AutoArt-old.gitA computer program that generates art root5 years
AutoArtAndroid.gitThe Android app for AutoArt root5 years
AutoArtGPU.gitAutoArt that uses OpenCL to run on your GPU root5 years
AutoCam.gitA program that takes a video from your webcam, puts it through a random function...root5 years
AutoMap.gitComputer-generated maps root5 years
AutoVideosLive.gitAutoVideos that play live using OpenCL. root5 years
BallBounceAndroid.gitThe source code for the Android app for years
BeePi.gitUses the system speaker to play pi root5 years
ColorReducer.gitReduce the number of colors in an image. root5 years
FunctionSandbox.gitsimulates hundreds of thousands of grains of sand being pushed around by wind root
JPGDestroyer.gitReplaces sections of a .jpg file with zeros to create weird images. root5 years
MagnetsAndroid.gitThe app for root5 years
NameGenerator.gitA computer program that generates names using the frequency of trigrams (three l...root5 years
NameGeneratorEvolve.gitCreates names, asks you to rate them, and slowly learns which names are good. root5 years
SVGDestroyer.gitA short program that replaces one digit with another digit to create strange SVG...root5 years
audio-info.gitGet total length of audio files in a directory. root
autoart-gl.gitA program which generates art, using shaders. root5 years
autoart.gitComputer-generated art root5 years
autodistortion.gitAn image distorter which uses randomly-generated functions root5 years
autosdf.gitprocedurally generated signed distance functions root
autovcv.gitRandomly-generated VCV Rack patches root5 years
bootstrap.gitBootstrapping a C compiler from scratch root
box.gitA game wherein you are a box root5 years
boxcatapult2d.gitComputer-generated catapults root
cOok.gitAn Ook! compiler root5 years
camlet.gitCamlet is a webcam application for Linux. root
cropper.gitA very quickly put-together (Linux-only) image cropping tool. root
dlsub.gitA tool (x86-64 only) for replacing a subset of functions in dynamic libraries. root
genetic.gitA framework for genetic algorithms root5 years
graph-coloring.gitA game involving graph colorings. root5 years
hypershapes.gitCreate multi-dimensional shapes (projected onto the plane) root5 years
jigsaw.gitonline cooperative jigsaw puzzles root
meanwhile.gitA befunge-like programming language with concurrency root5 years
megaprism.gitA next-generation console with ONE MEGABYTE of memory. root
mem.gitFind and change a value in a process' memory! root
minipng.gittiny rust png decoder root
name-generator-haskell.gitA Haskell library for NameGenerator root5 years
paint.gita very simple painting program root
pascal.gitLooking for repeated entries in pascal's triangle root
pi.gitA small program to calculate digits of pi root5 years
pokemem.gitA (Linux-only) tool for locating and modifying values in memory. root website with mathematical demonstrations, games, and more. root5 years
progmidi.gitA programmable MIDI keyboard-controlled soundfont player root
pugl.gitonline shader thingamabob root
qualums.gitA cellular automaton-like construct based on particles called qualums. root5 years
seamless-loop.gittool for making seamlessly looping audio files root
shaders.gitShaders! root
smidi.gitA simple program for using MIDI controllers on Linux. root3 years
ted.gitA text editor. root19 months
tinyld.gita linker for making tiny 32-bit linux executables. root