path: root/05/musl-0.6.0/arch/x86_64
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Diffstat (limited to '05/musl-0.6.0/arch/x86_64')
3 files changed, 104 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/05/musl-0.6.0/arch/x86_64/bits/stat.h b/05/musl-0.6.0/arch/x86_64/bits/stat.h
index 2145796..64dab33 100644
--- a/05/musl-0.6.0/arch/x86_64/bits/stat.h
+++ b/05/musl-0.6.0/arch/x86_64/bits/stat.h
@@ -20,3 +20,23 @@ struct stat {
struct timespec st_ctim;
long __unused[3];
+struct stat64 {
+ unsigned long st_dev;
+ ino_t st_ino;
+ nlink_t st_nlink;
+ mode_t st_mode;
+ uid_t st_uid;
+ gid_t st_gid;
+ unsigned int __pad0;
+ dev_t st_rdev;
+ off_t st_size;
+ blksize_t st_blksize;
+ blkcnt_t st_blocks;
+ struct timespec st_atim;
+ struct timespec st_mtim;
+ struct timespec st_ctim;
+ long __unused[3];
diff --git a/05/musl-0.6.0/arch/x86_64/bits/stdarg.h b/05/musl-0.6.0/arch/x86_64/bits/stdarg.h
index 99fee04..10ce733 100644
--- a/05/musl-0.6.0/arch/x86_64/bits/stdarg.h
+++ b/05/musl-0.6.0/arch/x86_64/bits/stdarg.h
@@ -1,2 +1,79 @@
-#include "/usr/local/tcc-bootstrap/include/stdarg.h"
+#ifndef _STDARG_H
+#define _STDARG_H
+#ifdef __x86_64__
+#ifndef _WIN64
+//This should be in sync with the declaration on our lib/libtcc1.c
+/* GCC compatible definition of va_list. */
+typedef struct {
+ unsigned int gp_offset;
+ unsigned int fp_offset;
+ union {
+ unsigned int overflow_offset;
+ char *overflow_arg_area;
+ };
+ char *reg_save_area;
+} __va_list_struct;
+typedef __va_list_struct va_list[1];
+void __va_start(__va_list_struct *ap, void *fp);
+void *__va_arg(__va_list_struct *ap, int arg_type, int size, int align);
+#define va_start(ap, last) __va_start(ap, __builtin_frame_address(0))
+#define va_arg(ap, type) \
+ (*(type *)(__va_arg(ap, __builtin_va_arg_types(type), sizeof(type), __alignof__(type))))
+#define va_copy(dest, src) (*(dest) = *(src))
+#define va_end(ap)
+/* avoid conflicting definition for va_list on Macs. */
+#define _VA_LIST_T
+#else /* _WIN64 */
+typedef char *va_list;
+#define va_start(ap,last) __builtin_va_start(ap,last)
+#define va_arg(ap, t) ((sizeof(t) > 8 || (sizeof(t) & (sizeof(t) - 1))) \
+ ? **(t **)((ap += 8) - 8) : *(t *)((ap += 8) - 8))
+#define va_copy(dest, src) ((dest) = (src))
+#define va_end(ap)
+#elif __arm__
+typedef char *va_list;
+#define _tcc_alignof(type) ((int)&((struct {char c;type x;} *)0)->x)
+#define _tcc_align(addr,type) (((unsigned)addr + _tcc_alignof(type) - 1) \
+ & ~(_tcc_alignof(type) - 1))
+#define va_start(ap,last) ap = ((char *)&(last)) + ((sizeof(last)+3)&~3)
+#define va_arg(ap,type) (ap = (void *) ((_tcc_align(ap,type)+sizeof(type)+3) \
+ &~3), *(type *)(ap - ((sizeof(type)+3)&~3)))
+#define va_copy(dest, src) (dest) = (src)
+#define va_end(ap)
+#elif defined(__aarch64__)
+typedef struct {
+ void *__stack;
+ void *__gr_top;
+ void *__vr_top;
+ int __gr_offs;
+ int __vr_offs;
+} va_list;
+#define va_start(ap, last) __va_start(ap, last)
+#define va_arg(ap, type) __va_arg(ap, type)
+#define va_end(ap)
+#define va_copy(dest, src) ((dest) = (src))
+#else /* __i386__ */
+typedef char *va_list;
+/* only correct for i386 */
+#define va_start(ap,last) ap = ((char *)&(last)) + ((sizeof(last)+3)&~3)
+#define va_arg(ap,type) (ap += (sizeof(type)+3)&~3, *(type *)(ap - ((sizeof(type)+3)&~3)))
+#define va_copy(dest, src) (dest) = (src)
+#define va_end(ap)
+/* fix a buggy dependency on GCC in libio.h */
+typedef va_list __gnuc_va_list;
+#endif /* _STDARG_H */
diff --git a/05/musl-0.6.0/arch/x86_64/syscall.h b/05/musl-0.6.0/arch/x86_64/syscall.h
index 544e9cc..acebd76 100644
--- a/05/musl-0.6.0/arch/x86_64/syscall.h
+++ b/05/musl-0.6.0/arch/x86_64/syscall.h
@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ extern long __syscall_ret(unsigned long);
#define SYSCALL "syscall"
+#if 0
static inline long syscall0(long n)
unsigned long ret;
@@ -63,7 +64,6 @@ static inline long syscall4(long n, long a1, long a2, long a3, long a4)
return __syscall_ret(ret);
-#if 0
static inline long syscall5(long n, long a1, long a2, long a3, long a4,
long a5)
@@ -88,6 +88,11 @@ static inline long syscall6(long n, long a1, long a2, long a3, long a4,
return __syscall_ret(ret);
+extern long syscall0(long);
+extern long syscall1(long, long);
+extern long syscall2(long, long, long);
+extern long syscall3(long, long, long, long);
+extern long syscall4(long, long, long, long, long);
extern long syscall5(long, long, long, long, long, long);
extern long syscall6(long, long, long, long, long, long, long);