diff options
2 files changed, 214 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..238b028
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+__kernel void AutoFrame(__global float *output)
+ unsigned int id = get_global_id(0);
+ int width = <WIDTH>;
+ int xInt = (id/3) % width;
+ int yInt = (id/3) / width;
+ float t = <FRAMENUMBER>;
+ float x = (float)xInt;
+ float y = (float)yInt;
+ output[id] = function;
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..33cf7db
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,198 @@
+import GPU
+#GPU.platform_id = -1 #Uncomment this line to manually choose what device to use
+import random
+import numpy as np
+import time
+ import Tkinter as tk
+ import tkinter as tk
+ import ImageTk
+ import Image
+ from PIL import ImageTk
+ from PIL import Image
+single = ['cos', 'sin'] #Operations on a single number
+binary = ['*', '+', '-'] #Operations for 2 numbers
+numlist = ['x', 'y', 't', 'Constant']
+def randFunction(length, singleweight, numberweight):
+ hasx = False
+ hasy = False
+ hast = False
+ while not(hasx and hasy and hast):
+ #Types: b for binary, s for single, f for first, n for number
+ function = ''
+ lasttype = 'f'
+ thistype = 0
+ hasx = False
+ hasy = False
+ hast = False
+ chanceend = 0
+ length = 1 #Number of operations done so far
+ while True:
+ chanceend = (1.0 - (1.0 / length)) ** 12.0
+ if lasttype == 'n':
+ number = random.random()
+ if number < chanceend:
+ break
+ function = '(' + function + ')' + random.choice(binary)
+ lasttype = 'b'
+ elif lasttype == 's' or lasttype == 'b' or lasttype == 'f':
+ function += '('
+ thistype = random.random()
+ if thistype < singleweight / (singleweight + numberweight):
+ function += random.choice(single)
+ lasttype = 's'
+ else:
+ what = random.choice(numlist)
+ if what == 'Constant':
+ function += str(random.gauss(150, 50))
+ else:
+ function += what
+ if what == 'x':
+ hasx = True
+ elif what == 'y':
+ hasy = True
+ elif what == 't':
+ hast = True
+ lasttype = 'n'
+ function += ')'
+ length += 1
+ if function.count('(') > function.count(')'):
+ function += ')' * (function.count('(') - function.count(')'))
+ return function
+gpu = GPU.GPU()
+root = tk.Tk()
+def replace(s, substr, newsubstr):
+ #Replaces the first instance of substr in s with newsubstr
+ return s[:s.index(substr)] + newsubstr + s[s.index(substr)+len(substr):]
+t = 0
+def startVideo():
+ global width, height, rfunction, gfunction, bfunction
+ global imageLabel, globalSize, clProgramTemplate, t
+ root.update()
+ resolution = root.winfo_width(), root.winfo_height()
+ root.resizable(False, False)
+ startButton.destroy()
+ infoLabel.destroy()
+ imageLabel = tk.Label(root)
+ imageLabel.pack()
+ width, height = resolution
+ globalSize = (width*height,)
+ rfunction = randFunction(80., 1., 1.)
+ gfunction = randFunction(80., 1., 1.)
+ bfunction = randFunction(80., 1., 1.)
+ clProgramTemplate = open('').read()
+ clProgramTemplate = replace(clProgramTemplate, '<WIDTH>', str(width))
+ clProgramTemplate = replace(clProgramTemplate, '<RFUNCTION>', rfunction)
+ clProgramTemplate = replace(clProgramTemplate, '<GFUNCTION>', gfunction)
+ clProgramTemplate = replace(clProgramTemplate, '<BFUNCTION>', bfunction)
+ t = 0
+ playFrame()
+def onSpacePress():
+ global rfunction, gfunction, bfunction
+ global clProgramTemplate, t
+ rfunction = randFunction(80., 1., 1.)
+ gfunction = randFunction(80., 1., 1.)
+ bfunction = randFunction(80., 1., 1.)
+ clProgramTemplate = open('').read()
+ clProgramTemplate = replace(clProgramTemplate, '<WIDTH>', str(width))
+ clProgramTemplate = replace(clProgramTemplate, '<RFUNCTION>', rfunction)
+ clProgramTemplate = replace(clProgramTemplate, '<GFUNCTION>', gfunction)
+ clProgramTemplate = replace(clProgramTemplate, '<BFUNCTION>', bfunction)
+ t = 0
+def playFrame():
+ global t
+ clProgram = replace(clProgramTemplate, '<FRAMENUMBER>', str(float(t)))
+ start = time.time()
+ gpu.readFromString(clProgram)
+ output = np.zeros(globalSize, dtype=np.float32)
+ gpu.setup([], output)
+ output ='AutoFrame', globalSize) % 255
+ output.resize(height, width, refcheck=False)
+ output = output.astype(np.uint8)
+ output = np.repeat(output, 3)
+ output.resize(height, width, 3)
+ img = Image.fromarray(output, 'RGB')
+ photo = ImageTk.PhotoImage(img.convert('RGBA'))
+ imageLabel.config(image=photo)
+ imageLabel.image = photo
+ t += 1
+ end = time.time()
+ print end-start
+ root.after(1, playFrame)
+def spacePress(e):
+ if e.char == ' ':
+ onSpacePress()
+startButton = tk.Button(text='Start video at this resolution',
+ command=startVideo)
+infoLabel = tk.Label(text='Press space to change video.')
+root.bind('<Key>', spacePress)