd, c) p += 1 goto normal_line_loop :normal_line_loop_end fputc(output_fd, 10) goto preprocess_loop :handle_define local def def = line + 8 ; 8 = length of "#define " ; make sure define name only consists of identifier characters p = def c = *1p b = isupper(c) if b == 0 goto bad_define :define_check_loop c = *1p if c == 32 goto define_check_loop_end b = is_ident(c) if b == 0 goto bad_define p += 1 goto define_check_loop :define_check_loop_end b = look_up_define(def) if b != 0 goto redefinition defines_end = strcpy(defines_end, def) defines_end += 1 fputc(output_fd, 10) ; don't screw up line numbers goto preprocess_loop :bad_define fputs(2, .str_bad_define) fputs(2, line) fputc(2, 10) exit(1) :redefinition fputs(2, .str_redefinition) fputs(2, line) fputc(2, 10) exit(1) :handle_include local included_filename local n included_filename = line + 9 ; 9 = length of "#include " preprocess(included_filename, output_fd) ; reset filename and line number fputs(output_fd, .str_line) n = line_number + 1 fputn(output_fd, n) fputc(output_fd, 32) fputs(output_fd, input_filename) fputc(output_fd, 10) goto preprocess_loop :preprocess_eof close(input_fd) return :str_redefinition string Preprocessor redefinition: byte 32 byte 0 :str_bad_define string Bad preprocessor definition: byte 32 byte 0 :str_define string #define byte 32 byte 0 :str_include string #include byte 32 byte 0 :str_line string #line byte 32 byte 0 :str_line1 string #line byte 32 string 1 byte 32 byte 0 ; returns a pointer to the thing str should be replaced with, ; or 0 if there is no definition for str. function look_up_define argument str local lookup local p local c lookup = defines :lookup_loop c = *1lookup if c == 0 goto lookup_not_found c = ident_eq(str, lookup) if c == 1 goto lookup_found lookup = memchr(lookup, 0) lookup += 1 goto lookup_loop :lookup_not_found return 0 :lookup_found p = memchr(lookup, 32) return p + 1 ; the character after the space following the name is the replacement ; returns 1 if the identifiers s1 and s2 are equal; 0 otherwise function ident_eq argument s1 argument s2 local p1 local p2 local c1 local c2 local b1 local b2 p1 = s1 p2 = s2 :ident_eq_loop c1 = *1p1 c2 = *1p2 b1 = is_ident(c1) b2 = is_ident(c2) if b1 != b2 goto return_0 if b1 == 0 goto return_1 if c1 != c2 goto return_0 p1 += 1 p2 += 1 goto ident_eq_loop function is_ident argument c if c < '0 goto return_0 if c <= '9 goto return_1 if c < 'A goto return_0 if c <= 'Z goto return_1 if c == '_ goto return_1 goto return_0 function file_error argument name fputs(2, .str_file_error) fputs(2, name) fputc(2, 10) exit(1) :str_file_error string Error opening file: byte 32 byte 0 function malloc argument size local total_size local memory total_size = size + 8 memory = syscall(9, 0, total_size, 3, 0x22, -1, 0) if memory ] 0xffffffffffff0000 goto malloc_failed *8memory = total_size return memory + 8 :malloc_failed fputs(2, .str_out_of_memory) exit(1) :str_out_of_memory string Out of memory. byte 10 byte 0 function free argument memory local psize local size psize = memory - 8 size = *8psize syscall(11, psize, size) return ; returns a pointer to a null-terminated string containing the number given function itos global 32 itos_string argument x local c local p p = &itos_string p += 30 :itos_loop c = x % 10 c += '0 *1p = c x /= 10 if x == 0 goto itos_loop_end p -= 1 goto itos_loop :itos_loop_end return p ; returns the number at the start of the given string function stoi argument s local p local n local c n = 0 p = s :stoi_loop c = *1p if c < '0 goto stoi_loop_end if c > '9 goto stoi_loop_end n *= 10 n += c - '0 p += 1 goto stoi_loop :stoi_loop_end return n function memchr argument mem argument c local p p = mem :memchr_loop if *1p == c goto memchr_loop_end p += 1 goto memchr_loop :memchr_loop_end return p function strlen argument s local p p = s :strlen_loop if *1p == 0 goto strlen_loop_end p += 1 goto strlen_loop :strlen_loop_end return p - s function strcpy argument dest argument src local p local q local c p = dest q = src :strcpy_loop c = *1q *1p = c if c == 0 goto strcpy_loop_end p += 1 q += 1 goto strcpy_loop :strcpy_loop_end return p function str_startswith argument s argument prefix local p local q local c1 local c2 p = s q = prefix :str_startswith_loop c1 = *1p c2 = *1q if c2 == 0 goto return_1 if c1 != c2 goto return_0 p += 1 q += 1 goto str_startswith_loop function fputs argument fd argument s local length length = strlen(s) syscall(1, fd, s, length) return function puts argument s fputs(1, s) return function fputn argument fd argument n local s s = itos(n) fputs(fd, s) return function fputc argument fd argument c syscall(1, fd, &c, 1) return function putc argument c fputc(1, c) return ; returns 0 at end of file function fgetc argument fd local c c = 0 syscall(0, fd, &c, 1) return c ; read a line from fd as a null-terminated string ; returns 0 at end of file, 1 otherwise function fgets argument fd argument buf argument size local p local end local c p = buf end = buf + size :fgets_loop c = fgetc(fd) if c == 0 goto fgets_eof if c == 10 goto fgets_eol *1p = c p += 1 if p == end goto fgets_eob goto fgets_loop :fgets_eol ; end of line *1p = 0 return 1 :fgets_eof ; end of file *1p = 0 return 0 :fgets_eob ; end of buffer p -= 1 *1p = 0 return 1 function close argument fd syscall(3, fd) return function isupper argument c if c < 'A goto return_0 if c <= 'Z goto return_1 goto return_0 function exit argument status_code syscall(0x3c, status_code) :return_0 return 0 :return_1 return 1 function syscall ; I've done some testing, and this should be okay even if ; rbp-56 goes beyond the end of the stack. ; mov rax, [rbp-16] byte 0x48 byte 0x8b byte 0x85 byte 0xf0 byte 0xff byte 0xff byte 0xff ; mov rdi, rax byte 0x48 byte 0x89 byte 0xc7 ; mov rax, [rbp-24] byte 0x48 byte 0x8b byte 0x85 byte 0xe8 byte 0xff byte 0xff byte 0xff ; mov rsi, rax byte 0x48 byte 0x89 byte 0xc6 ; mov rax, [rbp-32] byte 0x48 byte 0x8b byte 0x85 byte 0xe0 byte 0xff byte 0xff byte 0xff ; mov rdx, rax byte 0x48 byte 0x89 byte 0xc2 ; mov rax, [rbp-40] byte 0x48 byte 0x8b byte 0x85 byte 0xd8 byte 0xff byte 0xff byte 0xff ; mov r10, rax byte 0x49 byte 0x89 byte 0xc2 ; mov rax, [rbp-48] byte 0x48 byte 0x8b byte 0x85 byte 0xd0 byte 0xff byte 0xff byte 0xff ; mov r8, rax byte 0x49 byte 0x89 byte 0xc0 ; mov rax, [rbp-56] byte 0x48 byte 0x8b byte 0x85 byte 0xc8 byte 0xff byte 0xff byte 0xff ; mov r9, rax byte 0x49 byte 0x89 byte 0xc1 ; mov rax, [rbp-8] byte 0x48 byte 0x8b byte 0x85 byte 0xf8 byte 0xff byte 0xff byte 0xff ; syscall byte 0x0f byte 0x05 return